Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1882, Image 1

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    MA-HA All J I H.H
& . SON ,
TVIasazinesof 'all kinds
Send for REDSCED
iprice-list of Job Print-
Jt i * . r E t b "S" n E 0 ,
Importer of , and Dealer in
" ZltliBp'Strlflgs anfl Musio ,
-1121 Fa rna-mSt , Omaha.
Nitloml Awrcmtou Press.
NK\V YOHK , July G. Michael Dav-
itt arriving thia morning from Troy ,
where ho spoku yesterday to nn .audi
ence of fiftcoi tuouaand. Ho looked
fatigued. Ho attributes hid temporary
physical break down to long recep
tions uftar mei'tinqa. Ho urrivc d nt
the meeting at W o'clock utal was
heartily welcomed. Ho oxpLiined his
land tUfories atid sjid ho waa in com
plete accord with P.irncll , believing
Parndl would soon adopt hia views on
thn Und < j laition.
Pivitt will leave Philadelphia for
FrsnceJuly 15 His reason tor going
to Frtncu ia that he nnticipatea ro-
nrro t on return to E 'glnnd , nnd is
a xious to aeo E in in Paria. ITo nd-
cVtsacd n monster meeting of workingmen -
men and luud-loagucrs at Union
enunro thia evening. The procession
of twenty trades' unions , comprising
about SO 000 men , marched around
tno square. The niBrahala nnd aidoa
voro b.idgoa inacribed "Hurrah for
.Land Nationalization , " "Javitt nnd
the Co * , trul L-ibirUnion. "
iRailiond Ratos.
'National AM ciatcrt I'tisai.
NEW YOHK , July 5. The ( hial
looting of the commission to adjust
differential-freight rates and terminal
chargua between rival trunk linua will
ho luld here in u few daya. Thunnnn ,
now in the city , says the report will bo
rande public At the end of the month.
Ir * 1- l Ataoclutci } 'iw ,
W.isiiiNGT.i.v , D. C. , Juno Ii , 1 a.m.
For the uppur JMissouri valley , af
increasing clouaiacss with local rains , at
wiiidi niojtly aoutherly , atntiuiiary or into
hi/her lower U
/ temperature , generally
Fur the lower Missouri vtlloy , at :
partly -cloudy wctthcr , local reins , th
warm southerly wiuda , falling barom bemi
eter. mi
Iiubor Troulileu. SCI
Ni.tlonal AscociaicJ f juaa. to
DKNVEH , July 5 , Coven hundred roi
and fifty ibrickmakera , representing
forty , two ycrda in this city , have
struck for an * dv nco f fifty conla.
The emplojeivi refuse to give it. All on
yarda aru shut down. It IB oatimatod str
there will be a demand for 30,000,000 ou
Jtrick here this tui
( icason.
Gobbled by Qarrott- the
N&tloaal Atf clAtoit Pto t
UATJMOJIK , July 0 , At the an rot
mini meouui ; of thu Winchester nnd
Strasbur railroad compiny to-day ,
Tlobort Gurrett was elected president of !
in place of Jjlin Kim , ' , jr. Uh
The Hub of Hooilordoin. rca (
1'reu. beii
INDIANAI-OUH , Julyo.--Hon , 11. 0 , HOC
Meredith , president of the Indiana huu
atato board of agriculture , died of day
pneumonia this morning. and
The military encampment will close Carl
to-morrow with a street parade and leav
awarding of prizea by Gov. Porter. ing
On Whom the Eyes of Europe ar
Now Angrily Turned.
His Deposits of Dynamite ii
the Suez Banks Excites the
Envy of Euclnnd.
The Sultnn'd Orders Set Aeid (
With nu Imperial Flourish.
The Gaul and Frittou Bawling
for Hit- - Blood , Yet Keep
Their Listaiico.
Aix EnrJy Opnnini ; of tlio Cnmion'i
Mouth Iiuolicd TJpou as u
Whllo the Irish Shilnloh IsUnohcntliod
to Cmclv ttio British Grown.
AFKAI11H IN rr.Yl'T.
. July 5. Dutiu Monday
nulic moro gtmn wcro mounted on the
forts of Alexandria. Admiral Sey
mour cent n message to the governor
of the city to discontinue mounting
gnua. If the message waa diaregarded
n aecond wi u'd bo eent that would
not bo disreuarded that thn forta
would bo bombarded. The English
and French admirals hava asked their
governments to authorize the bom-
oardmont of the for in unlc&a the do-
fonaivo works nro atoppad.
The naval forces ot Franco nro
being mobolized. Ton French mnn-of
war , including six iron clada , have
been comnnsaioned for instant service.
The Turkish cmbasoador to Ger
many has gone to Ema to present to
thu Empuror William nn autograph
letter of the Sultan begging media
The cultan invited General Wallace ,
tVmertc.m minister , to the pnlaeo , nnd
liold n long cunftironco.
It is reported that the French con-
tinqont of 12,000 troops hna been or-
ler l for seivica in E''ypt.
