THE DAILY BEE : FJRIDAY , JUNE 30 1S82. GREAT SALT LAKE , Some of the Peculiarities of this Wonderful Inland Sou. Jtn AtlvantnRoi ni n Snnltnrium it the Konrt of the Roclilo * Affording the Finest Bnttilnfc on tlio Continent of Amorlcn. Ono of the wonders of Utah is thrt of the Great Salt Lake. In the ( Scoat JJasin among the mountains of tno backbone of America , is this inland sea , having no outlet , and yet afford ing n dwinngo for n sdopo of country larger than some of the states in the east. ITS AIIKA. At present the lake occupies n space equal to 15,000 aipiaro miles. Th6 greatest length is ninety- three miles , while the greatest width is forty-three. Several largo islands rise to great heights nbovo the surface , the largest of which is over thirty miles long , and in the widest place about twelve miles across , and it is mountainous in its character , with streams of water foicjd by springs and drainage , flowing through the ravines and canyons. On this island , which is called by the name of Antelope or Church Inland , ranchmen have raised herds of horses , cattle and sheep upon the rich land found there. The other islands , of which there arc several , are small , and inhabited only by loons and sea-gulls. Tliuiu are in such numbers that in hatching seasons , the rocks and sands of these small islands are covered with eggs. This largo body of water contains moro saline matter in solution thun that of any similar lake in the world. With the numerous fresh water streams entering the lake at various points , there is considerable difloronco in the percentage of nalt hold in solu tion , but in the main body of the lake the water is simply a sea of brine. The fresh waters after emptying from the mountain alrcnmn is through the .action of winds distributed over the lake , and thus receives its quantum of salt. The average How is estimated at (1,000 ( cubic feet per minule , a quantity suHicicnt to cover the lake in one year to a depth of10 inchcH. This 5a kept down alone by evapora tion , so that the lake from year to year remains about the Bami . In spring the molting snows of the Wa- satrh and other mountains Till all the streams and send such vant iunntities | ot water to the lake that it risen from one to two feet , SAI.INI : The sprint rises overflow the low lands of the shore , and in receding , during the summer , theao lands be come covered with salt through do- pDsit and crystallisation. This salt is a source of wealth of which wo n ill hereafter apeak. The greatest depth of the lake , as far as is known , is sixty foot , and the bottom is quite uniform and free from uiievennens. While the waters of the ocean contain only about 2 per cent salt , that of Great Salt lake various from 15 to 21 per cent , averaging nearly ana-fifth in bulk. This lake exerts a vast influence upon the climate of this valley. 1'J.EASANT UllSOlVr. It docs much in making this Great , Basin the most pleasant habitation , in point of freedom from disease and agreeableness of climate of any portion tion of our country. In the winter the latent heat of the water uiJs in preventing extreme cold , while in the summer it absorbs the heat and helps cool the atmosphere , BO that our climate Is not subject to great ex troines , r.ATIIINO UKSOHTM. As a great summer bathing rcnurt , there is nonu better. During the summer season the \vatorbocomc.i warm , and makes an agreeable and in vigorating bath , which is taken advan tage of by thousands , not only as a Hourco of enjoyment , but for the euro of chronic and other diseases , for which ithas proved vorycllicacious. At