TTIB DAJIA' BED : TUESDAY , JULY 4 1.-82. BRUTAL BUSINESS. . Campbell and Wnlliu , Two of Colorado's Famoua Pu > ? i- liote , Do a "Tough nnd Fait" B&ttle in West Virginia. At the End of Thirty-One Hotly Contested Round ? . The Friends of Walling Throw Up the Spougo. Ttto Fight In Dotnll"A Very QtUot Aflalr. " Thlladclphln Ilecord. GIIKENHIIOUOUOH , I'i . , .Juno 28. The pnzn Hk'lit botwouii Campbell mid Walling took plnco to-dny , suvcn mid ono-hnlf nnlu-s from this town , in thu farm of Mr. Kvnrtri , on jroiiongftholii county , Wcat Virginia. The ba'tlo- ground was in a bottom , undur the grattful slmdo of a locunt trcu , sur rounded by forout-covorud hilla. " 1 ho ropes and stakes wcro arr.ingod nt ! ) -20 a. rn. , and thirty-livo iiiinulca Intnr Wnllitig atcppod into tlio ring and waited for Campbell , who fol lowed him in about ton minutes. The demeanor of the two men differed widely. Walling was very quiet nnd undemonstrative , but Campbell throw hia hat into the inclosuro with a whoop ore ho crossed thoropee. "Ont > hundred dollars 1 win this fight , yelled Campbell. Nobody took him up , and the proceedings opened with the choosing of the usual ofllcmln , as follows : llofcroo , Pat Kelly ; _ time keeper , James Johnson ; umpire for Walling , James Pearson , and for Campbell , Calvin Cusart. Campbell's seconds wore I'eto Sweeney and Chas. llobinson , while P.itsy Malloy and George Johnson handled Walling. The toss for corners resulted in favor of Campbell , and ho placed his adver sary where the sun would ahino in hio oyos. There was a drizzling fall of rain at the time , but before dip fight waa ended the nun shone brightly. The roforco made a short epocch , say ing that the men had coino all the w-iy from Colorado to settle the question as to which was the better man , and asking for them a fair ohow and no favor. The crowd by this time had reached to about UOO portions , the newt that a prino fight was to take plao having attracted nearly all the inal population within a radius of oovora miles. At 10:19 : the principals and seconds shook hand , Campbell play' fully bidding SValling good-by us he returned to his corner. At JO:2C : o'clock time was called for. Hound 1 The men advanced an retired , feinted and gyrated cautious ly for a full minute. At last Cam pbol rushed in and planted a blow on Wall ing'a chest , which waa promptly returned turned ; but the blow did not stop Campbell in a fioroo lunge at Walling'a atomaoh , which knocked , him entirely off his foot. First knock-down for ' . -Campbell. " ' " Hound 2 Oainioua np rritg -\ra -followed by a blow on Walling'a cheat that staggered him. The latter re covered siifllciontly to bestow a hard Tap on Campbell's cheek bone , for whicltCampbell knocked him down. Hound -This was a tough round. The men got within range at once , and their sledco-liammer fists played the "Anvil Chorus" on each oihor'u faces in quick time. Campbell slipped down on the wet grass and the lam- ages were summed up as a Meedinu eyebrow for Campbell , for which Walling was allowed