Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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    ( \
The Omaha Be
PnbHihcd every morning , cie p * Son
Khe otuy Mon y womlng dally.
Dno Vsar 810.00 I Three Month * , t
Hx Month * . o.OO | Ono
THE WKKKLY BEE , pnbllelied
ty Wodi.oxlny.
One Year ? 2.00 I Three Months. .
HliSlcttha. . . 1.00 I Ono . .
or Newsdealers In the ITnltcU States.
ttllon * relallnt ? to NowiandKdltorlaln
en rhould ' * > nddrcwod to the Kmrot
ffHB 15FK.
IiS'.tetn and UcrnltUncea nliould bo
dieiwod to THR OHAIU PcisusmiiO 0
TAHT , OMAHA. Draft * , Check * and IN
.ffico Ordera to bo tnado payable to
rdet ol the Company
The BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Proi
Ki RO3S WATER , Editor.
LracconUnco with the timo-honor
'custom of THK IJnn , no paper will
iflsuod from those headquarters t
morrow morning , it being dinco
tinuod for ono day in honor/ > f 11
mtional anniversary.
HOUR of the papers are spoiling
knavy department ,
IT is a question whether May
Doyd is not bored of public works.
Anuu lli'.v in looking for anotln
Hoses to load the foreigners out >
THE Buffalo Exerts * pronounces tl
Iowa amendment as about aa cluni !
n piece of English composition na
has over scon.
candidates for ooi
grossman-at-largo have cropped out i
Kansas. The reaper whoEo name
political death will harvoat ninotoe
of the twenty-four.
IJKN liUTMiu ia preparing for h
biennial floj ) , nnd will anon turn
handspring into the MasaachwHotl
political ring aa an administration n
publican. The sympathy of the coui
try will at once bo extended to tli
SOME interesting studios of the at
vance in prices during the laat twolv
months have boon made by the PubU *
Comparing the prices in the middl
of Juno last year and this , it appeal
that the advance in grain haa boc
ono.fifth , in meats nearly. , one
third , in dairy products nero than oni
half ; in sugar the advance haa bee
trifling. Altogether the ad van CD lit
' boon rather moro than 25 per con
§ 74.02 being required , Juno 30 , 188 !
I' ' V to purchaao the food that could ha
boon puchaaod Juno M , 1881 , f <
SG'J.70. In clothing , metals , an
i lumber there has boon scarcely an
change in pricos. Since November
1878 , the advance In grain haa boci
moro than ono half , in moats near ] ,
ono-haU , in dairy products a littl
Icen , in sugar n very amall advance
Altogether the advance of prices ii
food has boon CO per cent , what it
November , 1878 , coat ? 4'J.51 , uov
costing $74. 93. Prices of clothing
metal and lumber have also advanced
but in smaller percentage * ) . Aggregating
gating all these classus of articles , i
Is shown that what now coats ? M4.5 !
cost only J108.7G in November , 1878
Prices at that time were much lowe ;
than they wcro before the war. Tin
articles included in the J'tiMto tablci
would have coat $13-1.74 at thn pricci
in January , 1800 , and ? 128. { > 8 a yoai
THK recent railroad accident at Long
Branch cauaea the Now\ork 3'uiic& tu
moralize over the criminal negligence
of railroads nnd tlicir success in evad
ing the penalty of their carolcEsncse
in the protection of human life. It
claims with truth that corporal ! one
employ able lawyers and control large
funds , which they are alwaya ready to
use for the defeat of justice when ita
shafts are aimed at them. Cases
against them arising from what are
called "accidents" are delayed until
the facts are well-nigh forgotten and
Bufibrurs have no help from public
soutimont , and then they got olT with
very inadequate penalties for their
wrong doing. So long as the condi
tion of the law and the method of its
administration admit of this , wo must
expect that negligence and reckless-
uess will continue. The managers of
the companies will take chtmcos
which would bo carefully avoided if
disasters resulting from careless.
ness wore euro to bring upon
thorn prompt and heavy losses.
