" ! - Thft Ha idR TOE DAILY BEE-OMAHA TTIUESDAY , JULY 0 , 1882 The Omaha Bee. rnbMshcd every roomlnR , cicspt Sonriny ho on.y MonJny looming ll > . TERMS BV MAIL - One Yew . 510.00 I Three MonUw.C3.00 Blx Months o.OO | Ono . . LOO THE WEEKLY BKE , pnbllibodcv. f y Wcdi.C3day DRUMS TOST 1'AID. One Ycnr . ? 'ZOO I Throe MOD th . . 50 BliMritli. ' . . . . l.OOl One . . 20 AMFIUCAN Xr.ws COMI-ANT , Ho'o or f W8dcftlcr8 in tlie nitetl Stfttc . OORUKRPUNUENOK All Communl 0 ttonr itslntinK to Is'nw nndKdltorlnlnii t- ers uliouH ' ' ivUlriMtd to the Unnon or ffns ' v" . BUS1VESS LKTTERS-All Utiflniw tiS M-tn nml Hcitiiltiiiicojt nhutilit bo < ! dro'il foTitE OMAHA 1'nBf.isnjsa tcji ! ifAKT , OMAHA. DrafU , Cliecloi nnd i oH- -fKco Onlcru to bo made payable to Hit t trier of the Compiny riie BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props , Rt ROSEWATEK. E Hfcr. NooNBiiwd bo siiiprised to learn that the drclors found tc.iu'a brains. Su.f strokes and lirowurka got in their work in the east , on the glorious Fourth , to the tune ( if twelve victims. UKI.MOST thinks of running for governor of Now York. Mr. Blninc will not take n hand in the cnnvain honcc 1'erry'o ' asauranco tlmt if nonii nntcd ho will bo elected. Tin : government library job been sat down upon with a thud. Klevcn milliona of dollars for ground and building is n plum which would tnako oven the eyes of Uoos Shophard green with onvy. Kvp.iiY time the railroads frivo ro- ducad rates on holidays they commit themselves publicly to the known fact that cheap fares bringing increased travel are in the end the moat profitable - able to all concerned. \Vv : were aorry to BCO Mr. O'Kcoft join the "IJappy Family" department of our municipal monuuerio in oppOB ing Mr. lUrion'n nomination the other night. Jlcrnld. You are misting your tally on the wrongtnan. Mr.0'KcefoalwajsBtandb on bin own legs , llo opposed Guj Ihrton'a nomination because ho did not regard it aa a fit appointment , and this is the sentiment of in * ru than nine-tenths of our population. CfliiMKNTi.se > on the Iowa election the 1'hiludJphia J'rcss says : "It is ono of the niuntil udvuuluges of ifrd - oral system that einylo communities can try ccpcrimrnto of this sort with out affecting others. With IVUIBCQ ot the anne way of thinking , a clour field offers to tent the advantages of pro hibition in n gran ing ntate ; its influence fluenco on the increase of population nnd wealth nnd the decrease of crime. Tlio Maine experiment linn not , from all the fucta accessible , been ncconi- paniid by u decrease of crime. In Massachusetts , liconeo years ahow less crime than yean * in which jiruhibitory legislation was in force ; but the emu is not yet made up , and the rural communiliea of Iowa , by u ctimdy , r.ipid advance in morality und educa tion , should dumonutrnto the advan tages of prohibition. " TUKSIIAV wus the pioncora day nt Grand Island , nnd the umpiring metrop olis of Hall county was u continual C'nu : of congnttulation upon the BUG- ceta of the Bottlemont planted twenly- five years before. It was the day for thn Jleddo , Stalley , Snsa , M.ichelaon , Ruby , Koenignnd other families , nnd right royally they observed it. The little aettlement has grown nnd pros pered in the quarter of n century ot its existence , and ia well entitled to the credit and glory of its work. Thu day was nindo the occasion of n re union , and the pioncciacamo from old ly "Lono Tree" on the cast to Kort Kearney on thu wett , to mingle und recall the j rivations of their youth. it It was ii festive occasion long to b * remembered , nnd the BIK : hikes pride : and pleasure in giving to ia ( readers u fr. history of the event in all its details : THE UIK : appears to lie very anxious for infoi million iigarding ( ho where- ubouta kf lion. 8. J , Alexander , our ftccmlnry ot elate. Wo can inform In I Iilr , Ed. Hoecw.iti-r , tltut , ucuordingto cc cur lutiKt new , Hon. S , J , Alexan ccol der on Friday lau had nn audience olhi with rreciduut Chester A. Aithur. bo cc Wo nro pleased to know that the iii valiiint brigadier pr.id hii rcipocta to fn the pretident , but theio are parlies le at the oilier end of the nvcnue atill IK looking for him. Congressman Hob- IKM iiiEon and the judiciary commitloo of M the house uro very anxious to find the 31 whereabouts of ono 5. J. Alexander ki kiki ( bat eigijod a certain document undir ki the great seal of Nobraeka as secre ro tary of state , which document proves dice to have becui n falsification of thn records co : cohi ords in the etfUo archives. Congress hi man llobiueon and hijcommitteo luivo o\ telegraphed to Lincoln several times for an explanation They want to know why the honorable teeretary haa imposed upon them , and they want to know whether Con < pcBimau A'alon- tine was the clikf conspirator