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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1882)
L. THE DAIi.Xr . BEE-OMAHA SATURDAY , JUKE U , 1882. 3 &OO , The Only Exclusive Wholesale Hardware House 3C2XT 1108 AND 1110 HARNEY STREET OMAHA NEB. WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER ASD DEALER N Wall Paper and Window Shades 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb. IROTIB : & Wholesale Lumber , Bo , 1408 Farnham Stout , Omaha , M. THE MOLINE STOVE ilnnufactured by They m.iko a specialty of COOKING STOVES , and liavo this jear placed . In the market neof thoMOsTECONOMi&AND MOST SAlISKACTORY STOVEScicr made. They make Uoti ( . . Plain and extension top , and guarantee all their goods. The agents lor the company are. PIEROYX & BRADFORD , > * - DEALERS IS w Furnaces , Fireplaces , Heaters GRATES , RANGES , STOVES , HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , Etc. 211 FABNAM STREET. OMAHA NEB ORCHARD & BEAN , J. B.FRENCH & CO. , O A R P E T S I G R OG EERIE8 SSSSSSf ; & II W B WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , SiSH , DOORS , BLINDS AND IOULDIN 16th and Cuming Sts. OMAHA , NEB ' POETRY OP TFIB TIMES. The Style of Girl Ho Doslrod. V c ? into11ect\ I Color nd tonc-- All the fuconii > ! Miments 1'yeslierc I ) ie iute Ulack not nn obstacle ! ll zel would ( In. No e of the Grecian type ; Xot to * cetn jmMul , Some little httUudo Herein allowed. 1'igtirc Hint's tueezeablo | 1'lunip bnt not fnt SUer clean of crogiine , Conic ) net ftnn.l thnt , Quiet nnd lady-like. Dre'scs with taste ; Ankle dl i > l.\vnble , Neat little wai t. liound of lioinodutitp , her Klcmcnt quite ; I'le-crnst especlnllT Warranted llRht. * Common accoinpiUlimcnU ; Uut , in a word , Those of the meful kind Orently preferred. Uttlo bit muitlcnl , Able to fins Clftrlbil , Gabriel That sort of thiuj , Chntt } ' nud sociable , l.lkcs a cigar : I'lcasint old po1 pie , pa- I'a and inanilua , l'ion , dcvotionnl , Gentle , nii'l kind ; Teach In the Sunday school If she's a mind. Ladv of such a stamp Wanting n beau , Strictly In confidence , Ku'iws where to go , Too Lato. The train tTeparts at half-past eight ; The tri\eler run ? apace , He yet may reach the station gate ; It cloce < in his fncol He KCCI tlu train slide down the track , Ho curses nt his fate , And mutters ns ho waudor * back : "He's left who comej too late ! " At six the dinner's smoking hot , The wino foams in the glas" , Tlio soup > > boiling from the pot , Which deftest waiter's pass lint the wine is flat , the soup H cold. If you come to dine nt eight You see the old , oln story told : "He's left who comes too hte. " A maiden holds n heart in thrall , Ho cherishes n glove , And sighs to gain her , thnt is nil ; Ho does not tell his love , \nd sotno line day the cruel mail Bear * , as a dreadful futc , Her wedding cards - hen let him wall : "I'm left , who came too late ! ' Daily Advcitiser. HONEY FOR THE LADIES. Wnttein scenes are painted on f.un ol batiste nnd of linen. illedmgntes icijuiro the broad-brimmed Directoirc hats to be iu keeping. : Spotted funlanl neckties of dark color , with the dots in , nre worn with norning toilets. Iles Pnchcco , il.iuehterof tbo .Califor- iia congtcssmau , rarrics the medal given .0 the best lawn tennis ulnyer iu Washing , .on. .on.Surnh Surnh dresses of thrim [ ) pink profusely .rimmed with ivory white lace , or with the Bill ; Aurillac Ince , are worn at day nnd evening receptions. Crinoline grows in favor with Engllsl women , but incuts with no success with I'arisiaus. American ladiei content them Delves with very small tournures. India pocgeo lap robes are cool and cleanly for usm ? in open carriages during ; ho summer. They are bordered with lark-colored eilk , quilted in rows. "Crushed-strawberry" red and raspberry pink are the fashionable colors for the jingliain dtesscs worn by brunettes. They ire trimmed with whitu embroidered mus lin. lin.The The jetted Jersey waists