Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1882, Image 1

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H fvf A H A BEE.
LVJ.z&.k A/jL .
" "
"HeDarelotEeta ,
The Hnmantarian Howl for Gar-
field'a Murderer Believed
to Ijo Effective ,
The President and Cabinet Con
sider the Case in Special
Session ,
The Belief Generally Obtained
That a Reprieve Has
Been Granted.
Civil Service Reformers Chal
lenged to Tesb the Law
in the Courta.
< t-T
Star Route Doraey About to
Levy on Newepapors
for $1,000,000.
The Utah & Northern Sight of
Way Bill Passed by the
llio Hanso nnd Sounto Coudolo
Vith the Frlouds of the Dead
A Vnrloty of News Items from the
National Capital.
National Associated 1'reas.
WASHINGTON , Juno 23. The only
question considered by the cabinet to
day was Guiteau's case. The president
presented petitions for respite , signed
by scientific men all over the country ,
until Guiteau's sanity can bo eatab-
, liahed. The president called an extra
session of the cabinet for six o'clock
this evening , when the case will bo
finally decided , afte1 havinir an inter
view with the attorney general.
Reed had an interview with the
president and proffered the request
that a respite bo granted Guitcau un
til the full bench of the supreme court
could pais upon the matter of juris
diction of the court that tried Gui-
teau. Ilae.l aaid ho was iu entire
symoathy with the humanitarians who
called upon the president yesterday in
Guiteau's behalf.
A r.Ei'uiEri : rnoiiAiiLE.
Attorney General Browstcr sub
mitted to the special cabinet meeting
this evening a report on the proposi
tion to grant a ropricvo to Guitoau.
„ - All membera of the cabhiet : refuse 'to
* * - * 'xliooloao Iho natuHj of tho'ror.ort to-
night. It was adopted by the mee
ing , and will bo promulgated to-mor
row. The idea that a reprieve will b
granted is widely accepted.
It was rumored late to-night tha
Attorney General Browstor's reppr
on the petition for Guiteau's ropriv
was adverse on the ground that th
question of sanity was legally settle
by the verdict of the jury , nnd it wa
tueless to reopen it.
The cabinet diasusscd the roper
for an hour and a half and threw i
ov r. The vote is not known. Th
attorney general has been in tructci
to prepare a repjrt embodying th
views of the majority , and promulgat
it through the press associations to
morrow. It is understood this mean
u brief respite for the purpose o
having a commission examine tin
The president lett late to-night fo ;
a day's bass fishing with Hampton am
Vest , at Point of Rocks. Tney wil
return Monday.
B. F. Bigelow , receiving teller o
the National Bank of the Republic
haa disappeared. Ilia uccounu are
$8,000 abort.
Mrs. Wilson testified it was diflicult
to carry the mails on route -14,153 ,
because of Indians , except betweor
Dallas and Baker City , the contractor
alleging Indian troubles as a reason
for not stocking the roads properly.
The cases were adjourned until Man
The matter of the immigration bill ,
which passed the house on Monday ,
has been settled by the sub commit
tee , who will make a report to tlio
house to-morrow , simply reciting the
facts of the alleged wrongful presenta
tion of the bill , and recommending the
passagn of fho bill as agreed on by the
committee. This is satisfactory to the
immigration commissioners , and no
further trouble ia expected ,
Jay A. Ilubboll , chairman of the
republican congroaaional committee ,
issues a circular challenging civil ser
vice reformers to test his liability un
der the law for receiving from govern
ment employes contribution for cam
paign purposes ,
The senate bill to ratify the agree
ment with Shoshone and Bannock In-
, ' dianp , for that portion of their reservation -
vation in Idaho required for the use ;
of the Utah & Northern railroad ,
passed ,
The secretary of the treasury has
decided not to reverie the decision
made some time since , changing duties
imposed on hoop-iron , in eplayed and
cut lengths , for barrel hoopa.
