THE DAILY BEE-OMAHAi MONDAY , JULY ! ! , lj > 82. FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FINANCIAL. NEW Yens , July i. I-IXAXCIAI. ItKVJEW. Kventsof the week in financial cticlcs were less important Ihnn the o ot last week nnd toward the close dullness was the most prominent feature. The money market was stringent at times during tht > wtck and ratei were bid Up In a few InS'tance ? as high ns Sa ( 10 per cent. These tale ? , however , were not lontj maintained. Most of the Im was done nt 2J@4 per cent. KxclintiRea w re heavy and declined. Governients were higher for e\U'iuipd Issues and lowt r for long bomfa. Itailway and niiscellancoiH speculation wna irregular , with frequent fluctuations liatweei firmnes < and depression. Chann generally , however , were slight so for as active slocks were concerned < uul the mar ket pr , wilted few feature * of importance. The board adjourned until July 5. MOKfiT. Money closed at ! 2i@Ui per cent. Kicchnnga closed dull atI 80J@I SO. Clotcd firm. ( i'a continued. . . . . . . . .100 < Vrt continued . 100 1 J' coupons . 114 IJ' * ivkiiiiered . Ill I'd Coupons . 11 ! ) C/ummuyO'a . 121) ) UAlLllOAt ) BONDS. I'acific railroad tonda closed as follows : Union Isls . 1101@11 T Union Land Grants . Ill © 11" Union Sinking' Fund' . 121 1@1L'2 Centrals . V110 STOCKB. Tlia clock market to-day was very .dull and fluctuation * weru confined within nar- tou langc. The tone of the markei was firm , however , and at the close prices showed nbllghtadvanco for theday. Sales aggregated only 80,000 shares nud dealings were featureless and uninteresting , most of the time being da voted by brokers tea a premature celebration of the 1th of July. Tno following weiotho closing bids : WesternUuion. S ! Brio. . . . . Adams . 137 U & T3t .T 8) American Uli Preferred . . . . k'2. US 71i Kansas & Texas Jl3i Wells Forgo 120 Lake Shore..lOSi C C C & I. . . . liK&W 274 C li&Q Iouls& Nash. . U73 NYC . . . . K J C J\orthwcsletn..lllJ ! I. C Preferred..I-IGJ Ohio Cen O W N 1' Ohio& Miss. . . : Preferred. . . . Preferred. . . . ! ) , ) Mich Cen 8'J PM 42 Cent Pas ! H | 11 cad ing ! > ( i2 Ul' Ill Quick-Hver . . . . 8. Mo. POC..I. . . . ! ) ) J Preferred. . . . 43 T Pacific Hi U 1 12S NY Kldvated.,101 SanFnm 37 Mat. El Sri Preferred IS Man. Kl Gl St. Paul 112 } AitTH 25i Pi ef erred. . . . 127 Preferred. . . . Cl Stl'fc 0 10J Canada S 51J Preferred. . . . 102 ; Ches. &O 224 Nash. & Chat. . 58 C. & Alton 133" M L S &W.Hi' D&ii nag Wabash 18 DL& W 127 ; Preferred. . . . fllj D & .H G Cij ( STATK BO.ND3. Dull. CHICAGO HONEY. CHICAGO , July 1. Preston , Kean < fc Co. , banker * , report : Money in fair demand at o@7 per cent , Clearing of associated banks , $11,000 , 000. Kantern exchange steady at 2oc pic miura. Adjourned until July 5. UNITED STATES BONDS. SVs Extended G's I00g@100' 3VH Extended 5's 100l@101' ' 4\'s \ Coupons Ill © ll-T 4'tt Coupons , Cx O mlia "WTjoleanlo Marlicl Omoc or THE OMAHA Bar , ) Saturday Evening , July 1. J The wholesale trade of llio city for the past week , on the aval age , in reported as having been in n very dull condition , ow- ine to the very hfytro and continued storinF , together with the latenets of the season. Busino-s in such lines as dry good' , carpet ? , clothing , hats and caps , boots and shoe ? , millintry , etc. , etc. , wat confined principally to small city imd order ? , nnd continued steadiness in prices is not.'ii. There was n fnir activity among whole sale grocers during the just few djys , the demand chiefly being for leading staple : ' , and the prevalent feeling is firmer. Fish continue to move freely mil are firmly held , The movement in country produce dur ing the latter part of the week was fairly aulivo under light receipts , and higher price ? weio reali/ed , Uulti-r and cngfb ( readily at 17c. Potatoes are scarce and higher , owing to continued wet weather , belling at 1 CO @ 1 75 per builiel , Onions are Felling at 1 75 per bushel nml beets IC. ) ® ! CO per biuhol. All other vegetables mo in aburdunt supply and cheap. Lemons are in nctivu demand and price ) are advancing. Soiling at 700. Peachtii and apples are are arriving irccly und veiling nt labt week's quotations. California fruits , such on peaches , plum ) and apricuts tire all in fair hupply and pricei ranging from 2 TiO@2 7 jier box , The arrival of n carload of California pears is dally expected , and will prob ably bs sold at from II 5' ' ) to100 per box of 10 pounds , iierrie.1 Lave been in more liberal sup ply and price < lower , Michigan selling at 2r.0@2 7o per box of 10 quarts. Iowa I'crricj have been arriving in pour condition on account of heavy rain ? , and suld at lower figures , Utah berrlct ara arriving In limlteil ijiuntltloiand are geiuiMlly very choici an 1 command teed ; prlcen , belnn'.it ! ! 'f " 5 per caie of 1C ( quarts , Jilackcap raspberrirs nrci in market la limited ijuantiUcn and selling at 20@25o i quart , Jted raspberries in fruit boxes are Bellini , t 20 ; . Cherries Home grown are in fair sup ply and are selling at 10@12Jc per quart. Flour Movement ia only fair , bul nominally ttrong , in bympathy with wheat. Other mllUtufTs were In fair de mand at quotations. Meats of all kinds were active anc ntroir.'er. Hog receipts about -10 cars , packers paying - ing 7 7' ' ) for good. Cattle and sheep receipts not reported , but goo.l butchers' ttock is in rcfjueit al nutiitle tigures. Local grain receipts have been light and prices generally have advanced , The only changes reported in the mar- < et to-day are n follows : Wheat No. 2 declined Jc. Wheat No. 3 declined . llye declined Jc. Local Grain Deallngi WIIKAT , Cash No. 2 , 1.17 ; cash No. 1 , Olc : reiecteil , He. Y. Cnsh No. 2. 