THE DAILY BEE FRIDAY , Jtft-a M 1882 G , CS. OOQ3KC Sc OO , COMMISSION MERCHANTS , City Market , Ccincll IJIafU low * . W HO RESALE r I , OU R HOUSE , Gtnunl A cnts ( or the Celebrated Mills cl IT 1 > Husli A Co. . Ool ! > n Ktijlo Flour , tMrcn\\oith , Kan ! V9 , ami ( Jtum IKc Mvll . Sioux Fulls , lukoU. p , SrnlHi fc Vtlit mlcnCouiill 1U in < . lii. HI. IE. AVB ItETAlL STATIONERY AND PRINTER'S GOODS , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. TIT L | BJJJ AJJJ J)0F ) ' ° L Lands andLots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW KATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. COUjjCIL BLUFFS IOWA. IBL L RSOIKlV 15 Worth Maiu Street. WHOLESALE DEALER ! N SHOE FINDINGS. Itcaily-fittcd upi > cr § , In calf skin nml kl | > . Oak nntl Hemlock bOI.K LVlATltHK , anil al oorts K ) > T > crtalnlnr ) to the shoo trade. Oo il < Bold as cheap m in the Ka ! . MILLIIEET STOEE FOR STYLISH SPUING MILLINERY. PATTERN BONNETS AND CHILDREN'S HATS A SPECIALTY. 105 South Main Street. Council Bluffs la. That never require crimping , at Mrs. J. J. Good's Hair Store , at prices noUT ticfcro toucheil liy ny other hair dealer. Alt.0 n lull line ot switches , itc. , nt really reduced prlcoi. Also gold , silicr nud colored nets Waves niadc Irom Iidlin' oun hair. Do not fall to cnll bcloro puri-hislng tltcwlnre. All Koodn narrautcdaa represented. MU3. J. J > GOOD , 20 .Main street , Council DliiClK , lotto. E4TEIMHOUSEI At Bryant's Spring , Cor , Broadway and Union Sts. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Fliln , Medicated , Vapor , Electric , I'lunse , Iouch , Shower , Hot and Cold Itatns Com- pt'tcnt n ale and female Mirrcs and at'endnnts always on hind , and lliolicat of ra-c and Atten tion nil en pitrong. Special attention jrlxen to battling children. Im CDtlgAtlon aud iiatrouaga solicited DR. A. U STUDLBY it Co. , 100 Upper 13roadway. Dr. Studtay : Treatment of chronic diseases mndc a specialty. PI * UTrnnTl fl KEMOVED without the ! U ft i H n N drawiDR of blood or usoof UO.ll UilJlUU knife. Cures lurifr discaaes , FitsScrofula , Li\cr Com- \ VTrwirvp Jr. . mmi i i1. P'alnt , Dropsy , Hheiima- T II M n R 55 tlsm. Kevcr alld Mcrcur- l U III U II U ia | 80rc9 > Erysipelas , Salt Kheum , Scald Head , Citatrh , weak , iiillamcd and granulated Kyca , crofulou9 Ulcers and Fc- niale Disease < of all kinds. Aho Kidney and Vencri&l disuaici. Humorrhoida or I'lles cured money refunded. All diseases treated upon the principle ofejtet - tble rvform , without the mo of mercurial pois ons or the knife. F.lcctro Vapor or Medicated Haths , furnished twho desire them. Hernia or Rupture radically cured by the use the Elastic belt Truas and 1'laster , ulilch haa rjperior In thoMorla. CONSULTATION FREE- CALL OS OH ADDRESS Drs , R , MOB and F , G , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , la. LIVERY , Feed and Sale Stables , 18 North First Street , Bouquet's old stand , Council H'ulK Iowa. WILLAKU SMITH. 1'rop. W.D.STILLMAN . . , Practitioner of Homeopathy , consulting Physician and Surgeon , Office and residence 016 Willow avenue , Coun- cl lilulld , Iowa. Iowa.W. W. K. SINTON , DENTIST. 14 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. Illllnff a tpeciilty. First-class work ( 'uarantced , DR. AP. . HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OlEoo , No. 14 I'earl Street. Hoiui , 0 a. m. to 2. , and 2 p. in. , to 5 p , in HcildciiLO , 120 linr.croft utriet. Telephonic connittloii with Central ntllco. F T. SEYBERT M. D. , . , . . , PHYSICIAN it SUJIUHOX. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IA. Oflioa No. u , Everett IJlock , Broad way , over A. Louio'a Restaurant , lercliants Restaurant J. A. ROSS , Proprietor. Corner Broadway and Fourth Streets , Good accommodations , good faro and cour- treatment. _ , i. L 7 , 33 C3 Offlco over uvlnga bank , COUNOIJj BLUFFS , . . Iowa. REAL ESTATE. W. 0. James , In connection with his law and eollictlon business tuys and sells real tstato. Persons vlthlnir ta buy cr bell city property call t bit office , over Bushncll'a book etore , Pearl itrMt. EDWIN J , ABBOTT , Justice ot the Peace and Notary Public , 4l6Broadway , Council Bluffs. Deed ! aid moitj i'ce diawa and ftcknonl t4 WATER WAVES , In Stock and Manufactur ed to Order. "Waves Made From Your Own Hair. TOILET ARTICLES , All Goods Warranted as Represented , and Frice , Guaranteed. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , 337 W. Broadway , Council Bluffs Iowa. ; - - - . MRS , "B , J , HARDING , M , JT. Medical Electrician AND * GYGNECOLOGIST. Graduate of Institution , Philadelphia - delphia , 1'eina. Office Our , Broadway & Glenn Ave. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA , The treatment of all discisca and pMnful dif- II cu I tics puciiliar to ffiraloa a sped ilty. J. G. TIPTON , Attorney & Counsellor , OIlltoo\ First National lUnk , Council liluffa , Inua. Will vractlca in the btato and federal FRESH FISH ! Game and Poultry , Can always lie found a B. DANEHY'3 , 130 Upper Hroada'Ay. JNO.JAYFRAINEY , Justice of tlie Peace , 014 BROADWAY. Council Bluffs , - . - Iowa. W. B" MAYES , Loans and Eeal Estate , 1'ioprletor of abstracts of Pottawattamlo count ) . Olllc'o corner of IlroudKay and Main mrectr , C > uuul Illnlfii , Iowa. JOHN STEirrER , M. D. ( Deutschcr Arzt. ) ROOM u , EVEUKTT'S ' ULOOIC , Council BluiTH. ulacMua of women and thlldrcn a specialty. " P , J , MOHTQOMBRY , M , D , , Fj'.UK DlHi'ENSAUy KVKHVSATUHIUY , Olllcoln F\irctt' lilock , Pearl trect. Heal ) dence fi.S Fourth street. Olllco houra from 0 to 2 a. in. , 2 to 1 and 7 to 8 p. in. , Council I lull * PRACTICAL DENTIST. Pearl street , opposite the postofflcc. Ono of the oldest practitioners In Council Bluff * . Satis lafactlon imarantecil in all c 9es DR. F. P. BELLINGER , EYE AHD EAR SURGEON , WITH UU. CIIAULKS.UKBTKEN. Ollku OMT uru'store , 411 Droiulu.ij , Coumil , Al dibca i'ii of ttiu tyu and treated under the mv t approved method , and all JOHN LINOT , ATTORHEV'-'AT-IAW. ' ' Will prartlro In all Ftite aiU Utitt'4 ' States Court * . & | x.akg German Laii u > gc. OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGS , CALIFORNIA Since the e < tnblMimenl of llio cliftin Ifiiiit In Xotia tlio nutntivr o ( ciiininnls 1ms greatly tHiiiiuMicxl. .1. V. UpiUlinst , wl'ilo ( lipKi'iR ' a well in l'.a t Koi AiiKcIe * the other day , struck n bed of ri > ck tnlt nl n depth of twenty-two feet. The linil is cotuMored valuable. Tlio last vc'tlso of the toll nulsauco in tlio Yo'emlto vnllcy hixt been wiped nut , the Yo etnito commj lonoThnviiit inir- rhtxieil the trail lending to Ka lc Point nt their recent meeting. Oliver 11. Iennt ) cattle thief , wa * stn trnced nt Sant Ktwa to tliitty yar ' im. Iiri'onment. llo w-ft cniuic'ed < f itcnlintf n cow , sellitiK her , nn l Etortllngher again fron the i > urchner. There it an niuicot tree on the Clmv chilln tiver , in l're no county , near the A'nririo'a ' line , tht nien urcs sixty inclies nnnuul thn tinnk , three feet f r 'in the ground. It 5s thought there is noi li- thntt a ton < if fruit on the tree. ] ) iuitiK the ] ) erfortnanco of n clrcui at licdding the ' Irimtelicr fell , ijiitini ; the dry griisa on the Bronnd , and sptcailint : t < tlio canvas , a con > id rablo portion of which was bunieii. l nita a ( itnio occurred nuioii tliu audience , but no DUO WAS injured , At San Join on the 17th the jury in the suit of Alice lisnhy XR. _ Southern 1'acilic r.iilrnad returned a verdict fjir the pluiutill fiNing dninngeaatS10XK ) . Tlio action brought to recover datnnges for the loss < ! her huB'iaml ' , n brakeinan on defendant' * ) train , who vnn killed nt Santa Clara July " , 1SN1. OnthlMh , 11. UoiMcranee , a leadint ; French citircn of los Angolts , attended a picnic , where he. was bitten by n tly. Tlio next day the spot con ineiiced to swell , and hu died in gicat agony from blood- poisoning. It i.s the opinion of l\\s \ physi. ciaiiH that the poiKou was cointnnnicatcd from Homo diseased animiil by the lly. The Chico Record says that the body of a ninii is now tied up with a rope to the bank of the Sacramento river near Kddy'i 1'crry , and has been there floating nnd rotting f"i a week or more. It was found on the CVilusa county sldd by somu men on ono of the steamers going to Chico , who tied it to thu ISuttu hide of the river. Tim coroners of both c > unties r fuse to take charge of the body , each claiming that it belong to the county of the other. Mrs. Margaret Monet ! , residing not far from Ked BluiF- , while smoking n pipe in front of her house discolored that her drehs WHS on lire. She run t < i a water trough near by nnd lay dojni in it , trying to uxtingu h the llames , but being n largo wotnnn , wcishing over : ! 00 pounds , her elfottH to put out the Hanies proved fruitless - less , and hho was unable to get out again. The fire continued to burn her clothes and Ixidy , also , timich an extent that bho died Fiom the elTects of her injuries , NEW MEXICO. Albnuneripio fav rs a territorial jockey association with n cir nit cotnpriting IJ-IH Vegas , Santa Kc , Albuquerque and Franklin , the Silver City murderer , has again beau respited by C ! oven or Sheldon and August ( Mi in now set as the dny of extcution. Franklin will probably die of disease before that time. Albuquerque street car drivers are lazy , and < ne patron of the line , whoso signal to stop the car was not headed by the driver , elFeituiilly ron ed the 1. d. by placing a six-shooter under his nose. They expect to brand 10,000 calven this year on Wilson Waddingham's big range near Fort Uiibcom. The beef cattle are now being ronnded-up to be delivered to a Kansas firm that has contracted for them. There ara I'JS.OOO acres of irrigable land in tha Mesillu valley. The land i * very rich and the valley has been called the Kgypt of America , Small farming pay * . Flowing water never freezes. There is abundance of water for irrigation. The climate is mild , nnd vegetation grows lux uriantly . The press dispatches from Albuquerque civing accounta of the hanging of Milt Yarberry en the Kith are all falfe Yar- berry was sentenced to be hanged the Ifith , but his case was appealed to trie supreme court , which meets next January , lleli now in jail nt S > nta Ye. A gentleman from Jemez tells a story of an ice cave in the momitxns there lie says that at great altitude the cave appears and in i ; there i- a body of water. The utmohphmo f-t the month of the cave , and oven in the vicinity , is very cold owing to the hcighth .mil the protection from the sun | rjys alfordul by thohhcltired locality. In-ide of the cavern ice forms on the wa ter even at thU season of the vear , hni airord'iig a constant suj ply of thu cooling luxuiy. UTAH. John A. Kimball , ot O don , has been sentenced to two years' hurd labor in the penitentiary Cor having robbed the inaiN while a , postal agent on the Utah A : North ern railway , Indian Agent 15orry , formerly of the Unc'jmpahi'ro ' "gency , now at tha Uintnh agency in Utah , has been placed under ar rest. The nature of the charges ngaiast him are nut learned. The arrest was madu by Inspector Pollock , who was accom panied by Lieutenant Gurloy and a squad of men. Ilia orders wore sealed. One Abe Caunonwas on n mission and foil into ( iermany , whure ho convened n few to the Mormon faith and baptised them. The German autlmritle.