( I THE DAILY BEEOMAUA MONDAY. JUNE 2(1. ( m ± FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL. NEW YOKK , June' ' I. nKVIEVT 0V THE ViKF.K. The "events of the week in fimncml circle * were imp trtan * . chiefly on the stock cxchatRo , whore tpvulaUon pM ed through sjino wide and frequent lluctua- tioiu. In the early de.din/a the market wai strong , nnd higher fpiot.itlotis w.ro rnado then than for mime time p * t S ib- sequcntly , however , under free sale * and sharp bear attack , prices were forced downS lgSi per cent in Heading ehnrci Nor the close a firmer feeling > ct in nnd there WAS a sharp re : ovcry. Money was enty throughout , nnd borrowers - rowers on call weic supplied at from Zto 31 per cut. Foreign exchange * wore ipdet , with a flight decline o [ salca at the close. Governments were rpdcl niu1 un ch.ifiped. MONET , Money oloKjJ cnsy at 2@i.'i per cent. Kicu.iugc cloat.l linn at i S"@l M'1. ' OOVUH.VMCIT noses Oloced firin. Gut reucy O'B . 129 i'd Coupi ns . ItlOj 4' red * wed . H'.y 4 J' coupons . 1 114 4 I'a T' Rhtered . 1 1 1 1 G s continue , ! . 1031 S's continued . 101 jj EAlLnOAI ) BONDS. Pacific r.xllro.xd bouda closed 11 follow. * ; Uulou Ists . 1 18J@110 Union Liud Grants . 113VolHJ ( ) Huion SlnkhiR Fund" . I'JOj ® 1213 HTOCKH. The stock market to-day was dull , but in the main strung throughout , nnd clewed with the highest ipiot.ition of the day Rcnci ally current. The special featnrea of the ( Ualingswere Vandt'rhllt'H grangers , Ronthvejteru eharoa and New Jcro > Central. The advancu for the day range I from { to ij ! : , led by Louisville it Nashville. The iirinci > al dciltnsta to-day were in Jouiivillo & X.nhville , Denver & 3liu CJrando , Like Shor . Texas 1'acific , Northwestern , W.'nh shares , Delaware , Lick iw.iiin.v & Western .and New Yerl : Centra' ' . Tna following were the cloiln. ? bids : Western Union. 81 Adams 137 it to St ,1 . S > American Ill Preferred . . . . b2 US 71 Kansas It Texas 32i Wcl'aFnrgo 123 lKk\V . 28 CUO&l 7li ! Ionia & Naih. . OGg CO&IC 8 L S . Ill ; ) O B&IJ 1319 Morris & E..121 N .10 7 < i North western. . 13 li I. C lasj Preferred. . . . HO Midi Cen ! ia OSV . "I Ohio Oca 14 i Ohio& Miss. . . - : : ! N P -UJJ Preferred. . . . 78 ? I'M -12i Cent Tag Old Quicksilver. . . . 8 UP llll Preferred. . . . 43 Mn. Pac ! ) lf Heading fiUij Tl'aeific 4ltf K 1 130 N Y Kle vated. . 1 ul S.m Fran 35 IStet.Kl 8G Prefemd. . . . 47 .Man Kiev St. Paul . H.J Prefened . . . .li7i Preferred. . . . f > 3 St P & O. -t'i ( ' Cnna-laS 52 Preferred . 1 WV GAt. O J 4 Nrwh. & Chat. . OH-,1 C&A 131 MLS&W. . . i D&ll 1113 Wabaflh DL&AV ! ' } Preferred. . . . D &K G 01 ? HTA7K UO.VDS. Ncg'cct.-d. SALKS. Th Cullntviii1 ; wjre the aalei of the more active stock * to-d ly. Total , 183,000 alnres : W U 3-100 K&T 13JOO CB&Q 0)0 ) LK&W 400 NY C 480 I Iouia & N.iili.2'.GOO N.I C 0M0 ( ! IiS. O C COO fOO NP ( WO Niirthwestern 33')0 ' ) Preferred. . . fil00 Profcm-d. . )1)00 ) C P 2rO PM 1200 'UP ( ! 2DJ 43i'0 ' MP 1700 St. Paul loOO TP 1-1100 Preferred . . , 470 ! ) MuuJi 400 S" P& O KliOO C&U GOO Preferred . . . BiiOO DL ft W. . . . 3300 Na-h&Chut. . 409 D&II . 2100 Wabash 3800 D&KG . 20500 Preferred.1100 Krie . 4 00 CHICAGO JIOKKT. CHICAGO , Juno 21. ' The money maikat w\s quiet and rate.- ) unchanged at 57 per cent. K.iDterii exchange batween city banks c premium per § 103. Clearings to-day frG.OOO.OCO. COMI ERCIAJL , Bii Wliolocalo Mnrkot- Oi'Fioi : OK Tnu OMAHA Hut1 1 Saturday livening , June 4. J - , j The whok' ale trade of this city during the past week has been quite satisfactory in most lines. The demand for dry good * , carpets , boots ami shoes , millinery , manu factured clothing , huts nnd caps , drugs and shelf hardware , though late in the sea son , ti'.Ost of the trAvelinc salesmen off the road report liberal orders by mail and quotations well maintained. Staple gro ceries continue to move cpiita freely , the same bein f true of lake and salt water Cnb. Piices lirai with a tendency to ad vance. ' The provision mirkot U reported as generally dull and prices llustualiiig. 't ' Latter receipts for the week have been light and somewhat advanced , selling at 15@7c. ! Kgtfx nre also reported in light receipt nnd in f.dr iltmnnd , telling to-day at 10fel7c , Klonr i * quiet undtitichanged j IJrau ai d chopped feed ia in fair demand ut rpi tatiom. Cut msat * of nil kinds .show a very strong movement with u gradual up waul tendency. The moves - s ment in hrd hui been better than for toine- tiuie punt nnd littler prices have been re- nlized ; old t-d.ty at 11 72 cash. , < Strawberriei nre arriving in limited < iuantiths and price ) high , belling nt 3 CO @ 1 00 fur 10 quirts. Cherries are in heavy supply ; home grown nre selling from 8@ IOo per quart. Lemons nre arriving quite freely : the demand ia Htrnns and prieen ad- ' vamini' , Belling at 575 050 per box. , Apples ara in good supply at 5 50@0 00 per barrel. Peicheanre coining in quite freely and celling at 1 40@1 GO per box , Vegetibles of all kinds nre in heavy / ' enpply and prices rapidly declining. Hog receipts are on the de.line , only " ' 30 cars reported during the week , packers ' paying 7 45 for good. Cattle and sheep re- ' ' ' , 'Jt ceipU not reported , but good butchers' stock in request at outfcido figures. rs'd , ' ' The local er < i < n trade has been at bent alow , and whit * prices have fluctuated t more or leia throughout the week , tha ' u changes have been slight , with the excep- " " : lion of corn and oatu , which show a tharp ' . , advance. The only changes reported in the mar- let to-day are na followd : Wheat No. 2 advanced io ; No. 3 ad. . vauced 2e. Uje Advanced le. Con-Advanced So. Oats-Advanced Us. Tomatoes Declined 25o per box " i Declined lc. Castor -Advanced Ific per h.iu..i . , . Local drain DB.illni V/HKAT.