A DJtfflv * ' * . * * - f TWELFTH YEAR. SATURDAY MORNING , JULY I , 12 , A HOLY SHOW. "God's Man" Goes t < Glory on the First Leap , He Reaches the Enc of His Rope With a Sudden Jerk , And Dies Like all the Blood "Innocents" Witli Allo- luiahs on His Lips , While Millious of People Re joice that tbo Hud Hf\8 v Coino Thouaands Tjroug About th Jail Anx ous for n Peep at tha Performance. The Method and Maner c Hia Taking Off Most Gra phically Recounted. The Rattle of iho Marin Musketry Makes Him Weak at the Knees. But He Puifl'led His Promiai to Brace Up at "the Supreme premoornent. . " .in Attempt Made to Cheat th Gallows of Its Despic- ublo Prey , By Means of a Poisoned Bou quet Sent Him by Hia Bister. Th- " Scheme Being Fortunatel ] Discovered in T ni j by the Warden. Cool and Unfeeling Conduc of the Crank'a Brother on the Jcaffold. Collar Adjusted by Hit Keepers Without Any Apparent Compunction. A Vast Nnmbnr ol' Doctors Attocc the "hiduey Cole orates the Exocutlot With n , Stuffed Stiff. 1IE SLE1T WELL. Juno 30 10 A. M. Ouiteau rested fairly. Ho slept on u cot in naj.3 until 3 , when ho slept steadily until near 5. Ho had break fast and ordered dinner for 11. Ho was anxious but not moro nervous than usual. All readiness. No delay expected. UNITH > STATES JAIL , WASHINGTON , Juno 30. Guitoau's last night was ono of the finest ever eoon in Wash ington. The broad sLvnting shadows of cornice and abutment formed wiord figuiea on the dusky wulln , and the whitewashed tree trunks and neigh boring fences added to the OUASTLY VISIONS of the horde of colored prisoners huddled in the female quarters over the main entrance. A bomb burst in the midst of this assemblage by the arrival of a crazy woman ; alternating spoils and shrieks suggested dire her ribilities and kept the keepers in r constant tour of inspection. Her con duct incited many others and out ii the still night rang shouts like these "See dat coblin , " ' 'Ho come for Gui toau , " "Oh my king ! " "i'aoglad I ain1 going to bo hung to-morrow. ' "Pray do Lord dat rope ma ; break , " "Good enough for sucl : * U ' * rash : , anyhow , " and many more * * worthy repetition. Once the maniac burst into a lit of uncontrolla bio boisterous laughter , BO loud and so long that it became almost unboara ble. A guard spoke briskly from be low : "Stop that noise. " Down came the reply : "Shut up , folah , I laugh much I please. 1'ao God's man. " COLOUED LUNATIC-H , "I am no use , " said the guard ; "they've all got it. They are all God's own man and woman. " Meanwhile God's ' man in the cell in the corridor was restless and norvoua. He asked his watch what those hide ous noises meant. The death watch. Thos. Johnson , said they were caused by a crazy woman , "Poor thing , " said Guiteau , "Toll lluaa not to lot her hurt her self , " Ho waa very norvoua until 10 o'clock , at which hour ho expected Dr. Hicka. The bouquet Mrs , Sco villo had cent during the afternoon had not boon left in the cell , Once ho j&ked for it. The wonder is that [ triad boon allowed in at all , but no < me could say why It had been taken out , It was afterwards learned that it had been removed under the general principle of extreme precaution. TALKINO WITH TUB MINISTtlf , When Dr , Hicks did arrive the con- bemnod man appeared to be asleep , dut at 11 o'clock ho roused up and asked if the minister had arrived. On being answered in the affirmative ho naked to BOO him and the doctor went in the door of hia cell. Guiteau's prln- < ; iplo deairo was to inform him of the ILL completion of lira bat words. Ho hm told Dr. Hick * aorer.il days as o tha he had got through talking to tnon , h won Rcinc to tnlk to God , hence hi \Mt \ words to bo in ado in the form o a prayer , llo had headed them. "M ; Dying words oil the Scaffold , " run dated them nt the United States jail Washington , llo had concluded by i scathing anathema on nil men but th minister , who spout a time UEASOMNO WITH HIM on the inconsistency of such remark with his profession