-i finding a law coveting the i aso as a misdemeanor , issued n. warrant for his arrest , but faili-d to secure the older , They succeeded in capturing ono John < } . ( Jannon , who was reloaded upon showing that he wa not the man who di I tlio baptising. Abe returned with the last immigrants , nnd says ho does not love Dutch cheese and sour liront , but loves polygamy better , OREGON. She p to the number of Mi,880 head have been driven out of the state in the past month. An Kogliahmen named Carver , buy in , ' WOIM in eiiHturn Oregon f' r U. Jl. Homer , ot ] , ar. mie , gamble i elf § ' , OoO of his em ployer's mcmoy at Hcppner , Umatilla co'inty , and then left the country. Coiniilaint is made by t-uttlcrs on Dry creek , I matilla cAunly , that I ml I ami from the reservation in digging canma injure meadows und fields In the most aggravat ing way. One irate rancher on 15asket mountain warns the agent U keep them away if he does not want them crippled too Bovorely to return this hcaeon , IDAHO. Parties from Wood Itivcr report tlmoif dull und work and money siaiee. An ex odus of fortune huntus from that section has commenced , and hundreds are unable to get away unless they walk. A recent ebtimato places the number of men employed nt or near Ketchum , at nine hui.drul. 'I hoe men , coming into town once or twice per week , make thing * lively for those tngnjfi-d in lamlnes * there Uame < and nuuic ure ( 'olng nil day uud late into the night. Ketchum in having n boom , WASHINQTOfl. The overflow of Skagit river Imn cauved damage to the amount of about $100,000 , The assessment of the city of Seattle foots up this year SI.Ott'J.MO. u * against ? 1 , 00COO in 1HS1. ARIZONA , Tw. OornMimen , Arthur Charloa and Hob Siriull- , had a prize f'mht alwnt n mile from Tuinhittune on the 15th , 'J'an rounds werj lought ami SmalU won tha buttle , Charles wu badly punUhed , NEVADA. The Virginia Cnronklo mentionn aihn. barb loaf bexeutoen feet in circumference on exhibition near that city , Ti.o Wimiemucoft Silver Statoeays ; A pair ot line autlerimnaaurlnt , ' U-n feet fr mi tii > to tip , are nt the Jepot for ship , in-nt t-j tie hcaitln-tulan institute , . lniton ; , 1 > . ( \ They came from lei ? r Idaho. ThoNe\ftda papers ay that the ruin this spring have brought out on Immen- rrop of bunch gram on the lluml . .l It hill and valleys , and graeint ; is bettn than has been for vcars | ia t. Truth nud Honor. Query : Whnt is the he t " > .inil ; mcdieino in the world to rpi uia > > th bowels , purify the blood , roninvo ros tivoiicna niul bilionsnosa , nul dii'i-s'ic ! nnd tonu up the whole system' ' TrnM and honor compels us to nsiswvr , lluj bitters , Iniiiifj pure , perfect nud Imrin loss. Toledo THBFlHSTAMEiTTcAN KAIUiCAU TUurlow Wood'd Story of thn First Ti lp ft-om Albnny to Scliom-otnay. N V. Tm ' . The controversy In vtgnnl to the first stenm railroad train operated in this country is ns yet unsettled , but llio i > rtioiulcrnnco of tlio evidence would seem to show that it nns tin. train run over the Albany Schencc- tnfiy road in 18JI1. The charter fur this roiul MILS granted in ISu'ii to tin Mohawk < l Hudson lliver Knilrc.u company , ixnd work upon it was begun - gun in 1830. It wns crinplutod in 181(1 ( , nnd in September of that yi > nr the first piwsutici'i- train , which ia nlsc chuinud to bo the lirnt atentn passen. > cr train ever run in Una country , was acntovor tlio ruila from Albany to Sclionocla'ly and back. Among the p.usotitju'i on this memoriiblu excursion - sion wns llio venerable Thurlow Woud , mid hia memory of the event ia still very vivid. In apeak ing of it to a Times reporter yesterday , Mr. Wood siid : : "It is still n nmro or leas disputed point whether the Albany A : Sehonoctiuly road , or n ahoit road near Charleston , S. C. , wns the first railroad operated in this country , but I am inclined to think tint the claim ol thu South Carolina road has been 1 rotty well disposed of , nnd that history will deciilo that the Albany nnd Schonoctndy line wits the lirst