NEW YOIIK , June 28. A special )
from Washington to ThoMailjExprcas
aaya : Er-Sonator Dorsoy aaya that
for the paat throe months ho haa had
aomo of the bcsl lawj-ora in Now
Tork to enter suits against a largo
number of newspapers , some for crim
inal and others for libel in civil suits ,
laying damages amounting together to
over § 1,000,000.
saya in regard lo the loiter addressed
to him signed JayV. . Ilubbcl ,
whether a representative in congress
ia an ollicor of the United Stales or
not , ia a quoation which neither I nor
liubbol can decide. It is not lor him
Of mo lo determine matters , but for
an opinion t f the counsel and decision
of the courts. Wo propose to bring
the matter to the at tent inn of the at
torney general , end hia opinion is
more important than mine. Ho may
interpret law ono way and I another
Bit 01:0. w. HO\\IH : ,
curator of the national museum ,
formerly of Ynlo scientific school , died
yesterday at Colorado springs of con-
sumption. The funeral will take place
at Worcester.
National Associated l'rc. s.
IN , Juno 23. The session
up to tlio expiration of the morning
hour was dovotcd lo diacostion of the
amendment to the rule regarding the
temporary presiding officers appointed
by the president pro tern.
Tributes to the memory of Repro-
scntalivo Allen , of Missouri , were
paid by Senators Cockrill , Dawoo ,
Vest and Brown , nnd resolutions of
condolence passed.
The scnato then adjourned till
On the suggestion of Mr. Kelley ,
unanimous consent was given to close
the debate on the internal revenue
reduction bill at 3 p m.
Mr. Ilowitt advocated abolition of
all internal revenue taxes , a reasona
ble tariff and small direct tax on stills.
Speeches were made on it until 3
o'clock , when the house took up the
resolution of respect to the memory
of Thos. Allen , late , member from
Missouri. Eulogies were pronounced
by Messrs. Robinson (3Iaw. ( ) , Ilowitt
( N. Y. ) and Frost , and the house , at
4:15 : p. m. , adjourned.
National Associated Press.
DETROIT , Mich. , June 23. Hugh
Peoplts , charged with the murder of
Martha Whitla , was cross-examined
thia morning in regard to letters from
Marthu. He stammered , grew con
fused and could not explain some of
them. Others ho thought ho could
not have written. Ho denied ho had
gene with Martha to a certain
woman's nouso to procure abortion ,
whereupon the prosecu'ting attorney
remaikod that he could send for the
-Woman alluded to.
FOHT , WAYNE , Ind" , June'L'S. -
State Senator Fotrtfjr committed cui-
cido to-day by sho'oting. Cause , busi
ness troubles and dissipation.
ATLANTA , Ga. , Juno 23Prof. . W.
J. Land , formerly state chemist , sui
cided with a pistol. Insanity.
NEW HAVEN , Juno 23. Alvin Brad
ley said , in rebuttal , that a few days
before the finding of the body lie
threw into the water near the shorn
an imago in crayon on canvaso. This
the prosecution claims wuj the objcc
seen by Tuttle and supposed to b
-ronnio's - body. There was but littl
testimony this afternoon. Nothing
important was elicited , and court ad
journcd till to-morrow.
BOVTON , .June 23. James F/
gerald , who swindled Charles Fnuirn
Adams , was sentenced thia after * not
to live years at hard labor in the s' it <
AN Eiuror. ur.
LEMNQTON , Juno 23. Fleming ,
editor of The Tranacript and Polk
editor of The News , have both beet
arrested for street fighting.
Another "Trusted Bank Toller.
National Associated I'rc.Ha.
ST. Louis , Mo , Juno 23. The
directors ot the Third National ban ]
hold a strictly private mooting laal
night , which lasted until midninght.
Shortly after that hour President
Tutt called an ollicor and instructed
that Obyo Owen , who for fifteen ycara
past has been a trusted employe of the
bank , bo taken in custody on tin
charge of mubczzlemcnt amounting to
$150,000. In his confession Owen
says thia haa been going on for the
past ten years , the amount constantly
increasing. The money was lost us
margins on grain and cotton deals ,
principally on the St. Louis board.
For several J-cars past Owen has been
receiving toller. The defalcations were
covered by using largo dopoaite , which
cirno in jugs cftcr ttp , m. , and which
were not entered until thu following
Another Coutolitlatlon Scheme
National Associated 1'reea.
MONTUEAL , Juno 23. A gigantic
combination of river and railroad in
terests is forming to place the Cana
dian Pacific and Northern Shore roil-
roads and Richviow and Ontario Nav
igation company under the direction
of a syndicate to command the traffic
from the northwestern states through
Labor TroubleR.
National Associated I'rcM.
