Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1882, Page 6, Image 6
t I ? ' THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA SATURDAY , JUNE 24 1882 The Daily Bee. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Saturday Morning June 24. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : By Carrier , - - . . . 10 cents txrwtV. BjriUll , . . . . . . . $10.00 per Ymr. Offlco : No. 7 Pearl Btroot , Nonr Broadway. 0. B. 1IAYNE , Mwingrtr City Circulation. H. V7. TlTON , City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS. 60c will buy SLGO worth of goods nt Go to Herzman for bargains. Shcnaden makes photographs. Foot and hand railings made nt Blxby & Woods' . Sharp thunder storm * yesterday morning nnd n generous outpouring of water. .Tuit received n large line of ladiea1 neckwear for the Mo ) counter at llliss' . Go to llerzman's before buying , Great bargains on the COo counter nt Blils' . New lot of fine pottery , bljqtie figure * , otc. , lit Manrer & Craig's. Visitors al ways welcome. Leave to wed was yesterday given to J. P. Gordon and Kvnllne Wilbur , both of Silver creek. Ilerzman will sell store and dwelling , Shcrrailcn is the boss photographer. Fine line of menu' , boys and nido saddles nt Sherman's , 121 S Main. Call and ace tho25c and 60 counter at 1)1 las' , This afternoon the Council Bluffs ball tossers arc to visit Omaha , to try their mettle with the Union Pacific nine on the Jatter'ti new grounds. Ilerzman la bound to cloao out. Joseph Itcitcr makoa'auitslin the lat est styles at 310 Broadway. Kev. T. I" . Brccsa will preach Sunday morning at the Broadway church. At night thcro will be a temperance meeting , at which he will lecture. Subjoit , " .My "Vision of tlio Hyena. " Railroad tickets bought and nold Bushncll , five doom nortli of I'ostollico. Can eave money on the tickets , The men employed at the water works were paid off yoilunlay. They number about 300 , Don't forget to call at the new ice cream parlors of NIB. J. A. Gray , over COS Broadway. In the superior court yesterday there irai ono caio only to dlnpoaa of , and that a plain drunk who , under the name of Me- Connick , wasgucn the regulation fine. Joseph Host ) , of C15 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs , makes the best butter tubs In the went , and sella them nt the lowest cash price. The credit of recovering the body of yonng Clary , who was drowned Jioro Tuesday , should bo given to William Din- noon , of Omaha , who exerted himself nobly to accomplish that purpose. The creek was badly swollen by the heavy rain yesterday , and managed to overflow as on the last storm , only moro , Homo lots being covered with water to a depth which made navigation hard except by boats. A sewer on Broadway nearly In front of Atkins1 store , caved in night before last and necessitated repairs yesterday. A plan is now being contemplated for mak ing the sewers hereafter of brick In vrchcd form , as the wooden ones rot away too quickly and break through easily. The city council made another at tempt Thursday night to get a quorum , but the political convention proved too much for some of the members , or eomo other cause pro veil ted them from showing up. It was decided to make another try next Monday ovenlng. The lightning wan up to Ha pranks yes. terday morning , and dancing into the city telegraph office , took a hop , skip and jump over the switch-board , making a llttlo burn and a big Hcare , melting uomo of the brass and leaving Its marks on the tnblo below. The small pox does not seem inclined to let go its grip much , Yesterday It was found in Mr. Dolanoy'n house , near the St. Jo depot , Three children in his family nro suffering from the disease , and the authorities yesterday put them under quarantine , and Hung out the flag as a warning to posseis-by. Several more men wore made Ameri can citizens by Judga Aylesworth yester day. Among them were several German * , and noticing that they had had