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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1882)
THE DAILY BEE OMAHA SATURDAY , JUNE 21 , The Omaha Bee , Published evary tnomlnff , except Sunday 9 ii only yiontUy morning dully , TKUMS 1JV MAIL - Ono Vear . $10.00 I Three Month * . 83.0 < Oil Months. n.OO | One . . l. THE WKEKLY BEK , published ev ty Wcth.e. ilrty. 01ERMS POST 1'AIDs- Oce Year . 52.00 I Throe Won thf . . 60 Bit Me itti * . . . . 1.00 | One . . AMFWCAS COMPANT , Solo Agents or Newsdealers in Uie T 'tilted Stain. OOKnt'l'UNlKN'CK All Ooinmnnl. iktinn * rrl itlni ? lo New * nnd lVilorl\l ! mnt- eri f iinH bo iwldrowwl to the Kuitou or . DUSIVHS8 LKTTOUJ-All liiwlnew titton nnd Heinlttuutvi elioiild bo droweJ to Tilt : OtiAitA 1'cri.iMUJia COM- tAsr , OMAHA. Draft" , Checks nnd 1W.- , ftice Orders lo be mndo pajrnwo lo tlie rikc of the Couii > any. The BEE PUBUSHIHU 00 , .Props. . R. KOSinVAMIt. Editor. Mooting of the Republican State Con- trill Committoo. Tlio mcmboH of Ilia KepubHenn Stale Central Committee of Nclirnskn , nro hereby called to meet at llio Conimercul ] Iotcl , In the citynf Lincoln , on Thurs day. the Oth day nf July , 3882 , nt2 o clock p. > n. , for the purpose of completing the organisation of tlie cotninlltce , nnd trail- Mictiiig uch other buvlnevi ni may prjp- crly ciiino before the name. The following nro the mpinbcru of the committee : 1st District , A. K. ftunlt ; 'Jd , John 1 1. Cnraonj 3d. Jacob H. Dow ; 4th , A. 1' . Orotit : nth , 11. Jl. Windham ; Oth , 0. K. Yo t ! Oth , 1'nul Vnndervoort ; 7th , D. K Ucadlo ; 8th , W. K. 1'ceblcs ; Oth , S. 11. Col on ; lOtlt , J. A. JJrhnrdt ; llth , .T. It. fcclbcr ; lath , W. D. Matthews ; IHtb , M. Whltmoycr ; llth , Abel Hill ; IBtli , John Stccn ; Ifctli , K. 0. rhllUiw ; Ifilh , G. W. I'ioice ; 17th , T. I. . Crawford ; 18lh ; W. T.Scott ; 10th , J. W. 1'rlco ; 20th , 0. W. UalUley ; 211 , Watson L'ickcrcll ; 221 , J. JJ. McDowcI ; 23d , S. W. SUrcr ; 2 1 tli , J. I ) . Hnycs ; Sfith , A. W. 2Cth , O. 31. Willaid:27th : , lloboil Ken nedy ; 28th , A. L. Wiffton ; 20th , 15. U. Iledlund ; 30th , ( , ' . S. IJUhop ; Slut , It. J. Wyman. J ARIES W. DAWKS , Chninnun , CnKTE , Nub. , Juno 12 , 1882. Tins ia the indopondontn1 year. CORK and candidates nro booming in all parln of the utnto. Wliat the harvent will bo in both cases can bo told bolter next fall. OMAHA will rcapond goneroualy to the appeal for the Qtinnoll auflorors if her post record is any guarantee of hot present inclinations. T.HK nccktio otjpiablo in Washington -on Juno 'iOtli , wliicli will bo under the genial supervision of 'Warden Crocker , will not be largely attended. STOCKS ftto'boginning to go up. So are corn nlalkfl. The connection be tween stocks and the corn crop is about an close no that between the Siamese twins. I'IUUSIDKNT Aimiuu announces that ho will appoint no inoro women to ofiicu. lloBolutiono from llio Nobrun- lea woman Buffercra ahopld at oncu bo engrossed and Bent to ashington , MK BISHOP , the "mind reader , " is nalonishing the coat by his exhibitions of second sight. Wo will wager S3 lo an old hat that ho can't rend Dr. Mil- ler'a mind the onmo way ten minutes in succession. TJIH Buffalo Jfaprcsa always risen to the occaaion. A strike on four hours' notice occurred on that paper and the editorial corps promptly took cases in the news room. Mr. Matthews is setting hia lender with his own hands. FiikMNOiiUYHEN is suid to bo disgusted with the atato department. Wo dent like lo cay it , but it looka very much ns if 'in Mr. Frolinghuy- aon'a CASO an avorugo Jorooy firmer has boon npoilod to mnko a very podt secretary of state. Mu. PF.NIII.KTON boliovea in a civil uorvico reform in which "Gentleman Goorgo" shall bo the appointing power. The campaign of 188JI is a loiiR way abend , but the cx-seiiatoi from Ohio is anid to bo milking a very good still-hunt for the democratic nomination. THE Philadelphia Jtieonl , which hat has solved the seemingly iiiinoisUilc problem of how to print nil the now for a cent , hnn tnken poecccalon of its new and elegant building in PliHaclol phia. The Itceord ia a plicnoinonon ir its way. nnd marks c now era in civet' ' orn journalism. PKUHPIIIINO. members and a fntiguoc lobby nro reaponaiblo for the auddot attention of congre&s to p-jblio bus ! neap , and the rupul dispatch ol ineatmrcB brought beforu both houses , There is nothing like u high thermometer < oter and night uetsioiiH lo mnko out public servants attend to their knitting , The number of electors in Great Britain and Ireland is only 3,131,721 , distributed as follows ; In England 2D9l-102 , , Ireland 228/278 , and Scotland - land 115,121 , Birmingham is the largest constituency , having 04,051 