or merely an accettory to the fraud. So far they hear nothing in reply io their is ditpatches and they n&turally fear r that General Alexander has oithur boon loat Bomowluro or ho it the vie- 1 di tiui of foul play. i w THK UUSIAESS OUTLOOK. | R. G. Dunn , t Co.'a ' Mcr cnntilo Agency haa iaaucd it somi-nnnufil circular of the failure in the Unitad States for the pa t IW quarter * of the current year , with a comprehensive nnd inter < atini { com pilation of reports on the businca' outlook from mnnagors of loca agoncioa in different portion * of tin country. The figures proacnled arc ronsaurinj * to thoao who have antici patcd n crnali in hiisincsa ns the rcaull of high prices and thocxiuaeivo epocu lation. For tlio llrst Imlf ol 1882 , according to a c irof ully prepared tablu , the number of failnroq were J1.B7I ) a comparud with 2,8li2 for the first six months of 1881 , while the liahilitiu' were J 0 000,000 oa nguiul SIO.OCO , 000 for the same period in 1831. Nu branka ia credited with 7 i failures nii 8)0tl)2 ) ; ) , ' ! of liabilitica , ns ciunpnnd with ( M f.rilurun nnd 13. > , GOO of lia biliti < ? s during the first hulf of las' ' year. Mesara. K. C5. Dunn & Uo comment aa follow , ! on the ntntisliod prcBcntvd : In viuw of tlio unormonn incroaio in transaction ; ) which the lant t'iuMvui ' inimtha liavo witiiL'tncd , the lnu'1 ' prices which liavo bern touched fin almost every Rpccics of property , and. above nil , the Bpccul.itivo xci sai'f which provuilud towardn the clo.io ol 1881 , it ia rv nmrveloua revelation of the utioi gth and ntubility of the tr.idc of the cMinMy , that BO few failino , comparatively , liavo occurred. I nuiitt bo berne in mind thnt the mini bur ciiL'Hged in business haa yrcntlj incrunfud. Our own records flhcw that thorp worn 7 0,000 ) ) rRdim ii busini'M in 1878 , while in 1882 ihnrc are 80,000 ! ) , an incrtano of ij,000 : ! ) The pr-oportionato niimbur of failure * . in 3878 wan 1 in every 7'2 tradcra , while in the present year , unding with Jinn the fuilii'os have not bci > n moro thnn 1 in every 128tradora. Tlipse sUtiatic thuroforo , judged by comparison with prccidiiiK youra , indiciito a condilior of business BO healthy as to cruato nnr priao that ao mncli apprehension should bo ontortninod as * comatolm\o been pruvalont of late. The loaseu b } b iLdobtain proportion to the volume of business transacted never weio.so ainall. The R'gnificanco ' also of the failures that have occurred haa bot'ii rth ht , na the ranli and fllo of casualties - ties are confined to the omnlliir CUSH ! , rouaidingilioin some apociliccanau for failure can ultnimt alrtaya bo apsigiud. Excersivo competition provaila in cer tain localities , and the abaencu of c.ip- icity and ndrqnato c.ipi'nl \vill alwayH risulb in disahter , but that any gonentl bliuht or want of f.ivorrfblo comlitlonu exist Biirniiiiiding the triidmg com munity would aeem tube entirely without - out foundation. The local reports dwell largely on the cotiditiona of the crops , aud nhow how closely the interests of the far mer are identified with those of the merchant. The cheering news from the Held of corn and grain ia attended by reports of n brightening trade in every line of bininesn. With thu heavy harvest , which nny confident ! } bo exptcted willcortninly como nfall in prices and a docre.ii < ud cost of living The promiBO of the coming eouson ii a cheoifiil ono , and if no unlookui accidunlfi oc ur , both funnel- and mer chant will ronp the benelll of goud time at no distant dttc. TIIK man liohm stated in the coun cil th.it i\lr. \ P.ixton did not want thu place aa member nf ihc < boird nt ] > ub- ho works , und that Me. Pax tun hud told hint BO , and that ho would not Hdrvo Tim WIIB literally true , but Air. Belim forgot to tell the o uncil and purpnecly Hiippres ed thu fuel that Mr. P.ixum h.ul told him ntehm ) afterward tlat : ho would nccipl thu appointment und would survo it con firmed. * # * * * * linn. William A. Paxton waa re- j1 ctrd by the inoimsieriii branch of iho city coniictl under the lead of th every man who WHB elected by the help ot IMr , P.ixtoh'n inlliiuncd and numoy. Why waa Mr. Pitxton n > jvtcd ) Was it bt'caiiBO ho hud nut "oarmul his bread by the awrat of hia bron ? ' Or waa it became Mr , Paxton ia a man of properly and wcitlih. Herald. Air. Paxton was appointed to the board of public woika without hia knowledge or consent , und ho public notified the councilmen when thu nomination was announced , that ho would not servo if continued , bte.iuao wai it ualariod position , and further , bccnise hu would bo unable to dia- bir e the duties on account of his . ijuonl ubscnco from < ho citjThu ouncil aimply did not want to thrust MI ( .Hiso on a m ui who rtfusud to turvo , and wlr > could not givu it the iiict'BSMry