Aside from the question of criminal
penalties , provision ought to bo made
for summarily exacting damages of a
severely exemplary charactorfor every
lots of lifo or injury to person. Dam
ages for such loss and injury can only
bo exemplary , for no money will pay
family and friends for the visitation of
death. There can bo no adequate
compensation for anguish and suffer
ing or for permanent mutilation , Uut
if the law provided that railroad com
panies should pay $100,000 for every
lifo dottroyod and correspondingly
largoaums for personal injuries in-
flic ted through their own neglect or
the carelessness of their servants there
would bo a diminution of these disas
tors. They would bo too expensive to
Pig Iron Kelly is boasting T
loudly over the passage of the in
nnl revenue bill by the house , 1
measure , which is a very weak im
shift , if passed by the senate
signed by the president , will rod
the receipts of the internal rove
department eomo § 23,000,000 throi
the repeal of thotaxusonbank choc
matches , pcJfumcry , patent tnodici
and the reduction ot the stamp tax
cigarottoa. This wondotful acliic
inent ia the result of months of I
tling in the committee on wave r
moms , in which all the rcuourccn t
the great monopoly lobby w
brought to bear upn its members
order to secure a still greater decrc
in the internal revenue with the hi
of preventing any reduction in I
The entire annual revenue of c
government exceeds § -100,000,01
Last year wo had a surplus rovcnuo
150,000,000 , which nuni roprcsci
the amount uselessly extracted
direct and indirect taxation from t
[ ) ockols of the people. Even with t
axtravauant appropriations of t
present congrosa the surplus at tl
jncl of the fiscal year ending .Juno 3
1883 , will bo in the neighborhood
At the opening of the scaaiou
iongrcss the appeal of the unci
: ountry was for an Immediate at
loavy reduction of taxation. Tl
> coplo who are taxed through au i
: ongroua and iniquitous tariff c
ivory article of domestic conaumptio
Icmandod n speedy revision of tl
ariir. Their demands were mot 1
ho appointment of a tariff comini
ion , which will postpone any r
ision of our custom duties forat loa
hrco years. Aa n foil to the ai
ocatcs of tariff revision tl
obby of the monopolists urged thi
ho internal revenue taxes which a lie
ho pockets of the producers least (
11 ohould bo dccrcaaod to the tune
170,000,000. This plan was advoca
d by Judge Kelly , who is the char
lion of the protected interests , ai
fho fought with all the vigor of
pocial attorney after u fat foe eve ,
ttompt to lower the duties. Jud ;
Colloy'a plan was original and wee ;
iig. Ho proposed to lift all taxatic
rom tobacco , and continue the taxi
n sugar and blankota , on iron an
reel , the articles of univoraal coi
umption by rich and poor.
The taxes which have boon rcpoalc
roro war measures , and ought Ion
go to have disappeared from the sta
a hooka. But Mr. Kelley and h
arty are aorioualy miatakcn if the
nagino for a moment that the coui
ry will bo satisfied with the sop whia
laa boon thrown at it by the waj
nd means committee of which ho
At a meeting held n few dayj ago i
lincoln the following peculiar roaoh ;
on waa presented and passed by
nanimons vote :
"Jlcsohcil , That wo hold every nmi
i enemy of his country who would ii
ly way thwart the will of the mu
irity. "
Slnco when has a man who attempt
i change u majority to i > minority
) ou clasaod as n public enemy ? la i
it a fact that every s-roat rotorm hit
ion accomplished through oppoaitioi
i majority sentiment ? Wore lUohan
obdon and John Stuart Mill publii
lomies when they urged througt
irliamont after parliament the ropoa
the corn lawn , although at lirst op
isod by an ovorwholmiiig majority o :
uglish votora ? How would the Lin
In convention class the original
lolitionists , who were an insignifi.
nt minority when they that preached
oir crusade against slavery ? Who
day denounces thorn na public
omios ?
Every great wrong strongly on-
mchod behind a mistaken public
inion has boon righted through ro-
tanco to majorities. The ranku of
mblio onomies" according to the
linition ( juoted have boon swelled by
u names of the greatest statosmun
the present and past age. Our na-
inal history is rich with the achieve-
Jills of minorities which have be-
1110 majorities only by opposing the
inciplos or theories of the majorities
lich they succeeded. The voice of
3 people ia not always the voice of
id , and rifht on the scaffold in the
il triumphs over wrong on the
one. Everyone will concede that
on the will of the majority has
'stalized itself into law , rosiatanco to
f becomes crime. For this there
Cbo no excuse. The only resort
ich remains for the minority in
ih a case is to repeal the law which
iy believe to be opposed to the
nciples of good government or in
nqonism to a sound political econo-
. This can only bo done by in-
mcing public sentiment and the
jority is thwarted by itself aiding
transferring the minority into a
Pho sooner the idea is dispelled that
ilnority has no rights which the ma-
ity ia bound to ruspect , the better
rill bo for all elastics of our people
o are interested in the working * of
rcsontative government. While
30110 of the loading principles of u
uocracy that majorities must rule ,
s also juit as important n principle
t nothing shall impede the right of
9 discussion , and that rocog-
ion must bo accorded that largo
body of our citizens who form the
tolligcnt minority on every gro.U qi
tion of the day. It is the opposi
of strong minorities which acts aa
balance wheel to our political sya
and holds in check ambition and
triguo fortified by a weighty and p
orfu' public sentiment. It ia nocr
to honestly agrco with a minority
to work for its principled and the t
is very far distant when n man i
attempts to thwart the will of a ,
jority will bo generally classed in I
free country as a "public enemy. "
A subscriber from Beatrice ,
homo of Ex-Sunator Paddock , wri
us to enquire "what are the duties
the Utah commission , and what it
expected to accomplish. " The Ui
commission ia appointed to s l
motion the machinery by which is
intended that Utah shall be wrcsl
from the control of polyRirr
and polygamy itself discouraged. ( Jm
the supervision of the commission 1
present territorial legislature is to
dissolved and n now election 'he !
