JLJiLU JL/JL1L.UJL &OCX The Only Exclusive Wholesale Hardware House XMBT.JEJ 1108 AND 1110 HARNEY STREET. OMAHA . NEB. J. S. WHOLESALE - - BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER -AND DEALER N- Wall Paper and Window Shades 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb. & Wholesale Lumber , In , MOB larnkin Strent. Omaha , M THE MOLINE STOVE Manufactured by Thcnnko a specialty of COOKING STOVES , ityl hue this tear pl.voJ In the lunrKcl . , nrof theMOir KCO.NOM G AND M > > T < \l ISKU.TUUV STOVEScicr iivuli They makelota PIMn and extension top , and i-unranUo , nil thur jpoJi 'ihe tiji-utsi forthuionijun } are. P1ERCY & BRADFORD , . -DEALU'.S IX- ? 3" ers IWC JO * . JXT .E1 33 ! E. S3 , GRATES , RANGES , STOVES , HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , Etc. 1211 FARNAM STREET. OMAHA NEB T rO 'PT 5 * ( 7 * " " . * - Jri i sr * = - ORCHARD & BEAN , | J. B. FRENCH & CO. , O A R P ETS IG | R OOERIES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN w. .Lath , Shingles , SASH , DOOES , ELIPS AND MOULDINGS , 15bh and Cuming Sts. OMAHA , NEB RHGIiTRATIONL'ST , THIRD WARD. Adann .1 0 Al l C G A n pell i B Albticht U Allen C A Austin Cliai II Atkinson AloT Adam FrankJK Arnold lohn Agan Patrick Atideison .IAS w AyorsKH Able Alfred Aycra Gee 1) Archibald Uochie Adler Alexander Audeii wm .1 Adama Henry Anderson Gee Amtin Henry Arnold .1 > hn Adams Valentino Ainscow 15d A tilts 0 .1 Atidrus Phillip Arnolds P Atnlin .tohn Ashley ( eo Able Albert Allen D.uiiel B Avery Henry .1 Alexander Chailes Arn Il win S Androy Hanunond Adiims .lohn Alexander Henry Allison .lolin Anderson Richard U.inkes Chas Bass N D Bpntty wm B.xty .1 icobs Beatty S.imuol Herry Luke Berthnld Henry Dernstein A M Billing iiicob Bloom Simeon Bowman Sanford Bristol i as Brockmati Peter Jlushey John Bycrs .lohn M Bnrko Geor o Brnbecker M B B.iker Charles Boy lea A'f rod L Brisks Edward R Burnos Gee Burke Chaa E Bates Robert Bmdalcy Seth M Boyd .useph 0 Bratton win Bowman Rilph Barry Ed-vard Burnotto Lorenzo Birb'or Henry Burke Thos Bain Gee Blnkoly Arthur Biyle John Borden Andy Bounitra .lurien II Bon man D.ivid H Byerie Sylvester Boohl uernor HorgKnm John Bomdoiir Louis Brown Clias K Bishop w S Haduer w Baldwins C Bossheitncr L Bunco Chaa T Beevley Sylvester Byum wm P BeindoillOtto BcHtidorll Chaa liiiechle Adolphe Benton Diuiiel S Burton Benj K BiMvon Jerry Brechbeler John Blend Clarence N Becker Henry Brewer Batish Black Alexander Becht Max Bell 'Ihomas Beir Fred Brijrgs .1 imos L Brigijs Arthur Hongol F G BloodsonM W Brauge L G Buford Chas H Brooks Clias 1' Bolm Presion Burrow H A Brtisaoll Joseph By era John Bridgorm 51 Bnrt JI A Brunncr Morris Box Henry Bragu Bj ron Benekv Gustavo Bow Patrick Braddy John Bcnhard J Bradford Lewis I Batto .100 Brown Al Bunco J is w Bangillion Clias Brown Randall A Benson L Boruio Lewis Burdiek Jl Beaumont Lawis