ono completed and operated. There is no doubt that both roads were constructed almost simultan- eausly , but I have a very strong im- p-easion that the lira I train was run o'er the Now York line. The road was narrow ijaugo , and followed the sa-no route as it does now that it has bojn consolidated nnd formi thu east ern terminus of the Now ork Cen- tril , but in 18IJ1 the country through w.iich it passes was very h htly set- tl.'d. It ran through a pine forest , o id 1 suppose n ore not half a dozen houses between Albany anil Schoncctady , a distance if sixteen miles. Tlioro was a hill at both the- A'bany ' and Schenuctady ends of tlie line , and the cars were drawn up and lo : down these hills by a strong rope , which was worked by a stationary en gine , so that the locomotive did not 0 itor either of the cities. The loco motive was a ( juoer-looklng arrange ment , nnd would crontp a sensation in these days. It wns imported from England , weighed four tons and was lumod John Dull. The cars of the first train were also peculiar-looking vehicles according to our modern no tions of railway coaches , hut in 1SI51 they were looked upon ns marvel * . They were two in number , and con- Eiattd of the bodies of the old ataijo coaches taken from the lumbering wheels nnd transferred to railrouit truckn. "I remember that first excursion very well , and most of llioHO who en. joyed it , " continued Mr. Weed. 'Tho LjL'iitlcimm who niado the trip were Lewis iJonedict , James Alexander , president of the Commercial bank of Albany ; Chnrloa E. Dudley , of the Dudley observatory ; 'Jacob Hayes , high constable of Now York ; Major MegUB , BherilFof Albany ; Judge Mar vin , of Saratoga ; John J..De fSrafl' , mayor of Schoncctady ; Edward CroEswell "Jditorof the Albany Argue ; John Townsend , Hilly " \Viiiuo , the penny pnst at Albany ; ox-Ciovoruor Joseph C. Yates , myBelf , and two or three whom I do not now recall. Our engineer was John llampson , an Englishman , whom I am told is still living , but with the exception of him and myself every one of the persons who made the trip are dead. 1 was 31 years old then , all the rest , except Croswell , who wns about my age , were from ' > to 10 yearn older than I. A great crowd of people as sembled at tlio foot of the lull in Al bany to see us start , and among them was an artist by the name of Brown , I think. It took about throe quarters of an hour to get ready for thu start , and during that timolirown managed to secure a picture of the party , the portraits of which are remarkable for tlieir fidelity. .Several copies of tins pictnro are in existence , and I have una of them myself , The original is in thu possession of the Connecticut Historical society , nt Hartford.Vlici. . all ready tlio coaches were pnllul up the hill by thu stationary en ino , the locomotive was attached ivluui the summit had Ix'on reached , and \vu went thundering along toward Hohoii- ectitdy.Vo made tlio trip of abubt sixteen miles in sixty or seventy min utes , and we thought wo had dom an extraordinary thing , as indued ivo had for those early dayw of the cen tury. The idea of the modem express press train rutimrg at the rate of lif.j [ > r sixty miles an hour would have seemed preposterous then. Wo took dinner in Sehunectady and returned by tlio road to Albany , making the trip in a little over an hour. ' The only stockluldurfl of ( ho Mo- liawk A Hudson railroad whom Mr. Ileotl could remember were Mr. ) Jc Wolf , of this city , the father of C'atU oiino Do Wolf , John Townfond , of Albany , and Mayor John .1. Do flrufl , of Schenectady , Thu old narrow D'uago road was torn up when the cm- solidatiori with the Now York was made , and the stationary engine was dJHpensed with , thu locomotives running directly into Albany and Schonectady. The route of the line was not changed , however , and