their first paper * for several years longer than IICCCH nary , the judge aakcd why they had not brought them In before. Ono with much frankness replied that It was because the beer question had not bica brought to vote before , and they were interested In that , if in no other election , There was acry happy gathering of young friends at the residence of Justice Abbot on Damon street , Wednesday oven1 ing , In response to the Invitations ox * tended to them by his daughters , Misses Hyra and Nellie Abbott , Music was pro vided , to which the fett of the gu nts tripped merrily until a hto hour , There wa an abundance of tempting refresh ments , In fact all the needful accompani ments of a happy and hoipltablo reception of friends. The participants pronounced the enjoyment of the occasion complete. For some time it ban bee a understood that the attempt to remove Mrs , Baldwin from the postofllce would be successful pro vided the action uf the congressional con nention wns in favor of the Chapman Anden on ring. The nomination was tele graphed immediately to Washington , and last night a telegram was received In reply stating that 1'Jill Armour has been ap pointed postmaster here. It is conceded that Mrs. JlsJdwiti'tf removal Is for iiulitl cal reason ) only , Two Germans bound for Sau Fran. cl cp , and who were unable to Ulk Ung. llib , complained that at the transfer yes terday an unjust attempt was made to compel them to pay $12 extra on baggage. They bad two tickets and only one trunk , the trunk weighing one hundred and twenty paund * . They were Informed that r wpiiJd Lave to pay ? 12 and a 0,0 , D , label -WM pMted on the trunk calling for that amount on arrival in San Francisco. A ttarcltng man interfered , and eays that threat * were made to kick him out , but he tiling to it ind the baggage wai cnl on without the 0 , 0 , I ) check , The German immigrants teemed grateful in * deed to their advocate , . COMPLETED THE COURSE. The Graduates ol the High School Entortnln Thol r Friends nnd Rocolvo Their Diplomas. There wis ft crowd at Dohanoy'a last evening to wilnoss the fxorciaos attendant upon the twelfth annual commencement of the Council Bluffs High school. Long before the opening of the ex ercises almost every scat was tnkon , and the audience wna composed of the bolter classes of society , who seemed to appreciate the efforts made to en tertain them , as well as the allowing of intellectual advancement made by the participants. The programme opened with n sel ection by the orchestra , nnd an invo cation by llov. Dr. Ololnnd , The first essay of the availing was by Miss Mollie V. Koatloy , in which she clearly handled the much discussed question of how far circumstances af fected the liven of great men. Miss Luna Peterson gave a sprightly essay on "Hido and Seek , " which was well received. "Famous Treaties" was the nubjcc1 of nn essay by Miss Vinnio Itoosn. It showed much preparatory study and excellent thought. Misa Kflio Moon KIIVO an intercating essay on "Electric Progrcsoion" which woo in thought and diction entitled to high rank among those of the evening. Miss Mary Malta ; ; , in n clear , well- linked line of thought , impressed the truth that character Is the grcnuh of day by day. Mica Nellie Clarendon gave ono of the best oss.iya of the evening , it being "A llpvorio. " It wn n , chr-m- ing production and well delivered , meriting the hearty opplauao it ro- coivod. Miss Clarendon is a native Council Dlulfa girl , and aho is wholly a product of this city's schools , she having boon through the entire course from the lowest to the highest grade. If her essay is a fair sample of what intellectual training can bo obtained from this city's school system , it is proof sufficient that the system is an excellent ono. The essay by Miss Jlomio Lyon , on " \Vhat Has She Done , " was ono which pleased the audience greatly , nnditfl fresh , sparkling sentences mer ited the close attention the audience gave