THE DATLf BEE OMAJli WEDNESDAY , JUNE * 8 , 1882. imiD & & OCX The Only Exclusive Wholesale Hardware House xiv 1108 AND 1110 HARNEY STREET. OMAHA . NEB. J. WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DEALKH X- Wall Paper and Window Shades 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb , Wholesale Lumber , No , 1408 Earnkm Street , Omaha , Neb , THE MOLINE STOVE Manufactured by Theymnko n specialty of COOKING STOVES , and ha\o this jeir pliw-oJ . in the inntkot ncof thoMOsTECONOM CAND MObT SAriSKACTORY STOVES < cr made. They make both . . Plain and extension top , and fuarantte all their goods. The agents for the company arc. PIERCY & BRADFORD , - DEALERS IN - Furnaces , Fireplaces , Heaters HOC J3L 3KT T H OC. , GRATES , RANGES , STOVES , HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , Etc. 211 FAENAM STREET. OMAHA NEB ORGHAED & BEAN , J , B.FRENCH & CO , , C A R P ETSI G R OCERIES H. M. & M. PEAVY THE / \ CLOTHIERS ! 1309 Farnham Street. THE GREAT COMMONER Prom the Bio. raphy of Tbnddous Storens. Messrs. A. Williams it Co. , of Bos ton , have published this week , a now political biogriphy , entitled "Thad- deus Slovens , the Commoner , " by K. B. Cpllondcr , of the Mawachuaotts Inr. From ndvanco shoots of the work are appended n few extracts il lustrative of various places of the strong elm met or of the great Penn sylvania leader. Thaddous Stevens was born in Dan ville , Vermont , April -I , 1702. The education \\hich his mother secured for him was by no means inferior , and in 1815 ho graduated at Dartmouth College , and immediately wont to teaching in the ncadt my at York , Pn. Stevens' greatest triumph in the Pennsylvania legislaturenashis defeat of the bill , brought forward by the democrats , for the repeal of the free school law , which was not adopted in that Bourbon Commonncalth until 1831. The next year a determined ef fort was made to repeal it , and 558 petitions , containing ( U,0)3 ! ) name ? , wore sent in favor ot the repeal , and only -I ! ) petitions , with 2,570 signers , against. Stevens waa elected by n small majority and under positive in- Btructions to vote for repeal. "In- stand of doing so , ho became its chief defender and , when the bill repealing the law ctmu from the senate , where It had passed , tn the house , lie made what is conceded to have been the most effective speech of his lifo. In fact , ho himself st > lcd his labors in that cimso as the crowning utility of his life ; ' and nt another time ho re marked ho should feel himself abun. dr.ntly rewarded for all his efforts in behalf of universal education if a single child , educitcd by the com monwcalth , should drop a tear of gratitude on hia grave During its delivery in the hall of thu house at Harrisburg , the nceno was dramatic and the interest intense. The orator was forty-tlueo yeais old. Uo was in the fullness of his vigor. There was nothing weak or literary about him. Ilia action was virile. His cluaaio countenance , noble voice and direct noas of style , coupled with the glori uus cause ho waa advocating , created such his fellow-mem a fooling among - bers that for once at least n legislature rose superior to all sollish interests , and obeyed the instincts of a higher nature. The motion to repeal the law failed , and the number of votes pledged to sustain it wcro changed upon the spot. Inevitable defeat at first seemed Imminent ; but an un equivocal victory was the result. The frco school was saved to Pennsylvania. The name of ita saviour was Thaddeua Stevens. " Mr. Stevens waa one of the first of the anti-slavery whigs to join the republican < publican party. Ho waa a delegate to ita first