Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1882, Image 1

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    { ' < ' .7
Iowa Overflows with Prohibi
tionists of the Cold Water
' Kind ,
The Amendment Adopted by tin
Overwhelming Mnjority.
The Anti'a Worked from Dawn
Till Drk but Pail to
"Budeje" It.
A , '
Whisky Crooked Uaurpa the
Place of Whisky Straight
H T * and License.
/k J
' * , " Council Consoles Her elf by
Giiziug nt Oninhn. Qrowcrlos
* The 'Anil's OvoYwbolmocU
Special Uispatch to THK Bnc.
Dts MOINHS , Juno 27. Of over
four hundred towns in the state heard
from * & ten o'clock ' less than thi'ty
give majorities nsainst the amend
ment , aggregating less than 1200.
Wnpollo county's majority against the
nmcud.uotit is estimated nt 800. The
city of DOS Moinoi gives 130Q major
ity for the amendment. The county
will give nearly 2,000. Present indi
cations nro that the slate will give 30- ,
000 majority. The anti prohibition
ists admit an overwhelming defeat.
Voting on the amendments prohib
iting the sale of liquors progressed
quietly , a full vote being polled. At
Sioux City two bands of music played
at the polls and a procession of chil
dren paraded the streets. Business
was nt a stand still. Great interest
was manifested.
iiorn rou THU ANTI'S.
DES MOJMJS , Iu. , Juno 27. Mid
night returns from various parts of
the atntoshow nothing as yet definite
ns to the result of the election. Both
sides polled n. full vote.
The country districts generally wont
overwhelmingly in favor of the amend
ment , while the larger towns may be
counted on nearly , it nut quite , indi
cate the influence of this vote.
Fr the ( imondmAni , 7U3. ; against ,
l,540j majority against , 807. Total
Lvbto cast. 2,273. , '
' , * 1 '
t B ' , -t i
Harlan township , Shelby county ,
cast 090 votcaj nyprily fey the amend
ment , -1(18. Ul'Ho GDuntyAiviiUuwor &
National Asaoclittd Press ,
' HAVEN-Conn. , Juno 27. In
the Malloy trial to-day rebuttal ( eati
mony waa concluded. Buah begat
his nrgumcut for j the p rosicutiotj
.He claimed that , although the state
not proved that the defendants.
* " " " had put poison in Jennie Cramer's
mouth , they inaJo one of the ptrong
* ( '
eat cases of circumstantial t oyid'omic
over presented.
- , y BUNT U1J VOU 1'OUqKHYc
ajt . . Mnss , , ! Juno ' 27 Michae !
Dbofi , ' c'orJvictcd of forging hia wifor
name to n deed , wai sentenced to four
years in Btate prison. , ' ,
A TULl'IT rilAUI ) ,
NEW " \OIIK , Jqno 27. RoV. 11.
oflat'N'eilrpastor of the l irst Pres-
bytiirinn church , Brooklyn , charged
with forging his piatoral credentials
and using nn assumed ijamo , was
diamisaed by the congregation.
FiiKNCHBUiia , Ky. , June 27. Joe
Ilothwoll and Marshall J. B. Day
. fought out a feud to-day. They
j used fiats. Iloihwell drew a'pistol
and shot Day in the leg. Day bowie
knifed Ilothwoll to death.
Nr.w YORK , Juno 27. Mark Sam <
uols , a Montreal clothier said to have
cheated Montreal merchants out of
$100,000 , was arrested here to-day.
Since being in business hero ho was
burned out twice.
ATLANTA , Ga. , Juno 27. E. Me-
Canlena cowhided W , L Clark , edi
tor of The Rapublican for publishing
that in a cortnintnal McCanless' evidence
dence was strained and improbable.
Illinois Ropablioanr.
N&ttonfcl Aiwociated Victu ,
CHICAGO , Juno 27. About two
hundred delegates to the republican
convention to bo hold in Springfield
to-morrow nro already on the ground ,
eng 'od in wire pulling and caucus
ing , It is generally conceded Gen ,
Smith will got the troasurership. The
school Buperintendoncy lies between
Shade and Stratton , with the possi
bility of Ingels securing the plume.
Among the names mentioned for the
chairmanship of the central commit
tee ara Long Jones , Tom Ridgway
and Major McLaughlin ,
The Eror Glorious.
National Auociatod 1'ronv
NKW YOUK , Juno 27. The stock
and other exchanges will close from
the 1st to the 5th of July.
NltlonM Aicoclated fretu.
MANCMEsrnt , N. Y. , Juno * 27.
