" ? t' f , i THE DAILY BEE : WEMESDAY , JUNE 23 183 ? . . STATE JOTTINGS. There Is only one tola fountain In raw- nee City. Three-fifths of the legM voter * of Goupcr county linvo petitioned the commUstonera to call n county seat election. A youne mnn of Hlftlr says : "The play of the 'Hi-Men Hand1 Is n good one , but the 'hidden fool" Is more interesting to him. " The West Point HspuUlcua of Innt week contained an cstray notice , n pnrl of which reads M follows : "A gr.iy mare -half home , with sore on left shoulder. " The Otoe lauds cannot come Into market till" fall , as the bill lim be n atnendcil hy the house and will hare to 1)8 concurred In by the cenate , which " 111 not bo nccom * pitched this session of congresi , Deputy Treasurer Jay paid on S'atiir- day the List isgislereu warrant on the county general fund. This Is the first lime hiucc tin county win organi/ed that the rcghter 1ms Ijoen clear. [ Oaccolft Iteconl. Thomas Clark , n nix.year-old son of Sir. John Chrk while playing Tuesday evening - ing , stepped uiinn a nharp xtlck thai rnu into the ball of his foot nearly two Inches. The parents trlrd to pull the stick nut nnd coulcl not , hut broke It ofl in the foot. Dr. Holladay WM called , nnd after some cut ting extracted the snag which was Inr e ns n pipe stem and nn inch nnd a hnlf long. [ lirownvillo Granger. A boy , about fourteen years of ngc , 0111- ployed at lOank Kent1 * , n fcwmlloa Hotith- east of town , mysteriously disappeared about two weeks ago. He started In the morning to go fishing in the river , taking his dinner with him and Intending tu xtay all day. Ho has not been seen or heard of Rlnco , The IMV win ft stranger hero and had I cen working for Air. K nt nboutotx woolen. He was a very quiet and well be- havd bo7 , and was apparently well pleas ed with hlii homo. Not having any reason for running away , Mr. Kent conclude * the boy must have bean drowned. Ited Cloud Argua. On last Friday afternoon , quite n Hltlo excitement wan CAiised la town by the dis covery of n peculiar Blupod cloud in the northeast , which was pronounced by many to bo a water-spout , i'lom T , II , Saun- dent wo learn that it was n tornado. It passed over the northwest corner of Duller county , about four miles east of Mr. Saun- dera' ( arm , which Is near the line , A cow. was carried bodily for nome llttlo distance by the wild and killed. In some places the wind cut n furrow through plowed land to the depth of two mid one-half feot. It cuuio In contact with no buildings or wo ml ht bo called upon to chronicle nomothing of a BcrlouH nature. Osceola Kccord. . Henry Wangncrjlvlngfour miles southeast - east of town , wan alarmo 1 about 0 o'clock Monday night by the flare of lire , upon getting up no discovered bin shed contain ing his machinery to be on Tiro. It was covered with cane pumice , and was ( set on fire by Home one. Ilia horde's were staked out and one was misaing at time of fire , this horse returned about three bourn after the fire coming from the west , well warmed - ed up and evidently It had been ridden hard. The presumption Is the sinner that set out this fire rode the horse oil far enough to get out of danger of pursuit llcnry lost a solf-bicdor , hay raka and Boeder. Thl * loss came heavy , as tliu In- Ruranoi will cover only wiiat the tnachln- cry was worth at the time of fire , and ho will have to buy the amo now , and pay the difference-Blue Hill Times. A few nights since , near Now Castle , Dixou county , an attempt was made to rob the re idonc of a widow woman , Mrs. I/ . S. Ulskop. She happened to bo a way from homo leaving two small children in tlmrgo of two young ladies. After the latter had retired for the night , nn unknown man broke Into the house , and entering the sleeping room of the girls caught oae of them by the hair , and utt inptcd to catch the other by the throat. The Klrlaacream * , od and fought , and the follow becoming frlghUned by the riwJSet they made Jump , ed out of a window and escaped. lie was dlsguUed by having a cloth over bis face and a sheet wrapped around his form , A few daya previous Mrs. Bishop drew a sum of money from the bank at 1'onol , and it Is