Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 01, 1882, Image 2

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Twenty Years.
1 > C ( ; year jmnlon , old fallow : i tliink
I \nn drenmiuR jml MOW when yon
' The f/ctV the mnolcal clink
Of tli # ice on ynur wine gohlet'j liriiik
A card < f my memory woko.
Awl I stowl in the pastime flsldi where
Twenty Mimmer * ago I lind lno4 {
And 1 lionrd in Hint sound. I eleoUre ,
The cllnkinff of b ll on the air ,
Of the cows conilnK homo from the wow ;
Tb n Iho ft nilf-Moom * fliiok on tlic hill ;
And the tntill n. ti lk * tilled pach Idiica ;
And the urn behind "UnimtyV liilll ,
\Vftnmv uttermost west , and could tin ill
Like ome fanciful Inud of romttc * .
Tlion my friend my a hern , nnd then
The girl \vm nn nniel. ; In tine
1 drnnlc buttermilk , for ixt ten
i-'aith nk % le to nid her limn when
Al thirty rtc doubt over \vine.
Ah well ! it does seem ttinl 7 mint
Hate liccn drenitdnc just now when you
Or loU , very li'nc In Iho dint
Of the years thnt flow fAihtoifd tlio
On tlmt bottle , \vho e sesl ymi Inst
broke ,
Twenty ycara < VOB il ne ( , did you fiy ( ?
Twenty yearn ? Oh , my iricnd * , it ii
true !
All the drcixnis that Imvc lljwn snicethat
All the hiipei In tlmt time jmnied n ny.
Old irlcml , e been drinlilni , ' witli you.
Whioli Bhould Ho Marry.
Said the youthful Tred , to hli Undo
Hnrry ,
"I'xo reilly madoup my mind to mnrry ,
Itu. cnnnol duciilo If It H better
Tlmt Invo or lucre shall forKctlto fetter. "
' All ! wedlock brimtcth us joy an 1 sorrow ;
Am ) , 1'red , there will nlways be htoimy
weather ,
Where two arc nucqunlly yoked together ! '
"Well , licre'8 the case , " ftld 3-Vd , with
emotion ;
"I'xe Rixeii to Clara my heart's devotion ;
Hut slio IIM i o uioiuy , nnd , Undu I furry ,
You know 'twoald bu follj' for in to
marry ! "
"Well1 don't know , " fald the other
His KM * toward the yoath , "Since the fite
ii burning ,
I've ' ft word of counsel to RVO ! you , which
! * ,
Starry for love , and work for lichei. "
"lint firftce , you sw , " said the anxious
Kreddy ,
"Has n , nice little hoiltekecpinf , ' fund al
ready , <
An. ) will hulpalonK with a rontribution
To fetter from the utraits of destitution ,
When money is tcaico , nnd the wife h
ailing ,
I tell you , uAcIe , it's not plain Railing ;
And ti > bear uj > under tiiuo'it cbaiiitu nnd
chance *
In easy , if ewy imr circutnRtancci "
"Stor ! Stop ! " with .1 frowa , aid Un. le
Harry ,
"Tho ulrl that yon love IH the ( , 'lrl to
marry ,
And if Kno'H ttue , shu'll nut think It crusl
To live for u while on w.itar-ffruol.
She'll comfort yon in tlio limu of trial ;
.She'll whhpT naURlit of her sclf-deniid ;
And cheerfully take the needed ntitehut
AVho inarritH for love nnd not for richm !
'Don't think for n moment , Fred , 'ti
To biud the heart with a cr Iden fetter ;
Tliough ninny do it , yet many rue It ,
And love U a tearful \vittn-BH to It !
There isn't a uhance for pleasant weather
Where two are uni < [ ualy ! yoked tojjothe ;
K < turn ymr back wiitii money bewltihca ;
M.irry for love nnd work for rio'ien ' ! '
--lUaUlwin'H Monthly.
Old-f.i lilonod blue ! H cumin ) ; in again.
1'auicrj are tha provnlcnt featuiu of tlui
Aiiion ncxv color nro mahogauy-iod
uiul uurorn pink. '
Womun of fnahion dixplay little or no
jewelry on ilia street.
New-mown hay and putty nro Iho latest
ninnies talked uliotil ,
IVarl nti nt the pot < ent time are
tiny patterns conic embroid
ered on now H.illnlKsjan hose.
The latent I'lwn-tcnnU ' Bulls lira cjulte
iuiethetio both in cut and color , jj , , , ,
tUIntlcnt aml rrghtcii ol
strnw hits Imvo the crowm entirely cov.
ercd with velvet ,
New capes malchlni ; the coatnmo are
cut npen on ilia Mmulder nnd the [ uuii
filled in with libboim.
Ticell'i laca in wide fixn-pleatln M with
number fain above of ivory white ple.itvd ntu woin a * throut IJOWH.
Wall iloweri * and hded iorininmr ,
made 'if vcUet , lire much ined to ud j n
liutH nnd bonnet.1) of Htiaw ,
l.ineiiHtandiiii ; cdlnr for travclim ; are
ma.le of 1'ulo ' ollvu-tlntcd linen , with a
border of dark red or bltiu at thu top ,
Vriietlun la u tluee inc'lii.M wide formi a
line bonier for nrakerelilefn of light nilk ,
The scalloped eJe ( ; nru turned upward.
