Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1882, Page 8, Image 12

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The Daily Bee.
Fri'inv Morninsr July 7.
Wcnthcr Kcport.
U'lie follow ins < .l ) orvntion ftrctnVcn at
the wtno moment of time nt fill tlie stations
minsT , U. S. SmxAt , Sin-1 :
VICK , OMAHA , July 6,1882. ( lJ5p. : m. 1
Ouhaand 10 fed 8 Inched at Yankton.
The jail win empty last night nnd
"Moo" liail n rest.
Tlio Omaha elrost railway did n big
day' * work on the -Hli , carrying nbout
9,001) passengers.
Lit lo Ocorso Crandiill liurnod Ills
huntl Bcverely on the Fourth while fooling
with a toy pistol.
The Union Pacific nml the Glonwood ,
lewd ) club pby in this city nt 3:30 : o'clock
on Satuiday afternoon.
The engineer nt Strnng'H hulldlng was
badly pc.ildod on Tuesday while blowing
out the boiler of his engine.
There was enough rain before daylight
yesterday to make itqmto muddy , and
more fell during the foicnoon ,
The Canfield housa in base ball head-
quarters. The Drnadnaughts and Allan-
tics were both quartered tbcro.
The 3l' > ck Inland train arrived thrco
houra Into yesterday and dclaycd wcst-
bound U. P. mall nn hour.
The Inky blnck clouds which gathered
in the west last night indicated the approach
preach of another cyclun" , hut it paused
around with only n few dropn of rain for
The news wai received in this city yes
terday of the death if John T. Kdgar
formerly of this city , who ban been cumul
at ISoyrout for n number uf yearn , No
particulars were given.
Allemanen Ledge No. 8 , I. O. 0. I1' . ,
installed the following office "Wodnenlay
W. y. Lorenzon , N. G. ; Peter GOOB , V.
G. ; 1J. M. Moore , Cor , Sec. ; 1'ctor
Pcddo , Kec. Sec ; JfonryBolIn , Troas.
The BurniiKr night fottival of the Con-
cordla oocitty , which was to have taken
place at HanBcom park Unt night , waa
postponed on account of the weather ;
until Wodnopday , July 12th ,
The lodcea of the Ancient Order of
United Workmen in Nebraska have been
transferred from the juriudiction of the
Urjnd Lodge of the United States under
whoso control they have- heretofore been ,
to the jurisdiction of Missouri.
It was the band of the Ancient Order
of Hibernians which attended the picnic
and discoursed such eplendid music on
the Fourt'n. This band , with its elegant
uniform and fine training , him stopped into
the height of popular favor wherever they
have appeared.
Uev. Henry Gnrsoni , of Chicago , de-
llvcml a very entertaining lecture Wed
nesday at Standard hall , in which ho ad
dressed the Israelites of thla city. Ilia
subject treated of the coiiflicting ideals of
Judaism in their rolat on to nodal har
mony , which wus well handled.
II , Galbraith , of Laramie , id at the Can-
I ) . V. Barkalow and family loft for
Denver yesterday.
John T. Clark and family left for Lara-
inio at noon yesterday.
Horace No vtnan and children took the
noon train yesterday for Cheyenne.
Hichnrd S , Berlin has gene on a recrea
tion tiip to Utah nnd Colorado ,
General Meneath has returned after a
five niontha absence from the city in search
of health.
Captain Marsh left for Green Iliver on
yesterday's noon train , and Al , S , Patrick
for Hock Crcok.
lion , L. M. Dennett , superintendent of
the Pullman Palace Car company , left for
Ogden yesterday.
Mrs , 0)1. Stnnton and Miss Urownsnu
went west yotlerday , X'ort liridgor being
their destination.
W , V. Annin , : .M elate editor of TDK
Bri : , left yesterday for a month's visit
in the east.
Mr , Jninea Connor , representing Henry
II. Suhufeldt & Co. , Chicago distillers , wiu
In the city joitcrday ,
Major J. T , Clarkson came iti Wedno-
day from Schuyler with his daughter , Mim
Muud Clarkson
Superintendent Btevcns , of the U. P.
car department , who has been very ill , l
reported decidedly better ,
Mrs. John Hell , wife of the Tenth street
druggUt , linn gone with the children to
JSlyria , Ohio , to pass the bummer.
' Mr. 0 , Toft and wife , of Chicago , ar
rived yesterday for a visit to their brother ,
M. Toft , the portly Famam street to
bacco man.
A. D. Morse , K q. , left Wednesday for
New York. Ho will meet Ida son there ,
who has been In the Chinejo uovi'rniuent
eervlce for the past eight years , and Is now
on his way from London to China ,
I ) . Anderson , of Columbia ; A. K ,
Marsh , of Button ; John Linn , of G and
Iilaud ; John Danltiger and J. 0 , Wil
liams , of lilue Sj'rlupe , and 0 , 32. Young ,
of Nebiauka City , airlved at the CanfiVd
Dr. J. M. Uorglum , late from Frcment ,
has removed to this city , und will uiuko
this till future home. Mm. liurglum 10-
sided here eight yeara ago , and will be re
membered by many of our citizens.
KEDDIKO'I Russian Salve Is an invalu
able drwein tor iullnmcd and uore joints
Piloe 25c.
A Raise of Salaries for the Prlncl
pnls.-Tho Building Bids Uojoctod.
At Iho Adjourned 'meeting of the
board of education hat evening , there
was a lull tUtcndanca present.
