Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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, The Daily Bee.
Tuesrm ? Morniutr , Jure 27.
"Wontlior Koport.
( The folIowinR ob crvftttnn nrc Ultpn :
the pamo tnnmintof time ftt nil the sU'.Ioi
named. )
WAn ] ) Kr.\iiT nsT , tr. a. SinsAi.SKn-
TICK , OMAHA , June 23, (
Hirer 14 hot 0 lcchc above high water mnrk .1
Onuh nd 12 feet 0 Inctiw nt YonUton.
( Jrccn n | > i > luj wcro plentiful nt Hi
Union I'.xcifio car Rlinp Sundny.
Cloudj of n tlircatcnlns nspcct pixn.'Ci
nroutiil to the south of Omnlm last night
All uuton brick l > cre nro requested t
attend tlio mcctitif ? Q'ucsdny evening
AH it in fnr the election nf olliccra. ] ) y or
dcr of Iho president. < T , W. Harpon , Sec
The Infant son of George nnd Ara
mlntn llutnc , died at 1:15 : yodtcnhy , agei
10 months. 1'uucrnl Juno 27th , at 2 p. in
S. It. Faulkner , cornerTwcnty-elghtl
nnd Fnrniim atrcofc , lost sixteen ncrcH
garden truck hy Sunday's nturm ; value CK
The "DrcndnonghtH , " of Chicago , wil
| ilay the U , P. nine n game of baco bul
July -Ith. The B. tt M.'o piny them or
Saturday next , and the Atla.utc.i ! on S&l/
urday week.
livery tradesman in Omahn is IntcrcBtcd
in the paving question , If the bonds car
ry there will bo work for worklngirran nnd
that will put money in circulation among
the incrclmuls.
A notlco wai posted up at the post-
< rllico yoaterday to the effect that nil
eastern matla would bo four IIOIUH late ,
but the U. P. overland train went west on
Councilman Throne , of the Viral ward ,
celebrated his fiftieth birthday Bunilny.
About thirty-fivo of 1m fricndfl gathered
iootlicr | at his raiidenco on Tenth and
Jnckxon atrecU. Tlio Danlnh quartette
gave him u lively serenade.
Patrick Hugos wan damaged to the
amount of 81,100 by a small culvert bo.
longing to the UnionPncific un Mthstreet ,
which was not Inrge enough to let tlio
-water pas * under it in time of a flood.
The No. 1 engine houiio electric bell
was Btruck by lightning , nnd the boys Bay
that the current paused through roof and
folowcd the wire , but did not do any dam *
Jacob Kauffman'g Ions will reach 82-
090 , 3,000 bottle of wine stored in the
cellar were completely dcgtrojcd. Ilia
Iocs if the heaviest on IGtli Htroot.
m i i Between half-past ten and cloven
I U o'clock burglars attempted to enter llov.
Mr. Stclllng'a retidenco on How rd nlroot ,
between llth and 12th Htrcots , but they
wcro surprised by Mr. William Stclllug ,
tvho made a noise and ecarcd them away ,
A nymphe du pave enticed a young
man from the country to her room on
Twelfth street and robbed him of fGO.
Tlio poor fellow is < llsconeoato ! oa ncllhcr
thoxlarmcl nor Ms catlt nro to bo fouirl
Herbert & Co. , tlio Korth Omnlm
gardeners , wcro damaged to the extent of
51,000. All of their vegetables eulFcrcd
On Friday night last the HgUninif
killed revcriil hogg belonging to Henry
llicke , in McArd'o ' precinct , and also tcv-
cml at Kusor'H. Tivo colts wtru killed by
lightning in the saino neighborhood.
George Hoyn' * photograph gallery on
Sixteenth street win damoged by both
water nnd hill , Tlu skylight in bin oper *
nling room was completely demolished ,
fioon after the storm Mr. Hoyu came ; ho
went to cleaning , and yesterday was agjin
ready for butiliif as ,
The Columbua base ball nine went
down to Omnlm last Saturday to play n
game of ball with the U. 1 * . nine. The
U. 1' , club got the bat nnd played till
dark , when the Columbus club got out a
writ of habeas corpus to got them out to
end the game. Score 18 to 0 In favor of
! i the U. P.-l\Vnhoo Times.
-A jury was Hfcured in the Jvattew
cue yesterday afternoon from the npei.ial
vcniio Isiucd on .Saturday , Thry n > o ns
follows : M. W. Daikalnw , Henry Ucuhtol
L. M. Anderson , U. V. Gallagher , Win ,
J. Kieroterd , C. S. IIiffilnB , H. J. llohlfn ,
S. J. Larsen , A. Borcl , Jno. W , Huey ,
Julius Sehrocder , L , Hanneuhcfvr ,
Articles of Incorporation of the Omnlm
! Lard lluunliig company wera filed In the
county clcrk'u olilco ycatcrday. The capi
tal stock ii § 50,000. The olliccra nro A ,
35. Payton , president ; John H. Uoyd ,
vice president j J. K. Uoyd , treasurer.
Mr. Peyton la a , wealthy Kentlomau from
New York and the other oitlcecs are well
kuovrn In thU community. The new cor-
ixiration will proceed at once to erect n
building near lioyd'j packing home , the
ground for which was purchased yester
day afternoon. Tue new fuctory will
have a capacity for refining una hundied
ticrcca of lard per day'
To Fiuucns or NJJIJIUHKI , Thirty -
ty thotiaandchoico fence ( hardwood ,
flovon foot ) poB < cliojip. Kx-llayor
Yaughon , Council Blutfs , Iowa.
