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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1882)
THE DAILY BEE : SATUEDAY , JUKE 24 , 1882. PARIS TOWN TALK , Scenes at Longchamps During the Race for the Grand Prix. What the Members of the Chamber of Deputies Find to Squabble About Amusing Anecdotes About Onrlbaldl. CorrMpoimjncc Phlhdc'ihU | PIMI PAIUS , Juno 5. The grand prix and the Egyptian question have dis puted the field of interest for aonio daH , nnd yesterday the grand prix was won. I * this country , where . there is no public opinion in the souse in which it ia understood in England and America , it ia difllcult to interest the manses in E ypt. Hul they nil understand horao. This year the ex citement over the principal annual race at Longchampav.ia doubled by the fact that the English had backed a favorite horse to win , and had re peatedly nnd boastfully declared tlm lie could and should win. "IJruco , " the British boast , carried off the prize , and hia owner won four thousand pounda , which , I suppose , ho will in- vrat in more bcaata. The grand prix is a pretty festival , although horao racing may , in the main , bo accounted a aonaoless nmuaomont. The "Paris Derby , " aa it ia aomotimos called , ia much more rolincd , or , perhaps should rather say , much leas brutai , than the .English ono , Thiro ia no fighting , no boating of unfortunate foreigners , vaguely supposed to resemble "belchers. " The return homo , instead of luring c drunken carnival , is n picturesque nnd vnrie gated promenade through the moat aplondid streets and park latiea in she world ; nnd the merriment , if at times it is boisterous , is never coarse. Anglo-Saxon strangers attend the race bccauao it jo held on the Sabbath , nnd because iia n novelty for them to go to A race on n Sunday. Cultivated nnd respectable French people attend it because it is no ono knows why the fashion. The president of the ru public goo > because the emperor used to go , and because it ploaaea the tradesmen ; and the Philistines go because cause they are Philistines. The Ananymaa , of whom tluro ( are , it would acorn , creator numbers in Pario than over before , bringing out their most dazzling and ravishing new toilettes for the grand prix , and many n fine lady copies furtively the details of their dresses nnd bonnets that itho may herself make nimilar ones later in the season nt the watering places And now the exodus begins , .luat a the moment when P.iria looks mos lovely , when the delicious green of the trei'B is untainted by dust , nnd the parks seem like pictures from old Ohnucer's poems , TUUStOIL IN TUB GltAMIlKllOP IIKI'UTIKH. The Chamber of Deputies ia broil ing and is most desperately uneasy upon its gridiron. There are dayo when public business ia stopped for whole hours by the quarrels cf parti aans ; cquabblcs over most trival mat ters. It was n trifle which wns magni fled into n'veritable incident the other day , and which gave M. Gnmbatta chance to appear on the surface for a few minutes , M. do Eroycinot , the Ohiof of tho-Oabinet ( chief of thogov- eminent lie calls himsdlf ) , ijhado a alfc . of the , tongue In talking about the at fairs in Egypt , and appeared to eny that no matter what might bo the circumstances. Franco would not en gagoinn military expedition. This was neb thought dignified enough for Franco not yeryjonir ago the lo < ding militaryrfation in Europe and up came Gambotta , with indignation in his voice nnd all hia slock of magical eloquence on hand. Ho made M. do Froycinot , who had n few momenta before indulged in n rather pungent allusion to what ha was pleased to term nti "udvonturoua polioof n proceeding administration auem n very poor figure , for n short time. But presently the premier explained that ho had , in the heut of debate , uxpre&sod himself u little mistily ; that what ho meant to say wna that 1'rnnco would not undertake isolated action ; but that she wiis ready to co-opcrutu cordially in the European conceit , whatever measures might bu