Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 22, 1882, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Thursday Morninu , Juno 22.
Woatbor Uoport ,
( The following observation' arc tnltcn at
the same moment of time at nil tha utatlons
AI ! DCTAttTMKXI , tr. S. SlOXAISil- :
VICE , OMAHA , Juno'Jl , 18S2.lI5p. ( n. I
8l 25
Dtnvtr . 20 71 Froti Clcir
Criufcnno. . , . .JO 77 1'rcih ClKir
Wftshiklo. . , , . ' 20 8.-1 \v Kruli Clo&r
Plittc. . . | 2J 75 BK Freih f4lr
Oinnha , . . . . . SO 03 S V. Krwh JlQUdjr
Tankton . . . . 129 61 s i : Fresh Cloud ) '
Dog Molno. 30 03 H K Fro h Clouilj-
Dftrcnport. . 30 Ol ! ; Clou'i
It. P ul. . . . 30 05 MIC Frc h CUtidy
91. Louis . , 30 12 SW Fresh Icar
KoDthoad. . . . 20 OS S K Hrlik , t Kaln
Vincent. . . . . 129 03 a s > h Cloudy
29 03 SVf 'rcih BUn
fcntord . Z9 01 SW Fro h
Caitor . 29 BO -"Slit " Clear
. . 81 'ic h
Awlnlholno' . ' 29 81 Iljh
Rlvei IS feet 7 Inchesliclow hljfh water mark '
II feet 4 Inches at Ynnkton.
There wore three loaded Pullman can
out nt noon yesterday.
The lUvnrion band still dcllghta au
dicnces at the Tivoll nightly.
A party of twenty Swcdlih Rcttlcn
went out to Wnhoo yesterday.
The new Paxton & Oallaglier ware
house will bo occupied .Inly 1st.
llunitf ; the firat Bciaon nt JloyilV , now
cliwlntf , 133 performances have been given ,
Mr. Oilman It. DAVIC , thcwclMcnown
stationer in 1'ren/er'ii bloeV , U confined t
hh bed from nn attack of sunstroke.
Blnliop O'Connor , yesterday nt nlm
o'clockadministered confirmation to thirty
candidates at Crclghlon college clmppel
The " .Touat" will be presented at
Uoyd's two nights of this week , and
that will virtually clone the sermon at that
Charlotte Tliompion and com
pany wore [ ircacnt by Invitation at
the full dress rehearsal of "The Joust"
HUH afternoon.
The permanent lire escape from Boyd'a
opera lioiue , via the roof of Hiucoin block
lias been completed , iiuil it is to be hoped
will never ba > o to bo used.
The many friends cf Mr. J. U. Grid-
ley , Sr. , will reirrct to learn that he is ly
ing quite law In Ohio , from the discnso to
alleviate which he took his eastern trip.
The C. 15. & Q , yesterday came in over
two hours late , the Wabash twenty min
utes late. The U. P. train v/ns delayed
thirty minutes in ita departure by the " ( } "
Mr. J. F. Morgan ha ? been appointed
. superintendent of telegraph of the Chica
go , Turlington ft Qulney railroad , with
headquarters in Ohiciiqo , the appointment
to bo in effect from June 20.
N-j Che BHK was in error in the announce
ment of the funeral of Mrs. If. 8. Smith.
' "Mr. II , 8. Smith informs us that bo is not
a widower nt nil and that his wife is in the
' beat of health , for which ho Unduly thank
ful. It was a inlttako In initials ,
Rev. J. W. Tngiamlms returned from
> - his vlnlt to Kansas , and will preach In
MfiBontohall next Sunday morning and
evening. IIo reports prospects for crops
in Kan sou as fine nn hu over saw in any
The lit. IJev. Bishop Clnrksou will
dedicate St.PhiIlpHchapclNinetconth ! and
Cumtng streotH , this evening. The
Dean ami other rccton of the city will
take part in the ceremonies.
Injpolfce court yesterday a man and
woman were arraigned for disturbing the
peace. The former plead guilty anil was
fined $3 and coats. The latter plead "not
guilty" and was sent to jail to await trial ,
The W. C , T. LT. will meet at the M.
E. Church Thursday , Juno 22d , at 3 p. in. ,
to mn'ke nrrnngcmcntn for a pc-nio ! with
the Baud of Hope , at Hnnncotu park , Sat
urday , Juno 21th. Mrs , J , H , Burrougli ,
Mr. 13. L. Kmery placed on our table
yesterday nboqufttof finest roses in ctilli
vation , among which were a perpetual
moss , MadameKdward Wry , und Gloryof _
MoaECH , grown from plants net out thi *
pring. Let no one nay wo cannot grow
fine roses ,
A largo delegation of Omaha druggists
left for Lincoln yentorduy to attend con1
venticn called by the druggbtn of various
Nebraska towns- Among these who wont
down were John Boll , M. Parr , A. 11. Car-
tranter , U , F. Goodman , James Torsytu
and others ,
3. G. Joyce , proprietor of the inllluery
establishment in Jacob's block received
dispatch on Sunday morning , conveying
the Information that his father and mother
had been Instantly killed In tli'o cyclone at
Grlnnell. He left on the next train for that
place to direct the funeral ,
There was n very important meet
ing of the ladies' and gentlemen's land
[ A league last night at their hallcorner Four
teeuth ami Dodge. Final arrangements
for the plo-nlcim the Fourth of July will
be mode.