The committee on buildings report
ed recommending the rejection of the
bid for the now school houses , M lie
conlractora had fi rured on brick nl { ' l-l
per thousand , wliutoas brick ca - >
obtained for $0 per thousand. The
report wns adopted , nnd it was ordered
that now advertisement for bida be
inndo for foarteon days.
Tliu matter of fixing the salaries of
, ho principils among the school
.eacliora wus now taken up. The sal
aries received last yonr were as fol-
s : Mr. Mine , $1,800 ; Miss Hill ,
St.200 ; Mr. Lamed , ? 850 ; Mr. Heal * ,
8750) ) Mr. Brunor , § 1,200 ; Miss Fools ,
§ 1,000.
Connoyor moved that Iho salary of
'rof. ' Hino be fixed t § 2,200.
McShano thought § 2,000 was
Anderson thought $ -100 was too
much of a raise , nnd ho also favored
§ 2.000 salary.
Points said ho waa in favor of lib
eral salaries , and favored § 2,100.
A vote was finally takun , resulting
in favor of § 2,100 salary.
McShano moved that the salary of
Miss Uillbo fixed at § 1,200 , which
was carried.
On motion of Points the salaries of
th'.surs. ' Lamed and licals were fixed
at § 1,100 , each.
On motion of Mr. Ferguson the
alary of Mr. Druncr was fixed at
! 1,300 , nnd that of Misa Fooa at
SI ,100.
On motion of Anderson the nalary
of the principal of Luke addition
chool waa fixed at 8700.
Connoyur moved that the salary of
lupurintondunt bo $2,000 , which waa
oar.ForgiiBon's motion that it bo § 2,400
was alao lost.
Adjourned to Monday next nt 5
) . in.
Ed Mauor'u Surprise Party The Dug-
gnn-Hiiloy Nuptla.u.
There waa a very pleasant rumor
irculatod some time ago to the edict
.hat Mins Minnie Groaaman , the pop
ular actress at the Gorman Theater
and Mr. Ed. Miiuer , the well known
Farnham street caterer , wore botroth-
cd. Mr. Mauor is quite modest and
not desiring to admit too many into
his confidence allowed hia friends to
Rain the impression that the wedding
would take place July 17th. In the
meantime ho stole a march on them
and gave them the biggest surprise
parly of the season , by being quietly
married at U o'clock on the evening
of July ' 1th , at the residency
of Mrs. Mador , on Farnam street , the
lavorite executive ollicor of cupid ,
Judge Gustavo Boneko , performing
the ceremony. There wore none
present to witness the pleasant affair
except the groom's brother ; the father
and mother of the bride and Mrs.
Madcr , Immediately after the bridal
party drove to the Union Pacific depot -
pot , where they took the train for
Denver and other Colorado points , in
tending to pass the first two weeks of
the honeymoon in the midst of the
jrand scenery of the Centennial state.
Mr. Mauor haa boon in Omaha for
several years , and in not only one of
the moat cnerg tie buainccs men , but
jnjoya a degree of p"pularity that
few can boast of. Tno bride is a
daughter of Mr. Grossman , the actor ,
who ia conceded to hold the first rank
imong Gorman actors in the United
States. She is finely educated und
has won a brilliant position among
her associates. Our bu&t wiahea gofer
for the happineaa of the young couple.
A very enjoyable time waa had at
the residence of Dr. Ilort/.manii on
Seventeenth street between California
und Webster , Wednesday. It was the
uniting forever of Mr. A. E. Duggan ,
a prominent business man of DOS
Monies , Iowa , to Mies Ella Haley of
this city. As the couple entered the
parl r the wedding march was splen
didly rendered on the piano , the
friends of the parties were in waiting ,
and us soon as the musio had ceased ,
Itov. Dr , Stalling united them in the
holy bauds of wedlock. The bride
waa elegantly dressed in n handsome
silk trimmed with orange blossoms.
The groom wa.s attired in the custom
ary broadcloth suit. After the ceremony -
mony , the usual congratulation were
extended , after which the company re
tired to the dining room where a
sumptuous dinner waa partaken of
and an enjoyable time was had. After
the feast , musio and singing was in
dulged in , and quite a largo number
of costly presents were proBonted to
them , Their friends vushod them a
long and happy journey through life ,
and the couple took the afternoon
train for DOS Moints , Iowa , their
future homo. Wo unite in wishing
Mr , and Mrs. Dug an u happy aud
joyous life.
Missouri Pacific trains will depart
and arrive OB follows , Omalm time :
Arrive. PcpirU
hxprena . 7:15 a. m , 0:55 : p. m ,
Mull . T:20j > . m. 7:10 a .
1 rains leaving ( i55 ; n. m. and arriving
at 7-l& : a. in , will liavo Pullman
alec-pure , G , II. FOOTK ,
Iwk Ticket Agent
Mrs. Edward Patrick haa returned
from Ulair.
Win. J , Tousloy leaves Sunday for
Grand Inland to look after the inter-
eats of thocntorpmingfirmof which
ho ia the junior member.
Our Bchoul house haa closed for the
customary two niontha vacation.
The fe-jtival of the Union Sunday
school , Saturday evening , waa a grand
BUCCOSS both socially and financially.
Prcf. Mossier very kindly donated
the am-lcca of hia fine orchestra.
which discoursed delightful music dur.
ing the evening , much to the enjoy-
mynt of Iho occasion.