her. Miss Tillio Autonroith made a vary ingenious'plea for air caatlos , and put a very pleasing plmso on that line of thought. "Miss Nellie Haiti gave ono of the best essays of the evening , her sub ject being "In War and in Peace. " Mios Nellie Sackott gave the closing essay , it being on the topic , "Unite the Knot or Out It. " The line of thought expressed in the title was well followed out , and her effort called forth hearty applause. The music of the evening was un usually excellent. The Schubert quar tette eave a selection , which was en thusiastically received. Mies Kate L. James favored the nudionco with her wonderful voice in song , and Misa Carrie Atkins gave a very fine piano solo. t The stage was very tastefully sot and made attraotivo by floral decorations. The presentation of the diplomas was ono ot tlio most interesting portions of the exorcises , and the evening closed with tlio benediction by Her. Dr. Cloland. SPIRITUALISM. Hon. Warren Chase , member of the atato BCrmto of California , nnd well known to many of the citizens here , will lecture in Everett block on Pearl street to-morrow , nt 11 o'clock n. in , , and at 8 o'clock p , in. Admission free , and all invited to attend. BIU TIME. Advices from Sioux City indicate that preparations are very complete for a Grand Celebration there on the Fourth. Our citizonu must not forgot the Special Train and Cheap Hates oflorou by tlio Sioux City & Pacific railroad on this occasion. Go and BOO the English Hurdle Ilacos. PERSONAL. 1'rof , J , Piper , of Chicago , was in the city yesterday , a guest at the Ogdcn house , C. M. Whitney Ima returned from a two weeks trip In Nobuuka , accompanied by his wife. W. J. Brown , of Denver , and Hell , of 1'ueblo , Col , , ro at the Ogden house , K. M , Ford , of Des Moinca , was in the city yesterday , nnd brought with him some relics faom the path of the tornado , which he generously shared with friends. Miss FJicklnger , who has been teaching In the high school bore , leaves to-day for her home in the eastern part of the state , It ia to be hoped that her cortices will bo continued hero during the next school year also , as she is one of the most olllclout and popular teacher * in the corps. The Motho dlst choir , of which she has been a most valuable member , will miss her voice greatly , and will join in wishing her a wife and sure return in the fall. James MeMahon has returned from Nyack , N , V , , where he has been attend ing school , lie was one of those chosen to orate at the closing exercises of the school , hia subject being "Western Im provements. " Charles S. Morse , von of J. W. Morde , is aha attending that school , and appeared at the same exhibi tion , thy uibject of hi * oration being "Tho War of the United States. " Young Mono la growing physlally as well an in tellectually , his preaout weight being 100 pound * , and his height C foct 3 liiclica. A Vexed diet-flyman , liven the patiruce uf Job would become exhausted were he a preacher and cndeav * orlug to Interest hi * audience while they were keeping up an Incrcssaut coughing making it impossible for him to bo heard. Vet , bow very easy can all this be avoided by nimply using Dr. King's New Discove ry for Consumption , Coughs and Colds Trial Bottle * fc'neu Atvay at 0 , F , Good- ' man's drug ( tore. THE PEST TENT. How n Small Pox Patient Was Robbed By Hia Nurae. The Donrt Mnn' Friends Hunt Up tlin Stolen Property and Ar t-cut the Thief. It will bo remembered that in the latter part of May a younsjman named Jones , a stranger in the city , and em ployed at the elevator , was taken with the small pox and removed to the tent , where ho remained only two days when ho died. Jonca had about $ WO n cash , which ho had deposited in Father McMcnomy's hands for safe keeping , and after his death and bur- al , that reverend gentleman , who had shown himself such n true friend to the unfortunate young man , in corresponding spending with the father 'living