t THE DAlLf BEE-OMAHA THURSDAY , JUNE 12 , 1882. &c OCX The Only Exclusive II08 AND IIIO HARNEY STREET. OMAHA WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER .VXD DKAUJR K- Wali Paper and Window Shades Furnham St. Omaha Neb. ZBOTIB : & JOISTES holesale Lu m b er , Ho , 1408 Farnkid Street , Omaha , M , THE MOIJNE STOVE Kr iU.J8.u3.iJ ( 1.JJA > W Ji ' ' 'i.lJ > l 1..i | X. JS.f / tJWI am&c Wauufnctured by 3jzor : sKrE3 : : Thoymako a . specialty cf COOKING STOVES , and ha\o this . joir pla . . cd In the market oneof the S1O-.T ECONOMIC AND 11 ISP SATISFACTORY STOVr.Scxcr im.lc. They make beta , . Plain nnd uxknaion top nnd guarantee all their goods 7ho ajtuts for thu coiiipaii } aro. PIEROY & BRADFORD , j am -DEALERS IN- Furnaces , Fireplaces , Heaters 3KT GRATES , RANGES , STOVES , HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , Etc. 211 FAENAM STEEET. OMAHA NEB , . ! > " 2V- - - - < I.W1 " * < t''lf SBffiWJ VSITOfl fl-J If P iua V4 > > iiii\l lilt-i1 ) "Pg 2LkU2 ! 3 v fa ill fn at to inhi laTl Tl of en in th cc til 8" 8"wl wl wlWl ORCHARD & BEAN , J. B. FRENCH & CO. , of Wl OARPETS1QROOERIES BO sa P1 Ju lo WHOLESALK AND RETAIL DEALER IN fp lon of Lath , Shingles , fn an SiSH , DOOES , BLIfflS M MODLDIBS , ! 15th and Cuming Sts. OMAHA , NEB tit wi ; SPOOPENDYKE. The Code Fully Explained. l\t\e. \ "My dear , " said Mrs. Spooppmlyko , examining the baby's feet critically , loteoif tlioy were both alike , "my dcnr , 1 iio ( that one of the striker' , ov capital , hns boon hurt ; dj you know the fact < about it ? " "Hotr hurt'VhU dkl it say ? " * kcd Mr. Spoopoiuljlcc , turning from the ' . { loss ami slr.ipning Ilia r.izor. ' " 1 don't romomber'ox"ctly , bit he wont < * owi to H slaughter home to got something for 1m lamily niiu sonic- body > 1iot him in the le * . ' ' "ttiat'a the way it happened , w.is it' ' " drnnndcd Mr. Spnopondy\-o , grinning through his lathor. "ilo didn't o to his family for n pur of lgf. nitd BnninboJy shot him 111 the slaughlcr-huiiso , did be ? Nor ha ilulii't no down to bis Ifga lor a alitigh- ter-houo , anil Bomubody shot him in thafamilj ! That waon't the way it read , was it'1 "No-o-o , I think not , " replied Mrs. Spoopondyko , dubiously. "I'm sure it was something about a slaughter house and legs. DJJ-OU knovr how it happened ! " "Yes , 1 know how it happened , " mocked Mr. Spoojieulcyko , iiej ; ing awny at hs ! visage with tlio razor. "If T hadn't found out a way from homo I'd ahvaya been nuzzled about it , Two gontlcmon fought a duel , and ono Rot shot. That's Ml there is in it. " " 1 knovr thero'd bo soiuo trouble an soon ; \a I read about those shikop , " coufidetitlg uontuiucd Mrs. Spoopon- dyke. I "Whal'alhostiiKolo do with ii ? ' voaifcralrd Mr. Spoopendyke. "Think ho struck for another shut ? Got i notion ho shuck for more leys , h.iv- pn't ye ? It would hao been a bad ide.i , that , " coliloquincd Mr. Spoopsn- djke , rather jinprejard with the com bined originality und utility ot that claf > of strike. "Did ho fjet shot in both lefts' " ( luoricd Mrs. Spoopendyke. "It must have bccm : x i annon ball , or elao ho held hit legs in fiont of each other. " 'That's the way ho did it , " moaned Mr. Spoopondyko. "Thuyalwaja do that. Whim they are fighting a duel they ait down like a tailor or n Turk. What d'yo think they fight with , forts ? Gut some kind of a vague idea that they fight with line of battle ships ? Who Bind any thing about cannon balls t Pistols I toll yo ! They fought with pistols , and ono of them hit the ether ! Roll that information around in your ten-aero intelligence ! " "Certainly , " faltered Mrs. Spoop ondyko. "Jiut tell me , dear , why should ono nun shoot another for go ing to the slaughter-house' " "Holy herring ! " ejaculated Mr. Spoopendyko. "Ho went there lo get shot. It was agreed upon. The man who shot him had rellectcd on his honor , and ho went there to satisfy it.