Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1882, Image 8

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    r J
Desire to call ospooial attention of the trade , to their latest and most DECIDED SUCCESS in the cigar lino. Their justly celebrated brand
Made in five different
stock , can produce , Lovers
satisfy you that under the " "
Combination Oo Cigar. I Combination 5o Cigar. Combination 5o Cigar.
Combination tj Cigar. Combina-ion 5o Uigar.
Uombin oion oo Cigar. Combination 5o Cigar- f'omb'uation ' 5o Oigar ,
Combination 5o Cigar.t Combination 5o Cigar.
Combination qc Gisar , Combination 5o Cigar. Combintit on 5c Clear.
Combination 5o C'gar. ' Corabina ion 5n Ci''ar.
9 3
The Daily
Monday Mornincr. Juno 26
\Voatlior Koport.
( The following observation' nro taknn at
the same moment of time at all the stations
named. )
Hlvcr 14 loot 0 Inches abo\ hl h wntcr mark a
Omaha and 12 foot 0 Inchon at Ymiltton.
A. Jndy passciiKcr on the wcst-bount
train yesterday had a cage with n.numhor
of fine fluKora In it. The tnualo of the
birds filled the air and attracted n goat
deal of attention to I ho umimul potmil.
Among the late orders for Jarvis fur
naces the I'ond Knglneering company o
St. I.oula have contracted to Ret a boiler
for the Omaha smelting works and refill
_ lug company in this city.
On Friday night last the lightning
killed several hogs belonging to Henry
Hilcko , In McArdlo prccinnt , and also KOV
cral nt Jtuscr'n. Two colta were klllod Ir
lightning in the pamo neighhorhood ,
Ono of the mains of the Omaha water
ayutcin , which paH'Oa under the Slxtccntl
etrcot bridge , broke about hilf. : ] > aat two
yesterday afternoon with a terrific report ,
the water uponling out anil donning the
briclco anil everything In thl.i vicinity. It
has hcen icpalrod.
Theovorltnd train from the woat yo -
leiilay afternoon brought In two I'ullmnn
Bloepcrs cxtr.i , containing TliDinaa Cook &
Son'a tourist party , who 'woro about forty
strong. They proceeded from the transfer
to Chicago , Their til [ > wcf > t was miulo
over the Southern 1'acllio.
The Chicago Novva lu speaking of the
canal cote agalnat the Pennsylvania rail
road company in which the plalntllf ro
covcrod.Of teen thousand dollars nays : "ThU
ia the case in which the attorney for the
plaintiff wax refused permission by the
court to take elF h ! * coat whllo making a
xpccch to the jury. "
A special coach containing < i\itto a
number of the U , 1' . shop men , iiccnin
paulcd by their ladleovas sldo trackoc
hero on Monday lait and had a ploananl
time fishing and plcnlclng. 'Ihey oocuplet
Tremouthall | at nlglit nnd danced the even
ing away , Waterloo Is n favorite resorl
for such toclal excuralonUts , and wo can
boitt of as good natural plcomiro ro orta
as any towu lu the tate , Waterloo ( '
The train vhlch ciihcd fiom the
webt yosterduy aftornoo i onoountercd the
ball Btorm which paused over thia city In
the morning at Willow I laud , two hun
dred tnd fifty mllea wodt of hero , llnll
Htonca M largo as waluuta fell , poltlng the
topj of the cars and leaving dents in the
roofing , The panseugort ! were frightened ,
many of them , an i rose and drcHsed them-
helves expecting to he obliged to got out of
the train. No windows were bro
ken , owing to the speed with
which the train wai moving ,
and they arrived at the end of tha route
without any difficulty ,
Win. Patrick was arre tei l''ridoy
for stealing a pocket book containing $10
from Mary 8 < nstrom. William spent seven
and a half dollare uf the money f < > r n
nlckle plated wntch nnd nftenvarda In the
Kenoroaity of hU heart , cent the remalog
two and n half dollar * to hln relatlvex in
Indiana. Notwltlibtlng hisgetierouity the
judge Bcntenccd him to 0 days nt hard
labor for the benefit of the county.