attention. Mr , Paxton ully opprovea the action of thu jouncil , mid ho elated to the editor THI : lhK : Monday that could not have tervul had ho been onlirmed , His only regret waa that the hurry of other buaineca ho had 'orgotton to rcnui'st Mayor IJoyd by ettcr to withdraw hia name wl.ilu the lomination waa still pending , lint the erccodilo teurs ehid by l > r. Miller over this ull'air donotdicoivo Mr. Paxton or his friunda. T/iey now that the editor of thu Herald IK ( aiifiiii ; Paxton while pretending to each for Itehm'a calp. Such cun- lucl is in full keeping with his recent ou o towards Mr. Paxlcn , whom ho iaa been abusing aud slurring nearly ivery day eincu the purchase ot the tVithuell IIOUBU jiroporty. Wo have nvitlier time norapaeo just low to expose the motive f r thia jjwardly warfare on Mr. Paxton. Among our bufiiio.ss men the treat- limit Mr. Paxton is receiving at the liands of the publishers of the UurM regarded aa dithonorablu. UKCI.K SAM paid oil his national debt at the rate of MOO.CCO daily last week. Excessive taxation is alone renponsiblo for this rotnrukiblo aho\v ing of n national indebtedness moltin away before it cornea duo. "Win * should nnt railroads bo n lowed to earn ns heavy dividends B they can ? " nsks the Lincoln Jotirnal and immediately branches out hit thostnlo r.tid worn-out comparison between twoen corporations and private bu i ncs" . The question has been answered swerod so many times that it act in hardly necessary to reply. Conmun carriers and private merchant ! , so fa as their bustncan ia concerned , nro nf footed by entirely ditTurent interests In the ono caao the public welfare i intimately concerned , Jlighta am privileges of the moat valuable char ricter nro accorded by the cjin munity in return for a norvic which the law demands nhnll be reasonable , uniform nnd impirtial , No private murclnuit in granted the priv and immunities of n public cor- porntion. No private moiohnnt cat , mniinpnliiio as easily Iho tradu nnd , ' fllo nf n country. No private mer chant poKsesaos such extensive powers to siimiilnto or crush out whole town * > r communities. It is on account ol ht'so that thu laws grant the people ho right to rcguhuo common carriers md nil corporations vested with a lublic interest. lleognigtui ; that un restricted power is nlwiiya tyrannica' , hey phicd in the hatidB of those like- y to nllVictcd by the nbuso of p > wcr ho instrument to curb it. When cor- ) onitiona like highwaymen luvy ribute upon n whole country to lev A heir dividunda nnd fill their collars jy extortion nnd oppression ngainst which thu ordinary ecunomical lawn ail to operate the riuht and duty i f ho people ia to protect themselves by lie best means in their hands , oven if uch methods prevent thn railrtada rom earning ns heavy dividends aa they can. KTS1NO CITY REMARKS. . Coirtxpoiiilinco ill Tlu It n. Ri-i.so CITY , JSTob. , July ! . Our town is rapidly leeoverimj fri < m t'u ' Inimigo done by thu recent hail ntorm ThuhgbtH nro mostly in Hiram , and I he LmBiiiihB hotiRua nru risuming their Former appearance. Tin1 reports that the churches wore struck by lightning were erroneous ; ihey weru badly torn up by thu wind and hail , nothing moro. The Independent issued last week , notwithstanding the seveio dunihgu done by thu storm. Rev Eastman , i f Oacoln , prcnchod io tlio Cniigrcgatioimlist Suiulny. It is said thnt Roberts , prment p later , is to bo removed and E istinan to bu call od. D 0. Verity , who ha i boon in the east nil ( if thu summer has returned , and , iioUithBtauding the hnil Btorm , thinks Butler county it better i ft" than any ouction hoisited in thu ; nst. Though the Btorm destroyi d nil tin smull gram in it atrip nix miles wide ncroBH the c unity , yet thu corn wil" amount to aomuthing. Thuvofnt cal liuldu prumiitt to yield tun huihila am upward. Outside of this district thu oiop * nro immemu. 'I'hu Lidi pendent Bays wo do no want aid It will bu actually ntoes airy for Homo of us Io hav. this md BI Indiana' tly rejected.Vo know < > t fiirmi 10 that stand no show uudir God's o.uiopy of getting sued for nux yuir' crop , unleSH privatu or pull" aid bo Uve'b them. Thu ma : tor tmonle bit broug'it ' betoru the legislature ) thia n inter. NICK. Priced for i'oocl to Co mo Down Now Yi r * S iii , Jimu 1:8. : The nigh prices fur food cannot last longer , tn < ler > a , purhapa , muata bo excepted. The siMaon throughout has been untisutlly propi-iuiis for vesj tablor nnd fruits. Already vi u'etiibloi have npp.ared in the markets in mi eh nbundauco that prices hn\u In cum compnraiively cheap , bat not until uv < , or thri'u wuuka huneo will the great supply fn in our iminediitto neighbor hood cjinu in , to brii gdovsn thuiro to tigures which will seem very low after iho prevailing rates of the sprnu1 nnd early