in Ponnoylvanin , learned I hat the young man had a silver watch nnd a valuable ring , which the relatives were anxious to got. This property not having boon seen nor heard from by Father Me- Monomy since the younp man's death , ho proceeded to exert himself to find some trace of it. He wisely chose Ollicor Sid Sterling , and for the past few days ho has been buay working up the matter. Ho has cleared It up to his own satisfaction at least , and has arrested a man named W. J. Drown on the charge of having stolen the watch. The dotaila of the charge as they now appear , show a deplorable and hardened condition of depravity on Brown's part. It ia claimed that when .Tonos was brought to the tent , Drown , who waa convalescing , was re tained aa nurse. Drown chanced to inquire what time of day it was , and Jones in reply told him that ho hid a watch in his vrst pocket , by which ho could find out. It is said that after Drown thus got the watch ho kept it , and had it on his person when ho vrua arrested. As to the rintr , it ia said that the young man seemed to think much of this , and a day or BO before his death , while expecting to die , and partly de lirious , ho made an attempt to swal low it , hoping to thus keep any ono from getting it away from him. It was restored to hia finger , and after hia death it ia said that Brown tried to remove it , but the finger waa so badly swollen that ho c mid not. Ho suggested the idea of cutting it off , but finally abandoned this , and the ring waa buried with the young man. It in claimed that when Drown was questioned about the watch and ring , ho claimed thai- both wore buried with the young man , while all the time * io kept it in his possession. Ho will no iv have a chance to explain in court his side of the grave charges thus laid nt his door , and which cer tainly , if proved , mark him as having as little feeling as honesty. OUT ICE CREAM PARLOR. A now Block off ronchOrcam Confec tionary just received at the fashionable ice cream , fruit and confectionery emporium of Smith & McCuon , suc cessors to Erb & Duquette , 401 Broad way. _ WANTED. A partner to toke half or whole interest in finest fitted up Bil liard Hall and Saloon in the city. Excellent location. Enquire at 021 South Main street , Council Bluffs. CHIDING AN EDITOR. To tlio Editor ot thollcc : 111 a copy of The Nonpareil of this city , dated 1.1th inat. ( which has only by chance come under my notice oven at ( his late ) , I find n paragraph in what the learned editor doubtless intended ns an editorial on European affa'ra , to which I take exceptions , and on which I wish to offer a word of comment. Hero is the objectionable paragraph : "Tho recent shooting of a landlord of the name of Burke , in open daylight - light , nnd the fact that the reward of 5,000 , offered by the government , has brought no information concern ing the murder of Lord Cavendish , constitutes strong evidence that a Inrgo proportion ot the Irish popula tion favors assassination as a political remedy. " Now , in reading this curiously de vised paragraph three ideas occurred to me , namely , that the editor must have calculated to a wonderful extent on the limited knowledge of his road' ' era in European matters , that his own morals must not bo good , iu so far ns the reserved social rights of the Chris- tiau man is concerned , and lastly , that ho must bo ignorant both of the past history and current events ot Ireland. In regard to the first idea , the cor respondents of many loading news papers of this country , traveling in Ireland , for the purpose if writing up the true account of ati'tirs in that country for their rcspec wo papers , have published to the world the uni versal Irish protest of the murders of Lord Oavondish and Secretary llurkoa protest accepted by Gladstone himself , as the true , genuine outbuist of the entire Irish nation , BO that that should have been nsettlod matter long before this hour all over the civilized