Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1882, Image 5

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NEW YORK , June 7.
Money ole c < l ntI i > r cent.
lixoliaiige clos-il ateady nt4 ECil < 1) ) .
ClofOil firm.
Ctitrency 0V . , . . . . .10
11N ! < ,
. . Il4i
ij'ar K ' ' ict . lllj
( , ' n ixmliniif 1 . 1U04
r > 'a uontinucd . 101
Vncillc TAllroid bonds clotetl a follows :
Uiiloiilols. . . , . ' . / . . . . . 11 ! ) @ 120
Union LnndGrnnU . Ill
The ttock market to-day was o sy ,
lull dull nnd Irregular , mid lucmilril uo
feature ut inipoitniicc ; chnngctiero
nnd fiequmt , the nifvrljct cbsins
iUiutfr.iclional ndvunces for t > nnc of tlio
list ; Lake h r ' , Denver & Kin ( Jr.'iido ,
Loulsviifc & Nn-liville , K.inms it Te\a' ,
Michi-gan Oeutral , nnd conl hare were
the most lifcly ttndtng. '
Tlio following were the clojini ! bids :
Western Union . fej } H ft It rt ; . Mi
Adauitt . 130 Eiia . o
Amuricau , . Ul II A St .1 . si
US . 72 Preferred . . . . M )
Wells Faryo . 128 KaiiKai k Texiia X'ft
ouo&i . 7 1 'i ' H . noa
0 0 & I C . 61 LOOM & Xwli. . CG4
O )1&Q ) . 1 1. { Morris & K..lL'2
NYC . iiUJ : Nilrthwestein . .ISOj
N.TO . 7 J rrufcrreil.lMJ
I. C..I . l : t | Oft W . 23j
MiohCcn . 8'JJ Ohio & Miss. . . 32
Ohio Con . m 1'ufeirod. . . . 00
N I' . JOS I'M . -U3 !
1'rtfcrred . . . . 78i Quick Slvor . . . . SJ
Cent 1'ao . W $ 1'rcferrcd. . . . 1.1
U I' . 1H Heading . . . . Ml
Mo. l' ic . W K I . . . . . . 130
T Pacific . - 1UHan ! Fran . 35
N Y Kidvatod. .Itil Itcferrcd . . . . -17
Met.KI . 8. > J St. 1'aul . 111&
Man Klov . fl'J 1'referred . . . .1 " ! i
A&TU . 21 Stl'&O . 31)1 )
Preferred. . . . 50J 1'referral . . . lOIi ?
Canada S . 6iJ Nosh , ft Clint. . TMJ
o& o . a 4 M Ja & \ ,
C&A . 132TVub.wh . V7i
D&H . lll'f Preferred. . . . 5j
DLto W . 127
Tha fulloiving ware tiie sale ? of the moro
active sloska to-day. Total , 183,000 shares :
W U . . .1100Tl > . 1700
C15&0 . iOO U&KU . 14.-00
NY O . -no ) K&T . 7030
* > = NJC . 4700 LS . 20.JCO
* " C H . S3 0 Loui & Nash.lO'.OO .
N 1 > . 3t:0 ! Northwc-tcrn. 12800
U i' . 1400 S5 i' & O. . . . 7'Jl)0
, MP . 700
j i ' ; i -I ' 'OHICAQO MONir.
' CHICAGO , June 27.
Preston , Kean & Co. , bunker * , report :
Aloii-y w.-vj nlen'iful and easily ob
tained at K7 percent.
Foreign exchange trifle more active but
> 'rates uncha-gcd.
The bonrt market pre.enU uo new fea
ture. , \
Ij' cal tecnrilies very quiet.
Clearings of Us'sociated binka , J6'J2C ,
00 , ' '
in Wliolonale filnrbet
Tne day Evening , June ! i7. /
The only changes reported in the mar
ker to-iay are us follow * :
' Wheat -No. 2. declined \c ; No. 3 de
clined ic.
Kye Advanced Jc ,
Local drain Dentine *
WlTKAT.-C.isli I/o. 2 , 1.17 ; cashNo.
3. DUe : rejected , Olc.
UAltLKV. Cash No. 2 , 88c : No , 3 ,
GO : .
RYE. Cash , 58 i
CORN. O.nh 52 Jc ; No. 2 , OOc.
.faT.V-Cash , D2. .
STRECX PRIOKS-Corn , GOG5 ; oats ,
P'roduco arid Provisions.
POTATpE T-Uld , out of mnrVet.
Homo grown plenty ; new , S1.5J@1 70
/ ptr bushel.
ONIONS-SI 50@2 00 per box ; now
.homo crown , per doz bunches. l.5@20c.
UAlJlSIIKS Homo grown , 15cdoz.
t P1K PLANT- Per pound , Ic.
ASPARAGUS doz , 40@BOe.
' LETTUCE IVr doz lic\d : , 40@50u.
BUTTKR Clioics country , lo@17c.
-litjS Scarce , 37c ,
MEATS-Haum , 15 ( < ; breakfast bacon.
15c ; clear bason , ISJc ; ahoulders , Oc ; dried
'beet , Ific.
Minne-oU piteuv , 1 70 ; Jack Frost , 4 75 ;
Shawneefancy , 3 75 ; California ' 'Pioneer , '
l. ' 375 ; Triumph , spring , 3 t'5 ; rye flour
' 3 21 ; rje , Gralinm , 260 ; wheat Graham
3 25 ; hay. G GO@G 0 per ton ; baled , 10 00
chopped fetd , J GO ; chopped corn , 1 50
bran , 1 00 per cwt ; straw , 4 OJ per ton
i llcofcp ; 5 00 baled ,
-1 , Grocers' List.
COFFEE. Kio , lair , lie ; Klo , good
2c ; Rio. prime to choice , ISJc ; Old B ° v't
J&vn ; 28i@28ic , Mocbn , 28Jc ; Arbuckle's ,
4.4Zc.TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@55
' Ohoioe , C0@75c ; Jm ] > erLil , good , 40@,46cj
Choice , G0@75c ; Young Hyson , f-ood , SOfe
50c ; choice , G5c@l 00 ; Japan Nut Loaf ,
Bt ! Ulc ; .Tapan.choice , G0@75c ; Oolong , p"d ,
' * 3S@40f Oolongcho.ce , -Wcfjfi5 ; Souchontf ,
Tj.t' , K ° NKW PICKLES Medium , In banel\
' , -.SO 00 ; do In halt bbh , 5 25 ; unirJls , In hbls
a2 00 do , in halfbnU 7 CO ; gherkins , in
bis , 14 00 ; do , In half bbls , 7 00.