presumed that this Is what he was after. -Jbljur Olty Journal. Fred. Woorth. the deaf and dumb print er of The VolkabUtt office , came near tak ing up his journey to that mysterious country from whose bourne no traveller returns , on last Friday while bathing in the mill race. He jumped Into water over his head and being unable to awim , would hava drowned , bad not naslatance been cloaa at hand. As It wai he had a narrow escape , Willie Malchow wtnt firit to his assistance , but Wcurth with that frenzy peculiar to arownlngpcople grabbed young Malchow and they both went down. Hen ry Baas , a stout-limbed boy , then jumped Into the water and after strenuous effort got both to land after Worth had gone down for the third time. The German printer will doubtless be more cartful the next time he goea swimming , West Point Republican. The people of .dtanton had the pleas ure , though tinged with alight fear , of watching the formation and dissolution of a email cyclone on laat Friday afternoon , at about four o'clock , A black cloud hovered - ored about three miles south and n little eaat of town , and apparently was the meet ing point of two air currents. The atten tion of the observers was kept rivaled on this cloud by noticing that a black ball was whirling In the cloud , growing denser and denser each second. Shortly this ball Battled to the lower edge of the cloud , and then It assumed the appearance of a fun nel , gradually lengthening out toward the ground. Several times It drew back to. ward the clcud , and would then stretch out again longer than before , Movlug gracefully through the air , it reminded every one of an elopbnnl'H trunk. It ex tended downward probably sixty loot , and was within ono huudred feet of thoftruund , The end appeared to bo revolving In n epi. ral form , nnd viry rapidly. Tuen about one-third of It became detached and lit in uinong the lilllu. Bonding up a great col umn of dtut , and the remainder twisted itself back into the cloud. Lew Ley , who wai wlthm hulf n , mile of the black mons ter , and such it really appeared , hoard the roaring sound which characterized the cy clone Uat fall , and immediately uftcr the detached portion btruclc the ground the wiud wan uo strong that ho thought It would capbUe his buggy. It was a grand night , and ono that will always bo remeni * bcred , Farm , Qartlon mid Orchard. J. J , 1'ettin bheared from his 101 fine wool sheep 1,000 ponndu or nearly 10 to the head , [ LJlalr Kcpubllcan , The Columbus Crtninory In turning out ] rom four to nix hundred p umli of hutter A day , and expect In a few \\eeks to iu crease tu one thoiuaud pounds n day. A severe hnll storm did conilderable damage to crops in the northwest part of 1'latte couuty , St. lierunrd ami Humphrey belug in Ha course. The extent of damage is not yet kfluwii , T. M , Gibson and Oarloa Gibson arrived a abort time egp from New Mexico \vith about ten acres of rhrep , They are having them sheared at their ranch northeast of WlUonvIlle , Beaver City Time * . The hardest "kicker * " we have heard ol lately are those fanucra who sold their con. laet tall for SO cents a bushel and arc now paying GJceuti for'tho same to feed. [ Maduou'ChrouIcle. Martin Ander on sends us in a sample of rj e six feet nine and one half fnche * lilgb , Thla > wu raised on the divide lauds , Mr. G. A. Hunter not * him a little better with n tample tlx feet eleven inches high. Next ! Iiidlanola Courier. J , L. Frame beats the world nn pot a toe * . He planted about two-thlrdi ) of n bushel , aud they , while not appearing above the ground , consequently are bug proof , havu good large new potatoes formed already , [ Ited Cloud Chief , The barbers Bay it doetu't take hulf at long to fcbavo a fanner as it did a month , The Agricultural ' ago geutleinau'n fac > bat shortened up nix inched if we are to believe the tonrorial artist , and all on BC count i f the splendid show for corn. Pawnee Enterprise , Several farmers are trying for the f25 premium offered by the directors of the a'awnee County Agricultural nd Mechan ical association for the be t five acres of corn , Mined In the county during this sea- ( ion , There