Although there waa but little
previous preparation , the Sunday
School concert , Sunday ovcnim ; ,
proved very interesting. Mr. Al ,
Smith delivered an appropriate essay ,
which waa a worthy production , show
ing culture and thought. Ilemarka
were made by _ Mr. Lawlpn. The
quartette , consisting of Miss Alice
Rustin , soprano ; Miss Jennie Patrick ,
alto ; Mr. F. N. JMton , Mr. J. D.
llustin , basso , sang very acceptably ,
while the recitations of Miss and Alas-
tor Orowcl were the gems of the evening -
ing , and wprthy of high praise. The
chorus singing was , as usual , good.
A Scheme that Might Well bo Copied
In Nebraska ,
From Mr. E , 0. L. Edholtn , form
erly of this city , but now connceled
with the "Missouri Commonwealth , "
the o'.Hcial organ and chief publication
of the Missouri immigration sociot/ ,
vro learn the following interesting and
instructive facts concerning ti'o labors
and achievements of tint society , and
from which Nebraska may draw eomo
very valuable suggestions.
On the 21st day of November 1879
in response to n call Issued by
prominent merchants , manufacturers
and bankers of St. Louis for a state
immigration mooting , each county
sent ono or moro delegates , and a
thrco days session was hold , presided
over by ox-Gov. Phelps and ox-Gov.
T. 0. Fletcher , of Missouri.
The conclusion ofthis convention
was the formation of the Misaonri im
migration society , which since that
time has been in active operation ,
supported wholly by voluntary contri
butions from St. Louis business men.
Several hundred thousand copies of
books , pamphlets , papers , etc. , dij-
criptive of the state have been sent
out to all European countries and the
United States , Agencies have been
established in England , Scotland ,
Germany , Franco , Scandinavia and
Italy , as well as principal cities a d
ports of entry in this country.
of the ( society's labors were shown by
Lho secretary' ) ) report issued Decem
ber , 1831 , in which it appears that no
lu.-.i than 20,000 families or nearly
100,000 people had been led to Bottle
in Missouri through its efforts ,
Poihapu one-third of this number
were foreigner * , or immigrants direct
From Europe , the balance being im
migrants from other states. It is believed -
lieved that this addition to Missouri's
population augmented her immediate
taxable wealth some § 27,000,000 ,
while the volume of business was in
creased in the same mtio.
This season promises to 1)3 ono of
bit ; returns for the labor done and
money hitherto expended. The busi
ness men of St. Louie are- moro than
satisfied with the tosults of their in
vestment , knowing that it will come
jack with liberal interest in tno near
'uturo through an increased volume of
rade , super-induced by the iiitroduc-
ion of consumers as well as producers
nto the state.
Mr. Edholm , who was at ono time
engaged in working up the interests of
ebraaka , finds Missouri a most in
citing field and is enthusiastic over
tor resources. lie left yesterday for
ho field of his labore.
The Qroat Through Lino.
On and after Monday July 3rd ,
rains will run between Omaha , St.
loscph , Atchiaon , Leaven worth ,
vansas City , and all points in Texas ,
5t Louis and the east as follows :
Leave Omaha at 7:10 : a. m. , and
7:25 : p. m. daily. Close connections
nado with all eastern , southern and
southwestern roads at all of the above
ncntionod points. For information
and tickets apply to J. BELL ,
Ticket Agent U. P depot.
O. H. FOOTE , City Tickoi Agent or
P. W. OIIOWK , City Passenger Agent.
A Lady Dies From nn Ovoraooo of
A very sad afluir occurred in North
Dmuha yesterday , which resulted
n the death of Mra. FallensbDo , the
wife of a well-known carpenter who
works iu the now Paxton hotel.
It appears that Mrs. P. was duller-
ng severe pain from aomo cause , and
to alleviate it took two ounces of laud
anum. Tliis waa about ono o'clock ,
md her husband waa telephoned for ,
irriving soon after. The fatal drug ,
lowever , defied the efforts of all to
save her and she died soon aftor.
Coroner Jacobs was notified , and
will hold an inquest yesterday ,
[ 'ho rumor that it was a suicide was
entirely incorrect , but the calamity
bhould be a lesson to those who ru-
lort to the use of laudanum without
knowing its power , to beware of it.
An inqucnt was hold last evening by
Coroner Jacobs at the residence of the
deceased ,
, The name oi the unfortunate woman
was Mrs. Martha J. F.ilkenstcin , and
ler huabund ia an employe at ono of
ho packing houaea. She waa nearly
'oriy years cf ago , July 8th being her
'ortieth birthday , and hud u married
daughter , Mrs , lirowu ,
Mrs. F.dleiisbo was feeling badly
In the morning , but notwithstanding ,
isaisted her daughter in doing thii
washing and in consequence was seized
> rith cramps in her btomaoh. She ob
tained a two ounce phial of laudanum
U 0. 0. Field & Co.'s drug store , and
took nearly all of it. The daughter
irged her to Ho down but she replied
that she waa afraid to Ho down lost
eho should never gut up again.
Soon after , Mra. lirown observed
ior condition and became alarmed
: ulophoning for her huaband und
myaician , but oho died about 1 : ! ! ' >
I'lio jury returned a verdict that V <
deceased came to her death by a'i
ovcrdciio uf laudanum accidciiully
idminiaterod by her own hand.
Made from Iho wild ilowcra of the
it ia the most fragrant of perfume * .
Manufactured by U. B. Slavon , San
Francisco. For sale in Omaha by W.
