' - A . , . . , , , THE DAILY BEE OMAHA WEDNESDAY JU&E 28 , 188 * . The Daily Bee. Mm. Wednesday Morning , Juno 28. \ Votlior Jttoport. ( The follow Intf observation * nro Ukm al the Raine moment of tlmcnt all Hie ntaliuiu nnmcil. ) WAII Dr.rAnTJiK.vT , IT. S. SIONAT.SKII. 1 VICK , OMAHA , .lunc'A 18S2.l:15 ( : | > .ni. I tT > TIOXH. Denver. . . . . 29 71) ) NW Frith Ocu Ctujcnno , . .9 12 ) fresh ( .bar 29 87 si : 1.1 M Platlo . ,2 , 91 K treth Clctr KK OmMn . , ' 21 03 KSB HiUc Cl .11 ly 70 01 SB ( 'rcih ( .loir Do * .Moln < M. , Kfi h 30 U.1 Knsh 'Ilouily St. I ant . . . . t ) 01 NW Kr. h 3lrar HI , Imii < . . Vi vw I'roili Jlcn 1 } Tic h Inul/ , r VInceit . 29 f 8 sw Krcsh Vn\ \ ' Illcnt'ck. . . . 211 Si 3SK Krcth st IUln 29IW ! SK Itrlik Thtcitnff Viiiicr . Jfl 87 r.iKht fair 3(1 ( 03 Kreuli Knlr y ) ni Kl et 14 ( not 0 Inclionnlxno ) ilffh wntor mark t Om ha nnd 12 feet 0 lncliM at Yaniiton. LOOAL , BREVITIES. The tlvcr U now 11 feet .t inches nboto low water mark , A warrant had been issued for ! ! . V , Silver for striking n boy , Supt. Dlckoy has inirchascil Webster Snyder'a residence for 810,000. About thirty saloon keeper ? , three inonthi men , have filed applications for new liquor licenses. A couple of new cars known ns ob servation cars were brought , up front I ho ftboiwi yesterday to go west. TJio rainfall of Sunday was 3.88. inches [ intend of . ' ! Inchon , in > I5 minutes ns reported. Two plain drunks sent to the court house contractor by police judge yesterday for tlio usual term , A cnso of disturbance of the peace wan csr.tinucd. Tom Ituhy vraa sent to jail for fifteen days at hard labor for petit larceny , Patrick Hugos was damaged to tlio amount of $1,100 by a ( mall culvert bo. longing to the Union 1'aclfio on I4thstrcet , which was not largo enough to let tlio -water pas * under It in Umoof n Hood. Two burglaries took place 9th direct , between Hickory nnd Chnrlen , Saturday night. At ono house the proprietor's pants \\cro carried out , and buing found to c.intain only a knifa and some chewing to bacco , were thrown Into a i.iin water bar rel. A pair of pants nccured at the other houno contained SO , and the garment ! were left In the yard for the owner. The readers of TIIK 13iu : will remem ber the Bulgarian monk , nu account of I whoso wanderings Was published on a ro- jcent Unit hero. Tlio Sioux City Journal isays : The Uulgtriju monk who took In Sioux City on his travels waH assaulted by n drunken man at Iferon Lake , and re- celvod what in known to trade an a head. % lie.draw his gun In true woiteru style , and said ho would shoot if the man did not stop hitting him. The boys of the town pelted him with pebbles from Blung-shots. At Worthington hiu revolver nnd some manuscript were stolen , and altogether he will no ' recefvQ.'a ' high ImprcwloVbf the civilization of that part of the country. Ho informed n railroad man that bo would go from tit , 1'aul to lUsmarcle , and then by puny express to Dcadwood. r Vii _ uljourneil meeting of itho board of I cduoatloij wftj lold nt 0 o'clock Monday. Bids * 'for" building "tho new' school i * . * * * luniuo at r.loventb an I Center Rtrcots and the addition to the llarlnmu echool house were opened. Thcro were fourteen iiud they were referred until the meeting on Monday next. D. W. O. llunttngton wai granted pcrmisslou to tiso a room in the Central fchool fern clntiH during vacation , A npecul ! committee on teachers nnd textbooks - books cocelitluK of Ferguson , PoinU nud Connoyor wes appoiiitc'd , ' ' * "ThoMItii rl 1'ncilio Hallway Company - pany , Consolidated First Mortgage IJond , to John Dillon , Trustee. Total Issue § 30- 000,000 , " is the title of nnintereKtlng pain- "phlct filed with theoounty clerk yesterday. It contains tucuty-eh pogcs of piinted matter nnd will miiko about fifty pages of record , costing about $25 In fees , It baa .already been filed Iu forty-six different counties nl'iug the line and is yet to bo placed ou file in eight more. Barney Shannon reports the iccelpt of tome hugo "Irish apples" grown on his father's farm in the old country , Ono received labt week weighs eighteen pounds and another teceived the week before fourteen pounda. liarnoy has a potato which bo dug up on the same farm thirty- two years ago which is still green. . The Laramlo Boomerang "learni' from reliable source that Mr , Itobert Liw has .4' been offered the management of tlio ll\ir' llngton and Missouri line from Oinaln to TV - Denver , and that he only defers au accept V ance to await the action of the Union Pa cific magnates , who , it Is believed , will tender him the position formerly held by Mr. J. T. Clark. " The jury in the case of Sidney Smith returned a verdict finding Mm guilty of tha embezzlement of $33 , which ii ft penitentiary of. lente. There are ; four other Indictments of the same character against him , His friends declare that the verdict h an out- Tge and that the court will have to set it ajlde. About