Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1882, Image 5

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    < - . . . . - . . . JL - . . * . . -
NKW YOBK. June 20 ,
Money was stringent nt one time to-day
ami loaned up lo 0 pot cent , but closed at
1 per cent.
> Wtl firm at 4 SOJ ® 1 SO.
firm ,
Cnrrcncy fi's 120
j's ' re U crcil . 11 ! )
H 4 coupon * . 1U
41' * rcgistere.1 . lit
6 a continued . 100 }
t > 'ii continued . 101 5
IHiifio railroad bonds cloecd w follows
Union Ists . Hi ) @lll (
Union Land Grants . 11-1J
nuion Sinking Fund ? . 12oS@l'.U
Ce-itrals . H8j bk
The Rtoek market to-ilay was \ cr y dul
au.l nothing worthy of note transpired ,
The channel , as a rule , \vcro slight , but
firm Undertone prevailed throughout , alii
the closing quotations slion n frnctiona !
athancs. The principal dealings were in
Louisville L Nnsbville , Dcmer & llio
Ctrftiidp , Kansas & , Texas , Mke Shore ,
Jersey Central , Michigan Central , ami
Dehivare , Lackauanua & Western.
The follow injfu ere the cloiini ; bids :
Western Union. 84 ? Ilk St J
Adams . 130 $ Preferred . . . . bdj
American . HI" Kansas < t Texas IW
US . 7U L J3 k W . . . 28' '
Wells 1'argo . lli ! ! L S 1104
C 15 &Q . l' J Louis & Nash 071
NYC . l.'tO Morris & K . 123
N JO . Tug Nortlw estcin. 1011
I. o . IM : Pieferred. . . llf ,
Mich Cen . 88 | O&W. . . .
Ohio Ceu. . . . ISj Ohio & Miss. .
N 1' . -10 Preferred. . . ! ) >
Prefcrted . . . . 78 $ I'M
CentL'nc . Ul Quick < ilor . . .
U I' . llog Pieferred. . .
Mo. Pac . ! ll | Reading fiSf
T Pacific. . . Hi R I. 130i
X Y i'idvated..llil San 1'ran . 3(1 (
Met. ii : . 85J Preferred . IS
Man Kiev. . . 53 St. Paul 112
A ft Til . 25" Preferred. . . .
Preferred. . . . CO St P & O. . . . 40
Canada S . 514 Preferred. . .
C& A . 132J Nash. & Clnt.
U L S &W. .
D &K G . 6& Preferred . . . . 30
Eiie . HjJ
The following were the sales of the more
active blocks to-day. Total , IdO.OOOshares :
W U 7COO II&.Sb Jpfd. 1000
occ&i. . . 100 K&T. . . 111)00 )
C1J&Q . 2000 L i : & w 1000
NY C . 2701 MorrtJit K 10 (
N.T C . b200 Northwestern. U0 (
Mich Centra ! . . 0700 Preferred. 200
IN P . 1200 O * M . . . SCX
Preferred . 2000 I'M . . . 100
C P . 1001 1'eadin ? 28
U P . KO ) 11 I 2 00
MP . 15UO San 1'ran . . 1U ,
TP . 11000 Preferred . 100
OS 800 St. Paul 1800
CfcO 100 Ptefened . 000
C & A 100 StP& o. . : nee
3) L , t W 800 Preferred. . . 2200
: ! 200 Nah Glut . 1000
I ) 4 : KG. . 5700 M L 3 & , W 10
Erie 900 Wabish . . . 2SO <
I'reftiied 200 Preferred. . . . G100
CHICAGO , June 2 ! ) .
Preston , Kean A , Co. , banker , report :
There was a fair demand for money , unc
first-class paper was readily taken at 5@7
per cent.
Eastern exchange between city
'iQ&iiQc premium per $1,003.
Clearings to-day , 50,200,000.
Omattn IVBolosalo Market.
Thursday Kvening , Juno 2l. ! (
No changes repoitod in the market to-
Local Grain
WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 1.174 ; cash No.
3 , aiic : rejected , blc.
bAULLY. Cash No. 2 , 88c ; No. ? ,
CO : .
H YE. Cash , ( ! 0o.
COltN. Cash 52Vo ; No. 2 , ( > 0c.
OATS. Cash , 527.
STHEET PKICiS-Corn , COtgOoj oats ,
Produce and Provisions.
POTATOKS Old , out of market.
Home grown plenty ; new , $ 70
per bu hel.
ONIONS-SI 50@2 00 per box : new
homo grown , per do ? bunches , 15n20c. (
] IAIJIS1IKS Homo crown , IBcdo/ .
P1H PLANT-Per pound , Ic.
ASPAllAGUS-Per doJOg'Oe. .
LKTTUCK Per do brad , 10@0c.
NKW TOSIATOKS Per box , Sl.flO.
BUTTKR Choice country , Io ( < il7c.
KG OS Scarce , 17c.
MKATS Hams , 15e , breakfast bacon ,
IHc ; clear baon , 13Jc ; Bhouldern , 9c ; dried
beef , llic.
Minnesota patoats , 4 70 ; Jack 1'rost , 75 ;
Shawm o fancy , S 7fi ; California "Pioneei , "
S 70 ; Triumph , fcpring , 3 25j rjo Hour
3 2o ; ije , Graham , 250 ; wheat Graham
3 25 ; bay. G OO&G f 0 per ton ; baled , 10 00
chopped feed , 1 CO ; chopped corn , 1 50
bran , 1 00 per c\vt ; straw , 4 OJ per ton
IcocPj 5 00 bulcd.Grocers'
Grocers' List.
COFFEE. K\u , tair , lie ; Kio , good
2c ; Itlo , piimo to choice , lie ; Old go\'t
Java ; 2Ci@28Jc , Mocha , 2&Jc ; Arbucklo'j ,
lljc ,
1KAS .Gunpowder , good , 15.ti5 ( ) ;
Choice , 00(8750 ( ; Imperial , good , 40V5lic ( ! ;
Choicer , C0@75c ; Young Hyson , good , 3U ( < 3
SOc ; choice , b5c@l 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf ,
S5c ; Japan , choice , C0@76c ; Oolong , ( joi-d ,
S5@40 ; Oolong , cho.ce , 40Qe55 ; Souchong ,
good , .S5@40c ; choice , SF & 45c.
NEW PICKLKS Medium , in barrebi ,
$000 ; do in half bbls , 5 25 ; smalls , in bbls ,
1200 do , in half bbls , 700 ; gherkins , in
bis , 11 00 ; do , in half bbls , 7 50.
VINKOAR 1'uro apple extra , 10o ;
pure apple , 13c ; Prussinc wuro anulo , KJo.
