Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1882, Image 1

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r ' \
t AI EE ,
Details of tlie Sufferings of tlie
DeLong Party in the Ice-
Eound Regions ,
A Struggle of Six Months
Agamot Huuger and Gold
Ends With Doatb.
Toe Sorrowful Story Taken
From the Diary of Lieu
tenant DeLon ? ,
The Assassin of Garfleld Si
lently Dolibaratmg on
His Summer Trip.
Political Aajcianionti Horrify tlto
Bourbons in BothHousos.
Other Items From tlio National
National Au'dated Press.
WASHINGTON , Juno 20. DoLong'a
note book , aont by Melville , shows
that on
October 5th. The party were on an
allowance of half a pound of dog meat
each per day.
October Oth. Erickson died of
mortification of tho' leg. Hunters
fund nothing. Fourteen pounds of
dog meat left.
October 7th. Breakfantcd on the
laat half a pound of dog meat and last
grain oi tea , and am about to start on
a journey of twonty-fivo miles to
whore a settlement existed , with some
old tea leases and two quarts of al
October 8th. Breakfasted on ono
ounce of alcohol and one pint of hot
water for the "whole party. Made ono
mile , struck a river and had to turn
October 10th. Laat half ounce of
alcohol gone. Began to eat deer skin
caps , having the day before eaten deer
skin foot slippers. Built a fire and
mada a drink frorc tea loaves in nn al
cohol bottle.
Oct. 12th Breakfasted on last
spoonful of glycerine and hot water ;
dinner , coupto of handfuls of Arctic
willow in a pot of water. Hardly anyone
ono of the parly strength enough
.in-f v wood for n fire. Terribln snow
c. 13th - Wdlow tea ; : i horrible
tit alter crossing the liver ; missed
AC , wont b.ick and found ho had lain
down to die. All knelt down and said
the Lord's prayer and cried.
O t. 15th Breakfasted on willow
tea and two old boots. Alexy , the
hunter , broke down , also Leo. Cnmo
to an empty grain raft nnd halted.
Sunday , Oct. IGth Alexy broke
down ; do vine service hold.
dyin v Fho doc-
.ftMfciffisawm eigggff
i Snowiug ; buried Alexy
in the ice.
Oct. 10th Cut up the tent for feet
gear.Oct. . 20th Leo nnd Koch give out.
Oct. 21st Koch found dead at mid
night between DeLong and the doc
tor. Leo died at noon. Prayera were
baid when ho waa dying.
Oct. 22d Too weak to cirry bodies
of Leo and Koch on thej ice. De-
Long and the doctor dragged them
around the corner out of sight. Do-
Long's eye closed.
Oat. 23 , 133d day Everybody
weak ; gathered for night at a fire ,
had prayers , no foot gear.
Oct. 2-1 Bad night.
Oct. 25 and 20 No entries except
writing of dates.
Oct. 2" Iveson and Bieko down.
Oct. 28 Ivesen died this morning.
Oct. 20 Dressier died during the
The last entry is aa follows :
"Sunday , Oct. 30 , 140th day
Boyd and Gratz died during night.
Collins is dyintr. They struggled for
life against hunger and cold for sev
eral days. They were kept olive by
drinking a decoction of old tea loaves
and alcohol. "
National Antedated I'rnsa.
WAHHINOION , Juno 20. J , W.
Guitcau has boon employed all day
condensing now evidence of hia
brothers insanity , which ho proposes
to submit to President Arthur. Ho
has it in the form of printed slips , the
matter * being aufliciont to make u
pamphlet of ton pagea. Ono of the
luttera from which ho quotes is from
J , II , Noycs , once the head of the
Ontiua community , written in 1808.
In it Noycd says : "I regard him
( Guitcau ) insane. I prayed for him
last night as sincerely as 1 overprayod
for my own son , now in the lunatic
asylum. " In 18(58 ( , E. H. Hamilton
wrotu that ho thought Guiteau de-
Another of the ktters is from the
assassin himself to his father , in
which ho claims inspiration and aa-
aorta ho is in the employ of Jesus
Christ it Go. t
Another letter , 1873 , from L. W.
Gultoau , declares Charles Guiteau insane -
sane and irresponsible for hia actions.
The letter given to John by the ass-
assln during the trial ia printed with t !