first blood , and a broken finger for Walling the third on Ilia right hand. Hound 4 Walling's loft hand was in good condition thus far , and ho proved the fact by driving it with a atraight-from-the-shouldcr blow into Campbell's left eye. Campbell slipped but recovered , and after exchanging a few rapid budy blows the men fell together. Hound 5 Campbell rushod'in with ono of his favorite lunges at the Jibs Walling , who seemed to have got the power of both hands into Inn left , dealt his opponent two or three ter rific left-handers in the eyo.stuul nose , getting away with very light punish ment , A clinch resulted in a fall for both men. Walling had decidedly Uio best of this round. Campbell's face was bathed in blood , while Walling showed scarcely any marks. Hound 0 This was the hottest round of the fight. Campbell led off with a resounding thump in the ribs AValling returned ono with his left in Campbell' * ) face , and they fought all - over the ring in a desperate manner , each giving and receiving blows that Boemod heavy enough to foil an ox , Campbell at last got in a tolling blow under Walling's chin and knocked him into his corner. Hound 7 When the seconds ex amined the injuries of their men it was found that Walling's loft hand was disabled as well as his right , and in the same manner. Campbell looked ao badly before that it waa hard to tell whether ho was any worse now or not. Walling was in a bad state now that his only serviceable fist was out of order , but he did the besthooould , After a few exchanges in the fac ho fell to avoid punishment , but Camp bell , who \vus wa'ching him closely , got in an uppur cut as lie wont down that raised a big bump over the right eye. eye.Hound Hound 8 Campbell appeared ( o know that something was wrong with Walling , and rushed at him with a painful blow on the eye. Walling lot fly with both hands , visiting Ins nian'u nose and eyes with sanguinary and darkening effect. Hound 0 to 12 The next four rounds were all in Waiting's favor , he making up for his lack of striking nbil- ity by getting in most of his rather feeble blows without return , _ Hound -Campbell , who began to nitons of weakness in his legs , threw all his strength into a running blow at Waiting's ribs , following it up with another over the left oyo. JIo 10- coivod smash on thu nose , and then Walling dropped , CainuboU's face waa in a raw condition , However , he atill smiled as well as the condition of his features would allow , and loudly expressed confidence of winning the Kttlo. The rest of the fight was a repetition of the previous rounds. Wal'ing ' , though Buffering iutuuio pain from hit broken knuckles every time ho struck his opponent , cnrno up to tlio scratch in Rood Mian * "lil lhe end ' " the thirty-first round. i this round , after fighting pretty evenly Ml oxer HID rintf , Campbell wound up by planting stroke on the ing a wicked , crushing sitfo of Waiting's neck , which dropped him. It is seconds picked up the fal len fighter , and found that tlio last blow hail fiHahcd him. "V went the sponge at 10:51 : , am d the yell * "f dnnpbol ) nnd hli friends the latter lifting tlio victor and carrying him arnnnd the ring. Campbell pissed around the hat for the bnrielit of the vanquished man , nnd railed ? 