( I 'I' I I I ) A Mi A I ft t J J * FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FINANCIAL. YORK , June 23 , MONET. Money closed cney at 2J(3. ( per cent. Etchange closed firm at4 S7@4 SfJ. OOVKKNMENT IIOSIB Closed Htm. OitmteyO'a / 129 hid ' ' ' ' ' " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1't rwT | rtod' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 ! ' 5 i' coupons Il4t - ' ' G * continue. ! . UK ) 5' continued . 1018 r.AlLHOAD BONTO. Pacific railroad bomli closed ai follows : Unionists . llSi@110 Union Land Giants . 113k ( ll l& Union Sinkins VmiA > . 120J@111 ! Central ) . 11711S STOCKS. The tok inarket to-day was mrdcr- atcly nctive , but very i regulm ; prirej Undiluted frequently up and down. The Louis\illefe 2Cnh\ille wa ? enpe Idly cr. rate in its course , passing through some wide and frequent changes , mid finally closing 3J per cent , oil. Tlio IVnver V Itio llr.m 'o was also actively traded in nnd closed 1 per cent lower. The rest of the Hit , howcter , closed firm and from J Jo 1J per cent , higher. The nust ncttxo stocks \vire Louisville & Nashville , Denver & llio Grande , Lake Shor. . Texas li 1'ncilic , New Jersey Central , IJrle , Kans.w & Texa , Heading nud Delaware , Lacka- w.imin & Western. The following were the closing bids : Western Union. E3g D &K G Ji3 | AdnniH 130 Erie Wj Americnn ill U & St J 85 US 71 Picferred. . . . 83 Wells Fargo 128 Kansas k Texas 31V CCC&I 7 . LK&W 1 > 7 CO&IC 8n Ionia & Nash. . 013 C15&Q 130f Ii 8 110 N.TC 7t > N Y C 131 Northwustein..l30 I. C 133.J Preferred..1I3J Ohio Ceu 14 O fit W . . . . 23 ? N P -Ill Ohlo& Miss. . . 32J Preferred. . . . 79 Preferred. . . . ! > J CcntPat- OIS , I'M ' U UP 113 Heading 59JJ Mo. Pac U3V n 1 130 N Y Ki < 5vated..ll > l San I'lau 3.ri Met.El 8 : > J Preferred. . . . 47 lilaiiElev 1)3 ) St. Paul 1US A & T U 25 Preferred. . . . r.'fi.J Preferred. . . . 40 St P & 0 40J Canada S C2J Preferred. . . , . 30J C&.O Zi Nash. & Chat . . 51) ) . 0& A 131 ? M L S & W. . . 45 DS.11 1101 Wnbaah l'S\ DL&W 120t Preferred. . . . 5Uy STA1K BONDS. Louhiina coiuola advanced to G ! ) ? from C'J. HAI.CH. Thj following were the aaloa of the more active stocks to-day. Total , 200,000 shares : \V U 0300 Krie 10200 ccc&iioo K&T 3 MO C C & IC 200 Louia & Nash.G7900 NY C 780) ) LS 21JOO JOw N . ( C SKH0 ! Northwestern. 3200 MC COO Prefemd. . . 1200 10M 0 C ' . . . 3'00 ' 0& W 4CO Nl > . ; ll0 U&M 1100 Preferred. . . SGOO Kcadint ; 1410 C P 38 0 III 700 UP 3100 St. Paul 5100 MP 1900 Preferred. . . 500 i-r ' uuioo stp&o 10300 Mnn'V.I . . HOOO Preferred. . . 33CO D&II 3800 Wabash 800 U i , , vv byoo Prefen ed. . . 1100 ) D&UG 31500 CHIOAOO J10NET. CHICAGO , Juno 23. The money market was quiet and rates unchanged at 5@7 per cent. Eastern exchance between city banks Co premium per § 103. Clearing ! ) to-day { 0,000,000 , ' COEfiSIERCIAl. Ouinlia "WiiolosnJo Market. OFKIOU OP THK OMAHA BEF , 1 Fiiday Evening , June 23. J The only cliauges reported in the inar ket to-day are as follows : Wheat No. 3 declined 2c. Corn Advanced Ic. Oats Advanced ic. Local Grain Uaillnz < wnEA'i' . Cash No. 2. 1.1' ' caan No- S , 88c ; rejected , COc. liiUtLKY. Ca h No. 2 , 880 ; No. ? , 60 : . KYE. Cash , 05c. CO11N. Cash No. 2 , 57c. 1 OA.Tfl. Cash , 43.c. STISEKT PllICHS-Coru , GOGJ ( ; ; ontJ , Produce and Provisions. POTATOES Old , out of market. Homo grown out of market ; now , Sl.fi'J @ 1 70 per biuhel. DEANS - Wax , 1.50@2 OD per bun. box , no cale ; tring. S.fiO@2 ) ! : . ONIONS 61 50(5-2 ( 00 per hex ; new > home firown. i > er doz hunches. lii@20c. KADISHES Home grown , liu doz. PIK PhAN'l' Per pound , Ic. ASPAUAGUS doz , 4050c. LETTUCE Per do/ head , 40@.10c. NEW TOMATOES Per hex , 81.50. UUTTEK Choice country , 13@18s. iiGGS Scarce , 18c. MEATS Hainn , 15c ; hreakfast bacon , 15c ; clear bacon , ISJc ; shouhlern , 9c ; dried - JOBBING PHICE Minnesota patoutP , 4 70 ; JneU Kroat , 4 7" | Slmwnee fancy , 3 75 ; Oal ifornia "Pioneer , ' 3 7J ; Triumph , spring , 3 20 ; rye ilciur 3 2 : rye , Grnhnm , a 60 ; wheat Oraliaiu 3 25 ; hiy. G OOfeO (0 per ton ; baled , 10 i 00 chopped feed , i GO ; chopped corn , 1 ; ro bran , 1 00 per c t ; etra4 OJ per ton ItOBPj 5 00 biled.Grocors' Grocors' Llat. OOFFEK. liio , lair , He ; J'io. Good 2a ; liio. prin.o to choke , liio ; Old gov i ' t ' tlocha , 28icj Arbuckle'tf , TEAS , Guni > owdr , KO ' ' , Choice , fifl@75c [ Imperial , good , JOc ; Choice , G0o,75c ( ; Young Hyson , ( joocl , ! 0@ COc ; choice , C5c@l 00 ; Jajmn Nat Leaf , Mo ; Jupan. choicp , 00@7 c ; Oolonir , Koi-J , BSW10 ; Oulont ; , cho.cc , 40@55 ; Oouch.'iis , l , ifl. M5S lc ! ) : choice. 35(3400. ( NEW PICKLKS Mcdi'im , In barrelc. g)00 ! ) ; do iu halt bbhi , 0 25j6niaUs , iu Molt , 1200 do , in half bbla , 7 GO ; b'herkinu , iu Dl ) , 1400 ; do , in half bbls , 7 60. VINEGAK Pure apple extra , lOc : pure apple , 13c ; Prusaini : nuro nmile , llio. oUGAHS-Cut loaf , lie ; Crushed llu ; Grauulatad , lO c ; Powdered , 11 ; Fine powdeiod , lie ; .Standard Coifeo A 92c : Now York Confectioner' . ) Standard A. 9J Good A , 9Zc ; I'rairio Eitra O , 9c. 11OPK Sisal , i inch and larger , 'Jc ; CHEESE Full Cream , ISc ; Part Uklin. Hie. WOOKENWAKE Two" hoop pall * , 1 95 ; hre hoop palln. 2 20 ! No , 1 tub ? pioneer wMhboards , 185 Double Cruwn , 1 90 ; WellbucketH , 3 SO. LEAD 13ar , 81 C5. DUIED PKUITS Choice lialvea , peachee. 7cs Salt Lake lie ; vap- orated COlb boxes , 13Jc ; Michi an , 7c ; New York apples , 7ic ; Prunen , old , GJc ; new , 8ic ; CurrantH , GJ@7c ; lilackberrlea , new , HOMINY New , 85 00 per bbl. SOlU-DwIght'g lupapers. 