> < ' \ 11 TWELFTH YEAR. OMAILA , MSB. , MONDAY MONN1KG. JULY 3 , i > 82. is : . THE AGITATED EMPIRE Great Britain Sorely Perplexot by Irolantl and Egypt , The Suspension of Parnell nuc Colleagues Denounced ns a Serious Blunder. The Gag Law Proves a Mosl Unjust and Tyranioal Mensuro. England Ready to Couceutrat < Bombay Troops in Egypt if Necessary. 1 The Irish. Dagger and Pisto Garryinc ; Terror Into Offlcial Horaoa. Italy Formnlly Doalnrcn V/lth tUo Es tlcitnl Party \Vhllo the Vludietlvo Arabs ere Ac lively Preparing to Pounce on the Sues. NEWS , Na'lonal AfsociiteJ Vre.s. TUB IltlSU OIHTUUCTIONISTS. LONDON , July 1. Parnoll and UK thirteen Irish members named by tin speaker of the house of commons a ( 10 o'clock this morning for obatruc tion , were all suspended and orderei to withdraw , by a vole of 129 to 125 The hoUEo of commons sat all nighi debating the repression bill , Gladatom and Hartington remaining. Thirty twe Parnollites pressed an cndlcbi number of amendments. Northcot < supported Gladstone in a long speech in which ho urged the govern ment to stop by any meani obstruction by the Irish mombori which ho said was diaqraceful and in suiting to British intelligence. At ( a. in. Ilarcourt bitterly denounced ob' atruction , P.irnell retorted strongly , ' and the spsaker took Iho abuvo action , Parnoll and the thirteen suspended members lift the house in a body. Going out O'Dounell and the speakei had words. The speaker roportud them as insulting , nnd the house made .tho matter the subject of special con- 'sidoration on Monday. THE UE.MAINDCU REMOVED. LONDON , July 2. After the passage of clause twenty of the Depression bill relating to proclamation of dis- rticts , a number the remaining Irish jui-mbora made all manner of dilatory motions with a view of prolonging the session so it would run over into Sun- dayti thereby forcing adjournment i ' viithout'.piving th - ' * * 'tlio bill in tiiriit'or vbtirio com- . jnittee. * The chairman warnedjthqin if they persisted in thoir" obstruction tactics they might expect the same punishment meted out to their col leagues thia morning. To this several of the Irish members angrily retorted , IX saying aa long s they were entitled II to seats on the floor of the house they I * would use all parliamentary meana \ within their their province to prevent action by the houao ou any meaauro which they deemocl unjust to their ( constituents. Diliat. ry motions still continuing , the chairman called at tention of the house to the matter and nine moro Irish members were auspondod on the charg' * of obstruct ing the business of the house. The remaining clauses of the bill were rapidly proceeded with and the bill finally passed the committee 'of Iho ffhole. The committee then rose and the house immediately cdjoumed. THOHOUOHIY Si AUED. The excitement in thia city ia in tense. The action of the whig tory party in the house of commons against the Irish mombcra is regarded ns likely to produce disastrous cense quences. This is the view outer- taiuod in club house and cafe , in pub lic conference and in private coteries , Everywhere the precipitate action of the majority is condemned , not per haps from any IOTO of the Irish mom. bers , but from the absolute fear of srhat may bo the next revelation of the Iriah disquiet. Men talk of the assassination system in Ireland defy ing oflicial zeal and detective ingenu ity in discovery of crime , and they know not how soon the system may . /ind / development in the heart of the . IfcA dty. Monday's proceedings in the - okso of of O'Dopiioll and othora will not remove or relieve the dissatisfac tion. KVILS ON EVEUY SIDE. The disquieting news from Kgypt in conjunction with the unsettled con dition of yflUira at homo on the Irish question , makes the opening of the present week a period of unusual un- uisiness , The principal topic to-day ii the suspension ot the Irish mem bers , nnd opinion is divided on the wisdom of so precipitate a course on the part of the government at the present timo. The suspension of Parnoll and associates created intonao excitement in Ireland , not equalled ainco the Phoenix Park assassinations. Mass meetings are being organized to denounce aa arbitrary and tyranical the application of the gag law in thn commons , depriving Irish members of the exorcise of their parliamentary functions , I'AUNELL IH 01' TJIK Ol'INION that the BUBjionnions of Irish members was prearranged , Many members of both sides of the house , ho says , are of the opinion that the Irishmen have boon unfairly treated. Ho considers Dr. Playfair blundered prematurely in the matter of suspension in the confusion. After