' the rest. . It ia n note of introduction
to President Arthur , wlioni ho ad-
drcesea aa "my dear fiipnd , " request
ing him to talk freely with John , and
instruct prtsi cuting attorneys to go
Besides these there are a number of
other cranky cllusioim from Guiteuu ,
John vifliita to proaont this evidence
of insanity to the president to-morrow
if the lattor.returns to thu city in time ,
Lira. ScoVillo arrived hero to-night
accompanied hy her little- daughter ,
and ia stopping with a friend. She
. appears careworn and excited. She
does uoi wish to make any public at
statement nt proton t. She nrd 1 > hn
will probably visit the najlum to-inor-
row , Itia said to bo the intention of
both to witnoas the execution.
Nothing haa yet been done ir re
gard to the disposition of Guituan's
corpu1. It is thought , however , the
jail authorities will deliver it inti > the
hands of hia friends if they make any
demand for it , but it is doubtful , so
it ia said , if they will claim it and also
doubKul if they will insist on the ex
amination of the brAin. While John
ia trying to prove hia brother ia in-
aano ho beliou-s c post mortem exam
ination of the brnhi would elv w it ii
physically sound
( iiiitcnu w a bilonl durinj ; the < iy.
Ho apoku very little. Ho ecomed to
fully realize hit approaching end.
Smio sin uUr movement ! on the
part of lined men who were seen
skulking rouiid the jail last evening
lead some peiplo to suspect that some
violent plot uiprilitig Guiteau is con
templated , butthiro secma httlo OCCA-
eion to fear any violence.
The bill incorporating the Anglo-
American Caul * uompjny to run lines
from Unltimoro Europe waa inlro-
ducod in the ccnato to-dny. It makes
llobt. GurrcttJbf Iho Baltimore A :
Ohio raihoad , N. F. Frick and J. W.
Bunovs incorporatorj.
Thu latest bulletin from the cousin
clliciiils showd tljo number of males in
the United Stales over 21 years , 12-
830,310 , of whom 8,270,578 aronativo
nnd 3,072,487 of foreign birth. The
number of colored men ia 1-187H-1 ! ,
the number of farms is 38,400 , num
ber of establishments manufacturing
woolen goods 2,084 , with 8159,000,000
capital nnd employing 100,000 hands.
have not returned , but nro expected
to arrive during the night or tomorrow
row nt the latest ,
The senate in executive session con
firmed Francis C. Witxall collector of
customs of St. Augtiatmo , Fla. The
nomination of Smith aa paymaater
general of the n.ivy waa discussed at
length. No action.
ia engaged in writing n reply to Geo.
W. Curtis and the attorneys , in which
ho claims they are evading the iasuo
which they themselves raised , They
refuse to take the ciso to the attorney
general , though they proposed that
in the original circular ,
National Aswmtul I'roaa.
WAMiiNiiroN , Juno 20. Senator
Pendtoton , in u speech on the resolu
tion imtructing the civil service com
mittee to inquno into the attempt fo
levy as'iei uieni for political purposes
on government employes , declared
Ilubboll's circular illegal and contrary
to the true spirit of our institutiong.
Senator Alliiou defended the circu
lar as a request for voluntary contri
bution. In 1880 but 11,000 responded
to a similar circular sent to 18,000 ,
and none of the 7,000 were removed ,
Senator Allison contended that the
circular in its ajyl , < > irit
csconce v was
. . _ . . _ . .
'J. * \ fc- - w - * i Ttw * * * r i. i
perfectly juatifiablo.
The house resolution for adjourn
ment until July 10th waa laid on th
Senator Van \Vyck wanted to know
if the B.-ssomcr Steel M.umfacturin
company had boon assessed 2 par cent
Senator Alhtnn did not know , bu
thought tlt y ought to contribute Ho
orally. ( Lmghter )
Senator "V n Wyck wont on to d
procato thia nothod of raising moic >
tor political \ > urpoBo ? , causing f-
quor.t laughtciV n the democratic aiO
The report olf.ho conference com
mittco on the aiy appropriation b.l
wan adopted. '
The senate wont into executive aus
uion , and at 5:25 : adjourned ,
The house pT naed the bill jppropria >
ting § 10 , 000 ft * a. public building a'
\Villlamsport. I
The committees ropori
on the army billvvraa reported and ac
copied. V
The appropriation committee has
: pmplotcd the sunlry civil appropria
tion bill iind will r\port it.
At 245 ; p.m.\th& house took up
Mr. Kolly'a interinxyievenuobin.
The amendment ' reducing the tax
) n cigars four dollars per thousand
ind on cigarrettos one dollar per
; houaand was adopted without dia-
lontion , the ropublicoiia votintr in
avor. A. number of other amend.
nonta relating to the tax on alcohol ,
obacco , etc. , were rejected.