About half past twehe o'clock la&t
night the cauvasa awnings about the
Tivoli gaixleu took ( ire from a gas jet , and
blazed up with n brlllanoy that looked for
a short time M If a conflagration was im
minent. Cries of fire were raised from all
aides , and a telephone message was sent
from the Canfield house to No , 3 engine
house which brought the department to
tbe ipot in short metre. Before they got
there the fire had been extinguished by
tbe propifetor Mr. Julius Thlele and hU
waiters. It did not amount to anything
and would not have done much harm if it
bad been laft to itself , It created a
momentary ueiuatlou ou lower Farnam
J. Ilochutrassor nnd the Brunswick
and Balku billiard tulilo company wnd
no agents , ropairora or pcddlurs out
through the state , and uny ono who
travels with uucli pretentious ia a
fraud , and persons will do well to lot
him alone , Any parties wishing any
thing done in this line should send di
rect to Brunswick and Bulko Co. , 000
South Tenth street , or to J , Hoeh-
straaaer agent , Batiafaotlou guarau
teed. may 22-1 in
. ' i
Commo : cement Exercises of
Brownell Hall
A Unartctto of Fnlr l > eaylst nnd
Conferring of Modnla nnd Dlplrmaa
by Bisliop Clarkeon.
Tlio commencement exoi'oisus o
Brownell IJnll took place last ovcnin
at Masonic hall and the occasion
ono of unusual interest. The hrv !
w < ib crowded to auffocation with th
friends and relations of the graduate
and students who participated , nnd i
the exercises had been held in Boycl' '
onsrn house it would hnvo boon filled
for many hundreds went away unnbl
to endure the heat ,
At S o'clock prompt the student
of lirownoll Hnll entered the room
nnd took the scats reserved for them
in the center , nnd the programme wu
immediately begun with the choru
from Offenbach , which was finely ex
edited ,
This was followed by an itistru
monnl ( duet by Misses Ware nnd Wng
goner , wicli was well received.
The graduating clacs consisted o
Misocs Ilagar , Ambrose , Wag ono
and Ware , nnd their essnya were a
follows :
'Tho Ilormea of Praxitilos , " Min
Ilncor ,
"Womanhood ' Mr
, ns 1'orlruycd by
IJowells and Mr. James , " Misn Ambrose
Dubato , "fins Enthusiasm or In
tollcct Achieved Most in the Civiliz.i
tion of the World ? " Enthusiasm
Miss Waggoner ; Intellect , Miss Ware
The latter also delivered the vnlo
dictory address , which was vciy fine
In general it mny bo said Hint the
cssaya and debates were above the
average of such olForta. Miss
ilagor'u csaay wns well written and
delivered in a very clear , distinct
voice , which mndo it moro enjoyable
than it would otherwise hnvo been.
Mifo Ambrose handled her subject in
i creditable manner , and aho cr atod
in excellent impression on the audi-
! nco. Misses Wntrgonor and Ware
vcro not less deserving , and the
alter spoke with grant self-possession
ind mndo every word heard through-
mt the room.
The jnuaical part of the progrummo
ros fine. The instrumental solo
'Concert Caprice , " Liebling , wns ox-
icutcd in faultless style by Alias Am-
> ref < o. Tha solo "Forever and For-
ivor , " by Miss Liningcr , was the
incst feature of the evening , utiloes
in exception bo made in favor of the
eng given in response to n rapturous
mcoro which was exceedingly pretty ,
iliss Liningor has a rennrkablo voice ,
n fact the finest , richest contralto
ver heard in this city from u young
idy of her modest pretensions. It
, -ould take no connoisseur to toll that
hero is a future of great promise be-
ore her , and it is too small a tribute
o pay her to say that nino-tontha of
ho professionals who visit this city
re not her equal. Miss Liningor in ti
ovoly brunette , with eyes , face and
orm that would carry her through if
icr voice was only mediocre. They
ire not thought of , however , when
iho sings , and last night the nudieneo
Tcro enthusiastic and in these , ns in
) thcr efforts , nho sang to the satisfnc-
.ion of the most exacting critic.
The duet "Cheerfulness "
, , Misses
[ lager and Liningorj was very line
ind mot with deserved apphiUHo.
The instrumental Sextotto , in
vhich Missca M. Melz , L. Motz ,
ipark. Wngfjonor , Ware and Cremor
mrticipatcd was well received , and
ho solo , "Alia Stella Coniidonto , " by
> liss Ambrooo was beautiful.
The trio "Farewell "
, Misses Wil-
on , Ambrose nnd Liningor , was ex
jmsitely nung and was warmly ap-
: ) Iaudcd ,
r It would bonn unpardonable omis
sion not to mention the fact that the
inisic was all rendered under the sup-
jrvision of Mies. A. 0. Tarbcll , who
, o certainly entitled to the greatest
[ > raise for the success of her efforts.
The pianos , a mngnficent Sleinway ,
raud , and Cliickenng , grand , were
furnished by the firm of Mnx Meyer
& Bro.who thus contributed materially -
ially to the musical programme of the
_ The next thing in order was the
listribution of modnh and prizes nnd
Iho conferring of diplomas , which tvas
is given below. The six gold medals
ind the gold ring which were awarded
were manufactured by the well known
3rra of Max Meyer k Bro. , and were
the finest thnt have ever boon
seen in this city. This firm has manu
factured the medals for Brownoll Hall
for the past five years , and their
Facilities hnvo boon greatly increased
luring the past five years , and their
workmen being the best they have
ivorhad they were able to turn outtho
most perfect work. The medals were
marvels of beauty both in design
uid workmanship , and rolloctnd great
: redit upon the house which fur-
liahod them , and which in fact stands
it the head of the manufacturing
irms of this western country.