0 , which was handed over to Walling with tlio assurance that no ill will wan entertained against him by his l. to antagonist. An eoon > the light was over the oxcurMoim'B returned to IJrownsvillo by the steamer Harry , and thence In / train to PittsbutK. The battle w o ono of the liardost and finical cv K fought. Never to JJtito ttio Monil- Tliotaa * .1. Ardcn. Wllllivn ctrcf > t , 'lUffa ! " , writer : "Yniir Hl'lllM. 15' . haH w rlto i on mo ftpltmUii. J liar' , „ , , „ . , . iiotltoj u cd to sleep badly iiml g t up in tlio imirnltiiMinrtfrrihcil ; mv l'i' ' , * ih w n nml I RUlFerod fn \cry offensive M B vpro lioiwlaiho ; lnco u ! nfyoiir Hrir , nn HI.OS- BOM nil tliceo vymuluiiiH Iwvo VP nicliod ntul I feel quito well. ' 1'rlco HO jmts , trln ! bottler 10 ccntB , jtily-ld&w LIST OF LETT fins hi roitolfico tin finj ( u,0 , wecc July 1 , 1882. nKNTt-r-MKN. .Andrews , D 2 Auli A-orth , II uidcrtion , J W Ant croon , , J Andrews , J 15 At demon , li H Amnmmi , I/I' Hr own , ( ! J ) i 1'rjinil. Tons of tlinuHands of ilollnra are . dored yi'urly ti | > ou tniU'limiiiuck | , who go from town to town prof mint ; to euro nil thu ilia tlmt our poor Immunity U heir to , Why will not the publio learn common , tu.dii they aio biiircilut ; from ( Iy4- or liver complaint , iuveit dollar In SriUNU ll.ObniM. ! ) sold by nil drugfjUta and inilorno i by the f.ioidty. See tostlnui- uiiiU , 1'rlco 50 cents , trial bottles 10 coats. July lil&w FAST TIME ! ai tike the Uliicago & ern UNYO Oinih. .0 p. m * nd7IO : . IB full InformitloucaJlon il. 1' , DUK.L , Tlcie trent , Hth aud fjrnruvin bti J. JIKI.L , U , t kl y U | > otori.t JAUUHT 01.AUK , Qo fe * lfK't , ( " < H , . 1.17mAn THE KENDALL PLiira&IiCHfflE ! IiBESS-OTiBS1 OOHPANIOH , il pli.luf root I- ) cl a n inoli t > . > . ! .Ui In tl u ( X r 4,4i ( olu rt flnic 1 1. ! s II ilu.Mtll l.lut ( riuJKtjl olil..1Mu ) { In use , l Jy tnat dow htrown Urmu iu Hlaj tin d D di without on : * nluo plaitlni : It t-o it r ttMio , If fti't ' ( ttcif , Fc M ( < rr , t r rr I' r i > tirtm t'ONPAR & CO. . Jl. & . H , , ' ' - - # | BSVKI2lWn lW * J UM Rw FORTHEP RMAJENTCUREOF ? COW STIPATBOW. NO i in thfa * . . _ , nnd no r'-m'xly 83 A _ Oonntlpnti < n IL IIW t jii'-uj ? WCmYo' "W1 tfl.1' - - . ' l l K1DJJKV cr the can " \ however wi o r , „ „ „ „ ti PB / KTC Tnifl < Il tror | nr ( com- r fc.iu.O plaint Is very ari. o Ix i-TS JB wtwl with co-ntlrntlon , " \vort iivnRthPnitho ( wnakonM pnrta And A qulc Tlurray Iron forks , j Burlington Iowa , Soml Portable Engines , FOR csKAiiiuir.s : , fAKii m\\a \ \ , Printiii'r Offices , Ktc. , Tlio Largest Iron \Vorkint Eatahliah- inuiit in thu State. MANUFACTURKUS OF Steam Engines , AND GENERAL MACHINERY. The Howard Automatic ( Jut-Off Steam Engine , Send lor Clrcuhrn In23-lm With Dlillousncss Won't Do. In thin uni.r.inlu di8u sc ; > U lir iijlit on A dli > ortcrcifllnri the con ci | .unco . of n foul Btoin- ath i d iilxtructiil liowtli , and the Mry bt-ut pripiritlon In oxislenio tn ] > ut tlicrn In prrfoct order and kiep tliini HJ. U TAKKAHT'H SOLD IIY AM. DRUOOIhTH JSt-fnii B880. SHGRTLfHE. S83S , _ KANSAS GITY , StJoB&ConneflBln OHIT Direct kins to ST. LOUIS / . . " THKKAfiT From Oixi. ' > . 