Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee.
PnbllriiDci every morning , except Sundfty
V10 only Monday morning dully ,
One V . . . . . * . I ThreeMonthn.e3.CO
Qlr Montlii o.OO | One . . 1.00
THR WKKKLY HEK , punlinted
ry Wednesday ,
' Ons Year $100 I ThreeMonlhi. . 50
Bit Mntl.K. . 1.00 | One . .
AMERICAN N'r.wa COMPANY , Sole Agents
or Newsdealer * In the "tilted Slates.
' oUKKSl'uNUKNOK All OommunI
| tt > nn < relating to NeWHivnd Udltorinl nint-
cr hntiM 'xi nddrwwrd to the KtilTOB o
fcettern ami Ileiiituhiu'ivi nhould bo nd-
drawl t Tm. OMAHA l > rnu niM7 COM-
TANT , OMAHA. Drafts , nirch * nnd 1'ofit-
< flico Orders to be inmlc payable to llio
rder o { the Company.
Iho BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props.
Ei UOHEWATER , Editor.
Mooting of the nopubllcnn Stnto Con-
trnl Cotntnittoo.
The member * ot the llcfiuhllcnn Stnto
Central Oomtnittco of Nebraska MO
hereby called to meet at the Commercial
Hotel. In thn cltvof Lincoln , on TliurB-
dny , the Cth day of July , 1882 , atli o'clock
] i , in. , for the purpose of completing the
organization of the cominltttc , nnd trail-
darting Mich other htulnoM n * moy prop
erly como before the name.
'i'ho following are the inrmhnra of the
committee : lut District , A. K. ( Sitntt ; 'M ,
John L. Cnwon ; 3d , Jacob S. Dow ; 4Hi ,
A. P. Ornut ; fitli , Jl. H. Wlndham ; ( ith ,
C. ] Yoat ; Oth , Pniil Vnndcrvoort ; 7th ,
D.K Beadle ; 8th , W. K. I'oelilw ; flth , 8 ,
II. Coloon ; 10th , .1. A. llrhnrdt ; llth , J.
II. l'-elbor ; 12th , W. D. Matthews ; llfth ,
, M. Whtlmoycr ; 14th , Abel Mlllj Ifitli ,
John Steen ; l h , It. 0. I'lilllipn ; 1'Hh ' ,
O. W. 1'loice ; 17th , T. It. Crawford ) 18th ;
W. T.Scott ! Will , J. W. Trice ; 20th , O.
W. Baltzlcy ; 21t , Watson Pickerel ! ;
22d. J. JJ. McDowel ; 23d , S. W. 8 vltzcr ;
! Mih , J. D. Hiiyev With , A. W. Ken ;
20th , O. U. Will tiltfth : ! , Jtobort Ken
nedy ; 28th. A. L , Wlgton ; 2th ! ) , 15. O.
Hcdlund ; 30th , O. S. BMiop ; ! IU. It. J.
Wyman. JAJlhsW. DA WHS.
Ciih-rn , Kcb. , Juno 12,1882.
OMAHA nnswora Iowa with § 700 as
starter collected in a faw hours from
her merchants. Still Ihoro'a more to
J.v Nebraska , according to the rail
road organs , every man is n denu-
goguo who spcakn and votes against
the monopoly rulo. The crop of dem
agogues in the state appears to bo on
the increase.
IT looks as if Mother Shipton wan a
year out of her reckoning. Thunilur
and lightning , rain , hail , tornadoes
and cyclones huvo boon distributing
ticmsolvcs with great impartiality
through the first nix months of 1882.
IN reply to the criticism of an u st
urn paper , that the west munt ruviao
its architecture in order to enable it
to face the winds , the Kansas City
Journal Bays that the western "dug
out" is the only style of dwelling
atands uny ahow against an Iowa tor
CANADA has hold ita parliamentary
elections with the result of a handsome -
some endorsement of the present con
servative , or tory ministry. When it
is remembered that Ounndiana have
not yet gotten over flowing their pen
tage Btamps on letters , the oonsorva-
UBIII of that province is not u matter
for Hurprlao.
* " ' * * * M M *
TIIKIIK are no prospects of increased
' mail facilities for Omaha and the far
west , bntOhiof Clurk Yandervoort him
been oluctcdHcommandor in chief of
the Q. A , 11. There is a , very general
mprcBsion that if Arnndorvoort blow
oil' his bazoo lens and attended otrictly
to one line of business , both the G. A ,
II. and tbo patrons of the postal oer-
vicu would bo better satisfied.