The following were the prizes die-
: ributed :
The Hawkins prize for writing wns
warded to Mies Blanche D , Bock-
worth , of North Platte , Nob. Miss
Annie Jenkins received honorable
: nontiou. The Ilnwkins prize for
mthmotio was awarded to Miss Lola
Shears , and Miss Ulcanor Motz took
: ho Votes prize for composition.
The Woolworth prize for higher
mthmotio wns awarded to Miss
Mamie 0. Ambrose , and Miss Bessie
Votes obtained the Dundy prize for
The Chnso prize for arithmetic was
uvardod to MIBS Lulu B. Ort'mor , of
this city. The Patterson prize for
: omposiiion was awarded to Miss
Martha J. Cooper , of rjattsmouth ,
The Kountzo prize for languaco
was presented to Aliuo Thrall , ot this
eity , nnd Misses Thomas and Cromcr
received honorable mention.
The following gold mednls were
then piesonted to the fortunate competitors - '
potitors ;
The preparatory scholarship modal ,
jivouby the llov. T. O'Connoll , ot
I'remont. was presented to Mies Bos-
) iu Stonhenson , and the Dimunooru
medal , in physiology , was gained by
Miss Anna J. Thomas , of Falls City ,
The rector's modal in art , which
was a magnificent gold cross with a
wreath of flowers thereon , and which
wan the most beautiful medal awarded
during the evening , was presented to
Miss Mnry Chandler.
Doan Milhpaugh'a medal in 1 tor-
aturo was nwnrdcd to Carrie M. Dins-
more , and Mr , Woolworlh's medal
for collcgiato scholarship was awarded
to Miss Florence Ware.
Bishop Clarkson'o medal for deport
ment \IM awarded to Miss L. May
The following named hdios were
successful in gaining diplomas. Flor
ence Ware , MamioC. Ambrose , Susan
E. linger and Lucy Mny Waggoner.
The Hight Koverend Bishop Clark-
son , in dismissing the scholars , deliv
ered a very appropriate , though sorno-
what brief address , In the course of
which ho felt sura that they all de
served the prizes and diplomas they
had received and ho also felt sure
they would do honor to them
Ho committed them to the
care of the Almighty who
would ever keep them in the right
pith , The young ladies then chanted
the Nicene creed and Iho Collects very
impressively , nnd the entire audience
sang the Gloria in Excolsis in a vor ;
impressive style. The bishop thet
n'tul the well known bcncdictiot
prayer and the exercises terminated.
Masonic Hnll was never filled by amore
moro fashionable and exacting aud
ience than on this occasion. The
decorations were not numerous , bul
the wreaths .ind triangle which our
mounted the arch nbovo the stapo
were very elaborate and beauti
ful. The tlaral offerings to
the participants in the exer
cises wore limited in number
and unsurpassed in beauty. There
was n wealth of these delicate tokorw
of admiration and esteem that
overpowering almost , and the usher * ,
in charge of Mr. Ilendrix , were al
most paralyzed in their efforts to con
voy the loads of llowcra to the fair
participants in the ovonlng's enter-
riio Rum Stock In Which a Youthful
Victim Invested Bis Llttlo All.
Another slick confidence game was
ilayod yesterday on a young man
ibout 18 years of age , who came over
0 Omaha from the transfer on the
1 o'clock dummy. While coming
ivor ho mot a decent appearing man ,
vith whom ho struck up an. acquaint
nco , and the latter 1 earning that ho
.esired to find a job , engaged him to
rork for him for $35 per month to
ord cattle for him near Omaha. The
wo walked up the street , and after
oino conversation the stranger said
liat ho would go to a certain grocery
tore and buy sonio candy for his chil-
rcd , but arriving at the store ho dis-
ovored that ho had no change
i his pocket , and asked the young man
or a small amount to pay for the can-
y. The boy pulled out a quarter
nd gave it to him , and in doing no
xhibited quito a largo sum of money ,
, 'hich of course put" the confidence
ian upon the route to size up the
Ho. They came out of the store
nd the man handed his
lired hand the candy to
arry for him. The two then wont
nto the Grand Central saloon where
hey had some conversation , and the
nan said that ho intended to purchase
hroo saddles to bo used in herding
md desired to raako a email payment
ipon them , but had loft his money at
lome nnd requested his now hand to
oan him the necessary amount.
Cho latter gave him all ho had , which
van pnly § 12 or § 15 , and the stranger
iosircd him to wait u minute , nnd
hen ho stopped out to attend to a Tit
le business , and it is presumed ho is
till engaged in the business , as ho haslet
lot returned up to this writing.
The victim of the coufidcnco game
vent round to the grocer , who g.ivo
lim money enough to take him to Pa-
jillion , whcro he Kayo ho has relations
iving , and whore ho could get a job ,
liough , at wages at much less than ho
osircd. °
The presence of the fool killer is
cry much needed , indeed , in this
WANTED A brick moulder ; good
vages. Apply to Andrew Bothwell ,
'Ycmont ' Neb.
, jol9-3t-mo
J , P. Williams , of Ogden , Utah , was at1
ho Crelghton last night.
Jntnoi G , Clark , of Minneapolis , is at
ho Crclghtun ,
0. A. Trlppo , of Hermona , Col , , U at
ho Crelfihton.
W. P. Love , of Coin , fowa , IB at the
Jrelghton ,
0.1 . lleflloy , of Fremont , is in the city ,
II , Dlnwoody and family , f Salt Lal < c ,
ire in Oiimha.