electors ; Liverpool is next , with 02- 0311 , and Manchester third with 53 , 042. _ Ir the present congress adjourm without taking eotuo decided steps towards reducing taxation , its moiiv bora will bo called to a rigid nccounl by their constituonts. The counlrj has had a forotaslo of hard times it the present depression and high prices , and it neos no reason whj the u&tion should needlessly bi taxed to the tune of ono hundred and fifty millions yearly , THE CLOSING OF THESDHOOI. ! The sens on is approaching when tin public schools will close for the summer mor , and teachers and pupils wil enter upon the long vacation whicl intervenes between the commence niont exercises nnd the opening of tin now school year. Most of the privnt < educational institutions hnvo nlrcndj finished their year's work , and ncni their graduates into the world will neatly printed diplomas and inoro 01 les * impractical ideas upon the grcal fi.'ld of usefulness which awaits then : and the part which ihuy are to play in what ia culled "tho battln of lifo. ' The epccchea which have been spokut. and the CSSBVS which Imvc been road h vu told much of " cxnalcd 'opjiortunilies" in llio past and coming "victories in the 'uture , " Addresses delivered by thono who have lefl far behind tlicm huir nchool nnd college days , have jointed out what accin lo Ilium in thu ight of a mature experience the do ccts and the oxcollcncica of our syn- otn of education , and the press hai .ikon up the subject and ia aiming la annual shafts of satire and wit at ho "young helpless ijritduato. " Some chronic croakers are printing Iheir iows upon the usclcasnoss of the liqhor education , and granting np- iroval of Ilor.ico Grceloys old maxim , which was written , by the way , in a it of editorial dyspepsia , that of all lorned animals the eollego graduate s the worst. The dill'orcnoo of opinion which oxisls regarding the value , in a practi cal aoiiBo , of our secondary schools and colleges , results from a misappro * iciiaicn of the aim of the education which they strive to impirt. Wo lave few universities which turn out scholars. They nro only drill rooms , in which the pupils nro taught the use of weapons which they are to use n after lifo. Nothing butcxpcrienco with lifo can make pr.ictical men. No ) usineas college can graduate a practi cal merchant , fitted to grapple with great commercial problems. The law school ia yet to bo founded whoso graduate is enabled at once to cjpo with the giants of the profession and thoao who hold diplomas from our Jcwt technical schools diacovor that skilcd engineers , chemhts and physi cians can only bo mndo in actual com- sat with the problems of their pro fession in every day lifo loth pupil and the public make n great mistake in overlooking- fact that any edu cation is necessarily primary , and that , ho ical education which ( Ita men to nount lo the highest rounds of the adder in any calling or profession is ; nincd by building firmly through radical experience , upon thofounda- .ion of the school curriculum. [ t is not to bo denied that the gradu ate of the common school often shows in after lifo to the great disadvantage of the collegian , because the gap between - tweon llio closing of his school daya and llio commencement day of the college graduate has been filled in hie case by attention to the practical de- taila of hia business. Entering as a youth the ollico , the counting room in .ho factory ho is learning business Methods while his oomrado is still theorizing , nnd the drill which he ob- ; aiii3 given him at the ntart an advan tage which it takes yearn to oflace. Wo do not believe that any educa tion ia thrown away if it can bo BUG- coodcd by prnolical application of ite lessoni to lifo. The necessity for thin practical application iawhat montyouny graduates fail to sco until it is driven in o them by many lurd knocks from the world , many disappointment and many fuiluree. Thu world is not yearning for tbo average college 01 school qradualo who thinks that 1m brain contains the sum total of humai knowledge nnd whoso dignity is onlj equalled by * his lack of experience Hut the world stands ready lo welcome como men of brains who know how U apply llio knowledge which they havi acquired and who nroilling lo bom Ihoir heads ve/y lonr , if noccsairy , it order lo outer thu passageway whlcl leads to Bucccsii , to reputation ami tt fame. Theory without practice- i : moro vaporixlug , but theory combinot with praolico , if Iheory bo good am available , ii certain lo succeed in UK lout ; run , OTHER LANDS THAN OURS. The Egyptian crisis still coutiiuic lo hold llio attention nf Europe. Al though thcro hnu been no rocurronci of the riotous icencB of last week tin condition of ailaiia