Butterlield win Brannon Mike Barrett Jitues Beg Gotlcib Ballard .iimci Baldaiif Chas Burke Edwin Barry Samuel M Buerger Lewis Brninols Peter Barry Edmond Baldauf Sharpy Brij s P I Braddy .limits Bush Ebenezer Binder Pat Bishop E G Blown S Brown Gee Ikiurs .1 .1 Ballinger Miner Bothwcll S C Byerly Sylvester Bushman II II Bargin John Buidcah Richatd Bar in wm 13raddy James J5utts E L Urough Theodore Bond Callaway T BartlettoDH Berry John Bacholcino .Tohn Butts Gee Beubonulc Albert Brown Frank Barbur Homy Boale John Beule Henry Barland James Butt--riicld Ch .1 Breckenridi < o R v Brown D.uiiol C Burr James Biowu w Allen Brown John J Bowers L A Brayton F B Bergiuest ( G B CummingaMerrick Chase C S Cluir .lolin ClincJohu Custer David C Carroll .Mines CJiirk .lohn Cotter James Clark.lohn T Collins Gus Connolly John Charles .1 unes S Carleton C C Colemnn C E Callaway U Canticld John S Clair .1 ames Critchliohl A .1 Cunneon M Crawford .1 C Caawford LI II Campbell S S ( J irtor E B C.irjenter R w I'imp William Crawford I'.it C Cannnrcniunca Carpenter E E Crane G E Conant U T Curry It D Ohndttickl'M lUnunmizmd A Crawford w C Cooper U. C Carpenter II F Jrnno W.illaco Carnall .1 Divrtwell M ichael Clmpimin .1 G Sockcloy Pat Cummings .1 j J.innoll Dennis Collins Tunis .1 polo Walter Cut-tin R w Joopor G Cassady Carlisle Jhaso C Clem Carlton M II 3.irnes Joseph Currier F F Uarnoy .i.une.s Canon Fred Campbell J w Collins Dan Jadwoll Gee P Carroll Patrick 3arponter A B Canliold G Jane . M Crimm Max /co Fred Chipman J B Culver Edwin ! larko Benj E Cecil w V 'lay Henry Collins .1 S 3ary Tat Clarke A' E 'onnolly .ias Coitc-llo Miz Vinway M B Carey Aug 'asteello M Cavanach .1 'oon jcihu Cundwell M -'harlcH Wm C C'hbmbors S .1 'assora ' Wm G Condonyor Aug iarjio'itor M Gownaly Peter 'omoford i II Carpenter A .1 'ostcr A Cokoly Con Jaroy P A Campbi'lt A ( ' 'arnoy ' w A 'aroy Louis ( Jail Danld 'ardiii/rhoinas Connelly ICd loiter Tliomas L'obutt Thomas 'oatlo Mike Costallo Janus Jarroll Jim C'aso Wm II 'oopor Clms F Conies B G IhrutianaottOloG Cromwell Hornian looloyll If Chirk Robt 'onnell James Costcllo Richurd ! olo3on .lolin B Chapoll6 Joseph La Hark Thoa N Craig Steward hllon D Dusold John ) onohue i . Dolono Fred ) ucroes Victor Dauachor Chaa ) aniel ( i L Davis T J ) avis Frank Dalan Win Durocher John ) urfer ( 'hauncoy Dowdell Peter ) avis Gee Daugherty Pat ) yer .iaa A Duwitt A J ) ontzer P F Deland Jas F > unahuo C'has Delaney Pat Jessept j N Donavan Michael ) avib \ \ m A Davis Djualaa A ) urvcnt Ed Delono F X ) roxel J C Demrey M > rauh J I' Dick&oii Alex > unnelly Richard Dalton b I' ' lohlo Henry Dai ling C E luiiohuo S R Di mian Thos Won I'M Denisey Peter > roac-ael Ralph Davis Luvi ) ouglan Isaac Dillon Frank > ickeoa w 13 Doxtur W II Frank Adolph Fisher Chas Fisher ,1oo Flynn Tlios Fortouch Paul Farrell MS Flynn John No 1 Fisher T E Foster Clms Feony i II