Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1882, Page 7, Image 7
( I THE DAILY BEE-SATURDAY , JUJSTE 14 , a. a. aooxc AC oo. \ COMMISSION MERCHANTS , Clly Market , Council niuITi , , WHOLESALE FLOUR , HOUSE , General AgcnU for the Celebrated Mill ! of II. D. HuihA Co. . Golden Kajle Hour , L Ten oith , _ Kansus , and Queen Dee Mill' , Sioux t'Mi , D.-xkota. Pcfercncc , Smith ft Oil t'mlrn , I'ouncll Mud * , Ift. HI. AND RETAIL STATIONERY AND PRINTER'S GOODS , COUNCIL BLTTFF8 , IOWA. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 F F ICE. T. "TOT. . * O XT 3 : : Et jEJ .Sz O 3 > . Lands and Lots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS , COUNCIL BLUFFS IOV/A. / n. 15 North Main Street. WHOLESALE DEALER IN SHOE FINDINGS. Read-fitted uppers , In evil skin and Kip. Oak and Hemlock BOLK LEATHER , and al oodi appertaining tothoshoo tr.ulo. Oo-di sold a < cheap a < In the Kagt. 3rO TO IES. iOEEIS' ' m MILLINERY STOEE FOR STYLISH SPUING MILLINERY. PATTERN 1JONNETS AND CHILDREN'S HATS A SPECIALTY. 105 South Main Street. Council Bluffs la. That never require crimping , atMrs. . J , J. Good's Hair Store , at prices never bcfcro touched l > y ny other hair dealer. Also a fuUUna ol switches , etc. , at greatly reduced priced. Also gold , ellvcr and colored nets \\'n\cs made from ivilcs' own hair. Da not /all to call before purchulng elsewhere. All goods warranted as represented. MHS. J. J. GOOD , 29 Main street , Council Binds , Iowa. Bethesda BATHING HOUSE ! At Bryant's Spring , Oor , Broadway and Union Sfcs. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Tlaln , Medicated , V'por , Elec'rlc , I'lungo , Douch , Shoncr , Hot arid Cold lilt(13 Com petent n ale and leinalo i > ur'cs nnd attendants always on hand , and the boat ofra-cand ntt n- tlon Riven patrons. Spaclal attention RUtn to bathing children. Investigation aud patronage solicited DR. A. H STUDLEY it Co. , 100 Upper Broadway. Dr. Studloy : Treatment of chronic iliecasoa mode a spycUlty. KfiUOVUD without the CMOEES dranlnx ol blood or use ot _ _ knllc. Cuics lull ) ; diseases , A vr > nrl' 1 1 l.'T ? Fitsi Scrofula , Lh cr Coin- Jr. . . , i _ . L'alnt | ' , Dropsy , Khcurua- T II M 0 R S tisl . Fclcr an < 1 il cur- I U III U II W ial 80ros Kryslpclas , Salt Rheum , Scald Hold , Citatrh , weik , liifluued and granulated Ujescrofulous Ulcurs auil Fe male Disease of all kinds. AHo Kidney and Vencrial diseases. Hemorrhoids or Plica cured money refunded. All diseases treated upon the principle ofegel - nblo reform , without the mo ol mercurial pois ons or the knife , Electro Vapor or M-dlcaled Biths , furnlshe'd - otiwho desire them. . ( * HernK or Rupture radically cured by the use the Elastic belt Truis and Piaster , which has superior In the world. "cbNSUI.T-a.TION FREE CALL ON Ott ADDUESS Drs , R , Rice and F , G , Miller , * " . , * , . COUNCIL BLUFFS , la. LIVERY , Peed and Sale Stables , 18 North Pirot Street , Bouauet B old stand. Council U iiHn , Iowa. WILLAltD oMITII. Prop. W.D.STILLMAN . . , Practitioner of Homeopathy , consulting Physician anil Surgeon , Office and residence 016 Willow a\cnue , Coun cil Blufls. Iowa. Iowa.W. W. K. SINTON , DENTIST. 14 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. Extracting and filling a epocUlty. First-class work ( .iiarantcod. DR. A. P. HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Otfioo , No. 14 Pearl Street. Hoim , 0 a. in. to 12. . and 2 p. in. , to 6 p , in. lleiidcnco , 120 Bancroft utrcut. Telephonic connection will ) Central olllce. DR. AMELIA BURROUGHS , No. 617 First Avenue Hours from 10 to II a. ru. , andJ2 lo 6 p. in. lerckntslestanrant J. A. ROSS , Froprietror. Corner Broadway and Fourth Stroota. Good aceomniodationi , good fare and cour teous 8. L MAXON , Office over savings biuk , COUNOIlj BLUFFS , Iowa. REAL ESTATE. W. 0. James , In connection with bis law and collection business buys and Belli real estate. Persons vUhlngto buy or ( ell city property call thlsotSc , c cr Bushnell'a book store , Pearl ttrwt. _ EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice ot the Peace and Notary Public. 