Chnrlc * Sloven * , of Auburn , Nebraska ,
j at tbe Crelghton.
L. Kryger and J. H. JUinoy , of Lyons ,
< feb. , are at the Metropolitan.
Frank Uavk nnd F. II. Anell , of
Jnvld City , are in town.
G. H. Wella , of Schnyler , it at the
JetropollUn ,
W. G , Chambers and family , of Omaha ,
eturnod yesterday after a four mouth'j
l > enco ia England ,
Mrs. nnd MIm Warford , of Des Miihif * ,
own , are nt the Metropolitan ,
Geo. B. Dwinnell , of Hartford , Conn. ,
a In the city.
W. 1) . Hill , of Beatrice , U nt the Met-
John Drown , of Seward , ia a gueH of
he Metropolitan.
A , D , McKcer , of Puwnee City , Ia nt
he Hotroiiolltaii.
J. Chase , ot Weeping Wnler , It nt tlio
Metropolitan ,
\Isdo \ from the wild ilowors of the
t is the most fragrant of perfumes ,
Manufactured by 11. B , Slavon , San
i'ranoisco. For ealo in Omaha by AY.
F. Whitohouso and Kennard Bros. '
tCo. '
U THE BKU ofllce , old newspapers ,
lOo per 100 ; in largo lots , UOopor 100 ,
The Kaneaa Oiiy Conference to
Avert a Nebraska War.
Vanderbilt Baying Up a Fear
Roftda on His Way to
Omaha ,
Tho.'Rock Island Trying to ; RelIeve
the Cyclone Sutlerors.
Special car No. 100 wont west on
the U. p , train at noon yesterday , with
Division Superintendent P. J.Nichols
on board , destined to Norfolk.
Special cara No. 03 and 12 wore at
tached to the outgoing Kansas City
train Tuesday having on board
the following ofliciah for Kansas City :
General Manager S. 11. II. Clark , As
sistant General Manager Kimball
General Freight Agent Vinifig , Assist
ant General Freight Agent Shelby ,
General Ticket Agent Stubbing and
General Passenger Agent Morse , ol
ho Union Pacific ; nnd General Superintendent
intondent Holdridgc , General Freight
Agent Miller , and General Passenger
Agent EuBtip , of the B. fc M. These
ollicers wont to Kansas City
to participate in the conference to
bo hold there yesterday to establish
Concornim. ' this the Chicago Tribune
uno of Tuesday says :
It is now settled beyond a doubt
that there will bo no war between the
lines west of the Missouri river A
treaty of peace bolwcen the Union
Pacific , Atchicon , Topeka & Santa Fe ,
ard Chicago , Burlington & Quinoy
has been arranged and will bo perfect
ed at a meeting to bo hold between
the general managers of these roads at
Kansas City to-day. It has not yet
been doGnitly decided whether there
is to bo simply an agreement for the
mnintonancH of uniform rates or a
pool on all business between the Mis-
touri river and Denver. It is most
probable , however , that a pool on
that business will bo made , as such an
arrangement alone would give per
manency to the agreement. The
Denver & Rio Grande , it is under
stood , will become a party of the now
agreement , but the now Denver &
Now Orleans railroad is not to bo re
cognized , and it is quito certain that
a light against this company will bo
made. This much is indicated by the
announcement of the Union Pacific
that in accordance with an agree
ment with the other roads west of the
Missouri river it will accept no tickets
issued by or over that road.
W. B. Thompson , superintendent
) f United Htatcsrnilwaysorvico , arrived
icro yesterday morning , and during
ho day was in conference with some
if the railroad officials. A few weeks
igo a meeting took place between Mr.
lowe , postmaster general , Mr.
Phompsou and Capt. White , for the
; ovcrnment , and the presidents and
; oueral managers of the railway lines
lonnocting Chicago and Omaha , at
rhich the latter were asked to name a
irico for operating a fast mail train
ervico from this city to Council
Muffs. They promised to consider
ho proposal , and apprise the ppst-
tflico authorities of their docosion.
Dho officers of these lines have noti-
iod the government officials that they
: an not undertake the operation of a
ast mail service between Chicago and
) maha. The reason for declining to
interiain any such proposal is tnat
, ho lines are now working together
mdcr a pooling arrangement. If they
Tore at war , either of the lines
lYould bo glad to establish such aor-
rico , for the advertisement there
vould bo in it. For either line to un
lortako it now would create jealousy
ind disrupt the pool. The arrango-
ncnt is closed , however , it is under-
itopd , for the establishment of a fast
nail train from Now York to Chicago ,
; o make the run in twenty-five hours ,
[ "ho route of the eervico will bo via
, hp Now York Central and Lake Shore
railways. This train will commence
unning some time in July. This ar-
angomont will shorten the service bo-
; ween Now York and Chicago twelve
lours. The refusal of the roads west
.o join in the continuation of the ser
vice deprives Chicago of the expected
Benefit of a quickened' service from
lore to all-western centers of business ,
[ n the absence of the officers of two of
lie western pool lines the Burling-
on and Northwestern Mr. Thomp-
ion is unable to renew the request and
iccompanying arguments of the post-
iflico department for a fast
lorvico across the continent. Chicago
fi'.l'C/UW / .
Ari'EAL rou AID.