nt Alexandria re maii.s highly crilical nnd the harbor i ; ntill guarded by llio Hoot of the po\r era. A call has been made for a nev ministry in which Ar.tbi Hey is lo bi miniulor of war , No governmon which failed to recognize the grea revolutionist could stand for a moment mont against the army with Arab ! at it head. The Porto Ima sullenly proteslnc against a couforonco ot tha power representatives of which [ are gather ing at Constantinople. The program mo has not yet been announced. Mr Gladstone in the house of common refused to bo questioned on thin poin and Sir Charles Dilko besides roplyiiij that England's interests would bi fully guarded declined ta alTord an ; additional information. It is no dilHouH to surmise that both Franci and England will not ugroo to un ; plan which fails to maintain Europoai control over the finances of the Khod ivo. Both nations are too heavily in terested in the Egyptian revenue te permit its supervision by any but thoii own representatives , while Englands protectorate over the Suez canal re quires in the interests of her com mcrccs that the noulrahly of the grca canal should bo assured , so long an her Indian possessions are not threat ened. Tha conference incctn during the coming week and its dolibcrnlions will bo walchcd with interest by every government on the continent. How important the SUCK canal is ns n great commercial highway may bo Been from the l st annual report of its managers , which shows that the divi dend for 1881 will bo 43f. 80c. per share. The total receipts of the year were f > 1.G7G. 18f. ! ) , HO that nf Icr deduct ing thu working expenses , interest and redemption of obligations , and interest al 5 per cent. onMiarco , there remains , while still providing 5 per cent , for tbo statutory reserve , a net profit of 24G78MGf. ( . ' )83. ) The nmri- Umo traffic consisted of 2,7-7 vessel * , the gross tonnngo of which gauged 5,70 l.-IOl tons. Compared with 1880 , this ahows nn nugmontation at the rate of 31 per cent. Seven nnw lines , thu report adds , have been established during the year , nnd the regular ser vices liavo added to their material 40 now steamers. The excellent condi tion of Iho canal lias been not only maintained , but oven still further im proved by the works carried out by the company in the interest of com- merco. The average price of land sold at L'ort Said h s risen to 40f. 20c. the square metro. As nt present cir cumstanced , the canal is adequate to double the traffic at present using it. In prospect , however , of a future still greater incraaso of navigation through the canal , the directors request from the shareholders Iho necessary powers to enable them to realize at moro fro- jucnt intervals successive issues of ibligationa , to extend over a period of 27 years. iJianmrck haa suffered an over whelming defeat on his tobacco mon opoly bill , on which ho had sot his icart , and had pressed to n vole wilh Croat vigor. J3y the provisions of the jill the imperial authorities werno iiivo absolute control of the tobacco : ) U9liiP83 throughout Germany. No ono was to be allotted to plant tobacco without a government permit , and 10110 but the government woo to bo illowod to purchase , manufacture or sell the weed but itself. Even the smallest detailn relating to the busi- ICHS , such as regulating the quality md prices of snuff , cigars and tobacco n other forma , was cither fixed by the } ill or loft to the chancellor to decide. Hie object of this great monopoly was o create a largo government revenue , jut Prince Bismarck failed to convince - vince the Reichstag that such a power aa the bill proposed should bo placed in the luiulu of tha government. Uo struggled hard , nnd in a two hours' speech sought to secure the passage of the measure. In the course of his re marks ho paid a high compliment to the United States on account of its prolcctivo system. But Iho prince labored in vain. By a vote of 27G lo 13 Iho measure was rejected. Had this happened in England it would have led to a chungo of ministry , but Bis marck finds his rovcngo in having the roiclistrg prorogued until next autumn. It is quite evident Unit the great chancellor ia no longer n control- ing power in German politics , and during the debate on the tobacco bill Ilerr Hamburger told him to hia face that he was "on the roud to the. ruin of his polilical reputation. " It was further charged that ho was incapable of governing with a parliament , and to this he replied with considerable as perity , Baying that "no one could yovorn with Herr llichtor's parly in the majority. " Germany ia terriCed at the sternly and largo increase of the population. The number of births over deaths has attained.un annual average of 550,000 , nnd