doomed advieablo for maintaining order in E ypt. Qambotta secured an opportunity to explain that when ho was in power England and Franco were in complete harmony as to action in Egypt , but that now there was mistrust , and posaibly mutual suspi cion. Then began nn almost interm inable series of recriminations , in which the Bonnpartist days , nay , Blanche , and sweetheart , all barked moat ferociously. The Tunisian cam paign was called a fatal miatnko nn equivocal affair. This enraged M. Jules Ferry , who denied vigorously that there was uny bad result from occupation of Tunis ; and then n furi ous republican anggostad that the im perialist party , which had originated tno Mexican expedition , would butter remain silent. After in finite quarrelinp , the ministry cot u vote of confidence , und the "inter pollution" came to naught. But The Hupubllquu Fruncniso and other Gam- botust journals are explaining to tl.e country nothing hut trouble can como out of the inter-meddling in Eyypt , BO fur us Franco ia crrm'Dod , if the Turks are allowed to jw * down Arabi Pacha and auppoit the khudivo. The ro-catablishment of the authority of the sultan , in opposition to the will of the "national paiy"nt | Alexandria and Oairo , would bo hailed nil through tho. French posmasiona in North Africa us thu tignul lor nivolt by the Mussulman natives , Dut a great many cautious people here , realizing that the power of Gnrnmny is in eomo measure behind the sultan , do not like to talk of thwarting Turkey , and blame Gambetta nnd his party for their independent and straightforward announcement of what they consider the interests of France. Meantime , Europe mores on with its usual leaden nlowneas in every tiling which/concerns / the Eastern question nnd the complications growing out of it to the "conference- " which has been auggostcd aa a panacea for nil ills , The influential moderate republican press ia beginning to assume thu tone adopted by the Gumbotlu papers. The Temps remarks in its issue of this evening : "Tho despatches from Con stantinople show that the Turkish government ia anxious to profit by the permission which it has received t interfere in Egypt , and Books to delay the meeting of the conference , so a1 not to appear ns if acting merely as the n cnt of Europe. The inlorvention ol the Turks in Cairo is for thorn an af. fnir of prestige. The Turk whhes tc make the ignorant and imaginative population of Africa believe that ho ie acting in the plentitude of his religious and political sovereignty. Now the interests of Franco nro entirely oppos ed to those of Turkey. It ia import- nnt for us that the Sultan should ap pear as little sovereign and independ ent itj Africa as possible.1 OAUIHAUil's THAVF.LIKn WAUDI'.OHK. The peaceful tlomifo of Garibaldi in his simple homo has nroittod a polem ical storm in the newspapers. All the monarchical shootn nro tryilit ; to show that ho was the enemy of France , nnd some of tlioin do not scruple to hint that ho willfully contributed to the diaastors which befell the army of the cast in 1870. This is nnkind ; but the monarchists cannot forgive Garibaldi for what they consider his unwarrantable interference against French armH in Italy. They have republished - published loiters which the old man wrote during the Franco Gorman war , loiters in which ho indulged in sar casms , about French gcnnr.ils nnd their lack of auccoss. But the intelli- cont. the great republican estimate of Garibaldi here is that his lifo was sim ply heroic ; that his eccentricities were inseparable from his genius ; that his passionate utterances about Tunis the other day should bo overlooked ha- cause of the immense service which in past yearn ho has rendered to Franco ; and that ho will bo gratefully remem bered by future French generations. I can call to mind , now , the old fighter ns ho looked when ho was at Bor deaux , in that sad nnd terrible spring of 1871. In his rod ohirt nnd slouch hat ho wns like n bravo of Venice , subdued by time nnd struggle. A good ntory is