VINEGAR Pure apple extra , 16o
puio apple , 13c ; Pnwainc nuto atrole , ICe
BUGARSCut loaf , lie ; ( Jruaheci
lie ; Granulated , lOjc ; Powdered , 11
Fine powdered , lle fetandiml Coffee A.
OJiIvow York Confectioner's Standart
A , UZc : Goixi A , Uic ? : Prairie Kitrs O , Oc
RuPE-Sisal , i inch nnd larger , 9c
4 Inch , lOc. , ,
UllKfiSK Full Cream , 13c ; Part
Skim. 114c.
V/OODKNWARE Two hoop pa
103 ; hreo hoop pall ) . 2 201 Ni , . 1 tub *
pioneer wuthboatxts , 1 85 Double Crwwn
1 90 ; WellbuckctH , 3 CO.
LEAI > Bar , 81 05.
ttltlKL ) KRUITS Choice halves
r-enehes. 7o : Bait Lake lie ; vap
orated r 0"l > boxes , 13jo ; Michigan , 7cj Now
York apples , 7c ; Prunes , old , Gjc ; new
31c ; Currants , G @ 7c ; Blackberries , new
14oJIOMINY New , 85 00 per bbl.
SODA Dwifiht's lb papers. * 2 85 ; De
lend do , $2 83 ; Church's , $ J 85 ; Keg eoJ :
21 c.
HANS Imported German $3 50 pe
Mv . .iES Boxes , 40 Iba , Ifi oz , 8s
5cboxes ; 40 Ibs. , 10 oz. , C , 15o.
( Field's ) , iwrcase , 1 00 ; do 1 lb ( Field's ]
per cafce , 2 50 ; do 2 tb ( Standard ) , i r cane
3 GO ; do 1 lb ( standard ) , per case. 2 20 ; d
2 lb ( black ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 lb ( slackj
per cose , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon ,
80 ® , Ibp er dozen , 190 ; do 2 lb , per dozen
2 65@2 C. ) , Sardines , small fsh , importet !
one fjuarter boxes per box , 14ic ; American
'marter boxca per box , lie ; do half boxes
per box , 21to. Lobsters , 1 lb per dozen
ISO. Tomatoes , 230 ; do 8 lb pe
case , 200 ; Com , 2 lb ( Mountain
i > r wise , a 10 ; soaked corn , 2JO ; . do
2 lb' ( Yarmouth ) , per case , 315 ;
string beans , per case , 2 10 ; Lima beans
per case , 1 85. Succotash per case. 2 00.
Pea * , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice ,
per caw , 3 IB. Blackberries , 21b , per case ,
* ' ' ' , AJ
40 ; gtr.wlwrri" * , 2 lu. per cine , 2 W > ;
e 2 11. , per ewe , S OOirf.t 1 > .
, 2 It- , tier CM < S 2 4o.'Jett
icars per cs o , 3 004 ; f \Vhortleb rt-i
plum9,2 ll
Ircon g gfs,2 lb Mr CASO , R SO ; do choice , ' '
b per ca e,4 TO. Pine Apples , 2 Hi , percn e ,
00 < fi 75. PMches , 2 lb per 3 10 :
o 8 IN case , 4 60 < a 6 CO ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , per
? . " 7" > ! do pie , 0 Ih , per dotcn , 8 50.
Hll'i : t'rolin ,74@8cj Louijiauft , 7
Sc ; fair , G@RJ
SYKUl'N tn&w , hbln , Wc ! ihrvf !
1 * . < i"c ; kot , < J gallon' , S2 50 ; choice
' le fvmp , ii3c ; hftlf bbln , MC ; krgsSd 0.
8TAJH.-U. Penrllioi Silver Ulo
Corn St reh , 3J9''tf ;
! " * . 7c : Corn. 7Jc.
SALT. Dray ln.vl , twt Mil , 1 M : A < hon -
on , In racks , 8 50 ; bbl * dii-y 00 , fw , j 45 ;
dnirv. 100. 3 . 3 05.
lOo ; Nutniow ,
tw Cl W.
MATOHBU I'or cuddle , 90e ; r.vund
sns ? 7.Ci ; square crmc , 8MO
SOAJ'S Klrk' ivon linperiol , .13" :
virk's satins t , 3 CO ; ICirk'a lUndnrJ , 1 .so ;
tlrk's whlto Ihioian , 625 : Klrk'a
, 2 15 Ktr't's PralrlS .
100 rnk ) , 40 : K.irl's niiMjnolln Il5.
I YIC Amerieou , 3 40 | On-snwicQ. lUOi
Vestoni , 275 ; Noith Hur , 2 SO ; I.sw-is'
ye. 4r,0Totvolllye ; , 275.
POTASH I'mtnylvnitla CMIK , 4 doz. ,
i m-p , .I 35 ; ISnl-bitt'a Ball , V d < . lu cwso ,
! ! 0 : Anchor Unll 2 don lu c.w. I 50.
I'lKLU REii > Hod clover , ol.nle *
nw , ? G 00 per bnshcl : n.aiurnnth olov r
av , 37 00 ; n-hita clover , now , $1 1 00
I nlfa ilovor , now , S12 60 ; nlnikc , rjew ,
1300. Tiinotliy , ( rood , now , $3 00 ;
luo grai > , oxtr.a clean , $1 50 ; blue rtr.vf 3 ,
lemi , § 1 25 ; orchard ftias , 5'50 ! : red
; ioico , 1 Oil ; millet , common or
Ocj millet , Gprru.-xn , fl 00 to $123 ;
luncnrian. 0a.
o ornn o , 1 td 5
$5 00 ; o an Orange , 10 bushels or
\er , SJ 50 ; honey locust , tier lb. , rfic ; per
00 Ibs , , 525 00.
J -I3 1 Family whlto iiah , UO lb hf hblc ,
23 ; No , 1 white fish , ! )0 ) lb hf bblc. 7 00 ;
Vo. 1 white lish , in 10 lb kits , 1 10 ; family
0 lb kiU , 8."ic ! New Holland herrint ? ! per
eg , 133 ; Russian sardines , 7oc : Colur"-
la river ealmon.pcr 100 Ibs , 8 00 ; '
Jank OKlfiah , ( ic ; Gon. bonolo.w
Jre : boneless fish , 5Jc.
ilACJCKKEIllalf bbls mcBsmackcix-l ,
00 Ibs , S12 DO : hf bbl No. 1 ox ohoro do.
00 Ibs B ( iO ; hf bbln , fnt family do , 100
bs , 0 00 ; moss mackerel , 12 lb kits , 2 25 ;
fo. 1 ox shore , 12 lb do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore ,
8 lb do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 lb do 75c.
