Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Onrialia Bee
IWlnhed every morning , creep * . Sunda
Who. ony .Mom ! y morning dully ,
One Vwr 810.00 I Throe MoaUis.CS ,
BU Months. o.OO | One . . 1.
ty Wcdbwdayi
One Year. . . . .82.00 I Three MOD the , .
BlxAJcith . . . . 1.00 I Ono
or Xcwudcalcrs In tha I'nltcd States ,
Ifttians roljvtini ? to News and IV.Itorinlin !
er ohouM bo addressed lo the KIUTOII i
: 15KK.
'T'iS8 ; LETTERS All Unite *
, j. . . . nnd Ilomittiuices nliuuiit lie n
dicsswl lo THE OMAHA FanuBHLva Co :
tANT , OMAHA. Drafts , Checks nnJ rot
.ffice Orders to bo mudo l > aynblo to tl
nler of the Company
K ROSEV/ATKR. E < Iltor.
As WK approach the dog days w
are reminded of the fact that Omali
would bo moro habitable if a fe
thousand doga were killed oil' .
Ir. ULAINI : promptly sent hia choc
for § 1,000 to the Iowa aullororB. M
Ulaiiio'a political drafts onlowa Imvi
always been as promptly honored.
As far aa reported three hundrc
and thirty-six lawyers will spout i
the state on the glorious Fourth. Hi
ports of another terrific wind stori
may bo expected on Tuesday nfto ;
Tim Philadelphia J'rcia
that "tho next man who propoai
another expedition to the North Pol
r.hould bo compelled to diet for
month on poor Do J ong'n bill of fni
dog moat nnd willow tea. "
Ouu navy is not quite na well o
fleered aa Artcmua Ward's famou
regiment , where every mati was
brigadier general , but with ono oflicc
to every ciqht ticamon it looks aa
the executive department is slight !
CONOUKHS is bound to have a con
mittoo to invcstigato the causa of labc
strikes. Tt ia proposed that they sen
for peraonn and papers nnd wo woul
suggest that they summon Jirn Stopli
onaon nnd lot him bring along tli
LOOK out for another cyclone. Sev
eral woman suffragists that Iiavo booi
despatched to Wyoming , at the expense
ponso of the U. P. , to iuveatigati
woman suffrage , nro on their way bad
now , charged nud primed with n vaa
amount of wind.
AN exchange saya that the Ionics
fence in the world will bo that extend
ing across the Indian territory , whicl
will bo 200 miles in length. Nobraa <
lea can beat that , with n political
fence extending across the entire
state , over -100 miles in length , and
which hundreds of small bone politi
cians are trying to straddle.
Annum has vetoed the
immigration bill because of serious
defects in its provisions which it
would bo impoBsiblo for the steamship -
ship companies to carry out. The
ono thing which the stcamnhip com
panies have never carried out is their
contracts with the helpless immigrante
In the atcorngo who have had rather
fewer [ accommodations than the line
beef cattle between London and IsTow
THOSE citizens who insist that there
must be moro or less jobbing con
nected with any board of public
works appointed in Omaha may find
themselves mistaken , The first guar
antee against dishonesty in the ad-
.imnittration of our municipal alliira
will bo found in the nomination nnd
confirmation ot reputable , honest and
competent men. Honest men will
not bccoino parties to any swindle ,
and competent men will know enough
to prevent Dwindling on the part of
others. Hut the possession of wealth
ia not always a guaranty of lloncsty.
TT * * " *
THE gross earnings of the Ponn-
uylvania railroad last month were not
only the largest in the history of the
road , but the largest over known in
any month for any single railroad sys
tem itf the world. They exceed four
millions , nnd the gross receipts were
over § 125,000 n day. Hut this pauper -
per corporation was so crowded by
hard times that if could not afford to
pay the laboring men who handle its
freight living wages , and when the
laborers struck the railroad [ mana
gers made their patronstho merchants ,
bear the brunt of all their losses.
Tin : democrats are in a fair way of
electing the next governor of Penn
sylvania. Their candidate for gover
nor , Robert 12. Pattison , has been
comptroller of Philadelphia for four
year a , and has an excellent reputation.
Ho xill doubtless poll the full demo
cratic vote , which the republicans ,
T divided ) > y the revolt against Boss
Cameron , mil bo unable to ovcrcomn.
Perhaps it is beat that this should
happen. Tin/ republican party has
reached that stage where it adopts
.needed reforms only by defeat. The
rule of bosses and corporations nit
bo overthrown nt nil hazard * , becau
good government is moro imporla
oven than partisan success.
