Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1882, Image 1

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    " '
Buiteau Swelters in His Oo
But Keeps His Temper
Cool ,
A Dramatic Scene Promise
Wtoa the Crank ia
Launched Oil' .
The Domestic Broils of th
Scovillsa Given to a Por-
opirinf , ' Public.
The Star Route Trials Expi
ditod by nn Exaoperated
Congress RnshlnK Bnsiuoiia PPI
Vai-ntory to Early Adjourn
The Jersey Knave Laughs nt ,
Opponents In the Houso.
National Associated Press.
WASHINOTON , D. 0. , Juno 28.-
Itov. Hicks and.Miss Chovalliorcallc
at the \Vhito house , but neither aa
the president. Conkling had a Ion
interview with Arthur. '
In the star route trials to-daj
routes number 38,134 , 38,140 an
40,247 wnro taken up. G. M
Sweeney iudcntitied papora bolougin
to the routes. Petitiona were pn
duced by Bliss asking for ospeditio
and increase of routes. Dofons
asked that they bo read , but the com
decided against reading , as there wt
no evidence that the defendants di
not act rightly.
J. N. ilayor , sub-contractor , wj
examined. Joseph McCorinick , posi
master at llcddmg , Col. , was put o
the stand , and closed the evidence o
route 40,247 , and route 38 , 134 wn
taken up. The prosecution put i
evidence letters from Senator ChaUec
Chief Juatico Thacker , 'and othe
Colorado ollicials and proceeded t <
read thom , when the court inlet
rupted and said it did not want i
hoar evidence of that kind from tha
side , but wanted them to prove thei
owa.Bido of the case.
half dressed all day. Ho ia little in
clined to talk , but saya ho ia ready t <
die. Rev. Ilieka tliinka he will maki
a dramatic aceno on the scaffold.
Jno.V. . Guitcau haa not given uj
all hope of icspito from the president ,
Mrs. Scovilio appeaw resigned.
The Star published lottora fron
Scovilio to hia wife , in whicl :
appear aggravated. Ho seems to have
been constantly berating her for con.
duct during and ainco the trial. Ho
ritcs to John Guitoau to lay , that-lit
foara for the safety of hia ' child Ber
tha , and bogs him to see that her
mother does her no harm.
A correspondent of the Brooklyn
JSagle has had an interview with Gui
toau , in wbbh the latter rep
resented uahavingmcntioneda possible
by the connivance of Gen. Crocker ,
warden of the jail. The pUn ia for
the warden to go to Baltimore osten
sibly on busineos , Thursday , and ar-
r.ingo to bo detained until 2 o'clock
Friday , then , aa no ono but Crocker
ia authorized to carry out the sen
tence , execution will have to bo poa'-
poned for sonu months until the pris
oner can bo resei'tonced.
Lincoln disapproved die recommen-
dntiona of the board of engineers con
cerning the improvement of the Ohi-
caao harbor.
I'OSTAf. .
Postmaster General IIowo , in an
swer to a communication from the
senate committee on post offices as
to reducing letter postage ono third ,
says such reduction could not bo ac
complished with the revenue of the
Swain presented to Secretary Lin
coln an advi rso report in tno case of
Warren , who waa relieved of command
of tlio fifth corps , by Sheridan , after
the battle of Five Forka , and who
petitioned for restoration.
1'ho memorial of the national con
federation of laborers of the district
of Columbia , presented by Senator
Blair in the Donate to-day , nooks to
enlarge the scope of the proposed in
vcctiqation into the cause of strikes
by including the relations between
laborer and capital , wagea atrJ
bn'M of labor , the conalitution
of the laboring classes in
United States and wages aa compared
with similar classes abroad and the
causes of and agencies producing
strikes. The committco on education
and labor was directed to make an in
vestigation , and was empowered to sit
during the vacation , to visit different
localities and examine persona under
oath , etc.
The following invitation was sent
to-day by Gen. Crocker to those who
ra to attend the execution :
WAunuN'fl Omen , U , S. JAIL , \
To Mr.
You are respectfully invited to wit
ness the execution of Charles J. Gui-
toau at this jill , Friday , Juno 30 ,
1882 , between the houra of 12 ni. and
2 o'clock p. in.
( Signed ) , JOHN B. CKOUKKH ,
Dr. Noble Young will bo the doctor -
tor in charge , The jury will bo empanelled -
panelled from members of the press ,
who will bo selected Friday morning.