of being like unti Christ , who said : "Father , forgivi hem , they know not what they do.1 Guiteau hold off n long time and Dr llicksprobed in vain for his conscience finally n compromise was cllected ii the form of nn expression that ho liar bored no ill will against any one Guitcau also said ho had a little peen to read on the scaffold. Beyond yond this Dr. Hicka under stood that nothing was to bo said When llicks loft him Guiteau snic ho was anxious to get A good night'i rest , for ho had to writ a out Inn peen and make another copy of hit prayer in the morning. Half an houi later Watchman Johnson reportoc him sleeping soundly. Dr. Hick : retired to a private room to write" uj his journal , and the newspaper mm : began to _ grow fowor. Keeper Wm. C. Crocker had charge of the jail door and the warden's office , and nt 0110 but the deputies passed into UK inner qu dranglo. AFTER MIDMOIIT. At that hour there was no cminc ! but the clicking of the United Press Association wire , and the intcrmittcnl outbursts from the crazy woman abov mentioned. There hud been few ar rivals for nn hour , when a carriage drove up and District Attorney Cork' hill and Dr. A. E. McDonald , of Now York , entered. Corkhill evidently came from a seiuo of duty in staying for participation in whatever was go ing on. Soon he learned that Dr. Beard had taken upon himself the in < viting of witnesses to the autopsy , and at once ho began minute inquiries as to what doctors had boon asked , flo waa told there was hardly a man who had not declared Guitcau to be insane , and ho asked if these men were to render a final decision in this matter and where was Dr , Hioka. The doctor was introduced in hia room , and Col. Corkhill talked loud and long to him. C-OlIKIIII.Ii ANll THE DOVTOIW. Finally the agent of the Unitnd Press Association was called in to furnish the names of the physicians. Col. Corkhill put it plainly to Dr. flicks that ho hoped to have scon the autopsy-pcrformod by the moat aLilled in the medical profession. "Dr. McDonald was called by the United States , " eaid Dr. flicks. "But ho was first called by mo , " said Corkhill , "and ho is here. " Col. Corkhill oven wont ao far aa to threaten that the government would yet interfere with the custody of the body ra.her than have a bungling autopsy. Dr. llicks was by no inoafls worried about this but gave Col. Cork- hill to understand that ho knew the rights of Guiteau and only demanded them , lie wanted all things fair and hence good feelings wcro soon restored. AltnAXQIKtt THE AUTOPSY. Dr. Hicks then proposed that Dr. McDonald take change of the autopsy. This Dr. McDonald declined inas much us ho had been a witness for life go'vo'i'iniient o'n the" insane 'qufes- tion. Finally n pioposition was agreed to as follows : That the brain of Guiteau ho re moved by Dr. Limb , Dr. Buyers and Dr. Harloyor in the proaonco of a noted party , and placed by them in necessary preparation for microscopic examination and kept in the National museum , where at the proper time such examinstion shall bo made by pirties selected by Dr. Hicks , and District Attorney Corkhill and Ina : ompanions withdrew. JiO SOUND CAME KKOM THK CELL } f the condemned except heavy jrcathing , and now and then a mo. ; ion as if ho turned his head. Dr. [ licks wasn't disturbed again till laylight. By that time ho had finished iis writing and finished hia journal , vhich ho had under his arm. "This > ook , " ho said , "is to bo invaluable. . " have recorded in here all the con- 'creation I have had with Guitoau , L'horo is much in it to bo made public -much more that must never see the ight until all the actors in this tragedy , ro dead. It is a most wonderful his- ory , Guiteau isa wonder , the keenest f men , something I have never met. to has great developments in oomo of ho higher and lower faculties , but is efectivo in the average faculties. " n reply to a question , Dr. 1 licks lid ho was not ready to any whether luiteau was irresponsibly insane or ot. Ho