the fcuapoosion , Parnoll approached Play fair and de nied the truth of Lyon'a statements to the speaker as to the obstruction. Playfair , after some hesitation , ad- inittod that Parnoll had not obstructed the bill or spoken much on it , but he belonged to the pnrty nnd l\o ( Lyon considered himso f entitled to includ him in theau pnsion. Pnrnoll ton the pnrt of th colleninies. rt uiso rut : mit , . l oSDDN , July 3. It was announce thia morning that the i-ovemmeiit dc tcrmincd that the house of common shall sot from to-night until Glad stone's motion , which ho will ofTc this evoninc , that rules for urgonc bo accepted to expedite the passage o the repression bill. The Indian government suepondoi an order to tranship two nnd ono-hal million gallons of petroleum illegal ! ; lauded nnd stored on the banks u lloogly river , is EOVIT. Dispatches received to-day fror Alexandria represent the condition o ril'nirs as by no moans improved ainci the general exodus of Europeans There are now comparatively fev Europeans in the city or surroumlin , districts. All valuables have beci removed nnd the banks are closed having transferred their funds nm records to safe quarters in nnticipa tion rf possible raids. Thousands o idle and destitute Arabs , of nil ago and both bexoa , are flocking into th city daily. Many able bodied mei have gone into Arnbi'a service Full ; 00,000 hao uitorcd Alexandria nine thocxodua of Europeans began , am the townspeople are now confronto with the necessity of foaling am sheltering this 11UNOHY SIUI.TITUDK. Drafts ordered by ArabiJBoy arobcin put in operation very genorall ; nnoii ! ' , the villages along the coast nnd will roault in immediately addhij 12,000 recruits to the present army In many localities reslstanco waa en countorcd. Dcspito the assurance o Arabi , the pronounced sympathy o Italy nnd the prospect of funds to bi supplied through the cflorts of tin Ulcmas of Cairo , the troops are depressed pressed and enter with but little spiri into the operations now being con ducted against the Suez c.uml. UNOLAND'S luiorosinoN. CoNsrANTixoi-LK , July 2 It ia an nounctid this evening unofficially tha England proposed to the conferonei that a strong Turkish military forci should tro to Egypt to settle all'airs ii that country , but stipulated that r numbar of English and French ofliceri chould bo allowed to accompany tin expedition to stipnrviso the regnlatioi of affairs and to protect the 'Englisl and French intoreata in that country claimintr such adjuncts to the Turkisl army would bo a guarantee that tin statute quo would bo maintained ii Egypt. THE rosroiuxci : . The conference held a session to day , and resumed discussion of Turk iah occupation of Ezypt. The BOB sion developed stroni ; difference oi opini'in as to tlm advisability of Tur key taking such a step , but no de cision vrtix reached. An early breal ' "AKABl's ALEXANDBIA , July 2. This ing an important session of the minis' torial council was held , during which the military situatioh was carofullj discussed. The ministers of finance and public works strongly opposed the proposition made by Arabi Bey to lovj en mnsso on all able bodied men of the population for the purpose of re cruiting the army. Heads of othoi departments took an active nhuro in the discussion , but no decision wat reached. The unexpected opposition to Aralii's military programme in creases the feoliug of dissatisfaction among the populace , and imikoa tlu situation rnoro grave. INDIAN THOOl'.S. LONDON , July 2. A Bombay din patch aays that extensive proparalioi a are going on there with a view tc sending a military force to Egypt. A number of transports have been put in readiness and will sail within a few days. I1UITISH ntOOI'S IN KQYl'T. ALEXANDUIA , July 1. Preparation ! ) have been made to concentrate ii Egypt 12,000 British troops from the Bombay service. It is believed Fen ian omissarica assisted Arabi Boy ii fomenting the anti-Kngliah fooling The Ulcrnas of Cairo ia ordered to raise a war loan from the moaquo rovo- nuts. ITALY ON EOY1T. HO.ME , July 1. Moncini , minister of foreign affairs , informed the senate that Italy sympathized with the na tional element of Egypt ; also that n sonfcronco of the powers at Constan tinople would settle the question neu tralizing the Suez canal. run raiiuNo IN NEW YOUK. NEW YOIIK , July 2. A prominent Irish nationalist said the to-day sus pension waa only until Monday , and jut of it will come moro trouble for Bngland. _ There is plenty of room for rouble in the suspended members Joing absent from tlio houao duriug , ho night The movement , however , sails for no Irish-American action now. Local Jandjeaguora believe the BUS- ) ension will increase the dutormina- ion ef _ nationalists to emphasize the inion in the land league. Mrs , Par- lell Bid to-night she regarded the uaponsion aa an evidence of Glad- tone's great fright. Probably fifty thousand working- uon will turn out to hoar Michael ) ivitt at Union Square Friday oven- Conlvlllo Cyolonod. I.UIoEiI Associated I'rtm. PiTTSJiviui , July 2 The town of 3ialvillo , Butler county , waa a wept < 'riday night by a cyclone , demolish- ng nearly every building in the placo. baby was carried BOO feet and Iropped in a fence corner , where it fas found dead. Hairy Ilonly was Hied and about fifty others injured. 