Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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    T11E DAILY BEE-OMAHA W OtfESDAY , JUNE 28 , 1882
The Omaha Bee
PuMUJifd cvory morning , except GnntU
Bso only Monday morning dntly ,
One Year. . . . . $10.00 I T litoa Mouthn. $ > . (
Six Months 0.00) ) One . . l. (
ty Wednesday.
Oao YCRT . 82.00 I ITircaMwjUis. . f
QliMnth. . . 1.00 1 Ono . . 5
Xnw CoSirAsr , Solo Agcnl
or Newsdealers in the 1Tniled Sthlw <
n lURI'Sl'UNOKNPK All Oommnn
liUun relotiti to XPW and Rilltoriftl m
or * H.I iui-1 ' .r n MrwftJ to the KDlTon 0
THS . ' .
Iittt-c-H mid li'.iniitnncc ikould b nt
dniMul t < i THR OMAHA I'musniNO Co *
TANT , OMAHA. Dwft * , Cli k nnd V < * \
-ffloo Orrtorn to b3 inivde payable to th
U e C
Ma BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props
Mooting of the ttepubllcMi Stute Con
trol Committoo.
The member * of the JtcnnliUcnn State Oommlttre of Nobrmka mo
hereby callid to ti cct nt tliu ( Viiitnercial
Hotel. In the cltynf Mnc .In , on Tliuw.
d y , tlio litJi Iy / of July , 183A nt'J o'clock
p. in. , for the piirpoia of coiiiplclinj , ' the
orcmi7alioii of tha cruntnit'te ' , nnd trill-
BaclinK Bticli other Imsincw m may proji-
crlr come hcfnto the nme.
I'lio following nro tlio mombfra of the
committee : 1st DMrirt , A. 13 , Guntt ; Vtl ,
John Ii. Carnon ; 3d. .Tncob 8. Dew ; 4th ,
A. T. ( Jrout ; Cth , Jl. 11. Windlmm ; tith ,
0. 13 , Yost ; Gib , Paul Vnndcrvoort ; 7th ,
] ) . ] 3 llondlo ; 8th , W. U. Peebles ; Oth , S
U. Col-on ; lOtli , .T. A. Krhardt ; llth , J ,
H. Kcllicr ; llitb , W. 1 > . Mntlhcwsj 13th ,
M. Whitmoycr ; Utli , Abpl Hill ; Ifith ,
John Steen ; Mh , J ! . O. 1'hUlinn ; IStb ,
C. W. 1'leico ; 17tli , T. I , . Crawford : 18tb ;
W. T. Scott ; 10th , J. V. Price ; 20Hi , O.
W. BalMcyj 21fct. Watson Pickcrellj
22d. J. H. UlcDowcl'j 2Sd , S. W. Snltzcr ;
aith , .T. D. llnyos flfith , A. W. Aero ;
20th , 0. ] { . Willard ; 27lh , Hoboil Ken
nedy ; 28th. A. Fi. WiKtonj 2'Jth , IJ. O ,
IIedlund30tb ; , G. S , llF ho ] > ; 3Ut , U. J ,
Wyman. .TAMKS W , 1JAW13S ,
Chairman ,
CKKTE , Neb. , Juno 12,1882.
Mu. Guv BAKTCN on the board of
public works. Dow long baa Guy
Barton boon n citlzoh of Omaha ?
Tm : Iowa utnundrnuut campaign is
oror arid ivo oliall presnntly BOO who
has counted hiii chicken ? bolero ihoy
are hatched ,
Tins is an o1T yoara in politics , and
'Gen. listabrook would like to haVe a
public Eculllo with somebody in Omaha
that differs with him on woman's
suffrage , but the issue is BO dead in
thoco pirts that nobody is disposed to
'wasto time enough to accommodate
the general.
TUB piinciples of the coalition between -
tweon the republicans and the in
dependents of North Carolina remind
the Philadelphia American of the
prophet Jeremiah's liga the good
nro very good , and the bad are very
The latest census bulletin on "se
lected nativities" contains BOIUQ very ,
interesting statistic concerning the
population of Nebraska.
The census roturna of 1880 credit
Nebraska with a total , populutioq of
452,402. Of this number 352)413 ) nro
white native Americana , 2,570 colored
natives and 97-tW foreign born.
Among the native Americans 95,700
are born in Nebraska , 45,583 in Illi
nois , 31,489 in Iowa , 31,800 in Ohio ,
29,311 iu Now York , 25,079 in Penn-
sylvanin , 20,403 in Indiana , 1G/J31 in
Wisconsin , 10,503 in Misaouri , 70,853
in Michigan , born in nil the remain
ing states nnd territories , 37,210.
Among the fdroign born popula
tion of Nebraska 31,125 bail from
the Gorman empire , 14,675 are
Scandinavians from Sweden , Denmark -
mark nnd Nor way ; 10,133 were born
iu Ireland , 8,207 in England and
Wales , 8,858 in Bohemia , 7,900 in
Canada , 3,281 in Rulsia , in 2,230 Scot
land , 2,310 in Austria. Of the latter
a largo majority nro doubtless natives
of Bohemia classified us Austrinns.