NEW YOIIK , Juno 23. The strike
> i the freight handlers continues and
ho blockade of trucks , carls , wagonp ,
ate. , waiting to deliver goods ut dif
ferent pieru and depots is increasing ,
[ nconvenioncb and delay caused to
ihipping merchants and loss of money
n perishable freight delayed at depots
s estimated at fully $200,000. A
petition is being circulated among
} usineaa men calling on railroad ofii-
ials to end the difficulty , Already
nero than 220 signatures have been
Switchmen on the New York Con-
ral are joining the strikers , and do-
uatiding $55 a month instead of $50.
Four thousand of the etrikcra paraded
the river front to-day.
CHICAUO , 111. , Juno 23. The
striking brick-makers resumed work
this morning at the wagon they struck
for. The yards wore so full of un
finished brick , and ao many contracts
wcro on hand that the proprietors
could do nothing but surrender ,
runuc OPINION.
LONDON , Juno 23. A mass moot
ing ia being arranged to bo held in
this city to urgp tlio government lo
take prompt action for the protection
of British lives and interest iu Egypt.
foreign ambassadors motat the British
ambassy to-day and the conference for
the settlement ol allair ? in Egj pt w.xs
formally opened.
After the usual formal preliminaries
the conference , at which Count Corti ,
Italian ambassador , presidedadjourn
Alum's r.xorsr.
ALEXANDRIA , Juno 23.--Arabi Boy ,
answering the sultan's ; invitation to
visit Constantinople , expressed his
readiness in go , but declared the army
would not allow bun to leave
Sr. Pr.TEiiMtuna , Juno 23. Tols
toi has issued a circular holding
provincial governors and subordinates
responsible for anti-Jewiah disturb
LONDON , Juno 23. The agreement
of the Grand Trunk and Great West
ern railroads was adopted by the di
rectors and submitted to the share
holder * for adoption.
ST. PETEiisnuno , Juno 23. Eighty
nihilists , among whom wore several
officers of the army and navy , were
arrested in this city to-day.
BusiuctR Failures.
HaMciu ! Associated 1'rfPB.
NEW YOIIK , Juno 23. One hun
dred and thirty-seven failures in llio
Uniti d States have been reported to
Bradsiroot during the past week , an
incrodso of thirty-three over the pre
ceding week and fifty-two moro than
the corresponding week last year.
Failures were not generally important.
Dispatches received Bradstreet statu
that Wm. Robertson , dealer in dry
cooda in St. Louis , has assicncd.
Liabilities heavy ; assets reported at
$30,000. L. L. Bon-lei , grocer , Sey
mour , Ind. , failed. Liabilities $15-
000 ; assets $10,000.
Yellow Jaolc Convert oil-
National Associated Press.
FiUNKroiiT , Ky , Juno 23.-Luko
P. Blackburn , governor , wiis converted
vortod at the rovivnl of Kov.
Mountain , Evangelist.
f Of O- -
Aiiotlior Storm lit
National Associated I'tceo.
INDEPENDENCE , In. , Juno 23. A
terrific wind storm passed over this
cityJIanttifyJif ; , doinj grfltt dmuago. '
A number of homes and barns were
demolished , nmolco ntacks and cliim-
neys blown down , and lumber yards
swept away. Sells' circus tout wa
blown down and three employes killed
DES MOIXES , Ia. , Juno 28. An
other terrible wind and rain stern
swept down on thorecontly devastate' '
town of Malcom last night. The damage
ago to goods and rescues from r-'atur
day's storm is enormous and probibl
Dunrcji'E , Ia. , Juno 23. The stern
at Independence was IUBS dangerou
than rit first reported. Some tui
buildings were unroofed and two per
aons killed. All telegraph poles wcr
Dubiino ( [ subscribes $2,000 to tin
Grmncll relief fund.
CiuoAdO , Juno 23. Hon. J. B
Grinnell left to-day for home. lit
saya that $10,000 1m boon subscribcc
at Milwaukee , and ho expects $30 ,
300 at least from Chicago.
V/cnlth anil tils or y.
National Awocloted Fro/a. /
UOSTON , Juno 23. Mrs. Ilichard
u. llaskell , neo Boobo , formerly
eading soprano of the Boston Idea
Pinafore company , has abandoned her
husband , a wealthy resident of Com
inomvoalth street , und gone to the
protection of her .brother in Now
York till the opening of the operatic
season , when she will resume hei
place in thu company. It is rumorec :
the husband abused her ,
National Aaajclatcil l'tce .