SUiAltS-Cut loaf. He ; Crushed
lie ; Granulated , lOJc ; Powdered , 11 ;
Kino powdered , Ho ; Standard Coffee A ,
Me ; Now York Confectioner's Standard
A. 'Jjc : Good A , 9jc [ ; Prairie Kxtra C. 'Jo.
HOPE Sisal , J inch and larger , 'Jc ;
Jinch , lOc.
OI1EKHE Full Cream , ISc ; Part
BUim. HJc.
WOOUENWAUE Two hoop pallf ,
I 95 ; hreo hoop pnil , 2 20 ! No. 1 tub *
pioneer wuibboards , 1 85 Double Cruwu ,
i DO ; WellbuckctH , 3EO.
LIJAD liar , SI C5.
DRIED FRUITS Choice halves ,
peachea , 7c : Salt Lake Heap ; -
orated 50lb boxes , 13 c-Michigan ; , 7c ; New
York apples , 7Jc ; Prunes , old , .GJc ; new ,
BJc ; Currants , t J@7c ; Blackberries , new ,
HOMINY New , S3 00 per bbl.
SODA Dwight'a IbpaperH , 82 85 ; De-
bind do , $2 & 5 ; Church's , $1 85 ; Keg eoja
JiKANS Imported German $3 50 per
CANDLES Boies , 40 Jbs , 10 oz , Sa ,
ficjboxea 40 Ibs. , 10 oz. , Cs , 15o.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 Ib
( Field1 * ) , i > er case , 81 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) ,
per case , 2 CO : cto 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case ,
S CO ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per case , 2 20 ; do
'J Ib ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) .
per case , 200. Onions , 380 , Salmon , 1
fcCS ( , . Ibj ) or dozen , ! IK ) ; do 2 Ib , per dozen
3 MG < ,2 GJ , Sardines , email l : h , imported ,
i'ne iiuarter boxes per bor , 14Jc ; American ,
quarter boxes r " b ° * i H'J ' 3 'l0 ' boxes , i
per box , 21c. Loiters , 1 Ib per dozen ,
IFO. Tonntoes 230 ; do S Ib rn
cnse. 290 ; Com , 2 Ib ( Mountain )
p r case , 10 } ooako < l corn , 210 ; do
2 Ibftrmouth ( ) , per ca * * , 31 *
Ktrtng bcnn' , per case , 2 10 ; Limn buni
lier CMO , 1 85 , SuccotAsli j > * r cft e , 2 00
re1" , common , | crease , 2 00peas , choice ,
per caw , 8 15. Blackbcrrie * . 2 Ib , i > er w e.
J40 ; straHberrit-s 2 lt , i > cr ca e,230.
ra pbsrrie , 2 Ib , per cw. 3 OOfr1 ? 1 > .
1'amson * , 2 It ) , per ea e , 2 II. llnrtbtt
peM per ea e , 3 00@ 1 TO. Whortleberries
jwr oate.240. Ktrg plumi > ,2 Ib ptrei e.3 30
Green gR s2 Ib ner ca'e , S 30 ; do oh > lc * , ' ,
Ib j > er CiV e,4 50. PmeApplw , 2 Ib , pcrcnso ,
4 0X9 6 75. Pmche * , 2 ID per civoe. 3 10
do Hi. c ie , 1.10WB 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 ! > > , per
w.o.27" ) ; do pie , G ll > , iier dozen. 3 50.
KICK Caroling 74 8c ; Loui iAat ,
< ? 8c ; fair , G@CJ.
SVHUi'B. Suer lmn > e , bblc , S'jo ! hnf !
hli , 57c ; hr ? * , * } palloni , S2 i > 0 ; chulco
table syrup , 53c ; hilf MiU , fi'cj kcR , $2 50.
HTA'KCH. Voftrt , 4fci Silver Uloiw , 8j
S8Jc ; Corn StM-cb , $ @ 9ei Excelsior
( lloi , 7c ; Corn. 7 e.
SALT. Dray lo.vls , t > er bbl , I Ki ; Ash-
ton , In Backs , 3 nO ; bbla dnity GO , 5" , 3 45 ;
bfols dairy , 100 , 3 * , 305.
SPICES. Pepper , 19 ; Allnpicc , 13c ;
Oliue , lOe ; Nutmegs , $10025c ; < J 8sin ,
Mnco St 00.
MATCHES Per c-\ddie , Me ; round
case * , ST.n.1) ' snuarocase * , $ , " ) ,10
SOAPS Kirk's 3aon linparhl. . " . 3" . ;
Kirk's satinet , 3 COjKlrk'g gtandarrl , . " . SO ;
Kilk's while Kusslan , 52' . : kirk's
IjUtocn. 2 1C Kirk's Prairie Queen ,
(100 ( cakes ) , JO ; Kirk's tnignolin , 4 'M.
LYE American , .1 40 ; GiccmvIcK 310 :
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 / ; Iiow
lye , 4 CO ; Jewell lye , 2 76.
POTASH PemiH } IMIU'H cans 4 doz. ,
in cue , 3 35 ; Uabbitt's ] 5all , 2 do ? . In case ,
I 00 : Anchor Hill 2 doz in C.KW. 1 60.
FIELD SEED Ked clo\cr , choice
new , $ G 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover
new. 55700 ; white clover , now , § 1100
il alfft clover , new , $1250 ; alsikc , now ,
? 1300. Timothy , good , new , 63 00 ;
80c ; ullUetGernian , § 100 to $125 ;
Huncarian. SOc.
IIEDOKSHKD OKiqe orange , 1 to
bushels , S5 00 ; osage oninge , 10 bushels or
over , $4 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 83c ; per
100 Ibs . 82-j 00.
FtS J Family white Ml , 80 Ib hf bbls ,
5' . 23 : No. 1 white fish , 5)0 ) Ib hf bblo. 7 00 ;
No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kite , 1 10 ; family
10 11) ) kits , 8"ic ; New Holland herring , per
kc , ; , 1 32 ; Russian sardines. 7Cc : Colui"-
bi i liver oalinou , per 100 Ibs , 8 00 ; GeorgVi
Hank codfish , ( ic ; Gen. boueless cod.vti ,
OJc ; boneless fish , 5Jc.
MAClviniEL Half bbto moss mackerel ,
100 Ibs , 81250 ; hfbbl No. lex shore do ,
100 Iba , 8 CO ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100
Ibs , G 00 } mess mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ;
No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore ,
12 Ib do. 1 00 : fat family , 10 Ib do 75c.
PEANOTS lloastcd , choice , red Ten
nesaoe , lOoper Ib ; fanoy white , lOJo perlb ;
ra > v white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted ,
Dry Qoodi.
BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8ic ;
Applcton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Sc ; IJoott
FP , Sic ; Buckeye LL , 1-1 , 7e : Cabot W ,
71c ; Chittcnanco A , G c ; Great Falls E ,
8e ; Hoosier , CJc ; HoneH Width , 7Jc ; In
dian Hcnd A , 8Jc ; Indian Standard A ,
8Jc ; ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8c ; Law rcnco
LL , 7c ; Mystic Uiver , 7ic ; Pequot A , 8 'c ' ;
Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utica C , 5Jc ; Waclius-
ctt 15 , 7ic ; do A , Sic ; do E 18 , 12ic ; Wai
cott B15. 8Jp
4-4 ; 7Jc ; Alligator 3-1 , 3c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7-fc ;
Atlantic LL , GJc ; Badger StatB X 4-1 , 7c ;
Bennington C 4-4 , GJc ; IJuckeyo S. 4-4 , CJcc
Indian Orchard AA 9-8 , SJc ; Laconia. 0
39 , 84c ; Lehigh E 4-1 , 94e ; Lonsdalo4-I ,
lOc ; Pepneroll N 30 , 7c ; do O 32 , 74c ; do It
30. 7ic ; do E 39 , 8ic ; Pocasset O 1-4 ,
Wamsutta4-4 13c
gin L 1-1 , 9 cBlackstonoAA ; iirperialSVc ;
do do half bleached 4-1 , Oc ; Cabot 4-4,8 ;
Fidelity 1-4 , 9JcVmit } of theLoom , 10 ; do
can brio4-4,13cdo ; WaterT\nst,10icGreat i
FallsQ.lOic ; Indian Head shnmk 1-4 , 12o :
Lonsdalo , lOc ; do cambric 37 , 12ic ; New
York Mills , 12c ; Pcquot A , lOc ; Pepperell
N G Twills , 12Jc ; Pocahontas 1-1 , 9Jc ;
Pocasset 4-4 , 8Jc ; Utica , tic ; Wanisutta
O X X , 12ic.
UuCKS ( Colored ) Albany K brown.
8c ; do C , drab , lie : do XA. stripes and
plaids , 12jc ; do XXX brovyn and drab.
stripes and plaids , 12Jc ; Arlington fancy ,
1'Jc ' ; Brunswick brown , SJc ; Chariot fancy ,
12ic ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall River
brown , ottra heavy , lljc ; Indiana A
brown ! : ( ; Xeuonset A brown. 15c.
Jnosleap A O A 82
17Jc ; do XX blue 32 , 18Jo ; Arrowar.ra
Sic ; Clarcmont B B , ICJc ; Conestoga ev
tra , 17Jc ; Hamilton D , lljo Lewixlon . \ .
30 , 15c ; Minnehaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omega super
extra 1-4 , 28c ; Pearl River 32 , IGio ; Put
nam XX blue btrijio , 12c ; ShctucUet S
lOfc : do S3 12c ; Yeoman's blue 29 , SJc
DENIMS. Amoskeak , blue and bronn
lO c ; Andover DD blue , 15c ; ArlingX
blue Scotch , ISJc ; Concord OOO , blue aw
iirown , 12ic ; do AAvV , do do 13J ; do XXto
do do 14Jc ; Haymaker's blue and brown ,
9ic ; aiv tie River DD stripe , IC c ; Peail
Riv er , blue and brown , 15 Jo ; Uucasville ,
jlue and brown , 13Jc.
CAMBRICS Barnard , 51c ; Eddyntouo
iniu , 2-1 inch double face , 8Jc ; Garner A
'lazed , 5c : Manhattan glove finiah , 5jc ;
Newport do Go ; do glazed , 5 c ; Pequot do
> c ; Loi-kwood kid hnish , ijc.
CORSET JEANS Amory , 8cAndros
coggin satteen , 8Jc ; Clarendc ] , BJcC'oncs ; ;
, oga s-itteans , 7ic ; Uallowcl , 8c ; Indi J
; lsarr gansettimprovcdc
L'cpiierill satUfln Oio ; Rockpoit , 72o
PllINTS Allen" , GJc ; American , Glc ;
Arnold , "c ; Berwick , l c ; Cooheco , 7c ;
Jonestotja. GJc ; Dunkirk , 4c ; Dunnell ,
U@7c ; Eddybtone , 7c ; Gbucester , Go ,
llarinony , 5Jc ; Knickerbocker , GJc ; Mer-
rimac D , 7c ; Mjstic , CJc ; Spramei , Gc ;
outhbridgo , Gc ; do. Ginghams , Ic ; Marlboro
bore , 5 e ; Oriental GJc.
GINGHAMS Amoskeas , lOJc ; Amos-
ic g dross 12J > Argyle , 10k- ; Atlantic ,
9e ; Cumberland , 71c ; Highland , ajc ;
Kcnilworth , 8Jc ; I'luu kett , lOJo ; Sus-
BOX , 8c.
Agate. ' 'Oc ; American , llo ; Artisian , 20c ;
Cairo D ami T , IS c ; Clarion D and T ,
17Jc ; Dec-can Co.slripea DandT , IGc ; JCcy-
stone , 131e ; Nnntucket. 19c ; Nonpareil ,
lc ( ! ; Occ-m D and T , 13Je ; Jtoyal , 10J
iussex , 12c ; Tiogn. 12JcVachusett ; shirt-
Inv ; jhecl.8 , 12Jc ; do , Nankin , 12Jc ; York.
ilain Nankin , 12jc ; do , checks , Htripu * and
'anoy , 12Jc ; do , 8 oz , 20c.
SHEETINGS Androscogeln 10-4,27JcJ
lo 9-4 , 2lc ; do 8-1 , 22c ; Continental O
42 , Ho ; Fruit of the Loom 10-i , 274 ; Now
York mills US , Sic ; do 78 , SOc ; do C8 , 22Jc ;
Pembroke 10-1 , 25c ; PotiuotlO-t , 2840 ; do
7-1 , 19o ; do 1U , ICc ; Popperell 30 , 29c ;
do 07 , 21c ; do 67 , 18c > Utica 90 , 35o ; do
58 , 224c ; do 18. 17o
Clean and Tobaccos.
CIGARS. Seeds , SlC.OO ; Connecticut ,
825.00 ; Mixed , CS5.00 ; Seed Havana ,
850.00 ; Clearllavana , ? 75.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule ,
21 Ib , GOc ; Our Rope , first quality , f)2c ;
itir , pounds , 2 ] Ib , bulta , GOc ; Horse Shoo ,
winds , 21 Ib , butts , GOc ; Gilt Edge ,
> ouudd , 21 Ib , butts , 60 ; Army and Navy ,
xmiHl * , 55c ; Bulllonpounds ( , 5'Jc ; Lonl-
ard'a C'limax , pounds , COo ,
FINE CUT In pails. Hard to Beat ,
75c ; Golden Threacf , 70c ; Fountain , SOc ;
'avorito , Gr c ; Rocky Mountain , GOc ;
' "nney , Cle ; Daisy , 60c. In tin foil
Ratlins O , S , , 5 Ib boxes , per Ib G3c ; Lori-
llard's Tiger. G5c ; Diamond Crown , GGe.
SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to
i3c. Granulated Blackwclla Durham , 16
oi51c ; Dukea Durham , 10 oz , COo ; Seal of
forth Carolina , 10 oz , 40 ; Seil of Nebrn.3-
; a , 1G oz , 38c ; I one Jack , 4 07 , linen bigs
jorlb , 31,35 ; Marlmrea * Puck , 2 or , tlu
oil , 55c : DoxTail G5c.
Paints Oils and Vnrnlirieo.
PAINTS IN OIIj White lead , Omaha
' . P. , Cs ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , C'Ji ;
ilarsjilleH grten , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 200
French inc , fis"u seal , 12c ; French zinc ,
wi seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish aunt ,
Oc : French zince , in oil wet , 15c ; Raw
and burnt umber , 1 lli cans 12o ; raw arid
burnt Sienna , 13c : vanJyka brown , 13.
ofinetl lampblack , 12c ; coach black , l"o
ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian
iluc , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chroma
rcen , L , M. t IX , 14c ; blind and MhutW
rrcen , L. M. & D. , 10s ; Paris Kreen , 18c ;
ndlan red , 15cj Venetian red , Do ; Tuscan
in , 22c ; American Vfrmlliod , I. A P. , IPc
iliroma yellow , L , M. , O , ife D O. , lc
( jellowochro , DC ; golden ochre , IS ; pa'en
Jrver , Sc ; graining colors : 11ht oak.
Hit , walnut , chestnut nnd ath 15o.
Dry ° lnt
White le-ul , GJc ; French line. lOcs
whiteing 2Jcj whiting gilder * , .iji
\thiting com 1 , lcj lam | > black CSerman
fown , 1-lc ; Umpblwk , ordinary , lOc ; Pm
tian blue , f > > c ; nllrmnarine. ISc ; Vandyke
brown , Sc ; umlwr , butnt , 4c ; limber , raw
lcsienm ; , burn t , 4e : clenna , rawto
Paris green genuine , 2V ; Paris preen coin1'
Oc ; chrome green , N. Y.1 20c ; chruin <
preen K. , 12c ; vermillion , Kng. , 70o ; xer
million , America , ISc ; Indian rod. lOc
ni c pink , lie ; \cnctian read , Cookson' *
° Jc : icnetfan rod Am. , 19e ; re I leid , 7e
chroiiie yellow , peiuiine , 20o : chrome j el-
low , K , , 12c ; ochre , lochello , 3e ; oehro ,
Treneh. 2e ; ochre , American , 2 <
Winters mineral. 2Jc ; lehigti bro\vn. 2 c
Spanish broun , 2fcc ; Princo's mineral Itc.
OILS 110' carbon , per gallon ,
ll-e } ; 150 headlight , per gallon ,
12c ; 175 * headlight , per gallon , Gej
linseed , raw , per gallon , 7 ; llu ced , boilo 1 ,
] > gallon , dOc ; lard , winter st M , per cab
Ion , 1 00 ; No. 1 , 80c : No. 2 , 70os castor ,
XXX. per gallon , 1 1" ; No. 3 , I 01 ; sweet ,
per gallon. 8.V ; ppctiu , W. 11. , per gallon ,
1 55 ; fisb , W. B. per gallon , GOe ; neatsfoot ,
extr.v , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , C5o ; lubri
cating , roro , per eallnn , SOc ; minimcr , Ific ;
golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 3 , ° ic ; No.
2 , SO : upcnn , signal , per gallon , 80o : tor-
pcntinc , per gallon , OSc ; naptha , 74 , per
gallon , I8c ; 01 * . 17c
VARNISHES lUrrols per p.dlon.
nirnlturo , extra , $1 10 ; fmnituro , Iso , 1 ,
Gl ; coach , extra , 31 40 ; Coach , No. 1 ,
81 20 ; Datnar , extra , 81 75 ; Japan , 70c ; as-
phaltum , extra S'ic ; shellac , $350 ; bald
011 finish , SI 30
Cnrbolic , 50o ; Acid , Tartaric , OOc ; ISaUun
Copabla , per Ib , 70c ; Uark , Sasjufias , per
Ib , lie ; Calomel , per Ib , 75c ; Cinchonldia ,
per or , § 101 ; Chloroform , per lb % 100 ;
Do\er'a powders , per Ib , 81 40 ; Kpscis
salts , per Ib , Sic : Glycerine , pure , per Ib ,
3Sc ; Lend , Acetate , per 11) ) , 2lc ;
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , " 1 15 ;
Oil , Castor , No. S , per gal , 8100 ; Oil ,
OH\o , per gal. SI 50 ; Oil , Oiiganum , 50c
Opium , SI 50 ; Quinine P. tW. . ic R It S. ,
per or , S2 10 ; Potasjium , lodido , per H
pl 75 ; Salacin , per or , 40o ; Sulphate ol
Morphine , per oz , $3 85 ; Sulphur Hour ,
per Ib , 4c ; Strvchniue. i > er ot. SI 33.
Heavy Hnrdwnra Lilt.
Iron , rates , S3 W ; plow steel , Rpcclal
cant , 7c ; crucible , 8c ; Kpeclal or GenmnGc ;
cast tool do. 1D@20 wagon epoktu , Bttl
2 25@3 00bubs ; , per sot , 1 & > : felloes , oawotl
dry. 1 40 ; tongues , cncb , 70@85c ; axlei ,
each , 75c ; equate nuta , per Ib , 7@llc ;
washere. pcrlb. 8@18c ; rhcts , per Ib , He ;
cell chain , per Ib , G@12c ; malloab'.o , 8c ;
Iron wedges , 6c ; crowbars , ( ic ; harrow
teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , C 00 ; sprint ;
steel , 7@8c ; Uurdeirs horsoihocH , 6 0 ;
Burden's muleshoes , G 50.
SHOT. Shot , S1.85 ; Buck shot , 52.10 ;
Oriental Powder , kegs , 5.40 : Jo. , half
kogs. § 3,48 : do. , quarter kegs , S1.88 ; BKst-
ini ; , kecs. § 3.35 : Fuse , uer 100 feet 50o.
BAUBED WIUi : In car Iots,8 30 pet
100 ; in less than car lotn. 8 55 uer 100.
Oak sole , 3Sc to I2c ; hemlock BD'.O , 28c to
Srtc ; heiiilock kip , feOo to 100 ; runner ,
G o to fcOc ; hemlock cilf. 85c to 120 ; hem
lock upper , 23c to 20c ; oat : ut'pcr , 21c ;
alligator. 1 00 to C 50 ; calf kid , 32@3r > c ;
Grcisen kid , 2 50 to 275 ; oak kip , 8lo ( to
1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; Trench kin ,
110 to 1 5" ; Kiench cilf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rus-
Betts. 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 10 50 ;
toppiugH , y 00 to 10 50 ; B L. Morocco , SOo
to 35e ; pebble O. D. Morocco , 35c ; siinon ,
2 ' 0 to 3 00.