has not made up his mind , lo felt sure ho would die boldly 10ugh not boisterously , Ho had THK JIKHOISM or A MAUTVIC ud the boldness of a patriot , hut ho as the conscience of neither. "Ho toka on mo , " continued Dr. Hicks , as his friend , because I seem to : quieeco in his idea of inspiration. [ o talks frnoly to me about his death id scorns ready. If ho breaks down afore ho is hanged there will bo a eat change in him. " Mr. Ilioks irthor said that Guitcau has never : hibited the least dcsiro to commit itcide , or in any way evade his fate. ATTEMPT TO CHKAT THE OALLOWH. C At an early hour the roads leading the prison swarmed with men , snion and children , who congregated front of refreshment stands , The imerous guards admitted only ese having passes and many of ese experienced difficulty in getting tranco. By some means a number it entitled gained admission and raited in the ollico in the hope of eing the execution. Upon the rival of the warden the startling scovury was inado that an attempt d boon made to cheat the gallows its victim. The facts were pt eucrot for seine time , itil the possibility of doubt should removed , but are hero made pub' . Reference has boon made in this port to the bouquet of flowers sent Guiteau by Mra. Scovillo , and of il removal from his cell. It seems thf the guard innocently allowed it to V handled during the nftornoon , an neither Special Warden Crocker < i Diputy ShorilF lluss knew of it lint after dark. Huss first saw It when h went to the door after supper an asked Guitcau , "Who sent it. " "M. . sister , " said he. The warden watche his chance and spirited it away. Hi St'sriClONS WF.UE UlOTSKtt by its having boon sent by Mrs , Sec villeand it was carefully dissected. 1 was found to contain no hidden in strumcnt or phial but the oxaminatioi did not stop thoro. Closer oxntnitin tion showed that some of the llowcr had been saturated with a deadly tluii and Dr. McWilliams undertook to ai range for an analysis. Meantime Dr llicks recalled the persistency will which Mrs. Scovillo had ondcavorei to got into the cell in the at tornoon the dcsiro she had to speak private ! ; with her brother and her disappointci look when she found she could not All this made it seem as if there couli bo no mistake , yet no publicity wa given the nil air until Mc'Williain should have made the analysis. H drove up town for the purpose tin morning at C o'clock nnd at this hou (10 ( a. in. ) has not returned. Durinj the first hour AFTKU invuaiiT Guiteau slept almost steadily. Jus btforo 5 a. in. Dr. Hicks wonttolii down. Dr. MoWilliam , the jail physi cian , wont to the door of the cell am found Guitoau awake. "How have you rcstodl" ho asked "Pretty well , " was the reply , and ho turned toward the wall. At 0 o'clock Guitcau roused up , took his bath and ordered breakfast as if ho expected to do so forevoi moio. " "Brine mo , " said ho to tin keeper who asked his wish , "an omletto , broiled teak , fried and toasted bread. " While breakfast was cooking ho dressed himself partially , asked when Dr. Hicks was , but said little else , When the breakfast came ho sat down to eat and ate heartily for a few min utes. Soon ho began to take a little nibble of this and that , as if ho did not reliiih the food as usual. Pres ently ho .shoved hack his uhair and told the guard ho was ready for his exorcise. Warden RUBS waa told of his dcsiro but refused permission. "Wo don't taki any chances with this man , " said Ruse to one of the keepers. ' Afterwards ouiTEAU WAS moroKKD at this and sot down sullenly. In an other 11101119111 ho said : ' 'Bring mo my dinner at 11 o'clock sharp. I don't want to go to the scaffold on an otnpty stomach. " At 7:30 : George Winters then re lieved Johnson as death watch. Gui teau always had a great fancy for Win ters and as ho shook his hand bade liim good morning his voice trembled with emotion. "Georgo , " said ho , " 1 want you to take Una book and read it. " Ho handed him as ho spoke a little book called the "Blood of Jo- ius. " Bring it to mo bye-and-bye ivhen I copy my prayer again and I'll ivrito your nanio in it. " Guiteau's farewell to his death watch ( Winters ) was as follows : "Georgo , you are a good follow , but I don't want you to look mo in the 'aco so much. I am not going to do inything wrong. I don't , want any nip to talk to me. I want everything 1 ' - ' Ho said to Dr. llicks : "Doctor , I rant you tosco that all the machinery or the murder is in good order. I rant it to como off at 12 in , sharp. I . ' want to take a bath before I go. " Guiteau had writing mutoria' irouglit at eight o'clock , and made a nlarged copy of hia prayer , whic Vardon Crocker wan to hold for hit 0 read on the gallows. That done II B SEEMED VEllIT' FIDOETV , nd wanted Mr. llicks to como to him tetvveon each page of tlio rowrittin. f his prayer , Guitoau moved anx > usly about , and before ho fmiaho p wanted a more thorough bath tha is earlier pno. Ho then divestci imsolf of his flannel shirt nnd trous rs and thoroughly bathed himself , fter which ho donned his execution lirt and trousers , and was then par wtially ready. Before eating hii inner ho repeatedly impressed upon 'r. ' llicks that ho wanted the oxecu on to como ; of } ' aa soon after 12 clock as possible. His brothpr , Jno. W , , called at 9 clock , but it was decided not to al w him to see him. The reason giv 1 was that it was boot ho should no in any risk of excitement ; the real ason was that no risk , however nail , was to bo taken. The coflln as carried into the jail yard before 0 clock , and placed back of the scaf Id , out of sight. The military guard the jail lias boon doubled and two rcs of policemen nro in attendance. arden Crocker came from his resi- nco at ! :30 : , drof-sed in a full black , oad cloth suit and wearing a high klmt. THE OJIOWI ) OUIKIDK ,8 orderly and respectable , includ- ; farmers from the surrounding antry , and strangers from afar , my walked nlilua from the country , il appeared careworn on arrival , but od around all day with necks etched to BOO and hear all. War- i Crocker and Jno , Guitoau , who no together , were surrounded by rowd Mtid followed from the street the entrance by urchins and others cious to ace the interior , COOL CONDUCT OK THK 1IHOTHEH Fohn Guitoau was present at the Hold when Mr. Strong adjusted the 10. Ho then stood on the trap and iinined everything thoroughly. ich wonderment wa < ) expressed at apparent coolness of this action , Hicks is almost worn out. At 11 ock , just butoro dinner was lught , after finishing his toilet , ncing over the paper ho wrote this rning , Guiteau turned to the guard I Eaid , "I fool very well considering circumstances , Iti death watch said "Hois firm i rock physically but mentally his idition is not to bo envied , " Gui- to.iu'a dinner was n steak omelet toai nnd c > lFoe , the same na breakfast. THK MVUNKll * . At 11 : In n. m. a miard of marine were drawn up on the rotundn nn came to order arms. The sound c Iho muskets mode Guitenu so norvoi : ho foil back upon his cot and bcc.im so faint that rcotora'ivcs had to b applied. THE WOrESSION. The door of the south passage opened od about 120. : ! ! The procession wn first , Rev , llicks , then Wnrdo Crocker , then Quitcau carefully dress cd , nervous and looking llko durin the trial , when ho was going to th van , On 0110 side of him was Kcopo .Tamos Colmnan , on the ether _ Jaa \Voodwardr before him was Koopc Strong. They marched across th quadrangle through the door of tlv fatal corridor and faced the scalFoh and MAUCHEI ) VV THE STEl'S. Hicks stepped to the left run Crocker stopped from Guiteau , Slroiij taking a position behind , Guiteat madu sure of his footing by standing on the centre of the trap , Colonial and Wood ward remaining nt cncl sido. Four guards James W , JOIICP W. II. Hudson , W. K Crocker am Thomas Johnson stood in front o scalluld. Guiteau stood quiet , no trembling visibly. At n signal from Warden Crocker , ovtry ono remover their hats and