THE DAILY BEE MONDAY , JUJ I2 | . -W ) 3. < O. OQ , GOMMISSI8M MERCHANTS , City Jlarkst , Condi WuSi , lows , WHOLESALE I" I. O IT tt H O U G E , zfBt for the CtHli.-atod Mllliol II. O. i' h * C > . , GoUlcn V .ijt'e ' Hour , I-wxrenwoith 1Un A , vul ( Jneen llr * Mil' , Sioux Kftils , Dakota. Inference , fmltti * Ctl 1 i den , out f t IUK U. _ I. IB. S3 ± ! -A-IMA.2sr. \V'iOi.rS\t,8 AM ) UCTAIIi STATIONERY AND PRINTER'S GOODS , , BLOTF3 , IOWA. _ TITLE ABSTRACi OFFICE. jr.xr. . * % . & -cr x s& aaSK o o. Lands and Lots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW UAT1X KOTARIB8 PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. COUNCIL BLUFFS - - - - - - IOWA. 15 North Main Street , WHOLESALE DEALER IN SHOE FINDINGS. Road-flttt-d tipiKTf ) , In lalf skin nrd kl | > . Oil ; nnd tlcmlock HOLK I.KATIIKU , and ivl oodi f > i > pif l.aliiln ? totlioMioo triilo. do dsanld Mclicnpnsln IhcKAi' , . . CfrO'PO ) . . . . 5HUliiIilb ' MW WTTTTTvTFRV blUM STYLISH SPUING JIILLINERY. PATTERN UONXETS AND CHILDREN'S UATS A SPECIALTY. 105 South Main Street. Council Bluffs Ia. Thnt no\cr nqulro ctiinplnsf , nt Mrs , J. J. Good's lUlr Store nt prices never bcfcro touched by ny other hnlr dealer. Al o ft full Una ot swltclus , itc. , ntj really reduced prlcet. Aluopoul , Blhcr and colored nets Waves inade from Ivllcs1 own hair. Do net fall to Mill before imrctuiliiK elsewhere. All gooilti wnrrantcJ on represented. 29 Main street. Council IllulTe , loua. BiTHIUBHOUSSi At Bryant's Spring , Dor , Broadway and Uniou Sts. COUNOIL BLUFFS. Phln , Sledlcatod , Viper , Electric , I'lungo , Doucli , .Shower , Hot and Cold lUtha. Com petent n ale and female nur-cs and attendants al\\a > g on hand , and tlio beet of ra o and atten tion ( 'U en patrons. Special attention clvcn to bathing children. ln > e tliatlun aud patronage solicltcilDR. . A. H STUIILUY it Co. , 100 Upper Broadway. Dr. Stud'cy : Treatment of ehronli : dlseasca midf a Hptchdtv. ' "KMOVE without the Ofi'ftTnTllTlf \ \ "rawlniro if blood or U3o of j II ? U JjilU Knife. Cures lunr ; diseases , AVJ1 rvi'.JlMf fits , Scrofula , U er Com- - A I' " . "ropsy , Illicumn- i-ti na n I ( I tJl ! l fi S tlsin , roior and Mercur- I U 111 U 11 U tll b0rOT | Erysipelas , jilt Rhouin , Scald lioad , Oitairh , wuik , ir.tlained and grunulatcil Kjcscrofulous Ulcurnaud Fe- nialo IHjeaoO- all kinds. Aim Itlduoy and Vcncrlal dmtasi3H. Ho uorrhoidj or Piltis cured money rcftuided. A'l ' dlsoaiej treated npoi thaprlnclploof - able reform , without the tuo of mercurial pois on ? or the Knlfti. Eloctri Vnpor or U-dlcatod lUtha , furuUhcd u\\ho dealro them. JtoruH or Rupture radtcnlly curol by the URO thu Elastic bolt Truss and raster , which has sujrarlor In thu world. CONSULTATION FREE- CALL O.V OK ADDUES3 Drs , B , Eico and F , D , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , In. LIVERY , Feed aid Sale Stables , 18 North First Street , liourmet a old atanJ. Council B'nfT. * , Iowa. WINLA11U bMlTII. I'rop. W.D.STILLWIAN . . , Practitioner of Humcopathy , consulting Pliysician and Surgeon , Ofllco and risldonco 016 Willow avenue , Coun- cll illulls , Iowa. Iowa.W. W. E. SINTON , DENTIST. 