of black sijk nra very stylish for comuleting black satin mcrveilleut dra-ees that have many length wise tucks and pleated flounces. Outline embroidery on crash , pongee or linen will remain the favorite needlework For idlers in the country during middum- iner weather. Beaded embroideries of many colors , representing jewels , especially pearls ol many shades , aud turquoises , are used for .rimming crapa dresses , as they carry out , ho oriental coloring. A pretty girl of 11 years , residing at Uedliam , Alii's . hat been practicing bu'g- ary as a profession. She was recently caught in the sleeping room of a neighbor- ny family. White wool dresses , with Persian cm- jroiJery for trimming , urn used for lawn- .emiis ; Tlie wa'st is of the Jcwoy shtpe. ind the ekiit is a short kilt , with a sash of embroP'ory conceding the edgu of the raist. Terra-c itta drcaes of cashmcra or of cainel'ti huir nro made entirely of tne naterinl , nnd if simply fashioned without iraiding are very stylitfh. The bantio [ of rru cottu is popular with blacn satin kirts. Scarf tunics tied around the hips like n ihild'a Kunh are made of chlno silk ovur .vhitc mull or nunV-veiling dresses. Tv/o Oman-striped sashes of pclo , not dark hades , nro tewed together and made to erve in the same way. White Madras muelin drersis worn hy very young ladies are draped over vhito noire , and have rashes of satin surah , 'ho illuminated pattern of nmny colors on ecru grounds tiiaUoi very showy drowse ? with dark velvet ribbon bows looping the Irapery nnd also n collar nnd culfd of vol et. et.Kntinctto Kntinctto and Turkey red patasols of ustrous cotton nro more appropriate tlmn ilk ones with the cotton diesses worn in hu country. They have brilliant grounds truwn with large detached flowers , or vilh lago balls or polko dots , A bow > f he fiamo matniial it tied around the unlit- id wood bandit- . The San Francisco 1'ox , Hays thnt the lurtlous spactaclo of a man suing hU wife o forccloso a mortgage in pro untcd in Oakland , Cal , , In the case of Alfred Scott igulnst Marv A , Scott , his \vifo , to fore- MfO t3'V 97 mortgage maJa by her when he was the widow of ( . 'bur en O good , The TcuneFsea girl is a pcison not to ha rilled with when her gilt is "good and ip , " There was nnonf them recently who agreed to elope with her young man but , n hu didn't show up , ulie jumped from n window , walked live miles through the ain and mud , wok ; hint from sleep , broVo ds jaw , and returned to the bosom of her umily to bo forgiven. The elfute monarchies - archies of tlie. Old World will have to got HI pretty early iu the morning to beat hat. hat.Do Do not despair Koaalinde , nays the Lara- rile lioomcrane , In antwer to n corretpon- ent. Some day a man , with A great , vnrra , manly heart and a pair of rod steers will Kto you and love you , and he will take on iu Ids strong anm and protect you mm the Michigan climate , jutt as do- otcdly as any of our people hoio can , Wo o not widh to be misunderstood In this natter. It is not nt a lover .that we have aid so much on the girl question , but In hu domebtic aid department , an 1 when wo ct n long letter from n yotiua girl who saUalato pencils and roads "Ouldu" bf- dnd her atlns , wo feel like going over to Michigan with a tniuk ittrap and ( d Ing a Ittle mlskionary work , RELIQIODS. IheKpIzcopal JJidiop of Pennsylvania us sailed for Durope , to bo absent three months. Pastor Newman , of the Madison Avenue Church , New York , ha * had Ida inlory alsed to 810,000. A third Prwbyterian church has been orginlz 'd ' In Cunton , Chin * , with twenty1 pight member * . Two native elders we clio en. Hcv. Dr. lnllon ? , of Clevelun ! , h I ren called to the vacant pulpit of S James' Kpijcopal church , Chicago. UMitip Vnino of tbo ; .Mc thodlst ipisc : ( p l chtiuh , .ivutli. h * nkd lc \p to re tire frmn nctive Inlior ftcr dlxtyi\o ! year of ser \ MUii < lyix of them in the Kpi cojmcy. In comcquince of the influx ofnUrg