national convention , and was elected from his old district as a mem ber of the Thirty-sixth congress in the last days of Buchanan's term. Ho was a determined opponent of all at tempts at a compromise nith the defiant - fiant secessionists , because ho be lieved them to be beyond the reach of any honorable overtures. "Lot there bo no bloodshed until the last mo ment " his word "but lot , was , no cow * ardly counsels unnerve the people ; and then , at last , if needs bo , let every one ba ready to gird on his ar mor and do his duty. " And ho de clared that ho would "expatriate him self" if ho thought Pennsylvania would be willing to "purchase peace by unprincipled concessions to insur gents with arms in their hands. " "With the " thirty-seventh congress , says Mr. Callondcr , "Thaddous Stevens began his undisputed rule of the country as the chairman of the committco on ways and means. Few men have ruled ever an omplro like thu one ho controlled. IIo held , ns it were , the destinies of a nation in his hand. Ho directed the spirit of war in the hulls of congress. Men yielded to him even when they believed him wrong. The p iwtr of bringing men to his side , of submitting them to him , ho possessed in a remarkable degree. But deeper than all that was the man's reality , which made him a cloud by day , a pillar of lire by night. Thoio was no sham about him ; no cant. IIo believed in something ; was in earnest , was real ; and men trusted him , not wholly ioared him ; nay , at heart they loved and admired him. He stood for something. Ho had an object in view , and ho pursued it relentlessly to the end the equality of men before the law " Mr. Stevens' manner of riding rough-shod ever his opponents is wnl illustrated in this extract from hia speech on the confiscation bill : "Wo are told , " B.\id lie , "that because the constitution docs not allow us to con fiscate a certain species of property , therefore wo cannot libcrato slaves. Mr. Speaker , 1 thought the time had come when the laws of war wore to govern our action ; when constitu tions , if they stood in the way of the laws of war , in dealing with the enemy , had no right to interfere. Who pleads the constitution against our action 1 Who says the constitu tion must como in bar of our action 1 It is the advocates of rebels of rebels who have eought to over throw the constitution and trample it in the dust who repudiate the consti tution. Si- , these rebels , who have disregarded and set at ddianco that instrument , nro , by every rule of mu nicipal and international law , estop ped from pleading it against our ac tion. The law established in the days of Cicero Inter anna silent legos is a law thai has been In loico down to tl o ptesent time ; and any nation which disregards that law is a poor , pusillanimous nation , which submits its neck to bo struck oil by the en emy. " As early as 18G2 ho warned the southern sympathizers that "if this war is to continue , there will como n time when it will bo declared by this frco nation that every bondman in the south belonging to a rebel shall bo called upon to aid us in war against their masters , and to restore the Union. " Nor did ho share the views of some easy optimists that the war would bo of short duration. AB early as July 24 , 1801 , ho said , in urging a large appropriation ; "I look upon it , as I have looked upon it ever since these states went deliber ately Into treason , as ono which will bo a protracted and bloody war. Some gentlemen have an idea that our ene mies , being rebels , will surrender will succumb in the course of n few months , and with little expense , und that they w 1 not fight whnt they have