General Crocker's office will bo turned u
into a telegraph oftico , and the Westc <
15th and Cuming
orn Union tologrnph company , tl
United States Press Association ixi
the Now York Associated Press TV
run n special ire into the buildii
for transmiMion of Iho account.
N Uon l Awoc ! tc4 Prpto.
WASHINOTON , Juno 28. The bi
authorising the construction of vc
sels of war for the navy was f.avorab' ,
The conference report on the coi
sular nnd diplomatic bill was agreed ti
Senator Plumb introduced r
amendment to the internal rovom
bill to repeal 25 per cent , of the in
port duty on sogi by the law of 1871
Senator Bock introduced an amoni
ment totho eamo bill reducing tl
duty on Bossimor ateol to Sl-4 n ton.
The billa extending national ban
clurtora and relating to the Japunci
indemnity fund came back from tl
house , which refused to ngreo to re
tain amendments. Referred to coi
forenco committee.
The remainder of the session w.
token up in conaidering the lofiiah
live , oxeoative and judicial approprii
tion bill. Good progress w.w nudi
and the bill will pass to-mono. '
The sonata at o p m. adjourned.
tiousn . ,
Mr. Orth reported from the foroig
nir.\ira committpo n resolution crxilir
upon the president for nny furthc
correspondoiica in relation to Amor
can citizens in British prisons nn
whether any person holding a Unite
States ollico had urged any pricom
to accept release upon condition
A. similar resolution waa oll'orod b
Mr. Wilson and adopted. j
The nnvnl appropriation bill wr
taken up , Mr. Ilobesoii explainiut ; tli
Mr. Calkins immediately led th
opposition to the bill on the groun
that the house committed on nnvs
affaira had not consulted concernin
many items.
The house decided to cloao the dt
bate on the naval appropriations tc
day. During the discussion Mi
Whitohorn charged the recent repor
sent to the house in answer to the in
qutry about enlarging the expenses o
repairing the navy , waa nmdo up by
disgraced ollicial , llobeson. The ad
ministration waa dismissed after llobc
son retired for dishonesty. Hoaaii
llobeson squandered $12,000,000 } l
§ 20,000,000 building vessels , nnd tha
$01,000,000 appropiiated was not etc
counted for in the construction o
vessels , and only n small part of i
waa shown in the material Ion hand
Ho opposed the completion of moni
_ Air. llobeson in replying to aques
tion us to the condition of the navy
said ho himself caused the construe
tion of every vessel in the navy. H <
enid with n laugh , "I built thfui
whether I had a right or not , nnd it 11
too late to impeach mo now. "
Without notion on the bill and aftei
passing the senate bill to erect i
monument on the battle field of Monmouth -
mouth ,
House at 5:12 : adjourned.
Washington Nowa
NtUonalAr > ocWtoai > reuB. _ . y . j , v -vj
> *
tfWA8UiNofoNf D.0. > 'Juno 28. Thf
president signed the bill granting the
Sioux City railway the right to con
struct a bridge over the Missouii
The president refused to pardon Ed.
Folson , to bo executed at Fort Smith ,
Ark. , on Friday.
n Washington-
National Assochted 1'icut.
WASIUNOTO.V , Juno 28. Conkling
ind 15. M. Johnson , clerk of the Now
York assembly nnd of Iho Now York
jtato republican committee , nra IK ro.
The Campbell-Wall Inj ; Fit ht
National Associated Press.
GiiKENsiiouo , Pa , Juno 28 _ Vho
Iimpboll-Wnlling tight took piaco
lovoii milea from here. Campbell u-on
n . ' 51 minutes.
Indignant Polioo Commusiouorc
Jation.i ] As ocUted free' .
ST. Louw , Mp. , Juno 28. Three
tolico commiaeionora have resigned
iccauso Governor Crittondon pardon-
d the convicted gamblers.
The Mnllojr Trial.
'at'onal 1'n.i ) AEsiclitloti.
HAHTKOHD , Conn. , Juno 28. Slod-
ard Bummed up for Blanche Doug-
is , claiming no connection with Jon-
io Cramer's death had been proven
gainst her. Blydonburg summed up
) r the Mulloys , claiming Jennie had
jicided ,
Shut Down by the Strikn.
Tiiov , N. Y. , Juno 28. Walter A.
foods' mowing machine works , at
oosic Falls , N. Y. , have shut doa-ii
i consequence of the inability to so-
ire the movement of freight , owing
1 the freight handlera' strike.
Murder nud Suicide.