Ford Andrew Fro nan Andrew Foster A G Frotwoll 1) S 31 Forber Uiuory Forbes mines Frank John Fink C w Floyd K G Flynn mo No 12 Ford Patrick Fisher i .1 Fisher Godfrey Flynn Gee 11 Funk Clms K Ferguson Henry Fitzgerald Morris Foley Michael Ford" Win H Fisher lohn Fiumorle ? Fred Flary Michael Franck sacob Festner Fiod C Festner Julius T Faron Wm Foster Thos G Flem Wm Prow an John J Fonda \ \ m A J'lory Miclmol Flick Cima Fnron Phillip FJock Thee r'oistick Jjhn I'.iy Pot or I'Vsjs ' : Chas N Flannery P Fisher Emil Fostner Clias Fisher John Flynn MS Fitzpalnck Hugh Frost L H FleigloJlI Frony Adolph Festner tosoph Farou Phillip Farrell B G Feathoi stone W 1 Fanborg Peter Fox .1 unes Gruonig Win GntitoValentin Gamier Gee GtihtapliRon S V Guthrie R C Gallagher IV Gilligiin Put Greene Winston Gorster Gee G.unblo W R Gtihccno Micnacl Greene C.\hin V Green August Grilliu I ) A Green Robt George K U ( Jotheinier Phillip Gish Elias Grebe llonry Sr Grebe Henry , ir Grebe Louis Gcisslemau II V Glyn R T Glyn Pat iX Groar Ralph Grace .1 iseph ( ireen G W George Pat Galligan Wm IL Grace Martin Gill .1 31 Get Key Ili-nry Gorman P .1 Gillespii' lohn Grow Clms Greene i C Greed Clms R G.irdnoi Sum Gitnblu Adam Gotleib Esah Garber John Giiim P A Goroy Dennis Googos H 10 Giivan P A ( Sarvcy Danuis ( ijrmnn Pal r GroMa Gee Gtllespio J jhn Grotwald llonry Grennor G Garrasau L'hil 1 Gunnigan J.is Gutun Albir * . Grebe Thee Groschill 0 S Gable G B ( Jlavin lohn Gunnel ! Lewis Greener Goo Green Goo Gorman Ed Gamble John A Grilliith Evans i Gleason Michael Hertake Fred Hcizog Gee Hey Joseph Hornberger Iloiirj Hughea wm B II01 an 'oseph ' Hendorfon wm Ilondeiaon C w Hitchcock w R Huck Louis Haverly Delanco Hobeit ' 11 Hucless Frank llogan C 1 Ilutchinson Jas Howard Thos B Hartson P M' Ilonriunn Chan iroJlnian J W Hnrt Leo Hoist S W lleyr Gee Mooner Matt lluba Jacob Hefner Joseph Hawkins T L Hebrocht L Hunt Gee Hurley John E Hertzman Philli ] Ilayden Matt H Howard Richard ! Howell win H llumphroy w n Hoyt Robt C Horneby E M. Harrison Oliver Hicks Liuf Holmes Henry Harris Peter Halbert John S Hennoy Enoch Hunt Alon/.a B Hall win G llofmoistor Henry Hiinloy Chas Hunt Albert B I linen Patrick Holland Phillip S Ilenshaw Horace Holuman F C Hitchcock A A Heniinger Christ Heyer win Higby lohn C Hey 11 Guo llaealy Henry Hyde Harry w Holler Francis T llenrichs John Llasae Aui ; HartO L Llndiiold Danl B Harrison Oliver [ lartman Chris lluth Fred Llalen Joseph Hill Low w llogan Patrick Hillbourn Lewis [ loadloy Gee Hillock James B ilavons Tlios C Ho.in John lousman John Harrington F C Innnan C Fn II filler John ifoybrccht Luwls Hetzel Gee w * Jouse wm Harris Herman lamann Timothy Harper R n labig Clias A Hodges 1' ' S lowe H a Higgiim James lurley Clias Harria 0 F 1 arris F A Hartshorne E S lonry Pat Hatroth P lelman Peter IlarrmFH lensel 1'rnnk Haipater .1 w lout nenry Hanlon Thos lamlin