PKANUTS Hoastea , cholco , red Ton-
esseo , WeiK-r lb ; fancy white , lOio per Hi ;
a'v white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted ,
Dry Goocti
BHOWN COTTONS-Atlantio A , 8ic ;
\ppleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 80 ; Boott
FF , 8Ac : Buckeye LL. 4-4 , 7o ; C.iboV AV ,
le ; CTitttcimngo A , Olc ; Uroat Falls E ,
Ic ; Hiiosier , UJc : Jlonest Width , 7ic : In-
fan Head A. 8ie ; Indian Standard A ,
? c ; Indian Orcliurd d. w. , 8e ; Lawrence
f , , 7c ; M3'3tio Hivcr , 7ic ; Pc < iuot A , Jo ;
Shawmut LL , 7e ; Utica 0 , 5ie ; Waclms-
tt 15 , 7io ; do A , Sic ; do B .JR , 12Je ; Wal-
ott UB. S o.
.4 ; 7ic : Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argylo-M , 7Jc ;
VtlantitljL , GJe ; Bruiser Stain X 4-4 , 7c ;
Jmuiinflton 0 1-J , GJc ; Buckeye S. 4-1 , GJoc
Indian Orchard AA 0-8. 8ic ; Lacunln O
39 , K\c ; Lettish E 4-1 : , 9tc ; Ixiisdalo4-l.
lOc ; 1'eppercll N SO , 7c : do O .12 , 7c ; do It
3b , 72cdoK3l ; ! , 8Jc ; PocanetO 1-1 , 7ic ; ! ;
- 13o
gin \cBl.ickHtoiitfAA ! ) . in.porml t > ju ;
lo do half 'bloached4-4,9c ; Cabot M,8 > ,
i"idality 1-1 , 9icVrnit of the Loom , 10 ; do
can brio M,13udo ; WilorTwist,10JcGrcat
Tails Q. 10 Jc : Indian Head shrunk 4-1 , 12c !
.ousdale. 'lOc ; do cambrio 87 , 12 0 ; Is'ow
York Mills , 12c ; Peiiuot A , lOc ; Pepperell
N G Twills , 12 " : Pocahontaa M , fJ\s \ ;
ocatset 4-4 , Sic ; Utica , lie ; Watnsulta
OX.X , 12\c.
UUOKS ( Colored ) Albany K brown ,
Sc ; do C , drat tier do XA. etripes auJ
jlnids , 12Jc ; do XXX brown and drab ,
tripes and plaids , 12c ; Arlington fancy ,
Oc ; Brunswick brown , 8Jo ; Chariot fancy ,
12Jo ; do extra heavy , 20c ; B'all Rivei
irown , oxtru heavy , llic ; Indiana A
jrnwn 1U" ! Npounsct A brown , luc.
TlUKiiNUis i moskeas A C A S3
17ie ; do XX blue 32 , ISJc ; Arrowanta
J c ; Claremimt B B , 154e ; Cone&toga ev
ra , 17ic : Hnmilton D , lljc Lowtston .v
BO , 15c ; Alinnehalm 4-4 , 20c ; Oinew * supsr
extra 4-4. 23o ; Pearl lliver 32 , IGlc ; Put
nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shelnckct S
lOAc : do SS I2c ; Yooman's blue 20 , SJc
] JENIJlS. Amoskeak , blue nnd bronn
IGJc ; Amlover DD blue , 15Jo ; ArlingX
blue Scotch , 18c ; Concord OOO , bltw nw
brown , 12ic ; do AAjV , da do 13J ; do XXto
do do 14ic ; flayniaker's blue and brown ,
9 e ; T.Iyiitic lliver 1 > D stripe , lOjc ; IViul
liver , blue and brown , 15ie ; Uncahville ,
iluo ami brtiwn. 13Jc. '
CAMBRICS Usvrnard , B4c ; Kddybtono
ining , 21 inch double * face , Sic ; Garner A
ilazed , 5c : Manhattan glove finish , 5c ;
Newport do Cc ; do glazed , 5c | ( ; Pequpt do
"ic ; Luikwood kid finish , Go.
CORSET JEANS Amory , 8cAndros
coggiu satteeti , SJc ; ClarAidc u , GJctCones
, oga aatteena. 7i : Hallowel , 8c ; Indi J
Jruijord 7Jt ; Narrj.fansettimprovpdo (
'tpperill sattwn 94n ; Roekort ) , 7Jo.
PJIINTS Aliens , GJc : American , GJe ;
Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , jjc ; Coehecfi , 7c ;
jonebtn a. GJc ; Dunkirk , 4jo ; Dunnell ,
ij@7c ; Eddystono , 7e ; Gbticestcr , 6c ,
[ Jarmony , CJc ; Knickerbocker , GJc ; Mer-
rimao I ) . 7c ; Mystic , 5Je ; SpraitKib , Go ;
joutbbridge , Gc ; do. Ginghams , 7o ; 'Marl- '
joro , 5Je : Oriental 64c.
GINGHAMS Ainoekeag , lOlc ; Amos.
seuf dress 12Ji Argj-Je , lOJc ; Atlantic ,
9c ; Cumberland , 7ie ; nfghlana , 850 ;
Kcnilworth , 8ic ; Plnn kott , lOie ; Sns-
ex , 8c.