The new LUle thrond and eilkloves (
nnd mittx hivi ) long BtocldnK-vvovuii - ,
ami comu in all tm ! C"liira H > deur l > thu
"Our l' rtl"t ; KM' in the titln of a if
oently isMitil Ivufjllnh novel. It is ovitUnt
Iliat tin author of thi-i book WAHU'C In thu
1m1 It df cutting there very oftfii ,
Imitation pink petirla uio now c.nveil
ous of very paltj-tiritcd coral , and thu > < > i < i
cluM'Iv rraembln tin real pfurl tint tlm
eye of nn ux pm t id lu'o ud t * dotout thu
wanh cuitiinioi aio nnd of
Micer lijht'Unlnrud t'cru li.itlft" , r r > nx < niji
mtH'in , the Dkit ! bblim iii > nmtrd wl h uni >
broldcrud HIIUIICCH nnd klltlti ) ; * , and th-
wui > t with i-inbroldoruU bnndii nnd 11.1 raw
fliuiiCc to mutch ,
1(1 ( ick will bo very f iishl-iinbly worn all
fcummer , hundaoine tollotn of Bilk , sit ! > . ir
Kranadints beliiK lir funely triminud with
jet b mlx , rpeclal onmmenta , and jetta i-
Jaco nr relieved by a bright cubr. at pre
ferred ,
.She "Why in It tlmt when wa wi r
lovers you always ( jot mo n , boK nt tlm
thetter nnd coveted the front with hou.
rjueU , but now you buy fcuiU In ilo dr *
circle ? " Jle-"At th-t time your fathtr
palil for your bonnets , '
The most delicate , nmall nnd leant
Hhowy rnche nre se\ved in the neck ni |
slc-evoj ind mualiu mure uften tlianof tlm
fragile ere e licno formerly u cd , and an.
rmullv conipoaud of three lows very liuei > .
cur the evening , foitheu arranzi'J In
the lulr nnd on the limllcc , fastened i.i\vn | .
with tiny dlninouil pln . arc roinirkablv
elfettive. TlieKephiBcra lu thu form of
bird * , cro'cjutH , biitterlliiw. flower' , litrr ,
nnd ni'CcU of yarinus rpcctei ,
"J'romlbo mo , Uthelbert " saM t\f , a ,
idle faHti-ned u rn a iiihl buttonhole , "di , t
you will wi nr tbiu till it withers nnd dim "
' ! HI , Indeed " WM thu cheerful lu 1 ;
"I will weur this rose if 1 d i 't w * > ir nnv
thlii ) ; else. " S imcliow they both l > ! n > liu I
nndent their it-nptictivo way * . Nun-
An utterly too younc muriifd lady with '
rt utlll to'ier Imbbaii' ) , Jivlnx In ( ino of th
fAthlonih'u lioiiiw of the
' day , workftd u
'mot'o'utili tha inscription : ' ' ( Jed Itlr i
Our Flat , " And n iiti hbai to whom It
wax feliov/n had the liardihood tn n I { liar
wjictlinr h referred to her rteidojite or
Jier husband ,
Oaraui U and Aoe ! Thov wer court.
injf. "Whit makcii thataM w dim ) . .
iilghtr nut * MM , Huftly , "Vulir "ux rti
U Jj braillehe rt'LI t ) od ,
her hnnl. Ihcy are n..nied n > w. "J
wonder huw i.nv Ulc T.I | h p. > I i it wo.ild
Ukc to rca h the h'nrs frjm here' " > h
M , iiKistnKU. " ° , " ! ( , ! " . ' " '
enough , lie f-rowif" ! . \\Jiy dou s yui
talk ommnn icn'o' '
At nn evening parly .11 Icmilon UHj
( in Iinlliti boy m y ( t yenfn old .it dowi
to the piano aii'l ' playd wi'Ii ' Mwh won
iicrful execution that H wan iliflictut lo be
Here tlmt it wan n child who h d wuh a
inn-\olrrn gilt. - London Tltn At nn
evening parly In ChleiRn lately nn Aniori
cm girl only 1 ! > yenf oM w t down to On nnl plsycd williwh woiidt > ifnux
ecutlnn tlmi It WM difficult to f toy in tin.
hoiifo. Clmaijo Tribnne.
Jfcuiitt-looking cnr V for young gl
aiodiowii , undo < if tinted iiatin , lo bo
worno\er > ht of white ftiirnli , IIIUM
< cillntf , or r.Biich inu ] ln , nd rncJ with
finbroi Isrie" . Tlify reliiili ; ' thoUiron1 ,
with Ali'irueti'a ' tlwe * toa"Mn * lo the
ullmw. In front they ore open nil fiowny
down , but I ice 1 together over n chomliittli-
of mk cinbrnldcriMi lull ? , witli nllkcn i-oril *
Ihc color of the con < o initUtiM. FIT
older , I'cr'otn ' thli ntyli : in tcpioduccd in
fabrics of velvet or inoiic.
After npnn > i > ilk IIOSP , llio lint choice ma
ll'0 llnlc-lllli'llil HtOcklllKK , Xvllldl O'ltllO III
nil the new clmleH of Tiinsilic , cni"ti
utrawbcny , silver gray , deon ornnov. ,
bronre , Inurd giu n , Jlurgiinily , cmlct
him1 , ind floret , nit u'cll ni the inoro dull ,
oilc Khftdei of wnter-tfrceii , p nrl , untnoo ,
llo h , mauve , an I mutiy other uxq'tUifly
dRllc.ito tlnU , IVnclt hofo nro liiHn'at il > -
nmnd , AH well nt 111 HI of dark reen nnd
nuns' Kiny , three Rhudm which n'o in high
vogno with larlloi of line l fttn. Auldo
from IKHO of n iniinnchronin c > ! > r. tire nn
Hi ( llohH variety of f nicy ribbtd , plulitad ,
htiipcl , nnd nolkn-dottod putlernf , which
ticconl exatlly with rnnny of the Atom
elfccts in C' lor nnd pntti rn.
