THE DAILX BEE : ] \ONDAY \ [ , JULY 3 FINIS CQRONAT OPUS , Oominencoinont Exercises oftlii Higli School. Brilliant Literary Eater tain ment by the Graduat ing Clane. ractical Essays and Sonsibl Diecussion of Woman Sufi rage. Names of Thoao Who Carrim off tbe Scholastic Honorrf , Sound Words of Atlrlco frott Prosl , of tlio Board of Education. That great event of the school yuat of the college or public school , coin rnoncoitent day , waa celebrated by the mombora of the high school in thii city at Boyd's opera houao laat night. Notwithstanding the extreme hunt ol the weather there was a largo alien dance , both the parquet and fmnilj circle being filled. There were nt decor.itions with the exception of M arch of evcrgroena above the ntugi bearing the motto of the clasa , "Nt Stop Backward , " nnd the figures 8'2. The exorcises of the evomuj opened shortly after eii ht o'clock will nn overture by the Musical Unioi orchestra which was a inagniKcent prelude ludo to very interesting and credit' iblo exhibition. The stage was occupied by Prof. 0 D. Ilino , the principal of the hid school nnd \ > y 'ho eight gradnatun. I waa n handsome sight but thcro wiu an cntiro absence of TLOlUh W.COUATIONH , these delicate emblems being nloroc away in a privalo box to the loft ol the stage , whore they were awaiting the proper time to bo delivered to then owners and before the exercises wuro over covered the stage like now mown hay when the harvest is ovur. The firat feature on the programme WAS the reading of the clanu history by TVIisa Mary A. Fitch , It would be impossible to reproduce it in full but wo gathered from it that the claat- started in the fall of 1878 with 2J girls and 18 boys. During the year n number of those dropped out ono bj ono , as the fair historian eaid , nonu were these whose duties were not com < patublo with their powers and othun whoso powers were not comparable with their duties. She alluded oiu dark eyed by who was now the rilEKIUENT OF A HANK. At the close of the year the clast numbered M , During the next year otliora dropped out , nnd in September , 1880 , the class started in with but iivo of the original 30 still remaining to enjoy the triumphs of success in their studies. The September of 1881 added four , ono a gladly wel comed representative of the east , nnd the other three old members whom they had considered lost. Since ita advent the class has shrunk until but seven of the girls and ono boy , nro loft , the latter to represent nlonu the sturdy youth of Omaha. The histo rian expressed herself na glad that they had reached this point in their progress toward the summit of success which might load to the presidential chair or some otJior position of impor tation in the field now opening np to ' women. 'They would at least adliero to their motto and take "NO BTKl1 HAOKWAKD. " After the delightful performance by Musical Union orchestra , of an arrangement from "tho MascoUo , " which was enthusiastically received by the audience , Miss Clara 0. II. lino- dor read a very well written ; uul complete assay upon the subject. "Music. " The next on the list of graduates was Miss Maggie Road , who presented n well written essay upon WOMEN'S wouic. "Is it necessary for the educational interests of the country that the right of suffrage bo extended to women ? " Miss Reed said ( .lmt this was among the questions having both a social and political bearing , which nro now agita ting the minds of the men , nnd that there is none which strikes deeper to' the very roof of the social lifo than that touching the relation of women to the stato. It