Eight persona were serious injured ,
Maiy Sullivan fatally , by n panic dur
ing the burning of Mrs , Augustine
Crosby's boarding house at midnight ,
the ildinus being on the ground floor.
Fjrty boarders had to escape by the
upper windows. Damage , gl.OCD ,
Fiuli's Foimallty.
Nitlouxl Astoctitoil ;
NEW YORK , Juno 27. The commit
tee of the board of trade and train-
pollution appointed to confer with the
trunk lines in reference to the ad-
vance of west Hound rates , cannot
have nn interview with Pool Coinmis-
gionor Fink until Friday. The new
ratoi take elled Saturday.
XUlonnl Avwd&tcd l'rc 9.
Doytp , the countctfcitcr , hns clmtit-sil
his heaiiiiitlers to the Chester ( III. ) peni
O. T. Hall , tecrctary cf the C. , 15. & ( } . ,
died in ChlcAgo Momhy.
The Rrcat water euro eitaWlshmcnt
Our Heine , at DanvilleNi Y. , Imrncd
Monday night. Lom. 51(0,000. ( All tlio
patients \\era rcmo\cil in safety.
WilllAinGrecory , of Ni-w York , durini ;
a quarrel with his mother , JUic. JInry
OreKorj'i ici/ed nn iron kettln from the
ttuvo and broke it o\er his moiher'a head ,
iiillicthig fntiil iujurlci.
I'restdentSnow , ol the N'ow York boixnl
of trade at d trnnsportntinn , JIIH niipoiuteil
an committee to omloi\nr to
Rtcuro the rr&cinding or iiunlilicntloii of tlio
ri'iohitiou of the trunk lines to advance
vre-t bound r leJ.
U > 'n , Samuel < T , Andcison , proaiJcnt of
the Portland & O den-bmn railroftiihas
declined to bo thu dontour.itiu cniutiuxto
for congress in the I'irst district of
up occurrcil nn the l -
ley inilrond near Slionancloiih , jl'a. 'J'lio
lojil freigh , while iiuminj ? nt goo I speed
down a heavy RT0 , went over the hank ,
stuvliiiij. ; thu cuglno nnd train h.tdly. The
engineer , John DM , ( of Mmch Chunk ,
had liii leg broken and shoulder diilocHtcd ,
It took nv colours to ihu trnck tor
passenger traius.
5i'.lnol AaocUtcd 1'rcin
CHICAOO , Juno 27. Chicagos 8 ,
Providence L Gmno called nt the
end of the eighth inning on account of
BUFFALO , Juno 27. Buifalos 8 ,
Beaten * IU.
DETROIT , Juno 27. Detroits 11 ,
Worcester 0.
CLEVELAND , Juno 27. Clovolands
0 , i'roya 2.
NEW Yonu , Juno 27. Tiio Coney
Island joi-koy club races at Shoephoad
bay continued to-day
First race , handicap sweepstakes ,
threo-year-olds , ono mile , waa won by
Hilarity Jane , Carroll second ; time ,
1.40 }
Second race , purao § 500 , all ngoa ,
selling allowance , mile and a furlong ,
was won by Col. Sprague , Strattspoy
second ; time , 2:12. :
Third race , handicap sweepstakes ,
two-year-olds , threo-quirteraot n mile ,
waa won by Wood Flower , Bella
second ; time , 1:17J
Fourth race , handicap sweepstakes ,
all ages , mile and five furlongs , waa
won by Cole , Nettie second ; time '
2:55. :
_ Fifth race , purse ? 500 , all agca , sel
ling allowance , was won by Blenheim ,
Edwin A pocoud ; time 1:4153 : ,
Sixth vraca , puraq $500 , stccplo
chaie , jbhort course , waa | woni by Kit-
lie Clark , Bernadino second ; ' * time ,
4:58. :
, - , . ' w. daajoouinii
w- "
alias Pug Wilson ; cbampion-"of * y2i „
land , arrived from Philadelphia to
m.iku n matchwith Sullivan , of Bos
ton. " .JLle mw'issued a challenge for
§ 2 600 a side. The articles will bo
signed to-morrow if Siilliy.iti comes to
time ,
> f )
I' , ] ' uuicAaa HACKS.
CHICAGO , Juno 27. Sjcond day of
the Chicago' summer running moo'-
ing : First race , the Fia'ah stakes ,
for Iwq-year old nnd fillie ? , five f ur-
Jonga , 'Ascender ) won , Barnes second
time , l':0u. ' * t c *
Second race , soiling purse S300 ,
nil * ages , miloi'and one eighth , wns
won by Tom 'Barlow ; Flanders aoc-
end ; time , 1:57 : } .