Friday was on eventful day for the
Bchool children of district No , 4 , Douglas
precluct. After the uausl ceremonies mul
'the diutiibuUon of tome very tioat end ap.
proprlato presents by their teacher , Jllsa
Allc Powers , they adjourned in a cyilo *
nlc "cloud to Bartor's gruve where the
children wet their parents who were fully
prepared for their reception. It is noud-
I'M to say tlmt they took in everything at
a glance and the plc-nic began , aud young
und old both took hold. Tlie gentlemanly
director * , Meisra , Beagley , Baytor and
C'osaldy were conspicuous and deserve
credit for the manner in which they look
after the educational Interest ! o ( their
Uon't fall to vole for Ihu pavement
hdiiili Tuesday.
Tjot us have n full vole for the pave
ment bonds next Tuesday.
A npuclal meeting of the Ancient Or
der of Hibernians will ho hold at Knony'n
on Monday evening , Juno 20 , for election
of olllccra nnd Mich other buntncM ai may
oomo hcforo them.
There will ho no public ImprovcmonU
In Omaha for the present seanon unless the
paving bonds cirry next Tuesday.
rfvcry tradesman In Omaha It interested
In the paving question , If the bonds car
ry thuro will ho work for worklngincn and
tint will put money in circulation among
the merchants.
Coroner .Tacolw received a dis
patch from II. T. Vandonhurg , of Denver ,
the brother of the man whono body wan
omul Friday in the MtsHourl , saying ;
"Bury the remains no tho/ can V.u removed
and rolnlnpnporsuntll you hear from mo. '
The sender Is ijuito wealthy and will , m
doubt , flco tlmt the body Is properly dls
posed of ,
-A clerical looking Individual who car
rlod an umbrella and fan , an.'l had n mos I
sedate appearance , arrested 1'ridnj
BH a tramp nnd sent up for fifteen
days at hard labor. IIo tried to huy oul
1'Ivonkt'd saloon for a check on an Town
bank for 81,700 nnd falling to Miccccd of
fered to neil thu check for two do'laiH. He
claimed to have found the paper In nn
old pookot book.
A man who gives hii nrxino as John
Thresher was nrrcbtod Friday in the act
of trying tu open thu window of Ifenrj
Itallou'rt store on Sixteenth street. He
claimed to have como to Omaha only twc
dayH ngo nnd to have been emptoycd since
at ono of the hotel * , hut waj unnhlo to BUJ
which ouo. Ho was soul up fornlxtydayf
at haul labor , on g ncial i > rinutple/ / ' .
All union brick Inyeroaro requested tu
attend the meeting Tuesday evening ,
as It ia fur the election of ISy or *
dcr of the president. J , W. Harpou , Sec
The contract for driving the plloa for
the South Omaha eewcr , wai let Friday
cuing by McIIugh & McUavock , to W.
ISoyd , thu well known bridgebuilder. .
After July 1st collnm nnJ culls reduc
ed to three ccnta each at the City Steam
Laundry , Klcvcnth ntreet , between L'nrn-
hnm and louglr > .i td
Annie Wallace , arrested for intoxica
tion and disturbance of the pence , went tu
jail yesterday In default of Sl'J.r > , r > , line
and coats.
Jolmnn Snyder , tha man who created
the Kensatloii on Sixth anul 1'nclfioUet
nlqht wa sent up for twenty days at hard
Sidney Sinith'x tiial will begin on
to-day and it looku as If ho might join
his man Unrrlgnn at Lincoln ,
The next national encampment of the
G , A. H. will be hold ut Denver.