told of hip departure from Italy for this country in 1870 , and it well illustrates hia extreme simplicity and austerity in matters pertaining to himself. The stonmcr on which ho woo to sail from an Ital ian port waited some time nftor ho had como on board , accompanied only by hia faithful ancient ntrvnrt , Basso. Presently Garibaldi asked the captain why ho did not start on his voyage , ' 'Why , general , " the purser B.iya , ' 'that your baigago ; has not como on board. " "My baggage ! " cried Garibaldi : "is that what you ate waiting for ? Hero , Basso ! show the captain our baggage. " And Basso , with n grin , hold up n little parcel made out of n napkin , from which protruded the toes of much worn sockn , nnd no mo frayed waistbando of blurts. The captain at once weighed anchor. This narrowness of ruimont had been characteristic of the un selfish old man for years. Nearly a generation ago , n woman who wax called in to do hin washing , ventured to remark , that she could not find nia shirts. "My nhirts ! I have two I" ho replied. "You must have ono in the wash , I have the other on. With u little order und calculation , two shirts are plenty ! " ( Garibaldi's philosophy was never sur passed , unless by that Kentucky gen tleman , who poesesaca but ono shirt , and was accuatomod to Ho in bed ono day oncli week , to have the snored cnr- ment washed. Ono morning , while he wns nt rest , his wife rushed in and cried : "Bill , the durnod calf hez ot your shirt ! " Upon this , Bill remarked - od tnuHJuilly that "them oz liemust' loao ! " I am nt a loss what to say of Victor Hugo's "Torquo madn , " published n few days ago , It is a grand and beau tiful poem , in whioh the monk who established the fires of thn Inquisition is represented as n mystic , n voyuut , one penetrated to hia ninust aoulwith the conviction that he must purge the world of nnbolivors. The poet calls "Torquomada" 11 drnmii , but it would bo more appropriately named n colloa tiou of tragic piclurcn of $ pai > Uli court nnd cloister in the days of Fur dinnnd the Catholic. There nro soy. ernl entirely novel nnd striking situa tiona in it , but the ondi'ig is rather too abrupt , nnd too obacuro. Yet ono cannot help thinking , mi lie renda it , what an exquisite opera it would make , if any composer could bo found to write mimic good enough to marry with Hugo's immortal vorse. In a few months wo are to have two new volumes of poems from the atrango old man , and tlmy will bo under the general title of Touto la Lyre.E. E. K. Prices tor Famous English Racoru. Cult Mill Qaiotto. The moat important Bale of race horses that has been held this year took place at Nowmarkot yesterday , when the stud of the late Karl of Wil ton waa disposed of. Of the elder horses , Cylinder , n 5-year old son of Bee Saw nnd Honey moon , went to Mr. Munnington at 1,020 guineas , and ToAdmaator. by Brown Bread , out of Mayoress , also 5 years old , wns bought by Sir ( i , Chotwyml for 820 guineas , while Eirly Morn , pn chased from the Into Lord Angiusaoy for 12,000 guineas , wont now for fir * guineas ho never won u race for Lord Wilton. The 2 year-olds fetched astonishing priccu , considering that tlu < y have no engagementa. last July Lord Wilton bought nine yearlings - lings from Mr. Chaplin by private aoiitriict for i'u.OOO. Yesteiday they iold for nearly JU ! ,000. Oupt. M ich- M gave L'iUO ; guineas for n Illy by Hermit , out of Stockdove ; sir G. Chotwynd 1,250 guineas : or a colt by Hermit , from a ( Ihttguw , tud , out of H Melbourne mure. A. brother to Abbott und Murdcn went : o Mr. Dover , the Iltley trainer , at 1,100 guineas , Lord March paid fiOO ; uweau for n filly by Hermit , out of .ho grnnddum of Peregrine. Mr , M. Dan son obtained an own brother to Sholovor for 750 guineas. A filly by Hermit , out of Anonyma , went to Mr. Shorrard at $1,000 guineas ; n : olt by Thunderbolt , out of a sinter of Hermit , to Sir G. Ohetwynd , 780 guineas , nnd a lilly by Hermit , out. of Uomping Girl , to Mr. P. Price for rfiO guineas. The