undert : on. 1 Hatter myself with no such opo. Iboliovo that the battles which nro to bo fought are to bo desperate jnd bloody bittlos , and that they nro o b ( numerous. I bo liovo that : ny thousand valuable lives will bo t nnd tint millions of money will b expended. ' How Mr. ovens breams A toeto- taller is told connection with his ditgust at A Irpw Johnson's ' intoxi- cation nt the .imo of his inaugnrn- tion : "Whl ho was engaged in his profession nt lottjsburj , ho was n member of n ort of chi ibof congenial spirits , who ere accustomed to moot runnd nt end thcr's hnusos and spend the evening in plaing uuda and drinking liqt r. One cuing one of the irty , n. cat fa\orito , who was cashier of tb bank in Gottjsburg , becoming n 1 tlo inebriated , was cs corlcd homo by two of his friends , who opened 10 door of his house and left him in to entry , supposing lie would find la way up stairs. In the morning , wlfn his wife came down , she found Imi on the lloor dead ! When Mr. [ Movens honrd of it ho went into hit collar with n hatchet , broke open tlo heads of his wino and whisky barris , nnd would never taste anything of jho ort afterward , A Veled ( Jiornyman. 12veil the pnicnco of .Job would liccomo exhiuisted wor ; ho a prcnclicr nnd endeav oring to Intcrat lilt mitliciico while they wore keeping ip nn Incrci nnt couching making it iunwlblc ( or him tn lie heard. Yet , how \orteA ycnii nil thh bo asoklcd liy dimply u it ? Dr. King' * Now lInco\o- ry for Conaunijtioii , Cough * nud ColiU Trlnl Uottloi g > cu away nt C. F. Good- mnn'a drug stdo An Improvement In Bobtails. New York Tiiics. The bobtlil car is to bo freed of some of ita lorroro. Jns. II. Small , the originato'l of the bell-punch , has como to the [ front airain , mid an in vention whiiU ho has just perfected ! ate to bo introdAiod to day by the Third Avenue Hope Car company on ita cross-town farlom and Manhattan- villo nnd Onk Hundred nnd Twenty- tif th street llio. No moro is the pas senger to bo ibliged to elbow his way to the froi - to deposit his fare , troadincr on Uhcr people's feet and crowding ovjrybody i-lao from his way. JSupocntondunt Robertson , of the Third av nuo company , is onthu- siastio ever tlo new do\ico , nnd fore- tolla all man or of good things as sure to result froi t ita introduction. The apparatua bj which the change from the old ordo of affairs is to bo brought about consis s of n tUt brass tube , faced with g : iss. Tins tube runs the entire length of the oar , ono end being raised some nchca hiuher than the other. The jwer end terminates in n regular faro bx. Fixed in the tube from the topat ! inter\als of about 18 inches , are omninga just largo enough to receive n nnkel , nnd dropped into nny of those openings the coin rolls Iquickly down the inclined planojof the tube nnd drops into the fare-box in full sight of the driver. The jglass face of the tube enables ovorypasacngor to BOO the coin dropped Jnto the lube or "coil' veyer , " aa it Inventor technically calls it , rendering it impossible for ever economical citizens to unload themselves oj superfluous buttons , the tube cannot become choked , aa the regular jolt of the cur is moro than enough to aonU the most intractable coin rolling 'downward. While the Third Aycnuo' ' company , for the proi out , will place the "convoy or" only upon ) ' the bobtail cars of their ) ne Hundred nnd Tivonty.fifth street line. Suporm tondon't Robertson thinks thatovontu ally may it bp adopted on every car of the company , It is inexpensive , and it is claimed that its uee on the "two- horse" cans trould prove greatly beneficial ficial , particularly as it would relieve the conductor