two mouth * ago a Mlllard phy. ntclan called at a barber shop iu this city and had bis hair cut , handing the barber a 810 bill for change. Yeiterday he came and handed the astonished knight of the razor 60 cents , telling him that he hai given him $10.16 back instead of ? DM. Notwithstanding the extraordinary pressure on the new sewer on Sunday b ; the flood of water and debris poured upoi it , not a crack or break of any kind UiI ble. Thii speaks highly for the characte of the work which is all peifcoually inipec ted by Mr. F , J. Conway , The United States court reuumod iU felUlngt yesterday , x Only matter of Im parlance transacted was the filing of a do imirrer In the star route cates against Id dings olid Oorbio , which wai being argue < before the judge in chambers ut 3 p , in yesterday. Vho city treasurer' * ofilco it lo be re Jnoied at once to Iledlck's block , the oM court home. The city clerk having a strong constitution will remain in hio present rmorlcrs until ho hnw * tgnn of fading. If ho wants a now oflico he will have to use nnti-fat. Contractor WinwU , who raised etich A row in Omaha and got our contractors nnd dealers In such n mcsi , ft few monlhn ngo , has been convicted of obtaining money under fAlao pretenses by n I'lattnmoulh court nnd sentenced to one > car in the pcnitcnllnry The Oinnlw Hot Spur club ployed tea a thin honso last Saturday night , and the performances was oven "thinner" than the audience. Bettor acting at homo linn ruined our Unto for such as that. [ Blnlr Republican. Humor 1ms it that u ( inlet wedding will noon tnko place on Capital Hill in which a writ known nnd prominent 1'ani- limn street merchant 5 § nid to bo ono of Lho high contracting parties , Thecounty clerk ti nerving noticed upon those.who have been nucftsed too low. The hoard of cquatfoatlnn closes Its Rcsslonnon Thursday. H. Al , Hurlhiit k Co. , Kardcncrc , rwcnty-fiifltniul Paul streets , report n loss of SACOO by the htorm. EDUCATIONAL ECHOES. The Closing Days of tlio Oolle- giato Year. Commencement at St. Cath- erine'a Croig htoti O , etc. Tlio commencement oxorciauo nt St. Catherine's academy , Eighteenth and Cass , took plnco on Thursday lant , but have unavoidably been crowded out up to the prcaont thno by the pressure of nowa. The following won the very interest ing programme : I'ART HRST. Duot- The Grand Processional Mnrrh. , F. Vivcni Mlssen L. Do'lone , G .Duncan. Salutatory MissNettio JJtulcley Trio God in Love John Abbot St. Cecilia's Choristers. Duct Uolisario 33. Gorio Misses L. Dcllonc , G , lunc.ui. Poetry Unseen , Yet Seen..A , I'roctor Mis M. K. Kusli. The Sweet Kragrant LIIIcHW. W. li , Thompson St. Cecil h'H Choristcra. I'lItST DHTllinUTIO.V. Gold inctlnl crowns and ilbhons , for huuor nnd politeness , I'AIIT HHCONI ) . Solo. Lautrrbach LoFer ( Miss G , Duncan , Duct , TJio Mountain HivK W. L , Thompson Misses Kittio Mel f ugh , 0. Grtlghton , N. Burkloy , K. G. Mclltwh. " The Two Sinters "ra Uneho Misses It. Dollone , G. Duncan. SUCONI ) niSTItllll'TION. Gold moiJrvl nnd bt > okt > , ( or tittomliuco , t. 1'AltT Tllini ) . v The Wnod.Nyinph'8 Call. . . . ] , . Wllliomrf Mlsees Kittio Moirugh. C. Cruightou , K.1 llttrkloy , M. lUloy , K. G. Mcllugli. ' Trio. Welcoimi to Spring. MlBnes M. A. l''linnory , K. ( i. ? f jf. M. KuHli. , Solo. Novir Mind tlioplejl > ' " " Most } Jflnnnory. Duet. St. Corrlcalo. . . . L. Gobbeartil Misses M. A. l-'lannurv , Klttla Molluch ; roetry.-DmiiieQuoVatli . .l'.S. " ' Miss Olura Creinhtun. TIIIIll ) DIHTIIIIIUIION. , Gjold medals. Silver mednlstand , < K .n rj > rjlriatlanjioctrlno ) , > nmsle , m thomat- ICB , drawing , Htndy , ' clc. * " ' Holy Mother Guluo Tlicir Footsteps. St. Cocilla'd Clmirislera. I Duct. Victory March. Mltscs L. Dellono , G. Duncan. lit. ] lov. Uishof ) O'Connor deliver ed o very intorcBtini ; address to tlio young ladioa mid congratulated thorn upon the marked improvement made during the past year. Mudala and prixea were conferred as tyllovrn : , , ' . ' lathemnficB , Clara Oroiphton ; lion- orablo mention , Mtipgto intxinorriB ; attendance , Minniu Jliloy ; cliriatian dootrino , Jvatio Oreighton ; music. Loretta Uollono ; vocal inuaio , L\z/.lo \ J. Moalio ; English composition , nn elegant bookQraco Van Yalkonbiirgj [ iroiniums for inuaic , books , Georgia .Uuucim und Mary Ann Flaiinory. 1IOI.Y I'JUIILY , The first year of the schools ot the lloly Family parish closed yesterday , Last night there was a benefit on- turtninmont iu the basement of the lloly Family church , corner of Sev enteenth and Isard utruots , in which the little folks and several ladies and gentlemen from the city appeared. IN HIE STATE. The nomi-annual 'apportionment made Juno llth ) by state superintend , cut public instruction , shows : Total children of school njje 105,501 Total amount apportioned.110.122 27 Katoper pupil , . . . . , . , , 88 44 Apportioned to Douglas Co. . . 