MAHA TWELFTH YEAfi. OMAHA. NEB. , FRIDAY MORNING , JUNE M , 11. THE HEMP HOLIDAY To the People of tlio Nation De prived of Tlioir Olioseu Hulor. The Movements and Moutb- iugs of the Assneam Mi nutely Rocorded. A Dramatic Scene Enactsd While Kissing Sister Through the Bare. The Cowardly Brute Blne- the Almighty nnd Fours the Devil , And Hurla tto Wrath of Heavoo and Hades ot Gov- prnment Heads. A Vaia-Qlorious Letter Coed- ing His Body to Hicks. A Dlotmmout to His Memory RE- quostcd , to "WWoli "riu-Boo" Uompllps. A Largo Number of Doctors Invited to the Autopsy. THE ASSASSIN. Nr.tionil Asiocinti-J 1'rcif. HIS LAST DAY. ' , . WASHINGTON , D. C. , June 29. Guitoau spent the night nearly naked walking the floor , and lying down occasionally. Ho a > ked tiio guard this morniii' ' if he thought the weather would continue good the balance of the week , nnd if hia brother and siater would bo prosant at the execution. Tlio guards think ( ruitcau will break down before reach ing the sciifoltl. Guircau will wear the nlothoa worn when sentenced , which were presented by hia brother at that timo. llev. [ licks saw the president Ho saya Arthur is irrevoca bly determined not to interfere in Guitcau's execution. TUB MOUMXO .MAT1XEE. Guiteau was not in g > od humor when he arose this morning. Ha exhibited talked loudly about hia onemioa nnd the punishment awaiting these who persecuted him. Ho ate a hearty breakfast , and took his custom- a y-walk in the corridor. During the diy ho waa called on by John W. W r. Rood , Manilial Henry nnd Kov. Hicks. Ho now fully understands that no help will come , and hia time , when not in conversation , is passed in deep meditation. Some person in Bjaton has written that nn attempt will bo made to night to provide the assassin with DEADLY 1'0OX. . The project cannot succeed. Every pnsaiblo precaution is observed by tno ofliciala. The military guaid is on the alort. The guard consists of a lieutenant - tenant and three men commissioned u.'licers and privates. A battery of uitillery lias been detailed for duty at t.o ! jail to-morrow. C.ipt. Torrencc , a j.iil ollloer , thavod the prisoner. Ho aiu a big dinner and seemed to enjoy it Cory much. J Guiteau's rolatioitd have made no a air.iiigonioot ] for disposing of his b dy. Wurdon Crocker ordered a plniii piuo colliu stained in iniit.ition ot rosewood. The coflin waa on ex 3' hibition at the nhop of the maker , 3'a 3'e uud was gazed at by curious crowds all e this ftftirnoon. The following telegraphic li litl graphic invitations to attend the au tl topsy wore issued this evening : tlai tlw THK AUTOPSY. ai WA'Hiixorojf , .iuno ' - ' ! ) . Rov. Hicks aiV custodian of Guiteau a body , invites V you to attend the autopsy to-murrow , h at 2 o'clock at thu jail. n [ Signed ] GKO. M. BKAUD. n The invitations wore sent to Doc- Ul torn Kollog , Sequin , Shrady , Danu , UlP' Hammond , Nichols , Back , Morton , Indi Spitzka , MacDonald.Folsom , 1'arnsh , didi i\lilc \ ? , Goddinu and Limb. do Dr. B'sard leaves for homo to-night. 01a Ho said ho took no interest in the a proceedings to-morrow , and felt uon- to h'dont his prediction as to how Guiteau is would act on the ecatl'old would bo \ \ fullillud. JJo did not think the post niartcni examination would disclose the condition of the brain , which would disclose Guitcau'n insanity. In lo selecting the names of those invited to the aatopsy , only a short time w u allorid ; , oving to indecision as G t" the custody of the body , b , Joan W. Guiteau had determined Jc tlm ho would leave the responsibility ante to i.1 j government , but under the ad- to vioo of Ilov. Hicks , Dr. Beard , Iteod 18 and Crocker , the course now adopted of wn ) deemed to bo the boti utidor the dote circumstances , especially since it ac to corded with the expressed wish of the SUi condemned man. Dr. Board Bays ho endeavored to embrace In the nivita- bens all shades of medical opinion. Itiiv. Hicka aas not yet decided what disposition to make of the body. Heed says Guitoau has written A DYijro riuYiu : , boA nn extraordinary production , which lie will road from