'iannd thoWef3t. A traluii Icavu It. M. Depot , Omaha : Nob. No ch nio til U.IH Drii/eau Onuba And t } > . fcuit b'J > u i i ( wean OltAHA end . HVOrtK , Daily Passenger Trains SBiCUISC ALL rUBTKnU AND WEtTTnRN 01TlE8wthLE3 ! > CnAl'.UUfl n'lIN AmMNCKo/ Ol'IIKIl LJNR- * rntlro Iln in C < IIIMI | trllh nlltain'i Patsco fllotp.nif Cf.r ? , I'jklncu liCe ) ohe . rnfoiy I'lctiorm and L'anpicr , nd tU ? cui Wutlm hoLVj Air-bra ) : ? . fVlico kbit your ticket u-i.'li % 7A rvAIOJE on vT. . JCURPH ft COCJHCIL ULUKira u n rcii'l , vlr , yt' . Jnni nn 1 Ut. l/oulA Tlcii'i ! lot oi > ! x'j all ronion stf.tloni lu ILi iVw ; . J. i' . DAHNAItU , 0. OAWIM , Oo-j. Rupc. , St. Jiduph , No A Uon 1'Mi. red Tic -ot At ; : . , St. Jovob , t5- . AKuir Jlnr.urj" , Tictic t Asour , IC.M ; ' vnh o ( tru'it. W. J.DAVKM-onT , Oon k-ul ARoat , 1 / J / WE for Uio rimes and Yronoliorons .Written by h tlu only IKo nutioil/cl ! ly her , and which will not bo a "Ilload and Thunder" story , such M ha been ill Ho pulll9ti d , but n true Lllo by the only p raou u ho la la iitwcsdon ot the facts a fal hful and dovotcdrlto. . Titith In moro Intercntin , ; than fiction. Agents shouM apply ( or territory at oino SeinJ 76 cU. for Sam ple Dook. J. H. CluimborH & Co. , ni . .onilwrt i . * * To AUMlNlSTUATOll'S SALK. Notice in hereby given thnt by virtue of an order of H.VO fasuod out of the district court in nnd for Douglas county , Nebras ka. unil to ma directed , ns admtmatrntor of the cHtuto of CornulhiH Moran , do council , I will , On tin 15th dny of July. 18SI' , nt tlio south door of the court houno of Hnid county. In Uinnlm , Nehraxkn , at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of mid day , soil at imbllo sale to thu highest biiltlor the following dcHcrilied | ir ] > erty , to wit : LoU No , ton (10) ( ) . eltivou (11) ( ) mid twelve ( I'J ) , in block No. olnlit (8) ( ) , in Wilcox's nil- ditioii to the city of On nhn , Nuhrnukn , uiul nil the nppiirtcnancoH thorcunto bo- Thin Halo ; \ ill bo kept open one hour from naid 10 o'clock on bidd d.iy , that is to ny until 11 o'clock. . DKXNIS HIIANAIIAN , Ailininixtrator , _ tl 11111 'JO-dailyOt-TucMlay. _ _ _ EUROPEAN HOTEL , t'oiucT South anil Locust Stre U. " * J * l I1UKST. - - .Prop. lloimis , 7fic , § l.COaiidl.r)01VrDay Au cU' .int Ilrttaiiront la connected ultli this homo , n livrv nuula am ben ml at rta > oimblu | irlccs OIILII Jl , mil uii'ht , inlO-in D. WELTY , ( Snooosior to O. T. Mutiut < ) Manufacturer and DuVcr In Saddles Harness , , Whips , FANOV IIORSK CLOTHING Robes , Dusters aud Turf Goods UKSCnil'TlOKS , Agent ( or Jas. K. Hill .V Co. ' ) CONCORD HARNESS "Tho Best in The World ? Onlert BoilcHc 1. OMAHA , NEU Sioux Gity ft Mftc THE SIOUX OITY ROU1 > Hum Solid Trtlo DircuKh ' Council Dlufle to St. Pftv.l Without Ohrnge Tl-nft. Otilv 17 Hour * C O > UttKS Til' . CI'-'kflTtt ROCi''t . ? * c OOUNOIb BLUFFS TO ST. PAUt , MIIfK < WLCTB OR BTSSfARCK ml Ml polnta In Northern low * . Minnesota / ( ! ki.tx Th ( nne In equipped with lh Imp-fi . 