Clocka from OOo to 8500 at Edhohn
& Erickson'e , corner IDt
. oppositu postoilicc ,
At TUB UEK oflice. old nowepapcrs ,
40o per 100 ; in largo lots , UOo per 100.
assortment of wire hair
: brmlics Rt 8chrotor fc Ueoht's , from
It Out a Wiflo Swath in tl
Grain Fields of Hobraska.
Lives Lost nnd Property De
etroyed in tbo Republi
can Valley.
A Sinftll Cloud Creates a Secom
Panlo in the City.
The Schools Dlomlsaod at Re
cess Time.
Reliable Information Prom al
Parto of the State.
Tbo Damngo to the City not Ovo
The ctorrn of Sundny inornin
nconiR to have bean enough to nmk
people lioreaboula very anxious , n
least Iho moro BO , aa Prof. Vcnno
had predicted Unit the worst cyclon
of the auaaoiis ould occur on th
L'Gth. The most exaggerated rumor
prevailed about the street
yesterday , which no contrn
diction , however authoritative , couli
check. Amotif , ' the moat cffectivo o
tlieao was that \vhich nsacrtoJ t.ho re
ccipt of a diepatch at the Union Pa
cific hcadiunrtera ( that n tornado wai
approaching at the rate of
This wna industrioualy clrculatcc
and hud the effect of causing the dis
missal of all the public schools unti
afternoon , the pupils being sent home
to roliero their parentn of anj
anxiety. About 9UO a peculiar ,
cono-shapcd black cloud appeared ovct
Oupitol hill , driviii } } forward with
con idcrablo velocity , with the apex
pointing in n northeasterly direction.
An immonao crowd gathered on Far-
nuiii street and watched the monster
of the air , which roaombled the fa
mous "cigar Hbip , " until it swept
across the aky and faded away in the
northAn hour later tlio clouda wcro
still thick and the air quite dark , when
THI : KiitR IIKU ,
tvt No. ! J engine house rang , sounding
the alarm from "box 14. " A crowd
rushed out ngam , the horccn pranced
out , and there was great excitement
fora few minutes. Then it trans
pired that ono of the boya was fixing
a crossed wire , and that had caused
the false alarm.
Ono of the early enllorcrn by the
storm was John Morritt , the restau
rateur on Farnam street. The plaa-
tcr work of the ceiling on the second
floor back room suddenly fell in while
the storm was raging and paralyzed a
fjuiot young man who was clotping
there. The young man escaped un-
liurt and the restaurant does not ap
pear to have received any other in-
jurioa excepting thoao resulting from
The store of William Bushman , cor
ner of Fifteenth and Douglas , was
nmong thoao damaged. The cellar ,
which contained a quantity of drons
goods , etc. , was deluged and a
lot of the goods injured.
When the reporter stopped in
ho found Mr. Bushman
straightening the foods out , and preparing -
paring for : i sale of damaged goods.
Mr. II. 0. Ulnrk naya that the hole
ivaa three fool deep in some places in
! iia yard where it had drifted.
Felix Slavon , proprietor of the Sla-
ron house , reparted a number of pnncu
) f glass broken at his hotel by th-3
lolo. The California house wan anni-
arly damaged.
llpporta of damage and destruction
) f lifo at various places and that
3hoyonno had been swept awny , wore
.hiokj and Iho operators at the Union
I'acihc headquarters were besieged for
nlormation by these who had frionda
it various places The following
ivero received which cover the ground
; > retty thoroughly and all wore dated
yesterday :
CtKAn CUKKK Tlio storm of yes-
; orday began at 0:30 : a. m. and lasted
; wo hours. The track was five to six
in'les wide.Vhcat and oats are
ruined Corn is all cut down , but
nay recover. The school houio was
jlown to piecea and several buildings
omovod from their foundations.
AVAiioo Small grain entirely do-
itroyed. Corn out down to the roota.
Marmora hope for half a crop. All
vindow glass on the west side of
mildtngs ia biokon. It was tlio worst
itorm in six yonra.
Wj'-HTON Small grain entire loss.
) orn cut down and farmers fear u loss
if the entire crop. Several buildings
voro destroyed , and all windows on
lorth and west aides broken.
rhilo following its father through the
term. A boy had hh leg broken by
ailing timbers , and several wore in-
urcd by Hying timbers and hail ,
- storm passed
round and did no damage hero.
BiiAiNAitn Small grain an entire
MS. A family named Adrian , living
ix miles west of hero , had their house
pmolishod , killing n boy of six and a
irl of twelve years. The futhor is
iiought to bo fatally injured on the
The mother waa holding a babe in
or anas at the time and had ono arm
roken , while
A young lad visiting the Adrians
as injured in the epino. Several
uildinga in the path of the storm were
oiuolisbcd ,
DAVID CITY NO damage to the
ity. Crops in the vicinity nro en-
rely lost. A half crop of corn may bo
u Crops an entire low. Sov-
ml houses blown down , Onu lady
ad leg broken.
SuBuiv Slorin seven mtlea wide.
lestroycd ainall grain. Corn cut
No damage done
ere. Iho atom pasood three milee
LINCOLN. Heavy rain storm. No
ill , Three houses struck by light.
iur , but no one injured.
The report that a cyclone had
visited Wahoo yesterday was a
main line the reports received she
that thcro waa no nevcro atom at Fr (
mont , Schuyler , Columbus , Qran
Island , Kearney , or Plum Creek. Th
atorni after leaving North Platte too
a ! course , crossing and n
crossing the railroad , but always b (
twccn ttntions. It was dcstructiv
mainly south of the U. P. line , an
there was nostorm whatever west c
North Plattc.
