,1 , THE DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , JUNE ' 21 , JSS2. TOflTUKKD JEWS. ThoHorHb1e3lghti ! ! to Bo Witness * * nt the Oclossn Hospital. An Austrian physician who has via ilcd tlio Jowa' hoipital nt Odessa HIVCI the following account of what ho onu there : In the Jews' hoapiUil in Odessa , 11M mutilntod por.ions have boon rcceivi-t within ft few days , and a still groatui number nro still in the ruins of theii homos in Ilozolo , Balta , nnd pmalloi places in the neighborhood. Most ol the wounds arc of n very aurtotii char , actor , the ajjgrcasorahaviiiL'been cruul enough to pour tpiritn mm putroluuin into thorn. If the .lows resisted thii treatment the Russians cut nrtm and 1 < ? K ofl' tlio badly im-d bodino and car ried thu 'i to the woods to throw them to the wolvea. Vury few of the vic tims in thu hospital are likely to re cover , and the nccountn they ijtvo of their sufioriiiga and thu troittnunt they experienced at the hands ( if tin ir ngurcunrs would oppaar oxuggor , iei did their bodies not provolho truth o wlnt tht-y o.iy. There is ono youuy woman of lilllu moro than ISyeiru whoso breast wan cut i'H' ' with i award , while her l-yoa--old baby which is lnjin on the bed ninr hur hai had i'a oyus put out with ti led hot iron. Shu told the physician thu her husband had a hounu and ahop it llu/.olo , nnd that shu hud always beet on the best terms with thu llusniam of that town. On Easter eve , as nht wne making preparation for the Prtss over fotxst , n wild horde burst opei her door , took her baby , nnd threatened onod not to return it until she ha ( ( { tvoti up nil the money nnd valuable iu the house. Tha child was ncream ins ; wildly , ao hhu lotched nil aho had WJion the child w.is returned to her ita oyen had nlicady boon put out. Ii her despair who throw herself upoi those who had donu tlio horrible deed but they throw her to the ( { round threatened her in the most horrible fashion imaginnble , and when her husband returned nnd drown revolver ho was thrown to the ground also , bound with cords , nnd forced to look on while the monsters cut hia wilVa breasts elf an nway. Shu wan luft lying there with her baby , ' but the man wna carried oil' , and nho hu ; never heard of him since. In the bed next the ono containing thiu mianr.iblo creature , who lu.s not oven the com fort of tears , nits an old woman with her head bandaged , the craniu in having boon cutin two with n sword Upon the physician questioning hur whyeho wns not in a rucumbent position , riho answered that her back had been BO badly scourged it was ono largo open wound. WJiun aho heard the ajrgres- aora burst open the door , aha hid her grandchildren iiwny in tlio cellar , but they were found and cut to pieoeft under her nica. She was undronsod nnd scourged. In the next ward lioa a very yuiuii ; girl with an uncommon ly beautiful face. She does not know what lias been done to her , having been unconscious during the worst part of thu attack , but uhoaulTurs such such agonies that nhu in constantly praying for death toruliovo hor. The doctor in attendance tolls hia colleague that the way in which this poor girl fpvas treated na on uniqno iiialanco of cruelty , and that aho will not outtivo the dii . CIoBobyio n Htllo tf'vvl o ( 0 , writhing in terrible ptiu , arid trying to tear the Ixuidagon from her head and fWo. The nuram lio'U hur hitnda , but "suddenly her movements stop , oho atrutches heruolf out upon the bud her euO'ering have ci'udod. A woman on the other wide asks in an nnxion.s voice : "Why is Niiriaclia so quiut ? " Tlio UUMCH tell her aho ia deud. Unmindful of her own snfToringH nnd her weaknuna , the poor mother rises , runs across