Good bye , ( liarloy. ( Jharloy Uartm
li ft for hU new hnmo iu Omaha last Wed-
netday on the Denver express. The
young yooplo of North Platte loose ono of
their moat congenial and pleasant boyx ,
who by hU manly nnd uptight course has
the good will of the old nit well as the
young people of thin glty. North 1'latto
Pretty Good.
John Bacon , Laporte , lud. , writes :
"Your 'Si'iiiNU nix > asoii' Is all you crocked
It up to ho. My dyspepsia bus all van
ished ; why don't you advertise it ? What
allowance will you make if I take a dozen
bottles , HO that I could oblige my friends
occasionally } " Price , 60 cent * ; trial bottles
tles , 10 cento. _ jolDdlw
There will bo n grand "Fourth of
July" celebration at Long Pine , and
n grand excursion on the Sioux City
& Pacific railroad , the faro will bo ono
lialf of the regular price. The Long
Pine people have boon exerting themselves -
solves to make the celebration it grand
succoes , and if you wish to spend n
jolly-1th , and HUD the beautiful Been-
ery in and around Long Pine , you
uhould not fail to bo there. Tickets
on the railroad will bo good for the
lid , -Hli and fith ot July.
.1. llochstrassor and the Brunswick
end Balko billiard table company uond
no ngcnts , repairers or wcddlera out
through the state , and any ono who
travels with such pretentious is a
'raud , and persons ill do well to lot
lim alono. Any parties wishing nny-
thing done in thia line should Bond di
rect to Brunswick and Balko Co. , 509
South Tenth Btroot , or to J. lioch-
trassor agent. Satisfaction jjuarun-
eod. muygiMm
WANTED Immediately at Com-
nerclal House , Mieaouri Valley , Ia. ,
Tlio Kansas Oity Conference Re
sults In Nothing Doflnito.
And Rumora of War Pill the
Air on All Sides.
Trnclc Topics Local and Oonoral.
The vnriouo officials of the Union
Pacific nnd B. fc M. roads returned
from Xanana Oity Friday , where
tlioy wont to uttond the conference
hold to fix up a now Colorado pool ,
No satinfactory terms wore agreed
upon , and the mooting adjourned
without accomplishing anything.
An oflicor of the U. P. is credited
with saying that "Tho impression at.
Kannaa City was that there would bo
a pool or a war speedily. There are
too many parties in interest to mnko
it possible In maintain psaae for more
than a few weeks without a pool.
The Burlington should not bo averse
to the principle of pooling , for it now
has Bovonty-oight pools at different
points. "
The 15. Ai M. folks nay they will
carry an cheap as nnyb ° 'y ' , and keep
all they get.
It is hoped that war may bo declar
ed about the time the Denver Expo
sition opens. t
Tin ; oi'KSiNo.
The Denver extension of the Bur
lington will BOOH bo no longer
nomothing to look forward to , bi < "
accomplished fact , which if : - !
in reality , except in th" * A'-1 ' „
of noxv traiiiB. wbi1-i. .f-"rC8pnl , s ,
, Tuly2. * " > >
A train javo Chicago at
12'IO ; ( noon ) Saturday , arriving
at Pacific Junction Sunday , July 2 ,
on which date the now time card
takes cfl'cct This train arrives in
Denver next morning in time for
breakfast and to mnko connections
with all trains into the mountains.
The first train from Denver will hiavo
that , city on Sunday evening , July 2 ,
at 7:30 : after all trains from the
mountains uro in nnd it will nrrivu
at Pacific Junction on Monday after
noon , and reach Chicago Tuesday
afternoon nt 2:110 : , in time for ail
eastern connections. Thoao trains
will run daily , and will have
through earn to and from
Omaha , which , besides giv
ing Omaha iv no > r line to
Denver , affords a daily train into and
out of the city , including Sundays ,
and covering all the stations on this
through run in Nebraska , including
Lincoln , Crete , Hastings , Rod Oloud
and intermediate points , All of the
branch lines of the system will run
daily , except Sunday , as heretofore ,
but there will bo a general clmntro in
the time of the branch line trains at
Lincoln , necessitated by the change in
the time of the arrival and departure
of the through Denver trains.