' ' of unrcrt-iintv about -
'I herc'i n heap wo-
ninn. Tlmt'n just wlmt tlic i 'olninbli col-
h.XO HliiiltntH nro thlnUiiis' to tluininelvc.i.
'riityhni n torchll hl pamdu in w
\ nrk , lalotho olhor n'Klit ' , and their route
li'd tliuin jm t Riitr ( * ' 1'uniii.o collogIn
Fifth avenue. Homo girU iu chemlncH np.
peurcd lit the upper winnows nnd h lir > wnvol n nheet. Did the fellowi
Kleelnlly cheoi ? Thuy did , indeed , They
yelled Ilko CimitiiUici , and capered Ilko
i.rvl | h p. Next day they Mm 1 out Unit
the grl ! who hnd | i icl ilium the attciilion
weionccesHarily fnivantp , IIH none of the
daughter of > voiltli who study there liy
ilny nlcep lliero by niBlit. It win u dread
ful blow to iho dtnr , poor boya. New
York NOWH Letter.
Perfect "Jovcs of bonnrU" are imported
r > r RUinmor wcur , and the r.oiL-o in ntjlc
nnd ndornincnt IH u mint without limit.
First , for the very youthful facu , aru the
: .apote nnd Uypiy Khapril lioniintu of
ivlilto or tinted crape , tdorncdwith lluwern
to pcifcut In coloring and HO niitnrul in
jliapo as to excel , if nucli n thing can be ,
Lho linndlworK of iialu o horhclf. A bom-
Llful bonnet from VirotV , in the CJypsy
hjp" , IH made of ivnry cr.-xp-1 , lined innldo
with Hc.i-fholl iiiuk Hiuah , ve-lo'l with the
: rano. Kutsicl U Hut u , uariai.d of per-
luined roH"H , with bivJiil btomB , thoriiH ,
ind louder ifrecu foltux" im'iirll'in ith tiiu
i'lli ' fnlil < ot I.I 10 cnpu. Aooihcr bontiet
if mauvo-.inti'd crupo ylht r with n
ivroatll of white cnimitiom , cuvunilvitli
t cryntalliz ttinn which litl.ciH Ilko illu
uiniuU m the Bimlilit | ; and a thicad of
nliiioiul'diluri'il crcpo do chcno i trimmid
with imiioacpio laie , toi-roBei , mid ox-
uvcd dalsioH. Next in atlraciivciiu are
the dainty shirred nlk ! bonnoU , in every
ronciivabloihado if culor , triniiiird with
foutliT HUH , r > oi < , nud liopHand Btritif.'H ( if
K'ltin ' ribbon , Thvu come the more pntc- looking bontu'ts of cactun lace ,
Sumntra , biimbouot , Kalian , and llnnlhli
ctr.iw , liiHlmpiia nnd tiiiuminrt ; caoli beau
tiful in tht'iiiRelvua , and bc < : oii it [ ; and
r.iciful eunuch to iiiako a plain woman
h > ok piutty , Mid u pretty nno p > ! tively
The UaltimorSrhoul linard hv revtlv-
cd to uonslder in Septenivr the iiucatton
if nppolntln ' toicheiH for lilu or tlurini ;
o id bfhaviur. At prcbeut they are elect-
id > curly.
Thu Cleveland school committee , in ita
ulfiiitrt ti u-diioa ( Xpcn f , reeoniniunil- -
nt thu dioppln ' f seem cournut ,
tint ciin-nliilatiuii nf < ith > r with general
courHd" , fix oral rtiluoti'im in the mun"cr
of those U'aelior.i luRniviiiK the lilliuit ual-
n y , ind the ilifc ntinuaiiju of the normal
In the nollp | into fchools of nonnuny the
f-Uidy of ( Iieek i ninv tu ! ) j totardeil lor
jtio year for Iho puip > e of uiviii ) , ' mom
roiinito I'rnnch ami | > liy ! cnl HC'ence ; and
I iii induid rein.-irka'j'o ' ' to fee what import
ance ii laid on the | innv > r n"uisitloii | of
tin 1'iench InnKU'tgK. ' The uiuk-i-standiii ) , '
ni it when sunken is tolia hjioo al y acquit-
ed by dictation.
Ou4 oftho''mokt cnonria injst/oiH / of an
r.dvunco In popular nplnio'i t oncoming 'd-
uentlon is thu deiimnd foi tlioiomily )
i-lille I to'chcn * in the nrimnry schoii ! < .
1'tfiiplu arc beglnmn to uuilcrataml tlmt
the ) i ) rat Htepi In luariib' < I'L ax imp itant
iii th hut , and tlmt th it'll lonce e.\urteil
bv nn Intmmii , ' uu I en'liuiUHtic tnichfr
vei very yniiug i hildiun lui ; \ \ . \\nis \ wliich .
can Imnllv bu IM culH'.ed ,
The loo-lit fxnminiiiion in New S .nl ; of
SOU boj'H ( rum tfto ( 'i'iiinumr < : hoilwho
Mtuijlit to Ktiln a liniH-ion to the free col-
It' , , ilovelopud the fact that n lar e poi-
lion of ttmuvh i h'alnoil iholii hesimarUH
W"ie if dovish pirentasB U ban lii-on
ob urvrd that the bunt pupiU of th > i uram-
m i-Hcho ilri.both in d-poitment and sclml-
aniliip , oume fiom .lon'Uh lamiliVM
_ The nrrniioihmiu | lor i eojn'iiiiu : the
Suiith C'nrollun .Millt try 'caduiuy on < ) o-
to'ifr ' lit am ninv ciiinp'i'to , tha mi eiin-
' ndviit ni'd faculty haviii ) , ' lately lioi'ii
Itct d Colon | Tnom i , wim w. .
u.i ed at tloj noiilciny in Irf'il , nndlio IIHN
"et-n a HolJiL-r u unlit * y ( until ctor anil a .