2 85 ; We- loud do , $2 85 ; Church' * , Si 85 ; Kef eoJa 2ic. 2ic.JJEANS JJEANS Imported German $3 50 per Luehel. CANDLES Boxea , 40 Ihs , I ft i9 , , Re ; boxen 40 Iba. , 10 oz. , CD , 15o. CANNED GOODS Oystew , 2 ! Ib ( Field's ) , per case , 84 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) , per case , 2 60 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per cane , 3 GO ; do 1 Ib ( utandard ) , per case , 2 20 ; do 2 tt ) ( slack ) , per case , 2 76j do 1 Ib ( alack ) , per case , 200. Onions , 3 80. Salmon , 1 80 < 3i , Ibp er dozen.1 PO ) do 2 ll > , j > cr dorcn 265 < * 2 < x > . Sardines , djnftll fsh , imported , one quarter boxes per box , llje ; American , quarter boxes per box , He ; do half boxes , per box , 21c. LoMew , 1 Ib per dozen , 180. Tomatoes , 280 ; do 3 Ib per cac , 29(1 ( ; Com , 2 Ib ( Mountain ) per CASO , 310 ; soaked corn , 210 ; do \ 2 . Ib ' ( Yarmouth ) , per ca c , 315 ; siring beans , per care , 2 10 ; Lima beans per case , 1 85. Succotash per cafe , 200 , Pea. , common , per case , 2 00 ! pea * , choice" , per case , 3 15. Blackberricfl , 2ib , perc-w , J40 ; Blrawberrics , 2 ll > , | > cr case,2,10 ; raspberries , 2 U > , par CMC. 300@315. Damsons , 2 Ib , per case , 2 45. Bartlrlt pear per cftse3 _ 00 ( 4 C0. _ Whortleberries Groe 11. pc ij ' (0. j encnps , irj ppr cft'e. o ivi do 3lb , cane , 4 r > 0@ " > 00 ; cio , ( pic ) . 3 Iti , per oaKe.2 7f { do flu , G Ib , tier dozen , ft f > 0. HICK Carolina , 7i < < ? Sc ; Lomi.iut , 7 tt8c : ; fair , G@GJ. - - oVKUl'tv tupnr house , bMc , 5Bo Shall bit , J > 7c ; kepi , < J OTllun" , ? 2 ( "ill ; choice i M synip , 53c ; half hbN , flr ci kog$2 50. HTAHCU. I'curJ , 4Jc ; Silver Ulos * , SSic { ; Corn Ktnrth , BJ1 ! ? ; Kxcelwor Uloin , "c ; Coin , 74o , SALT. Dra.v li > sl , iwrM \ , \ 85 ; Auh- t a , In pack * , 3 oO ; 1.1 > U dairy 00 , D ? , 3 4o ; bbl rliirv. 1M. 3 , 3 IV5. SPICKS. IVpprr , JO ; Allfploe. 19s ; Cloves , 40c ; Nutmeg , ftl 00 ' " - " ' JUaee 1 00. MATCHES Per caddie , OCc ; round caes , ? 7.lV > ; s uaro ca os , 85.10 SOAPS KitkVSavou Imperial , 33" ; Klik's tatinpt , 3 IP ; Kirk's standard , 3 * 0 ; Kirk's while Kussian. ft 25 : Kirk's Eutoca. 2 15 Kirk's Prairie Queen , ( ion cakes ) , 10 ; Kirk's masuolia , 4 35. LYE American , 3 10 ; Giocmvteh. 810 : Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 CO ; Lewis' lye. 4 CO ; Jewell lye , 276. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. , Iu case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's IJall , 2 doz. tn case , I 90 ; Anchor Hall t ! doz in case , 1 60. FIELD 313131) Hod clover , choice new , 56 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover now. § 7 00 ; white clover , new , 014 00 il alfa clover , new , § 12 50 ; nlsike , now , 81300. Timothy , peed , new , S3 00 ; blue grans , extra clean , 61 60 ; blue crasw , clean , $1 25 ; orchard grass , $2 . (0 ( ; red top , choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri , SOc ; millet , German , SI 00 to 81 25 ; IlmiKarian , SOc. IIEDHESEKD Osngtf oranso , 1 to 5 bushels , S5 CO ; osngo orange , 10 bushel * or over , § 4 CO ; honey locust , per Ib , , floe ; per 100 lb . , 825 00. . . . . , , FI3 J Family white fifch , 90 Ib hf bbK & 25 ; A'o. 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbl . 7 00 ; No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 1 10 ; family 10 Ib kiln , 85c ; New Holland horriufj. per keg , 1 35 ; llussiau oanliues. 7Gc : Colum bia river salmon , per 100 Ibs , S 00 ; GooruVi Bank codfish , Co ; Gen. boneless cod. J > 9Jc ; boneless fish , 5Jc. MAGKE1IEL 1 lalf bbln mess mackerel , 100 Ibs , 812 CO ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do. 100 Ibs , 8 GO ; hf bbln , fat family do , 100 Ibs , G 00 ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kltfl , 2 25 ; No. 1 er shoie , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore , 12 Ib do. 1 00 : fat family , 10 Ib do 7fic. PEANUTS Koastccl , choice , red Ten nessee , lOc per Ib ; fancy white , lOJo perlb ; raw white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted , 12Jc. Dry Qoodt. J5UOWN COTTONS Atlantic A , Sjc ; Appletou XX , 7ej Atlanta A , 8c ; Uoott FF , BJc ; Iluckoye LL. 1-1,76 ; Cabot W , 7lc ; Chlttenango A , G c ; Ureat FalU & 8ic ; Hoosier , GJc ; Honest Width , 7jc ; In dian Head A , S\e ; Indian Standard nA , SJc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8lc ; Lawrence LL , 7c ; Mystic Itlver , 7ic ; Pequot A , Sjc ! ; Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utica O , CJc ; Wachua- ett B , 7Jc : do A , 8Jc ; do E 48 , 12Jc ; Wai- ° ° F1NK BROWN COTTONS Allcndale 4.4 : 74c ; Alligator 3-1 , 3c ; Argyle -1-J , 7'c ; Atlaiitio LL , Gic ; Badger Stats X 4-4 , ic ; Bennington C 4-4 , G c ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , lijco Indian Orchard AA 9-8 , 8JC ; Lacoma O 39 , 84c ; Lehlch E 4-4 , 9jc ; Lonsdnlo 4-4. lOc ; Peppereil N SO , 7c ; clo O 32 , 73c ; do K 30 , 73c ; do E 39 , SJc ; Pocaaaet O 4-4 , 7 'c ; Wamsutta4-J 13c. BLEACHED COTTONS Androscog Kin L 4-4,9icBlackstuneAA : iu.perial 8Jo ; do do half Tjleachod 1-4,9c ; Cabot 4-4,8 ; Fidelity4-4 , 9Jc ; Vruit of theLoom , 10 ; do c.in.bric4.4,13cdoWaterTwist,10icGrcat ; ; FallsQ.lOJc ; Indian Head shrunk 412e } : Lousdalc , lOc ; do cambric 37 , 121c ; New York Mills , 12c ; Pequot A , lOc ; Peppereil N G Twills , 12lc ; Pocahontao 4-4 , 940 ; PocaHset 4-1 , SJc ; Utica , lie ; Wamautta O X X , 12ic. BUCKS ( Colored ) Albany E brown. 