The work of repairing ( tolegrap
lines wan continued yesterday.
had no line woat by the U. P. , thii
company using their own line i
handling trains. Connection wan ha
with the west by way of Kansas Citj
They had no Lincoln wire workin
up to noon , No definite nown of th
storm oloowhero was expected befor
night , Their wires about town wcr
in bad Bhapo.
The wires of the firo-alarm tele
graph were down' all over the cit ;
and tlio department was out all da ;
Sunday nnd yoaUrday , but hni
Iho eyatom in good working order n
Telegrams from Tahnagc , on tin
Missouri Pacific line , state that abou
a inilo nnd a half or two mik-a fron
Tiilmngo a train waa
and struck a hand-car , which wa
closp by , upsetting it nnd killing livi
auction men who were beneath thi
hand-car sheltering tlicmaelvos fron
the violence of the ntorm. Thuro wai
another man v/ith thorn , but ho man
aged to focapo nlive , although ho 1.1 HI
aeriounly injured that little hopeo an
onterlained of his recovety.
A nmall houno on Marcy street , be <
Fourteenth and Fifteenth ntreotn , wac
washed into the mouth of the big sew
er in that locality , The water Hooded
all the placaa round there and poured
in torrents into n collar containing cix
thousand dollars worth of butter , the
property of McShano & Schroder ,
which was packed in firkins and abou *
to bo shipped. The butter was appar
ently uninjured , but its transporta
tion will bo some what delayed.
The report published yesterday in
found to bo rather underdrawn' than
bxaggoratod , aa the losses coining in
from nil quarters show. Ono can
conceive no idea of the general nature
of the damages , there being whole
blocks on which not ono house or atoro
useaped and scarcely tv section ot the
city left untouched.
BEATHIOE , Juno 20. No d amago
ilono to crops by the ntorina of yester
day or this morning in this county ,
but reports from the north part of
Gage county say a very heavy hail
utoriii yesterday danngoU crops con
siderably in that section.
Sui'Kiuoit , Juno 20. The storm
tvas not very bad hero , and wo hear of
no serious damage in the county.
Mr. 0. W. Kyle , of Oacoola , Polk
Munty , waa in the cuy to-day and
Erom him wo learn the following facto
concerning the storm in that vicinity :
| jTho stornujoming up weat of Osco-
ola was in the air and did rot stnko
the ground until it got somewhere
near the northwest part of the city.
The breadth of the storm waa about
two and a half or three miles , and it
swept the email grain completely
away cutting it down and destroying
it. The corn is cut oft" clear and
smooth , and from the appearance of
the fields ono would hardly behevo
that there had been any corn at all.
Iho storm dooms to have followed the
railroad track moro or loss.
At lliaing City considerable damage
was done to the crops and buildings
ivoro blown in all directions and num
bers of outhouses were overturned ,
Tlioro was ono romnrkablo phonomo-
ion connected with the storm in thia
: ieighborhood. A small house was
wrried along by the wind a distance
) f about ono hundred feet and alight-
id on its proper bottom. All the fam.
ly were snugly tucked in bed , and
hiding they were all right they stayed
.hero and slept on for some timo.
The lightning struck the now Moth-
jdist church , which had just been fin-
shed , doing no slight damugc. The
iornado appeared to widen out as it
ivont along , unU reaching David City
jroatod dreadful havocin the southern
> art of the town. At David City the
itorm had increased to eight miles in
The mnoll grain is totally destroyed ,
> nd the grand lloral hall on fair
{ rounds was blown down and is now
horouuhly ruined. The house oi
3apt. W. F. Lougor was also slightly
Tlio following wcro received yes-
creay afternoon :
UABTIMIH No.danmgo to crops here ,
lave hoard of none in the county.
BUTTON Some farmers repnrc crops
ntiroly destroyed about fix miles
lorth and not tun-eat. The danugo
u this immediate vieh ity in light ,
loports from near Harvard , north-
rest , are worse than near hero. The
Armors that are hurt near this place
ro few.
Fairmont. As far as can bo learned
hero has boon but little damage done
o the crops by the utorm of yostcr-
DAVID CITV , 'J:20 : The storm blow
llax house and corn crib over on to
lie B. & M. side track. No damage
o company property , except twolvu
nndow panes broken from the
opot by thu hail. No
amages done to the trains except
rokon windows. Crops between
cro and Garrison are destroyed , man
nd woman dangerously crushed by a
jl ing house , and two children killed.
| 3limated damage in Butler county ,
bout half a million ,
peclal Dliwatch to THE UEE.
DAVID OITV , Juno 28. A terrible
own crossed Butler county from
est to east nt 0 Una morning , Houses
ere torn to fragments , stock lost , n
: eat amount of crops destroyed , and
immbor of people killed. The da-
ruotivo part of the storm was about
n miles wide. Haiti fell in great
lantitiea and the hail was terrible ,
aving the email grain in ruins , and
rnflelds nnd gardens looking as bare
now plowed lielda. dso. L , Brown
estimates the damage in thia count
at a half n million dollars. A mcolir
ia called for this nvonintc to secure ai
for the cufTerers and provide for U
'A. T. Nelson's store in David Cit
was burglarized last night.