thu room , nnd faints near the bed of thu dead child. This poor litthi girl , who had tried to run away with a little nia- tor ono year old , had hnd her earn cut off. Hur mother hnd received several wounds on the head , which make the doctors fear concussion of the brain. Thu scenes witnessed in the men'o wards are scarcely less terriblo. Ono old man with n onow-whito beard hnd had hia arm broken in three places. lie hopes that death will noon free him from hia sulloriugs , for ho saw his wife , lila sons , nnd daughter-in- law burnt in the houao , which the ItuuiutiB had set on fire , and into which they had thrown thooo five pur- rx > ns. 11 u Imd been tied to n polo opposite the houao , which was flooded with petroleum before il wua ignited. Ono man had had both feet sawed oil' , n youth had had his breast cleft in two , n boy Imd hat all hia teeth torn out , The physiciai dcclarea that it is quite shocking to BOO all theau instances of anvago cruel ty against fellow.creatures , nnd thai whosoever has heard the waitings ant cries of pain in this hospital will not fail to do hia utmost to relieve the un happy creatures , imny of whom tire still without medical aid nnd without food. There nro about three thousaui children who have lost their parents , and who must in EOIIIO manner bo pro vided for nt ixny rate ; nnd there urt many women whoao husbands nnd fathers huvo been killed , and who uro in n far moro pttiablo condition thai the fugitives , who , although they may have lost nil their uarthly goods , have escaped with their families , nnd oat hope to found a now home in n now country. A LtKlUnlng Rod bououie. Otccola Advera'c. Look out for nwimllon. Our , friend J. 0. Inglohardt , of Valley precinct , has had some expi < iu < jicj with &omt lightning rod puddlum , which wil probably put him on hin guard for some timu to come , A ni'in rcru sontiiig himsulf to bo an a ent of tin Kansas City Lightning Rod company visited Mr , Inglolmrdt it few week ago , and , after considerable dickering agreed to rod hia houao und barn foi $20. Some days nftorward , nnotho man came around with the order am said ho wanted to put up that rod but , ho mid , this is n queer orde you gave , and it will make th rod cost moro than it la worth You had better tear up this order am wo will put up the rod nnd I will ao that you got 40 per cent discount 01 the coat of thu rod , Finally Mr , I tore up the old order and thu ugen roddoti the house and barn and thei presented him a note for $147 , am asked him to lign it. At this oppor tune moment a well dressed man am woman drove up in u carriage. Th man Introduced himself as a lawyu from Lincoln and said ho wanted man to locate some land in the vicini ty and ho had been directed to Mr Iriglchnrdt , Mr , 1 , very innocently told the lawyoi ( ? ) dbnut himonblo ami that eerillGinan nftor Inking R legal and judicial view of the Bitunfion , ad viseil Mr. I. that lie had "got hia fool in it" m > d had hotter unitlo. Thus pressed , Mr. Iimdehardt finally gave his note for Sl'l" , leas the ? i.0 , called for in the original contract , which ho paid in cash , Ho soon repented , however , and the next morning came to town , but the worthies had depart * ed. It will bo seen by the reader thai the so callrd lawyer was ono of the gang , nnd was doubtless in wailing nl aonio convenient place until hia servi ce 3 should bo required. A Perilous Illdo Wltb a MncJmun. ClidnnnUl Knqulrcr. Vtvan Fngin had quito a remarkable experience the olhor afternoon , which might have cost him hia life. While returning from the races in a buggy hemet met a man whom ho hai known for ftomp time by the name of McOauley. Uninvited McOiuley to ride