The Rook Island road has issued an for aid for the sufiurors from
; ho recent cyclone. The appeal is
lignod by 11. S , Royce , division super-
ntondont , and W. II. Quick , euporin-
.cndont of the United States Express
: ompary , and is addressed to all
igents. The appeal nays :
"Contributions of provisions are too
inwieldy for economic use. Wo oar-
icstly appeal to all persons to glvo in
noneyfrorn ton cents upwards , accord-
ng to their moans , and such funds
ivill bo forwarded at once to Mayor
Perry , nt Grinnell , by the United
States Express company , Agents are
leroby instructed to receive the same
ind forward frpo , sending duplicate
ist of contributions to Superintendent
uiok. "
The special train convoying Wm. II.
Vanderbilt and his party is expected
n from St. Paul to.night or to-mor
row. Mr. Vanderbilt is accompanied
by J. H. Vanderbilt , Cornelius Van-
lerbilt , Augustus Schell , T. 0. East-
nan , William Turnbull , Gen. George
NIagee. Edward Ellin , S. F Dewey
iiid J , Tillinghast. Tho'party is on n
; ourof inspection of the Chicago &
Northwestern , now practically a part
) f the Vanderbilt system of roads.
it hud boon the intention to extend
ho trip to Denver , but th0 ! , it is
earned from onu of the gentlemen ac-
lompanying Mr. Vanderbilt , has
wen given up , and the party will go
10 further west than Omaha. From
3maha tljo party will return to Chi-
iago via the Chicago & Northwestern ,
ixpeoting to arrive there next Satur-
lay or Sunday.
Mr. James Tillinghast , assistant to
ho president and general superinten
dent of the Now York Control west or
Albany , stated to a Chicago Tribune
representative that Mr. Vnnderbilt's
present trip had no special significance
but was for the purpose of inspecting
the Chicago & northwestern nnd ac
qiiaintlng himself with its resourcs
nnd prospects. It ia , however , ru
niorctl that ha has purchased five mii
lions of the stock of the Chicago , Mil
waukco A ; St. Paul nnd this is statec
to bo undoubtedly true by good au
thority. Another rumor credits Vnu
dcrbilt with thu purchase of a Innr
interest , estimated anywhere iron
81,000,000 to § 3,000,000 , in the St
Paul , Minneapolis & Manitoba rail
Plans for tbo now freight depot o
the B. tv M. railway , which will b
erected between Howard and Jacksoi
nnd Seventh nnd Eighth strcots , hnvo
been submitted. They contomplnto n
structure 220 feet long and 50 fee
wide , ono story in height.
A Western Man Loses a Wollotand
Contents Valued ftt $5OO.
A gentleman from the western par
of the stnto , while watching the rope
walking of Foster in front of the
Academy of Music Tuesday , was re
liovcd of his "weazel skin , " in whicl
was about § 385 in notes , between $8f
nnd § 100 in county warrants , a pass
oror the Union Pacific road , nm
about twenty-five good fat dollars
The notes , warrants and pass being
useless to any ono but the loser , ho is
willing to give the money to the "nip
por" if the papers ara left nt TUB Bii :
George Franclet Train Hl3 Appearance -
anco und Tomfoolery.
Speaking of cranks , any a a writer in
I'ho Detroit Chnll' , perhaps this is a
; ; oed place to say thnt I atmnbled on
to my old friend , George Francis
rrain , in Madison rquare"tho other
lay. IIo has sat bareheaded in the
park every day for five years and
more now , but ho has moved his scat
from Twenty-Fourth street , where ho
tvtts when I wrote of him two years
igo. Ho still occupies n bench all to
liimsolf. and it is located nt the inter
jection of Broadway and Fifth ave
nue , near the Brunswick , but , as the
newspapers pay but little or no atten
tion to him now , strangers have some
difficulty in finding him. His skin is
/cry dark from exposure to the
ivind and the sun , his hair
is moro white than ever , and
[ fancy that his wonderful eyes
wn growing a little dull and dim. Ho
, vaa surrounded by the uaual number
) f children as I came up , and ho had
nore jumping ropes , playthings and
sandy for them than over. Ho looked
ip from his everlasting book a paper
level as I saluted him with : "Good
norning , Mr. Train. " Placing his
ingcrs quickly to his lips , ho made a
notion as if ho were throwing mo a
das , snd then ho tapped significantly
iis ear. "What ? " I exclaimed , much
.stoniahed. He repeated the gesture.
'You don't mean to toll mo , old
riend , that you are deaf ? " I asked.
Without looking at mo ho drew a card
rom his pocket , and with a blue pen-
til traced thereon , i.i a round , frco
land , the following : "Only talk with
ihildren. Not spoken for one year to
idults. " I wrote on the card my name
ind added : "I am a child. " Herpc-
ignized the name , nnd wrote again :
'Any paper could make a fortune if
hey could have enough truth
: o make truth speak ! But
> eing unnerved , the individual fails to
nnke me speak. I have lost all intor-
tst in typo. Before midsummer 10- ,
DOO people will bo here daily , and no
me knows why. Press dare not men-
, ion it. It's an astounding evolution. "
V little 10-year old girl , who , with her
lands on his knees , was watching
Drain as ho wrote , asked : "Say , don't
rnu write any moro poetry ? " "Oh ,
fea , Fannie , " was the answer ; "but I
ioii't publish any more. I wrote
lomething this morning. " Then ho
Irew from his pocket , and proceeded
0 read to her oomo rhymes on "The
Drganization of Man , " but before ho
tad completed a stanza there was a
; rowd around his bench , and ho ccr.s-
sd , saying to her : "You BOO why I
sannot read hero. " I often wonder
vhat will become of this strange old
bllow , who really thinks ho has an
ivorlasting lease ot lifo.
A LUtlo Damp.
Vail Sfcct Newf.
"He.vo wo had any rain in Indiana
his spring ? " ho echoed , as he turned
n his seat.
