Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 22, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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" 3
The Dolllaba of the Metropolis Flats
Tenements Murder nt
Mldnloht Wickedness
of the Wlcnod.
dntlnnattl Enquirer.
A gentleman came to mo yesterday
from the west , and said : "I Imvo had
tin adventure to-day. I paKsod a ccr
tain number on a prominent street ,
and saw the aiqn , 'Madam Blank ,
Medicated Bathe. ' Recollecting an
advertisement of the B.imo natno nnd
vocation , I thought , in an atlvontur
oua spirit , that 1 would go up ECO what
the medicated baths woro. .So I wen' '
to the top of the honao , and there 1
found a lady , speaking with n French
accent , who administered b.ithi to
men , being her own servant , and act
ing aa the familiar of the bath --ub-
bing the men down ; nnd , of course ,
she must do that in coatumo suoli as
you find in all Russian and Turkia
baths. She was a neat woman , no
old and slight without being in eager
and I found she charged ? 3 fur
medicated bath and $5 for the HUB
aian bath. She said that one of th
most prominent American atatotmcJ
regularly wont to her place when li
carne to Now York to hav
himself medicated and rejuvenated
I did not slay , but I think 1 shall go
back and take a bath the first time
fool idle. "
The slip the gentleman gave m
said on it nothing to tempt the w i }
faror except the words at the bottom
"Introduction necessary when demanded
mandod , " Wo ngrood that meant i
any person came to the bath of whom
the hostess had a aocial suspicion nh
required that ho produce some "inlro
ducor" known to her. I only men
iioa this matter to show how a race o
adventuresses is springing up in Now
York under the extraordinary pressure
uro of expenses nnd luxury here.
No city 'in the United Statca c
tyrrannizca over females as Now York
The generally good climate hero , witl
the exception of Into winter line
early spring , the beautiful shops , tin
gay promenade , the abundant otylc
to bo scon in dress , ahoca , garters
jewels , furniture , carpets' and every
tiling mundane , take nold of the wo
man who haa over lived in Now York
is quito Jmppy anywhere else , union
aho bo some good woman with n sou
and brooding in her. This city is in
f03tod with thousands of disappointot
nonion , who have made early mar
riagoa , nnd have trifled with the !
trifling husbands till dissipation o
temptation or penury has produced n
number of bacholoru in Now York
many of them well fixed in pocket
such a grass-widow or divorced wo
man speedily makes a now world and
lives in it , and tor'n few your.i i
flpoms more delightful than her mar
ricd life. There ia a strong torn phi
tion in this class of New York womoi
to throw away the restraint of marriage
riago , the necessity of housekeeping ,
of economizing , of bearing children ,
nnd dropping into the routine of duty
and labor. ;
The system of flats nnd tenements
pervading this city shakes together '
dissimilar people , nnd the adventur
ous , daring ones corrupt the more mill
modest and trustablo. A woman , for mac
example , who haa married younir , and
parted from her husband nnd becomes
a mistress , exorcises a powerful influ
ence for evil over other young portions.
; She has sufficient breeding to bo their
" * equal , and enough experience to bo
their instructor. Hho tolls them that n
matrimony is ahard life ; that thuro
are two persons to plcaap ; that the mat
man insists upon having hia own way , > xt
and yet does not correct hia own evil
tendencies ; and that the beat way to
govern a man ia to keep him at will ,
without giving him the legal authority ho
to order ono about. Aa Now York is
not only the greatest American cfty , ho
but ono of the largest cosmopolitan mo
cities of the world , having more
Hebrews in It than any other city , and Vn
.4 perhaps more Germans , and certainly ,
moro Irish , thpro are great numbers of , ho
men hero willing for ephemeral do
mestic accommodation to pay well and ono
on these the adventuresses feed. The moi
city itself contributes a very largo pro moiV , ,
portion of its women through the de
fects in the domestic comforts. In and
other cities every family has n sopa tii
rnto homo. In Now York hardly one lin
family in fifty haa n whole houso. nr.
Hence a worldly wisdom and hard experience
perience nttonds the Now York bred
woman below the middle class just aa ho
4n Paris and other Continental cities cha
of Europe. nor
The recent murder by a midnight enl
ruflian of a bright young Gorman who [ t
was escorting a kept mistress to her
flat in a fashionable building , has
brought prominently a case in point.