- "And did it satisfy his honor to hoot him in the logs ? " asked Mrs. Spoopendyko. "That was as near as ho could got o it. I loll you that when a man fights a duel ho wipes out an insult , whether ho gets shot in the legs or the ear. It makes no dift'erence. " j "I should think It would , " mur mured Mrs. Sgooj-ondyko. "It would to me. So his honor is all right now , is it ? " " ' | "Of course it ia , " replied Spoopon- dyke , wiping his face. "Suppose you can reason on the subject with out any further information from me ? " "I guess so , " ruminated Mrs , Spoo- pondyko. "As I understand it , if a man's honor ia hurt all he's got to do tlCl is got shot in the legs , though I don't Clh sco why ho didn't shoot himself , un less i' was that ho couldn't reach a round. " | [ "PJiat'a just the reason ! " roared jtl tl Mi. Spoopendyko. "lie shot at him tld self in the looking-glass all the morn ing , and couldn't make it work , so ho hired a man to do it for him ! It took , , your shot tower intellect to see ( into it ! What you want now ia a squint in one eye and como dodgastcd friends to interfere to bo a ruviscd edition of the measly code' If you only had somebody to chalk off six paces on you und a pquad of polici with a bench warrant , you'd bo a reg ular Bludonsburj , ' ! I'm noing out to fight a duel and get iihot ! Think you'd undcrbtand it then ? If I had : i bullet through both logs , would you want any morn information ? * "No , dear , " sighed Mrs. Spoopen of dyke , and ac hpr husband tossed his shaving brush into the baby's crib and slammed out the door , she began to think that a man shouldn't keep his honor in his legs if they couldn't take su 31 hotter caio of it. of When There's o Will Thoro'a n Way. hr , Anyone who Imx thu will to t y hrTl Kcuxnwt' On , will surely finos'.ho way to bi robust health , In CUKCS ot bronchial iillcc- bore throat , pains , etc. ; and , as an reef Internal remedy it h invaluable. of f jol'J-iliw sa Nebraska Sorghum Works. { An opportunity will bo KIVOII this wj fall to n number of persons to luurn cu the process of sorghum syrup inunu- fncturo ; also the manufacture of aupar. The method proposed u viz : The nbovo works will require fifteen mon run it. Arrangements have boon mndo so that the owners of the sorghum - Q hum works will hire these to do tl o labor who wish to study the businees. nr i'ho iiiktniclioii will bo given by onu ? " is the professors in the agricultural in Bollrgo. The above tfurlcs are located two miles northwest of Lincoln , ndjoining the farm belonging to the agricultural college. The works are to bo run en lal tirely by steam and will , average 500 to gallons of finished syrup pur day , toSc That some idea may bo gained of lie what is proposed to bo done in the liewl way of instruction , Iho following list wlWJ oxperirnonto nnd work is givtm : 11 Jst. Test the strength of juice from 11pa several lots of cauo with Jieaumo'a si pa sucluroinotcr. | . Sc 2d. Test the Baino after dcflccalipn. ! ) d. Weigh cano , und after boinx fn pc pressed , aecortain the per cent uf tu juice extracted. in 1th. Ascertain the ng number of gallons tic lens of juice to make onu cf syrup cu from diU'eront lots of cano. 5th , Ascertain the weight of a gal syrup finished to did'uront degrees . an density. ho Oth , TuL-o two sainplca of