Third race , the Queen stakes for
thrco-year olds , one nnd one-quarter
miles , Tom Plunkott won , Gunnar
jocond ; time , 2:1JJ. : !
Fourth race , club purse $300 , all
ngea , five-eighths of a mile , Boll 15jy
uon Jirat.heat ; time l.Ol. The r-tin
hero interrupted matters , about ono
liour nfter which Mamie W , two huuta
ind the raco. Time , 1:11 : ? , 1:08. :
The FrolKht Handlers S trite.
National Antedated I'rces.
JuiiHUV CITV , Juno27.-j-Thofreipht
Ijandlors on u atnko number Ij200 , all
jnitcd und orderly. Nothing now in
lituntion. The truckmen of Matt ,
Hanson & Wiccliers , nnd Ilavcmoyer
& Co. , numbering "il , struck for § K
natead of 812 per week , and for over
, imo. Coal trimmers of Morris canal
jotwcon Jersey City and Newark , to
ho number of 200 , have joined the
reight handlers. Trackmen of the
Delaware , Lackawannn it Western
mvo struck for $55 instead of $50 per
NEW YOUK , Juno 27 , The skua
ion of the. strikers is unchanged ,
freight business is blocked. The
itrikors are sitting on the side of the
ivor front , watching Italians and
lussian Jews from Castle Garden
rninly attempting to handle freight ,
ind policemen between them and the
froenies. ,
The freight handlers strike is un-
ihangod. A special committee of the
> oard of trade met and resolved that
n their opinion the increased wages
lemanded could bo paid without em-
mrMsing the railroad companies , and
ippointod sub committona to compel
he companies to perform their duties
is common carriers and to pay dam-
, ges sustained by merchants. Many
> uyers are in town but comparatively
ow sales are cifected in dry goods ,
wing to the difficulty of delivering ,
ixcept whore iho goods can-be shipped
liroct from the factories.
Fciutlni ; the Prluof. .
, 'utlonil Asjoctatcd 1'rces.
NKW YOUK , Jui e 27. The board
if aldermen have decided in a public
occption to the Prince of fiiam ,
The Sixth Ohio.
iitlona ) AuMciated I'reeg.
DeriANi E , 0 , , Juno 27. The dem-
crats of the Sixth district to-day
laminated Win , D , Hill , of Defiance ,
DI congress.
Au Angoll
r tlon I Ataoclitcd 1'rew.
DETKOIT , Mich. , Juno 27. Prosi-
lent James B. Angell , of Ann Arbor
iniversity , was overcome by heat , and
i in a precarious condition.
Several Important Bills Disposed
of by tlio Senate and Honso.
The Latter Pftsaea the Tax Ro <
duotion Bill by a Strong
Tlio AxRiinfitu Groxvn Norvr.ui no tlir
Dny of IJnntli Drawn Nigh.
Urotuor John'ri Collection of Manlao
MutterliiKs bholvocl In tlio
White Houao.
WASHINOTOX , Juno 127. The pen-
nion committee reported favorably
the bill giving Cuater'a widow § 50 n
month P.issod.
The resolution ordering printing of
Bovcnty-livo copies of Hlaino's oration
on Garfield for his own use was
The fin unco committee reported
favorably thu bill to roculato fur
ther inveatinont of Pacific railway
sinking fund , and Senator Morn II
gave notice that ho would call it up
The remainder of the day -was occu
pied by the legislative , executive nnd
judicial appropriation bill , during
which two-thirds of the bill was com
pleted. The Eonivte vront into execu
tive session nnd at 5l0 : ! adjourned.
The immigration bill ns originally
reported by the house commicto on
commerce nud consequently rdcalled
at Mr. Ilegnn's request , was taken up
and paascd.
The portrait of Ilobort 0 Winthrop ,
former speaker , \vas prosentpd by
Massachusetts , and accepted by the
An adverse report in the cnao of
Strobick vs. llerbur , second Ala
bama district , waa adopted. The fc-
vorablo reporc on Smith vs. Shelley ,
fourth A'abamn ' , was placed on the
calendar ,
Consideration of the internal rev
enue reduction bill wua rrsumo3.
The bill wna discussed till 1:15 : ; when
the bill passed 127 yeas , 80 nays.
Nine republicans voted against tao
The Japanese indemnity bill was
taken up.
The house refused to concur in the
coiiato amendments to the bill ex
tending charters of national banks.
The umondmonlH uuthorimig the
substitution ot li-pfr.ccnt bonds for.
-por-contn wan concurred in. AUo
a"numborof JiiinjOrjarncndments.