of work which now takes up much ot his time , would en able him to remain on the roar plat form continually to serve passengers moro riiidily ( and care for the inter- cats of the company | far bolter than at present it is possible , under the ays tern which keeps him constantly mov < ing through the car to collect faros and make change. In the city of Pittsburg the "conveyor" has boon adopted , nnd it ia to be introduced on other lines besides the Third avenue in this city. Improvement Mr , Noah Halt * , Klinlrn , N. Y. , writes : 'About ' four yearn OK" I bad an attack of bilious feu'r , and never fully recovered. Alydkestive organa were weakened and I \umklba completely prostrated for diiyn. After using t\vo bottles of your liunlock liloocl JJittiiH tlio Improvement wai so vis ible that I WUH natonltlicd. I can now , though ( it yearn of nge. do n fair and rea sonnlilo day'd work. " I'rico ยง 1.00. Je20-d-lw D. M. WELTY , ( Successor to D. T. MouutO Manufacturer and Dealer In Saddles , Harness , Whips , FANCY HORSE CLOTHING Robes , Dustora and Turf Goods Ab'cnt tot Jas , n. Hill & Co.'s CJDD2C. 130BCIC GONGOnD HARNESS "Tho Best in The World. " 1412 op-A.nKr ( L3Mc srx * . Orders Bollcltol. OMAHA. NEB mely _ EUROPEAN HOTEL , Corner South and tacuit Strocts. SO ? . 3C.OXTIS 3VCO. , J. H. HURST. - - [ Prop. Rooms , 7Co , ? 1.00and$1.50 Per Day An clegint Kcttaurant U ( cnnctted ullli tbli ouie , u here uealt are tin ed at rtMOnabli nrlcci Open day and night , inllm RAILWAY TIME TABLE , nag rnicAoo , ST. mi , utxRiiroua AKD OMAHA RAILROAD , { .t at * Om ti PuMpncrr No. i , S.SOa.ra. Ac * eitnoiUtlon No. 1,1:0 : ( p. tn Atrht Omh Pawned No. 1 , ( .SO p.m. cc ; e a SiUtlon No. 8 , VO.M . m. OMAHA BAM oa notrtn IOOKP U , D. k O. 7:40 : a. m. 3 40 p. tn. a A N. W. , 7 : 0 a. m. S.40 p. m. a , R. 1. * P. , 7 : < a t. m , 3:40 : p m. H. C..KI. J. A O. H ,1 arol at f SO a. m. ami 7.45 u. Arrived at B I/ouUat fl.30 l. m. anJ CJ : m. m.W , St. t. k P. . Icavw at $ a. ni. and 110 p. Arrlv < * a 81 , Louis ttdIO : a , m and 7:80 : 01S S ft II. In Neb. , Throiuh Kiprrn , 80 : ! a. m il. A II. Lincoln Kuj'te * * fl.Su p m , U P , Owlaml Expte-M. 17.15 p. m. 0 , * K. V. lor Lincoln , 11-4S a. m , 0 A II V. for O ccola , 9 40 a. in. U. r freight No. t , 6-30 a. m. 0 V tdsht No. 9 , 8SO : a. to. U. I1. IrtUht No. 13 , S 50 p. m. U , I' . freight No. 7 , 0:10 : p. m. mljtranl. - , I' . Ucnicr * xprw , 7:35 : p. m. U. P freight Nn It. 11SO : p. m. 0. P Dome i frtlcht , S.iip. m. i. vimu r on 0 R. * 0 t.OO a. m. tV : > p m. 0. k N. W. , 9'lb a. lu. 7:26 : p. m. a U. 1. A P. , BU5 a. m. B 05 p , m. 1 U. , St. Joe AC n. . 7:35 : a. m. 64Sp. TO iMtrtia runM tin * M A D niirtnwut. 0. * R. V. ( rain Lincoln 1.03 p. w. 0. T. I'nclflo Kiprrw J-25 p in. B1 fc U In Ncli. , Tlitouiili F. mc4ll ! p m , B. ti U , Lincoln Kxprm * 1 4t a in. U. tU.'inct osprcM , 7:35 : iv tn. U. P. Ftrls'ht No. 14-2-50 11. in. U. T. No. S 5.50 a. tn. KuiUranl U. P. ( rtlcht ho. II , U:15 p. tn. U. P. No. 8-B W p. m. U. P. No. I ! 1:45 : a. m. U , P. IVmcr ftokht , 1:10 : a. m. 0. A R. V. mtioJ , ar. 4:45 : p. in , lUMUT 11.41111 B lmmj < OUAIU AKI OOLNtlL RLtlrn. Leare Omttia at 8 00 , B 00 , 10:00 : and 11:00 : Ui. | 1:0 : S 00 , S.W , 4 00 uml 5-00 | v m. Lvo Council lihiffp at V.25 , 4J5. : 1055 anil : lt . lu.J 1SJ , ! :25 : , 3'2r > ,4 : 5 anil 5S5 : p. in. Kun ajt Tli ihniitn > IPAVN Omaha at 8.00 Dd 11:00 : a. m. ; 2.00 , 4uO ami ( :00 : p. in. Lraxcg Omncll llluffs at : S5 ami 11:85 : a. m.J J.S8,1:58 : ltd ti'.ll p , m. Thronili and local panncnscr trains liotweon Omaha anil Council Hindi. Ioa\o Omaha 0:15 : , ! 46 , 8:60 : a. in.I 3.40 , 5:45 : , t.