Only those can register and vole wire
i\ro not disqualified by the provision
the anti-polygamy billtho diequalifii
tion consisting in livinq in the po
famous relation or in cohabitati
with moro tlinn ono woman. T
[ mrtion of the act relaxing to t
Jutios of the commission provides ;
That all the rocistMti'jn and olecti
iflicos of every description in the t <
ritory of Utah are hereby declari
vacant , and each and every duty i
ating to the registration of votei
iho conduct of olcctioiip , thorecoivii
> r rejection of votes and the canvi
ling and .returning of the same , ai
, hp issuing of certificates or oth
tvidcnco of election in said torritor
ihall , until other provision bo mai
jy the logialaturo assembly of aa
, erritory aa is hereafter * * pr
'ided , bo performed undi
ho existing laws of tl
Jnitod States and of said territory I
iropor persons , who shall bo appoin
id to execute such ollicoa and perfor
inch dutica by a board of five poraoi
ippointcd by the president , by or
vith the advice nnd consent of tl
lonato , not moro than three of whoi
ihall bo momboniof ono political parl
md a majority of whom shall bo a qu <
urn. The members of auid board
* * ahall each rcceivo a salary at tl ;
atoof _ § 3,000 per annum and sha
ontimio in olliue until the locislativ
iBsombly of said territory shall malt
iroviaion for filling said offices as hen
u authorized.
It will bo BOOH that the duties i
ho commirsion are merely to diset
ranchiao actual palygamiats. A
lioso are numerically few when con
ared with the whole Mormon popi
ition , there is no hope that the torr
orial legislature will bo placed i
Smitilo hands. The relief which tli
ioard will cauio will bo only ten
iorary , na the powers of the commi
ion close when , the Ittg'mlativo HBBOII
dy is organized. AVliat is there to ket
ffairH when this takes place , froi
ailing at once into the same old rt
ith the uolo exception that votin
nd holding offices by n ouiull minorit
ill bo prohibitoil. Like all othc
immisalaiJii created by the preaer
nigroas , the Utah commission i
leroly n meann to meet u popular d
land by the uppointment of a how
Dt-to-do-it board of commissioners.
BnooKB ha * started ou his Kuropen :
mkotting trip , which will bo con
acted at the oxponao of the govern
out. The Republican in his absonc
ill bo conducted aa usual , at the ox
3H30 of the railroads.
ACCOIUIINO to the Chicago Time
o gallown route is that in which thi
isaoDKor is loudest in his profossloni
having found the right road. AI
o duitoaus are auro of salvation ,
il for Europe , The United State *
not to bo deprived of both its groal
mancers. Ell Perkins still tread :
i native heath.
"Emerson as u Poet , " by Edwin P.
hippie , is ono of the best critical
Jmatcs that has seen the light ,
lydraulic Pressure in Wall street , "
[ losing the tricks and devices of
> ck manipulation , ia a subject of
) public cannot learn too much.
0 diacovory of a great ruined city
Guatemala is the central interest in
a.rnay'8 eleventh article on "lluina
Central America. " There are two
pors on the civil service question ,
B , "The Things Which llemain , "
Hail Hamilton , who labors to re-
ire the civil sorvloo from the aspor-
ua caat upon it on account of Gui-
U'B crime ; the other , the "Business
Office Seeking , " by Richard Grant
iito , who forcibly portrays the
ral ilia that como from the peron-
1 struggle for place. Finally , l-'ran-
Marion Crawford , son of the omin-
. American sculptor , writes of
'also ' Tunto in Art , " and indicates
tain directions in which art culture
; ht bo developed under the condi-
is of lifo existing in the United
June , published by Montague
rka , 123 Union Square , N. V. , 9011-
is a finely illustrated notice of the
is SAOII ! , with special reference to
pictures by American artists , and
so coming to this country , There
capital practical articles on model-
in clay ; some timely hints on the
oration of country "boxes , " Iho
t of a scries of articles on illumi
nated manuscripts , and the u
liberal array of designs for china pa
ing , embroidery , etc.