Ministeiial corncil waa held at
Alexandria. The Euglinh nnd French
jontrolloravtic invitrd to attend , but
refused. The consuls were grunted
ludienco by the khedive , vho pro-
; ooted that 110 preparutiona were being
: r.ado to block the entrance to thu bar-
Mr of Aluxandiia , nnd the mi. isters
n-roto tn ndmiral Seymour , command-
in t of the English Bqindron , , n note
knying the report * to that effect.
LONDON , July 5. The call of the
British reserves is now imminent.
Jilkes announced in the Commons
hat the British fleet at Alexandria
lad been sent fresh instructions to
neet any emergency.
LONDON , July 5. Private wb - . . ,
rorn Alexandria represent the eitua-
ion so strained that a collision is un-
voiduble. Hostilities are expected
0 commence to-morrow.
LONDON , July 5 A Burlin corre-
pendent of The Evening Hews says
Vance ia urging Germany to uau
iflucnco with thu nultnn for thodopo-
tion of Artbi LJuy na minister of war
1 Egypt.
I'AUIS , July 5--The Alexandria
> rrispondcnt ! of the Figiro euyi
rabi in acting under thn advice of
ro friends , Cummunifita Linart and
Souillard. The list of hostages to be
! i'iffd on the first aiijn of the lard nig
' troops haa huun drawn by Ar-ihi ,
dtd by the communists. The lis' is
id to cjiitain the name ? of AI ,
redit , Controller General Rij xrt ,
is Director 1'iorro Water , and Dircc-
r DcLuazac. These are now nt
LONDON , July 5. A doubtful re-
irt wna being received here from
mstantihoplo that thu English rep-
sontatlvea in the conference pro
sed that oomo neutral atato shall act
mediator for the European pnwora
the question of sending an army of
cupation to E ypt.
THK KOLTAN'H ounnus.
k f > . The L-hedivo
day received dispatcheu from tlio
Itan disapproving of the military n
para ions making hero aguinstEiip- ; e
id and Franco , holding the khedive o
I minister responsible for any un-
yard result that may follow the ?
itimuricc of such preparation * ) . f ,
or prolonged dbcmsioii , finally
oed to invite the porte to nrmod
B vention in Et'ypt. Austria and
rmany united in advising thoaultan
join the conference and sund a
) Dg military force to E.ypt. ; In
event of an English expedition
ng decided noon , it will tie cum-
iidod by Sir Girnot Wobcly , TJio
ncil of ministcra at Alexandria has
t a reply to the eultan , promising
uspond work on the forta aur- el
ndmgtho city. BU
T. PETiiutnuiio , July C. Thu op. tear
house in this city has been do- ar
yed by fire. The ( litnca broke BO
during the performance , but for- BOvi
itoly no one was killed. Several fir
ons were injured , however , and th
0 were ssvural narrow cscapea tn
1 death. The aconory and ward- BUI
a \70ie ontirt-Iy destroyed. ase
. l'U '
IIIK Jlllhll.
> NIION , luly 4. Toward thocloao
"onday'd BLMsion of the commons , pri
latooo moved u resolution of Src
noy for the repression bill. The wit
ution wan adopted , the mijority for
1 moro than eight to ono , but the
ssary number of members , three Kit
Irod , were not present. Veator- KitS
Gladstone renewed the motion lie
t carried , 402 to 19. Justin Mo- mh
ly aaid the Iriahtinombora would full
the whole responsibility of paaa- con
' 10 repression bill with the gov- diet
eminent , I'Arncllitrs then loft tli
house nmiil "ironical checrinit. " A
it was Ronornlly undrrstood the con
innni would dispnso of the ropres io
bill in conunittro la t nigh' , the lion ?
waserowdul. The clause ( if th
bill passed without exciting inculonl
Die reportcf the committee will b
considered on Thursday and the fitif
rending of the bill will take plac
rut ; VKNIANB.
Dirnus , July 5. A man nninn
Kiniu-y , a laborer. as murdered lu-r
yesterday by an unknown person
The criino is charged to Fuiiune
Three pi-raons siispocied of O'linplict * ;
in the recent murder of Wnl or Jl
Itonrko ncnr Aiidrnhitn on the S'h o
.lulu1 , hhvo boon arrested at L lughori'n
It is believed thuro i * no t.\ngiblo ovi
dcticc a ainot them.
11th AllHKAUS OK IJKST 1111.1 , .
Gladstone , in moving consulor.Uioi
of the Irish imam of tent bill , stater
that the ampins church fund out o
which bill ho pr < posea landlords slnl
bo reimbineod , no amounts 2,000 ,
000. If that is not unoui > li. ttie con
Kolidatcd fund now amounting ti
JL'o 000,000 will bo used to in iko up tin
A. Pafcfil Disaster on the Ohic
Shore of Lake Erie.
A Largo Nnmbor of lilvos
A "Wrooic.