8Sc ; No. R , Gfu. Gfu.RYE. RYE. Cash. iV. % . CO UN. Cfwli 52-i No. 2 , COo STREET PKtCKS-Corn , CIXSG5 } onls , COc. rrcducoand Provisions. POTATOES Old , out of nmkct. Home grown plenty ; new , Sl.oU@l 70 per bunhcl. ON'IONS SI < ' > OSf'2 00 per box ; new liomo grown , per doz bunche * . 13(3:200. ( : RADISHES Home crown , ICcdo/ . PIK PLANT - Per pound , Ic. ASPARAGUS-Per do ? , 4 LUTTUCK IVr dn/ head , N13W TOM-\TOHS-1\T box7si.r > 0. MUTTljll Cholcrt i-ounlry , la@l"o. K(5lS Scarce , 17c. M1JATS llanw , l.r > c ; l-reakfast bacon , ificj clear bason , llijc ; shouldcrp , 9c ; dried beef. Ids. FLOUR -.TOUDIXG PIMCK-Beat Minnesota pntcutsI 70s Jnck FinstI 7 < " ) j Shawueofancy , ; t7fij California ' 'Pioneer , ' 3 73 ; Triumph , sprinp , 3 1' . " ; rye flour 3 2i ; rye , Urnliim , 'J M ) ! wheat Ornhnm 3 2o ; hay. G 0@G ( ) fO per Inn ; baled , 10 0(1 ( chopped feed , 1 ( iO ; chopped corn , 1 f > 0 bran , 1 00 per cwl ; strawOJ ! per ton looto ; D 00 baled.Grocers' Grocers' List. COKKEU. Ulo , i-iir , lie ; lUo , iooil ici Uio , prime to choice , l Ji ; Olil iov't Java ; 2r2SJC { , Mocha , 23Jc ; Arbucklo'fl , T.KAS .Gunsowilcr , good , Ohotce , 00@7f > cj Imperial , good , 40o-jric ( ; Choice , GU ,7fic ; Young Hj-Bon , good , 3C@ 'Oc ; choice , C3c@Sl 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf , )5c ) ; Japan , choice , C0@7fic ; ( Jolong , goi l , tf10 ; Ooloni ; , , 40@uo ; Souchong , rood , ; ij,40c ( ; choice , ; i. ) ( Hiic. NEW riCKLES Medium , in barrels , $000 ; do in half bbln , fi EH ; smalls , in bliln , 1200ilo , in half bill * , 700 ; gherkins , in bl ? , 11 CO ; do , in haUbbls , 7 fiO. VINEGAR IMro nppla extra , IGc : pure apple , 13e : Pnissini ; uuro auule , Ific. SbUAllS-Out loaf , lie ; Uninm-it lie ; Granulated , lOjc ; Powdered , 11 ; b'ino powdered , lie ; Stundnid Coffee A , UJc ; New York ( Viufectioner'a Standard A. Jljn : ( rood A , OJc ; Prairie Extra C. Oo. Rul'K Sieal , 4 inch nnd larger , 9c ; i inch , lOc. . Oil KhSB Full Cream , ISc ; 1'art < lirT. llic. \VOOUKK\VA11E Two hoop pallf , 1 95 ; hrcc hoop pailn , 3 20. No. 1 tubs pioneer washboards , 1 85 Double Cr wn , 1 < JO ; WollbuckctH , 3 0. LKAJJ Bnr , SI G5. UJIIIKD FRUITS Choice halves , poaches , 7c : Halt Lake lie ; vap- orated OO'b boxes , 13Jc ; Michigan , 7c ; Now \ ork npploH , 7jc ; 1'rune ? , olii , tic | ; ne\v , SJc ; Currants , Oi'7o ; BlacUborricH , nuw , lieHOMINY HOMINY New , 85 00 per bbl. SODA Jtwisht's il > papen > . $2 STi ; Do- lor.d do , S83 ; Church's , SS3 ; Keg toJa 2ic.JJEANS JJEANS Imported German $3 CO per bushel. OANDUES Koxes , 40 Ibs , Ifi or , 8e , ! icboxcB ; Ibs , , li ( oz. , GH , 15n , CANNED GOODS Oystore , 2 Ib ( Field's ) , per case , ? 4 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) , per case , i ! 50 ; Ho 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case , per box. 21 Jc. Lobsters , 1 Ib per dozen , LCO. Tomatoes , 230 ; do 3 Ib per case.2 00 ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain ) per case , i ! 10 ; Roakcd corn , 210 ; do 2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 315 ; string bean" , per case , 2 10 ; Lima beans per case , 1 85. Succotash per case. 2 00. Poiv , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice , per case , 3 15. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 40 ; strawberries , 2 ll > , per case , 2 80 ; raspberries , 2 tb , per case , 3 00@315. D.imsons , 2 It , per case , 2 45. Bartlett pears per cafe , 8 00 ® 1 CO. Whortleberries per case,240. Egg plumn,2 lo percirc,3 30 ; Green gnges,2 Ib per case , S SO ; do choice , " Ib per case i 50. 1'ino Apples , 2 Ib , per cai e , 4 005 75. reaches , 2 ll > per case , 3 10 : do 3lt > , case , 4 50@f > 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per ease. " 75 ; do pie , C ID , per dozen , 3 CO. RICE Carolina , 7J8c ; Louisiana , 7 (38c ( ; fair , G@G3. SY3 > 'U.f3. ! at'-gar I'ouw , bblo. JIScs Shall lilo , 57c ; kegs , < J Kallone , 82 50 ; choice tibia syrup , S3c : half bblfl , 55o ; kegs , § 2 50. STARCH. .f carl , iic ; Silver Ulosn , 81 © S.JIo ; Com Starch , 32@yc ; Excelsior 'JIosi. ' 7c ; Corn , 7ic. SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 85 ; Ash ton , in sacics , 3 50 ; bbln dairy CiO , 5 , 3 45 ; 'ibis ciairv. 100. 3s , 3 C5. HPICES. Pepper , 19 ; Allapice , 19c ; CII.VCR , 4 c ; Nutmcis ; , § 1 002.r > cjCnsilu , SI 00. MATCHES Per c.vW'e , 90c ; round cane , 87.05 ; Bquare cases , 85.10 SO Vl'S Kirk'H Savon Imperial , 3 35 ; Ki.kN oatinot , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , S ftO ; Kirk'j white Ruasian , 5 25 : Kirk's Eutoca , 2 15 Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , 10 ; Kirk's magnolia , 4 35. LYE American , 3 10 ; Gioenwicu , 310 : V/Chtern , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis' lyp. 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 2 76. 1'OTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. , in case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in case , 11)0 ) ; Author Ball 2 doz in CMC , 1 50. FIELD SEED Red clover , choice new , § ( i 00 per bushel ; mammoth clovei now , $7 00 ; white clover , now , § 14 00 il nlfa clover , new , § 12 50 ; alsike , new , $1300. Timothy , good , new , ? 3 00 ; Hungarian. 80o. nKDOKSKKD Osoge orangB , J to 0 bushels , 55 00 ; osaa ; orange , 10 bunhd.i or ? ver , SI 50 ; houey locust , nor Ib. , obc ; per 100 Iba. . ? 