syrup hot vftb Tom the evaporator ; cool onu ( juickly md the other very slowly , and note dillbrenco in color and flavor , 7th. Heat to boiling point a quan- lib' ity of juice that has not been treated UK .vith limo , and note the temperature Im cai at which floceulcnt coagulation tnkea pUce , alio at what tompoTAturo the thki-s begin to rise ; the amount that rises to tne surface , and the amnunt that settles lo the bottom 8th. Take a quantity of jmcc thnt bus been treated with limn , md make the saino twts RS in No. T , not ing the ( -liircroi-.ee. SUh. Take novor.il samp'os cipnlly treated with limo bring tlio ( irat to boiling point as quickly as possible the others atiucroasing pi iin of time to one hour ; give them tiiiuto settle and note difFarence in delc ! it ion. lOlh Take two samiih-s vquntly treated with lime ; heat the lirit very slowly to llncculont formition , then rapidly to the boiling point. The second end , heat rapidly to the pm.it of Hoc- culcnt formation , and then slowly to the boiling ; giro time ( u settle and note ditlVrence in clarific.Uinn. llth. Ti eat a sample of juice with limit beyond the neutral point ; heat to boiling und unto the affect. This gives an outline , and there will bo given a few lecturca in addition. There will bo used ono of the bust arrangements for burning Kiggaaio that lias been invented , vhich can bo used on sum 1 or largo trorlt alike. The experiment : ! with nnoo will bo made in glass test tube ? , so that the clmii OJ will bo visible to the oje. Anv further information will be cheerfully given , on addntwing let ter to H. G'rijunTxo.s , LINCOI.X , Neb , [ Stite papers please copy J ; Don't Throw up the Wh < ; u bulfctjii huniAiuly , .vc tn < mng thohoirora of dyflncpsli , iii.lujLMtimi , < r nervous nnd Rcnornl dobllltv , they are too oftca Inclinui to throw up Uu < fimngo and lojign tlifiuschcs to fato. \Vo-uy , don't do U. Tnko Hi HDOUK lltnon ll tlio unfailiuu icmuly. 1'rlw , si 00. Klsh A great deal of intoi-cs * r fi-lt , il over the counliyin thuuui"t 3 ofarti ficial propagation of food tialns. Th states quite generally , an 1 eongres frequently , luvo iinnsyd I in 9 teen courapo it , and very favoraMo result : have boon roachrd. The work is im portant. Fish , as everybody knowp , is an admirable article of diet , laud.v bio ns the rniaing of cattle or of grain A few days ago congress , when pro riding for an increase of the wato : supply of the JJisttictof Co'mnbi.x , or dered the conHtiuction of . fishwaj 'over the Great Fulls of the 1'olowuc , The debate drew out a Liter fron Prof. ] Spencer F. "Haird , the great authority jt on pisciculture , hich con taincd some points of spccinl inteicst , It was shown that in the rnto of no : only the Potomac , but olhor rivois the construction of dams has had n double tendency to destroy li"h life , I'rof. D.iiid ia convinced tint obstruc tions in the sttcams , ivl.ilo not thi only cause , hayo been a cliKf cause ol the teduction in the nuiuhotn both ol those fishes , such as salmon and shad , which range through thocaii , and , at the spawning aoason , up and down the larger rivers , and of the exclusive ly 1 salt water fishes which feed on the former class. "In the case nf the sal D mon , shad and herring ( ilowivcsho says , "tho effect was direct , \nd nnmo diato. The obstiuction in sumo rivers Is have entirely excluded thcsu fish from their spawning grounds , rendering the waters barren in a few years , in others the reduction in the spanning areas has , entailed a corrcsponihnn ; diminu tion i the productive capacity of the river , and caused important