'i W * * lrirtifM i Anhmn'lc \it--r Kl ) ir.i ! I i : nJ (9t lttn"irH c'1 PiilliPur , Paln-1 Sleeping 0 > itn liifn-Th WrtHOtl C "ASCIIS brt otB Kid mltty fcnrl 8t. P nl , v't ' rotlndl Bluffi li SlOUJt Oil ) . Trili" ) lnvo Union I'su c Tlantftr ( . ' . Co i < ell niuDt , it 7:56 : 11 , m. Wlv on 01 K ni , City. Ht Jo-opt ) and Cwll Illulj triln ffi. thosou'h. Arrlvtru i.t ; .l us tilt ? 11-a.i p. m intl at the Hiw 1'tilon 1'fjxit it flf. PAU' ' it IS V mon. j v notme M > vAf.a ! or Amunut' , - UOUTX trlUiriMnb r lu ( aUriftbo Mot J ( try Uou * } ouif ! tRThioui.h Train. I'lic ih9rui > l Litho the Qxitcl'mt Tluio Mid a romforttbm Htt < la it uKh Oars Intwren COUNU ! < Ur.UFI AND ST. IWUIh * arMiot ! hut your Tl ( Ji to&Jl ltui" ' -'It ; r.ud fMlflc IUUrci > . ' JS. WATTLKa , J.K.BUU A.NAh Knfcrlntorulcnt. C"1"1' ' I'MAtoit p , E. p.oniNSioi/ : dou'i r < w. A/-t , Mliwoiltl Vftlitj la. W. K. DAVIS. SoutJiwo * ir. Air < tit , ( rnn.l Hiiiffl lena QUAY'S SPECIFIC TRADE MARK TSo Uf ! MARK P * Sporinator rhta , Impel cmiy , ml Ml BEFtiRETARiao.Bc < itincc oi AFTER TARIKO , Solt-AIti o ; as Lowi of Memory , Cnltoni ! LMI ! tuilo , Vain In the l.ici ! ! , Illumes ? ol Vision , I'rc mature Old ABO , and nr.n > otlivr Diseases thr.t load to Inn.inity or C'oiiHUmptlon and a I'rcma turo Oravc. fcirt'ull pattlculara In our pnmrhlct , which wo dcfilro to ncnd free t v mall to every one taTTho Spocifl illullclno Ifl sold l > y nil drui'lst8 at $1 per pacliaxo , or 0 pack ? ca tor ? fi , or will bo 8oni frco by mall on rcet pt of Ilio money , b > addrcaslu ? THKOItA IUDICIKKCO. , Bun lo , N. Y. To Nervous Sufferers THE CHEAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson'o Specific II la potlTocuro | tor Sperntonh ( , F.omlna tVcokuc ° o , Itnpolanoy , aud til tllnensuu ri"njHlni ( rcm Selr-Abuo ? , rj Mental Anxlciy , I/cnai 'timory , Valoa in the DarU orBldct Rud illsciru " " thntlcadto rnt trna to nitVdto lor Ibua rad get ( all pn- ( Ionian. Ptle , ErtclCc , 71 Cfl par pck.ije , or Blx pick- vgoa ( or tiM , Afjinjt nil omcra to E. 3IMCON MBDICZNK CO. NOB. 10 ! and Id ! Mr.ln ht. BuQalo , N. Y Sold In Omaha by 0. F. Goodman , J. V/ . Bell , J.K. Ish. and all Jrucirljtjn.T jywlior < i. . i Mfc- ItlH tlioconcnrrrnt tculitnony ofthc publicand Ihninoli lunl pro o ion thit ilo tetttr'H SKIMI- och Itittcrtl amedl ln "Inch clueiis risiilts BI orcllt' fo't ' , tlnroucli and benign DOM in ritt- Oh'tfllUTdiHcmlc'r ' , It lilt ( , ° ratcs tliefccblc , coil' quirikidno and bUddcr ( ompialnta , and I us tcn Hiouim.iU'SCcjico rf 'hoio icerncrliu'from cnreoblln ill uiscs Moreover , It 13 tlio jraiid Bpvcillo ( or filter and ayiio. For Bale by all druggldtB and donlcra Roncrnllj jl teal KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. The