great success of the vale of these nuimnls is not only highly satisfactory to the individuals who udvisod Lord Wilton to buy them luat year , but also to Mr. Chaplin , the breeder , who unluckily , however , has no yearling relative to Sliotovor to sell in July , At the sale of the stud af the late Mr. Etches 820 guineas was given by Mr , Gerald fora colt by that rising sire , Nunoham , out of Dhorie , who von the Coaarowitch for Mr. Naylor in 1809. NEBRASKA t01TY POSIOFPIOE Papers Served ou the Pott master , A Spirited Contest Over the Location of the OIllco. Corrc poinlenc ol Tim I > M. NEIIKA.HKA CITY , Juno 23. Foi some time the citizens of Nebrnskn City have been discussing the location of their post office. It wns claimed thnt the present location , on Main street , between Fifth nnd Sixth , was too far down , and not near enough to the center of the city , On the other hand , those in the vicinity of the office were satisfied to have it remain , and were prepared to do nil in their power to prevent its removal. At a t the motion for its removal to the corner of Eighth and Main streets prevailed , nnd Postmaster Schmink was requested by the post- oflico department to change the loca tion on the 1st of .Tuly , Preparations were begun nt once for the change , nnd the now quarters were rapidly ncaring completion when n bomb was dropped into the camp of the workers that bids fair to cause aomo delay. The department had rented the build- 'ng whore in the ollico is now located on n four years lease. Only about two years and n quirtor of the time of the lease has expired. This ( Thursday ) morning , between 12 and 1 o'clock Postmaster Schmink wna called up and papers served on him by the United States deputy marshal of Omaha. The papers were in sub stance nn order from the court not to remove the poatoflico from its present position nnd notifying the postmaster not to comply with any order from the postmaster general directing such re moval , on the ground that the four years contract has not boon fulfilled. The papers hnvo been forwarded to the postmaster general for instructions. It plncos Postmaster Schmink be tween two firca. The department has ordered him to remove the office nnd the court orders him not to remove. The order from the court has calmed no little aurpriso in Nebraska City and it ia the principal theme of con versation on the streets to-day. The reply to the department will bo awaited with interest by nil parties. Trnth and Honor. Query : Whnt is the best family medicine in the world to regulate the bowels , purify the blood , remove cos- tivoncss nnd biliousness , aid digestion nnd tone up the whole system ? Truth nnd honor compels us to answer , Hop bitters , being pure , perfect/ und harm- leas , Toledo Blade Trifling Wllli BMIoutnes * Won't Do. In tliln oy chronic tltaeiHuila brouzht on. A illa- orlerciilhurltioconsc < | 'iencaot n foul stom- < uhn < l olHlructvl bowel ) , anil' the \ery bcU pri-piritlon lu existence to put them In perfect order nnil keep tlicni " 3 , li TARIIAM'K fciamu Al'ltltlKilT. SOLD BV ALT , DnUGQIaTH J21-Bm Sioux Gity & Pacific THE SIOUX CITY EOUTP Kuna n Solid Tinla lliroiigh fioni Council Blulls to St. Paal Without Changn Time , Only 17 Houn vt ia MJLK3 TUB 8IIOUTE8 KOUTl COUNCIL BLUFFS TO ST. TAUt , MINNKAI'OLia DUZiUTJl OB I3I3UAKOR nil K ! ) points la Northern low * . Mltmoa.U tsc DikoU. llilu line Ie < yulpi | > cJ with the liupiaxt Wontln house Autoumtlc Alr-brako "in J JJIlc ! I'litform Coupler naJ IJuUor : tad tat SPKEI ) . 3AFKTV AND COMKOIIT lo uniurpoMiutl. 