Mutml AfsotUtoJ I'rcin ,
CINCINNATI , O. , Juno 28. Henry
) le , attorney , shot dead his wife and
ughtor , aged 18 , and then himself ,
is morning. The cause is unknown.
10 tragedy was discovered at noon ;
ssoraby hearing groans , broke open
u houso.
Omaha and Ashlaud
.lonil Associated I'ttaa.
OHICAOO , 111. , Juno 28. Articleaof
iorporation of the Ashland
Iroad company were filed
Ih the secretary of state at
idiaon , Wis. Capital stock , § 100- ,
) . The road will connect the
iam road with Ashland.
Jjti fay otto Colloo. |
lonil AbsociatcJ I'tim ,
SAbTON , Pa , , Juno 28 , At the
mni dinner of Lifayotto college ,
s afternoon , Hon. J , J. Blair offer-
to give the fourth of 880,000 to
low professorships , if the balance
Id bo raised. It is said the balance
I bo forthcoming ,
Part of tlio Machinery. K
aaftl AisocUted Trees. a |
IKW YOUK , June 28. The Tribfc
i states that of the eightooen I q
octors of internal revenue per-'SI
ts , OMAHA , NEB
sonally selected and appointed 1
Arthur up to Iho present day , _ b
ono , Leonard Lottriduo , of the Six
Wisconsin district , is nnti-stftlwn
and has made five appointment
while the seventeen others are c
strong elidivarts , nnd that fourtci
out of the seventeen htno togcth
1,055 subordinates.
National if odr t l Vrtss.
PmtAi > KU'iUA , Juno 28. The o :
ccutivo committco of the civil scrvii
reform association to-day adopU
resolutions authorizing the stnndii
committco to begin proceedings nt late
to enforce ox-President II ayes' fiunoi
civil service older , No. 1 , nnd invi
inn civil service reformers who are ui
willing to bo assessed for political can
paign purposes to send their con
plaints to tlio committee.
Fciiur > ylvniiiiUoailooruts. .
N tlonM Atsoclotod I'rcie.
llAUiusunui , P.v , Juno 2S.--T1
democratic atnto convention nsson
bled hero to-day. Malcolm Hay , i
iMleahany , was temporary , nnd Go' '
M. Dallas , Philadelphia , purmnnoi
chairman. The plattorm arraigns th
roj ublicin party for misrule and co :
ruptiou in state nnd nation ; denounce
the bosses and apoila cystom ; declare
against political nsai'ssmonf again :
co operative monopolies ; favors pn
tcction of labor and Pennaylvaniii it
duetrial interests.
_ The candidates named for nomin :
tion were : For Governor , Jamea 11
Lojkins , Robert E. Pnttison , Ecklo
B. Coxo , W. U. 11. Davip , llobort Ii
Monahan , John M. Hall , S. P. Wol
vcrton , M. Nelson. Six ballots wor
taken , Uopkina and Pntlison loadln
otl' with 87 and 07 A renpectively. Cox
waa third , but developed no gren
strength , although it waa assorted h
would carry the convention by storm
The decisive ballot stood : Pnttisoi
2liJ , Hopkins 11A ! ) , and Pnttison wa
Icciarod the nominee of the conven
Pnttison is n young mnn , belongs t
the young men's democratic club e
Philadelphia. He has boon twici
elected city comptroller , the last tim
in the piesidentnil year by a majorit'
of 13,000 , although Garliold carriei
the city by over 20,000.
The convention reassembles tomorrow
row to complete the ticket.
Comptroller Pnttison accepted tin
gubernatorial nomination nt a serenade
nado tnndercd him late to-night.
Illinois KopnMJcanF.
Natloiul Prc. s Association.
CHICAGO , Juno 28. The republican
can atato convention hold n very bar
monioua session to day tt Springfield ,
Gen. J. 0. Smith waa nominated foi
the treusnryahip on the first ballot
Charles G. Stratton , of Mt. Vernon ,
was , after several ballots , nominatet
for atato superintendent. A. M. Jonoi
was nominated by the committee foi
temporary chairman of the centra !
committee , which decided to meet ii :
Chicago on the lth ! ) proximo , to elect
permanent ofiiccra.
It ia thought Jones will bo reelected -
od to the permanent chairmanahip ,
? J-\Y.jr-3hfjn , of 0jicagu ! , nttomptec
td aeouro the introduction of a plank
in the platform favoring n prohibitory
amendment , but the convention reFused -
Fused to consider the nubject.
Another Custom House How.
National Associated Press.