Professor McBride leads off in
July Popular Science with an acco
nf "Plant Cells and Their Contcn
and is followed by M. Charles Li
in a description of "Porcelain and
Art. of its Production. " The dove !
ment of inusclp and the effects of
kind * of exercise is thoroughly coi
cd in "Iho Phynlology nf Exorcit
A "Curious Burmese Tribe" near
woatorn border of China is doecnl
by Lieut. ICn-itlcr. "Tho Problc
of Property , " and "Tho Ethics
Vivisection" are articles well
ecribod by their captions. "H iraj
America" is : i subject of interest
miny. Huxley's "Phjslcal Hauls
Lifo" is treated in Francis M. Whil
" " "Tho J
paper on "Protoplasm.
chanics of Intermittent Springs , "
Otto Wai I orh defer , ia illuUrat
Mrs. 7 . D Underbill takes to ti
Miaa Hardakor'n views on thoinfcri
ily of women. "Tho Relation
Alusio to Mental Progrcas , " "hit
duction to the Study of Fishca , " " 1
Davolopmont of Cities , " and oil
matters of value conclude the nutnbi
The numbers for the 10th and Hi
of Juno contain the following articli
"Jonathan Swift , " "The Arcady
Our Grandfathers , " "Marcus Aui
lius Antoniuo , " "Tho Liat King
Tahiti , " "A Visit to the Queen
Hurmali , " and ' ChatloaLamb and 1
Friends , " "A la Mode in 1800
"Poor White Trash , " and "Tho Co
vent of Monte Olivoto , near Siena
' The Next World , " and "In Mom
rum , " "Dr. John Brown , " "Ic
Making in India , " and "ThoPopesii
Library , " "llourow Tranalatioua
with Instalments of "The Ladies Ly
doroa1 "Aunt Mono , " and "Cecily
tind the usual amount of poetry.
The Juno number contains half
lozen Brtjclea of length and impo
tanco sufficient to entitle them to tl
liatinction of spporato books , Th
itylo of treating its chosen subjects
ivhat places the International in tl
'rmit rank of magazines in its lin
I'ho ' table of contents is aa follow
'Tho Genesis ot Modern Abolttioi
am , " by Hon. George W. Juliai
'Tho Progress of Some Wester
Hates and Cities , " by Robert P. Peer
er ; "Pessimism and the Signs of Ih
L'imcp , " by Dr. Felix L. Oswald ; "Ii
ah DiHiffection and Eegliah Lt' iBli
ion , " by Prof. JolmOrr ; "Mr. Lov
ill and the Irish American Suspects ,
iy George Walton Grec-n ; "The Aflir
ty and Divergence of Verso and Mi
ic , " by Emily E. Ford : Book III
| G\VS.
or July takes advanced grounds th
nonth , and , while othera are talkin
nd speculating over the probable a <
ion of the horao in motion , a vor
luportant question , as the facts di :
loao , comes out with an article cor
aining a forty four figures , roprodui
d from the instantaneous Hashes f
hq camera , showing the exact pos
ion of the animal at each of the twoi
y four feet traveled. The time ti
: on in the inukuig of theao sun-pii
urea can bo faintly conceived when ;
n known that the spokes of a aulkj
Irawn by a fast trotter , are shown i
liatinct lines quite to the felloe of tli
rheol , and that in a fa t run the tuf ;
if the horse'd tall , as it waves r.-ithh
trido , are easily maikcd. Th
'consecutive positions ot tL
L-gs in the stride of a running hors
com ludicrous and almost inipoaoibh
iut the testimony of the zeotropu he
ilonced all doubt. " Lovera of yachl
: ig will bo greatly interested in n
lluatratud paper on the "Evolution the
ho American Yacht. " The loug lis
f contents caunot bo mentioned , bn
; would hardly be just to fail t
otico the growing interest nnd im
rovemonts in the departments
'Topics ' of the Time , " "Literature ,
Homo and Society , " "Tho World'
fork " "Bric-a-Brao"ctc. The
, - - , pub
shers are making continual progress
, 'on whore advance Boomed impoa
Federal Taxation.
ulTulo KxMrcBg.
TJio problem of tariff reform havin |
jen postponed for one , two , or threi
jars nobody knows how long bj
10 appointment of a how not-to-do-i
mminBion , and the subjnct.of roduc
g i itori ' rdvonue taxatfon havinj
ion pushed upon congruss by the ud
icatos of protected industries , wn hat
isterday the natural result of such i
ilioy in an attempt to lift all taxatiai
am tobacco. Next will doubtless bi
froo-whiaky or a freo-bocr scheme
) tux the sugar and the blankota aiu
u pots and kettles of the people , ant
furnish them tobacco and whiskj
; o this ia the financial policy to
ird which the Forty-seventh con
oss seema to be working its odioui
LY.It nooda no acquaintance with the
inciples of political economy tc
oar anybody the utter viciousncss
thiu policy. If there art ) in thi
irld any productions that are pure-
luxuries and absolutely unnecos
"y , they uro whisky and tobacco. 1
cation makes them hard to got am
icouragcs their 11.10 , all the better
xation is no burden to the com
inity in this case. On the contrary
ia a benefit , Thu is all the moro
) fact because the tax falls oxclu
ely on the consumer. It burdona
body else. To lift such taxes aa
) so , and leave the enormous bur
in of the war-tariff on articloa of
union necessity and universal uao ia
policy so monstrous , an abuse ol
tesmanship so gross , that words
I to fitly characterize it.
tut ! that , there ia too much reason
fear , ia what we are coming to ,
o revenue is so superabundant that
must be reduced. No party can
0 the country and justify taxation
ioh puts into the treasury § 150 , .