the gallows. It is generally understood that Col. Robert lie ert Strong will conduct the practical lit part of the execution , at n sigrnl from Wurdon Orockor. goi to- A Sl'OKTIVE COON. ho There is condemned colored a mur BU ] derer named Shaw in the tier of cells with Guitoau , who frequently takes occasion to taunt and insult thu latter , N t To-day while Guiteau was promenad ing the corridor , Shaw bawled out 1 'Hollo , old inspiration , how do you mil feel now ? I am afraid God'a man will cua get left. " ow John W. Guiteau saya owaj A WILD hi EXE 1 < J8 waa unacted when he and Sirs. Sco- led villo and her child called on the pris oner this afternoon. Guiteau had been walking with Kov. Hicks , and the guard told him he must stop into his cell , as under the rules ho could not see company in the corridor. Ho stopped insiJo the cell with Hicks , and the guard turned the koy. The idea scorned to Hash across Guitcau's mind that a trick had been played on him to piovcnt his sister from bidding him farewell in his cell. Ho turned suddenly round , facing the guard , and with blazing eyes , and counten ance pale with rage , denounced him and all concerned with the jail for this last insult and indignity heaped upon htm and his sister in their last purl ing , liaising his hand to heaven , ho called down THE CUHSKrt OK ODD upon all jail ollicials and upon the president and cabinet. "I am God's man , " ho ohoutecl , "and you not only want to hang , but you deprive my loved ones of an opportunity to take decent farewell of mo. I am God's man , and I call down his curse upon every ono of you. Ho will scud you all to hell for this day's work , includ ing the president and his cabinet. I am not afraid to die. I've inado my wiil and have new no more care than thin chair.1 \Vardon Crocker tried in vain to pacify him , but the sight of him only incensed Guitcau more and ho launched A KHioirrrui , TOIIHENT or AIIUSU at him. Mrs. Scovillo endeavored to calm the cnfuriatcd man and asked for permission to go inside the cell. Warden Crocker was about to assent , when Guitenu shouted : "No ! let the record stand as it is. They have refused to lot you come in hereto to bid mo good bye ; now lot the record fctand. " MM Scavillo WA * obliged to take her last farewell of of her brother through the burn of the cell door. After kissing Mrs. Scovillo through the bars , ho kissed her little daughter Bertha , Mother and daughter then retired , weeping bitterly. Guitcau displayed LITTLE EMOTION during the leave taking. It is said to-night that Mrs. Scovillo has de cided not to witness the txecution. Guitcau had a long talk with Kov. Hicks , who promised to see him < ; ain. Dr. Me Williams oays ho saw Guitcan in such a violent state of mind he is afraid ho will not bo able to slopp at all. The paroxysm over , Guitoau laid down for a while and after composing himself ho said to Dr. McWilliams : "Doctor , HAVE YOU SEEN THAT MACHINE ? ( meaning the scaffold , ) I want you to examine it as a physician , to make sure there will bo no bungling. " l'.M NOT INSANE. Dr. Hicks called this overling ac companied by Dr. Beard , who came to t-Vt ' . . % - -f " -a 'Kison.y ' L f1 w atartiug fjr Notv York. Guitoau said " * ii , Dr , Beard ; glad to see you ; I will bo in glory this time to-morrow. This nation will take the consequen ces. You don't know me , Dr. Board , but my friend hero does , and ( point ing his finger at Dr. Board ) I am not insane , doctor. " DISUSING 01' HIS 110DY. The loiter by which Guitoau dis poses of hia body is as follows : WASHINGTON , Juno 20 , 1882. To llev. Win. W. Hicks : I , Cnarlcn J. Guiteau , of the City of Washington , District of Columbia , now under sentence of death , which id to bo carried into ofl'ect between the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock , the 30th of Juno , 1882 , in the United States jail ! of caid district , do hereby < ; ivc and grant to you my body after suuh execution ; provided , however , it shall not bo used for any mercenary pur poses , and I hereby , for good and sufliciont ' considerations give , dolhor and