'ho village is located about forty lilea east of the Shonango & Allo- hany railroad , The track of the torin waa only about one-quarter of milo wide and ton miles long , but in liat territory great damage was done , n the county adjoining the village lany houses were blown down , but as far as can ba ascertained no ouo wn hurt. The principal portion of th ruin wrousjht wns in the town of > 1 villo itself. Altogether about liftcc-n houac wore wrecked an.l from twenty-Uvo t thirty persons killed or injured. 1 the track of the storm there i scarcely a tree loft standing , gro.i trunks being twisted oil like pipe * toms and in aomo instances carrie * hundreds of yards. The loss wil probably exceed , S7i" ,000. TELEGRAPH NOTES Nine dontlis fmtn excessive heat PC currcd In New York during thn week. lleivy Lelclitenstein , n yniuiir mnn r. Ill Union street , Dt-noklyn , died irom cv cessivo cigarclto sniokliiR Saturday. Two clliRics of Guitcan were discovers hanging to telosrnpli poles In William ; burg , N. J. , Situr ay. They were take down by tlio police. Three thousand dollar * in SIB suWri | lions were recchcd bnttmlny toxvnrd Garficld inonuincnt in I'liirinount paili Philadelphia. Total subscription fop th week about 8jr > 0v ) . The inuiiuincnt ci $30,000. Ituccntly a stock wNcr of 11'tnnU ' rliar tered the steamslilo Krnnco hi Now .Yuri tn call nt llavro anil lo.id oeventy-liv Norniaudy hnraes f-.r breeding ptiriKises 11. Dillon & Co. , HloimiinRdali' , nho chat tered a Ht ° mn > hlp to briiifj t'vroli-tlvc They cost SI ,000 Innded hi Now York. Spvral exi'lojions occurred iu a niiinbo of buildings tunr the inuuth i > f tlio Cheo ter mine , lit-ur Htghbiiilgi- , New York Saturday , caused by lautorm setting fin to a kcpr of giant powder. The Imilling were demolished , John Vnttcrson , i vroiking mnnvni killed. Ira Cn e , Mat tin ( Jnat and eovornl nthcis were injured The damage to the buildings is Sl',000. Nine hundred nnd twenty-four iinini prants lauded nt Castl G.irlen Saturday Tlio steamship Celtic brought 039 , Hgyp tinn Monaieh , S21. Total nrrivala ilmn this year , Fl.SOO ; saino month la t year HO,72U ; dmiiiK tlio first six months of tin present year , 378.f 10 ; last year nmo pe riod. 211.SOU. The steamship Nevada will 800 Mormons converted in different part of Grenl Britain ii hourly expected. Michael .T. Davitl received n tcmiini Irish ovation at I'rpvidcnct * , II. I. , Satur day. The rain fell in torrent' , nnd n shnrj thunder thower prevailed. In spile o the inclemency of the weather n largi as = emblago Creeled liini Ho spoke on tin rore = ioii hill panned in the liouso of coin 1110119 Saturday , and condemned the Mil ai nn unusually harsh mcRBtiro , extolling l'-\r neil , nnd nppealing to the niiiliencc to BUS tain the land lenguo , Bluriiio. - I AoeociatcJ P.-cst. W YOUK , July 1. Sailed : Citj of Homo for Liverpool , Baltic and Helvetia for Liverpool , Circassia foi Glasgow , llhoin for Bremen , Wnea laud for Antwerp. Arrived : Egyp tiiin Monarch from London , Bristo from Bristol , Nodorland from Antwerp worp , Oclcr frfun Bremen , Do Rulyoi from Antwerp. ANTWEUI- , July 1. Arrived : Bol gonland from Now York. BUISTOI , , July 1.- Arrived : War wick from New York. LivEiii'ooi , , July 1. Arrived Abyssinia from New York. BKV.MKN , July 1. ( irrivod : " Elbi Jjnbor Strikes- National Axoclitud 1'rcss. NEW YOUK , July 2. The froighi handlers atriko to-day shows aoim signs of early termination , although ; ho railroad officials were very reti cent about any contemplated concca' sions. The fund of the workinmen'e { ; union ia progressing favorably and 3very day augments it. They can liold out a week yet without encroach ing on it. Order prevails on botli sides of the river and the atnkort liavo not attempted nay interference with green hands. Special policemen almost all have been withdrawn and fiteamboat squad remains to preserve order. Present indications are that ; ho old hands will bo at work bj