-Cash No. 2 , 1.14J ; ca h N . i , OOc : rejected , COc. UAHLKY. Cash No. 2 , 8Sc ; JSo. P , GGs. ' 'YU.-Cft h,5G ? . CORN . CaJi 52JNo. ; . 2 , GOc , MATS. CftVi , 4311' . 5TUK13T PlUCLS-Corn , COffCo ( ; t , COc. 'reduce and Provlilont. J'OTATOIJS Old , out of tnnrltot. Home grown out of mnrket ; new , $1.5 I @ 1 70 p rlmOiel. 11KAXS Wa % l.riOfffS 0 ) i-er bus. box. no ( \ letting § I.JiOf2 25. ONIONS-SI r.0 ( < 2 00 per box : new homo grown , v r doz btinc'ie * . 15ff20c. ( JlAblSIIliS Home grown , ISedu * . I'lK PLANT Per pound , lc. A- PAK Afl L'S Per doz , 405 ? SOe. LKT TUCMIVr : \r. \ , head , . | ( ) ( u We. NK\V ToM.\TOiS-P.r : I ox. 81.150. IIUTTUK Cholrn country , f ( ! GS Scarce , l"fn IGc. MKATSIUm , 15r , broaUfaU bacon. loci clour bacon , Kljc ; boulder' , DC ; dried beef , -jonntNTr ruin : 1 Minnesota p.itouir , 4 7 < ) : Jack Frost , 1 7" ' : Slnwiit-o fancy , 3 75 ; California ' 'Piom-cr , 8 7 ! Tiiumph , cpring , 3 Vlo ; rye ll-mr 3 2i ; rye , C.rnhnni , 250 ; wheat ( iinham 3 25 ; hay. G 00tfO0 ( per ton ; baled , 10 00 chopped feed , 1 GO ; chopped corn , 1 50 bran , 1 CO per owl ; straw , 403 per ton loose ; 500 btlcd. btlcd.Grocers' Grocers' List. COFFKl ! . Klo , Inlt , lie ; KU. , goon 2c ; Kio , prime to choice , 12iej Old cov't Jc , Hochn , 28ic ; ArbuckleV , 'JCKAS .Gunpowder , good , 45(52)55 ( ) ; Choice , GlXrf < 75c ; hniierlal , ijnod , 40oiric ( ; ; Jhuicc , C0fe75c ; Younj ; Hyson , Rood , 3G © 'Uc ' ; choice , G.V@S1 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf , too ; Japan , choice , Gl@7oc ( ; Oolong , ( joi-d , } S@40 ; Oolong , cho.ce , 40g55 ; Souchong , /nod. Wifcilflc : choice. 3."fiU5c. NKW PUTKLKS Medium , In barrels. SO 00 ; do in half bbln , 5 25 ; smsvll * , In bbl , 12 00 do , in half bbls , 7 CO ; gherkins , in bis , 14 00 ; do , in half bbls , 7 50. VINKCiAU Pure apple extra , IGo : pure apple , 13c : Pnisaine uure auule , IGc. dUUAHS-Cut loaf , lie ; Crushed lie ; Granulated , 10c , ; Powdered , 11 ; 'iuo powdeied , Uc ; Stamlnrd Coffee A , Di'c ; Now York Confectioner's Standard A , 9o : ( Jood A , OIc : Prairie Kxtra C. ! 1o. ItuPK Sisal , 4 luch nnd larger , DC ; tinch , 10L. ( .UIKKSU Full Cream , 13c ; Part Skim. Hie. WOOnKNWAKK Tvro hoop pailf , I 95j hrco hoop paili' , 2 20 ! No. 1 tubs uioneer wr.slibo.irds , 1 S. > Double Crawii , LUO ; WellbucketH , S f.O. LHAD Bar , SI 05. DKIED KKUITS Choice halves , peaches. "c : Snlt Lake lie ; vap- orated 50M > boxes , i3Jc ; Michigan , 7c ; New Vork apples , 7c ; Pnuipu , old , GJc ; now , ' 3Jc ; CurrsutH , GJ@7c ; lilnckberrie. , new , MoHOMINY HOMINY New , 5" 00 per bbl. SODA Dwifcht's tliiupon. . i".1 85 ; Ii > - nnd do , 585 ; Church's , $1 S"i ; Keg toJa 24 c. IJKAN8 Imported German $3 50 per CANDL1C.S Boxes , 40 Ibs , 10 oz , SM , 5oboxeR ; 40 lb . , 1 ( ! o ? . , Gt , 15" . CANNKD GOODS Uyatcre , 2 Ib 1 Field's ) , per ca e , SI 00 : do 1 Ib ( Kinld'a ) , per case , 'i SO ; cto 2 11 > ( Standard ) , per case , 3 GO ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , j > cr c.-vee , 2 20 ; do 'i Ib ( Hlack ) , i > er cabo , 2 7G ; do 1 Ib ( Hlnek ) , per C.03C , 200. Onions , 3 SO. Salmon , 1 $ Qgt , Ibp or dozeu.l 'JO ; do 2 Ib. per dozen 2 S5@2 Go. Sardines , smull I'sh , imported , one imarter boxes per box , HJc ; American , liiarter boxes per box , lie ; do half boxiw , per box , 21ic. Lobsters , 1 Ib per itozeu , 1 80. Tomatoes , 2 SO ; do 3 Ib per case. 2 9D ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain ) ] ) er ease , 3 10 ; poakort corn , 2 10 ; do 2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per e-tto , 3 15 ; Hiring beans , per cahC , 2 10 ; Limn beans per case , 1 85. Succotash per case. 2 00. Peas , common , per case , 2 00 ; pens , choice , per case , 3 15. blackberries , 2 ib , per case , 210 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per cnio. 2 30 i ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 3 OOrat.3 16. DamnoiiH , 2 Ib , per case , 2 45. liartlutt jx > arn per cae , 3 00 ® 1 f3. Whortleberries per eaw,240. Kijg plunw,2 Ib perci.Bo,3 30 ; ( Sri-en g.ies,2 ( Ib per cane , 3 30 ; do choice , ' . Ib per caw , 1 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per cane , I OOffoS 75 , Peaches , 2 tb per case , 3 10 : do Sib. case , 1 .r OC 55 ! 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 H ) , per cr.so.2 75 ; do pie , G Ib , per dozen , 3 FiO. K1CJJ Caiollna , 71fcSe ; ; LonUiann , 7 ( Sfe ; fair , ( J2O.J. iiV ItljJ'N. iisr r houio , libJK , fijc ShnJf bN , 57C ; ke B , li jf.illons , SJ2 50 ; ehoicu table Byruti , 5jc ; lialf bhln , 5Da ; koijg , 8S 50. STAllC'lI. Pourl , lie ; Milver IJloirf , SJ )8c ) ; Corn Starch , 8i@yc ; Eieeliiior ilr H. 7c ; Corn. 7ic. BAJiT. Dray loada , par bbl , 1 85 ; Anh- ton , In aa'ckK , 3 BO ; bbln dairy 00 , 5s , 3 15 ; . 100.3s. 3G5. SPICKS. Pepper , 19 ; Allspice , 19c ; Cloves , 40c ; Nutinesfa , 31 0025cCasBiu ; , .Mnuo ijl 00. 3JATC5HHS Per caddie , OOc ; round onset' , S7.G5 ; nquaro cascu , 25.10 SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 35 ; Kirk'B Eatlnet , 3 COlCirk'o ; standard , 8 * 0 ; Kirk's white Uussian , 5 23 : JCirk'H Uutoca , 215 Kirk'8 Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakea ) , 10 ; Kirk'a inairuolia , 4 M. LYE American , 8 40 ; Greenwich. 