8c ; do 0 , drab , Ilr : do' 2LX stripes and plaids , 12Jc ; do XXX brown and drab , stripes and plaids , 12ic ; Arlington fancy , Iflc ; Brunswick broun , 8Jo ; Chariot fancy , 12jc ; da extra heavy , 20c ; Fall Itiver brown , extra heavy , lljc ; Indiana 'UCA brown K"Ceuouset ! A brown. 15c. TlUKliNUis .mosltc B A ( J A 82 17ic ; do XX blue 32 , ISJc ; Arrowanra 9\c ; Claremont B B , 15Jc ; Conestoga ex tra , 17c ; Hamilton D/lljc Lewiston .v 30. 15c ; Mmnehaba4-l , 20c ; Omega nupor [ extra 4-1 , 28o ; Pearl lliver 32 , IGic ; Put nam XX blue Btrine , 12c ; ShetucUet . S 10c ; do S3 12c ; Yeoman' * blue 29 , Sic DENIMS. Amoskeak , bluuand bronn lllc ! ; Andover DD blue , inje ; Arling X blue Scotch , ISJc ; Concord OOO , blue i\v brown , 12ic ; do AAA , do do 13J ; doXXto do do 14ic ; HajTnakor's blue find brown , < ) ic ; M"ystio Wver DD stripe , IGic ; Pearl Itiyer , blue and brown , 15ic ; Uucasville , blue and brown , 18Jc. CAMBUICS Barnard , 51c ; Eddyutono lining. 21 inch double face , 8Jc ; Garner oneA glazed , ( Jc ; Manhattan glove finish , 5Jc ; Newport do Gc ; do glazed , 5Jo ; Pequot do 5c ; Lo kwood kid finish , Gc. COKSET JEANS Amory , 8c ; Androu [ coggin Battcen. SiojClarendcu , GJcCones ; > toga gatteens , 7ic ; Hallowel , 8c ; Indi J Ornqard 7ic ; Narri3ansottimprovedo Pepperill sattren 9)in ; Eockport , 7JO. PJUNTS Aliens , Gic ; American , fUc : Arnold 7c Berwick 4jc Cocheco , , J\IIUU , i\jf * 'i * v. -4 ; -w.- f -T Conestoga. GJc ; Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Dunnell , Gi@7c ; Eddystono. 7c ; Gloucester , Gc ; 7Harmony , SJc ; Knickerbocker , Gic ; Mer- j.i.iviuii'jl _ \iy\ti j w v - - a rlmao TT . ; Mystic , fljc ; Spiwues , Gc l ; Southbridge , Oc ; do. Ginghams , 7o ; Marl- bore , OJc ; Oriental r , lOJc ; Amos- dress 12J' Arfjyle , lOJc ; Atlantic , Uc ; CumberlanJ , 7Jc ; uighlanfl , Hjc ; Konllworth , 8io ; Plirn kctt , lOJc ; HunS - S ° XCUTTONADKS Abherviiio irfjc At'uto.'Oc ; American , lie ; Artinian , 20u ; Cain. D and T , ISJo ; Clarion D and IT , 174c ; Deccun Co. stripes D and T , ICc ; Key- Btimo , 13c ; Nantuekot. 19c ; Nonpareil , lOo ; Ocean D and T , ISJc ; lloyBl , - " Gii Sussex , 12c ; Tloija , 12c } ; Wachusett nhlrt- lat sbecke , 12Jc ; do , Nankin , 12ic ; York , plain Nankin , 124c ; do , checks , Btripc * and fancy , 12Au ; do , Soz , 20c. SHEETINGS Androscowrin 10-4,27ic ! ! do 9-4 , 21c ; do 8-1 , 22c ; Continental 10 42 , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-1 , 274 ; Now York milla 98 , 35c ; do 78 , 30c ; do 58 , 22jc ; Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; Penuot 10-4 , 2840 ; do 7.4 , IBe ; do 49 , IGc ; Popi-orcll 3G , 29o ; do 07 , 21 u ; do 57 , 18c ; Utica 90 , H.lc i ; do. B8,22ic ; do 48 , 17o Olcrari and Tobnccoi. OIGAHS. SeedH$15.00 ; Counocticuti 825.00 ; Mixed , J35.I1" ; Heed Havana , S50.00 ; ClearHavana. 73.00 , TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Ilule , 24 Ib , GOc ; Our. llope , firot quality , 62e ; Star , pound * , 2 Ib , butts.GOc ; Horse Shoe , pounds , 21 It ) , butts , Me ; Gilt Edge | , pounds , 21 Ib , butts , GO ; Army and Navy , pounds , 55o ; Bullionpounds , { , B9c ; IxiriL lord's Climax , pounds , GOc. FINE CUT In pails. Hard .to Beat , 7Cc ; Golden Thread , 70o ; Fountain , 80c ; Favorite , G5c ; llocky Mountain , IXcj ) ; Fancy , f 5c ; DaUy , 60c. In tin 'oil- Catllna O. B. , 6 Ib boxes , per Ib G3o ; Lori- lllard'n Tluer , G5c ; Diamoii'l Crown , GOc. SMOKING All grade * Common , 25 to 33c. Granulated Black well ) Durham , 10 ozBlc ; Dukes Durluim , 10 oz , 50c ; Seal of DCNorth Carolina , 10 or , 40 ; Heal of Nubra . va , 18 < > z . 88c ; Lone Jack , 4 oz , linen hags perlb , R1-S5 ; Marburca1 Puck 2 oz , tin oil , G5o ; Dot ; Tall. G5c. PalnU Oll and Varnlihoi. PAINTS IN Oil/ White lead , Omaha P. P. , < Hc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure i , 6 | ; areaillea reen 1 to 6 Ib cans , 20c French zinc , gi sen seal , 12e ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; French zinc , in. varnish 20c ; French zince , In oil os t , 15c ; Uaw and burnt umber , lib cans 12c ; raw and burr Sienn.n , 13o : van-iyko brown , 13 .j i-efined Inmpblack , 12c ; coach black , l"c ; Ivory ; hlack , lOc ; drop black , IGc ; Prnsoian blue , SOc ; nltrAinarino blue , ISc ; chrome Kroen , Ii. M , & D. , 14cj blind nnd nhiiltor Lteen , L. M , & D. , lOes Paris pTcen , lSc ; Indian red , IBc : Venetian rod , DC ; Tuscan dr , 22c > American Vcrmiliod , I. & P. , IPc ; chromo yellow , L. , M. , O , A D 0. , ISc ; yellow ochre , PC ; golden ochre. f > ; patent dryer , Sc ; graining colors : light oak. darken oa-c , walnut , chestnut and a h 15o. _ , Drv White lead , Gic ; French line , lOc ! l' ris vrhlteinK 24c ; whiting plldcw. IJo ; \tiititi | ? convl , lie ; lampblack German. town. I4e ; Imnplnack , onlinsiy , lOc ; Pni' nian blue , 65c ( ultramarine , ISc ; vandykc , brown , Sc ; umber , burnt , 4c ; timber , raw , Ic'juicnna , burn t , 4c ; tlonna , raw , 4o Paris ! green genuine , 2. e ; Paris green com'l 20oj chromo green , N. Y.4 20c ; chrom- green K. , 32c ; vcrmilllon , 1'ng. , 70oj vermillion - million , America , ISc ; Indian rod. 10o , ro piuk , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookfon'B 'ijc ! venation red Am. , IJc ; ro load , 7jc ; elm me yellow , genuine , ! Wc ; chromo yel low , , 1C. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3e ; ochre , French , 2Jc ; ochre , Americftu , 2o ; Winter's mineral. 