During the debate Mr. i Cox intro'
lucod an amendment tlmtXno aesees
nonta for political purpoaii a ainat
hose employed under this Sill bo per
An animated diecuesion followed ,
ho republicans claiming thai nobody
r'aa forced to ] > ay aescaamonla' .
Mr. Kaason aflirmod it was the
uty of every employer to refune to
y if ho did not want to pay , v nd if
ny official cauaus him to bo romnvod
Dr ao doing , ho ( Kasaon ) would do-
ounce him on this tloor , [ Applause
n the repualicin side. ]
Mr. Springer asked if he was an-
homed to say to employes that the/
ould not bo dismissed if they re-
jsod to pay.
Mr. Hubbcll replied io fur as ho
aa concerned ho would give the gen-
rman the authority ,
The previous question was ordered
u the bill at 7:2U. : Ajourncd.
IJcvltt nt PhiladolpLia.
A toct ted 1'reu.
Juno 2 < i , An en-
reception was tonc'ered ' Mi-
lael Davitt this evening att\io Acad-
ny ot M UBio , which wasarowdod ,
hurlca Emory Smith protiiwd and
itroducod Daritt , who del. tored a
tort address , The mention pf the
lines of 1'arnull , Dillon anif other
rominent leaders waa cheered. Three
andred penons were aoatod oU the
ago , including prominent citizens
nud ropresenlrttivpa of tholandleague
branches. Pnuninont local speakois
followed Mr. Davitt.
TlnriilnR Box Cnrt.
Kfttionil A soclitcJ 1'tcfs.
Three cars loaded with chlor.tto of
pottaasium took fire nnd wore sidetracked -
tracked hero yesterday. Water thrown
on the burninir Mrs nly added to the
fury of the flames and caused an ex-
ploaion of the chemicalB , There were
consumed also three cirs loulcd with
lumber. Loss , § 10,000.
Commit , of lltnU-
tV.tooM A" ociMc' ' 1'ro a
SALT L\KK , Juno 20CJeo. . Q
Cannon , the deposed congrosionnl
dolopato fiom I'tah , wil' ' , it ia ntnted ,
start for Washington in n di\y or two.
His visit here is c wooded to hnvn
been connected Avila the Utah com
mission. Ho epuko in the Motiunn
tabernacle ycntoidny , but said noth
ing Jmportunt. Ilia cour o was nua-
ttiiunl by the unanimous vote of those
picocnton motion of Proaidt-ntTnylor.
Ktt oiul Aj'ocHtctl i'lca- .
LOMIO.V , Juno 20. Iviu Cotownjo
leaves Capo of Good Hupo shortly for
England. The queen intended to
have ordered he bo allowed to make
iho visit , as ho had often oxproaaul a
wish to do ao.
cuoss or MKiuimn.
Juno 2C. The
sultan has conferred the order of the
Grand Crosa of Modjidiu on Arab !
Bey , Egyptian minister of war.
AtExANDiti.v , Juno 20. M Do
Le&scps aakod llauhub Pasha , presi
dent of the council , aa to the truth of
rumnin that Arabi Hey , minister of
war , had made prcpiration to destroy
the Sue/ canal in the event of England
and Franca intervening in Egyptian
alidiid , Itnghob Pasliu replied thu ru
mor waa quito imaginary , and on thu
contrary the government would en
deavor to maintain the security of the
canal in ease of any ditturbnnco.
LONDON , Juno 20 In Iho hnu u of
commona this ovening- Sir Charlca
Dilko , under secretary ot foreign
upeaking of the trouble in
Egypt , aunouncod that representatives
of each power in conference at Con
stantinople signed a protocol to pre
vent the acquisition of the territory
in 1'gypt Ic wna intimitod in the
French chambar ot deputies and in
house of commons on Thursday lmt
that such protocol would bo signed.
Nothing contained in the protoc 1
precludes England from opposi.ig the
neutralisation of the Suez canal.
UioA , Juno 20. Eirly thia morn
ing a lite broke out in a largo theatre
hero and burned steadily nil day. By
midnight there waa ucarcaly anything
left of the building. There is n
picion that the theatru waa sot on
Uro by nihilists.
LONDON , Juno 20. Thoportonsain
11 t irt * -
the Egyptian army" to bo loyal1 to the
sultan nnd ministry and is prepared
to aupport the otatn quo. Hence it
concluded the conference ia unnecca-
aary.Ar.ibi Pasha threatens if ho is over
thrown ho will publish written proof
that he bus acted ainco September at
the instigation of the > porto.
BEIIUN , Juno 27. Bismarck ia
again indiKposod , not seriously. He
haa gene to Vaizon to recuperate. Ho
has requested no ofiiciid matters for-
wnrded him there. His temporary
retirement is partially occasioned by
disappointment over the defeat of the
tobacco bill.