310 : Western , 2 7i > ; North Star , 2 60 ; Loww' lye. 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 2 7& . POTASH Ponnaylvaulo cans , 4 do/ . , in case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in cftHO , 1 90 : Anchor Ball 2 doz iu case , 1 50. FIELD BKKD Ked clover , choice now , ? G 00 tier biuhel ; mammoth clover now , $7 00 ; white clover , new , § 14 00 il nlfa clover , now , 812 50 ; nlsiko , now , § 13 00 , Timothy , food , new , $ .1 00 ; blue craw , extra clean , 31 50 ; blue gra. H , clean , § 1 25 ; orchard crass , § 2 50 ; red top , choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Mli ourJ , 80o ; millet , German , $100 to $1 25 ; Hunjrarian. COc. HKDOJiSIIJSD O i ja orange , 1 to 5 bushels , 35 00 ; O.IIIBO orautjo , 10 bushalH or over , 51 00 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 3"ic ; per 100 Ibs . 925 00. FIH J-Fiwnlly white fish , 00 Ib hf bbls , S > 'J5 ; No , 1 white fwh , 90 Hi hf bbls. 7 00 ; No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kite , 1 10 ; family 10 Ib kits , 85c ; New Holland herring , per L keg , 1 35 ; Uussian nardinec. 75C : Colum bia river Bidmou , per lOOlba , 8 00 ; Goorpi' i Bank codfish , Oe ; Gen. bonelewj ood.- . "j j 9&c ; bonolusa lifch , fJc. HKIv Half bblc mess mackerel 1 , 100 Ibs , S12 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 et riiore do , lOOlbB , 8 GO ; hf bbla , fat family do , 100 Ibn , ft OH ; mesH mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ; No. 1 ex bhore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 : No. i shore , 12 Ib do. 1 00 : fat family , 10 Ib do 75o. PHANUTS Hodstod , cbolco , red Ten. ne ee , ICoper Ib ; fanoy white , lOio porlb ; rn > v whita Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted , 121c. Dry Qoodt , lUtOWN COTTONS Atlantic A. SJc ; Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; l5oott VV , 8Jc ; ISuckoye LL , 4-1 , 7c ; Cabot W , 71c ; Chittenango A , 0 ] < ; Oroat Falls K , 8c ; IIooHler , GO ; ] lonu t Width , 7Jc ; In- clfan Head A. 8jc ; Indian Standard A , 8JC ) Indian Orchard d. TV. , 8.Jc ; Lawrence LI ; , 7c ; Myntio Itiver , 7Jc ; Pequot A , 8Jc ; Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utlcj 0 , 6ic ; Wnchus- . ' ett U. 7ic ; do A , BJo ; do K 48 , 121o ; Wai- cott 15 U. 8 > c. FINK HllOWN COTTONS-Allendale 4-1 : 74c ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4 J , 7Jo ; Atlantic LL , GJc ; Badger Btatfl X 4-1 , 7c ; Benninfrton 01-1 , GJc ; liuckeye H , 4.1 , sco Indian Orchard AA 9-B. 8ic ; Lnconla ice It .JIJ , I2U , * iU * i " * 1 u WauiBUtta 1-4 IBo IJL13AOHBD COTTON1 ! Androgcog L'iu L4-liiclilackntonoAA ) ; In.perial8c do do half Ijloached 1-4,9c ; Cabot 4-1 , : at \\J \ , t IH. . . . . . AA1M . U. . io : jyjnwaie , lOc ; do cambric 37 , i ju i aw York Mills. 12c ; Pequot A , lOc ; Poiiperell N G Twills , 12ic ; Pocahontas 4-1 , 9Jc ; Pocasset 4-4 , 8Jc [ ; Utlca , llcj Wameutta UuOK.8 ( Colored ) Albany K brown , Sc ; do 0 , drab , lit : do XX stripes and plaid ! . < , 125c ; do XXX brown and drab , tri | > es ana plaid * , 12Jc ; Arlington fancy , PC ; Brunswick brown , 8Jc : Chariot fancy , 12J ; do extra hcMy , 20cj Fall lliver bronn , extra heavy , lljc ; Indlnna A , ovm . lHr > < Neixmsct A brown. 15c. TlOKUNUo rtinp'kcas A U A S3 "i ; do XX blue 32 , 18ic { Arrowantn Pic ; Olnrcmont II U , 15Jc : Cone tos tx tr.-v , IVJc ; Hnmilton D , llic Lowistou .v SO , U'Cj Minnchnlm 4-4. 20c : Omega su | > or extra 4-4t 2Sc : Pearl Klver . .2 , lGc : Put- nnr XX blue etrljie , 12c : Shetuckct S lOJej } do SS 12c ; YCOUIMI'S blue 29 , SJc 1 > KNIMS. Amoskeak , hluonnd bronn 1GJ ; AndinerDUl.hiP , ISJcj ArlitiRX bin Scotch , ISjcj Concord OOC ) , blue a w brown. 12Jo ! do AAA , do do 13J ; ilo XXto dodo i llic : Haymaker's blue nnd brown , OJe ; Mystic Hivcr 1)1 > stripe , injcj IVail luver , blue nuil brown , 1" > JC ! Uncnsvlllc , blue nnd Imiwn , 13Jc. CASiniUOS-Hr-rnard , .Mci Kddystono lining ! , 21 Inch dmililr faciSJc ; ( lamer A glazed , fie : Manhattan glove finiih , fijc ; Ncwjiort do ficj do glared , fijc : Pcrjuot do 5oi Ttoikwoml kid huish , lie. COHSUT.IKANSAmory , RcAndnw cogffin gntlecn , SJij ; t'l.iri > ndc T > , C5cOone ; togu snttrrin , 7cj ITnllowel , Sc ; ludi J Nnrr nj. n ettliuproyo'lo ppperill Mtto' > it 9 o ; UnckKut | , 7ijc. PRINTS Aliens , GJc ; American , GJP ; Arnold , "c ; Berwick , 4Jc ; Cochccn , 7i" Conp ton. GJe ; Dunkirk , 4jc ; Duunoll , lH@"c ; Kddytoiu > . 7cj Glmciwler , Ge , Harmony , 5Jc ; Knickerbocker , GJc ; Mcr- rimno D. 7c ; Mystic , fijc ; Spnmtes Gc ; tiouthbridgo , Ge ! do. Oliilinm | ; , 7c ; Mail- bore , 5Jc ; Oriental GJc. ( rINGHA.Mt ? AtiiMlicitf , lOJrrnoi. . kc i ; drofis I''i' Ar yle , lOjo ; Atlantic , 9c ; Cumberland , 7Jt ; ui lilnnil , Sjo ; Ktuilworth , SJe ; Plun kptt , 10 c ; Su . sex. 80. COTTONA DIM . . , DamlT , njc : KoyH , IGJt Stioscx , 12c ; Tl n , I'Jic ; Waclninclt nlilrl- li r shocks , 12ic ; do , Nankin , IBjc ; York , plain Nnnkin. 12Jc ; do , checks , ttripes and fancy , 12&c : do , 8 07 , 20c. ailKKTINGS Androwossln 10-1.27jc ! do 9-4 , 21c ; do 8-4. 2ic ! ; Continental C 12 , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-1. 27i ; Now York mills US , .Too ; do 78 , SOo ; do f.3 , 221e ; Pembroke 10-1 , 2ic ; Ponuot 10-4 , 28Jc ; do 7-1 , 1'Jc ; do 49 , IGc ; Pewierell 3G , COc ; do G7 , 21c ; do 57 , ISc ; Utlw OR , : Cc ; do 6S , 22Jc ; do 18 , 17o Clcart and Tobaccot. GIG AltS. Seeds , 551D.OO ; Connecticut , ? 