The Storm nt Wnlioo
Correspondence of The ! >
WAHOO , Juno 25. The most tcrtJf
storm over known in this locality visi1
ed thia section this morning betwc'o
Bovcn and eight o'clock. Hailstone
aa largo as hen's eggs fell for som
minutes , doing much damage to gro\i
ing crops and window glats. At lea *
three-fourths of the glass in the wef
of all houses and ono-fourth in th
north -wore broken out. Garden
ware utterly ruined , and fruit tree
badly injured. The rain fell in tor
rants , BO that the low ground aroun
the depot building waa tan or twelv
inches deep in water. The wind wa
feaiful for a few minutes , _ and playoi
nwno curious freaks , doing innnens
d imago.
The principal miirerors from th
wind are M iollo t : L. J. Trainer
now barn just cnnploted and no (
house almost complete , both torn inti
fragmenta and scattered over the adjacent
jacont lots. Ilin team of largo roni
horses wore in thu barn but escapei
unhurt , the barn being lifted clea
ovnr their headn.
C. M. Capp's fine residence , jua
being completed , with mansard roof
was blown off the foundation ant
badly damaged. His lurn was als <
torn into fragments , aa yr.n also tin
barn of John Ekeley. J. M. Loo'i
barn \van blown to pieces and OIK
horse killed. J. A. Woatorfield'i
houao was blown oil the loundatii.r
nnd badly wrecked. The stable of C ,
13. Smith Was blown to pieces , but the
cow which was inaido escaped unhurr.
The storm being at nn early hourj
many were just getting up , and spine
went to the collars in their night
The amount of damngo cannot be
estimated at this writing , but it la safe
lo say that it will reach into the thou
sands. The otorm , when gathering ,
was n grand sight to these who can
enjoy such n scone when so much dan
ger Rccms so near. The clouds lay in
folds or naves from the horizon to an
anglo of about 40 ° , black and green
The utrip of country devastated by
the hail eeoms to bo narrow , extend
ing but ono milo south of town and
not n great distance to the north. Thd
now Presbyterian church , in Merriotta
precinct , waa destroyed , and Mio
school house blown off the foundation ;
nlso a part of the houao of Mr. Frasior
waa blown away. T. 0. F.
Pollc County.
Correspondence of Tha 13eo.
USCKOLA , Juno 25. Not wishing t
see Oaccola behind in anything , th
sccontric weather clerk treated her
2arly this morning , to a first clan
: yclonc , with hnilatono accompani
inont and a full orchestra of thunder
ibly 'aupported by a very brillian
itluctrical ohorii'i , a1 ! of which had a
fory striking effect ( especially the
: mifstonc& ) upon the many citizen
who were out early enough to see the
fun.ThoEO who were not early risers
were contly shook up by old Boreas a
ibout 5 o'clock , aud after receiving a
i few early callers in the shape o
lailstones , who were BO uncera
monious as to como in through the
window , were undecided whether to
seek safety by crawling under the
bed or into the cellar.
Ono young lady at the Commercia
'lotol ' , with the account of the late
[ owa storms fresh in her memory
shut herself up in a closet and yelle <
"Ma ! " with a voice that made the
: hundor hang its head in shame , am
: auscd n panic among the guoata , who
thought the noise was occasioned by
iho shingles being torn from the roof
The elegant buildings erected las' '
'all ' at the fair ground * were picket
ip by the whirlwind nnd distributee
ivor the surrounding country , to bo
iscd as kindling wood and toothpicks ,
ivhilo n largo iron pump , weighing
ibout 150 pounds , was carried over
! 00 yards and hurled into a neighbor
ng farm yard , with fatal results to r
lorrol cow and a lightning-rod wagon.
Many farm houses were badly dam-
igod , somebeingcomplotolydestroyed ,
aid the crops along the line of the
itorm are a total wreck. No com-
) loto account of the damage done can
)0 obtained , aa the roads are rendered
ilinost impassable anel people living
ar from town have sent in no report/ /
is yet. In town moat of the injury
vaa done by the hailstones , many ol
dnch were as largo as hen's cgga and
omo larger.
Every north nnd west window in
own in riddled full of holes , and the
; lass dealers will have a boom to ?
norm IT.
Osceola citizsns are proud of their
torin , avd confidently oxpcot to bcal
owaV best record before the season
over. NIP ,
Eiitlor County.
orrc8tonJeiico of Tlio lice.
DAVID CITV , Juno 20. The storm
tore on Sunday morning was of short
uration. It moved nearly duo east
rom west , with the lower current
lowing from the southwest , The hail
id not reach over n milo north of
lia place , nnd extended nine miles
The d&inngo sustained by broken
indow glass in David City will ox-
3od ono thousand dollars , The him-
or yards have all suffered some loss
nd much trouble , The flax house
f Spelts & Klostuman waa blown
om ita foundation. The same firm
ad a corn crib tliroo hundred feet
ing blown to pieces , some of the
iccea being carried hundreds of feet ,
piece of scantling was hurled through
to side of a freight car.
Everything has been pounded into
round. Wheat nnd ryu an > entirely
lined ,
Corn may como up again nnd make
In Center precinct the storm waa
) y heavy , The dwelling liouso of
otor Adrutn , living six miles couth-
ist of David City , was blown all to
ocon. Mr. Adrian was badly crushed
id ia not uxpcotcd to live. Mrs.
drian had an arm broken , ono littb
> y waa killed outright und two other
lildren are missing at thia writing ,
our correspondent has not learned
> v fnr east nnd west the storm ox-
The estimated damage to Ihitler
unty by the storm is half n million ,
M it has totally destroyed everythin
for an nvcrago of six miles clr ;
through the county , 0. C.