Wednccday at the rates demanded. [ n Jersey City , freight handlers claim .hat they have been offered nineteen and ono-half centa per hour to return : o work , but have refused to work foi ess than the original demand , twenty cents. " Ninv YOUK , July 1. The brake- mon'ti strike on the Now York Cen tral railroad ia ended amicably , the company allowing 82 a trip. Howard's Croolcodnoss. Nutloiml Associated i'reee. NEW YOUK , July 2. Special Agent Brackott begun the investigation of charges against Appraiser Jamoa Q. Howard , lately of Ohio , yesterday. The charges are alleged malfoasonco and corruption in oflico. The moat sorioua chnrn'o is the decision of ap praiser in the Appollinaria water euro , which ho first declared not dutiable and subsequently dutiable. Jt ia charged ? ; tU,000 was paid in the case by the opponents of the importers. Demolished 1 > y Glaut Powder. tiatlonal Associated Trees. Iliaiiiiunmu , N. J , , July 1. The building attached to the Chester iron mines was destroyed by an explosion > f giant powder , John Patterson waa < illuJ , and Ira Caemoro nnd Moses Gust fatally injured. The buildinp waa owned .by Mallcry Conloy. Leas , ? 12,000. , of a Victim. . 'itlonil AsiocUtcd I'tcsa. LONG ] 5uANun , July 1. Wni. II. larrison died at ( i-'M , the result of ho railroad accident at Parkers' Drcok on Thursday. A HTiio | Jolco. National Jeaoclatcd 1'rcbi. FOUT SNEiriNO , Dakota , July 1 , L'ho military uuthoritieu here state hat the reported massacre of a party > f colonists in Faulk county by a band if Indians , under the leadership of Jhiof Drifting Goose , turna out to bo i practical joke gotten up for merely enaational purposca by a party of dis guised colonists and land huntera , ludioationN. fitioaal AEbOciatol I'tva. For the upper Misaissippi and ilissonri valloya , partly cloudy . eathcr , with local raina , rarm southern winds , falling aromutpr , generally followed by ria- ng barometer , and colder northwest rinds. The Ohio river will continue iaing , THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Tlio Oornor Stone of tlio ( Jar flold Memorial Hospital Put in Place , The Nnvnl nud Sundry Civi Appropriation Bills Still Bofjre the House. A ViRoroua Effort Malting to dtico tlio True on The Burial of Qultcmu Nomination ! and Confirmation * . CAPXTAIt NOTES. National Atfocl&tod I'ross. NOMINATIONS. WASHINGTON , July 1. Tlio nomin ationa sent to the senate jostordaj wore : Jos. 11. West , Con.iiimsioiH'ro'l . Uio district ot Columbia ; Lnuia Wai Inco of Tiuliaiia , ininialor pliMupototi' tiary to Turkey ; Ilonry C. Hall , min ister plonipolontinry tn Contra' ' America ; John A. llnldemin , of Mis aouri , minister resident and consul Bonor.il to Siam ; J. HI. Francis , ol Now York , minintor rcmdont nnd consul - sul general to Portugal ; ,1. I1.'ick. . oraliuin , of PoniJBylvnnn , minintci resident and consul giut-nd to Denmark mark ; Miulmul J. Grantor , of ICon- tucky. minister resident unit consul tjenoral to Switzerland ; J.imus II , Weaver , of West Virginia , socrolnrj of legation and consul tjenoMl tr Yionna ; Louis Richmond , of Rhode Island , secretary of legation nnd consul - sul general to Home. Several consuls and a number of pnstuiaatcra wore nominated.Ym. . W , Spudding , receiver coiver of public money at Dulntli , Minnesota ; Jno. II. Carey , icgistor ol the land ollico at Dlilulh ; Horace Me- Ktiy , collector ot internal revenue , district of Indiana ; Dx\id Bennett , colloolor of internal rovonua , district of Kentucky ; Joseph Hilmaii , collec tor of customs , Bridgoton , Now .lor- noy ; Jno. F. Kutnlcr , collector of in- toviial revenue , tenth district , Ohio. CONMHMATIONS. The senate in executive session con firmed the following nominations : Itallin M. Dagsett , of Nevada , minister - tor to Hiawaiian ' Islands ; Geo. P. Pomcroy , consul general at C.iiro , Egypt ; JnojliWlor , consul at Trini dad ; John N. IClapp , collector of in terior revenue , 24th district Now York. Eight 3d lieutenant : < in the revenue marinoj > . about 1DO minor army promotions and several in the pay dopartmcnfof the navy , a num- boi of postmasters in Now York ntato , Massachusetts and Connecticut wore also confirmed. , . , 11U1UAI.OP aiJlTKAt1. WASHiNOTOsJj Julv 2. The serviccfi at the funeral .pfjJKJuitoau were very simple. JSfd . * 5J5jJrjiofmittort to be prerteziV , exoojYi . < iotm > orsof tho' family , the warden of the jail and the under taker and hia employes. The funeral Ecrviccs were hold at1 p. m. yester day in the chapel of the jail. The body lay in a cullin on thotablo whore the autopsy had boon made. Tlio ro- maina appeared aboub aa on Friday , except