" * '
wiDurin "tIoSlioda ptrU'wAsi8taTcc
that 0. 0. Novell , of Now York , ap
peared before * the ways and mean !
committee to-doy , saying thnt forty
Now York bankers directed him to
represent to the committee they
would Bo glad to take 8200,000,000
2-por-cente , with the fight to redeem
tlionrnt any limo after ono year , pro-
fe'rring them to 4 por-contu. Do has
been roforroJ to the secretary of the
treasury to make a written statement
rofcnrdingit. , .
The Bonato nmpn
out the cause pennitiing
to operate with x$10,000'bpnl8 an
security fqr cIiroulaition' " and ror Cinine
the bonds held , to boequal to i'one- '
third the capital , was 'non'conourrod
in ; also the amondment. roatmg ] to
Issue of gold cortifjcatcB to"bb udod
rcHervo for the bonds. 'Adjourned.
National Associated ITOHB.
WASHINOION , Juno 27. The presi
dent aud party caught fifty baas Sat
urday and Monday at Point of Hocks.
The president used a lly. Senator
Vest caught nearly as many with bait.
The president spent Sunday nt Wood-
mont park reading magazines , Ho
returned much tanned.
The cabinet mooting to-day was
ahort unimportant , and only routine
matters wore discussed.
The house foreign affairs committee
postponed action on the Hawaiian
treaty until the first meeting of the
committee in December.
The government case in route 38-
145 was closed. .Route 38,150 , Sil-
vorton to Pnrrott City , was taken up ,
John Guiteau laid all facts in his
possession as to his brother's insanity
botoro the president this afternoon ,
the president listening attentively ,
llo made no request , but merely
stated that ho thought ho would bo
Jerilect in duty if he did not present
\ } \ the facts ha know , Thu president
laid all should bo considered. John
says ho fully expects the execution t'j
take place Friday. lie has not soon
liis brother yet. lie denies Mrs.
Scovillo is insane , He sayn she is
ivorwrought , The family will not
take ch&rgo of Ouitoaus remains ,
preferring that the government
mould protect them from body-
Guitoau sent for Her. Mr. Ilicks
this evening , notwithstanding he had
icon him twice to-day. Hicks said ho
loemed to want nothing except some
) iio to talk to , He is growing moro
icrvous ,
WiHiu.voTON , D. 0. , June 27 ,
juitcau has prepared a characteristic
ipocch to bo delivered from the gal-
own , with manifold copy for the
iresa. Ho is not sorry he shot Gar-
iold as ho w s inspired to do U. Ho
ixpects God to save him yet by a mir-
iclo. Ho hai no hope of human help ,
md expects his future life to be hap-
> y , Jlicks thinks Guiteau porfeptly
lane ,
Maiuo Democrats.
LEWIHTOWN , Maine , Juno 27. The
lomocratio state convention nomiim-
od Go crnor Plaisted by acclamation ,
md nominated forcongrusHmen ; First
PrJzo ifilit Postponed.
Natlonui Aim a i-w-u
PlTTSIIUlia June 27. The Camp-
boll-Walling fize light is postponed
until to-mor w.
Cyo noluICun&an.
National Aauoi itod 1'raiu.
ATOHISON , Cnn. , Juno 27A storm
passed throuj li the Btuto last night.
In . thia . . cityJl unrooted S t * and . demolish- . . V
cd chimneyn : Qp.'uarnFi , and scattered
timber in all in ctioun.
At Whlf6''tw ' , Kin. , it prostrn-
ted four buil ngn and bjoir , :
boss into thmiviir. ( , * " > JIo voB > 'Hllor ;
'tho'roof fr > tiio ilbpol nnd sot
: down squinn ncrojj ftho building ] '
At ICorwn , KusV , 'cliurphos , resi-
3onces and barns'1"wpro blown down.
At Talma ; o , Koa.\ freight cnw were
blown from ho aiding on , to the main
truck , wlWinthoy'fflfartod .down the
steep gra'dt1 , uot liao'd car oil which
section mcii'woro 'hifddlc'd/and ' killed
three ou o flve. | l ' '
At Ayor.i , ( hreoj miles from Tal-
mage , fiyo h u30 | vj'onjjpr str'al'id.
' 'Oropiiwuro'laidfliifr ' fni all Direc
tions. , - mL , .
Gold Reception.
'j.tid I'riws.r / Jy1 " v
N.-Yg' , Julro 27. ' J y
Spencer , cf Corinth , whomysteriously
disappeared from iiomo lint npringiuid
at 9110 time was repprtdd murdered by
trampH , has returned , tlm family re
fuse to receive him , 'not believing his
The Iron Strike.