Tur. fatal iccidcnt on Douglas sire
on Saturday evening ( 'ls attention
the necessity for the passage of an o
dinanco by the city council prohibit ! ;
public exhibitions in Omaha which n
dangerous to life. For two weeks tl
life uf the ropa walker , who plied I :
vocation ncrnsB one of our princip
thoroughfares , was nightly impcrilli
BJ wcro the livt'fl of the spectator wl
crowded the street nnd watched tl
daring performance. That no 01
but Mead was' killed by the fall at
that the heavy balancing rod in i
descent did not brain a half
dozen of our citizens v.
duo moro to need luck than to got
management. .Such exhibitions a
always dangerous. The very fact
their danger to the performer douli
less mnkcs thorn moro attractive
many. But thcro ia no reason why ,
n man wishes to take liia lifo in h
hands nnd at the same tiino put tl
lives of other in jeopardy , the la
should notntopinnnd prevent. Ineas
era cities trnpcza nnd all kinds of mi
air performances tire lorbidden whoi
proper precautions nro not taken (
protect the performer from dange
This 13 generally secured by nprcai
ing below Uic ropoor apparatus n wo
guyed not which will break any fal
and prevent it fatal accident like thief
of Saturday. In Now York , Phil
delphia and Chicago this rule is stric
ly enforced und the daya of .sorioi
accidents of this clan.1 in those citii
nro past. Onmha should learn n lo
son from experience nnd adopt n
ordinance which will cover bet
theatrical and open air exhibitions <
a dangerous character.
Till ! political campaigns of 1882 i
the vanoua elates will bo marked b
vigoroua nnd earnest work both withi
nnd without the party lines. Thoi
is no disposition to place confidonc
in the theories of impractical rofonr
era. Whatever success ia forthcomin
must bo the result of organization an
n full uno of the legitimate mothot
of political machinery. This has bee
recognized by the Pennsylvania iml <
pendents , by the Now York nnti-mc
nopoliuta and must bo well understoo
by the honest and unbiased voters c
our own state. Ilcsults 0,111 enl ;
bo achieved by practical poli
tical methods which roach ii
their operations the intollitronco o
every voter whom they desire t <
ilfect. Political reformers of tin
George William Curtia stamp fail ii
impressing their idoaa upon our nn
tional political system because thoi
sflbrts end * vith the publication o
lengthy letters or eoaso with the perorations
rations of n few reform stum ]
ipocchos from the piniform. All re
Forms must originate with ideas , bu
, o make those ideas clldolivo thoj
nust bo infused into nn nctivo vitalitj
hrough the channola of political or
; nni/.ation. Abolitionism was merely
> sentiment until it became the princi-
110 of n parly organization am !
ma curried to a triumphant
uccoBs through a republican congress
nd republican legislaturoa , The fail-
ire of civil acrvico reform as cham-
lionod by Charles Sunnier , Carl
Jchurz and Horace Grcoley , although
nfusod into every party platform ,
ras duo to nn entire lack on the part
> f the champions of civil service re-
orm of n practical knowledge of polit-
sal methods. An idea alone cannot
xcouto itself. It is only when it in-
uses Itself through the ranks of party
nd takes practical shape in lo isla-
urea nnd congress that it becomes
owortul nnd effective.
The great issue of the campaign 'u
fobraska is the redemption of the
; ate from the control of the moil-
Colics , the cleansing of our avenues
: political thought and the selection
ion to ofliooa of honor and trust , who
111 represent thu interests of our
roducea on the floor of congress , and
i the halls of our state legislature ,
hero uro fully 150,000 males of
iting ago in OUr stato.
fair canvass of our
) ting population would show
largo majority in favor of the
inciplca advocated J by the farmers'
liimco ] and anti-monopoly league ,
lioimads , while unwilling to leave
irty ranks until party rule becomes
) sitivoly intolerable , nro anxious to
ipporiQ the interests of the produc-
3 through the medium nnd methods
party organization. They ought to
ako themselves felt first in the cau-
is and primary next in the eonvon-
nand afterwards at the polls. An
iti-monopoly candidate of sterling
C3rd and sound principles will bo
mo the loss acceptable to the alliance
icauso nominated by a republican ,
miocratio or greenback convention.
His nomination through the regular
irty channoh will udd increased nun-
> rt to his candidaoy nnd make all the
ere sure his election. To succeed
the coming campaign Nebraska
iti'inonopoliats must throw nsido no
iportunity to placj anti-monopoly
on iu every elective position ,
leeches nnd conventions nro excel-
it moans of inUuonciiiij Bontimont ,
it sentiment must make itself cll'oc-
o through nctivo political work , A
irdy campaign beginning with slump
Bechoa and with no work between
i platform and the ballot box will
never succeed. Thcro must be the
ough organization , a faithful canvn
of voters nnd an nctivo effort in pi
inary caucuses and nominating convo
tions ,
TIIIHTKK.V counties only were ro
resented by accredited delegates ,
shown by the report of committee <
credentials , at the iinti-monopo
convention nt Lincoln , and strange
it may seem not ono of these was fro
North Plntto county. The on
North Plntto County was Dougln
whoso "dclogatc-nt-largo" had no cr
deiilirla and were admitted throw
courtesy nnd because tlioy wcro fire
class agitatora. Itluir J'ilot.