NEW YOUK , Juno 28. The secre
tary of the treasury has ordered Spec
ial Agent BiMcUott to investigate
: hargea of irregularity againat Ap
praiser Hownrd'a department of the
NTow York custom houso. Howard ia
i Hivyea appointee and n half-breed.
Nbrnwn D. Sampson , who makca the
ihirges , ia a strong stalwart , who
voro turned out of the custom house
vhere ho waa examiner under Howard
in sustained charges of irregularitiea
md ia now on bail under two criminal
ndictmonts. Sampson's bondsman ia a
irother of Barney Biglin , the noted
talwart. Brackott investigated and
pproved the charges against Samp-
Binder Trial nt FrtendvlUo.
iwclal Uiijutch to ThuBc'O.
FitiENi viLiu , Juno 27. Grand trial
i green rye , between Deoring ,
Toods , Buckeye , Now ivrarsh , Iloli
nco and Adams it French. The
Coring takes the cake. Five sold 01
10 ground. Wet a snip nor break ,
ow Marah complete failure , llo-
uico and Adams & French npt much
uttonul AHHOcIatocl 1'jreea ,
ATOHISON , Kan. , Juno 28- Careful
timatCB from nuthontic sources
nco the Kansas wheat yield for 1882
between thirly-ilvo and forty mil-
ni bushels , TJiis ia an excess of sev-
\ \ million bushels over any pro
ms year. The state board of agri-
Iture eatimatea the yield at twenty
ahols to the acre.
VANKTON , Juno 28 , Crop reports
im the lied llivor valley , the great section of Dakota , itro uni-
mly encouraging , Good judges say
] yield will be about eighteen mil-
n bushels , or about double that of
t year , All kinds of root crops uro
excellent condition ,
Poiaonou by Stuolcoil Touguc >
lotml Aeooclatcd 1'rtiu.
KW YOUK , Juno 28 , Seven per-
is of the family of Jamoa M. Stod-
n were poiaonod by eating smoked
iguo on Monday , and are still very
but out of danger , merely because
prompt and scientific treatment.
D tongue was purchased in n grocery
I subsequently boiled.
Yellow Jack-
on&l Associated Prim * ,
'JIILADKLI-HIA , Juno 28 , The brig
inn from Havana arrived , having
ard u Bailer sullbring from yellow
sr. The sailor was aent to the
rantino and the vessel detained ,
will be fumigated.
via Now York with the privilege ol
"Buckeye's" ' March to SB
Iho Hail Holes of the
TJO Ruin of Crops nd Home
Complete in IVIott
Placoo. . %
PArtionlnrti of the Dontu of Pcto
Mnny l-ntutues Rendered Uomolop
unit DcatlUUo.
Crrc < | uiii1 iiroof Ilio Hco.
WAMOO , Nob. , .lutio 17. In tin
atuim of lust Sunday morning I cai
nowhere lind nny traces of the whirl
wind , or oovero rotary ciiiter an 110
ticeablo in the tornado. The stern
teems to hnvo moved norota the atat <
neatly in n line from um to cnsl , ill
more duotruotivo pari being n ho ul
five or ton miles wide , nnd thu wiivi'
and hail dqing ita worst damage somo.
what irregularly , but generally within
belt ( if about , six miles. Witliii ;
this belt the sinnll groin is nearly nil
ruined. It would BOOM almost impossible <
siblo to nmko n more complete de
struction of the wheat , oats , rye nnd
lax , na the atraw ia liteially ground
up , leaing a short , bale siubblc , nnd
the rain washing the fragments of the
stalk , loaves nnd grass into the road
sides or wntor courHOK , leaving the
"lolds almost nakod. A holt twelve
niles wide , covered by the storm , hna
ittlo corn that ia not more or less in
jured , although much of it will grow
ijjnin if the season ia otherwise favor-
nble , but there arc largo parts of this
n the regions of thn aovcro hail where
the whole otnlk and roots seem to bo
nnd heavy water until there seemed
to rjinnin really nothing. As there
seems to bo many wild stories , nnd us
Homo dispatches and newspaper ro-
povts are imito contradictory , 1 have
taken the pains to drive coiuo distnnco
over the grounds in Butler and Saunders -
dors counties to BCD the work of de
struction and to talk with reliable
persona from sovernl localities oust
midwest. The general apponrnneoof
the storm when it struck Omaha , ns
described in Tun BKI ; , was n i seen nt
David City , and doling the hiilf hour
tlnit I watched it as it approached , I
thought it WUB quito plain that the
whirlwind or rotary moVement waa n
horizontal one , as though the cloud
was being rolled along.Tho wind at
the limo was blowing a 'gpod breeze
uirectly from the east toward the
there were 120 lights of glass broken
from the hotel windows , nnd the
livery barn by the rl < \ , 'if the , hubj }
was blotvh down. A lumso with'tho
family still in bed , was moved up the
eido lull , 102 feet , ono of the largo
stones of tliu foundation , remaining
under the building and plowing a
Hood furrow in the ground. The In
dependent ollico was much damaged ,
and will require quito a general re
pair before it can b used again. The
now Methodist church waa struck by
lightning , but juat how much dam.iuo ,
T cannot report. Ono hidy had a kg
broken by a chimney.