Lake Point , Black Rock and Lake Shore ample provisions have been made for the accommodation and com fort of bathers , and during the pust season , which was a very short one fully UO.OOO baths wore taken. Lake Shore is located fifteen miles north of this city , and is reached by the Utah Central railway , which , dur ing the bathing season , gives epucially low rates for excursion tickets , The grounds have been fitted up with drou aing rooms and other conveniences and Lake Shore is rather a pleasant place to visit and enjoy salt bathing. But the most extensive bathing is done at Lake Point , Blade itook and Garfield Landing , three places located together at tlie point of the mountain , twenty miles west of Salt Lake City. COMBJU'LATKll IMPUOVKMKNIH , All theao places have lately boon purchased by the Union Pacific folks , who own the Utah it Nevada railroad. The purchase was made at eucli a late date that there will bo no very extensive sivo improvements made on the pro . . pyrtius this season , but in the future the groundfi will be improved and beautified with ahado trees , lawns , oto , , and an immense hotel will bo erected to accommodate the thousands who will inako the place a sumintr resort or residence. Being at the extreme Bouth nd of the lake , a fine viuw is afforded of the various islands , und in . the distance is seen the J'romontnry range , which from the extreme north end of the lake extends its mountain ridges far into the briny waters , thus separating Bear River Buy from the main lake. The Oijuirrh range has its northern end at Luke Point and is BO near that via ! tors there may ascend ita high peakc and toke in a view that is grand beyond description. There will bu so many attractions at Lake Point that it will in time become ono of the most popular , pleasure and health retorts in all Amcrba. hOUltCE OK WEALTH. Ono great oourco of wealth cornea from the immonee deposit of white crystalled suit that deposits on the shores and is scooped up and mint oft for use in the bilvor mills of Idaho , Montana , Nevada and Colorado. The demand for this salt increases from year to year as silver milla become more common. Lout year the junoui I gathered and eont away amounted to over 12,000 tons. Much of this win , eiraply gathered along the there by shoveling it into wagons and hauling away , while others have gone into the business of manufacturing a purer ar ticle by sohr evaporation in prepared tanks or ponds. Ono factory has ex pended about § 10,000 in machinery , by which they are enabled to produce a pure article of salt , suitable for do mestic purposes. An engine is used for pumping nntor from the laiio into suitable tank * , fioni which it is dravn either into other tanks for solar eva poration , or clco into largo kettles to bo ovapoiatcd by boiling. In boiling ttie brine is skimmed of all impurities , and nothing but pure chloride of sodium remain" , while in natural d > poiit other salts remain to make the product impure , and yet for mechani cal and many other uaoa , this salt con- aiding alkali answers alt purposes. I'ho principal shipping points for this mil are Salt Like , Hot Springs , HMSJ. iam and Monument , \ r.ssiu.s. Some years ago the people of Joriniio built a largo steamboat and called it the City of Corinne , with the ntention of making it a means of ravel between the Jturg on the Bear ind Salt Like City. It did not prove a financial success , and the boat was 'or several years used only as an oc casional excursion boat , The name was changed several years ago to Denoral Garfield , ut the time our