and re munerative fisheries to" become com paratively valueless. " The otioct upon the supply of i the ccesn fishcb , whose food consists largely of these just spoke of , has been serious , though loss notice ublo. To seine extent they can turn to other fitliea for the preservation of j their own lives , but beyond doubt their numbers have been greatly ro- duccd by thu diminution of their ordi nal y food supply. In different parts of the country artificial | hatching 1ms been from time to time resorted to. ObviouslyEns I'rof. B.urd points out , "tho erection lishways is a moit important and indispensable rJjmict to the restora tion of our fisheries. " Referring par ticularly to the Potomac , ho says that prior to the building of the original dam at the Oteat Falli. it was possible for many varieties of fish to roach auitab'o spawning ground above the falls , access to which has boon cut off by the dam. Apirtid compensation may bo rcndoied 1 y the construction ( ishways overobjtruotivo damn , and tlmt is the least return which will jiilisty onlightond public spirit. Not u few stato.i have taken up this mbjoct in the right way An act of Maryland , for inntnnco , m a specimen what may bo justly required , and ias been required in other stales. rhcro any person or corporation who juildn a dam across a fishing stream is required to build a fish-way by moans which fish can easily make the pas- mge from the sea to their spawning rounds. This example of foresight night to bo followed by every state in ivhich men have carelessly or willfully jut off any part of the supply of this Ic&irablu nutriment Hereford's Acid Phosphate. \MLUAIlLi : Ml.DIUINK. UI Du. W. II. PATtMKLEE , Toledo , Or t . , says ; "I have prescribed the OrOI : : acid * in a largo variety of diseases , 01 md have been amply satisfied that it 111 1 a valuable addition to our Hat of 1 ncdicinul agonts. " jnlOd&wlw 301i ; 'a ' It Was Not u Polly wotr , Not long ago medical men in Sand- ako and vicinity wore profoundly in- crested in the case of Mrs. Jacob jchinuffer of that village. She be- ioved she had swallowed a snake vlnlo drinking , and that the animal vaa still an inmate of her stomach. ier distress of mind was groat. Sym- uitlming fiicnds and physicians as- ligncd other causes for her illness , Some thought she had swallowed u Hjllywojf , which had developed into a rog ; others that she had a movable umor , and others that ahu was suffer- from imprisoned gas , An opera- ion was suggested , and the case bo urne celebrated. Yesterday a 12- ( mund giil baby arrived at the u ichmiuLI'er domicile , and the doctors uml .nd friends , aa they congratulated the 1 mppy parents , said they know what it tu all the time. Proof Poaltlyo. Wu havti tlio mo t pcwitlvo and convlnc- ' pi oof tUut TiiOiiiks' Kcr.EtTiiio On , la a iioit effectual sjiccific fur bcrllly iialn. In asen of rhcumatlim and it > od neuralgia t-Ivta lie jst/nt relief. jel'Jdlw U D. M. WELTY , ( Snccpiior to D. T. MouutO M.Miu.'itturcr uml Hfilcr In Saddles , Harnoss. . Whips , FANCV HOUSE CLOTU1NO Hellos , Dustora autl Turf Goolls , - - -T- * " . "ff9Wsa AsentM J-n. 11 It 111 A Co 't ThoBost in The World , " Orders Sollcltc < l. mo ly JS80 , SHORT LIM6 , KANSAS CITS' , Till. Bh-ect Line to ST. 3 AKDl'UKK.VST From OmnhnBUti iho West , All train ) leave Fl J. M. Drpot , Oin.ili.M .Vc'- . bat ona tut wo MI OMAHA JIKW YOKK. . . Daily PassongerTrains CRN AJ5D OTIHUl UMKH anltte Unai u > iultii > oit nlih atlnmn . I'ilJCo t > lfcpiit ! ) C rt , 1'AlAi * Jny Co cic"i ! , Mllloi'i B'ifctT ri.itiottu niit Convlof.iinJ U.o rtjlal > h tcc Wcjtbijhouso Alr-br ti 2r&a ttit > out i.ck i rcftiift VIA ivAKHA oiTf , r.T. JOSEPH A oou.ven. DLurra lun toa'l , 7l Ht. Jovpb f n J et. Louie. TlcVoi ? ( oi tt'o Kt nil Loupcn ttilliLB la Jh Wo- ! . J. I' . 