ought to be a , ncore or more of competitors. Pawnee Enterprise. Judging from r cample branch pruned from n peach trees In J. 1) . Scbock's orch- nrd , the t > cnch crop will be enormous , On one twig a foot long there were twelve well formed nnd good-sized peaches. Mr. Schock has nbotit two hundred trees and nil loaded with fruit. Blue Springs Motor. It is n novel sight to see hogs herded like cattle nnd sheep ; but the hign price of corn has drhen many farmers to try the experiment , nnd we are glad to stnto It la proving ery succe nful , Hogs nro doing nicely on the range , thus testifying to the fnct that "nil flesh Is grnss. " Blooming- t'ni Guard , Probably the honor of havlnir the best pardon in Ptirnai county belongs to Jake Htruvo , nt Oxford , who ban about twenty acres planted to nil kinds of vegetable * , which nto looking remnrknblo well. Ho has nlro planted n , largo quantity of fruit trees nnd shrabbcry , nil of which nro being nrtlflclally watered by his windmill , Arapahoe Pioneer , Sheep-shearing Is noxv in full blast in our county , nnd reports from flock owners nrn to the effect tlmt fleeces will nveraga n trifle lighter than provioun years In consequence quence of so much wet , cold weather. Our wool clip for this sei'oii will aggregate ful ly one hundred nnd fifty thousand pi mule , and next year , it i < predicted , will almost double the above amount , Arapahoe Pioneer. How much will corn grotv in twenty- four bourn , with such weather as wo had last week ? A farmer who has experiment ed , sayn three inches , Another elves ns n good way to meiuuro corn the following : Group the stalk of corn In the hmid , draw It up to IU full height , cut off nnuare the tips of nil loaves , The two outside leaven will not grow nnd In twenty-four hours you can repent the operation and find out just how muih the stalk has prown by comparing the inside leaves that have grown with the out'ido that Imvo not. Pawnco Enterprise. M. 8. Malony , of Belvidero , 111 , , who is Interested In n largo tlicep ranch n few mllo4 southeast of town , came in Monday night. Hois enthusiastic over the crop prospect in Nebraska and thinks Nebraska tanners ought to bo I ho happiest iiiortaln on oarth. Largo district * In Illinois and portions of Iowa through which ho passed , will remain uncultivated thin year in consequence - sequence of tboils. Ho predicts n largo emigration to Nebraska from other states within the next few months. The readers of the Argus will remember that Mr. Ma- lony last winter hail n largo silo construct ed on his shoe ] ) ranch nnd he is hero for the purpose of txamlnlng the structure nnd directing sonio dctnllH about filling it. Ho has purchnsod the machinery for cut ting the cnuilnge , IU cnpnclty being ton tonu per hour. Ho thlukn 50 cents per ton will cover the cost of the ensilage in the silo. Mr. M. hnu thoroughly investi gated the subject of ensilage nnd of hi * ul timate RUCCOSS with llio experiment here , wo have littleuKibt.- Cloud Argus. Tito Boniid Unloosed. Chns. Thompson , Frnnklln street , Buf falo , says : "limve Buffered torn long time with constipation , and tried almost every purgative advertised , but only resulting In temporary relief , nnd after 'constipation still moro aggravated. " I was told about your Si-mxa BMHSOM and tried it , I can now say I am cured , and though some months have elapsed , still remain so , I shall , however , always keep some on hand in case of oM complaint returning , " Price CO cents ; trial bottle 10 cents. NEBRASKA CITY. A Town With Ono Railroad. Its Ad vantages and Disadvantages. Corroipondonce of The Dee , NEBKASKA CITY , Juno 20. Ne braska Oity is rooognizod as ono of the old and reliable towns in the state and this la too well known to need any description. Depending largely upon the country for its support It la at this time of the year rather quiet. Farmers are too busy to go to town if it can bo avoided. After the crops are har vested Nebraska Oity always presents a lively appearance. The older portion > tion of the city built nearer the river is slowly being deserted , while the business center is gradually changing ; . The old stores are