HARNESS-No 1 star oak , I2c ; No 2
do , 39c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 3Sc ; No. 2 do ,
35c ; No. IMilwaukea 37c ; No. 2 do , 31c.
Horses and Mulci.
The market in brisk and all grades nro
selling n ell nt slight advance in piicos.
The demand for good horses exceeds the
supply considcraoly. Prices range as fol
lows :
Fine single drivers , 8150. to 300. ; Extra
draft horses , $175. to 225. ; Common draft
horees , $100. to 150. ; Extra farm horaos ,
$110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horseu
J90. to 8100. ; Extra plngii , $ W ) . to 75. ;
Common plugs , § 20. to $40.
MULES. 15 to 15J hands ( extra ) , $125.
tolEO. ; 14 $ to 15 hand ? , ? 1CO. to 140. ;
14 to 14 } hands , ? 75. fo 100. ; 13J to 14
hands , $00. to 75LI
LI uori.
ALCOHOL 187 proof , 2 23 par wino
gallon ; extra California bpintn , Ih7 prwif ,
1 2G per proof gallon ; tripla relined BpiritH ,
187 proof , 121 per proof gallo.ij ro-distillcd
wLinkies , 1 001 50 ; fine blended , 1 50fe
2 50 ; Kentucky bourbonH , 200@700 ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 U7 ) 00
BRANPIES Imported , SO 00@16 00 ;
domestic 1 10@1 00.
GINS IK ported , 4 SOfiG 00 ; domestic ,
1 10@300.
RUMS Imported , 1 r,0fif' ' < 00 : Nov/
England. 2 < X ) ( 4 CO ; domo'stin ' , 1 oO(3)3 ( ) 50
1 75@4 00.
CHAMPAGNES Imported p ° r cano ,
2 * < DO31 0\rc3rlj ; a , case , 12'0@
10 00
CLARETS Per case. 4 50@lf3 00
WINES Rhine wino , per case , 6 00 ®
20 00 , CaU\\ba , per case , 4 00@7 00.
Wo quote lumber , atn and shinglei on'
ars at Omahi at the follow ing prices :
under , S21 00 ; 18 ft. , S22 00.
TIMBERS 1G ft. ami under. 822 00.
TIMBER AND JOIST is ft. , $2. * on ;
1C ft 824 CO , 22 ft. , § 27 50 ; 21 ft. , § 27 50.
I < Kt > CIN& No. 1 , 1 ar.J G in. , 822 00 ;
No. 2 , 820 00.
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common
boards ) $18 50 ; No 2 , § 17 00.
STOCK1 BOARDS. , 12-in. D , $23 00 ;
12 in. O. $35 00 ; 12-in. B , $10 00.
PAPER Stir.w paner , 84'c ; rag paper ,
4c ; dry goods paper , 7o ; inanlla papei , lOc ;
now puper. 8c.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , ? 12 ;
Morris Run Blossburg , 812 ; Whitubrcaat
lump , 50 EO ; Wbitobreast nut , 80 50 ; Iowa
lump , ! JG 50 ; Iowa nut ? G 50 ; Rock Spring
58 : Anthracite , all sUe812 00@12 50.
NAILS RateH , 10 to C0l > , 3 ( iO.
mull1. , Psr barrel , 81 15 ; bulk pe OIIH.
fl'io ' Cement , bbl , 81 75. Iowa plutor.
bbl , 82 0) . Hair per bu. 35c. Taricd
felt 100 Ibs , 83 00. Straw board , S3 If.
Alcrlno unwashed , light , ll@10i ; heavy.o
@lllCc ! ; medium unwashed , light , 18(5)20 (
washed , choice , 32c ; fair , 30s ; tub-ding
and w. , 28c ; burry , blackund cottod wool
Hldei hurt , Etc.
HIDES-Urccn butcher's hide ,
cured 7ic ; hides , green Halt , part , cured 7c
hides , 0c ; dry flint , Hound. 13@llcdry ;
calf and kip , 12@llc ; dry salt liidos.souiKl ,
10llc ; fjrten calf. wt. 8 to 10 lbn. . 10@llc ;
green calf , wt , under 8 lua , per skin , 50o :
green pelts , 50@81 25 ; green lamb skins ,
SI 2'i@150 ; damaged hides , two-third rate ,
cut stored and one grub , classed two-
tLlrdn rate , ) branded hides 10 per cent , elf ,
Coon Bkins , No. 1 , 15c ; No , 2 , 30c ; No. U ,
20. ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink. No. 1. 50c ; No. 2 ,
30c ; No. 3,15c ; No. 4 , 5o. Fox , No. 1 ,
OOc ; No. 2 , 25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black ,
C5c ; short stripe , 40o ; narrow stripe Wic ;
broad utripe. lOo. Tallow 7c.
Now York Produce-
NKW YOIIK , iTune 2' ) ,
I'lour Dull in buyers' favor ; city mill
extra , 6 75@8 00 ; mi , > erfino dull and un
changed ,
Wheat l'e > orifch , uneottloil and higher ;
No. 2 red , 1 lhi@l 4'Ji ; No. I white ,
1 2iff ! ) 1 32 , No. 2 red June , 1 J81 } 50 ;
dof.Inly. 1 Jbfol ( 29 ; do August , 1 204 ©
Corn Higher and atronsj ; ungraded
mixed , / fehOJc ; No. 2 , * 2 tf/82/c / ; No 2
mlxHl June , 81c ; , fuly , ( slaHlJc.
Oats Uij > cttlod , cafh Jot * lower ; oi-
tions oppned strong mid higher , but clokcd
weak with inoit of the advance Joit ; Nu.
1 white.Obc ; No. 2 do. . ( ! 21c ; No. 1 mixed ,
02c ; mixed v > estern , Ii0&i2c ( : No. ii mixed
July , 5'J4r tCO B.
Jtye riiin ; Klc , for state and C'jnada.
ISarloy Nomii'tl ,
Pork Strong an ! fairly uotho ; new
Dies ? , 20 00 for cajh ,
Lird Ifuoytnt and higher ; 1252ifor
ca-ih and July.
Whisky Nominal.
Petroleum-Dull ; uoited , 21c , |
CmoAno. Jtme v"i ,
Vlour Unclnngrd ; N'o. 2pring ulict
entirely nomlnil'No SnltPit artUcand
Idslicr , clo inpr it 1 10g for Julj : 1 O'ij for
Au uit ; 1 Olijk forSrptombcr ,
Corn Hisher : clo iiifrnt 711@74.ti for
.ttnip ; 74i/a / for Jult ; 7H J for Aumxt iiT 'e
for theyear ; 77rf7ri < " for high mlxod
Oats Stronp : 5f5lio | for Jim . 0
for Julj : lOijo lor Aueutt ,
Kje JCeeleetoa : "Ic for No. 2.