All other foreign countries not claim-
-fiod contiibuto 8,593 to Nehrusku'a
' It is rather curious thai the natives
'of Npbni&lc/i are almost equal in num-
i bcr to Iho foreign born population ,
'and ' the foreign born population in
! moro .htm ono-fifth of the ehtirn pop-
> ulation. The goncial impreDMi > n liua
[ been tliut tlu-ro wcro at least
'ten ' Iiishnmu to every English
man in Nebraska , but Iho census
returns show that for every ton Irish
men there are eight Englishmen in
this stato. The natives of Germany
are one-third of the foreign population.
Tliero are three German's in Nebraska
\vlioro there ia one Scandinavian pr
Bohemian , nnd there are moro Rus
sians in Nebraska than there HVO
Americans of African descent. One-
half of the population of thu etato
hails from Illinois , Iowa , Ohio , New
York , Pennsylvania , Indiana , \Yis-
oonsin , Missouri nnd Michigan , which
uhowB that the body of our population
comes from the central bolt of the
UnitedStatesjOf which Wisconsin is the
most northerly and Missouri the
most southern. The utato of Illinois
liaa given us moro people than the
/Now England at at IMS , the southern
atutce , , and the Pacific elope , while
ion a has supplied Nebraska with u
greater number of immigrants than
lias the German empire.
ThcEO faclft. nro quito interesting ,
and furnish a coinprohoneivo exhibit
| of i our varied population.
WHAT peculiar fitness hat Mr. Guy
Barton for membership on the board
of public works ?
The strike of the freight handle
in Now York city exhibits in n gin
ing light the greed nnd rccklonnoas
corpornto monopolies in dealing wil
laboring men. Even the moat cense
vntivo pipers in Now York are 01
spoken in their denunciations of tl
course of the railway nnnngcrs. TJi
Now York Krenimj Prat for oxampli
which cannot ba classed nmong cor
Uiuniatic or Incendiary sheets indulge
in the follow ing c nnnieiit ojncernin
the mtuatioti.
"Amid this co t'v cn fu. ion yostcr
day afternoon , . ' ! , CO ( ) idio laborrr
inarched in procession through tit
crowded strpetit , nith a band of musii
nnd n banner. If those man had beei
at work , tlnsre M onld IIBVO bi'eii ' i
trouble , freight wouid hn\o been received
coivod ad delivered with cuitomarj
regularity , and iu pliusa of ( hoHjmp
loin.s of chaos there wonlc
'invo ' been seen the familiar nigna ol
iro3perous activity , Why were thuoo
nun not lit work ? If their idlencos
voro n moro wanton oxliibition of
pito , if their proceedings were
iolous nnd their demands mi-
oMOimblo , they would bo the
ibjocts of very lively do-
iiincintlon ; but , ns it happoim , the
ovoroo of all this is true. The very
iicn who nro auflering most in the
natter , the merchant ] whoso business
i blocked , agree that the freight
landlora are behaving well , nnd that
hey ask nothing moro than what is
Air. They have been paid.tho paltry
um of seventeen contn an hour for
heir labor. They nsk for three cent
noro. At' twenty cents nil hour ,
working ton hours n day , they would
ccoivo the wagea of private porters
rhoso work ii similar ; but , unlike
hcsc , they have not constant employ ,
ncnt , and they nro obliged to work
( ton nt uniiAiinl hourci Cer ninly
heir demands are not exorbitant.
Vhoro , then , does the blnmo for the
xintnig otnto of nflairs rest ? It in
uldom that sucli n question can bo so
i.'itinctly nilHworod.
If the consoqiionco of thin contro
orsy were confined to the freight-
andlors nnd their emnloyera , the
ourso of the latter would even then
o indefensible. It is understood that
lie inilroad companies theniHolvoi do
ot regard the proposed ndvnnco of
lireo cents an hour aj extravagant ,
ut they nay that they are "contend-
iig for n principle" the principle ,
orhapa , that the men employed by
hum shall have no volco whatever hi
otormining the amount of their coin-
enaution ; the principle that they will
ay the lowest possible number of
unto for aorvicoj , without regard to
tir living wuges. 13ut there ia n
liird party in intereal. TJiucuatoinurj
f the railroads have uOmo risjhti or
t least ought to have them. The com-
anica are under an actual or implied
ontract with the niorchantatorocoivo
nd transport their goods with duo
cpedition. If the demands of thu
andlors were extortionate there
light bo oomo excuse for the railroads ,
lough even then they should weigh
uofully the , riok of throwing this
roat commercial city ; into such a
onditiou as it ia now in. The mor-
luuiti have no right or desire to die-
ito to the companies whom they shall
mploy.or nt wliat wages , but they
lay1' clearly insist that freight shall
o transported ; It is an outrage for
icso lich companies , iii order to BUVO
few cents , to make economical ex-
Qriments with incompetent hands nt
unvy cost to tlio business men of
few York.
All thin is in the nature ot n truism
-at leant to everybody outside of the
tilroad companies. That those cor-
urations and their agonta are blind
) the truth , or , if they nee it , nro
laenaiblo to the obligations ic in-
elves , ia anotnor illuatraticn of their
jrgotfulncsa "f the public side of
lieirldntics. Every hour that the
height blockndo ia maintained \ull
tronvthon the popular demand , which
as grown so greatly in recent years ,
liat , in consideration of the vast prw
og33 they enjoy , thcao corporations
hall bo brought under coinething
ko ronaonablo public regulation.