SHNATOII VAN WYUK'H bill for the
relief of aettlorn on the St. Joe
Western lands paused the senate with
out any changes to-day. Tina bill
allows the railroad § 1.00 an aero for
the lands , while the sottlora remain
undisturbed in possession 'of the
homesteads they have spent yours in
improving. It has yet to i > aaa thu
house , but that body will undoubtedly
TitotJiiU ! has broken out at the
naval ucndomy oing to the singular
conduct of the nsw cominiinduut ,
Captain llamsay , who is complained of
as u gruff sea eult , bringing with him
to the cultured regions of the Annap
olia barraclta the ideas and mnnncra of
n practical eeamnn. Fault is found
with Captain Kumsay becausu ho is
too rigid in his examinations nnd pays
too little attention to etiquette. The
naval academy waa foundrA to main'
tain an excellent braes band and u
thorough Bohool for dancing. Cap
lilt ! Ilamaay will start n social revo
lution if ho continues to incut upon
a knowledge oi Bcamnnsliip and
gunnery as roquiaitea for graduation.
iahed editor of HarperIt'eMy / occa
ionully grows savage , and nuver more
BO than when the subject under die-
cusaion ia American politics , aa wit'
neaa the following : "But when 1
hear that America iniy scorn experience
ienco because eho ia n law to herself ,
I remember that a few years ago a
foreign observer came to the city o :
Washington and euid 'I did not
fully comprehend your grcatnoas un
til I eaw your congrcai. . Then I fid
that if you could stand that , you
could aland anything , nnd I under
otood the laying that God takes care
of children , drunken men , and the
United States , ' " The passage ia fron
an address pronounced at Drown unl
vmity on Tuesday.
The policy of the alliance to use ns
f r aa potaiblo existing party organi
stations /nrthering anti-monopoly
sentiment , nnd in electing antimonopoly
nopoly candidates , is roceited will )
great favor by a largo majority of the
slnto press. Secretary Burroughs'
circular has fallen like n bombshell in
the railroad camp , nnd the howls of
the monopoly organs show plainly
that the plan proposed by the alliance
is likely to prove far moio effective
than oven iU projectors imagined.
When llio enemy objects to the man-
nc. in which n cnmpaipn in nmppud out
the opposing generals may be fiirly
sure that their judgments linvo not
dpcoivud them. And the cures t
indication that the policy pro-
.losed by thu Alliunco ia likely
to meet the omurgoncy fur which
t -\raa created is the hypocriti
cal roproofj which it ho/i called out
rom the most , notorious of the udt-
orial cappers of the monopolies.
Moro than n year ugo TUB ] ) KK in-
dinted that the railroad managcis
could only bo beaten by turning
iffaitiBt them their own political wcnp-
niH , and that the naino mcth-
odn which have orcurcd a
nonopoly etato government and
ogislaluro , innofar as thono methods
lave not boon tainted by corrupt
nlriguo , would if proceed by the pro
ducers succeed in wresting our state
rom llio hands of the monopolies ,
Phu policy adopted by the nlliancu
iropoAua in the first place n general
> artioipation in politics by .Nobratka
arinore. The anti-monopoly vote of
his state is in n heavy majority. It
lau not made itself felt in proportion
o its strength because thu full
trongth has never bcon called
out. Ono of the primal ob-
ecta of the Fitrinorn' Alliance
3 to present the insucu of the hour to most interested in their discus-
ion , nnd to impress upon the voters
of the ntato the necessity ot taking an
active part in politics. As republicans democrats the farmers in this
tate havq thu royal right to take part
n the party primaries and convun-
lone , to control those orgiimz-itiona ,
and by infusing n majority eontimcnt
of anti-monopoly into the plat-
orma to bind c indidatea to the record
oftheconventioiiB. Oontrollingthecon-
volitions , the producers will alsocontrol
the nomination of candidates pledccd
o aupKirt ] their interests nnd oulcctod
on the grounds of reputation and
character. On this ground the nd-
vice to members of the alliance to use
; ho party machinery wherever possible
s timely nnd judicious , Thu attempt
nt reform within thu party should al
ways precede revolt agatimt party
vuthority. Hut when intriguu and
corruption are too strongly intrenched ,
open revolt ia the only remaining re
source. This ia the position taken by
the alliance , and it cannot bo over
thrown. Parties ore simply vehicles
[ or thu expression of political sent :
monl. When they nro diverted to
maintain corruption and to defeat the
will of the majority , their dictate's nro
10 longer binding on their members.
Senator Iloat'o bill providing for
the performance of the duties of the
piosideiitial ollico in case of the re
moval , dentil , resignation or disability
both of the president nnd vioo presi
dent Is the outgrowth of thu very gen
eral discussion of the subject which
followed the death of L'rcaidont Oar-
Held. Tlio bill names successively thu
secretaries of state , treasury and war ,
tlien the attorney general , nnd after
him the secretaries of the navy nnd
of the Interior na the persons who in
the order named may du-
charge the duties of president
under thu contingency that the places
&bovo them nro vacant. This order ot
auccosmon wns chosen in the order of
tlio original creation of the oflioea of
members of the cabinet. Neither the
eccretary of thu navy nor the post
master general hold cabinet positions
andor General Washington , while the
attorney was n member of the
cabinet from the earliest period nnd
was only placed ut the bottom of the
list when the department of justice
was created.
The bill devised by Mr. Hoar Boomo
moro fully to meet every demand
than any other measure- proposed , It
proposes in ita provisions n
two-fold advantage. It insures
tlio lifu of the president nnd protectu
that of olllix-r to
any competent tuc-
coed him , Partisan nmlico or paity
rancor is powerless before it. Tlio
removal of u president and vice prvai
dent would not change tlio pjlioy of
the government , as the ollicers of a
cabinet nro of thu president's own
choosing. Should the president bo
removed there would still bo seven
persons capiblo of succeeding him ,
and if both prosidenjt nnd vicu presi
dent should bo taken nway through
nny cause , there will bo still six per-
tons to administer the government ,
ouch following in ciso of the removal
by death , resignation or vacancy in
the ofllco of the person above him.