Jay , ) Honk era A O lughcfl I'at Hafuy Path loglu aolli. ) E Hammond A < lall Matt Harrington Gee lownrd John Ilaiiiiifin I\lorrJH \ lumphroy E K Hannan Joseph lunter J R Hunter B w Ijll L w linger w J ligky ii H Hull win lobart .1 n Heiisingcr Chris lakes M Hanlon Cornelius lines Pat Harkin waiter lill Thos Harris F n Hamann Caraten lulslcy Leo Heyn Lnuia laVrii E A 11 ay lies C lealoy M rwin Gee Inskeep Chas rvinu Jas Itvino James a rving Washington Irvine H T ohnson Mathew Jaisli John ardimi j B Jones Muses ounan Thos Jerdinu w J udaon n M Jordan Pat ohnson John Johnson D H ackaon ( ieu S Jones Rnbun P urdinu Thoi F Jett A G ardine Walter S Jarral Henry phnson JIM ] 'j JuJlrica Henry H ones wm R Johnson Martin ohiiBon win Johnuon 0 J ohiison Sunnier JackBon L amen E L Johnson j allies John A Johnaon And P acoba Henry 0 Juliand w L ones nenry Juhnton jonu E onus w K 3 [ end Chas w Miller wm 1C Matthews wm O jMoiris Ed T Morris Jas Mentor C .1 Mavnchan A E Money John Mullen T F Morrow Pat Moiuhan P Moran lohn Martin Christ Mnguo Harry Mojora H B Mwiach w w Hl'Ciison wm MifjraneTG iMejers Julius Mmirer Ed Mujer Alux M M. i dleson Ljuis Jlorriaon Kainuel idiloH J'obt Marahall M M Miller Ed Melkcr lohn L Muicy Hnrmon Miller II C Meehan Frank Miller Gee MiMaer wm B Miller win S Max is ell John E Morran .ias E iMi'rritt Jos Morgan Richard Montgomery Jus Mover Andrew Mills Klaimtlum Muel Fred Milton Oacar P Mitchell Henry J Merkt Chas Merritt John Miill.in Huuh Monow Jas E Murphy P N Madden i w M ayerj Uaac B Miller win K Mans John H Mat.m Frank Miller Sarin Merrium Ches N Miller Gee Miller John Meyer Maiity Montgomery C Mocker C H Maloy Pat Mossberg Andrew Moler Chas Murton Jas Meyer A Miller A Meyers Gus Muck John Mack , MH Mi rrol John G Mauus B G Miller Ed w Miles John M.iran win II Manis A D Munay Thos Maran DC Mataon J D Miller C A Morris D.ivid Miller S A Meyer Henry Murton lasT Moran Juhn Morns T Miller John Mitchell win Miller O ( i Miller wm K Manna P Martin G w Murry Pat Mitchell Thos Madden John Malloy.Pat Mulholland Hugh Mullhollaiid Frank McCiine win Mullhollaml Tlios Mulligan Pat Murphy J .1 Murton Saml A MathciHcd Neils Megoath Chas 0 Miller Gee P Meyer Nicholas McGuiru Beinard McKee w E MclJiJiialil juhn McCarthy Aleck McClurc E A McNish win McMamiB Hugh McGuireThos McMahon S McCann McCarthy Tini McMulIen John ( McKamara Fr MoKennn w J McNabb Dann McMiIlen Thos B McCartny Mike McCartney Alex McGuinn wm McClnro Harry McClelland A Mc-Gentry M iko McAllister Jis McDurmott Mike McDuvitt Edw McNamara Fr McUiino'wm McKenna w j McGinn Bernard McNabb Daniel McDonald luhn McMillin Thos B McKee w E McCartney Mike McCartney Aleck MiicDonough J1' M McCartney Jas F McKcnxio jas I1' McMahnn Michael McMiIlen Neil McDonul Dan McCarly Jas Ucliiian wm McM anus Hugh UcCluro Harry M'ctiwin Tiioa \IcClelland \ Ale.v MeMahond Sev VIcJenlry ( Anth'ny