The Chicago express , which con
nects wi h the Union Pacific at the
transfer in the afternoon , will run to
Pacific Junctionand there bo consoli
dated with the eaet bound train from
Denver , In ease the Union Pacific
train from the west is dolnyod , the
Burlington will wait fur it with its
Chicago express , and thn Denver mid
Chicago train will proceed without it ,
going into Chicago ua an independent
train , The Chicago , Burlington &
Qiiinoy local trains , two ouch way
daily , 'between Chicago and Omaha ,
will begin running July I , The Unit
card will probably be issued next
Tuesday or Wednesday.
The Iron Horse.
The Union Pacllio la putting In new side
tracks nt Shclton ,
The li , III , will coon put on rofrlgera
tor cars to run between the Missouri river
aud Denver ,
The 11 , & M. have just completed a now
l > rlilgo over the Platte ntOraopolis. They
juilt the new ono right upon the old one
mul nro nmv tearing the ol.t structure
13. V , Highland , who U voquaiutoil with
many of our citizen * , having been with the
surveyors at this point , has been appointed
road matter forlhl * division of the 11. rt M.
Arajuhoe Pioneer ,
The urveyorit of the Darlington nnd
Musouri railuud cut-oil arrived at Newark
ark rn Thursday. It la loported tlmt an
other line will lie run , Writing tlu Dur-
IliUjtou and MUaouri three mile * went of
MeCook It the whooping railroad town
if Nebraska just now. The Burlington
uml Missouri ura building live tide tracks ,
inid have eighty men at work In the yauli.
1'ho i-allug-hmua aOxtlO , two nturiea high
ivlth an elID feet siiuaro U nearly tiiiUheci ,
Die freight house from Indlanola will he
moved up and occupied temporarily aa u
The surveyors having fmhhed aery
practicable line from Chester to this place ,
ire mw running a Hue from Hebron to
1'oynold * . What thii means deponent
ftayeth not , lint , this we l > nu.v nnd hear wit-
tics3 , that Tobias Caitor , right of wnyninn
for the Kuril gton and iMicumri , given it
nn tilt opinion that n r.iilroad will ho built
from Chester to DeWltt. via Holiron , nnd
this at an early day. Hebron Joutnnl.
A Valuable Team for the Marshal of
A special bag jago car waa attached
to the west bound train on the U. P. ,
yesterday , containing a load of valua
ble horses consigned to United States
Marshal Shaughncsscy , of Salt Lake
City , Utah.
The horses were in chnrgo of a col
ored man , nnd consisted ot a line polo
team , two magnificent stallions , Mem-
brine Chief and Mombrino Sturgio ,
for which team Shaughnessoy paid
§ 7,500 ; nleo three blooded cplta.
The owner of these animals has
made a largo fortune in mines since
his appointment to this position
several yearo ngo. Ho owna a fitio
house juat between "Amelia Palaco"
and ISrigham Young's line theatre ;
has n splendid nt.iblo of horses , n half
dozen imported carriages and landaus ,
and has a set of gold mounted double
harness that coat n bit ; sum. lie
keeps hin outfit with Malloy & Paul ,
the former an old Omaha man , and
when ho attends races amuast himielt
between heats by miitchni ) ; twenty
dollar gold pieces , at which ho nearly
broke Tom Koeuo on a certain occa
A contemporary nslo : "How Bhall wo
men carry th ir purees to frustrate the
thieves ? " Why , carry them empty. Noth
ing frustrate.1) n thief morn than to snatch
"nman'i ) puree , after following her half
. ( itw'jU and then Grid It contains nothing
uga i'lac'P ° for spiced peaches and a faded
whin'h of her grandmother.
ppe ? ,
Made from the wild ilowers of the
it is the moat fragrant of perfumes.