2o.OO ; Mixed , 63."i.00 ; Seed Havana , 550.00Clrnrllavana , 75.00. TOBACCO Pf < UG. Golden Ilulo , 2-1 Ib , GOo ; Our Hope , first imnlily , G2e ; Star , pounds , 24 Hi , buttB.liOc ; Horse Shoo , pounds , 21 Ib , butti , GOc ; Gilt Edge , poundH , 24 Ib , butts , CO ; Army mid Navy , pounds. 53c ; lJulllonpotmd | [ , 59c ; Jjorll- lard's Clllmnx , pounds , GOc. FINE CUT In rails. Hani to Beat , 7rc ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , SOc ; Favorite , CMC ; KocUy Mountain , OOe ; Fnnoy , 55e ; Daisy , fiOc. In tin foil fMlitiH O. S. , 5 Ib boxes , per Hi GSc ; Ijori- Illani's Ticcr. ( > 5c ; Diamond Cioini , Cfls. SMOKING All Rrndoi Common , 25 to 33c. Granulated lilackwells Durham , 10 oz Blc ; Dukes Durham , 10 oz , 50e ; Seal of North Carolina , IG oz , 4G ; Seal of Nebras. ka , IG 02 , 38c ; Lone .Tacit , 4 oz , linen bap < per Ib. 81.35 ; Marburg' Puck , 2 or , tin oil , 55c ; Hop Tail , Goo. Pnlnti Oiln nnd Varnl ho . PAINTS IN OIL While li'.id , Omnhit P. P. , G c ; white load , St. Louis , pure , G' ' , ' " ; MarsailloH green , 1 to fi Hi cans , V0c ! Krench zinc , gie" ! ! scnl , 12c ; French /me , red acal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish oust , ' .Xc ) : French r.ince , In oil asst , IHc ; Haw nod burnt umber , 1 Ib cans lite : raw and burnt Sienna , lee : van-lyko brown , 13. , i-efmed lampblack , 12c ; coach black , l"c I"ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Pnisninn blue , SOa ; ultramarine blue , 18o ; chrome green , L. M' . & D. , 14c ; blind nnd ehnttor ( p-cen , L. M. & D. , 1G = ; Paris Brcen , 18c ; Indian red , Itic ; Venetian red , Uc ; Tuscan drc , 22c ; American Vcnniliod , ' I. & P. , 18c ; chrome yellow , L. , U. , O. ft. D 0. , ISc ' ; yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre. I1 ! ; patent Jrycr , 80 ; graining colors : light oak , dark oat , walnut , chestnut and nsh 15o Dry ° alntt chiteing \vhitiiif ; ( .utvii , . ortu , ii iiiwnv\ . * , * ' i. " t-j , wwj - - - sian blue , 5oo ; ultramaune , 18c ; vandyke , i , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4e ; umber , raw , Icjsicnn.i , burn t , 4c ; hienna , raw , 4o million , America , 18o ; Indian red. lOe , nwo pink , 14c ; Venetian road , Cookson's e : Venetian red Am. , ljo ; rod lead , 7io ; ofiror.o yellovv , genuine , 20e ; chrome yel low , 1C. , 12c ; ochre , rocbelle , 3c ; ochre , French , 2 c ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winter's mineral. 2Jc ; lehigh brown. 2Jc : spnuish browii , 24c ; J'rinco'w mineral ! lc ; OILH 110' carbon , per finllon , Hie ; 1'50 headlight , per gallon , 12jc ; 175' headlight , per gallon , lOe ; linseed , raw. per gallon , ' 7 ; linseed , boiled , per gallon , GOc ; lard , winter uti-M , porual- Ion , 1 00 : No. 1 , 80c ; No. 2 , 70e ; cantor , XXX , per gallon , 1 15 ; No. 3 , 1 05 ; uwoct , per gallon , 8fjc ; epoim , W. U. , per gallon , 1 55 ; fish , W. 15. , per gallon , GOc ; ncnUfoot , extra , per gallon , 75o ; No. 1 , G5c ; lubri cating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; tmtmncr , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 85c ; No. 2 , : iO : Bperin , signal , per gallon , 80cj tcr- pentine , per gallon , S5c ; naptha , 74 ( per gallon , 18o ; 01 . 17c VARNISIJKS IJnrrela per fr. llon. li'urniture , extra , 31 10 ; furniture , iNo. 1 , SI ; coach , extra , 31 40 ; Coach , No. 1 ; SI 20 ; Damar , extra , $1 75 ; Japan , 70cr.a- phaltum , extra , 853 ; shellac , 83 50 ; hard oil finish. 81 30 DHU S AND OUKM.IGALS Acid Carbolic , fiOc ; Acid , Tartaric , TOc ; Balsnm icr la )0 ) ; Dovora powders , per lu , i > l 1U ; J picrc ialts , per Ib. SJc ; Glyceriuo , pure , per ib ! 38c ; Lead , Acetate , per Ib , 21c ; Oil , Castor ! , No. J , per j-al , * > 1 IB ; Oil , Cantor , No. 3 , per gal , 9100 ; Oil , Olive , per pal. 31 50 ; Oil , Origanum , BOo Opium , iW 5(1 ( ; quinine P. & W. < t II. & lV IH.T or , 02 W ; Potassium , Iodide , per lVof 8175 ; Salacm , per oxlOci Sulphate of Morphine , neroz , $3 85 ; Bulphur Hour , per Ib , 4o ; Htrvcbnlno. ner oz. 81 35. rloavy Hardware Ul t. Iron , rates. ? 3 40 ; plow steel , special cast , 7c ; crucibh'.Ko ; HpecialnrlormanGc ; east tool do. 1B@20 waKen Dnokes , sot. 2 25@3 00 ; hubs , i > or net , 1 25 ; folloos , uawod dry. 140 ; tongue * , each , 70@86o ; axles , each , 75o ; snuaro nuts , j > cr Ib , 7@llo ; wawhere. par Ib. 8@18c ; rivets , per Ib , lie ; cell chain , per Ib , G@12c ; malleable , Be ; Iron we < lges , Go ; crowbars , Go ; harrow tooth , 4o ; liontOHhooa , | > er kej < , 5 00 ; Bjirint ; Hteel , 7.8c ; Burden's horeeshoea , 5 50 ; liiinici.'H muleihocs , G 50. SHOT. Shot , Sl.fcS ; Buck shot , 82.10 ; Oriental Powder , kegs , $0.40 : do. , half kc'H , , 03.48 ; do. , quarter k s , 91.88 ; Blatst- Init , kotrs. 63,35 : Fuse. er 100 feetfXo. , ) BAMUCU WIUK In car lots , , ! } 3' ) per 100 ; m lens than car lots , 8 55 i > er 100 , Leather. Oak solo , 38c to 42c ; hemlock sulo , 28o to 35c ; hemlock kip. 80o to 100 ; runner , G5a to 80c ; hemlock calf , 85o to 120 ; hem lock upper , 23oto2ic ( ; oak uriper , 2lc ; alligator. 