9,350 05 lloport of county nupt , for Douglaa county shows : Number of children , male. . , , D129 " " female 5,1'J1 " enrolled , malo. . ' > 773 ' ' " " , fenmle.2l4(56 ( Total average attendance 3 100 Number of teachers , male is " " female H'J Total expenditures for school pur. poses. , t 8113.527 Total Indebtedness , 160,100 Total value of school property , , . . 463,931 Number of aohool district * 51 Numberof school houses , , . , . 01 WANTED A brick moulder ; good ages. Apply to Andrew Bothwoll , Fremont , Nob. jol9.3t-nio To FAKMKUS or NEUUAHKA , Thirty - ty thousand choice fence ( hardwood , seven foot ) posts cheap. Ex-Mayor Vaughan , Council BluHs , Iowa. jo2J.at. ( . Hussln Salve has - - - - genuine ' " " 'Hi nil whoute It will testify. Price 2Sc. Try it. Cuxuiou. J. IJochstrassor nnd the Brunswick and Ualko billiard tublo company eend no agents , ropaircra or .peddlora out through the etato , and any ono who trav.ela with sucli pretentious is n fraud , and persons will do well to lot him ulone. Any parties wishing anything - thing done in thla line should send di rect To Brunswick and JJalko Co. , 501) ) South Tontli street , or to J , Hoch- atrassur ngent. Satisfaction guarau niay22 1m LOCAL LAW MAKERS. Tlio Mayor Nominates a Board of Public Works , The City Officially Declared Proo of Small Pox Bids for City Printing Received nnd Roforrcil. An AOJournecl Mooting to bo Hola at 7-30 p. m. Saturday. At the regular meeting of the city council Jnat evening there wore prcn- out : Mossra. Baker , Uehm , Dollonr , Dunham , Herman , Kaufmann , Lced- cr , McGucldn , O'Kcofu , Thrano , President - idont pro tcm Herman in the chair. The journal of the preceding incut- ing WAS road mid approved , PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. From the mayor appointing Jamoo A. Creitjhton , Win. A. Pnxton and Guy Barton , members of the board of public works , the first named gontlc- man to bo chairman. Mr. O'Kcofo ' moved to refer to the commitco ! on strooti and gradca. Sir. Kaufmann thought tt noocssr.ry to confirm or reject to-night , and nak ed for the city attorney's opinion. Mr. Baler thought the bonds might not carry , and in that ciso a board of public wcnkn would bo like the ban fjlcs on alady's rings , neither useful nor oriinnionlal. ( I'lio attention of the i > omen's sutrragctats is called to this opinion ] The president requested the city at torney to give his opinion in the mut ter of appointments , and a recess of five minutes was taken to allow the city charter amendments to bo sent for. A1TEH IlKCKSS. The city attorney read the law gov erning the mattur , which according to hia opinion should bo done on or before the first of July. He thought , if the council did not agree beforu that date , however , the appointments might bo made afterward. It was moved that action on the ap pointments bo postponed , and that the council , when it adjourn , adjourn to Saturday evening at 7:150 : o'clock. From the mayor , appointing judges and clerks of election as follows : First \Vard Glcrko , Wra. Doll and II. P. Hitter ; judges , M. Carrigan , Goo. Peterson and Geo. 0. Mericlo. Second Ward Clerks , P. M. Mul len , James Mahoney ; judges , Jatnea Luse , Aug. Doll , Jnineo Donnelly. Third Ward Clerks , D. Brown , Ira Wilson ; judges , Henry Myers , Matt Hoover , John J , O'Connor. Foutth Ward Clerks , J. 11 , Man chester , D. Ivttnniston ; judges , Ei L. Emory , Peter ilugus , Guatay Ander son. -St Fifth Ward Clerks , John H. Erck , G o. W. Ilumo ; judgoa , S. Wakufiuld , Jon. l L-dmixii , J. A. Millie. j Sixth vjatd Clerks , W. A. Smith , Jj. JOIICB ; judges , Aaron ilooll , E. Y. ' Smith , I1' . A , McShano. ConGrmed. From the mayor , approving the ordinance 'creating a board of public works and fire limits ordinance. 'Filed. From satno , vetoing ordinances levying laxand appropriating moneys for curbing mid' guttering Tentll strong Filed.- < t ' From the city engineer , submitting corrected cdpifcu b ubove'ordinances. ' Filed. ' ' v , From sumo , submitting monthly oaUnmta df 'work bn hjduth Onlalni sewer , lloforred. v ' From came , le'portiiig.on the , Tenth strcoG washout. Eugthcer to waUo purveys ahd profile. < From the or.y engineer- , reporting catimatb of grading on , 'TuutU atrfro with ordinances malting levy to pay for came , llefcrrod. From BAiiiQ i on grading Fairvicw slrt'ot. Referred. , Fi-on ) the city physician , reporting that the cityos fioo from small pox , and making certain recommendations as to dieposal of hospital property. Iteferrod to the board of health with power to act. Fiom John C. Lucas , ot al , asking for improvement in drainage facilities at Chicago and Thirteenth , llefcrrod. From Omaha National bank in re gard to sewer warrant for § 2,000 , llofbrrod. From Wilkins k Evans , asking per mission to raise barn on Eleventh and Douglas to grade , lloforred. From liodick and Council reporting that they were using the utmost despatch in arrnnginj , ' for the con struction of certain sidowalku order ed. Iloferiud. From