J'i nljalii , is th-f im.v Mi ; fimiuudrnt. At
ii-hs' u M' uvlotHnro i\/ | ; toil on tlie
"I tiling d.iy ,
Tliero nio n iw 1CHI ! teai-ho - . < In the pub-
liu .i.'hoiiU nf . .
! , , Uiin. ' tlm ) ml ,
i'"ii-th ru wa | nM in tin * v.r oii < Kim-iul
ii't nor * ti' ! nii.ii l C' li : ! " 1.7- I'.iii w..i <
I'-nu fuctlo i m l'i < ! ii > ili liuimin , Hclilr
u > i , lii.iwiou. IIIU4IO , - * . iit. | mllitarv
il lit ami i.ili-Uiunuw. : Tn hmli puho > ! K
unit tin. i-iir la > t MmS'JOO.M ) " 70 Tic
t t il cot id polilunHucutl , n in liimton for
tlu > uir ttimjl.i ; J , . llj.tji.
A b idy of IK .uly 1 I. OKI lojthnrH In t'i '
j ) ilillDi' i-rliiiilii ( u K j-i.unl nre
proe.tiilK ; vu < nou l > Jijiiiii t thcovi-r , in , .
mo mi Kchol.iu nnl tuuoliori * uiidur iho
u uj.ul'in mi lo. It (4 ( tltal t'ia' lii < puc-
' "I' , cchool iiiaiMlfii | > l nn i fuliunl liomiU
utr. . > uli HO much ioipoitiiict * ID the mem
I or out-ne of pn : e < in tin .iiinuil exuinl
n arii.H , .iml M > in HO iii'tipibh ' of tiikn
lulu iiecoiint thu liinliur umil' * of moral an i training , or tin ijiullty of the
p "FK , tliat teaclifn ard umiM | < le'l a < aiiut
Ueir wiiliiH t'i ndopt a cramming iihtoin
ml lo In Int ; uiidiiu pie < ni < j Uion | dud and
wni I ; chlldifli , in onier tukvep up the rep.
n' . linn of the iiclioo v , and to maintain
h ir ) ) ' ) ) position TllO U'ldleM
ciflintd ihi. to Ihrt fict th.1 % pru tically ,
th u Uu i b.iu'd on 1 10 prlnulpu ! tlrit all
villd en o.i 1 1 priinii > Hi > it tlm rate , and
iiwt iti iinvMou. i < nd n e.r the > > called
" if such vhl.ilreii .no filuo.ited iu1. .
A l rothr of MrMnnr V.
, . <
lli Miitli-.nUtrliuroh 'ii ( 'lifHi'r III.
T l8iuph | | icw ) > „ . | 0 , , , opened nt
N i.n tali und liuilildliriunf .in. l , , \vhsie
' ' : | - . > tlii > m-iiv > i ID'.I ' mphlc
iuiuiuiiic iiii | ultli mo .ii ( 'hri.tiun
liytcr1in lilnirnli nf
111" " 1M | > > ' tlil.i
V . , tf
ui , ( up
4. 1 hr 1)U3 ) y , M lion ju t ntpiiwl ( , ,
i U i , nnl ijio pi
UM. Uiuii a ! . . . . Kvf l It j ,
IIM ha j A corporate * nt y * > < -
of Alfred the On at. / \
The IMth anrly < r ary f Ui" 'jditalfo'j
nf the Old Swe 1 ' churcl In Wilmington
Del. , wji * celei int < hl i n Sunday last
This tenfrable edifice is the rno' nnoicn
h < ie of ( Jo'i now occuiried for divine wor
* hip in thin com.try. A seneronn enm ha
litt-n ub < ribed for ncc mtty tcpaini , bu
no alteration nf the original plan will I
i ermitted.
Thcyounif jieople of t1 o Univcr n" '
church of Worcester , M'n. , have adopts
novel method of ralniiiK money fern net
churcn. An album i P Mcd among thei
Iriemlfl and ten ceulcharged for tha prit i
\tna \ i { writing nno' nmnr in it. Tin
album will bo | laced under the corner
" nf the church.
A Second Advent camp me lingU bcinj
hold flt Jluitnn , Tot. , by ptople who L *
Jievo t1 at tlio rceoml coming of C'hritt i
tit hnii'l , nnd mi ht ln < imftcned by n
proper domunHriitii n of nadiriesi tore
ciu > Him. They have K no M > fur as t
prepare a ( rut fnr the Savior' * occupancy ,
wild n Imndfomo bed nnd other furniture.
_ Tlie ctinmillco appointed in 1803 a !
Kii'nach ' , in ( lermariy , for the icvisi n ol
Ijulher'e translation of llio lliblc , hnn lioli
its last meeting nt Halle , and thcio IK
cveiy pro-pcct tint the retieiicr ion
will K ) m appear. Out'f ' the Ihirly ori 'i.
nal revisers fourteen only remain , rixtcen
ln\ing iiicij finto the work began. No
nlttr.tilon of LatherV trannlation Ins
bceniidmiUcd miles ? H.inctlonul by two.
thiidAofluo committee. The next f-tep
will be the publication i f the text ns. IK > W
rovlsiMi , in ordert'i submit it t Iho judg-
inent of the thoolo ical fii'tiltff ' * in Iho
lUiHetHticB , nnd to ihe criticisms of ccliol-
nni n well tin to the publicnt hrqu. After
llicir remarks have been received and con *
nldercd , which may tnlto two or llirce
yearn more , the now \orsion will bo pub.
IMied mid recommended fur adoption by
all I'rotestant churrheii in Oermany.