4 00 to C 50 calf kid r UlJ4KbUIi W V < * < JWf W * * t\ , 32@35o ; Orelseu kid , 2 50 to 2 76 ; oak kip , 0o to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 10 ! to 1 30 ; 'rench ' kip , 110'to j 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; nis- setts , 5 60 to 7 50 ; lining , U 00 to 10 50 ; topping , U 00 to 10 50 ; U. lt , Morocco , JiOc to 35c ; pebble 0. U. Morocco , 35c ; elmou , 2 . ' 0 to 3 00. HAKNKHS-Nol Htur oak , 42o ; No 2 do , 39c ; No. 1 Ohl-i oak , 38e ; No. 2 do , 35c ; No. I Milwaukee 37c ; No. 2do , 3lc. Here * and Mulet. The market ii brink and all grades are eellinuwell at slight advance in ' f- pilcea. The demand for good horteu exceeds the supply conalileraoly , 1'ricod range aa fol lows : FinoBlnKla drlrere , C1M ) . toSOO. ; Kxtra draft her e3. $175. to 2 5. ; Common drait horeeu , 8100. to 150 , ; Kxtra funn homea , 8110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horned 890. to ? 100. ; Kxtra plugn , SCO. to 76. i Common plug * , 820. to $10. MULKS.-16 to 15J hands ( extra ) , 8125. to 150 , ; Hi to 15 handu , 8100. to 140. ; 114 to 14J hands , 875.10100. ; 1SJ to 111 I hnndft , ( ? GO. to 75. LI uori. ALCOHOL 187 proof , 226 per win * ; a'lon ) extra CAllfonda spirit.is ? proof , 1 20 ' per proof callon ; triple rclniM * MiiriL > , IP7 pnxif , 1 21 per proof trsllon : reilintllled wl-inkies 100150 ( fine blr-iviod , 150 ® 2 50 ; Kentucky bourbonp , 2CXia)700) ) ) K U. turkv ftnd 1'ennnrlvnnU rye , 2 00@7 Oi ) ] JU AND I HS Imported , 80 00@1GOO ; domestic 1 104 00. GINS Iaort < H . 4 M0 ) CO ; domestic , . HUMS Imp < irtcd , 4 C0 0 00 ; Now England , 2 iWrflt 00 ; domc tic. 1 ftO ® 50 'KAUIl AND AlTJiK UUANDY- CiUMPAGNKS Iinrorted ppr ' > i © 1I30C CI.ATIKTS 1'cr cno , 1 fi WINl'.S liliiuo wine , jwr .RKO , ti OJ@ 20 00 ; CnUwbn , per onxe , 1 Lumber. WHOUMAtF. Wo ipioto lumtmr , ntn vr < at'Pmahn at the following pric1 * ' : JOIST AN'PSOANTUMl 10 ft. ami undfr , $ .21 ( Hi ; 18 ft. , $ ' ( Hi. TIM11K11S 111 ft. and unlor. 32200. TIMUKU AM ) JOIST is ( t. , f2fln > ; JC ft Sl'4 Ct3 ft. , $27 : > 0 ; 21 ( t. , 3 > 27 50. 1 KM'tMt No. 1 , 4 ai 1 1 ! in. , | 22 00 ; No. 2 , gUi ) ( ' 0. WIir.KTlXa No. 1 fnl common boiitU ) 1S 50 ; No. 2 , 51 T ( W. sTonci oAuna-iwu. D , ewoo ; 1. ' In.'C. S35 00 ; P..in , 11 , f\n \ oo. PAPKU Stiaw paiwr , ( No ; rmper , 4c ; dry piloiU paper , 7c ; mini1 . i > aicr | , 10o > nnw.i ptilHT , So. COALr-Cumberland M .ckimlth , 912 : MoiiU Hun Blossburr , Sl-'j Wmlvbrcnrt lump , $ A TO ; Whitcbrtwit nut , li .H ) ; low * lump , f G 50 ; Iowa nut S'l Vi ; Kock Spring $ K : Antbrnutto. all sir.SI a ( Mfiini ! M ) . NAI ISKntcs , 10 to ti't ! ! , ; i GO. liIMK 1'er barrel , SI l.i ; Imlfc po om- 350 Cement , bbl , SI 7' I.-wa . ' ' , 2 00. llnlr per In : , ; re. Taricd felt 100 Ib * . S3 00. Straw board , S3 CO. Wool. Mo.-lno nnwmbed , light , It Tlt5aj ) bcrtvy.c @ 131f > c ; uioilluiii unwailind , IK-lit , 18 ( 20 washed , choice , 32c ; fnir , fiOe ; tuli-iliuu' and w. , 2fic ; hurry , blnrkuuil eottod wool Hldei F-uri , Elc. HiniJS Ureen bntclior's hide. GruTAc cured 7io ; hldoi , Krcen t nlt , \i rt cured 7e hidoit , io ! ; dry lltut , Homi.i. . 13@llcdrv ; calf aud kip , 12 < < dl4c ; dry R.ilt lildcK.counil , 10llc ; ijreen calf. wt. 8 to 15 llm. . lOfWllc ; Kroan calf , wt , under 8 Itw , per nkln , 50 : tjreen pelts , 50@Sl 25 ; L-refti lamb skin , Jl 25Cgl50 ; damaucil lildea , two-third rate , cut scored aud ono iruli , clawed two' ' tlirdi rate , ) branded hldos 10 per cent , off , Coon skins , No. 1 , 4ric ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3 , 20. ; No. J , IOo. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 2 , SOo ; No. 3 , Ifio ; No. 4 , oe. lNo. . 1 , GOcj No. 2,25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black , 05cj short Htriiio , 40o ; narrow stripe 25cj bread Btrino , lOo. 'Inllow 7c. Council Binll'n film-hot. CopNCiL BburrH , .tune 24. Flour Crystal Mills Guidon Slical , 3 GO ; California Eureka , pntcnt , 3 8u ; best brand of Ivmsna , 4 O0' 4 2"i ; ICanaan and Mi"fiuuri flour S 5004 . ' ' ' > ; gniham , 3 75 ; rye ( lour , 3 40. Torn M al Whito. 1 70 per hundred ; yellow , 1 50 per hundred. Br.m and bhortn 20 OC per ton Chop Corn SO < ! 0 iwr ton. Whwit No. 2 , 1 15. Corn G5c. O.xts No. 2 , fi3c. ] { yo 75- . JJurley 803 Broom Corn SJ'Slts. liny Imow , 900inlOOO ( ; baled , 75 per Wood G 00@7 00. Wool 15@'J ) . Butter Creamery , 20o ; in rolls , wrap- nod , 15c : rolU not wrnpjn l , 12iij ; mixed color- * , - Bf. " A u Oulonc 1 75. ' Live ChickciiR 3 GOper doren. Potatoes Scarce ; old at 1 G5 ; new nl 2 2.i. 2.i.LIVIJ LIVIJ STOPK.--Caltlo-Kitrn ! , 150 ® 55(1. ( Yeal C.ilves-GCO. HOJH 7 00 ® 7 50. Sbeep-5 75. CUloaio Jfroaaou. CIIIOAOO. Juno 21. Flour Quiet unddeinaiid ll ht for homo : con-iumpliun. Shipping grades fairly ac tive. tive.Wheat Wheat -Spring plow and neg'ected , clos ing i.t t 25@1 33 fur .lime ; 1 "I for . iari 1 0.2 for the your ; No. 2f-irly nctivo ri stron ' at 1 15 J for July ; 1 ig@l 17 for Auxuat ; 1 03 | for eptuudjei ; 1 01 J for heat year. year.Com In good demand and strong nt 772io for .Inn.72g@72Jo ; for July ; 73 } j for AuguitiJl ; ( for tha yuir. Oats Stoidj ; tso. 2 , f 3Jo for c.ish and .lune:47i ; for July ; 37Jo for Annual ; 35 | c' for tlio jenr , Ityo Firm and a shade higher ; No. 2 , C9ic@70oforcaHh ; 71 ie for July ; G5o for the year. Uarley Weak nnd lower ; No 2 , Siic 1'ork Firmer nnd hi hui ; IIICHH clordng nt 21 40@2l 15 for cash nnd July ; 21 25 ® 27 50 fop Aujfiikt ; 19 40 for the year. Lard Iri-k ! demand at 11 705 )11 72i for cosh ; 11 72jrail 75 for July ; 11 81 ( ) 1187Jtor Autjiixt ; 11 70@11 72J for the year. year.Bulk Meats Fairly active ; nh.irt riba , 12 25(3)12 ( ) 30 for ca-ih ; 12 50 for July. Whisky-Quiet nt I 1 - . 15uttdrQuiet ; creamery , 2t@21c ; dairy , c. Slow at 17@17ic.Keo'ts. Keo'ts. Shlpm'ts Flour . 17338 23,911 Wheat . Hf',97l 158,951 Com . 5IG.8H3 312,174 OaU . 153,070 320,9 uo ! Kye . 