the increaseof population nineo 1871 to 1881 over 4,000,000 , exclusive of Alsace-Lorraine , the Grand Duchy of Baden and Husso. The emigration of 200,000 to 1500,000 annually is not Biilllcient to counterpoise the overcrowding - crowding , and it is feared , in addition that thu largo immiqration to thu United Stales may become too much of a good thing to that country , and repressive legislation may result. There are 400,000 marriages in Ger many each year , and it is becoming a serious mailer of dissuasion how they can bo reduced The eumi-oHioix 2\rodilfutcht \ ) Algftneine Xeitwxj ia ol the opinion Hint the communes ought to bo empowered to place certain re strictions to marriages , "without , however , interfering with individual liberty. " But how lliia is to be done ia not explained. France , on the other band , is lamenting the deplora ble slowness in increase of the popula tion. The problem has attracted the attention of M. Larocho Joubcrl , an active dopuly of the exlromo rigbt , who has introduced a bill with the specific object of increasing the popu lation of France , The bill provides for relieving married men from service in proportion to Iho number of their children. The first clause provides that every French citizen in lime ol peace or offensive war shall , on prov ing that bo Is the father of a legitimate child , bo exempt from active serviou with the colors. If ho bo Iho happy father of two children no Eervico it the first reserve will be demanded o : him , while thrco children lo his natni free the lucky citizen from any mill tnry duly whalever except in caat of "defensive" war. What ndvnir tones the father of four or more olive branches would enjoy M. Lirocht Joubort'a bill docs not set forth. The replacement of General Igna- tieff by Count Tolstoy , at St. Pclere. burg , has caused a sigh of relief In the world of European diplomacy ; bul it is of no good omen for the future of lluasia.riho couht ia an excellent , well-meaning , philanthropic man , who could govern ai , Abdera or a Monaco with fair succcs' . But ho never haa been anything but n first-class mis- chief-maker in Russia. He had a fair share in spoiling the uknso of omnnci- pilion , His repressive course while in the ministry of education drove the educated young men of the great cilics into thoao secret nsaocialiona which culminated in Iho nihilistic or ganization. As chancellor , ho can done no good ; nnd the best thing to hopn 'or Russia ia hia speedy retirement. He is a man of ideas too narrow for such a stress as now disturbs thr.t jreat empire. _ It is said that in certain parts of franco important stcpi are to betaken to renew , through systematic athletic exorcises , the ancient vigor of the present race. At Reims has just been liold a fete with 2,000 , young men : rom all sections of France taking : > art in it , which ia declared to have jeon n part of the qonoral scheme. The French minister of public instruc tion was present at a banquet given subsequently , and said that if hia lopes and plans were only carried out , Franco would , in a few yeara' time , "bo nblo to point with pride to a race of active and manly youths somewhat different in physique nnd appearance 'rom the palid boys who loiter about a small court-yard or walk in procession .hrough . the streets on half-holidays. " If old Peter the Great could revisit bo earth lie would probably feel like Hitting a little backbone into the ircncnt c/r of all the Russius. The atest dispatches from St. Petersburg leclaro that the czar has increased the irocautiom ; against nnaaaaination in lis imperial retreat , and that he has .aken exorcise in splitting wood , nfler ho fusli in n of Gladstone. It ia a ncloncboly spectacle to aeo the ruler of 00,000,000 people driven to such xpedionta to preserve hia health , lis ancestors , 1'otcr and Nicholas , iad different ideas of recreation. Cut- ing nlf heads was their pastime , and considering tbo character of tbo llua- ian , it was much safer for the czar. Tea is laigely grown in the Indian irovince of Assam. Between 1872 und 188 L Iho population in consequence quence of UUH industry increased about 19 per cent. , which was largely duo to the importation of labor. The ast tea report Allows an area ot 153- , G59 acres under cultivation and an export to Bengal of 37,715,000 pounds. [ t is believed that the tea industry will aliow n fitill further material ad vance in a few years. The king of Siam has recently built ; a palace at a cost of § 1,000,000 , The 'urnittiro ia now being put in ir , and .ho statistics of the articles are given in the form of weight , the total weight aoing 400 tons and the total cost ia oven $500,000 , which is not especially dear for elegant furniture , being less , hm ; sixty-five cents a pound. The Monte Carlo gambling estab lishment has published a balance shoot for 1881 , from which 11 appoara that the tables won in that time the aum of $2,400,000. The expenses for the same period wore § 1,700,000 , thus leaving $040,000 to bo divided umong tbo shareholders. The transactions of some ot tbo cluba in Nice and Paris are said to greatly exceed those of Monte Carlo. IMPIHITIUJS. The clothes communion Daptlsta nro thosu who meet tcgcthi'r lo compare dress finery. A sermon on Iho vanities ot this life la weakened by tlie time it tia\eld over a hugo congregation nf beautiful lioiinolc. What Is hypocrlsj ? Why , it la when anyone nays be loves liii neighbor as him self , nud straightway Handrf the sugar , The l.oid provide * fur hU own ; but it is expected that they will scratch around a llttlo nnd help uuue a , crop. "San I'rauiiBco It clamoring for brass bantn in clmrchei , " Kxtreme measured must be taken to keep San FruucUco people ple u wake , evidently. Slio had ordered nothing \ojetnblea und wan eating them vigorously when a little old lady H atecl neit to her one of iho'U biinybode ! eveunxiuui tu bo plean- ant aiulK'd and interrogatively mid : "Vegetarian ? " "NTo , " said the other , In quick respous' , "Unitarian ; I'm from Bos ton are you ? " The most unfortunate of women U the miulster'd wife. When he read * hU ner- inona to her after lie Ima just completed writing them thera U no congregation profcut with new bonucU to draw her miud nwny from h ! words , "My frcus , " said the olliclallng clergyman - man utthe manage of two colored neur Cincinnati a few .Sundays ago , "uiy frens , it am a serious thine to get innrri ) ! , specialty w.heu bofo parties is orphniu aa' halutgot no parents to fall back on , as am do pretent case. " "Lawrence , my doir , " Haii hU wife , wrenthlng In smiles , "I wish you had been to church this morning , Mr. Jones was very intereitiu , aud when ho prayed for the absent one * " "Well , tint accounts for it. thou. I hmen't caught Mich astrin ; ; of fiih for a ) ear ui 1 1 U this iHorniag. ' -Wulf. [ An Amlln colored preacher * ! ; cilled upon ta nuke n few remarks at the grave of u boy. ild : "Dmhly belubl ed bred- deni and tlitoilu , de day an' do hour when ench an' cbery one of m tr.iu' jlclJ p on * peret am done rot , bnt If n kind I'rovl df-nce had not mfule de cowcumbcrn Inti rii * he.ih teason. dli lieah promising boj would h.ib clninli < ! e golden ftnir SBUEM weeks ago , I'mlie be dc Lord for hi' ' g' odncaiand muwy , " The Kev. Dr. Leonard W. Bacon , known chic lly MI the ardent adrocnle ol the execution nf the Connecticut Sunday Ia\v , who took ox-1'resldent Hayes to ride MI Sunday , has broken out In n new pot , He 1ms on aril lo in Iho current Princeton It Uow , in which he aver * that "actual polygamy prevail * among the New Kng- lander * to n greater exicnt than amoug e Mohammedans. " PBPPtjliMINi' DKOPS. An Illinois former who plowed irj ) a two gallJn juKabuHcdhis because there was nj whisky In U. Vcnnor boldly piedioU EH early r.nd cold fall. It Is sitppwed that Wrs. V n- nor h s a tealakln saeque. Courier Jour nal. "I'lvn hours sleep nre enough , " says n New York doctor. Yei , enough lo kill nlmost any man , K lie strikes the right lotel bod. It is complained that gome of Iho beef inw sold in Impregnated with garlic. They bavo to fcttengthan it o it can hold up the price. The author of the sonp , "Seo that My 3ra\o is Kepi Green , " is in jail in India- napolK He i now engaged on arlmm- ilon plcre , entitled , "Se that Aty Cell is Kept Whitewashed. " "And what , then , was Hie date exactly of loriuubind'rf tloath' " " . your p " me ccolloct my. elf , ma'am. Well , II he'd ' .i ivcd to Wednesday next , he'd a Leeiulcad , hreo weeks. " Itls now nllinned that poir dijes'ion i caused by weak eyes. Aud we had always supposed just the opposite -namely , that lyopeptlcs wcro generally people with eyes bigger than their stomachs , The ilcUety birm and dilapidated old 'rarao houses that have withstood the storms for a qtiarter of a ceii'ury , nre the mes that never blow down though they are .ho . ones that can best l.o spared. A Chattanooga negro was looking up a chimney , when a bolt of lightning came down nud stripped the buttons off hia VfBt. iVhen he got his bicath he remarked that f ho h.vl known that cat was up there , and ialculating to como down , ho wouldn't lave got in the way for S3.Boiton Post , It H true that batijo playing is becom- ng to a certain oxt'iit fushionablo among he young ladies. The banjo , wo hnsten o eay , Ii an instrument whkh when jirop- irly plajvd , givts forth sounds re embling , ho active thuinring of 3 simll boy on n vire strung acroi-s the