summer. The high , rices obtained for pota toes laet year lud to thu p anting of n largely increased ncreugu with thia \egutuble , which is one ) of iho most profitable of crops in ordinary euaHoi \ Sj far , however , early potatoes have not been cheap , since they oimo from n distnnci- ; but the crop neur nt li.irut is ul mot t ready for thu market , and it will bu abiind int. Wo nro , liieniforo iiiitrly btyond the peiiotl of pheno menally hi.h prices for poi.it iea Enough must come in of thu eurlv jorta t put their cost down to nbuut the nvcr.1 0 for the auniniLr. When the fall ciop is gathered thi'ro Uuve'ry it'aaon to expect n supply so gioat that H potntnoi cin I > u bought cheap Fruitf , too , promiuo to be nbundant. The supply of utiawbeirua it now ao largo that prices uro Jikuly to bu cVwn this week to from ten to fifteen centu a quart , Hholu alo. Contrary io thu cariy prodictionr , the crop nt peaches vvill liu enoiiiMiif , Thu Maryland nnd DJaw.iro oieluuda v. ill send enough it to iiEsuru clieiipnesjB , and the crip e'.icwhere ' piiimiuea to bu pleuteoua. The grain crops are h.oku.g well thruiighout thu country , nnd tiiert ia at 'I'tlu ' ' doubt tlut thu yield will bu much nho al of lust year. For wlu > ar , rye , corn nnd oats thu reason has beuii favoiablu , as it has been for thu crops join rally. The beautifully healthy condition of vegetation ia especially observable. Wo do not hear as many o implnints of noxious insects , and nowhe'ro has there been reason yet to cry out for more rain. The grass ia remarkably rich , the pastur- auu abumlaut and of the best quality , making butter vxceptmimlly good , and its quantity larger than tidual. rthilo thu hay crop is ull wo could [ hopu for , Under tu h circumetaticcs the day of a great decline in the uiieeafir iood oennot bo much loneer delayed. Possibly butchera' meat may keep up in to higher figurts than ruled in fcrmur years , nwnn ; to nn nctiul decnuse In thu supply rent to the matkut , but M. thu lo er ratei fur other article's of food mutt tend to dinunit-h the con- miinpti'iu of hi'flf and mutton and to reduce their price , BUaTLING BLAIR. She Oolobrntcs ihe "Evor-Olo lious" With Becoming Eclat. The Exonrnf on of Cmlor Po < t of tlio Urnnd Army n Grnml Succom. Tuesday 'morning the pretty little town of Hlair presented very gay .ifpoaratico at an early hour , and by noon between five an i six thousand pcrtona had aHScmbled to celobratu the glorious Fourth. Q lito n largo number of persons wunt up from Omaha and the Omaha St. Paul excursion train wao packed 'o Bulloration. A detachment , ol Genre , A. Cuscur post No. 7 , C ) . A. II , in clurgo of thu commander , Mr F. Moore , with their fainilicn , also went up in the same train , nnd being ic ompanied by their band , enlivened tlio journey considerably. The Omaha letitchment. was met nt Blair station by ihe Blair cor nit band and a detachment of tlio IJIair miltlia. Tney thun tornied in imposing piucer.Binn nnd ninrchud to the park , wh'oro vorylhing waa pro- mrctl to riueivu Ihom. Cul L W. Oihnrn , who noted ns master of cerenionus fur tlio occasion , innouncod thnt the UlairGleo club would open thu uxtrciscs with a soltc- ion , which thuy gave very beautifully. Oapt. Patrick , chaplain of the 0 A , I , p'ist 1 , stationed a > Ulair , then do- ivurtnl n very nppropii'ito prayer , vhich win iolloweil by the reciMil oi ho Declaration of Independence , vhich c tiled forth bursts of patriotic applause. Tlio Glee club , which in really re- narkably ellicitnt , gave an undition of "Tlio Star Sp.tnglul Banner" nnd the wull-known anthem , . "Ainertii " both of which , were re- cuivod with enthusiastic bursts of up- plhU < e. The master of ceremonies then uindu a bhort Hptccb , in the course ol vihiuh he reminded them that once again they had mot to celebrate thu .innivorsary of American indcpoi Tnoy were there to talk over ho old ECOIKB and it count ail thu rent liugi > liB they had gone through ud they had also met to strengthen t lie KB ixiBtmg butwton thosu who had ought on iho field of battle together , ' ( day a distinguished citizen of our ate had b on invited to b prts- ' unt and uddrenn tin m. He wtia there , nd aa n matter of cour-esy , nnd by wy f ahdWing that respect which citizcmi f Washington county nro alwaya oady to show to those who deacrvo it , 10 bvgged of them to maintain pt > rfect ilence and order while the .speaker waa uddreasinir tht'in. Gun Ouailea F iltnderson being hen formerly inin duoed stepped for ward and delivered ono of thu lueat and most ehquent orationa irob.ibly thnt was uvur delivered n the city > f Blair , in the course of which ho satd that he touk isauosome- what with the president of the day. Ho did not beliuvo that that was n day for silence or order. This was indu- pondenco day , and hu thought that thu beat p , anblo way in which they could obsurvei indcpendeneo day was that every man woman nnd child should do he or she mitjht please. ( Laughter } Let thu fun go 01let , thu voice of thu child bo heard ; lot thu gossip of thu mothers bu heard UN they cjiupuo the mfnnti o faces of their < tiipMiij.