transfer to said Hicks my bo < ks , HC entitled "Tho Truth and "Tuo Kemoval" and the copyii ht thereof , to bo used by him in writing a truthful history of my lifo and oxosution , and 1 direct such his tory to bo entitled "Tho Lifo and Work of Charles Guiteau. " and I hereby solemnly proclaim and an iif nounce to all the world , no person tli nor persons shall ever in any manner use my body for any mercenary pur pose ' whatsoever. And if at any time hereafter any person or persons shall desire to honor my remains , ho can it by erecting a monument , whore- at shall bo inscribed those words : bi "Jloru lies the body of Charles Gui- all toau , patriot and Christian. His soul nu in glory. " GHAIILKS J. GITJTKAI' . po Witnesses : CHAHLES If. RKEJI , tic JAMKS WoomvAiti ) . ticM Accompanying the above is the fol 0 ! : lowing O.UIT CLAIM. WASHINGTON , Juno 2 ! ) . ' 82. To pr "ijneral John S. Crocker , Warden U. prHi jail : We , Frances M. Ssovillo und ne Jolui W. Guiteau , sister and brother nemi ind only heirs of Charloa J. Guitoau , bo oxucuted on the oOth of Juno , afl 1882 , in the U. S. jail , in the District pr Columbia , hereby request you to lulivor the body of Raid Charles Gui- nu can : to Rev , William II. Uicka , after rir uoh execution. at ( .Signed ) FKANUKS M. .SCOVILLE , JOHN W. GUII'KAV , Witnesses : CHAULK.S II. HKBH , Nal ALXIUEA CHKVAILIKU , W. W. GOODINO , vi At 11 o'clock Guiteau appeared to to- stooping , tin nd MIDNIUJIT , lik Hicka saw Guitoati for a moment. of had roused himself from a sleep , ofwa wa said ho was endeavoring to got a pla oed night's to bi prepared for tlu o-morrow. IIis soul was easy und wh would not bo found wanting ut the Da upromo momont. to Depositor * . Nut Jtlonal Awoclatccl Preae. Va. , Juno 29. Tlio coi of Commerce suspended pay- 10 ; lonta to depositors to-day. The Chi ishicr states that tlio bank does not hoi over $40,000 , , and will bo able to wai 50 contu on the dollar. The bank Bur heavily on stocks and bonds car8tC , over from last year , con \ THE PnOQUAMME TAUT HR .T AN1 > LAST. 15y special arrangements with War den Crocker TUP. Hii : : is enabled to present to its readers , in advance of all contomporaiieB , the following de tailed programme > f the exercises to "como oil" this afternoon : ° 1 THE respectfully referred to mourning friends in Omaha and elsewhere : : c. .1. o. iiASoiiiV" JUNK 31 , ISS'J. ASSASSIN , COWAUD , EOOTIST. CAPITAL NOTES. National Associated 1'rcsJ. THE BODIES OV THE EXFLORKKl. WASHINGTON , D. 0. , Juno 20. . Surgeon General Wales , appointed a board to consider the removal of the bodies of DeLong and men homo , have reported favorably. Mrs. Do Long requested it. NOMINATIONS. To bo members cf the court of oaminissionors of the Alabama claims , re-established : Hc/.akiah T. Wells , Michigan , presiding Judge ; James Harlain , Iowa ; Asa French , Massa chusetts , to bo judges ; D.uiiol W. Fessonion , of Maine , to bo clerk of said court. a A VETO. B Tlio president to-day informed Congressman Doustor that ho would cih veto his immigration bill , which reg h ulates the question of space , air , food , n etc. Tlio only objection urged to the CI bill is thut the words "main deck" CIn are used where "uppermost deck" L should bo used , this being liable to LU throw immigrants among cabin pas " sengers. Hi Hirt THE STAU UOUTKVIJUAL. rt The session was devoted to cx.imi- rtY t ion of postoflico records of routes. .1 ) The court will adjourn to-morrow to J.R Wednesday next. R \ OONOHESSMAN 11. M. A , HAWK , fifth Illinois district ; died suddenly in this evening of appoploxy. inK CONGH.KS3. ju National Associated I'rcns. jur ! SENATE rilOC'KKDINU.S. dr WASHINGTON , Juno 29. Considor- ition ! of the legislature appropriation ra ot ill ! was resumed The senate worked fo day on the bill and limshod it. A lumber of additional amendments are trR lending. Senator Garland oflored u rcsolu- h : ta ion to meet ut cloven on und after ' fa Monday. Wont over. Adjourned at J5 p. m. j" m.HOUSE Btl HOUSE I'UOfEEW.VU- . . Consideration of the naval appro- It [ iriation bill was resumed. Mr , rit lowitt favored the construction of a low navy , but denounced Ilobuhon's lyi nethods. on ba House spent the remainder of the ) ifternoon considering the naval up- iropriation bill by seotions. A bill reported from the ways and aci noann committee taxing olcomarga- ho ino one cunt a pound. Adjourned du C :05 : p m. wane no Dnvitt at IIuUUlo. tin 'atlonal 1'ro-ta Association , ne Bi'ri'ALo , Juno 2 ! ) . Michael Da- GiI addressed a largo uudionco here o-night. Ho emphatically denies fci hero waa a difference between him fw Parnoll , saying there was as much ras ikolihood of such a nplit as tlioro is by his being an Hnglinh poor. Ho frequently interruptad by up- lauso. Father Crouin also addressed frn mooting , at the conclusion of tlo rhlch three cheers were given for BO ) avitt. Jy HOI Foiinkylvnuiu Democrats , fro ntloail Antociatuil 1'me. spi IlAititisni no , 1'a. , Juno 2'J. The unvontion wan called to order at tlu > 0:15 a. m. , all delegates present , tluWi hauncy T. Jilack waa nominated for WiW. eutenant-governorj Silas McClark Ga nominated for judge of the Yo ipremo court by acclamation on tlio Ma icond ballot ; Mortimer T Elliott for Yo ngresaman-at-large. fly THE BANKERS' BATH , * _ A Train of Wall Street Mag nates Leaps from a Bridge , Aud Strikea Bottom iu the Shrewsbury River at Low Tide. Five Poraona Known to bo Killed txud n Hundred Severely - voroly Hurt. IntoiiNo Exoltmont nt th-i itlo don. Grant Narrowly Eecnpoa Crushed. Wont TliroitRh a Di National Aowcliteil 1'rrj ? . Oi'BASi-oHT , N. J.f Juno 2 ! ) \n express passencer train h.ti junt run through an open draw into the Shrewsbury river , between port atid Branchport , Mi county , K. J. The tr-m Ocoanpprt at 8:25 : and.Miiohport a few minutes later for Now York , crowded \vith pasfiongors , i ntm-ed tlm long bridge , in the micldl.f wln'oh is a draw. The accident ncurrod ut the draw , aomo coaches " 'nn : ' bmlily into the river. Three ( iu.d bodies ies have already boon rooovorcd. None are positively identified. Forty doctors are on the ground , thirty f/ounded passengers bcnngutttmdud to. It is reported thut Commodore Wm. K. Garrison was on the train and hud a leg broken. Three passenger trains crowded with passengers pass over this brid o about the same time every morning , carry ing a rich class of business muii to York. The firat got over nil right ; the second , known as the "Now York brokeni' train , " had juat got safely over the dr.iw when the wreck occurred. THE IXOITIMINT. : : : There is grout excitement at nil rr- sorts above and below Long Branch over the accident. People : tro Hook ing to Shrewsbury bridge in EOirch of news concerning members < > f families who left for New York on the morn ing train. The scene of the avidont ( is jammed with carmgcs full of richly dressed people from the seashore , crazy with anxiety. At the oflico of the Now Jersey .Southern railroad , on which , and ilot on the Jersey Central , the accident occurred , dispatches an nounce that the wreck is not SD serious as first reported. Their story is that the train leaving Long Branch at7:45 : , hilo crossing Parker's crivk , four Df tlio locomotive jumped the track. One man jumped into the water and was drowned. Eight persons wore injured. G. W. Demoivst' , produce dealer , lol Kcod stroist , Now York ; E J. Bradley , IfiO Seventy-second street , Now York , are still lying in the up turned coach. Three coroners of con tiguous counties me disputing one anaihor'u claims to the inquests. FATALLY WOUNDED. Charles S. Woodrull' , Newark , water and shock ; James T. Malory , 201 } Broadway , water and shock ; J. T. Mitchell , agent of the Equitable Life , chest und forehead fractured , water in w lungs ; Annie Irviti , Brooklyn , fore li head mushed ; W. A. aMcCall , brakeman - a man , throat cut , right bye and arm liK cut terribly ; Hubert K iburlbou , iron K merchant : , Now York ; Edison , grocer r.idt Branch Jniiica Brooks dt Long ; , of Brooks & Dickaon , theatrical man- sj Now York Morris II \a \ agora ! , ; , Bowun , BOH of the superintendent of the Erie th road ; II. A. Iligby , Pearl street , Now York. J. L Merrill , Eist Or.ingo , N. . ; W. 15. Franklin. Albany Park , N. . ; J. S. Park , Brooklyn ; T. T. Ilochenball , Trenton , N. J. ; Charles hn Webb \ , Brooklyn , missing. du ( ir.uit was [ lulled out of the amok- duEi ing car by Fireman Charles II. Foster. yd Garrison iu the son of Oonimotloro C. St K. Garrison. Ono hundred are injured ad jured who will not give namea for publication , their injunen not being fe'r Indo ; JungorouB. deep The accident was caused by the railo spreading. The tide was out ; op an n Dthorwiao the loss of lifo w > uld have fearful , General Grant win on thu pr train , but was not injured. John T. fui po Raymond the actor , it is reported , md hia collar bone broken and aun- .ained other severe injures. Hia mi 'atiier-in-law , Fox , was ao'ioiiely in bo jured , C. M. Schott , .k , of the Ht. itock exchange , has a brokui let ; . Ht.ntl Mallory and Woot'ruir ' ire dying wi ia bolinvod W. K. Morrison's ' inju- iuaaro , fatal. Two dead lodies are ying in thu cottage of HcliMick , cor Sei nier , near the scene , ( Irnnt waa In udly shocked. da WALL STUKirr liXWTIIJ. wo Niw : YOUK , Juno 20.Ntwa of the tn iccident reached Wall str.ot imt at fru opening of business , and pro. sig lucod u tremonduUB xons ion , an it ual /as known many members of promi- mil lent houses were on bwird Among of f hose who rushed to thu telegraph and arc lowspapor oflicea were ( ol. Fred inn irant and brother. las The I bridge waa timber fivt hundred wo cot long , with an iron dniv twenty- thu foot in the center. I'liu draw not not.opon. The accident vas caused fou the spreading of the rail * tioi LITK.ST I-KTAILS rom tn-day'a i.iilroad disasor at Lit- Silver elation , utaiu tliri five pas- ongora were killed outrightiiml near- , ' evorybcdy on ttio train injured , ' unio doubtless fatally. It ippaa.-a u ire in the rails had been nnocuroly piked. The corrected list of casualties gives dead : K. L , Brudloj and 0 , Null V'oodrufi ; both of Newar ) , N. J ; It. Garrison , ( aun of Cuninodoru ut 1 larriacn ) butter morchait , New ing 'orkj Geo. W. Demorest ad Jas. E nesi lullory , real estate brokim , New utet 'ork , The wounded nunibir about bur and include a large prtion of eulo Now Yorkora , C. II. Hindall of Cim dom. Jlr . A. 11 Stillwoll of Phila- delplita , E. D. Webb , of Philadel phia. MM. J. W. Wagner , of Phila delphia , U. Mordncia , of Te\ . , and C. J. FOJ , of Richmond , Y.i. SPORTING. N ton\l ! A * ocUtcd Prtvu. IIASK HALL. CMVKI.VNII : , Juno S2 ! > . Clovolands fl , Worce.Uor * ! 2. DKTUOIT , Juno 211. Treys . 'I , DC- traits t. BUFFALO , Juno L".i. Itntl'iUos 8 , Providences ( Cino.n.o , Juno 128. Chicagoes T , Bostons' ' . uitiuiiroN' nr.Acu HACKS. XKYOUK , Juno 20. The follow ing is the result of the races to-day at Brighton Bench : First race , purse § 200 , two-year olds , five furlongs , was won by Baron Favort , Owun Bowling secondj time , 1:01. : Second race , purse S'JoO , all ngos , spiling allowances , ono mile , wns won by Monk , Ida B. second ; time l-lo. : Thud race , purao $ ' . . ' 00 , all ages , was won by Arsenic , Elector third ; time IrilOf Fourth race , purse S2t" > 0 , handicap , ill ages , milo and a half , waa won by Hramb.ilotta , B.illast second ; time , 2'kS : 2'kSFifth Fifth rnco , purao SLTiO , ) mudic.ip Btocnlo chase , nliort course , was won by IJustrr , D.ilgimnn second ; liniD , J-oit. CIUCAUO HACKa. Ciiit'Aiio , Juno 2 ! ) . First race , ciub pnrao 8350 , all nagcs , one and a quarter miles , was won by John Da vis , Jlotropolia second , Madam Rowell third ; timr , 2:11. : Second r.icc , the Illinois stake ? , threo-jvar-old fillicp , ono and a half miles , Ivtio Orool lirat , Runnymodo second , Pmaforothird ; time 2:51. : Third iacotmotchaut'sstakua , all ages , one and a quarter miles , Checkmate lirat , second , Bootjack third ; time , 2:2' : ' . Fourth race , steeple chaao , purao 8100 , welter woigh'a , about ono and a quarter miles , was won by Gay. Fifth r.ico , owner's handicap , purse SISOO , all ai ' 8 , throo-quartorcf a mile , S.iuntoror firjt , .lark Haverly