II. Kounizo in rocard to cer tain improvements in South Omaha , Ruforreii. From Gco. J , Duncan a.king for roimbuuomcnt for loss sustained by reason of the fulling in of a defective bridge on Saunduia sttuut. Filed. Bids for printing were received from the Tribune Printing Co. , Samuel - uol Rees , Omaha BEU Publishing Co. From 0. P. Straight and others for wagon bridge over second North Oma 1m crook on Twentieth street between Clark and Sherman. Referred. The contract and bond for con * struction of sidewalks between the city and Ohas , Gardner , wore ap proved. The bond of the city of Omaha to the Union Pacific Railway company for protection against "the big ditch. ' Clerk ordered to deliver to U , P. company , Several proposals for gradiim were received and referred. RESOLUTIONS. By O'Koofo : That block on Thir teenth and Leavenworth is a nuisance and shall be abated. Adopted , By O'Keefo ; That all persons hav ing collar connection with the South Omaha sewer now plugged shall bo authorized to open same by tmin" for if. Adopted. " By Lsodor : To fill water hole in the alloy in block 201i , between Sixteenth and Seventeenth , at cost not4 to exceed - coed 815. Referred. By Thraiio : To place street lamp at corner Sixth and Pacific. Referred. By Baker : Authorising street com- inuaioner to employ three teams and six men and one foreman in addition to present force and make such re pairs on streets and bridges as may bo necessary , Adopted. By Lcedor ; Uo fill part of hole in lot 3 , block 28 , Twelfth and Cass streets. Ai'op'od | i By Baker : To advertise for bids for material and construction of bridge across North Omaha creek on Saunders - dors street Adopted. By Uclini. To replace bridge on Fourteenth and Pacific. Adopted. By Behm : To have the matter of old wood Bower in alley between Thirteenth and Fourteenth and Jack son and Joresjl jokedjiftor by the ci'y engineer , who shall have power to act. Adopted. By McOuckin : To notify owners of west 22 feet of lot 3 , block 122 , and middle 22 foot of lot 3 , block 22 , on Douulas street , to fill or drain the pond'on said lots within ten days. Adopted , By McGackin : To advertise city business in German papers at the 3.11110 ratts as in city papers. Referred. By Lcedor : To notify owner of lots CO , 57 nnd & 8 , block 2" , on Chas street , to Oil or drain pond on same. Adopted By Di'llono : Authorizing the city trcaBUicr to remove hia oliico into Reditk i block. A dopted. By Dollono : To employ a , coin- potent person to make up assessment roll for J8S2 , at an expnnso not exceeding - cooding $100. Adopted. By Bchni : Authotizhig construction of three new oatch basins on Thir teenth , Fourteenth and Fifteenth street corners of Jackson street. Re ferred. By Bahm : To divide all monies m 4 general fund , over arid nbovo what was necetiury , for general expenses of city , for fiscal year 1882-3 , equally be tween the various vrurds. Lost. By Beh in : To build a box culvert acrosa Thirteenth and Williams. Adopted. By Bohm : Directing the raising of all catch basins on Jackson street BO as to make the same aerviccablo. Adopted. By O'Keefo : To have a man go through South Omaha sewer after every heavy rain and reniovo all ob structions. Adopted. By O'Keofo : To have city engineer report cost of construction of a plat form at the foot of Jackson direct on the river bank to dump manure. Adopted. By McGuckin : To notify property owners on cast aide of Twelfth be tween Dodge and Capitol avenue to im mediately repair sidewalks. Adopted. A motion by Mr. Kaufman to ad- jouin to 7:30 : p. in. Saturday was adopted. SPORTS SPOTTED. A Couple of Chicago Confidence Men In Limbo. A coupla of men who aio said to bo Ohicigo crooknand regular profession als , were caught last night by Officers Kaspor and McCuno , after getting in their work on Joe Grace mi employe of the Union Pacific. Grace had been drinking nnd ac cording tp the story told , got into a saloon tn Twelfth mid Douglas with the two inou ; whoso r.iuuui aio given as Wilson und Harris , wherp flei-cod ijtn out of about1 $7 in shaking dice. f The throe then , loft. Ill o , saloon .Midylaon and HariiSjstpick ! Grace for a stake to pay } < iaro , getting ! § 5 out of him in ihis way.