0.17AWKS , Ooi finit.St Joioi > hMo ' > . i'wi. anil Tick-it Aft. , it. Jpai\ii ! , Vf. Ancr DIIBDJ i , IV Vpt A.ront , 1010 Fun1 am rttfol. > Y. J.UAVtNWHT , ijiuetal Ai - " ' --J5 Sous Uffiy ft faci TLTH SIOUX OITY ttODTE Kuinaflnlkl Ti.Hln ll.rou li ( rom C'ounoil Eluilo lo St. Paul Vr'illiout Oh nc Tltt-o , Only 17 Hourt IT IB kilLE't TIIS SUOKTuB UODTE OOUNOIL BLUFFB TO ST. TAtTL , ItlN.N'KAPOLTS DOLUT1J OB DWIIAKCK uri nil point ) lu Itoilhcru Ion * . UlumiSwto fti > 'toli , Til.i ! line Ii o | Ul'pcil | with ( ho Imrrot oi Vt'Octlnifhauno Automitic Ali-Iitalio tad Ulllt rittfcrm Coupler nuJ llatcr : niul lot D. sAFirrr AKD COMFORT ansurjiiMCil. 1'uUnr.n rul.vco aitcplug Cat nm tUrouRh WrTUOUT OHAUOE bclwcen Run nilCltyunl St. I'.Mil , | A Council Elui'e * nd Sioux City. Tralno liuvo Union Pacific Tjc.nelcr r.t Cacti ell IlluUa , at 7'M : p. in. tlMly on arrival nl Knutai City , Bt Joscpii nnd Council HluEa train Iron tiio Houth. Arrh tag nttlloux City 11:06 : p. ra. , and at tba New Uulon Depot at ! i4. V ul at 11:30 : nocn. rid nouns rw ADVANCE or ANY OTHKD Airllonii-mlicr In tnhlns' tlio Sioux City Routi on pet ftTiirolijh Trolo. 7ho Qhortcnt Lluc , Iho Quickest Time And n Ccmfortcbio Utda lu tb ThiouiTli Carl Lctwcrn COUNCIL BLUFFS AND BT. PAUL. C.TSee that your TIcKcli luiul via the "Bcn ! > Olty und Paoino Ilallrc d ' j. n. WATTI.K3 , J. it. KUOIIANA : Ijiipcrlntomli.-nt. Uon'l Pcei. Agent P. E. KOWNaOX Air't flon'l Paa * Ag't. , Mleiourl Vnlloy. U. Vf , E DAVia.EoulhwcttornAfjint. ( Innnrl lllul'fl toni FOR OHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORKBOSTON , , And all Poluti Cast sncJWouth.Eat. TIIKLINKUUMI'IIIBKH Koarly 4.000 miles Holld Hinootli Stool Traclti ccnuijctloni nre mailo In UNION OhPOTS. lias a National Jtonntitlori ns lioliiK the Ireat Through Car Line , and la universally encoded to bu the FINEST EQUIPPED Italf oad In the uorld ( or all clonscB ol trat ol. Try It ami you will llud traveling a Iniury nutoad of a discomfort , through. Tickets via rlils Colibratod Una (01 at all oltlcua In tlio Went. All Information about ItaUia of Faro , Bleeping AcoemuioJatlons.Tliiio Tables , 4e. , will be boorfully Klvcn by apiilyliilnif to T. J. POTTER , id Vlcc-l'rea't & don. Manat'orChIcgo , PEROIVAU LOWELL , ( Jen. I'awciuix Agt , Chlcagro , W.J. BAVKNI'OIIT , ( Jen Avoiit , Council Dluffi , II , 1 * . UUKLL , niorn-ed ly OUH HTABLll , I'rejldint. Vlco 1WI. W. 8 , DKUJIIHR , Hoc. and Trou. THE NEBRASKA fUFAOTUBffll } CO Lincoln , MANUFAOTUUEKS OP Ocrn Planter * , nurrowt , farm rtollon , lulk Hy RAkci , Bucket ( .lovitlnff Wind &Q. Wo ore prepared to At Job work And minul urlUK for otbi.r parties Addrcj all ordtrs MKJIKASKA MANUKA CTUr.lN'Q CO , , ANTI-MONOI'OLT LKAUUE. Blank membcrshlji rolci for thu aiitl-inonpol } MKUO. contulnlinr utateuiint of prlnclplu met. of prcwiduro and In ttuttlon how to oruan. . vtlli bunotit on apjilluttiouj to 0. H , Uale , Ulroy , Neb , Kuclou * btauip , tuU-11 DI8ECTORY OF LEABiKC WESTERN HOTELS HOTSL3. AHLINOTON. J. 0. MclNTIRE. Lincoln , Neki 8ARATOOA HOTEL J. S. STELLINIUS , Mllford , N b.n MARSH HOUSE. t ; . MANS , DROWNSVILLE , Neb COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNA.V , Ctromiburz fls HALL HOUSE , A. W. MALL Loultvllla CITY HOTEL , CHENEY A CLARK , Dlnlr , Neb. "COMMERCIAL HOTE. , d , C. MKAD , Ncllfili , Neb. ORANn CENTRAL C , SEYMOUR , fobr.ukn ! Olty , Neb MI33OLMI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAAnPER , Hardy , Nob. ORCUNWOOD HOUSE , W.MAYriELO , a.