4l6Broadway , Council Bluffs D di and mortgage ! drawn .and ackocml god WATER WAVES , In Stock and Manufactur ed to Order. Waves Made From Your Own Hair. TOILET ARTICLES , All Goods Warranted as Represented , and Price 3 Guaranteed. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , 337 W. Broadway , Council Bluffs Iowa. ; - - - . MRSTE , J , HARDING , M , D , . Medical Electrician AND GYGNECOLOGIST. Graduate of Electrop.ilhlc Institution , Phila delphia , 1'euu.i. OfflCB Oor , Broadway & Glenn Ave. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , v The treatment of all diseases and pnlnful dlf- flcultlcs prculhr to fna'alc3a npocltlty. The Star Bakery , HOWARD & ROBIE , 227 MAXN ST , Employ the best liroid Ilakcr In the West ; also n choice hind for Cakes and FIcs. llrutd ikll > ercd to all inrts ol the city. FRESH FISH ! Game and Poultry , Can always fie found a D. DANCHY'S , 138 Upper H roadway. JNO.JAYFRAINEY , Justice of tlie Peace , 314 BROADWAY , Council Bluffs , - - Iowa. W B. MAYES , Loans and Real Estate , Proprietor of oVutrac'B of Pottawattarale county. OIIIco corner of Hroadw y ami Haiti Bireo.i , Council Ululfa , Iowa , JOHN STEINER , M. D. , ( UuuUchcr Arzt. ) ROOM D , EVERETT'S BLOCK , Council Bluffe. i > i8oasefofjvomen ! ami children a apaclally. P , J , MONTQOMEEY , M , D , , FllEK DlKl'UNSAHV KVKUV SATURDAY. Olllceln FA crett'e block , Pearl trott. denco O'.S Fourth ttrcvt. OIIIco hiurs from a to 2 V m. , 2 to I and 7 to 8 ] ) m , Council i lulld " " TcTCLARK , PRACTICAL DENTIST. ' Pearl street , opposite the postofllce. One of the oldest praitltlonrrs In Council niuQs. Balls ( ( faction euirantood In all cases DR. F. P. BELLINGER , EYE AND EAR SURGEON , WITH DR. CIIAULES DjETKEN. | Office our driu ktore , ill liroadway , Council Illutls , loua. Al ilUcaien of the e > u and car treitod under the inostapprovwl method , and all curui truarantcixl. JOHN LINDT , ATTORNEY'-'AT-IAW. ' ' Will practice In all Btite and United State * Court ! . Speak I German L&ngiuye , DIVERS DEVILTRY. Some of the Offenders nnd OlTonsoa Which Came to Light Yos- tordrvy. A swarthy follow named Benjamin Dyson hfis been complninud of for stoftling $21.50 from Anna 1'rnlor. Dyson was hanging about Pralor's house for several dnys , ntid dienp poarcd about the same time the money did , nnd ns it was learned that ho hnd attempted to get one bill changed , the warrant was issued for him , but ho has not been found. Antono Wiorhorn , n boy , was fined ono dollar by Judge Aylcsworth for ass.iuUit ) < ; a little \ irby \ \ throwing n clod of dirt nt her. Mrs. MeKlroy , who lately figured as n witness in rather dirty case in volving n neighbor nnmcd Uoss , was yesterday before Justice Frainoy to answer to a triplet of charges , grow ing out of soinu trouble with Smith's family , who live near by. Ono charge was for nssnultinp the Smith boy and another for threatening to shoot Mrs. Smith , and still another for disturb ing the ne.ico. The cases were con tinucd. Mrs. Patti , the sixteen-year old wife , who was also a witness inttio Uoss case , was nleo charged with dis turbing the peace by raising a row nenr Smith's house. Her case was continued also. Complaint was entered yesterday in Justice Fniinoy's court against Sam Williams for malicious trespass. It is claimed that Sam turned his hogs into Jim Coylo's premises , nnd that ho also helped himself to wood , \VORDS FROM A WOMAN. Miss Frnncla E. Wlllnrd Ploadu with tuo Men to Vote for Pro- . hlbltion. . There was a good sized audience nt Dohany's on Thursday night to listen to Miss Francis E. Willard , whoso name has become a familiar ono in connection with different phases of temperance work ns well as by her ability in handling