A corporation capper will resort
moro downright lying than a lightnii
rod agent or n book peddler. Tl
gilded brass collnr which John V
Thuraton put on the man that edi
Th ? Pilot suoma to sot so well that 1
wants to out do the pay roll editors
the Omaha Jltjiublit'un in his : al
bo lilllo and misrepresent the an <
monopoly cause.
It was to have been expcctt
that the anti-monopoly Icagt
would got no bettor treatmei
nt his hands than tl
farmers alliance , which he has ii
suited nnd taunted over since it w :
organized. A thief can remain r >
apcctnblo ns long ns ho is not caugl
nloaliug nnd a liar can practice dcco ]
lion ns long M lib falsehoods canni
bo disproved. The published pn
ceedinga of the anti-monopoly convoi
teen show that instead of thirtec
there were thirty-ono counties rcpn
aonted by aceroditrd delegates ai f o
lows : Adams , Boone , Buffalo , Bui
lor , Cass , Clay , Colfax , Dodge , Douj
las , Fillmore , Franklin , Gage , Hami
ton , Ilnrlan , Jefferson , Johnson , Keai
noy , Lancaster , Morrick , Nomahi
Nuckola , Otoo , Pawnee , Platti
Polk , llichardson , Saline , Saunden
Boward , Thnyor and York. Instoa
of Douglas being the only count
north of the Platte represented b
accredited delegates there were ac
credited delegates from the coun
tioa of Boouo , Buffalo , Colfax
Dodge , Douglas , Merrick and Plattc
The permanent president of the con
volition , Mr. Oatorhout , hails fron
Morrick county , which is north of tin
Platte , and other ofliccrs of the leagu
who were present reside in the sann
section. It is natural that the scctiot
south of the Platte shouh
have the larger representation
In the first place two-thirdi
ot the population of Nobraski
live south of the Platte , and in tin
next place Lincoln is B good dca
nearer to them than to pcoplo of tin
Washington county and the towr
if Blair were not represented , bul
when a vote ia taken by the people o
that county on the issue between UK
monopolies and the people , the cappori
that have contracted to deliver tha
: ounty to Valentino , and Jay Gould'i
nonopoly will bo buried so deep thai
; ho trump of Gabriel will never read
Tin : railroad organs nro trying tc
nuke out that Colorado merchants nrc
innnimous in requesting that freighl
atoa between Chicago and Denver bi
iiaintnincd nt tiicir present oxorbitanf
igurefl , because nny cut would dc-
rcnao the value of their stocks , which
ro listed at original cost with high
ates nddod. The Denver New * pro-
( ounces this n lie of the largest
limonflionB. Living in Colorado ia
txcessively high because every article
if domestic consumption is cxorbi-
antly laxod by the monopolies
n its transportation from the
aat. The profita of the merchants
11 their aides would bo none the less
[ freight rales were reasonable , while
ho entire atato would reap the benefit
n the increased purchasing power of
dollar nnd the consequent decrease
i the coala of living. No fnllncy is
ronlor Ihan tint which iiBsumea that
igh prices make good times or that
igh freight rates benefit any other
arties than the railroads who collect
lem. The loss on merchandise in
: ook would bo trilling compared with
10 gain to the people nt largo if
msonublo and steady rates were
naranteed the people of Colorado by
10 three railroads which now enter its
AMONII the nominations made by
10 president last Saturday nro Michael
, Onuuor , of Kentucky , minister to
witzorland mid James Rilay Weaver ,
! West Virginia , aocrotnry of legation
id consul general of Vienna. Ken-
icky and West Virginia were solid
ir General Hancock in 1880 nnd
loir delegations iu congress are demo
ats. Nebraska , on the other hand ,
kvo Garliold nnd Arthur over twenty
lousand majority nnd never has been
ipreaontod by a democrat in cither
anch of the national legislature since
10 was admitted into the union ,
nil yet Kentucky sends n minister
Switzerland , and West Virginia a
nsul general to Vienna , while No-
aska has n sum total of two consuls
iroad. Kentucky with her 70,000
miocratio majority is represented on
o Bupromo bench bya judge , and in
o territories by several lucrative
ices among thorn the governorship
Utah. Nebraska has gradually
on stripped of her territorial np-
intmonts until there is nothing loft
t the redoubtable Atkinson , aur-
vor general of Now Mexico , and a
jplo of Indian ngentg. Why a re
publican administration shot
bestow its patronage on dorr
cratic states , and ignore sm
that hnvo always given firm an
port to the republican pai
is ono of the mysteries which nebo
as yet hits been nblo to cxpl/ii
While wo do not boliovc that parti
are founded for the purpose of divi
ing the political spoils that como
their disposal , it ia but reasonable ai
jtiat that in the division of the p ;
ronngo of n party it erull favor the
who have sustained it. Nebraska h
certainly as mr.ny able and Btaun <
republicans aa Kentucky or West V :
ninia or oven Delaware. She in
have erred in casting her vote in t'
national aonvontion for JatncaA. Gt
field , but if James A. Uarfield had n
bacn nominated president or rath
if U. 8. Grant had been nominnti
prcaidcnt Mr. Arthur never wou
have filled the executive chair. '
the present administration the nomi
ation of Garfieldwaa a blessing in di
guise , nnd no republican state th
happens to have favored ( inrfic
nliould bo ignored or discriminuti
against in the distribution of prei
dontial appointments.