COTTONADBS Abbervllle l.ic
Agate. 90c [ American , lie ; Artisian , 20c ;
Cairo D and T , ISJo ; Clarion 1) and T ,
17ic ; Deccan Co.BtripcH DandT , IGc ; Key
stone , 13c ; Nantucket. 19e ; Nonpareil ,
IGe ; Ocean D and T , 13 c ; Royal , 1GJ i
Sns-.ex , ll'c ; Tioga. 12ic ; Wachusoct nhirt-
ins' jhecks. 12jo , ; do , Nankin , 12Jc ; lYork.
plain Nankin , li ! Ic ; do , chocks , stripes and
tancy , I' o : do. Roz , 20c.
3HKKTINGS Aiilro8cotriilnlO-4.271c ! !
do 9-1 , 2Ic ; do 8-1 , liiJs ; Continental O
42 , lie ; Fruit of the IXiom 10. 1. 274 ; New
York nulls 98 , Me ; do 78 , SOo ; do C.H , 22 jc ;
LU lit i * .LVf uu ui ,
> 8 , 224c ; do 48 , 17o
Olgari end Tobaccoi.
CIO AH8. Hoedn , 815.00 ; Uonmfctlcut ,
$25.00 ; Mixed , SS .OO ; Seed Ipjvana ,
S50.00Clearllavann , 5576.00. ,
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Hide ,
21 lb , GOc ; Our Hope , first quality1 , Glicj
Star , noundri , 21 lb , butts.GOe ; Hanf Shoe ,
poundB , 2J lb , butts , GOc ; ( illt Edge ,
pounds , 24 lb , butts , GO ; Anny and Navy ,
pounds , 55c ; Bullion , Jpounda , f/Jc ; J/jril-
lard'a Climax , pounds , GOe.
FINE OUT In palls. Hard td Beat ,
75c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 80c ;
Favorite , G5c ; Itocky Mountain , GOo ;
Fancy , fur ; Daiiiy , 50o. In tin foil
Catlins O. 8. , 5 11) boxes , per lb C3o ; I o
Illard's Tieor , 65o ; Diamond Crown , GGs.
SMOKING All LTitdti'i Cotumnh , 25 to
33c. Granulated IJlaclcri'olls Durham , K
o A file ; Dukes Durham , 1G oz , COc ; Seal o ]
North Carolina , 10 oz , 40 ; Seal of Nebraa.
ka , 10 oz , 38c ; IxinoJnck , < l oz , linen bags
per lb , 91,85 ; Marlurga' Puck , 2 oz , tin
oil , 55c ; Dcg Tuil. fiOc.
Palnti Old and Varnlihei.
PAINTS JN Oil/ White lead , Omaha
P. P. , 6 0 ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , fijn
Marseilles green , 1 to C lb cans , 'Me
French zinc , gisen seal , 12c ; French zinc
red real , lie ; French zinc , In varnUh anst
OOc ; French zince , In oil nsit , 15p ; Itov
anil burnt umber , 1 lb cans 12c ; r vam c
burnt Sienna , 13ct van'lyka brown , 13
a lined lampblack , 12c ; coach bladk , lAc
Ivory black , IGc ; drop black , Ific ; Prussian
blue , 80c ; ultramarine bine , 18c ; chrome
green , L. M , & D , , lie ; blind and shutter
Krcen , L. M. & D. , IGs ; Paris grcon , 18c
Indian red , 15e ; Venetian red , 9c ; 'rascai )
dre , 22c ; American Venniliod , I. &P , , 18o
chrome ydlow , L. , M. , O. & D Q , , 18o
] yellojv ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 16 ; paten
! dryer , 8c ; graining colors : light oak , dorlt
one , walnut , chestnut and ash 15o ,
Dry ° alnt
White lead , GJc ; French lnc. 10e !
whiteing 24o ; whiting piUorB , lo
V hlUut' oomTl , IJcj lampblack Ojcnnan
town , I4oj If mpblack , ordinnry , lOc ; Pnw.
dan bnes ! 5. > c ; ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke ,
brown , So ; timber , bnnit , 4c ; umber , raw ,
tuMeml3 ; , Imtn t , 4e : sienna , raw , 4o
Paris qrtcn gcnuinp , 2Ae ; Paris green com'l
Xk : ' . chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chmm-
cre.'n K , , li.'c ; vtrmilllon , Kng. , 70o ; ver-
nlllion , Atnerira , ISo ; Indian red , lOc ,
nwe pint , 14c ; vonctian re.-wl , C ) kl iin
1J < ; : Venetian red Am. , 15c ; roi Iwd , 7 o ;
: hroi yellow , cennine , 20o | chromo yel
low , K. , 12cj ocnrc , rochulle , 3o ; oclire ,
I'rench , 2t ; ochr * , American , 2u ;
Winter' * niincrnl. 2Jc ; lehigh bnnm , SJe :
brown , 2Jc ! 1'rlncc s n\ Sc ;
OILS 110' carlMin , per
llic ; 1'50 headlight , t > er gallon ,
13ic ; 17. > * headlight , par en'lo"i ' 1Cc !
lin eoil , rw. per oallan , 7 ; IhuNwl , boilo I ,
IHT Rfillon , Wo ; lanl , winter at 'd , per sal-
XXX. pr gsllon , 1 ! . " > ! No. 3 , 1 05 ; sweet ,
per gallon. Sfiot Kpe'in , W , B. , per gallon ,
1 53 ; C h , W. IS. per Ralloii , ' 5CVij u itfoot ,
per gallon , V5cf N . 1 , 0 c | lubri
, zero , per irjillon , 30c : nuiniuer , 15c ;
machine , No. 1 , i > or K llon , We ; No.
2 , 0 : sponii , Mstiml , per frallon , tH > cter ; -
pcntitie , per gallon , . " > ! > < . ; naplhn , 74" , per
gallon , 18e : HI * . 17c
VARNISHES Barm ) * , per ( r.dlon.
ilturp , cxtrn , &l 10 : fniniturp , No. 1 ,
comih , CJtrft , $1 40 : Omch , NO. 1 ,
, . 20 ; Datnar , e.xtrit , $1 "fi ; Jnpmi , 70csw '
l > hiltuni , extra , S5o ; shellac , 83 80s hard
oil fiiiMi , * 1 ? 0
Orur * .