late narlyrod president visited hero. For ho pant two years this boat has done luty as a hotel at Garfield Linding , and now that the machinery has Ithii removed , the lake is without stny mats , except the small nail and row mats kept at various points along the shore for pleasure boating. The time s not far distant when u good oxcur- ion steamboat would pay on the in- vcotinont. A MM A I , Lll'K. One would nupposo that animal life ould not exist in a lake the waters of vhich were saturated almost to the mint of crjstali/.ation with salt , but hero is a species of shrimps and other onus of life in the water. One of hose apccies produce a largo fly or mat , which A warms along the shore by nillioiia. Fcrtunatoly these flies are lot troublesome like mosquitoes , and lonco are not a source of annoyance to ioitors at the lake shore. KI.EVT10N. . The surface of the lake is at an ele vation of 1,000 feet above the level of ho nea , and Nome of the rivers which ow into it are hundreds of miles in ongth. Bear river , the largest stream , isoa in the Uintah mountains , over 00 miles cast of the lake ; then wuepa away north , making a circuit among mountain rangco a distance of ibout fiOO miles in iti flow , and enters he lake at the northern end. Oidcn ; , Weber , Jordan and other small rivers each drain largo tracts of country. Around the lake is good arable land , xcopt on the west , where a great lesort extends from its shores a luui- Ired miles westward. AN OLD SKA. All around Great Salt Lake high nountiin peaks and ranges rise up , and upon these , at a level of 1,100 ; oet above the present surface ot the lake , the shore linen of a eroat inland ica is plainly marked. This shore line has been traced by government surveyors over -1,000 hiiloa , indicating that at one time the lake was several thousand times greater than now. I'll in elevated alioro line has boon ap- iroprintoly named Lake Bonnovillo , 11 honor of the first explorer of this region. When this apuco was a vast sea it had an outlet down the valleys of the Snake and Columbia rivers , it s supposed. As the waters receded .hrough the vant spac n of time , the saline matter in all thin great basin omainpd in solution , and thus gained Tom time to time in percentage of salt , until we now have the most won derful accumulation of salt water in the world. How often pcrmniH lm\o been mmuyci ] liy Imnn dinning to their ( lre sorcliitliiiif ( , mul how seldom liavo tliey , hi n cleaning tlioiu , Klxuu It a thought that llurdock ( toot in the most valuable .blood clennier md purifier known , mul in uolil by avury driiKKlst uiuiei thu name of Burdock Uluuil Hitter * . 1'rice , SI.OO. je'JO-il-lw D. M. WELTY , ( SnoooBior to D. T. Mount. ) Uanulacturcr and Dealer In Saddlesi Harnessi Whips FANOV HOUSE CLOTHING Relies , Dusters and Turf Goods ol ALf , UKSCnilTlONH. $ Atfentio' Jas. R. Hill .t Co.'l CONCORD HARNESS "Tho Best in The World , " Order * Sollcltwl. OMAHA , NEB me ly _ JOHN HTiELKH , > ROUI BCIUkir , 1'ri'fllJcuil. Vloo 1'rM'l W. 8. UmmiKR , Bee. and Truaj. THE NEBRASKA MMUFACTUfflB 00 Lincoln , Neb MANUFAOTUUKHH OK Corn PUntort , nnrrum , r rm Itollcrt , Culk Hay fUko , Uucket Elavatlns Wind ml &o. tn do lob work and uittmf ' AiUlroe all ordur * NtllllABKA MANUrACrrUKINO CO. , EUROPEAN HOTEL , tortur So' thand Icukt KttecU. J U 11URST , - - kProi , Rooms , 75c , § J.COunUl.0 Per Day Aui'-i lit r-jti'iract l ( Cmii'tcd ltli thli o -o , h auii'ijirvikr J at itMoiiaUc i < r < vi " n ia ! au klt , wlo-tu ? A.ILiWAY TIME TABLE , cinaoo , or. rxn , OMAHA R/ILkCAI' . Ltuv Omaha P cn r No. 2 , 8:20 : . t . Ac * D.modation No. 4 , l:0p : tn Alilvo Omaha PrtMinptr No. 1 , tSO p.m. ccttr ztilatlaji No. J , 10'tO . m. t.V < l ( MARA lfT OR tOCltt ICC1IP. ( ) . , Q < t V740 a. m. V10 p. m. 0. . S. W . 