: omea in for a share , although the
jontfo of the Htorm wua two or thrro
niles aouth of town , The Hax house ,
ijy the A. it N. track , waa aut on u
; oed ntono foundation , the alone bo
ng laid in mortar ; it waa dumped on
o the track. 'J'lio ' largo corn crib
vcat of the depot w.ia destroyed , a
argo section ot ono aide being hurled
icrofla two aide tracks and over a coal
inr , onto the main track ia front of
ho depot ; while one of the posta wa
ent past the end of the depot , atrik
. ear on the west aide trade bsliim
he depot , breaking the aide of n box
.xr. The timber was found with oni
nd in the car , it having gone througl
lie two thicknesses of inch boards
'ho kitchen part of thn E. O. aid ) 0
Barker's houao wua blown
cross the street , into a fiax field
ud as soon as the storm slackct
fury ono began to tush to the stores
nd timberaids to secure glass , foi
ioat of thu unprotected glass on the
eat Hide of the buddings was destroy-
1 , Six or seven miles southeast ot
avid City thn houjo of I'otcr Ad-
ana was
The family were not all up at the
no , Mr. A. noticed aa lie went to
0 attic to call the children that the
of was alroidy broken in and was
ing to pieces , Henry Axaomakor ,
is looking from the \viMt window of
louse fifty rods to the cast , nnd aa
a storm slacken so ho could seu that
itanco , ho discovered the house waa
wn , and at once put on a coat and
1 to go to the auUtauco of the fain-
, and mot Lotta , the twelve year
l _ daughter of Adrean coining in ,
is gave the alarm and a man was
it withn horse to call the neighbors ,
1 as aoon as the facta were accor-
nod mossengora were sent for Dr.
1 , Murphy mid the priest at David
y , and for Dr. Hiirri or , of Brain-
I. Mrs , A , wua found sitting up , .V :
aril.I , ( UiAU'INU TUB 1IAI1V ,
oar old Her arm was badly bro-
i , some of the bones protruding
oral inches through the llcah , but
rend this and the general shock and
; ht , the physicians believed oho waa
.seriously . injured , althoughahore
ined , during the day , in n some- Ki
it stupid condition. Mr. A. was
nd sitting up with a wet blanket 8 (
ppod around himaolf and Ella El- fr
a , a neighboring girl of ton years , I >
j was spending the night with the tii
lily. Mr. A.'a lower jaw waa bro- in
i on both sides and at the front , a inTJ
; o piece coming out , ilia throat
i o iiujr ij , g. p ; vvu , iviu o * .
lontkwu llot * ) Out. lUmul 8th * L vcowcrtb
Was cut across terribly , and his fa
so disfigured that n diftctiption won
bo impossible , nnd ho hfn only " 01
chance" to livo. The son Thoodo
nnd daughter Josephine , about fifrei
nnd ton years of nge , were
INSTANTLY Kll.l.r.l' .
by the falling limbora , Frnginonts
the house were scattered for n lot
dist.iuco , the sills nnd lloor being en
riod from the foundation fifty or
hundred feet , nnd fragments ot tl
bedstead nnd furniture were tcatlcrc
over the field ? .