AND now it is pioposed by some of
lie overworked congroafiinon who In-
orforn,000 , a year with tobacco
nd chnmpngno thrown in nt funerals
nd celebrations , to crento n commia-
iou to investigate the cause of labor
trikej and how to prevent them ,
luoh a coiunueiion , well equipped ,
fould piobably go to tlio Yellowstone
nd purlc for n few luuntha
D iuvestigato tliu climate of Mon-
unn , nnd next fall they would precut -
cut n duptictito of the Yorktown oon-
unnial bill as the BUUI and uubstauco
f their research , with u rccommond.v
Ion that they bo allowed further time
o continu gtholr arduous labors next
oason ,
the first and the last ,
lie bravo brigadier who auppresaod
bo Omaha riots on triple salary , was
t Washington n few days ago , What
is mission was wo do not know , nor
0 wo care , excepting BO far as it re-
itoa to the campaign in Nebraska ,
'ho valiant militia brigadier had him-
elf interviewed by several reporters ,
rlio telegraphed his political prophc-
} es nil over the country. According
3 Alexander , the contest over the gov-
rnonhip will bo very desperate , but
Valentino has a walk-away for a third
orm , Wo apprehend Alexander is
nistakun about the contest for the
overnorship. At least BO far ns ho ia
oncernod it will not bo very despor-
to , I fact there is danger that Jio
1 ill not bo heard of at nil when the
onvontion meets. Valentino may
ave a walk away , but it will bo the
'alk-awny of n political corpse. There
i no third term on the books either
> r Alexander or Yal These gallant
arriora will aoon join the grand avmy
of dead ducks for whom there
political resurrection ,
Tlio Now Banking Acl.
New York Tribune.
All persons interested in the prc
pcrity of the country will bo rehov <
now tha * the bill to oxtund the char
era of National binkn hai p.iwed t !
floiinto. The princiiil puints oftl _
irensure nro as followi : Any NA'IOI
1 bank , upon the cinsont of ilashari
holders of two-thiro'n of its stock , en
renew its charter for twenty ycuri s
any linio within two yenw 'boforo th
expiration of its existence * under If ;
present law. The inatilution wi
then hnvo all its old righta , oxcej
that loqal proceedini1) ugainst it oa
bo carried on in the stnlo courts. An
shareholder who does not wish th
bhiik to Ira cjtititiuiifl iN untitlud to n
cnivo the vnluo of his stouli
The bank's noten under itn ol
oliartera must bo tkstroyrd withii
three ywirn or the inatitulion mug
deposit in the treasury money cnoug !
to redeem tlio remainder. Bank
having n capital of § 100,000 or les
will not bo required to kiup on deposit
posit with the treasurer of the Unitei
States bonds in cxcesa of one-third o
their cupital Block na security fo :
Mtoir circulating notoa ; nnd lunki
having on deposit bonds in excess o ;
that Amount , nro authorized to rcduct
[ heir circulation by the dopoait o
lawful money JIB provided by law. N (
bank which makes n dopoait it
jrdcr to withdraw its circulating
lotcs will bo entitled to ro
ioivo uny incrcaso of iti
: irculalion for nix months from tin
.iinu it made that deposit ; provided ,
.hat not moro than ? 3,000,000 shall
: > o dopoaitod during any month foi
; hia purpose. The secretary of the
; reasury is authorized to receive nny
; > ends bearing 3 per cent interest ,
ind to iasuo in oxclmngo for them nn
jqual nmount of registered bonJj
lioaring intcreat at the r'ato of 3 pot
: ent u year. Tlieso bonds will not be
lulled in so long na any bonda huroto-
'oro iBsuod bearing n higher rate
> f interest are outstanding. The
lecrotary in authorized to ro-
ioivo deposits of gold coin in
.urns not leas than $20 , and
: u issue certificates therefore , in do-
lominationn of riot less that $20 each ,
lorrcspondinp with the denominations
> f the United States notes. The
loin thus deposited will bo retained in
ho treasury for the payment of the
: urtiticatoi on demand. And no
tanking association can bo a member
if nny clearing houno in which' ' thu'se
ertlicatea ( are not jeceivublo in pot-
lulncnt of clearing house balance } .
L'ho bill now goes to the house for
loucurronco in the senate amendment.
Tlio Utnh Uotnmlsalon.
ill IA\O Trlbtinu.