2Jo ; Icldgh brown , 2c : spnulsh , brown , 2ie ; Prince's mineral Jo ; OILS 110' carbon , per gallon , lUc ; I'M ) headlight , per gallon , 1'Jjc ; 17.V headlight , per gallon , ICIc ; Unseed , raw. per gallon , 7 : linked , hollo- } , per p.illnn , GOc ; lard , whiter * ti M , pel Inn , 1 00 : No. 1 , 80c ! No. 2 , 70e ; castor , XXX , i > T gallon , 1 03 ; No. 3 , 90e ; Bweet ' , per gallon , Me ; opeim , W. U. , per gallon , 1 f > 5 ; fish , w. II. , per gallon , GOo ; noatsfoot , extra , per gallon , 75e ; No. 1 , G5e ; lubri cating , rero , per gallon. ? 0c ; summer , 15c ; QOiden marhlne , No. 1 , per gnllon , 3f'o ; No. 2 , SO ; ftpcrm , nimi.il , p'-r gallmi , fiOc ; lor- poutino , per nallou , iiX ; unpthn , 71 , per call'ni , 18a : 01.17c VARNISHES Bauvlq per p.illon. Furniture , extra , 31 10 ; fuiniture , ISO. 1 , ? t ; coach , extra , $1 IU : Coach , No. 1 , § 1 20 ; Uamar , cxtr.i , St 75 ; Japan , 70cas- ; phaltum , oxlra , 85s ; shollas , S3 50 ; hard nil finish , fcl HO ' Qrups. DRU-JS AND CHEMICALS Acid Carliolie , 50o ; Acid , 1'artaric , ( iOj ; Balsam Copabia , per Ib , 70c : Bark , Hassafrai , per Ib , lie ; Calomel , per Ib , 75c ; Ciuchoniiha , per oz , VVW. ; Chloroform , per Ib , 100 ; Dover's powders , per Ib , § 1 40 ; Epsonr. qalts , per Ib , SJc ; Glyciirine , pure , per 11) , 38c ; Lead , Acetate , per Ib , 2lc ; Oil , Castor , No , 1 , per gal , " 1 15 ; Oil , Castor , No , 3 , per gul , SI 00 ; Oil , Olive , per gal. SI CO ; Oil , Origanum. 50c Opium , 84 fiO ; Quinine P. ft W. ft II. A S. , per o.i , 32 W ; Potassium , Iodide , per 11 fl 75 ; Salacm , per or. , 40e ; Sulphate o ! Morphine , per oz , 83 85 ; Sulphur flour , per 11) ) , 4e ; Htrvchnino. nor oz. SI 35. Heavy Hardware Ll t. Iron , rates , $3 40 ; plow steel , special cast , 7c ; ciucible,8o ; special or GermanGo ; cast tool do. 15(5)20 ( ) wagon Hpokes , not. 2 25@3 00'br.bs , per set , 1 2a ; felloes , sawed dry. 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85o ; axles , ooch , 75c ; sjuaru nuts , per Ib , 7@llc ; washers , per Ib. 8@18c ; rivets , per Ib , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , 6@12c ; malleable , 80 ; iron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Go ; harrow teeth , 4e ; horseshoea , per keg , 5 00 ; spring steel. 7@8c ; Burden's hoiwHhoos , fi EO ; Burden's mideshocs , G fiO. SHOT. Shot , S1.85 ; Buck shot , 82.10 ; Oriental Powder , kcgfl. 80.40 : do. , half kegs. 83.48 ; do. , quarter kcga , 81.88 ; Blast- bitt , koco. $3.35 : Fuse , ner 100 feet EOo. BAUBED WIUE In car lots.,8 30 per 100 ; in loss than car lots. 8 55 ner 100. Leather. Oak sole , 3So to 42c ; liomlock sole , 28o to 35c ; heiuluclc kip. 80o to 100 ; runner , G , " > c to SOc ; hemloel : cilf. 85c to 120 ; hem- loci : upper , 23oto2Gc ; oak tinper , 21c ; alligator. 4 00 to ii 50 ; calf kid , 32@35c ; Grewen kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , SOc to 100 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip t 110 to 1 55 ; French cilf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rus- setts , 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 10 50 ; toppings , 9 00 to 1050 ; B. L. Morocco , 30c ) to 35c ; pebble O. D. Morocco , 35c ; siuion ; , 2 rO to 3 00. HARNESS No 1 star oak , 42c ; No 2 do , 3c ! ) ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 38c ; No. 2 2"i 35c ; No. 1 Milwaukee 37c ; No. 2 do , 31c. Morsoi nnd Mulct. c.re - Tli8 market is brisk and all gradoa are celling well at ! < sHahl advance in mices. The demand for good horses oxcoeda the BUpply conbideraoly. Prices range na fol > lows : Fine siuglo drivers , 8150. to 300. ; Extra draft hon es , 3175. to 225. ; Common drni't honc-i , 8100. to 150. ; Extra farm horses , 8110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horses 890. to ? 100. ; Extra plugn , SCO. to 75. ; Common wings , 820. to 840. MULES. 15 to 15J hands ( extra ) , 8125. to 150. ; 14J to IB hand.i , 8100. to 140. ; 11 to 11J hiiudn , 875. to 100. ; 131 to 14 haudc , 800. to 75LI LI uoro. ALCOHOL 187 proof. 220 per wine gallon ; extra California Hpiritx , 187 proof , 1 20 per proof gallon ; triple refined spiriti ) , 187 proof , 1 21 per proof gallon ) re-distilled vtinkies , 1 00@l f > 0 ; fine blended , 1 50 ® 2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 2 00@7 00 ; Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryon , 2 L0@7 0.w . BftANDIES ImponuiJ , 80 00@1G 00 ; domestic 140@4 00. G1N6 IirporU'd , 4 ! > 0Sfl 00 ; domostio , 140@300. ( ) HUMS Imported , 4 50G ( 00 ; Now England. 2 00&4 00 ; domestic , 1 f > 0@3 DO PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY 175 ® 100. CHAMPAGNES Imported pnr case , 0Aicjrb .i , case , 1200c@ ) CLARETS Per case , 4 50@1G 00 WINES Rhino wine , per case , 0 00 ) ® 20 00 ; Catawba , per case , 4 00@7 00 , Lumber , WHOLESALE. We quote lumljer , atn and shingles on ! an at Omaha at the following pricoH ; JOIST AND SCANTLING-1C ft. and under , 821 00 ; 18 ft. , § 22 00. TIMBERS 10 ft. and under , 822 00. TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , 82300 ; 1C ft 824 CO , 22 ft. , 827 50 ; 21 ft. , S27 50. 1'ENCING No , 1 , 4 ard 0 in. , 822 00 ; No. 2 , 820 00. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common board * ) . 818 BO ; No. 2 , 017 00. STOOK1 BOARDS-12.in. D , 823 00 ; 1'2-in. C , S3) 00 ; 12-iu. B , 840 00 , PAPER Straw payer , 80 ; rag paper , 4c ; dry goods paper , 7o ; manlla paper , lOc ; news piper. 