14 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. Extracting and filling a tpechlty. First-claim DR. A. P. HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. "Itioo , Ho , 14 IVrxrl Strout. Hoim , 0 a. 111. to 12. , and p. in. , ( o D p , m. It < ldcrieo , 120 Bancroft otrtot. Telephonic connection with Central olftv . DR. AMELIA BURROUGHS , . G17 First Avenue Hours frcui 10 to 11 a. m. , and 2 lo 5 p. m , Merchants Eestaurant J. A. ROSS , Proprietor. Corner .Broadway and Fourth Streets. Good accommodations , good faro and cour * treatmorit. S. L l C3 3SC 3C3CJ 3H1 < C3 'J Office over luvln ; bank. COUNOIt , BLUFFS , - . - Iowa. HEAL ESTATE. W. 0. Jamca , In connection with his law and collection business buys and Hel's real estate. FtirMoi whldnff to buj rr .I ) city property call * t his office , o\tr Buahnill'g book store , ctrwt. EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. 4l5Broadway , Council Bluffs. and mortgages draivo .and ackaowl Oged WATER WAVES , In Stock and Manufactur ed to Order. Waves Made From Your Own. Hair. TOILET ARTICLES , All Goods Warranted as Represented , and Price Guaranteed. WHS. D. A , BENEDICT , 337 W. Broadway , Council Bluffs ; _ - - Iowa. " " MRS , E7 j" Medical Electrician AND GYGNEOOLOGMST. Grailuato of Electropnlhlc Institution , I'hlla- duliilib , retiiu. Office Cor , Broadway & Glenn Ave. COUNCIL HLUFrS , IOWA. The treatment cf all clliciceJ and pnlnfnl dlf- flcuUim peculiar to feinaloa a epudulty. The Star Bakery , HOWARD & BOB3E , am MAIN sx , Employ the best linker In the West ; also a choice hind for Cal.caand I'OH. ! Dread dilixrrcd to all | > arta ot the city. F ESH FISH ! Game and Poultry , Canalwa > 8bc found a D. DANEHY'3 , 130 Upper liroadivny. JNO.JAYFEAINEY , Justice of tlie Peace , 314 BROADWAY , Council Bluffs Iowa. , - . - . W. B. MAYES , Loans andEealEstate , Proprietor of abitractg of I'ottauattninle county , Olllco corner of Ilruajwjy and Main mrcett , Oiuncll llluHi , lu a , JOHN STEINER , M. D./ / ( Dcutschcr Ar/t. : ) ROOJI C , EVERETT'S BLOCK , Council Bluffii. i/lseascs of women and children a epoclalty. P , J , MONTCOMERY , M , D , , FllEK Dl.SI'KNSAUY UVtllY SATUKDAY , Olllco In Fierctt'a block , I'mrl troi > t. Ietj donee US Kourtli etreit. Olllco hours from 0 to 2 a. m. , 2 to i and 7 to 8 p. m , . Council i lufli F. C. 6LARK , PRACTICAL DENTIST. I'carl street , opposite the postoifko. One of the oldest practitioners In Council Dluffd. Kills Isfactlon KU'ranteud In all DE. F. P. BELLINGER , EYE AND EAR SURGEON , WITH n. t'UAKLCS Ofllco m cr driu utore , 111 Uroadnay , C'ounrll Illulfi , loua. A ) dldua'CS of the eyu and far Uoitcd under the inert npfio\ > d mithod , and all JOHN LIHDT , a ATTORNEY'-'AT-IAW. ' ' Will practice In all'EUtc and United Stalti Court * . Spcaki Uerican Laoju > te. IOWA ITEMS Now crises of ainnll pox continue lo develop in Davenport. The Into storms hsvu given tire tor nado insurniico business n boom , Mnrrird , nt Hamburg , , ltiiu'22 , Mr. Frnnk 3t. Hall to Miss Anna E. lleid. There are Jiinoly-oight foreign in- nur.vico companies doing business in thostato. An untnithftil lover lia.i driven Miss Margaret W.ilkor , of Dca Moitics cnnnty to the insane niylnm. Conductor Degtinn , who \vna killed at Grinnoll , joined an instiranco order ono week b < > fire the sid nccidcnt , and hia willow will receive $ i,000. ) An AlilonvoinaM vaa nrrostrd for libel Inat week , but nlio retracted and the matter W.-H hutilied up. The offense - fonso was p.wtnur obaco.iu writing , too vulgar t- > print , nbout a good girl , .luJfre Slunn and Mrs. Jeru. Lynch were married in IJl.ursH > wn on the 20ih. The b.