7:10 : . tt. ? 0 p m. 0. , K.I. b r. , 7iO : . m. 3:10 : r. ra. K. C.St J. M C. IJ.i- i at f30 fc. m. - > 17-15 m. ArttvnatS Louitat t:90 : t. tii. anil t:62 m W. , St. I , . Ai P. , IcuregAiS . m. Mid S : 0r. it. Louis f.t 9:40 : . m. r.r.d J:80 it ftn 01 fotfrawfjs. C. h M. Id N l > . , Throiva Kintc'3 , 8UO t. m P. , L it. J.' K prrw C:70 : j > , in. U I' . Ot it'll < ] Krprw ! , J2U : p. ra. 0 , X II. V. fnr rtncoln , a : t. . m. 0. A H V. fcr OHM ) ! * . , ! 0 a , te. U. P 'rtlfjht Nr. 5 , 6:80 : . m. V. P I rcluht Nn. t , 8:20 : a. rt. D. F. fieUM No. 13. S:60r. . rs. t' . P. freleht No. 7 , 6:10 : p. & , ( nitgltnl. . P. Di-nvtr > xpr < , 7:85 : p. tn , U. V. InlvM Nn 11 , 11-SO p , ro. V , P. Denver fulfill. tn p. ro. * 5VIVir 7ROU " I AND fOOTB. 0 B. * Q ( lCO A , rc.-7-nS p m. 0. fc N. > A , l' . 6 , tn. 7EB : p. m. C. ! l. I. & 1' . , I M a. in. U CD p. m. tl. C , , Kt. JOD i C K , 7.35 . u. 6ip. : in A1UIVI10 mOM T1U WV AID SOUTHUJn. 0. a 1' . V. from Lincoln 1.03 p. m. U. P. t'beille KxprfO 5SD : p. m. B1 I. 11. In Xoh , Through Exprw 1:11 : p ra. n. U it. Llnrotn Kxpriw 9:16 : u. U , I * . Ue&vtr titiriw. 7S6 : n. m. | j. P. rrclcbt No. H-2.10 p. m. O. P. Mo. 0 fM : ( . . rn. Krr.I'r L ( U. P. frclshtXo. 11 , 12:1 : ! p. m. U , P. No. b 0:00 p. tn. U. P. No. 12-1:15 : t. sn. U , P. Duirer freight , 1:10 : a , m , 0. Ai 11 , V. mixed , f. 1:16 : p. m. XOHIIT TS./.IMI IITVIMtn Ol'illA All Ltnv tt 8:00. : D'OO , 1C:00 : and 11:00 : ra. | 1:0 : ! i:0u : , : iM : , < : UO ivnd 6CO : p. ro. LeHVeCouncl. niufli at i2S ; , 9t. : 10:25 and :55 : a. tn. ; lZr. : , 2. it , SM , IM and C : 5 p. m. Euc lac The dummy leaves Omaha * t 9:00 : md 11:00 : . n. ; 2.00 , 4:00 : and iC : > 0 p. ui. Lowe ) Jcrjucll IlluriB at 8'2C tad 11:25 : a. m. ; 2S6 : , IM cd C:2& p. m. ThroaRh and local pas cneer trains between Orcaha and Council ISIuIls Lc.ive Omaha 0:111 : , 'M , S'.Ul a.m. ; 5 JO , 6l.r : , O.-OG p. in. Arrlvo Jroaha 7UO , ll'.Bf , , lli& : A , m. ; CtO : , 7:05 : , 7:12 : , . m Opunlnu eno Oloilna of M llf. orra. CLCHI. k. in. p. u. . m. p. m. . V , . 11.COt:00 6:30 S:10 : OhlcM'O. II I. ti Parlllc 11.00 9:00 : 6.30 1:40 : Ohlnkrq.Il.bQ. . . . . .11:00 : 9:00 : 6:30 2:10 : VaMOi . 12:30 : 6:30 : S:40 : JlomOlynnd Pwi.ic . 0.00 6:30 : 2:10 : Oo'on ' ? .cifl7 . I'OO 11:10 : OaahahH. V . 1:00 : 11:10 : U. sil. InNob . lCO 8:10 Onnvnafc SlouxClty. . . BOO 7CO : 0. & M.Lincoln . 10:11 : ? 8:00 : 0. P. Lincoln , Sundav. . . 1:20 11:00 J.P. Denver Kxp . n:00 : BM : 0. , BlouxClty & St. P. . .11:00 : 2:10 : Local niaild for fclitr ot lour. k v bnt once a lar , vl :0.50a , tn. Office open Bundavn from 12 ra. to 1 p. m. TIIO9. r" HALL P M. Business Directory. Abstract and Heal ttUto. JOHN I. . McCAOUE , opposite Post Office. W. U BAUTI.BTT H17 Boiith IBth Btrett Architects. 3UFKKNE It MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITICCTa Room 14. Crelghton Clock. A. T. LAUQK Jr. . Room S. Creiehton Block. Uoota na thee . JAMES DiVINK & CO. , fine Boots and Bhoes. A good aenartmonl aaiuo work on bun J , corner 12th and Harnoy. riI03. ERICKSON , U. E. cor. ICth and Douglas. JOHN FORTUNATUa. 13110th street , manufactures to order good work l fair prices. Keinlrlnir done. ( led Springs. LARRIMER tlviufacturer. 