Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Friday MomineJJuno 30.
\Vontlior Itcport.
( Tlio following olFervi\ltnn nrc taken a
the mine moment of time at nil the station
WAU DFPAnTMMCT , V. 8. SinxAt. SMI- 1
VtOE , O.MAHA , June2l ! , 188ilr ! ( : ii.m. I
in j ;
Cl < i < 1y
CIOllJ >
I.t Hal n
: ioii'ii ' >
2loud }
Rlxcr 14cot 6 Inches abo\o low water mark at
0 nihi and 13 tcet 0 Inchm ftt Yftiikton.
The new fire limits ordlnnnco Includes
fifty blocki nnd a half In the city ,
Olllccr Flynn arrested n North Omaha
man ywlcrdny for thrcatcnini ; a neigh
bor's life ,
The rain of Tuesday nljht resulted in
* washout un llio U. 1' . between Kiitnniit
Glhnotc ,
U. 0. Mans ww killed on his farm
tweho mllei northwcbt of Fremont , dtiri g
Iho recent storm ,
Ono week from last nhht Conconlia
society cjiycn a summer night party at
llsuscom park.
The caac of tlio 12th street nymplics
imlled hy the police a coulo nf weckn ago ,
was set for yesterday.
Pwo men nrrc.itctl n < tramps nud one
plain drunk were before JuJRoUcnoke jca-
Icrday and all ilixclmrfcd ; for good cansc.
"ICci o , " the canine member of Enulno
On. NO. ' . ' , Is convalescent nf tor a orict
illness supposed to hrxvc been brought on
by poison.
The reading ronm of the Y. M. C. A.
M .1 plc.ixnnt resort durlnj ; these hot ( Jtiyn
and c eninKi. Strangcw are always wel-
Tha friends of Wilson and Harris refunded -
funded the money they had obtained of
Joe Grace and tbo latter refusing to prose
cute the crookB , they were discharged.
'i'hero will bo a RMIIC of cricket Satur
day afternoon at .r > o'clock , at the end of
the green cur line. All lover : of the game
arc invited to be present.
The third annunl installation of olH-
CCM of the Union Library atsociatlon will
lake plnca tins evening. An inter-
uting musical and literary programme has
l cen nrrnnceil for tlie occunion.
-Dr. Wm. T. Harris has written Hon.
C. A. 1 lolme-i , president of the Hoard of
lUgents , that lu cannot accept the position
ut Chancellor of the Stn'.o University on
account of a literary engagement.
There was a heavy rain , accompanied
by a lively electric display about 'J:30 : yw
tcrJay nnd mud reigned again. The
weather dork U dcmnniitrating to our
voters tha necessity for carrying tlio pay
ing hands
There will bj a meeting of the Oma
ha Hod Carrier Protective Union , Friday
evening , .Juno ItOth , at 70 : ! ! ( iliarp , In Fire-
menu' lull , corner of IGth anil Fnrnani.
All mortar makers and hod cirrlern in the
city are requested to bo ] > icjcnt , liy
order of coiroaiiondlng secretary.
Committees from tlio uovernl councils
of American Legion of Honor mot , Wed
nesday anil f olcctod July 1'Jtli as a iluy fern
n fraud picnic. A Bub-soinmlttoo watt ap.
l > aiutodt uiaUo nil necessary nrrnnsjomenta
toil will report at nn early day full partic
ulars t ? the dlilcrcnt CLUUcils.
Thocuso of tlio City \H. John Svncliin
was called in the dintrict court ycstci-
tiny but ] the defendant was non cut , and
it was utateil In court had probably gona
oft on a Hummer trip , Hon. Chis , Ogdcn ,
representing the city , asked that Hvnciuu'n
Iwnd lie forfcltoil. The Jnclgo give tlm
alutnt prisoner until 1'JO : to chow up , and
raid ho would try thu CIIHO then or forfeit
111 j bond.
For the First time in the history of tlio
county clerk's ollicc , the dcodu are
nil recorded up to date , ono of the itcpu-
titu being nt work on the last ono when
t'lc reporter called yustonlny. They am
Btill to bo compared , however , which 'will
occupy tioino Httlo time , no that parties
having deeds tliero nio not necessarily to
Iiuaghi ) that tliey may c.\ll for tliem nt
oncjJohn Carry who is nlwayo in hot
irater , h again Iu trouble. Homo I line
ngu John lomod the South Dend ftono
( | iurrlea from one Ssvojiioy , for u term nl
iiiiii > t-nlno yearn. Hu failed to eaiii ) ) )
i.h the conditions of the contract , nni
8 eiioy took poBsesslon of them. Yea-
terduy John and his leg il advisor , J. A.
'Mantmll , ropalrol to the ncono of the
trouble ) , with a view to ousting Sweeney
by lojal nicaiu If poesllile , und by forct" , L
neceisary. Lincoln Journal ,
The citizen * of Lincoln are trying ti
in > ent a storm signal for night turn1 , to
warn people of approaching toruudua , aiu
it U proposed to toll the fire bell. In caw
they it ) thU It waul i be well to put in the
Breifod po'o arraugcment between the bedrooms -
rooms aud cellara , aud then the upeticle o
twelve thousand mou , wo aieii and clilltlrei
gliding down greased poles eu'ry time the
fire bell rang would at least be "amooiln,1
It keepii the buys busy at No , K cu
gine house busy after every rain cleaning ,
out the ( mud which JVOIUB through th
Beams nnd cracks of tbo old hulk In
utreim. It Ua dbgraco 'that the tit )
don't | rovide a decent homo for the boy
to day nothing of providing for proper car
of the costly apparatus. They had to
build a big fire ia the stove ycstCrUaa
to dry the floor uu n llttlx
Iu Judge LtpplucttU' eoutt a warrau
WAI Issued for Pldncm Washington , on th
complaint of Thomas Murray , who charge
1dm with the theft uf twenty-live cords u
wood and iie hundred nnd tweuty-fiv
pout- , Murray aud the officer weiit to
servj the paj > er and didn't find the do
feu 'ant nt home. They had left the !
wagon at the gate , and on returning aiu
utartlu ? to < ' rive ( if the wheels fell oil AUI
the p&ocngcr * were dumped out in tin
mud. On examination It wai found that
the nnU Imd ) > ecnrMno\cd during thcli
ali'cncc in tlio liounc , and It h 8Up ] > oHC (
tlint I'hinc.tPnrrhcilt ilivlnrd their crrsnii
and took this menns of t r.\lv7ing the pnr
The county levy his Ix-en inftde by tin
coniiniMlnncr * and the bonid of cqnnllzt-
tlon ml join nod yesterday sino die.