Hero was a loading hotel keeper , who
had raised a largo family and left > er
them in charge of the llosanor hotel ,
ono of the largest of the up-town '
hotels , in tlio vicinity of Fortieth rot
atroot. The man died , and left one hut
son in clmrgo of the hotel , with in-
ntructiona to pay to hia mother and eon
brother and sistora a certain portion lie
of what ho made. The hotel hud a
hard scramble to got along , being ng
somewhat out of the range of Now
York houses , nnd the young man in
charge began to drink and to spend or
the whole iucomo loosely , so that hia
" wife loft him , and ono of hia brothers ny
"brought suit against him , nnd was
wdod by his mother. His sister fell
Into the company of n kept woman , in
who had first boon
married to a thief ,
then lived with n gambler and now hey
lived with a rich Englishman , from lo
whom aho had boon temporarily sepa
rated by a quarrel. Hero was a pic ud
ture of fast Now York lifo around the ai
hotels the managing heir of the ov cr
tate a drunkard , ; hia aistor running ral
looaoand hia brother at dagger's points
with him. nd
In the nbsonco of the English na nd
tron of the kept woman her company esu
waa solicited by a young Gorman of
fine connections , who greatly resem f
bled one of the brothori in the hotel vlint
property. Ono night the mistress and
her now friend and the hotol-kooper'a
orphan and sonio friend of hers , start
ed out at 11 o'clock at night to go tea
a place und drink some beer. They
did not como out till 1 o'clock. On
the way homo an evil-looking
atrangor followed thorn clozu up and nd
the woman said to her Gorman nd
friend : " \Voarofollowod. " Lotus
turn down the next street , "hu said , osa.
Aa they turned the corner the ovil-
looking man came up nnd remarked ; "
"Are you laughing R , me ? " With
that ho struck the man a powcrfal
blow in the face , ns if with brass
knuckles , nnd ho fell to the pave
ment ; and as ho rose again this per
son or some other person , for the
whole question is involved in mv -
tcry , struck him with sorno toiriblo
weapon , and again struck him when
ho was down , nnd his skull was frac
tured. Ho was able to say but a very
little , and there was only ono witness
of the crime the kept woman , The
coroner found that she would not give
her testimony because aim wanted to
disguise her dubious social lelations.
Ho invaded her apirlmcnt nnd made
her testify , and still believed that aho
has not told the tiut i. Of course the
whole rottenness of the family comes
out , nnd Now York has another sensa
tion somewhat similar to the Nathan
Iron Moklncr In the South.
Xaihtlllo Amcrhan ,
The output of uig > iron nt the Rising
Fawn , South Pittsburg nnd Cowan ia
a matter of much interest to our people
ple who believe in the future great
wealth of the south. Whether our
coal Would make coke , nnd whether
our ores would prove rotrnctory in hot coke furnaces , were questions
about which wo could only speculate
n few years ago. But these questions
have been fully tested and Bottled.
The now furnace at South Pittsburg ,
just blown in n few months ago , the
other ono being now blown put for re
pairs , has been gradually improving
under the skillful management of
Mr. Warner , until on the 7th of .luno
( inat. , ) it made ninoty-throo tons of
iron.This furnace was built by n set of
English gentlemen , who built it some
what on the English plan , but not
understanding our ores , and the
proper mixture , they had not suc
ceeded in making with the mate to
tha ono Mr. Warner is now operating ,
nnd which is now undergoing repairs
a good output. But Mr. Warner ,
since ho took charge , han boon grad
ually improving , ono day last week
making eighty-six tons , nnd on the
7th ninoty-throo toiiH. The other furnace
naco will again bo in operation soon ,
and it ia confidently believed the fur
naces will got up to ono hundred tons
per day each.
Mr. Bowron informs us that when
he loft England , flvo years ngo , the
best furnaces were making GOO tons
of iron per week. The Con an furnace ,
nlao under the management of Mr.
Warner , built for a fitly ton furnace ,
made , on the 7th inat. , novcnty-throo
The Rising Fawn furnnco was built
nnd operated by aomo New York
gentlemen for aevoral years , getting
it up for forty-fivo tons per day
never as high nu fifty tona and when
Mr. Warner took charge of it hia am
bition was to got it up to fifty tona
per day. Under careful management ,
watching the ores lo got the right
mixture und by increasing the blast , 5
this furnace has bcon brought up to
nearly 100 tons per da } ' . On the 7th
inut. the out-put was ninety-eight
tons ; the day before and the day after
ho out-put was , each day , ninety-five
tons ; so that with thrco fnrnacoa ,
ylilch in nizo do not compare with the :
'sabello or Lucy , nnd perhaps did not
coal ono-third as much money , wo are
making about na much iron as they
nado a few yearn ago , and na much as
holj best furnaces made in England
aniy hvo yoara ngo.