Natloml Axociiti-d Press ,
MINIIO JtJ.sunoN , O..luly 4. The
names of the lost by the sinking of the
nteamorSuistn , us far as ascertained ut.
this time are ns follows : Captain
Thomas mid son Edw.ird ( t.ho bi > du-
were found at Brilliant , three miles
bolon ) , Liuia Ilurpor , Stewart 1'ipur ,
William Booth , Charlea Davidson , Joe
Connors , all biya. It is reported that
four of the Wellavillo Iwnd are mus-
jmr , also ono or two deck hando. It
is impossible at this hour to give the
namea of the missing , but the total
will not exceed twenty. The bodies
of David Fogxrt and Stewart P.p ref
of Wul'oavillo have just been found ,
nlso the body of 11 E Haardmnro , of
East Liverpool. The bndy of n buy
by the ininiu of Smith , of Stubonvillo ,
has just boon recovered.
Mucy.o JUNCTION , O , July 5 - The
following additional victims of Scioto
disaster liavo been iilnulilieil : John
Tomlinson , Wileon H. Paul , .Inlin
Christy , Michael Emorly and wif. > ,
Eu eno P'.trmer , Link Wiight , llllia
Booth , 0. 0. Thompsrn , Ilonj S ob-
bins , Maria IJooth , Stephen Kent ,
Lincoln Thomas , Billy A. U'oods , F.
Kermerch , W. J. Hurl , D O. Shan
non , John Presser , Ch.i3. Elliot , Win.
Kiddy , Wollsville ; Miss Dray , Emr
Liverpool ; E. Houghton , Charlec. E
Davidson. M. C Stavoimon , John
CJronds , L-awis Harper , G. llnntor ,
DharJes Leitli , 0. B. Armstrong , A.
W. 15 ing , JVollsvilb ; two Cress boys
ind'nboy nuniucl Duffy , Sio'ubonvillc.
Pho impost was not begun to-night.
The lollowing passengers are miss-
ng : H. W. Bailey , n boy of East
ijiverpjol ; El ward Cufi'y , a boy of
jteubunvillH ; Arthur lloasland , son
> f Rev. B. E. HoauUnd ; A. B.
.ir , Wilson Paul , Jno. Christie and
iVilliam Evvitfg , of Wellsville ,
The Scotia is renting on a oand bnr
n fifteen feet of water near the
uiddlo of tho-stream. She HIM ding-
mally acrown the river , with buw
loiniing toward the Ohio shorn ,
rhich proves eonclufiivoly her pilot
rns trying to get her on the Ohio nirlo
f the John Lnmnn v/hon the crash
amo. Many skiffs manned by men
nth wire line , , and trow , honored
bout the veas-jl all dty grappling for
odies and search kept up without
essation until ditrkncas caused a rest.
iargo crowda of men , women nnd
liildron lined the river bank all day ,
nxiously awaiting the recovery of
ilatives. Many heart rcndinu'scoin'K
ere witnessed as the skilla brought
10 lifeless burdens to shore.
The OldcttVamnn. .
itlonil Axxoclatfil
PETKKIIOUO , N. U , July r . AFrs.
lizbeth T. Weston , the oldeat
( rson in the atato , died to-day aged
A Duel.
ATLANTA , Ga. , July 5 , A prospect- ,
o duel waa atuppud to-day by tho' (
rent of Ool. Albtrt L-itnur , mnnng'nt !
itorof The Atlanta Constitution ,
0 of the intended duolista. Ho wna
t undur § 110,000 hands. Ool.
well , thn other fire oatt-r , haa loft
? the field nnd Lamnr will follow
n beyond limits of the atnto.
ATLANTA , Ga. , July B Col. How.
, of the Atlanta Constitution , was
estod this afternoon while on his
y to n duel with Col. Lunar , of HIP
icon Telegraph. Ho was rolesaed
bond to keep the peace. It is be-
rud , however , the parties will meet
morrow in Alabama.
Political Pointers-
Llunal Associated 1'resa. isF
) III : A O , July B--Speaking of the y <
liUou of United Suites oonotor to m
coed D.vvid Davis , Senator L-jgan tli
a it is a matter in which ho proposes fo
.ako no part whatever. Ilia hands feW )
oh" and hu to
propoaca keep them ( VI
If ho hab any preference no ono 10
1 ever know it. AB thia is the th
t statement Login haa nude in thwi
i connection it will bo of interest
thu general contestants for thu br
itorehip , some of whom have buen
lining to poascau what ii known na
Logan influence. oci
TLANTA , GJ. , July 0. Returns of
nriea all over thoatato ehow that en
'ens will go into the convention Oil
i n majority of porhapH two-thirda cit
tjovornor. hv
Fatal Aooldoiit. StiI I
oal Associated 1'rmj ,
iKNANiioAir , Pa. , July B- William wo
5 , CO ycara of atja waa found in n wa
) help yeaterday , wlioro ho had ]
n accidontully , he remained un- Foi
ious until this afternoon , when ho eve
Tlio Eagle jigolii Ascends Undo
tlio Pressure of Patriotic
Spouters ,
A. General Pirmu'of Smooth
bore Vouths , Oarnou
Other Artillery.