Ilirley Nomiml.
Pork HlRher nt 21 C2J ( 21 nr. fir , rnsh
nnd Juh : 21 75 for AnpnM. ; 21 'M ) f.i SP )
leniber ; " I CO for the joar.
Iir.l "troiiB ! clo int ( ftl 12 V. " f , i
Julj : 12 31 for AuRU t ; 12 IOJ fflr . o | tein-
1cr.Short Kiln Firm : 17 53 > S)17 ) 00 for n.h
17 42i for.lulr : 1" 174 lor AugtM.
15utt * r-Stca l > ; crertmcry , .Mi"-'tc.
Aiiry , lS@20o.
ieRi-17fj : l" c.
Whioky-1 1 , .
Kcc'tJShipm't. .
Corn 73.501 . | , . ?
Oats 71' ' . "iV " -,70.
Connell Blnflft Mnrhnt.
I'lour Crystal MilU Goldrn Mioaf ,
3 ( Xj ) California Eureka , patent , 3 Sdml ; \
brand of a < , I 00ji,4 25 ; K\ii-nd : niid
Missouri Hour 3 50 ® I 25 ; graham , 75 ;
rye Hour , 3 40.
Torn Meal White , 1 70 per him Ired ;
yellow , 1 50 per hundred.
llrau and Shorn 20 00 per ton
Chop Corn JO CO per ton ,
\ VhtatNo. . 'J , 1 15.
Corn IMC.
OaU No. 2 , "c.
U > e-75\
Uirh-y < O *
Hmoni Coru-njCiSlj.
Hay Loose , H lrty)10 ) 00 ; balid , 7'i < cr
Wood -G Oflfc,7 , 00.
Wool 15@23.
ISutttr ( i-camcry , t0c ! ; In rolls , wrap ,
ned , 15c ; rolN not wrapped , 12J ;
tolors ,
Eggs 1'u.
Onions 1 75.
Live Chickens 3 GOpcr do/en.
Potatoes Scarce ; old at 1 0" > ; new -it
LIVE STO K.-Cattlo-Kxtra , 1 M ®
550. Veal CnlosG 00. llojs 7 OOW
750. Shccp-57o.
mi i
Chicago JJtvo Stools.
CiiioAao , June 2 ! )
The DrotcrH * Journal reimrts :
fJCuttlo Quiet nnd unchanged , xilcH of
Texnn steers at 325 ; Rtockcri" , I . ! l ) ; gmiil ,
gmnuth , Kh'pping ' c.Utle , 0 TiOw ? l' .
HogH-Packing gtadcs , 5 10 ; higher
silos at 7 l > 0@8 3 i for ligbt shinping hits ;
7 85@8 10 fur heavy ] > nckng ! ; 7 "Kljis 72 $
for uxtra prltno shipping loin.
Sheep-Dull nt 3 124 25.
Reccs.its Ho s , 10,500 head ; cuttle.
5,000 head.
Cincinnati Prodnoo.
CINCINNATI , . .lum2'i. .
Mess Pork Jobbing , 22 25@2J * > ii
Lird Prime Rtcnui nnminul , 12 00.
Built Muiits Clear ides , 13 2" )
Hacon Cloiu hidctllj u.
Flour Weaker ; dull ; winter family ,
5 SOgO 10.
Wheat-Dull and easy ; No. 2 led ,
1 28 ® 1 30.
Cora No. 2 mixed July , "tifc
O its Finn : No. 2 mixed. 52Jc.
Rye Dull but steady.
Bnrloy Notio olFeritig ,
Whisky 1 13.
St , ijonls f rodnoo.
ST. LOUIH , Juno 2i ) .
Flour Dull ; XXX , I 30I CO , fumly
5 10. .
WhetJt 132J lor cash ; No. 2 red , 1 32
tor June ; 1 37 lor July.
Corn Higher ; 7ti ( 704cf or cash ; 75jc
for July ; 73/c / for August.
Oata Iliglur ; 53@53Jo No 2 cash ;
I7So fet July.
Jlyo Dull at GJC.
liarloyNo marliet.
LeadI'irni at 4 03' ' , .
Butter-Creamery , 2l@27c ; dait > , lh ©
24 c
Whisky Steady at 1 15.
Pork Firm ; 21 85 for cash .mil June ;
job lot i , 2JOO.
Now York Dry Goods.
J.MV YOIIK , June 211.
The dry goodmarket to-diy de\elojied
( aw new features uotc\\orthj of inteiest.
Tn\r incnoinent in sume of the most staple
Lotto i and woolen fabrics from fir t hands ,
is a iuo ! lieu-business , ; iiul on accountof
Formti orders. Jobbing trade continued
F.iir for this time of jear. The recent
warm neat her enabled tetulors to i educe
ilit'ii utocks to a replenishing point ,
Saltimoxo Jfroauuo.
I'ALTjMOliL' , .Time _ ! l.
Flour Dull.
Wheat Southern nominal ; fult1 3" > g
1 Ss ; longlierry , 1 3s ( 1 10.
Coi ti Oteaily but fitiiet ,
EnHtLlborty Llvo Stoolc.
EAST LIDEUTV , Pa. , Juno ! ( .
Cattle Fail ; priint1 , 7 " > 0@8 00 ; good ,
50 ,700. , Uaieipt > , lO head ; ship-
nentd , 1,051 head ,
Hogs Nothing doi'i , Iteceipts , 1,000 ;
shipments , 800.
. ' . .Sheep Dull ; best , I 2)fe I " - " ' . IlocoiptB ,
1,200 ; shipment" , l.dOO.
Poorin Prndnoo.
ProitiA , Juno 2' ' )
Corn Firm a' 7IJfo7lfc for nigh
nixed ; 711@"IJ'C f"i mixed.
OaU Finn "ut "nidi 'ido foi No. 2
Jlje Nominal at 72 ( 7-'Jc for No. 2.
Htghwinofl 1 11.
Liverpool Produoo.
I ivnii-ooi , , Junc)2i. !
Whpat-Winter , ! ) < 'Jd10j 5d ; sprint' '
Corn Cut 8d.
Pork h'Jj.
Lard 09 * ,
Turpentine Marjiot
WiLMiNoroN , N. C. , Juno 51) ) ,
HOHIII Firm ; htraitud .it 1 55 ; good ,
Spirits -J'irm nt I2jc.
Tar Steady at 2 00.
Cn'\n\Nii , 0. , June 211.
1'etroleum ( julet ; utanJaid white , 110 ;
est at liic.
Pliiluuelplila Prodnun.
PiiiLADUiriiu , June 2 ! ' .
Wheat-Firm at 1 371 1 10) ) for c sh
and , iune ; 125 ] ® ! 25 f for July.
Corn I'irm at 61 Jo for cash and June.