UicKs oteppcd forward and ro.id n prayer from manuscript commending Guitcuu'a soul to God , Hicks then opened the bible and Gui teau read , in n loud voice , from the 28 h to the -list verso , tenth chapter of Matthew : "Fear not these wlio destroy the body , " itc. , looking about tor ollcct. llicks then hold before Guitean the manuscript of his prayer , which ho read as follows : "Ut IMl.VO I'KAMIH ON Till' C.AI.I.OWH. " "Father , now I go tn Theo nnd the S.i- vlor , I have finUhed the work Thou gov- cut mo to do. I nin Imppv. I am only too linpnv to RO to Thee. The world dooi not vet appreciate my iiitstion. lint Thou Itnoucit it. Thou knaweat that Tliou didst inspire Gailleld'tt lemaynl and only good has como from It. This i.i the l.o t ovidcucc thnt tha inspiration came from Tlico nnd 1 liivo set it forth in itiy b.iolc tlmt nil men irmy rend nnd know tlmt Thou , 1'ather , di 1st itwpiro the net for which 1 am now murdered. Father I Ireinblc for the fate of my intinlerorH. This government an 1 thii nation by thiH net , 1 know , will iucur Thy etcrnil enmity - mity , as flid the JI-WH. They killoo Thy man , my Snvtour. The rctrii.ution . in th it casecuinu ( niick anil xharp , nii'l T kn w Thy divine law of letrilmtum will atriieo this nation and my inurderurs intliosnme way. The diubolic.nl f pirit of thi-i nation , its qovernment and its newspapers , to ward 1110 will jiiHt fy Theo in CUM- inj ; thtiu , and I know tlmt by the ( liviuo law of rctiiljntion it is in- curable. 1 therefore pii'dict tint tliia nation would go down m bluoJ , nnd my murderers from the executive to the linn - man will go to hell. Thy lawj are mux- orable , Thou Suprema Juilgo. Wio unto men thnt violate Tny lawn. Only weep ing nnd gnashing of tcoth nwaits them. 'L'lio American piesH IIHH a large bill to Ret- tlo with Theu , itluhtoous Katliar , fortlieir vlnilictivencn in this matter. Ncthiu hut blood bo UDOU them and thiH nntion nnd iti ollicinls. Arthur , the profidenl , in n coward nnd an mgrnto. His ingratitude to Ih ; man thnt mndo him and Biived his party and land fioin overthrow - throw hns no parallel in hixtory. Itut Thou , ItiKiitcoua Vathcr , will jml.ro him , Kntliur , 'Lliou Unowest , but the woild liath lot known me , lint now Ito to Thee and ; ho Saviour without the elightent ill-will owaidn a human hoing. Farewell yo of ; ho purtli. " ( Signed ) "CllA . GUITI.AU. " JUMIltlNO HALLELUJAHS , , ho paper , read "Except ye become as i little child , ye cannot enter the cingdom of God , " ho then eaid ho > roparod a little poem indicating his ooling at the moment of leaving the vorld , giving the idea of n child ro- urning to its mamma and papa. Tne lomposition was u ttring of rambling uillulujahs and 'Tin going to glory. " [ Wards the last his voice rouaheu a licrcing pitch and tears lolled down iis cheeks. HIS LKOS WKUG TIIKN TIKI ) , nd Guiteau'a lips moved. Before the ilaclc cap waa put on , Guitcau usked licka to hand him the manuscript rayer and hia lips moved ngain , and aid aloud , "In going to glory. " licks moved forward to the railing round the scaffold and knelt in pray- r. Warden Crocker then gave the ignal , the trap was sprung and the ody foil , There was scarcely u scrug- lo. The body was lowered at J : U2 and laced in a collin and taken to the lap ol of the j ail , where tha autposy ill bo held. THK BODY " Guitcau will bo buried privately to- lorrovv. The place of burial lias not at boon decided upon , but it is ex acted Hicks will nsk permission to \va the remains interred in the jail idor the stone in the corridor , where logillowa stands , and the govern- cut will not object , Hicks ia too uch exhausted to altond to details night , but will moot ( Juitoan's rela tes and the warden at the jail to- orrow to make the necessary ai range- onta. It is expected the body will i temporarily interred at the jail ly way , Reed did not witnoaa the execution THE DUO I1VAB BI'UL'NO 1 George Winters , one 01 the death itch during the fast two weeks. It