I fend two roi s to my Infr
A red ono and aw..itc >
And If she love mo she will wear
The pure whto ! HMO to-nit'ht ;
And If my lovu deny mo Krace ,
To hid my hop * bo ,
In her sweut bosom ulio w.ll place
The fatal one the red.
In hope and fear the day I spend ; / -
K.ich moment iluwly t"i ' > ' " >
l''or nil my future doth depend
Upon iinimpl low.
"Oh , tlmt the nirfht would come , " I sigh ,
Tlietl wish "tweio only noon.
Forme , If hoi > o ! ) ) dooinod to die ,
The night will come too f-oun.
Klio comes ! and with her come * u breath
Of roeea on the air.
And be It life or K > it death
I look upon my fair.
1 POO the white rme on her breast ,
The red roiu on her died : ;
What need of wonU to tell the rest ,
Ko plain the roses speak !
[ Voung-Man-Afrald-oMfls-lUcket.
5 Maurice Orau will brint ; Mile. Thee to
Chicago KIIIVJ time next October.
Mini Kmma. .Inch will probably i-lnn in
Midland ir the autumn HIM return to
America in 1 hoc mix r.
F. F. Muckey in to put n ' 'Two Or-
II'IHI'.H" cumbin.i ion on the road next uca-
Kltio KlUler will not star next sen son in
" rciitwooil , " but remainn with ' 'Ho el
Kirko Mo. 1.
A grand piano of Vn-nnuse manuf.icturp ,
uliicli tmco belon ( , ' < ! il lothoJ' mpre s Mnriu
J.ouiKO , WI H ' "Id ia 1'aiis ! for Sl'-'S.
It ia tinted that r. ilenry Irvin 'd on-
Kntcmmit in thii country , to he 'ii in Oc
tober , 1S83 , will lua MX nmiithb.
Accordiiifj to the Vitnna A-endpost , the
title of Wagner * ! ) nt.xt opera will be ' 'Dor
Sieger" ( Tim Victor ) , ltn subject ia taken
from thu ISrahmin ltj-i ln.
With Kileion , L'.ttti , Jrviiii ; , and Mrs.
IjiiiKlry nil lo IJQ hero ut nnc ? , American
liivcm of muaic aud the drnuin nre prom-
incl n featt ot good tiling next \vint-r.
Mr < . Lnnlry is u iw iiesutiatrnf ; with
Mr. Alit'oy for a dr.unatiu tuur in Ameri-
c.i. It in expected ttiut it will begin in
October next , and continue for six mouths.
.Mini ) . Claar-Uolin , n well known Gor
man : ielrefii and wilt ) of thu dmictor of tha
Frankfurt thiuiter , Ilia been iilFcred an ou-
iaineiit ; ( ! fnr thU cuuntiy , which chu ii
likely to nccejit.
A nunibrr of tlFecti will
bo introduced in "I'ho World' ne\t toason.
iMiHS T romi NV.ilduii , who has liten en-
t'utjod I'or tlio par : ot M iry Jllyclio , will
Mill tor Kurnpo ncMvi.el ; , to iv turn in
tlmo lor thu cummuiceniinti.f the autumn
linwrencu li.arrett will nppearat Haver-
ly'ri ' Theutru next Bciimin , under thu nmu.
nminent ; of Ximniermim k IS'ixun. Mr.
J5.-irett will proiluuo uUriiiK hij eiietsc-
ment n tiu\r ' so icty i > la. , in live not" , enti
tled "Tho 'liiinUiupt , " nn I u now play by
lion , .fninoi Uoker , of C'JIC.IHO , In which
Mr , Jlunett will ; u Jjiineiotte , the
A ' musical electrp raph , " invented by
.T , Fnlir , of Stutth'tt'l , waH tocently exhibited -
itod in li iiidon. Tlio app.iru uuritea
down on n b.ind of pnpi'r unwound from a
cylinder by clockwoilc any mmio played
t'xtomporanuoiitily un : v piuno furto to
which It nmy bo uttuuhed. TliU r. milt id
alt ined by llu uiirrutithtuiiiiiii ; the piper ,
ch inical y pifpared for thm [ inrposc , a
blue color on thu part * of the muniu nt lf
oDirecpundinj , ' to th position nf tlio note
Mtnuli Tliu iluration of tlia mund is indi-
oitud by the length of tlio stttnn , und thu
portions of Iho uar lines me ubown by do-
| ii ' < jiii ! ; a pedal ,
A humlonlettur NIMI : Inuonto ti'ly ' the
mii'io.d NfiHiiliou of tlic hour it 1'milino
Jjiinci'it O.uiik'11 The wayw.ird little
Ijiima doii'ia hui taken tlic tnun liy storm.
.SlnluiK tinidiheil ihe Jonou ( iiublio A'ith
wlitit it tloaily lovi'K a Miijirl-e. Iltjnca.
fortli Minniu tlauk'n liojdnnMi and will
ful C nni'ii unidt bo lii plnie I hoiu the
front nude of < liaricter OHO ptioni > , to bespoken
spoken of im pti'l'y and pi > < isln/ , liiti.e t-
liih' . 1'V.Mi i'le\or , bin niitiillij ; moioiiiuiia
iliui nil thiif. l.inxii h < rer ml the pait
of the btp'iiil ti i j - \ , i n ' i.I , iuy itj ti'ty
liro.i tnl t'lc , 'i , Moiiiiitutn oi.iwmj , who
iiuiKr-1Ixi * n \il oci.'ar-niliorav ry II'ICM < ,
il [ iK'lllAllll ; drvil , uliDiu to M-H | < (0 ( , ovt > ,
to know IK t. far. . Fiom the lirst moment
tlilx now C nmun apn | > , irH up n thu cenc ,
accim il by in.TO > mr.uU'iiot riiviin.'stabboil
onu ot tbi'ir nunibrr. tlicic in tlmt in tlio
wuiiiuu'ii i-y i vvtiich HhiiHH tier Iu bo imlto
oipable of thiHiict of desiltry. The key.
n < tx of diameter thiu Htiuulc ! H Hii.tained
with wonderful powtr by .Mine , fi'icca mi.
lil tliH tmal icuu. wjien the [ idrver o beau
ty nr els the tiiifhtful lotvnitl , uluiiiit mer
ited , of lit-r murder by her tmtured luvcr.