The nomination of this commiiiion
3 n slight nnd nn reproach to ULII. : )
? o ignore a whole people ; to not bo
bio to find ouo man in Utah who in
iroeidont'ts ostinutio'n in worthy to bo
iimod on this commission , ia simply a
roof that in the narrow estimation of
he oaat there is hero both a low order
f intellect and of integrity. It is
ho anne feeling which in the east
autud men in congress , and those
roiturei who uro given control of n
oip'jrution proas to refer to the sol-
mn petition of 150,000 voters of Oal-
Forma as simply a sand lot manifesto.
t is a trifle hard to bear , this assumed
upuribrity of iv p ooplo" , while siroiit ;
u the aggregate , individually nro no
roak tliivt it would take n
housand. of them ta eupply mun-
iood oriough for quo gray'-flhirtod
ninor of the west ; but it will nil come
ighk after awhile. AVe do not doubt
iut President Arthur lina done what
, o thought was beat ; with one jack
[ orinon adviser in hin cabinet , nnd
110 nun who known nothing but the
ricky aide of politics , nnd who in
very appointment nocks to place u
upportwhoro it will bo convenient to
est upon when Iho labor of putting
p conventions ) two years hence will
ave to bo done. We understand all
liia , but when a petition , signed by
ho foremost men of the territory , nnd
3eked by senators nnd judges of the
upretno court of the United States ,
aking for an appointment on tlio
core of eminent worth , otainloss
utogrity nnd n full knowledge both of
ho law and of the tacts , iscontomptii
usly ignored ; it would bo cowardly
ict to Bay that the people hero who
invo the greatest direct interest in
hia business , nnd thoeo whoso voices
night to have the most weight , feel
Imt they have been personally nnd
mjuatly slighted , and that the Prcai-
lent of the United States hao served
, notice upon the country that in his
istimation there is very little dill'er-
nice between the men hero who nro
ryiug to uphold this Rjpublic nnd
hoao otliora who are trying to tear it
A Rntlwuy Company's Liability.
'hiInl. Ijilila fruit.
On the 25th of March , 187 ! ) , nn no-
idont happened on the Now York ole-
ntpd railroad at Forty-second streut ,
vhioh resulted in severe casualties to
i uumbur of passengers. Among those
vas a Mujor llnraold , who austninud
UitroBsin'g nnd permanent injuries.
5y ndvico oi his friends ho engaged as
iouneiil Col. Ira BliaoHor , who wrote
ho company , offering to oo.tlo tlio
satjo for n rcaBonablo BUIII. The ofli-
: ota p.\id no attention to the proposi-
; ion nnd BIO ! owe wont to trial. Dla-
.inguishol counsel appeared for the
lefendantB nnd the caao waa watched
vith lively interest , not only in Now
k'ork , but all ovnr tha country.
ft waa Miown that Mitjor Uar.iold had
won crippled for life , nnd that the
njuries would result sooner or later
n paralysis. The jury gave n verdict
'or $30,000. But w hen the body came
n to give Ha verdict it was found that
mo juror's name had boon omitted by
ho clerk in calling the roll and upon
his the defendants demanded a now
rial. The court , however , hold that
ho error had been righted and jus-
Ice done , and nfllnnod the. verdict ,
Pho case has been appealed uutil the
lighest court was reached , when the
tccision cornea back r.llinnoil.
This ia n point in law that must in-
orpjt ovary company nnd every citi-
an in the country. Tlio .road in this
listanco was defended w.ith cousum-
h&to ability by Lieiilonant-Govornor
) orBh.iincr , who had an nseUhint
ouneel David Dudley Field. The
unvof 830,000 cannot be called ex-
essivo for the sudden uspon ion of
ho nolivitios of a man in the prime ot
ifo whose faculties had enabled him
o gain an income of 10,000 a year ,
iut one lighter award has boon
granted in recent jurjsprdcnce. Phil
lips in England , receive * $8. > (000 fo
a similar injury. The 6ao is furthc
notable in that it has ben in its rari
ous stages before nomoot the tnoa
eminent jurists on tin bench , am
every ono haa cflirmei the judgi
and jury in thpir originl finding ni
being wholly within law and modern
tion ,
A National Isso.
Fun I n .t o Cliranlclc
Tliis session of congrHS ii BO naai
ita clone us to leave nc hope uf the
paasaga of n bill i coining forfeited
railway land granta t < ( th public do
main. The bill was l > eptn committee
for six months , with amiparent pur-
poao of dofoftting it by d < y. This la
nn old railway corporntioitriok , trans-
'erred from the C.tlifcnn . legislature
; o Washington. It is cater and cos's
eiui to liainllo the nrijonv of a cjin-
nittee than n majority f the whole
house or senate ; nnd the urtnt way to
kill nny bill in to have th < report of it
delayed to the lnt days otho ! session.