J , WhitehouBo and Kunnard Itrob. ,
An Omaha Man Invents "a Safety Step
-Various Track Topics.
S. lil. Dcory , a brakeman on the
Omaha and Republican Valley branch
of the U. P. for two years past , has
been granted a patent , dated May 10
for a "safety step" to bo attached to
all box cars , and designed lo proven
accidents to employes from becoming
entangled in guard rails , frogs am
switches while coupling cars.
It consists of a step such ns is com
mon to freight cars , but made of iron ,
Ij inches wide and one-half inch
thick , This is attached to each of the
four corners of the car and reaches
within MX inches of the track. The
employe can stand on this while mak
ing n coupling , and have only his
hands to look out for , as fool
will bo protected , and railroat
men who know the vast
proportion of accidents which occar ai
this work , will appreciate the v.aluo o
* ho invention , for which Mr. Beery
deserves great credit. lie waa a part
ner of poor Johnnie Anderson , who
lost hia life at Valley in February lasl
and it waa hia death that set Mr.
Beery to studying out something to
avert such mishaps , flo attachment
can bo put on box cars for § 3 50 per
car and the money loss to most cctn-
panies every year by these accidents
would more than pay far the expense ,
to say nothing of the humanitnriai
side of the question.
It in stated negotiations are well
under way between the postofiico de
partment and the Wabash road by
which it is proposed to carry through
the plan of a fast mail between the
Atlantic and Pacific coasts by a differ
ent route from that originally intend
ed. This is necessitated by refusal of
Chicago and Omaha lines to enter in.o
the arrangement. An agent of the
postofiicu department haa been over
the Wabash line and reports that to
the Mississippi river it is us good as
the Chicago lines , but west of that
point it ia somewhat now for fast time.
The Chicago and Omaha roads are be
coming alarmed about the proposed
chamjo , as it will tend to create a now
through passenger route , carrying
those who otherwise pass through
Chicago and over thcso roads.
Tl.o Chicago it Northwestern rail
road announces that the following now
stations on the Sioux City Pacific
railroad west of Long Pine , .Nebraska ,
have just been oponcii for business :
Amsworth , Nob. ; Johnstown , Wood-
lake , Arabia and Thacher. Through
rates from Chicago are made to all the
above points. Johnstown , Woodlako ,
and Arabia have no agents , and freight
charges to those points must bo pre
The Plattsmouth Journal says :
"II > burt Law , superintendent of the
Mountain Division of the Union Pa
cific , has been tendered the general
fiuportntondency of the Burlington &
Missouri and will probably accept.
The responsibilities are greater and
pay better , honca the change. Itail-
oad men say that Law is a capable
ofiicor , and , in addition , has large in-
luenco with the stock men nnd can
carry considerable business to the
Burlingto Alr. Goo. W. Holdrcgo ,
prcaontjM Bj superintendent , will
bo made l Bil manager of the B. &
M. lines ir Pf braska and Colorado , or
assistant general manager of the C. B.
& Q. The probable successor of Mr.
Law is not known. "
The Legal Log a Light Ono of Lato.
The District Court is about through
business for this term and the petit
jury waa discharged yesterday
The court is hearing motions and
transacting some little routine busi
ness. An argument for a now trial in
the ca&o of Sidney Smith , convicted of
embezzlement , waa nude yesterday.
Judge Savtxgo reserved his decision
until Saturday , when ho will probably
adjourn the term.
In the police court yesterday
eight tramps were arraigned and five
the number sent up for ton di\ys at
hard labor. Two were discharged and
the case of another continued.
Warranta have boon issued for ono
or two parties charged with domestic
cruelty , ono for threatening his wife's
life. The latter , a colored man is in
jail for want of bail ,
Goiiorous BoiioUn-
About noon an old Swedish grand
mother raa trying to have her scanty
furniture removed from Dr. Edwarda
Iioii8o on Farnam street near Twelfth
to the corner of Thirtieth and Farnam
and for the purpose aho engaged an
express wagon with the No. 4 , and
agreed to pay.tho sum of 75 cents.
When the man had all Iho furniture
loaded and ready to atari ho discov
ered the distance ho had to cover and
claimed thut ho understood it waa
Thirteenth , not Thirtieth street , at
the eamo time threatening the old
lady that unless she paid 50 cents
moro ho would deliver the furniture
io some warehouse. Although the
venerable lady could not speak En
glish and was hardly able to move
'rom ' old ago , the expressman had no
pity whatever , and if Mr. Bonoko had
lot stepped in and paid the difference
the scamp would undoubtedly have
done as ho threatened.
Army Orders.
The following are the latest orders
ncuod from the department of the
Platte :
Itecruit Edward Haffarn , enlisted
1 Fort Douglas , Utah , ia assigned to
apany J , Sixth infantry.
Recruit ; William F. McDonald , on-
i ted at Fort Omaha , Neb. , is asa -
a gnod to troop E , Fifth cavalry , and
will be acnt to his station on the first
ftirnniblo opportunity.
Upon the recommendation of hia
troop commander , approved by the
post commander , Privuto Eugcno
I\'ufl' , troop A , Filth cavalry , who re
cently surrendered as a deserter , is
natorod to duty without tiial.
llu will bo Bout to Fort Laramin ,
Wyo. , by the commanding officer Fort
D. A. Itussoll , Wyo.
Ik-cruit Qeorgo Armstrong , enlisted
at Fort D. A , Russell , Wyo , , ia as
signed to company C , Fourth infantry
and will bo sent to hia station on th
first favorable opportunity.