4,40'J 1.817 Barley . 2,407 1,100 St. JL.OUIS frodnoo. ST. LOUIH , Juno 21. Flour Low 'lid ' mo'lluin grides lownr ; high er/Mlei b tier ; XX 4 10il ( 25 : XXX : 4 50BH GO ; family , 5 I55 25 ; choice , G 10 @G 10 ; fancy , ( i 50&G GO. Who-it lUxhcr and fairly firm ; No , 2 red. 124(3)1 ( ) Ml for cash ; 129 for Jimo ; 1 28i for July ; 1 22J for Augint ; 1 004 for year ; N. . . 3uV , 1 21 ; No. 4 do 1 KIJ bU. Corn UiKh'Ti ' 75o for cash : 71 Jo for Juno ; 72for.lulv ; 71Jo for Hqitem'ier ; ( i'Jo ) . > r Oi-tolieri 584 c' ( > r year. OatH-Hiclu' ' ! ril@51Jo f r cii h ; B2o bid for Juno ; Hfc fur July ; SUJo for yen- . llyo N" " Ind. BirleyNoiidnd. . headKirini.t1 50. Whisky Steady. Pork Higher ; 21 274 bid for cash and June. Lard-1'Irm all 150 asko.l. KecptK. Bhipts Flour ' 1.000 ' 10,000 Wheat 18,000 90,000 Com H.009 2' ,000 Cuts " .000 7000 Baltimore liALTiiiouie , Juno 21 , Dull. Klour J f 111 * Wheat Southern Btead ; full1 33 ® ISStlonuborry , 1 8.'i@l40No ; , i ! red winter firm at 1 401 10 ] for cosh ; 1 lOJ ® ! 41 for Juno. Corn -Southern dull at 93@95c ; yellow sinthern dull uf. kJTH r. . Toledo Proauoe. TOLEDO. June 21 , Who t I'irm nnd hf'her ( ; No , 2 av-h , 1 31 ; June ; 1 29i ; July , 113 } ; Awunt , 10 ? ; Boptmuiier. 1081 ; year. 10GJ. Coru Firm ; high mixed , 7GJo hid ; No. 2caKl , 7 > ? c ; June. 7M bid ; Julv. 73jfc ; August , 73c | bid ; Heptember , 733 bid ; October , 73 ; year. OGo. Oatn Steady ; Iso. 2 August , : t71c bid ; September Chi on ; ; o iilva Stock. OHIOAOO , Juno 21 , Tha Drover's Journal reporti" : 'nioijs Hjceipt , BOOI , } market brink and IOo hUdier , though of poor quality ; mixed [ , 7 ? 5- ( ) ( Or ; heavy , 8 I0@8 55 ; light , 7 i'J@ ( 8 10 ; kiim. G 76(27 ( 25 , CuUo-Ueupt ! ! , 1,500 ; market dull , weak and lower , except for butchers' am Tctans , which were oteady an.l n little I nlghtr . ; common i > hlpiiinp , fi37J ( < 'o7ri ; If.1 ! G OOfG 40 ; modlnm. G 50 r. 8'-s cows. 2 50 3 90 : ulcer * , 4 SO : InilN , 3 ! W@5 00 ; thorough Texan * , 4 aiSK r. 20. Sheep -llocciptii , 20 > ; market mtirely. felfi * , Now Yorli Prodno . NKW YOIIK. Juno 21. rinur Dull ; Mlmip'oU txlia , 3 f.fii 3 ! ' % : city mills f > 75f 5 S. * ! * ontli tn llnur , mntprnto ( icinnnd nnd slcndy : cominon to . hoicf. . KiffllS 00. Wheat Ulifettled. closing hlRlipr ; No. 'n S0 l No ( ; No. I whito. il'.i , ' ; Xo. 2 mUod , June "HfrfKOc ; do. July , 7UC ! Wc | ; do. AuuM,8)jt ) < 81Jc. Oftti .Strong ; hnd higher nnd fairly ftrtlvo ; No 1 white , GSyei No. 2 do. . GIJo ; No lmKoJt21r { ! : mixed lc4 KyoDull 1 at Sic. IVirloy N'oininr.l . on' i oik-Stp in , hut quid } niw inc , 2 < MK2HH ) ) for ; July. hir.i l-'lrni nnd fairly active ; avih , ilnuc and .hilv , I00. . . Wld-ky- Nominal Petroleum Unsettled t Sc. I'onrin 1'rodiioo. PKOIIIA. Jutio'Jt. Corn l''Jrm a-id aclivoj lilgh -2w7ii { : inKni , yawrajp. l ( ) > t Ai'tivoiuul linn ; No , S ! white , @n43 < . Kjo Nomiinl ! No. S , liSc , niKiiwtuM i it. llerp' * ShtpV \Vlunl . MH1 none Corn . IB , 100 f > .000 0,700 : t\S75 Stool : , V2.\ar lilItKHTV , Pa. , Juno 21. Oittlo Notldiivr dolntr. Uj.eipt112 head ; Hlili'liirntM ' lu'iul , n I'irin , mcnli , 2(5W ( ) | Pliilad Iphiaa , H ll8 ) OU ; U.illlmon-K. 8 ir.@H 2Ti. Hliccp Noth mj doiiu. Itocoiptn , 2,800 ; , 2.1'QO. 13 u tin Io JLlvo tiloolr. KAHT DurrAU ) . Juno 21. . . . Sloidr. lteoolpt , 40 earn ; hln- mcntH , 37 ears ; Yorker" , 7 8J ( < j)7 ) 25 ; peed lucdhun weight * , 8 < ! r > ( irS 10. Clnotumitl Proilnop. CINCINNATI. Juno 21 Pork Stronger and more netivc ; 2175@2JOi. Kurd Kcttld in KOIH ! demand at 12 75 ® 13 CO ; prime steam , 11 G0@ll 7JJ. Bulk MoalH-ShunldeiH , II I2.akod ; eleiu-siikM , 1300. n.icnii Shoulder * , 9 G2J'3 .I 75 ; clear side" , 13 75 1'linir I'lrinorj family , G 90i ( 15. Wbo.it- Quiet and easier In tone ; No. 2 ro I , iiuutablu ut 1 2Snl ( ) 32. Cora While , strong nnd active ; No. 2 mlxod , 72o H.I ! H. O U Demand go d ; No. 2 mixed , 5.4@ 5Ge.Hyo Dn'l ' and noniinal nt > ! ! ) @ * ro. Bnilny Nomin.il ; No. 2 full , ific. Whisky More riottled at 1 12. PJUilnaolpUin Produoo. Pnu.ADiti.i'lltA , Juno 21. Wheat Firm at 1 : ! Di@l -10 for c.ish nnd June , Com Firm at 81 ] o for cash and Juno ; 80ifa8lo fur July. OalH I'irm at GI"e for ciwh ; for Juno Hyo-j-Quiot Jjtvorpool 1'roduoo. I IVICIU'OOL , , TllUO 21. Amoricin Hour ) lifi ) < ! l'J < tul. Wlifiit Wlnti-r , OiUdWlO * fid : white , 7d ( ! ! ) < lOil ; Bjiring , ! ) @ 10ii2l ; club ; i ! US10-t ( ; 2d. Corn ( H fid. Pork 87 I'd. hard fi'Ji Gd. uicdTchwTt'A Pntrolouiu- Ci.r.vi'.hANIi , O , , Juno 21. Polioleum bteadystandard ; whit" , 110 ; to < t , Gjc. KuiiHun City liiv Stoolc. KANHAH CITY , Jnnu 21. Cattle KeceintH , 3,000 ; atondy and ac tive ; UUcllllllKOll. HI. < ; H lic'culplx , 1,1'OD ; firm and higher nt ? G 85@8 00 ; mainly , fr7 G5@7 90. St.Louis JLdvu Stock. ST. Lorn , Juno 21. . . „ . . Hcc"iptn , 1.700 ; scums and ; nigs , G 70@715 ; li lit Yorkers , 7 10 ( i/7 50 ; nackiiiif , 7 70d 00 ; butcliera' to fancy , 8 OJf 8 10. ' ( JatlliHeceiptB. . 