"Yes. "
"Well , it's boon a little damp out
, here , " ho softly answered. "Tho
lay bcforo leaving homo I had to
mug up 28 of my ducks. They had
jocomo so water-soaked that they
; ould no longer swim. During the
nonth of April it rained on 20 differ-
mt days. "
"What about the other day ! "
"Oh , thnt was the day on which it
mowed 22 straight hours. "
"How is corn ? "
"Well , I-planted mine in two foot
) f water , nnd 'tween you and mo I
lon't expect over thirty bushels to the
icro. "
"Wheatlooking well ? "
"Tolerably well , but the sturgeon
ind catfish are doing considerable
iamago. "
"Didn't you got any dry weather in
M y ? "
"Thoro was about fifteen minutes
3iio day wlien it tried to clear up , but
1 hadn't commenced to bring out my
ihoep before the rain came down
igain. "
"Gross must bo good1 ?
"Shouldn't wonder , but can't say ,
When I got back I'm going down in a
living bell to see. "
"Got your potatoes in ? "
"Not yotj I've got them loaded on a
icow , anchored in the field in three
'oot of water , "
"Then the prospect looks gloomy ? "
"Not any , sir not any , I've got
in arknhnoat ready to sail , and if it
vill only rain tor another week I'll be
ho best fixed man in Indiana. "
Pretty Good.
John Bacon , Laporte , Ind. , writes :
'Your 'Sriiixo BuasoM' la all you cracked
t up to be. My dyspepsia has all van-
ahedj why dou't you advertUe III What
allowance will you make If 1 take a dozen
jottlea , so tlmt I could oblige my friends
ccaslonally ! " Price , 60 cents ; trial bot-
les , 10 cents. jal'JJlw
Carr Kendall Pleads Guilty and
Get a Light Sen-
The Hammer Homicide Post
poned Till Mondny.
In district court yesterday the case
of the State Bauk of Nebraska vs.
John Green , involving about $15,000
closed after six days occupied in
taking testimony nnd the jury nt onto
went out ,
The criminal docket wns taken up ,
the case of Carr Kendall , indicted for
the theft of jewelry from the residence
of Mr. Chns. E. Abert on the morn
ing of May 12th , during a fire , being
first. Two witnesses were put on the
stand for the stnto , after which Ken-
dnll withdrew his plon of "not guilty"
nnd entered n plon of "guilt- . " It is
understood that ho will bo sentenced
to but ono year.
The other fireman , Clark , who wag
indicted on the snmo char o nnd is
out on bail , will bo prosecuted , vigor
ously by the state.
Tnomns Donahue , the colored man
indicted for the robbery of E. M.
Bartlett's houao , was tried during the
The trial of Ohas. Kostera , in the
Hammer case , was postponed to Mon
day next to allow the ctnto
Lo secure absent witnesses. Byngrce-
inent of counsel James Whitney , the
base ball pitcher of the Boston nine ,
who is hero at considerable inconven
ience and expense wns Excused from
: urther nttcndanca , it being agreed to
use his testimony as given nt the last
Mr. Whitney loses § 25 for every
dny that he is absent from hia club ,
hat being the daily fine for absontueu
iio will probably leave for the eas
WANTED Immcdialolv at Com
nercial llouso , Missouri Valley , la.
good first and second cook , man anc
wife preferred jelO-3t-mo
NOTICE Advertisement To iiOta , for , gai ]
est , Fcuud , Wantj , ] lo.irdlns , 4c. , will bo In
ortotl In tluuo cclumna once for TEH CENTS
er line ; each nubcacjuent la ; rtlon , KIVSCENTS
l > or lino. The flrat Insvrtlou oovar luw than
TO LOAN At legal ratejof interest , trone.\
in amounts ti suit borrower.
023-20 Attorney , loom { , l nion Block.
TO LOAN Call at Liv Oaico of D ,
L. Thomii3 ISasmfl CitlKhtori Block.
TO l OAA At 8 yor coatln
lercst in C2.COC and
e , lor 8 to 6 yoara , on first-class city and
urra property , litms UHAU KSIATJ sod LOAH
< -mjr. ICtb imd Dinclu. St
TTANTKD Two girls in a email prlv
> V Hy , one to cook , v.ath andiron , the other
o take care ot two children , a girl three and
our jcars. Good icferenca required. German
r S\\eio preferred. Call atOiO Cumin' ; street.
Inqulto at aouUi-wcit tornet ICtr. and
Ucuglas street. WB-23t
Fir.t-j'laes barber , good
\V paid. None Lut llrst-classniedapply. Any -
\y \ cr addrcs ? , Jehn U. Shielding , lieatiiue ,
a e Co. , Nob. 015 22 *
WANTED Ju'y 1st , a S3ol man and wife ,
to work , iitcaily cmp'ot incut for the
rijtht pirtles. lleferenco requited. Addre or
ipply UOUdEUY UI'.O'S.
fiSMf ' Next to Fair Ground * .
Good Woman cook to go In tlio
country , ( situation permanent to corcpt
: cnt person. Apply to M > > imnclvr , nioAontt
itrcct mar Karnam. 14-22) ) ,
X.TI7 ANTED A good ilrl for genorul liOUSC'
Ywork. . Apply at 1013 California otreet.
ANTKD 300 trae'iinen. II. Matinweller ,
Elo > cnt h street r.oir Fa.ntm. 538-22t.