\r of Cedar Unpids nnitud in sending .Mr. and Mra. Shiino a hatulsomo nilvur wntor pitcher as a token of their esteem. The Clarion Monitor tells the fol lowing lUh ntorj : JMO llowen's dunchter StellH , with another girl , her cousin , waded into the Tow.x river and espying a tchonl of pickerel , sue cot dud in driving them into u snml ! inlet , where they oip'ured the wholn outllt , fourteen in all. Father .lean , of Lyon , Ins Tiled an amended petition in Inn ease against Bishop HoniH'siv , in which ho prays for damages to the amount of S'Jl-1 , . qpO , of ? lOO,0JOas , ! formerly asked , for being deposed from Iho pulpit of the Catholic chinch at Lyons. A Vexed utorcyuinn. Kvcn tlio paliVnce < if .lob would beconio exhausted ucro ho n preacher mid orhiff to interest his nndicnro while they were l < ecihiu | | | ) nn Incro nut conulilnc making it impossible fur him to ho Yet , how \cry e.i ycin nil tin's bo ( uoldcil by simply \\n\\\y \ Dr. ICfns's New Dincovo- ry for Conimniptlnii , ( . 'ought nnd Colds Trial Uottlei given nwny nt C. F. Gi-ud- man's druj ; store The Swnrmliiff ofBeoa. There nio no curtain signs as to just when n colony will swarm , so tar ns outside indications will cbow , nioru than the cluatoring of been on tlio out aide of the hive , nnd the hanging of pollen gatherers with the cluster out- eido instead of I'ntcriiig their hive , but by oxiunining the fwmo frc- quortly , watching Iho progrcos , ono can soon toll when they are nbont ru , ly to cnst n swarm , nnd ns soon ns thu quL'un culb are nbout rc.uly to cap over is the best time to divide. Proba bly the safest nnd ensiost way to a < - vide ia , ns soon ns they nro ready , to lift out the friuuo , bees , brood , nnd nil , on which the quoun ia found ; place this frnino in the novr hive , ( ill ins ; out with frames of comb or founda tion , or , if yon do not have either , fill out with empty frames. Now place the now hive containing the old queen or old stand , moving the old hive to n now location. I5y this plan you throw nearly nil the working boos where the most work iu to bo done in the now hive , nnd they will proceed to work the same : va though they had swnrmed naturally , liut if the old been had made up their mind to awiirm , und you hud loft a qnuen cell on the frame * you bad placed in the now hive , they will Bomutimos atvarni nnyho\r , so you will notice to tear them down , if any exist , hoforn closing them up. The brood in the old hive hutching out very rapidly will soon mtiko n good colony , The npaco in the old hive from where you removed the same should ho tilled with comb or founda tion , for if nn empty frumo bo placed thcfo the been will fill it with drone comb , : ui they seldom mike anything ebo while without n laying quouti. In eight or nine days after dividini ; , nil the queen cells except ono ( should betaken taken out , so as not to cauao after- swarms , Bucklin'n Arnica Salvo. The ] ! KST SALVE in the world for Cute Uralses , Sores , Uleurn , S.ilt Ithcmn , Ko vor Sores , Tetter , Chapped Handif , Lliil ilaitif , Corn ? , nnd all'ttkin eruptions , rnul positively curca , iiles. It i * guaranteed to iivo fiathfiictfou or nionoy refunded. I'rlee , iiJ centw per box. Kor Haloftby J.C5. 