1617 Pant-Inset. UOOKS , r < e .na utatlonery. J. I. FRURHAIIP 101S Farnham Btreel. Uuttor nnd UoSHANK & SCIlHOr.niil , the oldest B. and K. lonno ID Nelirank * entililheil \ IbTS Omaha. KKSTAORAUT , MRS. A. 11TAK , uuzhncct corner lethund Dodtro. lieet Board for the Monry. Satisfaction Guaranteed , at til Honri. Board by the Day , Week or Kcnth. Good Terms for C sh _ Furnliihod Unnms Supplied. e * ntl lioao Wn oni. fill 8NYBF.H , llth and Harnev Streets. _ Olothlnif UoiigMt. / . IIAHKI.1 will pay hlchetitCMh price for second hand clothlnr. Conior.lOtti ami r rnham. OB wo er * . JOHN DAUMKU 1014 Farnham Street. Junx. It. BEaTHOLU , Itagg and Metal. _ Lumber LI mo and Cornont. rQBTKIl A Pit v\ corner Bth and Pnuglan BU. Lampi and UUatware. J. BOHNKU 1301) ) DouglAS St. Oood Variety. Merchant Tailors. 0. A. MNUO.UK3T , Oae ot oar most popular Merchant Tailors Is re- : olvlni ( the latest dojL'iiu for Spring and Summer Qoods lor gentleman * wear. StyllJi , durable , tnd mlcos Ion an ever 216 13th bet. Uomr.&Farn. Millinery. UIIS. 0. A. KlNOKIl , Wholesale and Ketall , Fan- : y Qoodo In great variety , Zcphyrii , Card Boards , ( loslery , Qlovoa , CornoU , &c. Cbeapoet House In the West. Purchasers eave SO pur cent. Order bvllall. 115 Klltoonth Street , flour and Feed , JUAHACITY MILLS , 8th and rarnham Kts. , ft'ulshans Bros. , proprietors. Grocer * . . 8TEVKNS , lilt between Cumin B and I i r A. MoNHANi : , Corn Sd and Cumin ? Streets. Hardwuie , Iron end titeel. OLAN & LANQWOnTHY , Wholesale , 110 anr1 112 IJlh street A. I10UIPJ1 corno l th and Calllornla , Httrneiu , Saddle * , &c. II. WKIQT 20 18th St. bet Frn. k Harney. notcn /JIFIKLD FarnhiDi OOUAN 1IOU9H , P II. dry , 913 Farnham St. IILAVKVS HOTKL. K. Slav en , 10th St. lanthurn Hc'ol Qus. llr.mcl Cth ALcavonwortb rugj , I'alntt nnd Ull * . KDIIN It ( O ft-iimiddj , Fln > "ano lioodn , C'OI. Hia .nd DouzIK > treit& f. J. WIU1FUOUFK , WholmMeft Ilolatl , ICth el C. VIKLU , 2022 Norlh Side Cuuiine Street. HAUU. IViaylHt 10th and Howard Htrrtts Dentists. OR. PAUL Williams tilock Cor. Itth J IXxlge. Ury Qoodi Notions , tie. JOHN II. F. LKllUANN A CO. . 4sn York Ury Uoods Score , 1810 and 1811 Fsru. bam street , t. 0. Knetrold alio boots tnd shoes & Pacific. roundry. JOHN WKARNK&BON8 eor. lllhH Jacroonits rurulturu. i T. GROSS , New acd Qeoond Hand Furniture ad Stoves , 1111 Uouzlat , Highest caih price M fur eocouj hand goooi. BONNER 1809 Dowla it. fine too > tj ic. f crco norK . OUAUA FK.VCE CO. 9D T , rniKdftCO 1818 Harney Ht. , liuprors id Ice Bozos , lice aca Wood Fences , Otflc lilacs. Ooanl i Pine and Walnut. Pawnbrokers , ROSKNFELI ) 10th Bt. . bet tn. A Hal Retrlgerators , Oanfleld'i Patent. OOOPMAK lib Rt. bet. Farn Jl > ar * and I OUncco. WE3T A FU1T6CIIKK , manulactureis of Ck'trr. and Wholesale Dtalcrui n ToUcco ) , 1306 Douglas ft" . If. UIUKNZKN manulMturer 1416 Parniun' Florist. A. nonaghus , plants , cut fovrers , seeds , ooue s stc. K. W , cor , 16th and Douylas streets. CO To CHAllVS Orcen Hou o 17th and Webber itrcct , for PlanU , llouquiU , t'lowim. Floral liuslfix ic. Uornlco Works. Western Co > nl" Works. ManulActurers Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron aud Slate Hoouln * Orders from any locality promptly vxr-utcd la the twot tuanuer. Vn'tc r > and oitice 1213 Hartley UI C. . ' . Oalranltrxl Iron C rulr-i , Window Caps , etc . uianufa'tJaa aul put up tn my p i { ol tli couutri. T.HlhUOtl ) ilfl Thlmeuth itieel Crockery. J. FOKKKR IWWDonrUs street. Oood lint. Uommlssion Merchant * . JOHN fl. WIL L13.H14 Dfl'lze Stte l D B. BEKMKll. For JttAlln colaro adtottlfc ment In ri.v \ nH Wtl.v ! O\vl\ \ \ Engineers na Surveyors ANURKW noSEWATER , Crelf'bton Bhrk Town Snrvctf. Ortde tid Sewcraeo 8 > stems a ululiunu fie rurniininK Uou' i. OSO. 17. PRTEHiON Alio Hats , Op , Boote Sbort Nptlcns n'l' ntl'ry , 10I8.10th _ etriet. Dhow C tn Manufactory. ! 