Seven Mile n Wide.
Corro ponienco of The Bee.
HARVARD , Juno 20. A torrlbl
hail storm passed ono milo nort
of town Sunday morning , d <
stroying small crnin entirely. TJi
storm passed from west to east , oovei
ing a strip seven miles wide , breakin
windows , trees , etc. , and in some h
calitics blowing down stables , wine
mills nnd chimneys * Hail waa pickei
up that would not go into n tea cun.
C. K. M.
National Associated Viv-t.
MUNCirf , Ind , , Juno 20. Las
evening between 4 and 5 o'clock
frightful wind storm struck thi
place , unroofing buildings and doin
much other damage. The liss o :
buildings will not fall far short c
There will bo n grand "Fourth n
July" celebration nt Long Pine , nm
u grand excursion on the Sioux Cit ;
& Pacific railroad , the faro will bo on'
half of the regular price. The Lorj
Pine people hnvo been exerting them
selves to inako the celebration n gram
success , and if you wish to spend t
jolly 4th , and euo the beautiful seen
3ry in nnd around Long Pine , yii
should not fail to bo there. Ticket )
the railroad will bo good for the
3d , 4th nnd ulb of July.
Camion ,
,1. Hochstrasaer and the Brunswicl
nnd Balko billiard table company sonc
10 agents , rcpnirera or peddlcra tml
hrough the state , nnd any ono wlic
ravels with such pretcntions ia ti
rand , and persons will do well to lot
lim alone. Any parties wishing any-
lung done in this line should sond'di-
cct to Brunswick nnd Balko Co. , 50fl
South Tenth street , or to J. Hoch-
itrasaer agent. Satisfaction guaran-
oed. inay22-lm
W ANTED Immediately at Com-
norcial Houao , Miaaouri Valley , Ia. ,
Hoaolutlona of Condolence.
OMAHA , Juno 23 , 1882.
At a regular mooting of the Iron
Moulders Union , No. 190 , the follbw-
ng resolutions were adopted :
WnmtEAS , It haa pleased Almighty
3od to remove from our midst bur ea-
oomed brother , Laonard Noustrum ,
vh'o has boon n member of our union
or a number of years ; therefore bo it
Resolved , That in the dpath of our
deceased brother thia union haa lost
a true and faithful member , his wife a
loving husband , nnd his children a
kind father.
Resolved , That wo deeply sympa
thize and mourn with the relations
and these afllicted by the aad ovout ;
wo earnestly hope that God may
enable them to bear thia atd bereave
ment and humbly submit to the will
af that Divmo Power who controls the
Icatinica of all.
Resolved , That our charter bo
ilrnped in mourning for thirty days ,
ind that thcsu resolutions ba rec > rded
an the minutes of thia union , a.nd also
i copy given the family of tlio dp-
: eased aud published in THU OM.AUA
BKB , Jletuld and Jlepulliean.
Chicago papers please copy.
A contemporary asks : "How Rhall wo
men carry thir purseH to frustrate the
thieves ? " Why , carry them empty , Notti-
frustrates a thief moro than to snatch
i woman's purse , nftor followiLg her half
\ mile , and then find it contains nothing
Hit ft recipe for spiced peaches und a faded
ihotograph of her grandmother.
Made from the wild flowers of tlu
t is the most fragrant of perfumes.
VTanufactured by H. B. Slaven , San
? ranciBco. For sale in Omaha by W ,
T. Whitehouso and Kennard Bros.
5 ; Co.
V Popular A. D. O. of General Creole
Obtains His Captaincy.
LieuK John G. Bourke , Third c.iv
! ry , A. D. 0. to General Crook , is
; azottod aa captain in the Third c
Iry owing to the promotion of Oapt.
Frederick Van Vliet , of the sumo
egiment , to n majority in the Tenth
avalry now serving in Texas. Capt.
lourko haa boon for several years the
anking lieutenant in his regiment.
3is promotion , though probable for
omo months , comes rather unexpect-
: dly through the retirement of Major
f. B. MoLoughlin , of the Tenth
avalry and the promotion of Capt.
/on Vliet to the vacancy. It is to bo
toped that Captain Bourko'a advance
nil not result in a change of station
rhich will remove him from the head-
[ iiartera of the department of the
'latto. For n number of years past
ho captain has devoted his leisure
ours to scientific study of the
rchiuology and othnobgy of the
miorican Indians. Participation in n
lumber of Gencrnl Crook's most
ovoro campaigns has given him un-
sunl opportunities for pursuing sue ]
L'searches , and he is now engaged in
ampleting the results of his years of
: udy.
Real Estate Transfers.
John L. McCaguo , real estate agent
nd conveyancer reports that thu fol-
iwing deeds were received for record
; the county clerk's oflico , Juno 23rd
id 24th.
Abraham Van Doren to Wm. G.
'an Doron , east half of lot G , block
Aug. Kountzo to Peter Juete-ion ,
t 4 , block 2 , Kouutzo's Fourth addi-
on. S7CO.
John A. Horbach to Horace Clem-
it , north 40 feet of lot 12 , block 1 ,
orbaoh'o Second addition. ? 800.
Joseph Klint to John Blazck , n i
lot 10 , block D , Jvountzo'a TJiirci
Idition § 310.
A. Kountze to John Ruzisku , w A
lot 12 , block 5 , Kountzo'a Thira
lditiou-ir > 0.
Same to Anton Ivotinok , n J of lot
i , block ! ) , Kounlzo'a Third uddition
U. P. land department to Julius
shroedcr , lota 1 und 2 , block 24 ,
P , J. Nichols ot ul. to Emanual
Evnngelfcan Lutheran church , lot J
block 137 83,000.