hucond , Mamie W. third ; time , 2.1'Ji. Voriuout Dnmooriits. N'ntloilll Aniacutrd I'ri'MD. Mo.NTrKLiK.u , Vt , Juno 2' ! . The fltatodemoctatic convention nominated Goo. li K.Uon , of D-uvillo , for gov ernor , Edgar N. Bu lard , of Swanton , for lieutenant govi'rnnr , Willard Gay , tf NVost Rvndolph , for treasurer all by acclamation. Rriioiiiinntccl Nntlonal Dr.s MOINIS : , Jui.o 2 ! ) - P. Ilep- liurn was roirmiinated for congress in the Eighth district at Creaton to-dnj. Juno 2 ! ) . The Nation al board 'of health han notified the health ofllcers hoi-o to ro-oatablish the quarantine station at Warronton , nine miles below this city. Jugi-oruaut. Natloukl Asjoolated f ru CIMUAOO , Juno 2 ! ) . Mrs. Charles Lancaster , the uiglith victim of the Cable street raihv.iy , died last nigit. ! ImmniiRo CrojK. IVANHAS Crrv , Mi' . , Juno 20. The wheat crop is the best the utato ever liad : , being nun-lure less than thirty and i m many pi.e ! > a ns high IIH thirty- tivo < bualielii pjr acre , and extra plump grain > liar vent 11 going on at , ench a rate tlmt tarnu m are working night , Jay and Sunday. Oats and rye are splendid ; crnpa. The average of corn ( immense ; the plants nro alrnady throe foot high , promising the greater t jrop ever known. Strikes National AcBcclalcJ I'rai. ' Niw : YOUK , Juno 20. TJio freight mndlerH strike remaina unchanied to- lay , lluinoni were current that the in ICrio and Jarscy Central railroad had yielded , but it proved unfounded. Strikers to the number of 2,000 par- ided through thu streets and the reon lianda at work on the piled up roight disappeared at night of the of lomonstration. Tlio board of trade cc ippeara determined to take action tote id Attorney General Kuancll will to irucuro a writ of mandamus to com- ol the tranaportation companiea to ulllll contracts , Thia will probably S urniah an early aolution of the strike , ot t CINI i.s'NA'ii , .Iuno 20 , Wjiilo the otSt nen employed by Mel I van A ; Spiegel , of toiler makers , \vuro working on a t.mnboat this morning , they were tlacked by Htriking boiler mnkera vith drawn revolvers and forced to lui uit worlc. fui fuiW P.i , Juno 29. W ( lecrctary Swank , jf thu American ron and Steel association , said to- iy ; the report ot the Pittsburg iron rai workers are yielding , in probably un- foj ruthful , ManulucturorH were firm La rom the buginnii / , und now show no TJ igns of wuukui.i.ig. A bituminous nu operator wlio ownn a number of lines in thu Ciuarliold region , says nil 5,000 jiiinora imt , mure than 2fJOO tin at work. A largo mooting of deCo micro from nil of the parts region ' Co evening decided to refuse to go to D ork until operators ugreo to advance ( wages ! ! 0 per cent. It is probable node othing will bo done until after the jurth of July. The general condi- favors the atrilcow. Loyalty do itlou&l Atnoclatwl I'ru.s noi MiMVAiKKK , Juno 20.There is Pr 'uiii trouble in The Itupubliuaii- wli u'litiiiol oflico. Forly-thro'i ' compoai- tlu , displeased ut cliangus in the edi- HI iriul force , left the oflico Lite laat tlu ght. Sal _ * - H of itlorul AiioclatoU 1'iute BT. PAIL , Minn. , Juno 20.A fire Larrmuro , Dak. , early this morn- Go destroyed one-fourth of the bud- portion of the town. It orgin- in the Union hotel , which was irnod , with soverul stores and leona , twenty buildings in all , Frank Harris , aped li ( , recently from Woodstock , 111. , nnd a women and child name unknown , were burned to death. Several others are believed to have poriihod in the Ihinea , Two or three persons were iniuroii. Loss , $50,000 , ; insurance , $25,000. CRIMINAL , NEWS- NitlonM As-o.