has become an open question to bo tried as freely as any other in this age of doubt nnd analy sis , and is to many u source of appre hension. An adventurous party among us weary of the old ways , i now ea gerly proclaiming now theories on llio important subject of woman's politi cal relations. "Tho emancipation of woman , " they proclaim as their ob ject , They demand for her abaoluto social and I'OLITIUAL KO.UAUTY with man. They base their demands on the abuses inllioted on women by legislation , the want of protection for if i her interests when thay are confided to man , and the educational nnd so cial advantages to both sexes that will follow her political freedom. The speaker referred to Abigail Adams , who , in 177-1 , petitioned her hiuband to shape the laws of the country seas as to enable women to protect their own interests , but said the movement waa not thoroughly developed until the early portion of this century. Many earnest , noble women , with others who have brought only HEl'llOACIJ Ul'O.V TIIK UAU3E , have worked faithfully in behalf of the right of suH'rago. Among these were mentioned Louise M. Alcott , Elizabeth Stuart Pholpj , Julia Ward JIowo , who were not merely necking notoriety. Many able and educated men have advocated the cause and thu .movement demands respectful con sideration , Miss Rood then proceeded to consider the importance of early education and declared that next to the duty of sulf preservation there is no higher obligation than that of im- tionaleducation , which rightfully con ducted would make ninety-five nor cent luoful members of society , lioiv shall "each cducaiiou be secured ? yblauy SMuminK that it can bo attained 11 chools of the state , I answer this grfivo question 'Givo the ballot to TIIH XATCIIAL ElttVAXORS , women , and the proWom will b solved. " To her , from the oatlios limo has been animate ! the educa tional supervision of Itso race from th first , thorfcforo the most imporlnti stages. 1'ractically Tour-fifths of tli period of development , which is th period of education , the children o both seres are utt'Jur the moulding in ilucnco of woman. The effect her nn francluscmont rill have in better fil ting her for this work is then the itn portdnt question , and the fair spoake claimed that ns political nnd socia corruption clearly are the groftt evil to bo n\-ort d , so it is equally clea tliat something moro than ttmnhooi miflrngo is necessary to change th current of Ihcso evils , ana woman' peculiar work ii the development ant cultivation of the moving forces of th moral world whoso center is her homo Mies Head's effort wo consider none ono of llio very finest of the evening She is a handsome young woman with r. modest nnd yet dignified am oasyotylo nnd n very charming voice nnd her essay wan received wilh iner itcd applause. MIRH JOHIE M-AOtr * ; followed with nn essay entitled "Chili Literature. " Miss McCaguo was tin only ono who wai interrupted by np plause during ; her rending , and tin wns when she said "tho boy who al wnya obeys his parents , never tolls i Ho , never teases his dialer , and in variably grows np lo bo a prcachor , i the boy you never find outside of Sun day school books. " The subject o juvenile literature in general from the Sunday school boo ) on ono extreme to "tho Boys Owl library on the other was well f nnd handled in a pledging nmnnor Miss McCayuu was the youngest look ing member of the class and all in nl her essay was ono of the most accept able iircn of the evening , JIISS I1AKKIE1T road an assay on "Ancient and'lVlod urn Ideal of n Practical Kilncntion , and Misn Susie I'holpa gave a recitii tion "Tom" in a sprightly and pleas ing manner. Mis.i Li/.xiu Sharp , daughter of Mr P. II Sharp of this city , read un tn say on IIOMI : LIVI : . Man is constituted individual in hi moral character nnd responsibilities nnd social in thooo relationo whicl furnish the conditions of moral dcvol opment. In the great plan of hnmni creation the Maker established om social institution primary , iiidiapenaa Hablo _ and compauhonsive. Priman " in point of time and importance , in" dispensable in Unit nn intelligent universe verso could not exist or extend to it present boundaries without it. Fron this BOITCO or fountain hend , tin fnmily , have in ruulity sprung nl other social iimtitutions. This tin speaker illustrated by reviewing fain ily life , and especially the social posi tion of women in Franco , Germany England and the Orient. Alias Sharp then wont on to say : A woman'N noblc-iit ntaton ! ( a rotrcnt ; Her fdlreat vlrtuui Ily from public Bight ; Domestic worth , that nhuns too AVomnn's proper sphere is homo , TJiore aha reigna supreme , the queen of n little ) band of loving subjects Under her wise and gentle sway tha bettor nature of all IB brought out , nnd what U best in each is cultivated , Her chief duty is to make herself LOVpt.Y AND HKLOVEI ) . Placed in the homo oho innkoa it nt tractive by every fcminino art ; bu her greutcut work is the careful train ing of a little child. All that is sweet est and best in her is brought forth in her efforts to make him noble nnd good. All truly great men trnco their nobility to a mother. Lincoln , whu was very rough in hia external ap- pouranco , wns , nt heart , gentle nnd tender. The bounty of hia character is traced to the influence of lii.s deli cate , loving and Christian mother , at homo. Napoleon says , "Tho future destiny of the child is in the hands of the mother , The social position of woman duponda upon the enlighten ment of the nation in which she is placed. As a people ndvnnccs in civ ilization the position of woman in so ciety is recognized and HEK ( 'IIAUACTKK AND INl'I.UENOB over others nro bolter understood. True respect to woman goes hand in with civilization. When she is oncu placed in her proper position , the ne cessity of her being fitted for it is seen and n higher education follows. A thorough intellectual education has not been deemed important until within a comparatively short timo. It is now udmittud that she should receive - ceivo instruction sufficient to enable her to hoop pace with man nnd exert an intellectual , as well as moral in fluence , nnd her moral character de pends somewhat upon her education , tor the decisions of conscience nro baccd upon real or imaginary knowl edge. The mother is an educator of the intellect ns well as the moral. The children coining from her hands TC 11UIE TUB NATION bring with them her own thoughts ns thcir'a. llonco homo influence moulds the character of the imtijn. In this country each member of the family is taught that ho has individual rights which cannot bo juatly inter fered with ; that ho has , as head- ranees in yenrs n part to perform in : ho government , and his training nt lomu fits him for his itflerlifu. lie is ; aught by intelligently submitting to lis suporiora to bo controlled by hia nvu bettor judgment , nnd these who uivo been put in rightful authority iver him , Prom OUK IDKAI. KOMI : | oes forth the wall trained child , the veil trained child becomea the good litizon ; the good citiaan maintains ; oed laws ; good laua insure n good [ ovornnipnt. All uooinl institutions ecoivo