1' . Unocimnu Custor's Moodti. T M Molncs Correspondtiico of th1) Trlliiiuo. Thu other evening I was in convor- nation with an old army oflicer who 'ought in the Army of the Putomao ; hrough the war of the rebellion , and commanded a battery a largo portion of the time. Ilia acquaintance among , ho ollicurs and the men extended over a largo circle , including seine of .ho since moat noted men , Among them was Gun. Ouster , whom ho could not praiHO too highly as a bravo ind gallant oflicer. dipt. JJaKlcton of locheater for it was ho who talked .o mo told an accident of Ouster [ which illustrates thu nervous temper ament of the man , un-I his Btnsitivj nature ; for hu wan a sonmtivo opirit who could not bear injustice ) himself , ind Boino day the circumstances which ! ud to his de.Uh may bo cleared up in a way that will not reflect honorably upon some high in power In the time t occurred , a Gupt. liazelton could relate inci- dontu of the war na interesting as a lovcl. Jlo himself carries a builut in lis face which annoys him much , and itill ho has never applied fora pomiion. ) aid he , "When I cannot maku a iving without , then I will ask Undo iatn to help mo , und not beforo. " Japt. llnjieluin has carried the builut : > aok of hia upper law whoio it occa uionully brcalia out in a terribly dis agreeable abces.i all over the Rocky mountains from Santa Fo to Montana , and from Puget Bound to the gulf of JfilifornU ; and ho also carries two other gun-ohot wounds. "It was ono night on the Kappa- lannock , in thu winter of 'til- ! . ' ! , " said Japt , Iluzulton. ' 'Everybody known hd circumstance of Cudter'n promo- ion to a goneralehip over ollicura who ranked linn , Of course it created considerable" ] ealuimy , and there waa 10 end of intriguing against the bravo roung oflicer , who would h ivu been " greatly admired , but for hh rapid ad- 'anco , evun by thoau who now in their eulouny could BOO no butter coursu han to oppose him , Cuslur wan not blind man , and of ojurao keenly felt ho jealoua opposition brought to bear against him , Ono night a number of oflicera wore visiting ut Ouster's camp , and paseing a pleasant oveniiw , While- ho fostvitius were ot their height and " every ono was enjoying Inmjolf , ni orderly rode tip with n communication for Gun. Custcr. Thn genoMl oponci and read it. It was nn order rahtwine him from command of Ins brigade that wns all -thoro being no exphna tion of whnt was to bo done with him "Without n word Busier wont to hi1 , boat horse , bridled him wiMi Ins own hand * , mounted and wni nway like the wind to the fields Ji's long hair floating behind him , ns his horse took fqnces nnd ditohew in hia mister's fa vorite accomplishment. " "For some time ho wai ojfc .god in the mad ride over fitlds nnd atrenmn , when another orderly rode up to whore the oilier ollicora sst lon ir ; t nml admiring the distant rider , and nske J for GJII , Ciistpr. " " Thevo ho is , in yonder tiolil , ' snid an aid , pointing to the nnu IIOMO tlii-ii tnking a tlyiiif ; loni > . " "Away r dothootcU rly. ' \ \ \ < \ , finally ovaitilting the gonaral , i MW him tnkov a pnper from his pi ( . ' 11 Slowly CnsU-r rend it , and then < ii uji his h\t , nnd down ho c m at a mm ! run , vrhonpiiii ; like n wild lii'li in , directly toward thu c.imp. Whp.i ho reached Ihoni ho thron * the pnper to an aid , , d in n low voice s.iiii : " " 'Sol out another c.\n > nf chnm- "Then ho leaped from his , and retired nlonu to hia u-n . " "That paper contained order for his promotion to thu eocunuid 'f ' a division " WAUUI s Uoitu. How > ften persona haMInu nnnnred by liirn cHnqiiiR to their drt m e.othlnj ; , nnd how coUloui have they , hcn oloatiiiiK tliciu , jjivon it a thititht ) tint Uunlncl ; Itoot is the most Viiluab'd ' cli'iui * r Mid i > urilior known , nnd U suht l.