the pen , nnd the oratorical powers she has shown on the rostrum. Miss Willard is the author of "Nineteen Beautiful Years , " has occupied the position of pre ceptress of the Northwestern uni versity , boon managing editor of The Chicago Post , nnd occupied oJicr po sitions of prominence nnd trustwhich slip has tilled with acknowledged ability. There was , therefore , high expectation felt among her auditors perhaps too hiih. ; At least she did not meet it fully. Her address was ono of marked merit , taken from n literary standpoint , but it was by no moans up to high ntandard which slio has rcachod in seine of her other efforts. Still it was an address nbovo most of those which have been delivered on the torn- poranco question. She took up the various points of Does prohibition prohibit , personal liberty , sumptuary laws , etc. , the same as have been BO freely and fully handled of late , but dwelt but briefly on each. Her thoughts and views were atatod clearly and couched in elegant diction , which at times touched upon the eloquence which she has ohpwn in her lectures upon other subjects. She was hnppy in her choice of illustra tions , sprightly in her anecdotes , and her address hold well the attention of her hearers and called forth much en thusiasm. At the close of her ad dress nho was personalty greeted by a number of old acquaintances , and many who desired to grasp the hand of so noble a woman. She left yes terday for Sioux City , where she was announced to speak lust evening _ NICOLA'S NEED. She Wnntod Rood But Did Not Qot Him Crops and Business Nioi.i : , Iowa , Juno 22 , 1882. To tlio CUItor of Til it DKK : Crops in this locality have boon im proving daily with the warm weathor. and if the summer holds late and stays warm , wo can look for at least a two- thirds corn crop , The farmers are all to busy plowing that our town has been rather quiet in the line of trade. Bo much the bettor , however , as it shows wo have an industrious , ener getic class of farmers. I hare not seen more satisfaction over any turn in politics than is ex hibited hero over thu fact that the delegates to Pottawattamio's conven tion were instructed to support Judge J , II. Heed for congress , and ihoro is no doubt but that this county would give him a eolid republican vote , and also a l rgu num ber of democratic vote ? , while Ander son would not only lose all the demo cratic votes , but 1 so n great many republican vote * , as I can name n nuin her of republicans who will vote for n democrat in preforcnco to Anderson. The reason of this is because Judyo llecd is widely known , not only in this county , but through the en tire district as u man of exceedingly line moral character , whoso integrity is absolutely unquestioned , and whouo ability is unsurpassed in the district , while AnderHon is known to bo the paid agent of thy railroads and monopolies , u trickoter who liB oflico that ho may fatten upon the proceeds , nnd therefore the sworn enemy of the faimor and the laborer , I but echo the uuntimont of a largo majority of the voters in this district when I nay. "Give us Keod. " C. D. Dillin , II. Mendel and D. Jlarnoy circulated a subscription paper on thu streets yesterday afternoon , and nearly ? 150 was donated by our generous citizens , which was forwarded to the Grinnell and Malcom sufferers last night , . S. A. M , IOWA CITY'S UNIVERSITY OUT PUT. Correspondence of The Ike. IOWA OJTV , Juno 20. The seven teenth annual commencement from the law department in the state university took place to-day. The class roll bears 150 names , out of Which 131 receive the LL. B. degree. This is the largest class over graduated from the law school of the university. . In conversation with different members bors of the class , Tun HIK : chronicler finds Chancellor Uoss , of Council Bluffs , to ho very popular , and re garded ns nn efficient , ctudito gentle- men. The chancellor began the prac tice ol law in Lewis , lown , and Lewis folk * will bo glad to hoar of his tuo- cess in conducting the law branch of the university. Orations wore delivered by E , U. Ilowoll , 0. F. Kuohnol , J. L. Kennedy - nody , L. A. Stamwood , Coo L. Crawford , Daniel Finery , L. C. Har ris , \V. 11. Norris , M. McClurp , ,1. V. Clyde , mcmhors f the graduating cluss , The commencement exorcises of 'tho literary department will take place to morrow. The seniors number forty. The city is full of strangers and presents thonppuaritieoof a yroatgala day. lo vn people are proud of their prospective alumni , and the closing scents of the collide year draw nn im mense number of tlium together. ll.UVKKVK. IOWA "ITEMS" The Griiinollcnllpjni buildings will be rebuilt at once. A street railway company lias been organized nt Conturville. A Methodist church , to cost about Sl-200 , will bo built nt Wall hake this summon Latter day saints are going to build a $0,000 church at Limont , Docatnr county. Hon. Ezekiel Olnrk , of Iowa City , lias authorized the Grinnell relief committee to draw upon him for 81,000. In Des Moines a nun applied for public relief , Insing his claim to charity on his having the dropsy and four pairs of twins , At the celebration of the Fourth at Contervillo , n purse of $25 is offered to the couple who will bo married on thoaponkor'a stand. It is rumored that the Hook Island Railroad company is about to built n mammoth five hundred room hoto 'at Col fax nnd surround it with park. All notarial commissions expire Inly 5 , nnd no notary will have nuth ity to make acknowledgements after that date unless roconnniesionod. It is proposed in Marnhnlltown to donate the money raised for a Fourth of July celebration to the Grinnoll sufferers , and forego the pleasure of n general jollification on that day. The most astonished young man in the nrr.Invest might have been ocen in the oflico of thu O'Bricm county clerk of the courts the other dny. Ho applied for a nurriago licanso , nnd nearly wont crazy when ho found that just twenty four hours before another fellow secured a license to wed the very woman ho fondly thought was nil his own. A SOKT OF BREVET DKVIL. Strange Power to Resist Fire Poa- sosHOd by n Maryland Negro. Wilmington News. Nathan Coker is of pure African lineago. black as ebony and of stalwart [ ramo. Ho is now somewhere between CO and 70 years of ng ° , nnd has re sided all Ins life in the lower part of Tuckahoo Neck , Md. Ho has no knowledge of buoks can not oven re peat the alphabet but is much above mediocrity in point of general intelli gence and good , hard , cornfield com mon sense us compared with his race. When quite young he conceived the idea of becoming fiio-proof , and before lie was 25 he was u veritable lire-king. How ho acquired the power to perform - form the fe.tta of placing his hands and.arms in a vessel of boiling water and keeping them there for ten min utes , licking a red-hot shovel , holding in his mouth molten loud , nnd ovun swallowing it , as well as many others more daring , without apparent injiny , nn ono know , nor has he over revealed the secret. In fact , it ia doubtful if ho can himself explain the mystery ; but ho can and does handle bars ot iron glowiim with while heat , eat glowing charcoal made from hickory or oak wood , walk barefooted on a red-hot bar of iron , sixteen foot long , with perfect coolness and deliberation. These facts are attested by many re spectable witnesses. Ho used to delight - light in frightening the ignorant and superstitious country people , to whom ho was unknown , whenever ho could find a crowd gathered around the steve in a village or country store , by stalking in , opening the etovo door and running his hand down in the fire nnd deliberately taking a live coal in liis fingers nnd coolly place it in his pipe and walk off. Ho was at ono time on exhibition and his strange feata created consider able excitement , but owing lo his di.s- like of notoriety and lack of educa tion ho retired from the stage , His power of resisting the cffccln of fire in singular , and han never , so far ns I -enow , been explained , though ho has been examined by a number of scibn- lifio men. Many of thu colored people ple , and in fact not n few of the ivhitcH , wh" hud beim taught by tlio crude theologians of fifty years ago to joliuvo in a personal devil with liorim , ail nnd cloven foot , whoso kingdom war the bottomless pit and who occa sionally treated his refractory sub- itcts to dust's of molten lead , firmly ) ohuvcd , and perhaps Home of them Etill believe , that Nathan was u sort of u brovi't devil himself. Tlio Money In tha World. Director liurclmrd , oi the United mint , estimates thu world' * > roducti r > 3 of gold for the calendar ? cnr of 1881 at § 107,000,000 , and sil ver $87,510,000. Thu consumption of thu world in ornamentation , manufactures nnd arts s estimated for the name period at 875,000,000 gold and S-'JS.OOO.OOO in silver , The estimated circulation in thn principal countries of the world is placed at. Gold , § 3,221,000,000 ; full legal tender silver , 82,155,000,000 ; limited tenders , 8123,000,000 ; total specie , $5,757,000 ; paper , § . ' 1,011 , . j'00,000 , making the total circulation , including the amount in government eucuritics and banks , and in active cir culation , 89,403,000,000. As there are about 1,500,000,000 of people in the world , it follows that if the cash in coin and paper was equally divided every man , woman and child would have nearly 97 * 80 when you have n gold eagle yon have $ . ' ! moro than your shnro , It is n great mis take to suppose that the world owes nny ono A livimj. That cn bo only got by hard toil of brain or hands , Confodorota ClotUos. M ry W. K rlylti tie Wo V \ Tim i of I'hllj. HI ( It'll. ' During the war homespun drcisss were n good doul used in Virginia country ladies for every day wear , nnd I have soon some of thcso dresses that looked really pretty and jaunty on fresh young g'r's. The dyes ( as neil ns the cloth were n homo pro duction. Ivy leaves sot with alum , niado n pretty cr.xj ; sumnc leaves and chinquapin bark made black ; mnplo bark made n bright purple , and peach bark made n green dye. The men of the confederacy , those in the army , atloiut , fared much bettor with respect to clothes than the women did. the government providing them witlk uniforms imported from abroad , through thu blockade. Occasionally , too , n woman would get n prize in the shape of n trunk or box of now clothes smuggled through the block ade , in which eaio her toilet would be thu envy and admiration of all her femino fitends. Persons who had friends or relatives in li.iltimore , Phil adelphia or othur northern cities would sometimes bo favored with n b > x of "store clothes. " I remember such a box being aent from Philadel phia to acquaintances ol mine in k'chmond who became in , , consequence quence , "tho glasa of fashion and the mould of form. " A plaid ribbon in this box was lent by turns to various friends , who looked on it as a rare and dainty ornament , something al most equal to the ribbon of thu Or der of the Garter. The writer wore it to nn elegant entertainment in Richmond the last winter of the war. Merchants ns well as individuals would occasionally receive goods through the blockade , but those were scarcely opened before their eager cus tomers would seize on them and buy them up. Prices rose almost ns high ns during the revolutionary war of 1770. The laft winter of the war the thinnest , flimsiest silk rose nbovo $100 a yard. Dresses that winter were niado with n basque and n full , plain skirt , or a llounccd one , Bonn-long. ball drcsscn of silk or other heavy material were niado after the memorial f ishion of n Grecian waist , with a full , plain skirl , in u train behind , and 1 do not think nny of thu changes or caprices of fashion have improved upon the beauty a d simple elegance of this costume. Muslin dresses wore flouncud or milled , nnd bj * dint of be ing carefully darned nnd lanndriod were made to do good service. On ono occasion a young lady of my no- quaintanco appeared in a very daohing costume of pink silk brocade , the design - sign being so largo and coarse as to cause n suspicion among her lady friends that aho had improvised n ball costume out of an old brocatclla cur tain , and a sprightly young ; lady , on Uio spur of the moment , composed n pirody on Mooro'a "Origin of The Harp , " beginning thus : "Tin believed that this ilrcsa that 1 now wojr for tlico Was u curtain of olJ , " But the rest is too full of personal ities for repetition , Such transforma tions nnd make-shifts were the order of the day during the war. Numer ous articles "cmtrivod by turns n double debt to pay , " like the piece of furniture described by Goldsmith. "Uy night a bed , n chest of drawers by day. " A gentleman of my ac quaintance had himself a "swell" suit made out of gray blanket shawls , nnd a lady in our neighborhood had n old piano cover dyed ( it was colored bright purple by means of maple bark ) and cut up into u auit for her little bov , who appeared quite in royal style in Ins pnrplo ginmonlf. A very prevalent fashion in con- fedetuto dnys was what was called Garibaldi bodies. These weto gath ered full on the shoulders beneath n band , and were generally niado of blight colored flannel or will ; , with a row of gilt buttons up thu front nnd on Hliouller straps. The Italian hero Garibaldi , I may remark in this con nection , was highly esteemed in the confederacy. Unfortunately , the fash ions of thonu duyn called lor volumi nous garments mid bonnets.fGores * were not worn then , nor had it come into fashion to combine two materials in a costomo , clsu wo might have com bined the fragments of two dresses into ono nnd thus have boon some what relieved of our straits nnd per plexities , The bonnets and hats were large ; at ono time the former were immense , prompting one to exclaim , "No moro on thin head ! " Velvet bon nets were mostly worn in winter , hut in ummcr straw huts nnd drawn mus lin hata ( the latter very pretty and picturesque ) were worn. Toward the latter part of the war , hat made of pleated nhuchs were very much worn in country neighborhoods , a trimming for the fiat boiny also maJo of idincka , The gentlemen and little boys of the Family had to resort to homo-mado Irntu for common wear , and these hats nlmpi'd by the awk walk , inexperienced lingers of amateurs displayed many curiouH curves and grotcequo indunta- tiona that iinnnitod a rakish air to ovun the Hlaidost old gentleman or mobt , innooant little buy. Feather llowera wnro much in vogue lion , not the fine , dollnuto , brilliant OUCH niado of Brazilian feathers , but coatse ones made of the fcuthcru of our barnyard fowls , while eider and suansilown were HimulnUid by n trim ming made of goose feathers. Trim- minx' ' ) were , of course , as acarco with us inoU'liiil to ho tiimnicd , and toward the close of the war parsons .ipprnrcd quite dreosy if they could ii.ii.itor n trimming of drees braid ; * quilling of this at the bottom of an alpaca or worated skirt , and thruo rows of it above , were considered a stylish trim- ming. Shoos were n great difliulty with UH. Many n hello had to encase lier dainty feet in clumsy , liomo-inadu shoos , nnd if thu war had gone on much longer perhaps wo might have occasion to resort to the French eabot or ttoodon ehoo. A country cobbler in my neighborhood supplied thu young ladies around hint toward the close of the war with gaiters made of mi old blue cloth coat , cut up and otichod with yellow silk. Proof Positive. Wo have the niont positive and convinc ing proof that TIIOUIH' KOLKCTIIIU On , Ua inont effectual specific