-ThomnrrUgo of fpabclln S. l'ranp ,
daughter of Jftuica Fratuc , I2 j , to Dr.
0. Ii. Hart , both t.f Urn city , wan | T.
formed Wcdnwdny by Jtcv , II. U. Or.i.j.un
the residence of the bridc'n pnrcntfl ,
Uy rerinost of several members of the
binrd of trade , n Hpccinl meeting will
lie hold on Friday evening Juno 30th , to
consider tlio propriety of deferring the
excursion to Montana until August l t ,
and also to doviio means to fit up build ,
ngs and put in water nt the fair grounds
'or stnlo fair purposes. A full attend
ance of those purposing to go on the
excursion is desired. II. CJ. Clark ,
president ; Tlios. Gibson , secretary.
In the district court yesterday the
CILSO of the state against J , M. I'atter ,
who was indicted for running n lottery ,
wna brought up on a motion of tlio de
fendant's counsel , Judge Thuntoti , to
quash tlio Indictment , Dintrict Attorney
Itinnhnm made n line argument in Iho
care , and the motion uns overruled by
Judge Savage , who ordered the case to betaken
taken up dining tlio afternoon.
Judge Hawcs called at Tin : UKI : ollico
to coriect mi Item in ycHterlay'H
Issue in ro'orcncc to Ills appointment IXM
] > rcial U , S. nttornoy for this district.
Tlio judge informs us that ho has only been
appointed special .ittornej' in two or thrco
civil cases where the government wan in-
tcrcbtcd , nud that Mr. i : . M. Uirtlett ii
cndorBed by the Nebraska delegation in
Washington , and his apiiotntrntnt will
donltlr s bo nnulo nt nil early dtitc.
A Uoston man who came to this city
with recommend itioni to our bankers , niu
wanted a job in tha U. T. shops , is trcd -
ed with having become doprcsicd nt hi
failure to obtain employment , and after
tatootatf hiiriBclf with n rn/or , w ii l Ht
seen wending his way townrd the lig !
Muddy , nlnco wlilcli time ho has not been
heard from , The only reasonable mippon
itlon in that lie inado awny with liimeclf.
Ho wns about thirty ycurs nf age , \ < -rv
tnll nnd fdvndor , nr.d had a light inoiu-
It in announced that The Oinnlm Her
aid 1'nhll-diing Company has bought the
property known as the "Wlthncll" House ,
of Withnell lirothcrg , paying therefor
815,000. The imrclmHO was consummated
yesterday when Kitclicn HIOB. , vacate
the house for the 1'nxton , which will bo ii :
October sometime , it will ha thoroughly
remodelled and used nsTho Herald Heud-
quartern , ThU nrrungcmcnt of cotnvo
leaven the wnrohonso of 1'aiton & Onl
lagher , which had Inen leased for H imeone
Ho TH lord's Aold FliUHibfito
S. S. PAHKER , Wellington , 0 ,
says : " \Vhilo croesini ; Like Erie , I
javo it to some follow-paaacngora who
w-oro ooaaick , and it gave inuncdiato
relief. " je2-t-dtfcw-lw
Thcro will bo a grand "Fourth of
July" colouration at Long Pine , and
i grand excursion on the Sioux City
t Pacific railroad , the faro will bo ono
lalf of the regular price. The Long
'ino pcoplo have boun oxurling thorn-
ulvos to inako Iho celebration a grand
ucci33a , and if you wiah to Hpond a
oily 4th , and BOO the beautiful econ-
ry in and around Long Pine , you
hould not fail to bo thuro. Tickuta
an the railroad will bo good for tlio
5d , 4th
Made from the wild iloworo of the
t is the most fragrant of porfuuicfi.
vranufiicturod by 11. H. Slavon , San
Francisco. For iialo in Onmha by W.
J. Whitohouao and Konnard Bros , ,
& Co.
Tbo UlKli School Conimoncomont
Exorclaos In Boyd'a Opera
The conunoncdiicnt oxcrciaon of
the Onmha High school will tnko
) Uco this , Friday ovuning , : \t
lioyd'a Opera House , and it will boone
ono of the moat intonating nvunto of
.ho season. Tickets are plauod at the
! dw price of ton contn each , which
( ! oes towards payment of expennun.
The exoroiaoa will bo after the fol
lowing :
Mu-slo Oiertnre , "Derlln osSuelnt nnd
Laclit , " Cour.ull } . Musioil Union Or
"Clwis History. " Mary A. Fitch.
Kwtty "Muile. " Olaru O. Itoedor.
Musio "Miiscott' , " Andran , Miulcal
Union Orchontra.
Kbgay "It Is Ncceimary for the Kdura-
tlotittl Inteiosts of the Cinmtry that the
Illght of Siilfrngo lia i\londol : to
Women * ' MnKgio H , Head.
Jlssny ' 'Child Lttcratine. " Jofia Me-
Ovoitnro "Tainpn ; " Htrald. Musical
Union Oichoetrn ,
Kiwiy "An'ient nml Modem Tdoau of
n 1'ractloal lldnoation , " Hnnict liruwi- "
l'ltecitntIoii-"T < in. " Siible I'lieljiH ,
Kisay "J f omo Lifo. " LIIo Sharp
M usfo "Flower Song , " Lunge , Miisl
cal Union Onhestra
Jlnsay "American Self-ltellnnce oa 11
luxtratcd by the \ ifo of Jttmes A. ( uir
field. " Alice L. llogers
Oration ' 1'nbllo Spirit iu the Scliolnr , '
Dewltt C , Himtlngton.