TTANTED A g-.od girl for Joiral louse
V work , at HiiOCasa direct. 625-tf
T ANTED JIan and lfu to take charge of
r \ furni bed cottage. Enquire 216 north
Till street 621-21
ANTKD A food ttendy ixpirlemei boy
W to herd cattle on the ( arm of
523 21f JOEL T. GRIKFIN.
TTANTKD Compi tent plain cook ; uafblng
Y naironliisonoliyothor ( ! ; 4.00ier WMU
mid for u nipctciit woman. App v to Jlr. < Her
cc Everett , Council IlluSe , Iowa. Jcl9-3t
TTANTED A ( 'lrl for KOiierol housework In
YV Miiall family , ac 1ECU nor h 18th btieet.
\pplyallcrCp. in. Clil-tt
' A ojinpctcnt girl for grneral
W'ANTED and laundr vf > re. Wo ecu , 81,10
> cr week. Inquire at Uiifl otHct' , nona but com
joUnt n cd aiiply. JST-tt
n IRL WANTED-In a family of two. Itcf-
T crence required. Steady work. Inquire
t 2H4 ClilciRO ttrcct , between 21th and 23ti.
TTELL , Ventilated turnUncd or unfurnished
YV looinn to rent , at cjincr of 14 < h and
tlogo. 110-tf
'ANTED A unib-ciasi Jaundtesa nt bt ,
W Charles Hotel llar uy ttritt 331-tf
Ten tcama to work on Florence
WANTED . Wages 83.60 per day.
s77-tf MI iniiULL VINCENT.
nrv MEN WANTel > At Florence Cut-Off ,
UU nlno miles mrtli cf Oinha.Vaeou
1.76 per day. MITCHELL VINCENT.
; xrANTED A H'ttutlon in a famll ) for n
YY > oung ani-h Kirl , who l willing to do
eneral hou.-uwork. bticdue * i.ot a < > k t r liUli
vigca , Lut f r klud'ond fiiendly triatni'iit. file
9 wtll iduextcd but cannat bietl : KniiH-li. In
ulro at tec olllcc. 03J-22'
Situation * for twobojt. . Hand 15
WANTED vlicio tin j can inaVo tlieini ltc >
seful , Addrfba' c /'UtcolHce. 63B.
ANTED PUce for.glrl le wn , oM , to taVe
W careof tlilldrcn AddrtM 'Olrl"Uee ollic * ,
Situation by a youngiran.who'8'
WANTED ) hii9lnu > * preferred. Has had
xpericnee. Addreo "H , " Bcu Unco. 60l-22t
i come , at Turner Hall lleslaurirt ; con.e
Cth and Howard. f.W-tf
1TtTANTEDOOpnvy \ u.M , sinks * nd cc j
VV l < > oU to clean with sanlUry Vault and
Ink Clc-auer , the best Inue. . A. Evans & Co. ,
evidence ISM Dodge utrt , Omaha.
rUIB land beautifully Iccated on Cuiulnv tt ,
tort distance west cf Military bridge , and itrttt
arllne ,
J21-K Agoct ,
HTOR RENT Home ol tlicrocuit. 12.h street ,
} i ear How ltd. Apply corner Uthand How.
'd. Newspaper Union. 617t
BENT Tbnw rooms , corner IJtli and
010U 1 . Apply til | > rcmlM. 631-W1
T7IOR RENT No. IIS 8. Hth Btreet. A d i.
JU In ? hOD'c , contalnfn ? fix rooms , rantr
atd eell r. Enquire of DR. PBABODV.
1407 Jones street.
TTtOR nnNT-Hoatillrijc house , well furnish * . ! .
JL' ROOdlocatl n. lii'iulroon premises , IDS llth
between Duig as atil Uul.c. 6J7 221
1OK llEST-On Julv 1st , Me * More , oith 01
JJ without cellar Icqulro at Dru ? Store , cor
ncrioth ard l > ouglMtti. _ f 0-tf
HKNT Nice fimibheil room with honrdT
at 171S Dodffottrcct. 490 21t
T.I - . - . . nENT-Klrt II JJ , , CKUlll frcnt ,
. . .
I ilza 14x14 fi'tt-iipwlj funnshel-suitable
t rtwo ge iiitlcmen , n ; y.V. . corner I'lli ami
CiIIornU.trc ( to. 4nS-tr
"Yri lt llh.MJ A nlceliou c , Mroaiuf ,
.L1 " * "i. No. 2017 Dodge street. 530-20
J710H 11KNT Tivo new citAijcs , 3 room iu
eich on SOth lietnc'n Karnim ar * - -
( trott. Irqilroon iircmlscg.
TT10II RKNT Furnished room , Inqulra at Droi '
JL' Store , corntr 10th and Douglas street.(10tf
n.t irtfll0lB0011 < ) lc UonlUntlow. . 62J
north leth ftro
< t. „ P22.22f
- , ' . ' A CCIJ' tou o"of 4 rooms , cellar.
, - . . , . " ' " ftnd WClI > Knqulre on > roi Ntn.
IBlSlllurncv street. 854 f
TIOH RKNT-Corncr 18th an't St. Paul , 2 nice
. homes , ono 5 and ono of o roms. 0 DOI | In.
cation " , on roet car lino. 610-Mf
OIAila ! > ' "rTA Mlcly lutnl h < > wm at 1116
Clxlcago street , between 14th and IBth.
Oil-tf (
R RENT-Two nicely furnished
room , , low
1'ricw , brick house 2013 Caw strict.