- , for this WHH indupondenco d The GdiiiT.il then paia u beautiful tribute to thu memory o * the mirtyred picstdent , who was juit ay ear ago * tuik dowa by the oj.viirdly hand of the us.'useui. Ho nleo give a viviu picture ( if the civil war and related a number ( > f interesting incidents con- ctruing the tttiuie , ; ; ! , and gave n i description of the heroic conduct - duct of the mnn who left their homes and fr.milnu to fight fur thn atari and Htrip'3. Ho likuwi.io re\i.vu.t thu ncuiit history ofAmerica anngards iU improvements in every branch ol BCiencj and art , and in literature , com- ngiiuulture , manufucuro : and mechanics. Ho nl o if uclicd upon the piwer of modern nowspapar press for good or for evil , and puintud out that in cm junction witn scho > 1 education theau two ngoncies had produced moat i of the physical progress of our coun try. Thu eirator closed his address with n very tine peroration , which waa rtcuived with enthusiastic npplnuau. \Vo regret that want of space preventn our gmiit : thia oration in full , i\a it would well beam careful purtnal , but wo nro compelled to content ourselves by giving the merest outline. Later on in thu day there waa a camp-tiro in which n Inrjo number of p > eutors were much intm-sted. In the ovotiii.jj "Tha Union Spy" was yiven in Grrinnma halt by forty Judifs and ge'iulenu-n of U'air ' undcir Mo individual i upcrvision of Cul. K. 'lVmple\ The piecu waa put upon tlio boarda in n highly ttticient man ner and doc ? both thu colonel and his amateur tr itipo great credit. S une of thu tabhaux were exceedingly tine The orchestra , though amall , reiidtrcd sumo beautiful martial music. It appears theru was quite a misun- deratiinding nbout the time the Omahu , St. Paul ficursion train was to re- turn , nml in ojimequenco quite nnum her of uiBconsolato young cji < 1 were to bo seen sundering nbt ir. t night in search of somewhere t < i 11b lay their weary huads nnd On thu wholu , the culHbration of thu Fourth of July at Hhir may be safely pronounced n gtand succees , mid e-veryono proeunt appeared tjur- nughly eatutiod with tlio bright little town nnd its genial citizens , g gt Postottlco CUangea. j The following ; nro the postaflico ( shangos in Nebraska and low a during M thu week ending July 1 , 1882 , furno iahed by William Van Yleck , of the loati.llica department : Eitablijhed Ohrisinanvillo , Knox jouaty , II. Walker Olirismam , P , Al ; Kva , Harlan county , Frank \V. \ Stov- , P. M ; Kirk wood , Holt county , JeihnN Huvoy , P. M.j Lonolm , Slmr- man njunty , Jonathun Arthaud , P. . ; Muriaville , Holt coun y. Thomas Peacock. P. M. ; Parker , Holt county , James McDonald , P. M. Postmasters appointed IJradhaw Vork county , William Miller ; Ever- ott , Dodge county , Joseph 11. Skin wr ; Kiowa , Thayer county , Hernia Sclmckenberg. low i. Established Iluxloy , Story county Jacob Stevenson postmaster , Discontinued Lucas Grove , Marion county. Name changed Portlandvillo , PJy mouth county , to Akron , and Fran' T. Shophcrd appointed postmaster. Postirmstors appointed -Arm trouc Orovo. Errmct county , E. B. Camp bull ; Lirchwood. Ljon county , John Downs ; Liberty 0 nfro , Warren coun tv , Robert A. Mi FrtrJnnd ; Quarry Marshall county , llobort G. Gregg. Mrs. Walt CP , liiiffrtln. N. y. . write * "I have iiseil III IllnfK ] 5tooti UlTTKIiH f < > : nervous nnd liiilliiiH litMtl.ii.lib' , nii'l ' lmv < ice moiciulc'l ' thorn to my fiiemN ; t lie llnvti them t I o superior to any otliei mo icino 1 Imvp used , anil cin ricommem them to i mime nquiriiiK' a cure Fur I , ill ! Price 81 juljIdA FREMONT'S FOURTH. A Boynl Time at "tho Prettiest Town in the State. " A Rcp.nlnr Proginnimo nnd thn Burlc.'qno. A number of Omaha citizenc , in cluding E. F. Smytho , Mr. Max Horg. mann and others , wont out to the ncal little capital of Dodge county , when Ool. Smytho had been invited to de liver the oration. Upon arriving nt Fremont Col. Smytho and party were mot nt the doper by tlio reception committee , the gallant chief of the lire depattmm.t of Fremont , J. Cloland , nnd i ist : assistants , LJU May nnd Thomas Frahtn , nnel escorted up to the Now Vork hotel. The Ninth infantry band wnich was engaged for the day marched at the head of the proces sion. sion.At . Iho caily hour of 8 o'clock hun dred * of people were coming into the city ! from nil directions , nnd at 10 o'clock wh Mi thu grand procession farmed , thuro were nt least 10,000 people in the streets waiting for thu coming