Immediately before the commcnco
ment of the contest , the competitor
will , by lot , determine the Older in
which they shall firo. Eich will bo
furnished score cards npon which hi
number will bo entered , No alteration
tion in the order thus determined b ;
lot will bo allowed.
Competition will commence at 200
yards , each competitor firing in tht
order stated on his score-card , the edt
number of each pair taking his place
on the right , nt the firing point , niu
firing first ; the pair firing alternately
until each man has finished his score
at that distance. Firing will bo con
tinuo in n similar manner at 300 am
GOO yards.
The competition will extend througl
three days , On each of thcso diy
every competitor will fire ono complete
pleto score of seven shots at 200 , GOI
and COO yards. The twelve marks
men making the highest aggregate
scores will constitute the dcpartmon
team , and to that marksman making
the best aggregate score will bo
awarded a gold medal.
Competitors will wear proper fa-
tiuu'i uniform with belt. No flighting
shots will bo allowed , Hides may b ;
cleaned only between scores.
The contest will commence the firs
day of August , unless the weather
should bo unfavorable.
Vordlct in the Brandt Case.
An inquest was hold by Coroner
Jacoba at 2:30 : p. in , , yesterday in the
case of William Brandt , who died it
jail Wednesday evening , and the ver
diet returned was that ho came to hia
death from causta unknown to the
jury. Dr. Gibba testified that ho hut
treated deceased for sunstroke , having
been visited by him sovcral time ? , and
ho was inclined to the belief that that
was the cause of his death , but the
jury was not satisfied with this expla
nation , the evidence of his habits ol
excessive drinking , etc. , going to show
that alcohol and not solar hcut killed
liim. It w&s proven that he was a bar
ber by trade , a former resident of
Savannah , Mo. , and given to wander-
iug about the country. A telegram
was received from hia son George , that
le would arrive in Omaha last ni ht
md take charge of the remains. .Tho
jottlo ho had given the jailor was
'outid to contain pure alcohol , and
there waa really little doudt of the
cause of his midden death.
The "Hawthorn Centennial Ex-
cehior Hoof Paint , " was patented May
! 4th , 1831 , and letters patent num
> er 241 , 803 , Any person found or
mown to tamper with the manu-
ucturo of said paint will be punish
ed to the full extent of law. No per-
on haa any authority whatever to stll
ecoipts. HAWTUOUN it Bno. ,
Lancaster , Pa.
A general meeting of the American
jeijion of Honor will be held Friday , th
th , at 7:30 : p. in. , on Farnam street , at
ho K. P. hall. All members are kindly
equated to b present , as business of
; reat importance will be brought before
, be order. _
A Becont Edition of The Boo to Be
Thought of.
THE BEE is not given to boasting ,
) ut when it sees its contemporaries
publishing the news that they issued
uch heavy editions on the date of
ho Guitoau execution , running up to
, wo or three thousand copies , it may
> o excused for the statement that on
ho occasion in question , TUB BEE in
ho twenty-four houra following Gui-
eau's execution , in Its two editions ,
mblished nearly 11OCO , copies. The
American News Company alone dia-
> osod of over 2,000 extras to dealers
md 1,000 oxtr.13 moro sold on the
atroeta in this city , it being neceasary
inally to run off half sheets to accom-
nodato thodrmands. .
BLAKEMAN Willie Autustw , son of
Chax nnd Henrietta lilnkeiuan , July
3d , of cholera infantum.
Funeral took place from the residence on
South Thirteenth street ,
"Our darllnj ; bos left a lirana of love ,
To dwell n tu ul's home uboro , "
ANDKKSON In this city. July 0.
at 7:30 : a. m. , Jennie K. Anderson , aged
S months and 11 days.
The funeral will take place from the
es'ulonce , 005 North I'ourteouthlstreet , at
p. in. , .Tuly 7.
Edited iiroioraN will lioiccchid by the under-
it'r.ul until luetday July lHh loSJat 2o'
i m. for uroJJi' l-'uriiiiM btreut irom i4th ! xtrvet
test. CO fruWtlik1. fcpo.lllcutlou on Ulu at
ounty Clerk's olllcu.
'lliorljht to rcjectm y or nllblus is hereby
II v ordir of thobcaul.
J\l } B.h 1865. JOHN BAUMEIl ,
at County Clerk ,
tznportotl ami Domestic-
riiio-it Soloctiun in Town-
Prices to Suit Evoryboily.
From Half a Dollar Down to 5o.
Schroter & . Becht's
W. B O E H L ,
Manuficturcrcf the
Also dot6 all klndj of uiachln'Bt ' aud locl.sicltli
ork ,
Attorney at Law ,
jyl.lm "
Ml Insurance Agent
bocuix flbduruucoio. , of London ,
CishAiHtts . 65,331,1,01.0 ,
W * tchos)3r . Y. , Capital . l.COO.OW.Ot
Tito Mcrc'uuits , ol Newark , M. . ,
Caplttl. , . , . 1,275,000.0
OUril rlrs , I'hlUdelphl * . CaplUl. . . . 1,200,000.0
retnen'i Fuud . , . 1,239,016.0
IU4 America Aanutftneo Co . l,600COal\
OfflcB , Boyfl's Opera
rONKY TO LOAN Call st L w Utnce el D.