25 00. Flfj J Family white fir.h , 90 Ib hf bbls , 825 ; No , 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbb. 7 00 ; No. 1 while fish , in 10 Ib kits , 110 ; family lOlbkil. ' , 63o ; Now Holland herring , per kejj , 1 33 ; Russian sardines , 7fic : Colum bia river H-dmon , per 100Ibs , 8 00 ; Geor ' ' Bank cudiish , Go ; Gen , buncluis co7. * . < . , flic ; bouolees lidh , 5ic. MACKKKKIj Half bblo moMinaokerol , 10011.H , S12GO ; hfbbl No , 1 ex ulioro do , 100 lb , 8 GO ; hf bbui , fut family du , 100 Ibi , G 0 > ; mcts inuekorol , 12 Ib lIts , 2 25 ; No. 1 ox shore , 12 Ib do , 1 HO ; No , 1 shore , 12 Ib du. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do 7Cc. 1 > JJAN UTS ItiMwtcd.choice , red Ton- ncstee , lOcper Ib ; fanoy white , lOio perlb ; ra'v v/hit.i Yirginift row , lOc ; roiHtcd , 12Jc. Dry Qcodi , BROWN COTTONS Atlnntio A , 8Jo ; Appltton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boott FF , Sic ; Buckeye LL , 4.1 , 7c ; Cabot W , 71c ; Cliitlennnco A , We ; Ureat FnllH E , Sic ; Hoosicr , Ojc ; Honest Width , 7Jc : In- dlan Head A , 8 c ; Indian Standard A , 8Jc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 81c ; Lawrence LL , 7c ; Mystic River , 7io : Perpiot A , BJe ; Shftwmut LL , 7c ; Utlca C , 5 > c ; Wachus- ett B. 74c ; do A , 8ie ; do K 48 , 12io ; Wai- cott BIS ? 8 o FINE BROWN COTTONS-Allendale 4.1 ; 74c ; Alligntor 3-4 , 3e ; Argyle 4-4 , 7ie ; Athiutib LL. GJc ; UaiJger Statf X 4-4 , 7c ; licnninjton C 4-1 , flic ; BuckeyeS , l-lGJcc Indian Orchard AA 9-8. Sic ; Laconin O WniBsulta4-l 13o BLEACHED COTTONS Andre coR KlnL 1-4. ! Hc " ; Black-stone AA Iir psrial 8c ; do do half "bleached 4-l.Oc ; Cabot 4-lo. } ! Fidelity 4.t , 9icVruit ; of tlelxom , 10 ; do can brio4-4,13cdo ; WnterTwJut , lOJoJreal ; FalUQlOJc ; Indian Headrhrnnk 4-4 , I''c : Lonbdnle , JOc ; do cambric 37 , 12Jc ; Nev/ York Mills. 12c ; Pwjnot A , llcj ) I'epperoll ' N G Twills , 12ic : I'ocaJioulna 4-1 , 9e ; Pocassut 4-4 , 8c ; Utica , Ho ; Wamatitta O X X , 12ie. UoCKS ( Colored ) Albnny K brown So ; do C , drun. lie : do'v etiipea and plaid.i , 12Jc ; do XXX brown and drab , stripes and plaid ? , 12 c ; Arlington fancy , 1'Jcj Brunswick brown , Bio ; Chariot fancy , 12 0 ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall River brown , extra heavy , lljc ; Indiana A brown Hi" 'Vfoonset A brown. 15c. TlUKJAUft n.moBl.'caj' A < J A B'J 17ic ; do XX blue 32 , lejc ; Arrowur.ra flic ; Claremont B B. 154c : Cone toga ex tra , 17Jc ; HamllUju D , 110 Lewmton .v SO , 15c ; Minnehahn 4-4 , 20c ; Omega wiper extra 4-4. 2Se ; Pearl River 82. IGjc ! Put nam XX blue stripe , 12cj Shctnckct S lOJc : do SS 12c ; Yeoman's blue 2'J , 8 Jo 1I DENIMS. Amo keak , bluoand bronn Ifijc I ; Andovcr DD blue , lf > 5c ; ArllnptX blue 1I 1 Scotch , 18io ; Concord OOO , blu aw 1i brown. I 12Jc ; do AAA , do do 13J ; doXXto do i do 14ic ! Hnj'inaker's blue and brown , Hie 1 ; Jlyntio River DD stripe , IGJc ; Pearl 1I River 1 , blue nnd brown , lf > Jc ; Uucftsville , blue I and brown , ISJc. CAMBRICS Barnntxl , ; KiWyntono lining 1 , 24 inch double face , 8Jc ; Gamer A L-lared ( , 5c ; Manhattan clotc fiu ! h , Tije ; Newport do Cc ; do plazeil , 5Jc ; Pwvnot do 5c : Lokwood kid finish , Be. CORSET JEANS Amorv , PcAa ; lro cupgin sftttecii , Cjc : Onrrndr u , CfcC\itiM loga Mtteeus 7lc ; llallowel , Sc ; Indl i Oruqord 7io ; Nnir Ran cttimprovodo LVpperill atU > pn OJr ; Rockport , 7Jo , PRINTS Allen" , GJd ; American , G Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , -IJc ; Cocheco , fc ; GJc ; Dunkirk , 42c ; Dunnoll , 3J@7c ; Eddystone , 7cj Gloucester , Go , Hnrmony , 5Jc ; Knickerbocker , GJe ; Mer- rlntao D , 7c ; Mystic , 5Jc ; Spranicr. ( V- ; Southbridge , Go ; do. Ginghanifi , 7c ; Marl- born , f'fc ; Oriental Gic. UINU1IAMS Amoskcnii , lOJc ; Amos- g drew 12J' Ar j-tc , lOJc ; Atlantic , ) e ; Cumbcrlnml , 7Jc ; Jllghlnntl , HJ- ; Kenllworth , 8jc ; Pltui kott , lOJc ; Sin- BOX. 8c. COTTON ADES Abbcrv Illo l < 1Jc gate. 4 > 0c ; American , lie ; Artisinn , 20o : Cairo D and T , lajc ; Clarion D nnd T , I7jc ; Deccnn Co. stripes D and T.lGc ; Key stone , ISJej Ncntuckot , 19o ; Nonpareil , IGc ; Ocean D and T , 13jc ; Koyol , IGJi Smx12c ; Tiga. . 1 % ; Wnclmsetl "birt- in ? shocks , 12Jc ; ilo , Nnnkin , I2ic ; York. plain Nankin. 12ic ; do , cliccks , htripos nnd taney , 124o ; do. 8 or. , 20c. SH EET1NG S Androscogcin 10l.27ic ! do4 ! ) , 2lc ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental C 12 , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-1 , 27J ; New York mills 93 , 'no ; do 76 , 30c ; do 58 , 22Jc ; Pembroke 10- 1 , .T.c ; Penuot 10-4 , 28ic ; do 7-1 , lOo ; do 49 , IGe ; Peppprell 3d , 29c ; do G7 , 2lc ; do 57 , ISc ? Uticn Ufi , 33c ; do 58 , 22ic ; do 18 , 17o Clears nnd Tobaccos , CIGARS. Seed" , SJB.OU ; Connecticut , if.25.00 ; Atixed , S35.00 ; Seed Havana , J50.00Clcarllavjim , S75.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Goldrn Rule , 2-1 Ib , GOc ; Our Rope , first quality , GCe ; Star , pounds , 21 Ib , butts , GOc ; llorso Shoo , pounds , 24 Ib , butts , GOo ; Gilt Edge , pounds , 21 Ib , butts , CO ; Anny nnd Navy , pound * , 55c ; Bullion , JpounrfK , 59s ; Ijoril- lard's ClimnT , pounds , r.Oe. FINE CUT In mils. Hard to Bent , 75e ; Golden Thromi , 70c ; Fountain , SOo ; Favorite , lV5c ; Rocky Mountain , GOj ; Fancy , Coo ; Daisy , 50c. In tin foil Catlins O. S. , fi Ib boxes , per Ib G3c ; Lori illard'B Tiner , Goc ; Diamond Crown , CGa. SMOKING All eradoH Pommon , 23 to 33c. Granulated Blnckwella Durham , 1C oz 51c ; Dukes Durham , 10 oz , 50c ; Seal ol North Carolina , 10 03 , 4ii ; Seal of Nebras ka , 10 oz , 38c ; Lono.lacJc , 4 oz , linen bags per Ib , 81.35 ; Mnrbui-jjti' Pnck , 2 oz , tin oil , 55c : Peg Tnll Goc. P.tlnti Oils and VnrnUhcs. PAINTS IN OIL White load , Omaha P. P. , tc ! ; while lend , St. Louis , pnro , fftn ; M.irnaillpf green , 1 to 5 li' cans , liOc French zinc , psin seal , 12c ; French zinc , red nenl , Ilo ; French zinc , in varnish a e , -9c ; French zinco , in oil atwt , 15c ; Raw nnd burnt umber , 1 Ib cann 12c ; raw und burnt Sienna , 13c : Vandyke brown , 13- refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , l"c I ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGo ; Prussian blue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chromo green , L , M. it IX , 14c ; blind nnd shutter green , L. M. & D. , IGc ; Pnris green. 