said lie had no objections to per- rming thm duty , generally deemed obnoxious , The deputy warden ; s glad to obtain hia services. Dopu- Warden Iloaa was in the cell with inters nt the time , The rope was hlcn immediately after the body s cut down , and rclio hunters who pcd for pieccH hnvo been uisap- intcd , THK I-OI80.NKI ) KLOWKItS. There wiw a difference in opinion in analysis of the llowors sent Gui- , u by Mrs , Bcovillo , and supposed have been drugged. The final re- rt lias not yet been made , It i bored - red , however , the ouspicions of empted poisioning will not bo N itained , THE OTHEIt LOONH. ci John W , Guiteau has done much king in public aince the execution , 'ing ' lie is glad it is all over and r expressions , which caused coi t'.o ' comment. Mr ? , Scovillo retired to her rooi anmedmtely nftor learning tlmt tli c\t utiMi waa over. She secmi quit ovirorMno by the reaction from th inontil nnd nervous strains of th pis * few weeks. KXAM1NMNO THE 1IOHY. 1'rcooding the Mitopsy , Loring ox nunned the eyes of the executed man but found them too much sulVusci with blood to cnr.blo him to form ni opnion , A later txaininatioti of th body showed beyond a doubt that th neck was broken , The brain was re moved at Iho preliminary autops ; this afternoon by Urs. Lamb , Sewer and Ilnrtigan , the conclusive examination ation being delayed until this ovoniti ) at the army medical museum. In ad dition to the physicians above named there were present Drs. Young , Roy burn , McDonald , Klliott , McKinn Murphy , Nichols , Surgeon Genera Wales , Navy Surgeon General Harnti and Army Surgeons Godding. Wilmoi and Dr. I'Attonon , of St. lilizaboth'i ttsyluni , District of Columbia ; Pnt terson , coroner of thu district , Kliii' ' ( c'ir < 8dt , It infant ! and Parish. THK llllAIN. Tito coroner who made the autopsj snya jicro was no manifest dUonso o the brAi'i ) , but a peculiar condition o thotucmbmncB that would beapt to raise iiuubTmthpminds of thoao who loai lowSrdjtih'oi'iiioanity theory , althougl the ta'j jpp'oaranccd are < ften foil ml in neiiojm jiover nusppotcd of insan ity. Abrasion of the aurfnco in line wi h v > ? ) rope was found. The htji id 4joiu was found to have bcon' Mni "fiom ita attachments. Death whs produced by strangulation. The only abnormal condition discov- erouV.j'Jas eiilpj-gemont of the nploon. There rTaligUfc'nattenitig of the skull on thi ) right uido with corresponding promineiu. beuoath. Microscopioai exnuiiun.tionpiwiU bo made. The olli- cial ro olft wifrbo" given Iho press to- 1 iliioy CMnljrntos. Siirtia'.DinntOh { to The 15oc. SntKKY- , Neb , , .luno ill ) . An elliuy ivns hung hero to-day at liUO o'eloek. It wn a-representation of Gtttycau in incickbry , hia ox'eculion. Over live hundred citizens turned out. Ho ur.as Duapended until eight o'clock to night , ! at whicfi time ho was taken Sown , ' .poal oil WHS poured over him uid sot on firo. It cmsod great cx- jilemont , showing Hie people hero ire jubilant pvor the vilhiin'u final ' Hiding , . j i SPORTING. Jatlontl Aaicclatoil Proas. OIUOAQO HAI.T.S. CIUOAOO , Juno 30.- Fourth day > f the- Chicago running meeting , yirotrace , "Criterion stakes , " three- ( uartcra of a mile , was won by Lucy U , Ano.uider second , Idle Pat third ; imo l:28J. : Second race , selling purao , ono and L qufjter miles , wiio won by Tom 2ckr ( , " 1Bailoy Bccond , Tom J3arlo > v hirdvtimo | 2:31i. : " Third ' * race , "handicap , mile "and hreo'-quartoru , was won by Motropo- is , Joido second , Startle third ; time , Fuurtlrrnco , club puree , mile hcatn ras VrtnTfty F.irce ; time 2:0 : < l | , 2.03J FiftlFraMiOxtra race , ono mile ' AhOCiutinl f t YORK , Juno 30. The froigh anUlera' strike has undergone no ma ari.il change here. Thu men neon onlident they will carry their poin a-morrow , but hive received no on ouragcment whatever from the coin aniea , who nay they are getting along 'ell enough. Meanwhile the streuta ontiguous to thu freight depots an rowdud with trucks loaded