Wo are not ablp to state with accu-
003 what the Birmingham furnaces
ro doing , but wo can state in a gen-
ral way that they are a grout success (
the quantity , quality and cheap-
ieaa of the iron produced. The coke 7. i
made from the Pratt coal mines is now
xtonaivoly used , and its superior
polity ia a.fixcd fact.
iuaT furnace of the Chattanooga
rot ) company at Chattanooga , under
management of Mr. Warner , has
cnu well , but it was the first built in
state aa a coke furnace except the I.
no nt Rockweed , and ia a compari-
ivoly small furnace , but until Mr.
Varnor got it , about nineteen or 0.10
wonly tona waa its best work. Under ulvl
management of Mr. Warner it lion ind1
jocn carried up to forty-one tons for
day , and by the month average-
mont thirty-three
tons. jytJ
Wo have given facta to allow tlial Uot
ron making in Tennessee , Alabama hv lha
Georgia is not now nn experiment ,
ia a success unparalleled ua
n begin-
ling. Making cold-blast charcoal iron '
Tonnoasoo was a success forty years
, and the iron made had a reputa- f.
ion from ono end of the country to f.
other. But the now coal-blast
charcoal furnace lately built at War
, , has done what no cold-bloat char- 1131
furnace over did in any country ,
least if it waa over done it waa not
eportcd ; it made in ono day thirty-
hrco tons of iron. It was built aa a
ftoon tona furnace , but ia averaging AN
rom twenty-two to twenty-seven tons 0011
day. The making of this iron at
Using Fawn , Chattanooga , South
'ittaburg and Birmingham ia not u BO-
, that ia , there ia nothing about it
anybody would deairo
to keep n
ucrot ; the facta about it may nil be < r.t
, the coat of the fuel , the cost of
ore , the labor , etc.
The ninety-eight tons made at His-
Fawn ia the beat day's work over
ono by any furnace aouth of the Ohio 3U.
ivor. This , with the auccosa at War-
with the now cold-bloat charcoal
urnaoo the beat low
work over done by
furnace in any country givoa to LO.
Naahvillo man the bolt.
Making iron is a simple procoaa , and OlIW
BUCCOSS in Tonnoasoo by men who
totally without experience when i-r.
embarked In it , provea how aim- nd
it is. Mr. Warner haa made thia aid
nparallolod success by clone attention DC
superior business judgment. Ho
with him , and who have been un-
hia tuition for several anr
yoara , BOY-
id I
young men who thoroughly un- III
eratond the business of making iron ,
who are capable of carrying on
conducting successfully the busi-
of iron making.
Wo refer to thoao facts in the hope
atimulating capitalleta to realize
can bo dono. All wo lack is the
If , t
Truth &xitl Honor.
Query : What is the best family
icdioma in the world to regulate the A.
oivolfl purify the blood to.
, , roijiovu cos.
ivoneas und biliouBiiosa , aid digestion On
tone up the whole system ? Truth I'lani
honor compels us to mmwpr , Hop
ittora , being pure , perfect nnd harm- Wwt
. Toledo Mlado. torntce
. "
"BLACK.PnAUGHT" ciirra d , Oalvi
umj tuani
entojioo , w. fra , vnrniiroui * ire
Ora h Pawcn er o , S , 8:30 : a. ra. Ac-
rnmctlitlon J.'o. 4 , 1:0 : ( p.
Arrive Om&hrv rawener No. 1 , 6:20 p. ra.
cctrrecdatlon No , 3 , 10fx3 : a. m.
JTnta OMAHA HAST o loutn iccirB.
0. , D. fc U. 7:40 : a. m. 8(0 p. ra.
0. A If. 7. . , 7 : < 0 - rn. 8JO : p. m.
C. , ILI. &i' . , 7:406. m. 8:46 : P. m.
K. 0.Pt. J. * C. B.kfiT , 8 r-t HO a. m. and 7 :
ra. ArrhMf.tQ Loulnat 8:30 : t , to. * nd6:62 :
W.I Bt.1. 1 P..l6aTc at8 a m. and 8 : 0p.
AtrUeo a tl. Uula at 6:4d : a. m. and 7SO :
r. . * If. In Neb. , Through
T. ft M , Mnccln Erpree e-M p. ro.
U 1' . Overland Exproa' , 1:15 : p. ro.
O. rt n. V. for Lincoln , 11:45 : a. m.
0. A n V. for Oiccola. 9:10 : . m.
U. 1' Ko. E , 6:80 : a. m.
0. P I rclpht No. 9 , 6:20 : a. m.
H. I1. frcl/fhtKO. / IS , 2:60 : p. m.
IV. r. freight No. 7 , : IO p. m. * tolgr n .
, . V , IHiwrr < iprrnj. 7:36 p. in.