In llii < nj-i.j | tiiouctiomc I'ltttuly tlirowd
the uliigt i iu tLo shade , Mnw I.ucea'd hi .
tiioninibilitv biini Honittlinifr iinosiect- |
tdly K'oit. Tliu Kr-nd miiicKoj which
xreetitl heron her lirst iitnht fin ly insat
bar in i-ntbnsiasiu nt tliU point , and BO
iireut was the foreo anil ch .nn of the per-
solution throughout tlmt u u now , writ-
iiU afluran iuteii-i of f.ut -i-i ht hmirn b
hoj elapxoi iuo # I wu iniiiv > ul fnuu l a 4 j ' ,
pell . , I feel the Juiih'ir ot inin , ' lan ; uij'e
whi.'li t > thote nut protent , may Hsem like
hypt'ibolu , '
How often IWMOIM h.uo boil annoved
by burnt cdiixitK to thairdMsHoi o.othiiif , -
mi I how K-lJom Invo they , when cleaiiiiiK
tUii , fjlyou It a thmiKlit that llunlock
Knot H the nuKt vnhuljio blood uleant r
nnd purifier known , and is Hold i voiy
iliujrf t nn Intli * nuino of J'.urdncl ; llloo.i
Hitt < M 1'iiue , $1 ii ) . lelli d.lw
i'I '
lU 1)1.l < l.tK t\i. tilt
M v i 'H'wli. JH : > K ivt 1.1"i , , . ,
.fall Ui .rtou tulle * fl , r , .r. . . ' . . , .
/wit , tiiii > > - d r"iiitw | * H t , KII ,
J , i. . . K i. 4 , .
/Genius fiewa-rdetl - :
on ,
She Story of tlio Sowing Urine.
* el-
cove tth tmmorev b
ny ftuint f r * n c11ln < r for it , at sa brani *
or * ub-ol r of Th flPMr M mifAeturir0 ! < ! r
J ny , or will Ki t i r mJk" . P1 I1'1- ff
any perron Hvinc ' 'Wane * from our otllow
TheSingrjr Manufacturing On , ,
: Oftrv , 14 ntilrin Sqniu < t
TraHobnrort ,
ZInnth of .Tnntjf ) .To ' . ni
( Written by h" Wlft ) , uUiViO tlrt i UfS
Ih ' only llfo tnlho'lfeil l.y her , and h on wii |
not bo a "Mood ami Th in > lT" story , Mch r. j hi
boon mid will > o ni > > .l i3d , but n trua Mre by
the only p mm no li i i | n eiai \ of Ihc f IP'S
fat htul and rt-vo'ml wife. Truth 11 mor >
flctuti. A.wnta shouM aiil ,
I''HJ VSblllif thin lti " Jim--- * | .j. )
for territory at n Sand 75 ct . for Sam.
pie Book. j. it. Uhruuborx & Co. ,
ci r.uioinuf ,
TRAD2 MAKK.Tt' ° TiifnrtKAnK
c.u . An tin-
falllnc euro
( c r Scmlrsl
Woikncia ,
-p < rmr.tor-
o ; ni Ix.h9 ol Mcmorj , Universal l-a * "
tilde , Pnln In the Hack , Dimness ol Vlitnn , Pro
nature OM Aio ; , 'id msnv other Dlncidrs thai
cnil to Insanity or Consumption anil a I'jnraa
tuio Orarn.
7TFu1t partlcuhrit In oar pamnhlnt , whlel
no dtalro to nenil free trmall to twryonc ,
2TTho Bpoclflo Mudiclno li : olj by nil ilru gtct !
it 81 per packer , or Oi > ul.\cf for ? fi , or ivlll
10 sent Iroo by mall un roc ptnf the money , by
BuSalo , I , ' . Y.
TolWervous Sufferers
* f
Drl.J. . . L1. Sitnpuou'o HpeciiJr
f aas:2Js : : 3 :
\ t * . vo'ltlveiiiio lor ( HptirnAloirhcL , Bcmlnt
Wirtfinrre , ImjioUncy , ai-j Ml dlabuaA rfiiltlnf
frrm Bcll-/.biu < o , fi Jlcntal Anxiety , Ixw
Vlmr.orj" , rH > In it. ' liirl : or HWc , nd dteas-d
" " * " " * " " " " " " "
tint leo'l to
Ina.nitr * H
with woin'.ur '
hi !
ttft froc ! u M " , ? IK ! for tLcu ind pot ( nl ! i
IruJ&rJ ,
I'rlco , Sprsll' : , ? 1.03 ptr pvstitiro , or > 's rt > > -
* < fc * lor jf'.f : . A J irt.-.i ail erin * l
. * UF.ui-tR I'M
Nos. 10 ; u.u ti ( Wfcirj bt. Dirfu' . , K V
SoM ! ti Omal.ii \
J. K. lu'i , ami nil
l o
i ; < bnainyncnv mill
iloii if ynu a 'iru
, unf : , nil'rir.rfn
nly 01 Hop
Th m-T T TO" ' '
( Hat your oyH-in
li.-t PI ntliiiuIitlnR
lthoutniluri. ' < il/i > c1 ,
rrHrwit acorn'
l > liifni
of tli nowncft ,
* - , ! r w A k' and
Vw i lrll ltry
- ' - ' It may
ilfn. It Mao
OureB Whoii Hot Springs Fil
N , AUK. , M y I. .