homo with him , and the invitation was no copied. All wont well until they got down on Slate nvcnuu , Fngiu ( Ionia ing to visit a friend in that locality , when hia companion ruddenly caught hold of the linen and wildly dtmandcd that ho bo allowed to dnvo lrngiu Raid ho couldn't think of it , and held on tu thu ribbons. Hut McCdttluy wouldn't give up , und , snatching the lines , ho tvhippud the horse and stood up in the huygy , shouting nt a fearful rate. Fagm lor a moment was dumb founded , but the thought that ho was riding with a crazy man Ihudiul over hii mind. The hur.so dashed on , nnd Fanin struck the man n poweiful blow in the face , bringing the blood , but ho refused to yield , nnd fought Flight oUT hko n tiger. Finally , Koeiiiu that an accident could not bo averted , Fngin reaolved to have it como at once. Ho shut his oyea , und with both hands crabbed ono line nnd pulled il with nil bin might. The furious horao suctdunly turned , the buggy tipped , nnd Fngin was thrown out. Hut on the animal went , the madman remaining unhurt in thu buggy. Fagin wai somewhat bruised , but nblo to got up nnd run after ilo rig. In a tow minutes the horse dashed to ono nido , nnd down a. fifty- foot enib.inkment , carrying the buggy and driver , landing nil in a heap. A crowd of several hundred people had witnessed the ull'.iir , und many run up expecting to find both lioroo and driver dead. The pohco arrived nt this time. MeO.iuloy was pulled from under the Lniguy , and , straugo to say , he was not hurt beyond a tow ucratchoi. The liorso , nlao , for a wonder , escaped seri ous injury , but the buggy was badly domolislieil , both springs being broken. Fngin wai BO excited that ho tried to whip hia strangn fiiond , who was , however , hustled rill' to the police station and lnckod up When Thoro'u u Will Tlioro't ) n Wny. Auyiino wno has the will to try TIIOMAH' Ici.lX'Tlllu 0 nwill _ Hiirely linn tlio % uiy to n > liu t heultli , in CAHCI tit bronclilal iitfcc- .IOIIH , siiro throat , puin , oto. ; nud , us un uternal remedy it ix Iiivatualile. _ jolil-diw Tlio Newer Ailtlimotic. It n man buys a box of strawberries vith the bottom shoved up hulf-w.iy to ho top for ttt'enty-fivo cents , how ! > ny can 1m buy for § 2 ? Uoujht ; n horse 14. years old for § 05 xnd sold him to an editor for $120 as * x G-year-old stopper. How much did make'/ / If it takes eighteen men to do the > ossing nnd four men to do the lifting vhon a street c.xr horse ftxlU down , low many bosses and lifters will it uko to put live horses on thei. fool ? Julia hut ) 5 beaux nnd Emily hixa U , I'hilo the old maid next door bus nono. low many beaux in nil , and how lany xvould bo loft if they should give hu old maid half the crowd ? Iloxr many are SIS lees the § 5 you out congressman's son to help him lay his fnio to Town ? A certain city hn.s n popul.x > < f 20,000. The criifma man ci- , . i ) ut 2111,580. What is the ! II' - and where didthoromuiudei nl ' .1 > ng the coneun talcinyi A. bus nn overcoat for which hu > aid $18 , nnd hit wife tradca it oil' for .wo rod-clny busts of Andrew Jackson worth thirty conta each. Ilow much mouoy will she get from her husband to buy ix fall bonnoU If six men who talk politics and dispute puteon biblical questions cun build n wall in live days , how long will it take two men who whiatlo and thrt with the widow on the corner to do the same work ? A man pays thirty cents for three pounds of uvaporatod apples nnd gets n $14 newspaper pull for sending thorn to nn orphan aiylnm. Duos ho gainer or lose , nnd how much ? How many peck peach baskets , each holding BIX quarts , will bo required to hold eoven bushels of poaches , each bushel of which