wood box. It isn't especially adautc I to oratorio music or praud opera , but ns an accompaniment to u cat concert it ia passably eudurably. "Sir ! " began n Dotroitor as ho entered a grocery the other morning , ' 'Sir , T order ed some butter of you yesterday ! " ' 'Yes th 1 know , meant to have it sent up but ergot it , You shall have it right away. " 'Sir ! the butter came up nn tims. " Oh ah it did , oh ! Well , I'm norry it wat nor , but we sh-'H have tome letter in a lay or two. " "Sir ! the butter cams up ou inie aud wasoll light , bust l'\e seen in a oar. " ' 'You don't suy so ! Certainly ust ao I'll make up tiio weight on the next lot. " "Sir ! the butter was g < 'ou , the \eight correct , and I called to order six > ounds more "Is it possible ? Well , veil but accidents will happen in the ie t regulated groceiieH you know. Sorry , nit will do better nt\t time. " Detroit "rce Press. A ROYAI. RECEPTION. low a Railroad Cont-actor Ban- quottecl a Town In Nebraska. 'orrcspondcnco of THK IEK. ! WYMOUE , Nob. , Juno 10. On Thursday evening Juno 15 occurred one of the moatbrillinnt and rechercho nfl'.ur.i over Been in tliia state. Messrs. 2. P. Reynolds it Sons , the noted railroad contractors , whoso fame haa recently received additional eplendor rom tbo marvoloua work performed on the Donvur extension of the 0. B. t Q. 11. R. , a report of which haa already been furniohod these columns , came to this city a few daya since , mngincr on army of men und teams , equipped with the fullest parnpharnolia or railroad building and established .heir headquarters , having been ad vised that \Vymoro is to bo Iho great center of railroad operations in this state , and that from their headquar- era are to bo directed tbo future opor- itions of this ponderous organmtion. Having calabliahed their ollico and erected well appointed buildinga 'or their immeme suppliea , these energetic , whole Eouled gentlemen net thouiBolvoa to work to give the people ple of Wyinoro a benefit , in the olmpo uf a public reception. Accordingly Ihoir ippeared the compliments of Mr. E L' . Reynolds , Jr. , through Messra 3reenwocd , Lane , Roderick , Linniger and Rodgcra , committee of invitations for the evening above designated , [ n the mean time , preparations the moat elaborate wore made for the oc casion , a largo tent was spread anjoin- ing the Potter house , and in close .iroximily to the dancing ball , und there in wna laid on tables prepared covers for 000 guests. The tenl waa jaily festooned , aud elaborately trim- iiiod with evergreens and ( towers , and over the groaning tables , bprcad with tbo choiceat delicacies of the season , the radiont ( hah of a headlight obot itH rays , lending a brilliancy and fas cination to the scene , whioh will never bo forgotten by those who looked upjn , it , lu the largo dining roomof the Potter - tor bouse , and in the spacious private odkea of Meters , Ruynolds , there had gathered about three hundred Indies incl gcntlemuii from the pleasant litllo village of Blue Springs , which nesllca so quietly ainoti ! . ' Iho trees , ono mile from this rattling railroad center. Your correspondent bus not upacu lo elaboralo on the beauty und graceful ness of the richly dressed ladies , and the eleconco of the gentleman , who whirled in the mazes of the danoo till tlio hands on the watch puinted to the hour of1 a. in. To siy ; that the party waa a succcas would bo to fall abort of the facts. It was simply imtnonao , unparalleled and unapproaahed in the history ol banquets and public recep tions. No discordant note waa struck throughout the entire nitrht , and at the conclusion of tbo party the ver dict waa unanimously expressed in a resolution spoken to by several of tbo gentlemen , and enthusiasti cally adopted by the "whole people. " to the Misses Reynolds , and especially to Mr. K. P , Reynolds , jr. "We return - turn thanks for the most pleasant gathering of our lives. " So ended tbo banquet , and ao haa Mr. Reynolds builded for himself , in the hearts of ihcuo good people a monument that shall never bo effaced , but shall eland for all time and against alt circum stances a guarantee of bis IargObeart- ed and generous manhoDd , and his abiding faith in , aud bis affection for ; ho people of Wymoro J HFHENIH AND DOUBLE Boiut'.lul bulldln ; eltoa on Sherman avcnuo 10th utrcctl south of 1'ocpkton's and J. J. Irown's rtsldcncce the tract bcloagl K to Sena- or Paddock for so many jcars bcinp 153 ftct nest Irontien rn the avenue , by from SCO to 650 Itct In depth , unnlnir eastward to the Umaha & St. Paul 11. It. VIII sell In strips of 60 feet or moro f'ontnto on ho avouue with lull depth to thu rallroal , will ell tho-aba\oouaboutany terms that purchaser nay Jcslre. To