The ImmnrtnlVortln of T. J
IVntlioil Down With Vmloni
Wlulo the Ever Proaont Small Uoy
Put Ills "Oiiokor" Whi'i-o It
Did tlio Most Dam mo.
Tlio r.nutU \Vymoro. .
pedal 1)1 t > .ttclito IIIK UKK.
WY.M.IUH , Nob. , July o. The
Fourth at Wymore , Neb , tlio magic
city , uao year old nnd wiih 1,700 pop.
uliition , hna been the gri'ai ( s' event in
tto history , aiuco the H 'yimlus' reception
tion last month , IMuo Sirim , ; , onu
milo north , joined. Fully luo him-
Irod cannon , crackers , oto. , were lir .d ,
followed later by the pmcuesU'im tnnu
each city to the grounds , meotiug bo-
tweiui the two citiva , headud by thu
U it M. bind of Wymoro , and thi1
Blue Springs cornet band. The Bar-
vices at the Gr ° ro wcro interesting
and lonctby , conaiating of music , to.ii.ts
nnd an or.i'ion by'lL > n. J J. Stead
muti. of Creston , president of the Hlue
Valley bank of this city. The oration
waa oiio of the most happy eilorta
heard in the west for yours. S lead-
in in is a grand orator nnd an intelli
gent thuiKor. Ho proplu'siid the
early nuinlg inution ot thu two cities ,
and the usuil spread oiglo stylo.
Dancing nnd thu usual iim'.iseiiuuilc
were continued up to dirk , when DlO
worth of fireworks were sent ill" . t\
gmiiu of b.uo hall \v.ia pliiyod , which
resultid 32 to J8 in favor of JJluo
Springs , nnd was very iivensting
Wymoro is very proud of her first
Fourth , being far supeiiorto any in
larger cuivs , and in keeping with thu
wonderful prosperity of the plnce. At
a mooting this morning articles of in
corporation w ; ro drawn up and
$10,000 subscribed for a struct rail
way between Wymoro und IJ'uu
Springs , ono milo north. The two
cities will bo ono in at least u year
and n half.
Crops nro splendid , much whoalj
being harvested averaging thirty-Ji/0
Inuhuls. Corn in growing rapidly ,
the warm weather and' the absence of
the bad weather that provaila elsewhere -
where helping along greatly.
Moariclc Countj'rf Celobratloii.
: orru pondinou of Thu lieu.
UAL CITV , Neb , , July 5. The
jeoplo of Central City and the imino-
liato vicinity celebrated the national
jirthday by a pcnic nt Wilbrongrovo ,
ibuut a milo eouth of the city. Vocal
iiid instrunientul music uiilivqucd the
ixercisea , which Wore followed by it
uinptuoim fpruad , into v.'hicli thi >
iiultitude , young and old , took a very
ivolj interest. Mr. II. C. Oitorhout ,
ireiiidont of the Siuto Anti-Monnp 'y '
L'aguo , uctod un mar&Iml of cerumo
iiea , diacharuinghia nrduous dutn-n to
ho satisfaction if everybody ,
ho p.Unotio juveriilcu , who wor much
hugnned by hia peremptory prderc ,
rhich interfered with the promiscuous
ischargo of Chinuso artillery. The
xcTciaca were opened by a Bek'o'ion '
f vocal music by the Central City
'loo ' club with an organ accompani-
ioiu. _ After nn impresnivo prayer ,
Ion. 'N O , 1'orainger read the declar-
tion of indepondeiico. Then followed
nno excellent music by the Contra !
ity brans band nnd another uong by
10 glee club Mr. Ojtorhout intro-
Jcud Mr. E. Kononruter , editor of
in : UKH , who delivered the oration ,
Inch was listened to with closaatton-
an throughout. The day being very
car und pleasant u d grove bainv
'll udrtpted for a hrjo picnio party ,
o giitheiing niaintaiiicd liiliiriini
irits throughout , mm waa pro
luncod on all handa to bo the moat
ioynblo nnd sociable celebration thin
d over tiikori place in Morrick
nnty since ita nottlument. J. W.
Nitw VOHK Thnrloiv Weed waa
aaunt at the dinner of thu vuttranH m
1812 , nnd it wns nudu public the
it inno that hu ia entirely blind and
i been BO for two weeks. Ilia health
Fairly good in other reapecta. The
urth was mostly colobratcd by
ing people , llnin full in the nftor
Jii. Thu weather the remainder of
i dny waa dieagrucablo. The only .
! J.
nml di'iiioiiatriition worthy of note ;
< the dinner of thu veturana of the W (
of 1812 and the celebration of thu tin
.h anniversary of Tutnmuny. Thrco
usatid person' ) wore m the hull , OK
i > y
DINOINNATI. The Fourth pansed 1 : !
liout special inoidents. No celo-
tion but buainuaii was generally
; ) uridod. Suvdral minor ucjiJonta
iry OF MEXICO.- The Fourth was
lueUatlcdlly celubwtud by Atnori-
realdonta in the park near thu
. The prino p l address was du-
rod by General Strathona , United
: CH consul goneril.