National Au-.oclc.teJ 1'rcaj.
Donau CmIa. . , Juno 2J. ( At
Cimarron , e small station near this
place , yesterday , J. A. Shumate , n
merchant , was shot nnd instantly
killed by J. \ \ , Dixon , deputy sheriff.
Shumnto had threatened to kill Dixon
in eight , and when they mot Dixon
ired without warning
CINCINNATI , Juno 2(1. ( Samuel Dib-
> y , who murdered n saloon keeper a
bw yearp ugo and npont n fortune in
lofonso , was found dead In the woods
jenr Newport , Ky. , pistol in hand.
To had been dead fully a week. ON THIAL.
ST. Louis , Juno 2Joseph ( ! Me-
Jurren , ono of the gamblers who
dead not guilty List week , is being 1
ried tp-day , 1t 1i i
HUJCinK. t
, Juno 2i ( , August
Schumann , aged 20 , suicided by cut-
ing hh th\oat with a razor and iump-
ng from tht third story window of
lis uncle's ryorrocco factory. Cause
inknown. \
NEW Onu\N8 , Juno 2J ( Civil <
udgo Limrus gave judgmnnt to-day f
gainst the sureties on the bonds of 1
! x-Civil Sherifl' J. II. A. Goutreaux , t
few Orleans parian , accused of defuld
ation of 8132,000.- 1
NEW Yoiih , Juno Si. ( Alderman
onea , of Brooklyn , cbftreod with im.
lication in the theftacf William Stu-
r ( , defaulting secretary of the Brook- ,
pn board of education , was tried to- !
ay. A verdict wai rendered ugainst
im for S230.C92 80 , the full amount
Uiinud ,
S'oneca V. Hnltoway , late teller of
li Poughkoopaio National bank , was
jund guilty in the United States cir-
uit court to-day of defrauding the
auk } He was aontencod to six yearn
i the Erie county penitentiary.
AtnriN , Tox. , Juno 20 , Ex-United
tntoa Marshal Russell was to-day in-
ioltd for the" fifth time for perjury ,
to gave bondaifor trial. Edward 11.
Peiren w.n indicted oil the olmgo ol
robb'D , ' thiity rcsistpred letters ol
bum < < Bg ng tinir S800. Hit father
is n promita nt Mtthodist mitii cr in
Tunncssco , Ilia prAndfalhor in Bishop
Pearcc , of Now Voik.
UuciirsTKR , N. Y Juno 20. Mrs.
Sarah Stnunton , of Albion , was nz-
rosled to-Jay for fraud in drawing n
pension for liftron yoaro , an the \iil-
ow of S. II. Blanchnrd.
" ' . " ' .
"nil Associated 1'rfM.
Dinnotr , Mich , , Juno 2(1 ( The
tenm toloctod by the State lUllo asm-
cintinn to ropreaent Mii'higiii nl the
international military mntcU m Creed-
iroor in Spptembor nro Alfred H.IW-
nrd , S. E Webster , 1 ? . B Dt.a-.n ! , R
M. I5 r u3 , J. S. Packhavor , ( ? ro\
Wakott , F. J. Oonly , D. McN npli.
ton , B O. Bush , 0. N. Hoot , S II.
A very , II. SI. S perry , M. lUtmroe ,
Uip'uin Porter , T. 11. Miutung and
II. Welner. aiunncor , Cnptam IVni-
hvui ; socrotnry , Alfred Howard.
CHIC uio , Juno 20. Wenlhpr warm ,
day fiiio , twek heavy from recent
laini Tiio lirat nee , milo dash , nil
nges , Bdotju'ck , the favoiiU1 , won by
ono length , Clua Mathovrs cccindj
time 1:50. :
The apcond race , ladies' ntnkos , for
2-year-olds , three quaitoro ot n nnlo ,
§ 50 utitranco nnd § 800 added , was
won by Miaa Woodford , Yis-u-Vn
fircond ; time 1:20 : .
The third raoolJ Board of Tiadti
handicap Bwoopatnko , all npca , g.)0 )
entrance and 81,000 added , mile and
a half , waa won by Bon d'Or , John
Davis second ; time 2:10- : .
In the fourth race , hurdle puree ,
S 1 , COO , milo heata , over four hurdles ,
two hoata were won by Qug ; time
l:58\j : ono heat waa won by Judge
Burnett ; time 1:55 : | .
The fifth race , club purse and
§ 3,000 , nil ages , ono and one-eighth
null1 ? , mia won by Stanton , Mary
Corbet second ; time 2:00. :
Illtlliino.V 1IEAOI1 11ACES.
Niw : YOUK , Juno 26. The races
nt Brighton Beach continued to-d.iy.
Firat llnoo Purse , $200 ; _ umidon
3 ; three quarter milo , won
by Montauk , with Clique t second ;
time , 1:10. :
Second Baco Par.'q , § 200 ; allngcs ;
aoven furlongr ; won by Bramb.tlutt ,
with Mainio Fields second ; time , lV2 :
Third llacoPUMO , , 200 ; for nil
nsoa , soil in t , ' nllowancoa ; aovon fur
longs ; won by Traveler , with Bullo of
the North oecoud ; time , 1:05. :
Fourth Rico-Piirao , § 200 ; all ages ;
ono milo ; won by Colonel Sailors , with
Eltio II. second ; time , J:5lA. :
Fifth race , purse S2QD , haudirnp
Inirdlo race , milo nnd a quaiter over
five ( ivo hurdles , w.vt 'won bj Gift ,
Victim second ; time , 223 ; | .
A hoary nhowcr sot in nt the con
clusion of the first men , but norm
cluarod on" , leaving n alow track for
other ovonta.
CLEVELAND , Juno 24.Tioya 4.
Olovolands 10.'ftui'
CHIOAOO , Juno 24. CjHMjoa ; 0 ,
Providence 0.
cM.4 - '
DKTUOIT , Juno a
Detroits 8 , thirteen i.
PHILAIIIIU-HIA , Jino 21 Metre
politan of Now Yorlc3hiladclphiaa 2
HANOVKK , N. [ f. , JAne 20 Dart
mouth 11 , U-irvard 10.
The Grooloy Expoilitirm.
KctlnnU Acuoclatwl L'ttsa.
NEW Yoiiit , Juno 2 ( ! . - Tlio Bocnnd
of the proposed Rerun of annual sup
ply expeditions to tlu ( Jroelcy ex
ploration party , whoso Jieadquartorn
ia in Lidy Franklin bay loavca hereto
to morrow on the stcauer Alhambrn ,
which will convey supplies to St.
Johsiu , whern thoj1 are transferred to
the steamer Neptune , bound for Dis
covery harbor. The pjrty will consist
of ( ivo oohictod men and emi Kurgoon ,
in conitnand of Liouteiifiit lirooloy.
Katlonnl nroalatcil 1'rcsa ,
BiiiiioEroiiT , Ct. , JUDO 20 Jamoa
Holdon nnd Lowia A , l > ud , Jr. , both
ten years old , were bathing at Seaside
park Lood was drownidandlloldon
Burno't to Death.
Vitlotial Aisoc'atol 1'roat ,
WoLFHiiono , N. II , Juno 20. Joro-
niahChatnburhin , of Briokliold , nqod
' 5 , waa burned to death in a burning
) ush , Saturday.
Thn Raiif-ars Out-
Jatlonal Aiuac'atcil ' Fter * .
DALLAB , Texas , Juno 20. A com-
liny of ntate rangera wore nont to
Jane county to preaorvf order. Three
nen were killed in an o'd ' feud , Fur-
her trouble ia fcarod.
A Buniiuic Ooul Mlno.
rational Amociatec ] froaa.
WiLKiwiiAiuii : , Pa. , Juno 20 , The
ilan of the WilltuBburro Coal and
rpn company to flood the Diamond
nine from the SuBquchanna is nbr.n-
onod. It would require a cutting of
orty feet deep and three milou long.
'ho mountain streams that run into
ho mine are rapidly drying up , The
ra ia extending forty fcot south.
'horinometer. 1,000 fcot from there
ro , 100' .
David Davln
n'.lonal AcsodttoJ i'rnt.
Ui.ooMiNfiTON , III , Juno 20 , Vice
'resident Davis , after adjournment
f emigres ! , will return to hia homo
i this city for a Sow weeks' rest , after
rh'ch ho will go to Sar.itoga Springs
rid other caatorn watering places ,
atloiul AsiocIitcJ I'ttv.
PiiTiiiuiia , Pa , , Juno 20. A crank
amediColbin , from Qberlin , Ohio ,
o used ijljiani-ing Guitoau , Ho had
Iso a full i/.od scallold on Iho , train.
lo eaya ho'will bo the hangman .
Business Fraotically at a Stand
still in Now lotk and
Vicinity ,
Scarcely a Pound of Freight
Moving In or Out
of the City.
The Rnllvandi Standing Out
Till the lHuUIitUci GJ
lute ICIfuot ,
When tli o UomniHls or the Men Will
] ! o unintod.