Adilicai to the class nnd conferring o
dlplomaa. 1'ret.ldcnt . Long , of the koaul o
Distribution of prizes , 1'duclnal Chan ,
D. llinc.
Muslo-Mnrch , "Omaha Jllgh Scliool , "
Stelnliauuo' . Miibicnl Uii'on Orchestra.
"Presumption begins in Jf-iioranco
and cnd in ruin. " On the other
hand , the production of Kidioy-Wort |
began with wise cautiona and scionti.
tlo lesoarch , mid its ueo ends in restor
ing shattered coiiHtituUons and endow.
lii } ' . inou ti.d women with health and
ImppineaH. "My tormented back , " is
the exclamation of moro than out-
poor hardworking innn and woman : do
you know why it achoa ? It is because
sour kidneys are overtanked and nrrd
strengthening , and your system needs
to bo cleansed of lad humors. You
need Kidney. Wort.
. . .
- - - -
Linen and Mohair Coats und
tern , at llelhiun's.
Omalia Men Betting Away Wifcl
fcho Iowa Fool ,
Now Fast Trains Between
Ornatm and San Prancleco.
Mllwniilton Rejoiced Over Hoi
Now Cnitnoctioit with Iho
Onto City.
Thcro is just n Httlo ripple nf < liS'
turbanco in the Chicago and lows
railway pool. It ia caused bj
the discovery of a contract for thf
traiiHportation of gaa-coal nnd water
pipe from Cincinnati to Omaha. It l
chimed that the Rock Island has con.
ttactcd to carry the freight. Some
say that the contract is to run for n
year. It is charged that thu freight
already forwarded under the contract
has been way-billed through from Cin
cinnati to Omaha. This fact has bden
ttgnrded by the other members of the
pDol as evidence of a pro-nxting ar
rangement , and , therefore , n violation
ol the pooling agreement. The prorating -
rating of the through rate would , it is
claimed , bo equivalent to n "cut. " It
is undontood that the ofilccrs of the
Hock hlund invite thocloscst scrutiny
into the contracl. Tina matter was
booked lor invcatigatfon at u nipotina
called f ) r yesterday at the ollico of
Commissioner Danicla. The unavoid
able absence , however , of ono or two
ofliciaU compelled a , postponement un
til to-dny , when the matter will bo
considered by the general managnra
The general freight n onto of the line
in the pool were in session thoi/roatur
[ ) art of the afternoon , engaged upon
routine matters ofno public interest.
[ Times.
The subject of a through fast mail
jorvicti between Now York nnd San
Francisco will noon bo put into prac
tical ( 'fleet , as will bo seen by the fol
lowing from a Chicago exchange :
"Tho arrangement ! ) were completed
justcrday for running a fast mail train
between Now York and Chicago.
Orders were received from W. B.
riipmpaon , superintendent of railway
mail service , to begin preparations nt
nnco for scheduling the train. Tlio
government oflicials would like to
liavo the arrangement take oiled
an July 1 , buc it is doubtful if the
? chcditingcan ) bo completed before
Ju'y 10. The action of the poat-
} | lice department in ordering the
immediate inauuuration of the scrvico
jatween Now Yoik and Chicago indi-
: ates that arrangements have boon
included with the Union Pacific
ailway company for .1 fast train aer-
rico from Omaha westward. Negoti-
lena to that end have been in
irogresH for n week or ton days. The
otn\t \ between Chicago and the
HiflBouri river , as is well understood ,
mvo refused to run n fast train for
nail purposes , ns such an urrango-
nont would bo in conflict witli the
pirit of their pooling arrangement. "
There is much rejoicing in business
iroles in Milwaukee ut the nnnounco-
iiont that the Council IllullV oxtcn-
ion of the Chicago , Milwaukee &
it. Paul road in completed , the silvtr
pike being driven Wednesday after-
oon. This giyoa Milwaukee n com-
lote through line to Omaha , nnd also
fiords u new and direct line from
Ihicago to Omaha. In an interview , Manager Merrill staled that
lie now line would bo open to both
roight nnd passenger traflic as soon ns
Sio track could bo properly adjusted
nd everything got in readiness ,
iusinoaa men in Milwaukee antici-
ate great advantage to general trade
rom this new and direct route to the
lisHouri river nnd connection wtthtlio
Jiiiou Pacific at Omaha. A chief
tlvantago in in the affording of n now
outo to connect with the Union I'u-
ilic and the great nouthwcst.
A Itl'.VlVINO I ) HI' .
The Chicago mid Northwestern rail-
oad hiu given notice to the Colorado
L'rallio ABDociation that they will roman -
man in thu pool until September first.
L'his action keeps the pool nlivo for
,01110 , time yet. It waii expected to
alt to pieces to-day.
WANTED A brick moulder ; good
ivagos. Apply to Andrew llothwoll ,
" 'remont Nob.
, jol9-3t-mo
V "High" iWoddliiff In PInttBinouth.
Wednesday , the 28th , occurred the
vodding , in Plattjinoiith , which has
) eon long expected and looked for-
vard to in social circles , of Mr. David
V. Campbell , deputy treasurer of the
iounty , to Miss Oln Y , Uarncs ,
laughter of Hon. .1 , W. ] iirnos.
L'ho ceremony took place nt high
loon , nt the Methodist church , the
llavs. J. T. Kaird nnd S. P. Wilson
iflicinting. The high contracting
mitif'S wuro attended nt thu altar by
Mr. U. O'Neill and Miss Carrie L.