Manufactured by 11. B. Slavun , San
Francisco. For sale in Omaha by W.
J. Whitohouao and Konnard Bros. ,
Arranging to Colobnuo "Tho Fourth"
at Blair.
Gen. Charles F. Mandorson and
Daniel Hurley have been appointed a
committee of Ouster post No. 7 , G.
A. 11. , to make suitable arrangements
for the attendance of the post nud
its friends at the 4th of July celebra
tion at Bluir. /
A special mooting of the committee
and of all comrades able to attend
will bo hold at the law oflicoof Simoon
Bloom , in the city hall building , Mon
day evening , Juno 20 , at 7 p. in.
Reports will bo received at Buid
mooting from Frank M. Moore , com
mittee on transportation , and John
Hey , committee on music.
Comrade Mandorson having boon
selected an "orator of the day" at
Blatr , it is desirable that as largo a
delegation as possible of "old army
bojo" from this vicinity put in an np-
mice at that place on said occasion.
Deli'iito arrangements will have to
bo poiitfo'od early next week , and the
mooting of .lunoSOth should bo fully
Good Babies.
Tli lolly J y from rust to west ,
1'or ililIiliTii tbiht. , and mott.crt rot ,
llimliir liKKlrha ! named Vlclorli ,
Auilwl h tlia l > oy , they have Uaitoria
tun ( oft , tht re Is no "may bo , "
A tustlier'8 u 1 k can't BU the fUUJ.
Wlillc HHoit GoKtorta illfftati thtfr ( rutl ,
Glt.y them htalth ml roalus them KOCH ! .
Tno Mim Who FurnlBliod Nolllo
Burlco'a Ilorsos Quits tbo Track.
Mr. J. W. Jacobs , the well known
Nebraska horseman , has concluded to
retire from the business as will bo
seen by the press extract further on.
Mr , Jacobs is the man who furnished
Nellie liurko with the line running
horses up to the time when she had a
falling out with him and upon the
speed of whoso horses fcho made her
national reputation. The _ State Jour *
tiul eaya :
"In conversation with Mr. J. W.
Jacobs , the veteran turfman , who hua
boon traveling through the South dur
ing the past winter and spring , with iv
jtabloof running horses , wo learn tlmt
! iu has decided upon retiring from thu j
'ast horse business , and devoting the
Dulnuco of liia days to seine other oo-
iupation. IIo saya fast horsi-B nro an
Jxpcnsivo luxury , and during the past
looaon ho has failed to discover whore
> ven the luxury comes , nnd that after
he first day of December , if a running
lorso should bo found in hiu possession
10 will give it toBomoman , who would
not hnvo nerve enough to handle
him ,
"Wo nro sorry to learn that Mr.
Jacobs intends retiring from the turf ,
an ho is ono of the moat efficient horsO'
men that ever ciino to Nebraska. He
thoroughly understands every foatun
f the business aa a trainer of thor <
oughbrpds and trotters , and ns r
driver ho is an artist that is knowi :
from the Atlanticto the Pacific. Whoi
ho puta a horse upon the track h <
comes prclty near knowing just whai
ho can do. Ho bought the tair grouin
in 1879. , and expended on them § 10 ,
000 , making the beat race course ii
the west. The book shows that lu
has won and started moro races thai
all the horecmen in Nobranka , ant
during twenty years' driving has beei
fined only once ; taken from his sulkj
once , and suspended once. IIo ha ;
had a varied experiencons a horseman ,
and wo hope ho may find hid no
labors , whatever they may be , of n
lucrative and pleasant character. "
WANTED A brick moulder ; good
wage ? . Apply to Andrew Bothwell ,
Fremont , Nob. jel'-3t-ni ) (
In Which Some Lively Omaha Ladio :
Flffuro Conspicuously.