\ They soon icarue back for more , ' which w'us refused , wlien it is alleged ; they helped themselves to the , cqnj 'tonto of the wallet , getting § 35 in all. Graca informed the ofljeera , w'honr-j rented tJjo men about , EOVOII o'clock. ) On being uoarchod , a burglars drill , n > quantity of'gold1 dust , n gold ringtanu. cpuntorfoit SlOOjand § 50 bills.worej found'nniong'o.tliertliipgs. NQ mon-j oy wiis found , and they , claimed thatj Grace gave them the money , voliintnri-j ly and that they flayed it in against "tho.bank. " , . ' The victim has a very clear vrcool lection of all that transpired , and wiflj probably lie able to sea tlio coup -gct ; Bummary punishmont. ( v | 't FOURTH OF JULY. I There will bo a 'grand ' "FourOi > of July" celebration ot Long Pine , and a 'grand excursion on the Sioux City & Pacific railroad , the faro will bo ono half of the regular price. The Lonjj Pine people have been oxorliug them' selves to make the celebration a1 grand succoas , and if you wish to spend a jolly 4th , and BOO the beautiful seen- ory in und around Long Pine , yon should not fail to bo there. Tickets on the railroad will bo good for the 3d ; 4th and ftth of July. Army Orders. The following are the latest orders issued from the department , of the Platte : Leave of absence for one month , on surgoon's certificate of disability , with permission to go beyond the depart ment limits and to apply for an ex tension of two months , is granted Post Ohapldin George A. England. Recruit Harry Gundoker , enlisted at Foit D. A. Russell , Wyo. , is assigned - signed to company E , Fourth infan try. Recruit Thomas 0. Hanson , en listed at Fort Douglas , Utah , is as signed to company I , Sixth infantry. The commanding officer , Fort D. A. Hussell , Wyo. , will order private David Mesorolo , re-enlisted for com pany D , Fourth infantry , to join his company at Ft. Liramie , Wyo. A board of survey to consist of Ma jor Thaddens II. Stanton , Paymaster U , S. A , , Mujor James 1 * . Martin , Assistant Adjutant General , U. S. A. , Captain Cyrus S. Roberta , Soventeotli Infantry , A. D , 0 , , will convene at the Quartermaster's Depot in this city , at 10 o'clock a. m. , Juno 28 , 1882 , or as BOOH thereafter an practi cable , to examine into and report upon and fix the responsibility for a lot of clothing ) the property of the Unfted States , for which Captain John B , Furey , Assistant Quarter master. U , S. A , , is responsible and which is reported as damaged. Recruit John W. Weaver , enlisted at Fort Omaha , Nob. , is assigned to troop E. Fifth Cavalry , and will bo sent to his station on the first favora ble opportunity. SLAVKN'S YOSEMITE COLOGNE , Made from the wild flowers of the FAU rAMEii YOSEMITE VALLEY , it is the most fragrant of porfumea. Manufactured by H. B. Slaveu , San Francisco. For sajo in Omaha by W. J. Whitehouso and Kennard Bros. , & 0o. \ STEAM VS , STORM. A Eaco Between tlio U , P , Ex press and the Oloufls , A Night of Terror oti the Train. Mr. D. Baum , of Lincoln , was a passenger on the incoming train from Denver on Sunday morning , and ho was interviewed by n Journal reporter who says ! "His description of the storm is vivid , and as told by him and put in print would road like a romance. Ho says the first appearance of the storm was noticeable at Sidney about 7 o'clock Saturday evening , at which point the passengers on the train ob served the dark and ominous clouds gathering southeast of them. As the train sped on , it seemed to bo over ] taking the storm , until North Platte was reached in the morning when the dutiHO bink of dark clouds that had been scon hovering over them and watched eagerly by the pan- songcrs ) seemed to break nnd a tor rent of lain foil such as Mr. Baum had never witnessed before ; thohcav- enn were illuminated by the constant and vivid flashes of lightning , follow ! d by thunder1 that sounded like the in cessant roar of a park of artillery. This , vs ith thn terrific wind and the heavy hail thundering on the roof of the cirrf , made what Mr. Baum tcriim a terrible night. When day dawned , the train was ntaring the Platte river , and for the first time the pasaungom had a glimpse of the country which had borne the brunt of the storm , and and the scene they gazed on , sayn Mr. Baum , is beyond description , tele graph poles that had stood orcct a tow hours before were ilat upon the ground ; the luxuriant corn had been broken off close to the ground and tlio oats , rye and wheat were twisted together in an inextricable mass. Hero and there along the road a tree that had stood for years , was down , and occasionally a farm house was seen that waa not setting straight with the points of the campus. Wo cannot give the full particulars of Mr. B's ride from Sidney to Central City , but thoao who desire to know how hard it can blow in Nebraska , might interview him on the subject. Ho is not in the habit of drawing upon his imagination for "facts , " or stretching the story , eo to speak , hence his tulo may bo considered reliable. PERSONAL , . M. J. Fitzgerald , U. S. A , is iu tha city. city.Hon. Hon. H. N. Wells , of Schuylor , U In the city. John A. Steven' , of Chicago , ta r.t the Witlmell. C. P. IiWiugs , of 'North 1'latte , is at ! the Witlmell. Jolm.H. Amet of Uncolp , is at tha t p. ; ) > r i- ' ' ' 3 , i * Lincoln , { ue at the \Vithr.ell. iGen.'Tbayer returned yeaterdify 'frolr Washington , 3) . C.'AndBays that Gen , togan wilt'bo ' hero to altenci' tlio jheotiU of the grand nriny , nnd L'resiJcnt Arthur , ! den. 