18c , Indian ren , 15c ; Venetian led , ! ) c ; Tu3cin drt , 22e ; Amoricnn Vermiliod , I. &P. , 18c chromo yellow , L. , M. , O. & D O. , ISc : yellow ochre , 9e ; golden ochre. 1G ; patenl Jryer , 80 ; graining colors : light oak , darken on c , walnut , chestnut and nab 15o. Di-y ° alnts White lead , Gic ; French zinc. lOc : Paris whitoing 2Je ; whiting gilders , I'jc ' vi biting com'l , lie ; lampblack Germantown - town , 14c ; If mpblack , ordinary , 10c ; Pnia- sian blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vnndyke , brown , Sc ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw Icjsienna , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4o Paris green genuine , 2"c ; Pnt it green com1' 20u ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrom- green K. , 12e ; yenuillion , Eng. , 70c ; vur million , America , 18c ; Indian rod , lOe rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookmm'3 * io : Venetian red A4n , , llc } ; re i lead , 7Jc ehiome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome ycl low , K , , 12o ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochre French , 2Jc ; ot-hro , Ainericnn , 2o Winter's mineral. 2je ; loliigh brown , 2Jo Spanish brown , 2 c ; Princo'a mineral K' , OILS 110" carbon , per gallon , llic ; 1'fiO headlight , jur yallon , 12c ; 175' headlight , par gallon , IGc ; linseed , raw , per gnllon , i ? ; linseed , boiled , per gallon , Gc ( ! ; lard , winter st-'d , per teal- ion , 1 00 : No. 1 , SOc ; No. 2 , 70c ; castor , XXX , pf-r gallon , 1 15 ; No. 3 , 1 03 ; sweet , per gnllon , 85c ; nperm , W. B. , per gallon , 1 55 ; fish , W. B.per gallon , GOc ; neatsfoot , extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , GJC ; lubri- eating , zero , per gnllon , SOc ; ouuiiiier , 15c ; Kolde * machine , No. 1 , per gallon , ! .3c ; No. 2 , SO sperm , signul , per gallon , 80c : ter- [ entine , per gallon , 55e ; oaptha , 7-1 , pei gallon , ISc ; Gl . 17o VARNISHES Barrels per R.illon. Funiituro , extra , § 1 10 ; fuiniture , No. ] , SI ; coach , extra , 51 40 ; Coach , No. 1 , ( ! 1 20 ; Damar , extra , 81 7j ; Japr.n , 70c ; as- [ ) hnltum , extra , 8s ; oh'jllac , ? 3 50 ; hard oil Gnieh. 81 30 Drup-3. DRU S All ! ) CHEMICALS -AcH 3nrboli3 , 50c ; Acid , Tartaric. 'We ; Balsam Jopabia , per Ib , 70c ; Baric , Sassafras , per Ib , 14e ; Calomel , per Ib , 75o ; CinchonJdia , per w , SI 03 ; Chloroform , per Ib. 1 00 Dover's ' powders , per Ib , ? 1 40 ; Epioir salts , per Ib , 3Jr ; Glycerine , pure , par 11) , 38c ; Lead , Acetate , prr Ib , Ulc ; Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , f > l 15 ; Oil , Cnstor , No. 8 , per gal , Si 00 ; Oil , Olive , per gal. 51 50 ; Oil , Origanum , fiOc Opium , ? -l 50 ; Quinine P. ti W. / : 11. & S. , per oz , 82 Ifl ; Potassium , lodido , per 11 81 75 ; Salacm , per oz , 40c ; Bulphato of Morplilno , per ol , $3 83 ; Sulphur Uour , per Ib , 4c ; Strvubnine. nor oz. $1 35 , Heavy Hardware Lltt. Iron , rates , S3 40 ; plow fitool , npccial cast , 7c ; crucible , He ; L-p clalorGutmanlo ! ; cast tool do. 15@20 wnijon Bpokcs , Hf-t , 2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 1 25 ; follocti , tawcu dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85o ; nrlos , each , 75c ; ciiuaro nuts , pIb , 7llci wasooi-Hj pur Ib. H@lfet ; nvcta , nor Ib , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , Gl2c ; malleable , 8c ] Iron v.-i'le | ; , Gu ; crowbars , Go ; bar row teetb , ImrstvhocB ; , per keg , fi 00 ; eprim ; atecl , 7@8c ; Burden'H bor.ebotM , G 50 , Burdeu'H muluihoes , G 50. SHOT. Shot , § 1.85 ; Buck uhot , ? 2.10 ; Oriental 1'owdcr , keg * , $ l,40 ) : do. , hall kegs , $3.48 ; do. , quarter kern , C'1.S8 ; Blast- ins. ketrs. 83.35 : Fuse. n r 100 feet SOc. HAM5EDVlUEIn car lots,8 S'J per 100 ; in less than car loU. 8 55 uer 100 , Leather. Oak Bole , 3Se to 42c ; hemlock BOO ! , 28o to 35u ; heniKick kip , 80o lo 100 ; iniuier , G5c to SOe ; hemlook ctlf , 85o to 120 ; hrni' lock upper , 23oto2Gc ; oak ui par , Die ; alligator , 4 00 to t 50 ; calf kill , 32@3 > : ; Grelocn kid , 2 50 to 275 ; oak kip , 80o to 100 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; Fivnch kip , 1 10 to 1 55 ; French cnlf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; me- bOttR , 5 60 to 7 50 ; linings , GOO to 10 50 ; topping ? , 0 ( < 0 tn 1060 ; B. L. Morocco , 30o to 35c ; pebble 0. D. Morocco , 35u ; tdmon , 2 ' 0 to 3 00. HARNEHS-No : Rtar oak , 42o ; No 2 do , S'Jo ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 38c ; No. 2 flo , 35c ; No. 1 Milwaukee 37c ; No , 2 do , 3lc. Home * and Mulet , The market Irf brisk and all grades nre HellliK , ' well at 11. ulik'ht ndvanco in pilcc'K. The demand for good hordta oxtcoU the Btipply conjldt raaly. I'rlcea range aa fol- IOWB : Flna single drivers , J160 , to 3CO.J Extra druft h < ifw , 83 7f ) . to:25 ! , ; Cormnun drt.It itorses. 