BALTIMOIIE , Juno 23. Ariivod ;
Leipsic from Bremen.
LIVEUPOOL , Juno 22. Arrived ;
Gallia from New York.
LONDON , Juno 23. Arrived. Den
mark from Now York.
QUEUNSTOWN , Juno 22. Sailed ;
City of Richmond for Now York.
BUEJIEN , Juno 23 , Arrived ; Her
man from Baltimore.
Associated Frees.
WAHHINOTON , Juno 2-1 For the
upper lake region , the upper Missis-
ippi and lower Missouri valleys ;
southerly to westerly winds , station-
try or a alight rise in temperature ,
ewer barometer and partly cloudy
weather with local thunder storms ,
Hcraford'a Acid Phosphate.
Dn. W. II. PATtMELEBToledo ,
) , , aaya ; "I have prescribed the
acid1 in a largo variety of diseases ,
nd have been amply uatiufied that it
a a valuable addition to our list of
icdicinal agents. " jold&wlw ! )
J , Jlochstrassor und the Brunswick
nd Balko billiard table company send
o agents , repairers or peddlers out ,
trough the etate , and uny one who
ravels with such pretentious is a
raud , and persons will do well to let
5m ulone , Any parties wishing any-
ling doiio in this line should send di-
ect to Brunswick and Balko Co. , 509
outh Tenth street , or to J. Ifooh-
trassor agent. Satisfaction guaran-
ecd. may22-lm
Tiio Irish Agitator OrievDil by
til ? Attacks of Professed
Frioiiils , -
The Feather Bed F/gtitera in
America Blessed * , , -lWtth
Mora Lip Thau Drama.
The Rnuh nnil File Tloolt'Ly Thou-
rnutl * to Honor Hlm-ntMcv-
sojCity. .
Irian Americana Blttorl ? iKmouncca
by BriRht In Pftrllmoftt ,
Driitt In Jersey Of
National AiuocUtixl Presn.
.IKUSEY Orrv , N. J. ,
MichHol J. D.vvitt spoke inftw
lie institute to-night to unFlnimeuao
nuihcnce. Lie charaotoriodjlh present
visit to this country as an uftjimu.ato
affair , ami intimated ho . fSilW retire
from active participation in Ipnd 'oaguc
work if attacks which hiCvo lately
boon directed against him byanouwho
profeasod to bo frJonda did nf t ee.iso.
llo took no pains to concealrjlho fact
that ho felt sorely hurt by Hie sus-
Di'cion that ho could bo fatao to he-
land after devoting the bc t part of
his lifo to her service , an'd ivfter enduring -
during untold tortures for' her sake ,
The remainder of hia Address was
aimikr to that delivered in &ow York
and other cities , and ho was cheered
to the echo. Hia reception Jvas most
cordial. Ex-Mayor Peter Mclulosh
of llobokon presided.
Mro. Parnull entered durin ; ; Davitl's
addreaa and was loudly cho'died ,
Dr. McGIin , of Stephens bhurch ,
of Now York , made a BtitritUfspeech , ,
in which he urged unity'of action
among Iriah men and women the
world over. By this and oiuncat and
prayerful work , they are ? bound to
win the fight. Hudaoti county
brunches of the Land league were
present in full force. Divitt rilles
und Hibcrnoan riflea of Joraoy City
marched to the hall in a body.
LONDON , June 23. During a discus
sion in the house of commons lay
evening on the alien claueii of th
repression bill , John Bright , in
speech , traced the adiliation , < it Iris
conspirators in America with the Inn
league und took occasion - lo denounce
nounco Iloaly nnd Tom. O'Con
nor for taking part in the Iris'
convention at Chicago , and dcclarei
that any subject of her inujoiity slmi
in ; , ' in that convention was a tniitor t
his country , and a rebel to tlo | frown
Ho concluded by charging V p Iriah
Americana with the burdeti& of diaas
tors in Ireland. * f ' \ -
Hoaloy replied , ? chfogiog Jirigh
.witU'boing a Apolitical rcnegac , ni' <
Haid'ho pitied trio' iguoranco of" lh' '
man who talked about dynamite Iriah
men. The clause then passed.
National AtEoelatcd I'rcas.