world , .Secondly , the editor , who I presume , is a Christian man , should have known that , in morals , it would have boon a crime for one member of society to receive blood money against another from a government to whoso laws the evils and wrongs in which crime hpi its origin are traced by the entire population , supposing suspicion might have rested on some ovily disposed person , which , however , 1 deny to have boon the case. Were Ireland to ha o n government of her choice this would have been true. How much so vihilo robbed nnd plundered and trampled on , in the dust , by a hateful foreign gov ernment , whoso lowest officials have power to visit , by force , by clay or by night , 'ho ' voiy privacy of the bed chamber , and drag them from not alone the man but the woman the tenderly roared daughter and with out any other warrant than the BUJ picioiMjf said officials , and incarcerate her in a loathcsomo dungeon , Nay ! to shoot her down on the public highway , in the light of day , because she dared to mingle with tlio people exorcising their natural rights of marching the street * in unarmed pro- cession. Ah , I should llko to BOO the editor of The Nonpareil carrying out his views of loyality to the govern ment of England in such a country. Verily , his blood money would soon drive him to fling his "thirty pieces of silver" at Iho feet of his employers , nnd then hang himself. Thirdly , in order to bo acquainted with the condition of Ireland at the present time , or passing events there , the editor of The Nonpareil , instead of quenching his thirst for literary lore far away out in the muddy stream , should have sought out the source , the pure fountain of Irish history , without a correct knowledge of which ho could bo no moro fit to write on the current social or political affairs of Ireland than Homo dusky inhabitant of the Pacific Islands. I am , Mr. Editor , very respectfully , &a , THOS. 0'BniE.v. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Juno 18 CI1IOKE1UNG PIANOS. J. Mueller is solo agent for these splendid pianos. Tlicro is such A de mand that it is hard work to keep up with ordcrj , HELPING THE NEEDY. Tlio Contributions for the Cyclone Sullbrora are Boln Forwarded. Tlio terrible storm which visited Orinnoll and vicinity haa robbed mnny of their little all , and left them in a condition vvhoro they have the right to expect practical sympathy and gon- oroua aid from those moro fortunate in life. The expectation is being re alized , and the calls issued for help" are being promptly responded to , Council Blull'a haa thus far sent be tween 8700 and § 800 in cash , besides I1 boxes of provisions and clothing , nnd it IH expected that moro will follow. Towns and cities nearer the scones of suffering and devastation have ro' spondcd moro liberally than this city , largely becauae their sympathy has been touched by the sights which i many of their citizens have seen with their own oyca in viaiting the ruins. The citizens hero , being at a longer distance , and few having come in ac tual contact with those scones of sud den want , naturally move moro slowly in the matter. The subscription papers are still open , they being loft with A. T. Elwoll , at the express company's ollico , corner of Broadway and Pearl streets. The cash thcro received will bo turned over to Mayor Bowman and by him forwarded to the proper distributors. The express companies also have ngrccd to carry all supplies , either for the general good or private individuals , Iroo of charge. It ia to bo hoped that the generosity of this people will sircll the contributions greatly abcvo the ent amount. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. jelOdlw Transfers of Titles. The following transfers of real estate are reported aa taken from the county rocorda by J. AV. Squire & Co. , ab tractors of titles , real estate and loan agents , Council DlufTa : M. F. Rohror to J. T. Hurley , lot 7 in block 23 , Dccra' subd , city S160. O. | II. I. & P. railroad company to Carrie Van Drunt , nw frnl } of 7 , 77 , 39 81,406.20. 