The MoCiVrty house , two or thn
miles to the northeast from this , V
n now house , nnd owned by John ni
Charles McCnity , Charles waa aim
in the house , nnd when ho felt tl
hoiiM ) s'art ho jumped from bed at
started for the cellar , while the him
was nwttcredoyor thu prairies. Thu
who oxnminod it say there was hard
a whole board loft. McCarty mm
lively time for n neighbor's lions
with only n sinclo garment on , ni
getting the full benefit of the ht
Uolinblo parties stnto that cover
poisons > \ero injured north of towi
did ono in , perhaps , dead. There
terrible destruction of crops. Whi
Valparaiso wna south of the storm.
was in the southern part of the huir
canp , and reports ono or two badly ii
iurod nnd ono child drowned on tli
> rairio while blinded and diivon bi
'ore the storm ,
icvcr.xl buildings were blov.n dowi
\tr. \ Copp'a two-story dwelling wit
nnnsard , not yet finished , waa move
eight or ton feet to the eoat. It wn
a. vonocred building , that ia n fram
ihcotcd up on the outside nnd on
nyer of brick outaido the shoelinc
1'ho brick fell down , and the who !
niilding ia racked cry badly. Thi
vill probably bo a damage of ? COC
) esideh the barn , which ia n complol
vreck , and the thirty-live dallnr con
tovo stored there ia aoxtlcrod in frag
M.r. Trainor'a house and barn , jus
jaat of this , are n complete wreck
When the atorm was aeon approach
ng , heavy timbera were act up agnina
ho building to brace it , and ono o
heao wna driven into the ground twi
'oot. The beautiful spire of the nov
Methodist church is leaning to th
; aat. And the front torn from i
itoro building. The new church , i
nilf dozen miles to the northeast o
his place , was blown to fragment
md a dozen or fifteen housca nut
> arna in that eamo precinct are do
troyed.Voat of hero , n herd of om
lundrcd and twonty-ono
irero driven before the atorm througl :
iriro foncea and hedges , and 1 have
lot learned how many have beoi
aved , while all over Una part of tin
term , aa it waa in sections west
hero hna been a great wreck of glaso !
igiiB ; , outbuildings nnd the name do
truction of cropaj and to-day while
ho people of Iowa are trying tc
, mend their state constitution , wire
, ro having n number of heavy raini
, nd more hail. The atorm of Sundaj
norning ia ono of
"v ' ' . " -
'TUK MUST DEsxuuowvuV * ,
in account of heavy rain fall and hai
hat has been known in the state. I
s noticeable that moat of the houaei
leatroyed by this atorm was situated
ni an eastern slope , ao that the wind
I'omed to "drop onto them" nf-
ur it had como over the hill ,
nd they were nearly nil now houses ,
list built thia spring or nummcr. Au
thor peculiar fenturo ia-tho auo and
uiuitily of thu hailstonea , and tin ;
xtont of territory covered by thorn.
iood men tell of moiiauring hail
tonua seven nichca long , and all vizus
olow Hut. Some of these cut the
odies of trees very badly , broke
lirough roofs , and were driven
liroiigh the Hides cf houses into the
: iunis , while these of two or throe
luhoa were noon by man ; ' ; but usually
10 aizo was smaller. In some places
10 hail ia said to have been six inches
nd in some places twelve inches deep ,
id in Wahoo it foil , in between two
nildingB onto u atairwuy , several foot
jop , like a great snowbank , nnd
HMO piles rennm to-day.
Some corn fields nt thia place were
> ld since the atorm ut $2 per acre
it the general improstion is tha
oat of the corn will start again. The
SB of gnrdet s , buildings , and crops
very serious , and in places soinu
milics must have it.ssiatanco for the
o left destitute , although last Sin
y morning thiapaitof Nobrasknlmi
fine prospects for good crops
ro over known hero. BUOKKVI : .
rrntteil Tor Frnuduluut
tlonil AaiecUtcil I'm n.
Nr.w YOUK , Juno 28. Diituctivei
t evening arreated Courtland IConl.
as Chan W. Kent , aliia Olios Wi
ilson , occupation real oatato agent
nvnrk , N. J. ; II. M. Johnson , i
end of Kent , who endorsed hia
! cs and mortgages , Honjamin Sire ,
ror Sire and Jlenry Riro , hia sons ,
charged with fraudulent business
Tbo Cowljoy-K lu MliiBonrl
, l nal AHHuolated 1'runu.
loi'.ir GHOVK , Mo. , Juno 28. An
uccessful attempt wan made to
iv up the jail with two kegs of
rdor by frienda of cowboys. Three
rboys ahot Ju'iios Burns dead in a
rrel over the matter ,
mnylriiultiDomoorntia Convoii-
t Ion.
onal Aa oiatu ! < l I'IUEH
lAitiiiHiiuiio , Pa. , Juno 27 , The
locratio state convention mot nt 10
ii. The attendance ia largo , Mai-
i Hay , of Allcghony , ia temporary
irman , Comimltoea were appoint-
Adjourned until ! J p. m.