8100. to ICO , ; Extra farm htiiwn , 3110. t/jl . ; Commuii to good farm horou < j to 100. ; Kxtr * plugfiO. . to 75 , ; Cumiiiuu i > hi-- ' , 9'M. to HO. MULKK. 16 to 104 handM ( extra ) , 812o. toir/J. ; 14J to 13 ImwL' , 8100. to 140. ; u to J4 jiamu , ? re. toioo.s m to baudH , t-ij'l , to 75LI LI tiers ALCOHOL 187 proof. 2 23 per wine frtllun ; extra California upfrlta , 187 proof , i 20 | er proof gallon ; triple refined rpiritn. 187 proof , ISlitor proof gallon ; re-distillwl vL-ltkibc , 1 001 50 ; line blended , 1 r < ) @ 250 ; Kentucky bourUm * , 200@700 ; Kn - luolcy and Peuutiylvunla , jyes , 2 C07 00 BRAJs'DIKS Iwpvrttd , * 0 00@1600 ; domestic 1 40@4 HO. GINS In ported , I 50@6 00 ; domoitlo , 403 00. RUMS Imiwrtcd , 4 60 6 00 ; Now Injjlnnd. 2 004 00 ; domestic , 1 f > 03 50 PEACH AND APPLU liUANDV- 'ft Innrortert j-rr eo , 2SOO@9J CA ; f' - * . cnw12 "M 1C 00. CLAlKTS-Per CMC , 4 GO&1G W WINKS Rhino wino , per onw , C. C0 < ? 20 00 ; Cotnwbft , per cne , 4 0097 00. Lumbar. WHOLE3ALK. We quote lumber , ntn and 9ninglo on' ? nt Omaha at the following price" JOIST AN'l ) SCANTLING-1 ft iil mdcr. S21 ( Hj IS ft. , 52200. TIMUKKS-ir. ft. and nndor , ? 22 : . TfMHER AND JOIST-IS ft. , SMi' ( : C ft $24 CO , 22 ft. , § 27 fiO ; 21 ft. , J..7 ' ( ' . LNClNu No. 1 , 1 nv-1 0 In. , ? 'JJ if ; S"o. 2 , $20 00. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( comvou hmnU ) . SIS f.O ; No. 2 , § 17 00. STOCKt HOARDS , 12-n. ! 1) , 9M : 00 ; .2 . in. O , $33 00 ; 12-in. U , $10 00. PA PUR-Strnw paper , Sfo ; rnir pnwr , e ; dry oorti imper , 7 ! tniuiila paper , 1 > j icwi piper , 8c. CUAlj Ciimbrrlnnil Mnctamltii , ? ! . ' : .iorrij Run lU < "Bliui-f ( , 512 ; Whiteliro.-nt ump , 90 f \Vhilobre.vit ; nut , SO f-0 ; T wa ur.ip , ? 0 fiOs tow.i nut i-OM ; ) : Rock Siirins ? S : Anlhrscilo. all nir.6f.12 . 006512 JO. NAILS Rules , 10 to 601 ' , Jl GO. LIME Per barrel , Kl Ifi ; bulk p , MH- -m Conifut , bbl , 81 73. Iowa pmitir. ) W , f.2 00. llnir tier bu. ST > c. T.vrml felt 100 IbK. § 3 OJ. Straw hoard , ? S IT. Wool. Alorlno uuwnlr 1 , light , 14@tt)3 : In , ivyc ; in , l..iui umroihoil , light , l8f : JO , r'liiico , . o ; fnir , 30j ; tu'i-itlnu and w , , .No ; burry , bliiokund coiled vool Hldci f ur , Ctn. II1DEH tireeu butchnrV hide. 03 ! < Ur wired 74ci liides , < ; reen fait. j < art cunvl To ldde % ( ic ; dry Hint , Bound , IHQrll Ic ; dry colt and kip , 1'2@1 Ic ; dry salt hidenmnil , lOgllcj L-reon calf , w t. fi to5 lbj. , lOfc'l Ic : ; reen calf , wt , titulpr 8 KM , per sl.iu , ( W- ; ieou jicltc , .p)0@Sl 23 ; grocn lamli x'nin- ' , tfl 2i"@lW ) ; danmBcd hldos , two-llii.-.l iaii' , cut scored nnd ono prub , cln > ' 'i ! two- tlirdn ralo , ) lunndcil hides 10 PIT i nt. ilT. Coon Hkim , No. 1ir c ! No. 2 , SOtNo. ; . : t , 20. ; No.I , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , Me ) , Xo. y , 30cj No. ii , 15o ; No.4 , iic. 3-'ox , No. 1 , COc ; No. 2 , IWc. Sliuuk , No. 1 , lil-ick. S.ric ; short stripe , 40n ; nilrrow stripe 'i' ' c ; broad etrino , lOc. Tnllow 7c. Couuuil .Bln fo COUNCIL BLUFKC , July 1. Flour Crystal Mills UuldiMi SJic.\f , S ( SO : Crtliforni.i Eureka , patent , it ? n ; bc t hi-an.l of K-in n1 001 ( 23 ; Kan i3 aid MihKouri flour ! l 50@4 23 ; ; , i ! 7ri ; rye ( lour , 310. . - Corn Meal Whit < , 1 70 per huudi-rd ; yellnw , 1 50 per hundred. liraii nnd Bhoru 20 00 per ton C'lop Corn SO (10 ( ] inr ton. Wheat No. 2 , 115. Coin ( > 5c. Oats No. 2 , fijc. Rye 7fic. Jliirley 80i. Drooin Corn 3i(5fle. ( liny TJOO C , U 00tQ1000 ( ; baled , 75 per biilo. biilo.Wood Wood C 007 00. Wool 15ijj'A' ( ) . Butter Creamery , 20c ; In rollc , wrap , oed , ICc ; rolls no ; wrapped , 12Jc ; mixed colors , 10@12Jc. Onions 1 75 , Tjivo Chickens 3 GOpcr dozen , Potatoes Scarce ; old at 1 G3 ; new nt 2 23. LIVE STO C. - Cattle Extra , I 50 ® 550. Veal C. l\cs-G 00. Hoja 7 00 ® 750. Sheep -5 73. Chlouco ZTodaon. CnioAflo. July 1. Flour In teller demand on export ac count , but rates unchanged ; common to choice spring western , 4 757 00 ; Min nesota , 5 OOft/7 25 ; patents , 8 00 © ! ) 00 ; iutur wheat brands 5 OOja-7 00. Wheat Winter dull anil nominal ; No. 2 red , 1 32 ; spring , quiet nnd o.-isier ; 1 31 fel S > for cish and .Inly ; 1 21U )1 ) 2lf foi AUjui ; > t ; roguhr No , 2 fairly active but unr > ettltil , clo-ting nt 1 IBJ fur July : 108ft for An-fuil ; 1 05f@l 015 for Suptembur ; 1 Ol ftjlOl for the year. ( Joru Active but a fraction lower No. ! ! , 7 > " > ic for Julj ; 75jjo for August. 7."v/c / for September ; GiJ' ( ) G7c for the yeur. yeur.O.its Easier ; 3jc ! ) for Au'iwt ; 37io for the yeur. Rye Quiet a' . 73Jc. lUrloy Lifeless ; no market. I'oik Fairly nctivo ; cash , 21 G' ' ) @ il ! Uocimh ; 21 ( i ) ( ) il ( > 7i for , Ttl | > ; 21 7"i _ 2180 for August ; ' ! 0 0032003 for the year. year.Litil Lower , lint hteidy ; 12 : tOJB12.'i"i for cash ; 12 32l@12 I'.J for July ; 12I2ji @ 12 13 for August ; 12 35 for Iho year. Bull : Mi-ats More active ; short rib- * , 12 10 < ail24 ] for cash ; 12 10 lor July. Whisky-1 1' ' . Butter More jfclive ; creamery , 21@21c ; djiry , 2021c. EjgSteady at 17@17An. - Kec'tn. Shipm'U Flour 7,315 ( i-l2 , : Wheat IO.UI7 110,28 ; Corn ' .n,8ir , U7.llil ! Oat.i 0,701 77027 JQnli'alo Iiivo Stock. K.Vhr 15i.rr.