being deserted , and in their place wo find costly struc tures of briok farther up town As a stranger enters the city from the depot ho first sees these deserted storofl and is at once convinced that ( Nebraska Oity Is going backward , but ho would think differently if ho would understand that the places have boon loft for morocommodfouaplacos ot busi ness farther up town. As ono passes up Main street and sees the old Soy- moro House , with its broken windows nnd a general appearance of decay pwvading it , it seems like the skele ton of departed prosperity. On the contrary it points with pride to its successor , the magnificent brick struc ture farther up town , known as the Grand Contra ! hotel. It is unfortunate that the railroad depot , which is itself a moat iniignill- emit building , is so located that visi tors are first introduced to the poorest part of the city. Ooiisidurnblu building is going on and suvorul nmv firms have started within the pust six months. Among these is the firm of lutt & 13rauor , who Imvo opened a well stocked furni ture store on Main street. As both of of thuao gentlemen wuro formerly connected with other houses in the .uiit ) city , they Iwvu been nblo to work up a very fine business. A hotel knor/nas the U.mnim liouso hnn boon opuncd at the corner of Main street und Eighth. The location is very convenient und the house is re culvini ; a large patronage. Husinoss men report trade as being more brink nt present than is usual nt this time of the yum. The business prospect for this full is very good. Tlioro is n grout deal of talk in the city regarding the Inconvenience of crossing the river. Parties wishing to leave the town by the railroad are uro obliged to cross the river on the railroad transfer to East Nebraska 1 Oity at on expense of fifty cents , The greatest objection to the system is the timu it takes , There Is no transfer to moot the lute train ut night and those who cross ure obliged to hire a ekllf. The inconvenience to traveling men is sometimes very great. The citizens of Nebraska City arc making un effort to induce the railroad to put up a now und moro commodious depot. It is to bo hoped tlmt they will succeed as it will be n great Improvement to the P. city. A. 0. D. Id Buokltn'a Armcu Enlve , The DIMT SALVE lu the world for Cuts liruUua , Horus , UJcerit , Bait Kheum , Fo " rcr Sorvti , Tetter , Chapi > ed Humla , Chll = blahut , Curni , niul nil tklu trujitlons , aud jKiiltlv'y ' cures jillca. It in guaranteed to give wtiifuctfoii or money refunded , F. 1'rice Uoodtuan , 25 ceuta per box , Fur ealo by ,0. lie. Business Directory. Abitnct and Real tsUt , JOHN L. McCAOUE , orposlts Poet Office. W. n. BARTLETT 817 South ISth Street Archlteeta. E n MCNDELSSOHN , A U , Room U. Citighten Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. , Iloom 2 , Culghton Block. Uoots and bhoei. JAMES DiVINK & CO. , flni Roots iml fihooi. A good MMrtmenl loino wotk on bund , corner 12th Mid n rntr , tJIOS. KIUCK80.V , B. K. cor. 16th mil DongUs. JOHN KORTUNATUS. ll't 10th street , manufactures lo eider good waik it iilr prices. RtrnMnr done. tied Bprlnga. Mannfacturer. 1817 DonrlMet. Uooki , News and ( itallonery. J. I. FRUKHAUP 1 Duller nd Eggi. , theoldcrt B. nd K. t-nUhllnlicd 1876 Om h . OKMKAI , RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RTAN , nulbweit corner 16tbnd Dodire. Ilont Eoinl ( ot the Monty. lUIiUctlon Uu t nieeJ. at nil Hours. JlonrJ by the D7 , Week or Month. Oood Terms lor Cash , Rnnmg Supplied. UarrlsKot and Koaa Wasona. iVM SNYDI'lt , Kth mil Harncv Streets. Clothing Uoii ht. J. IIAHlUfl it 111 nay hlghc tCashprlc ( or itccnJ OornonlOth nd Ftrnham. uewe era , JOHN BAUMER 1311 Farnhim Street. Junk. II. BBRTHOLI ) , lUgs > nd Metil. Lumber Lima arid Oemont. rOBTKIl it ORtT comer Oth nd DoucUs Stl. Latnpa nnd ulasiware. / . DONNEIl ISO ) DotulM St. Good Ttlletr. Merchant Tallort. O. A I.INDQUE3T , Doe of oar moet pcpulu Mcrchint Ttllori li re- i l\lii | { the l tc t designs ( or Spring and Summer Jcoils ( or gentlemen's ' wear. Styllih , durable , lad nrlcos low as over SIB 13th bet. Doui.