Another excellent provision of the
bill is that making the tenure of ollise
of the cabinet oflicor called to dis
charge the duties of proiidont , ienn-
inablo only with the end of the term ,
for which the president , whose place
shall huvo been made vacant , shall
have boon olectod. The bill leaves
the president of the senate and the
speaker of the house out of the order
of succession , thus ensuring to the
party carrying n presidential election
the full administration of the govern
ment the term of years for which ita
candidates were elected
Another aeries of tornadoes has done
devastating work in Towa , nnd ycstcr
day's storm in our city fell very Httlo
short of reaching the proportions of
a genuine hurricane. The wind nt-
tatncd n velocity of nearly seventy
miles nn hour , nnd broken trees , shat
tered blinds nnd dumonUizad out
buildings arc witnesses to the force of
the storm. Soma of the eastern pip
ers nro moralizing over tlio great pro-
vnlcnco of violent wind storms in the
west , as if the went were the only portion
tion if the country visited by
thcso phenomena of nature.
An ollicial report published
by General Hazun thu chief signal
olllccr rol.itivo to last year's ' tornadoes
shown that this class of ntormn dis
tributed themselves very impartially
; hrough the United Staten name of
tlio most violent east of the Miss
issippi river. In the Hal of tornadoes
occurring last year , Kanaaa ia put
down for 52 ; Illinois. 51 ; Missouri ,
13 ; Now Vork , U3 ; Georgia , 83 ; Iowa ,
ill ; Ohio , 28 ; Indiana , 28 ; and so on
through twenty states in which they
wore observed. This season tornadoes
uu'o occurred in twolvu slates , ono of
-ho severest of which took place in
General Ilazou'o statistics indicate
.hat these violent wind storms are of
leriodic occutoneo and nro more like-
y to take place in Juno thin in any
ether month , owing to certain pccul *
aritica in the naturn nnd force ot the
various nir currents. All meteoralo-
gista are agreed as to thu cause of tor-
ladoes , which lies in the meeting of
oppnaing currents of air generally
of different temperature. It is noted
hat tornadoes nro moro frequent in
April , May and September than in
July and August , the lempora'uro bo
ng moro constant in thu latter
mon tlm.
The tornadocn of the present year
invo been rnoro violent than thoao of
any year preceding nnd the loss oi
ifo and property corresponding1-
greater. Michigan , Illinois , Iowa ,
Missouri nnd Ivanaaa have experienced
two series of those disastrous storms
Nebraska nppeara to lie just off the
, ornndo bolt , for which her citizens
mvo every reason to congratulate
Tin ; campaign in California has nar
rowed down into n tquixru contest bo-
Lweon the railroads nnd the people.
General Hosecranti , who roprcsunth
one of. thu California districts in con
gress , hua taken the initiative- for a
renomination by introducing
bills for the telii'f of the L'aciGc coast
from the grinding exactions of thu
Central PaciOc monopo'y. The Cali
fornia democracy have nominated
General Stoncnrm for governor , which
la a most emphatic response to the
anti-monopoly sentiment. General
Stoucmsu is now ono of the railroad
cominieuionora nnd the only California
commissioner who has stood firmly by
his pledges to thu people who elected
him , ugninet the discriminations nnd
highway robberies of the Central Pacific
cormorantu. The republicans have n
very narrow margin in California
nnd n runomination of Governor Per
kins , who u in active collusion with
the monopjlicB , will bo very risky.
Governor Perkins was elected two
years ago by a plurality , the opposi
tion being divided between Glenn , the
democratic candidate , and White , the
candidate nominated by the Kear
ney i tea. It wna openly charged ut the
time that White waa put up to divide
the anti-monopoly vote , nnd the ro
suit makes a repetition improbable )
7 he republicans of California will
either have to nominate an out and
out anti-monopoly ticket or they are
Hiiro to lese the state.
A CMC of diiull pax ia reported at Kenr-
noy. '
FurnaB county warrants are worth 91
- < mU.
A jiiv < .nl'o band h to Le orgnulml at
H.lstill tf ,
Wutorh o Inid a $3,000 fire un the night
of the 10th.
JCnill.ult wants coraotiotly to stnit n
briikyanl tlieic.
A Imnk hm been started at Nelson ,
KtickalU county.
I'l.itUmniith doesn't allow itn Icluo to
wear the iiielc < 1 [ < > U4 la'll. '
The wlri'n uf Jhitlcr county will prob
ably go tu Ulysjo * to celebrate.
A four nin Htcnm mill will bo built and
htiuteil iii in Uavitl Uity immtxtiuU-ly.
tilvplidiiu t'X'lu : > ge willhanatnblltlicd
uw..y lu North ami Sjutu Auburn.