inspiration nnd onuniy from nanhood. All that is devoted md tender in homo all thtt o noble and lit ? roio in friend- hip , all the courtesy and grace if refined society ; all the respect and iluvalry duo to woman , all the self. lenial and generosity which inako Hfo ) oautiful , luvo their root in the itnno , and in ita soil are bast culti- 'ated , Miss Sharp nnd Minn Road , it will 10 seen presented the two sides of the vomen'a suffrage question nnd ns both ho youni ; ladies are launching forth ute the world , in which the adoption if the proposed constitutional amend- lent will inako them important fac tors , their future In the political worl under n now suffrage , may bosupposei to bo indicated in their ut cranccs 01 this occasion , Miss Alice llogera , daughter a Milton Rogers , Ksq , of this city , wa the next , osusiycat , Mi.ia Rogers I conceded by her classmates to bo TUB AIILK8T IISSAYEST and beat elocutionist in their numbc and rho certainly did credit to ho own powers , lo her instructor and t < her class. She is an elegant lookini young lady , with a pcrfeclly modu latcd voice , graceful nnd self possoB sod. Her theme , "American Sel Itolianco , ni illuntrated by the life o JnmcaA. ( i.irllold , " was well calcu Intod to win the nttcntion of the nndi on co , nnd she received her meed o prnino in the shape of floral tribute and warm plnudi.fl. "iTBLIC SI'lltIT IN TUB SCHOIiitl ' wns the subject of the oration delivered ored by the only male member of th class , iMr. Do Witt C. Hunlington Mr , II. has n good voice and a line stng presence , nnd his oration waa we ! written nnd excellently delivered while it wns n little moro practical thai the majority of orations by graduates Mr. Huntington wns heartily np plr.uded , At the conclusion of the programmi the president of the board of educa tion , Hon. V. K. Long , advance < upon the stage and delivordtho much prized "flhoop skin" to the graduates calling each by tmino. Ho nisi announced the award of the prixo fo : the best work in botany to Donnlc Allan ; excellence in Litin , Alice 0 Harmon ; best collection of insects Will G. Doanc. Ho then addressed the fortunati young fledglings of this educations neat an follows : I'ltEHiiikxr LONU'H AnnuisH. : "It Iws become my pleasant ofllcia duty to present these diplomas : theai certificates tha1 you hnvo aucceasfullj passed the ordeal of our school requirements monts , and now ntnnd rc.idy to tnko : forward step upon the stngo of dutj either to nssuinu llio nctivo responsi' ' lilies of it busy lifo , or porchnnco tc invade the high rualmn or literature and rcience , through ( lie medium ol the university or college. Wo congr.itulntu you , upon having reached this goal of youlhful ambi tion ; your presunco here ia ovidonct of work well done , of faithful and sue cossful study. There is aiucero regrel too , mingled wilh our congraluliom bccnuso your footolepa and faces wil bo missed in the school which hai known you so long , and where yoi hnvo won the respect and affection ol these with whom yon hnvo been na aociated. It is our hope nnd cxpccta tion that you will not hereafter rogrcl the hourn passed within yonder wall , The aim and plan of early studj contemplutcfl unduring riches tin wealth of the immortal mind iU quickening to nscund the gradatiom of knowledge ; ita ennobling by n con stantly cnlnrtiiig : circumference ol thought ; its strengthening by subject ing the ever now events ot the physi cal world ; the relief of the mind amid sorrows , trials and disappointments by that aolaco , and exhilaration which next after the Christian religion , letters - tors can best boatiw. This early trainintr of the mind will lead you to correct modes of thoutiht and judgment to usefulness nnd honor. And it may , indeed it must guide you to uprightness and faithful ness to duty. NVo need men and women educated it id true ; but , nt the aomo time , imbued with moral strength , who hnvo a eloar Yea , and n ringing No. . As you stnnd upon the threshold of now experiences , nnd notions , I would dviso thnt you fix your minds steadi ly upon aoinp good object in lifo. Jhoososomothingand standby it. You ivill bo certain of n reasonable success f you are governed by tenacity of pur- ) ese , and the amount of sacrifice you ire called upon to make , will bo the ; augo of your heroism. Those who lold to their purpooo , porhapa against discouraging impediments , have the ompor which governs men , subdues ho world of matter nnd mind , and cavca ita mark for good. And ospec- ally would I urge upon this class , iomposed aa it is so largely of young adioa. The object in life , need not bo ita business. Business ia but a noons of attaining the object. You nust bo the oducatora , in the near uturo , you may in our commonwealth share with men , the duties as well as ho burdens of citizenship. Much nero then , than ovur before it bo- cornea n sacred duty , that you pursue carefully , honestly and firmly some loblo womanly object , tending ownrds the elevation nnd improved condition of all these with whom in your now sphere , you may come in contact , 1IOLL 01' lIONOIi. * From Superintendent Lotto wo ob- niii the following nmnos of pupils who mvo attended two hundred days and mvo not been tardy : UBNT1UL .SCHOOL , loan Aust , Amelia Bloom , Annie Withcrow , Lavun , Kumpf , Vxel Kkatrotn , Amanda Karbaoh , Cieo. ( , Nottio Oloson , August. Dotwiler , Mary Pomoroy , 3eorgo Ore-oil , Annie lliuimuaon. Oaoar Knmpf , Mary Stephens , irthur Karoach , Bonnie Nelson. John Muaaett , Willie Oleson , Jddio Pomoroy , Cjo. ! Pundt , idtho lliloy , Bert II av , joonard Strong , Charlie Vapor. CASS ST11EET. tomm Wonthrick.Gusaio Maxwell , lonry Maxwell , Frank Hattoroth , rod Mnus , Oioar Biondorlf. XOUTII , Daa. AVoaterdahl , Charles Wick. JACKSON BTItEET. Albert Sshuh , M.iry Nealadod. hOUTH. 3ha3. Oetrom , Chas. Connoyor , 3has Peterson , Carl Roeach , John Oitrom , Julius Mansfield , Jacar Rosongreon , Ktnma Knapp. EAST. \ . Christianson , Chas. Myers , Minnie Birch , Chas. Keck , lonnie Uiohard , Dan. Murphy , ilnry Dentor , Arthur Ague-lore , lort. Windhaim , Chaa. Waaka , Jin. Kplohonbach , Clnia. Frank , vntio Smith , Robbio Morrison , Uaggio Spoor ] , llarry Martin , < dward Livoaoy , Willie Thompson. WU.ST , facob Gish. I1IOH , 'ictoria K. Overall. Horford' Acid Puovnhnto IV SEASICKNESS. S. S. PAUK1SK , Wellington , 0. , says : "Whilo crossing L&ko Eric , gave it to some fellow-passengers wh < were seasick , and it pave immcdint relief , " in24-d.vw-lw \ronfnrl A cnM for the Mfe Times n YVU-ntBa Trnaclicronii .Written by hMr J6SSB JaUlO th only lfn ! nnthorliM ' y her , unit which ull not bo a "Dloorl &nJ Thunder" story , Ji-h m h been unil will ho pih'lihdl , hut a trdo Lifo b ; tha only p rnon who m In pj * Mtpn of the Kct - Jal hlul nml ilemfuJ wife. Tiuth I ? mor Intcrtitin ? thftn Btti. . Agents ho lil apj > l ; for territory at onH > . Send 70 ctt , for Bam < pla Oook. j. H. Chnmborn & Co. , THE KENDALL PLAITIM IACHHE DRESS-MAKERS' OQMPAHIOH , It v > Ulti frooi l-.Jol i n Inch to irMth In tliecoaiKMt ( Its cr P.'ient M Vs 1 1 riow 1I l < Iniln MI I a' ! < of I l l Hnf In use. Mo l 'ly th t Jot- * her own tlre-is-tn klt > tf c i itfonl to do without onn M nice r' ' ' D ? ' nu-.crotit of fMhlon , If fen It it'll' ' It-ell , Fa K rbln , Clrrulari or Agent' * terms a < ldret CONGAtt & CO. , OKAY'S SPECIFIC MUDICINE TRADE MARK , ? 