partloauho will nitrco to build louses co-tin ; fliUO and upwards " 111 soil with out aii5-iiaiuent down for one year , and 5 to 10 cual | annual payments thtroslttr t T per cent nUrceb. To parties he do not Intend Improv- uj ; luiincdlaiciy will sell for tno sixth doun and ! equal annual paj niciita thcroltr at 7 per cent ntcrcst. Choice 1 aero block In Smith's addition at w c/it / : nd of Kirnam street will g\\e \ any length of IIHD required at 7 per cent Intera&t. Also a uplcndl 1 10 aero block In Smith's tviJI- Ian on Fame liberal terms ai the foreuinr. ; No. 305 , Half lot on IzirJ near 20th street ' 700 No 301. Lo' on 18th street near Paul , S12CO. No 203 , Lot 30x230 feet on 15th street , near Mcliolia. No 299 , One quarter aero on Burt street , near Dutton$500. No 97 , To lota on Clondo near Irene street , 21,0 and SJOO each. No 2M , Two lota on Georgia near Michigan trect , S1200. No2S5 , Twelve choice rcildoico lot ? on Hamll- on ftrt-ct In Shlnn'a tddltlon , line and aightlx J60 to ? 5X ) each. No 2M Btautiful half lot on St. Mary's av- nuo , SOxIS. ' Icct , Lear lliahop Clirkson'a and Oth street , tflWO No 282 , Kic cnolcalotaon Park avenue , SOx TX > each , ou street railway , $600 oich. No 231 , Six loti in Mlllard & Ca'dnell's ' addition onbhermaa Avenue ueir I'opplctoa's , ? 3CUto tDO each. Nn liiU , Choice lots on Park avenue and street ar line on r ad to Park , S150 to S10JO each. No2S5 , Klcten lots on IX-ea'ur and Ircno trci.ti' , near Saundura street ! , $ J76 to S1EC inch. No 282 , Lot on lUth DVJLT Paul street , S7iO. No 281 , Lot 65x110 feet near St. Mary's a\cnue , ni 20th street , $1600. No 279 , Lot on Dccatur near Irene street , $325. No 27d , Four lots on CaUwc.lI , near Siundcrs trcst , $600 each. l-'o 270 , Loton Clinton street , near shot to er , 8125. 8125.No No 276 , Four lota on McLellan street , near Hondo , Kazan's udditKm , 7J25 cich. No 274 , i'Qreo lota near race course : make ollen. No 208 , Ik.vitlf ul corner acre lot on California 'rcct , oppiMtu .md ajjolulng HaciuJ Heart Can- cut Kroundf , S10 U. No 2to , Lot on Madon , n > : ar 16th street , $1,350. 100 lots In "Credit Koncinr"aml "Grand View' addltlous , just south-tast of U. P and B. i M. ailroad i eiwts , ranging from $1CO to 41030 cadi anuoneasj terms. Jltautiful llcsidcnco Lots at a barffilnery laiuly touhopstlOOtoi'260 cacb , 6 per cent down nci percent per month. Cail aim gitplataud ull | > artlcu'aia. No 258 , Full corner lot on Jones , Near 16th treet , j.J(00 , No 26) , Two lots on Center street , near Cum- m : fttrcet , SOU lor both or 600 each. No isij , Lot on Reward , near King etrcct , : o oNo 219 , Hall lot on Dodge , near llth street , No 2(7 , > "our bututlful resilience lots near Crrljht3ii ; Cohere ( or will separate ) 83,000. No 2iU , I wo lots on Center , nuu Cunilng street , $100 each. No 1KU ) , L t on Idaho , near Cuminc ; struct , S52S nfso V45. Beautiful corner aero lot on Cumincr. car Uutt .n etruet , mar now Comcnt of hacred Inirt , 81.DOO No. 241 , Lot on Farnam , ntar ISlh ctrcet , S.760. No 213 , 1/5l C6 by 133 fe-t on College street , near St. ilar > 'a avenue , 700. Nn241 , l.o C ou Fainaui , near 2Cth street , * 1,000. , No 240 , Lot CO by 09 feet on South , ai enue , near Mason street. (050. No 233 , Corner lot ou Hurt , near 22J street. 52.300. No 039 , 120x132 feet 01 Harncy , near 21th , street ( will cut It up2,400. ) No 234 , Lot on Douglas street , near 25th , ' 300. 300.No No 232. Lot on Pier street , near Scward , $600.No No 227 , Two lots on Decatur , near Irene ttrcct , $200 each. No * 2J , Lot 113 by 411 feet on finer-nan nvr. mo (10th st.cct ) , nea Grace , $2400 , will dilclc. . No 210 , Lot 23\0ret on Dodge , ccar 13th street ; make on tiler. No 2t" , Lot on 23rd near Clare , ? 500. No 21D , Lot on Hamilton near King , fc-03. No 2JJ , Lot bli ISth ekrect , Dear Nicholas * JOO , No 207. Two lots on 10th , neof Pacific strest , Sl.COO , No 5.01 , Beautiful rcfllcnco lot on Division etroot , near Ciimliig , 8 00. No IDA Lu'.a un 16th street , net : Pierce , $ COO. COO.No No 19'j , Ixts on Sauudets street , ncir Sew- . NolUlj , THO lots on 22d , near Grace ctrcet , $300.No No 102J , Two lots on 17th street , near white eadork , $ l,05V. Nolb J ; Ono full block ten lots , near the larracl H , f 100. No 1'Jl , Lot ] on Parker , street , near Irene $303 , NolC3'T o lets on Ca83. near 21st street Kilt edB i ) ) , ffl.COj. No IbO , L'jt on I'ler near Senard , $650 , No 170 , la ; on 1'iclflo street , ucar Hth ; uiiko oiler. No ICO , Six lota on Farnam , near 21th ctrctt , No 103 , Full block on 23th strreet , near rice course , m d throe lots In Clte' ! < addition , near Saundsro aud Casiius etni-W , fc..Oo'i , .So 127 , tot on lhtn