An Arctic Hero.
New YoikTImis.
The diary of Lieut De Long v
tondH from Oat. 1 to Oct 30. It
the record of terrible Buffering ban
with indomitable heroism and cndii
in death. Thcro ia not in lilcrnt ; ro
nobler or more pathetic story.
Do Long and his men died of co
and hunger. They supported Ii
during thirty days by the adoption i
every means known to shipwreckc
men except cannibalism. No 01
seems to have thought of that lion
bio expedient. At first they had
little dog-rneat , and they managed I
shoot two or throe ptarmigans ; the
they wore reduced to tea made <
of willow twigs and to alcohol. /
last they gnawed the leather of the
boots and bits of deer-akin , and thei
too weak to continue thuir march , la
down to die. They were slowly dyin
of starvation for fully three weoki
nnd in this condition had to roaist r
best they could the terrible colt
Through it nil they never loat thei
courage. "All hands weak and feeble
but cheerful , " wrote Da Long , who
it must have boon perfectly clear tha
nothing but a miracle could BIVO th
party from death. There ia not a lin
in the whole diary of complaint o
murmuring against God or man.
It too often happens that diaciplim
hraniahos among shipwrecked men , am
; hat the selfish desire for lifo leads t <
inhumanity , if not to actual crime
There ia no such stain in the story o
: ho crow of the Jcannetto.Lieut. . Di
Long seems to have maintained hi
mthority unquestioned to the last
md hia men evidently shared his gen
iroua apirt. For days they dragged i
lick comrade with them lashed to i
ilod , and never seem to have though
) f abandoning him in order to increasi
-heir own chances of reaching a set
.lenient. The officers nnd men nove
nanifestod the slightest hcsitatioi
Between duty and selfishness. The ;
slung together and helped ono anotho
oyally while living , nnd so long n tin
mrvivors had strength their dead comrades
rados wcro given Christian burial
Phoro waa apparently no difference it
: ho bearing and devotion of Da Lonj
ho American , Erickeon the Dane , 01
Vh Sum the Chinaman. Every rnai
) f the little band waa a hero , knowint
low to do hia duty and doing it witli
intl'inching faithfulness.
In their desires the shipwrecked
nen turned for help to God. In Dt
Jong's diary there ia constant men
ion of religloua services. When tlit
uithful Alpxy.waa dying the surgeoi
laptized him , and when all hope hati
[ onowoaro told that "all united in
aying the Lprd'a prayer and creed.1
L'fio humble , cheerful trust ; n God
, nd submission to Ilia will , of which
) o Long's diary givea constant cvi-
lonco , allow us that it waa a band of
/hriatian heroes that perished in the
Siberian snow.
Bitterly as wo may at first pight ro-
ret that ao manly noble lives have
ieon lost , the mon of the Joannetto'e
row did not die in vain. Their fate
uggcsta that beautiful naaangu in tin
rayer-book where wo thank God for
lioso who have departed this lifo in
lia fear. Do Long nnd his mon have
iado ua prouder of our humanity ,
'hey have shown us to what sublime
eights of heroism educated officers
nd ignorant seamen can alike attain ,
'hoy have given an example of culm
nd cheerful performance of duty
hich is without prico. They have
down ua once moro that faith in Gud
an survive all Buffering. Let us
tank God for the lifo and death of
icsa heroic men. It is impossible
me their heroism can fail to bear its
riceloaa and perennial fruit.
But let us have no more costly sac-
ticea of life in the vain search for the
olo. It is idle ns well as ungenerous
> blame the projectors of the .lean-
otto expedition for its disastrous fail-
re. The vessel was to follow a route
ithorto untried , and there waa nmplo
istification for testing the question
hethor the polo could bo reached by
mt route. Exploration becomes un-
latitiablo only when it is dernonslra-
d that the end sought cannot be nt-
inod in apito of every effort and B.IC-
fico. When the Jeannette sailed it
id not been demonstrated that the
) lo could not bo reached by steering
irthwnrdfrom Wrnngoll Lind. Her
: purieiico has now proved that tha
o barrier is na impenetrable in that
rcction na it is wherever else it lias
len attacked. The chances ( hat the
ilo can ever bo reached are nonEO
finilGsimally small that we are not
stilled in wasting nny moro livea in
ilar ospsditioiif. To send out nn-
her expedition would show arecHosa
dilforonco to human lifo of which
y nation ought to bo ashamed. Lot
claao the record of hope-leas heroiuu
d useless aulidring in the frozen sea
th the story of the noblest of all the
ctio heroes , George WrDj Long.