0 tTHMHl _ WARX Engllih rcm- edy An tin- falling euro for Seminal WcttkncBi ) , Spcrmator- rhca , Impot- cncy , OEFCRETAKINa.ei > , ucnco of AFTER TARIHQ Solf-Almso ; us Ix > inf Memory , Uniterm ! Ijissl tudo , Pain In the Hack , Ulmtiom ol Vision , Premature mature Old AKO , und many other Dlpeisos tha load to Innanlty or Consumption and a Promt ture 0 rave. tJTFiill particulars In our p&ranhlcr , whlcl wo ilcilro to ecnd free \ v mall to every one ZarTlio Swclfl | < .Me > dl Inc u sold by all druculut nt 31 per jiMk.iKc , or o pact. tcs for tr % or vrll bo BciiA frco by mill on ruoi ptof the tnonoy , b ] TIJEGKA ( EDK'INK CO. , , N. V. To Nervous Sufterers THE GREAT tURo"PEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Siinpaon's Specific II Is A rcaittvocuro far Hperra tnirhcs , Gemini W'joknuic. Imxjt&ncy ) , and all dtc f.e j rcsultlc ; Item Hel/-ALuee / , , vj Me.nW Anxiety , Memory , PMug In tha Hock cr aide , and dlije Ki f u " V"T" thftt tcwl h Conturaptlor Incnnlty an The fipcclfliti ti U8UC with wonder ' "llouctc9" ' i JLsF r.tit fito to all. Wrlto 7or them end Rot full pir 1'rlco , Special , tl.CD p" pscl K I ovsuj-ack a-'ca for 35.CO. Aildrum A ! ! ordon1 tu B. SIMhON MEDICINE CO. Nos. 101 and 100 llala St. Batfilo , N. T Sol'l In Omaha by 0. K. Ooodnian , J. VA Hell J. K. lah. and all urutrfitcovc ! > iyT > hcre. tlmutantnaid u < s Hop Bittcro. waft'ust > Hop Qi If ) iu nrn jochkml S i > nttrrl f 1010 ftii jttiun. If nnn inn. ' 'Iiscu'tton or ill5ntm ] y rleG or iMncIn , old r S , oiinif , uiriTlni' IT- posrJ'etltli or ) MIIII-M ! tiitr on n bet ! A l < Jk UCM , rtly on Hop Ditturtt.uttndJ WliuoTcr joy arc. uttndJ JJo A' Th fi'i-l r r o lu > > IE nuviT jou that your pystcm form .if V ' . u n C > * nr eil * clennslnK. ton- that nilK ) > Inn 01 ftlimilntlni ; , hlo euro /c . baiir ( . Ho art. ld' r or ntrtx ; I U80 oC opiur You will He tcliaocu , o cured If Hop B IfTmmreMni- My n k Kiid Clltl lowMittHccl.try NEVER CJrculur Itt It may . .110113II7KW , t sivo your fA K life. . It tine oaved liun OreUflc roaloOo > , KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. The Mott Succcnful Remedy ever discov ered , as It Is cortaln In Ita eilcctn tuid docs not blister. HEAD PROOF 1IELOW. Also excellent for human flesh. FROM A PROMINENT PHYSICIAN. WasbltiKtcntlllo , Ohio , Juno 17. 1831. Da 13. J. KII.SDALL , 00. : dctita Heading your ad- vortlscmimt In IHirf , Field and Farm , ol jour Kendall's Spavin Cure , and having a valuable and speedy hone which bad been lame from tpavln for eighteen month ) , I sent to you for bottle by exprcaj , which In alx weeks removed all laiiieneia and enlargement and n largo splint from another horse , and both horses are to-day an sound aa colt . The one bottle wan worth tome mo Olio hundred dollars. Respectfully yours , II. A. B 'RTOtlTT , M. D. Send for Illustrate J circular frlvliijr posit ho proof. Price1. All DruKglats have It or cau get It for you. Dr. II. J. Kendall & Co. , Pro- prletoru. Kno8burih ; Kalis , Vt. SOLt > BY ALb DBUGGISrS. d-wly NERVOUS DEBILITY , Dr. n. 0. Wont's Ncrvo and lira In Treatmcni A cpectQo for Hyutcrla , Dlrilncas , Cantulalous , Nervous Headache , Mental Depression , Lcaa of UeinorySpermatorrho , Impotcniy , Involuntary Kmlaalonj , Premature Old Age , caused by overexertion - exertion , self-abuse , cr over-indulgence , which loads to mbcry , decay and death. One