-eonwood , flab COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY. Clarlnda , ( own UNO'O HOTEL. E. L. ENO. Cromjr.t , Neb CXOHANOCHOICL , O. B. HACKNEY , A5lil.-ir.cJ , tdle METHOPOLITAN HO TCI , PRANK LOVfLL , Atkinson , f' ti. MORGAN HOUati , C. L. CIRUUD , Quldo Recd , Neb , BUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN A BECKER , Creston , In , HOUSTON HOU8C , CEO. CALPH. Exlp.i , la. HCYNOLOD HOUSE , O. M. REYNOL03 , Atlantic , la. WALKER HOU8C , D. H. WALKEff , Audubon , U , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. UURQESC , Neola , la. CITY HOTEL , Dl A. WILLIAM3 Hnrlan , la. PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. C. CUMMINQ3 , Corning , I * . NEtlRASKA HOTEL , JL. ( AVERY , Qtanton , MERCHANTS HOTEL J , W. BOULWARE , DurllnjrtonJune' " . . . . . , * " ' " COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Ulancbard. I PARK3 HOTEL , F. M. PARK , COMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Olty , Neb IUVQNELL HOUSE , CHA3. DAQNELL , It. OOMMERCIAL HOUG" , WM. LUTTON , . Vllllica , fn. JUDKINOHQUCn. FRANK WILKINSONj fylalvcrn , la , UALL HOUSE , H. H , I'EIHtY , fda Grove , l PQMMEROIAL HOUSE Odabolt , la V/oona HOUSE , JOHN ECKERT , Piccoln , Neb. DOUOLA3 HOUSE , J. 0. DUNHAM , Olarks , , Nb. BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. QUEEN , Bedford la. ARLINGTON HOUSE , J. M. DLACK& ! ) ON , Mapjsvllla Mo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , Horfolk Junction Noli WINSLOW HOUSE Q , MeOAHTY , Coward , Nob. AURORA HOUSE M , 0. JONES , AurosrNob. CROZIER HOUSE O. R. OROZ'ER ' , nidnoy , Dot ) . AVOOA CATINQ HOUSE D. W. ROCKriOLD , Avoca la. CENTRAL HOUSE LOOKWOOD & SHATTUCK , Rod Onk. FOSTEi : HOUSE Oapt. JOHN FOSTER , Lowlj , In. WHITNEY HOUSC. E. HAYMAKER. Crlswold la. AND rwrrji-jr t > u\r iT B low Af I Mining and Milling Company. V/orklrcCnnUtl' . - (300.0M. OapUtld.Oilc , Sl.OOO.CM . Pir Vnluo or rlharot , $75,003. STOCS. FULLY PAID UP AKD NON-ASSSSSABL3S Mines Located in BR&MEL MININGDISTETOT. . I > H. J. I. THOMAS , 1'rcaldcnt , Cmamlns , Wjoinhip. WM E. TlIjTOK , Ylco.Prosidont , Cuaimlru , Wjomlaj , K. UARWOOI * , { IccrctKry , CnnuuliiB , Wjomln } , ' . A , a. LUNN , Trcuaror , Cumrnlas , > Tyomta Or. J. I. Thomai. I.oua ! Miller W. 8. Dramcl. A. O. Dunn , S , N. HnrvvooJ. FruncU Lctuoin. Oco. II. Kaloj. Lowla Zolnun. llr.-i. 0. Watklne. OEOY. . KKNDALI , , Authoilzod Agent for Sale of Btoolt : EOT P. The Oldest TUB LEAKING Wholesale and Retail JEWELRYHOUSS in Omalia. Visitors can here IN THE WEST f General Agents for the find all novelties in SILVER Finest and Best Pianos and VER WARS. CLOCKS , Organs manufactured. Rich and Stylish. Jewelry , Our prices are as Low as the Latest Most Artistic any Eastern Manufacturer , , and Dealer. and Choicest Selections in Pianos and Organs sold REOIOU3 STONES and for cash or instalments at Bottom Prices. all descriptions of 2PIME A SPLENDID stock of WATCHES at as LOT/ Pri Steinway Pianos , Knaba ces as is compatible with Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi' honorable do.ilera. Call anos , and other makes. and see our Elegant How Also Clough & Warren , Store Tower Building Sterling , Imperial , Smitb , ol American Organs , &c. Do corner llth and Farnham aot fail to before see us pur Streets. chasing. MAX MEYER & BRO. , , Large Stock Always on II and. SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK -OF Ready for Inspection AT POL'A'O'K'S ' ' Lowest Prices Guaranteed , 1310 Farnnm Street , Near 14th ,