\ c\ury itiih'nist un.fcr tliunnmo of llinilork lloo ! > l UltU-rs. 1'iico , Sl.OO. je ! .d.l\v COOL CULOK/1DO. DiU'o'ont Places In Which to See Nature Untulorneil. Correspondence of TlIK UKK. SOUTH POKIILO , Ool. , Juno 20. I expect to spend a few weeks roaming among the mountains amid oconea of clmato , so di Heron t from thu prairie lands that a few notes may not como amiss. AV. A. Harrison , present manager of the York Nuwery , o.xpootn in a few daya to break away from hia arduoua labors , and wo have mudo ar- rancrumeiita for about ; ! ; ) ( ) uiiloa travel with horao n buggy , far the purposoof hunting scenery , trout and door , The first , wo are sure of , wo can tell about the rest at a later date. Wo oxpcct to ero.'n the b ickbono of the mighty rookies and go ovovon to the western slope , when wo can give your leaders some itema from the unow fields , trout- brooks and mines and the mighty de velopments of thia mountain land. The tirnu it not far distant when the ppoplo from Nebraska will , many of them , bsat a retreat to those cool and healthful itworts , and fomitlhat there iu a broiling sun atraying up into the 90.i. From 0,000 to 8,000 foot above the aca level gives a delightful change. Evun at that ultitudo it will ho hot in the aun but cool in the shade , with nights juat right for rofroahing sleep. Laat week wo went to Colorado Springs. Tim Stale Sabbath school convention waa in session at that time , and it was onu of thu ablest gathcringn wo have seen of that kind in thu wuat. There vrero eamnat inun and women from all pirts of the atato , and they felt the necdpsity of an effort to hold iu check that Hwlcjanosa which has BO long run riot. The railroad companies locaivod a soruro censure I'lie I ) it II. G. and D. 4t N. 0 have boon instituting cab- bath oxcursiona hetweon the two cities , Denver and Pueblo , letting loose the lawless elements of each on the other. Ono Sunday thirty car loada were poured into Puobio , and inutoad of "Lord's day" wo had . - "dovil'a day. " The clergy of this city entered i1. prompt protest ngainat the deaecration and it received a prompt and warm echo from the great convention. Pa- pera "ivero aunt to the oflicors of thono companiea and it ) a hoped that BOIIIO- thing may bo done to check thu ovil. Gov. Evans is a prominent inombor of a church and yet hia road participates in thia total disregard of Sabbath ob- ligitions. Colorado Springs is a charming place ; it ia about 0,000 foot above aoa level. It waa laid out with fine avenues - nuos , wide roomy atreota and walltH. Great care has been taken with lawna , shrubbery and shade trees , and for anew now town the progroaa has been won- dolful. Irrigation ia the main depend once. The sod i poor , diaintegratud granite mostly , and yet by fertilizing and irrigation satisfactory results are obtained. It is quilu a health resort tvith a population of about 0,000 .jiuo- ) Io. It has none of tliuao induatriea or resourcua which go to build up n city , and yet in itnclf it ia a grand aucceua , Many capituliata Iivo theio , and many pi-oplo of moans in poor iealth , Ono fiinglo provinion in ita irgunio laws ha'j tir.iwn together BOIIIO of the finest social elements in the state. It iu , and can be , nothing but temperance town. If u nun nulls liquor there , the lot on which it is Hold reverts to the town colony. Ono or two testa in court have But tled thu matter , the parties toning their lots , and yet I doubt not there ire these who would nay , "If whiaky could only bo Hold hero , it would bo u great city. " Well there ia n test loco by , Two miles from the Spring * H Colorado City-a little huddle ot cheap houbcfl. Thuro