Ucnnott , of PlattHinouth , and Mr. H
M , Hushnoll , of that city , and Miss
Hiittio Vuiiko , of Lincoln. A short
reception waa hald nt the liouso of the
bride's narenta , after the ceremony ,
Blr. nnd Mic. Campbell taking the
ftftornoon train for Denver , They
were the recipients of a largo number
of beautiful and costly presents , re
ceived from their many friends in
PlattumouH ) .
ty thousand choice fence ( hardwood ,
Boven foot ) posts cheap. Kx-Mayor
Vaughn , Council Ulull's , Iowa.
Real Eatuto Trunaloru ,
John I * . McOaguu , real estate agent
Mid conveyancer , reports that thu ful
lowing deeds were received for record
nt thu county clerk's oilico \Yedncs- -
iny. June 28th :
U , P. land department to Julius
Sonroodor , sundry lota in Millard ad
John Campbell and Byron Heed to
Samuel Wilt , the B. i of no. } and thu
ii. 1 of Be. A of eec. 12 , town. 10.
raego 10-L',000.
Ouroliiio Stacker to Edwaad Ain-
jcow , the s. t , of w. 3 , lot UO , Hart-
mum's addition - $100 ,
A , J , Mocro to Edward Aiiucow ,
lot 0 , block 180. Iota fl. 4 , 5 , G , 7 , fl
, 10 , in blrck 482. lot ii , block 4S3
Grandviow , Sheriff * deed $11.70.
James O'Connor to Edward Ains
cow , jot 2 , block 103 ,
Martin II. Grilling to same , lot 8
block 190 , Omaha $2fiOO.
Carnn C. Merrill to Henry .Tone *
the B. 4 of lot 7 , block KJ , IS V ,
SmichVadd Sr > 7 " .
Theodore ! ' Lvon to Livanda Me
Dowoll , jmrt t f lots u and C , Cap
add $2,700.
Eunice D. I'.itteo to C. C. llousol ,
Hio w. A of lots'1 and 2 , block . ' 1
Shinn'a add-S'iOO. '
_ . c * .
\VomniiViTrno Prlontl.
A friend In need I * n friend indeed. Thtf
none cnn deny , especially whcna ststanc < ) l
rendered wlifn one it cortly aflllcted with' '
dircasc , more particularly those com'
plnlntft and ueaknessrR tsa common to oui
fenmlo tuiilntion. ] Kvery wonun should
know tlint Hitters are womnn'fi
true friend , ami " 111 positively restore hei
to health , oven when nil other remedies
fall. A Dingle trial always proves our as
sertion. They are pleasant to the taate ,
anil onlv coat fifty cents a bottle. Sold by
C. F. ( Jooiliinn
thousand choice fence ( hardwood , sev
en foot ) posts cheap. Ex-Mayor
Vaughn , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
je21 3t.
A DIoconBolate Carpenter Dies
by a DOBO of Laudanum.
A SuccoKBl'ul Attcinvt nt Suioido
Tlio Coroiior'n Inquest , ,
A aucccssful suicide was committed
'eatorday by a carpenter named Wil-
iam Badcock , about fifty-five years of
go who boarded at Mrs. Cary's
warding house on thu northwest cor
ner of Eleventh and D.wenport streets.
liabcock had been working at the
Millard hotel and is e\id ; to havobcun
tomewhat dissipated nun. Of late
10 had boon rather despondent and
mdo romarka that indicated his in-
cntion of self destruction. On ono
ccaaion ho suid it was just us well to
) o dead as ulive.
Yesterday about noon the servant
t Mrs. Gary's went to Iris room for
.ho purpose of making his bed and
ound him still inside. Ho caino to
the door and asked her to bring him
glass of viator , saving that ho wan
not feeling will. She complied with
Iria request , and nothing more waa
u'cn of him until about 8 o'clock hut
night , when onu of the boarders
named Cieorfio L. I'rcnlico , who war
[ > asaing through thu hall , heard a groan
trom the direction of Uubcock's
room. Ho c.illed another boarder to
Iris assistance , and having secured a
litrht , climbed up and peered through
iho transom and saw Babcock lying
.ipon the bed , apparently insensible.
\ porter named George Maygjod
: limbcd over tlio transom and un-
ockcd the door , wtion they entered
md found thu man in an apparently
lying condition. Dr. Coilinan was
.elephoned for and arrived about 9
> 'clock , whun ho pronounced thu man
joyontt all hope of recovery , and the
) atient died about ! > :30. :
Coroner Jacobs was notified and
removed the romaina to his undor-
aking room , where an inquest will bo
luld at 10 o'clock this morning.
The suicide was committed by tak-
ng a das * of laudanum , the bottle
> omg thrown outside of his window
.ml being picked up on the ground
iftorwards. lie ia oupposed to have
i daughter in Chicago and a non
omowhcro on Sixteenth street , but
hero is nothing which would lead
lonitivoly to their identity any furthei
lian this.
'Wo Olllcora of tlio Ninth Infantry
Who Will Receive Immediate
A W.uhington dispatch to the Chi-
ago Tribune of Tuesday oays that the
ctironipnt of Col. John D. Wilkins ,
fhich will take plitco r.3 noon as hu is
onfirmud to thu command of thu Fifth
nfantry , will cause the followini ; pro-
notions : Oon. John JI. Mason , lieu-
cnant colonel of the Twentieth in-
antry , to colonel of the Fifth infantry ;
jon. Charles G IJurtlott , major of the
' .Slovonth infantry , to lieutenant colo-
10 ! of the Twentieth infantry ; Maj ,
\ndrow S. Hurt , captain of the
S'inili infaiity , to major of the Buv-
inth infantry ; First Liout , Morris C.
Pooto ( * nephew of Gen , Henry W.
SVcHsels ) to captain of the Ninth in-
'iintry. Lieut. Footo is adjutant of
the regiment , and no vacancy for first
lieutenant is created unless a first lieu-
tenunt , or else the senior second lieu-
.otmiit , or Thomas S , McOalob is ap
i > onited adjutant.
Mnjor Hurt will bo roinomborod by
many friends in Omaha , where ho was
itatiuned fur a number of years prior
to his removal to Chicago.