ia short four quarts ! How do you obtain nil abstract num ber ? Answer , lliro n strange boy to take a dozen oranges to your houao. How do you obtain n concrete mini her ? Answer. Mix ono part Akron coniOnt with t\\o parts of sand and spread Don't Throw up the Hpongo. When Hullorini ; Immunity nro enduring the horror * of iiy | iu | > sfi ! , iiullni'ition , or nervous and ienur.il : dubllity , thuy are too otton liiclliu'd to throw up the sponge ami icmgri tlu > iuaelvi > n tu futo. Wo my , dou't do It. Tuka llt'Iinjt'K ' llLOOIl JlllTElts tlio uiif nlllou lumuly. Price , $1.00. Tlio Blan "O. K. " All speculations aa to the origin of the cabalistic sign , 0. K. , and wrong , the Memphis Avalanche emphatically declares. "Tho eabtlistia O , K. , " it Bay * , " ns lirat olliemlly used by Old Kookuk , the pacillo uhiuf of the Sacs and Foxes. When ho sold Iowa to UnoloSnm ho ui iied the deed with hia initials , 0. K. Ilia co-ohiof , the Dory 1J. II. ( UhxckHawk ) refused to soil or sign away the rights of his people - plo to this beautiful land , and hence the 'Black Hawk war. ' Old Kooknk years ago passed on to the happy hunting grounds of the Great Beyond , but his sign continues to supply u long-felt want in the English lan guage. " "Many Billy people dospiao the pro- nous , not understanding it. " But no ono despises Kidney-Wort aftorhaving given it u trial. These that have used it agree that it is by far the beat medicine - icino known. Ita notion is prompt , thorough and lasting. Don't ' take pills and other mercurials that poison the system , but by using Kidney- Wort restore the natural action of all the organs. 3A.ILWAY TIME TABLE , C4U4 OIHC189 , ft , I'AOt , VmREirOUS 151 Oil All * RAtlftOAP , t.Mta Or h > V WC So. I , SSC : , m. Ac mrno-l ll-u No. , ! 0 ( | > . m JlitlvtOmahft I iw w 'K ' r Ko. 1 , JJO p. m , ccc : a jiUtton Hi. i. ' ' . ' : -o n > . itim nniei > A < T ( k cmn IOCKO. 0. , 15 fe ( ; . 7.-40 . ii - - ! V. > ' 0. * , : . W. , ? :4 : . i 3:10 : . m. C.i.l : VI' , 7:40 : n .9. : p. M. K. C.'j > . J. ft 0. . ' ' . , > ' .et i < t t80 & . in. nJ7i ! m. Alvatikt8 l-uldnt 9:30 : kt. in. anJ 6:5J ' 7. ; St. f , . k P. , IM . ; - at K . m. untl S:40 : p. Ar/it < M a M. t/nin nt : ; o . tu. r.O 7tC tu tnr OB Ii. K. In No' . , fhrminh Ktpttw , R-t,9 k. m ft. ta Ur.iolB BrproiKH-ntJil V' IT , U P. Omtend Sr | rw , 1J.U p. m , 0. i. K. V. fir I 'tixln , ll'lf . tt. > t n V. lor o CLu. . p-40 * . m. ( ' . frtlcM So. t , t-W * . m , ( ' 'f fright No. f > , * .AI . IB. 'J l ( rcllitNo. ( IS , ? .fe.p. m. rj. l' . 'tcUht Ho 7 , 8:10 : v m.eml6i tnl , . . i' . Denver oxptoM , 1:86 p. m , 1 , r. ird/ht No II. n.tO p. a , C. f. JJunii rm'/hf , U:2' p. m , a- * < ( fT Uiv roam U E. fc Q lifQ . in. 7'3iV in , 0. * N. tf.ti , ; % . T'il 1MB. 0 , . . J tf . ' -4' , m. 1'0/i / Ji. W. < i , n. . ft , in * ft o n. . 7t J . m. etup. w Ktll'VlCQ IKIV Tl i 4-M AK3 KltllirJUt. j. t R , V. Irom Lrtmclr ) S p. m , 0. ? . I'KlfKpiw fltaip. ra. 0 * M Hi K'ii ) . , Vtronirh KtfJCtt 111 ! V U , 1 , M. ! * ntotii BXiMi | 6 ia , U. t' . Iienvrr etpr w , 7Jfi : a. in. 'i. P. I'rcliiht o t ! tO p. ( o. J ? , fin. f G-.W a. m. Kml itn u. " . fMxIlt ho. 14 , lli : p. ta. U. ! . Vo. 0 8:00 : p. ta , 11. I * . Ho. 12 1U : a. In. 17 , i' . Dor' . er ! tclbt | , 1:10 ft. ta , f > . ( i. 51. V. ni-r3 ! , jr. t'J.1 p. m. * U K1 Ttilff F IWMH OUII/A iH Ltti\a OrohA U 5M , D.CCI , 10.00 > r. > \ 11 .W ei. 1.0 1 .0 , 00 , 1-00 ivld 5:00 : p. ta. Lout ( Juiir.