whisky ia Bold without limit , It Imd the firxt ntiut ; it ia butter located by far than thu 3prin B , but us in thu case of York and Now York , in your stale , tojnperancu won , Cold water lota at the Bptings are worth ton or twenty tiinen aa much aa whiskey lota in Colorado City. Too much liquor in thia now utato ! Ono hundred taloona in full blast in I'nublu , Saloon Kcopera and gamblura abstracted last year § 500,000 from the legitimate channels of trade. A lecturer Intro not long ago naked. "Who killed the buom , " und ho wont on to show that a half million wreatt-d from thu laboring men hud done the work , Thu tune.uru dull nnd real < liungit firo. Money which should go Lo build homes and'maku them cum- fortublu gnca to drink. Hack of Colorado Springs liea thu charming villa of Manitou , under thu shallow of Pike's Peak. This is a "real Bummer resort. Jloro are fine hotels , and GMCO ( Jreonwriod , of na tional fame , has n cottaj-o hero. Hen are a dozen springs which probablj equal of Saraloga. This is a fine plnco for invalids ; it is a quiei pj ee. You can pitch your tout be side some mountain at ream , or 110.11 IOIUP spring , and live amid aomo of the tinutt aeenory in the west , as eho ply Almost us nt homo , ur you can go to Homo tony hoti I and pay SI par day. Go up a roaring mountain torrent , which furnishes water for Colorado Springs , and aluut a milo from Maiii- ton you como to the t.tmotia I' to Iron Spring. Thia w.vor has powerful tonic pr < tpi3itio.i , nn almost sure euro for kidney c-oiunUint * , and 110.11thia loom up in plnin sisjht two massive poa'xfi , and on each immegtt rocks o ( irxnito Ono i.i called Gog , and the other Magog. Choyeniio cnnyim i < not fnr away with its nondorfulvalor falls , which plunge mnj ) | farther than the mad wa'ora of Niagara , About % mile off in l'io Pass with its rainbow falls. Hero n mountain a iron in hurls itaelf lio.ullunu en or a hundred feet at a plunpo. It waa u weary walk amid the dust , aud I wai escort ing three ladies \\hc\\i \ there oaino n umbir man with four heavy horaen , llo had been to town with a heavy oad of lumber , and was now return ing with inpphm. llo kindly ollered : ho ladiea a ride and they 'perched thomselvei i.n the grain packs and comfortably tvol. in the situation. Up the steep accent the heavy team plodded on , and tl-u dm or pointed out Iho plncea of mturoat aa wo etatnbered up beside the ronring torrenla. NVo were ahown a ppot where a few weeks u.o a num WIIB dashed into the stream ind killed. A party of oxcnraioniits were going up nnd u grntleman wan coming down. Thu road waa nairow , and u lady , tearing the gentleman would run into them , shook her hand- icrohiof in hia horeo'a faco. llo shied maidenly and throw hiaioolf and driver > vor thu embankment into the otream. Not fnr from MonitoutWilllnmn of canon with itn fanioua cane , properly called Piukot'a cano. Uov. Mr. Crona , noiv of Denver , but 'ormerly of the Springs , was a boys' nan , llo took them out on geological exploration ? , and ono day in Williaiu'n canon the sons of the lamentud Rov. I'ickotj vho waa killed in the moun tain while in Iho di&chargu ot hia du- .iea , discovered ono of the finest groton - , on on the continent. The present > \vnor trioa to clianuo to thu "Oavo of , ho Winds , " but it fihottld over boar Iho nanio of the heroio man and hia loblo oona , and dotibtleaa nil ) . Pro- j.ibly there ia no plauo on the face of .ho earth which Inn finer intural at- .rnntiuiis within DO nhorl