0 . ' WILDE. M nnf ctci't uno I ) iltr In all kinds el Ehow Cxiel , tit Ca w. 1' . . 1317 Cm St FUAJiK t , . OERMAKD , proprietor Orofcbft Shan COM re > vnu ! ' " > , F18 South 16th trci-t iMtveon TiOfk.invorth and Marty. All go d < OKI. una inw re. A nURMCSTER , Dealer In Utntc * * ii > ' TlnnAre , and HtnutACtnrer al Tin Heola and sil klodg ol Building WotV Odd Fellows' Block. 3. nOHNFIl.Zt,9 nnnaU" Rt. eorf and Cbn J. EVANE.HhclwMeand RtUll Seed IJ Cultivators 0 < 1dK l' Hll OKO. I1KY.V. PKOP. Orand Ccntrnl Oaliery , 212 SUtionth tittl. near .Mieonlc Hall. Fuit-cUss Work aud 1'roiapt. Physicians and Ourseoni. \7. g. OIB1I9 , M. D. , Room No t , Crclbton | Block , 16th Street. P. S , LKIBKNUINO , it. D. M onlc Block. C. L. IIAKT , lit D , l.e and Ear , opp. postoRIce nn. L n. OUADDY. Octillet snd Auitfct. .S. W 16th and Farnham EU alntlnc an cpor an lnQ. HKNKY A KO TKH3. Ill Do-Jfo Street. Plumblns , Uai and Ctoam F'ttlnc , P. W. TAl'.l'Y d CO , 216 12 tit. , bet. Farnham Work prouip yattcnded to. D. yiTZl'ATIUCK. _ L.nugH Street Uhoe utorcs. Phillip Lan 1120 Farnham cr tlEIh Ai Ducond Hand Utore , PERKINS A LKAR , 1416 Douilart fli. . New and Second Hand Furniture , Iloueo Furnishing Goods , : . . houi'h * anil nlil nn narrow marrlns Unaertaxers. CUAS. RIKWn , 101H Farnham bet. 10th ll d. 00 Ocnt Stores , P. 0. IArR'H K.rnham HI . Rnods Ualuoni. UH.VRY KAUFMANN , In toe new brlcx block on DouKlaa Btrscl , has Juet opened a meet elegant Ucol Halt. Hot Lunch from 10 to 13 everyday. ' f ! Iivlnnl " J VAtPONF.H C7B Iflh Rtri QUAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADS MARICV 11) ) ° Grcat7n < DB - MAHJC ed > . Anun- falllni ; euro for Seminal Weakness , Spcrmator * rhca , Impot- cncy , and all DEFDSETAKina.Boqucnco of AFTER TARIHO. Self-Abuse- Loca of Memory , Universal Lassi tude , Pain In the liack , Dimness of Vision , Premature mature Old Afo ( , and ir.iuy other Dlneasos that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema ture Grave. jHrFull particulars In our pamohlct , which no ikslro to send frco I r mail to everyone. /taTThe / Specific Medicine Is Bold by all druggists at ? lpor packa.rc , or Opackt cs for S5 , or will bo sent free hy mall on reel ptof the money , by addressing THE QUA JKDICINK CO. , Buffalo , N , Y. lain" ic7mr-cod To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY : Dr. J , B , Simpson's Specific It Is a positive cure lor Upcrmatoirhca , Semlna Weokncia. hupotancy , and all diseases rceultlng from Eel-Abuse , aj Mental Anxiety , Losat Ueroory , Pairs Injhc Back or Side , and diseases J ' " " " ' " ; " that ) < vkd to Consumption Inanity an carlyirrave The KpccISc n Mtdiclno Is bolnu used nlth wonder ful Bucccaa. . Paraphiots lent trcu to all. Write for thorn ted got full par. Pilcv , Hpoctflc , (1.00 per package , or ilx pii-t. ages lor Ji.lKi. Addrnas all unlcri to U. K1MSON UBOICINK CO. Nos. 101 and ICfl Main 8t lluflftlo. N. T Sot 1 In Omnlm by 0. V. Qoodman , J. W Uell , J. K. loh , and all If jnu nr inan ! Ill ' " _ , rtif il l > y tlin bMiiln ur 1.1 totlmirrimi ) lllKlit r.ur t' ' loin hiaina * rr K Hop nittcro .IM uxi Hop B If TOII Hrn } oriiK "nil diKutlun ur illftlpn rlwj or lm'ln. old i.r ueu | 'niy on Hop Wiinortr yonnnn , nlnnctiT jou liel . I n\tul. > f r u m et r > that njrutem Jlj furni oC V ! j n o v your that mlKli mvO cK'nnrlnh' . tonfi iMCliprtvi'lltn tlmnly > ( * ' Or I. C < ruHnarU an &biclu < - j'lifni' , dUco'C and Irrt'klstr if t : ! ' * r > wmffl , . Mo rum /o. ( Kiirrfl. tlooil. ( Iru&Uennoak lft \ r or n nt I UbU Cf blllt'J You Kill no tobacco , t inindltToautc uarcctl : : Hop Dlttor i > ) y weAk uml lowHilrlUilti7 NEVER tlivulur It i Itnny Hillrltrriet t nvo your FAIL " ' 10. life. It hn , a.ived hun- * A Y ar ( ln AT nroto , Oi.