IIIOAOO. Mra. IvatoOolten'a atovo
: ht lire from an oxploeion of fire
ku nnd her daughter , aged eleven ,
bunied to death.
O.STON. The celebration of the
rth wan ono of the most general
known hero. The oration waa
rorod by (7 or , Long nt the Boston ;
'h ° ntcr. A crowd of 50,000
ih > day's programme of sports on th
c. minons.
LONDON.Tho Fourth of .July cole
bnutnn nt tlio American exchnng
was attended by a largo and lirilli.ui
i-voiy nation in KurnpoMninnliul will
the Americans 1 hu latter wcro ful
of patriotism , entlni'insm , etc. Ague
Huntingdon snnir "Thu StarHnninjliM
11 inner" and "Gud S.vvo the Q icon. '
Sr 1 ovu. John Kully nmdo tin
long tnlk at the celebration. It wn <
entirely The neualcrop o
accident * is reported ,
HITIMLO The day \vnn n donbh
aniim-miry hon , nearly M much in
terest brim ; shown in the semi contoti
ninl nnnivorwry of the iticorpnrntinr
" the city na in the national jubilop ,
Fifty thoutnnd ninumera patrolled tin
icots. Tlio ovoiil of the mor.iini :
n ii mnstor inilitnry , ina < r < nlo niul
civio precession , eight miluain luni'th ,
in which the Seventh regiment pirtic-
jl > ntfd. The cormonu's nnprnpruto tn
ting the corner uto-io of the now sol-
illt'rs und oiiloia' mnnuimvit wen1 car
ried out , during n rniu storm , liistini *
ill the uftirnoon G MI. S oiv.irt L
Woodford did not dolivur the or.iti in
owing ( it the ruin.
CONOOI i ) , MA M , There ia a lobol-
Hon in thu stntu prison ninco yiator-
d ly inorninir , the convio'a yol'ii'g '
singing , choiring nnd breaking furni
lure in the cells , Thu work shops nru
closed. The c. iso of the outbreak wns
the rofuvil of Fourth of .lu'y rocrm-
tion , owing to insubordination. No
violu'ipu was attempted.
LLWIHTON , MJC lloyn playing with
piwlur in the house of Mr . Knmvlos ,
U.unmond ntreut , set the bui'dmg ' on
tiro. Mrn. Ivninvlra nnd threu sons ,
George , Joseph and Hiishard , nnd nn
unknown lad , were injured aormusly
L'hyaicinna say all will prob.ibly die.
Fntnlly Burned.
Special Dispatch tn Thu Hoc.
HKIIIION , Neb , , lulyI , 4:40 : p. in
The b.irn of Mr. II. M. Coon Ina juat
burned , with ono buugy nndono horao.
Mrs , . Coon , who tried to aavo the
horse , waa alao burned to duith. A
lurgo family of children nnd grand
c'.i dnn nru luft ID mourn her loss.
TU C.innon Woui Ofl' .
National A ou .ml I'ro-w.
GUNKVA , FILI.MOHU Co. , Nob. July
f > A o union uXlolL'd [ on the Fourth ,
killing ono nun nnd horribly nound-
i ig other *
Dniibln l > . , , .ta at JLinuulii.
National ni-uoutoil 1'tcm.
LINCOLN , Nub. , July 5. Emma
.vid D.illio L' ' o , ii ud eighteen nnd
Lhirtoen , while ho itiug ctirhm ; tougi ,
thuir clothes c night tire nnd both
wfiv faUlly burned , yesliTday. The
mother and other daughter slightly
burned while endeavoring to rescuu
! 7fttlon l Ahrtoclatfd Trees.
A'olfti'l ill oir. Itoatoim lD < jiroiln 2 ;
jocoilri K'IIIIO , Boatona 14 , Dotroita 1.
AT OniOAno. Ohicugoa fi ; Troya 1 ;
uicond g < mo , Ohicnioa 0 , Troya 5.
Fourteen inninga w ro played ,
ATOLKVKHND. Clovolandi I I'rov-
doncea B ; econd game , Olevulanda
I , Providi'iicrs 1.
AT Uuri'Ai.o. HullaloR ! ) , Worcra-
"m 5 ; Buoond caim > , Bull'iloa 18 ,
Vorajatiira 8. G imu wua called on
.ccnunt . of l.neinifB.
AT Nt.iv Y..IIK. r.rotroiolitana | . ' <
Uliui icit f ) | V.ilu It , Mutrip < ililnii8 7-
'liuhat gimo waa pl.iyed in u heavy
howurcif ram , and vv.n culled at t'u- '
lose of the sixth inning. The fi < t > (
nine win pl.ijed in the morning , thu
ittor in the iifti'riioiin.