a dmtancu. J'horo ia the Garden of the Godi with ta wonderful attractions. There ia ho group of Deitii'R , formed by a aoft nyor of nnnd ntono nnrmounted by larder material , like per ( hyry rocV. The lower part washed away moro rap- dly than thu uppur , leavniu' hoadn icro and there , to project bodies bo- ow. It is wonderful , and in the gar- Ion itaulf are attractions I will notat- empt to dcucribe. J was ahown a > erfoct foot , aa of iv child. It waa irobably a foot of ono of thu liltlo fjda ; but moro by and by. 0. S. HAKUISO.S- . Truth mill Honor. Query ; What is iho beat family ncdicinu in the world to fngulalo thu ) owula , purify the blood , remove ooa- ivuncaa aud bilioiiHiieua , aid digcation and tone up the whole syatem ? Truth aid honor compula us to answer , Hop litters , being pure , perfect and harm- ess. Toledo lilndn ENOCH A Now Vonslon of Tonnyeon'd Poorn. ST. PAUL , Minn. , Juno 2'J. A Bingular case camu up in the inunici- al court hero , Some > to-day twonty- ivo yeara ngo Angio Wilier and Harrison risen IventjWuro married aUAlb my , N. Y. , nnd in the courau of time eight children were ent to blesa their mar- tal happinciin. About eight } earn Ago vent , imi > elled pirtly by nrcensity and purify by a desire to HOLthu wea- orn country , left hia family and camu o Minnesota. Communication wan ; opt up nt irregular intervals with hia amily , and finally euuaed alogethcr. Suppiming her hunhand to bo dead , \lrti. \ Kent eamo to St. Paul a counlo ) f yours ago , establishing a boarding lotieo on I'/ut Seventh , near thu St. Paul Plow Worke. Among ho bonnloni in Mr . ICenl'ii lousohuld waa ono . ) . A Miller , who , iccoming intaluated with the charms if hia landlady , inadu an ofl'er of narringe , which wna nccepled after ( iiuch hesitation , thu lady fearing her irnt husband might nut bo dead , lowover , Mns , Kent bucamu dra. Miller in Murcli lust. ! iow coinui thu mnuular [ iirt of hu Rtory. On J' ' iday , the Jlith , Cent , u spectator nt Sells Jirothur.i' nhow , was nccoslcd by ono of IIIH own uhildren. Explatntliona rufiulted in hu meeting of thu two benedicts. Jiy niitual ngrountor.t , the lady w.n tllowod to ohoonu between thu two > Qttur halves , and nho choau Kent , her iret Jiuabain ) , in a tit of anger , an hu reunited pair claim , Miller has iroferred the clmrgu of adultery , vhich now ru tn iiguinat thnm in thu lolicu court. Final hearing watt post- jonod until to-morrow morning rue Prlond. A friend in nec'il iri ufilt'iid Indued. Thin lonu can dun y , u-iiccliillv whun iiKulhtuncijlH eniluieil when one iiHon'ly iiflllctad with- IHCUSC , inuiu puitlcularly the u com- iiulntH and wuuknuHKtM H. ) COIIIIIIDII to our oiuole popiilutlon , 1 1 very woinun uhould n w that Hloc'rlo ' UlttcrK nra wonian'M r D friend , mid will , KHilivi'lv runtore her n h''alth , iivuu whou all other remedlux ail. A nin 'lo trial always iirovoxnur us- eitlun. 'Ihuy ore pleasant to th tmtc , uu't onlv CIIHI fifty cenU a bottle , Koldhy ) , l'loodmnii ( Wlih Dllllomncss V/on't Do. Ill thin wo ) ti r nut d tutua i * l > r iulit nn A illx- r lorciflUcr i tiucoiibU ) iviici cf n foul tcm- atliard oli-lrui't "I l < o cl < , a > < 1 thu > rry I'U't liriinritiou hi ixikt nee to put tin in lni rfi'U orrli-r mi'l ku'ji tliciu t > o , I'JjiiiiitNTii r. HOLD JiV AI.f. DHUCUI6TH "WINE OF CARDUI" ninlcea wiy 'I'T-Ua ' aud clear complcJUona. To tlie Consumers of Carriages & Buggies , I have a complete stock of all the Latjsfc Styles of Carriages , Phaetons and Ope a and Top Buggies , Consisting of TJIO Celebrated Browser Sid * Bar , The Hatolin Side Bar , The Whitney Side Bar , and The Mullhalland Spring. The Dexter Queen Buggy and Phaeton Also the Old Rel able jjliptic Spring Buggies and Phaetons. * They are sll made of the beat ma'eriah , and un der my own supervision. I should be pleased to have these desirous of pur chasing to ca l and examine my stock. I will guar antee satisfaction and warrant fill work , H. F. HATTENHAUER , Corner Broadway and Seventh Streets. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. ( Successors to J. W. Rodefor ) WHOLKSALH AND UKTAIL DEALERS IN MOKAf AJJSI LEHIfiH , BLOSSEUE AND ALL L flk.3L.SO CONNELLSVILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC. Ofllco No. 34 Ponrl Street , Yards Oor. Eighth Street and Eleventh Avenue , Oouuoil Bluffa. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM FACTORY MANUFACTURE BROOMS , BROOM HANDLES , CORN MEAL , GRAHAM FLOUR AND 3 The Very Beat of Brooms Constantly on Hand. The Higheflfc Market Price Paid for Corn , Oats , Rye , Barley * BIBOOIM : OOZRUST i Purlieu Wishing to Soil Broom Corn Will Please Send Sample , , l &c Onouf thu licut B-tonil-rlnsn llolola In tlio Woat In thu BROADWAY HOTEL , A. K IIHWWM , rrorrlctor , Noa. fj3t and 030 llro dwayCouncil llliiffa.Iowk. Table nnpplled with tlin beat thu market af- ouln. (1 od roounandllrat-clasij beds. Tormu , IT } ' roitkonahlo. UNION AVENUE HOTEL. 817 Lower Broadway , Mrs. C. Gerspacher & Son. I'lllHT Cf.A"S IIOTKIi AT HKAHONAIIU : 'UI-K ! < . TltANHICNTH ACCOMMODATKI ) . IIOTKI , rOUijAI.K. UOOU UKAHONB fOll 1BIJ.INn SCANDINAVIAN HOTEL M , Anclorion , - - Proprietor , 782 Uiwcr llrouil uy , Tabln Mippl't'l with Iho brut the market af- urda Torinii ( , Wt.Ontnl $ lOUpi.rwcok , TraiiHlont I.WJ | > ur < hu. 11' "Von Wlhh iv Luncli-Go to LOUIE DUQUETTE , Soujm , Moali , nd l ainblea nlv/nyH on hand. I'lvo Ccntfl per cnll , STARR & BUNCH , HOUSE , SIGN , AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. I'APKIl HANGING , KALSOHINM AND GRAINING , Shop Corner Uroiidwoynnd Scott St liUGHES & TOWSLEE7 DUALKUS IN Confectionery , FruitsWuts Dieiars and Tobacco. Fresh Oysters1 and Ice Cream in Season. 12 MAIN ST. , Oounoil MES. J. P. BILLUPS , I'UOI'ItlKTOH OP RESTAUBANT & EATING HOUSE , 813 South Main Street , Council ll.ufTj. Now house and newly fitted up Inflratclasa etjlo. Mcali at all hoiirn. let cream and Icmo- nadu every oyaiiliijf. Frulta aid confuctloncrloa' J. G. TIPTON , Attorney & Counsellor , OIllcoOMir Flrdt National IinkCouurll ) Hluffii , Iowa. Will puctlco In thu tUtn and foderat conrm STEAM LAUNDRY. 723 W. Broadway. LARSON & ANDERSON , Proprietors , ThUlauu'lry Im Juit been opened for bnal- num , ainl woaroniiw pripircd to do liundry vork of all klndu and finrantto BnllafHctlon A tpucialty niii'io of lluu work , uucli as collire , tilth , lluu tlilrtu , etc. Via want cvurjboJy to Kit u UK a trial , LARSON & ANDERSON. THOU , w , it. , M. 1'tanv. DFFIOEU & PFSEY , Council Bluffs la , Established , 1866 Dealer ! In Korclif-j aid Domestic Kxclungo and h jiiit ) Beuiltli' . _ _ T THE KENDALL PLilTIIG MACHINE I DRESS-MAKERS' OOMPAHION , It i > ldt fro.ii l3o ! it D Inch to width lu tuu coarucvt ' > ' " or flniwt el In It uoei all klnda uu4 ulylea of ( lilting lo nao. e. Ho UJy that dova her own Ureeo-maklnL' cut aQurd to do without cue aa nice plaiting la Dcwont of fashlou , If ( ( enit telll Itaelf , KOI , Clrculura or .Agcut'i ) terms address CONQAK & 00. , US AdainaBt.