Most Succenful Remedy over iliscov croj , as it IscorWln in Its crtocts and does riot blister. HEAD I'KOOr J1ULOW. Also onccllont far human flesh. FROM A PROMINENT PHYSICIAN. Washlngtcmlllo , Ohio , Juno 17. If SI li n. J. KKMJALI. , & Co : flouts -Heading your a < vcttUcmont In Turf , Field and 1'iirm , ol > om KonJall's Bpivlii Cure , a cl having a ; alinblo and speedy horao nhlch hail been limo from ppivlu ( or olgbtoou month ) , I ocnt to jou ( or bottle hy oxgircsi ) , which In nix wcoku rvmoiotl all lamcncu and onlarKcmont niul a large epl'nt ' Irani another homo , and both hordca ara to-day RJieouml as coltn. Thu ono hottle WAS worth ta o ono hundred dolhrs. Itegptctlully j'.r * , H. A , b. itrotHrr. SI. I ) . Komi for Illuatniod circular jh Injr positive Iirool. 1'rlcojl. All Drui.vl tH have It or cm cctltfor you. Pr. 11. J. Kendull It Co1 , I'ro- jirlotnr * , Knoihtiriih Kails , Vt. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. SYPHILIS inanyetngo EOZBMA , Old Sores , 1'iniples , BOILS , O * l\lf S'dn ' Disease Cures When Hot Springs Pail lUvius , AUK. , il y 1S31 Wo h-kYe aid In cnr n tana who lived at HotSprlugt , end were finally cured with 8 , 8. S IF YOU Uoulitconio to too us and t K WILL CUIIK VOUU OU charge nothlnir 11 V/rlte tot urtlcuUra and copy of llttla Ilooa - ' f SI.MM ) n wnra > } > l U to ny t-'iuU ; who will Him , on ntiiljsla luo rattle 8. S. 8.ono nartlclaof IkTcury , Iodide 1'oti. eluru orauy lllncral ( utwUnoe. HWHT 81'KCmo CO I'wjue , Atliiit * I'rtce of Small slzo , ll.W. L.ML'0 ( tldll.TA- Sold by KEKNABD EB05 6 CC " Mrb .1. < Kulnrtiion , riitstmric , I'n , wrlti-s"I M Bufferingfrom general dihilltx , want of * tp , 'tltr , constipation , etc. , to that life was a l > ur den ; nftr in > r Ilurdock Blood Hitters I felt bet tor than for j i-ar * . I cannot pra'so ' > our Hitters too much. " K. Glbbs , nf Buffalo , N. Y. , writer " \our ItuMoclc llc ! < tlltlcr * , In chronic diseases of th hlooil. liter r..J kldnejs , hate been fclKnall ; marked with micccss. Iliatc uied them liijscl with liwt result * , for torpidity of Iholiter , and In cnnoof a friend of tnlns suliertn ; from dropsy , the ctlcct wan roar * clous. " Itnlco Turner , Rochester , N. Y.w rites' 'I ht\e been subject to pcnoui diionlcr of the klcliirj' ) . and unable to attend to Imslncsi ; Burdock IJIooil Hitters relictcd nio In fore half a bottle was used 1 ( eel confident that they will cntlrcl ) cure mo. " A'eulth Hall , Itlnghimpton , N. Y. , writer "I suffered with n dull pain threuzh nn eft hint ; and shoulder. Ixist my spirit" , appetite and color , and could with dlllluilty keep up all day. Tooli jour Ilurdock Illood Hitters IM < ll- rcttnl , nnd have felt no lull , slnic first wicl : af tcr usini ; them. " Mr. Noih Bates , Klrnlra , N. Y. , writes : "About ( our ) cars ago I hid an atta * k of bilious tecr.ani ! nc\cr fullrccovrrcil. . .My dl > ; catlto organs ere wnaketiul , and I would tin completely pros trated ( or days. After using tv\o bottles of jour Ilurdock Illood Hitters thcl mpro\cincnt wu * so M Ible that \tanastonl4hiid , 1 can now. though 01 J cars of nc , do a fair and reasonable di > ' 8 work. C Ilhckct Roblnton , proprietor of The Cinad1 Preshjterlan , Toronto , Out. , writes : "For j cars I suffirid prcallj from oft-recurring heailachc. 