IVbolio , 50 ? | Acid ) Tartarle , llOoi Bnlwvtn
C ' , > abiJ , p. r lb , 70ilj Urtrk , SaunfrnB , tr
lb , 14o ) ( almnfl , per lb , 75c ; C'lnrhonldm ,
iwi " ? ; , 51 u. " > . ( liloroform , | > er lb. 1 HO ;
Pnxer's JrtwdBw , pft lb , * > > 40 ; KpJCtc
> alt" , per Hi , PJe ; Ut.voTiiir , pun\ per Hi ,
3Ss ; Lcid , Acjt'U , per lb , 24oj
Oil , ( 'Astor , No. i , per , 1 VC )
Oil , rurtor , No. a. pr > gal , $100 ; Oil ,
Olive , pei * .il. 81 M > ; Oil , Origanum , 50c
Opium , 5M .r,0i ' 'timiue l % . fcV. . A R. \ S. ,
p ir tiz , S3 10 ; I'litMMiiui , Iodide , par 11
? l 7o ; Salacm , po1 * o40c , ; Sulplnto ol
Morphine , par ar , $ U 5 | Sulphur Hour ,
per 11) , lo : Htrvclmine. nor vr tfl33.
Honvy Hardware Lltt.
Iron , lates. 3 10 ; plow ntool , nt . - , . . , > .
cast , 7c ; crucible , be ; ppceialurSermaniiaj
cast tool do. 1&20 wagon spoken , f-ot ,
2 2f > @ 3 00 ; hubs , per BUT , 125 ; felloe , sawou
dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axle * ,
c.Kii , 75c ; square uutc , per lb , 7@llc ;
washers , peril ) . 8@18e ; rivets , per lb , lie ;
coil chain , per lb , C@l2c ; malleable , bo ;
trim wedjt-J ( , Go ; crowbars , Go ; harrow
teeth , 4e ; mirseshofli , per ki % 5 00 ; Hpriiti ;
stool , 7@Sc ; Burden's horseshoes , 5 COj
Bunleu'a mulc hoen , G 50.
SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , 82.10 :
Oriental Powder , kegs , 50.40 : J. ) . . half
ke fs , ? ! t.4P ; do , , miarter Icocs , $1.88 ; BUd
lutr. kesH. S.1.S5 ! Fn e. ner 100 foot 50c.
HA i BED \VIRi : In car loH.83' ) | ior
100 ; in luss than car lot8 55 uer 10J. lior.
Oak sole , 3So to 42c ; hemlock BOC , 2Sc to
3oc ; lianHock kip , SOo to 100 ; tnlinor ,
G5c to SOc ; hemlock cilf. S5e t 120 ; hiMii-
lock unncr , 2iou)26c : ; on * Ui per , 2lc ;
alligator , 100 to Ji 50 : cult kid , 32@3 : > c ;
GrJuen kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oalc kip , fcOc to
1 00 ; oalc cnlf , 1JO to 1 W ; French kip ,
110 tn 1 55 ; Fr ench c.ilf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rus-
retta , ii 50 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 10 50 ;
topi.inKs 9 00 tn 10 50 ; B L. Morocco , SOc
to 35e ; pcbblo 0. D. Morocco , 35o ; blmon ,
2 M ) to 3 00. . ,
HARNESS-NO r star o k , 420 ; Noi.
do , Uo ; No. 1 Ohu oak , SSc ; No. 2 do ,
3Tic ; No. 1 Milwaukee 37c : No. 2 do , Sic.
Morsot nnd Mulca.
Tlio market N briik and nil grades arc
Hclliuc ; well at iliu-ht ndvnncu in p ices.
The doinauil for /rood / horses exceeds the
supply connideraoly. Prires rnnso ai fol.
lows :
Fin single drivers , ? 150. to 300. ; Extra
draft horse. . ) , $178. to 225. ; Common draft
horses , 8100. to lf.0. ; Kxtra farm horses ,
5110. to'12Ti. ; Common to good farm horses
SSO. to S100. ; K\ra ( plugn , JiM ) . to 7 . |
Common plugs , $20. to 340.
MULUS. 15 to 15J hands ( extra ) , ? 125.
to 150. ; 11J to 15 hand.1 , 8100. to 140.
14 to 14 } hands , 575. Lo 100. ; 13J to 11
hands , 500. to 75LI
LI uora ,
ALCOHOL 137 proof , 2 20 per wine
gallon ; extra California flpirit , 187 proof ,
20 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits ,
87 proof , 121 per proof qallon ; ro-distilloc
rtiekios , 1 00@1 50 ; fine blended , I 50 ©
! 50 ; Kentucky bourbon * * , 200@700 ; Ken-
uckv and Pennsylvania ryoo , 2 L0@7 00
BRANDIES Imported , SG 00@1G 00 ]
donjoetic 1 40@4 00.
GINS la.iorted , 4 50(5,6 ( 00 ; domoitic ,
1 40(33 ( 00.
RU.VI6 Imported , 4 50636 00 ; Now
England. 2 00(34 ( 00 ; domestic , 1 50@8 50
l 75C4 00.
.CHAMPAGNES Imported per cane
00@'il OjAmariuj , case , 1200@
CLARETS Per , 4 501G 00
WINES Khino wino , per case , 0 00@
20 ( M ) ; Catawlia , per case , 4 00@7 00.
Wo quote lumher , atu and shingle * on
a at Omaha at the following prices : *
umler , 521 00 ; 18 ft. , 522 00.
TIMBERS 1G ft. aii'l under , $22 00.
TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , fc'23 OD
C ft $24 CO , 22 ft. , $27 50 ; 21 ft , 827 50
liKlvUINu No. 1 , 4 avl G in. , 822 00
No. 2. S20 00.
SHEETING No. 1 (2ud ( ooimmn
wrd ) . S1850 ; No. 2 , 817 00.
STOCK ? BOARDS , 12-in. D , $23 00
12-in. 0 , 833 00 ; 12-in. B , SIO 00.
PAPER Slmw paper , Sjfc ; rag paper
Ic ; dry goods paper , 7c ; mamla paper , lOc
news paper. 8c
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , ? 12
Morris Ilun Blosxbnrg , $12 ; Whitobreas
ump , 86 TO ; Whitebieast nut , $ G 50 : lown
urn ] ) , ? li 50 ; Iowa nut $6 50 ; Rock Spring
J8 : Anthracite , all siren. 812 00@12 50.
NAILS Rates , 10 to < W , 3 GO.
