THE DAILY BEE MONDAY , JU ? A 2J ( KS82 3. a. GOMMISSiBfl MERCHANTS , City Marktt , Council PlufTj Iow , "WHOLESALErLO RHODBST , Otccral A cr.fc for the Ctlcbratc.1 Milljot II. I ) , & CJ. . OoMcn F ile Flour , UarcnwoJth , Jln'l . aiu' ' < J' ' wn Boo Mil , Sioux Fall * , Ihikotn. fe Cil t-rdcri , Coin ij | 1'lulK 1.1. IBI. IE. WUOLl-'SM.K AND RETAIL STATIONERY AND PRINTER'S GOODS , COUNCIL BLUFF" , IOWA. Ti fLE ABSTBAG f 0 F F IOL 3" . "TOT" . * < CJJ "CT C 2S. 3E3 As C 4 > Lauds and Lots Bought and Sold , MOXEY TO LOAN AT LO\S' tl-VTES. HQTAKIE3 PUBLIC AND CONVJiYAHCERS. COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA. 15 North Main Street , WHOLESALE DEALER IN SHOE FINDINGS. Iteadjfitted uppers , 111 calf sMn tnJ lip. Oi\k ami IlnnlorkOM : LKATHKIl , and al ooda tpportalnlng totbobhoc trmn O < < UsoM ai climita In tholes' . Hlff MILLIE SET STORE FOR STYLISH SPUING MILLINERY. PATTERN BONNETS AND CHILDREN'S HATS A SPECIALTY. 105 South Main Street. Council Bluffs la. That nc\cr riijulro crlmpliiK , nt Mr . J. J" OoO'l's Hair Store at pr CM ticker before touched by any other hnlr dculcr. Also a full line of snitches , etc. , nt > re-xtl } rcducoil price * . Ale Kolil , uihor and colored nol8Va > ei inado from 1 idles" onu hair. DJ not fall to u tl bolero piiKluJliiR clfwjuhuro. AH L'ood-i uarrantcJ as rcprcsclitcJ. fillf. J. J OOOU , 2s ) Milnstreci , Council llluffD , Iowa. Bethesi BATHIBftlOUSS At Bryant's Spring , Cor , Broadway anil Union Sts. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Thin , Medicated , V'i'or , r.luo'rlf , 1'luuso , Doucli , bliotttr. Hot and Cold lia'hs Coir , * potent B ale and kmalo i ur-ei auil nf onilants always on ham ) , and 'lie of ra o and alt.n- t Ion then intruun. tipjcial att ntion given to battling children. Iiueatlgatloi. aud patroua collcltcdDR. . A. H SruuLBY & Co. , 100 Upper Broadway. Dr. Stud ey : Tnatmcut of chronic dlbcasas nifiili a t-pi cl ltv. UBMOVKO without the ilrawlnjfol blood or usj of liiiife. Cures lunj.'di-tn3 < n , , i i > Fits , S.r fuli , Ll\ct Com- n'Ill"t. | . Uropv , Itlicuma- erin n ! * ' 3 fi R S twn , Fever und Jlerinr- ltd V ) i VJ uiorei Kr > > lj.ela3 , Salt Eheuni , Scald Haul , Oitvrh , ivcik. Inlhmcd nd granulated lijcs , crofuloiia Ulci > r < nnd Ke- mle f > i < lue of all l.inda. AI'O ludnoy and Vuucrialdigivws. Ho.norrioul3 ! or Vileu curi-U money refunded. All disease * treated iipo- the principle ofCRCt - blo roforni , without the mo of mercurial pois ons or the Knifi ! . Elecin V. pT or M-dlsatoil Baths , furnlsiied 11 who tlealro them. lleruU or llupturo radically cured by the use the Elastic bolt Truis and 1'iaster , which ha. oupctinr In the worlu. CONSULTATION TREE CALL O.V OK ARDR' ' SS ( j Drs'E , Rico ana F , 0 , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , la. LIVERY , Feed and Sale Stettes. 18 North First Street , Bouquet 8old utnnd. Council H ufTlona. . \YILLAUU SMITH. 1'jop. W.D.STILLMAN . . , I'rnctitlonor of Homeopathy , consulting Physician and Surgeon , OllicoBiidr'BldcncoOlS Willow atomic- , Coun cil tiluffi' . Iowa. _ _ _ _ W. K. SINTON , DENTIST. 