P P. IreK-ht Nn 11. 11JO : p. m.
(7. P. Doinn freltrlit , 8:25 : p. tn ,
C n. h o ' t:00 : a. n. 7:28 : p ra.
V. ti N. W.,9:4S : a. m. 7:25 : p. m.
C. n I.ftP.B. R. m. O.OS p. m.
n. 0. , St. Joe ftO II. , 7:36 a. c. :45p. : ro
Atjivma mou run w/.i AMI couiuvnn ,
0. h K. V. _ frain tlncoln 1:08 : p. m.
U. P. P'-dllc Expieoe 3:25 : p , ui ,
n1 li M. In Neb. , Through I pie * ? 1:11 : p ta ,
K. t U. Llcccln Kxprcm 0:10 : a in.
U. V , Rtnvor tprem , 7:3i : a. ro.
W. P. Freight Ko. It 2:60 : p. ta.
U. P. Wo , 6 tiO : a. ta. Etn !
U. 1' . IrolijhtNo. 14 , 12:16 : p. m.
V , V. Ho. 8 tiCO : p. rn.
U. P. Ko. 12 118 ! ft. m.
U , p. Denver Jrol ht , 1:10 R. n.
0. ft n. V. tnUfJ , ar. d:45 : p. m.
9Uiunr loxncn rnvnat OXJUJA AM
OOUTC1E. HtU77il.
Lo&va ti 6:00 : , 9 00 , IC:00 : and 11:00
m.i 1:0 : .00 , S 00 , i-.m and 6:00 : p. m.
Ixivo Council lilufls at Sf : , B:2J : , 10:25 : and
: J5 . m. ; ltV6 , 2:25 , 2M : , 4:26 : Kcd t:25 p. m.
Dtin > : n9 Tbe Oumrny leaven Omaha U 0:00
na 11M : a. m.j 2.W , 1:00 : ami E-00 p. ro. LCMTM
Ccnncll lilula t O.SS and 11:2E . m. ; 2:2C : , 4:25 :
Cd :30 : p. ui.
local patiooger tnlns between
Omkhn nd Council llci"n. ) I/on o Cmulu 0:16 : ,
145. S-tO . tu. ! 3-40 , 6:16 : , 0:00 p. in. Arrive
Oi bft-7io : , liss : , ll:4i . m. ; 6:40 : , 7:06,7:16 ,
p. u <
Opening i no Cloilnu of F/vlli.
orui. ctos * .
a. ui. p. m. b. tn * p , bi *
W . 11.00 f > : CO t:30 : 3:40 :
5)lc ) ! ! 0 , K I. A P4dHc.ll03 ! P-00 f.SO : 2W
Chicago B. A Q. - 11:00 B.OO 8M : S:10
Ush ! . . . . U-30 6:30 : S:10
o ni City and 1'aclQo. . ft.OO S 0 3:40 :
Onloa I'acfflj . :00 : 11:10 :
ji U ft B. V . trtO 11:10 :
. ! : II. 1.1 Kcb . 4:00 8:10 :
iTai3aftniouxCity. . . . 6-00 7:20 :
0. < j M. Lincoln . 10.30 0:00
U. P. Uneolu , J Sunday. . . 1:80 : 11:00
J. P. Denver Exp . 0:00 : 6:80
0. , Elotii City tiSt.P. . . 11:00 : S : < 0
IiCMl calls for State oi lonn Icr\ hal oncoa
1J , ( i :0 EOs. hj.
O/i'.ce orun Uundtyo from 12 ro. to 1 p. to.
Abstract nnd Rc l tatate.
JOItN L. UcbAQUH , opjx lto Test OOc.1.
W Ji nATlTiETT SIT Hflnth 18th Blfeel.
NOELSSOra , AJl01irrKCT3
li. Cro1t&toc ; filocK
A. T. r.'tUaK Jr. . Hoom 2 , Oiohtcn ! Dlocfc.
ULOt * nnu Utiocs.
flvn Dcoti anj ( Jho03. Azoad wuortmenj
Kent wcrt ou l.nnJ , comer lUh And II ruoy.
IIZOS. BUICK50N , 0. E. cor. ICih ncd DougUs ,
135 IClh ttreot , nnnn'r.cturco to order csod wcii
( f tlr prlcca Doialtlni' done.
Bed Gprlngc.
t/AnitlMUK Manubcturor.
Uockz , Hcw and btfitlonery.
J. I. FRUEIJAUF 1016 Farnhim Btroet.
uutter and E K"-
UCSHAHK & BClIHOEDKn , the oldest B. * nd E.
Mio In Nobr n ) . rtUbltfihod 187ft OmMia.