box will cure recent cages. Kvli box contains one month's treatment. One dollar u box , or uU boxen for Uvo dollars ; sent by mull prejxild on receipt of tirlco.'e \ Rtiaranted six bairn to cure any case. With etch order received by us for eli boxes , no- companScd with flvo dollara , will imid the pur chaser our written truarontoo to return the money If the treatment def not cifect a core. C , f. Ooodnun , Druit'let , Solo. Wliolooalo and ro-ul Agent , Omnha , NOD. CrtlMft by moll at rt > llti > rlivi. rl&wlv SYPHILIS in any stage Catarrh , EOZEUA. , Did Sores , Pimples , B OI LS , or auy 3kiu Disease ) ures When Hot Springs Fail , „ , UVIR , Aim. , M v . 1SS1 wo h vo CJMI Ju onr own to n who llvod it lot SprliiRi , inJ Wi roan lly cured with B. S. S. * " - " - " h MDititr frVou uouu'i'-'J'uuio ' uu ua im tii Y ti. ' IUISB VOUll OK charge uothlue I I Write for arllculars Mid copy ol llttlo Hook ' 'Uwwa * a the Untortiiiutn Hufferln' Zl.OUO Ho-wtvrtl will bo pild to tny heml < t hovtllllnJ , ua atnJIt ICO tottlo .S. S. , one particle of Mercury. Iodide 1'atsi ium or Miy Mlnct&l nubttiaco. BWJrr 8PECIHO co. t'rico et Snull ike , Large elto l,76. soil by KENNAHD BH03. . * CO II jon suffer from Uvspepsia , u * HURUOCn 'I.OOD I If you arc afTitttd vlth Blliomnes * , u DUKDOCK IILOOD II jou are prostrated with nick Headache , tike UrilUOCK HLOOU BITTKUf If } our Hencl ? rue disordered , regulate them wit BUIIDOCK IitOOD nirTKUE If your Ulood M tnpurc , purity It with nUUDOCK 1JLOOI ) niTTEIlS If jouhfkvo Indigestion , jou will lindan nntldot In IIL'UUOCK ULOOU1J1ITKRS If vou arc tronhlcd nlth Sprlnp Complaint * , ci adlcato them with UUKDOUK IILOOD UITTEHS If \ our Li > otla torpM , restore It to hcaltliyactloi with IlVIttJOCIv BLOOD I11TTKIIS If your Liter Is atfectot , } ou will find ft * urc re Btoratitcln I1UHDOCK IILOOD IHCTEUg If jou have any species of Humor or Pimple , not to take 1ICUDOCK IJf.OODIllTTKllS If jon liavo any lyrcptomi of Ulcers or Kciolulou Sore ! , acuratltorcmedyv.lll bo found In VUIDOCK IILOOD BITTERS Tor Imparting ktrcngth and tltality totbcsja t tu , nothlusf can equal liUUDOOK DLOOD niTTEUS Tor Xcrtouj and General Debility , tone p th system itU DUUDOCK BLOOD BITTEUS Price , 9I.OO DCI Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Cti FOSTER , HILBUEN.&Oo . , , Props HOPS'AI.O. N. Y. PoU Rt wbolcralo by leh & Jlciltlion r.nd C. F Onsdnun Io 27 ond-rao nn t ITcct , not n causo. Us oriifln ! < within ; its manifestations witlicn t OKC , to euro the disease ths CAI an oust , bo rcmot cd , and In no other av cnn a cure CMI 'o ' dice ted. WARNER'S SAFE Kl DND Y AKIJ LIVEIt CURE la istabliBhcd on Just tais principle. It realize ? that 95 Per Cent. of all diseases arize from deranged Icidnuj 3 an liver , and It once at the root of the dilllculty. The elements of nhlchlt is composed act directly upon these crsat organs , both db a FOODar.d KFSTonis , and , by.ylaciiiB them In a healthy , condltlcu , drive disease and patn from Ibe sj'f tcm. For the _ innumerable troitVcs caused by u > - healthy Kidncjs , Liter and Urinary Organt ; for the ditro'slnr ; Uiiordcrsof Women ; for Mainrin , and physical deraujfctncnts Konorallj , thm rcat renndy ha no equal. IKtvaro of ImpOEtorn , 1m- itatlona and concoctions said to bo Just ns ood. ForDiabttos. ns forTVAilNJ-R'S SAFE DIABETES CUKE. 1 or tale by all dealers. H. H.