1' 1'alncc ijlcoplng Oai runthrouKh WITHOUT C1IANOK between Kin JtlCltyand Ht. Paul , via Council Illuita tut Sioux City. Trains loiva Colon L'Adflo Transfer fit Coau ell liluUd , at 7:56 : p. m. daily on Arrival of KJCOII City , Bt Joutph and Council Jllutla tralu dou the South. ArrlvlnK t Sioux City 11:3B p. in and it the New Union Depot at St. Fau ) at li:3r : r.oon. ' tKM nOOTUJ IK ADVANCE Ot ANT OllIKf KOUTK i ntmcmber In taking the Sioux City Uooti you got a Through Tralu. The Shortest Line , iho Quickest Time aud a Comlortiblo KlUe lo tbi Through Ori between COUNCIL ULUKK8 AND ST. PAUL. aarUeo that your Ticket ) road via the "Bloit City and CaclOc lUllroad ' / 8. WATTLEa , J , K. BUCHANAN Ouporlntemlent. Qen'l 1'aaJ. Aireul P. K. IIODINSON , Aaa't Oen'l 1'aw. Air't. , Mliuourl Valley , la. W. E. DAVIH , SouthwoatomARint , Ooiuicl Olufs Iowa 1880. SHORTJ-l F. , I38D. KANSAS CITY , SUoB&BonncilBMs U T/ll ONLT Direct lone to BT , LODIS AHD THE EAST from Oamha and tbo Went. All tnln leave n i M. Depot , OuiaU : Hot , t'u diiiisact atn between Omithk > & < / , < wti.ii , ; iJ but on betwurn Oil AH \ nj NKW VOUIC. fJlZZZZ Daily Passenger Train- ; . . .IN AND WESTKKli IUTICH with I.B1r . GHA)1UtC.i tnil IN AllVAliC * . if U t. ! OTll 4)1 ) LINK' . i linn u u > ] Ufc | < ! wnfc ul.'an , . . -'oiiji/f Ikrj , Pclaoj i' ) Cnv.titi > , tiliW r i'lntioiiu and Couplvi , M I to * iviiir.jnw njboiui ) Alr-brako. Sou that your ticket ittdt VIA aANS/t CHT , t'T. josraui t cuUKuir. ULUI-CU K , ro U , da SI , Joirph and St. Lon'.e. Ticko ) ( or ulg at all ccurvon tattO lo Ib Wtft. 4. V. UAUNARD. 0. DAWKS , OCD. ilnpt. , St. loecyli , ila A'Q u. fMi , and ticket At81. | . Jc < Krii , Uo , Ahfi nouDiM , Tlcku > Accot , U'30 n rnhatu ttretl. W , J.DiVXM'Okr , Oenoicl Ak-not. OUAWA. a THE KENDALL PLAITDTGIACHHEI DRESS-MAKERS' - OOMPANION , It plait * frooi ! . 3 ol an Inch to width lu th coamett Mil or flucit 1 ki It doe * all klud * and itylr * of ( Ultlug lu use. No lady that doe * her own driu * making ci , iHord to do without one ai nice plaltwy It niter out of faiblou , Ksceolt Kill lUoll. foi Uachlnr , Circular * or Atc ut' * term * addro * * OONGAR & 00. , US AdftauSt. Obloaco = 14ILWAY TIMH TABLE. Clio ruicjoo , n. rxcx , KISRIIPOLU MI OMADA littaOAD. Ltatt Omaha Paeaanifor No. 2 , 8:30 : a. m. Ac ctmodttlon No. 4 , 1:0 : ( p. m Ai rl e Omaha Paseenirer No , 1,6:20 : p , m CGrxdatlon No , 8.10:50 : * . m. nuo oyAiu II.IT on pourn icon. 0. , n. l > o. ; :40 : a. m. 8:10 : p. m. 0. & N. W. , 7'40 a. m. 3:40 : p. m. 0. , R. I. ft i ; , 7JOA. : m. 3:10 : n. m. R. 0.St 1. It C. B. , leaven tt f So a. m. and 7:18 : M , ArrlvrtUB Lonliat 1:20 t. m , nd JltS in. in.W. , ; ; t.L.A P. , lureo at 8 a. 01. aiid 8:40 : p. Arrive * a lit , LouU at 0:19 : a , ru , and 7,0 : im OK totrmwrci * . U. In 'If ! ' . , Ibrcufh Bxpre < n , t'.iO a , m C. A U. L : ; . 'Oln Exprow :20 : p. rti. C.O r. Orerhnd Exjir'Afl , )2tf : > p. in , O , fc ft , V. tor Lincoln , 1Mb a. at. 0. , t P. V. f.'r Onceola , fl : 0 a. m , 0.a. a.U. . P freight No. C , 6:30 : n. ID. U.U . P.1 reUM ho. 9 , 8:20 ft. m. U , } ' , frclidit No. 12 , 2Wip : , ni. U. P , freight Ki ) . 1 , 6:10 : ji , m. . V. Denser tifiett , 7:36 : p. in. U.U. . P. frelvU M 11 , 1V.W p. m. U. P. I ) cntr lrrleht,8:2i : p. m , its ? A.ID 0C. h. fc O J.M . m. 7S p m. C.C. . L H. V , , tl' S a. m. 7'SS if. r- C. R. I. At1 . J'4S a. m. V.05 p. m. C. , 6t. Joe ti C I ! . , 7J5 : a. ro. : 8j. . 0. * i U. T. from Lincoln iw : p. m , U. P. PaoMc Kiprtws 8.26 p. ni , It tt M , In Htl ) . , Thromh I.-tpiow ( :11 : p is. " . A U. Lincoln Kxprctti Ui6 : a u. U. P. Denver otprw , 7:3S : a. m. U. P. Freight No. 14 2:60 : p. rn. I ) . I' . No. d r > :20 : a. tn. Kiclri nt U. P. tte\t\.t \ \ No. 14 , 1:1 : ! p. m. U. P. Ho. 6-0 : < X > p. ti. U , P. No. 12-1:46 : a. in. U , y. Denver frcliftt , 1:10 : a. ro. 0. is n. V , mln J , tt. 4:15 : p. m. llfn BltVIKS QKAIU * OODXC1I , Learn On.ihi at 3:00 : , 6.00 , 10.00 and )1OC : ra. | IS ) S-W ) , Z.CO , 4-00 and 6:00 : p. in , Ltuve Council Bhil7 at S:25 : , 9:25. : 10:25 and : a , m. ; t:2 ( , ! i:25 : , 3.26 , 4:26 : and 6:25 : p. m. Ban & } TUe dummy IMVR * Om h at 9:00 : in < J 11:00 a. r. ! . ; 2:00 , 4:00 : And 5:00 : p. ra. L-av 9 Coiiudl UlutTa > t BS5 : ! nd 11-25 a. m. ; 3xb : , l:2i : od 6'I5 : p. ni. Through acJ IOCA ! piuucni ; r trftm ! botwccL Omahi and Ciuncll Hlu"8. Luave Omaha 6:15 : , 3:60 : a. 13. . 3:10 : , 6:15 : , 1.-00 p. m. Arrive -T.