nnmbor of < < ollmiderg info Dftkota , n pcc inl committee of thp lUfonncd Cla sls 1m bf en appointed to ntd them , in formln A German Congregational church xva orgjiilr.od in Chicago last week. l'rofej ser < Curtis ntul Siott , both of whom upon' ' Gorman fluently , conducted the ptibli birvlce * . Tno Itcv. Joseph Took has arrived i Japan , Hedollvered n IccttlM in the ear ly part of May nt the Moijl Kniiio n Tokio under the auspice * of the .lapanes Young Men's Christmn Association. A recent religion * census in I'mml shows thnt thnt counlrv cent ins 17ITi , 102 Protestants ll,803,13 ( ! Catholic' , 3ft ; , 7'JO Jews , 12,518 Uissentera , nnd 22,00 persona professing no religion , The United Prcflbytorian church of IV tree , In th Isle of Skye , hftf Intro lucei instnimcntnl iiiuslo in its public or hi It 1m tha first "kint of the whistle * . . tbo Islands nud Highland * of Scotland which are the stronghold of the i till-orh-ai part- ; . partA A council of Congressional inliiUlcrx niu laymen recently mot nt Quincy. III. , niu declined to Install the llov. F. A. Tlmje because his views on the following ul > ic I wcro not strictly orthodox : FiiM , the in fplralion nnd validity of the whole HIM ? fecund , the nature and necessity ot Christ 'i atonement ; third , the endlessness of future. putmhment nnd the limit of probtti u tt his life. In H\Hmore ! , Mil. , on Juno -I , n hand some ntw Methodist Kplsconnl church was dedicated In memory of Kobort Straw In idge , the Unit preacher of that denoini nation in America. The desk is made ol wood taken from the first church built bj Mr. Strnwbridgo in Carroll county , Md. , In 171) ) 1 , nud the other tiult it Ittrnitun from the oak tree under which ho preached before there was nny "meeting liouse. " The pulpit of the lloinnn Catholic cathe dral of lioston on Sunday , Juno I , wai iccupied by the vicar general of Antloch , Syrn. the Hev. Father Momarbosclii , who , 'avo n very inteiesting account of the Jhurch of Homo in the cast , which ( lilfer in several pitticulars from the churrl clsowhoie. The mass is colobrntcd in tht native tongue , which It is claimed uns spoken by our Lord and bis disciples. The iiriebts are nlso allowed to , marry , though lot after tnktng enters , ncr ia n priest who ' married over allowed to become bliliop. The see of Antioch , it is said , was the net ! over which Petjr was bishop for se\en years before bo went to Homo MTJrIOAL AND DRAMATIC Mine. P.itti will sail from Liverpool for .his country October 23. Lnwrcnco Barrett will Hpend his entire iuio abroad this Bitmmcriu London , .rnhn T. Kayuiond opens his season in September , ut Lexington , Ky. , during the Kentucky ttato fair , Kdwin Booth has sent Miss Kellocg 8200 for Conly's Jnmily. Over ? G,000 riB no\v been ra'sed. Let the good work gi on. Miss Liura Don will produce her play , A. Daughter of the Nile , " at tne Stand- nrd theatre , New York , in September icxt. icxt.Theodore Theodore Thomas is to give a ccries of ix monthly conceits in the Philadelphia academy ot music next winter , " u November. Mllo. Khea has arrived safely nt her lomo in Paris. She will return to this lountry eirly in Auqtut to prepare for ler season , which begins early. Her man ager , Mr , Chase , has booked the entire .eason . , Madame Janauschek Mill bo supported text season by the following pojpl * : Ueo. Chaplain , Alex , tituart , Miss Ida Jeffries , lenrietta Irving , Virginia Brooks , Fred , light and others not yet engaged , 'k'nthnniol Childa will bo the manager and Mward Taylor the business represcntn tive. tive.The The London Drury Lane feaBcn of Ger- nan opera , under Hans Illchtcr'ii diroc- ion , is most enthusiastically pressed by .he London papers , and it ia Haiti that the ensemble of the company has ue\er been 'iinnlcd ' in that city. It is coming to the Jnited States. Mr. Perking , president of tiic Boston Inndel & Ilajdn society , in his niimul re- mrt , imnounceB that the average ntteud- inco