LIMK Per barrel , 8115 ; bulk po OUH
! .rc Cement , bbl , $1 75. IOWA planter
bbl , ? 2 00. FLiir per bu. 33c. Tnrre
felt 100 Ibs , S3 03. Straw board , $3 CP.
Merino unwashed , light , 14tfjlGo ) ; hanvyc
@ 1315o ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20
wanhed , choice , 32o ; fair , S0ctub-dlnj ;
and w. , 28cj burry , blaoknnd cotted woo
2@Cc less
Hldoi r-uri , Etc.
HIDES trrecn butcher's hide , . .
curod74ohldea ; , trcen salt , part cured 7
liides , OJc ; dry flint , sound. 13@llcdr ;
calf nnd kip , 12@14c ; dry ealthidea.flouni ]
10@llc ; green calf. wt. 8 to 10 Ibs. , 1011 c
green calf , wt , under 8 Itin , per wkin , 50c
? rcen pelts 50@81 23 ; griicn lamb oklus
$125@150 : damaged hidec , tv/o-tblnl ratt
cut Bcorcd and one grub , classed tivr
tLlrdu rato. ) branded Index 10 per cent , ol !
Coon sklun , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3
20 , ; No , 4 , lOc. Mink , No , 1 , 50e ; No. '
SOc ; No. 3,15c ; No. 4 , fie. Fox , No.
GOc ; No. 2,25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black
GSc ; short stripe , 40r : narrow stripe 25c
broad stripe. lOo. Tallow 7e.
Council Bluii'a Mnrlcct.
OTonr Oy tal Mills Golden Sheaf
8 GO ; California I'ureka , patent , 3 81 * ; bos
brand of K na4 , 4 00 ,1 25 ; Knnnas an
Miutcuri lluur 3 50@1 25 ; grftham , 3 7f
rye flour. 3 40 ,
Corn Meal White. 1 70 per hundrei
yellow , 1 50 per hundred.
Bran and Hhorti 20 00 per ton
Chop Corn SO (10 ( per ton ,
Wheat-No. 2 , 115.
Corn GSc.
Oats No , 2 , C5e.
Rye 75o. !
Barley 60o ,
Broom Corn 31(59c. (
Hay Loose , 9 OU10 00 ; baled , 75
hale ,
Wood-G 00@7 00.
Wool 15@25.
Butter Creamery , 20c ; In rolls , wra ]
nod , 15c ; rolls not wrapped , 12Jcj mixo
colon ) , 10i)12ic. ( )
Eggs I5u.
Onions 1 75 ,
Llvo Chlckeiiit 3 COpcr doren.
Potato 4 Scarce ; old i at 1 G5 ; new a
225. - " . 'I
LIVE STOOK.-Cattle-Extra , I 50f
6 50 , Veal Calves-0 00 , Ilo0-s 7 00 (
7 50 , Sbccp-5 75.
CLEVELAND , 0. , June 27.
Petroleum Quiet at OJc. , . ' " ,
. , I
CHICAGO. Juno 07
J eq'leeteJ ' nnd dnlh rje ibur
t 10@4 . * > 0 f > r fair to l.c t btnf in.
Wheat S | > rlne \lrly notlM t I 3 for
June ; ISHj for duly ; 1 12JI fr A unl ;
103 for the Jenr ; rocular o. 2 firm
nnd active , clrulnc At 1 10 for July ; 1
for Au/n : t ; 1 Oi $ for Sspl nbr ; 1 n. '
for Ilia year.
Corn Irregular Mid frneliif * lly lo . r ;
No. 2 , 73jc for. Time : 74J } fi r Jill- j > . '
for for Sarti-ui * t ; SG ( . > r
they ar.
-lJaie ! ; Nn. 2 , 18 ? ( orJnU ;
. for AusustJ SSij for Sop i-m'er ' : : To
r the j car.
Rye -I'irm mid slightly hi tier ; N . - . ' ,
ta "for July ; 7 ! > c tor Aligns the
Biir'ey Dull and n gleoii <
Pork \ctivo but lo\vnr ; inN" clos il nl
U.UorJuU : 21JVT4 for 4 nt'I ; i
i tno jr. .
LnnlArtivfl flud Men ty 11 77 > for
nly ; lHUlfor Vn mt ; VJ .12 07 for
' 'ptomlwr ' : 11 774 'or I'8 ' ' "
Hulk .Me t lTu t'ttUjd . . , - -
i-rtilV , 12 20 for July ; 18 ! ! fir
n t. in ; o for the yvur.
Whi-ky-Juietatl ( ! . ,
Hutt r -\V * ker ; crtwm y , 21 ; , 'lc ;
r. Bm'pm't
2131 i.20.1
iVheit 7 , / 31n 1
: > rn ( ISO , 31vj
Jite 103 , vj ' .170
St , jfrs * IK ) .
Sr. LdD S , . .Iniii7
Wheat OpiMiod ht hcr : T o. ' to I. KM
Ql Xi fnrp | Hli : 1 HJ1 SI5 r .Ttm. . : 1 111
umbel ; ' 1 O.'l for year ; \li
\ cr1 iHiVL' 1 H I : for July , 1 Wg < $ i t > ; for
\it U > t , 101 ; r\o. 3 ml , lA'itf'lSl ; No.
d . . I 08 /
Corn tlpcnnd higher and rioted ! m\cr ;
Hia fnr JTilv : " 'c for Auiiist ; 7 , lor
Uiilombor ; ,0i' | for October ; G1J1 fur
Oalft OppnoJ better and dfcllne I to ca-ib ; IGJo for .lulv : 37ol'rtt -
u t ; fiGJn foi Si'iiteinlicr } S > S < j for joir.
Rje-Dull ; I lu bid.
Barlej No inurkut.
I CM- Firm nt II12J ,
Bttttf r Unrh ingcil.
E i 'UnulmiiKcd
Wlilnky Sto.ttly nt 1 IP.
licptK. ShlpU
[ . 'lour , L',000 \ ( "
3S.OOO 1,001)
orn. 18.00J 17,000
Odt.1 $ ,01)0 , ) ( 000
Now YorJi J'rottnoo. .
NEW Y < UK. .rutip U7.
Flour -Dull nnd in hnj * fnvurt i-U' '
rlino , J' III © I 40 ; ehippln uxtr.i , I 50
Ol ) ; poiitli-rn dull.