Some few days ago soma of the
demi-mondo made up their minds to
pay Fremont a visit. Tlioy wonfc and
located at Mire. Fairchild's. Among
those who went there wasonojounf ;
lady who is always very quiet , namud
Stella King. By request of somt
friends she started playing the piano
forte , when a girl named Pearl Ly
mont suddenly made an unprovoked
assault upon her , and give hei
a black eye , and then wi
other girl namol Nellie Wilsor. .
rushed at her and the pair of then
beat the poor girl in 'an unmerciful
It appears the assault was cauaeti
by a fit of jealousy on the part of
Nolho Wilson and Pearl Lament.
In consequence of this disturbanca
the landlady was pulled and had tc
find bonds in $300. The girls were
also pulled , but Stella King got oil
very light , as it wa conceded eho had
been benton for nothing at all.
Thousands of ladies cherish grate <
ful remembrances of the help derived
from the use of Lydia E. Pmkham'e
Vegetable Compound.
No woman really practices economy
unless she uses the Diamond Dyes.
Many dollars can bo saved every year.
Ask the druggibt.
Boiug SliotTwlco by Mosouloroln-
ditmi , iti Whoso Agency nix
Outbreak IB Reported.
DENVEII , Juno 23. A Fort Sinnton
special says ; The Mcscaloro Indians
have broken out. The Indian police
killed some prisoners who tried to es
cape from Fort Union. Montezollu ,
the war chief , ia on the agent's side ,
and is fighting other Indirns , The
agent was fired on and wounded twice.
Troops are hurrying forward.
DENVEU , Juno 25 A Santa Fo
special to the Tribune says official in
formation received from the Mfuscaloro
reservation by Governor Sheldon con
firms the news of trouble at tlu res
ervation. The trouble started with
the arrest of an Indian who had es
caped trom Fort Union , The Indian re
sisted and ho waa shot and killed by
the Indian police. Agent Llowellyn
endeavored to preserve order but was
shot twice in attempting to do so ,
His wounds are not rouorted serious.
Companies B , D and G , of the Fourth
cavalry , under command of Lieuten
ant Wood , were immediately dispatched -
ed from Fort Stanton to the rosorvati u
andreaihoct there at daybreak this
morning' , The command numbers
about 100 men. San Juan and Naut-
sillo , the two war chiefs , sidn with the
igont nnd may keep their warriors
luiot. Strong preparations are being
made by General Mackenzie to nip
this uprising in the bud , and if necea-
iary Governor Sheldon will aid with
: ho territorial militia Seine horses and
: attlo have boon stolen from Blue Water
jy Boino renegade Apaches now hiding
n the Sacramento mountains , and a
lompany of militia it now being or-
; anized at ttoaswcll to protect that
icction ,
The Missouri Faolilo.
AUWISCN , Juno 25. A consolida-
od fust mortgagu bond given by the
iliesouri Pacific railroad tu John F.
) illon and Edward D. Ames , as trus-
oea , to secure the piymont of § 30-
100,000 , was put on record yesterday
n AtohUon county. The same instru-
nont will be put on record in Brown
ounty , Kan. , and eight counties ii
The Gang of Safe-Blowers anil
Burglars Hal ? Paralyzsfl ,
Good News for Sufferers from the
Night Oang.
For aomo time past the thiovoa ,
burglars and highwaymen have baen
having a picnic in this vicinity , but
Friday the tide turned , and since
then six crooku have been ar
rested in Omaha and at the transfer ,
and others will probably bo arrested
soon. The days of the gang are num
bered , nnd it is hoped that Omaha
will bo freed from their unwelcome
The account of the arrest of a
burgl.uon Sixth and Pacific strceti
Friday , as ho was in the act of
forcinga window open , will be found
I'hovvhcro , and at u later hour Special
Officer Hallo caught mother individ
ual trying to break into Henry
Boln'a store on Sixteenth at cot. The
two clinched , and after u terrible
struggle Officer McCuno came to the
rescue and got away with the bur
glar's baggagp. The fellow was then
lodged in jail. A huge and ugly
kuilo was taken from him , which ho
would probably have used hud he been
able to gut at it.