'Grifnt' ' arid Gcni Hancock-sylll lc' hlirf know at early'day ' If fhey can arrau'ci to coipj. ' . * , , f I f C. P.Jjloyd , of 0qjjlflj ( ) O , C.Jef , = aer of , Cfttnjjritjgn ; J. Jvt VnH ' ] 5crmirki ( arji It. K. Johnaou , .of Yaltiareitfi ; A. 1' ' Mann , Jvcarnoy ; Wau Oacuojv of Nortl Pintle ; ffj T. Wiesman , hf Lintolri ; Plank , of No'.ratka ' City , 'and ' Mre Dunuilirey and' Mrsj/Hawluy ! of Gram Island , are atthefGjnfiiId. , ' ( * J. L. Watkins , of Claries ; A.'p. Gr lin'm \Yisnor ; J5. M . WiHsley , CaH tester and wife , Miriam' ' ] : . Caitetter , J , II. Hungato and J. J. Smith , of .UUir ; A , M. Tanner , of Oakland ; J , M.t Smyth , uf O'Connor ; L. T. Dudley , A. Uurges * ana P. S. Uarnep , of Weeping Wntqr ; H. Y. Freeland , Of Norfolk ; C ( W. Thompson , of Hastings ; Df C. Fleming and Joe F , I'erklns and \ylfo , of WfepInR Water , and V. W. Krone , of Lincoln , are 'guests ' at tbe Creighton , WRONGED WOMAN. Mooting of Strong-Minded Females at tue Unitarian Church , Monday the Woman's Suffrage association hold a meeting in the Uni tarian clrirch. About thirty strong- minded women and their followers were present. Rev. Mr. Copeland presided. Gen. Eutabrook delivered a short address , in the couruo of which he said the principal ditliculty they had was to got people to urgue on this sub ject at all. Last year they had done all they could , but utterly failed , in getting the ladies to take part ; in fact , they showed entire indifference to the subject. It was equally dim'- cult to get opponents as they did not consider the subject of sufficient im portance to engage in it. The general - oral defied them to meet him on the rostrum as he has defied them before but his defiances have been treated with contempt. Ho lamented that ignorant foreignersare allowed to vote while intelligent women have not that privilege. Several laditt followed in his tram and told the oft repeated story of women's wrongs. Dr. F. S , Lewis who happened to drop in then address ed the meeting , Ho thought they would , no doubt , like to hear the other side of the question repreeentod. He made a rory able impromptu speech in which he showed that if It was injurious that ignorant foreigners should vote the injury would only bo increased by allowing their wives to vote as well. Ho demonstrated very clearly that it would bo impossible fur women to bo good mothers and good politicians at tlio same time. Even men who give a great deal of atten tion to politics and hwo the oppor tunity of mixing with business men and politicians make serious blunders bit ) how much more icrious would the blunders bo if those who have not these opportunica were lo attempt to regulate public allurs. Ho pointed out that the punishment mctcd out by the Slocumb law mom often fell on the innocent family than on the actual culprit. Ho thought they had ' another proof that there , wan very 'little reason fur agitating this ques' tion at all. How was it that out of the thousands of women residnitr in 'this ' city only a dozen or so cared to attend the mooting that nieiit. It would bo found very diffi cult to convince the younn girl who was waiting with anticipatory joy to meet her lover that she was about to mci t the man who would bohor future sln\ driver. Wo regret thnt want df space Vrovents our giving Mr. Lewis' able nddrosa at length. The mcotinir adjourned at an early hour. "WANTED Immcdiatcly at Com mcrcial llouno , Missouri Valley , la. , iPECIAL fiQTIGES. NOT1CH .VUv.irtUcuiont ao liOiti , for , Sa Loit , I'oanJ.VA4t3 UoardlrX , tii.t will bo In- eertoct 1n these , coltimnn onoo lor TEN CENT ! per line ; each ruliscijucnt luirjtlou , KIVECKNTS I > cr line. The first Insertion cowr lt i thin TWKMTV-FIVK TENTS ro i.OAr < rpO LOAN-At h-K-fll ratc cf tntciflt , ' ruotik > L lanmolints t s\iltlorrfivcr. 0 II. JJAt L0(7. ( 523-20 Altornoj , rooms , I iilon Ujo.K. . PA1 } C ll nt U\f W ECO cjf 1) , IVJ 1 , T-riniM T 'Sin8 Crt'sbr-n WocV I.UAM At d pr-r caatln . ' tertat In HUmi.cl ) V-f > W ) i ub VUa3 ! , lor 3 to yearn , on flrst-cla * * city i farm prcpeity. Uri-ia urJt , R > m ; ad J.tjlrt Arnwnv IKfh nrtl nn\p-lnp 'UA rvAn 1 tu. A pooil first-class barbrr , good WANTKIl paid. None hat Urst-clvs nccil npply. No Hunday vork Atllrcsi JOHX Y , ijllkJvLINO. Icntrice , Gige couity , Neb. 0120" TXrANTED Flro hundred laborcra for work Yt onlhcaiq M lau oo & , Bt. 1'aul I.U. Stoaily work all season. Wages § 1,60 iwr1 J y Apply at KTiLlneot's office , room 5 , t'dnnrds b ock , Ccunctt IllurTs. K. X t UUSB , resident engine r. Jiinc2S-14 TX7 A > TKOi-V upK ( ilrl to tsslst in Unlit > V hctiicftork , In family of tlir o , nt 003 17th strait , corner Jackson. 010-23 "r ikla } en wanted. H. . ' 100 OOl-iaf 11 th ttrcut , near Farnain. T ) or tl res rooms miltuhlo for WAJJTKD . oRlcc. i ildr m Or. Porter , lleo ollke. 