National Anodutud 1'rctu.
OLiivtLAND , Ohio , Juno 27. Al
bert Xolijinky , a Bohemian striker ,
was assaulted by unknown parties in n
saloon to night nnd seriously hurt.
The niilja are running abort handed
with unskilled labor. The strikers
still profess confidence.
IIio Fonrtoeiith Illinois-
Xotlonal t'a-u Acsodatlou ,
CLINTON , 111 , Juno 27. The re-
publicanii of the Fourteenth district
nominated Capt , J. Ilowett for con-
rcss , _ _ _ _
llomoorat .
National iu > ouatcd ! I'rtea.
llAiuiisiiL'ito , Pa. , Juno 27 , mid
night. The indications regarding the
democratic state convention tomorrow
row are that it will bo one of the
largest conventions that has bcon
lield in the state for years. Nothing
definite can bo said us to the probable
course of the convention. Among
these most prominently mentioned for
the head of the ticket are Paterson ,
Hopkins , Coxe , Wolvorton , Irwin ,
Lewis. The race for lieutenant gov-
) rnor fs closely followed by Chauncey ,
Dlack and York. The convention
will moot at 10 o'clock. No one is
silly enough to imagine that the busi-
less will bo completed before late
rliursday. That the convention will
jo lively is an assured fact. Clubs
'rom Allentown and Philadelphia nr-
rived to-night. The hotels are over-
Calllnc Duvitt a Traitor.
National Ataociated i'rcss ,
NKW YOHK , Juno 27. A Herald
special says O'Connor . Power was in-
; orviowod about Davitt , statement.
i'owor says Davitt is a coward and the
real traitor of the Irish cause , After
attempting to undermine Parnoll , he
s now trying to distract attention
'rom hia treason by attakciug others
md posing as the apoatloof humanity ,
icing in reality an agent of disunion ,
laying ono cause to-day , and another
fl tlonil AteocUted I'rcaj.
WAbiiitfciTON , Juno 28. For the
apper Missouri valley : Slightly
tvarmar Aouthcust to southwest winds ,
rtly cloudy weather and locnl raiim ,
tationury or lower barometer. i
A Few Additional Itoins from the
Pafcli of Sunday's ' Storm.
Wnhoo Dolif'hta iu Telling
How She Breasted tbo
Boreal Bosom.
Polk Oouuty Badly Pammeled
by Hugo nud Heavy
Huilstonos ,
Whllo Fromoul PlcuJokoil en
Wluil FtuUtnir Without Mn-
'orlnl Injury.
Po'ltlca ' nna Crop Kotoe
Cctrc'ionilctici ) ct Tint MM.
FHKMONT , Nob. , Jnno i' ( > . So fur
this part of the stnlo Imo osonpod \ So
lent and destructive storum. Crops
promise abundance. The small grain
acroaga is largo nnd prospects cploA-
did Corn is coming out iu good
nhnpo. The norcago IE largo , and a
vast crop is expeutod.
Prairie broitlting ii the rngo thia
season , Kevur buforo in ono season
Inn our county had so much of its native -
tivo sod turned. This vrill give nviuit-
ly grontor acrcago of farm land iu the
Fremont is still on the boom. All
kinds of improvements nro very active.
Building nmteriala , especially brick ,
is scnrco. Laborers find ready and
steady work at good wages.
No railroad excitement , at present ,
wo nro wall oil' in that line , but could
stand ono or two moro custom con
nections ,
. ' roi.mcux.
The political kettle is beginning to
nimmor , puppet iwimytf nro visible in
nil parts of our county. JDosjSJVjCOtint
oxpccls congressman. Do'djjoJ iBotitjty
must huvo governor. D' > dn ( ; connte
has the eUtn treasury prouii .ud , nna
without doubt prominent IJodgo ran
didates for other atato or national of
lices will appear in the politlcil arena
before the contest ends.
lion. J. F Burns , formerly nnd
principally from California , but for
the present Btuto senator , father of
tlio congressional district bill , and
genial host of the Now York hotel , is
to make n leap for Val'o shoos , miss
ing thorn ho in sura to tnlo clmrgo ot
cur B ate oxohcqnor at Lincoln , That
. .eapecLilly. ow
TJ rti fat
ter as to that Dodge county ( Burns ? )
first , Nebraska afterwards. .
Doracy discovered Bnrnovcroatcd
him , mudo him senator , nnd now
must tnko n back neat. This ia an in
spiration iticupatod by two hours' Hit
ting on ono of tlw Now York hotel
chairs in presenceif the inmginativo'
Our , next cngaccmont is for next
Saturday noon , at oamo plaou nnd
oifcumstanoes , w'hon ' the brawny tilloia
of our , fc6il congregate for their noon
day meal. Vo < will bend every energy
tftjio pr isont and poatyour roadors.