\ SYPHILIS in nnyatago OilClVTtl , Old .Soros , BOILS , or ti'y Skin Disea. se Oares When Hot Springa Fail MATIRK , ARK. , My , 1631 We hiw ca o In our own town who mod at Hot Sprit ; ! , 'id VMirolliully turej with S. S. S , it UDRKT. IP YOU uoubt.come to sue ua aud \ ti WILL OUUK WUU Oil charfa nothluc I I Write lot iiartlculau and copy ot little Book to the UJortuiuto Siifli rlnjr 81 , ( HO JktowivrU Hl u j-iu to > u > cheiulut iho ulll Und , on an.aljaU 100 tcttlu S. 8. B. , 410 mrtlcleol Mercury , Iodide Potu lluui or Wy Mineral mhntance. HWllT 81'EC'iriO CO. Props , AtUnt < Filco d Small lie , 11.00. . - ildby KKNNAUDBU08 b CO U4iior llv ANri-MONOI'OJ.V hKAUUU. liuum lomo r ntp rolon for the autl-mnrip v ItaL'Uo , Jntalnlnir ktatruiviit ol prioripl nut- h'j < I ol liccuJuto and lustrm tlom how to orK-au- lie , will M Milt on av > plia HoutoiGtI | , Gale , Sleitoy , Jit. KU'loaniUrnp. mlt-ll I II jon nuI ( < r Irmn Vipopwa , uie UUltDOUM LOOD 111TTEKS II ) ou arc wlth-Itlllou ncM , USD 11UIDOCK I1LOOD KITTKItS II } ou are prostrntcd uith IcV , Hcnlachc , tnlc UUIlbOCK 11LOOI ) HITTEHS 11 } our liowili.irctliiordtreil , rcgula.tu them w It IILOOD niiTnus It J our Iloodla mpurc , purllj It with BUKDOC'K IIL001J I11TTEUS lljouhaic Indirection , jou will linclan antldot In IltJllUOCKULOOUDITTKltg II you ixro troubled with Spring Complalntfl , cr adicate them v.lth DUUDOCK llfOOU 111TTKUS II your Ll > crls tcrpl-I , restore It to hcilthj action with UVIIUOCK ULOOI ) lilTTKUS II jour U\cr Is atTectcdou Mill find ft sure re Btoratuoln IlUUDOCK Itl.OOD BITTERS II ) ou hrnonny pptclcc ol Ilinnor or Pimple , lal not to Like IlL'ltnOCK I1I.OOD HITTERS II jou hac any pjinptoms ol Ulcers or Scrolulou Sores , a curatUo remedy w ill ho found in UUUUOCK IILOOD niTTEHS For Imparting Btrcngth and \ltahtj tothosja tern , nothing cancnuil ItUKUOCIC IILOOn HITTERS For Nervous and General DoWlit } , tone up th sjatemith I1U1UJOCK IJLOOD UllTEllS Price. 01.00 aei Hottlo ; Trlnl Dotttci 10 Cti FOSTER , MILBURN. . & Co , , Props BTTFrALO , N. Y. Sold nt wholesale b ] Ish & UcMahon and C. F Goodman. Jo 27 rod-roc nn effect , not a cause. Ita origin is within ; UK in.inlfosUtlona ulthout. llenco , to euro the diacabo the C.M' nmuat ba removed , am in no other ay can ft euro over ho effected WARNER'S SAFE K1T3NDY AND ZiIV R CURE la tatabliahod on Just tnia principle. It realizes that 95 Per Cent. of all diseases arize from deranged kidneys nn liver , and It strikes r > t once at the root of the dllllculty. The elcmenta ol whlchlt ia eompofci act directly upon tbcsorcat or ana , both as a KOOD and IUSTORKR , nnd , by placlnp them In a tc.iHbjj condlticn , drlvo disease and pain from the sj etcm. For the innumerable troub'ea cftiiecd by un healthy Kldnc > s , Livrrand Urinary Orpans ; for the dlHtrc-ain Dlsonlersof Women ; for llalaria and physical derangLinenU generally , this Krca rcin'dyha ? no equal , litvvaro of impostora , im llntlonn and coiRoetionaKairf to bo Just as i ; ° od KorDiabitoii. as for "WARNER'S SAFE DIABETES CURE- lor sale by all dealers. H. WARNER Sz CO. . mo Rochester N. Y _ The Great hngiish Hemely T.A6. .NcTcr . falls t cure Nervous DeliiMty , VI- Kxhaustlon , Kmta sions. Seminal \\'eak- ' HOOD , and all the uvllclTccta ol jouth- ful follies and execs- lies. It stops pcrma llcntly nil ucakenin ; . Im oluntnry loss * B and drains upon the BJS- tern , thi'inevitable re- „ . „ 'unit ' of theeocvilprae. i , which are BO destructive to mind and body rvnd inaku life miserable , ottcn leading to Insani ty and dejith It strengthens the NerveH.Ilraln , ( incmorjf Illood , Mmcles , lltestlvo and Itepro- duethu Orf.ina , It restores n all the on.