5'JO-U IfASTKD Afclrl Tor llinin'room. K. W. V corner Cipitol a > eand 17th s.rcet. Cftl i7t WANTEIJ At Bluth-woft - cor- VjT Jicr Harnt ) and lltn street * . Wrfrts l. | 002 t ANTKl ) An cxpcrUniel riur.c. o ono W uiltldr IS noaa apply Bough' fclili 1'urt onJllh , 197271 ! I'D A b'3r < l fnV , a won m prf fcircd WAN nl o c'inniocram'd. Guilt Ilou c , Loir Onvcrnmon Ccrrill. ( f.J3 if ) llcO Y. "V7"Ar [ TKO A cnnputcnt ( , 'ri ' r ( 'rncra' ' \V house nnd laundr w r . Wnses , SI.60 per ucrk. Ini ] lire at this oMlcc , noiu lni ( uji ril tiiply , * I 487-lt 'AATUO A iod firl lor gomral lousu- w- work lit 17 0Cass rco * . filO tt . Vuiiluud luiniii.id ur uniiiriiihli.i ! WL.LU to rent'at cirncr ( f M'li anil Utlcj.0. mi towork on Florence . - rflai I . ) 377-tt -MI i AA S1KN WASTl-D At Fiortnoj Oot-Off , 1UU "ino lullej mrth cf O'tlu.Va 51.76 V < tr day. J ill rCIlEM , VINCENT/ SITUATIONS WANTED , , 1. 17AN-rfni-Tlid young ladjlatily from Vt Br o-ljii , who cillodat 210 rurth V3rc ttrtct , toca'lajjvln. 0'J4-tf CJlTUATlrtN hVAKTKD A. piactlcnl gas -.n. O stoain lltttr doilroj a flttutlon. For turthi Infjrra-.tlonailarojs . A. HOFFMAN. ,414 FlpiJ strict , Ncrtl illnnoapplis , Jllnn. . Eltiiatlon Lytwo nunnan grl liniirminfahiilytvclrf'ijelicral ' house \voik Appy Uiiltid ttitcslloto 61:0 2Jt - i Roa dersard Ioil0r raatSOinrrtl w- " "TrAWrhJ ) BOO privy \.vj.tc , elnli and ccr W IIOBIM' ' toclvan wlJi | banl iry'Vault 31ali ( .Ipnur , fh * li-et IIIUBC. A. Kvans ti Co. resldtuc * t 03 Dodge etroet , ' Omaha. ' OU HUNT A suit of front riimi. sultablfc F . , I quire a. JAlOBS , , LET Furnished loom , with I oard , ISO : TIO CallforDUtmot. 601tt ; C TO KVNT N. E. corner ICth am B Davenport. < 937 IOK HUNT Furclsbed roorn1723 Domjl . 404 tf 1 IT on KENT VJfaaiitlj'J furnlshal room , 11J 1 } South 17th street , oue door north of Dougt las. 850 tf mWO rimXISHED south rooms for rent. 8 , _ L Vf. corner 19th and Davenport. 300-tl TT1URNIHIIUU ROOMS Within tno blrcVs X1 soulh'Mtpf Wlthnell House , HOJllo ard street , between 14th and 15cn , 013 tf "OOR RENT A good fnrnUhed room. Iiqu're ' L' t Model S Kreilc's corner Fatnam and 3th elrects tf IIE-ST FurnUhedrooms forll ht louso- FOR - . 816.00 a month 2210 California ttrctt. t03-tf RENT. Two law ilcgant house * . In- FOR at IMerwn'n Clolhine s ore , neir U. V , Deiiot. 632-tf front < oim In nf brick house n CMS , orposlto llilck School se.t0027r t0027r IjlOK RUNT Iwo i Ite J furnlsh.dsouihroorus 1 } with or without board , at 1807 Cats itrcvl , Cctwttu 13th and Htb. D91-2Tt ij KENT. House of nine rcoms. Inquire F atl418Jackton ttrcpt. 680t T710R RENT.-Houfo with seven rooms. Aj - Jj ply to James StooVdale 25th and Uhlch.o 6SJ SOJ RENT At corner cf 8 , 18th and Cas- EOR , a vtry cozy house of fcur rooms , cellar , we I , tUUrn and etablo. Inquire at 8. llth and Dorfai Bts. &S3-7t KENT , A furnished front loom at N E. F icr. Oth and Jaikson. XTINE HOUSE } FOR RENT Snull and large. IN two t1 } tnelto roeu s eaih ; ono or two new ones with all modern comeiileutoi , Onu of 12 rooms , enltable lor boardini ; and room rcntlny , 17th and Douglas bts. 11ESIJ8 , Auont , ) u22-ll l h nnd Dou Iai bts , rnllK "I.OWE FARM UOUSE-With 60acres I of land Unautifully located on Cumlntr st , short dUtacoe we t of Military bridge , nu Mfcrctt car line , llKUiWy jJl-tf AB t , 15th and bt f * * Eta , ITlOK RENT NluJj lutnUlicd room , at o. _ } IO'M ' Dodge strtit. Ruasooable price. US-2 t ITlOUltlUtl- . 7 a. lithwreet. < tdwo jj liuhokw , tout ain njf nx rooms , pititr aud cvlhr hnciuiro of I > K. 1'KAUOU , 650-1 K07 Jones strict. FOR JIENT Furulahej room , Inquire t Drua- 1 tor o-corn j ICth ud Uoujhui ttreet , t > EXT Acnj houiie of 4 room , cellar , POR i'ntrii and wol. Ku.jiiln . oa ro-'mi ' , ) r3 Jar ! < ; tjv t. ( .4 f OOM FOR RF.NT Flr < t flvr , fnnth frcnt , K ilzalUH feet- newly fnrnitheJ"ultAblo lirtno gtiitlcmcn , at K.V. . co.ricr 17th and CjlliornU ttro L . . . . . . . * ! > * tt RIKT Four rotitu mlt .blr for mm FOK vlfe.corntr Ib'ihinJ Iznrdittect _ H4JJ _ SVOn Jftl-ST A Iiii-clj tumMicd loom nt .410 . l ! Chlcnjo street , Lctnion Mill nnd 15th. 070 tf _ _ _ _ _ VjWH'KKNT rwoi nktl } furnl hed looms , low Jj prices , brick liouio S013 Vawstnet. VriCF.tY FURNISHED ROOHS-Ono door 1north of Uoiljo on ISth. 674-29t JIEN'T. Furnhheil rconi" , en suits or FOR ; Bfn'lemen ' prjenc ( < J. SIO Howard bt.1iat ecn bill Mid nth f > 70 27 1 _ T71OR RENT A nitc liouse , G rooms , tnclpood X1 b rn. No. 017'IJOi K'c street. 5)020 ) * 1.1011 KKNT on July 1st , brick otorc , with or Jj wllhoiit collar liqulrentlJrurf Siorc , cor , not inili and Douglas sts. 620-tf 17)0-1 RUJHT ! furnnhttl roomj ovti Me P "ruatV nvch njeN. ; S. COT , Iflth unit 1)odjf Jtraata. _ _ 1S9-U OR HUM M < Ml ) luri.lptird loonut with or vdthcut bo rJ. Rcworjablo price ) . 