An nnti monopoly urg.uilx.iUon KUI
formed in our city last Saturday
evening , with if. E.Frlok president
iind 0 , E. jMan secret iry. A thor-
ougli worlcing orgiuii/-ailon , it ) likely to
bu dovolopud coon in this city nnd
county- which is in n fair way of work
ing great chnngo by doing much good
in political mattoru. . QUIH.
' 'OllLI OllllollCOOl TlIK lXn.
OSOLOI.A , Juno 20. The Sunday
morning etorm is the subject of gen
eral conversation on our utrocta to
day. AX C o'clock the storm Jirat
tnado its nppcarunco approaching
directly from the west. The main
body of thu cloud was of blackish
green skirted mut fringed with purple
and white , and while it was awfully
grand in its appearance , it at once im
pressed the beholder with the fact
that the collar was the safest place
about the houso. IJnwuvor , before the
cloud reached town it parted , going
north nnd south of it. In a moment
moro largo hail had began falling ,
mly a few however foil in Oscoola ,
doing but little damage , Some were
nclud up which measured 7& inches
n circumference. Two miles north
of Oacsola the hail destroyed all vego.
ation in iU course , which was about
nilf a milu in width. Swinging to the
south it passed west of Shelby in
.his county , and grow moro torrilic as
t udvaucod , killing chickens , hogs
and cattle that were unprotected. In
.ho sotheastorn part of the county
lail stones as largo as a pint cup fell ,
and in several instances wont through
ihlnglo reefed dwellings ,
Bouth of Oscoola the storm entirely
demolished the floral hall in the fair
grounds , but done little other damage.
We hoar that iu the western part of
the county , near the Platte river , the
hail was oven worse in its destruction
of gran , But little wind accompanied
the cloud and no dwellings were de
stroyed that wo have hoard of , the
greatest loss to dwellings being win-
low lights. As many as sixty nro re
ported having boon broken from ono
: iousu ,
THI : cuoi'a
that were not injured by the hail nro
looking better than over before , No
: ounty over had n grander prospect
for com crop. The county never was
in so good u financial condition , The
jood cropa of last year , with the high
prices , has sot most of our farmers up
out of the roach of these who loan
money at 'J per cent a month , nnd ono
of our H. D.'s was heard to sny that
'or a year it had bcon distressingly
teiUthy iu Polk county. Ilencu you
co , friendly Br.K , wo arc
"healthy , wimlthy nnd wise
Contrary to our expectations , the
commissioners hfto accepted
run xr.u * COUUT nov ?
The oft'ii-era Imvp moved in. am
Polk county 1ms the reputation o :
linvinr the boot , court houto in the
diitrict. And it M j-aid for.
Quite a hubbub was created last w ook
at thi soi ioii of the board of county
commissionem wl.ilo loualirinp thons-
srsatnentJ ! The Of erolaipuU was com
plained of na not properly listing their
propnrtv for i\s i's uii'nt It was not
clnhmid Uirt ( hey hrd failed ( o list
tiny pnrt or all of thuir property , but
in dedurtiiijr ( heir deposits. They de
ducted from th.- Ultra amount of ns-
rosMDontc inttand of from their bills
receivable na it isclmim'd tho. statulo
demUndn. Tlu > diiloronoe in the pmnd
total is said to bo 18,000. After con-
sidorinp ; the ivntter cr.rolully , the
bowd riooidofl to lea\o the nwn > 8s >
inent * ntt origiiudly made. 'J'hoio ia n
eoction of Inwthnt nrnidn the atten
tion of our Inv nnkors. ) t. fihoulil
i At U < loft in n doubtful condjtinu ns
to whether it meant whnt It t vi 01
tomethinc ol'.o.
ave beginning to simmer nnd coon nil
bo boiling , ftCcorditiR to the custom ol
past yonra. This county is to I'urnial
the sonntor for Butler nnd folk coun
ties. Sovoinl prominent lawyers are
npohrn of. The old plan of caucus
bulldoclni ; will , however , hardly win
this your , nt- the tillinnco men nro de
termined lo be represented in both
branches of the legislature nl thu coin
ing session. And when the issues nro
fully before the people there will such
music in the nil1 ni wni never heard
in Polk county politics boforo.
Corrcfpoudcnce of The Bee.