Oata Firm at C2c for < ith ; OK 02Jo lei
'line ,
Kyo 80o for cash ,
Btiil'.ilo Live Stnolt ,
E.wr Hi 1 1io , N. V , Juno -M
H > gu--Firm. ItecuiptH , 23 cain ; siiip-
nentH , 20 ; Yorkers , 8 O0'a,8 ; { 0 ; gojd me.
dlum weights , 8 10 ,8 M ) .
Toledo Proanca-
TOLKDO. Juno 21) ) .
Wheit-Firm ; No , 2 , 1 27 j furcuahj 1 27
or June ; 1 152 for July ; 1 Oil ' < > the year.
Corn Firm at 'OJo \ t cash and June ;
Co for July.
Oats .Steady ; No , 2 , 37Jc.
Buoklm'o Aruica SaJvo. I
The UKST SAI.VK in the world for Cu'i.
iruiioH , Soreo , UlterJ , S.dt Ithoum , IV
cr Here ) , Tetter , Chappc 1 Hands , Chil
jlaina , Corns , an 1 all skin eruptions , nn '
meltivoly euros Mm. Jt in guuronitod to
ivo Katlsfactfon or money relimd il ,
Vice , 25 cent * per box. Pur salu by I'
' . Goodman
} H | T fatu inoni , } amlonlcr Haltillrtitt fr > i n
Jf\Ll uiuoUilp | iranijitly l > y mil at tl.u
OHint iiowihlo uai > li iirlcu to oil woltrn iioln .
0 lu.Jm 'lYLEIl HAU'CO. , tiuiiuw
Farms ,
Lands ,
I'.oiut'.tiil Imllillni ; slti on Slicrnmn i\\cmio
H.lli etrcct ) eoutli ot roi > | > l < .ton'n nml J , J.
[ Irouii'n rfuMintcf tlio triu.t liclonj ; ! y to Si'iu
! or 1'AiUoclt for no mnti ) jure ticlnp
51 hot wist IronUen nti tliu nMium ,
In tr.itn 300 to 650 dot In ileplli ,
ruu liiir instnartt to tliu Umnhi > tSt. I'xnl U. U ,
Will ecu In strlpi ot to fiot or inoro frnntaia on
thcn > riiuo with lull il-itli | to llio rnllroiJ , will
cell tlio nbovununliout untctnw lliat inirclnvir
: iuy ilonlro. To imrtlcs wlio will agree to htillil
liouicsioftlnir 81'JCU niul unniknlilll xvli Ith
out nn ) injinotit ilowu foronojrnr , nml 5 to 10
cquil ainiuil ] ii ; limit * tlirrnfttr at 7 ) r cent
iut rist. To imttlos hcilonot Intciiil mjirav-
iag ImmcdH eiy will sill for cnu nlvtlulonn niul
r > iiiiil | ninuM injiucntstliircatt rt7 pcrcuit
IllCll'St ,
Cholou 4 ncro block In Hinlth'uruUlKloii nt ucnt
end of I'lrimm pltLCt lll vhc nnj length of
Ilino rniilicilnt | 7 per icn' Intcnwt.
Aha a uplcntll I lOncro lilock In HmHIi'H nJJI
thn on ( siiiio Illicml iLnnsna the fort i ; Inc.
N'o. 3U5 , llulf lot on Ituit nrar Mh street ,
? 7-0 (
No 301. Lo' on ISth Btro't near IViul , 81200
No 110. , Lot UOx O fut on IDtli , ninr
t\o 'Jill' ' , Ono quarter ncru on Hurt street , near
Dutton * M ) .
No 197 ! , T olotson Illondo tunr trcnoetrict ,
? 2fO nnd $300 enili
l > oUJl ( , T o lota on Gcor ln ncnr Michigan
Btrcit , 81'JOJ.
Nol95 , Tvuhu choleo ro-ldcnco loin on Ilamll-
: on ttnitln Shlnii's nddlHon , llnu nnd Ulitl _ ; >
$ i'
No VII I , llLnutlful 1ml f lot on 81. Mntj'a n\-
cnuo , SOxIBO Iut , liar Itisliop C'lnrli on'a and
.Oth etroct , $1500
iNo'J'JJ , H\u iliolia loin on Pnrk n uniio , tOx
IfO enih , on Btrtit rullua ) , $ 00 u.nh.
No U'Jl.Slx lots In JlllUrcl , S. Ca < iltMll'n mldltlon
on bhornmn AMIIIIU neit I'opiikton'u , .koto
{ IMtach.
NiU , Cliolco lolaoii 1'nrk nxciiuo nnd utrect
rar llnu on rend to 1'nrk , $4fn to $10JO i-ach.
iNo'Jb.ri , iie\cn ; lots on IkmMir and Irene
ttrcttH , nunr bainnlera Htrut , f I'fi to fl5C rich ,
.No US.1 , Lot on 10th nunr 1'nnl MriU. $750.
No Kl , Lot 50x110 fcctncnr 8t. Milt } 'atomic ,
niul 2 th btrnt , JI6UO.
No 271) , Lot on Dcintnrnenr Ircnu ktrcct , $325.
Noli'S , 1'iiirlolHoii LiiluMill , ninr Huuuilcrs
etreet , $501) oaih ,
No 270 , Loton Clinton etroct , ncnr ehot toner ,
512 ! . .
No 275 , Pour lota on McLclInn Btrcit , nor
[ Hondo , ltmrnn'u addition , $ i.5uich.
No 271 , i'lirco lots nuar rncu tonne' nmlio
oili rn.
No 08 , Itcnutltiil cormr lot on California
s rut , oppofltuandndjjli.lii ) ; buircd llcnitCon-
, .
No2lo , Lot onMn'ion , luir 15th xtrcet , $1,350
100 low In " ( 'r llt Koniier 'nnd " ( Imncl View'
additions , just honth uv.-t of U P nnd II .V M
i nllrond i ipotH , r in lni , ' from i50 to tlaOOincli
nnd on 11. t < nns
Iliintlfnl llisliknco Lots nt n liirtfafn M.rj
mill } to-IioH ] 'IliOto 250 i-ich , 5 pi r tout down
inlli piriintpir niuntli. Lnil nnd KitiUtnnd ]
'nlluitknlirt ) >
No 250 , Kuil corner lot on Jonca , Near Ifjth
btrict , S3.COO
No'JS.t , lualoti on Pouter ntrtct , ncir ; Cinu-
lnbtruet , SDOO for liotli or $500 cm h
No JSlj , Lot on howanl , ninr KMK ! strict ,
No 219 , Half lot on DoJije , ncnr llh Btroct ,
No 217 , 1'our lienutlfnl roslilonco lotH nuar
Cri iKliton Collit'o ( or nlll Htpnrnto ) $8,000.