A. Kountzo to Huoh Mullom , le
13 , block Kountza's Third additio
Army Orders.
The following nro the latest ordot
issued from the department of th
Platte :
Leave of nbsonco for one month , o
surgeon's -certificate of disability , i
granted Major Caleb H. Carlton
Third cavalry.
A board to purchase cavalry horses
to consist of First Lieut. E.D. Thomn
Fifth cavalry , A. A. Q. M. , and Mr
William Chambers , Q M
employe , is appointed , and will proceed
coed to such points within tlio s ate
included in this department nnd ii
thoao states immediately adjoining tin
department , ns may bo deemed neces
sary in the interests of the govern
Private Max Arendr , Company D
Ninth infantry , hospital stowuret o
Iho third class will proceed , undo :
special instructons connected with tin
expedition of the lieutenant genera
of the army , from Fort Omaha. Nob.
to Fort Wnahnkio , Wyo. , and reporl
lo the commanding officer of that post
WANTED-A brick moulder ; gooc
wages. Apply to Andruw Bothwoll ,
Fremont. N > ib. jol-3t-mi ! )
" '
" " '
UOTIOK .tdvi.rttBciai.iic To l < o u , For , ar.Ii
Lot , Fcuud , Wft'iti , BoarJlue , Jic. , will be In
sertrd In tbcEn columnn onto for TEN Ol'NTS
Jtor line ; each aubaeqitant Insertion , PIVUOKNK
per lino. The finit Insertion never 1m tbitn
pO LOAN'-At Icjrnl raloi of Interest , moncj ,
JL Iuaicount3 t ) biiltLorrowcr.
02S-SO Attorney , rooinS , lnion Block.
T ff"O.Vm TO LOAN C ll nt L w omj/i or D.
iV.t L. "Ijt ItojaiB Crclchton Clock.
CP.OnAA'ro "JAW At H licr ccntln.
&at\J\JJ \ \ [ ( j teroat In SUIT.O.O ! 52,100 tnd
GjTOra3for3to5ycMB. on firnt-cltni eliy ntid
firm property. lUnsia KBIL KhtUt suJ LOAN
100 ITr cUa > era wanted. II. ; . . . .
001-i ! t llth street , near Farnam.
A TED A Bodies jrlrl , at 413 8. Tcnlli
street. C02-2CI
WAN'TCn Two or tV.rjo rooms * u'tihlo for
phy.hla , s otnco.ddr.Hj Dr. Porter ,
Ituuoirtcc. B99-tf
w AXTCD Aclrl for dlnlm-roora. K. Vf
corner Capitol avoand 17th srcit. :
COI-.fl j
pOOD COOK WANTEU-\t iuth-wcst car-
VJT tier Ilarnc > and lOttutrceti. WajresSl.Co
pcrweot. cos-2
_ - f
WANTED An cxpcriencel nur o. " -o ono
under 18 nooJ apply. South tldo Hurt
Lctncoi 17ih and IS h , 607-27) )
\XTA : "rI'l-A K01"1 ounV , a woa-ari pr ferred
VV si o chaaibcrma'd. Gnult IIcu e ,
Soxernmon Cjn.\ll.
WANTED A ncrvont. at 1011 Tavenport
street. South tide. 195-20
"ANTK An npyrcnil c , at CIO north Ut
utreit. 000-2(1" (
' 7 ATF1Tvj a-prentl-is t drcssmikln , ,
* . Inquire 1414 Dcdet. ! 535-20
W'ANTED A ompotent gn fjr genera' '
house and laundr * WTK. Wages , ? l.5
icr week. Iniulro at thia otflco , nons but co
lount nted M > ply. 4S7-tf
WANTED 5ltl , three In family. K.nqulr
0 f'-tf 0. J. CAN AW & CO.
VX7"ANTKD Ju'y 1st , a irJO't man nnd n If
VV to work. Steady cmp'ovmcnt for th
lirbt pirt'ia. Hcfcreiuo requlied , Address o
' 1'1'ly TUUdUI.V BHO'S.
632-tf Next to Fair GraimK
W : ANTr.n A ( rood fe'lrl forgoncral rouse
oil , , 11720 Ottss HI reet. E2D-tf
WANrni ) A gltl for general housework I
MiiaJI family , at 1300 nor h 18th streei
Vpplyj > * cr C p. m. flil-M
. . . Ventilated ( uinUhed or unfiitnislic
roomi to rent , at cjrncr cf 14 < h an
r\ 410-tf
rTTAXTRlX Ten teami to work on FloreiiC' '
VV Cut-Off. Wages ? 3 60 per day
377-tt MI i VINCENT.
I A A MHS WANT. D At P.orenoa Cut-Off ,
[ \l\t iilno lEllcfl n rth rf O-i-ht. V/a
1.7 p-r dr.y. JUTOIIKtL VLVCENT.
P The younff lady 'at Ij fron :
llr o.lyn , whocilJcdat 2.0 utrch S3n
trctt , toua'Injriln. 6'JKf
iiiU.vri"N WAN1ED A piailloal gta oni
3 steam litter do.lrojn tltiutlon. furtht
ifor nutlon aduro a WM. A. HOFFMAN ,
411 , Ncrth Mlniujjioll ? , Minn.
fTTANTEU. Slluitlon by two ( Jeiman p
V In Rcrmin family to do eonoinl house
ork. Apply Ui.ltfd SutcsIIotol. obC-21f
. \1 ANTED Sltuat'orsfor ' tHobojs. Hand 15
rv j-fais , ulicruthiy can mnlto theinsi-hc !