Saturday a gang of pickpockets ,
Eomowlmt after the atylo of the famous
"jwoll mob" o London , tackled the
woat bound passengers at the U. P.
transfer , ivnd robbed four persons ,
there being the same number of
thieves. Of ono they obt-iined § 15 ;
of his partner $18 or § 20 , and of an
other § 00 or 870. A fourth lost an
unknown aum. It wai a bold attack ,
and the robbers worn detected
and two of them captured.
Ono of tha victims spotted
hm man and followed him to Omaha ,
whuro ho secured the Borvica of Of
ficer Gormin and Marshal Angell and
had had him nabbed. It proved to
be "Noaoy" O'Brien , noted as the
mobt export picket posket in the
country and said tn bo the slickest
thief in America. O'Biien ' ii 40 or
luyouaot age , and looks moro HIo :
an old French tanner than anything
olso. He w.i3 connected .vita the
famous ISIgutter robbery in this city
a couple of years ngo , but waa too fly
to bo caught , r.nd this ia his firat appearance -
poaranco out woat since. The olficenj
think this will break up the gang
which has been working Omaha for
BO long.
A Oloee Game Between the
Union Pacifies and Coun
cil Bluffd.
The Former Victorious by a Score
of Flvo to Four.
The game between the U. P
nine and the Council BlulFi nin
at the U. P. association parl
on Saturday afternoon waa the mos
exciting game this season. The game
was called ut 2:30 : with the Blufld to
bat , the first inning resulting in i
"goose egg. " The U. P. then won
to the bat and opened the ball .by
scoring ono , "just as a starter
or you know. " Whitewash suc
ceeded whitewash , up to the
end of the fourth inning , when the
gumo stood ono to nothing in favor
of our boys. In the fifth inning the
0. B. boys got to the front with two
scores on errors. At the end of the
eighth inii'iii ; the score showed three
to ono in favor of the 0. B. nine. It
looked decidedly discouraging for thu
U. P. when , in the eighth inning ,
they had a man on second base and
one on third , with two men out.
A long fly wa'j otruck away to the left
of contro field , whcro the U. P.
"Maicotte , " Mr. Fimkhausor , aftar
making a remarkable run Caught the
ball and apoila I two icorea. In the
last half of In eighth inning Mr.
Nash made n beautiful play The
basoa wtro full with Mr. Nash to bat.
Ho struck a daisy cutter to the rght
of firot base end brought in Hart and
Whitney , Dorr making third while
Nash got to second.
Tho'Majcotto followed with a ground
ball in left field , bringing in Dorr and
Nash. The game now utosd 5 to 3 in
favor of the U. P. ' * . The Blulli
then wont to bat and succeeded in
making one ucoro , which ended the
McShorley , pitcher of the Blufl's
line , did aomo beautiful work ,
Stubbs won loud npplauae from ,
the audience by h's ' - power
ful battinjf. Jim Whitney , the
great Boston , pitcher , did oomo
line playing as short stop. Mr. Dorr's
pitching was very elliciunt , us was his
play ing generally. Mr. Bandlo won
laurels for himsplf as catcher , and in
his promptness in directing plays as
captain. Mr. Charles Whitney did
Boino very beautiful playing on third
base. Altogether it was a , moat ex
citing game. The fol lowing ia the
score by innings :
1 2 3 4 15 C 7 8 U B O
Council Ululla 00002010 1-4 27
IT. 1' . 1000000 J4
Last Saturday afternoon the Omaha
cricket club , which has recently or
ganized , played their first match in
North Omaha. The content was
fought between eleven U. P. men
and eleven city men , all inem'iora of
the club. The weather waa every
thing that could bo desired and the
man were all in first-class trim. Of
the U. P. men six were novices and
five old players , and of the city eleven
seven were old playcra nnd four nov
ices. Considering that thia waa the
club has played , they did excellently
well , and if they only go on r.j they
have begun wo can safely pradict
that Omaha will posaiss an Al cricket
The match wan the result of a
challenge by Dr. Linyon , on behalf
of the niuinbern of the cricket club ,
who are not U. P. employe1 ! , against
those who aro. This club has been
organized by English residents of this
city , and will bo pleased to receive
any respectable men into membership.