LAWJiEN < , 'KMas3. , Juno 23. A moa
disastrous fire broke out thin ovenin.
in the fltoru-houso of the I'.icilio mills
adjciniug the main mill. The building
u three-store brick with clone base
mcnt , 300 by r > 0 feet , wisa completely
gutted , und n , largo quantity of dyea
chemicals and cotton cloth , in progres
of manufacture in the bis > iincnt , urn
20,000 poimdi : of nnsorted wool an
10,000 pounds or sorud wool ii
the upper story , wore a'l ' dea'royod
Loss estimated at $100fOO ; Well in
tiurid. : ' 1'ho lire io supposed to liriv
originated by npontancous uombuatioi
among the chemicals in the baiomont
Severn ! firemen wera injured. Tlio
fire ia still raging with a prospect tint
the main mill will be destroyed ,
LATISH The loss by the lire ia nn\\ \
estimated at $200,000 ; imuranco or
building and Block , § 100,000. The
main mill is safe DO far. The fire if
bolibvod to bo under control. Goo.
Hcinlcl- and W. A. Hodges , firomun
were taken from the building an lib
TOLEDO , 0. , Juno 2. ! . The Toledo
flouring mills were destroyed by tire
to-day. LOBS , § 38,000 ; inHurance ,
§ 3:5,000. :
POUTM.IIOUTII , N. II. , Juno 211. The
houeo of Win. S Bennett , of Greenland -
land , und contents wcro burned lunl
night , the family barely escaping witl
their live * . Loss , § 10,000.
LIUKKTY , Tnd. , Juno 23 The hotel
and bunk , the latter cciu.iiniiij10 ; ,
000 cash in the oafo , were dcatroyed
by Are thia morning. Hev. ) , W.
Ohapmnn and several othora wore
badly injured in escaping from the
hotel. Loss , Si0,000. | _
NftttooM Afcoclavca I'Ktn.
SALT LAICK , Utah , Juno 23 J. T ,
Oilmoro's horse , Ited Boy , of .Salt
L ko , and D. L-insing'n homo , Wild
Jloor , of Kanaka , ran a inilo and a
half race to-day over the Utah Jockey
Club course , this city , for $5,000 n
side , lied Boy won ; time -Ml | .
PjiiLADELriiu , Juno 23. The in-
tor-collcgiato race thia afternoon for
the Childa' challenge cup , inSchuylkil
river , ono and a half miles ,
straight away , waH won by the Uni- ;
reraily of Pennsylvania in nine min-
jtes and thirty-two seconds , the
L'riiicotoiis coming in four eeconda
later. After the Princetons paabed
andcr the 11 ag Goo , llowoll went in a
load faint. Five thousand spectators
vero on the banks.
uiiimiTON ISKACH IACI.S : , /
NK\T YOIIK , Juno 23 , Brighton
Beach association continued its races
o-day. The firnt race , for beaten \
iorsen , all agoa , onu mile , waa won Iry
ilaloton , Clara A second ; time 1-.13A.
Tht ) second race , all a' cs , selling
illowancus , coven furlon a , waa won
jy Prosper , Eden second ; time 1:31. :
The third race , Brooklyn handicap ,
ill agoa , inilo and a quarter , was by
Uramballetta , 1'Vankio B accond.
Fourth race , handicap , for all ages ,
inilo and a furlong , was won by j\l\r
chioiirss , Uabcock second ; time , liof
Fifth race , handicap stcoplo chase
short course , waa won by Cnptni
York , Major Wheeler second ; time
Ot.vctNNATi , Juno 23. Cincinnati
5 , Allcglmnioa 8.
The low x Republican Couvon
lion Called
Convcutioiift nui
Othir Matters.
Ur.s JfoiNKS , Juno 23. The republican
publican atatp convention ia cillcd <
meet in thia city August 'Jd. Tli
number of delegates onlitlud to sent
ii 705.
M V1NK aUr.l'.NHACKUllH.
Uoi'KLAM ) , Jle. , Juno 23. Th
greenback convention of the fourt
provisional congroaaiomU district Ii
day renominatrd Oongreasmau T , 11
Murch by acclnmation.