No 210 , 'Iwo lotu on Cintir , nur Cunihi ) ;
strut , S400 i-aih
No 21U ] , on Idaho , mar Cumin , ' etriot ,
iif\o'/l6 , Ilcantlful corner ncrn lot on Cinnlnir.
iir 2Jutt < n btrcit , niar new Convent of Sacred
Uiutt , 31,60(1
No 214 , Lot on Tarnum , rirnr IHlIi etnit ,
No JU , Lot 00 lj ) 1JJ fo-t on Colc o strut ,
ninrSt Jluri's at unit , * 7UO.
No 241 , Lot on J'lununi , nour 2Gth etrctt ,
M)1IO ! , Ixit ( ' ( ) In 9'J foit on toutli a.enuu ,
mar M .11011 ntrivt , $050
No2JI ) , Corner lot on Hurt , near 22d Btrcit ,
$ J,3l)0
No JJ8. 120\13J 'e-t o i Ifarnuj , mar 21th.
btriitulUntlt ! up ) 2,400.
Nn 2JI , I/K on Dou la * Btruit , ninr 25th ,
SSOO.No 2 , ) ' Lot on I'lur strict , near fccunrd ,
No 227 , Two loUonDiuUur , luir Irino ftrcct ,
r.o tii. Lot 143 b ) 411 fiet on Shcr'nnn n\u
ni-u ( lltli bt ill ) , ma Umiu , $2 400 , will dlvldo.
No 22U , I ot LJil.rct on ludu ) , mar Uth
bill it , Illlko 911 Illlir ,
No2i7 , Ixjt nn Jrd ncarClarir , S'OO ,
t\o J10 , Lot on llaiiillion mar Milk' , < fJ03.
No 2JV ) , Lot on IHth ttnit , mur MihoIaH
f.WJ.No 207 , Two lota on 10th near I'ailllc ntrut ,
J1.500 ,
No 201 , Iloautlfnl nsl lento lot on DMalon
Btruut , ninr Cuinln , ( JIOO
No 1UJJ Lots on 15th Btrcit , mur IMirie ,
t < XX ) .
No I'J l , Loin on .SaunJus Dlrnt , neir Siw-
aril $500.
Nolult , THO lotion L'2d , near Oraiu strcit ,
( 300.
Nell > 2j'JVn lota on 17th utnct , ninr wliltc
NolbHi , Unu full lilock tin lota , near the
barrnil , * IOH
No 1U1 , Lota on I'arkir , Btroot , ncnr Jruiu
JWU.NolHI'Tno lots on Caw , near 21 t Btrcit
( Kilt tdKo ) , ? UOOj.
Ao IhO , Lot on I'lcriicar hi ward , JCW.
No 170 , Ixii on i'ailllu strut , near 14th ; make
oltcr.No 1UG , Six lota on Karnain , mar 21th etriit ,
$ . ' ,100 tu ,8W inih
.So 10J , I nil lilotk on 2tli Htrriit , near race
lourno , aril thno lots In Ul u'4 addition , mar
haumlirc nnd Caainm BtniU , $2OoJ ( ,
No 127 , lot on btn btiuit , mar hl1 lead
ttOlkd , $523
.No 122 , 123x132 fiet ( J lots ) on 18th utriit ,
mar I'oppliion'ii , tl.dW ,
NollJ , Jhlrlj lull at ru lota In MllUrd & Ca | .
dnill a ad Jltlonn on tniirmari atnuv , Kprlnj ; and
K aratOa | ; Btruita , near tliu ind of green btrcit
! ar track , $ i50 to { 1,300 uu.h
JJubU , l/t on Chicago , mar 22d etiect ,
* l,8i/J
NaBd , Lot on Caldwcll Btrcet , ntnr SaundirB ,
$300.No 80 , Corner lot on Chnrliu , .nmt Baund
dim utriet , $700
No 75 , 0'A3'2 ' fut on 1'acini , ovar btti Btriot
No CO , Itfhtecn lota on 21st , 22d , 21 J Mid
dauudin Btriita , mar ( Jraco and UuuUna utrivl
l/rld e , f500 tnth
No 0 , One fourth hloik ( ISOxiar fiet ) , near
ho Commit of I'oor Claire , on Hamilton atreit ,
mur thv iud of the rod atreit car tMik , IUVJ
Ifith und Douglas Stretit ,
Mining and Milling Company.
- , , . . . . . . . . . Jl.COO.OOC
. _ .
Pat Value ot blmc * , - - - - - t25OC
UK , J. I. HIOMAS , rrralJent , CiitnmlM WyomlnR.
\\M K TILTON , Vlce-Prcsldcnt , Cummins ,
K. : ' . IIAH > \ ODD. flccrcUtj , Cuirnilit , ' } 0mlnp.
A. 0. LUNK ( TrfMurct , CummtnTjotuln
Ol. J. t l.oula Miller W. S llrn-ncl A , 0. Dunn.
K N llntwood. Ktuncls l.nncns. ( Ito. II. P&loa. L l Zolmkn ,
Dr J. 0 , WMkliu ,
nolSmcSm tlKO. W KKNOAU. , Authotlip < > Aircut lot Sile ol Stock ! IV <
Invites the attenlionof the public
to his
it-ff I
EmbracingaI : ! the late pat
terns in everything in
the Carpet Line.
Mattings , Oil Cloths and window Shades ,
In large quantities , and always
at the Bottom Prices.
1313 Farnam Street.
\Vhero jou can lin } jour Honso Fiiriil lilnj ; ( loads In one | ilac , nd Bavo money OolBR so
1 Iintu n Inrifo neaortment ol medium priced
Furniture , Stoves , Crockery ,
It Hill liii In jour Interest to ace ma before. ) on Invest your nionuv cljowhorc , ns Honscliold Oooi
H my Spoil iH ) .
1318 Douglas Street- Opposite Academy of Musio-
Goods Delivered Frco of Charge. JuMy
The Oldest Wholesale and THE LEAKING
* vy n v j
in Omaha. Visitors can here IN THE WEST I
General Agents for the
find all novelties in SIL Finest and Best Pianos and
VER WARE. CLOCKS , Organs manufactured.
Rich and Stylish Jewelry , ) ur prices are as Low as
Eastern Manufacturer
he Latest Most Artistic any
, ,
and Dealer.
and Choicest Selections in Pianos and Organs sold
PRECIOUS STONES and for cash or installments at
Bottom Prices.
all descriptions of FINE A SPLENDID stock of
WATCHES at as Low Pri Steinway Pianos , Knabe
ces as is compatible with Pianos , vose & Son's Pi
honorable dealers , Call anos , and other makes.
Also Clough & "Warren ,
and see our Elegant New
Sterling Imperial Smith
, ,
Store Tower
, Building , American Organs , &c. Do
corner llth and Farnham not fail to see us before pur-
Streets : hasinp.
Large Stock Always on Hand ,
1309 Farnham Street.