AT I'litiMiiKii'iiiA. A heavy rain
9iiiiiiui < cid about noon m.iturially in-
rfen d with culobrutiuuB. B.iao bil )
iimua were postponed. Thu inter-
luionul criokur tnutch wna poatponud
; the firat iimingn on account of thu
AT CiNciNNTi. Oincinnalis 1 , Ath-
utica 0. I
LONH UHANCII , July B. First rncn , i
ilu and n furlong , throo-yenr olds ]
id upward- ) , for $300 , seven untrous , I
is won by li.vrruit , Greenland necond. J
bocond race , live furlongs , for two-
ar old * , for $500 , nix entreua , waa
m by I'.zarru , Olurmol second , time
D : ) ? .
Third race , milo nnd n half , for
roe-year olds , $250 ouch , § 2,500
dud , four imtruea , waa won by
I'inymudo ' , Foreutor stcond ; timu ,
Fourth race , milo and throo-qunr-
n , Nwucpitiikua , $1JO ( each with
50 added , four entrien , waa won by
imninru , Sliduliuaecond ; time 11:081 : , fc
Fifth race , milu and thruo furlon ,
aga , for § 5'JO ' , throu entrii-u , w.ia ri
n by H railmpny , Miry Aiidoraun
end ; time iii-'iU.
Sixth ricu , thruo nnd n rpjarter
lot , awurpitukoi , gontli > nien riders , it
i Oioh , § 300 added , dix untrios , wan itof
n by Coruuir , Araonio eucond. of
Seventh racu , ste ( pie ohaio for $700 , ofN
htontriuB , waa won by Fruuk Short , N
rnadiuo si-cimd ; timu 5tO : ! ,
'Jiiw ' YOHK , July D First race ,
ct-fjuurturs of a mile , maiden at
fur-old ? , S-'OO , four entries , was atwi
i by Little Bat , Eleotur aecond ; tit
P , 1:18 : l.u
ucond race , aevun furlongs , all ud
, for 8-00 , six nntriua , waa won udmi
liodouin , Biidu Caku auuoiid ; timu , us
nird race , mile and n furlong , nil un
, for 82UO , three ontriua , wna won do
'Jaaia , O k DJQ second ; time ,
jurth rncu , milo and n quarter , nil N t
, for $250 , four entries , wua won
irambaluUu , Mule u aucond ; timu , Fo
nth rnco , thrco iniartera of u milo , ter
03 , for 8-00 , hix entries , wua won inLii
) wen Bowling , Jlary Warner BOO- Lii
I time , 1:10 : . luti
xth race , atooplo ohaae , sweep- sec
i)3 $2B each , $300 added , fourteen 81
ies , was won by Kitty Clark , Ike 2C
tiam second ; time , 240. ;
BW YOIIK , July 0. At the John BUII
L. Su'livnu nthlotlc cntcrtainmen
Washington I'ark , yesterday aftei
noon , Sullivon nnponrcd to spar nn
lighter nnd give Sl'AO if hu did nt
luio'-k him out in four thrrc-minnt
rounds. Tut ; Wilson did not nppcar
.liitimy Klliott put on the glove/tan /
n-ns knocked out in the third rouiu
K liott fought on the dcfonsiv
throughout , going to ground to nvoi
paninhmont. In the arcond round
Sullivan drew blood. In the thin
round the clmmpimi got in n ( rumen
dons right h\tulcr : muler Elliott's nose
nnd ho foil on hia back an thong !
struck by n * led o hnuniu'r. Ho wa
unable to coma l > i timo. Sullivni
shook hnndH with VMiott nnd gave hiti
? 50. lluudridn of ivihciMiiiiii wer
lirosont , nnd the croml rough.
no ATI NO.
SAKATOUI , N. Y. , Julv 5. The in
tor-colli'Kiato i-egnt'a on L.ko Ooorgi
w.ia poorly attundt'd } ustiirdny , onij
about 1,000 BpcctutoM were present
rim cighr-.ircd race did not t ki
ptnco. The four oared milo nnd nhnl
mill olniivht , nnny botwuen tin
Wi'sloyun , BiwdonUnivorhity of Ponu
sylvania , U.irni'll lunl IViuceton wan
AMU bv tlio Uuivcrsltvi'f I'o iiinylvni'i
nOyr : > , WoMoyun ! > :4' : > , I'rinoiiton 9uJ : !
Cir.oil ' . ) :5ri : , Ik.nUon O.uS. ,1. C
llonull , utroko of the 1'rincolon ,
tainted in the boat.
NKW 'N OIIK , July 5 At the nnnua
gun -a of the ctludoninn club , Dii'icni
0 It ) ss buat Cmnld Dinnum , putting
thi ) heavy atonis , thrown g the hoavj
hammer , nnd putting oigtit atonon.
CincAtio , July r > . IIHnoia darby
two milo rano , WUB won by Kitrnrr ,
with Sfnnnton second , Itu'tigal third
time , 4:00i :
Two mill ) rncp , nil agea , w'ns won by
Boot Jack , with Lid A Sdinhopo BOO-
end , John Sullivni third ; time , 4:07j. :
Ono milo ricibuat thruo and livt < ,
wn won by Motropolia in three
atraiuht , hoatn , with F.irco second ;
time , 15:01 : i ' , 2:01. :
Tlio nu'i ) und n q lartrr rnco , c < 11-
iiiL1 ; wna won by U iilntto with Ama-
/.jii ni oml ; tnnu 2:2 : 1 J.