WAJIOO , Juno 20. The storm of
yenlorday morning soenm to hnvo
taken n , direct err tori y course Irom
Conlral City , louchiiig Oiccolu , Hieing
City , iJavid City , Brainardnhoo ,
nnd down to Omaha , itc deotructivo
part bcinp about from five to twelve
milcD wido. Coin will very largely
vivo , but in comu pluccn it naema to
t root and atnlk. The nmall
* ro entirely destroyed in the
the storm , nnd farmorc have
plow up.'tho Coldo. Wheat
and 170 look ns flunijh | the cnltlo had
chowud on the ettjlkfl nnd dropped
them before swiillowinllAUfoll nil
along the way ,
and in pkcou the
great uao , fiomotimod in lurgtttun. .
man's l-vo fista. lloliablc w.ou ) ll < "bi
mensntint ; como three , foui M.o.'on
seven inches long. They Iroku
throuch the qUlds 'of Lousea , iaUv
Ilia ' rooms * and cHehOcl through
thci roofs o'f libfls'ij'flj nnd took * oh" lufge
limbs of trees. ' The bark is nil o.fl
from the west side of nome grovca of
timber. At Hising a lady had liar leg
broken by the falling of n chimney.
AJiotiHO was ijioved 102 foot up n side
hill , and the family were not disturb
ed much , being ill bod. At
City the llax houno was blown on to
tho. . truck Btirkor'a house was partly
blown nway , the jcitch'en part being
scattered into tlio finlds , com cribs
destroyed nnd houses moved. Sx )
miles nontlionnt' the diouso of Peter
Ad roan a wna blown down , and two
children killed ) nnd hhnsclf and wife
not expected to.livo. North ofVos -
ton oiio or two were killed. At Wrt-
hoe hduiOH wcro blown down , and
fronts unit inudh propuity doalroyod , of Wnhoo the now church
wna blown to nlonin. BIKIKIIYI : .
C0rroiionluijco | ( ot 't UK lf ) u ,
MOMKNCI : , Nob. , July UO. Crop
prospects are good in thin vicinity
TJio straiv is unusually lent ; ; have
aeon barley near or quite four foot
high , llyo ia fully six foot high.
Wheat and ants nro doing well. Corn
i glowing very faat. M.
CorrcHi > oudenco uf the iieo.
OAKLAND , Iowa , Juno t-'O. Thin
town has been visited by heavy nhow
urs and storms , but no dumago was
done by wind , Fields have boon badly
( loodod , the lowlands are inundated
and people say they never witnessed
such heavy rain fall boforo. Light
ning struck the house of L U. Shop-
arda , and the bolt knocked Miss Lot
tie , only daughter , to the floor , nnd
stunned others , None nro iatally
A. L. AIoKlvain , while working on
a small building this forenoon foil to
the ground and wna picked up uncoil-
Hcioua , Dr. Stewart was summoned
and pronounced it u stroke of upop-
loxy , llo is an old man nnd at this
hour no ono can tull whether ho will
Corn is growing very fast and looks
fine.Mr , Toothakor , of thofirmofTooth-
akor & Bolkum , our noted druggists ,
lias iust returned from a trip east
ward , with his bettor half , a now part
ner in the firm , Tin : Bun finds a
warm friend in the above named read
Morton A Bryant are still doing a
good business , guided by the assist
ance of TJIE Bur. .
8 , B. Rust is still buying corn and
says ho likes Tin : BUB. Ji.vuo.
Tlio Atlyciiioo Graiitod.
liatlockl AfluocUtotl 1'rcmtj.
POMKUOY , 0 , , Juno 27. The Ores-
cent rolling mill starts early in July ,
the proprietor giving thu advance
until the adoption of n new scale nt
Bnby Saved ?
Wo ire BO thankful to say that our
baby was cured of a dniiL-orous and
protracted irregularity of the bowels
by thu use of JlopBittois by its mother
which nt the same time restored her
to perfect health nnd ntrongth. The
Parents , Rochester , N. Y.Buffalo
Express ,
Preparing to Swoop
Down on the Arahs at an
Early , Day ,
Mon and Munitions of War
Wnr Bendy to Move nt a
Momont'a Notice.