) ,000 a year moro than suiUciont to
> py ! the needs of our wantonly ox
vagant government. Of couraa all
isidorations of justice , of expori-
: c , and of good sense , dictate the
uction of tariff rather than internal
enuo taxation. The tariff pro-
: oa nearly u hundred million
lurs u year moro than
Internal revenue. The tariff
iblea the coat of every pound of
ur and moro than doubles the coat
uvory article of iron or of wool
so articles of universal conaump-
1 by rich and poor.
Iut the action of congress on the
ff commission shows that the pro-
ed industries to which the people
pay enormously enhanced by pro
tion have a great many advocate
the capitol and the people at h
fow. Will these proportions <
change ? and , it so , when ? Not ,
fear , till panic and depression L
the country a few moro sharp loasi
De Witt howh for a cheese factory.
An O Id Fellows lodgs ia to be nrg n
lilnciln merchants coniplnfn of a '
dull fleanoti ,
A St. .Toe dealer has already beer
> iebrnik City to Imy ice.
Tbo lxiren ! [ PITS there in n heavy c
OAttiw liquor trallie In JJealrice.
The Cititral City ] > est ffico h s 1
r.uied t' the third class , salary 91,200.
It no Mitchell , nged 1C , while ball
nenr Beatrice ou the 27th , wag d ownet
Them are three minll pox case ? In
hospital outside of i'luttjimmili nnd on
ton n.
II in. J , II , Caee , member of tlio hr
from Clay , died nt his ( arm near Fnirf
on the 28th ,
The Iowa editorial asHooi ttiun , 01
bum to Denver , will s on Ia Lincoln , .
gu&t 17tli.
Aa'ou II , Latham and Lincoln llroi
PlatUmouth burijlnM , pleaded guilty i
K05 one year each.
A D.uvnon county man in in jail awi
ing trinl on the of toalluj ( a ho
from n liomeatcad ,
I'coiilo in Central City nre miking c
liohlud tin ir house. , in which to tuko
fiigo when the hurticauc > cumc.
Antliony Jlorje , aged ' 13 , while at w <
[ u th- field near Cmter vlile , Uodgocouu
on the 28tli , waa killed by lightning.
Lou Schofni ito , of Falln City , v
kicked In the back by a stallion last wei
jnd it was feared /or n time ho would d
F. 1' . McClelland went to Fullerton fn
Chicago with it two story house nud bai
M framed and ready to nut together
A ( ion of Mr. IJeadly , near Fairfield , i
: eived a bad wound onu day lust xreekfrc
pr jcoling nail on a board on which
At Falls City on the 23th , , T. I , ( lam
VM lined $310 and given 20dayH in jnil f
ryin ' 1 1 bribe n jury in a case in whch I
ra ) plnintilf.
The house of Mr. MuCullnugli , at Do
hcstcr , WHS htruck by llghtnmfj on tl
L'lth nnd all poisons in it Btunuod.
UK lying beneutu a ttovo WUH killed.
During the storm in linono county r
he 27tu , the school hoiue in diitrict !
w otruclc by lightning atd Lucy Steven
ged J 1 , inst.mtly ki.led. No one eo \ w :
There has been no spread of the sma
iox at , Uoluuiburt an I the diseaHa ! H coi
ined to the partida wlio weie taken to tl
Wymorp wants to be incorporated , m
ho comiuiosionera of Giu-o c mnty do m
.ill disposed to concede the supjrior ir
antagtH ol n corporate town to the nmbi
ioua village.
The Columbus council has ordered tl :
inrHhal to stop killing doga ou the street ;
e must catch the animals , snatch thci
ito an alley nnd there dispatch them b
: io quickest route.
Ono of the tines of a pitchfork struck
brec-year-old daughter of Ii. N. Mor-o , t
'rernimt , in the back of the neck , and tl
hild has been paralyzed since. An oldt
hild threw the fork at the little one.
An unknown man went into Ilenr
lowland's potato lutchatl'lattimouth on
ay last week otut when lIowlAnd' littl
m Willie anked him what ho wantc
liero the scoundrel throw a quantity c
ittiol in the boy' * faca , roriously injurin
Ason _ uf Adolph .Tohiuon , of Maripos
recinct , Sounders county , was carried b
ho high wind on the 25th into n crce
oma distance awuy from the house , n
rowned. The reaidouco was also destroy
J by the gilo.
A tcrriblo accident happened in th
mtliern part of llnutings on the UGtl
Irs. Jvute Snydcr , a Htniian who makt
'ashing her Lusluesa , was tcrubbing th
oor nn i ha t a can of concentrated ly
landiug on a stool near by. Her littl
liild , about one year old , got hold of th
in and drank part of thoojiiU-ntu. Deal
tuned almost instantly.