The tlii'L'o quarter milo dnih race
was won by Oliun ; time 1:21 : if.
The milo nnd a half rnco waa won
by Flamlorf" in 2b : > \
The Iivo Inrlmig itiwh for all ngea
was by Idle I'at with Slocuin
Bucond ; timu 1,0 ! ) .
Thrto qunrturn of n milo rnco for
nuidxim nus uon by John Henry with
In'rinuia second ; timu 1:27.
The three year old rnco , ono mile ,
wnn won by B > a'nun , JCDBO JIUIILB
Bccond ; time 2:01 : A
Tim qu nor of a miln rnco wns won
by Vgiu Kuday with Kirly Bird second
end ; innu f > ( U.
NatimiM ABflociiitod I'rer.t.
BOSTON , July o. A fire thio morn
ing in the bmldii g 41 to 4 ! ) , Federal
atri'ot , damaged ni § 15,000 worth.
NhwYouic , July 5 II. d Mitchell
it ( Jo'u o.indlo factory , corner of First
and Fourth streets , burned to-night ;
losaSlCO.OOO ,
MONTIUHL , July 5 The round
IIOIIGO of the S nit heaatern railroad
buniod ; loss § 100,000.
CuiUAiin , July 5 Jolmaon iV An-
luraon'd furniture factory burned thin
ii rni i ; . Lass , § 40,000 ; inauraneo ,
attnnr.l Ansin
Wii.t.iA.M.srowN , Mima , July B.
Jlnsi U.iy iv\urciau of Willinma cullugo
ntiiinancod to-day. J. J\I Barker , of
'iititlifld , wr. oho rd trustee in p'aco
f G.nfijld The Girliuld memorial
rinriiiw , | irceuiited liy 0jrti W. Field ,
'us ' formally delivered In the college
nthoriiiea by the HOD of ux-1'rosidont
lopkiiifi. The immoriiil address on
10 latu Pri'fcidnnt G.irliold WIIB ready
y llov. De. 1' , of New York ,
hrcu thuiHiind dollura ndditionnl
oroHubaonued to the Gailiuld mo-
loriul profuaaorahip fund ,
Miulonl Ma'iimn.
illonn ] Ai > tclutuil I't * n
CIIIOAOO , July B.--Tho aixth un-
iinl muutniK of the Music Teachora *
ationnl association began to-diy in
urchoy hall , with good nttundnncu.
iau Arthur , of Cincinnati , mudo the
tuning nddrosa. lluv. Dr. II. W.
: iomus delivurod nn nddruaa of wul-
mu , followed by nu oimiy on mu-
: nl interpretation by Prof. W. S. B
ntthuwH. In the nfternoon nsHaya
ire road on "Rluiio in Public Wor-
ip , " und on "Elumontnry Singing. "
to euaolon will bo continued to-mor-
Jonal AwDcltteil I'IIIHI , ,
N'rw YOI.K , July f Sailed , Odur J
Bri'mun , Scuta of ( Jeer ia furOlus
Hjlturdam for Unturdum ; nr
oil , Uuluii from ( J
llAMnuitn , July 5. Arrived 4th ,
eland from Now York.
[ .iivKitrooi , , July 5 Arrived , Spain
in Now York.
ii\hn 5.-- Arrived Stuto
\ ( > \v , July - - , Gl
l'onna > lvuiiia from Now Voile. ll' '
. .lu'y C Silled , State of
vnda for Now York ,
Ditvltt ut Tror- wi
Innal Anocla'.ou
1'iiov , N. Y. , July 5 , Owing to the 00
rm thu picnic t < f the land leapuu 00Oi
i not as great n aucccsn aa wna nn- du
patud , but thu [ iroceation was very an
; o and impoeing. Mr. Davitt'a Id
resi waa llatt'iied to by a largo CO
leneu. Hit explained his position COTJ
n hurmoiiy with the viewa of Pur- TJwn
i and other luadcrf , Thuy wore fui
ted in all details of their CO
lands. * dr ;
Sportlnc Gh-ls. 11 :
inul go
.1 ciiKHTi'.u , N. Y. , July 4 , The an
rth WUH dull , rainy , nnd generally goi
grucublo. The most interest cun-
d ut thu Driving Park , und ( hero , ow
lie tun milo running riiuu between wa
io Pinnuo nnd Murtiu Puuku , thor onMi
> r won in 20 minutua and 'J4
nils , including changes , occupying ticiJ
iccondB , making the actual timu
ninutcB nnd 13 seconds , Mian tlpii
IUO'B time wua 27 minutes and 9
lids , including 79 seconds con.