-lAtcil I'rom. A HfllK cinK. ! DALLAS , Texas , Juno 20.Hdward Low , n murderer , on the way to In dian Territory on n requisition , wns taken from the guard by n mob of Indiana and Inngeti , ' T1IK MALLKY ISK. . NKW HAVK.V , CONN. , Juno ! ! ! . Mr , Ca o concluded hia argument for the defense and Jonoa followed. Ho laid stress on the conduct of Jimnio Cra mer botng out late nights nnd blamed her mother for allowing her to dress expensively. He claimed all circum stances indicate suicide. Argu- gumonts for the dofenao closed to-day. Arguments for the prosecution begun. The case will bo given to the jury to- merrow. . . ' . . A ounir.'Kssr.i ) Nnw Yoitu , Juno20. John Rooho , , igod 112 , visited the ] ) olice he.ul- quarter. ) at llobokon , staled ho re- aidul ut Urjiim , IVnu. , in 1872 , nnd boarded with a man named Hand. Hand had a pretty daughter. Among the suitots waa ono John Mitchell. The fnther bitterly disliked Mitchell. llimd naked Roclm to help hi.n mur der Mitchell. Roche consented nnd Mitchell was killed. The body was laid across n railroad track in order to deceive. Hand wns arrested nnd acquitted for want of evidence. Rochu surrendered , boiiigconscicnco stricken. IIAIII.V SCOOl'lil ) . ST. Louis , June 2 ! ) . The EvoniiiR Chroniulo to-day publishes a remark able story , in which Col. II. Clay Conde , n nephew and accredited wes tern azont of Samuel J. Tilden , litniroa ns principal. He wan about to bo married to a girl whom ho had reared and educated , but who eloped before the wedding day nnd married n lightning rod man. Col. Conde has given her expensive presents and lias demanded them back , A Muuiiuin : : nvixo. TIITIX , 0. , Juno 20. Madder , a divinity student who murdered his sweat heart , Misa Bernard , was taken ill during his trial yesterday and is now dying. AX INN'orKNTKAUKr.Y L\N(1HKI > . iLi ) , Juno 20.- Mail nd- vicen from Eliiubothtown , southern Illinois , states that n mob shamefully maltreated and hanged John Tully , a negro from Kentucky , Monday night , charged with ottering violence to Mr:1. John Howe Saturday night. Mrs. Howe failed to fully identify him. Other witnesses , including ono who sl.opt wih * Tully Saturday nifht , testified lie could not have boon iliore. It appeals certain ho was innocent TJv t/oorno. Nnllonal Aitochtod IV is NEW YOUK , Juno 2 ! ) . The Sun editorially announces that it lmn good reason to believe affairs have been arranged for the escape of the indicted star routers. Tli National \ouorfost. ; . Natlonnl Amnclatctl Troua , PiiiLiUKU'HiA , Pa. , Juno 20. The National Siiongorfest wiw formally opened this afternoon by n public meeting at , the Academy of Music. Governor Hoyt and Mayor Knir made itddrcaacaof wolcomo. Dr. Kullor de livered the festival oration. The opening concert waa given nt the Academy this evening llaydon'a "Creation , " rendered by u ehorua of ! ( )0 ) of both Boxoa and an orchoatru of aixly. ludioutlcms. HO National AasoclatiKi ftctn. th WASHINGTON , Juno . ' 10 , 1 a. m. For the Missouri valley : Light raiim and partly cloudy weather , winda ahifting to aonthwrat and northwcaC , atntionary or n alight rise temperature , followed by rising ba rometer. Blitluo iu Natloiml AHBOclateil I'ICSH. TOPEKA , Juno 2 ! > . TJio nmnagors { thu Veteran Soldiers reunion re ceived pnsitivo assurance from Blnino to-day that ho would bo hero to at- land the reunion during thu State fair ' week , September Uth'to 20th. Oth- a who will address the veterans are Speaker | Keifer , cif Ohio ; Neal Dow , Maine ; John Colburn , of Col , ; Straight , of Ind ; Col. Hurry White , I'onn. , and Gco , Loring , coinniM- V / lionor of .igtlculture. No fannly Dyoa were over so popu- III ! us the Diamond Dyes , Thoynovor IIIVI ail , 'Die Black iHfarmiperior to log. vood , Tlio other colora urn brilliant. VI i Thu probabilities are that it will nin , but if it should by chance not a flliort time , go to Whitney's for An Mdie.V , Gents' and Children'a Shoes. 