* > d2-tf
rP ° 'tJJS-KIurnWlcl1 room , with loirJ. 1808
JL Ca'lfonilstrcct. _ EOl'tf
B UtNfT65KENT = N7 E. corner
IJavenport. 1.S7
17IOR REfT '
Furcished room , 1723 'DoMtl
* BtrC" .
tiOR | HENT-PIea A.tly | fmnlshoJ room , it ?
U ,1. bouth 1 ( th street , otic door uorth of Dnui ; .
south roomj forren 3.
A\ . corner IBth and Davenport. oti t'
T710H KEST-a famished rc-jnM o/cr y. ,
.17 ohinU' rfscURUgor. E. cor. loth mil
nor. RBKT : celyuraNhcd tooxm viifc cr
I ; wltkout board. Re.-wjonable prices. 1 > SIS
CaS ) lit. a .
{ 7 OR BALE A house cf four room , on Ien > eI
J.1 ground , on l"th street , between Capital
ave , anJDaicnport. Inqulra of
651-27 BALDWIN & IIEIIM , Iloufo JInver } .
" [ 710R SALE House nnd lot , 53 feet rmt , by
1 ? 150 deep , 14th and William its. (900. lu.
qulro of H llhelmlna Kiai.der ,
S"Tx lfETuTIFUL I.OT3-60xlCO feel each In'
Ilanscom Place on street car line. Best lots
In whole addition onery cav tErmaamlata
great bargain. JlEMtVajent , 15th and Douslo-i
"T710R SALK CottufO with six rooms , well ,
I * cistern and all conveniences , It.qulre at
C21 lOihstrcct. between Callfomia and \\cteter.
FOR SALE Exchange Hctel , at KinHcld ,
Neb , including lurnlturo and stoics , go > l
loratlon at.d patroncge. Only hotil in town.
Icr terms addref.8 , M. C. MADISON ,
427-22 Agentl
FOR SALE-- cottage of I hrco rooms nrrlh
tidoof Uicholai botwien 16th aid Iflih.
luqul-o OTthln. ( ( ) DAVID GENTKY.
TT1OR SALE The busiiics ? and fixtures of a first
K class moat market In Central Nebraska ,
Best location ; Best cash trade In the city. Beason
for sellinjr , for health. Address Butcher , Bee
[ \TUST EH SOLD 69 = acres in i'olk count/
lU 1'rlci. 85.0CO. Inquire of J. It. Kinmau
I'oatoflico , llislng City , liutlcr countyNul : .
10KSALili One lot 132 feet frontigo bv 'M
feet deep , on south luh street , oa $10 per
month payments , to anyone who will Dulld. In-
julre 1407 Howard , between Hth and 15ti ! eU.
I OH HALE Restaurant en a well t
F etreet. II. MANNWEIMUt.
231-K llth street , near Fariia.-n.
FOB the COYS' HOME. This house 19 co-i-
trally located , has BOU h and cast front , and la
surrounded w th flno shade trees : conttlna thirty
jluoping rooms , has Ice bouse , laundry , sirnplu
room , &c. reputation and &
better patronsgo ( han many houaea of twlca Its
: r.paclty. Price S5.000. For pirticulau .vl.
Ircss , A. A. SAWUEV , Bed Cloud , nob.
_ 5t-tt _
TJ10R SALE Or will ezcha .go for Omalu pio.
Jj | porty , an improved ecc en of had ftdjcin-
ng & station on U. P. R. R. M. DUNHAM , UlU
farnlmm St. , Omaha. 7 .0 3m t
UAY At A. H. Sander * fcai 'la
BALEO Ilarner Et. - dlvt/
rTFHOLSTRKIHO-Of all hinds done at the
U lowast fl/uro ? , at 80S D.dge street , boA -
A * ten Stli nd U h D2-Z3f
PIBST-'JLASS lOAUD-And ! rooms it. 1110
north 18th etrcit , on snen car line ; a'so
argo barn for lent _ f49-tf
rjTRAYED OU STOLES' Ono sorrell marc , 9
3 years , hllc8pctinf. > coaitu ono white foot.
toward 111 bo paid for htr return to J. C. Oren -
on , gioillli Fifteenth street , next to Ilortman
'J1AKEN UP Ited cow , about four jcara old
J. andcnlf. JOHN O'KKKFK.
12-21 1 Wu.t c f Wltlinell'8 Urlck Yaril , Omaha.
tJL a ilKaleStulo , nr.d ( .lock . yards tattle
ci CM stooV kept nttholoweit po lnlo rates
-baled luy , btraw , torn and oats , for wle. lion t
oritt the place , luthttrtct. between C.pltol ave
iiid D.i\cnji < rt , 635-20 *
I" 08T l ist week , Tito'iliy , a three jeir old
LJ rnl arid whllecow. Hh te In face , one horn
raal crthan the other. Hndtr will tc reward-
d bv returnliii' to A. W. OLSON ,
629-21 f Corner Jones and llth sts.
( TRAYED-One whUocow , wllhred head , baa
O on large bell. Finder will bo liberally re.
, -ar.icd by returning her to C HENTZ.
613-21 1 0 * 1 couth 13th street.
' 10NAL1U7' , 193 Tenth Street , between i'
, ndllainor. Will , with the ulil ot euardUn
plrltd.obti.ln for any one a glance tt the p al
iud prcwnt , and en certnln conditions lu the fa >
ure. Uoota nd Uhnta m de to uder. Por.'ea
Absolutely Pure.
ThU powder never varies. A ruarrel ot t >
y , strength nd wboleaomcnem. More ecoao
iliMl thin the ordinary kinds , and cannot bt
) ld In competition with tbe multitude ofl ow
sat , ihort weight. Jum or phosphate powde