: d in making 7 ohangca. wat
Quarter Oentonnlal of the Settle
ment of Hall Oounty ,
Reunion of the Pionoora Who
Laid the Pouudhtlonof
Qrnnd Island. "
The Celebration Being Oom-
bmed With the Fourth of
July Festivities.
A Mouator Procession Cover
ing ft Period of 'wonty-
Five Years.
Oration of Gar. John C Oowin
Upon thft Occaaiou.
Hou. Fred. H ddo on thn Pio-
iieora and Dr. Millar on
the Valley.
RoiunrlcK ol lion. J. E. Boyil on
Early Scoiion in the Sot-
The Anornoon Uncos Tbo Fireworks
-AiulthoDuy Generally.
SUH Corro | < omlcnc ol Tlio Deo.
GiuND ISLAND , .Tuly 4 , ( ABOUT HID-
NIOUT ) . Grand liland is proud of
hnrsulf nnd every ono of her four thou
sand citizona ia proud of her and proud | " they belong to and nro ft part of '
the enterprising city. Thia being the
25th year of the Duttlumont of the \
county by the D.ivonport colony they
determined to muko it ono that will
bo rumomburod long uftor they have
cunsod to view the results of their
earthly work. To this end , they ar
ranged for n monster celebration to
occur in conjunction with the 4th of
July exercisew of the younger gunora-
tion. And to say that thu day pacsed
pleasantly and joyously ia but to
fiiiutly htnto the truth.
Anxioiu for thu successor * the qmr-
ter-contonniul , ninny had doubts otiho
weather during Monday night , but for
oncu at liTiat thu croakers were disap
pointed nnd the light of dawn dis
played n cloudhsa oKy , followed soon
by u Bunrho lit for the anniversary
day of the nation , and soon again fol
lowed by thu booming of the national
aalutu , 118 guns , froir the old picco of
artillury left with the Grand lal.ind
community yeara ago by Gen. Curtis ,
iia a means of protection from Indians. .
The fatal accident on Decoration da.jr
by the premature diajlmrgo of the"
piece warned thoao in command to bo
careful nnd the nrtillery waa placed in
the care of Mr. Elbcrt Oorbm , n vot-
urnn nrtillurymnn , who handled it in n
inannur that the people of Alda , eight
lilies away nnd ut Hanson , down the'
3t. Joe road I don't know how far ,
luard it and Blurtud for the county
mat immudiiitely ,
Thu morning und the early forenoon
vuro spent in puody preparation for
ho procession which wua to nturt juat
.a anon ua it cou d , but which couldn't
; ot undur way till 11 o'clock But
. 'hen it Htarted it ivaa one that the
r.inu Tdlandera will not BOOH forget.
Tlio ProeoiRloti.
W. A. DL-UU ! was grand marshal and
'AB nt the head of the column , at-
Jiuled by aovurnl ainull boa na aides ,
II mounted.
na commanded by Guo. D Hetzul
nd H. II. Glover , nsnai < jtnnt mar-
win , nnd represented Hall county
om 18n7 to 1808.
First came the Grand lalond cornet
uid , 12 piecea , under 1'rof. Uurtling ,
Then followed the settlers in their
airio schoonurs , Iivo in number ,
awu by oxen , the huads of fuuiilios
uering the ooncorna with oxgads. A
inilar representation of the so-called
'ood Jtivur auttloment followed.
Next came old "I'ap" Lamb , the
itoran alugo driver , who curried pau-
ngern'iiito Grand Inland on the first
ncn that run in 185S ) . Ho had thu
:1 : couuh , now tune- worn and much-
ttored , but iitill serviceable.
Then camu u wagon representing the
tit browury in that regi in , that of
nius K. Ii ) > yil , .it Woud lltvar ,
The | ii muer bluukamith of Hall
inty , Jjinua Miuhclaon , follor/'od
Ih n rtpruBuntation of hia shop ua it
'ii wua ,
IViigon loads of Mormon und Cali-
ma umigranla caino next , and then
uduoud luo aimilo of Ft. Indupund-
! i' , Win , Siolluy'a place of refuge in
troubluBumo timea.
party of horseman in foathora
I paint , representing Sioux on the
niith , followed , and behind them
irgo float which recalled to the old
: lora their fort named after Uun.
tin , but familiarity nnd n great
1 better known na "Fc. Nixcumor-
" commanded by Col. Henry A.
anig , und guarded by the settlers'
ipany under Capt , Prod. Huby.
i cannon followed , and behind that
i the masterpiece of t'.io day , u very
hful representation.thu flrat lo-
mtivo that reached GrAnd Inland ,
wing n carload of mi-rchandise.
'au two llontH ntru dvaigued und
; en up by Mutant II. O. Brown
C. L. llowtll , and they showed
ius in their wurk.
ho first blow try of Grand Island ,
lud by John Kraft , followed. It
an ordinary wash boiler on an
nary cook stove , and Mr. und
Kraft went through the opera-
a aa they did then ,
iniua deary's pioneer hardware
was ut the end of the first dim -
m , \
commanded by Copt. W. U. Lai >