Tlio mnjority ropcrt on thu bill to
declare the Northern Paific rnilwiw
land grant forfeit and rcsoro it to the
public domain was so illof cal nnd no
clearly wrong in princip.i that a de
bate upon it must have fern it into
shreds nnd brought n larg majority of
the houfio. The courts hive virtually
decided that the only p wr which can
restore these lapsed grant to the pub
lic domain is in congress But this
majorily declnrtu that thi courts nro
the only power which cinlnwfully decide -
cido the question , was mtagomzing
the decisions of the courtnnd ! indefin
itely postponing the quoaion , with the
apparent purpose of nllowng the diro-
hct corporations time i > secure an
equity in those parts d their land
grants that nro forfeited ,
The magnitude of the sibject ia not
limited lo the -10,000,0(0 ( nsrea nnd
§ 10,000,000 worth of laid that has
boon forfeited by the Nirthorn Pa
cific company. The aano right of
forfeiture extends to in on than 125-
000,000 ucres , worth , at i low esti
mate , $000,000,000. It is the bia-
gcst thing in American politics ; and
; ia such , cannot fail to unit ) to the
front as n national issue , both in thu
congreaaional elections tha year , and
if not nettled by the nexfcongro'iB , in
the national conventions for the nom
ination of presidential candidates in
1884. In ono form or aiother it ef
fects the title of cvtrj unpatonted
land grant undo since tint of July ,
1802 , to the Central anc Union Pa
cific companies. It t inch us the al
loyed rights of the Ciuiral Pacific
grant in this way. Tin charter of
that corporation providci that all the
Und gr.mted to it , an ! remaining
unsold three yearn after the
completion of the road , nhall royert
to Iho government of the United
StUu < * . To defeat the cbject of this
proviso tlutcorporationformod n land
jynJicato of ita own tmimbori or
jgenls , oolling the whob of thinr un-
patented grant to tompany Thia
I * n clear case of fraud , and a single
iay's debate in either house of con
fess will fatally puncture it , and con-
I'inco nil huneat men thtt the land DO
fraudulently conveyed should bo nil
restored to the public domain. And
ivo now make the bold [ assertion that
; hia Central Pacific und company
: anne t give clear title to an acre of
iho _ land they nro BIJ fraudulently
: laiming nnd convoyingto private par-
; ic3 , uuloaa coogroas uhlll pass a law
jontirnung their forijttcd rights.
Such an enactment illicit have been
been pisjod iivo ydara uro , Then those
jpsraiioHH were moro popular than
they are now , but it vnll meet with
re olutotopposition hereafter , and the
ynat majority of the pcoplo will con-
leinn any party that favpra it , or that
rtorka for the defeat of legisla
tion lo rcatoro all thcao forfeited
land grants to the public domain.
Et ia not either , solely a question in-
volviua SOOO.OOO.OOO worth of land ,
[ t involves the rights of four millions
at families or twenty millions of pco
plo , to settle on those lands and occu
py th.m ( at the government price as
liomoatoadis , and to secure unclouded
titlo. It involves the products of the
lands when cultivated , which would be
worth aa much every year as the cost
jf the laud. As long ns the corpora-
tiona hold them by a defective title ,
jottlemont will bo rotaidod and a
blii'ht thrown upon the prosperity of
the states anl territories in which they
ire located. The slates and territories
most deeply interested nro California ,
Orogjii , Nevada , Kansas , Colorado ,
Nebraska , Arizona , Washington , Mon
tana , Wyoming , Utah nnd Idaho.
They now contain a population of
nearly throe millions , with n posssibil-
ity of six millions before the next con-
juapoar. | Net , ono of then can tix
ml acre of these unearned nnd nn-
patented laudn till congress shall pass
an not authorising it. This also rpn-
toiu into the question nnd makes it r.
necessary national issue in politics.
Outaido of railway circloa there is.but
one opinion on the subject of state
taxation , and thit ia that thosa
gnuitopa iiiuat bti forced to pay tnxeu
on their landu n long aa they set up
ownership of them and poasojs them.
This movement , began very early in
the sesjion by the introduction of the
Piumb bill m the senate , and the
Andoraon bill in the houao , to author
ize the state of Kansas to tax tlio un-
surveyed and unpatonted lands
chimed by the Kansuu Pacific rail
way company , haa alao been delcyed
and virtually defeated by n combina
tion of railway interests. All the
laud grant companies made common
cause against it.
There IB but ono way out of the dif
ficulty , and that is for the people to
unite and make common cause _ against
the oppressors by pledging their mem
bers of congress nnd their presidential
Mtididatoa to support the principles of
forfeiture wherever a land grant has
lapsed , whether by fraud or other wise ,
ind of the Plumb-Anderson bills. And
the candidates for etato legislatures
mould bo pledged to vote against any
limn for the United States senate who
is not sound oii hoao principles.
Rub It In-
Jacob Locckmau , 271 Clinton ttlreet ,
Oiitfilo , N. Y , sayo ha haa been nsmj
rnosiAB1 KLLCIKIO Oil , Ifor rheumatUm.
Ho had such a lauio bajk that ho uoulil do
iiothlugjljut one bottle uutlrelycureahim.
jelilj d Iw
A Handy Hangman ,
tow Vprk Sun ,
James Van Iliso , who is tjionght of
is a hangman for Guitouu , U the
janitor of the court house in Newark.
Pwenty-slx years ano he hanged John
I'ox in Notr Brunswick , and since
hat time ho has rigged the gallows
for twelve executions , the last boir
lhat of Kinkowaki m Jersey City
few months ago. Esaox county ofl
cials believe that hois the most oxpei
executioner in America.
Mr , Van Ilise was bcrn near No
Brunswick , and has woiked as a cm
pentcr in Nowhrk nnd this city. 11
is of medium hight and thick set. Ill
participation in executions haa nu
apparently added to his burden c
care , for ho appears to bo tin year
younger than ho really is and , thnngl
: | iiiit in manner , is always cheerful
Yesterday a reporter met him at th
court liotup.
"Come in here , " said Van lliar
i riding the wny to a small , dingy
md poorly lighted room which In
ines na n property-room nnd workshop
[ n the room wai cotisido able rope
Deluding some which lias done SIT
vice , a quantity of tools , a work bench
ind n trunk.