Limit. Footo is at present regi
mental adjutant of thu Ninth infantry
Hid hits been for Boveral years past
the ranking first liuutunant of his
regiment. Liout. Footo saw active
service during thu war and subse-
[ } uontly spout BOIIIO years in Alaska in
command of n detachment of troop )
ut tjitka. Ilia promotion will prob
ably result in Ilia removal from Ft.
Omului to sumo of the frontier peats
which will bo no less sincerely ro-
urottcd by a host of army and civilian
friends than by Lieutenant Footo
To Poriims About to Marry.
"To perbctis about to marry. " Douglass
JerrolJ'u lulvlco was "don't } " we supple-
uiuiit by B ajinu , without layiin ; in n kup-
I'lyof bnnsn DOSSOM , which cure albumi-
luria and other kldiiov aud bladder ioiu-
[ iluiutn. 1'rico f > U cents ; trial bottles 10
cent * . _ ie'-'ii-d-lw
Fine merchant tailoring and furu-
goodu at Ilellmau's ,
ly .thousand choice fence ( hardwood ,
lovon foot ) posts ohoup. Ex-Mayor
Yuughan , Council Dlutla , Iowa.
< | |
Evtryonu to know thai Hollman's
s the cheupwt place to buy your
Clothing jo29-at
The Advantage of Carrying th <
Bonds To-Day.
It Will Knbanco tno Value of Al
Propsrty In the City
Some- designing parttoe in the north
crn section of this city , are circulating
all eorts of tcporta concerning the
paving propoaition with thu view ol
causing its defeat.
They represent for instance that the
bonds to bo voted will pay for paving
the business streets and relieve the
properly ownera of Iho tax , while
owners of outside property will not be
They also assert that the $100,000
of bonds will only pave two or three
of the principal business streets and
leave the rest of the town no better
off than boforo.
For the general information of our
citizens , wu will state that the $100-
000 which it is proposed to issue * , can
only bo used to pay for paving the in-
tcrccction of streets and the space op
posite alloys. The cost of paving the
streets proper in front of each block
will bo assessed against the owners of
property abuHing thereon , and for this
purpose" $200,000 in short time bonda
will bo issued that will bo n lien
against the property on paved strcuta
and will have to bo assessed in five
yearly instalments
The § 100.000 which the city is to
expend will pay for the paving -of
fifty intersections of afreets with the
best material. This will enable the
city to pavn Tenth street from the U.
P. depot to Dodiro ; Ilarnoy , Farnam ,
Douglas and Dodge streets , from
Ninth to Sixteenth inclusive ; ulsi
Thirteenth street from the U. P.
bridge to Dodge , and all crora
streets between Ninth and Sixteenth ,
between Howard and Capitol avenue ,
and Sixteenth street from Howard to
the North Omaha creek bridge.
Now while this of course will en
h.uico thu value of the principal busi
ness streets of Onmha , it cannot help
but give stability to all the property
to the city.
Supposing a million dollars were
uxpended in improvements in the cen
ter of the city , does it not enhance the
value of every dollar's worth of prop
erty in the city.
At G per cent , the annual tas for
interest on the $100,000 in bonds will
bu $0,000 , which on a valuation of
JG,000,000 in this city would amount
: o 10 cents for every $1 00 worth of
property iti'tho city , or $1 on every
: hoimnd. A man whoso property ia
iBsesaod at § 1,000 will only pay $1 00
> er year toward this pavintr.
On the other hand thu paving of
.heso streets will raise the assessed
aluatiou i.f property in the city at
east ono million dollars , and the same
aluo in a commercial case cannot bo
Salve is
or chilblains ' chapped hand ? , frost bitoj
Ic. Try it. _ ! _
[ he ICoport that Ha Was As
easrsinated a Mistake.
Is Was that of Hia Death In the Mtci-
dlocon Fight.
Some days ago a report caino by
elegraph that W. H. H. Llewellyn ,
veil known in this city as deputy
; ity inurnhal and afterward special
.gent of the secret Bervico of the do-
lartnient of justice at Washington ,
iad been shot by the Indiana at the
tlcscslcro agency , and lacer another
cport that ho had been "assassinated"
cd to the impression that he was done
or at last. Ho has not yet climbed
ho golden atair , however , ai will be
con by the following dispatch tent thu
ionvor Tnbuno from Santa Fe , under
late of June 27ch :
"Fora month -pist about a dozen
lost lies of Nano'a bwd have been
tanging about thu resnrvation ondoav-
iring to incite the Mcscaleros to go
in a raid. They had also stolen about
ifty head of horses and cattle. Agent
jlowellyn discovered their camp , and
vith thu Indian police wont to arrest
hem. Ho captured the camp after a
ight in which ono of the hoatilus was
tilled , Four woru captured and thu
cat escaped. Agent Llewellyn was
rounded twicebut noc seriously. Col.
3rof ton , with fourcompaniesof cavalry ,
rachod the agency Saturday morning ,
) ut finding all quiol sent ono company
in the trail , returning with the other
o FortStanton. Your correspondent
mlled on General Mackenzie , who
tatod thatLluwollun wna a good agent
nil had thu Indians under good con-
rol , but as thu rrfiioim had uivon out
aid congrc i had BO far niado no ap-
> ropriatioii3 ho had ordered the issue
> f fifteen thousand rations monthly to
ho MoBcaluroa as it waa much cheaper
o feed them than to tight and starve
.hem. Later news just btought by
Major Fountain of the First regiment
nihtin , who had been sout by Gov-
> rnor Hheldon toTulaioea with orcltra
; o take the fluid if necessary , is to the
iflect that three hostile. Indiana were
dlled in the li'uht and that Lieutenant
Wood and a company of cavalry and
ioniu Indian hcouts are now on the
trail of the wuveu lioatiles that escaped ,
with fair oliancea of capturim : thorn. "
This is the uecoiul time a temptation
ias boun offered to write Llewellyn's
ibituary and tlio next time ho is
[ tilled wo shall bury him in good style
ivhothur ho is dead or not.
Linen and Mohair Conta nnd Dus-
.era , and White Areats , at Ilollman's ,
i. Quarter-Centennial Masonic Celc-
Urntlon by Capital No. 3
Yesterday was the twenty-fifth an-
iieraary of tha founding of Capital
edge No. 3 , A. F. & A. M. , and it
ivaa celebrated by the holding cf what
s called a table lodge , which would
loom to bo a tyltd ledge at banquet.
Among thu invited gue ta were thu
member * of Covert Lodge No , 11 nn <
St. John's Lodge No. 25 , of this city
with a number of eminent rnasom
from various other lodges throu hou' '
the state and in IOVTH. There vrer <
about two hundred present and tin
lodge waa presided over by I'asl
Grand Master Lmincpr , vrho ia mcsiei
of Capitol Lodge. Mi > 3t Worshipfo'
Grand Master , K. F , Warren wa >
present and a number of other ofliccrt
of Iho Grand Lodqo.
After the usual opening csremoniea
the lodges formal separately tund
marched from the ledge room to the
hall below , where tables were spread
for three hundred visitors.
After diseasing the elegant anu
substantial repast spread upon the
board ? , the real exercises of the even
ing began with a short ad
dress of welcome by the
master of Capitol lodge , who then
turned the turthor announcement of
the ft attires of thu programme over to
the toitst master , Mr. John J.
There were thirteen toaats , all ap
propriate to the occasion and re-
opondod to by the most distinguiohcd
members of the craft.
The eserciaes did not terminate
until pbout 1 a. in. , but tin hours
passed very quickly by and' the
"Table Lodgo" was certainly great
success. The pressure on our col
umns prevents Iho publication of thu
proceedings in full , which will bo
done to-morrow morning ,
Why ia Mrs. Lydia E. Pinklmm's
Vegetable Compound like the Mississippi -
sippi river in a sprint ; freshet ? le-
ciuao the inimcnno volume nf thl-j
healing river movea with such momen
tum that it aweopa away all obat-mlea
and ia literally Hooding the country
\UilCt Adicrtlacmcni 'In loan , t'cr , Unlo
l , ' t , Found , WauM Boardlr1 ? , Ac. , ufil bo In.
Lrri-d tu tb < iu u > lnirni > OIKU tor TEN CKNT3
\i.t \ Use ; each subsequent Inicttiou , FtVECI.KTS
[ m lluu. The llret iciHjrtlon no\ur low th n
M I. . Thoraaa HojmS Crplshton Kcch
lIy LOAA At a jur cent la
tarcai In Ruma.of l..CM and
i nird2. for 3 to Sjtira , on first-clMM cltj
'jria property. BIMIS ItBAb EtTATii tid
\nmcn IKth and
AM'KD A fcod st.'oni ; slrl ! or Centra !
W homsworkat 1512 Di > .iiport street. !
& 1IIL WANTED In sniill tami'y ' , 1221 mrth
19th street. tiCs-l
V \JANTEU A cent rtable hou u c n rillv
VV locited , with Ilia or six > : no ill 1
Inn AdJroit Houie-.O. Uox M7.
025 tf
ITTANTHD A strong , < \p < rioiiicd xvoman to
\ V Icavo Omahaainu.- for two \oiuir chil-
Iren , Clo d wa.-cs paid. Appl ) at noutli-east
: orncr2lth and I > od0'e stiueW , atoncv.
\17"ANT ; i A Crst t n s past V cook , at the
> Commercial Hotel , Lincoln , b. , tsood
va csaml ast ady job % ono but tlr ttl 8 <
iced apph. Adliess Head Cook , Comniurcial
lotel , Uiico.n , Neb , 033' . "
WASTED A DanMi or ner.nan girl for
houaowork AiplyOmihi JSaKuij , H
Oth St 53U-St
rT/ANTF-D Woman t-ool > .1 -I dinin
W el'Applj at Mr * . .It u miti , 14th St.
ictoecii 1 > dgceul Capitol avc. C35 1
ITT-ANTED-Situatlon by a pr.ctlcal c
W who lus lui a ) jcars exoerlence , hat a
nil fct ol lools , and can do nquirinj" ou oiiKlno
( I boiler. Iiiiiiiru | at COO , 5 n bticot. Couml
Huff * , or at \ \ . II. Lan > on , IGth ami Cilfci-a ! |
trcet , Omaha. 023 1"
7 ANTED E\cr one to know tnat Hell-
man's Ii the chcapcit p ace io I m cloth-
rirAlsTfcl ) A competent Rlrl for
VT hoii'.euorit in amal : family , at l.rilu
ones , lieUt-cn ISth nd lOih , B'21-tI
117ANTED A glil for general hou'cuork. ,
\V mti t > > a ( jooil cooK. IJetwoen 21st nnd
2nd CHiiio ; strtit , norther ! .
1S :0t Jln . D V. Tciu/.uis.
LATAXThD A iooit llrbt-clasu hitber , teed ;
V i \\3tn | ' .ml. NoiiO lut ( Irtt clvx need
pply. No rtuud.iy work. Address J"H : < Y.
HlLKI.I.Sd. Lcatrlco , ( > < ro cotinti , Afl ) .
[ VrAkTrn Pl Imndnd labon. * * fcrwork
VV on Ch'iafo. ii l iiu ao A. fat. I'a'il 1. . H.
ttadywork all sei : > ( HiVagei 3lfO | ier J.u
.pply at Kinlnccr'n oDlro , loom fi. h\e/itu'
otK , Ccuntll Hlulfd. h. 0 .iiiUKSK rtsident
hotiionork , In 'amily of tlir c , at OOb
t , cjrnir Jitkson. 010-28
IT ckla > ers wanted II , J1ANNWEIL' I.
LOO OOl--M llth btrcet , near 1'arram.
' \ " ' ; ) Two or tbriu rooms mi tihle fo
> V ph > < ictaiH olllic. tJJj.ti Dr. I'orlcr ,
; eu otllco. 63a-tf
fATANTlil ) A jtocil look , n preferred
VV > l o chamheriua'd. ( idilt Htu c , lour
cuurnmtmi C'orr.ill. ( OJfl-ll ) McUA' .
[ "IT'fcWL , Vtntllfttcd furnished or tinfurnlfehTd
W rooms to rent , at corner cf 14th nud
blcago. > 440 H
[ 7ANTED Ten teams to work on KlorMive
V Cut-Oil. Wagu J3 50 ptr day
377-tf _ _ MI miii.u , VINCENT.
( \f\ \ MEN WANTiill At Fmroiwa Ol-tVT ,
Unltio mile * n'rth rf ur-flii. H'a oo
1,70 per day. MITCHELL VINCENT.
, \rANTED The jounj , ' lady Iatil > from
VI llrcokljn , who tailed atIU inriti i3rd
ircct , to tall again r/J4- l
iXrANTHD. Blluatlcnl./ Ouiman rla
VY I" Oirman family to do ti.iiue-
oik. Appi } Uiiitid tuttsllote . Oct'J.t
I'XrAXTED Kea dirt and icd jjati 4ii rth
\V \ _ 10lhb-reit. _ _ lOOperHik _ 101 CD'
CirANTKD EDO privy > eu.ts , tMit AM ! cuss
\V ) > oola to cluin , Ith aftsltar } Vatui and
IIIK CUautr , the In uiu. A K\aid & Co , ,
1CU6 Dt.dii > ttroit. Ounb
I IO UEST-nakerj , w tU to3l < , In tlio t > iuit >
1. town of Car ion , uo opjio-itlo j ueartr than
ixhtctu arid tblit ) 11.o u-ik-i Apply to J.
tichardi , C'ara-n. 1 H _ 21
) ll 11ENTFurnlihed front room wltUboard.
UUNoini7lh t. Ml tf
ITAOK KENT Cotta < i * K rcoum , iior 0321C4t
L' c.rjcr Datvnpait anu 21th. 032-1
I70U IU NT-Two I.IM . furnished 0'iui , S a
U tornerChlfftifoaud 17th itiectn , l > quire
in unniUi * , 11'ftii'iico lin aaJ rciiuliiU.
C23-1 _ _ _ _
NEor two coi fotU.bIa roomi wllh bo rJ.
fcrieaiend wile : n > c'ldlJiea , Il.'t ( I
efsicme. AddrcM llox 3 7 1' 0 -
O KUiT KoaicvXo Oaud7l Odd Tillow
. Ilkck , lii'iuirnat looiiiNo a. Ul)3'i' ) '
ITIl-llNlSlIEDUOOMa TO HENT-In piha'i '
IJ family , tJRentlemin w'th ' rekicnco. I81U
" - "
"io strut. bglwetiUglhaLd lltl ,
UE.NT.--KurnUhoa roonu , en mite or
U10U - cenlU-uicu prefirrol. b0 ! Mou ard
, t. betnvcn bthand Sth i70 ' .
I710B BENT A bult ol trout rxmi , nultallv
L1 forottkca. Icqulra S.JACOBS ,
LET FuriiUlud room.W.t'l bc-i'd , 1 Q3
riO Ci.tlgrui ; ueet ,
BARN : TO KENT-N. K. corner IGth tcJ
I'Menjort. iyj7
.1U1I RKNT Furclshed room , 1738 Doliglns
P futnishoi room , 11 r
South 17th ticol. one iloar orth of Pour -
1 ? JOuth'Mtof Wlthntll House. 1107 How *
ardstmt , bct < tn 14th and 16ta. CIS tf
FTIOU KE.XT-A coed furnished raor * . l.n ,
I nt Mnuel & Krole' cormr Faraam tnd Sth
UKV'T-Kurnlfhcd TOTHH forlljht rouv.-
flS.CWmnoiith. 2S10 UallJornla
rMWunjiffnaiihi > Bomhrooiu < Jo t rent , a. '
1 U.corrTrlPth nnd U vn > o
I7IOU HhM\ Two nev elcnnt homes , tn-
JL1 qulro at Peterson's Clothlnif a ore , nwr U.
' . > cp t.
1TIOR IIENT. Home with sc en rooms. An-
1 V'A ' 'o Jnuica Stoukdalo 2Jth and Chlc ilo
> tre < ti. 6SI SOf
VTINK 110USK3 FOU 11KNT 3m ll and larce ,
.LA r o to twelTo roous each ; ono or t o new-
ones lth nil modern conxenienci" . One ot 12
rnotns , eiillaUo lor boardlns andiroom rcntlnir.
ITthatirt Douglas St . HKM08 , Aeei.t ,
Ju" I' ISth and
m : ' I.OWE KAMM HOUSE-Vim wiacrcs
. of land beautifully located on Cumlmr st.
shoit dlitanco west ofMllltary brldcj , and street
car line , UEMI3' ,
J21-tf > Kcnt. 15th and Doaglaa Sti.
FOR REST Nicely fiirnlihcd room , at No.
1001 Dodge etrjut. llca enable price.
ftS-2 f
r.ion KKt , r-No. nt * . nth street. < * e
X1 Mf hou e , tontaln'riiriix rooms , pantr
and ccll > r. Enquire of Dll. I'KAL'ODV ,
tSO-t MO ; Jones street.
J IOU ENT A crzy hotise of 4 rooms , cellar ,
cisfrn and wo.l , Enquire on ' roaiHe" .
Itl3 llariuy street. ' 5''I-If
-JOOM I'OIt HENT-FlrU fl rr , touth
JLli ilzJll\14 fret-newly { urniiliol-wltablo
t rtwo ucnthiiicn , n. X.v. . ratncr 17lh nnJ
C llroriiltbtro.t
FOll ItFNT Four rocms ntltahln for man
onil wlto , comer 18lh end Izanl ttrect.