\i.o , N. Y. , July I. HogH ReceipU , 21 cars ; Hliipmunt , 2C cars ; Yorker.8 0085. ; . Toloilo TOLEDO , July I. Wheat Dull ; No. 2 , 1 2IJfor oinh ; 1 1 1 for Julj ; 1082 for Aiignnt ; 1 Ufig for Seti- teuibcr ; 10'11')74 ' ) for tlm Corn Dull ; high mixed 781cNo. ; 2 , 75/c / lor cn li ; 75c for July ; 7lJu | for Aitiiiii ; ; 73c for September ; 7"4 ° f ° r Oclobo ; ( ilo for the j o.u- . Oate No. -lOcfor Ut. i nciiH I'ritdaoo. Sr. LOUIH , July 1 , Flour Dullnii'l ' lower , Wheat Dull and luwer ; No. red , 1 10 f ilUlorcHsh ; I 081 for July : 1 03) ) for ugust : 1 OA turSeptLinbur ; 1 01 J for tbn yum ; No. 3 ren , 1 ( Man OS ; NO. 4 rcJ , 1 00 t'urn ' I'jhadu lower ; 73S75o | ( for i.ioh ; 71'ic ' for July ; 73)0 ) for August ; 7. ' io for September ; 71u lor October ; Gl fie for the yoar. yoar.Oatn Low i ; 4HjriIc ( for cash ; 17a for July ; UGjj ; for AiiKiut ; 35JJ for Ibe year. year.Ryo Nnnlnal. liuiley Nominal LoAd- Firm at 4 GL'J. Butter Unchanged ; creamery , 2lg27c ; dairy , 18 © 21c. ' Whisky Sfo.Kly nt 1 15. Pork-E-mier ; joluing , 21 85. Uacon 2000. Lard Nominal Flour Wheat . 15,0 0 2U,0W ( Corn . 10,000 7,000 Outs . 8,1)0(1 ) ( BulUmoro i'rnuucu. JiALTiMoue. July 1. Flour Uull. Wheat Southern quiet : full1 , 30' 130 ; lonKberry , 13 1 38 ; No. 2 u-il winter ttendy at 1 22S fur July. 1 18 foi Corn While soiilhern sleady at 01 ( > ' 033 ; yellow southern sle dy ut 8c ( ! ; mixu wostcni titea-iy at Hlc. Now York Product ) . NKW VOHK. July 1. 1'lourDull ; Mlnnonota extra , 4 ( ! ' $ $ ! l 35 ; city mill extra , 5 75 8 0 ; mwtheru fluur , dull ; ( ommoii to choicn extra , .0 < J Wheat Unnetlli'd ; canh lots lower ; [ - tloim finn ; No. 2 rod , 1 S3Jfi.l . 31 ; niiit l winlet , 128iMl30J ; July , 1 iOJ&l 28J ; do. Augiut , 1 l'Jj@l VJj. Corn Cull loU dull and lower ; option Irregular , closing stiong ami hi'-horj un- ( 'railed mixed , Vr.l < 078u ; No. 2 , 803@81. { : : No. 2 white , Uljc ; No , 2 mixed July , hU/ / ( & 81 Jc ; Augunt , t)2j ) ( ih3c. Oats Opened lower , but closed ttraiit'j No. 1 white , r fttf } 07c : No. 2 do. , G2 ® i'ic ; Nn. 1 mixcil , G2.1 ; mlved we < lern , .sgrac ; No 2 illJnlr " , Wilt-Vifc. Hyo-QulptatSlS2c. P.arloy Nominal. Pork-Pttoni ; : nciv mtv , 22 00. lnr.1 Firm ; fnitly aclhc ; 12 70 foron h Riul July. \Vhl ky-Nomtnnl. Pttroleum-ljulel ; united , 'Sjo. Xilrn StooJt. Cniavnu , July 1. Tlw DioAcru' Joinnal rcixitlf ! HORI RocciplS'.OOO. ' . Market oi > ciiod inn. hul cloWl wcntc nnd uncvon ; mlxeil , r irinS ( 2'ij heavy , 8 25@S 75 ; light , 7 G' > @ s 3 : > . Cattle Rfcfipto , 2,000. No market ; ill tallies wo.ik ; oo'nm < n shipper. ' , 5 7f'jfl ( 1 1.1 ; mr-dium , G lOCffl ! W ; cnw , 3 ODCI 30 , > ulli , 35 ® . ' ) 5 1 ; TtxtvH raiiKcrs , 3 GlXjf iOO. iOO.Slicop looeipt ! < , " 00 ; otroiifr nnd gfncr- nlljncilve nl 2 c nd\nnce , Nn ioud stock n hand. 1'roiliion. I IVKKVOOI. July 1. I'lour American Iliwr , 10 < @ 12 < tht , Whent Winter , II * IM(8)10 ( ) fid ; while. < SdSIM 10.1 : eprinjj l > a@H ) < ; club , ll < lOd OlO-i Id. 'Corn-fa 81. Pork 8SM. Lard ( ! 2 < 0d. Ciuolnnnti Proilnco. OlNUINNATI , July L Pork-2.3 50if ( 22 71) ) . Lard Steam nominal ! 1200. llulle Monti Clear niiU'i , 13 "o. H'icon CU'ar nide-i 11 2i'@l I 23. 1'lonrWi.ik nnd unchanged. Wlunl-Diill ; old No. 2 ro.l 1 2r.HU ( 27. Corn UIRV ; No. 2 mixed 7li. O. U Strong : No. 2 mKfld.fiSio , Rvo Stiongor : No. 2 , 71. Wlmhy-Sto.uiy ; I 12. IC.uiMifi City lilvo Stoolf Mnrlcot K.X4.s Cm , July 1. Tlio Commercial Imlic.itor loputtH ni Cutltu Itcceipti 2,700 ; fairly active nnd ewer ; italivo ati-crn , 1,000 lo 1,200 UK , 1 5' ' fj5 7f > ; cown , 2 iiO ; Toxani. 3 23 © I G5. llo o Itrceinls I.'UIO ' ; Inwcr nml uonk ) iiiciliniii ( D heavy picking 7 7A8 30 ; liKht (5 ( 7-(2 ( 7 CO. Shosp Kopnipts none ; good to choice nntiviM I" " City Frotluao Mnrllot. KANHAS Cirv , July L I'liiotandwcak ; No. 1 red , L 03 : No. 2 led ! l c bid for Julv. Corn Ijuivt ; No. 2 miiud OSc bid cash ; OSc July nnd Aiiuuat. OatH Quiet : Tile bid cash. Tlio boiud ndjoutno I till Wodnusday. 1'oorla 1'radaon. PKOKIA , July 1. Com Dull ; high mixed , 7IG'J7tlcj mixed. r34'i'7lo. < I No. 2 wliilp. ri3@331c. R\o l-'liin : No. 27lc. " ' ' -1 12. Wheat None 10,000 Corn 83,00 10,000 Oatu 18.-IOO 10,8 > 7 Rye -PO f.,000 lt.irley 1,0.10 None lrnunon. PlIILADEU'HIA , July 1. Whent-Slfnily : > t I 30I 32 ; catth , 121V.Inly : , 17 iiG/il 18. Corn l'irm at .Sljc for cash and July. Outs Firmer nt 02Jo for ciiHh ; ClUe for July. July.Ryo Quiet 80o. EitstXilliorty iiivo tltootr. EAIIT LIIIUIITY , Pa. , July 1. Cattle Nothing doing , Ruicipt' , 012 ; fhipmenlH , 3111. Hugs Aclive. Receipts. 2,200 ; nliip mcnts , I..IOO ; I'liiladclphinc , 8 10@8 70 ; JJaltimorex. 8 ! ! 08 10. Sheep Stronger. Rcccipt , 1,200 ; ship- mi'iits , 1,200. St. Tjouia Uvu Stock. ST. LOUIH , July 1. HORB--Nominally nnchanieil ; ; icccipts , : > 00HhipmciitH ; . Cattle KccciplP , ( i,00l ( ; hales whollj gram Texaus at 3 .riO@.ri 1,0. Slieup Rcceiiits , 8'JO ' ; good mutton ii : fair demand at 3 75 ® 1 iJO ; low graded very dull. CAf T Eniomoncj ami onlur tall illrcct from OriL 9 mwoilili [ inoiiMtly l > y mil at the lOMust nasfllilo < u li prlco lo nil Mc-tttni | iuln-H je-in-lni TVJ.KIl .lAM'CO. . Easlnaw Citv.Mli.Ii INCREASE YOUXl CAPITAL. , 1'iioilorj pf viii II anil n.wlliim /jinn anotiiitj In ( Ir.ifii Irolilni nml loVjJ St cl.4 as fulli prolrct" ! un most ( \tuj Uo mil inllui-ntlil ojurtttjrH Our BII-CM hful , f jlly trloii , olclui- im Ittblli i'il nla i. THY IT. Hipjrti tuit uecklyillvlil'ii'lH pilil monili- ly Hc.'Mil at onto for uxplaniitjry ilrcu'nrs nml pant iccoril , I IUK. ! lllvtdt'iitlij paid ( luring ) ast tlilrti-on montln on Una fund i-H.71 put A'ilrrH PuBlIM MKKUfAtl , 141 and in , TTWu wunt .1 laril ; ifnt in ncr\ti\Mi KM Ili-iit liiiliivuiiivn H , i ibil | < ii , , to i ru-ionllili | ) , cntvi pi-eiry man , Wr lo foi torim. D. M. WELTY , ( Snoiiosunf to D. T. Mount. ) Mitnuto Hirer and Duilor In Saddles , Harness , Whips , F-ANOV IIOHS15 OLOi'JlINa JlolJQS , Dusters aud Turf Bootla / ' ' % - V Ol AM , UI&CKUTIONt ! . / ' ' ' ' ' . 