"That rope on the floor there , " M.
narked Van lliso , " 1 hud nt Osch
ivald's hanging. Generally I keep al
tlieoo things out of sight. In that
rtink now there is a now soljof noisjf
ind under this bench h a lone rope
vliich I got ready a few weeks ngr
vhcn it looked na though wo would
lave another job on hand here. Alioul
his Washington business , if I c
Itiwil there , I'll rnako a gallows like
ho one up at our jail , nnd take it
own to Washington. Then thoris'll
jo no accident. T h.ivo nov
r had an accident , and ]
on't want one. The reason I got
nto this business was that 1 always
md a knack for rig int ; . Ererybjdy
ukus to something naturally , nnd
oinohow I take to ropea. Somotimee
wish that 1 had never seen u rope ,
or juat because I can handle ono I'm
Iways called upon to do it. Now , I
on't suppose that one person in ten
ould have done that splicing there "
Mr. Van Iliso picked up from his
) oncb a rope that allowed strong splic-
ng , and then poized another piece ,
rhich ho noiselessly wove into a
"I rigged and worked the big dor-
ick , " hu continued , "that were uied
n erecting the now postoffico in Now
fork. Now , to answer your question
lore directly , I worked for Gould &
loaro , carpenter ; ! , when they wore
inking a gallows , nnd BO I came to
ang Fox at Now Brunswick. Next
hanged a colored man in New Bruns
wick , nnd after him I hanged Bridget
) ar an in tlio aamo city. Oae lyd to
nether , until I had thirteen hangings ,
11 told. I never believe in cutting u
ope with an ax. and I have long used
contrivance of my own , which makea
liis unnecessary. I have clamps fas-
nod to one of the uprighti ot the
allows ; and these hold the rope to
vhich the drop is attached. By
topping on a sprint ; the clamps open
nd the weight drops. My gallows ia
lade of two uprights and u croba
mam. Th'eio is no trap door to drop ,
bo prisoner buiuc ; jerked into the
ir. Sometimes the neck iu broken ,
nd again it isn't. I always take care
o guard against mishap * . I novei
sedaropothe second time , because
rope that is a little old has lost
omo of its strength. "
"Does an execution affect your
pirita ? "
"Not a bit. It doesn't affect me in
be least. I'm always cool at an exe-
ution , nnd when it's over theruS nu
mprosaion left on my mind. I sup.
ese Bomo people would say I'm hard-
learted , but my friends don't think
o. I always was perfectly cool. 1
lolpod build the high tnwor on the
> ld Crystal Palace in Now York , and
hough it swayed with the wind
vhon I was in it , I wnf
lover norvous. When I attached
he gallows ropj to the
10090 about a prisonei'u neck you'll '
icvor BOO my hand tiemblo. WhatV
ho use of being nervous ? Nothinp
a going to hurt me. Some peopk
alk of trying scenes under the gal
Gas. I never saw any terrihlo scene ,
jruiiemlly tliu prisoner says 'Good-by ,
md God have mercy on my soul , ' 01
omething like that. Bridget Durgar
vas the most ntubborn prisoner I ovoi
aw , and G-.orge Botti was the onlj
jno who excited my sympathy. J
bought ho did about right in p.lio f
Pat' Halstead.
"To refer to Guitcau again , sevcra'
niluontial men who know mo have
uggestod down in Washington that I
30 chosen for the hanging business ,
out as yet there is nothing settled
ibout it. I don't know whore tin
upors got the story that I want more
han two hundred dollars , for figures
laven't been mentioned. "
To Parians About to Mnrry.
"To perseim ubout to marry , " DouRlasf
Jerrold's ndvico was "don't ; " we supple ,
nont by sayinir , without laying in a eup
> lyofritiNii BOSHOM , which euro album ! ,
jaria and other kiilnev nnd bladder com.
ilnlnta. Price 50 cents ; trUl buttles 1C
euts. Je2G.d-lw
Dentil of an Old-Time Scout.
Oliver I'epnbllcan.
News hat ) reached hero of the death
) f Charles Autobocs , one of the oldest
ind be&t-known frontier inen in Ool-
> rado , who died at bin homo on the
luerfano , near Fort Ilaynolds , twenty
ink's cast of Pueblo , on Saturday last ,
it the advanced age of eighty years ,
Vutobocu is a man with a remarkable
UBtory. Ho was born nnd raised in
31. Louis , Mo. , which nt that time ,
louuver , wan a Bin ill village and
rading post , lit ) was of French ex-
motion and a man of command-
ng presence and fine physique ,
lo came to Colorado in 1842
vith a company of trappers under
he command of Kit Cnrdon , since
vhich time this state bus been hia
lomo , Ilo stood over six feet high
n his stocking-feet , and for years liu
vas associated with Kit Carson ,
Villiam Bent , Jim 'Baker and other
rontiernmen in Colorado's early las-
cry , Ho took nn active part in all
iidian wars after his arrival in thu
tow west , and his strong arms and
iiidaunted bravery helped to put
lown many an outbreak of hostile
mirages , and all learned to
ear his prowess. He took an
ictive put in the Taos re-
ibllion in 1845 , and it was owing in
i great measure to his skill and bravt
ry that the insurrection was put
lown. Ilo was for many yean in th ?