-anlc functions their former vliror nnd vitality , ma- Unir Ilfo cheerful and eiijojahlo. Price , 3 a 'lottle , or four times the quantity $10. Sent by express , xucurc from ob < .riution , to nnyadilrtw , on receipt of price. No. C. O. I ) , ecnt , except on receipt of 81 as a euaranteo. Letters r.- imtiiiK answers muet inclose etamp , Dr. Mintie's Dandelion PiDa are tb > beet and cheapest djepcpsla and hlllious cure In the marktt. Sold by all druffcists. Prlie CO cents. ln MINTIK'H KIUNIT RRMKDT , NKFRBTICUM , Cures 111 kindol Kidney and bladder complalnto. KOiiorrhun , cloet and leucorrhca. For talc o ) all dauL'k' ' t : jl a bottle. ENGLISH MEDICAL INSTITUTE. 718 Olive St , .St. Lould , Mo. For Sale in Omaha by byC. C. F. GOODMAN , Jun2fi-lv The feeble and emanated iiitlcrltu' from clvs- > epsn or InJU-eitloii In anv form , aroadvl ed , f < r ho sake of their own bodily ind mentalcouilort , o try Hobtcttcr'a Moin.icti 11 ttcrs , Ladlm o' ' he most dtllcMo coriotltutlou tentll ) to Ha harm era and rntoratlve properties. rnvdciani everjwbcri' , dls 'usttd with the adiiltcrited iquora of iTinmcrce. prcucrlbo it ai thocafust and inoit ri liable ot all ttomachict. For tale by all drutfgtaUaud dealers generally al to ml Trilllni ; With Dl llou ne Won't Do. In liu uj tir iu d - j 11 br M lit on A di - r' < ri'llhcrl tae < * 'i ! i ici 5 of a foul utoiit- ' liur.'l ' eilr > t- | I vtt i , arU the very lt t rcpiriticn lu ev * " -t p'lt thuu Iniwrfvt rjcr a-i | Xtep ff ) c' , M TtHHt\T 6 * r Til Au it-M itMbOLD BY ALL DFl'COI-T. " J2I "ta W.B. MILLAHU * JOHNSON . . , MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and f liolesale Fruits , 1111 FARNHAM STREET , CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED , Agents for Peck & Baucliers Lard , and Wilber Hills Flour OMAHA NEB , - - - REFERENCES : OMAHA NATIONAL 15ANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. . TOOTLE MAUL & CO. v _ oo OMAHA , NEB. o. DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS. Window and Plate Glass. 2TAnjone contemplating buHulne store , hank , or iny other fine front , nil ! find It to their ad vantage to corres onil with us before purchasing their Plate tilass. C. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA NEB. IB1. O. 1213 Farnhem St. . Omaha. Nf. Sal i [ 1 -WHOLESALE- On River Bank , Bet. Famhain and Douglas Sts. , ma an a > -DEALERS IN- Fire and Burglar Proo 1020 Farnham Street , STEELE , ; JHN30N & CO AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of CIGARS Affl MANUFACTURED TOBACCO , Agents for CBHWQQD HAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POWDER C AND WINDOW SHADES EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. 1118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA J. A. WHOLESALE AND RirTAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEiViEMT TBTATK AQENI FOR MILWAUKEE CEMSAT COHPANY1 Near Union Pacific Denot , . - OMAHA STTC 'POWER ' AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MACHINERY , BELTING , IRO nTT.KOS , „ , , 1ALLADAYWIHD-WIILLS CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS Cor , 10th and Farnam St , , Omaha , Neb ,