there was slight discoloration at the temples , where the scalp had been turned over the face while the brain was beim , ' removed. Otherwise thcro was nothing in the appoaranc of tlio face of the corpse to indicat the fact that the autopsy had buei mado. The only parsons present be aides the necessary employes wort John y. Giiitoin , Mm. Scovillo , Mis Choyalior , Kov. Mr. Hicks and Gen Crocker. Dr. Hicks read a pasa.igo of the Scripture and offered prayers Members of the fnaiily then took i last look at the romaitifl. Mrs. Sco villo , though much affected , buro the ordeal with considerable firmness The colli n was then closed , and the remains were removed by the under taker and assistants to the northo.is corridor of the jail , where a portion o ; the stone floor had been taken up am a grave dug. There were no aorvicoa at the grave , and Miss Chevalier am Mrs. Scovlllo did not attend the burial. The coflin wau lowered int < the grave in the presence of J'ov Hicka , John W. Guitoau and Warden Crocker. The grave was then filled , the stones toplucod , and tlio littli party of witnesses of the last act ol the tragedy returned to the city. HICKS1 HAltANOUK. Tlio llev. Hicks preached to-day on the subject of the pardoning power of Christ , and . .aid that Christ was able and willing to pardon even the groat- eat of criminulfl. While ho did not mention the immo of Guitoan , or * peak directly of the oyonts of the past week jt was clear hia whole dis course reform ! to them , Ho ouid , unong other thingn , if Christ was now > n earth hin life would not bu spared by the people a single week. JIOUKK WOltK. It is expected the house will finish its work on all appropriation bills this ivcek , except so far as relates to ac tion upon tlio sonato'o amendments , To-morrow will bo "individual sus pension" day , and it is expected a urge number of bills will bo passed jndpr suspension of the rules , Bing- iam will try to seciiro finil action on ho bill adjusting salaries of letter : urriors. Tuesday and Wednesday rvill bo devoted to discussion of the mval appropriation bill. The sundry sivi ! appropriation bill will probably > o disposed of by the end of the I'ook , Earnest eflVirts are being made o secure a reduction of . TJIK TAON HUOAU > oforo adjournment. A circular will o morrow bo placed on the desk of uch inembor , Butting forth that ugar in nil article of priino necessity o every one ; that the present tax 13 xccssivo , onerous , unnocoBsary , and eads to adulteration , not necessary ithor for protection of Louisiana lantors or revenue , and that a ro- .uction . would bo felt in every homo- , old. A MniOHIAL. The corner stone of the Garfield Memorial church , on the silo of th Christian church , where Oarfuld woi shipped , na laid at d o'clock thi nftornoon in the presence nf on oagp audience , including many members i coiujross. The opening prayer wa by Hov. Br , Dtitlor , of the Knglin l.uthnran church , followed by ail Orcsaes by Hov. Dr. 1'owor , pastor r the Christian church ; President Hiiu dale , of Hiram college ; Cotvsrossine I'oltibono and Willis. Touching rol oroncoa were made to the de.ith r Congressman Hawk , who Was ouo c the trustees. CONHUKSS. National AMOcUtrtl 1'rcwi SKXATK I'UOI'KKniXd.S. WAs'iixinox , * July 1. Considorn tion of the legislative appropriatioi bill waa resumed. Senator Heck became came oxcitcd during the dlscussioi on amondmonta and announced hi rcnignation from the appropriation committee. The senate passed Ilia legislative rx ocntivo nnd judicial appropriation bill The deficiency bill was then takoi up and olio-third completed when tin senate wout into oxocutlvo Runsion and when thedoora opened adjourned ilprsi : I'UOcr.KiiiNns. The ho so unanimonsly adopted i joint resolution nuinorir.ing the iu < cre tary of the treasury to issue two hundred drod million two per cent bonds , interest torost noim-nummlly. The bonds i\v nn\d ( . subject to call whenever ther are no bo'idn boating n higher rate o interest rodeeniablo. The hotwo spent nearly the on'ir day on the naval appropriation bill completing considor.Uion of all sec tion.s of thobill save the section relating ing to the bureau of construction. Mr. Harris oll'urod an amondmon to this section appropriating $5,000 , QOO for the construction of now \va vessels and completing nnfiniahoi monitors , but it was not acted on The bill removing the export tax 01 tobacco paesod. A nu'ssauo was received from tin president vetoing Deuator'a bill fo1 iho protection of emigrants. The proai dent in Ilia vote s.iys the wording o the bill is nuch thai it. will make th < transfer of emigrant passengers b ; Ateamei'H , as they are now built almos impossablo , and urgua that propo coiroctiona be m.ido , as ho recognise the t'ront nocco3sity of a bill of thi nature. Adjourned atI MR p.m. FulilioDobt S tn turnout. WASUI.NOION , July 1. The publii debt statement shown n reduction io : the month of § 12 DliO.tiOO 70 raid fo : the year , $ lil(551J51.2 ( ( ; . GIUMINAIi NEWS- N'ttttonul AHbOcl'Uuil 1'rttH WANTED TO < nr ; nr.s NAME nr. Nnw YOIIK , July L' . William Daly arrested for drunkenness , whoi brought before Jimtico Gardiner oi the tombs court , said ho wanted a pip tel to shoot Gon. Grant , no that hit name would bo recorded in history ai a great man. 