'I-- I ' ' iH& m m ® / gciitloJai. . 11.11111 fiCo.'l m&m HARNESS "Tho Boat in'i ho World , " Ordrri Eollcllcd. OMAHA , NEB uio ly EDWARD KUJ3HL SIAOIIHEK I'AUIVIiTKUY AKBlCOHDI 'IIOX/.LIIiT , 491 "Vntli , Jv/i t , letvic c F ro ts * ad U.iircvVI'i ' , wl.h tin r.ld of KUt ultjlji. obti'.n fcr any onn s K'I- ' J -t the atid prc tul , and 0,1 certain wJitlocs la thq fu tu > a. I DUtiJHboco uni2e ' 1 ' 'rToniHf ( > < * rilAKII.N Ul1ly ! tbu nndi ! lvnoJ , In Wi ) t 1 Oinahi , 010 Inmatu. . aljouc tin (10) ( ) yuan old , ttitba 1/r nl , tlio letter I ) , un lull nliaulJir , ultli aboi intil llnv abnu tlio kt- lurl ) . I ) , t ) . HUII-JIK.N. Juno 0 , ItM. Jjl-d-o-mt 61 iOUND A lulr of lMti. Iiuulro | at muit > market HV. . nor 13lli aJd C'lilcauo Hi. lt | VI Kb WKAVKIt Ka-.hloimlili ) druiiniaU-r 610 1\1 N , lotli btii-ut. Tvailibl cutting and fit tluB l y li'oJel , CIC-U * ON THE DIAMOND DRBSN , The Fines * Enll Game of the Sonnon Played on Saturday. of Outdoor Sjjinrti Thor oughly Arowou Our Atliloics Bound to ho EticonrftRod. i'flio now ground of the Union \icifio Athletic association on S x- ooiith street was Iho scene of nn oxlra fine gnuio of ball on Saturday , it which the U. P. and 11. fc XF. ninoa were contestants. A largo nninbor of nilica nnd gentlemen voro pruaont , Una Bliowiiig that out-door sports will liul favor in Omnha when properly conducted , nnd when good nthlotic ikill strives for p > pular plnmlita. Wo iitvo plenty of Iho proper muscular miturial ainoji ) , ' our yomi ; men in this city , and now that mtitablo jrouiuUi nro opened thure is no re.vnti tvlmtovor why b.wo lull , cricket , foot jnll and other npnrts of the green turf should not bo of frequent occurrence. On Saturday the ehmnpion U. P. line ahiud their castora on to the liatnond arena with aoino iinpm-tmit olmngoa in the funeral make up , the most noticeable being the nbaonciS of [ ilueky little Handle , captain and j.Uclior of the nine. Urn place win Illled by Htrock , who faced Dorr'o twisters nobly nnd ouno out of the iamo with only one error. he 11. A M. proiantod the iitroiiiosl | nine they have yet brought ' in this city , and although de feated , they luivo nothing to bo ashamed of. The playor.1 with a little moro prastico to otliur will give the U. P. nine or nny other iiino in thin nection of the country just about all they want in the luso ball line. Itrtndl caught like n major , while Muck and Kortman handled the wil low if it ntado for " ns was only "daioy- euttors" and far out Hold wumleiom. The game wiw very exciting through out na the score of four and three nt the end of the eighth inning alunva. \t that lime victory eeemed as much the right of one club as the other , but in the "ninth" the U. & M. met their \Vatorloor The audience w.m generous and impartial in ila ap plauae although the U. ndheronts wore numerically on the aacondancy. Dorr exhibited the finest style of pitching seen in this city for many a day. With practice ho will compare with any of the professionals , and oven now there ate many who guard the "centre" in league cluba who ear teach Dorr nothing. Following is the HUOllK IIY INN1NOS. Tuning. . . 1 1 ! : ! fi 0 7 S ! l U. I' . 1 11-7 H. i"i M . 0 ( I 0 1 0 1 ! 0 0 0- : Kims-U. 1' . , It. Two bum ) hits Whitney , Mark. JiallH e.illcd Darken 81 , D.rrhA Htrikoa called Off Diuki'o Hl. ! Uorr-IO. Struck out U. i' . II , 1 ! . & M. ! > . 1'anscd balls Stiock fi , Itinndt 1 , heft on buses - U. P. U , II. K M. li. Uiuplro liriiwold , of the 1) ) . & Jl. hciul- Timeof unmo 2:10. THE NATIONAL HOLIOAY. The Omtilnv ISaitlo will Sprund 111 WlncH Over ft Very Litirfro Vorritory. It has noltlcd down to it dead inora certainty ( hat Omnha will have no Fourtli of J uly celebration in the oil ; limiU , the noaroitapproach to it boinj , the Land League picnie at Jlancall'i p.trk. Our citi.unsvill sc.itler out ii v.-iriouH dircctionn as their inclination may lend them , Dlair , Fremont I'lailiimouth , Sioux City , and a scori of amallur placcu on the line of th U. ] ' . , 15. & M. , M. P. and so 01 each receiving : i share of Omaha vieilois. Omaha hu.s fitrniuhud orator for a d i/-3ii cliferent cities and towns and really lias done her nlmro an vindicated her patrioliam. It wouh have boon very easy however to Imv had n grand union colobraion horc and ] ) onret ( thouiiunds of clollnrn inti the coders of our merchants. AT 1IASCAI.I/H I'.IIK. Tlio Omnha branch of the lri h Na tional Land League will have a grant timo. They will inarch out in proces sion from Olurk'fl hall and _ will bo joined by various lands , sociuiiei and gncats , who will flvvull the crowd up into the thousands. AT I'tATTHMOUTH. The J'Jightoonth ' Street M. K. Sun day school children , their paronta and friend * will join with the citizenu in a guml , old-fashioni'd time. A special train will go down from Omaha , leav ing the U , ifc M. depot at 9 a. in. anil returning lonvo I'latt-jni'.uth ' at ! p. m , Hound trip. 7bi. There will be a parade of the lire department , Grand Army of the Kopublio , Lieder ICran/ Society and "Sliurmiin Hum- more. " Muaio will ho furniahod by the H. & M. band. AT HIM in about fifty members of the Grand Army of the Jtopublic , of this city , with their families nnd friends will at tend , going up on the early morning train. The round trip is put down tc § 1 00. The IJlair folks have arranged i lively programme which will contin ue well into