ervico of the government as chief of
couta during the Indian troubles on
ho plains , and was at one time quite
voll oil' . When the Indian outbreak
> ccurred in 1803 , ho raised a company
) f 100 volunteers , marched to head-
luartors nnd offered the services
f himself nnd company , which
ivoro eagerly accepted , and ho
vas placed in command , and
iis son , Mariano , was installed as first
] > eutcnant. Ho performed noble ar
ciintfcrous work on that campaign nr
WAS many timei wounded. Ho w ;
intimately acquainted with Col. Wi
liam Bent , ard laiistod in buildm
Bont's old forl , near whore Fort Lye
now stand ? . If is life' * history woul
form nn interesting chapter in Coloi
n'lo rtcolleotions , and it in to bo n
gretted they have not been preserved
' 'A YWr'ii
, Ind. , Juno 1 , ' 81.
H. II. WAitSKii & Co. : Ki.i .
year's snfteiiiig from kidney diseas
was completely relieved by your Haf
Kidney und Liver Cuu1.
| u 2Gd-lw JosBt'ii F. Lorrn s.
No fatnily D > o- wore ever BO pnpo
ar as the Diamond Dye ? . They nove
'ail. Ilio Black is far superior to IOB
wood. The oilier colors nro brillinni
How Much a Man Can Drink am
Smouo In Eight. Years.
Sla-on ( G i ) Telegraph.
"That IB finely colored pipe , " w
remarked to a well-known geiitlomai
of Macon yesterday , nn hu oat on tli
curbstone at one of our hotel" , putHni
wieaths of stilnke from a well-brown
ed mcordchauni.
"Yew , he replied , mid it has coat nn
about § nOO to give it that colur. "
"How so ? "
"Well , I kept a faithful account foi
eight jeara of all my expenditures
and na I have not alwiiyn been wha
on might call nn uprigh moral mau
he account ia a fearful one ! ' '
"I stopped diinking two yeara ago
> ut have continued to arnolco. Anc :
ip to the time I let up on whiaky !
ound tha > I had emokcd up 40 (
> ounda of tobacco in Una pipe. I
mokcd ono pound a week , and al
.lines , when troubled with neuralgia ,
sinokod four ounces n day , whicl
v.T.3 a pound and a quarter a week. "
"What did that tobacco cost you ?
"Ten years ago Durham was ohip.
ting his tobacco in barrels inatond oi
> agt , as at present , and I paid $1 poi
) ound to 75 cents , and then GO ccntf > ,
jut averaging , the price at 75 cents ,
ho 400 pounds coat mo $1100 for tlu
iglit years , or § 37 50 nor year.
Wo know the methodical habits ol
, hia bachelor , and hones was not our-
> riscd at hm statement. In addition
, o the itemizing of his expenses , he
iad kept a full journal of hia doings ,
nd could tell how many headaches ,
tow many days sickness , how many
, unes drunk , nnd thus it was nn easj
nak to iot down at the end of the daj
low much whisky ho had drank , 01
low many ounces of tobicco ho had
mokcd. No old maid is more pro.
iso or systematic than ho.
"How much whisky did you drinli
n the eight years ? '
"Sixteen barrel * . I drank a quirl
> er day. I paying § 12 per week
it a certa'ti hotel in Florida , and the
urkeep rhna boasted on several oc-
ftaiona that for many and many a wool
! paid him § 4 per day for whisky ,
; hifor ! , brandy , etc , which makes ,
vith the board , just § 40 per week
Now , sixteen barrels at $ LOi ) par bar-
el ia just $1,000 , but that does no )
over thu cost to me , aa I paid 21
onts r. drink for lots of it. I calcu.
ate that my whisky for the eichi
yeara cost mo fully § 2,000 , if nol
more. "
The nervous system of this gentle
nan does not acorn impaired by thi :
exceasivo ucu of tobacco and liquor
lo holds that but few men coulc
stand , itaud , when hia hands com
mcnce to tremble hefwill cease tt
This is a remarkable case , and wi
need not point out ( ho moral. It ii
apparent to nil. '
Why is3Irs , Lydia E. Pinkham'i
Vegetable Compound like the Missis
sippi river in n sprint ; freshet ? Be
cauao thw immense volume of thii
icaling river moves with such momen
tuni that it sweeps nway all obstaelei
and is literally Hooding the country.
DOCXJ a lama back or n disordered urin
Indicate that you are ovlotlmf T1IEND
once ( druggists recommend It ) and Itivil
speedily ovcroorao tbo disease and rcsto
a healthy action UxUlthoorcnua.
For complaints pocullar
and weakneescB. KTDNEY.WOUT isutujur-
passod.ttsltwill act promptly and safely.
Either Sex. Incontinence , retention o
urine , brick dust or ropy dcpoalta , and dull
dragging palna.aUepeodlly yield to ita our-
ativo power. ( S3) )
Iinpioved lor 1882.
Every housekeeper fools the want of
omcthiiu ; that will cook the daily
pod nndavoid the escesaivohcat , duat ,
itter and ashes of a coal or wood atovo.