Uii'otiled anil owi'i ; No. 2
eJ , l-ISfl 5UJ ; ii'igratlu white , 13(1 ( ;
V.i. Idn , 1 28 ; iSo 'J rod fivrtluue , 1 li
51 ; do July , 1 S 'iijl 2'J
Corn 1 jiiwer , hu i\'y umljldvii acllx o ; 1111.
gruded nucl No. 2 n \ d , 81n ; No. 2 mix-
J for June , S JuflSkdo ; ij > r July , 8U@
I2c. j
Oil < Lower , tiii > L'ltlod nml f irly nc-
ive ; NJ 1 white , OilNo ; , 2 do. , C3J
'ii.\'c ' ( ' ; mixed wostiui , 00@C3c ; inlxe
Ute , G.'Wi 31 - . \
iCitloy Noinini.l. j '
1'urk Ijuiiit nu I unchaiigcJ.
Lir.l UiiH and deptu ud at
or c.i h ; 12 ] "i for July.
Wnisky Numiiml. .
Potrolctun ; united ,
Clilouo Xiira Sti ck.
, ( JidCACO. June 27.
The Drovert' Jonim 1 repottj ;
IlogH U.ccipt > , 2,00' ; iiLirket irrugil-
'nr ' nnd io rr ; luixt-d liegl , 7 5nfaS UO
-eiivy , 8 lOfert ti ( ) ; light 7 4M8 15.
Uattlo-Rotoipt- ; nyirkot dull for
all except buluLeis anil ijros ) Toxane ;
Sheep RfceiitH | , 400 : nt-ongor ; com
Oluoluuati I'roilaoo.
Mcs * Pork Jobbing , sal a 2J 2.i2)22 [ ) BO
Lard Priino sit'iun nlmlnnl ; ] 0 71
Bulk Monts O.'i-ar ' nMe8.1 50.
Dnoon Clear hide in gond demand
sales , 11 OU.
Flour S iuhtly Improviit ; winter fain Dull ; No. 2 reJ , 1 231 33.
Cora Less active ; No. 2 mixed , 75o
B'Ae. \ .
0 its fjcarca and linn ; No. 2 mixed,57c.
Rye Dull at TOa.
Bailey NouO oll'ering.
Wldsky Fi nner ; Hales nt 1 13.
Liverpool 5'rodnoo.
1 ivKitrooi , , Juno 27.
Amerlcin flour , 10-wP-N fld. '
Wheat Wintur , 9.s 9d ( < alO < 10.1 ; epring ,
Corn Ci r4.1@Gi Gil.
Pi.rk 8U.i.
Lard Oli.
Jlcct-iptH of wheat for the pait three
In > s. G1) 00. ) contain , 10,000 centals
Poorlu jcrO'luon ,
I'KOIIIA , Juno 27.
Corn Firm and higliur ; high mixed ,
4i'a7iyc : mixed , 7\\Cai1 \ \ t c ,
Oats Finn and higher ; No. 2 white ,
> r i@5tfo.
Rye Nominal ; No. 2 , GS GSJc.
Ilighwluos Unchanged at i 1L
Reccll.tx. Ship tf.
Wheat 1,90(1 , (
Corn 2 .000 37,000
Oats , . . - , 2I.SOO
BnltiiuorA I'rnuauu.
BALTIMOBK , Juuo 27.
Flour Dull
Wheat Southern iioininul ; fnltz , 135(7 ( r ?
140 ; lougberry , 1 Pfifiijl 10 ; No , ' - ' ret !
wmtar Btti-idy nt 1 43 f < . o sh : 14i ! ? for
Own White roulhorn noinhul ; yellow
southern , fcHo.
Tolotlo Proiluof.
T"i.ii)0. : Juno 27.
Steady ; No. 2 cath I M'j a'llced ;
.Tuiio , llOJ.ruly ! ; , 1JIJ ; Augitbt or September -
tomber , 1 Oi ; yeur , J Ol'i.
Coru Ste lv ; hih'h mixed , 7fic bid ;
No. 2. cash , 7 < n ; .Itine , 7'Uc ' bid ; Octo
ber , 75coar ; , ( jio.
Oat C iiiot ; No. 2 Aiignstj 40c ; Sep
tember , 37 0.
, Juno 27.
Wheat-Kuhior nt 1 - for canli nnd
June ; 125 } for July ,
Corn Steady .it for caih und
Oata-Hteady at 01C * 02o for caah ; 00 ®
02o for Jimo ,
Ityo Quiet at 80o for canli.
C AI T ave mone > ami order nit illroU from
OriU I ii9uonil ) | > | iroiu | > tl > It ) rail at tlio
lowwit po llilo owh iirk'o 10 oil wi'S'ij-M ' poln .
JO iii-Jiu TVI.KII MAurCO-t-adnaw C'lty.Mltli.
As It la for all tHe rolnful ttMt of the
Jt oltaruiw the ijrotcaj of tlio acrid roUen
hat oausoa the < l"a < lJHl luCtrlujf whlcli
aly the victim * cf r'vcujoatbm can reallto.
t Iho wornt forma of t'-U t
i vo been < tulckly rolloved ,
nicR i.i p
I l > J > rr cnn lx > wilt Tirmall. ,
VUXS.KU IIAhii O < ACxf.lluiljngton.Tt
ffetoaska Monal
( No. MM. )
til or TMK < TI.HP < < ,
\V AtniMrrni , April 2th IS * * ,
10 ( ho tindf r pnert , It I hs Iirert mrnle tn tim
MAHA , " In the c.tjl l Onutivk , in tlio county ol
< nulv , MIC ! Htatn ol Ntliriv Va , riM compllwl
* Uli Ml Ui pro tinier * rf t tHotlwd 8ttn ol
ho Unltftl SWtw rfcqiilri-i ! to li fompll l with
tlnro AM Aumclfttton ( hut ) br Mithotitnl to com
urncc thnlm Imxiof Hvi\tn :
Now , thtrcfne. I. J hn J w Ki-ot.OnrnritHrtlef
I thd Current1)tfo lierchj rertitv Urn "Tli *
IcbrMta Nitilriul H40X ol O-d'tlift , " In tli cl' }
of Ornhn , In the omntv ol I OIRW | , nml sUtc
Jiehu V , I * nttthorlMit ( wrniiiionw the
lnoM of llnnklnrti ttrmMnl In ? o-cm ! Flttj
Hnmlrr < l i ml cOxM-Nlnoo ! the
Mic Ita
In twluiuniy whfrrrf ttlliNW MJ
l.xi.l nml anl nl otri. o tM Kfilh
April ! ! .