COI.UMHU.S , Juno 23. The ropubl
can state committee organized this al
ternoon by electing A. L. Conger , c
Akron , chuhnun , The atnto excel
tiva committco wna constituted aa fol
Iowa : Gov. Oharloa Foster ; Joh
Oglivie , D. K. Watson and K L
Taylor , of Columbus ; Henry Schlott
man and W. S , Coppulnr , of Cinciii
imti ; J. 1C. Hamilton and D.ivi
Morrison , of Cleveland. Attorno
General G. 1C. K.iah-wns made chair
man and Capt. J. Donaldson sccrotar
of both committees.
iiorr iiAN < ) ur.rrKi ,
HiiAiiiNa , Pa , , Juno 23. A gran
banquet was given at Mineral Spring
hotel this afternoon to Gov. 11. IS !
lloyt. IMomburs of the governor' '
alnir wcro present. Judge Allbrigh
of the Lohigh district , with an arra
of legal gentlemen from Allentowi
Lebanon and other placoa were prcs
out , bcaidoa Judge Hageinaii , of thi
district , almost tlio entire local bar
and numbers of editors , distinguiaho
gucnto and visitors.
PiniAi ir.i'iiiA.Tuno23. :
cnmmitteo appointed some time
to restore harmony between the wing
of the local democracy presented
voluminous report to-night , with ulis
of local delegates to the coming stat
convention , winch they recommendci
in the interest of harmony. Sovora
senatorial district contcota are referred
forred to the convention. It io b > !
lievcd the connuitteo's action will re
ault in the consolidation of the oppos
ing city and county democracy
Not , \Dlrty , J.lttlo , Tumblo-Dow
Any Moans.1
Correspondence of The Duo ,
PrATTHJIOUTH , JuilO 21. It 8001118
strange liow little Omaha people kno\
of Plattsmouth. The unwarrantabl
remark of an Omaha man , after Bpend
ing a few hours in our midst , ia :
am surprised at what I find hero.
have always been led so believe tha
Plattamouth v/aa a dirty little villa < { i
consisting of tumble-down building
with a general look of decay and back
wardnosB pervading its atmosphere
Instead of that , 1 lind a lively
city , almost a solid Etioot of line buoi
ness blbukn and more building goin ,
on than in any city in Nebraska. "
For many yearn I'Jattsmoitlh has
been the .Joseph of Nebraska's oonn.
It poBScascB more natural adviintagua
i.'i.ui ' any other city , ia nituu
tul in the niost beautifu
location tlio nlato aflbrds , and not'
withstanding all that haa been sail
and done against , it , it haa never
ceased advancing and next to Omaha
can justly claim to bj the moat grow
ing city in th < > ntute.
Among no in u of the liner buildings
being erected are Waterman's opera
house , a iniipniliceiit structure which
will coat in tlio neighborhood of $5
000 ; Fred. Gnoa' new hotel block ,
Shorwood's block , and many more
business houses. No year lian wit
nessed so many residences going up ,
3omo estimate no Iocs than 350.
There i also some talk of thu B. it
Ml. company erecting a line depot here.
It is badly needed , as the prcaont
structure is not at nil in proportion
with their fine shops. They hmi
made vuit improvement * in their
shops. All their shops are built of
itono and biick , are turnished with
low and improved machinery , heated
jy steam and to be lighted by elec
Much ado has been made about
small-pox In our midst. It ia true
hat we have been having some cases ,
mt they have all consisted of the
ightcst forms , have bcou isolated end
every precaution taken to prevent its
Womau'n True Friend.
A friend in need H a Irieiul indeed , Thin
iiono can deny , especially when assistance la
cndcred when ono Ia uorely allllctod with-
infuse , more particularly thobo comr
ilalntH and wcaknoasen BD commuti to end
omalo population. ICvery woman ohoiiln
now that ICIeotrlo liltterH are woman'
rue friend , and will positively restore hoe
o health , even when all other reiricdlu
all. A ( tiii 'Io trial ahvuyn prove ! ) our as
ertlon. They are pleasant , to the taste
nil iinly cost fifty cents a buttle. Sold liy
J. J1' . Goodman
ii' JULY.
There will bo grand "Fourth of
uly" celebration at Long Pine , and
grand excursion on the Sioux City
; Pacific railroad , the faro will bo ono
alf of the regular price. The Long
'ino people Imvo been exerting them-
elvcs to make the celebration a grand
UCCOBB , und if yon wish to spend a
ollj ; 4th , and see the beautiful teen-
ry in and around Long 1'ine , you
hould not fail to be there. Tickets
n the railroad will bo good for the
d , 4th and nth of July.
Exoroieos and Gorernouiog o
the OlasB of ' 82.
Brier Hlfttory of tlio College by
Itov A. II. Brain.
UorroMHtudence "f the Hoc.