Wo Invn CAtiM In nnr awn to ii wha Ihe.l HI
lot Sprln d , nd uoro llnnlly uireil u > th B. s. K
1' V i , ujuiiv.-oniu to , ! ua jiul \ I , \ < i' t.L
Ut.B ViH'H Ott thir.-o nolhlut I Writ ' . : <
urili'iilnrisin < i et\ty o' litflo Unn\
n tinr' " nfVt"
.i owiirt " ' V
hunlBt who will flnil , on naiynl li
b. rl. ,01111 | iirtlolo of 1'crcnry Imlulr
am or ucy Mliicnil gubeUr.i o.
Frlco of t'luill < lr.u , 31.00.
u Ui 1.75.
Bold by KKNNAKI' . BHOrt
> 1 *
'ha Most Bucceisful RemoriY ever ilUcov
red , an It Ucortuln In lt uifoct * and does not
Utter. ItKAO L'KOOF IIKLONV. A1 > 0 uiccllen !
nr hiiinan He li.
WaihlnKtcnvlllv , Ohio , June 17. 1881. 1m
. J. KHMUU , j ; C'o : ( -Koiullngourad
crtlieiuunt Iu Turf , Flold Mid F rm , of jour
iJoiuUli'ti Hp.ivlil ( Jure , n il liivnii ; a raluatilr
nnl n.vooily horidlilui hivd In-en lame from
| it\ln ( nr clt.o | n niontlK , I aunt lo > ou tnt
xjttlo by itpri > , which 1 1 elHecks rcmuvi'il
ill Uinuiii-i and iiuUr ciiiont and a lar
'rein another liorae , miJ bolh licrtcaaru tn-atj
w Bound i cnlt < , Thooou liottla waa north 'o
nu ono liumlrud dillm. Hp | xuMU >
r'Q'.lf , H , A. ti. uroLKir , M Ii
Bond ( or Illuitrfttol cliuuUr nlMiitf innltlu
iroof. I'rUvd. Al > Inv-ilit ; * ha > u it or * > 1
ctltfcr yuii. Or. U. J. Kduilall ci Co , I'ro-
n-MiDLr h 1'dllJ , Vc
, A. CJIVP GuruvmteoiJ.
1'r. K. 0. U'lwtV Kami ftoa llraln lr Atnu t-
liptclflc for lturlfc , DljziuuM , Con ) > ui lji > ,
s'orvoun Ic ! > & < t.i.-iig , MMili ! i > Dumtloii | , Lc al
Sji. r.unWiJf.i.iaIiu } > ol n.7 , luvo iu > t.ii )
* , IVcinnturo Oul Ait , CRUW. ! by ri -
u , cJ ! Miu u , or ottr-iuuuljiHioe. nil . "
iuliur ) , < J j M4d ila.itli. OnuUii uil
rswnt COM * . K * b box iuDt ln < on i iniiii'liV
runtuwiit , On * duller * ben , ur tit UOKIM 101
lu > JolUrj , mat lr mill | > r 'i . UI uu ruvu'i" ol
'itl uch orJur rgali i by IH lor nix Ui.vjj , a.-
om Attiimt witli Ova ilulUrs , HI1 ( > > ' ( lie | ur-
r.inr am A-rltten , ; iuriQt e to fc-turn tlic
i.0'j > * 41 tmUwint do'
< . ( . v . .
if : < ? $ : .ff ' - T T
. V , . ? JJ M f. v I
If yen suffer from
If you nte Afflicted Ith Illliomnew , nic
If joti ire firestrMrO with nicV IloiJac ) < > , tnko
If vour liui-saro ! ! ( tiMrdcrcd , rnptil.ito them with
I\ ( \ir lUotxllo mpure , jmrlfy It with
\nuhrtic Indljrtiitlon , you vlll nnttdot
in ntmuocK
IIiiuurn troublolHli Spring Corniiblnts , cr
vl , . tt thtm ultli I1UU1 > OCK 11LOOI ) HITTEIIS.
II vnur U trls toitiVl. rwtorc It to hcultliyrxctlon
uii u'jiiDouK BI.OOD nirreus
II j our U , ou will finil a euro ro-
etor.itnelri KUUDOCK BLOOD mTTKUS.
Hxou ha\onny spcclp ? olllumor or I'irnvile , laii
lint lo take IH'KDOCK lU.OOIl IJITTEUS ,
II jnunatuany Bymptomiiof Ulccrtor Kcrotiiloui
Scn > , n cunxtl orcmody ulll lie louml In
Kor Iminrtins strciigth nnilltality tothcsja
tcm , nothing cancqtnl
For Ncrvom and Ocnurs.1 Doliillty , tone up thi
Price , 01.00 oci fiotttt ; Trial Bottlca 10 Cti
FOSTEE , MILBUJIN , & Co , , Props ,
fiol' ' ! At wholi'f..o by Ish k icMihon ! and C , 1" ,
| H 57 cod-aio
/ IffW A H'N G W * SV / - . 'j
tS r -n < ai "
affn < \
Dlioaso li an ( ITcit , not a cause. HH origin U
within ; Its manifestationulfhout. . nuncc , to
euro the ill-03HO ( the c.U'summt ha rrmo\c > l , anil
In no other way can a euro over u cITooteil.