-CO p. m. Arrho Omaha 7:40,11:35,11:45 : : : a. in. ; 5.40 , 7:05 : , 7:15 , p. in _ _ _ _ _ _ Opcnlnc nq Oloilnc of M lli. aotni. oraK. OLOSI. a. m. p. m. a. m. p. m. W 11.00 POO 530 1:40 : , R i. ft 1'adflc 11:00 9 00 5:30 : S0 : i. 12. A Q. . . . .11:00 : B.OO 6'30 S:40 : . . . 15.50 5SO S'lO lla K U'ty a-i > 4 IVIDc 9.00 5:30 : S.40 Ja'on ' r clll : . . . 400 11:10 : Oin ha & U. V 400 11:40 : I n M. In Xrli 4:00 : 810 3m nb'outClty. . . . . 0 00 I.SO .1 , A M. Lincoln 10:21 : 0.00 J. V. Lincoln , Sumlny. . . 1:30 : 11 0 J f. Ucii\rrK ii B.OO 6:50 : i. Slum City & St. 1'.11-0(1 ( SIO : Ujul malls for KtAtool luwa l ar bnt onct a la ) , vlr'6-SOa , in. 0nc ( oi.ui BnniU ) ) from 1 ! tn. to 1 iv m. TII01. F HALL P U. FOB CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIABAEA FALLS , NEW YORKBOSTON , And all PolutB Eait undWouth-Eatt. THELINKCOMrniaKB Nearly 4,000 inllci. So'ld Smooth Stool Trkeki All connections nro nmilo 111 UNION OtPOTS It hn a National Kopntatlon liolni ; the Great Through Car Line , unit Is unUorullv conceded to liu the FINEST EQUIPPED Half , road In tbo world for nil cluiaciof travel. Try It and you will flnd traveling & Inxurj Instead ol a illacomfort. Tliruuijh Ticket ! via this Celebrated Una for sal o at all olllccs In the Wett. All Infotmatlon about Katoa ol Knre , Flooiilng Car Acocmuiodatlona , Time Tables , Ac. , will br cheerfully | flven by apnlylnln ; to T. J. POTTER , 2d Vlco-l'rcb't & , Gen. MaiiaRorChicago. PERCIVAL LOWELL , floti. I'nsscr ejAft. . Clitcayo , W. J. DAVKNI'OIIT , ( Ion Agent , Council HlnfTs. II. I' 1 OEIL , Ticket .Ant' morn oil ly 1880. SHORTL1N , 1880 , _ KANSAS CITY , M TUB 01K.T Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND TUB EAST From OnmhaMnd thoWoat. All train ) leave D It M. Uupot , Omaha : Neb No chinfo ol ctr9 hetnocii Oruaha tad at. ad bat ono hctwtinn OMAHA tad IfEW YORK. fetf 3UJKC Daily Passenger Trains tiiomxo ALL KABTEKN AND WKSThUH CITIES with LKBI CUAHOK3 .nd IN AIlVANUKol VLI. OTUK.KLINI'.R enllie Una la oqulii ) d with oilman i leeplni Can , r l o D J ' B fetv 1'Utform and Coiiplor , WuotlnKbouN Air-brake. tOTBtt thai your ticket VIA rvANSAt CITY , bT. JOSKVll & COUHIJ ! , IILUVITB IU II road , via 01. Joncph and 81. Louli. TIcLctl for lo at all OCIIIKDI lUilnnila tbi Weil. 3. F , VAUHAUO , O. DAWKS , Ota. Baft. , 81. Jomiph , Uo Ara n. Pau. aud Tlcknt AKt. , Ht Jc-npli , Uu. AMD ) VGUOIK , Ticket Agent , 1010 t'arnham > lie | W , JUAV srom , Otniiul AKHJ CVAJU , I-B FASTTIME ! _ Iu pclni ; I'Aft take the OMcago&Uortliwest- Tralni leave Omih 8:40 : p. m. and 7:10 : a. m . I lull Information ( .all on II. I' . UUK % Tlcko eent , Kth and Kfih m BU. J. IIKI/L , U. P tllway Depot , or at JAM Kb T , OLAUK , Cleno ) , OinaLa , | al7mki I IMPERISHABLE PERFUME Murray & Lanman's FLORIDA WATER , Best for TOILET. BATH and LiANDKERCHIEF. VI-ITTf f 1UT1 Kl Ml * DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL * JIOTELS , PJROPRIKTOKS TOWW ARLINGTON. J. G. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Net , SARATOGA HOTEL , J. 8. 8TELLINIU8 , Mil ford , Neb.B MARSH HOUSE , E.MANS , BROWNSVILLE , N b COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , StrormburE Hi HALL HOUSE , A , W. HALL Loufivllle OITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARit , Ol lr , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE _ J , G. MEAD , Hellgh , Neb. ORANn CENTRAL E..SEYMOUR , Nabratka City , Neb MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , WeeplngWal rNo COMMERCIAL HOUSE A O. CAARPER , Hardy , Nab. GREENWOOD HOUSE , W. MAYFIELD , dreonwood , Neb OOMMEROIAL HOUSE , E STOREY. Clnrlndo , town ENO'8 HOTEL , E , L. ENO , Eremont , Veb EXCHANGE HOTEL , 0. D , HACKNEY , Athlnnd , K b METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atklnion , Nib MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. GRUUD , Guide Recd , Neo SUMMIT HOUSC , SWAN ft DECKER , Oreilon , ( HI HOUSTON HOUSE , OEO. OALPH , Extra , la REYNOLDS HOUSE , O.M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H WALKER , Audubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. OURQE68 , Noola , la. OITY HOTEL , Dl A. WILLIAMS Harlan , la. PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINGS , Corning , la. NEDRA8KA HOTEL , J.'L. AVERY , Stankon , MERCHANTS HOI EL J. W. DOULWARE , Dutllngton Junction. M COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Dlanchnrd , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , 8hen.indo.ili , la , OOMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Dayld City , Neb DAGNELL HOUSE , OHA8. DAGNELL , la. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllica , la. JUDKIN8HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Idn Grove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE D , F.8TEARN8 , Odebolt , la WOOD3 HOUSE , JOHN ECKERT , Oiceola , Neb. DOUGLAS HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Olark , Neb. BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. GDEEN. Bedford la. ARLINGTON HOUSE , J M.DLAOK ft SON , Marjivlllo Mo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction Neb WINSLOW HOUSE Q. MCCARTY , Seward Nob. AURORA HOUSE M. D. JONES , AurOAf.NoS. CROZIER HOUSE O. R. OROZ'ER , Sidney , Nad. AVOOA EATING HOUSC D , W. ROOKriOLD , AVOCA la. CENTRAL HOUSE LOOKWOOD & 8HATTUOK. Red Onk. FOSTER HOUSE Onpt. JOHN FOSTER , Lowli , la. WHITNEY HOUSE , E. HAYMAKER , Qrliwolil In. THE JELM MOUHTAIST ' ' " " i % JLJ AND I ILi "V" IE IB , Mining and Milling Company. Woiklng CM > IU1' . JSM.OCO. OttpltnlS oik , li.roo.coo l' r Value nt ulurcn , STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Minoa Located iu BHAMHL MINING DISTRICT , 1)H. ) J I. THOMAS , Frcildenl , Cumiutns Womltin- . WM K TJLTON.VIco.PrcilJent , Ouinnili.1 , Wjominif . N. IIAIIWOOD , Ri-c ft rj , Onraiulns , Wjomlnc , A. (1. LUiVN , Trogurm , Cumuilu , Wjomln Dr. J , I. Thomas. Louis Miller \V. S. IJraincl. A. n. Dunn K. N. IlnrwooJ. Francis Leaxpni. Oco. II. Palo * . Lunli Zolu , n Ur. J. 0. Watkln . nomc6m OKO. W. KKNDALtAuthorised AKcnt for Salu of Stock : D. " " ' nm i . . SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF Men's , Boys' and Children's CLOTHING Eo < ady for frpootion -AT- POL'A'OK'S ' CLOTHING HOUSE. Tie Lowest Prices Guaranteed. 1310 Fnrnam Street , Near 14th. 1 flood. The Oldest Wholesale and THK IiKADINO Retail JEWELRYHOUSE in'Omaha ' , Visitors can here IN III E WEST I General Agents for the find all novelties in SIL Finest and Best Pianos and VER WARE. CLOCKS , Organs manufactured , Rich aud Stylish Jewelry , Our prices are as Low aa Eastern Manufacturer Artistic any the Latest Most , , and Dealer. and Choicest Selections in Pianos and Organs sold PRECIOUS STONES and for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. all descnpuons of FINE A SPLENDID stock oi WATCHES at as Low Pri Steinway Pianos , Knabe ces as is compatible with Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi honorable dealers. Call anos , and other makes. and see our Elegant New Also Clough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smith Store Tower , Building , American Organs , &c. Do corner llth ' and Farnham not fail to see us before pur Streets. chasing MAX MEYER & BRO. , , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW CASES ! Large Stock Always on Hand.