14 Pearl Street , Council Eluffa. Extracting and Cllln ; a fpoclilty. First-clans worU ( juarautood. DR. A. P. HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AMD SURGEON. OIRcxi , No. 14 I'c-arl Street , limit * , U n. m. tn 12. , nml 2 p. in. , lo D p , in. Hoildonco , 123 Bancroft litnct. Tulephonlo conucctiuu nlih Central ofllce. DO. AMELIA BUHBOUGHS , Ko. 617 First Avenue Hourdfrom 10 to 11 a. m. , and 2 to 6 p. m. Merchants Restaurant J. A. E03S , Proprietor. Corner JJroailivay nd Fourth Streets. Good accommodations , good fare and cour teous trium.uut. _ 8. L Office over mvlna bank. COUNOIIj BLUFFS , Iowa. REAL ESTATE. W , C , Jsmca , In connection with bla law and collection bu-inoiabuyu and Belli rcil cotatc. Tcreonu wi-liuigto buy or soil city property call it hit office , rm lluihncll'8 book etorc , Tear ) atra.t. EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice ot the Peace and Notary Public. 4l5Broadway , Council Bluffs and luortjigei drawn ted kcknowl god WATER WAVES , In Stock and Manufactur ed to Order. " \Vavea Made From Your Own Hair. TOILET ARTICLES , All Goods Warranted as Represented , and ijrice- Guaranteed. BliRS. D. A , BENEDGT ! , 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs Iowa. ; - - - . " " IRS , E , "J , HARDING , M , D , , Medical Electrician AND' GYGNEOOLOGIST. aratlu\tc of Kleclropallilc Institution , Phlla- dullihia , I'unn.i. OffloB"Oor , Broadway & Gloim Ava. COUNCIL ULUtTS , IOWA. The treatmoiiS of all dlvnsm ami pnlnful dlf- ficii'.titB ' pecu Ur to fi'ifalcs it HpaUtlty. The Star Bakery , HOWARD & RDBIE , 227 MAIN ST , Kmploy the btnt Itrcad tlaKur In thu U'cst ; also a choice h-rid for Cakes and I'IL-I. IJread delivered to all pirtB of the city. FRESM FiSH ! Game and Poultry , Can always he found a B. DANEHY'3 , 1ZB Upper Broadway. JNO.JAYFEAINJSY , Justice of the Peace , 014 BROADWAY , Council Bluffs , - Iowa. W B. MAYES , Loans andEealEstate , Proprietor of aUtratfs of l'ottaattamlo count ) ' . Oilko corner of llroj.ilw.iy and ilaln Birectt , Council Dliilln , lofta. JOHN STESNER , M. D. , ( PeuUchcr Ar/.t. ) ROOM 5 , EVERETT'S ULOOK , Council Blufl'a. uUeasua of women and chiMren a specially. P , J , lONTBOMEBY , M , D , FHKK DJSIT.NSAUV KVJUYSATUIII'AY. : OUkcIn Kvcrett'a I/look , Pearl truct. Iteslj donee C'.S Fourth street Olttio houra from 1) to j i. in. , 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m , Council > lutta F. c7 mm , PEACTICAI , DENTIST. Peari street , opposite the po ito Mice. One of the eldest iiriUltloiiirs In Council llluCfd , Satis lafactlon ( 'UirintecJ In all DR. F. P. BELLINGER , EYE AND EAR SURGEON , WITH 1W. CHAHLES DKCTKEN , Olllco over dru : store , 4H nroadway , Council IllulTj , loua. Al dliofe i of the u.u and eai treitud under the most appro\ed method , and al cur.n ituarantccd. JOHN LIHDT , ATTORHEY'-'AT-IAW. ' ' Will practice In all' State tml United State * Court * . Spcaki aerm&a Langu > | ( e. SHA.UK3. How to Catch Thorn. Neur York Sun , AVhoti sharks wore numerous in Now York U y