'TIIK ' inAKERR. ' ' NrYOIIK , July 2. Edwari Cramer , brother of the murdered girl Jennie Cramer , and who resides ii Now York , stated yesterday ho wai not surprised at the acquittal of tin Malloys. Ho commented strongly 01 the latitude allowed the jury in conr ing and going from the court room HE they pleased. Ho believes the Malloj boys will go to 1'onnnylvania a wink till the tiir.iir blows over. Ho watched for their arrival on the trains hero yesterday. Ho hinted that the case would eomo up in another form , and the inference was that in aomo way hia sister's death would bo avenged. Ho lolt hut night for Now Haven , hiiitni' , ' that his viait meant busineus. Mrfl. Cr.unor , Jennie Cramer's mother , is dissatisfied with the acquittal ofjtho Malloys and Hlancho Uouglas. If alto wcro a man , uho Hays , cho would horse whip Air. Jones of the counsel for the defense , for making such statements about Jennie as ho did in the argument. BUnclio Douglas siiya she will reform. Jamea Malloy , jr. , will remove to Wilkos- barrc , L'a ; Waller Malloy will join hia father in business in Now Haven. rr.ori.ra Dr.ruorr , Mich. , July 2. Hugh Peoples , on trial for the murder of Martha Whitla , WOT acquitted yester day . ft James F. Simpson , wife murderer , was sentenced to lifo imprisonment. MIC1IMHNMOHAI.H. LANSINO , Mich. , July 2 , During a juarrol in a house ill-roputo kept by I'oto Covolia , Frank Halm was shot mil killed by Covolia. The latter , , vifo and daughter were arroaiod. PAI.MKH'H I-IXTLATIONH. NIWAHK , N. J. , July 2. The total imbmloinoiitn of Auditor Palmer was _ lacortainod to bo § 251,257 , and Chief 31erk Hall 831,232. J'OUl. I'LAV. UIIOOKHN , N. Y. , July 2. Samuel Jliannon , a well-known real oslato ipurator , is myKtorioualy missing since ast Saturday. I'Vura ' ot fonl play or uicldo prevail. _ _ SPORTING. rational AstocUtccl l'rua < C'HIC'AOO HACKS. CIUCAUU , July 2 , ilacoB continnod ostorday , Firut ruco. Chicago stakes , or tliroo year olds , 1 A miles , was won iy Stanton , Hongal aocond , Monogram hird ; time , 2:27. : Second race , Garden City cup , all gos , was won by John Davis , Clara D econd , Checkmate third ; time ' 1JO. : ! Third race , club purse SIOQ. ono iio-oightha miloa , waa won by Duch- HI of Norfolk in two straight heats ; imo,2:12i : , 2lflA. : Fourth race , handicap hurdle , purao ! 500 , welter weights , uvo miloa and ight hurdles , was won by Judge Uon- ott , UotBy oecond ; time , 5:20 : , Fifth race , Hollini , ' purao § 300 , 11 gos , H miles , was won by John Sul- ivan , am Eokor second , Jack Uiiv- rly third ; time , 2:50 : Sixth race , club race $300 , all agoa , liroo iimirtora milo , was won by Good light , Saunturer second , Tom JJarlow liird ; time , 1:22. : A UIILUXIK UOW , NKW YoitK , July 2. A race came yesterday between two clgltt-onro nholla , manned by Harvard an Columbia freshmen , on Harlem rlvei above High btideu and fJ.ites tlocl two milen below. lit the wako wan steam tug laden with enthusiastic college logo bojs and their lady fnonds. A the word "go" sixteen oars took watoi From the start the while nnd blu striped Colunibins led the blue cappei Hnrvnrda , and denpito the clForts o the latter kept their place in the van As BOOH as observed from the Coliim bin boat hoiiso , ahouta of jubilotioi and successive cries of "Columbia1 rent the air. The ladies were ns on thusiftslio aa their escorb and vihUj waved parasols and handkerchiefs it the air in approval of the prowess o their friends. Time , 10 luimito * oCj Boconds. The Harvard crow averaget 15. ! pounda , Columbia UU > pounds. BUMMKU tUMrr.KTB. MIUVAUKKI : , Wia , July 1 , Tin Thomas mtmmor concerts which liavi boon in progress for the past twi weeks , closed this ovon'mg. Thn management agomont loses between ? 