at rehearsals of the " ( Jro ition" was 12 peraoiiH , and at the concerts tlio chortm vveragoil112. . Vor "Israel In Kjypt" the fluainal nttendanco was } ! < > , and the lionn members ia Now York numbered ITi , Dii'ing the year foity eight gentle- ncu aud eixty-thtee Isdie joined the co. iety. EDUCATIONAL NOTES. There are 23,000 public Bcliool teachers n Illinois , who instruct about 1,000,000 illplls , Tbo English National Union for im- roving tha education of women has tstab- tiled twenty-four high euhouls for girls in ml about London. The Mi Hisippl Agricultural and lochank'id CoMego is jnstifyhih' the Nu- ioiiul and State aid It has rceviveil , It is iving n ttiorottghly practical education to 01 Undents. SaUrlPB hnvo been llghtly raised In the t , Louis schools , Tne miiieriiiltndent ow recuivoj SU.OO I a yjjr. Kalarioi have Iso been rnieed In the fcliooln of Troy , The avcrago attcndancoattlie new L'nb- c Industrial Art Keliool , In I'hihtdulphla , .IK been hlxty biys nnd gills , nil < > f them niDiU in the public bchoolH , 'I'ln ex peri- ijcnt JIIIH been declared .ihiiccusH , The normal noli ol for oolon-d in rwns In tlanta now has i.'IOBtudnnt < and viijhtecii eacherrt Muny of thu Htudent occupy iicir clireo iiiouUiB1 vacation in teaching , 'ho country tch'inlu uru wuU attended , olorcd patents of ten working ut night in nier to end tht ir chl dren to ncliool. Iowa , it Nutated , IIUK so many colleges hn > at thirty that they have all been ept ninro or lem weuk , not ntio of the n dvancing to the rank of n thuriiijh uni- ernlty. This tidlciilons inultlp.ication ol oHcccs is a vrylnir uvil in other t > tutes as veil as in Iowa. If three-quarters of all lie collegoj in America were utterly ubol- nlied and their value and endowments do- oted to the enlargeiiierit of tha remaining ollegei aud the improvement of the pub- o Bcliools , It would bo of Incalcnlitble bun * fit to the people. J'rOHldent Steel , of the Philadelphia Joird of Jvducatlon , made the other day vigorous Hpeech on the evils of the vyutein f teaching In the public schools under his hurgo. If o declared that the memory had ecutne almost exclusively the objective oliit , and the measure ( if its power and cciunulatloti | H virtually the etaudard of cholartihip ; that routine , and "tholettoi" ave slowly obscured thu end to Im at- ulned , and onq of the means to that end. nil that Intellectual development , moral Ucipllno , the formation of character ! ) , roleft to the chunci outcome of inenior- rod branches of study , which in ton often more memory of words. "Instruction , " o added , "which ii merely a tak of tha ncmory , must be fatiguing drudgery to be pupil , llfeleui and hamming to the eacher. It leaves the nebular In the end vlth th'e moat limited benefit from his n evero tanks , and , instead of Implanting a eve ( jf knowledge , creates a repugnance or and a dlBguat with book ) of an iini/rov- . ig character , Indeed , the Indivlauara IM is sadly wasted , and the purpose for riifch the schools are maintained In a real measure defeated. The principal of 10 normal school , In his accompanying eport , calln attention to the report of the - 1 of that cchool whose duty ' 'receive ' the MihJccU of the lower choot , i which fhc sayc ; 'The niftjority of th pupils ho r n Inmentabln lijnoMnc * ol th ol-mentary branchen , ' If thl is the con dltion of children who haso beonpromotu to the nnrmal school , wh.