\VAIM rt & CO. . " ' ° Koohoitor fj. Y. _ The Great English Komedy falls ta cuie Nervous DgbDUy. VI- tnl Exhaustion , I > mls- aiona , Seminal Wcak- nesica.LOST MAN HOOD , and nil the ct 11 effects of youth ful follies and cxccj- ica. It stops perma nently all weakening , involuntarylosstsnod drains upon tbo sys tem , the Inevitable re- . . . . suit of these ovilprac- tlcea , which uroso dcstruetlte to mind and liocly and make Mo uiHcrablc , often leading to insani ty and death. It strengthens the Nencs.Urr.ln , ( mcmoryf Hlood , Muscles , IliKoatlto and Repro ductive Orbing , It restores w all the organic functions their former 'vigor and tltality , ma- hint ; Hfo cheerful and ciijojablo. J'rice , J3n 'lottlo , cr four times the quantity $10. Sent by express , secure from observation , to any address. on receipt of price. No. C. 0. D. sent , cx'ccpt- on receipt of $1 aa a guarantee , Lettcro n- rtuoathi answers must Incloao etinip. Dr. Miutie'fl Dandelion Piila ire tt i best and cheapest djepepsla and bllllcus cure la tbo market. Sold by all druggUts. Price DO crntr. Dn MINTIK'S KIPNUT RRIIKDT , NhrnBurm , Cures ll klndol Kidney and bladder complalnte , iroiiorrhea , gleet and leucorrhca. For eaio r < y all Jaugfiita : f 1 a bottle. KNQL1HU MBDICAL IXSTlTirfK , riBOIltoSt , ht. Louis , Mo. For Sale In Omaha by C. F. GOODMAN. The feeble and emaciated sutfcrlnir from dys- u'psnor Inill estloii In anv form , areidt Iscd , fur ho sake of their own bodily end mental comfort , o try llostctterV cloiimcti Hitters. Ladled o * ho most clellCftto constitution testify to its harm * . ft and reiterative properties. Phviiclans tvryuhcre , dlsn'iutvd ttltli tha adiiltcntcd .quors . of rcmmcrct ) , jireucrlbe it ai the tafcut iidino > t rellabluot allstnmachlcii , For tale by all ilrut'k'lets and dealers generally at to ml Trillins With Bl.llouiness Won't Do. In it * at innuli1 d'se ' nci U brought on. A dU- rltrcdllicr Itthovonttiiueucoof n foul stom- .llard obitructoil boncli , ai.d tba trry best ripuMion lu cxuteuco ta put them in perfect rdtr and kiep tlii'iu , ti TAUKiM'a SLLIZIR I'CKir.NT. I'CKir.NT.SOLD BY ALL DHfOGISTd , WB. MILLARD V. U. JOHNSON , . , MILLARD & 'JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits , 1111 FAENHAM STREET , CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED. Agents for Peck & Bankers Lard , and Wiltor Mills Flour OMAHA NEB , - - - REFERENCES' ' OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. J01JNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. oo AL OMAHA , NEB. C. IE1. DBUGSS PAINTS , OILS " "to Window and Plate Glass. ff2TAnyono contemplating bullnlne store , bink , or any other flnr it in lll find It to their r.J- vantage to corns end ultli uj before purchasing their Plato Gl&js. C. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA HEB. IF. . 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha. r -WHQLESALE- On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , -DEALERS IK Fire and Burglar Proo V-A-TJIL/ . - - _ . . i1 * " X f5S | i fpnm 1020 Farnham' Street , kaa tss xra SSTKS S. AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. rtA Full Line of the Best Brands of CI&AES MD IAMACTUREB TOBACCO. touts for BEHWOOD HAILS Aim LAFMil & BAUD POWDER C JOBBER OP AND 1 c-C * . EASTERN FRIGES OUPUCATED. 113 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA J A W.A Vtf txauialv fS- - > * WHOLE3ALE AMU UETAIIi DEALER IN KVij Lath , Shijigles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , UME , CEMEHT iffl-BTATE AUEMI FOR UII.WAUKEK CEItSfCT COMPAN7' Union Pacific Danot - OMAHA N T3p 'POWSR ' AND HAlNTD M # Steam Putnps , Engine Trimmings , [ ALLADAYV/iHB-F/ilLLS / CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS Cor , 10th and Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb , ' I