lust summer , nil attempts nt catching the very largo OHM failed. This year the trial is to bo tonowcil. Shark-fishers nro preparing their lines and hooka , and with last year's ' expo * rioncoto guide thoin they hope to sue- cord in lauding soiuo inunstors. It it dilliciilt to uxhauat a nh.trk on n line , flanorally the fulionnen got tired first , for in this sort of sport there is little opportunity for llio uiorcno of s ill , but ( hero ij n great demand for strength. TofUhfor Blurkssnccoasful- ly it Ts neoeessiry t > Imvo n long line and n chum loader Attached to the hookn , which should ba bulo.l with n fresh blno-tish cr a ooup'o of weak fish. A largo b'ock of wood isiuod for all int er , nnd is anchored hy n stone fas- tonul lo niijco \ of cimimnn fulling lino. In this way the but is kept in Iho desired position. When the bis ; 11 later gi > oi down the fishermen jump and grab the lino. If there in n ptlo or Any thing to tnko n turn around , BO much the batter ; but if thuro ii noth ing of the kind as isnsiully the case n-hi'ii fia'iinir on n beaah , a tug of wt\r is tuiinudiato'y ' commnncod between the sportsmen und the shark Tao latter always got * th'o start , and the d tlicnl- ty is to turn him. Uirnod , thu hauling becomes l--a did ! cult , until the shark linds himelf got'ing into shallow water. Thi"i if ho is a very bitf follow and.hia oppont'iitu nro not BUllliciantly immuroin , th-re uro ton chances to ono that In wilt i nnago to turn again. Tuia in the cti'ical mo- niont. 1C ho is strong enough to turn ho should got line and ba puraittud to run n reasonable distance , when the chnncu of turning him again be comes fnr bettor than when ho ia in shallow wator. Tlum tlio work of hauling is retimed , and auro hands ba * oomo prevalent. Panting nlmost cxha < uitod , nnd bathed in perspiration three at > ut men hauling on a line hailed n. boat man ono day last fall from the Ktnton Inland shore , near the m xith of the Narrows : "Como ashore- , boss , and pivo give us a pull ; wo'vo got n sluxrlc ! they itlioutoil. The bait-nun lost no" time in going to their ruliif. Ho was a , powerful man , nnd the pull that ho yavo the line turned the shark head on for the beach nnd ho began to como quietly. "Ho has given ud the gimo , " one jf the party said. " Ho thinks it ain't itquaro deal , nnd that wo h.xd no ight to call for holp. " "Keep him coming ! " Slid the boat- nan. "J > pn t give him u chance to change his mind ! " "Now , Pat , " ono of the party uhontcd , "tho moment wo puli him out you muat go and tnko h- hook out of Ida mouth ! " "Eli ! " aaid P.r. "Bo god , you can you can go and do it yourself ! I don't uiuker after the j > b " The four mo ) pulled the monster easily enough until ho reached the ihallow water. There ho refused pos- lively logo any further They tugged ind strained. Ho plunged furiously , lust lit thin critioil juncture there was disunion among the men , uomo "av 01 ing concession of others coercion. "Givo him line ! " the boat-man shouted. "Not an inch ! " said the coorcionst. "Now , boys all together ! " "No , no ; ho'o too strong ycl1 ! ' "Pull ! " "Don't " pull ! Taking advantage of this want of unity the shark m.ulo a terrifio plunge and turned again. Thou ho darted oil' , nuking thu line whiatlo through the water. Coming neartho end of the line , which was COO foot in length , ho allott ed no disposition to ulucken his speed. Sutht'inuibraced thumsolvca foran- ; her i.n"irt. . Plunting their heels in ho hand thoybciran ( haul ; but Iho ) ig fellow was too much for them. Step : > y step ho compelled thorn to advance to the edge of thu wator. They declin ed to go in. aud thu shark would not come out. A renewed strnggloof the nont desparato character was iininud- ately commenced. Suddenly the four men fell all iunheap in the sand. The shark was gono. "Well , wo had sport with him , any ivny , " onu said. _ < vDo you call it sport , " another oaid , "to bo dragged up und down the sand for an hour , nnd then to got nothing for it but sore" "That's what I call powerful oport , " the firfit upoaL-or replied. "Well , " hiH companion Baid , "I'll never play tug of war with that old shark again " Don't Throw up thoSponfiro. When NUfFerinif humanity are enduring tlio horrorH of dynpepsia , Itidigedtioii , or ntrvoim and Rcneral dobilitv. tlioy nro trio iften inclined to throw up llio ppongo and rougn tliemselvps to fate. Wo my , don't ilo it. Tuke UUHDJUI ; UI.OOD JJIIUK.S tlio uufailinf , ' rcmudy. Price , 51.00. A Terrible Accldont. knuiili f c.e , Tuesday evening laht , a torriblu accident happened to JHIIICM Slaughter , who lives on ono of U. A. Temple- ton's farms about ono nnd u hall miles northwest of Una pluco , The particulars UH wo learn thorn are these : Mr. Slaughter hnd gene to the lutn- bor yard of lirookings V ; Iliirrington , nnd londod his wagon with lumboi and Bhingles , the whole making the load ( juilu high , he getting on ttq ) t < . drive the team. In passing under n shod in going through the lumbui yurd of Thoma.1 & Darst , ono ntakoot lib wagon would not go under , ho ( stopped his toant to cul oil' the stake , nnd while sitting on thu load the started , ho bunt furwnrd lo cscipu the shed , and was caught juat below thu ahuuldera und crushed between the load nnd the shod , It is said the tent , tried to pull through three times , bill could not , his body rumuting the strength of the team. He was rescued immediately , and oirried to Mr. Tom ploton's house aud Dr. BIoLaughlii : BUnnnouod , Thu whole lower part ol his body was paraljv.od , and no doubl badly crushed. There is BOIIIO hope of hia recovery. Hu is a hard work ing , industrious man , and thio is a terrible blow to his grief-fitrickei faaily. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A Vexed OJorRyinan. Kvt-ii the ] > attenc9 uf Job would liecoini exhau < ited wore he a preacher nnd endeav to Interest lih aiullencu while the ] were keeping up an Incruiiiiuit iinpoHsiblo for him to lie hear a Yet , how my cany can all thin bu avoldec by Hltmily tinfng Dr. K'n ' 'w New DIscove ry for Conxumptlon , C'oughs and Oolda Trial llottleii fc-iven away at 0 , J" . Good inan'a drug store. o the Oonsumers of Carriages & Buggies , I have a csrnpl stock of all the Latest Styles of Cirriiges , Phaetons and Open and Top BugjGS , Consisting of TAG Celebrate ! Brew * tar Sid a Bar , The Harlin Side Bar , T.e V71iitney Side Ba , and The .Mullhalland Spring. The Dexter Queei Buggy and Phaeton A In the Old Rel able Jilip'ic Spring Buggies and Phaetoos. They are ell ma-'o ' o-thabest nia'eriab , aid un- ' ler'my own snnervision. I should be pleased to have those desirous of pur chasing to ca1 ! an.l osamine my stock : . I will guar antee satisfaction and warrant all work. H. F. HATTENHAUER , Corner Broadway and Seventh Streets. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. &L. 3E3C. ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WUOWSSALK A D RETAIL DEALERS IN LAOK4IAI.M , LEHI&H , BLOSSBUEH AND ALL COKNELLSVtLLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC , Ofllca No. 34 Penrl Street , Yards Cor. Eighth Street niid Eloveuth Avenue , Council Bluffd. COUNGiL BLUFFS STEAM FACTORY MANUFACTURE BROOMS , BROOM HANDLES , CORN MEAL , GRAHAM FLOUR AND msa The Very Boat of Brooms Constantly on Hand. Tha HighoHt Mivrkot Price -Paid for Corn , Oate.JRye , Barley Parties "WiBhing to Soil Broom Corn Will Pleasa Send Sample. OO- - , One of the heat H cond-claBa llotela In the West u thu BROADWAY HOTEL. A. K IIH WN , Proprietor. Nos. 63J and 630 Uroidway.i ouncll liluffslow * . Tahlo supplied with thi ) heat the luarlirt af fords ( } oil roouDundfirat-clasj boda. Terms very r . . . . AVEHUE HOTEL 817 Lower Broadway , Mrs. C. Gerspacher& Son. KIIIHT CLASS nan. ' . AT HKAHONAIIW. HIiJBS 'nUNSIIIN'H ACCOMJIOIATKI ) . HOTKf. FO/t BALI. . 0001) UKASONU toll HEI.MNO , SCANDINAVIAN ! HOTEL. N , Anderson , - - Proprietor , Tahlo supplied with tlio beet tlio market at- fordi Terui * JXCOaiid ( l-OOpurweck. Trainltnt jl.CU l/crilav. _ _ _ _ if Vou WIsli n Lunoli Go to LOUIE DUQUETTE , Soups , Meatu , nnd Kalubles always on hand , Five Cents per call. STARR & BUNCH , HOUSE , SIGN , AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. PAPKIl HANGING , KALSOMINING AND GRAININB , Shop Corner H road way and Scott St HUGHES & TOWSLEE , DEALERS IN Confectionery , Fruits.Nuts Cigars and Tobacco. Fresh Oysters and Ice Cream in Season. 12 MAIN ST. , Council MRS. J. P. BILLUP3 , I'ilOl'IUKTOH OK BE&IAUflAHTa BATING HOUSE , HI ! ) South llaln Street , Council Kew IIOIIBU and newly fitted up In flrnt clant Btylu lluali ut ull hourloierumu and loino- nailu every ciouln . Priilta a. . d confoutlonerlea J. G. TIPTON , Attorney & Counsellor , ( ) IIlcoo ur First National Hink.Counill loua. Will ( Milieu III tlio htatii and fo.leri STEAM LAUNDRY. 723 W. Broadway. LARSON & ANDERSON , Proprietors. ThU laun liy livi Ju t bcou opsnu 1 for liiwl. nem , anil unroniwiripariil to da liuii'Jry ' vork of til kind * ind K" iri'iUu xatUUctlmi A tpucliltj n.alo of line wor , H.uh an oullirn liffn. Iliiu i-lilrtH , ito AVu want u\o < yhojy tea a trial LARSON it ANDERSON. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE The Mott Uuccewful Hemoriy oter illntov orod.aj Itlncortaln In IU Ufiwtn ojitl docs no blUttr. ItKAU I'I'.OOF IIHLOW. Also encolltir for human fUmh OM A PUOMINENT PHYSICIAN Wa.iiliiKtcnvlllv ) , Ohio. Juna 17. 1B81. Uu II , J. KHNUAI.L , 4iCo : uuntu Jleaalnifyourai vertlacmunt In Turf , Held and Farm , of you KendU'u Hpa > In Cure , a d hiving a latuabl and Bjcwly | liorio which had brnn lamu fron tpavln for eighteen month * , I bent to you for. bottle by Gupreiw , which 1 1 nix wceku romovui all lainciifn and vnlartfumunt and a lawn upl'n ' from another home , and both hor-tca are to-iu ftubounil u ] colt'i , Thu one bottle wax wortlit mo one hundred drlUr . Ilopretfull jo'irn. U , A. n. KTOLKIT , ilD. . Bond for Illustrate ! circular xlvltiK posltlv proof , 1'rlcojl. All DrutrKlmi hatolt or ra 1'utltfor you , Dr. H. J. Kcudall it Co , I'ro prletom. iuo : kur li Kail * , Vt BOLb BY ALL/DRUGGISTS / tl.wlv _ ' 18T""CB D ( wntton by h th'Only lfuaulhoilzo.I ! by her , and which wll not bo a "Wood aud Th'inJer" utory.uch aj ha boeu an 1 will ' 10 i > tlillihed , hut a trua Ufu by the only p rmn no In l'i p * 4 > lun ol thu net a f l liful and duvotod wife. Tiuth U mor lntcro < tm { than Uctlon. Alivnti ihould appl for territory at omu. Sand 75 cti. for 'J m pie Uook. J , II. OUumbori & Oo. , ma-aod-ftw-a ' 3 ; . ijiiuti. tao > Sioux City ffi Pacific THE BIODX OITY ROUTE linns it flolM Train Ihroujh from Council Bluftn to St. Pnal Without Change Tlmo , Only 17 Houri IT IK MH.K3 T11K lllIOHTSa KODI3 now COUNCIL BLUFFS o xr , rAWs iiWNKAPOttfJ DW.XTTJI OP. lltSMAUCR oj * ll point ) In HorJheni lo * . Mlnnv.t * ! if' Tl ) ! < line l < mnlpvml wits th ! r.ipMv oHW Aiitonwflo Alt-lt lt8 tint Mill * ItUdrM Qgnplot nd SPIKD. courour MMmrjiw&d. k'nliniMi . _ . in thmtuh WITHOUTCltAHOBbeivnsn KM , iKlti nml f > t l'il , ra ! Oounirtl Bhi. ? a out Cits. Union r arto ) TfvuJ'r n Conii I r'u(7 ' ( , i.t 7T. : ) i n Jitly r n Anll l of Kvi * > fv , 81 jcrviihinl Council UlitB * train tiotr 10 Srmlli. Arriving nt Sloiu City 11:88 p. m. > < l r > HIP > ; ow Union txpnt * t KJ. Taul At 15:3C ( Kin. UN 1IOI1HS W AUVAtUll ? OF ANT OTItKI KOUTH MTKftuomlir * In t-vMnir th i Oltv R uSi on ct Through Trtln. Tnt Shorlmrt Mno ift IJiilf' . t Time .init n Conilortatli. RUc la tin COVNlMt , 1IUTFS ANH ST. 1'AUf , . MTSce t ntjfmrTVVoti twvl vln tlig "Illoi. ; t ; nnl Pwlfla Ilillronj ' jr. H. j. u. UCCIIANAS 8tl ! > tlMloll < t < J' < t. Dc'l'l ' l'l l Alton ! P. JX IIODINSOK , AWt flrn'l P.s Af' , MlMctltl VMIn , lix , W. K. OAVW , HouthKiHitniiAfiiit. Councl Hlufa Icmn SSI ) , 8Ha8TLHE ( , (830 ( , StJoe&BonncflBInfis 13 HID OKI.T ) iroct Line to 8T. LOUl'S AND tin : RAM' Omahn , anil the 'Wot- , * . All tralui loaro U A M. Ihipot , Oiuihai Noli. ' < > cti 3K" 01 cirj botncon Ojn l : vul m. uoii'n ' , , nl In ! 