Truth , ami Honor.
Query : What ia the beat family
Hliciuo in the world to regulate the
wela , purify the blood , rompvo coa-
'cncss nnd biliousnecs , nid diRcstion
d tone up the whole system ! Truth
d honor compels ua to answer , Hop
.tera , being pure , petfect and harm-
s. Toledo Blade.
Personal and Social.
Prof , A , 1) . Williams has returned In
n Vint to HilNdnle , Mich.
Harry Haasen , of Fnirbury , 5 ? puttl
in a month visiting ea tcrn cities.
.1. X. Smith and wife , "f Beatrice , ha
returned from a prolonged eastern trip.
.1. Lnstifj , of Kearney , 1ms started on
tri ! > t" Aiutriix anil will be nbscnt ni
months ,
Gen. Lngan hat rnjj.igcd n suite
rontin at ( trnnd Island for the Sspteml
tra. .Tudgo Godfrey , of MltuUn , Imi
cirthcn teapot that Is i-5 years old , aud
ns sound a * a dollar ,
The Wnlv o Times says II. C. lirowp ,
Anhland , h to Ret an Appointment in t :
| ienion department.
Senator Padilock retiimcil from Nt
York n few days n o accompanied by Ii
daughter , Mii.s I fat tic.
S'llomnn Hnriutor ami wif , of 1J1
Springs , celebrated the 32d atmiveraary
their marriage on the IGth ,
L. W. Colby , of Beatrice , attended cor
mcncctnent of his nliua mnter nt Madiso
Wis. , la t week. Ho was orator.
Frank Oibb ? , for nloni ; time banking ;
Kcarnay , hi\s tone to Hebron to becon
cunhierof the Finn National there.
fleo.V , Clxtlicr hat been elected chl
of the Columbus frc department to fill tl
vacancy ciusul by K ' . Sheehan's death ,
Low Martin , ex-Bhcrilf , is ntrcet coi
inisiioncr of HnstingD , nnd the way '
gsts after the boys who don't pay the
I > ell tax ii a terror.
KldcrH. C. Itarrow and family , of T
ciniHeh , left for Canton , I'.a , , last wee
They will Bpend nix weeks visi ing o
friands and rol.itivcs.
0. W. Collins Is making consiJcrab
improvcinent oa hit fine property in tl
south part of Pawned City , preparatoiy
returniaK to it ns noon n < i hU term cxpir
as supeiintenJent of the State ] lefor
Mr , A. Curtis , who ROIIIQ titno aim
went from this city to Oregon , returnc
with hia family last night , nnd nays he
now willing to live and die in God's coin
try in Adama' county. Ho ia teceivii :
the hearty conzratuUtiona of friends !
every corner. - Hastings Nebraslcan ,
An eye witness tlis that two your
Norfolk era had a pleasant triplast Snndu ;
The two took girls out buggy riding in
single Beat hnggy. Ono fellow nat betwee
the two girla nnd drove , and the other 01
walked behind the buggy to see that it di
not break down ,
Tim liaptistj of Oakland held a sociabl
one eight last week nnd among the nttrai
tiuns was an offer by the Independent t
print fJOO business cards for the most po |
ular business man. Kach ono of sevc
candidatei received 0110 vote an I at a v < er :
late hour the offer waa withdrawn.
A couple of auditors of the B. & M
woio checking accounts with 1) . U Uhcrr ;
last Saturday , prior lo the beginning o
the new orJor of things July l t. Cherr ;
always checks out square. Crete tit.ind
ard. That ha doe , nnd there isn't a bet
tor ngent on the line , from Omaha to Den
The Dayid City Tre says : "The U. V
company ha\o discharged their populni
ilepot agent nt thia point , Mr. II. M.
Montgomery. The only satisfaction thej
; avc him , when he called on them to knov
the cause , was that ho had 'toj manj
[ ricnd.i. One thing is mire , 'Mont'a
friendd never cost theni anything. He
.van an honest mid efHcient man , but he
'has ' too many friendi. ' "
Yesterday the friends of Mr. Wm. Bai.
! ey gathered at his residence west of 1'elvi'
leio tocelebrste his Bixty-first birth clay ,
iMthounh fcixty-ono yearn old Mr. B. is us
nipple nj a young man nnd is capiblo of
managing hia largo estate for a number ol
pears yet to conif. The la .ies rnndo n nice
luilt for him for the occasion. After par
making of a sumptuous dinner the part }
liapersed well pleased with the entertain ,
nent , Hebron Journal.