0. , 11. I & P. railroad company to N. W. Matson , nw frnl | nw j- and nw frnl j of ne \ of 1 , 70,42 570.75. Avoca L. & L. Co. to Linus Clapp , lot C m aubd of lot 2 In n i of nw of 10 , 77 , 39. N. D. Lawrence to A. Louie , lots 5 and ( i in block 13 in Stutman's add , city $150. T. 0. Stookson to 0. T. Stockton , und A , lot 10 in block ! ) , Macedonia $250r I { . H. Woodmancy , trustee , to I. M. Kelley it Co. , lot 3 in block 0 , Macedonia SC20. 0. T. Stockton to 0. M. Smith , lot 10 in block 9 , Macedonia § 250. Wlion There's o Will Tnoro's a Way. Anyone who has the will to t y KCLKCIIIIU On , will surely ( iuotho way to robust health , in cases of bronchial nlfec- tiorie , core throat , pain ? , etc. ; and , t > s an internal remedy it U invaluable. jelO-dlw COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special ad\crtltcmcnU , flJC aa Lost , Found , To Loan , For Silo , To Kent , Wants , Hoarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In thli column at the low rate of TEN CENTS PKK LINE ( or the first Insertion and FIVF. CENTS PER LINK ( or each subsequent Insertion. Leave adr crtlsemcnU at our office , No. 7 1'rnrl ntrcct , near llroaJ ay. Wants. WANTKD-A soul kTrbcr. 1' . J. Lcl Map \lllo , Mo. Je20 at * WANTKD Km ) body In Council Bluffs le to tttKo TUB line , 20 ccnta per week , do lltcrcd by carrion. OlHcc , No 7 1'carl Street rear UroadHay. To buy 100 tona broom corn WANTED aiHrcss Council lilufl ! Droom Factory , Council IJlulIs , lowo. 058-20tf For Sale nnd Rent 7WH UK.vr.-UnlimiUlied roams , 5J1 Wain J Btrmt. JeiMm MIItii : counters ( or sale at Seaman's. jol6-'f roUHAl.K-l lm\o on hand ono kiln _ of an gooJ IrlcV as on ! * > had in tlio city , 1'artlus desrnir a gocil article will flntl It to their mhnnlnge to call at my ruldcnco. on Lincoln a\cnne , or uildrcis Itobcrt Tlndalo , llox 611. Council llluffs , IOHH. junol-lm * I71UU HA1.K Two new bjctclti at a bargain , JL' K Jl , Stelnhllbcr , at new lurnltmu factory on Seu'uth uunuu , next 10 U. fi. Vt' . U. U. ma)23-lmt POU HENr 1'art or wliolo of nlco residence , or Hill ntll on easy tcrruu. Apply at llco olllca. umyStf mOR HALE Beautiful rcsldenco Iota , JOO L ? each ; nothing down , and SJiwrmonth only , > y KX-MAYOU VAUOllAN. n)13-tl | ) Miscellaneous. 0 UKLL 4 , DAY teproecnt a tornado Insur a * cu company. Ji > 30-7t > > . MKYTHINa ready for the eumuier season. Ill Tl > o cooloit eallcry In tbo f t. Now ac- craicrlua arrived , bait In city , Ca'lat ' Kicclstor eallcry , 1C ) Main street. MONUV To loan at from 0 to 10 per ctnt. In- UiiMt byOUii.L.&lAY. : ji ) t ( Dll. W. L. I'ATTON-l'hjslcIan and Oculist Can euro any case of sore r > OH. It I * only a matter of time , nnd can curt ) generally In from thrco tc the \\cels It maVes no differ ence how Ion ; diseased. Will straighten cross cjes , operate and reuio\o 1'ljrculnius , etc. , and Insert artificial ejc . Special attention to re moreliig tadouorius. pS-U .4 hYONE WANTING soroenne quality broom jtl. corn oed can ctt It bwtlUnc \ to i'.T , UAYNK Council Blufli &FIYB CENTS SAVED ON EVERY DOLLAR nv DUYINO YOUR GROCERIES AT TUB Boston Tea Go's ' Store , 16 Main St. find 15 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , TEY IT AND lake Ioney.1 F. J. 08BORNE & CO Sell More Groceries , Sell Better Groceries , Sell Groceries Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE 01 t'Y. LOOK AT THEIR PRICES ON A FEW LINES. lllb PxtraC sugar for. SI 00 Il Ib Standard A sugar 1 00 gib Granulated sugar 1 OU 711) No. 1 Honstcd Klocottccc 1 CO TlbXolOrecn lilo coffee 1 00 1 Ib Hist lloastcd O O. Ja\n colTec 30 1 Ib llcfct Iloastcd Mocha 30 1 Ib lllx , half Jiua anil half Ulo 25 111 Can thlrncd Dried llecl " 5 31b cans CallfornlaFiults " 5 Choice Table butter per Ib 16 York SUto Gallon A pn'ca 30 3lb Can Ycl ow Pcidic9 20 Oil ) Can Flo Peaches 25 2 Ib Can Star Peaches t 15 31b Can > cry lest Sw cct Corn 20 Best brands Spring Wheat Flourptr sack. . . 