&Firn. Mllllnerv. UUfl. C. A. RIKQER , Wholeealo and Retail , Fun- ) / Good ) In great variety , Zephyrs , Can ! Boards , Uoclory , Gloves , CorseU , Ac. Cheapest IIouso In IhtWrat. Purchasers eave 30 per cent. Order IU Fifteenth Street. r lour and Feed. 3UAIIACITY MILLS , 8th and Farnham itU. , iVtUhnns Broj. , proprietor ! . Qrocera. C. ETKVEN3 , Slsl between Cumin ; and Icti T. A. UC311ANE , Corn 23d and Cumlng Streets. Hardware , Iron and Steel. OLAN & LANOWORT11Y , Wbolo ; le , lit ant1 113 Uth ttrtet A. HOLMES corno 10th and California. Harneia , Saddle * , &o. D. WHIST 20 ISth St. bet Faro. & Ilirney. Hotela , ANFIELD HOUSE , doo. Canfleld,9th & Farnbam OOUAN HOUSE , F. II. Gary , 813 Farnham St. SLiVEN'S'HOTEL. F. Blavon , 10th 81. lontheru Hotel Gus. Hamcl Oth & Loavcnwortb rugt , Palnta and Olla. KUIIN ft CO. batmacleta , Fln Tana OooJs , Ooi. KID and Oooglo ttroeta. T.J. WUITEHOUPE.WholceiloRetail , 18thBl. 0. FIELD , 2022 North Side Cumlng Street. PARR , DrosiflBt. lOtb and Howard Btroota. Oentlata. OB. PAUL Williams Ulocfc Cor. Uth & Dodge. Ury Qooda Notloni , ttc. JOHN H. F. LEulIANN & CO. , < < w Tork Dry Goods Store , 1810 and 1811 ram. bam atrtet L. 0. Knewold also boots and shoes A Paclflo. Foundry. JOHN WEARNK 4 SONS cor. Uth & Jackson at * ruruuur * . k W. OROBfl , Mew an * Beyond Band , rnrnltare od Stove ? , 1114 Douglas. Hlghert cath priet aid (01 second hand food * . CONNER 1808 DavU at. nnt srcods * a Fence Work * . 01IACA FENCE 00. IUiT , IB1K84CO UltHarneyBt. , Improri id Ice Boiet , Ircr and Wood Feocn , OOloe Ulan. Ooanltit Pine and Walnut. > Pawnbroker * . ROSENFELD 10th SI. , b lat. . * Hat Refrigerator * , Oanfleld'a Patent. GOODMAN 1th BL btl. Pain , ft Olgartand Tobacco. If EOT & FRITSCDEB , mannfactnrera eland and Wboleeale Dealtn ) n Tobaccos , ISO ! Douglas. IT. T. LORXNZEN manoiactuiH 1118 Farnham Florlat. , L , Denagbn * , plant * , art flowtra , aeeda , ooqaet * to. N. W , cor.'lfjlh and Donrlaa atreeta. GO To CRAIQ'a Green House 17th and Webster strict , ( or PlanU , Bouqueta. Flowert , Floral Deilyna fce. Oornlc * Worlca. Weelern Corolce Worka , llanalactnnn Iran Oornloe , Tin , Iron and Blate Roofllng. Ordera torn any locality promptly executed in the beat manner. Factory and Office 1811 Ilarnejr St. I 0. SfKCIIT , Proprietor. Galvanised Iron Cornice * , Window Capl , ltd. , manufactured and put up In any pan ol the country. T. 8INHOLD 41 < Thirteenth street Orockery. J. DONNER ISOO Dontlaa street. Good line. Uommlaalon Merchants. JOHN G. WIL LIS.HU Dodge Street. 0 D. BEEMER. For detalla see large adrertlM- ment In Dallr and Weekly. Olvll Engineer * and Burveyor * . ANDREW ROSEWATER. Crelghton Block , Town Surveys , Grade and Sewerage SyiUmi a Specialty. Olotning and Purnlshlng ooo > a. OEO. II. PRTEHBON. Al o Hata , Cape , Bootl , Bhool Notions and Cutlery , 604 8.10th street. Show Oaio Manufactory. ] 0. J. WILDE. Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds ol Show Catoa , Upright Cases , & ' . , 1317 Casa St. FRANK L. GERHARD , proprietor Omaha Show Cate manufactory , 81S South 10th street , between Loavcnworth and Marcy. All goodi warranted tlrtt-clin. ovei ana mwara. A. BURUESTER , Dealer In Stoves and Tlnnaie , and Manufactmei Tin Rood and all kinds of Building Work , Odd Kcllowe1 Block , f. BONNER. 1809 Douk-Ui Ot oed and Choip. Ucedl. J. EVANS , Wholesale aud Retail Seed D and CuUlratori Odd Pulloa 1UIL Photosmpnera. QEO. IIEVN , I'KOr , Gond Central Gallery , 812 mileenth atrscl. near Uuonlc Hall , FUit-cUM Work and Prompt ocas guarantcen Phyilclana * n4 Ourgeona , W. 0. GII1U3 , II , IX , Itoom No > , Cdlfhto Block , Uth Blrwl. I * . B. LEISKNIUNO , 11 , D. Ma 3Qle Block. 0. L. UAHT , M. I ) . , Kye and Ear , ppp. poitoOce DH. L. B. Gl'.ADDV , Ornlltt and Aurlat , S , W Uth aud Farnbam Utt alntlng an aper angjng. HENRY A. KOSTKU3. Ill Podge Street. Plumblnc , One and tlteam Fitting. > . W. TARPY & CO. , 216 12 tit. , bet. Farnham and Douglas. Workpromp y attended to , D. yiTZPATKlOK. " Uouglai Street. Bho Oloret. Phillip Lan HtOFatnham t \ < et IJth \ Uth Second Hand Otore. " " PERKINS * LEAIl. 1118 Douztaj St. New and flwond Hand Furu ture , Houtu furnlehlng Goods. Ac. , bomlit and aol.l on narroo marglna. S. Undertaker * . OgAS. R1EWE , 10 Faruham hot , I0th ft 1UJ. 00 Cent Otorea. . 