trav elers from Albany to Schenectady over ; ho New York Central now pass through the same country , although t is much more thickly settled , that was looked out upon bythopa.iaongors on thu first railroad train that over made a trip in America. The Bound Unloosed- ( Jliiw. Thompson , Franklin street , lluf- fulo , b.iya : " 1 have milfeied foru lon time with conutlpation , and tried almost eieiy [ niruative advertised , but only iiwultin in Umpornry relief , und after 'oon tipution still more aggravated. " I wa * told about your Sriiiv. liUKnou ami tried i' , 1 can now nay J am oiuod , mid though KOIU months have tlnjutd. ttill icinaiu no , 1 ihall , however , nhvuVH ke p some on hnii'l in cane of oMc ifiiilninti .iirnii > K' " I'1' ' ' ' Vj cvnt i triul bottle ' 0 ci-nU , Oncot the but < ioml'CUw llottls In the West li the BROADWAY HOTEL , A. K ItllAW.N , 1'roprlttor. Nc S3I Hid 530 HrcmlwAjCouncil llu ! ( ! , Ion T\Mc tiippllcil with th. . ho t tlie market ( il- ( oril' . . ( I 0.1 rodiin .mil llr't-i U < < lie l . Torina U'M msomMo. UNION AVENUE "HOTEL 817 Lower Broadway , Mrs. C , Qcrspacher & Son. KIBST CI.A-S 11HTF.1. AT Ur.AfiOSH1.K PUICKs , Tll.VNSir.NTS Art' ( MMollTKD. . IIOTKN FOKSAt.i : . iiuou Ur.\stiss KM ; 1K1.MXO. SCANDINAVIAN HOTEL N , Anderson , - - Proprietor , 732 Ixmrr llnul ! a > . Tnlilo Mi'l | > Veil Hli HIP lirnf tlio umkrt nt- Terms ttl.K ) ami S OOiitwrek. Trntihlrnt ill" . If You WlRh n Ltiuoli Go l < i LOUIE DUQUETTE , Soup , Meat' , ntul Kntnhlo * alwaya on han 1. Kho Contn per cnll. STARR & BUNCH , HOUSE , SIGN , AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. ' TAPER HANC.INO , KALS01INING AND GRAINING , Shop Corner 15 roadway and Scott St HUGHES & TOWSLEE , DEALERS IN Confectionery , FruitsNuts Higars and Tobacco. Fresh Oysters and Ice Cream in Soason. 12 MAIN ST. , Council BhifK MRS. J. P. BILLUPS , r 0"KlKTOIl M RESTAUBANU EATING HOUSE , S13 South Mnin Street , Council II lilt' . Now homo nmt newly llttcil up Inflntctiu style Mi'nljal nil hoiiM Iecroii'ii n-iil Iriuo- luiloincry munim ; fruits a tl confccttoncrUM 723 W. Broadway. LARSON & ANDERSON , Proprietors. TliUlnunliy 1m Jmt been opened for busl- CHI , nnd wo nro ii iw pr-urcil | to do liundry ork n ( all kinds and KU ira'itcu satisfaction A | iechUy ma in of line work , micli DH ooll.irt , iilla , llnu ilrt'i , etc We want c\erjboy to l\u uia trial. LA11SON & ANDERSON. U. II. M. II'HKV. OffiCEE & PUSH Council Bluffs , Ia , Established , - - 1856 DeilcM In Forcli ; ' . ni d ln nettle Kxelinuo anil " Imnu w.urltii'1. _ _ _ TNR.RMARYI- T.J.CADT.ID.J.S. . . . . . . , ( l.nte \ ifrlniry Siir'ion ( I. S A. ) The Only Veterinary Surgeon in the City. OFFICE AT BLUE BARN , DPPEB BKOADWAY. IIKKJSIIKNOES : All f f thu li bt I'lij'N clans In Council Illulfd aril H'lrronnillnilonntry HAS BEEN PROVED The SUREST CURB for KIDNEY DISEASES. DOCH a Inino l > a ) ; or naiHDidorcd urliio iullcatothatyoiiaifmviutMn * THEN DO NOTHESITATJJt w . J'.irjJ V WOHTat oncodlrufftiiafu'oeouf ' d it ) unit ( \vllJ apctxllly overcome * * a o BOHM ulldrcetoro Ut althy notion toyaur < cr anilwcnknrseou.KJiJJIEV WOUTlaunuur. poHHotl a it w * l act prontptlynnduufuly JJttli' ' i Hex Incontinence , ictontlon ol urine , brJckilufltorroiylrjOnltH.niHlfluI ] * lr trglnff jmhis , all spcodlJy yield toltucur * utivo power. ( ' - < j BOLDJJYALrjEHUaOIBTS. rrlooll. © RTi Murray Iron forks , Burlington Iowa. Hural Portublu Engines , vi iu ! r. .A- CI'.KAMKIUKH , fAKH HILI.S , Printiii ? Offices , I'.tc. , A The Largest Iron Working Hatablish- uiont in thu Ktutu , MANLFACTLIIKHS OF Steam Engines , AND . OEHERAr , MACHINERY. Tlio llo\vard \ Automatio ( Jut-Off Steam Engine , Bend lor ClrcjUr * . mZ3-lin No lieiui-arhc < > f liack-ai'Iio for liullct * ik "WINEOFCARPm ; To the Consumers of Carriages & Buggies , I have a CDtnplato stock of all the Latsst Styles of 0 .images , Phaetons and Ope a and Top Buggies , Consisting of Tiie Celebrated firewater Sid a Bar , The H.vnlin Side Bar , The Whitney Side Ba , and The Mullhalland Spring. The Dexter Queen Buggy and Phaeton Also the Old Rel-able Jtiliptic Spring Buggies and Phaetons , They are ill made ol ths best ma'erials , and un der my own supervision , I should be pleased to have those desirous of pur chasing to call and examine my stock , I will guar antee satisfaction and warrant all work. H. F. HATTENHAUER , Corner Broadway and Seventh Streets , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. JET. ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WHOLESALE AM ) RETAIL HEALERS IN LAOKlfAftNA , LEEIGH , BLOSSBUM AND ALL COHNELLSVILLE COKE , CEMENT , LlftflE , PLASTER , ETC. Ofllco No. 34 Ponrl Street , Turds Cor. Eighth Street nnd Eleventh Avenue , Council BlulJa. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM FACTORY MANUFACVniE BROOMS , BROOM HANDLES , CORN MEAL , GRAHAM FLOUR AND FEED The Very Best of Brooms Constantly on Hand. The Hlghent Market Price Pnid for Corn , Oats , Rye , Barley GOE.3ST ! Parties to Sell Broom Corn Will Please Send Sample. I < Sc OO- , DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS norms , PllOPRTKTOKR TOWNt AnLIHQTON. j , a. MCJNTIRE , Lincoln , Neb , OARATOCA HOTCL , J. 8. STELLINIUS , Mllford , Neb.3 MARCH HCUOE , E. MANS , OROV/NSVILLE Nab OOMMEflCIAL HOTEL JOHN HAHNAN , Stromibura Nt HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL Loultvlllo CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , fllalr , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. O. MEAD , Ncllch , Neb QRAND CENTRAL e.,8EYMOUR , Nabratka City , Hub MIB30Uni PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , WeeplneWater.Na COMMERCIAL HOUOE A. C. OAARPER , Hardy , Neb. QIIEENWOOD HOUSE , W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Hob COMMERCIAL HOU8E , E. STOREY. Clarlnda , low * ENO'8 HOTEL , E. L. END , Eremcnl , fcb EXOHANQE HOTEL , O. D , HACKNEY , Aihland , Kab METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LCVELL , Atklnion , Ktb. MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. CRUI10 , Qulda Recd , Neb SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & DECKER , Oreiton , In. HOUSTON HOUSE , QEO. OALPH , Extra , la. REYNOLDS HOUSE , O , M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , In , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. OURCE88 , Neola , In. CITY HOTEL , Dl A , WILLIAMS , Hartan , la , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M , E. OUMMINQO , Corning , la , NEBRASKA HOTEL , J.IL. AVEHY , Otanton , MERCHANTS HOTEL J , W. DOULWARE , Durllncton Junction , M COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Ulanchard , U. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Shenandoah , la , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Dtyld City , Neb OACNELL HOUSE , CHA8. DAONELL , College Sprlngi , la. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllica , la. JUDKINBHOU8E , FRANK WILKINSON , MaUern , la , DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Grove , U COMMERCIAL HOUSE P , F.8TEARN8 , . Odebolt , la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN ECKERT , Oiceola , Neb , DOUflLAB HOUSE , J , 8. DUNHAM , Olnrkt. Neb. BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. QDEEN , Bedford la. ARLINGTON HOUSE , J. M. DLACK& 60N , Marysvllle Mo NORFOLK JUNCTION .HOUSE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction Neb WINSLOW HOOSE 0. McOARTY , Seward , Neb , AURORA HOUSE M. 0. JONE3 , Auroar.Neb. CROZICR HOUSE O. R. CROZ'ER , Sidney , Neb. AVOCA EATINQ HOUSE D. W. ROCKriOLD , Avoca la. CENTRAL HOUSE LOCKWOOD Sc SHATTUOK , Red Oak. FOSTER HOUSE Capt. JOHN FOSTER , Lewis , l.i , WHITNEY HOUSE , E , HAYMAKER , Orlwold la.