-lt ) , li:3f : > , 11:46 : a. m. ; 6:40 : , 7:06 , 7:10 , p. ui _ Opening any doling of M lit. aouri. orm. OLCS . a. in , p. ni. a. m. p. ru. OhtOn-nftN. W . 11.00 9:00 6:30 : 2:10 Ohlou o , R Lit Vtcillc. 11:00 9. CO 6:10 : 2:10 : hl-ni" , It. t ) Q. . . . . .11:00 : 9:00 : 6:30 : S:40 : * b ( .h . 12:30 : 6 : 0 2:10 : llo 'i vty auJ Pulflr. . 9:00 6:30 SiO 'Q iVcia : . 4:00 : 11:10 : Oai } fcK.V . 4:00 11:10 4 . 4' . In Neli . 4:00 : 8:10 : Jin D Slnut City. . . . BX ) 7SO : B. A M. Lincoln . 10EO : 0:00 : 'J. P , Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:80 : 11:00 : J. P. Dent or Exp . 0:00 C:00 : 0. , Sioux City i. DC. P. . . 11:00 2 : < o Local n.nll ! > lor SUte of IOT ; leav * bet CUM a la ? , via : 8:30 : a , m. OiCc * open Sundayi from 12 m. to 1 p. m , T1TOH. F HALL V M. NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Care Gnarantond. Dr. E. C. Wen ? * Nerve nnil Drain Treatment A spccltle for Hysteria , Ulzzlncea , ConvulalonB. Nervous Headache , Mental Dcpresjlon , Lou ) oi Momory,8pormatorrhu . Impoteiiy , oluntary KmlssloiiB , Premature Old AJJO , cruiied by ovcr- oxortlon , aolf-Abuoe , or over-lndulgeuco , nhlch leads to misery , decay &nd doith. Ono box will euro recent cases. Kvh box cantalnu one month's treatment , Ono dollar a box , or elx box CD for five dollars , sent by nrvll prepaid on receipt of price. Wo guarantee six boxca to cure nny case. With each order received by U3 for elx boxes , a ; , companlcd ltli Hvo dollir , will cciul the pur chaser our written purintco to return the money If the trer.tmcns iloes not cffi-ct a cum. 0. F. Ooodmau , Drut'clet , Sole , V.'liolcaalo and \ Aijcnt , Omibi , i > el > . flnl'js by tusllnt vi llwlv KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. The Molt Successful Roinedy ever dlecov cred. as It Iscortaln In its etlec'.i nnd , d 01 not blister. KKM ) PROOF liKL\V. Also excellent for human tle < h FROM A PROMINENT PHYSICIAN. WAihlrytcmllle , Ohio , Juno 17 , 18tl ) ln H. J. KKNDALL , & Co : Oent-i Uoiillii yourad. vertlscment In Turf , Field and Farm , of jour KcmUU'B Spivlii Cure , a d hat in ; a valuable andaooJy horjo which hail been l\ma from cpa\ln for elsbtocn month ) , I sent 10 you for. biittls by expresu , which In six weo'ia removed a'l ' Umunm and enlargement and a Iarg ttpl'nt ' ( ram another horjo , aud both horses are to-day 09sound ai c lts. .Thoono bottle v.xi uorthlo mo OQO hundred dollars. Respectfully yonrs , II , A. r . 'tiTOLKTT , 11. D. 'Stnilfor Illustrate ! circular ulvlnc poRlthc proof. 'Prlcojl. AJI Drut ; lstj have it or can gctltforyou. Dr. B. J Kendall A Co , Pro- prlctora , Knnsburgh Kails , Vt. SOLt > BY ALL DRUGGISTS , d-w-tv The feeble and omatUtcd eiiUcrlntr fromdja- pepsia or IndlROitlon In anv form , arc aih lued , f r the Baku of their OUM bodily end mental comfort , to try Ilcutottcr' * btonmcii I ) tiers. Lndlis o ; the most del cato constitution tcfet.f.i to Its harm- lets and rostoratUo properties I'ryilclanj o\ cry where , il'sjiutedIlli ' the ndulterttcd liiuora of Lcmniorc * , prcucrlbo It aj tlioiafott and most reliable of nil btnmachlca , For sale by all ilru vlata and dealers generally M tn ml CRAY'S SPECIFIC MRDICINE TRABK MARICn'I'lf,0.fir"trj | ( DE WAHK edy. AHUM. falling euro for ijtmlml Gporiuator rhea , Jmpot- ency , and all oa a . aoi AFTER TARIHQ. Hslf-Aliuiw ; ns Lcos of Memory , Unliorvil Lamil- tude , Pain In the Hick , Dlmnejs of Vision , Pro niituro Old Age , and uany other Dlnoucj that load to Insanity or Cousamrtlou and a I'rvma- lured ra\o. ' ftTFull p-irtlouUrs lu our pamphlet , which we d jlrn to end free I r mall to ourycmc , C2TTio ) Siwclllo Medicine U told by nil druirKloto at 41 pur puckaijo , orOpackiioa for if 6 , or vlll bo tent ( rtu by mall ou reel pt ot thu money , t' } 11IKOUA iKDIClNI ! CO , Buffalo , N , r , To Nervous Suffcrers ; rn artEAr cunoPtAN ntMcuy , Dr. J , B. ehnpaon'fl SpooHJo It In a p08tlvocuro | ( or tipiniutcirhea , Bomliu tfaoUueM. luipotaney , And a',1 rixultla3 rein Self-Abuse , u Mental Anxiety , laaat , 1'dliw in the Back or aide , and dltCMtl , " 7 ; Tr"T I lOTd to inunlty an The iffdldno li Kith vraudcr- ful raccosa. _ _ MUI frca W all. 