J.10U KENT A nlccljrfurnisheil room r.tllltl
Chicagostrvot , between jjtb ami IBtlt.
Cud tf
T710II uKM' luonlccl ) fumlshcd rooms , low
JL1 prices , brick houto 201U CaMiBtnet.
NIOELV rUllN'lHIIKD llOJSld-One door
north of Dodso on ISth. 674-291 '
I-toil HLNi' on Jul1st , brick Uorc , with 01
L1 withoutcellar It quire at Diu < Store , corner
nor IQih .md DougUa s'p. 520-tf
P QH KJ N1 X inrmthbu foomr o v.
B en' miMind
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TT'Oll R .IIT MLCJ | niiiil.i'ieu . oyiuf with ui
L' without boarrf. prc ) < > e. 2MB
Ova bt. r a n
OR SAliK I'lnebutvy and hariic nbcip.
A. lloipe , 151D DoJcu iu23U
'P'oll "ALE An clht year o d mare , tent c ,
l' jrocd Ins dillo or liatnu H. Has been titlrcn
iya lady for four jiars. Ajiplj U.'Mr.Grav , 3ata-
tcj'sUarn. C21-31
FOIt J > ALE Veitca'ti o In § iittj ! If cation ,
near Hr-wncli Hall. only S1MO
015-tf JlcCAGUE , I'cttofflcs ,
Jl.IlKAUTIKUlT LOIS' SoxTfia feet each In
O llantiom riacc on street car line. Beit Iota
n \iholo nJJItlrn oncry cav Urrnsiand aia
: rent bargain. llExis * ajcat , 13'h and DottjlM
POR SAL # Cotton uiih sK rooms , well ,
cistern and all comtnicnceH Irtmirc at
Jl JO h tr < ct , Lutwcou rnia and \\otstcr.
SALH--A. cottage of throe rooma ncrth
POlt of Nicholas bctnccn loth o.d liith.
nquioMlthln. (4 < 2-tf ) DAVID GENTRY.
j.iott hALh. 'I ho business and fbclures ofallrst
L cla-it meat market in Central hubraska
lest location ; boat coh trailu In the city , ilcason
sr fccllliin' , for health. Address Butcher , Ue
rtico. Ss7-lm
\TTJST Bi : SOLD C9 = > acrein 1'olk county
.ti Trie $5,000. Inquire of J It. Kmmua
'ostofficc , IllslngCUj , Duller county , ' oi % .
_ _
rjlOlt HAi.i- : HOU-.O with four roonw and
f liitchcn anu let In Rood order. Inquire Don
as St. betiMon 27th and 2Sth. HomV .s. Illl's
ddition. 5" ! ! 3tMAUCL'S SI'JICIIAIIT.
3 BAI.UAIN , ono lar.-u brick hou-c , nnd one
irKo frame hous * , \ \ ith full In on Casi nc r 15'h
[ reft. Fine olluice for mt "tmcnt , r nt f r 70
cr month. CM1 for full jinrt-t-ular ; , on
liFMIS ,
COO-tf Apcnt , JCth ard Douglas sts.
710R SAIiR. Team , H-rne'sand wa on. Jn
1 qulro st Doran House , Farnam fct. SS-tf
< AVE HEVT Cottaires nnd snail hou'cs ; p\rf
3 ticsojuiins : a lot orwho own the Itasa o ,
no , and who un-im to but'd a home thtreon-
nt lock tlm lu-ids cill on A. II. Tuttoi , at of-
ro cf Ortf c. lloi.tgomcry , over Omah.-v Na
j KOIl aAUt ; . The Arlington llnuio
_ j [ KitbS COSH ; all fnrnlihofl Th > rny ] hoteli
i tow n. Tnc eat ncopeity In tlio Btatu
as.i'l ' the Inuolini ; in n. Will bOEOldcbrapnii
iri'HlosuIt. Fnqulro of K. fc'nllo , prapilffto- ,
rhrgtan , Waahlu fn county , Noli. 503 tt
710H SALE Homo , hiii- ( > and lurnu-a. Ap-
; plj at Steptciuon'd Ca.nol ' a crmo Warn.
ou aAi.fc t ou a \\tli treivd
htruU. U.
8S1-U U'h Ktrci.t. near Karnam.
7IOU DAhU The I'uPULAll HOTHL , Lnowa
: at the OOYb' 1IOMU. CTiH house In ce -
ally located , has sou h nnd cwt Itont , unrl U
inoundcd w th flno nhnJo trues : tontilntt'i/tK
fcplnif rooms , lias Ice hon c. laundrj , &a.Tt.I
loin , tic. IIa < a world vv.du reputation uxi
jttiT i troni < K'o than raany houses of twl : In
tpaclty. 1'rleu C3OCO Vor firtlculara aa.
ru a , A. A. SAWDKf , lied ClouU , ftcb.
J10K bALFOr wtil oscu.t ( to for Omai ! V"-
. r ° "yi an lupiovod nee oa of land a llcin-
K a station ou U. I * . 11. K. U. DUNH/ " ( , 141J
iruhamht. . " ' '
> ALEU HAY At A. H. Haodor1 Feed Hto
) 1013 Hnrnev at.
TIIS WfiAV Kn Monable dte miaker 610
\L \ K. ICtKt h . cuttlD. and tit-
iiB by model. ClB-tf
ONALIUT , M3 Tenth Street , betweo
idllainuv. Will , vltli tnu alii of
Irlta. ol.Wn tcr uy ore igVia'-J nt thu
ui iirc-vnt , sod on ccrU'll conditions In tha fa.
iro. Ik-ota ted 6tiocj undo to iiJtr.
Absolutely Pure.
Thli jx > der never Mrlo. A mirvel of n
y , itrengthand HholetomeneM. More econo
ilcnl than the ordinary kludi , uud canoot be
M In competition with the multitude oil on
at , short weight , alum or phoiphate pond i <