-j. Burffi at :2D : , 9'i.l. : 10-2C t-n < \ ! . ui.j l'J.1 , 2:25 : , 3.SO , l2S ! unJ C:2i : p. m. UiUi-'njii HID < lumiiy ] un.vn On > lm U U.M t J 11-M n. : i.i B:0il : , 1CO : Mirt f 'CO p. lu. Leaves . --.i.e. ' } > ! i.g tt S:2 : ciil 11:26 . ui. ; 2:7 : } , Mt > nil : ? ! vo - Thru < i hpr.il local pn'cnucr Italna liotwccn Ir.iclm tiji ! CoiiKCll OliiQu. I cnreOmihfc 6:16 : , : < r. :50 . in. ; 0.10 , 5:40 : , 0:00 : p. in. Arrive > oab.v-7lt : > , llSb. 11:15 : ( . . m. ; 6:10 : , 7OC : , 7:15 , p. m Opening ; .no Glofclnj' of M l ! . CFVX. CI.OST. i. tu. p. in. . m. p. m. . U.to SM : 6JO : idIO : , K 1. 1 I-uclilB.nsOO 0W C:30 : MO , U. U O. . .11:03 : 9-W KU > I'M > ftl , ob' . 12:33 : BW I'MO ! ' ! City nnd l'nc2c. ! . S:00 : B,0 : ! 2:40 : Jclon Paciib . * :00 : 11:10 Jmahai.Il. V . 1:00 : 11:10 : 3.WM. In Neb . 4CO 8:10 : JnuhaiSloui Clly. . . . 8.00 7:30 3. i M. Lincoln . 10.S1 8:00 : J. P. Llmoln , Siimliy. . . 1SO : 11:00 : J. P. Denver Kp . H:00 0:30 : ) . Mam City Alit. ! ' . . . ] ' :00 : 1:10 : Lonl iiinllt ( nt mntuo ! Iciivn lc ve bat once i. t f , viz : C-M a , in. OHct open KundN.vo from 12 ta. to 1 p. m. PROS. 1" ItAI.L V M Business Directory. Abstract nrd ( ioal livloto. JOHN ii. MC.UAUUE , opposite Poit omoa. ty u nAmr.r.ivr ai ? smith i Architects. f. . : : * ; a lUiNHKLSllOHN , ALII ; . llrirni 11 Cralckion Bloci. A. T. rAUai ; Jr. . Itoom Z. CirUrhton tiooiv nnd Shod * . JAMKS DKVINJ : At CO. , flr.c litota and Utioen. A vood Misuitmcin lorne work on hand , lorner 12th uud ll.iiufv rUOS. KUICKSON , H. K. cor. 10th and Druel. * JOHN KOKTOHA'f 08 , lit ICth Btroct , mimufaclureu to ordo : iood : wort i\It ( prli'.cn. llctulrlni' dcno. Boil SprlnKt. LAKRIMEP Maimfaaiiref. 1617 Doiu'laa t tlooVi , rinwc cud Utntlunory. I I. ri TKUK inn Farnhf.m Ktreut liuttur and ta | > . loOUANK A. .SCUllOiiKK , the oldest 13. mid K. i KfthrMiltft e tobllAhfid 1876 Omal . RKafAUKAHT , A. KYAN , - Uubt BocrJ tot the Min y. ' ( Utlela tlou CuirinicoJ. tallirnun. Ilo. J b\ the Diy , Week or Uonth. ( Jooit Tciinu tor C'Mh . Furnli'hod ' Uiyimn Suaplloil. nd fluid W gen , iVU O.'YbFU. 1 1th nJ llnrnnv fltrccK _ Clothing Uourtht. I. QAHllia wlltm } hlghcstCatli prlco lor eecond unil ulnthlmr. Cornor.lOth nnJ F rnb m. jewu eri. JOHN HAU11UR 1811 Kftrnh m St ea > . Junx , H. nKUTIlOU ) , lUgn > nJ ISeUl. Lumber Llmo anU Oemont. & OR > V earner Uth uJ Loiiipa r.nd F. nONNKlt 1S33 Daugha Ht. Qood Vai'.nty. Merchant lallor * . 0. A UNDQUKfaT , Jjs of our laoU popubr Merchant T llorj h ro rlrln ; the Utcat deulRin lor Sprlnp nJ tiuminci 5o9ds for coutloniou H wear. Styilnh , ilurabio , ird IIILVH low c.-i orcr 216 lath hot. Ioiig.ftF iu. Mllllnory. IMS. 0. A. lUNUKIt , Wholonle and I'.oUII , I'm. ly Goodj In yrtat virloty , Zcph ) ii , Cunl Uo rd , tiouloiy , Clluvcd , CorBcta , &c. C'ho&poat HOUF.O ID Iho Went. Purcliftfiera uavo 0 per cent. OrJci l > y Ui.ll. IU Klltnoiitli Htn-ct. _ r * tour and Feed. } UAHAOITY U1U.3 , OtU nd Firnhmi Ell. , ff-lfihanu Uroi. , proprietor * . _ Uroccn. C BTKVKti'fl , 3Ut l.ctwccn Cumlng ntnl lui r. A. iioHllANi : . Corn J8d and Cumlnif titioele , Hardware , Iron and Steel. DLAN A I.ANQWOUTIIYVholoiilo , 110 tni * 12 Uth itr.ct A. 110LME3 corno 16th tnd CUItornlt. Hurnott , tUddlei , ftc. D. VYIIIOT TOlSth3t. liel ftrtit lUiney. Hotel * ANflKLD nOOat.Gco. CanOoMOih& FMnhuu HIBAN HUUhK , I * II. C ry , 1)13 ) F..tnlum HI. Bt\VKN' , ! > ilOTKL. K. S.Uvou , 10th St. tambutn Ubtol fliH lUmcl Oth ; > , Painti nd Ollr. KUUN A CO. , Hiu Vsuc UccJi , Oar , Ittb taf. T. ) . WHlTlUlOOn : , Whol jI * & KiUlI , 16th ti , U. fir.LI ) , tVX ftoith aide Cumlug Htrccl. fAHU , Uruiri'lU lOlu And Howird Strveta. Oenttitr. i > . I'AUL WllllMiii HlocX Cor. Uth h IXJct. Ury Good * Notloni , fctc. JOHN n. F. LKllMANN A CO. , w Toik Wry Uocds Hloio , liio ! ir.J 1812 1'ini him strscl. . C. RntnvnM tljo t > ooti tnd ihcea ft IVrlllc. roiindry. /OHH WKAUNBA-30NB cor , Uthh JirkionitB ruruiiuru , \ r. OUCBS , Ntw mrt Eroonil Iltnl farnllure aJ btov n , lilt DcailM. Ul hn ) cub price itU ( or rwconJ bn J EOO-IS. HONKER 133J DaurU ll f cooli tu t crco iVorka. OUAliA KKNCI ! CO. tWt , JnjEU < VCC I'Jlgll&roiiyKI. , Impravt | j Ic * Uoiui , Itcr ted Wool Ktucss. 