MlUt A. RYAN ,
.UTics ! corner ICthind
Best Board for the Monoy.
a th ( ctloD Ouarantecd.
at til Hours.
Bo rd by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Torma for Cftib ,
Furnloheil nnnmg Buvplled. _
UnrrlRRvit nnU Hoaa Wacom.
VU SNYDI5U. 14th ftnd rttrnov Stroota.
' ClothlnK Uou&ht.
IIAi'.KIS will my hIehovtCuiiprlee ; toi iscond
od u'othlnr. CornnrjlOth nnd F rnha.m.
uowo er > .
JOHN BAUMirn ISll Farnkuu Otcel.
H. UKBTHOI.I > , IUga tnd Mettl. Self
Lumber Lima nnd Oomont. mat
STKH A QltAY corner Oth and DongUa S3. lead
Lamps and ainejwarc. turc
BOMNER ISO ! ) Domilna at. Oood Yntlaty. wo
Merchant Fallora. to"
oi our moat popular Merchant T lor ! la re- addl
ulvlni ; the Intoet Jeslcus ( or Spring and Hummer
Jcoi for gontltiicon a rrear. Btyllili , durable ,
irlcca law a eref 81E 18th bet. Doug.&Fura. =
ill , Fin-
Board > ,
* , - . - , , . spect Hotuo In
Weil. PurcliiiKTB CAVO 80 per cent , Order Dr
Uill. 115 Fifteenth Street.
Hour and Feed.
3UAUA CITY MILLH , 8th aad ffimlum flli. , Woo
proprietors. Iron
Orocert. Hen
2THVrj.3 , Slot betwoou Oamlcg ; and Izar
A. UnlltANK. Com S3d and Cumliiff Street *
Hardwaie , Iron and Uteol.
OLftN * LANQWORTUY , WholcoUo , 110 tot
Ifctn otroet
A. UOf-UES corao 18th and California.
Hnrnoai , O.iddlot , &c.
H. WKtor SonthBt. bet F rn. & H rnBy. tent
notois " tlcul
AKITIKLD HOUSE , Ooo. d nflold,8th & F rnh m
OOBAN 110U335 , P. II. Cary , 018 Farnbam at. igca
OLAVrJi'S 110TEL. F. SInven , 10th fl .
lonihern Hotel HUB. lUuiel Blh < bLcavonwortb
} .
rum , I'alnta end OIli.
KI1HN ft CO.
1'lns Vana Uoodi , Cor. Uth and
Doujl ) . .trctU
J , , milTKIIOUPli , WholoaAlo&UcUll , 10thI.
o FIEU ) , 102S North uido Cumlujf Street.
I1 Alllt , Druirclat. IClh and Iloward Streets.
PAUL Williams Ulocic Oor. Itth h Dodge.
Ury Qoodi Notion * , fcto.
JOHN n. F. tKuMANN & CO. ,
York Dry Ooodi Store. 1B10 aad 1B1I ram-
ham ttrsei
. EnawolA al o boot * and thool & Fadfle.
WSAUNK A BOOT cor. Ulh 4 J ckon tU ) ld
. OK088. N w and Btoond Hand rnrnllura
Stoveo i , ilU Dovrla * . Illchert caob prlc
lor ! second banii pxxJi.
DONNKH ItOt DovU it. Fine rood ! Ao.
f cro Work * ,
, IKIKaACO JSUHarneyBt , ImptOTt
Ice < Boxvi , Irco acd Wood Vcncei , OEw
lng ! . OountHf Plna and Walnut.
Pawnbroker * .
HOSENFELD loth St. , bel far. * Oat
Retrlgeratort , Oanfleld' * Patent.
QOODXIAN lib St. bet. Faro. &
Olgara and Tobacco.
, * FniTSOnEK , manulactnrori o Olgari , Jnrea
ffSiwSIeri1 ? n T01600180SDougIaaI
KN manufacturer 1118 Faraham We
Dontjhae ,
N. W.ccr. IV Yl
Orccn Homo nth and Webster itrcot. ( or to tin
, llouqueU , rio tr . Floral Dulgm ic.
Uornlce WorM ,
rn Oornlej Work . ilinulactnrers Iron . B.
, Tin , Iron and Ditto llooBine. Order lum
any locality promptly executed In the bc t
, Factory and OUlce 1218 llaruey El
0. sf'KollT '
, Prourletor. Price
lalvanlied Iron Cornice * , Window C pt. etc. .
uanufacturcd and put up In any part ol the
antry. T. BINIirJUl lie TOrt oth itietl
; . BOKNEH 1803 Dootiu itreel. Ocod line.
Oomml lon Merchant * .