Onl'YtdayevcningjtheKith inat.Mr. ant
Mr. . John Honey entertained their friend'
it their npaciom residence in Sutton , ii
iieing forty ypard since they became hus.
) . iut nnd v.-ite. Mr. and Mra. Houev
ivuro married nt Dundee. Scotland , by the
Itev. Kobert Murray M'Cheyne , a noted
nun whose bio raphv ns published make :
i largo volume. Two years after then
nnrrmge they embarked for America ,
) eing forty-five elays from Glasgow to New
i'ork in a sailing vessel.
Sereral couples from town went out tc
Vndrow Br wdcr's on lust Tuesday night
or a Burptija paity. We have not been
idvised what they had to eat or drink ,
mt conclude thuy must have ate or drank
oo much , aa OH the return home they lost
ho road , and two loaelx dumped into a
; ulch. Fortunately no one wa seriously
mr'v. One young man lost hia v/ntch.
) iie team run away , when the buggy
nrned over , and wagon-maker will realize
130 or SI i out of the evening's amuse-
uent. Albion News.
Churclioa and Ministers.
A $700 church will bo built in Wester-
ille , Caster county , before snow Miea.
A Union Sunday school wu organized
.t . the Darling school house , York county ,
n Junu 18th.
Itev. W. K. Jacob , Kte rector of the
Episcopal church at Decatur , has liken
hargo of the society aud church nt Blair ,
The Ord Baptist church will be dedi-
ated on Sunday , July IGth. Several
iromineut divinea will Assist iu the sem
The U , B. church at Beatrice has been
eceiviug a new of paint over the out-
ido , besides other improvements on the
llov. W. W. Beardslee , late pastor of
ho Baptist church , has , according lo the
'alls City New.- , united with the Chris- church.
Tliu McCook town cite company have
iveu a lot to tha CtingregutioiulUta , pro-
idmg the church oiganization build a
nod frame church hotuo thereon within
11 month- ) .
A Biibslnntinl od ImildinglOx'JO , is bo-
ig erected on the Berg place , south of
iwn , by tha Catholic uocletyof this place ,
i be used M a , placa of worship , Arapa-
uo Mirror.
Mr , Jt , Jr. Bassett. although a young
an. is nn ardent and sincere ) worker forte
to rniijo of Christianity. Ho preached
vice Sunday , ngaiu Monday evening , nnd
uoidny night 1m held str et serviced after
10 Moody-Saukey fashion , Loup City
imes. t
Bchools nnd schoolma'amu.
The Oakland scliojl boarxl has
rof. Culkini mil wife for uuxt year
Mica Net Baviurd , who has been teach
\S \ school atWahcio , has retuined to her
uno north of Neligh ,
Two email boya were expelled from the
iceola schoul Unt week for using profane
l'rf. Dnimmoiul , of the I'lattsmouth
hocilf , uuu another noti h on the family
lly stick -buy , nine pounds ,
The Hasting * school board received thlr-
en lj.n ) ) on the new high school build *
, but nil ivere toei liitfli and were je
: ted.
School district No. 12 , Gosper ciunty'
11 goon bo able to boast of a bran new
d gchool houf e , uow in c nine of crec-
> u by thti go-nheul iltizensi of the ilia-
ctMls < Cornell , who taught In the schools
ro last yea , c-iine in from her home in
cliardion county , riiturefny evening.
ia will vUit ol i frienda litre lor a while ,
1'awncu Kntorpiiao.
The Fairmont public school building has
m-ide knls'iniined and
en repainted - , ,
it in u thorough slate of repair , in reaJi.
us for the ni'Jt year , The priiicipaUhi ] )
l vacant , but there are a score of ap-
The teachers of the Howard echools for
3 euiuing year 1'ruf , G. H. ( Jumnilngs ,
lucipal ; Misi Jdnet O. Smith , J. A.
inptiell , M ! i 1UU Beoeon , Mlaa Josie
Davis , Mi a Mary Dunphy , Miss All
Blrge , of Milford.
Miss Hattie Vnndemarlr , the acco
plUlml daughter of J. H. Vandemartc , 1
returned to thin city. Mis ? Vnndema
has been teaching school in Kansas :
the past six months and we nre ti | !
glad to note her retuin.- [ Hastings I
Webster County Teachers' instltnte w
c iuvene nt Keel Cloud , August 7th , nt
o'clock p. in , , under Prof , ,1 , A. Campoe
of Seward conductor , assisted by an nl
corps of instructors and lecturers , nmo
whom ore named Prof. S. 1 ! Thompse
Dr. K B. Fairficld , Prof. ( S. W. Ke
nnd Prof. A. Jj. Funk.
Wo have heard a good manv visitors
Ked Cloud say our new brick scln
house , when completed , will be the liar
foinest and most convenient structure
the kind in tha Ktnto. Though not
largo as f ome other * , wo think lor beau
anrt couvcnlciuo it is not easily excellc
f Argus.