00c ! lllotr . Counlt I * Fine > nd Walnut. HOEKNFT.I.U 10th fit. . bc | ft , , ft , Oanfleld'i ' Pttent , GOODMAN 1th Rt. bit. ftrn , & Oljari and Tobacco. WESf A FUITBCUEK , manul.cturow ol Clriu tnd Wholewlo Uealenl n ToUcooe , 1805 Uoul'l 8 ff. r. IX)11F.XZKH maniiUcturor llla Plorltt. A. Donajbuo , pUuU , cut flowerf , i edi , to. N. W. oor. leth nd DoufUs itrestt. GO To CUAin'3 Orocn lloune 17th nd WduU'r itroct. lor I'ltuta. UouqueU. Flo cm. Floral l > c.lciii tc Cornlc * WorM , " - Woitira Oorntco Worki. Utnuhctaieri Iron Oorulco , Tin , Iron und SUto KooDlug , Orderi Iroui any locality pioinptly executed In the but umnuer. factory and Olflco 1213 lUtnoy 81 0. Hl'KOlIT , Prourlotor. Oal'anltod Iron Cornice * , Window Capt. tie. manulacturcd and put up In any part ol thi country , T. HINUOLD ilt ThlrUeoth itrecl OrocVery , J. BOnER HOtDoiwUn street. Oaodllnt. Uoirmli > ! an Merchants , JOHN 0. "Ik MS.1414 Doito fitreH. D n nBBMKR. rordtU'.Is e * l\rge dvo tl j. taoril ! n ! > > ly"t | Wl lv. Civil Er lneoi-o nd Burveyorj. ANIWEW ( .OdKWATni .Crf'phton ' Hloc , Town Mtir-or , ' 'rwla and newora a Sftkctar a * nd Furnlihlng Ootx e ( IKO. II. I'VTBWION , AIoo Hfttd , Capo , She J/otlT aril Ctitlcrv , 801 S. 10th streot. ChoC 3 Manufactory. ) 0. J. WIMJK , Mi. ' faetn f i"l t t tor In All klnlj nl thor - r jfl. , Uprlcnt < " . A' . , 1317CoaeSI FKNkK I. f-KRIUnD. proprtrtor O' < HhowUft ninAniilvtor > , 818 South 13ln - . ' , botw n Loov iixnrtli at.d Maroy. All n - . or MI * tii inwiu * A. BOKMKSTKlt , Dsl r in Slnvt" * n < l Tlnwart , und Of Vln I'.iolj 11'I all kinds of } lulliin { > > uik , Odd r 'los'BK ' i. J. UOKN'KK. ISf1OontlMMt on.i n-l J , VAt'BVhuiv ! > l and Rtitatl Hi-el Dr-lli mil Od'J Foley ! rUI ) W. 9. UI01W , It. W. , liocni No i , CrdRhlou Black , 15lli Httt t' . S ! M tl..NHtNn , . II. Mmonlo Rlcch. 0. I. . HART. M. 0. , Ky Mil K r , opp. roetcflitc nil TJ. . URADBT , OralM v n * irH * . . . W IMh UK ) Ttrnhim Rt | ntii ji nil npor IK.R ! * KOSTKItS. Ml Ooiliru M OKO. lir.VN. PUOP. firiBilC 'tialOnlljrv , 12 Klttconth IUi.d. n r Mix il < - IIi'.l. ? lr3t-cnr ! Woik and Prompt n * cnarvitoi n I'Hunhint , Ota una uti-nm ' P.V. . TAIIPY ft CO. , S10 U lit. , bft. f J DmislM Hr.rk ptomp t attctuleJ to. I . ? IT/I'ATKICK , uot ! U * StrooJ. ( Jhoa biorm. I'M III Ii I.an li ! Uth ft llth. bfcuno Mr.na utorA. PKKKIN8 i tEAU , 1J1B UouElM St. , Nr.vr anil Second Hand f'lrnltmn. Hoiiro KumlshlncOoail ? lK'lif n-l "U1 nil tiatrow m rlnn . KinVB , ICia Farnliim brt IBth \ 11W. en Oent Qtoro * . P. 0. BACKD3 I'arnhum S . , F na Cocdf Oalooni , HKNV.Y KAUVMANN , In tne ntv bilck block on Douirhn Rtronl , hat Just cpomxl n meet elegant 1'cci Hill. Hat Lunch Irom 10 to U uvery d y. y.r,7 r,7 STOMACH T tymn IJJSTOJ wirs3 fo 7ho fccblonnd t'Uiiiei'Xte > mlTcrlnsr lrtim < hs- popsurrlnili'O'ti 'ii luin ( jiin , aruaiUlscd , f r Iho HI'IO of their ow tie ily mi < l mental cowl irt , to tr > llottottor'H j-iomao i llttira Lulios o the most i ul caio coiutitntlo'i to t I tiltnliirm- lo.'H nnd ruitotatlvo proprrt r * . 