A distressing accident occurred at ( Ju'i
ertson thu of her day. Ayaung lady o ;
Drseback saw n gentleman friend on th
[ ipinito side of the street and called t
im that she wouH ride him down. A
lu neared him ho threw up his handc
hlch scared the horse , and in jumping t
itch the anim&l , the gentleman rupturoi
is suspenders , causing on accident tha
akoa him blush all over whenever h
links of It.
A frightful accident occurred yentcrda1
jout two milen east of Klijah Villey'j
hlch resulted in the killing outright easter
[ aster Chanie Kamsey. lie had boci
orking in the field , and on seeing a fctorn
lining up , starte i to the hoafe. nud no
mug time to unhitch his team , left then
. the ba n. When about midway be
rcen the IIUUEO ami barn ho wan stiucl
I lightning. He is roorted to have beet
i uun-unlly bright and Intelligent boy
id hu parents aio i-adly bereaved. . 1U
; o is 1 1 years. Kxprees.
Col. I'lillpott , attorney for the widow o !
e late JeBe Campln , who was killed ir
.e stabbing affray with .lumefl trillin a1
incoln , huu commenced suit in tht > illn
let court to recover $10OvO dMiiajjen
Jin 1' . W. O'Connor , proprietor of tin
loon where it U alleged that Cainpin
irchosed his liijuor. It is understood
i t Cauipin waa intoxicated when lit
mil lenceil the quarrel with Urifliu , ami
is nl lived that ho and liin partner pur
ased theif liquor tit tti9 saloon aiulor the
rat National bank , which in run in the
me of T. W. O'Connor , The widow
01 for monty to support herself nud
ice railleries * children.
Whild working with a larim grindstone ,
n by horao power , nt Klunvuod , Cast
unty , Wednesday , u son-in-law of Mr.
almes , of Hock Ululid , named John
ichinn was seriously , if not fatally hurt.
IB atone wnu revolving at a tremendiiin
ecd , 1,800 revolutions a mliiuto , wlien
i journal on which It waa placed , gave
> y , splitting the heavy stone in tha ecu-
. One half of it struck the unfortunate
rkmnn full in the forehead , smashinu-
i head , and splitting his face , nose and
itith. The blow entirely destroyed hla
i bight , literally tearing the light eye
L of the socket. Dr. Harp was called ,
t nt l.iat accounts the poor man waiatill
conscious nnd n raving maniac , His ro-
cry is yery doubtful , PlatUmouth
ogon ana Washington Flouring
toria Journal of Commerce.
The aoaaou which has just closed
i been a favorable ono for the mills
Oregon and Waahincjton , as the fact
Becoming apparent to all that it is
.or . to ship flour foreighn than the
ole ijrain hence the staady do-
nd for ho staff of lifo in prefer-
o. The Imperial a-ills at Oregon
y , in nine months ending May 1 ,
ned out 100,000 barreU. The
ok mill at the eauia place turned
au enormous amount. The Salem
la for a great portion of the same
0 made 500 barrels daily , while the
rth Salem mills ground 200 barrola
ly while running. The famoua
1 Star mills alto made a line run.
[ > or Valley inille , without an oxcop-
i , made satisfactory seasons , and
irging their capacity is now the erIn -
, In Eistern Oregon and .Wash-
ton the mills were scarcely able to
it the demand by tunning night
day. Many now ones have been
erected , and the enormous immi
tion the present year will more t
keep them all buay to supply
makct ,
Vnlloy County Lands Seilllns Rnp !
Uugo Crops n Cortalnty-Itn-
provomsnts nt the
County Seat.
Correspondence of the Uee.
Oui ) , Valley County , Neb-Juno
Thia county is certainly on aboi
The prospect for the early complet
of a railroad to its borders has gi
this county the greatest impotm
now arrivals that it has over h
North Loup , the present proapcc-
tortuinus of the railroad , is growing
only a now western railroad town i
grow. Lota , within the laat oi :
days , have grown to fabulous pri
and are being sold rapidly at from
to § 8 per foot. Ono would mtura
think that dirt in that locality \
scarce , but the residents there arou
are prepared for the emergency a
the high prices , as nearly every qu
tor flection has been or ia being laid c
and ulattcd aa additions to the ori ;
nal town uite. It ia no nncomm
thing to see trains ot "ochoonei
driving through the dillorent partn
the county seeking locations , win re
to light. And another ovidcticeof 1
future prosperity of this county
that nearly all of the now comers a
provided with a few head of cattle
aheep with which to make a start , af
they all aoem to be provided wi
ducats enough to pay their -VT :
until they can open up _
Farm anrl raise a ere
Jr reap an income from the growt
uid increase of their stock" . TI
rush haa largely increased the sail
ia well as the prices of land in th
iounty. Already there has boon sol
u this county this year moro lanii
han any whole year previous , an
till there is plenty land yet to b
lad. lands solla from 54 to § 10 a
ere , improved farina with coed builc
IIRS go as high as $15 to 518.