One hut drrd ami fifty f.unlliea have
located in 1'ierco county ainco June 1st ,
A eranil dejIcatMn ball was given at
tlio niiv couit hoiuu at Orleans ou the
OHlceni will be apjmlnted to prevent the
Biiiulluuil bit ; l.oxuof Hlalr from isettlug
ulf tire crackeiB the 4th of July celebra
The Hlue SpritiL-a jieoplo accuue Captain
M unlock of stealing their caution ami ud.
vertifj In the Motor reijtieiitinif ita retuiu
in time for -1th of July calutcs ,
Aneutcrprl Iii'j-oiiiitnanofl' | > aIrEcldrcnt
cast fur u i > ct of u boxing gloveu , and now
the t'oyu atnuia tbotnxelvea by driving thu
claret from oucli other's buglea.
The Grand I laiul Times cites a case uf
KroBu immorality on the pat t of a boy mid
tjlr ) , neither over 13 years old. lu that
city , and ad > i ei a general looking after.
A fine span of hones was btolen from
Lewla Thnum . uf lUchiuond , on the 13th.
A ixxtie started out to hang ths thief , but
at last account * tb thief lud not been
The Dodge county treftturer'a infe was
opened by drilling A ln.le In the rear nt
reaching the lock ith n wiro. One of the
tumblers had broken , thin cnmlng all the
trouble ,
Willie 1'carson , son of Ira l'enr on , ol
Stccle City , aged 10 j'turs , wa < drowned
wlillo bntliing in the liliia n nr Stecle City
on the 20th. Hiibodywai not recovered
until Thursday morning.
S. 11 Hedge * , of Wilbcr. wa * drowned
in ilic Blue on the 17th. Ho went li.itfi-
in with tno other voting men , neither ol
whom could pwin , nnd vtetting Htratigl
got beyond his depth and went down ,
Jj-wt Thursday Henry I'onlrat : ! turned
a fit.e IIOMB , vniticd r.t-lriO , out to i > ust-
lire. Aft ROOII .is the ti' wa < 111 er iH-d
ho ran straight for n wi-e feme In whi lt
ho became entangled mil cut his throat
onJ bled to do th in afewiniiiute < > . Yoik
Titnep ,
Henry lllldobrnml , - > f O-ccola. n former ,
nged about 40 , nuculid n the 18th by
hanging. Ho recently sold lii. fnrni , nnd
after the transfer i eramo dispi.tident ,
licing of n morcHU ilnpo ltioii , the idea
that ha W.IH "lionio'e- ' * * , " as lie cnllcl it ,
prayol upon his lnlml , with fatal retnlt.
At Albi m last wek a linr-o bulked nnd
tin driver fiidtenud a fpo hbout its under
jiw , nttd. hitching n h > r o to it , utttrnptetl
11 force th nnllnnl tu move , l.nt by Kuine
iiiinlmp llio ioo | elii pcd , as it is cliiimed ,
nnd cut the horcoV tongue out cL a up to
the roots. Albion nee la a fociety for the
prevention of cruelty t < > minul * .
Homo two in on ih. ir \ > chargei were nre-
fctred against County Surveyor Minkler ,
of Gugo county , lor iniil-udtninistrntion of
oftijc. The clmrBO vaj the moving of
( { ovornment corner 8t"ties. The trinl catno
lieforo ths county c inmissionerB nnj wn
icpretcntcd by able hwyers on both MJes.
Inst week tha decision wni rendtred HU -
talning the chnrgc" , nml Minkler wna
OllfitCCt ,
Shrriff Herron hai offered n reward for
ono J noch liradsli.iuwltDm , it i * now
proven , was the nnmlcrer of Jlenry A'or-
liuee , who was found deii-1 cant of town
about four years rgo. The chain of evi
dence ngaiout JSrarshaw i.i complete , anil
ilthougli tardy , jiatite will proimldy yet
bo done to tti murdered man and society
in general. [ Be.itrico Impress.
Fred lloper caught a Inrgo turtle the
other dav that proven to bo nn old nsi-
d.-nter. The date irst.tudth ? initials J
H. boir the nppeaianco of having been
carved in hm shell a IOIIR titno ago. Tha
theory if , that some little .boy did the
curving n'nety-ctght ' years ngo nnd that
.Mr. Turtle has keptimo with civil zition ,
' rifering frontier life to that of eastern
\rlatjcrncy , [ Hebron Journal.
Ono day ln t week n ftvo year old bw
mined lloinaii [ ; living 18 inilci north
of Tecunneti WUH incidentally phot in the
'aco nnd died front the elfectn in five
lour * . It is not known jtut how the ac
cident occurred , but two boys who wtn )
: > .eaent nay that youni ; Hodman wns play
ing with tlio gun , but as they wer- all
mtnll it will iiroLuMy over remain a invs-
tcry how the niuse wns diaclmrged. To-
cunt Journal.