Mr. .f. A. Wcstovor of Albion , nnd M
Mlna Fushin , of 1,5 coin , were married
the latter plnco on the 21st.
Prof. F. J. Conner , nt Central City , w
married it AHm Lou Anderson , of Gree
castle , la. , at that place on luo L''th n :
will reside in Central City.
Geor ; oI2aker and Misi Alice Piol we
united in the bouda of matrimony , Mo
( lay evening , Juno 1 ! ) , at the residence
tha bride's mothpr , in Pawnee City.
At the rondenco of the bride's fatlie
in Seneca , Mclloury couuly ou June 1
1SS2 , llov. J. C. Clark , olllclating , Ue
F. W. IJean , of Liberty , Neb. , and Ml
Lettio IClmhall , of Senea , III.
, T. 1C Fitzgerald nn 1 Misa Donn
Miles were married at the residence
thei bride's father , on Spring Creek , i
June llth , And uiav the Lord ha
mercy on their eouls. [ Hebron Journal.
On the evening of Jti'io " 2nd , at In
home in Hamburg , In. , Mla Anuio lleei
late of the I'uirmont public school , w. .
married to F. M. Hull , of the law firm <
Mnrquctte , Dewcsc & Hal ) , Lincoln.
_ Ch rlesG. Himcbaugh , of Dakota te
ritory , formerly of Hoojier , Dodge count
Neb. , wns married lo Miss Klenn
Mathewsou , of Hooper , on the evrnlng
ifnue It ) , at the residence of Gcori
Mathoweon , the biido's father , by Eld
A. G. Cudney.
W. J , Hill , a long rosiden. , of Tekatnal
nnd Miss Nellie Unbbitt 1 1 i'lie Burtonia
Ollico wcro united in the bonds of we Jloc
by Kev. W. W. Worlcy , on the 21th ins
at IU in , nf tor which the new made on
drove to the homo of the bride's mother i
Mr. John F. Majors and Misa l.izzi
Mutz , both of Peru , Neb. , weio married :
the residence of 0. G. Dorsey , iu I5eatric <
on AVednesday morning , June 21st , Ko
H. F. Davis officiating. Mr. Majors is
brother of Mrs. Dor-sey , nnei Hon. T. i
Majors , nnd for many yeurshas been n rei
idout of Peru. The happy couple was n
tendeel by Mr. IJ. 1C. liradloy nnd Mil
losie AI. Coy , of Nebraska Citj' , nnd tii
ontlro party returned to Peru.overland , o
Wednesday. ICxpreis.
Knickerbocker , late of the Juninta Het
ild , is to start a paper at Pawnee City.
Jimmy Kfcgs his tiken chargi of th
local work of the O'Neill City Banner. _
The philosopher of the Sutton IlegisTe
talk of "an absence that will be missed ,
however that can be done.
The subscription Hat and gcod will o
The Wymorian have been sold to Alessrs
T. C. Burch & Co , proprietors of the Wy
moro Bank.
The Hebron Journal lias begun its
welf th year , nnd if it's ns goi > d n paper ir
ho next eleven as it has been in the jjmt ii
irill satisfy the Hebronites.
The Weekly Observer , Fal s City , is
uccessor to the Kichardsoii County lleg
ster , and is guided by Stephen Bowerd
t is anti-monopoly.
The Greenwood Eagle is gotten emt ir
ime to screech for the -Ifh of July. It i <
dited by Mr. and Mrs. W. S. EUiotl and
s a very readable paper ,
The commissioners of York county re
used to give the York Tribune the count ]
printing although its bid wns tbo lowest
Cue publisher applied to the Sitpremi
jourt for relitf auel la l neck n perea < p
ory writ of mandamm was allowed.
The North Den 1 Flail is the outcome o
ho newspaporial dillicultics of that flour
shine ; burg. It is edited by C. W . Ilyatl
md II. G. Garrett. They make no prom-
ses other than to givetun Bende-s n first
lass weekly. It is evident the Flail wil
irove to be worto than an S-lume ] ) owet
hreshing machine for some pjrtiea.
How often persons have be.u annoyed
iy burrs clingii.g to their dre ser clothing ,
.nd how seldom have they , when cleaning
hem , given it a thought that Burdock
toot is the most valuable blood cleanser
ml purifier known , and is sold bv every
ruggiut under the name of Burdock Blood
Sitterrf. Price , § 1.00. je2i-d-lw (
lurray Iron forks ,
Burlington Iowa.
Soral Portable
Engines ,
Offices , ,
Specialty ,
ho Largest Iron Working Establish
ment in the State.