atiett , near whle lead works , $05. : ! M > ] . ' , 123x133 feet (2 lota ) on ISth street , neir Poiipleton1 * , $1,600. Noll' } , Thirty half acre bts In MlllarJ & Cal. dwell additions on acnue , Spring and tarat a streets , near the end of greun utrcet car track , i-iW to $1,300 each. No S3 , Lot on Chicago , near 22d stiect , 81.8M No 88 , Lot on CaldweU street , near Saundcrs , No Sfl , Garner lot on Charles , [ near Saund- doi street , 8700. No 75 , UdxS2 feet on Pacific , near 8th street NoCO , Ightecn lots on 2Ist , 22d , 231 and dauDder < streets , near Grace and Blunders street bridge , § 500 caUi. No 0 , Ono fourth block (160x133 ( feet ) , ne the Convent ol Poor Claire , on Hamilton street , near thu end of the rod eueU car track , il.CM ) . HEAL ESTATE AGENCY 15th and Douglas Street , - 3XTEI B. THE IcCALLUM WAGON WEIGHT ONLY 100 IBS , ivvu 4000 BOX , Caii Ee Handled By a Boy. The \ > 3\ need ne cr bo tikon off the wwon and all the-belle 1 Grain and Grass Seed Is Save It cistslcsj thn tlio old cf\lo faults. Etcry ctaudard nagon ia eold with our rack complete BUY NONE WITHOUT IT. Or liny the attachments nnd applv them to jour old wagon box. Voi saleIn Nebraska by J. C. CLARK , I4II11U1II. KRSS , Omnhi. FRED KrDnn , Grind filand. II wot.rrr & OIKKS , llatnii. ! Sl'AVOilR ( PJNK , Hod CiOtlJ. U. II. CHA.SK & Co. , licil Oak , lo r.v. And every first clais dealer In the wcit. A fc. them for dciicrlptlvo circrXar or f rnd direct to us. J , UcCallum Bros , Mauufg Go. , Ofllco , 21 Wink Lake Streor , Chkjjtf. 76' , 000 TMEN-SPRING VEHICLES NOW IW ITSE. Thsy surpass all other vehicles for oisy rldlnj. tjh end durability , SPEINGS , GEAE-J & BODIES For sale by -lenry Tim ken , , DatentcoandDullJor of Flno Carrhir s , 1000 , WOwxJ 1010 St. Clurlcs St. , St. Lou'a. Cata- oucs . - Improved lor 1882. THE I1EST AMD ONLY ABSOLUTELY SAFE. OIL STOVE IN THE WOULD. Every housekeeper fcola the wantof something that -will cook the daily food andavoid the excessive heat , dust , littur nnd italics of a coal or woods to vo. TUB MONITOR OIL STOVE WILL DO IT , better , quicker and cheaper than any other moans. It is the ONLY OIL STOVE mada with the OIL- RESERVOIR ELEVATED at the back of the steve , awayfrom the heat ; by which arrangament ABSOLUTE SAFE CY is secured ; aa no gas can bo generated , fully twenty per cent nioro heat is obtained , the wicka are pre served twice aa long , thus saving the trouble of constant trimminq and the expense of now ones. EXAMINE THE MONITOR , and you will buy no other. Manufactured only by thi Monitor Oil Stove Co , Cleveland 0 , Send tor descriptive circular or call on M. Rogers & Son , agonta for Ne braska. Nebraska National BANK. OF OMAHA NEBRASKA ( No. 2085. ) TltEASUHY DEPARTMENT. OlIlCO cf 0'OMlTKOU.Ktt or TUX CURRENCY , WAMiinoiojf , April 25th 18S2. WIIKRRAS , by hatWactory evldciico presented to the undcri ( 'nod , it na been mode to appear that "TiiK MUIIIASKA NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA , " in the c ty of Omaha , In the county of Douglas , and State of Nebraska , has complied with nil the provision of tholtovlatd Statues of the United States required to bo compiled with before an association bhall be authorized to com mence the bii-lncta of liankliiK : Now , therefore , I. John Jay KroiComptroller ol the Currency , do hereby ccrtlff that "The. . Nebraska National Hank of Omaha , " In the c j of Omuhit , in the c mnty of Douglas , and state cf Nebraska , Is authorized to commence the bu lnei of lianUlnirai provided In Section Fifty Ono Hundred and Sixty-Nino of the llovlged SUtutcsof the United Stated. In U.timony whereof witness my ) hand and real of ollico this 25th ( 8KAL. > day ot April U82. _ _ - ) JOHN JAY I5NOX , Comptroller of thu Currency The abate Dink U now prepared to recehe bujlnoux It couiraoiicea with a fully pa d up capital of fJJU.OOO.oo , with olllceri and dtrcctorJ u follow * : 8. U. JOHNSON , Pni i lNT. ! of Hteelo , John- eon Ii Co. . Wholctalo Oroccra. A. K. TOUZALIN , Vlo .l > aKSlDKJiT , of 0. B. &Q. H. K. , Hoaton. \V. V. MOUSE , ol W. V. Morse and Co , , Whole- falo liooU and Bhoeg. JNO. a. COLLINS , of O. II. A. J. B. Collins , Wholesale Leather and B ddlery. JAMES M. Woolwortb , Counsellor and Attorney fit Law , LEWIS S. KKKU. of Byron Heed JL Co. , He l KUte Dealeis I1UNKV . YATE8 , Catbler , Wo Cashlei ol tb i'irut National llank of Omaha , anJ connected with the active uianafe- tnent of that llauk tiuco its ortui- ; Iratlnn In IKa'l _ _ , FASTJTIMEI In solo * Kilt Uk the OMcago&IortliwesiV Tnlni UkTO Oraib 3:40p. : rn. nd J:10i. m ( full Informatlou call on U. P. DUE" , , Ttciu Agent , Hth and FArnhun Sti. J. BELL , U. ? Hvllwiy Depot , or t JAMES T. OL.ARK . , Otaa ; , Onutui ,