Mini , Addr < bs"Uosl'IJieoftIee.
,1TANTED , riiico for trlrl IBycam ofd , .
f raruof children. Addribj"01rI"Uto otllcc ,
.TtrANTED loa ! dcrsand lodgtrs , at 204 north
fV lOths'rcet. ( flOOpcrwoek. 60129 *
BoarJcrs n d ludgers at 171
Ca'IfOinU St. 6Sl-24t
'IT'ANTED 500 privy , elnka And cea
rV ( Kioli to clean with tatdtiry Vault and
Inl : Cluaurr , the Iwst in nee. A. ttvans & Co.
xldrnca 1200 Dodge utroct , Omaha.
ruf (
7 < 0ll KENT A seed furnished room , I , ij
; nt Nl'wdcl & . liro.lo'rt corn.r Famam and 3tli
rcets tf
HUNT FurnUhed roomj forll ht reuse
leevlng , 916.00 ft month. 2219 California
reef. t03-tf
TIOIl UENT. Two now elegant houses. In-
; qulra at I'etcrbon's Clothing sore , neir 17
? URNIiIIIn ) front room In new brick hout
. ' n Cms , oppotliu llrlck bclioil house.
690 27t
Iwoiiiee } fiiriil hed ouihrooai8
wlta or wllhout beard , at U07 Cats itrect.
: twteu ISth and 1U.1. niM'T
OU ItE. T , House of nine rcoma. Imiulre
at 1410 Jackson street. CS7t
J1FOU JIENT. Ore dwelling on Ciiming street
! between llith and 17th , 915 tier luouth. In
lire at Ii. Ueycr Sl/7 / S. 13th street. 5S5-t [
OK HUNT , lloiuo with seien roonu. Apply -
ply to Jamis StooUdalo 2Ch ! and Ctlu o
cU. 8&t SOI
1011 KENT At corror of P. 18thltd Cas-
tclhrSts. . n Vtry cozy hoiitu of fuir rooms ,
lar , "o 1 , claUru cud elMe. Inrju ro at S ,
hand Uor.aiSts. -
\01tUKNT \ AfurnlelioUfrcntroomatN U.
oor. 'Jib tirJ Jkrke > i , 5S-M
r INK IlOUaF.5 F01UtBNT--3mlI BUd large ,
j twa to tucltu rue > a cadi ; ono or lo now
M with a'l modern omnouiencu1. One of 12
iiu , snlublo for boatdia and room rcuttafr ,
h anrt DoUkUbkti. 1IEM13 , Ainurt ,
of land b ut > faliv loi.iwl on Cuniluu- ,
u t dUtauco wc t olMilltny brldk'C , nml strict
line , liKJllb1 ,
J21-M Agent , ICth aud Doula St .
IOU HUNT I lfuly lurniibyl room , tt
1004 Do J go '
OK UENT-XO. 112 8. 14th street. A dwe
F.OK . / hot p , icntaln'ngrtix rcom * . runtr ccllir. Ki.quiiool 1)11.
M6- * H07 Jones UrMt.
EOOSI IMK nEST-Fir t nv.r , nouth frcnt.
1)73 ) 1414 frct-nenly furn..lioldultsblo .
i.ttno K0tiioaicn , ni JV. . co/ncr lilh find
Cilifornltktrc ts. 4gfrt <
TTI IllTNr Four rocmf tn table for mm
JL FOU ? n 1 n-ltti , coiner ISdund Izird ( trccL
TTIOn RBXT Tno now j , 3 rom to
J ? inch on 80th hctuotn Farnntu imd Douglas
ttrrtt. lig .Ira on prcnl M. C4MI
FOR UE.Vr Furnl hod room , inquire at Druir
Store , corn , i 10th and Douglas street.
_ _ _
FOR BENT A cozy holno of 4 rsora , cellar. -
dsUrn and wo I. Knqtilro on yrci.Neg . ,
1813'llaraty street. 624-tf
Chicago street , between J4Ui and 16th.
I.10H nhNT Two nicely furnished rooms , low
I ; prices , brick house 2013 Constrict.
3 2-tf
north of Dctljo on 18th. 64-29f
pull hivr Abatn. Inquire at SC9 Farmm
JL1 street , bctwce-i lOlh 17th. 17J 23
FOU HUNT. Furnished rroan , un sum or
tingle ; g.'n-lcmc'i pruned.0 \ Huwnrd
i > tbet _ cen felhiuiil flth. n'o 57J
'IJ J10U JIRST-A nice house , 0 looms , rr.
J b.rn. Ko.tCI7 Do < go street r. U-SO
l/iuil ULN r.n juiv 1st. brlc'j More , with or
J ; without cellar. Irqulro M DruH.ore , uir.
not loth and Dnugbg 1 > ,
o LET rnriilshul room , with Lowil , 1S08
Caifornh ftruut. C3Mf
B .Mix : TO ( Tl NT-.N7 K. cTr7cr 10lli "and
. us 7
iK\T : Funhhed room , 1J ° 3
r , > 0ll HHNT-Vlcn a-itly ( .
I aouth l"th tuct , nnc ooarnotth of
Ias- 350 tt
J > > . tnrno'19tli nrd n-\\onpnrf. SPtl-tt
17 ! OH RKNT 2 rutnvjjcn nnaortr i'.v
.L1 < rt ntf' ; . K. tcr. Jfl'i tad
DtlBOS } .