'rt'iltn f j ( inora nJ yn full par- Iculr.rj. t'rlc * , BpoclSc. tl.CO pir pAcki ; * , or < ! x p cl. * o * for $4.00 , AJdruoS a'J order * to 1) . SIU80N UKDIC1NE CO. Noi. 101 and ICO ilftin 8t Iu3 ! lo , N. T. Soli lu Omaha by 0 , F. Uoodrnan , J , V/ , Bell , } , K. lib , aud all diuirUtevrrrwhore. t .dhw ANTI-MONOPOLY LKAUUE. Blank merobenihlp roles ( or Die antl-moupoly caffue , conUlnlng itatemmt of principle met. lods of procedure and Instructions how to orjran- . wllfboKnt on application ) to O..II. ( fait , ilcuoy , Neb , EncloM lUmp. ml6-ll llrs J. O. Ilobcrtson , Plttoburc , PA. , nrltes : "I wai suffering from Rcncril debility , want of ap petite , constipation , etc. , M that life was n bur den ; after using Burdock Blood Bitters I felt bet ter than for years. I cannot praise jour Bitter * too much. " il.Oibns. of fluUnlo , N. Y. , rites : "Vour Burdock Blot Hitters , In chronic dhcwnof the blood , liter aiJ kldnejn , hvc been slRnally marked with ucccss. Inaie used them injaclf lthbe t results , for torpidity of the liter , nnd In canoof a friend of mine suucrlug from dropsy , the effect was nun clous. " Bmco Turner , Rochester , N. Y. , , rites : 'I ha\e been subject to nerious disorder of the kldnojs. and unable to attend to buslnc. i ; Burdock Blood Hitters rcllotcd ma before half a Ijottlo was used I feel confident that tbov vlll entirely cure mo. " Aicnlth Ilnll , ninili.\nipton , X. Y. , nrltee : "I suffered with a dull pain thrauifh niy eft lun ; and shoulder. Ix > st my spirits , appetite and color , and could with illlllculty keep up all day. Took jour Burdock BlooH BitteM a ? di rected , and hate felt no pain slnco first neck at- tcr uslnif them , " Jlr. Noah Bates , Elmlra , N. Y. . rtc ! < "About [ ourjcaraago I had an attack of blllouDforcr.ninl nctcr fully rccotcrod , My dlestho organs ere HcaKcncd , and I Mould be completely pros rated for days. After uslnc bottles of 3 our Burdock Blood Bitters thel inprovcment was so vlsiblo that I uas astonhhdd. I can now. though Cl ) cars of age , do a fair and reasonable da'a work. C. Wicket Hoblnnon , proprietor of The Canada Prcsbjtcrian , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "Forjcars I suffered greatly from oft-rcctirrln ? headache. I usedour Burdock Blood Bitters with happiest results , and I now find mvnelf In batter health 'ban for jcars past. " Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ' 'lhao used Burdock Blood Bitten for ncrtoua and bil ious headaches , nnd uan recommend It to an ) one requiring a euro for bllllousnoss. ' Mrs. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes : "For set cral j cars I hac Buffered from oft-recur ring ' billions headaches , dyspepsia , and com- G'alnts peculiar to m > sex. Slnco using jour urdock Blood Bitters I am entirely rclloted. " Price , 91.00 Del fictile ; Trial Bottles 10 Cta FOSTER MftBURN.ft Co Props , . , , , BUTFAtO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale by loll McMahon and C. F. Goodman. jo 27 cod-mo U voj Mr * linn _ UnaplUnBO'sr/iihi nlB'it wurk t" r 4 ti > i brain nf iTi'A-u iop Bittcrc i-l" u-'j Hop B. If joun.rujnmK * nJ 1tso ttlon or ( llmlpa I leu 01 slnr'-Ci uld < > r or Dlscaso Is an f fleet , not a cause. It3 orlRln Is trtthln ; lla inanifeitatious ultboi.t. Deuce , to Hire the disenso the cjti'ain UHl bo rvmoted , and in no other ay can .a euro ctt.r > o cITocted. \VARNEn. ' S AFEICIUNDY AND IiIVKK CURBIa cstadllvhod on Ju t this piludjilc. It realizes that 95 Per Cent , cf all diseases arlzo from dtrinpsd kMi.oya and liter , audit etilkesat once ot the root nf the illlllculty , The elements of which It is composed act directly upon ihesn treat ortrani , both as a FOOD atd HKsToupR , and , hyplacliif | them In a healthy , condition , drive dljcaso und pain from IhosjEtcm. For the Innumerable trcub'cs caused by urj- lualtby KldnojH , Liver and Urinary Oryans ; for