with al inds of goods. The Now York Con al brakesmen8truck last night for i igular salary of $50 per month. The jinpany refused. The conductora re acting as brakesmen. UOHTON , Mass. , Juno 30. Thu eight handlers strike has ended , the astern and lioatou it Maine rail- iiidn raising the pay to $1.50pcr day. Fniiama Poluti. itlonal AHBodntcil View NEW Yuu , Juno 30. Advices oin Panama atato that Iho Alta [ eamship Company of Now York linn ado a contract witli Venezuela for ivigation of the Itiguo of Curthagnii. President Galdirn , of Columbia , ipointod the following cabinet : sec tary of foreign relations , .Ion E , Ma- Wales ; public instruction ; Antona jrro ; war , Luciano Itestopo , Edison linn made a proposal to light o city of Santiago with oloctrio ; ht , Now Yorli NotoH. itionnl A Hociated l're , NK\V YOJIK , Juno ! iO. TJio Nevada , jion line , is expected to-morrow ) m Liverpool , She bringn nearly 0 thousand Mormon proselytes , Satn'l O'Urien , a wealthy Hebrew d alleged lunatic , who displeased 9 friends by marrying a Christian , d whose sanity wa undergoing lo- 1 investigation , escaped from' the puty ahoriff to-day. Turjinntliio Mnrliot WIUIINOTON , N , C. , June 30 , tonln Firm ; Htrninvd at 1 M ; 'nr Firm at 1 76. Bant lithcrty lilvo Stouk , KAHT ] < IHEIITV , I'n. , ,1uue SO. Jattle Nutlilng clohiK. Ui.elpt * , 1,173 .d ; slilhiiicntj , l.nci ) hend , loiiu Klrin , ItecelptK , 1,200 hrml : unentd , 1.400 ; l'liludulihlt,8 ! lOfeS 70 limorea , 8 1.1(2,8 ( 3Jj Yorkcm , 7 OOGd , hoop Uncliiuiyfld. Faivfiufor Rutoi. tlonal Abixlutoil ; 1'rouH. JIIIOAO , Juno 30. The passenger nmitteo of the trunk lines are figur- ; out u plan to practically raise east ind fares , DiU'orontial fares are to adjusted according to thu value of the nccommndntiona furniahcntj thu from Chicago to Now York trail without through c.irs and ordinnr time , : " hourj , § 20 ; trains wit throuch cits nnd quick time , " hours , $23 to SLT > : St. Louis to .Noi York , nn through cars nnd ordinnr time , § 21 nnd 82fl ; throuch cars mi oidinary time , $23 and 82o. THE MESOAM.O AQENOV- hitor Nnwa Concornlii the liullivi Outbroak. Spccinl to llu ( Volie.Dtniocrnt , SANTK VK. N. M. . Juno 27. Thc following correct account of tha recent cent trouble at Moscallo rcsorvatioi hns boon received For the past foui weeks about a dozen hostiles , who lint been with Nnna , had camped near tin reservation , trying to incluca sotuo o the Mescnllocs to join them on a raid They had stolen aoino stock , nboul fifty head , nt Hluowntcr and Tulorosn. and Romu lioracs. Agent Llowollyi found out there whereabouts , amen on Friday last ho nccompnn ted by the war chiola Nautzc * ' lin mid San Juan nnd twenty Indian police wont to arrest them. One ol the hostilcs was mot ami ordered U surrender , and , resisting , was aliol nnd killed. Thin brought the rest ul the hostile ; ! out , and in thu fight Acent Llowollyn was twice wounded , and two Indian police were alsci wounded. The hualiloa' camp and all their stock were captured , the hostilee themselves escaping. The McRCalloe behaved well nnd their conduct ia creditable. Colonel Crofton with four companies of the Fourth cavalry arrived nt the agency nt daylight next morning , hut finding I'AKUYTllIMl O.UIET , returned to FortStnnton , sending ono company to follow the trail. Gen. MnoKonzio hns no apprehensions whatever of an outbreak of the MOB- calloca , but has taken nil necessary precautions. The appropriations for Iho support of the Mcnscallon not having yet p.naod , Chief Commissary Capt. Wood- rufl' has been ordered to turn over 15,000 rations monthly to Agent Llewellyn to feed the Indians. Ho takes Iho responsibility , as ho must either tight or feed the Indians. Agent Llewellyn is not seriously hurt. lie is a bravo man and n good agent. Lntor news , just brought in by Miij Fountain , ono of the 1st regi- of militia , who had been order jcl by Governor Sheldon to Tulhmm , ivith orders lo take the field with a mttalion of militia , if necessary , is lo ho effect that everything is cjuiet nt : ho agency , that instead of ono In- li.in three were killed , ono wounded , nul that Lieutenant Wood with ono lompany of cavalry and a company of Indian scouts ia now in Iho Sacra- nenlo Mountains in' pursuit of cs- : aped hostilea. CAPITAI. NOTES. lutloiml AiuaclatcJ I'tmt. UBVTII OK CONOKHHSMAN HAWK. WASHINGTON , D. 0. , Juno ! ! 