50 IT , bettor , quicker and cheaper
linn nny other moans. It isthoONLY
OIL STOVE made with the OIL
> ack of the steve , away from the-heat ;
> y which arrangement ABSOLUTE
SAFE IY is aocuredj ni no gas can be
generated , fully ; twenty pur cent more
teat ia obtaine'J , the wicku are pro-
erved twice as long , thus saving the
rouble of constant trimming and the
ixpenso of now ones. EXAMINE
THE MONITOR nnd you will buy no
Manufactured only by tha
Monitor Oil Steve Oo , Cleveland 0 ,
Send tor descriptive circulnr or call
on M. Rogers & Sou , ngauta for Ne-
> raska
Fomtl Ilin'f 1'nlnfUI Complaint * nnil
M comtiinn ( a our Tc l fctanlo i > opulfttlon
A Mciliclno fnMVomin. Inrcntpilby n Wamnn.
Prepared liy n Woman.
Tli < ( .rralf l JlNllral Mifotrrr SlnrB llie Dunn nf lllilorr.
tTIt rt-rlrpn the drooplnR splilt" , InUfjornto n l
hinnonlzoi the onruilo function ; , v\\m elasticity on J
drainer to the Rtcpl iti > rc4tlionittiral lustra to tin
cr , nmlptautfiDn tliopilo clink of trantnn the frc b
ro s of llfo'ai'prlnK anil cirlj sum it rtline.
t7 Physlclins Use It anil Prescribe It freely , tra
It removes f.tlntnun , flitul"ncy , destroys nil niu Ing
for stimulant , nmlrcllavcawroUnc'Mof the ttumich.
Tlmt feellnj ot bearing down , cttMnB pain , weigh !
nmltuufcaclie , Is nlwnjs permanently cured lijIt * ufc.
For t'io euro of Kidney ConijIiilnliiorcUlicr tcz
thli Compound. N uu uri > u cil.
T.TTOIA K. piMcnAsrs nuum
will eradicate every Yftleo or Iniunirn ftuui tin
Illooil , nnilelto tonu anil Mrcncth to tliu ejslem , ol
tiiau v omau ur child. ln < lst on having It ,
Both tha Compound and lllood furlijer tire prepared
nt 233 anil 23.1 Western Avenue , Lynn , Mas * . 1'rlcool
elthcriSl. BU bottles for $1. Sent by mall In the torn )
of pills , or of lozenges , on receipt of price , 81 | r Lei
foreltlicr. Mrs. rinUhim freely answonnll letters ot
inquiry , Enclose Set. fUamp. Scndforpamphlct.
Xnfnmllr ahouM bo without T.TDIA. IX J
LIVKtl 1'II.UM. Their euro constipation , bllluusucM
and torpidity ot tlio liver. 2.1 cints per box.
i3-Solil by i
Can Be Handled By a Boy.
'bo box nccil never be taken ol the \\ajon aid
all thothellC'l
Graiu and Grass Seed Is Save
It cistslcsi thin the olil shlo neks. E\ery
tandard wijon la told with our rait complo.e
Or buy the attachments and apply them to
our old wagon box. Tor talc In fi'cbr.vs a by
J. C. CMBK , L ncoln. .t P
JUiM.saA limn , Qranhn. r \ tf 4
FHED KDDK , Grand Is'and.
lUuoi.KTT & GIIKKS , Hast nil.
CifAUrjiB bdiEODErit , Columbus.
Sr.\NooiiK& FUNK , Hoi Cloud.
" 0. II. CIUMS & Co. , Hod O\lf , lona. - r \
' L W. ItLWEi. , Glcmvoo' ' , Jowi- ' - I I t J
And \ cry first claw dealer In tha west. A'k
hem for dcscriptlio circuhr or smd direct
J , HcCaUtmi Bros. ' Maniifg Co. ,
Office , 24 West Lake Street , Chicago.
They eurpaiH all other vehicles for oisy riding.
tylo and durability ,
For sale by
Henry Timken ,
Patentee andlltilMor of Kino Carrl ? a , 1003 ,
008 nd 1010 St. Charles St. , St. I/ous. CiU-
o < ue3 furnished. jl.flni
Gems Eewarded ;
on ,
The Story of ilio Sowing Machine ,
A handsome flit e , pamphlet , blue And golil
ova with npircrct a engravings , will , bu , .
ot ny U'lUlt pursnu calling ( or It , at any Ijunjb
r BuU-orticeGl TlioBluctr llr.r.ut ctitini-ioni-
pan ) , IT will be ecnt by uiall , peat pAld , to
.Ly iir n HvlDf , ' at dlatanco from our otHccs
The Singer MaHufaotnring Co , , ,
'rlnclpal OfJioo , 34 Union Square ,
Joruor 9th and Furnnm Street * ,
Hunnliii , ' water oxpoilinced tcichcr coolest
Itco In he city ilio ol biain , 6bi35 depth ot
ater , 9fcct nd3J Jeo ; , . .J'ricuacisan ticket
j,00fl : > e utthi , 1OJ : lna'le batlt25 cents.
'roc lowo'e , bjtliln triuiks and clrmsrit , ' rooms
Ho Neh
U < iNnv
\P S'unmrr ' n
Theao celebrated , otoveaiifar .ai'.tf bf
'iBrcy"oi liradtord/OmuliarNeb. , 4 J
20 lin in&ctw