0. BACKUS Fainham 81. . Fancy Oopdi t)4loona. HKNHY KAUFMANN , Ine new brick block on Douglii Strscj , l | oil opened a moot elegant Bc J Hull. Hot LQnch from 10 to IS ovuyiUy. I ! O.UIODU " J FAIXX1NKR 678 16th Btiett. n ANTI.BIONOPOLY LKAUUE. ti llliuk meiubcrthlp rolta ( or the ontl-uionpoly - Icat-uo. cooUlalng statement of principle luctIt bout of prvcidure and liiktructlonn bow to orgia * lor . u 111 bea ot 011 application to Q. II. Gale , P Uclroy , Nsb. Eoclono etauip. iuU-11 Murray Iroi forks , Burlingtot Iowa. Soml Portable Engines , FOR CREAMERIES , FARM MILM , Printino : Etc. , ) A Specialty , The Largest Iron Wcking Eatablish- mont in the Halo. HANUFACTURRS Of Steam Engines , AND GENERAI , MAIHINERY. The Howard Autoaatic Out-Off Steam Enino , , Send ( or Circulars , m23-lm GRAY'S BPECIFK MKOIOINE TRADSMARK The Oufrn OI MARK English ret- cdy. Anu falling cue ( or Semlnl Wc&kncB , S per mate * tllcli Impt- oncy.anill Dlscaacstht BEFORE TAklNQ.so"urnc" : > 1 AFTER TAKIMB. Soll-Atinio ; as Loea o ( Mcmoy , Universal Laaul- tude , Pain In the Back , Ulmcea ol Vision , Premature - mature Old Ago , and manrithor Diseases that lead to Insanity or Conjuration and a Prema ture Orate. CTFull particulars In 01 pamchlet , which we desire to acnd ( ree t'mall to everyone. tSTTho Specific Medicine la old by all druggists at 91 per package , or 0 pack ires ( or ? 5 , or will bo sent ( rce by mall on reel it ot the money , by addressing THE QUA IEDICINECO. , BoBalo , N. Y. orsalc- oc7mn-ood To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY , Or , J. B , Simpem'a Specific II la a positive cure for Bpnuatoiihca , Bemtna vyeolmcaa. Impotancy , and M diseases resulting Irom Soli-Abuse , ai Mentl Anxiety , Loeai Memory , Palna In the Baglor Side , and dlscacot 11 mat j j to Contumptlon Insanity an early gn re The Specific Medicine li being used with wonder ful success. Pamphleti . 'nt free to all. Write for tbem and get full pal- llculara. Price , Specific , Jl.OO fa packige , or tlz pack , agoa for 16,00. Address 11 orders to B. SIMHN MEDICINE 00. Nos.104 and 106 IStln St. Buffalo , N. Y. SoM In Omaha by C. 1. Goodman , J. W. Bell , J. K. Ish , add all dnnrglfaeveryvrhere.ilu % -ilu- : ill Toua ir otlmRUirtw.wcaK- ' man or loir rntii. l > y the rtruln or tcratoUlDKovarmlc ruur duties arolc * nlKht work , to ret * itlmulantgand u * * torn bruin nerve n Hop Bitters. wtMe , use Hop D. Hyoaar TO iij ana c from any U , attention or dlmlpa tluni If youaromai'- rted or flBgle. old or iig , ufferlnif 1 rota poarbealtb or Uniruub on a bed cl lei neso , rely on Hop | 3ltter . vnioeToryonani. - * llioiuanatcue dti- wh.neTer yoD feel naallTlrom wnn thai your lyitem , formot Kljner nncda deanatnir. ton-,1 > disease ( hat mltrlit U r or itlmnttioe , * I h Te beenpmenwc wnhoutfndnfeat/mr , litre , timely UMO ( tak * Hoi ) HcpBItters Ittaira. . frpiia , kidney D. I. O or urinary complain - la abaolaU disease an plain * , . and IrretUta. ot to" tomato Hood. aop bleenre (01 KMroriurn/ boutl * dntnlMianeaa. a * ot oplui , Ton will be tabaooa.o' SredlfjoaaM nareoUoa , op m\n \ n Uyaaarvfua- py weak and Iawnlritcdtiy NEVER tit It may ( BOTBHTIU anv jrour ; IFAIL life. It hat ; IPPI C0n avod hun dreds. . KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE : Thai Moat 8uccea ful Remedy erar dlacor. ered , aa U li corUln In 1U effecta afid doea not bllittr. BEAD FROOf BKLOW. Alw azcellent for human flatb. FROM A PROMINENT PHYSICIAN. WaahlngtcnvUle , Ohio. Juna 17. 1681. Da B , J. KIUDALL , ACo.t o nt Keadlnj your ad TtrtUsemenl In Turf , Plaid and Farm , of your Kendall'a Spavin Cure , a'd baring a valuable and apeedy horia which had been lama from iparln for eighteen montba , I a nt to you for , bottle by azpreaa , which In alx weeka removed alt lameneaa and enlargement and a large apl'nt ' from another bone , and both boraea are to-day aaaonnd aa colta. The one bottla waa worth to ma ona hundred dollara. Reapeetfully yonra , IT. A. D ITOLITT , M. P. Send for Illustrated circular Klvlng positive proof. Price tl. All Druggists have It or can get U for you. Dr. B. J. Kendall * Co , ' , Pro prietors , Enoaburgh Falls , Vt. BOIib BY ALL DRUGGISTS , d-w-ly SYPHILIS Innnyatago w Oatarrb , E02EMA , Old Sores , CO Pimples , e 3 BOILS 3 , 5 S. o 6 cr. M or any T. W < 3 p 3 9 Skin Disea se Oures When Hot Springs MAVBKS , ARK. , May . 