1'Jiey ; have ull the best makes und ' naku the lowest prices. Cc Parties that contemplate buying fur- lituru , atovoa , crockery oranythingin line of house furnishing goods will well to i/el prices froinA. L. Fitch it P ! . , 12th street between Farnham and Jouglua , who have a good atock , both low und second hand , T1VOLT. To-night the Bohemian Band will ivo n grand concert utthuTivoli Gar- IOIIH. ; This orguiii/.ition hau engaged oino of the beat musicians from the 'raguo ( Bohemian ) milituiro bands hich came to thia country lately , nnd hey claim to give untisfuction an well L the Bavuriun band which pluyod at Tivoli for the pant weeks. Next aturd.iy the Musical Union will give grand concert under the leadership Pli F. M. Steinhuuaer. A few more of the ton cent Canned leeds and Dried Fruits ut ! I. GliNTLUMAN'tf. Pa Cherries by the quart , bushel or agon load , ut jiuwErr'H , or. je28-2t FIRE IN THE REAR. England Afraid to Taokla Egypt Lost Ireland Would Rise Up , Government Ofllcials Plainly Agitated on this Point. Menntimo the Bnnks of the Surz nro Boinff Loaded With Eynnmito , Anil ThnunniiU of Rccrnit * nro to Arnlit'd Stnuilnrd- A Lively Time Looked for In tuar. East unil Elsowhorc. NEWS. N llon\l T11K I'OWKHS TO TUB I'OdTK , : , .Time 2 ! ) . Ambas sadors are attempting to convince thu porto that the powers desire to cooperate - operate with Turkey , and nro deter mined to act alone in case ho refuses. TIU : iisisit iuOI.UTION. . NKW Vonic , Juno i. ! ) . A London ciblcgrnm through private aonrcca says : "Tlioro is an dlorl in ollicial circles to veil the dfoquiotudo felt in cnnsoqncnco of thu crisis in Egyptian nlliurn. In the event of war with I' ' ypt it in understood to bo the in- tpntion of thu loaders of the revolu tionary party in Ireland to take ad vantage of KiiKland'a embarrassed con dition and piccipitate a general rising. Notra of the threatened revolution in Ireland causes considerable oxcito- mont. It 13 now believed that plans for such a movement were secretly discussed after a recent Purnoll dinner in Loiulou. HAHIIOU 111 Nnw YOUK , Juno 20 - Knkki Boy , ofllcor of Turkish admiralty , is in the city on a musion from the Turkish government , to examine nnd pur chase American torpedoes , for harbor defense. rUBr.UlATIONH IN KOY1T. LONDON , Juno 20. A Constantinople ple special says : Dervish Pnsha con- Hulted with Arab ! Boy by the portp's request. Arab ! said under no cir cumstances could ho receive n Turkish military force in Egypt. It ia ru mored Germany instigated' Turkey to send n force to Egypt. Arabi has boon constructing dynamite mines along the banks of the Suez canal. Ilia army daily receives largo addi tional volunteers. AHA 111 .MUST 00. Lord Salisbury officially states that no obligations tire in existence from the late jfovrtrnjjiont lo act .with. . . Franco in thu L'gvptian question , nnd that England hud not receded from , the demand for Arbi'a lomovnl. TWO MOKE VICTIMS' . DUIILIN , Juno 20. Marquis Olaur- ricurdo'a agent and aervant were shot in thu Loughrcn district , where Bourke was murdered. THE IIANKH. Au'.XANiwiA , Juno 20. All banks have been transferred to the decks of. vessels in thu harbor. A I'Ur.NOII TUAITOU. PAIIIH , Juno 20. The Journal dea Dobals strongly supports the British right to act alone in Egypt to prcaervo nnd maintain control of the Suez canal. NI'AMHH TAIliri' . MAIIUIII , Juno 20. Thu nonato haa passed the bill reducing turilla. JAUUIHH'AKIS. : : BCIU.IN , Juno 20 Thoio linvo been lovornl shocks rf earthquakes along hu valley of the Ithino. THE GREAT B FOU ll. ll.II Bl-M-M-U-M-A-M-S-M II - - - - - - - - An It In for ull tlio painful dlacasca of the KIDNEYS , LIVER AND DOWELS. 11 clcamcs the nyatcm of tlio acrid polaou tlmt cnuflca Uio dreadful nulfurlnc wliloh inly the vlctl ma of rhoumatlflm can roulUo. THOUSANDS OF CASES if the ivorut forum of thin lorrihla disease iavo licou quickly relieved , and Iu short U' ° * PERFECTLY CURED. IlIIT. 1(1.1 I'll II ) cr Dill , Mil IIi \ ; HUIKGISTS. ill DrycnnlioBont bymall , I MAlIll1IIAUISON.t'o.llurlInKton.Vl ) i/V. B O E H L , Miuiufiutimrol the EW IMPROVED AWNING , COll. l-lth AND HOWARD. Vine ( hm ull kind * ol machinist and lee V 11 .firi R , Tent and Wagon Oovers MAIS UFA OTORY. 'or , 14th and Howard Sts. A. GRUENWALD , _ T ntt " * * * * 1PER rlEIDSIEUK DHAMPAGNE FLAVOR , Tliu boat lii tlio country , ( or thu money , M , A. McNamara , SOLE AGENT. ourtoontu Street. Omaha John G , Jacobs , ( Formerly fiMi t Jacabj ) JND.-RT AKER J. G. ELLIOTT & GO. lumliiug , Steam & Gas Fitting id KM * urbine Water Motor. AUQ JOUUBIU IN uoipa , Pine Fitting und Brant Qooii * . . 14th and Hartley , Omaha , Neb , WATJS Motoilu Co u > tOriaiu i