Crops throughout thio whole nortli
rest country give promise of a :
bundant yield , the acreage Is largo
lian it hon ever been , and if th
resent prospect matures rightly
lioro will bo uced of a railroad t
nrry away the grain.
Ord still continues to improve , am
ho class cf buildings goinif thia seasoi
ro , by far , moro Biibatantial than tur
ot built. The Odd Fellows are jus
omplotinp ; a largo two-story build
ig , the first story for a busineei
oem and the aecond story for a lodgi
oom. The lumber is now beinj
laced on the burnt district for tin
rcction of two moro business houses
110 ono on Ilorfou's corner to bi
unilar to the Odd Followfl' , two-atorv ,
0 by 50 foot.
A number of good sized dwelling !
ave been and are being erected ,
mging in cost from § 1,000 to $2,000 ,
'ho ' churches , the Methodist nnc
taptiat , are nearinc ; completion. Thi
laptiat church ia to bo dedicated thi
Gth prox. , when I auppaao wo willbi
old how much the world owoa to thi
Imrch , and the Knale of which will be
Uoya , cauio down. "
The great inquiry in thia town is ,
ow long will the railroad remain ai
forth Loup ? and when it will leavi
Forth Loup , will it come to Ord , 01
111 it crosn the river and dvivi
; raight for Fort Hnrtaunl Unfortu.
atoly for thia town , thu town site
ad the only available l.\nd adjoining
10 town site ia owned by one family ,
ad they are like some ether people
0 have heard of , so greedy of their
wn interests that they will sooner 01
iter kill the hpn that is soon , in theii
io , to lay their golden eggs.
The political caldron in this ropre-
mtativo district begins to warm up.
torn the extra hand shaking , we
) unt the present number of aspirants
1 the number of six. The early bird ,
.c. , but moro anon. * * *
Senator WIndom was a tailjr in a small
lilo town ,
They nay Iletuy Ward Heecher euioyi
jaretto smoking.
Ex-Secretary hlaiuo will move into fan
iv honso in November.
K Lu'ee , a daughter of e.x-Senator
ulee , is called the moit beautiful woman
Wiwhmgtou this feason.
Ihey fay Wm. A , Wheeler H about to
jrry again , and that it was crinoline , not
hliue , that kept him from the tariff com-
MrJ-'V 1'\I > JI1ake. "f Uloomiiigton , is
inndumo for tlio repub'ican ' nonilnntiou
judge of McLean county , but hin op-
nents may lay him out flat.
Mr. Jacob H. Schifi , of New York , lia
en S10.000 und Air. .lease Sellgman im
tins Lieb &Co. 8."i.CCO eich , I ir the re
f of the destitute Jliuelau Jewish refn
) < airivin ! ' In that city.
I'lio Sulten of Morocco hasjcommijsion
a Iron h photographer to photogrup
his wives , amouuting to the
I. No one ia to be permitted to se
mi but himRelf , as ho alone will hava a
f to the locked albumin which they wll
IVesMent Gravy , of France , hai beei
Boated with the order of the CloMei
: ece by the king of S ain , his neck be
' adorned by the same collar worn 1
i late Cz ir Alexander II. Thia order i
3 of tha most distlngmMied in all Ku ,
M'H aviFrbeen fou l'od ' in 112'J ' bj
illippe 11 f. , diixo of llurgnndy.
Jar,968l the av nBclIst , la thus dejcrtbei
a Western papei t "HU deeii blue eye
liquid lustre , are somotim-ja as gentle a
.ov a , and then as piercing as an eagle's
love l , a broad white brow ; below , hU
tureahave n captivating combination o
manly sweetness and nmnly tren th
W'1 Vf. Wy ,8otnc" ' /"lls fl
fectly molded hrad
upon hu shapely
iulder. , and a crisp , tawny beard
lower part of hU face. "
'W" ? fr ° m C , ° K'So9 ,
, ronchitii. Losa
, of AMce , or any
n or the Throat and
Lungs , are re.
to call at 0. P. ( Joodman'- drug
-e and get a Trial llottle of Dr. King's
LV DUcovcry for Comumption , free of
rse , which will convince theni of its
iderful merits and show whnt a regular
irbizo bottla will do. Call esrly
General Undertakers ,
a. E a. < fc c 3sc BJ ra ?
Dot. rornnm nnd Oonglai.
McUUli , Wood auJ ClotliCoureJ
tinlly on him ] . Orders liom iho
( From lli < < Borfcm GloCnv ]
J/wini. E lltors
The t TO In Rood lllccncM t.f Itn. .