1'hjsiciann ovcrywhrtf , cl.s ti'toJ with the ftdulur.teil liquors ft ' .cimiicrcj prc crll > It j thotalcjt ami moit rclublu of nil ton.aclikn , For Bale by nil .Iru Istaand dealers Rcnenlly nl to ml BtFtlETARIIID. ' " < > . < - , AFTER 7ARIHO. Sull-AliiiTO , ne Ixim < I Mi.miry , U'n Tin Lai i tuiln , Pull ) In the liaik , DilnnoHl nl \l n , I'ro nntiir Girl A o , nml nianj other ) > ! -VM S thai lead to Infinity or Conbuniiitiou and r , Prurua turoOr o AJTull rurtlculani In our pamtinlit t't b \vo ilrilrc to eenil Irco I v mill tu ov.rvoio. tO"Tht > Spodtlc JKUIi ln Is ( nM by nllilii.i8t > . fit 81 per package , or II packtircn for $6 , "t ftlll lie Mint frco by mull in reci ptolthn I'lnw ) , b ) addrcwlug TUlJOllA dKDICINIH'O. , , M. Y To Nervous Sutterers THE QREAT EUROPEAN nnMHOY. Dr. J , B. Simpson's Spocitlo Ii It a pen , the euro for Uiionattcarhca , Seir.lnk Wvokoiia. Jmjiotaiicy , and all Jluoaita ro a Iron rioll-Ahuuo , aa Mental Anxiety , LC V ! ( .icry , I'lhio In the Back or SIJo , and . " " " ' ' ' " that lead to Consumption insanity &n bicclDt | lliio 1) being uao' ' ! th wonJtr iol eucccw _ _ ramtihloti ct trua 10 1,11. tlte lot Iboaj ted cot ( all par tlcahro. , Price , Hpuclflr , Jl.CO ( i r package , or tlx pack & 2ca lor 15.00. Addrcci all orders to II , dllPJON UKDIC1KK OU. Noa. 104 und 100 Alain tit. IluC&lo , N V BoM In Omaha by 0. F. Qoodinin , J. W. Dull , J , K , Uh , and all arUKKietierorywhiri ) . i < ! * < .EOZ15MA , Old Sores , riinploa , B OI LS , or mi } ' Sidn Disease WM Cures When Hot Springs Fail lUv ftN. ARK. , M y 5.1SS1 We have case' In our own town wha lived at Hot tJnrluct , and were finally lureil with 8. 3. S , 1 MCCAUUOM & MUBHT. If VOU uouutcome to nee us and \ K W LLj CU11K YOUlt Oil charge nothtni ; I I Write lor particular ! aud coi > y of little Book 'M aitre [ o tha Unfortunate Suffering 41o6b Kewurd. ill bo jiaiil to auj * chmfbt ho TlIlln3 , on analyBla 100 Vottlo j H. 8. , cue partlck ) of Mercury , lodldo Pota * ilum or any Mineral lubatance. BWUT BPEC1F10 CO. Prop * , Atlanta Price of Small aU , 11.00. UrgC " ' UrgCsold by"'EHNABD BB08lli 00 OeoetaUr. MM .1 < l. Uobortnon , Vlttsbiir ? , I'.a. , wrlw.i : " ! WM BiifTurln ? frnm gcnerM dchillty , snr or p. potllt , coiHtlpttlon , etc. , no that flica > n bur den ; fttltrmlna tlurilncV tllooii Hitter * I f It tict- Icr thvi for JMM. I runnot praho jour Hitter * too much. " It.Olblw of llulfalrj , N. Y. , rltc : "Voiir nnnlock Illoi. lll tc- , in chronic rtl ca < nof the Mood. ll\er r . , J l.i'lnon , hate Iwcn mifiiallj niarkitl with mivct 4 , lh o nml thrin mjwff Mlth licntrr ilts , for torpidity of IhclUnr and in cnscol n friend of ndno miStrliii ; from drops ) , the tCcei wa ) mnrvtlous. " liruco Turner , Rochester , N. Y. , writes : 'I have botn HUbjctt to v riomdlsunlur of the kldnova. nnd tnrtblo to attend to liUBli , : lliirdort Dldoil liittcn rclioMil mo licfnrolialf nliotllo waiuiod I feel confident that thcv UI rntlrcly cure mo. " Aicnlth Hall , l'lnhampton , S. Y. . writoc : "f mineral with a dull p ln threuifh inv rfl lunif nnd ehoiildcr. l.ot my tiunta , appttlto nnd color , and could Midi dhtlnilty hf p up Ml day. Took jour llurdoek llo.Ml ! Ititlcn ai di rected , nnd ha\o felt no jttln lnre flmt xvtck of. tcr unlni ; them , " Jlr. Noah natcf , Klmlra , N. Y. , rite : "About four j can IRQ I hd nn attack of hlllnugifter.and iic\cr fullv truoMrrt. My dlcc'tlio organs were oatcnc < 9 , and I would b ? iviinpletvlv proa- trateil for days. After wing t o liottWof j our llllrdock Ulood Hitters thoi laproi Lilinit ail \l-lldo that I . astoiilihed. 1 ran now. though 61 jcars of ajc , don fair and rrvormblo day'n work. C. niacket Hobltiion , proprietor of The Canjil.t I'reshytcrlan , Tornnto. ont. , wiito : "Foryeara 1 BUlIorcd ( rrcatlj from oft-ri'i-urririr headacho. I used your llurdocl. lllood Ilitturs luth happiest resultM , and I now find imst-lf lu bettor health than for years pitt. " Mil. Wnllacn , llullilo , N. Y , writes : ' -Uuuo used llurdoek Wood Ilittiri for ncn oiu and bil ious hradaihcH , and ( "xu rcconuncnd It to .111 } ono rcqulrlric o euro for billlouBiiesj. ' > lr . 