3,000 nm Sl.OOO. Till' KAKNtJKUVIMT. Pniuiir.uMiiA , July I. The fiftl and last pri/.o concert of the Saongor fi-st nt thoAcixdomyof IMusioycRlorda : nftornoon was a suceosa. The iudgoa awards will bo mndo Monday. Get mania maonnorchors of Haltimoro am Hiehmond ami the Orpheus of Cin cinnati , were ontortninod at a gram banquet nt Fairmont Park h at nigh by tlio Philadelphia Mnonnorohor All oHior Now York , lirooUyn am fJullimoro visiting societies were fetoi by the local anongurbumls last evening CHAMPION ATlll.UTiS. : NKW YOUK , Juuo 2. In the Amor cau athletic club yoatorday a'tonmoi MoyorB beat the boot record of 1:1-1 : for COO yards run ; time 1:11. : Tin swimming race between Goo. II Wndo , of Brooklyn , and Cat ] Mathoru Webb , ot England , for thi championship of America , was wet by the latter ; time on hour nnd aovoi minuloa ; distance two miles. IIASI : n AM , . CINCINNATI , July 1. Cincimmtia ( > , Alleghunics 0. CIIICAOO , July 1. Uonlona 5 Chi- cages ( i. CI.IVII.ANII : : , July 1. Olovolauda 5 , Worceslora It. BinuoiT , July 1.DplroitsO , Troyf 11. IJnri'ALo , July 1. llufl'.ilos ! ! , I'rovi- dcnce , ! . Viiu.ADr.i.i'iiiA , .fuly 1. Philadol phiiw 1 , Motropolilans 5. I.ONII IIUANCII UAiiy. : LONII BHANCII , L. I. , July 1. Long Itranch racing season began yea- torday at Alnmmouth 1'ark , 1'irsl race , purse ? 5l)0 ) , all ages , ono milo , waa won by Jim Farrell , Wyoming second ; time , Ii'l7i. Second race , hopeful stakes , 2-year- olas , five furlongs , waiiwou by George Ilonry , llcol and Too aecond ; tiiuo , 1:0(5J. : ( Tliird race , ocean slakes , all ages milo and a furlong , was -"Oil by liar rott , nunnyiH&ilu & ucoonil'timo , 2:02 : Fourth race , Long Branch hand ! caps , awcop otnkoB , all agon , milo am a quarter , waa won by Monitor , Glider dor second ; time , 2:03 : j' ' . Fifth ruco , purse ? 500 , nil ages , soil iiHj allowancoa , ono milo , was won bj Staska , Clara aocond ; time , l-lll : ] | . Sixth race , purao § 500 , hnntlicar stcoplo chaao , nil ages , short course was won by IScrtha , Ohio Boy second time , 3:111. : mi : imoKKiis AND HMAI.I , IIOYH. NKW YOUK , July 2. The mayor haa not issued the customary order against fireworks in the streets before the ' 1th of July celebration , consequently quently the streotn are ununually noisy. Members of the stock exchange - change displayed the usual anto-holi- day hilarity yoatcrdny and had n mock celebration on the floor of the exchange. The holiday will bo gen erally obflorvod until Wednesday. The Attempt io Client the Qnllowi National AtwoclaU'il I'rcita. WAKUINOTON , July I. Dr. Mo Williams , jail physician , alatca tlio boquot given Guiteau on Friday , it it alleged by Mra. Scovillo , won found to contain a powder Bocrotcd in the build. The powder waa carefully placed in u phial and submitted to a chemist for analysis. A Bail National AnEodtttril 1'rcua. J JHOWNVI 1.1.1 : , Texas , July 1. Coylo , a boss on the Tampico railroad , on- rugod at an Italian boss , ordered the guards to shoot the latter , mid the Italian was riddled with bullets. Ooylo fled. _ _ BLACKHAWK. An Omiihn Drummer on tlio War Path. The Phelps News aiya : ( ! eo M. Swi- , 'art , ( Ulackhawk ) travoliiif ; pilgrim 'or Lao , Fried .t Co , , hardware deal- jr , Omaha , struck the town last Fri- Jay. Blackhawk paid ua a visit and ; old us ono of hia truthful ynrna. Af- ; or ho had aubsoribod and paid for 1'ho Nowa ( it's ' 81.50 now to now sub- icribors , biu wo lot Blackhawk havoit "or $1.75 , ) ordering it sent to wicked 3maha , wo consented to listen to hia .vondorful . truthful story. Said Black- lawk ; "Boliovo mo or not , just as 011 please , " hero hia face resembled a 'nneral procession goinp down till on a cold day ; "my lound ran a jack rabbit line miles to-day. Uumg on foot , I iid a hard time to keep up with the log J us' ' , an ho wan about to take it n , the rabit holed himself. The dog aid down , When I came up his onguo waH hanging out of hia mouth ivor three foot. I measured it with ny conscience. I waa compelled to arry tlio dog seven miloa before 1 ould find water to quench his hirat. " Then ho meandered oU'up own , Ho had intended visiting , moni ! the young ladioa in the oven- ng , but Jim llymor wouldn't lot dm have ono of these now-fangk-d ollara to wear , and the last wo BOOH if him Deacon Dau Johnson nnd ho roro bottoming u dry goods box and wupping HOB , CAMERON'S COLLAPSE. His HenclniiBii Howl POP Quar ters in tlio ludoiiGndenfc The Stnlwnrta Beg for Har mony to Beat Patterson. Both WlnRn Flapping fop Brow- dtor an n Uompromlso Mnn. Tlio Democratic TlcKot Drnwa Llko n Mustard I'lnstor , but the Pad out Kicks. Ropnbllcntm- Nullonal I'rcu Ansoclatloti , A , July 2. The otllcial call for a mooting of the regular re publican slate committee , July 12th , to consider measures for harmonizing the two winga of the republican