Kitlontl AwocUtc.l 1'rc's.
, ir.l KY t'lTY
.l i nv CIT\ , Juno 2(1.- ( The track
men on the Eno mul Delaware V
Ijicknwaunn ro.ida ntruck for un in-
erenao ft cm 11 oontn nn houi lo 81.50
per day. The nlrikcrn nltendod n
meeting nt St. iUiolmol a institute hole1
by the freight Imndlora' union. Hondo
ending nt Joiftoy City are dulivorinp
freight there to consignees. The
frciuht handlers' atrilso in Now York
prevents hauling on Iho Now York
side. Freight for points like Newburg -
burg , Peith , Ainboy nnd Elizabeth-
port ia being sent from Joraoy Oitv by
xmipnnioa in bargoa nnd the alrikora
liavu sent committuea there to induce
the Imndlora to join the strikers. The
strikers nro quiet , but four hundtod
apcoial police are on duty nt § 05 n
month , each railroad to pay the bill.
The Pennsylvania railroad will awoar
in mo thousand apcciala to-morrow.
It is probable that all connected with
: ho handling of freight , switches nud
.racka of nil rends ending at Jeraoy
City will bo on n strike within n few
daya. No east-bound train CAII there-
tore arrive.
Niw ; YOUK , Juno 2(5. ( The ntiiko
of freighthnndlora hna completely
checked railway business , nnd tun
niilca of freight , mostlyporishnblo , in
lacked along thu wharves. The
strikers are rapidly organizing into n
union. The morchanta are preparing
lo go to law nnd compel the r.ulrond
compania to pay the udv.uico do-
m.indcd by the atrikoro nnd move the
freight. The atrikora are orderly.
There ii no material chnngo in the
condition of the freight handler.- ) '
atriko , nnd no disturbance or broach
of peace has yet taken placo. Five
hundred strikers paraded peacefully
in Jcnioy City thia mnrning , although
n largo force of regular nnd special
policeman were on hand. There win
no occasion for their aervicoB. Thn
Erie railroad succeeded in sondinc ; oil'
a quantity of freight , by taking it In
bargea to Newburg and South Ainboy ,
whence it was transferred to Uio main
lino. AO'iura on this road uro com
plicated to-day by the atriko of track
men demanding SI. CO per day. The
Pennsylvania road claims that the
' " '
fujly on the railroad ofliciala nnd'te
coivod no reply. The Ttnlinn emi
grants employed nt aomo places an
accuaod of breaking open pnckage
and stealing coods. The fruit trade i
eapccially injured by the strike , a
heavy orders for fruit in nnticinntioi
of the 4Mi of July mint remain un
filled. Many merchnntn exprena th
opinion that thn ntrilto will be o dot
by tlio railroad companion conceding
to the demands of the alrikoni nox
Wednesday , when tholncreaood froigh
fiiriH''oci , ! intj ell'ect , The largo nc
cumulation of freight now at the
ii QUO tu will then ha forwarded nt tlu
inurcancd ratoa , and the ruilrondn wil
thus , instead of losing by the actioi
of the strikers , mnko money. Not
withstanding the delays in ahipping
huycM fiom the vest , south nm
* outhwoat h.ivo recently been purchna
ing Irooly under the influence of tlio
sheering crop nowa from thoao parts
Jatlnui.1 Amoclatod 1'ruti.
NEW YOUK , Juno 2il ThoIIobrovr
Jinigrant aid society nnnounco itn inn
) iiity to provide for the vast number
) f Russian rofuKocs daily arriving.
Burglar Shot
National Anuclatvd 1'rcuu
DBTUOIT , Alioli. , Juno 20 A bur-
; lar named Daniel In Ports , \rho at-
r.niptcd to rob the ptoro of II. F. iS y-
lor , at Heratuy , Mich , , vun shot and
langoroualy wounded by C. Snyder.
I'hu later gave himeulf up. La I'orto
i in u critical condition at the jail.
Kxtiadltmic the Firo.
Intlciial I'toia A ( ocatlon ! ,
OANANDAKll'A , N. Y. , JllllO 0 , A
crvant girl employed by Mr . Wol-
are attempted ycntorday to light n
ire in the kitchen etovo with kero-
one. " * The house was burned down
nd the ( iirl ao badly injured thai uho
lied to-day.
'utloiial AmiochtKl l'rc.H .