800 ; supply light ; L'riiHH TCXHIH wild nt 3 50n)5 01) ; no unlives lu the market. Sheep KcceiptH , 250 ; 3 OOC. ' 1 BO. Xurpantiun Mnrltot Wii.MiNQTO.v , N. C. , Juno 21. Tinpentlno Stonily nt 42Jo. KOSIII I'inii ; htriinud ut 1 55 ; good 1 , Spirit" Steady nt 43 c , 'J'ar Firm at 2 30. p /I I T fiuvu mono iiinl oriler Bill illrcot from O/iL I IH , OHIP | ( prouijitly by mil lit thu lowest iiusnllilu uisli iirli'ii to nil niMtrrn poln H. Jil-in lin TVI.KII BAI.TCO. , tnsclnaw City.Mlth FOR THE PERMANENT-CURE OF COWSTIPATBOIM. No otlicr ilUcano la to iiruvulont In Uilo oountry o Conntlpallon , and no remedy o has over equalled llio colobm C WORT us ft euro. WJmlovcr Iho caune , n liowovcr cbatliiato tlio cflto , thin roracJy IA will ovorconio It. - Tins illitnwilni : ooni- . _ . _ plaint Id very nptlo be oompllontcd vJUi conntlpatlon. Klducy- > \VortBtronjtUionolho weakened parts and I n quickly curca All Iclndi otl'llvn nvcn when U pliyulcianu nnd mixlIclncH liavolMfuraUill- < t cd , IVIfyoulmvooltlicrofthcuotroubloii PRICU0I USE 'DruuulctBboll ' si D. M. WELTY , ( Snooosnor to D. T. Mount. ) Manufacturer anil Dealer In Saddles , Harness , Whips , FANOVr IIOUSK CLOTHING MOB , Dusters and Turf ( Joods I CONCORD HARNESS ; 'The Best in The World , " 3L < iaL2 E'Uak.IGS KT OtlVaC IS'OC1. Order ( HollcltcxJ , OMAHA , NEB _ _ u H iiiatim"nvi'ii"BLAUK ( " Uio hi-r. iivcr uicdTchwTt' ' A BLOW FROM ABOVE. . Details of the Double Headed Oirous that Struck an Iowa Town , The Porformn ? co L\etod About Three Mimitoaftud Cnrriod Away $200,000. Sftlooukoopera Prayed nnd Thsro Wan Winch High Ltfd Belowatftira. Two Peraouo Killed nnd Fifty Structuroa Wrookod Many Trees Kuiuud , The EmmoUburi : Breeze n Suitla Jibow iti Compnrlnon. No LOHU of Ufo unit tlut Trillin * . HH'clAl | til lliol'lilc.10 Trlhiinr , OKIIAK KAPIPS , la. , Jniiui. ! ! . lowu has had iinuthur terrible visitant , this timu in thi ) form of a duvaitatmg hur ricane , and Independence , a boiuti- fnl of 2,500 inliiihiUntB. in the vic tim , At half past -I o'clock yesterday , onu of the nuat oppressive diiyn ot thu Benson , rain began to fnll , thu wind at that timu blowing briskly Iroin thu southwest. In a few minntua another current seemed to oomo from the norlhwoat , und TltlSV MI'.TMiAU lNlliriNDKNUK. : : Suddenly it grew dtirk , and tlmpuoplu were wild with fright. The citizena nuarly all Hunt into their coll.ira , but thuro were thousands of country people - plo in the city , who had coino in to RUO Bella * circus , and they not only tilled the stores but lined the streets. Main utroot was Illlod with tuaina. The darkness did not last long , but an opening appeared in the clouds , and at that nput thuro were rapidly changing coloiu of purple , palo ireoii , and oilier colon ) , and that soeinud to ho almost directly uvur the city. It was then tlio liiiriicano commenced , and the timu of the hurricniio was NOT OVIIll TIlltr.K MINUChS. The ncunovi'n ono of the wildest Cdiifuniou and terror , llouse.-i ivcru picked up und dashed to the ground , them un ludly aaveru thoio ul ( Jrinnull. Uoola , boxes , boards and yravul stimuli wuru Hying prtimucuiiiibly through thu air. Wag OIIB were moilurned and demolished , hunted weru running away and becom ing eiitagliul in thu tulephotiu wires that had been thrown to ihu ground , and everything Doomed to be a uliium. 'J'hu woBUrn part of the cily aiiU'ored moru novoroly , though the work of do- aUuc'aon riiged throughout thu cily and lorn mimbur of miles north. DUltlMl TDK HUUUICA.Ni : Willie lloraii , J7 years of ago , son of widow lady , appualud to hta mother to into thu cellar , but aho laughed at him nnd refused to go. 11 o then started , and aa he wau half down thu Htups , thu houau shot from its founda tion and Till ! YOUNU MAN WAN INSTANTLY Kiu.ni > , hia hoiul and client , belli ) ; crmihed. .1of bert Uipko , the 11-yuur-old boy of .luhn Itipku , n fitrmer living ut Bull'.i- lo Urovo , wan ( flopping ut Williiim Ikudli'y'u house , und when hu u.iw how liuuuu ahnlung Jiu ran out , and it bleu * uvur un him , cunning iniitunt dcatli. Thu hoiiaovua turned upjlilo down. Air. and AU . Hrndloy worn thrown into the ceiling pa it of thu IIUIIHU , whoa it wau picked up , carried niimu diHtancu , mid duuhud lu the ground , JJradloy und lim wife rcceivint ; slight injurioa. Tnuru are many ollior BIIII- ilurly iniraculuiiH ubcapou. Mr. J.iu iJ. Jl anj unite , u farmer , wan hit on the head nnd luul hi Hkull fracturud by iuu timber wlulo driving home , and will prubiibly diu. TUB AHYI.UM 1'OH TIIK J-VHANII , Inculod abuut two inilcu aoutlnveat of Ihu city , u Imiiduoiuu Btunu etrituturu upon which $800,000 huvo already bueu rxpundud and iu whieh thuru aru abuut TiDO Ininatea aud 100 employcn , wau badly damaged. It la uituutud upun un oluviilion , und Beemod tu ro- ceivu the full foreo uf the wind and otorin , which unroofed live uf thu tun aoctiuj'B , including the contro part of thu building , twisted thu boll tower out of place , badly cracked the atuno tower un onu wing , und dunioliahud TUB HMOKK-HrAUK t'OWI'I.ETKLV , knocking it ncross tliu carpenter shop and thu end of thu ungino room , doing great diuiiago to other property , bo- ' uido thu loan of thu utiick It was 0J5 feet liigh , twenty foot widout the baau , tan at tlio top , und contained u double hot nir und a iimoko pipu. It cost $8,000. Fortunutuly it uiuBud tlio main building , or n. turriblo calamity would have reBultcd. There weru two boilura uiider tlio debris. Tlio bams , flliods , Humniur houses , fcnccB , trues , oto. , bulonging to tin asylum wuro coinplotoly ruined. The Ions is ohti- muted nt from $25,000 to § 10,000. T1IKUK Wiili : : NKAKI.Y TWKN1Y K1VB ] | UUBIH cotnplctoly wrockud and inoro than that nunibur of barnn , wliilo of thosu tliat wtro dumagod from $50 to § 100 each Ihero wuro over u liundrod housua and us many bams. Hun- druds were unroofud or partially BO , hud their windows broken und were dnmiiged by falling trecH. FCJICOB wuni laid low throughout tlio city , and Uio