L L. Th < jm ne-ttrt
-At 8 ptr ccntlr
terert In ,500 nr
npwurJs , ( or 3 to Dypars , on nret-cl&M city it
( Arm ptotrtrty. limns KHMI KSTAIJ ooJ Lei
Answer. Ifith unrt Prop ! * * Rt
WANTET > A pin to do rone-ril hou o rrk
ln > | iii'e nt Mr ? . N. J. Kobolrn. bet wee
Clth nd 26th on Chlugo street , Ilcferosce re
quired , U
WANT EO-ninlnsr Rl'l at N' . W. corner Cap
tolaveaudlTthatreeffl. 1976'
TT7ANTKD A first-U's cook , Pcmdanntlsn
> V flrl Jin ferrcd.nmt S5.0J per w k
Apply llotol Lonmark , 11th ttr < ! ct. 039-81
WANTED Xlrn lo work In n lumber y ti
tlioco famllnr wl'h handl tut lumber pro
fcrred. I'mnamntcmtili yj cit top o1 incn.
055-7 Hastings Nob.
ANT/ID / Two chambotmild . middle nirc
women. Wiges { 4 CO a week. Apply wl
C811 *
ANTCO A mat and t'lly girl for gcncri
hou Apply 1717 Uilcajo st.
fj WASTED-At 1221 rorlh 10h ! slrjit.
A FII13T-CLAS5 'hlri irontr n-.n tot sloid
.CX work tit the Ilcstou Laundry , 13lh strtc
between Dcclgo and Capitol a\v. GSO-tf
'AJfKD 60 trackmon and 'CD nnuicw
W II , Mannncltcr , lltli street near Knrnam
C010 *
ANTED A L'ond ni.ititntiillkandduchores
W UMefleld Dairy , garatrfrn. COM
WAITED A rompatcntvromnn for genera
uork.nragtoil opportunity f > r m n am
wifa to cor duct aluusoand 1 > ard owner. Ap
ii'y ' at coinirol Knruam and 'JUli St.
- peed plr' ' immoJIatly nt 1C18
WANTED-A ) . Ifitli Mid 16th. OM-jyl-3t
A Diiilsh or tloraian Rlrl fo
WANTED . A plyCnnha linkciy , BtO
10th St.
A < ! nmpetont girl for trcncra
WANTED ' < in n MII.V ! fnm'tat 1 ! > 16
Joins utr ct , bct cou 16th and IGili , 02tf >
Five hundred laborcri for worl
WANTKIJ ' MIiiupoo & tit. 1'a'il U.K.
Steady work nil nation. Vfnga $1,50 psr day
\pply it Knuinccr'd olllc" , room B , J.\orct'b
b.ock , L'auncil Bluffs. E. d. noUHSK readout ,
engliccr. jutc28-14
. Two or thrau raoim 1 tililo fo
WANT.D a olllie. oddrigj Dr. 1' ricr
Buu of lice. MMf !
WANTED A Rixil cooV , a woman prffjrred
al o cbauibcru.aid. n ult IIou a , ucar
Catenation Oorrall. (6)0-It ( ) ) JIcCJV.
KLL Ventilated lurnlebcd or unfurnisluii
W rocnitt to rent , at coiner cf II h and
) Ten tcami to work on Florence
WANTftl . Wages & 3 60 per day
377-tf MI "MK'i VIVPRNT
i nn MEN WAXTVD At Fcrerci Cut-Off ,
l\l\ ) nine milen t' < rth cf Or < hi.
" 1.76 per day. J1ITCHELL VINCENT.
WANTED A portion liy an cxpcric"Cid
bhort-hand nnd t\p-wrlter. llestclrct
ruice ( 'lien. Addrean II. K. H. , lce ! olllcc.
SITUATION WAVTED-ToJj gcner 1 hocsc-
O nork in a nml > fanil'v ' , by a Uanl h t'irl.
A | ply Hotel DeiJinark , llth street. OO'-S'
\TtrANinD , Ccpylnir t f any kind , t ) di at
W home , bj n experienced Iczibla writjr
tlowtirn.i. KcftreneuL'iieu. Addrcisa once
Irs. T. S. Mtitli , I'.O. CS4-7 *
WANTED AiltuatDii l > y a youii'4 man , who
sp aVs EnzlUh and Ucrnmn , in store. Is
ill n ? io make himself L'cneiLlly mo'ul. Ad-
rtsj P. L. Z. I'ce oIHce. C3M7t
WANTKD By an experienced ciok , to go
oji bv the day , can get up fiisc oca ccin-
nnydlnnrrs Add ess il. R. nur cir.
ath and Haifa street. CR4-G )
WANTED-Day board or board aad lod.-HIT
by ft yung gentleman. Addrp , btft'ln ; ;
terms , II. J. U , Ceo orllca. It
. AJ ANTED By Kontlcman and wlfo , a la'ge
f \ nlry wcll-furnlehcd room tru to of roouis
without board address with locatljn , i-tinison
Bee office. 093-71
To luy. a if od , 6trou7 , nearly
WANTED - ' eJ \iully cntrligo , or a pba-
ton. for cash. Jluat baery cheap , Ad1ri'S9
V , K. U , thli ollicc. 604-S
ITTANTED COO privy vau.ts , slnlif and cesa
W ponln to clean with ijanlUry Vault and
InU Cleaner , the lust In use. A. Evans & Co. ,
evidence ItiOO Dodio street. Omaha.
IlllNT Furi I < hea room , with or without
FOll - , 021 < allf an 11 8lreet. C92-tf
neil KENT Two iilcoly furt Uhed pouth rcoiua
D roaforablo prices , 201S CaHJ eticet. 3j2-t
POll It NT After July 10th , flnourt urn hed
room ? , up ptalra , front and back cntianco.