McCallistor MS McCarthy Tim McMulIen John McGuckin D L McDovitt Edw Murray Thos Moore John Martin Pat Murtliur I'Jd McMiihon L McClolliin w S McXaloy Pat MclCinney R C McSlmno F J McGarr Frank McCartylohn II Jaa Uurlin Anthony S'olan .u * t Nicholas Benj I Sichola.rolm A 1 Nichols lolin I 1 S'ouiiioyurlleniy Neligh Jas J s'olim John Ncabit John I1 STeir P 11 Nugent J ( j s'uunmti Henry Niohills w s'olan lames J1' 2 Nicliola Benj 2 Nichols John A--2 Neil Hli'iii 11 s'ugont lohn J Nash John w s'orthu Peter Nodor Andrew \UHUII ) lohn Nesbilt John F 'ichols John J 2 JS'ash wm F Clms NoviiiH Chris .I.UIll'H Nichol lames J Nugent lohn N 2 Nelson Peter \elson John B Norton .1 s'ewton John Nicholas j \ornmn Peter Nugent .MS H \orthrop L 0 > lsi'ii Edward Olcott j w ) lendirll Gee w O'Meara Frank VJlerron wm O'Coiinull Tun 1 ) 'Coniior vohn / Ottmann Morris E > wens john w O'Horron John ) 'Goimoll O'Connoll Tim O'Brien Peter Oakley 0 car J Osmer Martin O'Brien Potcr-2 G Connor John-2 O'Brien K A Oats James Osborn Simpson O'Meara Chas O'Donovan O M O'Connor Tim O'Brion D.iniol Porter .1 P Petersen Liwrrnco Powers Michael Pugh Fred II Potter dins A Preston w T Parkinson w A Peckhnm w H Pinkham Jaa K Pioor Archibald Points John S Paulson Chris Plnmmer C J Pcjtm wm B Peniiis Aleck Piitteraon Geo-1 Pills Aug Pnnna E N Prince Solomon Porter J P Powers Edmotul Picknrk .1 A Preston Win r Preston wm T-2 Peary Henry M Popi'rksrd wm Potter Chas A Prtrrish Mart H Plumer T G Parr Michael Parker Slither A PortiT.i.is A Plumb win w Peterson Gee Putnam Nat B Pickard Eugene Parr I lonry S Pitcher Remhard Penny Humphrey Potter Albert .1 Petty lohn Ptiiirick Henry .1 Pet ry Nil Putty w R Patterson Goo-2 Patterson .1 E Paspiahel Adolphe Petersen S Phelan T Pickard .lolin Padden Clms T Parr Gee N Pinknoy Edw C Pearce F H Praas win Preston .MS E Powell George Prtino win T Pen-in Alex Prichard Jos Points Frank Peter w T Peabody Goo E Price MS Raniqo John Robinson T M Ruiulow Aug I'oaa .iiilnm Rishal S 11 Uiloy E K Reed wm Rhooy H Riley Will 11 Rogew w C Redden John Rogers A B Riclt Thoi Reeves John Rothchild L Riley s w Rogeis win Riley A Ricksbaugh M 1C Kodgoia 1) F S Riley H A Hannoy Jos Ruddy Chas A Rull'FL Ro'/enweig A R'lynor w H I\oberts win Russell Ben 0 Rus'.onwoig A Reynolds C B Richard Henry Richard John Rainge Murtin Ucdljold Jon B Richardson F Kobinaon J N Reesman Fred Iteeao Jas-t Retb N Reed wm F Hufues. . F Reese .iaa-2 Reese win Ptothhly Julius Rice Win F Rowly Clias Rujro Oacar Roaelield J Rothhly Max Risdon M R Renkler F B Rive wm F Redlield Joainh Kiubo Fred Ronch F Raum Thomas Rankin Gee E liowe Charles Ryan Dennis J { yan John P Rico Fred tiidford Orlando Rice Henry taniBoy D L Ryan Timothy voynoldH w Rtordan wm tucho E B Schurilch Louis Schnllor Fred Solomon N 1 i ? Schiilt ? C D SwnKlnnd E Sturgis .1 B SuMiii'f B Schaland C Sigwart A T Itanium Berimul Stepheanon