utrc'otii were imuiy of them hlockuil by fidlon troc-B. Oaks noiirly two feet through woio twisted oil'or pulled out by the roots , and the beautiful imiplo groves were nearly ruined , TUB > IONUMi.NlH : ANI > TUBES IN TJ1K ' UKMISTIillY WITH badly dnmuged. Tlio fair ground fence , tliu llorul und other halls , the utock BJieds , the amphitheater , oto , are all lovtled to the ground. A number of pcoplo were in onoof the depots during the hurricane , all being greatly excited , BOIIIO rushing about lor a place of aafoty and others pray ing. The agent , ( hiding the door locked by the houao moving , jumped [ through tt window nnd went into a Biiloon , whore ho found a woman , the wife of the oivnor , praying , She invited - vitod him to do so , but ho said 1TWAH A. OELLAH AND NOT I'llAYJJKS tsmd ho waa alter , and runhod out to find ono. The roof of n largo business block blow off , nnd would have landed on the heads of a number of pcoplo , but it struck the tclt < ptiona wires ana was hold tip long enough for thorn to got out. Thoroworo MANY MtllAtmoUff ESOAl'KS , and the only wondnr is that moro lives were not lout The loss Io the circus inon will bo about 85,000 to $7,000 The tent polo did not kill any ono when it foil , but injured two or thrco men. The work of rebuilding - ing mid rorairing the buildings and clearing tlio fallen trees has already boon com i cncod. The funeral of Willie Koran took plnco this after noon. The total lost and damngo in the city nnd vicinity , regard leas of the thousands of dollars it will ro- ( Hiiro to ropiir fences , Iho loss of tri'Of , etc. , n ofllimntcd at from $1GO- 000 to 8200,000. _ NfttlonM AsiochtoJ Vrro. rMMRTSllt'ltn. Oilli'Ado , .lunn Ua. Adifipitchjtut received from Fort Dud o si\js the Alilwniikeo nnd St. Paul I rain dis patcher anys the town of IJnimatBhurg , county Bent of I'nlo Alto county , was blown to pieces this morning by ator- tiiuln nnd ever 100 pnrnoiis killed. The Illinois Central nnd Northwestern trains wcro blown from the track and tin1 Milwaukee it St. Paul road wreck- cd. There is u washout north of For est City and the report in that thrco or four morn towns in the locality were blown to pieces. * HOAX. DKS Moms , .Juno lit Roporls of dnimiKU by the eyclono to Kmmotsburc I proved to have been greatly exagger ated. No Ions of life , and the daui- ; ! ngo to property is small. A lIUOSir.K III.OW. INIHANAI-OUS , , luno i5. ! A furious wind storm puiaed ever this city this afternoon. 'I ho largo stceplo of St. Pauls ' ( Episcopal ) cathedral wan blown down , crushing in the roof and oMierwiso injuring the building. The daniaga is $5,000. Two omall stee ples were blown from the Morid.-ui street Methodist church. An ice liiuiRO north of the city was wrecked. Flying timbers struck n colored lad , fatally injuring him. FOREIGN NOTES. National Atwomtod 1'rraii. UlYAIi TO Tlfi : HULTAN. CO.NSTANTINOI'LK , JllllO Ufi. visch I'lishit tolegrjphs the porto from C.ilro that the entire Egyptian army oxproaaed loyalty to the sultan and ordered thu contents of the dispatch announced to the Turkish troops on the occ.udon of the ooroinuny at Suli- maka. THHKATKNINII "THU TIMES. " LONDON , .lunoUfi. The propriotora of The Tinu'S have received notices from Kiippoaed Fenian sources , threat ening the doAtruation of the whole ollico by explosion. A strong guard uf police bus been placed on the watch inaido and outnido the ollico. IRELAND'S WAU BONOS. LONDON , .lunu 25. The town of Armiigh , lioland , was the sccno i > f exlraordinnry excitement on Friday ovening. Shortly after dark 1110 persons paraded through the ntreots in military order , singing rebel songs and nli-mting , "To hull with the < pjouu , " "God svo Ireland , " "D.iwii with landlords , " etc. They were noon joined with a band of about 200 and then proceedings bccamo riot ous ] in thu extreme. Palings surround ing i the residences were torn down and mulu : honl'ires of , and for n time Iho I mob held full sway. They were finally dispersed by the police. Absolutely Pure. Thin powder never virluu , A marvel of p > / , btrciiKth and wliolusomuitmJ. iloro ooono inlo'l than tliu ordinary kind ) , and cannot ua told In compotltlon with tlio multitude ol ovr tott , nliurt weight , alum or phoiiphiila powilerd Bold only In caul ) . ItoiAt , HAIIINU 1'owDim 00. . Ht N < " Yorlt INCREASE YOUR CAPITAL. $10 InvuttoM of fin II mill medium a'lioiints In < lnln I'rQiljhnu ana Ht-cks ai fully protected iu ) nio.it $20 ixtuiidltu ami iiillii'jutUl oiwratjra. Our Hiircumfnl , ( al'y ' trlcil , o'J 08- laMli eil pin i. 'IM lli Kejorti WII12 AT tout wc'ukly , dlvlil nda piM nionih- ly btiiul at oncu tat cxplanatiry Urui'ais ' ninl piat iccoril. fitKK. l > \ \ idun J paid ilutlii PUHt tlilitcun $50 inuntln on tliU fiiuu $0171 per Hltiro. Aidnn.KSlMIN ( ; MKHIUAM , HI nud 113 LaSallo STOCKS bt. . Ohlcat'O , 111. SU'Wo want n to-al ajjcnt In ovorv town. Uxccllunt nidiico- niuiita. ( Jojd pay tm roapoiulblo , $100 uaturjirliliu uia" . Writ ) ( pr torms. v-Vr/ow ( / ' * ± &t , { ' -iillSB , ' ifY r ; ' , " . ; ? ' ! ? . * ' i .r I .S J'nlnnf ivniiivnl.irifdliif''tTlinii1- , , ' /J ' , o- . w. . . eiVii V"V KnIVIy ! Sii'iv lr. V" kuiuuwr mil ) thcco tHuvta nw | n'M n > t > lo. Thoho celebratoil btovcs for sale by 1'if rcy & llradferd , Ouiaha , Neb. 2D 1m m&e&w EUROPEAN HOTEL , Corner South and Locust Streets. &f. X.OTTXI3 XKCO.y J H. HURST. - - IProp. Booms , 70c , $1.00 and $1.60 Per Day An elegant ItcsUurant li connected with thl * liouto.wIiureuicalnttrc Open day aud night ,