CUKTK , Nob. , Juno 22. - Wednesday
day morning dawned dark and threatening
oning until the chuuln soon blow ovc
and llio sun came out. hot. The fore
noon cloicd cxainiiinliona , a larg
number of visitors attending.
At ) o'clock a largo audience an
NQinbled in the grove south of Murril
hall to listen to class exorcises. Th
band was in attendance and gave sev
eral pieces of good music during th
afternoon. After the opening oxer
cues came the clasa oration by ! ' . 11
Slcvtms on "Tho Amonitien of College
lego Life. " Ho wished to look on th
bright side of college life rather tha
on tlio dark side , ao near the cloao n
collude life and so had a good oratio
on the bright mdo. Then camua ; ; oot
claia poem by A. B. Straw. 0. A
Gregory then gavoa humorous hiatoi
of hia claaa.
Then ctme the prophetic seer , I !
IT. Avery , ami good-humorodl
marked out the future lifo of hia chit
Ida L. Chapin gave the ivy oration
odbject , "JJeauty. " This w s in
tended to take place at the plantin
of the ivy , but on account of tin
warm afternoon , waa given in th
grove. Then the seniors , no longe
ublo to restrain themselves , mountoc
the platform and snug their claaa oonf ,
( words by A. B. Sharp , music by G
A. Gregory ) .
Then came the valedictory by John
Lange class present who kmdl ;
apoko of the citixous' interest in the
class , and urged hia claBBinuloa to ac
well their part in life. Thu planting
of the ivy , on the wcat nido of Morril
hall , closed the exercises of thu after
noon. The exorcises of the class o
' 82 will long bo remembered by those
who were present.
In the evening wo again went U
the Congregational church to listai
to Dr. Tiirdon's address to the trua
toes. Ilia subject was "Tho Bcuin
ningfl of American Colleges. " The
beginnings of our nation's lifo ia no
like that of moat nations , shrouded ii
obscurity. Well do wo known the
history of the first sutllomcnts. The
colonists were from England , whoso
name stands al the head of civiliza
tion. They were of the right classo
of culture and refinement , many o
them being men of Oxford and Cam
bridge. They sought the now work
world for religious freedom. AB BOOI
aa they had built their hoUscH am
their churches they turned thci
thou'ht3 toward a cnllepo. In ] t3 !
thofr dosiio win fulfilled ih the founr
ing of Harvard. Tlijs Harvard wn
the lirat college founded with th
underlying principle of religion.
lllov. II. Brass gave a brief historj
of the college as this ia the tenth an
nivcrsary of the location of Doom ,
college. The college was located a
Crete by a vote of the general aascm
bly of Congregational churchcn hole
in Omaha , .Juiy 8 , 1872. The arlicleo
of ircnrpoiation were filed in the
probuta : onrt of Saline county or
July llth. Thocolh-go waa named ii
honor of Thomaa Doano , tf Hor.ton ,
who is present \yith ua. JIo was
naked to give our history but refused.
The proijrcsa has buun rapid , much o
which in due to the aid of Thomas
Doano , Among the curly friendu o !
the college were 0. W. Merrill , super
intendent , of tlio Congregational
churchcB of the state , and Geo. H.
Harm , land commissioner of the I ! .
te M. U. K. , both deceaued. The
liistory of the college in interesting aa
diown by the regard the people have
Tor education in thia otat > .
Pretty Good.
Jolin llncon , Lnporlo , Inil , , wiitos :
Tour ' .Si'iu.Mi llMWHOSl' In all you cracked
t up to he. My dydpopsia lian all vim-
nlitd ; why don't you advortho U ? What
illownnco will you make If 1 tnko a ilo/.eu
joltlcp , HI > timt I could olll'o ( my friends
Kcaeliniiillyi" Price , t > Q ccntn ; trial bot-
ten , 10 ci'iitN , jolUcllw
Die ProcnoillnifH of Tliolr Recent
Convontlon ut tlio State Cupltul.
The Omaha druggists who wont to
-lincoln Wednesday to attend the
irat inditing of the druguiuts of No-
traaka , returned Thursday well
atiblied with their trip , Thu lirat
oasiun v/aa held on the 2ht in the
ioard of Trade rooms and was at-
ended by over ono hundred dealers
rom various parts of thu state.