Cotnp'rillor ol Hi I'tlrtcucy
The ftii 'cIM \ l ho f prci'ircil lo tiv. l\
nMnm H oommmw with A hilly trt.l in
* p tM ot filACsOO'J.W , wilft olti ba.i.l illiw ft *
u ( allm < ! -
I. II. JO1IK9OS , l' < in tr , el Stwlf , John-
. .
. . T008.VT.1N. Vic. 1'nwiniiNt. ol ) . 11 > }
It II , IMVon.
* V. V. IIOHSI1. , nlV. . V. Mono and CMli I
Ale Ilootl ami HIU.IM.
. St. COMISS , of ( I. II. A J R. I'olllns ,
\V > m1 < M I * * ! hit Mt < l 8 ililiTT
JAM1X1I. Woo.worih , i-outiMtkir Mul.Mtanii'j
tt Irtw ,
8. HKIU' , Prnn \ Itci-d A Co. , UP * '
i KMIY . YA'1 19. O , l > icr , lot" Oixiihlef of Utf
rir t NMinn . IU ix of Onmlin , anil
connfliUil will Ilic ncllinanivgu -
niontot Hint ! l ink tlnco ltd orknn >
In\r < 'cri ft "in II nn < 1 iri'illum
amount ) In "i tin l'ro\l l in nml
BOfl St tki a Iti'h iirot'vl ' d
* U \toi > lu < n
Our su nuvtul , f ily 'ridi , o d M-
, > , , , , - , .n. tn'jllt ciln'ft . lliv .T llcplrll
WllKiVT ioitwi > uU.\ilM.I . nl3 piMnoiv li
ly Semi t OHO lir ixitatmt | < ry
clrvn'u's nml \ > t iroonl I'IIKR.
( ? Kfl UlMJuilJl palil'lll llllflilH' tll'ltcdil
UJU tnnntln nil tliU lilml $ b.7l IKT
ntnro. A < l-ii-i KuliMMlNO &
MliKKI.Vvt , Ul atul 143 L\aili ! !
STOCKS at. , niimffj , ill.
J J'iVo wiint ft In-at ntrfnl In
ever irmn. Kxcclli-nt liuluco-
nioiiti. ( louli'ij tin lonpoii.lil ! | ,
onlcrprl llir. man Writ lor tolius
Trillins With,01 llouincaa Won'l Do. In
till * way cur itilml D > NU < Is lir ti.lit on. A JU
crtcrciflhcr ! thucpiiii'ii icncJof a fnnl ntoin-
ncliAiul rlniriutiil litnul' , n il the v rj li't
propirillon In c'Milt'iira t'i put tlnni In iirrtvct
imlcr and ktvtliini J , li 'J AUIUNT'H ar.l.Tr.Tii
801.1) 11V AU. DHUCUHTrf
_ J21J1 _
W. B O E H L ,
Jlnnuf c'nrcrot ( ho
Vine ITH nil klnili r ( inncliln'it ami Inn
Hiinrl. . I' 1"-
Gouornl Undertakers ,
23. S a. Ob ME1 3SE S3OT
Bet Fnruinu nnd Doiiuliifi.
Mctnllli , Wootl nml Cloth Covcrcil
distantly on Imiul. Orilcra fro'ii tliu country
rolicltoJ , niul prolupt'y attomlnil tn. mill 11
Ha roinnMsl t ) liln oilirnnt now qturt'-ia on
cs TO ovc : E ssr csss c- . ,
Ill Kru | > 'ti Now Block.
Frusli Poultry mnl Vouctahlia nlwayn on
hand. Jill-lni
" 53J
mO Bin
Window Gaps , Finials , XX M'f'g ' ,
T. 'SIN ' HOLD ,
13th St. , 410 , Omaha , Neb :
Oritcrfl from tlio louutry K > liclto 1 , 2ly
Office B02 IBtli St , Uor , ofBurfc
Duulcr In
, Tout and Wagon Covers
Cor. 14ih and Howard Sts.
Ttio lj : t III the country ; lor the ruonvy ,
M , A , McNamara.
ourtooutli Btruo t , Oraubu
noaflpartera of tlio Literati ,
Tlio Clioa.ii t , f.'irxwt nn < ] cholcoot toll tloc
o'i .
lutlio Went.
Cttuh paid ( or Sucoud-ilunil liooke
or excliungod for uo\r ,
"b lion"untl lii'uilhurn.
0 uV
Invites the attenlionof the public
to his
R i
Embracingall : the late patterns - - .
terns in everything in
the Carpet Line.
Matting's , Oil ( Ms and window Shades.
In large quantities , and always
at the Bottom Prices.
ire ,
1313 Far n am Street.
Finest , ffiiwp Plated SDOOHS aid Forks.
The only and firm of
R o g o r a liroa.
11 ' . ' * 'ysji / / atanoo " Dingle
All on.i Bpoons. 4 * > : " V' i/J /
IKCVfll /
IK /
F o r k B nnd $ W5plntud / Hpoou n
Knlvua plntod
with the greatest
of e.iro. ICuch
lot bclun ; hunt ;
an a HCiiluvhilu
being pl.itod , to
innnro n fall do-
pooit of Hilvor on
Wo would call
ospoclal ivtton-
tlon to diir IH-O-
All Onkraln the Wit nliouldli ) AilJram" ! tn
Wholesale Jewefer ,
And Tinware ,
3COC- ,
Wliuro you can 1/uyjoiir HOIIBII I'lirnl lilni ; Oooi | In erie jilit , nil mvo money doing BO
f liai o n large nbuorlmciit ol iii'i-liiiii I'rkuU .
Furniture , Stoves , 'Crockery ,
It will 1)0 ( o your Inturoit to eo mi liUoto } ou luyust your laoiioycltcttlii'ro.aa IIouscliolJ Good
' " " " " " " "
A. xcx.xxinB.
1318 Douglas Street. Opposite Academy of
Good * Dellvorrd Free of Charce , Jnl-ly
Ti .
mar-Ctu tliuatCui