EOU KtN7 Nlcoly inrniBluM twimu \ > ot-
ulthout hoard. Rofcuanablo prkis. uj
Can St. TKU n
TjKM Ho bO wUlT foiTr roonp"mid
I ? liltchcii an'lot in peed order. Iniiulro I ) u
caaSt. bclwt en 27th and 28th. c' & nil's
addition. C14-20t MAI'.CfS SI'ECIIAUT.
Sl'I.ENDlU , ono larce brick hou < e , ml ono
larjo frame hou c , with full lot on Cads no r 15 h
htroit. Flee ch 'iico for in > wtnunt. lent f r J70
for in inlli , Cillfjrfuil part'culats , on
C09-tf Apcnt , 16th a dT
PORSALV Cheap Il'ack walr.ut l-td room
stt , with matrass and epnniis ; Jrcfrlcrt.tor (
rd nitf rond'ljriecool > liRratiffoccstS80u ) r.tCB
bruxhlnsup h usjliceplnf. Call atajlUnsast.
C98-27t _
POlt SALB. Team. II rnus nnd waron. In
quire at Doran IIcusu , 1'nrnain fct. ftS-1f
SAVB HEXr CottnKcs and siall lieu cs ; part
tlcsojii'nga lot or who own the lease o ,
! > no , and who iltslro to but'cl a hime tlureon-
'uitlack ' the funds cill ru A. 11. Tuttoi , tt of.
Ira of Gn.H a Montgomery , o\er Omita Na 7i-tf
OTBfj rou ftALK. The Arlington Uouso
Kirs' c ass ; all furnished. Tin only hotel
n tonn. The choipot Jirope-tv In the state.
las n'l ' the traveling m-n. W1U bo told cheap 01
cmstotult. Knqulroof E. Fu lo , prjptlctor ,
\rllngton , Wamlngtin county , N'olf.1 &J3 tf
I710H SAFii : Her < e , bu Ky and lurno-s. Ap-
U ply at SlepaciHon'd Cap-.ul aveuuo IJarn.
17011 "ALB A housj of four roomon leased
L1 ground , 01 17th fctreot , hctnccn Cnpltol
AO , nnJ Da > export. Inquire of
B5l-a7 ' , Hou'C Movers.
OU SALE UoBtaurast on ( TwclfTrolod
street. H. MAVKILKK ,
2it-t > _ IT'h t.trc t. near Farnam.
L1 a3 the HOYS' HOME. This hoube lo BO
tally locatiid , hag POU h and east front , and is
urrounded w th flno elwlo trees ; cotit dusthlrty
'ceplupr rooms , haa Ice boudc. laundry , saupb
oem , tc. ItiMa world w do reputation ana a
ctter patrons eo than many housoa of twlco ltd
opacity. I'rlco 5,000. for pirtlculara tt'l-
resj , A. A. SAWUKY.Kcd Cloud , Aob. N
EM- ,
_ _ _
FOK SAU'r- will cicSa go for Oirtnli ? fro-
I percy , rn lmprovr.d sou oa of Und r.dloln-
1S a station on U. P. U. K. M. UUNIIA11 , 1112
jUfiiharn St. , Oniaiin. _ 731) jtn
. > 201-tf _ r-STACROOlC COS.
Y At A. H. Sintei' fca\ Eta
J > WlSHarnorSt. sl'J-ll
l/TltS / WE VEU FoshlDnabla dresmakcr CIO
U. N. Ifillf street. TcaUics cu.tlnpr and nt-
UK' by model. 007-20"
rfANTOS A SAU.NUtlW Aiietloneeii , are
3 rca4y ( oluyorellpo dsdairi7feJ ! by rho
teettrm sal.s room on 36th street , o rrplto
10 postoillce. _ _ 6K02" '
c ct mials nnd best accoiiuiolntiun at
urntr Hall licstjiirant Ian'i | ti u'.i | S.
Ilollindtr , 1'iopnitor , cvrntr jO h a. d How-
.J , ar al Stwle , at.dt3tk ynids oattlo
t cs stojif kep- lit thu Iowa t | ITJI 'O ratei
baled h iy , Btraw , corn anil oata , for alo. Don t
r'it the p'acu ' , lotliktr tt bet ( ecu C.pitol a\e
id Daxonp rt. 6i5.B :
WNAWiiT , iW Tenth Struct , between V ui c
.tllilliov. Will , wlti thn til of f.itta.u ;
Irito. obuln for any too -lnnre ( r t t t ii sl
; d projcnt , and on oortaln kondt 0113 In ia" fu.
re. Doctii Mill filiOM matlrti iJI.P. . P. %
Absolutely Pus-e.
Phis powder never varln. A marvel ol p
strength and wliolenoincncui. Moro econo
: tl than the ordinary kinds , and cannot bd
1 In competition with the multitude cfi ow
t , short wtight. alum or phosphate powderi
old only In cans. KorAb IUELVO POWDER Co.
Wr Bt Vnw York-
New 1'jte'it
Ul'LI. Or IB
lor l&f-
i''entremoTi > bc iind Intcrchunri-iil if Jet
[ < l. i- , i 'iu | rl "r out' liurnem tn ' i-ni-ilj
new OHP V'llvTturii'r on Ivm
iv 11. > u\v Kar.'ty Bu cr\olr.
SJUBLHT uw tliutu Htovcs am
'liesa celebrated ttovcd * a ; halo hy
rcy & Urndford , Omaha , KlR.
ii'J hn i