Lam , of Lynn , Man. . ho nlnirp all otter huimn IK-III |
tn.iy l truthfully rnlUU Iho "Ponr Friend of Woman , "
Bitotno of licr com-fpondontn lore to call her. Eho
l * alou'ly devoUnl to her work , hlrh It the outcome
of a life study , nnd ii olllged to kwp riliuly
Wmit" , to help her nnswcr the lirf corrcuponilcnc-c
which dolly ( iciirtln ujioii her , fnoli tx > ringlt p | < rcli ]
Iranlcn ot nifTorliiff , or Joy at rHpn < - from It. Her
VctrctnUerotiijKmndUa mcdMne for peed and not
tivU puir < i . I harp personally InviatlgnUdltand
unmtUflnl of thn truth of thin.
On account nf IK proton nicrlK It N ir > coinmpndfd
and pmrrlhcil by tlirbcsl jihyslclani In the country.
Ono enysi "It worl.9 ULo a charm nnd saves much
pnln , It will euro entirely thx worst form of falling-
ot the ut < ru , Ixucorrhron , Irropilar and painful
Menstruation , all OrarlanTixniljlp * , Inflammation and
Ulccrntlon , Flooding' , all Il phpciucnU nndtliccon-
c < iui > ntFplntlueal < nc < ) itaiid U i iechUlyadaptiil tu
tlio ChaiiRo of Ufo.1
ItM-nnpati-iic frypoitIonof tlio pystcm , ruidRtrci
new life and % iRor , It n-moTn falntnru , Ontiilcncy ,
dc lrojaallrm Insf r stimulantand rrltpvuweak-
np of thettom.ii h. It iiiivi IHoattaj.IIivul.K ! %
Nirtouarroolmtlon , flntural Utbllltjr , SlwptrampM ,
Depression and Indlgeit Ion. Tlmtfoollni ; nf tearing
downcautInRpaincljit and backarhp , In nlna } >
I nnnaeiitlyc"Umlli } Itsi.-o. Itwlllntalltlniiinnd
und"r all rlrpnin tani'c- < , net In harmony vltli the law
that KOI c rim the fcniali' > } hteni.
It COEH only $1. | r hottlonr Bit for J5and la Hold My
drupRUN Any ndvlro rrqulmla to cpcvlal cafoa , nnd
Ihn iminf < of many who Imo In'cn i Cftored to perfect
httolth by llio HSO of the VoKOtalloComtioiindcanlo
oMalncd ty acldrelnsMrs.l > . , ltli ttampfor reply ,
it her lioino InLjnn , Itasa ,
For Kldnpy Complaint otttfin- sex IhLi compound l
BnTTiri ftB cd asnhtindnnt te * < tlninnlaJst > lio\v.
"Mrs. rinUiam'rtLhcrl'UlV'Hiysonowiltpr , "are
' ' fn thn tmrftt for the euro of Constipation ,
IHlauwpM nnd Torpidity of the liver. Her Illooil
.MrlOcr works won'era In Hu sp. cal ! line and bids faire
o c < iu.M tlio Compound In Hi iwpularity.
AU murt ro i > ct lierna nn Aupftl of Miafy who < > jl
.mMtlon Is to Ooirnod to others.
I'hlUidcliihla. 1'a , ( . ! ) Mr * . A. M. I ) .
T-T- - - i
'an ' Be Handled By a Boy.
ic Im need nc\cr l/o tikan off the wazon ami
all thorhcllcU
rain and Grass Seed Is Save
It 03Bt3lc.3 < i thin the old style facks. Every
Ludard Witfon Is told with our rack complo.o
Dr buy the attachment * nid.pp'v tlinn to
urold uaston bo * . Tor wlo In A'obrajka by
I. C. C'M'iK , L iitoln.
klANNiva & Hiw , .
FRED -'roar. , Grind Ii and.
[ Uaanrrr & aitKKf , imit nig.
jpANootitite FUNK , Kcd Cloud.
3. II. CKANB & Co. , Itvil Oak , Iowa ,
tj. W. llUHSKt , .Oonwoo1 , lowi
\ml pvcrv first cl > 8 il&ilcr In the west. A k
: m for dcscrip'.Uo circular or Kami dlru-ct
McOallum Bros. Hamifg Co. ,
Olikc , 21 West I-ako Street , Chlcngo.
_ _ _ _ _ niavZU-lw
for gale by
lenry Timken ,
Improved lop 1882.
Ivory housekcopor foola the want of
11 , better , quicker and cheaper
Wvtf " "V8" J * is the ON"
i blUVK nnde with thn rm
tOV ° ' wayfro the heat ;
"S \ ° lr.arfailgomont ABSOLUTE
SUl 'f " 1S ° u/odi " o S can bois
y TolU-v per cout raora
oilw -
is obtained the
, mcka are pro.
od twice as long , thus saving the
SB fCOa8taUt trimu "C a"d the
i MOM roil ,
you will buy no
. , ManulicturcU only by tbi
itor Oil Stove Do , UloyelaudO ,
ndtor descriptive circular or oill
f. Bosun * Bon , amenta for No.
} <