events. The weather was delightful nnd the merchants mid business men of the city bad decorated the fronts of their n Kpective otore.i in grand atyle , with thousands of tligs. The procession 'orrned under the command of Mr. J. G. Cleland , who acted ns marshal of the day , assisted by Messrs. L joints and Finlim nndns it moved on through thu beautiful streets toward thu paik , it presented ono of the most charming sights that one could behold. The procession was fully a mile in length nnd headed by the Ninth In- f.imry band , drisoed in their parade uniforms. Then came the did ' 'Conti nentals" on horseback , about twenty- live in number ; thu grand urmy men , elegantly dreasud ; the tire b iya iMth their oncines ; the carriages con taining . the orator , Col. Stnythe ; Rev. Mr. Swing , the cliaplin , and L'ju. May , E' ( | , ; flou. Charles Ling , mayor of Fremont ; members of the city council nnd visiting guests , fallowed by nt least fifty piivatu vehicles from the city and country. After arriving lit the beautiful park ( which , 1 venture to say right here , e.m not be equalled in the matt ) , thu ixeircisea cuuimei.cod. First was piuyer by thu chaplain , after which tliu uhoir < f Frummt ttung n btautifu ! King , then Mr. Lnonns , attorney nt Fremont , delivered thu wolcomii g ad lirer.B iu u very able m timer. Then Mr. Rogers read the Duohiratitin of Indipfaiidencevhioh was wannry received coived , and tins > vjs t'u'ljwf ' d by fciii'Z- i.'g by thu clu ir , wln.li suddenly the tund S'ruck up the ol 1 \v r soug , ' 'Marchii.g down to Georgia , " ami the cannon which was b ougat from 0 nt ; ha b.irracks b.irktd .i.-u _ > , nnd amidst all this e'xcito.nent Col. bmyiho < % uur gallant cvnoiiel1' waa introduced by the marshal of thu day. Tnu co onel gave one of his peculiar bjua nndsmiloa and had liu attempted to ttirt right oil' to apeak every word would have been drowned by the uhuora of thu 15(01) , ( people who greeted him , I am not able nor will 1 attempt to give the colonel's speech here at thia time. S-flL-o it to eay hat ho spoke with so much feeling that it went right to thu hearts of everyone preae-nt. "Our Colonel" took the town by Btorm and made himself the lion ot the d-iy. Immediately after the oration tion followed singing and muiic by the band , then recess. Duiing thu afternoon came the bur- IOMJUO procession , fully ns largo as thu morning parade , and to say ttint it wan the bunt of the kind over pro duced in the state ia not saying too miioh. Tno balance of the Afternoon wm taken up \\ith datiCing on thu Jaigieieiuiit ; plattorm in thu parK , ttna driving ub nt the city , and the wiiotu celubnitioii concluded with a gr.iidexhibiiion of lire works , over tiOl ) worth , of ull descriptions. Ki'e.noiit "takes thu cake , " and it hai go ( d reasons to be proud , fur as a whole thu Fourth nas n grand Suc cess indeed. The celebration was ' gotten up under the auspice of thu Fremont tir.i departmeiit , of which thu gallant J. U. Clelund it the chief. Everything went ull' pleasantly und quietly , null wo were bu v.'ull entertained - tained by the imblu Freinontun thai tnia Fourthcf July will bu remem bered by us t.ir h t . M . U. _ 4 prumuea si'ine- times end in pultry perfonnancoa. " A in.iuiiiticent txctpiion to this IB found in Kiduuy-Wort which invariably per forms even more cures than it pro in i- soj. Hero is a single intuanct : "Mother has recovered , " wrote an Illinois girl to her eastern relatives. "She took bittcra for a long time but without any good , So vhtm she heard of the virtues i/f Kidney Wort the got box und it has completely cured her Iner complaint. " Tit lor Tut. When Nellie Oatruiu and Frank Beldcn , of 1'ilttliuld , MUM. , wt.ni courting , they found time to talk about the love stones in the maga zine * , but they did not think that bo- fi.ro another summer they would figure in a mil love story , with brok en vows , tcaldiug tears , revenge , and that tort of thing peppering "iho romance from beginning to end. It 9 , n-ns young beldcn's fauU , The wed ding day having boon fixed about six riionthfl ahead , iMias Nellie wont will her parents to visit relatives in Mis souri. During the few weeks suc ceeding his swcnthoart's departure IJeldon did his whole duty. Ho gave up his cigare to , and the money ho was saving astonished the whole bank into which it found its way. Then , as the local paper explains , on Jho aunshino of his love there came a lowering cloud. In other words , lleldon began to pay attention to another girl. Miss Nellio'd Pittsfield fiionds lost no time in telling Miss Nellie nil about it by post , and in pont-hastr , nnd what Bidden n.cn tinned as "a ucorchor" came in the re turn mail. Tno receipt of thi scorcher fanned the loier's sp rk ol liking for the now girl into bitch n [ l.iino thru lie wrolu to M ! > si Nvlho , breaking oil' the unuagoment. 