Mr. C , M. Luighton , of Lincoln ,
after a few well chosen remarks of
welcome , nominated Jr. Park , of
Ashland , aa temporary chairman ,
Dr. Park was unanimously elected ,
nd stated the object of the mooting
0 bo the elevation of the standard of
iharmacy , by an interchange of views
ipon mattorn of interest to the trade ,
nd to put forth an effort to secure
ugislation tending to correct Booming
buses , etc ,
H. H. Whilcsey , of Crete , was
lectod temporary chairman.
Chairman Park called upon Mr , 0.
Goodman , of Omaha , for remarks ,
ho responded , explaining farther the
bjcct of thu call , und expressing faith
1 thu permanent bonelit of the ai > so
ation ,
On motion , Mecsra. 0. II. Fostol-
mn , Beatrice , C. F. Goodman ,
maha , and Henry Cook , Ilcd Cloud ,
ore appointed a committee on con-
titulion and by-lawt.
A committco on permanent organ-
nation and to select place for next
looting was appointed ua follows : J.
I Harley , Lincoln ; A. II. Keller ,
utton ; C , M. HoadrickI'ecumaoh ;
& SON , '
Magazines of'all kinds
Send for REDUCED
price-list of Job Print-
mg. _
* M Hi EM fMM MM MM V %
J . F. FtSTIER ,
Importer of , and Dealer in
? ZifliBp-StringB aM Mpsio , _
1121 FarnamStVmaha.
Dr. J. C. Pantcr , Omaha , and J. S >
Kittle , Utica.
_ Latters of regret from absent drug-
gistn , and heartily endorsing the move
ment , were rrcoivcd and lilod , whoto-
upon an intermission was taken until
8 ( . 'clock.
At thu evening seaaion the commit-
k" ! ) submitted cunstitution and by
laws of the Iowa State Pharmaceutical
I'lBOciation ' , for adoption by thia asso
ciation and with a low amendments
they were adopted.
A permanent organization wan then
cil'octod and the following o dicers
elected for the your :
Prosident-Dr. E. . .
- M. P.irk , Ash
land ,
First Vico-Proaident M. Parr ,
Second Vice-Prenidout A. D.
Wykolf , York.
Third Vico-Prosidont-M.
- - Paddon ,
Fourth Vico-Proaident James
Hoed , Nebraska City.
Fifth Vico-Preaidont II. E. Wells ,
Secretary John W. Hell , Omaha.
Assistant Secretary W. 0. Line ,
Treasurer 0. M. Liightou , Lin
coln. >
Executive Committee J. II. llar-
oy. Lincoln ; J 0. Pantur , Umahn ;
0. Fi.thlll , ll.latldg.l.
It Wiu decided I hat the next regular
HHUtii.g if thu inaociation be held at
A uolu mi tlui Keoond Tuesday in
) .lie , 188. !
Messrs. ,1. 11. Ilarlcy , C , F. Good-
nan , C. M. Lsig'itou ' , A. 11 Keller
ml C. fi Fesaulmaii , were elected
lek'giitea to thi National Pharma-
eulical association , to bo held ut
Niagara Falls in August.
Following came the appointment of
ommittcea ua follows ;
Legislative Gommittco 0. E. Good-
lan , Omaha ; J , II , Ilarloy , Lincoln ;
nd J. A. Ay res , Jr. , David City ,
On Pharmacy J. 0. PanlorOmaha ;
, II , FosHolman , Beatrice ; and 0. M.
leadrick , Tocumsoh.
On Trade IntoroaU J. 8 , Allison ,
lastinga ; David Doty , Columbusund ;
3. S. Peyton , Hooper.
Yesterday morning another brief
oasion was hold , at which resolutions
f thanks were tendered the railroad
ompanics for courtesies extended , to
10 hotels for liberal reductions in
atoa , and especially to the resident
rugjjista of Lincoln for Iheir efforts to
nako it pleasant for ( heir guests , after
vhich the convention adjourned.
A telegram was received m this city
'hursdiiy frou. Cliioago etatlui ; that the
iry In tlio Mae of W , J. Connell vs , the
'ennaylvaiila railroad company , had re-
iriied a vcitllct iu favor of the nlaiutilf
ur $15,000 , which wad thu full amount
iat he ued for , The suit was brought
ur damnue.i for being ejected from a rail-
iad train while the phlutlff had an un-
xplrod ttctet sold him Vy au ngent of the
oinpiny , which was of a form they had
Ithilrawii. The i'oUU ' ! have already been
uUUhed iu full by Tins UKE.