O. WIL LI8.1414 Dodire Strttl ,
D B. nEKMKll , Tor dctill > lirjs adtertlt-
rccnt In Dtlly and Wecklr. .
Civil Engineer ! find Surveyor ! .
ANDREW ROSKWATKK , CrelRhton Block ,
Town Barreye , Or4 and Bewersgo Syitoms a
Specialty. .
Olothlnr * and Furnlihlna Ooo * s.
OEO. H. PETEUSOM. Also Hat * , Caps , noote ,
3hot Notions and Catltrr. 80t fl. 10th ttreot.
Chcnv Otto M nuf c1ory. |
0. 1. WII < DK.
M cnfMtarcr and I > s ltr In all Mndl Cl Show
Casss , Uprlht C 9e , A'13" Csa Bt.
FKANK U GFJUMRD , proprietor Oniaha
Show Cnso manufactory , 013 South 16th Itreet ,
between LO.I ; cnworth and llarcy , All gocua
warranted flrat-cK .
otetcnu inwar < a.
Dealer In move * aid TUnwro , tad Manntactutcr
etOd Tin Koos and all klnJs I Uallditj Work ,
Odd FellowB' Bioclr.
J. ONNin. 19 Denj : ! * St Ml tnd Chetr.
J. KVANB , Whslwult and FteUH Se d Dtllll aaJ
Cultivators Odd Fella * a
W. 0. OinBO , SI. D. , Room 2Io < , Creljrhton
DlocU , Uth BtrotJ.
P. a. LEISKNH1KO , M. P. Maionlo Block.
0. t. II ART , II. D. , It ) t and Kir , opp. poetoffico
DR. i. n .
Ociilltt and Aitrlft , B. W Uth and Firuham Bb )
; an per
tJKNHY A. KO'tTKIIS. 141 Dixlgo Btrntt.
OEO. nnvN , PAOP.
Grand Cuntml ( bllcrv ,
212 blxtcenth Street ,
near Manonle HiU. FU3tWa Work aad Prompt
ni > e3 irunrantccn
Plumbing , Uak nu Uteani r-lttliiR.
P. W. TARI'T A CO. , 1017 t. , bet. Farnbim
and Dougln. W'rU prorup \ attended to.
D , riTZPATUICK. i.oaglia Street.
eiicxi uwrm.
PhlHIn Lin U2iFirnhmm t * ' 13th ft Kth.
Ucront Malta Uture ,
tt 1.EAH. 1410 Douplviflr. , How
Second Ilfind Furnltnro , Houoo t umlsUnK Goad i ,
tie. , nought ami BO ! I 'it narrrw m nfln
OCAS. IttRWIC , 1013 rarnbam bet. Ulh ft lltd.
OP U < mt Gtorej.
T. 0. nACKDH Firnham St. , F ncr floodi
Kloon .
In tao now hrlck block on Doui Ina Birooi , ln
Just openrd a mut elegant Ucei Hall.
Hot Lunch Irom 10 to IS
01 cry day.
" Calodonla " J 7AMONKB 07918th Street
The fceblo nnd ciaciatcd eiiDcrlnr
pcpsuorlndlsc-tion In any form , arcad\l3cd. for
the sake of their OHM bodily nnd mental comfort ,
try Hostettcr'a ttomacii Illttera. tadlca oi
the most del'cato ' constitution tcstltj to Its harm-
lets and rojtornthc properties. Ph\dlclana
everywhere , disgusted \\itli tha adulterated
liquors o ( LOnmcrco , prescribe It ai thotafest
and most reliable ol all stomachics.
For sale by all druggists and dealers generally
al to ml
TRADE Thp aroat7ttf.nB HJAHK
English rein-
cdy. An un
failing euro
for Seminal
Weakness ,
rhca , Impotency -
A ency , and all
follow aa
DEFCRETAItlHa.ecqucnco otAFTEH TARina.
SelfAbuse ; as LOEB o ( Memory , Unlxcrsal Lassi
tudi , Pain In the li.ick , Ulmncsj oiiilon , Premature -
mature Old Aifo , and many other Rl'cisca that
to Insanity or Consumptloa and a Prema
Gnu o.
2TFull partlcubra In our pamnhlct , which
dcalra to tend ( rco 1 r unit to o\ cry one ,
3"Tho Speclflo Medicine U Eold by all dru flsta
$1 per package , or 0 pack IKUS ( or $5 , or will
Bent free by mall on rcci pt of the money , by
addressluf TUB OKA JKDICINK CO. ,
Buffalo , N. y.