The Niitloiml
) iial ABOoclatod I'fts
mrAi > KU'jjiA , Juno 29.- About
singers out of the 1,000 expected
11 out of town are hero nlroady , to
iciputo in thu Thirteenth Nn-
al SaongerfuHt , which begins to-
row at the Academy of Music ,
Gorinan section of the city is
'usely decorated.
The Milloninm of "Peaco an
Plenty" Produced by tbo
Amendment ,
Iowa Immoraod in Imaqinnr
Purity nud Porfoo-
11 t the Spirit of Evil Will Stll
Ilo Oa Tup for the Thlmtjr.
The Wnter HpoutorH Pile Up Monr
tnlnouH Mnjorltlos.
The Iluriiil of HuclRo.
SK > ( lal1 > l ) iitchto IHK lUr.
Dii : Moi.srs , .Iuno28. Uoturns received
coived hero to-day from nuiro thai
two-thirds of the townships , cities am
towns in the state show the majoril ;
far the amendment will bo near ! ( ,
000. The strongholds of the oppoai
lion hnvo nil been returned and tin
remainder of Iho atato will only in
crcaso the majority , lion. A. Ivini
ball , John B. Finch , Mrs. .1. Klloi
Foster and other nctivo prohtbilioi
workers during the campaign had i
jollillcntion gathering nt Iho Abori
houao hero to-night.
.si ii.t , OUMIIIMI ,
National Aosoclntoil I'tona.
DiisMoiNKS , Juno 28. Full report
from voting on the prohibitory liquo
law nmondment to the consitlutioi
have not yet boon reeoive < l , but suf
licient is known to indk to thkt tin
nmendmont is adopUd ' . > a Hajorit ]
ranging from : I5,000 to 50,000. Tin
tempo nut co stnto eouimitUo cl iin r
m\jority : of 00,000. AH n mle the Mis-
ainsipi eountioa voted ayMMt prohibi
tion , but in the ni-riciiltaral oountira
of the interior farmers rolled up largo
majorities for the amendment. With
the exception of Dea Moinca , where
thu amendment was adopted by over
1200 majority , the chief ciliea voted
against it. Scott county voted 13,000
against. Returns from ( i 17 townships ,
including nil largo cities except Sioux
City , gtvo n majoriiy for the amend
ment of 2-t2 ( ! . .fudging from theao fig-
urea the majority in tlio state for the
amendment ill probably bo not less
than ' 10,000.
roMMirrnus or WOMI.M
ivoro pirticularly active at thopulla
in many places , and the success of
the amendment ia almost duo to pri
vate and public utlbrta in ita bohnlf
of the fenialo population of tha stuto.
The saloona wore generally closed
during the houra of voting. Thn
tumporanco people throughout the
state are jubilant , church bolla nro
ringing every wht'ro celebrating the
Roturna from 7I1U townshipa , in.
eluding nil largo cities , and many
small ones , give a not majority of
28,001. , The wttmatcdJotaUmajori.
- ' ' !
isM OOOrtho-'tdnTpbrntoBYa'to com
mittoo claim (10,000.
DBS MOINJM , Juno 28. Uoturns
from ycatordny'a election continuo to
comu. Tlio Huccoea of the proliihi-
tion amendmonl ticket ia moro npp.i-
rent. Six hundred and thirty town-
nhipn , representing fonr-liftha of thu
entire vote , give a not majority of
thirlytthousand. . The temper-
unco state committee claim a majority
jf i-ixty thouaand , but thia ia doubt-
ICBH too largo. An improsiiion pro-
i'aila that flov. Sherman will at once
: all an extra aeasion of the lesislaturo
: or Iho purpooo of enacting punultiua
"or the enforcement of the law.
run MAJoitirv CU.MIIINO ui- .
NKW Youic , Juno 28. The Weekly
Witness to-day publiahed a dispatch
Tom E. W. Brady , publisher of the
MorthwoBtorn Nuwu , Davenport , la , ,
.hat the conatitutiomilamendmentwas
idopted by thirty thousand majority ;
'rom the editor of the Iowa Capitol
hut the amendment was carried by
brly-li"o thouaand to possibly eighty
housand ; from Mr. Wulkor Given ,
ho governor of lown'a private socro-
ury , that at 1 a. in. to-day the returns
ndicato . ' 50,000 majority. The citiea
nd Mississippi river counties voted
giinat prohibition , the funning and
iterior regionu supporting. The
hief citioi were against the ninend-
innt , ljs Moinert , howovnr , giving it
,200 , majority. Women worked all
ay at tao polls , and the vote very
LlbiK.1 . ' .caogUtoJ i'rcui.