WAHIIINOTON , Juno 27. For Iho
ipper Miuainsippi and Missouri val
3VB : Slightly warmer eaat to uouth
rinds , partly cloudy weather , light
3cal rains and stationary or lower
I'oisoucd hy ChooKu ,
latlonal Auoclatca 1'roiu
LKAVKNWOUTJI , Kuu. , Juno 2(1. ( A
lumber of ponjona were poieoncd last
veiling by eating now cheese. None
, ixvo died , but Hcveral are in n dan-
eroua condition , The checoo ia to
The lawn Ktrutlo.
f.tooal ! ABMuUtUrJ from.
_ , Ia. . Juno 20. Oreat ta
itemeiit provailu here to-niKht over
ho coming election on the question i f
rohibition. Frionda of prohibitioi
ave boon ut work all day diatribut-
ig tickets , and the last grand rally
i being hold. Thoao opposed uro
working qnito r.s hard. Hundred *
of fore pncva have been imturnlijad ,
niRiiy of whom nro old residents
Kvory naloon in the oily will bo closei
to-morrow , that propriotora mny put
In work nt the polls. I'rayor meetings
ings will bo held iu the chnrchca for
the success of tlio atnondmont. Both
sides are confulout ,
nnd JUuilor.
NktlonM A 30cJ tM I'WM.
BOSTON , Juno 20. Conklinc nnd
Butler rcnc''od ' ' lioro on the Fiill Hivnr
boat from Now Yoik hst night. They
wore tofjotht r in close convention the
whole \\ay , but both deny it had nny
politic il
Do\v'n Kmlorioraout.
KntlontlKgoo'.Mr < l 1'
B\N < iol ( , Me , Juno 20. Nenl Dow
cmlorscn the republican ticket of
Dloimtch to Tlio Beo.
IVIVUMY : , Neb. , Juno 2(1.-Tho (
canal ia nn assured OUCCCB ? , the bonds
carrying by 1108 for lo 80 ngniust.
A Lively Encounter With Midnight
It will bt ) remembered by the nu-
moroui readers of Tun thnt soiuo
little time ngo Mr. AloVoy , roaiding
on Ninth olroot between Ciipitol
Avouuo and Dodge wns robbed of
450 , the burc-lars getting elF scot
free , and it would seem aa if this had
emboldened thu who nightly in
fest thia region with folonioua intent ,
nud last Saturday night they mnde
mother attempt nt the residence of
Sir , .loliM Stornadorffj but owing to the
[ > resencu of mind nnd bravery dia
jhvyed by Mr Oeorgo J. SlortisdnrfT
Jioy were uiiBUCcosnfiil.
About 2 o'clock Sunday morning
i wo men opened the gntonnd got. in
the hick p-irt of the building , but Mr.
[ J. J. Stornsdoiir , who wna sitting up
late reading Tin : Br.i : , heard them
trying the ahuttora nnd called to
hem , when they immedintoly mrulo
oil' Ho rushed out after thnm nnd
whistled for the police , but none
3amo in time lo bo of IIEO. M r ,
ijtornudoru" observed thnt tlioy lind
oonio tooln in tlioir Imnda with which
they evidently intended to effect an
entrance. Mr. Sternsdorlf s.iya ho
laa made arrnngomunta to recrivo
nny moro visitors of thia description
n a most lively ntylo , which
vill probably ii\\3 them nil they
Tlio BiiBinoaa of tUo Dlutilct Couit-
I'ollco Rocord.
In district court yesterday the con-
inuation of the trial of Sidney Smith
occupied Iho court nil day. A special
venire wan on Saturday issued for fifty
jurors in the Kontor'o caco , to report
thia afternoon nt 1:110. : Thin will bo
the Kniith
was "Nosey" O'Brien , who plead
guilty iu Uio charge of intoxication ,
that being all the olllcora could hold
him en. Ho will go up for a time ,
long enough lo allow iho lovtn author
itioa to send for him.
Tw > dialiirboin of Iho pcaco were
disposed of ns usual.
Three boyo nro held for iitcalin n
pair of steel buggy nprings end ice
tonga ,
Jiicob Kaufman , of Sixteenth otreot ,
has been compluinud aaiiiat ; ; for keep
ing hia saloon open after 12 o'clock.
J. M. Sweden is charged with
nsaault and bnttory on the portion of
John Burr.
Mm. Williihn is charged with beat' '
ing n small boy on thu head with a
Mr. Kroba , proprietor of the vine
gar factory , complained ngainata man
for detaining three luirelii of vinegar
rescued from the lloodflLSunday after
waahing out from hiaTCcullnr. The
accused doinanda salvage/
Important Mcotlner nt the TJ , C. L. A.