0 , KoprcBontativo H. M. A. Hawk , of if iho Fifth Illinois district , died and- lenly hist niglit. Ho retired early luffuring from an attack resembling sholera morbus. After an attempt to 'omit , ho fell bask and expired. It ia hought ho burst ; i bloodvessel and lied from the effects. The body will > o iiont homo to-day accompanied by i committee of members of the house. Senator Logan and wife were with J.T A o-day the qui'Htion of political assess uonU among ollico holdern was din unsud ; also the South American loliey. TlIU C'oHNEll STONE f the G.itR'ld ! memorial in th Ihriatinn Cuurch will bo laid Sunday lie anniversary of Gurfield'a ussas in.itioi ) , The naval committee decided t love an amendment for the npprprin ion bill providing $1,000,000 to con met one light steel cruiser , ono sco nd rate cruiser , ono steam ram ant. , vo torpedo boats. It is understoot luHsra. llobcson nnd Whitthorno wil 3cept. The atar route trials adjournei d I'rcHi , Juno 80. The house of minions has arranged relays of mem jrs to sot to-morrow , if necessary , to is1) the repression bill. Mai-tun. LtlonM Awodfttod 1'rusa , Nr.w YOIIKJuno DO. Arrived , : hlcswlg from Aspinwall ; Celtic from ivorpool , LONIION , , Iiino ! JO. Arrived , Colina 0111 Montr/'iil / , GLAHCIOW. JunoJiO. Arrived Han- 'inn from Montreal , SouTHAMi-roN , .luno ! 50 , Arrived , Ibo from Now York for Uremon. Tha IianirBrniiolt Wreck. llorml A oclitoJ 1'iuua , LONM HHANOH , N. J. , Juno 30 , W. , Garrison is rapidly sinking. There u no hopes of his recovery. Annie ving is in iv dying condition. James allory ia dead. All are victims of o railroad disaster. A Flood llonal AnTOolatcJ 1'roHU. FiiENCHiiuno , Ky. , Juno 30In - mi crook ia flooded with rains. The into of Mr. Jewell was waahed away. iwell , wife and seven children were owned , _ Stowurt'n Homo. tlonat AlioilVuJ I'riiw , ' Nrw YOIIK , June 30 , The house of T. Stowait was to close to-morrow , it the employes have boon notified at their aurvioea will bo required ; ty days longer , It is rumored that B business will bo reorganized by idgu ItuBsell , Hilton's aon-in-law , ButiuoiH il'uilurcu. Honil Associated i'lumi NEW Youh , Juno 30 , The failures the first half of the year are 3- , 7 ; for the same period last year , 552. Liabilities , 850,000,000 ; 810- 9,000 in excess of the first six mills of last year. & SON , -AND- i i WIAMUFACTURES. Cor,12tliFariiaingt | , O IALIA , NEB. Magazines of 'all ' kinds 30UND TO ORDER. Send for REDUCED Drice-list of Job Print- . J * T F LtV7 T IvLiDlj N E R Importer of , and Dealer in .1 . Zither Strings anil Music , 1121 FarnamSt , Omaha. PAmTRU JUNK 3&III , IfcTfl. CAUTION ! Cheap and poor quality gloves are icing extensively advertised as "Foa- ur" Lacing Gloves , "Foster" Hook llovoa , etc. , etc. , in a manner calcu- Uod to make it appear to purchasers hat they nro the genuine To prevent deception of this charac ir , purchasers of laced gloves are in- irmed that all genuine "Foator" loves are made from the best quality : real kid , and ntamped with a fac mile of the manufacturer's signature , IUH : BOMASRUSEELL&00SoloAgts. | U74 BROADWAY , N , Y. AGOB KAUFMAN , Moo 802 10th 8t. Oor.ofBiirt Dealer In LL KINDS OF WINES. HTIQUARIAN BOOKSTORE 1420 DOUGLAS STREET ) adpartersoftlio Literati , _ _ _ lie Cheapest , Largest and choicest cell tion ofj : W AND SKCONU.1IAKD BOOKS In the Host. 5IIOOL HOOKS A SPECIALTY. Cash paid for SecondHand Books exchanged for new. H. SCHONFELD , a )2'J.lv PROPIUETOK. V. B O E H L , Jlanuficiurcrol the EW IMPROVED AWNING , COIl. 14th AND HOWARD. o does nil klud4 cl umchlu'tt ud lee work.