Last Friday afternoon a ecnlf.ild at the
: a t end of tlio mil ] , tip m which Samuel
I3o ! > nt and ] J lyinoiul Turner , two painter * ,
ucre nt work , fell with tlittntn the ground
from n height of admit fifty feet. Almost
iucrcdihle as it may stem , tb'o men were
> > t killed. DoctoH weio Hitnniom i { and
: ouud that no bones \\etc broktn. J W..H
'eared tbituri.iii ! inturual injitriea hud
) ceii tUit-incd \ > y tha men , hut tmcli hai
n 't proved to bi'ihec.i > c , Ifumbuldt tien-
"Many ailly paoplo despise the pru-
cioufl , not uiik > r < ) taiidiii ( { it.1 ] 3ut no
ono di'spisits Ividnoj-Wurt afterhaviiij ;
given il a trial Those that have used
it ngroo that it is by far the best medicine -
icino known. Its action ia prompt ,
thorough and lasting. Don't take
pilla und other mercurials that poison
the system , but by Using Kidney-
Wort reatoru the natural'notion of all
the organs.
A Credit to the Common-wealth.
Vork Time * .
TICK O.MIHA BKK has entered upon
its twelfth year , nnd in ono of the
newsiest unci best family papers pub-
liHhwd in the west. It is truly
iiiiitropchtan in size nnd mattm , nnd
ij a. credit to our growing common
N.aio al AficciUoil I'teni.
James Steviart , Jr. , a prominent Now
Yorker , aged ! ! > , died of heart di'enro ut
iNuwpmt , SatiinKy o\eiiing , RS he WOH
leaving for New York H ith hia vie and
lU'portmuow that the wheat crop nearly
ImiAesled in Missouri mid Kanbig ia the
liest Binto 1878. i'ho corn is ujw pruiuis-
Goo. W. Ti't ) , n millionciiro of Buffalo ,
formerly prc-i lent of ths Nuw York , llnf-
fal' ) & lirle reid , died Siiturd.iy morning ,
i-B d 77.
'Jho Ihennomcler restored 102 * in the
cludo in Chicago Saturday. Several sun
stroked incurred.
VennorpredictH for July : Weather gen
erally hotter throughout the month than
any experienced during June.
Saturday's tidal wave on Lake Krio ex
tended along the shore at Clevelrud fully
J5 mi lea.
K , HasHey. master inechatilc of the Ma
rietta & Cin inna-tl railroad , dropped dead
of ( iiinatioko Satnrdaj , at Chilicothe , O ,
Jo ) , Sullivan , a well known microscopUt
and outhurity on mosses , died nt Colum
bus , O. , yesterday morning , aged 73.
Archbl hop I'nrcoll participated in the
cololir.ition of the feast of at , John , at
llrown county ( O. ) conveur , Situniay ,
Jlii health U n littlu better than hereto
TJ.u pcliooner F. U. Gardner , the fuel
large Ye tel through the cidnrped Wellantl
caml , arrived at Uweg , N. Y. , Sanday ,
with liO.OOO buflieU of corn.
N ttlonal AKS clitul I'josa.
NK\V YOIIK , June 21. Sailed- Ger
manic for Liverpool , Spain for Liv
erpool , Persian Monarch for London ,
Ethopiiv for Glasgow , Wordcr for Uro-
mon.GLAKaowJunu24. , . Arrived-Scan
dinavian from IJoston.
UAVJU : , Juno 21. Sailed Herder
for Now York.
QUKKNSTMWX , Juno 2-1. Arrived
Adriatic fro'm Now York ,
Niw : Yoitic , Juno 21. Arrived
City of Rjmo from Liverpool , Nookur
from Hrmuen , Hopublio from Liver
pool. Steamer D. Stcinman from
Antwerp , reported disabled oil' Fire
Island , was towed in by the Republic !
Mexican Election * .
N tlon l AeeocUtcJ Pieu.
City OK MKXICO , Juno 25. Elections -
tions for members of the next con-
cross tool place yesterday and from
the monger returns received from dif
ferent points throughout the country
the indication1 ! are that the govern
ment party will triumph everywhere ,
ns there was Httlo or no opposition to
their candidates.
A friend in need U n friend mde/d. Thin
noun can deny , especially wne. . . „ . . „ , . .
rendered when one U aoit-ly utllicted with-
dineiuio , moro particularly those couir
p'ttinta and weaknensen ea common to oud
ffl'iiale ' iwpnlation. Uvery woiiuu alioul
Klectrio Ultters are . . . . .
know that Jill5UH w * * * " M.w wninajt
tr IB friend , and will positively restore he
to health , even when nil other re media
fall A ilnglo trial always proves our as
bertlon. They are pleasant to tin taste
Bud only coat fifty cents a bottle. Sold by
0. F. Goodman.
SentimentaMsts Given a Chanca
to Siied their Surplus Brine ,
Guiteau Shows Himself aa
Sane o Villain ua Ever
Stretched Hornp.
He Still Proclaims His Lender-
ship of the Chosen Going
And Prayerfully Pounds he
Bible to Make Sure of the
Bight Road ,
Cholra of Fallen Annuls Hovorlur ;
Nonr to Fail Him ou tbo
Jrlmlnal Points From Otner Placoa.
NntTonal Associated I'rcsi.
\VAHiHNnroN , Juno 21. The news
concerning the reprieve was made by
liruwater. Ho cauned it to bo under
stood ho would scu members of the
ircng nt 11 a. in. , and then sitnp'y naid
; hat the rccjueat of a reprieve in < ho
Ouiteau cxao ii refusid. No other
statement will bo made.
WASHINGTON Juno2-l. It isunder-
stood the cabinet decision was unani
mous. The reason for not giving out
the decision Itut night waa that the
resident did not want to bo further
mnoycd by cranky requests , and the
uinonncement waa d'-layod until ho
oft this mnrninq. The cabinet hud
two meetings on the subject , nnd was
unanimous against the reprieve
Trora the first. They decided to
iold a second special meeting
ast evening , when they weru ngbin
unanimous. Reed called on lircnvstcr
after * ho announcement. Erowster
old him that the cabinet decision was
> ased on the fact that the trial had
> een extremely fair toward Guiteau ,
ind there was no possible reason for
lelayinsr. the execution. Hioka ,
iiuileau'o spiritual advisor , took him
Guitcau'a mail is growing larger
very day with requests for photo
graphs , ote.
A huge npiko , with skull and cross-
> onca engraved on the head , was received -
ceivod to-day , with the inscription :
'To be nsod aa the last nail in
juiteau's coflin. "
June 25. Guiteau
ins been in n depressed oondition of
111 nd oince thu dupurtnro of Mr.
Lltcks , hia epiritual adviaer. lie now
evidently reahxtH that his laxt hope is
ono , and the efforts in his belulf ,
which his ruLitivrs , it it understood ,
iropoao to make next week , will be
After the nhock , cauaed by the re
sult of the cabinet meeting , passed
nway , ho talked quite cheerfully to
Mr. Hicks. Ho expressed oonio feei
ng because the president had referred
ho question of his respite to the at
torney general , spying that the presi
dent should have taken the whole re
sponsibility upon him&olf. He , the
prisoner , had not appealed to the cab
inet , but the president , and as his act
had made Arthur president is was
bo respite him until hm case could be
lieard in the supreme court. Ho then
reasserted ho WKH God'a ' man , and in
God'ft lumdd. Ho asked llicki to bo
at hiii tide when ho wua hnnged , say-
ho was rvndy to die for Ins inspi
ration , nnd felt that God would justify
liim in the other world. He had no
personal interest in the matter , but
lie felt for the nation , who would
sutler for his being hanged , and ho
now fully expected to bo hanged. Ho
said ho waa
I'llEI-AHKl ) TO 00
and would bo aa willing to hang to-day
as to wait until Friday. Mr. Strong ,
one of the jail officials , this afternoon
prepared tlio rope for Guitoau'a ex
ecution. It is an inch mumlla rope ,
and was used in the execution of Babe
Bedford , on the mime gallows , some
years ago.
Guitoau passed the day quietly
with apparently undisturbed com
poBuro Ho arose at noven , took a
bitli , breakfasted on prison fare , ate
with a relish , and was not inclined to
talk. Warden Crocker says ho has
been more reticent over mnco the adverse -
verso decision of the cabinet. Ho
paced the cell reading the bible , saw
no one throughout the day but Itov.
Hicks nt three o'clock Hicks now
believes hin. sane. The telegraph
companies nro running n wire into the
jail , A strong guard is maintained.
Uuitoau renounced all hope ,
Dr. Hicks was favorably impressed
with Guitciiu's Bincomy in entering
heartily into reliui.U3 devotions. The
warden says his demeanor is that of a
greatly disappointed nnu holding up
under great mental excitement. He
docs not apprehend that ho will break
down on the ac.ifl'old , nor does ho r.n-
ticipato ho will phy the part of a
braggart. The gallowa will bo altered
so that the body will bo in full view
after the fall.
John W. Guirau U in the city , but
did Qnot call as Dr. Hicks thought
ho might distract hin brother's attun
tion from his icligioua books , aucli aa
the bible and Dr. Hammond's "Blood
of Christ" and " 1'hsy Load to Salva
tion. "
OLKVKLAND , Juno 25. Mrs. Sco
villo ia still hero endeavoring to In
duce Mrs. Garfield to use her influ
ence in securing a reprieve for Gui
teau , but aho has not yet succeeded
in obtaining an interview.
National Associated 1'rcns.
OHIOAOO , June 25. Thomas Ua
hill , who murdered Oliicer O'Krion in
August last , waa found guilty and
has been sentenced to imprisonment
for life.
SCKANTON , Pa. , Juno 25 Louia
Lowery lias been arrested for the
murder of a young man named
White ,
COLUMIIUS , 0 , , Juno 25. In 180
Hickloy'a bank waa robbed of $20,000
in bonds. A year JIRO the bonds
wrro sent hero from Now York for
collection , After months of negoti
ating , the ownera hrvvo obtained one'
half of thobond and ft clue to the
NEW YORK , Juno 25. The mystery
surrounding the disappearance of llev.
D. M. DeUurjhef , lost preacher of the
Aabury M. E. church , Westfiold , N.
J. , who waa reported to Invo commit
ted auicido by joinpinu elF the Camden -
den ferry boat August 30 , 1880 , has
been solved , llccently a friend of
Delliighos received a letter from him
from Waynesville , O. , where he ia
practicing law. It is supposed ho was
followed to the west by Alice Watkin-
ion , who left Camden after Dollughes
disappeared nndhas not been heard
from sine ; .
PALESTINE , Texas , Juno 21 Clmes
Thomas v/ts Acntcnerd to hang August
llth for murder.
A Million Ponnila of Bnttor
Greasing tlio Gutters of
Gotliam ,
The Freight Handlera Strike
Disastrous to Periahnblo
NEW YORK , Juno 25. Transporta
tion companies intend th hold out un
til July first , when the rates will bo
jrea'ly raised. Merchants nro discuss-
ng plans for securing damages. One
million pounds of butter nro running
away In oil in the atreeta adjacent to
.ho trucks.
Transportation companies charge
, ho strikers with intended incondiari
sin. The charge is indignantly do-
lied by the striKerr. The board of
rado passed resolutions sustaining the
striker ? . Leaves of absence have been
efuscd to policemen until the strike
s over. i"ivo hundred strikers in
irocoasion in Jersey City yesterday
norning induced engineers on freight
rains to quit work , causing a com-
iloto blockade. Eight miles of cars
ire now blockaded west of Joraay
) ity , many containing perishable
reight. Heavy suits ara being iusti-
utod against tr.insportation companies.
EVENING All quiet. A large force
of police are on guard in Jersey City ,
nit no disturbance was attempted.
An feeling of indignation IB
growing among business men in con
sequence of the ruinoua delay of
'reight , nnd shippers in other stiles
are sustaining laraa losses.
jonio time ago the grand lodco of
vnights of Labor , on report of its
tatistician , ordered its lodges through
out the country to boycott all grocers
oiling a certain brand of starch ,
where the m.uiufac'nrors had trouble
vith their workmen. Last week The
jabor World , organ of the Knights
> f Labor , thia slnte , published an ar-
.iclo supporting the manufacturers.
[ just niKlit , after four hours sitting ,
the Trade and Labor council , repre
senting 20,000 trade unionist ? , resolved -
solved to boycott The Labor World
'or publishing the article in question.
CLEVELAND , June 25. The situa-
; ion among striking . iron workers re-
nr.ins unchanged. President Jarrebt
a here and advises strikers to stand
CINCINNATI , Juno 25. The boiler
makers' strike continues , but c , com
promise the coming week is probable.
WASHINOTON , Juno 25. The tariff
commission will meet here July O'.h
to organize.
Assistant Postmaster General Hat-
ton , in reply to an inquiry from the
postoflice employes at Indianapolis ,
regarding the payment of political
assessments , writes ho does not con
sider it any part of hia duty to dictate
to others whnt they shall do with
their private funds nnd thinks the
question is entirely optional with all
Everett P. Wheeler and Frederick
W. Witridge , representing the
Civil Service Reform association of
Now York , in reply to Cuncressman
Hubbi'H , say they are willing to
make n test of nny case selected by
Hubbttll where political assessments
have- boon mado.
Lieut. D.tnenhowcr requested Sec-
rolniy Chandler , in behalf of Mrs. DC-
Long , that the bodies of DcLong and
comrades be brought to this country.
This will necessitate bringing the
bodies -1,000 miles on sleds tit n cost
of § 25,000. The matter will bo referred -
forred to the house committee on
naval nfl'dim for investigation.
for thu relief of settlers and pur-
chnsora of public lands on the line of
the Denver & St. Joseph railroad in
Nebraska and Kansas , patsed the sen
ate na reported from thu committee on
public lands.
Buo'dclin'a Arnica Salve.
The UKST SALVE In the world for Cuti
liruIseH , SnreK , Ulceru , Halt Hheum , Kii
vnr Son's , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chil
blalni > , Corn ? , &n I all okin eruptions , nn'l
positively cures illen , It is guaranteed to
eivo Batibfactfon or money roiuiAled.
Price , 23 cents per box. For Bale.tby 10.
1' . (
for nil diseases of the Kidneys and
* IthajspeclflORotlon on tlili meat Important
orsan , cnablinc It to thn > - oa * torpidity aad
Inaction , atlmulatlziff the hcalUiy bccrotion
oltbu Ililu , and by keeping the bowel * ia free
condition , effecting tu regular cl Inrhanto.
| > jlmot < l * Ifyouarosuffcrlflcfrom
HnCllciricli malaria , IIAVO the chills ,
are bilious , dytpcpUo , or coiutlpatod , Kid
ney. Wort win turely relieve I : quickly euro.
.In tMj toaaon to cleanse the Byetem , ererjc
one hould take thorough COUTM of U , ( II )
. . . . THE HOPE 0
„ „
* * Al
A Snro Cure for nil IfKSrATiB WIMK-
NKSSi : * ' , Incliullnft r.utn-orrliirn , Jr-
TCK"lnr nml I'ldnful ? Icnntrimtlciiu
Inllnmmnllon nml Ulrcrntlmi of
the Woml ) , ridO.lliiR , 1'iro-
i.ArsuH UTIHI : , &C.
{ 3 ric.i5nntlotliotn. tPenp1icloTU nnd ImtncilUta
InlUidcct. Itliatrrcatlitlpin jircpnixcry. nml ro.
llcvc l > aln during labornnil at rijnilar | icil.Kls.
AM > rnmuniEiT nam.
AU.'WrARtnscE' ) of the ccncntlvo orvmis
ot clllicr Mr , It Jsfcroncltono rcmriythnt1iR ! "T
liccn Icfoio the puWlot anil for nil tilwiwa of tlw
KID s It U tlio Grratut Jlemnlj * n tht TrnrM.
riml Orcat Itcllyfin Its UfcO.
r.vniA i.riA'KiiA3is ni.eini ) rciiiriKit
will frttillrnto cMiy vcslli'o of lui ! inui litim tlii-
] : iood.atthOFnmotlmovlIIplrc1nnor.inl'tiT..ctli t
tliosj-Ftcm. Asmarrcllonsln result * us UioCmiijiauitt.
h the Compound and Wood rurltlrr nro r-
parcd nt S3J nnd 33 Western Avcr.uo , I-yaa. it
lYIrc of either , SI. Six Ijottlea for C-1. Tl'-o rn
i3ncnt by mull In the form of pllH or of losi nt f . oti
receipt of price , $1 per hot for Utlier. ilr < . Hnlchara
freely answers all Icttero of lnq > try. ii"lrw 1 cttit
etntnp. 6 nd for pmiiplilct. Mention 1/ifs Taper ,
rTrl.Tni t E. PrvKnAM's I tvm TTLW cure Con < rtlpi > -
tlon , llllloujncsa and Torpidity of the IJ . r. ! 3 cents.
_ CTSolil br ell Imrni tB."g < > (
Can Be Handled Sy a Boy.
The box need nc\er bo t. lcn oil tlm najon and
all thoahcllcil
rraiti and Grass Seed Is Save
It costelcss thin the old et > ! o racks , i\cry
standard ttagon Is cold with oiir rack couiplelc
Or buy the attachments aid app'v ' thorn to V
lour old wagon box. for sale In Nabr.isknby
J. C. CutK , Fj-noolii.
JlAHKiMiA ; HF.HS , Oaa'ia.
FRF.U I'KDDR , tir.vid la nnd.
C'HARtikH hCllKOUlKIC , Co'llmbuj.
EPAVOOI.K& FL'KR , Hod C'oud. '
0. II. CRA B < L'o. , 15ed OaU , low-a.
L W. Iti'HSlUi , O enwoo ' , ro t.
Ando\crv llrst claw doaU-r in the v/pat. Ahem - > k
: hem ( or dcacrlptlvo circular or tc.U diroot
to u.i.
J , McOallum Bros. Hannf'g Co. , XT
Office , 21 West Lake Strco' ' , Cliicnpo.
Illa 3-lw
They ourpa'a all other \chiclca for easy rldlni ; .
style aid durability ,
For uala by
Henry Timken ,
I'utcntco Mid Builder ot Kino CarrUc ; s VXi ,
lOOMoud 1010 St. CharleuSt. , 6t. Louis. Uat -
loucs furnished , Jl-flm
ffetoash National
( No. 2005. )
WAbiiu.aTON , April 2Mh 1&32 , )
WavRKAS , li ) eatbfattory oUJunco prosenteJ
( o tbo omlcrs.Kiicd , It h& been uuuio to appear
OaAHA , " 111 the city oi Omaha , In the county ot
Douh-U" , and State of Nubratlia , lias complied
with nil the proviuions of tholiuvliied Statues of
the United btatei required to b compllut with
lietocu r.n aaioclatlon slnll bo authorized to coin-
menco the bu-luesi of IJ.inKIn :
Wo * , therefore , I , John Jay K iox , Comptroller
oJ the Currency , do hereby certlfv that "Th
Nebraska National Hank of. Omiha , " In the city
of Omiina , lu the cjuiityof DgualM. and etato
of 6br ka , la authorized f ) comraenco the
bujlnu ol Uinklnia4 pio\ldud In Soctlon Fifty
Ono Hundred and of ttie HcvUed
tlio Unlto.l btaled.
In to.tluuny w hereof wltnusj ntf
f - ) hand and eit ot ofllce this 25tn
I KEAL. V dayo ! April 1 S2
Comptroller of the Currency
Thesbovo Hank Uuow prepared to recch
bualucsa It coinmonccB with a fully pa d up
capital of SMO.OOO.OO , w-lth otflooniand dlioctort
u follows :
3. II. JOHNSON , PRUIBKNT , of Steel * . John
son & Co. . Wholenalo Oroccrs.
U. It. , llogton ,
\V. V. 1IOIISK , of \ \ ; v. Monte and Co , , Whole-
saleliooU nnd Shoes.
JXO. S. COLLINS , of O. II. A J. S , CoUios ,
Wholcsalu Leather and 8 ddlery.
MMI.31I Woolworth , Councilor and Attorney
EWI3 a. IlEKO , of Byron Heed A Co. ,
Estate Doalms <
UMIV W. YATKS. L'ajhltr. late Cashier of tbs
Klrot National lUuk of Omaha , aud
connected with the acthe Duni e-
mvnt of that liank blnco ltd orjati-
. _ UatlonlnlKBI
Imported and Xome tio.
Fiueit Selection in Town.
Prices to Suit Everybody.
From Half a Dollar Down to 5o-
Schroter & Becht's.