S Studon Dan Stnnberry Byron Sorensen Al SnuwdiMi A B Stantii .1 N n Saunders Price Smith A c Sheppard J E Shelan Michael Scnrnwobher win Scott C H Smith Gee F Slattarly j E Sparks w R Stowait Ed Swart/ Sam Smith John A Sutchnut w 0 Sage Itoainvell G Smith .1 D Sclialler I'rank Shoioll C 5cliinbarker ! . ) a Smith Cyrus Sharol Fred Snyder D C Stirman C C Saxman Philip Schopp M. P Starnsdorf J Schlegal Alex Sehcrer Fred Sicrt Henry Stundon Dan Sombler Albert Sheppard J i : Sliaf Fred Shropsliiio .1 s Sheppard D P Stober Sam Schiiolar Win M Sclmllz Aug Spona Conrad Schmidt Schmid Goo Splitt Chaa ichrocder U T Swilstur Win Star J w Severe Julius Sevens Robert Sylvanus T R Sims Etank Sanders W 0 schintz Frank Sgar Jos jywart ( iiio Spear Fred lyjins I1' L Shill Gustavo linitli S M Stulo S A loppin A iSchijipocit Aug chneider Ed Scott Thos W trickier J Schalank Adolph Stem Fred Sellthink C Spptnmn S A Sway Frank Shiller Jacob Schuiitzborger C Sullivan JamoH Shield ) ! Hugh Sundorf Al Shatter Conrad Schmidt Herman Stoneatroot J 11 Shaw Chaileti Schoelpler John H Sap Peter Siner M Ktebbons Alex G Shoppmaii S H Standman Win Sa lerer Morris Shields John H Stinman Clnui Schwnncer Lewis Smith A B Sorrinson Pat iSinytho C I Kcabright Henry Swygart ( M Speed 0 S iShropnhiro K , C ' Sohafl'ur Oharlt's C Hunk'Sanioul Sclaudn Alex H Sniythe C 1 Slehephan August StimuierH Wm Sheppard D P Shodo A Sullivan D H Sciihiioi F Smith Sam Stover Fred Smith H Shatter George Scliiuitx. Jobn I Smith David Sobio William I Smith J i Saftarom August Sullivan .1 Shields J H Schirck John Scanlan Chan W Schnudor Philip Smith Jas 2 Spigle Henry Stein Paul 1' ' ' Sorel Archillo Sheolo G F Stotonberg Peter Shiinnon Bernard Sill John Sahler John n Still Lea Swigcutt .1 i , Stanton I'at Schleckt Jacob Tucker John h Tliouipaon Chas Taft CluiH Thomas Henry ThompHon L A Tiomann Auguattm Turpin Xick Titoman John Toihon .lusojih TroHuin Rudolp 1 Timm Milton F Tolls JamoH 1 Thompnon Jonaa Trimblo Gee Thomas J Wm Tiwird Ricliard I Tuthill ( Joe P Taylor 'fhoa W Tucker mini it. Trosain Rudolpli-2 Taft Chun ThomiiR Hcniy Thompson Loon A Troinaine August Tiiyn'.or i Jin I Tronivetti Th N Tilfonl Anhford Tuttlu John M Tracy iJ Tisard Richard TJioinpson C W Tannia Milton F Tolls .ia - 2 Thompson .iau Trimble Cioo Tliomas John TV Thomiison G 10 Thresher Frank Throckleokor .1110 ThompoU Win riiniiiBon ( > C Traces P J Thashor Frank1 Taylor Julius .1 Tarponing Lpman Turner Wm Tymaii Peter Taylor Joseph Thionu H j Toleson Oliver L Tliomau Frank L Traverse John Urlau Fred Wm J Uncles F Ji Van Orman Justin Voss Henry Van Crman H Voley Nicholas Vottkopf John Vandcrson Wm Vindqucst Saul .T Vandoborc LII Vondoran Furgus Vcnstrand Peter Vindnuest Sam I Vancy Wm H Vanes F V Wockbabk Michael Wirth Edw Willie Christian WeckbccklGus Warner win C \Vron Theo Wolfe J din N Wolfe Lewis w- WeistE-lwin B Wert/ John