8c. COAL Cumberland blackmnllh , 812 ; Morris Run Blonsburg , 812 ; Whltobreaat > lump , 80 60 ; Whltobiea'it nut , 80 CO : lown lump , $0 50 ; Iowa nut 80 BO ; Rock Srhi | ( ; ? B : Anthracite , all Bize , , . tt2 00 12 CO , NAILS-KatpH , 10 to COU , 3 GO. LIMK Per barrel , SI 15 ; bulk po OUH. 3 o Cement , bbl , 81 75. lown jilnnlcr. bbl , 82 00 , Hair per bu. 85o. Tarred felt 100 IbH. 83 00. Straw board , 83 CP. Wool. Morlno unwashed , light , 14@lGo ; hoavy. @ 1315o ; medium unwaiihed , light , 38020 wauhed , choice , 32c ; ff.lr , i0c ; tub-dlng and w. , 28c ; hurry , blackand cotted wool 2@Go lesa Hldei Fun , Etc. HIDES t rcen butcher's hide , fCio cured 7 c ; hldoa , green salt , part cured 7o hides , Uic ; dry Hint , Hound. 18@llcdry ; . calf and Icip , l'2fSMc ) ; dry salt hides , sound , 10@llc ; fc'r'ccn calf. wt. 8"to IB Ibs. . ivv lie ; green calf , wt , under 8 tl > H , per Ma , ( jroon polls , B0@81 25 ; green lamb Bklnif , 2.1 ® 150 ; damaged hides , two-third late i , cut scored and one grub , classed two- tllrdu rate , ) branded hlilou 10 per cent. olf. Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , 30o ; No. 3 , 20. ; No.I , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , COc ; No. 2 , 30o ; No. 3 , 15c ; No. 4 , 5c. For , No , 1 , GOc ; No. 2 , 25c. Skunk , No , 1 , black , G5c ; abort Btrijio , 40o : narrow stripe 25c ; brood Btripo , lOo. Tallow 7c , BaUalo Llvo Htooli. EAHT liurrALD , June 23 , HORH Itecelptv , 32 cars ; rhlrnnents , 30 cars ; demand good ; light , 8 258 35. Chicago I'rottuoo , OIIIOAQO , Juno 23. 1'lour Quiet and firm. Wheat-No , 2 spring dull and un changed ; No , 2 wheat active and unset - tled ; 114i@l 14g for July ; 1 00 ] for August ; 1 OOJ for Ilia year , Corn Firm and his-her ; 711o for canh ; 7U@71ioforJuip ) : 7lfi3 for July ; ssi 72o for Amustj 73te7lfo for hlKli mlxod. Oats Higher ; 53 (53Jo ( for June ; 47o for July. Uye Quiet ; GOo lor No. 2 cauh. Uarley No market. Pork Meet higher ; 2025@2100 , for c Mi ! 20 95 for .Idlj j 2t t:1 for August ; 10 m for the your Lsrd Ste iy ) U ( .7 11 70 for eiwh ; BnconShortjil * otendy : 12'10 for cash ; 12 02 ? for .fuly ; 12 01 for AiiRunt. Butler Market quiet : or * mory , 23B ( | 21c ; dftlrlfil3.2i' ! ! | > . Eire * 17171 for fresh. Whisky Unchanged. IJpc't * . Shlpm'li Wheat 10,300 8l.fOO Corn tt.ftlt IW.ISI Oats fJO.ir.Hl ii > 7iiM Connell BlnltK Mnrhot. . Council , HUT * * , June 2\ Flour CryuUJ Mills Golden Shoal , 3 CO ; California L-irpfcn , patent , 3 Si ; } * * t brand of Kftnn , 1 OD a I ar , < Kan * < i mill Missouri flour 3 JkXV. 1 2'i ; graham , S 7f > ! rye llour , 3 40. ' rn Mfftl 'W 1'ile , 1 70 per hundred ; yellow , 1 50 per Imn.lrnl. Bran and Short * 20 01 per ton Chop Com 01 0 per ton. Wheat-No. 2 , 1 1. . Com 05(5. ( Oat No. 2 , fi5c. Rye 7 < "o. Barley POc. Brrmn Corn i'Jftiic. ' Hay Loose , 9 UOailOKSj baled , 75 per bale. bale.WoodG Wood--G 00@7 00. Wool ir@Sr . Butter Creamrry , Mo ; hi roll' , wrap- nod , IRc ; rnlli not rapped , 12in ; coiorf , 1012ic. Eggft If'O. Onions 1 it' . LU o Uhlcfceni 3 tiOper doxen. Potatoes Scarce ; nl.l at 1 05 ; now at 2 2 , " ) . LIVE STOCK. Cattle IMfs t 50 ® ii CO. Veal CrthciI ! 00. HOH , ; 700 ® 7 50. Sheep 5 7" > . Now Yorlc Prmlnuo. NKW YOIIK , Juno 23. Flour In inortcrnlo di-inaud ; Mtnnn * cxtia , 46TiW'.i50 ; city mlllc , 5 75@ 825 ; soullnrn steady ; common toholco extra. 5 330800. Wheat Higher mul active ; nilsed win ter , 1 38 ; No. 1 whltf , 1 311 © 1 32 : No. 2 red Jmi , 1 llfa.l 15(1 ( ; Jiily , 127(21 ( 1281 ; August , I I'Wiiw. ' Corn l$2c liliihcr nnd fairly active ; ungraded mixed , 7 ! > ( < iSic : No. i ! mixed , June. 79791c | ; .luly , 79l@7le. ! { Can ad i. Uarloy Quiet. Pork Quiet but firm ; cash nsw mess , 21 00. Lard Finn and ipdot ; 11 ! )7i@l'2 ) 00 for cash and June. Whisky Nominal. Petroleum Firm at Mic. St. juoum 1'roduoo. HT. Louis , Juno 23. Flour Unchanged. AVhoat Higher t I 23fi1 ( [ 2Si for cash No. 2 red ; I 27 for Juno ; 1 2SJ for July. Corn Higher ; 72io for ca" " < h ; 71jlo for July ; 72So for AiiKiit."r OatH Higher ; . "iOirSiriOJe for cash ; COic for June ; 4i/o ; for .luly. Ryo-Dullatliw. Barley Nn nnikot. Load- Firm at 11 50. lJutterrUii hinicd. Whisky 113. Pork Higher ; 21 25 forcssh and June. Dry Salt Meats Uncb.mgt'd , " ' ' ; 1350@ll 50. Lard-ll.M ) . Cinolnniitl Proitnce. ClNOltlNA-ri , Juno 23. Mesa Pork More activity in the market ; 21 f)0@220J. Lard Kettle , 12 75@13 75 ; prime steam , llflii asked , 11 51) ) bid. Bulk Meals -.Sliouldera , 900 ; clear : 81(108,12874. ( Bacon - Shoulders , 9 02J ; clear side * , 'Flour-Unchanged ; family , 5 80 ( < f8 00. Wheat Moro active ; No. 2 reJ. 130. Com Moio r.cllve , higher and firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 7 jc. O.iti Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 37 c. Rye Better supply and demand mod erate ; No. 2 , ' ! ) @ . . Barley Nominal ; No. 2 fall , 75c@100. Whisky 1 13 Oblcuii | Xilvo Stock. CHICAGO , June 2) ) . The Drovrr'e Journal reporU : ] I0jjActivo.nt ( 5o advance ; mixed , 7 iO@i 01 ; 1'oavy , 80r.8 -IS ; litflit , 7 fft ' Cn'ttle-Steaily ; bhippiiifj graded , fi 8 2r > ; mixe I butchcrtf1 utock , 2 5'8 ' ) 00 ; Texans 4 0lSi@5 ( ( 75. U\ibli | m " "V'JViy" * * Sheeii Dull at 3 C0@4 55 , Receiptt-Ho-B , 15,000 ; cattle , 4.000 ; sheep , 1,000. , JLlvo Stoob. EAST LiDKKTf , Pa. , Juno I.D5I Cattle Nolhiir.'doing. Rscelptf , 1,051 head ; Hhii'inenti ' , 1,300 head. Hoes Finn. Receipts , 1,500 ; ship- | inentB , 1,100 ; Philadslplilas , 8 108 GO ; Baltiniores. 