CURE In established on Just this
It ruallzoqthat
95 Per Cent.
of all illicascs nrlzo from deranged klJncj'i an
Ilicr , Mill it stilkcsat onoc r.t the root of the
dlillnilty. TliucUinu tn ot uhlcli It ii composed
n-t dlroctlvupon ihcia ftrcat orfcatiH , both as o
TOonn d ni.sTOKKR , nticl hyplaclijf them in a
Icalth } ' , C'lnditlra , drive diduabo aini pun from
ilic stim. ; .
For thu innumcrnblo triub'rs ca'incd by un-
hialt j KklneiH. Uvcranl llrinnry ( Irrans ; lor
the di-iro-fiitifr lihordursf. ! Wouon ; for lla'uriA ,
n'iI'hyficil dcMnjftnieiiU cnarnlii , thi Krcnt
rem ill' haf nu viinnl , 11varo cf liiipostora , Irn-
tatlo 'Snnd coiRCctioiiDhild tn hi jutt 08 Rood.
Frrli.atirto" . , n for \V ARWi.lVS BAFE
D ? tF.TES CTJIti :
r or tale by ull ili'.ilun.
H. H. WAKNER & CO. ,
m' KonlioNtov N. Y
f'ho Gron , ' Lngiish ii meJ
" * ' 8
UcblUty ,
, Seminal Wrak-
HOOD , i""l all the
vll cfficti ol youth
ful follivu nnd oxcoi-
CP. It etopi pcnna
tlccc , which MOW dcsrruo'lvo ' to u.lml und body
r.nd inaku llfo uilwr.ibM , olicn lc.iilii to Intanl-
ty andUiuth It n'rciwtheim Ihc 'JervcJBrain ,
( inciiinrvf Blood , HIM , lea , IMKtttn c ti.d Rcpro- , o Or. us , It reborns to all thu urirautc
luiutiiris tliolr Jormci vlcor i' 1 Unlity , ma-
inu lilt cheerful ami enjii.uliii1 I'rice , S3 a
'lOitlc , crfour tlini'H tl.o iun'uit | > JIO. bent by
rxire * ) , pccurci ( roiii olm'rvBtlon. to any addrr-fe ,
on rtcuiptol | irleo. Xo. C. O. D. bi-iit , cxicpt
tin rcctiit ; nt 91 M a jruarvtvc. I crtom rj
quwtliiv nnswcrn riust InclOM htiunii.
DMintie'o Ditndfhoa PiUs
nre It j l-i > t Mid ohi-apo t Jjcr'trn ! " * " ' > ' billion !
cure | the marl. t. HeM by all dnii.U. ! . 1'rkc
M ccntf ,
DR MINTIR'H Kiu.vrr llmtirDr , N'KPi.rriccv ,
Ciirusill kliidof KiilueyunU bl-.d < liri.oiiiulalntc ,
co iorr'.u. , Kleit and leucorrhe. . tnr > alu iy all
dauui ; Pt-i : si a bottli ) .
TfOlhi Ut , bt , l.ouh. ilo.
For bale In Oninlr. by
[ jfl CELlBWTEfl Urj
The li > < 'bl nnd an unit rilllrrlni' frnm dii -
' | .si. . i inO , n tl MI in r.n Ijriu. nrua'iMiijd , t t
thui > i > nf tiulrou ho. lly mid mentalcouif rt ,
to try UoituMcrV < imnau < lltUn I.iiilrs o'
h M.OU ii CMIO comtitut n ten f ttilwlnrm-
li ! uii I 10 tomtit n jirnnirt e * . 1'l.jili.Uin
i < > riMrc , ili > > 'il > tcivlh ihe ailuitcr ltd
tiiur of nn.ore' prftu'il' It a. tliuiafujt
an toot roilulilu of all sior.u.'hUn ,
Fnr UMI t > > nil nruhcjintrt and dtutcrtf
al In nil . Wi h Ql llou n sr V/on't Do. In
th - . .ii , r iu > ' d j . . . it lir tulil cm A dU-
ir rni lt | r i tm I IIMIJ .iiiutul a | ail : > t < un.
nrh ,1'b.nuitU li.ttU' , il t i vry Lout
r.ti.'ii i. , i \ ' u 1 1 1 p it I IK in in i < * rf et
iu j > linn ) ) ,
UV AW , 9-.VQPr
W.ll , MIMAin > . r. H. JOHNSON
Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits ,
Agents for Fook & Baiwliers Lard , and Wiltor Mills Flour
, - - -
& oo
> ts
, , . .
Window and Plate Glass.
t2TAnyorc contemplating hullii'n . ' htnre , binl > , or ivnvol'iir flnp trjn ivlll find It to their ftd-
AtHagc to ccrni und ultli tit he.'oic purchisln r their I'latuClna ,
IT. O. I
1213 Farnhsm St. Omaha. N <
1 ffe swv ty \ jcs j
ii | p ( ? J _ fii fi
. rfSS
1 > 1C U. 3 I
T TliifinuSH T iT6T J&w-
On River Bank , Bet. Fttraham jwifl Bo.ucia ! ; Sts.t
Fire and Burglar \
1020 Farnham Street ,
Fiour. 'Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocert" Supphes.
A Full Line of ihe Bust Brands of
for B'uBWflOU BAIJjS Afi'D LAFr.rN . & RANI ) POWDER G
* fl * "i * 1 'VT'Oili tTJ'T ( C"'i ' 7'S' & 'T * . Ts im
I $ D 0 w b H ABES
1118 FAR AM ST. - - OMAHA
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Moat ttmi Pacific n vj A 7-
jBcJUTiri a3 3scrCif-.rCia
POV7WR . .i'ij HAND \i
wmr.1 fsr : > iswi A99
Steam Pumps , Trirnnrj ri s ,
H/iLW8AY / irViKD-WIU , MdBprt A43 CH33. . . HELLS
, Oprs 10th and Fa g , ® it. , Omaha , Neb ,