-it IIM the va number learned who lfi\o olinol At tli cud of thu primary course ? " Air. tHec finihe < l by an appeal for the appointmon of a competent mtperlnlen ent. OONNUBIALiriB3. All K st S.iginanwoman married thro young men in one day , * rtirctl $ . * 00 fron them , nnd skipped on n search for mon tcrdnnts. John U , Huntington , of Brooklyn , win at th ngo of 85 nmrred a widow of 37 three months sg" , has returned to hi [ laughter. * , complaining bitterly of hi MlfoH nbuiivo treatment. She lias go possession of his property , nnd non * dues tor n divorce , demanding thnt ho pay her alimony nnd counsel fee. A great scandal was caused iu Cornwnl A ten * months ngo by the elopement of i young lady , the daughter of gcntlcmei well known In the country , with her father' * groom. They fled to South Africa , aud recently letters wcio received nn nouncing that the damsel was on her waj liome , have , having loft lior comvaiiion ir n hotel in Zsntnl , where ho tmi been i-iv gaged ns waiter , An Impnnctiicnl upon the urdlnnrj method of tlopoiucnt lias been introduce \l Chattanooga , Toiin , , whore Mr. Leo llnlo nnd Miss ICntlo Morgan have jnsf : ! rcumvcntcd nnunuilling father , funnily in such cases the chief dltlicnlly is to cot .d the house of the nearest benevolent clergyman , but the Chattanooga variation consist * in ntntioning the minUtor on the ddoxvnlk directly opposite the paternal mat lion , It Is usual when nn unmarried gentle , nan is ncnt to Wnnhingtnn to leprrxrnt n orcicn gn\ eminent to predict thnt ho will 8i | > cdlly fall n victim to mime pretty American girl , Mr. do Blldt , of the Swcd- sli legation , eomotimo ngo , ungored 1,01)11 ) iignrs with Baron Wnyr , who was llioti ho Austrinu minister , midniimnrrlcd , that 10 would marry before ho loft Wnthhig- .on. . The Baron must have liked clgnrs letter tlmn n wife , for he won the wager rom Mr. do Blldt. Don't Throw up the Spongo. When Buffering humanity nro enduring he horrors of dyspepsia. Indigestion , or icrvotiH and general debility , thuv are too iftcn inclined to throw up the tpongo and e lgn themselves to falo. Wo my , don't In it. Tnko liuitDDOic Ut.ooi ) JIITIUH ho unfailing remedy. 1'rlco , 91,00. jol'J-dlw ' la tliaold Knvorltu and 3E ufik. X. X. T KTJE1 FOR CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE , DETROIT , HIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORKBOSTON , , And all Poluts Eait nnd outh-EB t. T1IKLINKCOJIPUISK8 Nearly 4,000 mllca. 8oll < l Hmootll Stool Trackl All connections nro raatlo In UNION OtPOTS , t has a National Uoimtatlon as beini ; tha Great Through Car Line , nnd la universally encoded to 1)0 thu FINEST EQUIPPED lull- end In tha world for nil classes of tnu el. Try It nnd you will flnd traveling a Inxtiry nstoad ot a discomfort. Through Tickets via rhls Celebrated Line fai ale at all ntllci'sin the West. All Information about Uatus of Fnrc , Sleeping 2ar AcocmuioJatlonH , Tlmu Tables , &c. , will be hcorJully ( 'lvon hy ajiplyliilnif to T. J. POTTER , 2d Vlco-l'rett't & don. PERCIVAL LOWELL , Oun , 1'aisciivcr Agt. W. J. DAVKNl'OUT , ' Uun AifiMit , Council llluftu. II. 1' . UUKMi , Tlika | AKt.'o inb morn-cJ ly G-enius Rewarded ; OB , The Story of tlie Sowing Maolimo , A haixlaomo llttlo pamphlet , blue and gold cove llh iiuinoroiij LiiKnvlngb , will bo G-IVEN AWAY tot ny ftoiilt fcrenn willlnir for It , ninny Lrnnch eub-olDtoof Iho Hinder ManiiUcttirlngCom pany , or will bo ttunt b > ni&ll , pout pa'1' ' ' , ' ° anyponon living at illstwi i froui ourolllcd The Singer ManufacturiDg Co , , Principal Office34 , Union Square , KKW YOUK. YPHILIB iuanyelago Ciitarrti , ECZEMA , Old Sores , ' Pimploa , BOILS , or any Skin Disease Jures Whori Hot Springs Fnil MA.VIT.K , ARK. , May . 18S1 Wo hive casci In our own town who lived t lot HnrlngB , inJ wurudiully turcd with B. H. b. , MtOAWMOtl k MlIUBT. ' YOU Uoultcoiuo to BUO ui aim IK VftLli UKE YOUll OK chartro nothlni ; I I Wrlto ( ol lattlcuUra and cony of llttlo liook the Unfortunate htitforlnv S1.OUO Rownrd wilt te raid to ny icuiut wbo will tliid , on analysli 100 lotllo B. B. , one particle of Ucrcury , lodlJo foU * um or any Mineral euliuUncc. Bwirm-isomo co. vtopt , AtlinU Pilc of Small nl , f 1.00. O lite Bold ly KENNAUD BUGS , fe 00 Ocneiillv. DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL * HOTJKLS , 1'ROl'RtETORS TOWM ARLINQTON. J. Q. MclNTIRE. Lincoln , Net , SARATOGA HOTEL , J. 8. 