01' c ln-Vn-ii OMMJA mil NI\V YOUK. Daily Passenger tirnna : iu ADTKIIN ANfc WK&TEIIN OITIKS vUh LB.1 OUAtlUKa 'id IN AUVANOS oJ (11- OTHKR USHS rntlrn Ilitii In uiHI/ | vlth I' , olnco Slofylnj llir , l' l .co t > ny C.kcw ! , I ufcty I'lfttnirnt mil Ooup cr , nj Iho ccie rufif IM Alr-briHo. Lliat jcnr Uckiii < u.U VIA nAt.H.U irtT. . JOSKl'lI 6 OOUNfll. BUlKfS Url' ' , vli. Ut. Jocojib mil SI. 1,0.lU ric'noti ( or n ! o t Ml voiitioD nUllons tn lli- 'ei , J. I' . IIAUHAHD , 0. MAWES , Oou. bU-t. | , St. Jos. lib. Mo- ' 'Qetl. PiOO. J Tlclc1 ! AKt. , tit. 'oifpli , Ko. ASDT DauMK , ! t AKCC' , lC30L'M.ifc.tiugtitt ) . W. J.UAViwrour , Oor.or l Arcnt , OMAHA. WR FOR CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORKBOSTON , , And nil Poluti Ea t antl outli-EaBl. TIIKMNitOJII'KISKS : ; Nearly 4,0110 miles. Holhl Smooth Steel Track ! Allecnni t.tlnii nraiimilolii UNION DkPOTO I linn n Nntliinal Kuputatlnii an liolnv the Qront Through Car Line , ami If uiilviw. llj ourixJoil to lid ttio FlhEOT EQUIPMED Hull , nail In lh worlil [ or nil tlasxisol tru\cl. Try II nml ton will Ilinl trnvelliii ; n liuur > nittiiii'l of A flUcoinfort. Tlir iili ( Ticket ! via iliU Celebrated Line lor ralu nt all illlci'S In tlu < Wtnt. All Infarniallnn nlianl Ituton ot 1'nro , KlroiiliiB Car AcuciiiiiioJiitlaiig , Tlmo Tublcd , Ac. , will lie liuorfiilly ulvcn hv npiiljlnln In T. J. POTTEI ? , 2J Vlco-l'res't A > ( leu. MnuuiorClilcaKO , PCRCIVAU LOWCUL , ' W. J. DAVKNI'OllT , Clou AL'unt , Council lllulTN , II. V. UUliLL. Ticket .At.0i" ) niorii-ml ly Genins Eearded / ; on , Tlio Story of tlio Sowing Machine A livdHOino lltt e , p-impliM , hluo and fol cove wllli nuinoroi i Jiigravlni- ! ) , will bu AWAY to i ny 'iiiH ' puruxri culllni ; for It , at any hranch or Buh-olllco of Iho Sltiucr AlannfacturlnB Ooni- l > any , or will he cent by mull , poit paid , to .nv purion living at u dl.tano from nur olHam 'llau ' Siufior Manufaotaring Oo , , ' Oflluo ! 3-l Union L'rlnolpitl , - Hqnure , NK\V YORK. tltt FAST TB1S1 Vo llio DMcago&UortSiwesli- Trolni Ic&vu Omutw 8-10 p. m. n )7'lUa. ) m ilulllnfomutloncnllen II. 1 * . UUKt. Tloko AKont , Uth ami rrrila.'i. ' > . . J. DKLt , 0 , 11 ll-illrtuy Depot , lira t jAMKdT C1.AIIK , Ocno A cnj , OnuU. ) 17ni4o I ' " HOP Ultte"- . Ultte"O h > . O and bio c u r c hoMhjiini- ? Kt . CiicuUr. lit It a v o y o u r ' ' . f'i'U 10. life. It hub , uved hun B lk .l ' . dreUs. AT ruuto , G l. Iron Murray , Burlington Iowa. Soml Portnble Engines , FOR ouEAMnmr.3 , Prinfcinq ; Offices , Ktc. , A The Larprat Iron Working Establish- uiont in the Stile , MAXtTAcrrnr.ns OP Steam Engines , AND GENERAL MACHINERY. The Howard Automatic Gut-Off Homl Jar Clrcularj , 11123-1 m Tlio foclilo mill cnmiiatcii mllcrlui' from il.v - | ) r | > ii\orlnillia < tl'iii Innin fjtin , nronihlscd , far tlio unha nl tlitlr aiv hoillly ntul mental comfort , to try lloxtottrr'H Homac'i 11 ttfra. I.nlloi or IlioinoKt' el c\to constitution tr tfi tolUlmnn- lo' nml ru tnrntlta iirorcrtlot. I'lutlclan * o\rrj hrrp , illvmtoil witli tlio ailultcritctl liciinm | of ni'iiorc" . i < rc crha | It ai thoinfoit nml inott rollalilu of nil nt'nimctilcs , for la by all ilniCTlsts anil ilualorn generally a ! In ml QUAY'S SPECIFIC MCDICINE TRABt ! MARII 'l'1'o ' "roatTSU DC MAJJJC An on- euro for Woaldicna , Siioriiiutor rhca ' oncy follow an a DEFtiHETARIIa. ! < .Miucnc < > of AFTER TARIHQ. Hclf-AlniKO u IKIM ) of Muinory , Unlvcrtil Lngsl * tililo , 1'nl'i In tin ) , Dlnnirm ot Vlnlnn , Pro- niaturn Olil Auo , ami r..ruij otlic-r DlHcnacj th > t loail Insanity or Consuiiitlon ) anil a I'ronia- turoOravo. Xal'l'iill imtlcnhri In our | iuniilift ! , which no ilciilro to ninil free Ivumll to ovvryone. /JiTTlio Specific ilc'illclnn la aolil liy all drunK' ' " ' " at fl porjmcliaKO , orll pnclnircs for ? 6 , or wilt bo Bunt frvo liy mall on roc : | itot the nionoy , by THKOUA JKDIUINUCO. , , N. V. To Nervous Sufferers THC OIIEAT EUROPEAN HltMEDV. Dr. J. B. Sitnpeon'u Spoclflo U k' iitibUlvdcurolcr Hpsrsimtoirrio * , Scmln * tfii.i ci * . liuriotr.ui'y. nil dtovvs tenMlag tiff ( M'/.AIti ' / ' , M MnnUI Anxluj , Louai U L/iy , I'Atiic In thu Bjbcli or Ulilc i J illjoaoaj " ' ' " ' ' ' 4I ' " " 0 > iunraiptoa ! i Tint Mod la Mug used tul aiiccose. I'niniililul * lj v lo all. Wilt ) ( c : ttinri tni fft full r r- 111 \ . , Sprrtfla , 51.00v.i iciiit' | ; , or fix p tk. oirw for V'.lf ) , A.dhvHi til i.rJcrs to II. UI11SON MK1WINK CO. NOH. 101 iuil 10 Main ( it. Itutfdlo , N , Y. HeM In Onrilm ) > y 0. 1' . Ouoiluan , J. VDili , J. 1C. Ixli , and all ' SYPHILIS iu any istngo K ยง Ontrvrrh , " I" EOZK.MA , Old Bora , I ? 2 mC BOILS Pimpleu , f I , E" + si * Cr. i ' or nil/ cr. w Skin p 3 Disease Oures V oii Hot Springs Fail lUvr.itN , ARK. , Uuy . 1SS1 Wu haiu cisci In our own town who Ilvod ad nd were finally cured with 8. H. B. IK YOU UoulJt , tonio to tuu us unaK WILL CU11K VOUK Oil charto nothing I ! Write for imrtlculam and coiiy of llttlu Uock " Lo the Unfortunate Hiiflnrln" Ol.tMJO Hnwnrd will lid paid to ny . .U'luikt who will Him , on analytlu 100 cottlu H. ft. S.oue partlclflol llcrcmy , Iodide l'o < u Blum opiHiy Mineral vubitaiian. aWllTUl'KCIKJO Cx > . t'eorf. Ali nt files U Hruall Bltu , lnO. * hu 1.75. Oold by KKMh tiD OHOfi. fe 00 NERVOUS DEBILITY , Dj. E. C. Wost/M Ner > o will lirain Ti A Biiuclllo for Ilyutcrla , LiLirliioai , COnvultlont. Nexvouii lloadacha , Muninl Ucpi. lon , Loeaoi UrraorySp jrm&t rrhuoIinpritou y , Involuutary llniluuloud , Vrcniaturo Old AKC , cuuwl by om- eiijitloii , nolf-aUuiio , ot iiui'lii > tuieuce. | ; which luuh to mlaery , decay ud doitli. iia box wilt euro recent cuug , Ka h bos coukilne one month/a treatment , Ono doilar a box , or tlxboieafor dvo dolUrn , vent by uiall pfcjulJ on receipt of price.Vo guarautUJ nl bcxus ta euro auy casj- With oath order roitlvcd by us fc * nix boxes , jo couipauluJ wlthflvodollari ! , will cud the pur. chaser our written cuir&uUs to rctuin the money U thu treutinuut doei not uBt-ct a cure. U. f Qooduihu , DrUKflit , Sole. U'holcuulu mj ruju ) AL-ont. Oiunlia , Neb. OrJ'ru by ma .t ANTI-MONOl'OLY LKAGUE. lllauk niombcrelilp rolra ( or the autMuonpoly IMKUO. uontaliiluK Ntatcmviit ot principle uioU liud * of prvctiduro and Instruction * liow to ci\-an- tir , will IwBent on apiilicatloul to 0 JU , " * ' Vitljoy , Nebj.KncloafliUuip , w ) I/ / t B e i p cai