1 hat was about the time of the great Mississippi Hjod , hut whether the " jilted girl"wtpt such an inland ocean the chr nicler uf the all'iir fails to set forth. But in duo time Misa Nellie returned to I'lttslield , nnd to her friends it seemed that nil lu'rweddini : ; .iko was betrothal dough. Why IMdcnncninfoll head ovprhetls in love with Nelliu no ono understand ; but he did , bejjxod forqivcms. ' , Bought , rec > n cdiation , and nil oi < ce inoro hppaiently > ecame Ecrcne The woddinu day was ixid for last Wednesday. Alony thin Wednesday came , nnd liclden , in his jroiidcloth , appeared at the brido'o muse. Mms Nelliu mot the bridi- groom nt the door ; taking him into lie kitchen , where she wai steaming strawberries , nho said : "Fred , I am ; o bo married nust Monday , not to day ; my future husband is now on his way trom Missouri. " Belden falls aud ao does the curtai > . Puot. Th" cheHpe t me litino in u. e Ii THOMAS' vcnLcrnn1 On. , I'eciuie bo very Httla nf it sit < | > nrudto effect a cute. FT cinttp , l ] i htria , on I dU-ntes i < f the lunga and hront , whether uecil fur hittiiiti ; tlie clieot > r throat , fir tikin iutcriully or nhn ini > , tisii uiatehless .nitiiniuid. j > ily4 ' & > v A SHOCKING ACOJDENV. rour Persons Burned by tlio Explo sion of a Korosonc Lump , jincoln Journal. Ono of the most shocking accident dat has occurred in this city since the Tour.h of July , 1881 , took place nt ho residence of Mrs. Rtcecci Ljo , on [ 10 west side nf Fourteenth street , ear J , nbout 0:30 : last uvening A ournal representative , who visited esidonco siiirly af'or the accideni iccurred , found two of the family nuf ering the most excruciating paine , nd the mother of the unfortunatH oung ladies nnd a younger aistet ) urned slightly about the h.ituU. The pirticul.m if thu ascidont we Mther from Misa Anniu Leo , sister of ho victims. She sayj that nbiut (5 ( o'clock in the evening Emma nnd Sallie , aged respectuely 10 and 18 vero in the kitchen heating n curling one over a kerosene lamp , intomlini : o curl their h lir. She heard n fright- ul scream from ono of the yirls , and ushing into the ro > m found tin u-irla enveloped in il unes , nnd ono of thmn list darting out of the door. By ihi imo her mother entered the room , nnd mother nnd daughter wcntto A-OI k vith a will to queneh the firo. The oidrst cirl , who is burned ilu worst , lad got out doors and was laying bu- side the wall , and to her thu sister gave special attention , by throwing vater over her ard toari.'j' elf her clotl s. Mr. McMurlry , v. ho hap- ) eiud to be passing ( it the time , went o her iwiiVri'ice , cuvriod the poor gi { nto the hoiwrt ui.d dispatched nusatn- ; er for physioians and nursaa. Upon osamination , it was found the oldest grl , xrns burned in a ihocking inanuer from the kneoa to ler Khonlder ? , on one Bid-1 , lur face escapngtho ( hrn a. The other girl wa.i aUo oorioirly burned , but not inito" BO b.id 3 her ulster. Tin- nether nnd Miss Annn , wliilc enga ; pd in touring the clothca from liu g'.rls , were bumcd slightly he hands and wrists. About oighfc o'clock last hreo pt'y iciaus and tivo nur.iea wore vaiting upon the victims of the ncci lent , who were suffering lorribly. ! Ofrned to bo the opinion of of tin- ihysicinns that one of the girh could lot live moro thin a day or two , vhile the othur migh possibly siirvivo A Solclior ° 8 Fuuornl. "fttloiul Airttt. . i i'jm < COUJMHUS , 0. . July -When the s-soldiera nnd eailord associition had sembled this morning to ntti-nd th > ' uncrnl of T. J. Lirken , n dtc aaed omrado , n communication was recoiv- d from Father Frz orald , of the c- hcdra ) . 'J'ho letter sot forth th it on Catholics could not bo permitted o participj o as such in the Catholic liurch , but nil could n'tond ns friends nd private ci'isjns. A fenv membera f thu associat'on escorted theiom-iiim o nnd from the church. The affair ccaaioiri much cn Ciithu io KuigUts- tat m al IV i A al tion. I'Kniiu , lil , July 5.--Tho Catholic CinnhtH of Americi are hdlding their rat nnninl convention hero to-day. , ii r.d Iret3 wan delivered by Hov. 