3 75 IS Ib Bars Olllett s Hrnji 1 00 18 Ib Bars Klrk'a White llusslan Soap 1 00 Hojd's Hams ptr 11) 1C Ilojil's ' Breakfast Bacon ptr Ib IB ( ititlda Community Fruits per Jar 76 Cordon &Dilluortli'sPreserves ( i5 And Everything Else in Stock Proportionally Cheap. Don't Buy Any Groceries Until You Have Seen Us. Terms Cash. F , J , OSBOENE & 00 , COUNCIL BLUFFS MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY Office and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Wo glvo special attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces HOISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will receive prompt attention. A general aa sortment ot Brass Goods , Belting , Pining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , ( Joke , Coal , OHAS , HENDRIE , President MAIN STREET SALE STABLE. All Shippers and Travelers will find peed accommodation and rcaaormblo charges. ' SOUTH MAIN STREET. OPPOSITE CRYSTAL MILL , Council Bluffs , - - Iowa. HOLLAND MILLER , _ Proprietors. Rubber Hose , Iron and Lead Pipe , Iron and Brass Fittings and Trimmings , at Bixby & Wood's , THE PLUMBERS. On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets- ) J. M. PALMER , DKAI.KK IN REAL ESTATE ANO LOAN AGENT , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. Drs ; Woodbury & Son , Cor. I'earl * 1st Ave. COUNCIL BLUFK8. MAURER & CRAIG , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Cut Glass , Kino French China , Silver Ware &o. , 310 llnoiDWAT. . COUNCIL IILUKF3 , IOWA , MRS , fl , J. HILTON , M , D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , 222 Broudwuv , Coniioil Bluil- W. S. AMENT. JACOB SIMS AMENT & SIMS , Attorneys & Connsollors-at-Law , SOD NOIL DI.UFF9 , IOWA. HARKNESS , ORGUTT & GO. , DRY AFD CARPET HOUSE. Cor Fourth Street Broadway , , , Council Bluffs , Iowa. mar-2-Sm - - J. IP MUCKERING AND WEBER PIANO , Burdette and Western Cottage - 3VC , tage Organs. Prices reason able ; terms to suit all. TJ 3L Importer and Dealer in MUSICAL MERCHANDISE of all kinds. Sheet Music one- 3LO third off. Agents wanted. I O Correspondence solicited IE d. MUELLER , o GOUNCILJLUFFS , IOWA. F. F. FORD Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 IM and ffiflow Sreets , Council Bluffs , Mirrors , Upholstery , Impairing , Etc. , Wood and Metallic Coffins , No. 436 Broadway , Cor. .Bryant St. , Council Blulfa , Iowa. UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUTH RslAIN STREET. THE BEST BREAD IN THE CITY. None but first-class Bakers employed. Bread , Cake , Pies , etc. , delivered to any part of the city. Our Wagons run all day. P. AYRES , Proprietor. M E T C A L F BROS. , - WHOLESALE DEALEHSj. IN - Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. \L \ CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED , EEAL E AGENT. Has For Sale , Town Lot& , Improved nnd Unimproved , alao , Railroad Lands , and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , COUNCIL BLUFB SHADES , Hew Styles Just Received. 11 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. C. A. BEKUU , W. KUNYAN , W. BEEBE c. A.BEE"BE & co. . . _ _ . . , Wholesale and Kctnll Dealers In FURNITURE AND CROCKERY , Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Irs , J. E , letcalfe and Iiss Belle Lewis Are now dealing1 In all kinds of fancy goofs , such as Laces , Embroideries , Ladles' Undcrwea of all descriptions. . Also liamlkerctilele , both In silk and linen , lioeo of all Kinds , thread , pins , needles , i te. . IVo hope the ladles will call ami sto our stock of ) ; oods at ( SO Broauwa ) before KO liK elsewhere. E. J. DAVIS , 13 PEARL STREET , Dealer In ZEPHYRS , GERfVIANTOWK AND FANCY YARNS of All Kinds. A Full JLiiio of Cruivns , Felts , Embroidery , Kuittlxig SlllcH nnd StftmnoA Onodn , Nice Annortiiont of A I'lH po Flotnron ZT . EY & 00 , \ 412 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS IOW4 mmm SQUARE GLARING