; -
To Nervous Sufferers
. J. B. Simpson's Specific
It la a postUecure | for tipcrmatcirhca , Semlni
WcoknouJ. Irapotancy , and all dleoajma reaultlnz
Bcl/-Abuai > , u > Mental Anilcty , Lcsui ofa
llmory , Pr.lnn In the Bnck or 6lda , anJ ll >
' ' ' - "
Concumptlon net
Jnnnlty an , roor
carlygiavo heal
Tha fipecIHc the
McJeuo ! ! Is thaFc
with wonder- the
fill ouccooa. and
_ Pniniihlotf rcm
frea to til. Writs ( or thorn aud get iull jar- Itatl
ilculara. Itatlre
Price , SpocIDc , (1.03 per j cl ; ? o , or tlz ruck.
for fo.OO. AddrcHa all orden to
Noa. 101 and 106 lUIn St. Buflalo , N. Y
BoM In Omaha by 0. F. Uoodman , J. W. Uell ,
K. Iili , and all UrUfflntsoi ccy whore.
Oatarrn , ]
; lces
.EOZERIA.1 ind
Sores ,
PI tuples , ilnf
> oul
, in
When Hot Springs Fail
UiriRN , ARK , , May t. 1S81
have catwa In onr own town who lived at
Springs , ind were finally uircil with S. 8. B. Dr
McOAUUON ti MURI'.V , Aspt
YOU aoubtcouio W B09 us andK WILL Menu
YOUK OK charge nothlnir I I Wrlto foi
attlculan and copy cl little Bock xcrtiou
Uufortunate Buflerlni' jads
81.00O Rnwaxtl will bo paid ta mj treat
nho vtlll Und , on analjela 100 tottlg ( he i
B. , one particle of Mercury , Iodide Potti price
crany illneral itihctance. With
8WIITBPECJF10 CO. Propa , com ;
Atlanta cliicc
of Small slic , (1.00. nouey
also 11.76. 0.
Sold by KENNARD CO rtful
Mr J. O. Uobcrtson , PIltsburR , Po. , writes : " !
. .as BUffcrlnelrom general dobllfn , want of ap
petite , constipation , etc. , BO that llfo was ft bur
den ; after using Durdock Dlood Hitters I felt bet
ter than lor j cars , I cannot praise ) our Hitters
too much. "
U , Olbb , ol BnfMlo , N. Y. , writes : "Your
Burtlock Diet > Hitters , In chronic dltoases of the
blood. lUcr ai.d Mtlncjs , have been signally
marked with success. Ihivo u cd them ui ) sell
with best results , for torpidity of the liver , and In
caaoof a friend ol mine nunerlnf from dropsy ,
the effect nag man clous. "
BrucoTurner , Rochester , N , Y.wrltes | : 'I ha e
been pubjcct to Beriom disorder of the kldnoB.
and unable to attend to business ; Burdock Dlood
Hitters rcllexid mo bcforo hill a bottle wns used
I feel confident that they will entirely euro me. "
Ascnlth Hall , BInghampton , N. Y. , writes :
"I Buffered with a dull piln through ni > clt
lunu and shoulder. Lost my pplrlts , appetite
mid color , and could with dllllculty keep up all
day. Took 3 onr Durdock Blood Hitters ns di
rectedand ha\o felt no pain since flr t week al
ter uslni ; them , "
Mr. Nosh Bales , Hlmlra , N. Y. . writes : "About
four jcars ago I hid in attack of blllou3fo\or.and
nc\cr fully rccoMrcd , lly dlgcstl\o orgnns
were. wcaKcncd , and I would bo completely pros
trated for day" . Alter using t o bottles of jour
Burdock Dlood Hitters thol mpro\cment was to
\hlblo that I MOB astonished. I can now. though
01 jcaraof ajrc , doa fair and ruaaonable da > 'a
C. BKcket Robinson , proprietor of The Canada
Presbj tcrlan , Toronto , Out. , writes : "Ferycors
I Buffered greatly from oft-returrlng headache. I
used } our Burdock Blood Bitters with happiest
results , and I now flnd un pelf In better health
than for joars past. "
Urn. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ! have
used Burdock lllood Bitters for ncnous Mid bil
ious headaches , and can recommend It to otijono
requiring a cure for bllllousncss. '
lire. Ira itullnolland , Albany , N , Y , writes :
"For BC * era ! j eara I hao nufltroa from oil-recur-
rini ; Mllloua headaches , dyspepsia , nnd com-
plnlnU peculiar to my Bex , Since utdn ? jour
Burdock Blood Bitters I am entirely rclleicd. "
Price , 51.00 ooi flattie ; Trial Bottlei 10 CtJ
FOSTBBMILBnENI& , Do , .Props . ,
Sold at wholesale by Uh & UcMahon and C. F.