T Wostlako .MS w Wittlgg Etl Way .MS w Whitney Chas M7 Wilcox John F Winii Patrick Windham Peter Waygold Gee A Wchrcr Charley Waugh win V Woolf Isiac Williams P J Wakellold i A Wampiter Christ Waistra .lolin WardF Wingucat C J White Chn * IC Wasiberg Andrew Watson 3 D Willard Hairy Wirtz Thos Witkoll John Wirtli Fred Williams Ira Wolfe Joseph T \\ablesP R Wilkio Davik White w B Wihnn C F 1C White G w Welsh John Winslow J 11 Wildrodt Henry F Walls Thoa S Warchtor Frank Womack w D Wickman John Wagner Ert Wooll sacob Womplo C H Willo Aodlph Wallace John Weaver A Yost Chaa A Yates Daniel Yotum F W Soitnn ACIIII.I.K , Registrar Third Ward. Viiihlo Iniprovomoiit. Mr. Noah Hntec , Kliuirn , N. Y. , writes : "About four yeais ago 1 had an attack of blliuiiH foxcr , and never fully rcco\cred. Mydi(08tiv0 ! ( meatis ivoic weakened nud I would lie completely prostratcil for days. After mini'tuo ImtlU'H of your .Burdock Dlood Ititti-rs the iiiiprovcinent wns so vis ible tlint 1 wns iistnintlii'd. T can now , llioiiuh it ) yonn of ngi > . ilo a fair and rea- HiinaliKilaj * woik. " 1'rice ยง 1 00. - FOR - CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORKBOSTON , , And all Poluts Cast nnd outli.East. TIIKIjlNiCOMI : > llI3KS Nonrli1,000 inllea Ho'.id .Smooth 8toul Truck ) All cciiiii-ctlniii nri ) inn lu in UNIOS DbPOTS. Il IIH a National Reputation M bclnv tha Great Through Car Line , nml It unlvonally con , iileil to liotho FINEST CQUIPPCD Hall- rend In Hid world for nil classes of trucl. Try it and you will llnd tmcllii , ? a luxury Instta'i ' of a 'll comfort. 'IhrouKli TkketmU rhln Culeb toIUno ( or .iu at all olllc.cn lu tlio Woxl. All tntoituntlon about Hat ol Furr , Hooping Car AeocmmoJitlous , Tlnio 'lublos , tic. , will ho ihocrluHy KlvL'ii liy atiiiUlnlnc to T. J. POTTER , 2U Vli-u-rrut't A Oen. Mana < crCblc. > ( { 0. PEnClVAL LOWELL. Clou. I'uiMeiivi > r Ait. Cblca/0 , W. J. DAVKNI'OIIT , ( ien Ak'unt , Council Illufts. K. 1' . DUKLL , llc.kc.-t .Aut. omaha. niorn-i'd Ij 1839 , SHORl UHE , 1830 , KANSAS CITY , 19 T1IV o.ic I Direct Line lo dl1. LOUIS ANDTJIEKAoT 1'Voio Omaha and the Wonc. All triliu lcr.vc ) ! ] IL M. Depot , Onmlii : Ifnb. o ch n/u of cj licit ivcen Omiti * tmtai. iu bill orjo lu't con OMAHA aJ KBW VORK. assenger Trains HCIIH ILL WEOTKRN CITIES nUh LK3 CiAIUlEd nd IN ADVANCEDML ( H'HUIl UNf.S rnttte line la ociuipuod with allann I ' l rn Kic'ir.in Cats , 1'aUco tuyCoKhrr.lllller'l t'ctj J'imlurm and Coupler , nd the colobrited ' -brnko. tffhvv I hit your ticket rc .l VIA nANSAB : | JV , oT. J03KPU U COU.NC.'L BLUFra IUI1 nJ , T lit. Jontph ud St. Laula. lUtuVi lur ulu M U couiion atttloot lu Ibi V 'i . J. K. IIAKNAUD , V. DAV/Kb , Oen. Uupt. , 81. Joxeph , Mo , ' Oen Pfciu , itnd Ticket A't. , St. Joseph , Ho. AH or BOHDIM , Tlclat AKnol , \V. . KB T'SZ 13 EEB.EBM Ivlurray & Lanman's Best for TOILET. BATH and LANDKERCHIEF.