Tlio Egyptian ) ! Equally AnxtonH
for the I'un to
The Possibility of n "Spat" on the )
Nllo Quito Promlnlnff. 1
N'nt'onal Asuoclntotl flow
LONIION , Juno 27.Despite the do-
ninla in the house of comnuma to-day
of any intended baligoront movemciita
on the part of England , it is reported
thia evening that the government has
addressed n note to thu powers asking
their consent for the landing of a
British foroo to protect the Suez
c.inal. Gou. Sir Evt-l > n Wood has re-
cuivod orders to hold himself in rcndi-
nosi to proceed to Alexandria. A
simultnnoius movoiminl of troops
from India westward in also contem
in anny circtea the piesont mili
tary activity ia n prccurtio ? of n strong
advance movement of ICtigmnd with n
view to protection of British interests
at all hazards. A special from Alex- . - *
nndria indicates a continually increas
ing state of excitement there.
is great , and troops under Arabi Boy
are making haaty preparations with a
view to ropulbing Butish assault by .
either sea or land. Attempts are being - j
ing made to render the harbors impregnable - j
pregnable by use of torpedos. Dur- *
nip the past two xrouka Chatham dock
yards have bcon unusually busy , nnd
n very Inrgo force of mechanics nnd
smiths have l > oun employed. It ia nn
open secret Unit all nccoaaary propnrn-
tionn in navy nmttora liavo bcon or
dered with n view to pending compli-
cationa in the oaat.
The prceident of the Mexican budg
et committee is in thia city , his com
mission being to perfect arrangement
concerning thu Mexican debt.
ST. Pirrinuuiin : , Juno 2C. Among
thu Nihilists lately arrested are Grat-
ahoncki , chief terrorist ; MAJ , Tik-
ou.A-i , non of the general nontenant ;
fJoirtcht'Vlloh , midsUi'pninn ; Plutos-
i ; > hi II , non of n geiie'i' l of highi fain-
1 JCotu ku'iuikuimn. Odntantico antt - -
i ) , , Juns 7 , JIaret and
Lopuz Boniuqnez , duringm debate on
the policy of the cabinet , condontncd
the altitude cf'Sdgaata always leaning
towitrda liberal'measures. . Sagasta
replied ho nuvcr had boon 6r ihtendod
td'o a dtjin'ocrat. ' ' The formation of
u no\v party under Marat and Serrano
will bo actively pressed during vaca
tion , i
LONDON , .hino 28. TJio noura , ( roia
Aloxundria.fltates that several I uro-
loannrcro anurdcrod near IJonhii.
Thirteen hutidred refugees have ar-
lived dl Mall a. , '
Aarabl Boy has gene to Oairp ! ,
The American ironclad Liucastor
ma arrived nt Alexandria. '
Arabi Bey otatod howould no tit-
tempt to destroy the Ouoz canal , but
would only pnnioh natucs implicated
in the massacre on condition that
Europeans who flrud were similarly
Conauh general mot in Alexandria , *
but dcclineil to pnrticipato in the
commisaipn of iiKjuiry iutij the massacre -
sacro until the govornineut oouaontod
to punish the instig.vtors.
All English residents huyo been
oflicially warned to loavo.
Julluw Jitok Arrives.
National AstocIfttoJ Proa.
NKW OKLKANH , Juno 27. Forbes ,
who was found BulFuring with yellow
fever after his arrival on the steamer
Marco Aureliu , died this moniing.
Tlio board of health held an extra
meeting this afternoon and ordered
the Marco Auraliu buck to quarantine.
The huuso where the cauo was dis-
covort'd has been diainfoctod and the
utiiiuiuteii ] of Forbes put under sur-
V.UlllIICl' .
Trouble Saved-
Itiua xinmrkable fact tluit TIIOUAH *
r.i.Ecnnu Dn. Is PH good for Internal as ex.
crnal uso. For diseaeoa of the lungu and
liroatn , and for rheumatism , neuralgia ,
: rlck In the back , vyQtxyl * , and sores , it ia
ho bebt kuowa tt&fmy , and mu6h trouble
n HAVeit by haviofr ft always oil hand.
Ie2i-d-lw (
A Renegade Dos Indian Assassinates
Our Former Deputy Marshal.
Advices received yesterday in Denver
from Sorocco , Now Jtfoxico , say that
"Capt."W. II. H. Llewellyn , former
ly deputy marshal of this city , and
who was appointed by Schurtz , agent
'or the Mescalloros Indians , has boon
assassinated by a renegade Dog In
dian. _ _ _
A contemporirry oaks : " ] Iownhall wo-
nen carry their jmrsea to frustrate the
lilo\es ? " Why , carry them empty. Noto-
nir friiutratea a thlpf morj than to snatch
a wninun'u purao , utter followiDjf lior half
a mile , ami then iiuil it contains nothing
mt a recipa for npiced peaches and a faded
motograph of her ( > raiidtuother.
u till parts of Europe , and soils like
GOLD DUST in the principal cities
oast. The BEST and most healthful
Flour over introduced. Sold nt roa-
aonable figures byY. . H. Yates ,
GItEAT BULLS. jo27-ood.ini