Goodman. Jo S7 cod-mo
it i It may
* ave your FAIL
Ufa. It hn&
jitvecl bun-
Disease la au effect , not a cause. IU origin Is
within ; Ita nunlfestatlonavlthout. . l.'cncc , to
the disease the cusKmuat In ranotcd , and
no other a > can a uiro e > er l-e effected.
LIVJER CUJaE Is established on Jii ns
principle. It rcallzia that
95 Per Cent.
all ! dlaoast.3 arize ( rom deranged kltlncjg and
er ! , and It strikes nt once at the root oi the
dllllcnlty. The tlcmoTits o ( which It Is torupoecd
directly i upon thtso treat organs , both a a
aid UKuroKBR , and , bj placlnL' them In a
healthy , condition , drUodiseaso and pain from 0
For the Innumerable troub'cs cauBed by un-
hcalthj ICMncjo , LUer and Urinary Orgatie ; ( or
distresslnp i Disorders o ( Women ; for Malaria ,
physical ilcranpementa generally , this croat
rcmidy haa no equal. It ! are o ( Impostors , Im
itations and concoctions s.-Utl to bo just as L-ood flffl
re ' ° RNER'S SAPE ]
For gala by all dealers.
H. WAHNEn & CO. .
'ne Rochester N. Y.
The Great Lnglisli Kemedy
iKcver ( alU lit cmo
.Vcn oua Debility. Vi
tal Exhaustion , ICmh-
pious , Seminal Woak-
HOOD , and all the
[ * \ll tffecta of ) uuth- V
ful folliea and excvg-
| oa. It stopfl penna-
iH-ntly all weakening ,
.nvoluntary louts and
'rains upon the ss-
m , thrlne\ liable re-
" iult o ( these oil prac <
, which arc Bodwtruetho to mind and body
make life miserable , ottcn leadlut ; to Insanl-
and death. It strengthens the Nerveo.Braln ,
memoryf Blood , Musclea , DigeatUe and Ilepro-
lucthu Ortfins , It rwtorea ti all the orianlc
unctlcjn their former vigor and vitality , ma-
life checrnl ami enjoyable. Price , $3 a
, or ( our times tte quantity 910. Bent by
ixpreH. secura ( rom obstratlon. . to any addreea.
receipt of price. No. P.O. D. sent , except
rcAilpt of 91 at a guarauteo. Letter * it-
ue6tln answers icuit InclOM gtamp.
Dr. Mintio's Dandelion Pills
th best and chuapeiit djipopala and bllllous
la the market. Bold by all druggists. Price
Da. MIRTH'S KIUHIT REUior , NBrnvncuu ,
niresill klndol Kidney and bladder complalnte , SANe
ouorrhta , gleet and loucorrhca. For Bale by all
laujrK'iU : 81 a bottlo.
718OlheSt. , St. Loulu , Mo.
For Sale In Omaha by byC. . F. GOODMAN. Ne !
. . .
, K. 0. Wcai'i Nerve and ITmTu Treatment-
speclflis for Hj-stcrli , Dlulnetu , Coavulsions ,
Headache , Mental Depression , Loss oi
lailtslont , Vremuturo Old Ago , caused by ovcr-
, self abuie , or otcr-indulgenco. which
to misery , deiy and death. One box will
recent i CUKO , i x h box contains one mouth't
refitment. : One dollar a box , or ulx boxoa for
dollars,1 i Bent by mall prepaid on receipt ol
. \ \ e truaranteo six boxes to cure any case , uino
each order rocohcj by us for lx boxes , ac-
ompanlcd with n > e dollars , will lend the pur.
our written uuaranteo to return the
K the treatment does not effect a cure. HA
f. Goodman , Drufttlrt , Sole. Wholoaale and
Agent , Omaha , Neb. Orj rt by mall at
utalUprltc , dkwly
. . . J
Storage , Commission and f liolesale Fruits ,
Agents for Peck & Bailers Larfl , and Wilbor Hills Flonr
OMAHA , - - -
C- G-OOJ33VC.A.3ST ,
Window and Plate Glass.
2rAn ) ono contemplating hutKitng store , bank , or any other fine . front , will flnd It to thlr ad
vantage to icrriB end with U9 before purchasing their 1'latu Glnss.
1213 Farnham St. . Omaha ,
tl Hi
L !
On River Bank , Bot. Faraham and. Douglas Sts. ,
Fire and Burglar Pro3
O < O
1020 Farnham Street ,
iLE , ; JHN80N & CO. ,
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Boat Brands of
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Tear Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAEAtfEB
. Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
A , L , STEANG205 Fav" " St. , Omaha