party , was issued yesterday attornoon. The independent loaders reject all idea of compromise based on anything loss than Iho absolute withdrawal of the Cameron ticket. It is admitted that the high standing of the democratic nominco has created a fooling among the rank and file of both republican factious that something must bo dona before the campaign open to unite both I'nrtion on ono ticket Thia fool ing is BO gonornl among independents that it.is tolerably certain the end will bo nccomplished. HOUND TO IIAKMONIKK. I'liiLAitntmiA , July 2. It lies developed - voloped that all nominees of the regu lar republican convention are willing to withdraw if auch n atop is necessary to nnito the two winga , nnd if indo- [ ) oiulont republican noiiiinocR also take the aanio stop. In such event a now convention representing both winga would bo called. Gon. Beaver earn estly favoro some such course. A wide-spread feeling prevails that lioavor and Stewart both will bo with drawn and Attorney General Brow- stor substituted as n harmony candi- lato. It is expected the fooling will .ako tangible shape in n fowdayo. RAILROAD NEWS. mo Sunday Coloumtlon in On Whoola. There was a general break up on .ho varioua railroads loading to thia city yesterday , disasters by Hood , anil jy Hold being confined to no ono linci Jlli hitting nearly all. The trains from Iho cast arrived at the Trnnafor very late , the Rock 'aland not getting in until 1:30 : p. m. L'ho Union IVcific mail train did not leave for the woat until 2:15 : p. m. , two hours late , and the regular "train . . * ; . ' < ! ( j. , , j v - * - ' , - " ' , > ' V fronvlho.wost waa'teported.fU-o- t- . lato. TEtn.SCOl'EI ) . The cause of the delay of the Hock Inland train was learned from a paa- songer to bo an accident which occurred near Das Moiiics Sunday at 2 a. m. The west bound passenger train was backing up to allow a freight train to get by on the main line , and br.oked into the locomotive of another freight train which was standing on the track in the roar. There was an empty couch on the roar of the pas- aongcr train and it telescoped with the freight engine , fatally wounding the engineer. Had not the empty coach been attached several Pullman p.iHHongorn . must have Buffered the consequences. ON Till" NOKTllWKSTUUN a bridge waa waahod out near Dixon and the train duo Saturday at the transfer arrived yesterday twenty-four hours lato. All passongo- trains wcro abandoned on Saturday. OTJIKlt UO AIM. ThoC.B. & Q. was running all right but the flood on the Wabash continued to delay trains. The Union Pacific train , No. ! , waa delayed by a serious washout of the track near Ogalalla. MISSOUllI I'ACIFIC. The Missouri Pacific opena tip for business to-day , the first train , No. 2 , leaving thia morning at 7-15. : The evening train , No.1 , goea out nt 7:20. : Train No. 2 arrives at St. Lutiis at j52 ; p. m. the next day , No. 1. loaves St. Louis nt 8:52 : u. m , , nnd roaches Humlm at < i:35 : a in , the next day , No. ! ( leavoa St. Louia at 8'S2 : p. m. uid roaches Omaha at 0:50 : p. m. 1'raina Noa. ! ! and1 carry mail , and raina Nos. 1 and 2 have combined jaggago and smoking cars , two day joachea and n Pullman sleeper. The nail trains will consist of a baggage ; ur , combined mall and amokor , and wo day coaohos. A now edition of the U. P. time chodulo , No. 35 , was issued yeatr- lay , to accommodate the running time if their trains to these of the now oud. There is nochange in U. P. maaonger trains , except that the Den- or oxprosa loaves at 740 ; p. m. , five ninuloa later than formerly. The Iron Horeo , John Snunderx , of the listings eating ouiio , takes the railroad hotel at McUook. Three car loads of tloi for the Y arrived ho fore putt of the week. If the com- any tlnn't forget It , wo tluulc they will ettowoik Bomo tune noon. A kej of plkea isoxpected thia week. IJlwo bpnuga tutor , If ( irceloy county doesn't get the prom- sod " Y. " there U HOIIIO talk of making an Ifer of ? 30,000 or S3.,000 in boniU to the iret oiuunauy that will establish a railroad unoIoL' through the county north and oulh | touching t O'Connor and Scotia , Th'o "saiul fenced" erected along tlie Ino of the railroad hi Colorado between Vkrnn anil Denver are said to fall short of nswerins the purpose for which they vere put there , anil ulieds similar to the now uheils on the U. 1 . will , we under- land , be put up at different places through lie sand lillls. A train which recently larteil east from Denver la said to have uen three houra rutmlog 15 milei , ou ac- uuut of the blowing sand cauahiif hot oxe and otherwise binderhig Ua pro- reaa. Arnpahoe Mirror ,