Erqulro ! ! 17 norili 17th btr et. tSJ-8
[ 7(011 ( KENT A ( urntthod front ro m suitiblo
? for two Dentil men At 309 Farnoni street ,
etween 10th and 17tli. bt8 0 *
[ 71011 linJT House with 3 rooaif and larfo
J lasenunt , peed well and clitcrn wntir , at
3380U h'ct. tnijuiio onprcmlEeu.
"TICK KENT A 7 room liouso and I stall
_ ' etiblo on Convent street , near Hi , Mary'n
venue. Ilcnt f26.CC p r month. Hiuiuire of
Barker Brothers , ( 'U otlico. C03-tf
"TtOH RENT A nicely furnished room ; 1G1B
J Chicago fit. C5 - f
Tion Ul'NT Furnished roam with board ;
J modern loiproicmoiiti , at 171S Dodge St.
Tion RENT Boordlntf house well furalsh > d.
J Iniulro lei ] 0th street , al ° o 3 rcoma at the
orncrol 12tb and Douylas etroei. Inquire on
remlj s. _ U18-tt
mNKIIOUSrH FOKIIBNT Smill and larpo ,
.X twa to tneltu ruua s each ; one or tno new
lieu with all modern comctiloncoi. Ono of 12
oems , enltnblo far boarJInc and room renting ,
7th and Douglas it ] , 1IKM1S , Arei t ,
Jo23-lf 16tb nnd D u lai bin.
710 U KENT , Homo with B tcn rcjonm. Apply -
' ply to Jauica Stoekdala Sth and C'Uca.o
tr.ets. fSl 71
HUE "I.OWEFAKM II UhKfth | Macro *
L of land ImauUfuli ) lucatud on Uamliu it ,
hort dUlauco uejt if Military bild c , nnd btr tt
arllno , BBulS' ,
J21-tf /Bort , 1Mb and Uciulas Bts.
I1WU -MIxlautliuutti ruomH lui rora. b ,
LV.cornerlDth and DitciiKirt. ) 200-tf
[ TtOll bk.R'1 Ko. 71i ! H. 14th street. .1 awu
L' In. boisc , , ( ontaln'n ; lx iroms , pantr
nd ctlUr. fci.nuiru of Dlt. 1'e.ABOUY ,
660-4 HO ; Joneautrcit.
7IUK HhM' four rocms bu't&blc ' for nun
' and wife , corner 18th and Izard btreet.
TTtOU IlENT FnrnUlad front room with board.
* COJ KortbUtlit. C31 tl
HO LET Furnished roou , wltli toird. 180
L Calif ' oriiU _ reel. _ 601-tf
ABN'TO UHNT N. E. comer wtu and
B.loll I avcnport. _ 41/37
.loll KK.iT furi-lsac4 room , 17iJ IJoiuU
2stroet. _ 43MI .
, OU IIEST ' . 'loi'a ityuiuUhoj : room , 117
* Uouth 17th tt < oet , one door north of Dau-
7OH ( niaf p. Iwo li7w ci gact houOJ. In-
; 'Uilre at Petcttoa'a Clothliu ore , near t ) ,
_ ! > { pot. _ tgg-tt . .
.AOlTllENT-A iilcoly furnlbhed room at J110
> Chicago street , between 14th and 16th.
670-tf _
,1011 HB.N I' On July l t , brivK lore , with 01
1 without etlUr. iKiulrn t Unu biore , cor
cr 10th and Doutrba t . _ t > tfi-ll
RENT a touiituc ruou ovs U
cfcii.v * ' Uzcbwiao.j ; . K. cat. } Atb u > l no ! , -
TTtOH HUNT Wic ly furuUhnl toouia with n
C wIH iHt bwd. KMsor blo rricw. IOH
T.lOnSALE-Sctfralffrol Ice c-ra-n Itetfif ,
L1 In po tl condition o cf foten pallons-
chc.ip. Ir.qulio No. Pie DC rth Kth strict.
tyjs-i t
ALE-Nr. 1. cow and ctU DcTonMre
Ureed alluk t tKict-in.alsoa f otil hct e. /
wll'-o ' k anjnhirc. Applyto c. HAWITZMI ,
CiO-Ei vbth nrd 1'itrc lr ( tn.
pen SALE-Saw mill. T. Murrey. C7Mf
tJlOH S.M.f At ft Infftaln nicely
1 new 10 rrom ihvtl < ns , with b th room and
water ; him , Inr e lot , Undo trrts , plea-ant MiJ
tucoflblolccntloi. atuy iktirtiijlo house , AiJ-
ilrc K. O thlsolllca. tCO-u
. . . SAI.K Kino burcy and harness chntp.
A. Ho'pe , 1618 Dolce , ru20tf
EOll SALK-Scat cotH o In slirhtly location ,
near Urlwncll Halonly ] 81600.
C16-tf ilcCAQUK.
UKAUTICUL LOiS-fiuxiM tcet ach In
SIX llanieom Place on street ctr line. Best Iota
In whole addition on very ca < y t. rms and at n
frro&t bargain , liKMis'ajent , 15th and lotisl.\s
8ALE A cotbiro of Ihreo tooim nrrth
iriOR ' NIcholM between Uth a d 13h. ;
Inqul o within. (4f2lf ( ) DAVID GENTRY.