1 used j our Ilurdock Hlood BltUrs with happiest results , and I now find ravsclf In better hcaltl than for > cars past. " lira. Wallace , Bullalo , N. Y , writes : ' ! have used Ilurdock lilood llltttrm for nencus nnd hll Ions headaches , and can recomtr.enJ It to anyone requiring a euro for bllllousncss. ' Mrs. Ira Mullnolland , All any , K. Y , nri'ce "Forsexcral jcarj 1 hate ° u ftrti1 frciuaftiynr rlns billions headaches , djepepila , nnd com1 plaints peculiar to my BOX. Smeo twin ; , ' your Ilurdock Blood Bittrrs I am entirely relict cd. " Prlci. 91.00 DOI Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Ct . N. y. Bold at wholesale by Ish tt McMalion and C. F , Oondman. 1o 27 ood-inn ,1 / / / / / W A R N C Pt ' & ? . ? / ' _ ' . _ Diicaso Is an c fleet , not a cause. Its origin In within ; Its manifestations without , lience , to euro the disease the CALmtnust ha remotcd , nnc tn no .other ; way cay a euro , ever I o cffectod WARNETVS SAFE irtDNBY AND Jjl Vf.ll CURE is established on just thu princiiilo. U realizes that 95 Per Cent. ofall diseases arlru from deranged l.idneja an liter , and It strikes nt once nt the root of the dlllicultj. The cleme- of which It is composed act dlrectlv upon 'hose ' fcreat organs , both aa a FOOD n d HK.STORER , and , by pHUti } ; Hum In a i.ealthj , conditicn , drue dUcase and pam from 1'or the inumcrabln troub'ts caiiBcd by un- Iu-alth } K Inejs , Liter and Urinary Orjrans ; ( or the diitre sinjr Disorder J of M'omcn , for Multna an physi. . ' diranffLinoiita Rcnorall } , thi3 rea ( rcm d\ has ici ctguil. U ware o ( impostors , im tatioi s ml raiiLOttionsfnid tn bo just ai irood. I'or Diabetes , as ( or W ARNMi'S SAFE " ivo'3- / : < DIABETES C0UEivo'3 tor sale bt all dialers. H. U. WARNER EC. CO. . mo Rochester W. Y The Qreal Lnglish Eemedy TIIAPt N'cTcr ( ilia t * ciiio N'ertous Dobl'ity ' , Vi tal Uxlnustlon , llmU- ilons , Seminal Wcak- nesscs.LOST MAN HOOD , , and all the nUlclfccts of youth' ' fill follies and LXCCH tea. It ftojxi penna llently nil wijikt.nliv. mtoluntary los < sane Irains upon the } s- em , the Inet liable re- ult of these enlprac- tn CD , uhich ire uo dcutruotlt o to mind and rady MI.I IIMIKI I fo inist-r llc ) , often leading to Iniant- ij at , > J , all It fi'renk'thcni ) the NervesItraln , ( m inoru Illood , Mnv'lcs , I > I'c tli o and Hcpro- dU'tneUru ' ns , It restores to all the oru-auic fun in nn their former tltfor and Utility , ma ink' llfo cheerful and enjoyable. I'rico , f3 'lOttle , or four times tru quantity J10. Sent by express. Kccuro from ohs , rvation. to anyaddrta- ) , on receipt of price. No. C O. L ) . Bunt , except on receipt of 1 as a cuarautiu. Letters rj questln ; nnstt crs must Inelouo Bttmp , Dr. Mintie'a Dandelion Pilln ere tr \iett \ and choajwit