DUIIUN , .1 imp 28 , The Freuman'a
) urnal , in ita ieauo to-day , publishes
o conlidontiul circular of Lord Lieu-
nunt Spencer addressed to the
agistratos of the various districts
roughout the country , The cirou-
r is a lucid explanation of the work-
K of the _ prevention of crimes bill
10 publications "create a sensation
ollicial circles ,
Sr. 1'KTRiiHiiuua , Juno 28. There
ire tiled and sentenced Saturday
only goii'donrma and eight aoldiors ,
ilty of aiding nihilista to coiroi-
nd with priaonora. Twenty-two
ro aentenced to hard labor , while
D other six will probably bo shot ,
LONDON , Juno 28 , An ollicial dis-
tcli from'Alcxandria states that the
g there is. ono of insocuiily nnd
: iit approhunsion , This waa in-
day when threatening aymp
IIH appeared , looking to a general
rising ogainut the KngliHh , Vostor-
t the soldieru cleared the publia
lares and held themselves in ruadi-
is for a momentary outbreak To-
r the guards were doubled ,
L'ho determined resistance of Great
itain alone to any arrangement
h Arab ! Boy on u basis of conccs-
ia hua aroused the native fooling
i point which threaten serious dun-
& SON , '
Magazines of all kinds
Send for REDUCED
price-list of Job Print
ing ,
_ _ _ _ _
J. T. F E S T H E R ,
Importer of , nnd Dealer in
Zitlior Strings and Music , .
1121 Farnam St , Omaha.-
; ? er English and foreign residents- ,
generally , are leaving in largo nuin-
jors. Meanwhile military prepara-
-ioua are progressing with dispatch ,
md the arrival of largo reinforce-
nents , including c.ivalry and artillery ,
.re daijy expected both nt Alexandria
iiid Malta.
p&odatud I'rtr * .
Nnw YOUK , .Juno 28. The Coney
iland Jockey Club races at Sheops-
'end ' I'ny continued to-day. First race ,
inrao $500 , all ngos , ono mile , two en-
rios , was won by Lucy May , Blumon
oconcl ; time 1:47A. :
Second race , purao § 500 , all ages ,
oiling allowances , three quarters of n
lile , was won by Little Phil , Chick-
dee nouond ; time 1:10.
Tlio third race , hamlioip sweep-
.akea ' , nil nges , milo nnd u quurtcr ,
as won by Col. Sprague , Frankie B ,
: cond ; lime , 2:1 : J.
The fourth race , purse $100 , two
sar olds , three qiiartors of a milo ,
vo ontriea , waa won by Fairviow.
ith Erin second ; time , 1:18 : ] .
The fifth race , atirrup cup , handi-
ip sweopatakea , nil ages , two mile *
id > furlong , w - , won by Faiienunt ,
'laV.irlield ' MMMM ) ; time , y17f. ;
The sixth nvec , Hrooklyn atet'pl-
mo handica ] ) , hill I-OUMO , was won
\ Iko I'oiihiui ) , Fjank Short second.
A now ur .vouni.
WINNJI-.II , Man , J.nui 28 The
gatta opened tu-day under luvonv-
o auspirei and n largo attendance.
'allaco lOus defeated John A , Kon-
idy in the two milo race , Ho ro
ivod a purho Sl.OOO , and starts to
irrow lor Now York nnd Boston.
tfuno 28. Cincinnatia
Ualtimores .
OKTUOIT , Juno 28. Worccstors 4 ,
Water in Kentucky.
lonil Aesoclitod 1'resa
' 'iiKNoiiiiuna , Ky. , Juno 28. Yes-
Jay's rains Hooded Beaver creek
I tlio water is eight foot deep in the
jots. Three dwellings were swept
y. Mrs. John Fox , Mrs. Byrne
I two grown daughter , and llov.
tkins' two daughters are all
wnod. Four bodies were recov-
d. All fences and crops in the val-
were swept away. The French-
'g postollico and all its ( ontents
e swept away.
onal Absoctatwl i'lcss.
fuw YOIIK , Juno 28. Sailed
thia for Liverpool , Persian Mon-
i for London , Shodam for Amster-
i , State of Florida for Glasgow ,
ikar for Bremen , Arrived
oriquo from Havre ,
( UKENsroWN , Juno 28. Sailed
ro f Montreal for Now York.
lONimtf , Juno 28. Jason , froiu
v York for Amsterdam , passed up.
channel ,
awitya uu IJ.AUU ,