1SS1 We have caiei In our o n town who lived at Hot Springs , and were finally cured u 1th 6. S , 8 , llcCUWUON & ilURRT , IF YOU uoubt.como wecoua andH WILL i OUHK YOUU OH charge notblue 11 Write fci turtlculars and copy of llttlu Book -'Ueisage ' lo ' the Unfortunate Cl.UOO Rnwnrd will be paid to any cbcuifct who will Und , on analjaU 100 tottle . 8. 8. , one yurtlcloof Mercury , Iodide PoUl llum or any Mineral aubetanco. SWHTOI'KOIFIO CO. Prop * . ' Atl&oti Price ol Small l c , < l.CO. Largo site $1.76. Sold by KENNARD BROS , h 00 nil TtrnirirliiU Qnncrillt' Agents ( or the LlfoTlmia and Tronoliorons OVrltton by b the only life authorized by brr , and which ulll not bo a "ISlood and Thunder" story , < uuh at has been and Mill to published , but a true Life by the only p rsou ho U In poaaejclon of the ( acta ftdlhfuland dcvotoJ wlfo. Tiutb Is more Interesting thau fiction , Agenh ) should apply territory at ono. Send 76 cts , for Cam ple Cook. j , H. Cbambors & Cf ; tit > Uaula , Mo , II yon suffer Irom Dyspepsia , use BUnDOCh 'LOOD HITTERS. If you are afflicted ulth nillousncsa , u e I1UUDOCK KL001) BITTERS If you are prostrated w Ith sick Headache , take BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS K your Bonds arc disordered , rcgulatu them nltn BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If your Blood Is mpurp , purify It with BUKDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If 5 ou have Indigestion , you xtlll find an antidote n BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you are troubled ulth Spring Complaints , er adicate tlicni with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS , If your Liter Is torpid , restore It to healthy .xctlon with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If your Liver la affected , you nlll find a sure ro- storatlve In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you have any species o ( Humor or Pimple , fail not to take BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you have any symptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous Sores , a curatho remedy will l > o found In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Imparting strength and Utility to the sys tem , nothing cancmml BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For NcrtouD and General DoblUty , tone up the Kjstcmttlta BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Price , ai.OO pot Oottlo ; Trial Bottles 10 Ott FOSTER-MILBURN & Co Props , , , , , BUFFALO , K. Y. Sold at wholesale by Ish & McMahon and C. F. Goodman. Jo 27 cod-me Disease Is an effect , not a causa. Its origin Is within ; Its manifestations without. Uenco , to cure the disease the CAUBRmust bo removed , and In no other way can a cure ever I e effected. WARNER'S SAFEK1DNDY AND LIVER CURE Is established on just this principle. It realizes that 95 Per Cent. of all diseases ailzo Irom deranged kidneys an liver , and It strikes at once at the root of the difficulty. The elements of which It Is composed ' ' both aa a them In a pain from the system. For the Innumerable troub'ea caused by un healthy Kidneys , Liver and Urinary Organs ; ( or the distressing- Disorder ) ol Women ; ( or Malaria , and physical derangements generally , thla great remrdy has no equal. Beware of Impostors , 1m- Itatlona and concoctlona said to be Just aa good. For Diabetes , aa ( or WARNER'S SAFE DIABETES CURE For sale by all deaTera. H. H. WARNER A : CO. , me Rooheater N. Y- The Great Lngiish Bemedy ( Never ( alia U cuie Nervoua Debility. VI tl Exhaustion , Emit Jens , Seminal Weak- HOOD , and all the [ ivll effects of youth- \il follies and excea- ies. It atopa perma- uently all weakening. Involuntary louts ana ' 'drains upon the sys tem , the Inevitable re- „ . , , uit ol these enl prac tice * , which are BO destructive to mind and body and make Ufa miserable , oltcn leading to Inianl- ty and death. It strengthen ) the Nervea.Braln , ( memoryf Blood , Muscles , Digestive , and Repro ductive Organs , It restorea to all the oriranlc lunctlrna their ( ormer vigor and vitality , ma king life cheerful and enjoyable. Price , $3 a bottle , or ( our times the quantity 310. Sent by express , secure from observation , to any address. on receipt of price. No. C. O. D. sent , except on receipt of 41 as a guarantee. Letters n questing answers must Inclose stamp. Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills are tb j best and cheapest dyspepsia and bllllous euro 1 11 the market. Bold by all druggists. Price- CD cents. DR. MIKTII'S KIUNIT RBUIDT , NIPRCTICTW , Cures ill kind of Kidney and hladdor complain to. gonorrhea , gleet and leucorrhca. For ealo by all daugglits : $1 a bottle. ENGLISH MEDICAL INSTITUTE. 718 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. For Sale In Omaha by 0. F. GOODMAN. Jan26-lv The feeble and emaciated nulli-rln ; ' from dye * pqwt or Indigestion In any form , arcadIsed , ( or the eaVc of their own bodily and mental comfort , to try llootcltcr'o tloinacb Bittern. Ladlca ol the tuoat dellcito constitution ttttKto IU harm less and rojtoratho prorartlua. I'mtlclan t\cry hcri' , tlls.'iittcd ultli the aduitmtcd liquors ofoninorce , prescribe It as tliu tafcst andmoit reliable ol nllstomachicj. Forfsale by all druggists and dealers generally al to ml NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Corn Qanrunteotl. , Dr. E. orw < * t e Ken o arid Drain Treatment A epodflofor Hjtterla , DU.ln ej , Convulsions. Ncrvoui Htadiiho , Mental D.-prcwlon , IXJISK ct llriuory.Spermatorrhoia.Impcten.v , Imol-mtary Kmlwtoni , Ir iuaturo Old Aee , cautod ty orer- esvrtlon , toll-abuse , cr orcr-lnduliicce. which le&d to uilxr ) , decay and death , Ono box will cure recent casoa. Ea h box contains one month's treatment. One dollar a box , or sU boxea ( or Qve dollaraj sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee lU boica tu cure any case. With each order ro-elvoj by u for tlx boxes , ac compviled 1th fh e dollan , will aond the pur , chaoir our written gutrantee to return the money If the treatment tloca uot eff < ct a cure. 0. f. Goodman , DtuggUt , Sole , Wholesale and regul Acent , Omaha , Ktb , Orders bf mall at etaUaorlce. dkwl ? WD. MILLAIID. * " M. JOHNSON , . . MILLARD & "JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Mts , 1111 FARNHAM STREET , CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED. Agents for Pock & Bausliers Larfl , and Wilbor Mills Flour NEB OMAHA , - - - REFERENCES : OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. WHOLESALE DRY Boots and Shoes. OMAHA , - - - - NEB. o. DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS. i Window and Plate Glass. J3TAnyonc contemplating bullaln ? atore , bank , or any other flno . front , will ( In Jit to their ad * vantage to corres end w Ith us before purchasing their Plate Gins. O. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA - NEB. IEo. . ! 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha , Nab. WHOLESALE- LUMBER , GOAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts , , MU -DEALERS IN- HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK GO , , , Fire and 1 Burglar Proa H. . o o LK : s. , & o. . 1020 Farnham Street , / STEELE , JJHNSON & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of GIGAES AUD IAIUFACTUEED TOBACCO. touts for B8HWOOE NAILS AUD LAFL1H & BAUD FOOTER H HENRY LEHMANN , JOBDEB OP IPAIPEIR. , AND WINDOW SHADES EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. 1118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA T . WUOLK8ALK ANH ItKTAIL DBAtKK IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MGLD1HGS , LIME , \ WSTATE AQKHX FOR UILWAUKEE CEilEiJT COMPANY ? Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA JPOWBR AND HAND I Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , UUIIKU UAOI11NEBY , BELTING , HOSE , BRA .S AND I OK FICTIKOS PIP * , KA PACKING , AT WHOLESALE AMU UKIAIU HALLADAYWIHD-MILLS CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS Cor. 10th and Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb ,