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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1882)
THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA. SATURDAY , JUNE 24 , 188 , . The Daily Bee. OMAHA. . . . ! . I . ! I Mllll.ll . . Saturday Mornincr , June 24. Wonthor Kopori. ( The following observation * nro taken at the tfttne moment of time nt alt the * Ution named ) WATI DEFAimrnxr , U. S. SmxAt , Sun- 1 VICK , OMAHA , June23,188'2.l ( : 15p.m. I "The Joust" i\t Uoyd'a to-night , John 1'ierson wai 1'hurnday convlctetl ot trrrinil larceny. The jury in the cane if Thni. Doniv hno disagreed fitter remaining out nil night. A number of cases in which persons * hav. ! been poisoned by Ivy nro icporttd lately. The gallery ( * sdi were absolutely silent last night , for the first time within the memory of man. The jury in the casoof the SUto Hank vj. John Grecno brought in n verdict of $0,017,03 , for the plaintiff. On the afternoon of July -1th the 13. & M. and Atlantic City bnio ball clubn will play a game In this city. The Omaha Macnnerchor will have ft plc-nlc on next Sunday nt lledman's grove n half mile went of Fort Omaha. Vanderbllt and his party spent all their money at St. Paul for railroad ( dock and had to abandon the Omaha trip. The river i still rising nnd ia now 13 feet 10 inches nbovo low water mail : , There h very Httlo drift wood floating. 3j The old nuisance nf a ponJ on Thir teenth and Lca\cnworth streets is as bad ever , the rain yesterday filling it fuller than over. -A ( jatne of baeo ball fur the morning of July 4th is being negotiated between the champion amateur club of Illinois and the II. P. nine nf thU city. President Johnson and other officers of the Water Works company , accompan ied by the consulting engineer , Mr. J. 1) . Cook , inspected the reservoir Thursday , Two new engines for the Galvcston , Houston ft Southern Arizona rnUioad were sent west on No. 7. They are of the giand Mogul pattern.anil are very fmo pieces of mechanism. A special moating of the Ancient Or der of Hibernians will bo held at Knony's on Monday evening , June " 0 , for election of olliccra and such other business ai may come before them. . Tlio third annual installation of the officers of the U. O. L , A. , will take place at the association rooms on next Tuesday evening. A fmo literary and musical pro gramme will bo rendered on the occasion. The funeral of the Into Leonard Neu- strom , which took place yesterday wan largely attended by iho members of the Moulder's Unlou and the Q. A. band accompanied the society. The funeral WAS delayed somewhat by the rain. Tlio adopted BOH of Mr. and Mrs. Har- graves departed this life yctitcrday after a shoit illness. Agcd'J months. The filends and relatives are r < Hpcctfully invited to attend the funeral at the residence , 1-11 D.-ucnport Htroet , at i ! p. m. Saturday. A Httlo three and a half year old Loy named Charlie White , sou of Mr. Park White , of North Omaha , strayed off from homo about ! p. m , yesterday , nml nt last accounts was still mhilng. Dave Mort , who was boarding with Mis * Drady , on Tenth struct , was robbed on Friday afternoon of 3120. An tin known man entered hU room , took the swag and bolted. He has not been cap tared yet. Pmil Vandcrvoort , of this city , has been elected commandor-Iu-chlef of the Grand Army of the Itopubllo by the na tlonal encampment , now in session at Bal timore. The delegation from ffobras will come homo with the national banner Thursday morning the btick layers working on the South Omaha sewer struck for 80 a day. They were getting $5 which was considered culliclent us the men were unaccuitoincd to fewer work. Other Imuda will be put on 11 Uko their pine's. Two plain n'oiiimbs were fined the usual amount in the police court ycUcrdny , uun belli : ; a man and tl.e other a notorlnu woman of the town. A disturber of tlio peace who was unable to liquidate the fine Bss3sed ogalnt him was rent to work for the city. The peculiar dark und threatening clouds which circled about the city Thursday " day made many talk of the probability of a cyclone visiting the city. Tlio rain 11 panned aoound until about 8:30 : this morning when It began to fall. The heat of the previous ( orty-eluht houru was ox- ceeslve , William PatiicU was arrested for utealfog n pocket book containing $10 from Mary Sarutrom. William spent seven and a half dollars uf the money for a nlcVIe plated watch nni afterwards in the generosity of his heart , sent the remalog two and a half dollar * to his relatives in Indiana , Nntwitbetiug hisgeneroslty the Judge sentenced him to 0 days at hard labor for the benefit of the county , The W , 0. T , U. and the Hand of Hops will have a pio-nlo nt Ilansoom park to-day day , leaving the corner of .Fifteenth and 1'arnam btrceU at 10 o'clock. Ai therein 111 be a large number of child ren it Is hoped that the ladles of the W. 0. T. T7 , and all friends of the cause will IK ) liberal In tending in provisions rn fiutur. day morning to the ttoreof Charlt n Bro , corner Sixteenth and Davenport streets , from which , place arrangements are made forUUng them to the park. Anything eatable will be accepted meat * , breid , cake * , &c. , oi lemon * nod tugar , HEART HARVEST. A Dakota Miller Carries Homo a Golden Sheafe. Ho Would Go Through Hades AB He Did Through Ice for nis Bride. A Pretty Brownell Hull Girl and Her Heroic Hus band. A Story of Love and Dnrlncc In Two Cbnptora. j A wedding took plnco in this city ThuisJ.iy which wrxs of nn unusual and very romantic character in norno respects. The { jrooni wan M. W. Shonfc , n wealthy nnd prosperous young inillor of Elk Point , Dakota , nnd tlio bride was Mien At/uca Sparta , a lovely young lady who Imi bcun during the past yenr a atudonfc nt 13 row neil hall , where nho vrna finishing - ing n course of aludius in music. On the evening of the commencement day excreted ! ) , Wednesday , at Masonic Hall , Mius Sparks wan ono of the parLicipanta in the exercises , though not one of the graduates. Shu attracted much attention by wearing a hnndsomo cream-colored satin drcso , with oilier article. * of ornament , and beauty , which made her look lilto a bride. It wan in fact her bridnl outfit , though that fact was littln suspected at the time , nnd the denouement has created quite a pleasant Httlo Bonna tion not only among lior fellow stu dents nt Urownoll Hall , but with al who had known her in society circles. jHriiurjjdayn cnrrirge was observed to urivc up to the door of the icsidoncu of ono of the leading clergymen of tlio Episcopalian church , of which both bride and groom are members , the former having been confirmed while here. Just what transpired is not known but the carriage contained the couple named and tlio object of their call was to bo made husband und wife , the gentleman being armed with the nccecsary documents from Judge Ohadwick , It nppeara that the canons of the church forbid the mnrria o of n di vorced man or woman under penalty of excommunication , nnd it is sur mised that the reverend gentleman WAB presenting the undcsirability of the contemplated stop to the young couplo. The wrath of the church , however , had no terrors for the dp- votcd pair , nnd on the rofuaal of their own clergyman to unite them , the groom visited a well known gentleman in the military headquarters , who directed them to the paalor of tlio Presbyterian church , where the neces sary otnps were soon taken and the twain made ono. Now comes the romance. It ap pears that the lady and gentleman were both born in the east , where their families were neighbors and they had been acqaintod uinto child hood. The groom was , however , about ton years the senior of his bride and married the first time while she was not yet in her toons. Ho moved to Dakota * wont into business and prospered , but some domestic difllcully rcHullod in n separation irom his wife , by whom ho had two children. In the meantime MiasBparks'father had also moved to Dakota , taking his family with him. Lust spring , ivhon the terrible Hood was devastating the Mitmouii valley from north to south , and homca and families were swept out of existence by the mulling liver , whoso icy iluod formed Iho last resting place of so many , the bride's father was onp whoiio property waa destroyo'J. Tiat ! liia family did not meet the fate of their neighbors was duo entirely to the hoioio efforts of Mr. Sireno. ( llo rode on horseback for over nixty miles across the inundated country and waded and swam through water und floating ice to aavo the woman who is now his brido. Iler father's hoiiHo was nwopt away by the torrent and the family took refuge on the roof. The building lodged after being carried n long distance , und the family suffered long hours of cold and hunger and exposure before help came. Mr. Shoafo had followed the river down , however , and was successful nt last in finding the girl ho loved and her fam ily ) all nliye still. In order to reach them ho loft hi ] horse nnd swam out in the river to their dangerous location. During the night the river froze slightly and in the morning , assisted by Shcafo , the family made their way ono by ono to the shore , creeping on their hands and knees across the thin ico. Miss Spark's brother broke through nnd was waved by Shenfe going in after him. Doth the parties to this marriugo wcro sent to tlio hospital to recover from the utloots of their terrible experience , and Shcafo hud wan n plnco in the young lady's heart nro re secure than ever. Her parontu were opposed to the match , and wanted her' to wait a while , but love is too strong as pitted against human argu ments or divine wrath , and as young Shoafo said , "I won her fairly , and went through ice to save her , und now [ ' 11 go through hades but what I'll liavo her , for I know aha loves mo. " Fortunately ho was not compelled to go to 1'rinco Eblia1 realm for Iris bride , and now wo presume ha fcols that ho is in heaven , instead of the proverbially heated locality , which ho was willing to skirmish around in. The happy couple left Thursday for Councillllulto , where they remain ed over night , and left yesterday for their homo in the north. It is hoped that they may bo as happy as the polar day is long , and there is no rea son to fear that they will bo other wise. OIIANQK BLOSSOMS. & . Pleasant Wedding Over lu the HawUoyo Htato. Hon. W , II. Lawton , of Saratoga precinct , is now happy in entertaining \ bridal pair consisting of his laughter , Miss M , Louisa Lawton and Mr. Abuer E. Hitchcock. The wed- ling ceremony was performed at thr Episcopal church in Lyons , Iowa , .Iuno20th , 1832 , by the llov. Mr. Trumblo , _ after which the happy couple , with a few invited guests , partook of a sumptuous repast nt the residence of the bride's undo and auntj Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Euolls , nnd immediately nftcr took the train for Omaha. They will remain hero as iruojts of their parents , Mr. and Mrs. W. II , Liwtoit , for a few days , nnd then depart for their fuluro homo in Mitchell , Dakota , where wo wish them long life and happiness. PROBABLE SUICIDE. The Tragic End of a Rather Romantic Life. An Illicit Iiovo mid n Fatnl Conao- qaonco- About 11 o'clock yesterday two flfih- ormon , II. 0. Paddock nnd John N. Willis , discovered Mio body of n man floating in the river between IJoyd's packing house and the John Green stone quarry. JS After securing it to the bank they notified Coroner Jacobs and ho went down nnd transferred the remains , which wcro in an advanced state of decomposition , to his undertaking rooms , where nn inquest was held at . ' ) o'clock. ' From the letters and pa- pom found on the body it was identi fied as the rcmainn ot Jnmoa M. "V.ur- dnnburg , a man about R8 years of ago , winwaa ) employed for nome time as copyist in the county clerks olllco. About two monthn ago his dissipation became so noticeable , and so unfitted him for business that ho was dis charged. Jfor n few dayn ho was seen about and then suddenly disappeared , his absence exciting but Httlo com ment and no investigation. The dis covery of the body , however , opened up the pathway to what must have been n life of considerable romance and interest. The deceased has n brother , a wealthy Denver cigar and tobacco merchant , and to him n telegram was sent yesterday and pending the re ceipt of a reply the body woo given temporary burial. Vandonburg was decided by the jury to have comu to his death from nome causa unknown , but there is Httlo doubt but that ho ended his lifo deliberately by a plunge into the Missouri. Among the pr.pcra of the deceased was a packngo of letters marked "Strictly Private. Burn these , " and the majority were written in udolic.ito feminine hand , and evidently by n lady of culture and refinement. There was no postpflico mark , but the dates were all given and from the text of the lotteia it appears that the writer is n married woman , and tliat for the pant twenty years at least , an air > ; ction has existed between her and the dead man. She has three daughters and refers In her husband always , dimply ns ( IX " Araiultnburr , seems to have been anxious to havu her got a divorce and to marry her , but she. mentions the fact that fllro can only got a separation and alimony and not an absolute divorce , which show.3 that she is a resident ot Now York state. In ono lettnr the fair writer declares that the cor respondence must cease and that she is going to devote her lifo in future to the care of her daughters. The dead man also 'seem ? to have had a fine army record , having en tered the three months service in 1802 , raising a company for the 174th Now York volunteers , in which ho went out as senior captain , After this regiment was consolidated with the Kt'Jd ' -served - na lieutenant-colonel until ho wan mustered out in October , 1805. 1805.Tho The deceased was an Odd Follow and probably a Mason , tjo , and was evidently an educated man who was probably hia own worst enemy. Buoklin'a Arnica Balvo , The ] 5i T SALVK In the world for Cuts Bruises , Sorei , Ulcers , Salt Uhuum , ! ' ver Soirs , Totter , Chapped Hanilu , Chil biting , Corns , anil nil nkin oiuptloni , anil positively curetpllci ) . It U guaranteed to ilvo tmtisfactfim or immoy refunded. 1'rlce , U5 cents per box. For .0. V. Goodman Tlrut Mad Uoa. To tlio Kdltor of Tim lice : That statement in Tin : BIK last evening is entirely incorrect , and docs mo injustice. Tlio "largo and vicious dog" was a six months pup. IIospo's boy was playing with him in my yard , when the pup snapped him , The boy TTOH scared nnd began to cry , when my wife wont to him and pulled down his stocking , but could not find the least sign of blood , the tooth not having punctured the skin , llospe came to my place nnd said ho wanted to kill the dog , nnd I told him ho could , us I did not like to do it mynvlf. When they oimo for the dog , Mr. McUuno , the olllcur , told mu if I did not want it killed , I uould take it homo and keep it tied up. I told him I would rather have it killed , provid ing ho would do it himself , so as not to > torture it. The dog d.d not have the least sign of hydrophobia. There was no reason for falsifying the case , except , ns IIospo stated to mo yester day , it Would bo an advertisement to him. _ B. U. MAUS. CAUGHT IN THE ACT. A Dead Beat Arrested For nn Al leged Burfflary. At an early hour last evening con siderable excitement was created in the vicinity cf Sixth und Pacific streets , by the attempt of a man to raise the windows and gain an entrance to a grocery store in that locality. I'lio grocer nabbed the fellow in the act , and a telephone mesaago was sent to police headquarters , which brought the marshal and Ollicor Gorman promptly on the epot , The supposed burglar waa a : ripple und u hunchback and ( ran discharged from the city jail only yesterday morning. lie seemed loath to go , and after lianging around awhile , his departure traa accelerated by a kick. Ho wont 3(1' ( and was not seen again until the robbery was attempted. \ " ' " "ST. JOSEPH'S. A Visit to tlio Hospital on the Hill , The New Addition and Re sources of the Institution. An Horn About Ono of the Brnvo Nursoa at the Small Pox Hospital. For some time past a now building , of imposing appearance and dimen sions has been noticeable from 10th and other streets , from its location on the summit of the hill just touth of the Union Elovatars. A BKK rcportur yesterday visit ed the spot in company with Mr. Vincent Uurkloy , and found it to bo the new and much needed addition to St. Joseph's hospital , the funds for which were in great part raised by the very successful fair nt Croighton hall last v in tor. The addition was designed by Mr. Henry Toss , the architect , and in in outward npponranco very similar to the main building to which it is join ed by a wing fifteen feet long and thirly-tivo feet deep , the hospital , wing and addition presenting a solid front. The main portion of the now building is ninety feet long by about thirty wide with largo windows open ing out to the north nnd cast , a Herd ing the double benefit of goad ventila tion and ono of the most inaguiticpnt views to bo seen from any building site in Omaha. A largo baiomcnt runn the entire length of the building nnd will contain the furnaces , kitchen etc , , thus leaving the wholouppcrpart of the building for the use of patientp. The reporter was shown through the present hospital wards by the siator in charge , and found everything scrupulously neat , clean and comforta ble. In the male ward there are twenty-two beds , all of which are oc cupied , while there are eleven more beds in the fpmalo ward up-stairs and several additional in the roonri form erly occupied by the sinters , who now use a small house in the rear of the hospital for eating and sleeping pur poses. The majority of our citizens know that the hospital is in charge of the sisters cf the order of St. Francis , who are educated and trained as nurses by experience gained In similar institu tions nnd on the battle field. Their ivcs are devoted to the cause , nnd when duty calls it is diflicult to select those who should respond , as all are anxious to go even to face death itself. At the breaking out of the small pox in this cily two of the sisters were detailed tailed as nurses , Sister Xaviera and Sister Lucilo , and while a relief was furnished at time ? , the former re mainpd at her post almost without in tcrnirssion for three months and a half. The great strain on her consti tution had its effect in a serious spell of typhoid fever , from which she is just recovering , and wo are happy to ray is out of danger. The calls upon the institution are very numerous , there being as high as seven on some days. There were two yesterday before tho' reporter arrived. Of course it is impossible to accommodate all , nnd the sisters re gret their necessity of turning any away and are anxious to get into the now building which with its four great wards nnd the addition oi the rooms now used for household purposes , which will bo vacated on the comple tion of tire basement room , will give them n capacity for about 125 to ICO cots. Even then tlio quarters will be none too largo and ere long another addition v.ill bo necessary. Uo3id the chapel , reception room and so on , there is a regular drug store in ono room of the hospital , which will bo removed when the ad dition is completed. The physicians in charge are Drs. Neville and Groes- mun , and Dr. Grady ia a frequent visi tor und treats cases in his line. The cost of the now building is about § 11,000 , and with the furniture and apparatus required it will bo nearly $10,000 when completed , which is expected to bo by the middle of September. Splrltunllom. Mrs. Anna Kimball , irom Now York , will lecture in the Masonic hall on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock nnd in the evening at 8 o'clock. Psychometric reading given after the lecture. JOUST. Happy Succesa of tno Eatnbrools Burlotta. The presentation of the charming burlotU , the "Joust , " at the Uoyd last evening waa a signal success , both from a musical and dramatic view of it. Those of our citizens who witnessed - nossod the rendition of It in this city a year or two einco , will see a marked improvement throughout , both in the operetta itself and the cast. Of course , the center of attraction to those who can more critically criti cise coed music , and also to others who know good acting when they aye it , was the sprightly Cecil , by Mrs. Estabrook. This lady scorned to sur pass jiorsolf in the rendition of the principal character in the operrota , and her singing was as cqmsito as over. Miss Springer as Rachel was admirably done , and applause seemed to bo almost equally divided her and Cecil. She , too , fortifies her power as a singer with graceful movement and a happy manner. Mr. W. IJ. Wilkins always acquits himself well , wherever ho tries , and ho maintained the character of Frank in u manner quite in a par with the others , Hia voice was in good trim last evening and elicited repeated upnlauso , Mr. Kstabrook as George made a strong character. Ho sang well and ho acted well. The part could not have been better taken , List , but not least , Toodle comes in for more than passing notice. Mr. W. 0. Sanders , as was the case when the "Joust" was just presented in this city , took this ' 'swell" character , nnd ho took it bet tor than over. The Harmonic Society Chorus , un der the direction of Goo. F , Mayer , in full force , played a big part in the burletta and evinced the fact that they had undergone careful training. The performance of last evening will bo repeated this evening , and will bo vutnoaeod by a largo audience. DUNCAN'S DISASTER ; A Bridge Palls nnd Piecipi- tates Its Load Into the Greek , A Wild Time "With the Bronchos. THE REE has often called attention to the unsafe condition of the bridge on North Omaha creek near Saunders street. The first heard of lost niulrt'a event there was the crash of the falling timbers and a largo crowd waa nt once attracted to the spot. It was then discovered that n drove of Mexican bronchos was being driven across the Saundcrs street bridge and that the supports gave away nnd precipitated the result. The bronchos , 200 in number , be longed to Mr. Oeorgo J. Duncan , and wcro in charge of W. II. Lincoum , who was driving them to the yards for the night. All but live of the under- moat were enabled to escape unhurt , with ono or two exceptions , and it wan difficult to doturminu just how badly they were injured. One horse appeared to have his back broken , and several others were stunned so badly that they fell down scveial titnoa in the water bcfoie they could be pushed on up the creek where they were finally driven upon the bank. The remaining horses under th bridge wfiro rescued by the crowd o men who had provided ropes an planks for the work. All were n length rescued , and while some maybe bo crippled , none will die from th" terrible tumble The cause of the accident is attributed utod to the freshet of yesterday morn ing , though the bridge has been con demned time and time again by tin citizens , and the attention of the city council has been called to its unstabl condition upon several occasions Tlio bridge across the same creek or Twonty-tirat street has sagged down at least three feet , and will not stand half the weight that was the immediate diato cause of the disaster , and jo teams and pcdcctrians are allowed to pass over it , and the Ninth stree bridge is in a bad shape too. This ac cident should prove a warning to al concerned. II is very fortunate that the Sam dors street bridge fell when it did , ns in all probability , a heavily loaded street car would most certainly have met the fate of the animals. As it was , a car had just passed over , mooting the horses a tow feet north of the bridge , and ia consequently cut rf" from passenger traflic , and will not betaken taken to the barn for some Httlo timo. WANTED -Immediately at Com mercial House , Missouri Valley , Ia. , AID FOR IOWA. The Meeting to Organize for the Relief of Cyclone Sufferers The Subscription List Well Eo- guu and to ho Kept Tip C In response to the call of Mayor Boyd for a public meeting to take stops for relief of the sufferers by the late cyclone in Iowa , a number of prominent citizens mot at the court house last evening. The meeting was organized by the election of Muyor Boyd an chairman und Mr. Lcavitt Burnham as secre tary. It was moved and carried that an executive committee bo appointed , to consist of seven members , withMnyor Doyd as chairman , who should hnve the power to appoint Bub-committeca to solicit subscriptions nnd collect do nations and forward them. The chairman appointed the follow ing : P. L. Porino , Ezra Millard , 0. S. Chase , W. V. Morse , John Mo- Crary and Samuel Burns The com mittee are hereby requested by the chairman to meet him at his oilice at 10 o'clock this morning , to take im mediate action. A subscription paper was opened and the following subscriptions were received : J. ! : . Boyd 1J50 fohn McCrary. . . ? ( i T. A. McShane 10 J. U. Cowln 10 U.Wakeley 10 It. II. Clarkson ! . ' . " > Leavitt liurnliam 10 Charles McDonald 10 John Baunier. . . . 10 George Helmrul 10 M. Hellinim&Uo. . . . 25 T. A. McShano agreed to give 200 pounds of flour. M. Uellmnn & Co. proposed to ship a box of clothing equal to their sub scription und in addition to it. Ohas. McDonald proposed to send an amount of clothing equal to his subjciption. . Ohairinnn Uoyd gayo notice that ho yvij ! receive subscriptions sent to his otlico on Harnoy street , between Twelfth and Thirteenth , and forward them for such parties as are not reach ed personally by the committee. uiBiioi * CLAUKSON'S LKTTEU to Mayor Boyd is us follows : OMAHA , Juno 23 , 188L , James K. Uoyd , Esq. ! My DEAII Sin You have done a right thing in asking the people of Omaha to help our unfortunate and alllictud fellow-citizens who were in jured and impoverished by the Iowa tornado. I wish I could bo present lit the meeting to-night , but I have made all my unangomonts to leave the city to-day und can't change them , You have my Iroarty sympathy In your noble work , und I sincerely Iropo that the citizens of Omaha will show their itccustomod generosity nnd kind- lieartcdncsa and send their proportion [ or the relief of these poor aull'erers. I send you what I can spare. I wish it was ton times 03 much. Arery truly your friend , - ROUKUT II , CtAltKSON , WANTED A brick moulder ; good wages. Apply to Andrew Bothwell , Fremont , Nob. jel9-3t-me j ! IN THE OUXTEB. A Laboring Mnn Kinds n Valuable Lost Package and Restores It. On Wednesday evening a promi nent public ollhial , who lives not over a thousand miles from Xorth Platte , while sojourning in this city for a few days became interested in the tight rope performance in front of the Academy of Music , and while taking observations of the acrobat , nn in genious pick-pocket got away with his pocket-book. At the same time , the fellowdoubtlc8s intending to steal the gentleman's gold watch and chain , be came entangled and was delected , when he apologized nnd was allowed to go , before the loss of the wallet was discovered. The loser ad- Tortlsod his loss in Tun BEEThuis day which was road by n laboring man who boards at the Farmers' house , and who at once notified this ofiico that ho had found the pocket book nnd capers , mi tun the money , in front oE Henry Dohlo's shoo store on up per Farnnm street. Yestetday the owner of the pocket book called at the oftico nnd jokingly remarked that he supposed hi ) pocket bonk had not been lieard from. He was much sur prised on learning that ho uould obtain it by callinz at the Farmers house. H < j jewarded the finder with it batik note. The moral of this atory IB that per sons attending thu tight-rope exhibi tions had better keep their hando on their pocket-books , nnd a Bupplomcn- t ry moral is that if they fail in this precaution 1 HE BKB is a good medium through which to recover lost prop erly. SPECIAL NOTICES. Ont/K Advertisement To Loan , For , gain Uwt , Found , Wants , Boarding , itc. , will bo In- dtttul In thcffo columns oaco ( or TKN CKNTS V , r lltiej fnch subsequent Insertion , F1VECENTS per line. The first lincrtlou never loss th TWKNTV-FIVE OENT8 1O LOAli MUNt TIO LOAN At legal rateiof Interest , ruoncj in amounts tj Milt borrower. O If. UAI.LOIT , 52S-2C Attorni'j , room 5 , I iiion Block. TO LOAN Call at Law Omce ot D , MONKY 'ilnjm 8 Crolchton Illnck. iTO LOAM At U pur cunt In f torcst In suma.of f2BOO Mid Hoards , lor B to 5 ycarJ , on Qr&t-clue city and property. ls-na KRAL ESTATI and * AoiajfiY. uth nnrl lnuUa ! Us HELP WANTED , Ayfl.I > A toxl nirl t r wn-ral houst W work. App'i ' at 1215 DjilfTJ sireet. DTCMt A Kitchen aid a'son ' mine girl WANTED at li.rt bttutin l"th i nil 18th a recto. . .77:4t . A nooit win lor genon ! hous > WA.VIUU Aiitily at 1010 Chlcirj street. ECS-23 * \ Tii : > . A jjirl at 17th aiU Ducnjiort W tioithttcit r. < r. 509 23t 'ANTKP. A good s"c < nd cook at tlic St , W ( . 