d > epepsia and llllotn ! cu'c 11 thomarkit. Sold by all druft'lstn. 1'ileo CO I'uiitj , Iw MiNiiit'H KiiiNKT Ilsvrnr , N C'urt'HJll Idnilof Kidnvynud bluldorconiplalutn. Kouoirhua , ijloet and loiiiorrlioi. Kor cao i > ) all f il a battle. EM1L1SH MCUICAL INSTITUTE , TlSOIItoSt , St. Louis , Mo. For Sale in Omalu by 0. F. OQOOMAN. tOlMnt itt I DM ! ni > rL f 7 hr.tlu i 11 \i A ij.u Hop B. on . " ' if ) ou a ' in" u , rnu tuairu , dlacafc of t.i rutfiurn , { .lUVlt tlllOll. Ji < rurirnt > i be , -iiriJlf jouti e Hop Blttor * ITD - ly > v r > A k ar\d t in' 'I trj ii' It ill U y ra Devour llffc. It Milt hurt NERVOUS DEBILITY , , A Cnr Onnrantoeil. 1) . E C. Wmt'a Sent and ilralu Trcatuient Aipeclflofor HjitcrU , Diidnose , Conrultlont , S'crvoiu Hc&dtchu , Mental Ucprctslon , Low ol U nor > , Sporm4torrhataImii teiry , luvolunUry ilmlrileue , 1'reruuturo Old Ace , cuutcd by c\cr- ixortlon , Ml.-KUueo , or over Indulgence , which 8tJi to iniwr } , d c y and d ith. Ontitoxnlll cure rccuut cai . VA h boi cuntolui one month's Tiutiuent , Ono dolhr a IKJI , or nix UP in lor ha doll&ra , w > nt by mail proiuld on receipt ot 'H , W * triui nUiu cli lioiiw to auro any oasu With eaoh ordur ro.slv cd t > y u * ( or * lx boxix , ac- oouiiunltd with fl o dollar * , will scud the ( iur > chvwr our wrlttoniirsntto to return the ni j U t1 o tri' .itufi r to * i rt f ( T t a TO , . t , Oor U , Uru ' , PI < - . \ Vhoaud j * Airmt , o c ) i , Ji t. ' n Iv rotll at " W.15. M1LLAKD. * " lj- . . . MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Mtg. 1111 PARNHAM STREET , CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED. Agents for Peck & Haulers Lanl , and Wiltier Mills Flout OMAHA NEB , - - - REFERENCES' ' OMAHA NATIONAL HANK , STEELK JOHNSON ACO - TOOTLE MAUL & CO. ; oo OMAHA , NEB. O. , IrAlJw ' 1 bJ1JJ Window and Plate Glass. fSTAnjonc contcmp' ' tlnK hullulnR storeVuik. or any oHier flnn tvill flndlt to their ad > \antago to ccrrcB end \vltliujbtloto purchasing their 1'latoUlasa , C. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA HEB. 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha. N WHOLESALE- On Eiver Banlc , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts , , . can roi > c. -DEALERS IN Firq and PTOD 1020 Farnham StreetS , -S STEELE , IHRSON & CO. , AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and AM Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of AMD IANUFAGTUEED TOBACCO , for BKHWOOD HAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER C KB' .JSi i.3. .TOBIJER OF AND EA8TERM PRICES DOPUGATED. 1118 FARM AM ST. . - - OMAHA A' * vj WHOLESALE AMJ RI.TAIb DEALSU IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , BGQRS , BUNDS , ifiOLDIKG LIME , WBTATS AQENX FOIl M1LWAUKEK CEUSHT COUPA.NY1 New Union Pacific Douot. . OMAHANIHTl 'POWER ' AND HAND OiT. Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmsngs , JlNINCi VAOH1NEUT , BKLT1KO , IiOb JlilA 8 AMD I FJPJ PAC JNO , ATll } ( : Al.K AM ) ilE HALLADAY WIND-MILLS CIIJRCH AM SCHOOL BEIL5 Cor , 10th and St. , Om aha , Neb ,