8 1D@8 25. . Sheep Dull nnd unchanged. Receipts , 2.2CO ; Bhipments , 2,800. Baltimore iroancu. BALTIMOUK , June 23 I , Flour-Steady. Wheat Southern firm ; fultz , 133@138 ; longberry , I. * " ' @ - 40J ; No. 2 red winter i strong at I 39J for cash and Juno. Corn Yellow southern dull at 83 © 85c ; mixed western dull at 81@82o. Now York Dry Goods. NltW YOIIK , Juno 23. The freight handlcrn' strike etlll proves a serious olwtaclo to businem. thnugli out of town jobbers are operatinu' with con. ( iderahle freedom in some of the mo t U- ilo fiilir CH , The general market exhibits very little animation. The dilliculty in niikim ; flhipmcnta at present contnhuleii to tliU rcBiilt. Phllauolnhiu Produon. L'HILADKLPHIA , Juno If.und Wheat Firm at 1-104 for cash und Corn Firm at 80@82a for canh and Firm at Otjc for cash and Juno , Kyo-Qiiiet. Ziiveroool Proiluon. IiVKiii-ooi , , Juno 23 , cr.t Winter , . B\-7 w. Coin Cs Ctl. pik-870d. Lard-WU ( ! d. Toledo Frofjuoo- TOLEDO. Jutio 23 , Wliev.t Finn ; 1 2.1 lor cash No. 2 ; 1 25 foi Juno ; 1131 for July. , Corn Kirm ; 7'ljo for o < th ; 7-U3 fo June ; 73'/o / for July. OaU HIher | { ; : i7go for Aufiist ; J ( > . ' , o forK September , Feoriti I'rodnon. PKOBIA , June 23. Corn Firm at 72@72jc for High mixed ; 713tJ872o for mixed. Oita HlRher ht GU@5l.lo tor No. white. Rye Steady ot 08o for No , 2. llighwlnos 1 11. Potrolouiu. Cl.KVEI.ANI ) , O , , June 23. Petroleum htcudyptaudard white , 110 , CJe. _ , P/ll T fatoiiionryaiiJonlerKiltJIreet , from OnL I li , wo ) ili | proiiptly I' ) rail ut tlio nsetioutnt | K Mllilo ca.li iirlco to uli wnlcrn palii's ' , jj ( „ , liu TVLKIl HALT CO. , buviiuw Cltj .Mich JACOB " "KAUFMAN I ; OfflOB 802 lOtll St. dor. ofBurt Dealer in ALL KINDS OF WINES , HEADLIGHT GLEAMS , Omaha's ' Representative at the Yarflinastors' Oonvontion , A Rftilroad Kio/j's Narrow Es- ctvpo from Dentil. The Denver DlfMculty Not Done With Yot. Mr , Jamca 1 ! . Griper , ynrd master nt the Union Paoilio tr.insfor , re turned a few dayo ago from llnllitnoro , , where ho wont lo attend the annual oouvuntioii of the Yard Musters' Mulinl Itcnolit association of the United Status and llio Canada * , being the regular delegate from Nubnuika. This couvontioii mot on the loth of < 1uiii' , nnd waa alti'iidod by about 1-0 railroad men representing nil the lending western , oftslorn , northern and Canadian linca. The dolcgitos wr-ro given u very hearty reception by llio HMtlmoro people , and Iho older of exorcises for the lirst dny consisted of nn nddroas by Iho president , George W. Kvatia , of JDouvor , a re ception by ttio mayor at 1 p. in. , the roporl of the Hoorotary and Iro.inuror , Mr. Josopli Sanger , of Indianapolis and the election of olllocra for Iho ensuing year. The secretary's report allowed that on April : iO , 1881 , there were -tOL' inuniboivi , received during the your L'OH , forfeited momburahip for mm- piymont of diica 8 ! > , doeouaed 7 , total iiU'inbortihip to date Tit ) ! ) , avili in It ury $ ! iH7. Oonaidor.vblo business transacted , interesting only to those who participated , who are , of coiirao , fully informed upon the subject. The olllcorfl elected for the ensuing your were : President , George W. Kvnna of Iho Union Pacific railroad , Denver ; Secretary and Treasurer , Josopli Sim- gor of the Wnb.iB.li ; Corresponding Secretary , H. A. Lancaster of the 0. K. I. * P. road. Ity a opccial invitation from the mayor Iho delegates of the convention on the second day took an oxcutaion down the bay on the Htenmor Lalrobo and on the following morning wont to Washington on a special train ever the It , it O. , visited the various depart ments and the White Iloiiao and were givet. . a specinl ruceplion by President Arthur. Mr Criglor in the president of Omaha Division No. 20 , of Iho Yard Musters' Mutual .Honulit association or llio United Stales and the Camulan , localed , in thin oily , and Mr. L. M. Kohl is vice provident. Harry flilmore , the well known yard master of the Union Pacific at this city , and who has charge of the largest railroad yard in the United States or in Iho world ia secretary und troaauror. Omaha Division mecta on Iho tirat and third Sunday of every month at il p. m' , at Yard Master flilmoro'a ollico. VANDUKllIIiT WHAKKNH. The Syracuse Standard relates -tho following incident of the trip west of the Vanderbilt party Saturday : "Ton miles oust of Homo the highest ralo of apcod known in this country was attained ono and ono-qu.xrtur milea a minute nt whicli rate they nwnug oil from the straight track on Iho curve at Vernon utatlon. Aa Iho switchki rods claltered by a heavy thumping eoiuid was heard in Iho coaohou accoinhi paniod with unusual jolla of the Irain. It waa coininonlcd on with much surOi priao by Iho railway olliciala , who thought that poosih'ly a nogli enl awitclilendor liad left an open nwitch and that they had escaped acoidont by the trustworthy 'safety switched , ' with a few of which tlio Central is oupplicd , and which never hnvo boon known to wreck a train. JJtit little did those unsuspecting 'rocket ridora' knoir the real danger which throalonod them with iimtant destruction at every "tio" they passed over. At Onoda , where they fairly How ever the road , ovcry swilch-lmr and every crofts-rail gave indisputable ) evidence of iln preaoueo by a really _ alarming jar to the train. A multiplicity of these projectioni ) at hint alarmed the occupanta of Iho Irain , and the boll- cord waa pulled with n sudden jerk. Engineer Konnard instantly applied the air-brakes , and the train came to a ntop a half milo west of Oneida , on a sharp curve. An examination of the train was made , resulting in allowing that the ponderous brako-boama under under the tender were roslinix