'aihtr Spauld'iii' . It H ud tlio List 'f ' nil mli'T p cpir tiiri ( or medlcluM , In MO i f iKttisKi , licutluctit , ( l//.infi-H ! or i > . ecll'antica ' < i' tliu i-VBtcin , Kuiil'OCK liHIOI ) ilTTKiw live no cfjii d The > never ( ail u ttf irdnijj immeJute rotef ! , Price $1. jiih-liiiw FORTHEPERPflAMENTCUREOF o CONSTIPATION. E l > o other ditcasa is 60 prevalent in tUl : country u Couitlpation , and 110 remedy e kM ever equalled too celebrated KIDNEy. - WOUT u a euro. Whatever the cause , bowover cLstiaato the cue , tWs rene ! y will overcome it. _ Ci Dll . ( ETC THIS dlitref-stas com- | -Bfi.kCi puunt la very iiptlo be with oansUpatloa. Kidney. Wcrt itrenfthens the \vcn\tcned \ parti nrd J quickly cui 3 All klnda of riloj even when physlclani end modirtaes have before ftU- ed. IViryouhavooitherofthototroublcs P RICE 0 I.I USE JDrURHlEtBGoll V : EUROPEAN HOTEL , . Corner Eor.th and I.anut Stic t * . . ( STT. S OXTXfci IWCO. . J II JiUKSr. . . Prop. M RooniB , 7oo , SLCO and SIDO IVr Day An elegint Hcl urint l ccuntil with tM. in > ca < l&f ttuii J NOTKH I1HT tJNTITI.i : ! ) AVOAIAN. IVrom Oi * Bo-ton Olobt.1 The ftbovo Is peed lllfcnrsj nf MM. r.yill E. Onk- liam , of Lynn , Ma s. , hn atMirpnll otlicr liu imn In tnirt may lx > truthfully cnllodtlio Dcnr Frlitid of Woman , " nifomo of lirr < orrwKindcnM | lovoturall her. She l-ucalmi I.TdcTottd to IHT work , Mch l < thooutcomo nf n llfctuJr. . find It obllzwl to Keep rix lady n. l tant , to liclp IIP r nmw iTtho lirgo correi'ondence \i nieh ilAlIy jionro In iiion | Jn r , i-ftch Iworinff lt < f | > cclal burden of Min'nlnir , or Joy tt rtltn'ofrom It. Her VeireUblofuinpouiidlsa mi Jlclno for coed and not rvil pnrpojrj. I liaxo jwirsonally Inri , l Igatcd H and amsatlinrd of th truth of tliK On account of lt prorninerlta.lt l recommended ndrrescrll dbytiiobe t pliyiiclani In the country. Ono fays i "H work * llko a charm raid * avc mncli 1-oln. Itwillnirc entirely the worst form cf falllnc of tlm utcni' , I ticrt-liir.i ( , lrrcrul ( unnd painful Mi mtraitltin.all Oral Ian Troubles , Inflammation and Ulcerntlnn , nomllniri , all W ] ) U ineiiU an 1 the con * iipntrtilntl wea1.ni > Mmid tj isjicclally adapted to tlio Chance of Ltfe. " It permealM every port Ion of the Astern , nndrlvej new life omit Icon It mnovc ? falntn < s. ( n\lulcno' , de lroya all en Inff for ttlmulinta. rind rcltfvc * weak- nc" of Ihcttotnach. U etn-ei llloatlni : , Headaches Nervous Proclrntlon , nenciiU Debility , SlccplessneM , Depression nnd Indlgc llon. That fctllns of bcirlriit downcau-lng pain , weight nnd backache , Li alwayn pemruiently cured by Itau-o. II nllatnllthnt ! ! < , aml lind rallelrciinutanre , nrt In harmony 1th the law tint CD * emit ho female yst cm. It eosts eulj SI. l r liotllo or rK for $5.and Is Bold iy dnissiitny ndvleo txiinlrol as lu c ) > eclal ra. cn , and Ihenamc' of many who lint o been restored to perfect henlthby the ii oof the Vcirclnl Io Compound , can be obtained lyucMrca-JnifMin.1. , Mlth ttampfor reply , at her homo In Lynn , Mam. I'nr Kidney Complaint atrithcr reir till ? eompoujid 1 mnurrafl.vd ns abundant tcptlmonlals ehow. "Jlra. I'luLharn'R IJicr 1'IllVfays onowHter , "are thrbrtt in Hie irartd for the ruio of Constlp4itlon , ] ] lllon < nfu and Torpidity ot the llrcr. Her Blood iMrLlvr orl.s wonik-n In Its spcrinl llnoaml bids falr to ciruil the Compo'ind In Its popularity. All rin t respect lier a.t an Aneel of Ifercy hoao solo ambltlnn Ii tn UopjoJ to othcn. I'luUJelphla. 1'a. (3) ( JIr J. H. n. THE MoOALLM WEIGJ { WILY 100 IBS , 4000J rWAGON BOX Can Be Hand ed By a Boy. The box nccil never lie tiken ott the wagon and all the hilled Grain and Grass Seed Is Save It c stales ) tlnn tha oM stxlo CKS. Every atantlard wa on U ruld with nur rick cample o BUY NONE WITH3UT IT. Or buy tlio attachment * n"d app'v tliom ro ; our on ! A-iiiin box. For sale In l > rai.n by J. C < 'LI K , L luoln. MAVMNO IlKSi Otrtha. KRED KUDU e ; > ind N nnrt. IlAiiai.frrr A : < ] IIXK , Hiiit ii'rs. eilARi. -CIIKullhBK , CD UlllblM. SVOOt.Kt ( TUSK , llU'l Uiilllll. U. II. LE\NE & i o , Kvd OH , town , LV. . HcstKi , , G c'lwoo , 'owri A'd > vcr/Intelk-Rdo.iii-r.il ( the wut. A'k thi.ra for Uuji.rlp.hu circular or no/M / direct' /I'i to tn. J , McOallum Bros. Hauufg Oo. , Olllce , 21 Wc-t hike Strco' , ( Jh'cncn. inat'31-lw 75,000 THYKEK-SPRNG ! ! VEHICLES M O VI K IT S S. y f < ff ? TiJ ss y . ' .f ; V-ii3r . ftr-- r-\ E * * * & & ' Thoj ftirpa na 1 other \chlelejfjr itylcnnddurobiliti , , GGAR < & BODIES For bain by Henry Timken , fur . | > llfd MONITOR OILSTOVE Improvril lor 1882 , THU BKST AND ONLY ABSOLUTELY SAFE IN TIIK Every hiiwi.leeier ) ; | foo's the want of JoniotluiiK that will cui k the daily Food anduvoid the excoaiiiru heat , duat , littur and aalies of n coal or wood atovo. PUB MONITOR OIL STOVE WILL DO 1 11 , bdttor , quicker ami cheaper thnn any other means. It istlioONLY OIL STOVE mndg with the OIL IIBSEIIVOIR ELEVA'nSD at the Ijack ot thu steve , a way from the In-at ; > ' ' > 'ch ' ninmgciiu-i.t AUSOLUTE lAl'h1 \ ia sccun-djHs no gus can bo frit > ruttd , fully twuiiiy per cunt moro ioat is oltaimsd the wicks , ftre pre- lorvod tvucoua long , thim earing the Eroubluuf cojutaiu trimminc and the .npfiiso of novr ones. EXAMINE HIE MONITOR and you will buynu niier. M nrifactureJ only by th- Monitor Oil StovBlK Oleyelanfl 0 , Solid lor dojcriptiro circuUr or cull ftl Rogora it Bon , amenta for No- jroaka