Iho night AT I'HKMONT. there will ba a great many Omaha people , and a lively time in promised. J he programme tharq in very oxton. nivo and attractive , AT HI out irv. The attractioim uH'ured by Sioux City are simply immense und the &puciul train hai been eecured to miiko the trip nt a very low rate from the I' . P. transfer. The Unioi Pacific band will go up on the trail nnd alto the Uluffr City baao bal tcum , of Council Ithilla. There wil bo jinrdlo raceH , hone toum races bicycle rncea und many other interest ing features. IIAHI : DAI.L. Tlio 15. it M. baao ball club are to play the At'untici , of Iowa , in tin city on Tueuday morning , und u line and closely cunteatod gamu in pru dieted. The Union Pucilio team piny tin Drdudnuughta , the chdiupion amateur club of 'Illinois , on Tuesday after noon , July ( , WHIXE1.AW lornco Oreoloy's Younff Mnn Comes Wost. Attached to the outgoing train on ho Union Pacific yesterday was the pccial car "California , " of the Don- ml Pacific , on which wore D. 0 < Mills nnd family , including his jour- inlistic son-in-law , Whital.v.v Itcid , ill bound for the Pacific slope. Mr. Jcid came ncrnaa the river yesterday noniing nlono , and ( | iiictiy taking a in one of March's barouches , ook a live cent view of the city. In iiiivcrsation with a rcprcscntativo of " "UK HEI : , ho roitor.itcd the remarks hat all levelheadedisi era make tier seeing Omaha "Ita progress i ? vonderful. It is bound to bo a great ity. " Mr. Hold's western visit is purely no of pleasure. Ho snya he wants to ake a good solid visit before the l.v jora of the ciiminj ; f.tll campaign In ho empire atato doimml hia atton- ion. He will ] irobably romnin on the lie Pacific slope until September , hut vhcn ho returns to Now York ho in- endn to take oil' hia coat and go into ho light with Napoleonic vigor. Ho rould not commit hinnelf on the pol * which would mark his course of ho Tribune during the coining cam- nign but from hia conversation it vas evident that the political colors vhich have Honied to the brae-no from he tall hn\or on printing houao qtiaro would not bo lowered. The uccesaor of the saso of Chnppax" eels very confident that there will be nero union nnd gond feeling among ho republicans of Now York this year linn has been neon in many years , lo thinks Cornell will bRronomitiated without a doubt and elected. Whttolavy appear * bolter to-day , as 'ar an physical condition u concerned , : han ho ever haa. Ho shook the dus * if Oiuciiumti from his shoos and went , o the great metropolis to study the "odes of Horace. " Yen , ho is robust , and all the sunllowor colony nnd oitholie attitudes are no longer about um. The aroma of the Lotus club las d'sappcnrcd , and the journaliatie child of Grcoley appears to-d.iy like a lorny-handod granger -ono who plows in acrj and a half before breakfast nnd oata till that nroa would pro- iluco in n prosperous season when the morning meal was in Whether hia Kuroponn trip a the c ins J of this favorable ehnngo in Wmlul'iw'd appearance or hia severe neaaon of training for the fight with the nlato department deponent knowelh not , bntthe all'iblo , gnntlo- manly , fortunnto land bright genii of Iho tall tower 5a now apparently in hia heat health. Mr. Reid did not leave his regards for Doc Millur wo are sorry to say , becauee lie did not live in Utica nor Syracuse. Ho merely heard them cry out "IJaggs hotel" at the former place , and stopped ten minutes for refruslinientn , nnd the latter while traveling up the New York Central. Pure. Thin po d ir nu\cr vnrlot. A innrvcl ol p y , Htruti 'Ui .md vUioIoiouii'iiuw , Mora ccono nilcnl tlmn tlm ordinary klndu , and cnnuot lie tolJ In coniiotllloM ] wllli the multitude of i ow tout , uliorttulKlit. . ulum or plionplinto powden Hold only In C.VIH. ItoTAbillAKiNO I'OWDIU O SI. . . Nuw Vnrtr .1 1 o v t I4VUX > V t In * i IIN [ r urn i. ulclv- 11 I Ml li' .lid } -n 1 1 nato- OrlY.i" , i'i'H'1 i-J it I K-II > I' liiili-ni-iii'lU bin Ki-v On.Vil - -JIJnrii"v on two Auw V Vuinmt-'f iiuo t'iceu Stovi's are luilliippngablA Tlioso uulebralo'l stoves for sale by Plercy & liradford , Omulni , Neb , 2' ) 1m i TJS NOTIOK. In the Mutter of the Kstatuof 1'rwl Laoge , ( let-eased : Nutlcci in hereby Klven that the creditors of Bald deccaied , will meet the executrix f aald estate , bcforo mo. County Judge of Douglas county , Nohraalca , at tlio County Court room , In raid county , nn the 1'Jtb day of Augusl , 18S2 , nn the 111 h day of October , 188i ! , and un tlw I'Jth day of le- ) rcinbt-r , 1882 , at 10 o'c > uck a , m , each day , fur the purpose of pro unlhig thi'jr cUiiiin for examination , adjustment and ullow- anca. Six montha ani allowed for credi tors lo prcbunt their claims , and ono year for the executrix In aolllo aid ealate , from the I'Jth day of June. 1882. Tills nutico will bo pnblUhed in Ilia Omaha Daily Heo for four wteki buocee- Bively , prior t ) the lOih d.iv of August , 1882. A. M. OHAUUMOK , County Judge. A True Copy. I'JIOl'OfSALS J'Ult 1J1UDK ( ! CON- STllUCTION. BcnioJ jiroiiosils will I'O rtc U9 by tb uiid r ' iiwl unt'l ' J ° oc't p. ia. on JulIbt JSS ! , for the ut'tt'.ructoii ' | of ul.i icrom north Omilia criwk nuir Cumin ; on tunu- dir ktro cord irto iiluii a'id iici-Illjitl .ill on 111 j In i liu Uily Knglii.'tr'H olllca , DlJs t > b noonipanUu | by thu a'Kluturtu ot | ire | * > ed kurutloi , nbu In ( la otcnt cf thu auuruhi/uf thu ontriit ulll enttr Into boud * w I'll ttu cltycf Ouialu In tfcu sum ol 5JOS fJf tbe althful C UBU- tionof tlo irk alOft4JJ | accirdingtoi-o Thwiltyitivi\oitlier'6htloH'J tt nv , tU . J , J. UC. 3t