on the ground. It wao then apparent that the party had traveled fully ton miles with the heavy beams plowing along tlio track. William II. Vanderbilt was never before known to weaken at any crisis ho over encountered ; but when ho atood and realized the Ion iblo peril which they Boomed to have es- eapod by only n miracle , his eouiilo- nanco showed jluiuly evidence. ' ! that ho was greatly agitated. The break was soon repaired , and the parly moved wcalward with thankful hearts and much aubdued feelingH , AJIOMHltlMl HA(10ili-HMASIIiitH. : M r. H. W. Wrenn , general paason- gcr agent of the Wo.ilorn and Atlantic railroad , IIHH partiiilly matured 1 n ncliemo whioli contornplatcH a rovolu- lion in the baggage-handling Hystem ol thu country , Thi plan in for thor railroads to turn the whole matter of handling baggajp over to the Bovoral oxprena companiuH of the country , and to abolish baggngo-car and baggage- HlliaiillLTfl , UNHATIHKACI'OHY C'ONI'I'.HIINOK. The railway oflicials of the Colora do lines held a consultation at ICunsus City Wednesday for the purpoao of establishing anew turiH'of freight und paasongor rates. Tlio meeting was strictly privuto , nnd nothing could bo learned in regard to the business transuded. Ono of Iho prominent officials , howuvor , stated that no deli- nito results were arrived nt , and lie oxproHsoa the opinion that Iho final result of the meeting will not bo as eatiafactory aa is hoiiud. The lica- f'o , Uiirlin lon ifc uincy , upon the ground that that line iauihtci'ii ( ; nlcm the shorlesl to Djnvur , has kept out of the pool , und haa heon Hu tickoU at a cut rate , DON'T KNOW TIIKM , Li tlio oflicus of the Chicago railways - ways the immediate chief in each do- partnibiit ia loyally designated by the employ OB s the "hons" nnd the general - oral manager aa the "governor , " gonAn employe wn n kcd what sppolllation was applied j to reaidonts : "Oh , " said he , "wo don't hsvo ixnything to do with thorn fellows , nnd don't cull 'em anything. ' " Bnby Snveilf AVe ire so thankful to say lint our baby wan cured of n danoerona nnd protruded irregularity of the bowola by the HBO of Ilcip llittorflhyita mother which nt the a.imo time restored her to perfect health nnd strength. The t'nronta , llochoater , N. Y.I'nflfMo Kxproas. _ SHAVKN'S YOSKMITK COLOO N'K , Mad from the wild Unworn of the v.vu KAMRi ) VOSEM1TJVALLKY : , itMan the most fragrant of porfumca. Man > fiic hi rod by II. U. Slnven , S.MI Fran For ealo in Omaha by W. \Vhitchotiso nnd Konnard Hros. , lowoy Stone had a narrow from r.amngo hy water durins the storm yeH'rrday. They aio ha > hifr a hydrau- loeclovattirplacod iu thplr hulldhiR and Imd ] u t made the water connection tltMUrth the curb wall. When the rain C'Miimencoil they had juit tlino to stult lip the hole with lmrlap < when the sutler o\oill.iuol nittl lilli-d the trench with wa- tor. but they mioree-clml In keeping It out of their Imminent with the oxc ptlnn of their coal reservoir imdnr tholr sldo Walk. Had U line led their cill.ir it would have done them rcil danmio as they have n lar o amount nf fnrni ; > u-a Htorcvl there. Gultoim'ti Inscription. I. f tin to I'hlKilotphl'k l'r When Mngnio Jlitolioll was hero last winter , curiosity took her to jail , and her popularity among distin guished persona readily obtained her mltnisflion to Guitpan'a coll. Shohad n long talk with him nnd bought aomo of his pictures , Aa nhoyas nbout ( jiking her louvo , Qnitonn aaid : "Miaa Mnggio , you inuat buy my book when it la out. It will intercut you You will Und in it nil my roasonr for removing - moving Garllold , nnd you will think bettor of mo nftor you road It. " Maggie promined to buy the book na aoon na it wna leaned , nnd got out of Ilia proai'iico na BOOH na Mio could. The nnuio evening boUvoen the ncta , nt the thentur , olio went into n box where ihero wna n high cillioial , with whom oho wna well ncquaintod. Siio told the distinguished olliciul that nho wnnted n favor of him. ( J really IUt- terod , ho promised to grant anything aho might nak. Thotrahi ) told him that nho wanted the first copy of Oni- lean's book that she could got. Ilo guvo his word and aho skipped on to thu nlaiio in nil her Lorlo llnory. The high olliciul bought the book oomo time ngo nnd aont it to the bindery nud had it droasod in morocco nnd gilded. Thou ho thought it would bo n plowing aurpriau to the charming JMiiggiu it ho iibtninod Ouitenu'a autograph - graph on the ( ly loaf. So hu nont it to llio j > iil with woid to Guiteau thnt hia nutograph was wanted for Jlapgio I'NIitclioll. That wna ijuito enough tor the moat colossal euotmt that ever wna shut up. Thi'i ia what ho wrolo on the liral loaf : "To my I'rlcinl , MIHH MAIKI Love God and do rlitht , And wo will meet iu llonvun. Your , Blncoroly , CIIAIII.ICH GUITIAU. : Cc St. I.oull I'OHt Il | > nti.li. At the council of war hold hoforo the battleof Wilson's Crook , it ia well known ; that Lyon , who wishud to fight , wns dufcrring to the wishca of hia olllcura , who \\inhod to disaundo him from so doing , .whon Sur eon Oornyn advised him olrongly , nnd his ndvico carried the dny nnd brought about the Imttlo. After the buttle Cornyn accompan- iocl the rouiniunt , now known nu the Missouri Lif'ht Artillery , down the rivor. At ShiloJi ho won freah Inurols and attracted llio nttontion of Qonornl Grunt JiiniBolf. On tlio uftcrnoon of the ; first duys'H fight a number of nr- tillorymcn started to run ivwny from irn I'.irrott | gun. Sur eon Oornyn cined a ramrod , rallied the mon , tuok chnrgo of the pun , helped to lou l und Bight llio | ; un JiiniHolf , nnd fought thorn for tno hours , aiwini , ' the gun und , the honor of tlio company. This opiaodo ] guvo Cornyn the epithet of tlio "fighting doctor. " Soon after ho procuiod nutliority to rniso ) regiment the Twonty-oighth MisBiiuri infantry. Ilo did not suc ceed , in thin achomo , hut soon after 10he wont to Corinth aa colonul of the Tenth Miaaouri cavalrj * . ABU cnvnlry loader 1 < ho firat diatinguiBliod liimeolf in { ; the pursuit of Price nnd Vim Dura ufter the battle of Corinth. In tliia pursuit ho wan bold , free nnd during. JIo vvna never BO mucli liimnulf nu in t the midst oi n fight. The system which ho inaugurated hn'.l pointu po- uuliiir to himaolf , ft wns hia rule , on entering n pluco , to iiiftuo n proolumalion domniiding pvovifeions | f-ir hin trooj)3 , and mnking linown j the ultinintiim if they were ro- fufiud. hJomo of thuao iirocliunalioim were strikingly uiiiquoandoxprccsivo. ' Citizunu of luka , " ono of thoiu roud , "tho 'J'onth Misaouri cavalry uro iiiuoiig , you , nud they nro hungry mid nuiet , bo fed. Vou hnvo 01IB nnd i forngo , und they hnvo none. It is , therefore , necosBury for you to furnish thorn wliat they rcqutru willingly , if you chooao , nnd , if not , then othorwiuo. " At nnolhur jilncc. Snvnnmih , Tonn. , where the citi/.uuK had attuinptud tote to hotray n omull union Karrison Into the hands of the lobol Colonel Uilllo , ho isHiiod n similar document , reciting the facto , and saying ho had concluded to vidit upim thu traitor population "a little of the legitimnto vengeance of the government , " closing nil follows : "Thuroforo , in the name of glorious republic , I horohy malto good the grand exordium of the Declaration of Independence , to-wit ; 'All mon nro created frco nnd equal1 ; nnd to-day I free and lake with mo from the town every colored crouturo who inherits with the hunmn racu ovoi-ywliuro < the of his Maker nnd an immortal soul. Another idiosyncrasy of hiu was to go around with u little brass band and serenade llioao who ht\d contributed to the supply el nro. He fought binvely throughout the wnr , A contemporary ubVu : "II jv-tiidll I wo men carry ( h-ir pur H to I nut rate I tlio thieve ! . } " Why , wiry them empty. Ni'tti- inv fructrdti'H u thief morn tli'iu to mutch u wmiuii'ii puri-c , uftt'r folluwiiiK Iur half a miiw , uml tlim Ili'd ' It contaiim tlihtc but u recipe for xplctd peached and photograph of hir grandmother , Murray Iron forks , Burlington Iowa. Soml Portable ) Engines , FOR OnEAHEIUKS , fARV MfUJt , Printing Ofllcos , Etc. , A Specialty , The Largest Iron Working Katablioh- incut iu the St.xte. M.VJiTl'ACTUrtEnS OF Steam Engines , AND GENKRAT , MACHINERY. The Howard Automatic Oufc-OiT Steam Engine , Senrl ( or Circuit . mS3-lm INCREASE YOUIl CAPITAL. 310 In\ciorj ! of ninvlt ntul medium nraomit.t In rirnln rroilil'iii an < l $20 BtocKii m fully iirotcctnl M most i \len.lvo ami intlnontUl ouritjr | . Oiir mu-ejuliil , f Jl'jirleil ' , o'd M- lAbld oil ! > ! 1. Tur IT. KqOttJ WHKAT font wcclily , ilhiil nJ ptla month ly Scml at once fjr oxilant3ry rlrcu'ar ' * > 1 1'ist tcconl. rnnit. $50 llMoniln | iilililurlnif PM tlilttcon montlu on lhl dim ) S31.71tcr Mure. Ar.lrrM FtKMMtN A MKIUUAM , 141 anil 143 Li3Mlo STOCKS Bt. . Chicago , III. it-irWo want ft In-jl agent In o\orv tonn. Kxccllunt imltiov- nipnU. Oojil pay tmro ioi lllo , $100 i-nlcrirltliu | > u. Write fort tm . mil tfftsa $ es s\ \ _ . 'I'm rinnrpf 1 iS J"n t rtiili'UlV'niHwT r-vj-B m $ v 1 Siiw J j .wJ JSg yKrtT l' ' ' - WH ' . 1 "iw ! ' nails * grssfjc iiu-ilan. Cff 7S.IIIHI . rrs ' a x iwi ( 17s9 , JZSrfJ'HSHRC 'iQ , . Ni-wl'atfnt * " * * j " - V3irl ; fn , , HUM. OriB /orisa- Pnl n i-onii vnliloninl tiller * Jinn "nM" < T < j Orllii' . * , riMi l rl ' : our lnit < ni > i-/i I'ulcuriicll. Mtt r , ' < > \v ) ii V > 1 " Ittirn" * ' " > " A W t ir ) . .Vinv MiilVly Iluncrvnlr. Vr SIIJIIH.T "no tlieeo Blove nro In0ft ! > niall Tho9o .cili < iinta < lstoro4arstta by D. A. f.fcr Omnli Koli. nSO-lm-ml iw D. M. WELTY , ( Sacac-Rior to D. T. Mount. ) ManuLuturcr and Dealer In Saddles , Earnossi Whips , FANCY HORSE OLOTHING Belies , Dusters anil Turf Goods "Tho Best in The World , " OrdcrJ Kolldtul. OMAHA , NEB uiu ly EUROPEAN HOTEL , Corner South nml Locimt Streets. J. II ItUKST. - - tProp. Rooms , 7Co , Sl.OOandSI.HO Per Day An ttrznnt llcstauraut la c cnncctcil ultli this hotito , u Hero rr.calu nro uorvcd nt riaaoimblo jirlcoi ' L'i > Jay ami niplit , mlO-ro NORTH WESTERN A. BAUM08TER , 1242 NORTH EIGHTEENTH ST. raO-3m OMAHA NATATORIUM ! AND SWIMMING SCHOOL , Corner Oth nnd Fnrnniii Stroo < , Kuniilnff wftUr experienced toicher cooleet tilacu In ilio citytlo ot basin , 6uas ! depth of wtttcr , U fiotnnil 3J ft-ut rrlcuj-SfMlii ticket $ J.OOn\uUtln. ; J1.05 : fliifc-lo latin , 25 cents. 's , liatliliijr tniiilis uml ilrtsslng rooms. JJlJiOJtMAJf < 0 ll'IT'l'J ! , Prop's. P1PHR HEIDSIEGK CIGARS. OIIAMPAGNE FLAVOR , . The liutt In the country ; Iur the money. M. A. McNamara , 1 M SOLE AGENT. ' ourtoontU Streo tpmaha. H McCAETHY & BTTBKE" General Uoclortnkors , a a. ES a.a a ? 3z = i : JSM ? Hot Fnrnant iiiid Douglas. Metallic , Wood uiiJ Cloth Covorc4 CASKETS , COt'HNS , KOBES , SHIIOUDS , ORAPK , &o. , onslantly on hand. OrJers from the country wlldtoJ , nd prouiit'y | ' uttcudcil to. nj31H w. B Jlamif clurcrot the NEW IMPROVED AWNIHG , COIl. 14th AND 110 WARP. Mm dota nil klndi of raachlulat and lock Awning , Tent anil Wagon Covers MANUFACTORY. Cor. 14th and Howard Sts. A. GRUEKWALD , Proprietor.