Steam Engines ,
lie Howard Automatic Gut-Off
Steam Engine ,
Scad for Circulars. in 23-1 m
380 , 8HOBTJLINE. 1880 ,
111 1UI O.SLT
JLino to ST. LOUIS
From Onmbaand the West.
train * ) ea\u B k JJ. Depot , Oicalia : Neb ,
tan b ttrr n Omib r.i'd ai.
nd but Una tMtwcca OMAHA ted
: -a ! y PassengerTraina
AN'O V UJTEOI * CITIKi , with LEfil
CrlUKil LINK *
llnu u r Ulpivtd vritti Bitwpliic C ri > , hUco fay Cosc , cr !
j--v I'lttfiiiaa iUj OjupUr , r > sd the cucbratfd
rtini : < jj Ah't n.t.e.
& & * tUtoui tl kot IW.U VII nANSDB
: V. Iff. JOShPU b OOUHCIL ULUffS Bill
J , vlt ! . Juitvb ad fci. Loula.
iikeU tar ! t all ccDinu ditloci In | b
rt. J. F , BAUNAUD ,
U. Ui\\'Z3 , rtje. , st. JoMi > h. t o
Cenera ! Agwgl ,
Can Be Handled By a Boy.
The box need never be nkon o3 the wason and
all thcrhcllcd
Graiu and Grass Geed Is Save
It daisies * thin the old otile neki. Every
standard wagon Is nold with our ri k complcio
Or liny tlic iitt.ichr.innt ? aid npjilv them to
jour old wnsron box. i-'or Me In rfcbragka by
J. t } . CLARK. Lincoln. < S
MAXNIKO& Ilrm , OmnhJ. -
FRMI "mint , flrand Is and.
IlAflOLRTT It ( lllltr.V , llvtt IIT1.
CHARMS tcmoi : > siii : , Columhiu.
Si'AVoni.Rft ri-XK , lied Cloud.
C. II. OUSK & Co. , lied Oah , Iowa.
L.V. . Itt'HfKI , .G'CIIWOO' ' , lOW * .
And ovcrv first rla'adealer In the \vct. A'k
them for dcsccip.lvo circular or send direct
to us.
J , ffiodallum Bros. Mauufg Co. ,
O.Tlcc , 21Voit Like Strcof , Chicago.
N O W I a USE.
They Hirpa's nil other vehicle ? for eisy rldln ? .
btyleand dumbilltj ,
For sala by
Henry Timken ,
r.itontco and Bull Jcrot Fine Carriar s 1003.
1008and 1010 St. Charlesdt. , St. Lous. ' Cat -
loguca InrnUhoiJ | j " "
Improved ior 1882.
Every housekeeper feels the want of
iomothini ' ; that will cook the daily A
'pod andiu'oidthocxcesgivehaat , dust ,
itter and ashea of n coal or wood stove.
DO IT , better , quicker and cheaper
han r.ny other means. It ia the ONLY
HL STOArE made with the OIL
lack of the atovo , awayfrom the heat ;
> y which arrangement ABSOLUTE
SAFE IT is secured ; us no gas can he
; eneratod , fully twenty per cent more
icat ia obtained , the wicks are prc-
orved tvico as long , thus saving the
rouble of constant trimininc nnd the
xpenpo of notr ono.i. EXAMINK
HE MONITOR und you will buy no
, . . Mnnn'actured only hy the
lomtorOilStovGGo , ClovolandO ,
Send tor descriptive circular or c l' (
n M. Rogora tt Son , agents for Nu-
fetoada Mionai
( No. 2605. )
. . . , , > VAHli.NaTON , April 25th 1632. }
ilERiuB , bj ; ati9faitniy ovldonco preacntea
? WSJ'i'J ' f'B ? lCin "latl0 " ) appear
T P .
UA11A , In the
city ot Omaha , In the county of
gld8tat ° ° f >
' 1' aues o
, , , .
i i , tattre'lulrul ? ' tu I'etouiplicdwlth
n association
Khali bo authorized to com.
cnco the bu < lmM of Hanking :
, Comptroller
y cer' h "Tho
Oinaha , " Iu the city
CJ"t . > > ° ' Oo Bw , J "ate
, ii authorized to commence the
. In tfktimony whereof witnwa my
-I hnud and seal of office this 25th
hKAt. V day of April ii-82.
, c1olnptrollcro1 th Currency
Fhdiiln. ii. , '
Ihoaboie Ibnk la now prepared to recel'o
"Jo8 * . „ " commciicos with a fully pa d uu
° 'stcol ° .
, V. MOUSE , ol W.V.Jlorbcand Co , , Who'e.
ailo lloota and Hhota
: os - C.OtLINS , , of 0. H. A j. B. Collne ! '
CNBV W. VATES Cahler , ht Cashier of thu
li t take thr
'raiua ' leave On-.ib SnO p. m , ad 7:10 : a. w
full Inlaru ltou cill ca H , P. UUK'j , TlcVo
ent , 14th aud Rrnht.u titt } . 11KLL. U i'
llway Depot.c ; tt JAMEU T. OIM\K , ( JBJJ
.S nj , Ou.aU. UlJratc