J. Ort KAL.H-'IhobuslncMnnd fixtures of ft first
L clai meat market In Central Nebraska
Ilcst location ; beat cosh trade In the city. Iteoson
for eellliii , ' , for health. Address Uutchcr , Ilco
olllco. 337-1 m
HE SOIjD-C9 = acrrp in 1'olK county
MUST . S5.0PO. Inntilrf of J , K. Kiimmn
olllco , Hlslng City , lliitlcr countyxot > .
Sl'LKNDID , cno hr < c brick bou e , nnd ono
larjo fratno house , with full lit 01 Ca < is nonrlS'h
tire1 , Kino cli tico for inv'tinent , rent f r (70
per nunth. C.ll t jr full particular , nn
000-tf Accnt , 15th ard
UR SAiK. ( Team. II rnessaiid wayon. Inquire -
quire nt Dorau llcti'c , I'arnnm M.
UE.Vr Cottnires and s'i all liou'es ; p rl
tic ? o.vtrnj ; a lot or who own the knso u ,
ot , , and who Oesito to bul d a hnmo thtrcon-
butlncf the fiMcH ciil rn A. U. 'liltton , at of-
tlo of Or it a Montgomery , over Omaha N'a
roil oAlit ; . Tnu Arlington Iliuso
HoTKij ooa'ijall furnished , llu only hotel
In town. The chojpejt propoity In the state.
Ilaiall the travollnsm n. \vi 1 bo toUl cheapcri
t rr < 8toniH. Knitilro | nf B Fu Ic , prjpiictof ,
nV < Mnlnjt m county , Neb , B03 tl
I71OH tJALB UCKO , lin.-ir ) ntnl hirno'B. Ap-
X ply at Stephcnaon' Capcvl atenuolbru.
jfv UK bALb llertlaurui.t on a well tr.vded
231-tf ll'h tro t. near Knnum.
OH OAOC-Tho l' t'UIAR UO'ffU. , Isn
E ia the COYa1 IIO.MK. 'Ihls hc.t e Ij ce -
ttally located , has sou h and c.t f.v-il , toil la
ourroiindcd wth flue Ehado trees ; cont. ' no'.hirt ;
s tcplnc rooino , haa tco hcuii. Ir.uinltj , sample
room , &c. liana world w do reputation and a
better patronage than nmuy hounej ol twice Its
tnpiclty. Price fr-.COO l'"or pirtlculars aJ-
< ijc % A. A. SAWOKY , lied Cloua , ii
' . SALK Or will ovshn go tor Oinslia J-f -
JJ port ) , on improved me caoIUnd adjola-
Ia .station on U. P. K. U. if. bUKUAM , lil
Farnlwm 'it. , Ouiah * . 7E3 Zv I
B K'illror . EITAHKOOG * TOT ; ,
Tl ALUU HAY At A. U. S F.d j.t
O I"i8 Hir/jcv St.
ST..LKS Oil STP.AYKD On Mm'ay nlyht ,
tnl July , agray her o with brown > pot3 ,
and braridcn on Iho ihcck 2 D. nnyono bringing
him to tno ttoie on 15th an ) An , r ha streets ,
South I'maha . , will bosu.tably rtwaidod.
C t i-o
riTAKKN UP head of her es aid ono
J. colt , at 1' . lloa n , llercor aiouue , no r upI -
I er Water Hesot olr. 195-71
A dirk brown cow wit1 ! whlta
STItAYED about d ynan old , Finder w U bo
rewarded by retuni'iig her V. ft dirhkuDn
two blocks s.u'.h of 23rd nna Et iioryVove.
T OST On Howa ds'ro. ' t , tlfioblac < teat , lib-
I 1 efnl tcwaid will be luhl for return to hU
orme. 081-6"
T OST A light cjlored pocVet-bookcontinln ;
Lj between tej and eleven del ars. Kinder
will receive < 5 rewirJ by returning the lime to
-S'o. 42u llth street between Chicago and C.83
ir thlH nfflci fP3-5t
1IOK/U.I3T , 493 Tcutlt Street , between Fi ri.r.a
andHaiaoy. Will , wttr. the nld oj gr.iS'j ' > n
" , ; lrlti. obtain fnr any ouo a ; ; lnnco at th } vr (
< preheat , and on ccrtr.'n ' conditions la tbd ID
ruro. Boob nnd GUoco ruida to srdor. Pcrf-c
Absolutely Pure.
Thin powder nevir varies. A marvel of p
y , btrcngth and wholesomcnos } . Moro econo
aioil than tlio ordinary KlnJj , and cannot be
old In competition with the multitude ofl ow
oat , eliort weight , alum or phoaphata powdur
Hold only In cans. ) ! ovAtltAKiN I'OWDHU Co
n Wf St. . Nnw Vnrk
General U ; ikrtakers ,
2 2. ES 3E. < SIi 5 ! ? 3E2 IS ? " 2 ?
BetFnrurtni atid Boutins
Metallic , Wood and Cloth Covered
onutautly on hi'.d. OrderK front the country
ollclted , and promptly attondo'i * m'lU
Tbo liodt In the country ; for the money.
M , A. McKaraara ,
ourteenth ISUeet.Omalia.
Haj rea'ovo 1 tt his elegant new quirt irs oq
O TO 2MC 3C KT Gr S3 ? . ,
Iii Krug'a Now Block.
Frcnh Poultry and Vcietablea always on
and , . _ 12.lin |
Window Oaii Pinials , XX MTg ,
13th St. J Omaha , Neb ;