01C -w St. ' * ! > " FOn DALE PTOll \tE-Aitocil portnbio yallcr.v , 10x21. JL ; with ( foodlloor , sk\ and nldo light , and all requisltti fur ( IcIntfK olwork. A for tome one uhnu derstands the photogriph hililntts Adilrcsi I'lioU'trnphcr ' 'nkland lo\w 611 2St - - _ _ QTcctc TOR AU : ANumonn FORRRNT O Tin stock ami ll\titr s of tha lotip cstab- llfhol nid well known Pa'nt. ' oil nml vUudow Oljs' , Not OIH , etc. , Hru oef N I. 1) . Solomons , coiner Kth and F.i'ium slrj t , OinVia , 2fcb. Stira 22\13J ( cot Ion/ , < -ltu ten feet ba ciucnt Ilia v\liolc Icnjlh of stole three siorliR lilih. ; Flra 'prorf. Wll u\\ti \ Hn of rqiiuorBve. soir-i. rurthfr pirtlcular * IdqillrwaSttOff , iNo. 1S84 IV ndu strot t. N I. -SOtO.MON. . CVIIFO for silllnz Intend Ud tro on lilj Spring Vallfj Fvrm , nilJoliiHu U is cl j Will oigige In llr < ' < dlnand IJia In3tf Uljti Ilrtcd Stock. ft7fi 20 _ _ _ EOR SALE Scat colt o in slfhtly kcition , luur lirsnncll llnllcnlyhOD 016-tl JIcCAQUK , oppoiite ? cstollcc ! , QJ'X nKAUTIFlJIjl.oFa-ByxloTfcJt rnchln O Hnn ° com I'Jacc on ttrcot cir line , licet lola In wholooddlticn on very cav ttrrasaidata Kroit bargain. ll Mis'njcnt , 10 < h 'and U uglai s'reits J15 tf FOR OAL'C Cotti.so wi h six rooms , well , cistern and t.11 lontuniencea Hqulre at G211'Jhstrrct Lotwccu Cahforulnand Weietcr. 472-301 I7IOR BALE \ cottage of ihreo rooina nrrth lj ( ( ' oof Klchclai botw.o'i IBth i\ il lOch. fnqul o wnthln. (4i2-lfJ ( DAVID OE.VTKY. ITIOlt SAbh 'l ho business and fixtures ofa Ilrst f class meat market in Central hoi raska Meat location ; Dcst cash tnilo in the city llcason for selling , for health. Address Butcher , leo ! olllcc , 3s7-lm flTUST EC SOLD C9o acn-p in 1'olk county LYJ I'ric iS.OOO. ImiulreoIJ U. Kinmau rostolKce , Rising City , liiuler countyNol > . 831-lm _ SALi : House with four rooms and FOR an ' lot in good order. Inipilrc Din ' - cnsSt. liLtvucn 27thand 23fh. li.irir'- 1)1 ) Is addition. n < 49t MARCUS bl'LCIIRT. . ' ) 1'J'OHERTV FOR SALE At a SI'LKNDIl , ono lar u brick hou'c , r.ntl one lai < o frame hou e , with full lot 01 < 'a < Mnc < rl5'h stre t. Flnoch nco for inv 'tmnit. rent f r 70 tier mmlh. i Ctllfjr full pirt'uilnrs , on BEMIS , COD tf Aent , 16th ni d Dous'loB s's. SAL - ( . lit ap Hack walnut Iml room s t , w iliinatrna and spr.n s ; trefrlgeihtor ard I11trranri l.-r.tetook-lnfrrjingoccstJSOparties brcvKlnz up h UbcXcaplmr. Cull tit'JJ11 CassEt. > fiOiJ.2t SAt-t. TVatn. II rnos and vra ton. In- 1 quire it Doran Ilcusu , I'arnam&t. C 3-tf ItKVT Cottat-cs nnd ervall hou os ; par/ SAVE ' a lot or who owu the Icaso o , ouo , ard who ufklroto , build i lisoo thereof liutliii.'i iljo fuadH.i.ul rn A. D. 3 uttoi , at ol- fico of Or IT a JtaM'emery , over Ouiaha Na tlo al Dank. D7l-tf "I TiOTrJU ion UAIjK. Iho Arlington House. ' i'l First c'asn ; all furnished. Th i only hotel in town. Tbe cheapest propotv In tha state. Ha8.Vlthotravi.lInK m n , WJ'l bjaold ( .hfnpon tcrrrs to ( lilt. Kiiijuiru of X ! Fifo , prop iefor , Atilngtin , Wahlngf rn county , Neb 533 M THOU SALE Horse , bujgy&nd h rne s. Apply - _ } ply at Stcpicii3on' < CapVoI avcnuoliara. 6ia-tf , - - _ _ _ BALK A' fidusj of four room" , CM leased FOR , on 17tb ttrcct , between Capitol ave , anJ CatodnarM Inqulrolof' > 651-ST UALUfflN & uailX. Homo Morcrs. T7\OK \ . ALi ; Ki ona weU , 'U ' ftrcpt. J , 1 rpOR SALh The I'DHULAK IIOrEL , known Jj Ins'the ] BOVt1 ItOHEJ'Thb hotwo is con- trolly located , has ecu h find cast ( rout , and U surrounded wth Ur.o thado trees ; coat Insthlrty ' baq lee . j-.nnplo o'lcpin roomj ; , Ijonjc. Iiynulrj , room , ie. Jlai a wor'4 wpolrojnicntljii nuu a bettor patroaaco I Inn manv houajs o' vice Its " * ' 'life $5,000. | Kor jurttcuiirs ad- "J7IORaAIvU , Or wlll x'lta ie lor On .ui pro- X. i > orty'SB lainrovfd sec 01 rtf liW 'I'Jolii" int ; A ttatfou on Hi P. Id ) i. U DuNnAU , 1112 I'r.rouini St. , Onr > h * , _ i - ' Brut 'AtKli HAY AtX if. .laiidcr' .M Sto IClSIlarneyat. 1 tlg-ti - reca l 1 > H > , and horns saw d-NT. On scct'on Cathcllt OciucUry Djd oNt. ucarl'atrluk Farm. U12 271 CI < AUK YOUKO \VEA\iil : , Fishlonaljla jircsmiakcr 010 MHSVEAiil . TcaiLca cuttinc and fit ting by model , ( , 010-tf QTANTON A fcAUNHKHS-Aifetlonccrs , are O reaJj to buy or Pell fo ds daraagul by the jatoeturm. balig room on 16th etrcut , opposite Iliu liottolllco. UOO 27 * \ EXTENDED TO ALL Best 25 TN\ITATION and best accommo latlon at jurner Hall Kcstiurant-Uon't fa'l ' to evil 8. C , Hollander , 1'ioprietor , corner lOih urd How- ard. B67-tf5 ] Is MURPHY'd nOARDING HENNEIIliy ' , and clock yards cattle SC4LS stocfc kept at the lowoit | K > 9lnlu rates baled hay , straw , corn and oats , for sale. Don t foritet the place , ljthstrict ( between O.pltol are and Daveiijiort. M5 26 * EDWAJEtD KUEllL UAOISTER OK PALMYSTKRY AMI ) CONDI T10NAI.IBT , < 03 Tenth Street , betwtcn FLruaci indJJarnoy. Will , with the aid ot ifuirdlon eplrlts , obtain ( or any one a ghvieo at rbe pull and present , and ou certain coodltlons Iu the /a , lure. Boots and 8hooa made to 3rder , Por.'ea Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel ot p ty , strength and wholesoruencM. More ccoiio lulcul thtn the ordinary kinds , and luouot k * .jld In competition with the multitude of ow test , short wi ht. alum ot photphate powdtri bold only In caci. KoriL UIKLKW I'OWUIR Co. , 6Vi bt , New York