8TELLINIU8 , Mllford , Neb.t MARSH HOUSE , E , MANS , BROWNSVILLE , Nib OOMMEROIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAH , Olcomsburg N HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL Loulivllla OITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Blair , Nab , COMMERCIAL HOTE- , J. G. MEAD , Nellgh , Neb. GRAND CENTRAL E.ISEYMOUR , Nabrnika Oily , Neb MISSOURI PAOIFIO HOTEL , P. U THORP , Weepln < sWt wNe COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPER , Hurdy , Neb , GREENWOOD HOUSE , W.MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY. Clarlndn , town ENO'B HOTEL , E. L. ENO , Eremop.l , Veb EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. n. HACKNEY , Athland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atklnton , ru.b. MORGAN HOU8C , E. L. GRU11D , Guide Recd , Neb GUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & DECKER , Oretton , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , GEO. CALPH , Extra , la REYNOLDS HOUSE , 0. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. BURGESS , Neola , la. CITY HOTCL , Dl A. WILLIAMS Harlan , la , PARK HOUSE , MR8. M. E. OUMMINQ8 , Corning , la NEDRASKA HOTEL , JL. ; AVERY , Stanton , MERCHANTS HOTEL J. W. BOULWARE , Burlington Junction , M \ COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Blanchard , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Sliennndonh , la , COMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Dayld City , Neb DAGNELL HOUSE , DMAS. UAGNCLL , College Sprlngt , la , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , > VM. LUTTON , Vllllica , la. JUDKIN8HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Grove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE D , F. STEARNS , Odebolt , la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKCRT , Oiceola , Neb. DOUGLAS HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Olnrks. Neb , BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. QUEEN , Bedford laM ARLINGTON HOUSE , J M. DLACK & SON , Mr > tvllle Mo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction N b WIN8LOW HOUSE O , McOARTY , Seward Neb. AURORA HOUSE M. B. JONES , Auroar.Nor. CROZIER HOUSE O. R. CRO7'CR , Sidney , Naa , AVOCA EATING HOUSE D. W. ROCKriOLD. Avocn In , CENTRAL HOUSE LOCKWOOD & 8HATTUCK , Red Oak. FOSTER HOUSE Cnpt. JOHN FOSTER , Lewlt , In. WHITNEY HOUSE. E. HAYMAKER. Grltwolri la. THE JELM MOUNTAIN AND 1 'h " ' B " apEMMfc IBIEi Mining and Milling Company. Working ConltM" " - ? 80C,00 . JniilUUI'.oA , { 1,000,000 'ur Valuu ot aluiros , (2,000. STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMBLt MINING DISTRICT. DR. J. I , THOMAS , President , Gumming , Wyoming. WM K. TILTON , Vlco.I'rceldenl , Oamratni , K. N. HAUWOOD , SccroUry , Cnmnilm , Wyoming. A. 0. LUHN , Troamrcr , Cummins , Wjoailn JL'3tCTETet < 3E'3E32El 131 lit. J. I. ThotuKi. Loula Miller W. S. Ilrnmvl. A. O. Purm. K. N , Ilarnood , Francis Lravene. ( ! co. II. Falou. L wl > Zolnian Dr. J. C. Walking. naSSiucSm OKO. W. KKNDALL. Auttiorlicd Audit for Sale of Stock ! U" ' " " " h . SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK -OF Men's , Boys' and Children's CLOTHING Beady for Inspection AT POL/A'CK'S The Lowest Prices Guaranteed , 1316 Farnain Street , Near 14th. 10 oJ. 'ho Oldest Wholesale and tetail JEWELRYHOUSE a Omaha. Visitors can here ind all novelties in SIL- rER WARE. CLOCKS , tich and Stylish Jewelry , he Latest , Most Artistic , nd Choicest Selections in > REOIOUS STONES and JI descriptions of FINE BATCHES at as Low Pri es as is compatible with tonorable dealers , Call nd see our Elegant New Itore , Tower Building , orner llth and Farnham Streets. TUB rKA JNJ ( J 03IK IK THK W1ESTI General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock ol Steinway- Pianos , Knabe Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Siaith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur chasing. MAX MEYER & BRO. , , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW GASES ! Large Stock Always on Hand ,