for bodily pain. In rated of rhcimutium and neuralgia It glveo Instimt relief. jelfdlw To the Consumers of Carriages & Buggies , I have a complato stock of all the Latast ; Styles of Carriages , Phaetons and Ope a and Top , Consisting of Tfco Celebrated Brewater Sida Bar , The Harolin Side Bar , The Whitney Side Bar , and The Mullhalland Spring. The Dexter Queen Buggy and Phaeton Also the Old Reliable Jfiliptic Spring Buggies and Phaetons. They are 111 made ot tha best nia1 erials , and un der my own supervision. I should be pleased to have those desirous of pur chasing to call and examine my stock. I will guarantee - anteo satisfaction and warrant all work , H. F. HATTENHAUER , Corner Broadway and Seventh Streets. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , ( Successors to J. W , Rodefer ) WHOLESALE A > iU 1U5TAIL DEALEUS IN LAGKAIAMA , LEHIGH , BLOSSBMG AND ALL IOWA COALS ! CONNELLSVILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC. Offloo No. 34 Ponrl Street , Yards Oor. Eighth Street and Eleventh Avenue , Oouncil Bluffs. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM FACTORY MANUFACTURE 8 BROOMS , BROOM HANDLES , CORN MEAL , GRAHAM FLOUR AND FEED The Very Beat of Brooms Constantly on Hand. The Highent Market Price Paid for Corn , Oats , Rye , Barley IBIROOIM : aoieitsr i Parties Wishing to Sell Broom Corn Will Pleaua , Send Sumple. : & OCX , One of thu besi H cond class Hotels In tlio WuBt Is the BROADWAY HOTEL , A. 15 IIIMWN , l'roi > rlctor. NOB. 631 and 630 IlroidwayCouncil HIuOs.Iow * . Talilu mippllcd with thn host the market af ford * . Good rooms and first-elm * beds. Terms very rcaaonablu. UNION AVENUE HOTEL. 817 Lower Broadway , Mrs. G. Gerspacher & Son. KIIIST CLABS IIOTKIj AT KKA8ONAIILK 1'UICKH. THANSIKNTH ACCOMMODATKI ) . Hm'Kl4 F011HALK. UOU1) HKAHONH KOK HU.MNU. SCANDINAVIAN HOTEL. N , Andorion , - - Proprietor , 732 Lower UroadMa'y , Table supplied ltd Die best tlie market af fords Terms JiUOaml $1.00perwc < k. Transhnt B1.00 per ilav. If YnuVink Lunch Go to LOUIE DUQUETTE , , Monti , and Katubles nlwn > n on liaii'l , Five Cc'iiU per liftll. _ STARR & BUNCH , HOUSE , SIGN , AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS. PAPER HANGING , KALSOMIHIM AND GRAINING , Corner Broadway and Scott St HUGHES & TOWSLEE , DEALERS IN Confectionery , FruitsNuts Cigars and Tobacco , Fresh Oysters and Ice Cream in Season. 12 MAIN ST. , Council Bluffd. MRS. J. P. BILLUPS , PllOPIUETOU OP EESTAUEANT & EATING HOUSE , 813 South Main Street , Council I ) ufl . New house and newly fitted up In first class Btylo , Meals at all hours. Ice cream and lemo nade every evening. Fruits aid confectioneries' " J7 G. TIPTON , Attorney & Counsellor , OHUo en or First National Hank , Council Bluff * . Iowa. Will practice in thu etatn and federal courts STEAM LAUNDRY. 723 W. Broadway. LARSON & ANDERSON , Proprietors , 111 In luun liy his Jtiit been opened for bual- MOM , and cure now prtpurcd to do laundry work of all kinds and ijiiuanteo natisloUIon A epedalty made of line work , uuch as collirs , itiffs , line ( hlrta , itc , Wo want tU'ijl > oJy to trial. LARSON it ANDERSON. JOHN HritLnu. kku < I'reelJont. Vice I'reu'i. W. B , Unisiin * , Soc. an J Tfoas. THE Ni-BEASKA IMMCTUEfflB CO Lincoln , Neb- MANUFACTUItERS Off Corn Planter * , nurrowp , rrm Roller * , Oulk Hay ndkci , Bucket Elovatlnj ; Wind nil &c. Wo are prepared to do job work and nuaai \ turi.ii ; for otbcr jiartlei ) . AJJrcn all orduru JJKHIIASKA MANUFACTURING 00 , , r.iuroi.M N i t o by ' JossB James thi only life authorized by her , and which will not bo a "Wood and Thunder" story , such u hu been nnd will be published , but a true Life by the only ixnton who Is la posses.loa of the ( acti afalhfulaud devoted lfe. Truth Is more Interesting than nctlou. AirenU should apply for territory at on . Send 76 cti , for 8 m < pie Book. J. H. Chamber * ifc Co. , moodiwe if < uuai . Mo-