A very impoitant and largely ut-
; ended meeting of Iho l.ind Jcigit
ran hold Sunday afternoon , at the
oems of ( ho U. 0. L A , in Crcighton
HitiBfitecory ropori u concerning the
iroliminii'y arrangements in nil the
lepartmcntH of the -Ith of July picnic ,
fore received.
The committco on arrangomonta
ton instructed lo invite a number of
mr prominent citi/.ana to attend.
It waa determined that dancing
hould bo fico within the ground * ,
ho park tickol entitling the holder to
ill dancing privileges.
The committees lu-e all jubilant
ivor the anticipated uucceea of the
It wan decided to invitp Michael
JaviU to bo present if poaaiblo ,
The land league appointed F , W.
3 ray chief marshal , and Choa. Ifanloy
iflBintnnt. chief marshal ,
The A. 0. II. elected their mar-
hill last night.
A programme of the day , with full
nfornmtion , will Lo published in due
imo ,
Committee of nrrangomontB np-
minted lo tabo chi'.rgo of the Lund
euguo picnic , to bo , hold at Hoac.Ul
iaik , Bouth Omaha , Tuesday , July
I tli , 1882 : F , W. Gray , chairman ;
r. J. Nichol , John lUiuh , M. Dono-
ran , Jamea Hunugan , J. C , Brenimn ,
, ' . 1,1. O'Urion , John O'Donohpo ,
3h H. McDonald , M. Loahoy , Patrick
' 'ord , Michuol Leo , Thomas Swift ,
ind P.itrick MaArdlo ,
Commilto on Dancing : Miohal Leo ,
kliohaol lleilly , P. W. Turpy.
F ,
& SON , '
Magazines of 'all kinds
Send for REDUCED
price-list of Job Print-
Importer of , and Dealer in
Zitlior Strin&B anil lusic ,
1121 FarnamSt , Omaha.
OoniinitlocToii GimesT if /
nan , Samuel Mofluph , J , B. Nich'ol.
Oomniittee on Grounds : John
D'Donohoo , John HeiAi ) , Larry lan-
'iin , Ed. ifraniian , Thomas Gudin ,
rhoman Bigly.
Committo on Di'inor : M. Donovan ,
John Jlnrli , Ohno. fileDoimld , Juinea
[ luiiaKan , Thomtib Tullon.
f'ouiniitteu un Badges : Jamua llon-
'J'ho fourth annual oommoncnmnnt
if Croighton colloKo takca place in the
wllego hall next WedncHday evening.
rile pronrftmnioconaista of a numbir
jf excel lent reaitaliotiB. declamations ,
, rocal and initruinenUI muaio , and an
) riginal dialogue cntiilc.d "Holiday
"Fauciea , " which latter will in-
-rodiico nine of the students Thu
Jocilia society , outaisling ot thirty
itudonlo , will render a number of
) horuaoo under the direction of Prof ,
\ug. WnUhor. The orehcatral soloc-
.ionu will be rendered by Holfinan'a '
Milargod orchestra. Among thu pieces
jf thu latter will bo found Pueriier'a
'Irish ' Patrol , " u now ovorturu which
a ut the pioBont time one of the most
iopiilnr of the now ovorturoi in the
nf thn
The third annual iiiatallntiun of olli-
j-iHof the Union Library csBociation
iv I i take [ ditco next Thursday ovoninj { ,
lu date huviiif , ' I' oil t'i. < ijcd { so im
101 to cot II ict ni * i the oUmin uxor-
ijsoa of tlu Bohuuh , An interesting
nusical ami lityrary programma has
) ouu arranged for the occasion ,
Kutio McNamarn ,
The funeral of Httlo Katie Mo-
Hainan ) , infant daughter of Mr. nnd
ifra. M A. McNamara , was necea-
nrily poatponod from ! ) :30 : a , m. to
p , m , Sunday , on account of the
tortn. At that time it tool : place
rom the residence nnd was largely
Handed , interment taking place at
lie Holy Bopulchor. A beautiful
'Into casket received the remains of
liu Httlo ono and the pujl-bourera
roro six Httlo girla drtmcd in white.
'hey were Clara Oroightnu , Bessie
) 'Brion , Lillie D-jJlono , Fillio Swiff ,
aila Miller and Francei O'Brien ,
The funeral waa the first conducted
iy McCarthy nnd Burkf , in thia city.
Nonoi : . D !
I will bo at the southwcafc"
orner of Thirteenth nnd J.wkson ' 5
troets on thu 21)th ) day of June , A. D.
.882 , for thapurposoof correcting the
eviration list in the Second ward of
) mnha , pud to register tlio legal vo-
era in said ward.
I , 8 , HASCLVLL , lUgiatror.
Dated Juno 20th , 1882 , -U