'harks Hold. CJsoJ ncs paid. , " > 73-tf ANTED Tno aijireiitli-isit dre smal.ln& & ' , W Inquire 1414 Dcii-u St. . .C.'i 2j ( \T7"ANTEI > A minpotint g rl for general VV house ami laundrf w.rr. AY iis , 1.10 per week. Inquire nt this olllce , nom but com petint n cd norly. 487-tf ANTED Good girl for qdicral liouecuork , wANTED family. HE.IltY DITy.Etf. 55824 * ISthand Jackson. WANTKD A dlnine-ronm tfrl , good rcfer- cucuj required. 1'adtic Hotiic , north 10 h street. f02-21 A young man ta work at shirt WANTED ' . ' , a mechanic nicferrcd. ( I'y icf. crenre r. quired. OMAHA SHI11T FACTvRV. COM4 WANTED A good girl to < 'o houtowork , and soma rcokinpr. Apply 403 10th FtrcU , restaiira'i' , next to S'ep cnnotis'a livirj t table. WANTED -3I.I , three In family , tmiulic 5 fi-tf 0 J. 0 Alt Ah & CO. WANTED Inquire at eouih-nc.t corner Kit' and IXuglns i.liit. 5)0131 WAN rF.IJu j l > t a.oJ man anil wife , ton.rk. htcaily omplovinu-t for the ri/hi jnrt el luferim'o riquliod. AcMruvi or apply TdUahl.V DUO'S. 632-tf Nest to Fair Oi .uuds WANTUD A iod fjlrl for gontral I ouso- wnilc. at I7MUU8 * .rco . 020 tf \7t 'ANTED Man and vtlfo ta take chirRC of V V fnrnl bul coUr eEnquire Sin north rcit 521-21 A trill for uoncral housework In WAJsTKD nni.ll family , nt 1CW nor li Ibth i-tiect. Apily | cccr fip. m. OllMf . Ventilated furnished or unfurnialn d WKlil. tv rent , al umicr cf M'h ' nnd ? Llcago. 440 tf . unnr-clasi laumlrc&a at St. W Charles Hotel ntro-.t 394-tt ANTKD 'leu teams to work on Florence Cut-On. Wotfes 83.BO ptr day. 377-tf MlrniiUUI. VINCENT. 1 A A JIF.N WANTED-At F orcnca Cut-OfT. LUU ulna miles i < rtu rf O/iMu. (1.75 ( par day. JIITUHELL VINCENT. SITUATIONS WANTED \TJ ANTED-SUina'oimforUobojK.HanJ Ifi V\ tears , liuie tin \ tan maku thcuw'-liea isefnl AlilreM"llrst'IecollUu. ! watt t M'ED PUcc for if rl U > cars nM , to la' o W ctroof iliildnu. A < U i > d blrl"lco ollUe. 637-tf ' WANIKD With * 2000 to take ' AI'AKTNKK . half Intircst i i u good paying hu Iuess \ddrcsa 7. L'fj olncu. frl-jat 'ANTED 600 privy vau.ta , btnks and ceaa pooli to clean with ( unitary Vault and Sink Cleaner , the but In use. A. hvann & Co. , ealdenco 1 ( X1 Dodge street , Omaha. FOR fJENT-HOUUEU AND LAND. TTtOIl 11P.NT. Furnished rcnnu , en gnlti or J < tlciu'e ; grnilemun preftrud. blfl IloworJ it. heUccn hth and mil 570 241 HJllltKNT snull nd large , NINKllOUaKJ rooj a each ; one or two now HifBulth a'l modern coiuenleacc" . One of 12 OOU18. suitable for boarillnu and room renting , 17th and IouSli Sts. III'.MH , Accnt , jut3--f 15th and Douglas 8U riOKLV rUKNISHKD HOOMB-Ono door | northof Doilje on 18th. 674-29) ) Oil HKNT A barn. Inquire at S09 Farnarn F street , between Ibth aud 17'h. 67.J 20 UKNT-Oii Julv 1st , brick ( tore , with oi FOIl cellar Jrqulro at IruBiore , cor icr 10th anil " U3D-Wth Macros rniIB"IOWEKAHM II , - X oi land bmmlfully located on Cuinlut ; r. hoit dUtaneo went tf Military bridge , and street ar line. JlUltlh' , j'Jl-tt Agent , IMh ncd Ucujlaa SU. KENT 1'uruUhed rout room , ( uth POll ( tout ) 1010 1'arnam trcit. (51 21 neil iST-Nlcely : furnlihtd room , fit K L 1001 UoJijoltrjct. Ua ocable price. U6t t OH KENT Four rocms nilt bl for man and ulfe , corner lSh md Izird itteet. [ 71Q11 HKNT No , 1H H. Kin ktrcet , rt U o L ln < houkc , contalii'iu UK rooms , mntr Bd ctlltr. Kr. < | uire or DH. PKAUODV , IW-t 1407 Jone Urcet OOM FOll KEN r First floor , touth front , fc t-n ulyfitrnuhol suitable | _ \ > tlfcj 1VA4V w - .v-v _ - - jrtwo ( jtnUiuien , a ; N , Vf , voimr 17th jlifoniU trtt , - "T710R RENT A nli-c hoii o , Croomi , fml food JL1 b rn. No. 1017 Docpp street. 5.0-2 bn IIK.VT Tno new cit e , 3 roonfTin" F cich on JOth betvcsn Farnam and Douglas ttrnt. Ii"V Ire on piemlsj * . C4t-tf ITIOR KK.Vr Furnl hcd room , Inquln at Drue J. 5 tore , corn r 10th and Douglas ttrrct , " _ _ _ _ _ _ F"OR I ENTA cf ry home of 4 raoms. < ellafj cist rn nnd vol. Enquire on "rcilsi , " ItlSlIlarncj street. K4t UtiNT Corner 16lh n > l St. Paul , 2 nlco FOR . ' , one S an I ono of 0 rjocts. IS > cd lo cation , on trctt cir line. 510-i3t I7\OH \ KENT A nicely furnished room at 1110 Chicago street , between i4th and 15th. 070-tf KENT Two nicely furnished twims , low 1 prices brick house 013 Caraetrict. 3S2-tf mo LET Furnl hcd room , with toird , 180S J. Cn'lfornl i street. 50MI jARNjTOJKKNT N. E. corner IMh and D \cnport. 4PS7 KENT Kurt Ishcd rcoai , 1723 Donitlaa street. 401-tf FOR HBST Mta-antly futnUhol room , 117 South 17th ft'ect , one door north of Doug las. 350 tf mWO Ft'llMSlTnD siuth rcoms torrent. 3. J , W. corner llth ami Daxcnport. 