THE BEB wishes this little club every
success , as the game is both scientific
and interoating , no doubt the mem
bership will speedily bo increased.
The ccorcs made were as given be
low :
1 .T Shepperd. 8 1 W.C.Taylor 1
'i Kdward I 2 Tracey 10
3-J. Innoi 0 a X. II Wood. 0
4 Hur-t 4 I W. Parker. . 0
5-G. Flemlnir. . 2 5 Alfred 1'etrio 1
( G. Thompson 7 (1 ( I'reiton 2
7 W.ThoinjKon 0 7 Whltchouso . 7
8 Jno. Caruaby 0 8 J.llothwcll. . 0
9 - . / & . Uarnabv 3 9 D. Hill 1
10 W. Kidiuli u 2 ] r S. Lorenson. 1
11 Kelly 0 11 U. G.een. . . . . 8
Kxtr s C Extras 13
32 ' 41
All communications ai to member
ship , etc. , to be addressed to J. Roth-
well , secretary , 1,520 Dodge street.
NEW Youic , Juno 25. The Coney
I-land jockey raesa were continued
First rnci , purau § 500 , all ages ,
one mile , was won by Charley B. ,
Greenland second ; time , 1:4J/ : ! : / .
Second race , purao of 500 , ' for
2-yoars-old , throo-fourths of u mile ,
was won by Adalgiza , Doubtful eec-
end ; time , 1:17. :
Third race , handicap Bwocpatdkep ,
heats mtlo and a fuilong , wns won
by Keno , who took second and
third heats , Glcumoro taking firat
and coming in eocond in the
last heats ; Capias took second place
in first heat ; time , 1:5(5 : ( , 1:58 : , 1:59 : ? .
Fourth race , purse § 500 , for 3 years-
old , eelliug allowance , Ij mile ? , was
won by Infanta , Jim F.irrell second ;
time , 2:122.
Fifth race , purao of § 550 , handicap
itooplcchaso over short course , waa
ivon by Kitty Clark , Bornadinu soc-
Diid ; time , 5 minutes.
BUFFALO , Juno 24. Bostons , 8 ,
Butl'cilos 2.
CLEVELAND , Juno 21. Troya 4.
31ovolanda 7.
CHICAUO , Juno 24 , Chicagos 2 ,
I'rovidonco 7.
NEW YOUK , Juno 24. Yales 7 ,
Princetons 8.
DKTUOIT , Juno 24. Game post-
> oned on account of rain.
SYUAOU.SE , Juno 24 Atlantics of
Brooklyn 11 , Stars of Syracuse 4.
PHILADELPHIA , Juno 24. Motrc-
lolitan of Now York 2 , Philadelphias
. Game drawn on the fifteenth in-
Ciia-Aiio , Juno 25. The races in
Ida city , und also in East Saginaw ,
Iich. , were postponed yesterday un-
il Monday , owing to rain.
NEW LONDON , Conn. , Juno 25.
Lapreaentativcs of the Columbia and
lurvurd colU-go boat cluba mot nt the V
larvard crow's quarters lure yait3r.
ay andiixed-uuon Monday , July d ,
s the diit'J for the Hirvard-Coluinbia
ice ,
LONDON , Juno 25. A yacht rare
ir heavy stakes has boon arranged to
iko place in July on the Solent , bo-
voen Gownr's American centerboard
icht Gleam , and Una , a bout bo'ong- '
iX to Prescott Weston.