the diatro < at [ > fr Dltordcreof Women ; for Malaria , and physlcil dcranirimcnts generally , this great rom dy hai no cNiual. lltwaro of Impostors , Im- itatlong and c ucoctloniRald tn he just as good. For Diabcten , a f or W ARN1.K'S tiAFE DIABETES OCME For gale by ull dealurs. II. H. WAHNEK & CO. , nitj itoobcutcr N. Y The Great English Komoily falli t cute .Vinous Ddllltj , VI Kmls ilons , Wiuk- iieiH. , LOSTZJAN . . . , , HOOD , and all the AiUlcvlldlocts of joutli ' 'lul ' lolliej ) and oxct'i- ici , H Btopn perms nently all tttalicnliu , Intoluntary loss sand drains ui > on thu KJH- tea1 , thpinuv liable re- , , , 'suit ' of these ot il prao. tlcej , v.hkli aru bo dottructlte to mind &nd t > odj a-id makv Ufa 111) ) wriblo , often lead ! i0to iiivanl- ly mid death It t'rciu'thoiw liio N > n w.llralii , fmcraor ) ( IllooJ , UuiJv * , I > l e tlto and Kepro. ductlvu Orip r. , It rcto e3 fj ull luc oriraiilc their foriier tl or and tltilit ) , 1115 , life cheerful a : l tnjojable. Price , J3 a 'Kittle , or four tlircj ri > ijuaultj J10. Sent by express , wire from obji-rtatloii , to uiyaddrMi , onrereiptof price , No. 0. 0. 1 > , ox.cpt un rcutlpl of * 1 as a Riurv < t > i.Letteu rj- rUftin , ' answers | nui > t liiol.uj atamp. Dr. Mintie's Daudolion Pilla lie tt ) best and cheapest -dj p ] > > ia and blllloua euro 1 1 the Mold by all druggists. Prlci 60 cents. Da HiMiK'a Kiiuirr KKUEDT , Kxmrricuii , Curenf II kind of Kidney and bladder complaint ? . gonorrhea , Kleet and leucorrhca. For eale uy all ilaufKlbU : * 1 a hottlti. EKQL131I MEDICAL I.VST1TUTK , 718 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. For Sale iu Omaha by C. F. GOODMAN. JanBMv NOTICE TO CONTRAOIORS. Soiled prowsil < for tha eon tructloa of ttir up Jy far the ilty of Chcitnue , Wjo. i I be rou'ltcd at the ottt-e of the city eu lnocr until noon of vVcdnudi ) , 2slh hut balit can. , tructlou will includu the Ujtn ; of about 4 } -ulleaofiljve , thu netting of A ) lijclriuto , d lalitK , ele . uud t'lo croetlsii of ft urouxht Iron litern with It * at a hmcnU. The ( stlruatcU : o t U about ilO.iOO. 'Jhe city rtsenej the Ifht to reject any or all bid * . Profou ! * aunt > e addresxid to the underslznpd and cndorwd , PropoaiU for the caiutrucUoQ of a water iup- ily. " I'Jaos , ipvclllcatloni , drawing and profile cay be Men at the office of the Uty engineer on > r after rucuday , XOtb Ins ant , WU.O. VUOV-NE3. j ! 0-det City Kojineer K. U. JOHNSON WT ? . MtLLARU. . . MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits , / 1111 FARNHAM STREET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED. Agents for Peck & Baushors Lard , and Wilbor Mills Flour OMAHA NEB , - - - REFERENCES : OJIAIIA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. CT. J- . OO and Shoes OMAHA , HEB. o. * * < DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS. Window and Plate Glass. 2TAnyoro , contemplating hullcilntj store , bank , or any other flno front , " 111 Und It to their ad vantage to corns end with in before purchaulnjf their riato Glass. C. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA - NEB. . O. 1213 Farnhsm St. . Onnaha. -WHOLESALE- On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , BHI rja em -DEALERS IN- Fire and Burglar Pro3 1020 Farnham Street , EELE , JJHNSf A \ ' AND JOBBERS IN II Flour , Sait , Sugars , Canned Goods , and AM Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of AID MAMIOTDIBD TOBACOO , Asonts for BSNWOOD NAILS ANDLAPLIHjfcEAHD FOWDEB 0 JOBBER OP AND OW SHADES EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. IMS FARM AM ST. - - OMAHA .r A 'ill itKTAIL DE.VLEH IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DG038 , BUNDS , lOLOlHGS , LIW1 , CENT TSTATS AOEN1 FOR MILWAUKEE OKMyNT COMPAKY1 Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA jffE B POWER AND HAND w * p "T T1 BfelBi ' UHKfflHviBwKkhSB Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , , nuno , HALLADAY WIND-MILLS CHURCH AND SCHOOL BULLS A. L. 8TRANG205 F * 1" ' " ' St. , Omaha