3M tj RENT S lurnlihja rocras ovwr FOR cbiiEts'EzchncifO.N. K. cer. ISth nod TT'OR ' J'-ENT Nlroly Jurnlsh&J rooms Hlth oi r : without bcAti.1. RiMcoiublo prices. Win - - " -ao t "O OAL6 r7\015SAI \ < K-FulilzoJ ! [ lo'sonthjcnd 10th street , J ; I'llso i" ' , Hf.Odown , MUnea loic timo' ur IOp < r montli ta any one who wiJIhil il , ln qulrn 1407 Howard btt Uth ( ltd Uthitrats ere if "jfTIOS HAl.illouic : with four romia and JL' k t lien an ' lot In aondordcr. Inqulic Dor cas St. bclWti-n 27th anil 2Sth. 5ai-20t MAllCL'S SI'JX'ITMIT. QTOCK TOR SAtK ANDSTORK FORltl'.NT O ThJstock md llxt'ir ' a of the Im g istah- lishcd and well known Taint. Oil and ttlndow Ulasi , Notions , etc. , Hcu oof N I. D. Salomons , corner 12tti and Fainim Jtreat , Om\lia , Neb. Htorj 22\132 foot Ion ; . " Ith ten feet bisctncnt the vholo ktigth of sloie tlirc.0 Etorlis hUh. Fire procf. Will elic l.i e fironcoro jcirx. Further particulars Inquire at store , Wo. 1 C4 F rium atrci-t. N. T. D. SOLOMON Cuusu for selllne Intends to ( jo on hU Spilng Valliy Fjrui , ailjoining t'lh il ) . Will engage In lircullnif nuil Din Ing if IIL-n CrudSto.k. S7520 SAVE RENT Cottapes and 8a. ll hou P' * ; pir- tlciojnliifr. alot orwho own the lenso of ono , and who-ueslto in bind a himo thirron , lint lac1 ! the funds tall rn A. 11. luttoi , nt of. llcocf Gr lT & Montgomery , cor Uuiil n Na > tlonal Dank. f,7.-tf TOR SALE. The Arlington Ilniso HOTEL First c ass ; all furnished Tli3 only hotel in town. The cheapest property In the wtate. HasuU the tra\cHn2 mi M.VI I bcioldihiapon tomstotuit. Enquire of E. FuiJe , propiktor , Arlington , Wastilngtcn county , Neb. f,3S tt EOR SALE Horse , buvRyund harnc . Ap ply at StepuCiison'if Captul avenue liarn. FOR f'ALC A house of four TOOUIP , on leased ground , on 17th street , hetwien Capitol a\o , an J D.v unpin. Inquire of C 1-27 _ BAbDWiy & DEllMllou e1.Mo\cre. FOR 8AM2 Hou fl and lot , fil foot front , by 150 drep , 14th nnd William sU. (000. In quire of U'i lulmlna KI.ii dcr , oil l 619.2411 J.OT 8-50x160 ( eot each in . _ llauscom Place on street c r lino. IJeat lots In hole addition on Miry raw Urmsandata great bargain. UEMis' ent , 15th and D-niRlas streets jlStf FOR SAL' Cettijco > u'h si\ rooms , well , cistern and all conveniences Iiijiilie at 021 1 J h street , between California and Wutttcr. 472-30t "T7IOR SALK Exchanffo Hotel , at hr.'rlicld , Jj Neb , Including liirnltnro and stoves , good lo-atlon and patronago. Only hottl In toun. Fortcrmaaddrets , JI C. .MADISON , 427-22 Agent' I7IOK SALE A cottoco of ihr. > e room ? n"rth \ ij ilc'ecf Nlchclas bttiueii Inth a d lOih. Inijul o within. (4t2-lf ) DAVID GENTKY. TTnOR SAtE The business and fixtures of a first L class meat market in Central fxcinukai Host location ; best trade In the city Reason [ or selling , for health. Address Butcher , Bco Dlllcc. 3S7-lm JIC SOLD C9 = acre ? in I'olk county MUST S5.0PO. Inqnlrn of J. It. Kinman I'oatofhce , ilUIng City , liutlcr county eb. Ml-lin iriUK aAo * . Kcciauratt on n ucll trivcled IT street , II. MANNWKILKU , 2j-tt U'h Ktro.t. near rarnam. FOR 3AI.U The POPULAR HOTEL , known M the BOYS'HOMK. Tills house Is co-i- irally located , hao sou h and cut front , and Is itirronndcd w th flnofhado trees ; cont.inn thirty i ccpln ? roomn , haa leu lioiiso. laundrj , simple room , ic. Han a world w Jo reputation anJ a joHcrtjatronr o than many housua of tnico Its T.uoty. ) ! Pricn 6,000 Fur luibcninrN ad. licis , A. A. SAWDKV , Hcd Clouu. i > i b. J.lOh SALE Or will OXL-HP. / tor aatiuu pro- J soonoflaro J'ofu- ) pcrty , on Improved so- * - > ' a blr.tdn oil I ) . P. K. It. U. HVlittAK , 1U2 rarnham St. . Oruulm. 7''i3nt FOR i-'AL-l BRICK OTTABIIOOK < i COrS. ALKD 1IAV At A. 11. l-inyf r' fowl nio B lOiaHarnevSS. i-19 rf L.\TiNDbU : JO ALl ii INVITATION o nt nitnlj and hiitt actnminoJatlon at urnir Hall licitiii ant Don't fa 1 to eul S. 3. HolljiiJir , 1'ioprktor , loincrio hard How. .rd. tC7-tf rjl HOLSTEfU.VO Of ill Kinds dinu ut the U lowest fljurtu , nt OS D dge street , bc- luoii Still ndU.h. 552.Mf rjllllJT-OLASS UOARD-And rooms it 1110 L1 north 15th street , on car linr ; a'fo sr o barn for tent f 43-tf 2THAVEO OR bTOLEN ( 'ne ' eorrcll n/.re , 0 J years , while spot In face an I cnowhiu loot. tcward "III lie pail for IK r return to J. C. Oren - on , Ssou'h Fifteenth street , next to Hartman ichool. M322 . _ V fc ilUHl'IIV'ri UOA1IDIM1 EkNNEI Stulo , and ftock jsrds cattle cioi i-tock kept nt the louoit po Iolo rates -baled lif ) , htn\r , corn nnd oati , for Mile. Don t Drirtt the place , ICthbtrat ha men U pitole inlDatenp'it. D36-26 * lAOIfJTER OF PALMY&TKRY AND.UWtDI 10NALIBT , 49d Tenth Street , between K nntt ndllnrnuv. Will , with tlie aid of runnltin [ jlrlta , obtain for ny one gUnco at the piol nd present , ud on certain couditlotis In 'Ao fa. uro. Doota t-nd 3bo-w made to ujrr. Perf n Absolutely Pure. This powder net er varlci. A manfj ot p f , etrtnrfth and viholesomcntuii. More ocono Icxl thin the ordinary kinds , and cannot be Id In competition lib the multitude of 1 ow at , abort weight , alutu or phosphate povderi Sold only In cao . ROTAL liAKisa Po B COM 8W St , New York