1m llulinolland , Albiny , N. Y , write * "I'or Hoieral jears 1 have biilleretl from oft-reeur- rins billloiia hcadichec , ilyspep la , and coin- plaltitB peculiar to my § o\ . Since mlng jour Uurdcck Llood Bitters I am entirely rclloNcd. " Price , al.00 coi Hottlo ; Trial Dottloi 10 Ctt FOSTER HH.BURK & Do Props , . , , , , BUi'FACO , N. Y. HnlJ -.vhcleeulo by Ish i McM".lionktid C. K. Coodnnin. jo 27 cod-li.e 10V | ' \ 'ic aim Ai u rt ri j , ! i * > .i t. . , , . , „ , .r Ii 11,11 , . , i' , .1 - - , . r us BIII' ! < M B-I.III. . ' . 'Ulli iu Hiirhi'iKb .r ' ' cmifrtni ! " Ru In nn effect , not a cause Hi orltrln 1 * within ; Ita manifestation ! ! \\itnout llctiiu , to euro thu iliHC-ii-o the CAt HKinust lia umotcd , and In no othi'r way can a euro cxtr 'u tlTu , ttd. AVARNER'S SAFE K1DNDY AND IiIVKK CURE is intalliflhcil on Jiut tuia | innclilo. | H realized that 95 Per Cent. of.iH illscnsca nrlzo from ilcrauirc'l ktdnoys and II\ur , and It striked nt once at the root of thu dlllluilty. The clcinei ts at ulilchlt is compofcJ act illri'itlv upon ihtHo Krcat ortrarm , both an a yocii ai il IIK3TOKKI1 , nnd liy iihi.li. . ) ; them In a Lealthy , cnnditlcn , drive dUtaJo nnd jnln ( ram the syttcm. For the InntimcrabH troub'ca caused by un healthy KfdnojR , I.her and Urinary Organs ; for the di tri < -ninj. l > l > ordcr < iol Women ; lor Ma'aria. an" phyblcil Ucmii mi'iiU [ rcncrallv , thiatTent rcni.ih hai nu equal , Hiraru of impoitora , 1m- tatlongnndc ncOL'tloiiSHahl tn ho just HHKOO < | . I'orlrilitte'i. ! as ( nr\VARNl.K'S SAFE DIABETES CUKE. l''or uild by all ilialcrn. 11. H. WAUNEIl & CO. . mo HoobcHtor H. Y- Tha Great Lnglish Rf > mdy S'cror falln t4 cciu Nervous Uolilllt ) , " 'I til i\haiHtlon : , IJmla- ns , KemlnalVtnk - . HOOD , nrd all II. . ' 'ItlfccU of j uth ( ul follu-j and cxcoi ws. It stops pcrmi IH'ntlJ all ucnkcmiijf. ln > oluntary to ? a a and Irahn iirK'ii the e > a MiDtl' ! 'lne liable re- , eiiltof lhitue\iliirao. ticcf ) . which Mtl eroBO. dcetruelno to mind ind boilj and m-1.0 Mo iul mble. oltcn Icadint ; to Ine-iiil- iy nim death It rrenillion ; < i Ihu Nvrvti.liraln , ( mcmorit lilootl , Mu lei , l itl o and llepro- duttliuOrKiim , It rcstiroa ti all the oriranic luiitl their fortuurlgot ami Utilit ) , m - tint ; lllo chocrful and enjojablo. Price , ea a " > ottl , or Jour tlnus the iuaiuit | ) * 10. bent l ) > oxprcM , Hcciiro Irom oVvrmtiou. to an > addrvii. on receipt of price. No O. 0. U. sent , except on rett Ipt ol 31 ta a tuara "ti-o. Lottera r J- qilCillHK AII.Al.rH II USt Ilu.l0 ! > 0 ctir.lp. Dr. Mintie'a Dandelion PillH are tl ) behtiiiul chuipeat djkxw.a | | ! ami bllllous cii'ul i tuouiurlut. Sold by ull drujTKists , Prleo 60 cuntti. l ) IIIMTIK'S KnKtr IlKUEDT , NM-RKTICITM , Cureaill klndot Kidney and Madder comiilalnte. nouorrlu'a , gleet and Icucorrhca. For er.lo y all dau KlsiU : jl a bottle. Kh'QUSH MEDICAL INaTITUTE. 718 OHvo St , St. LouU , MO. I'or Sale In Omaha by C. V. GOODMAN , Jan2flv _ . NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Onrn Ounnmtootl Dr. K. 0. Wtkt * Sit\a uud Drain Treatrucnt A ipcclCo for HyaU-rla , tltzlncaj , Convulnlono. Nervous Headache , Meiit&l DjproMlon , Loss ol Ueinoryb | > criuatorrhuialnipoteny , ImolimUr ) Kuilulonii , Premature Old AKV , ciuscd by ovcr- uicrtlou , nclf-abuao , or ovi'r-lndul 'ence. wci leadi to uilHcry , decay and death. One box Mill cure recent cases. Ka h box contains one month a treatment , One dollar ft box , or all boxe * for five dollar * , eent by mill prepaid on receipt of price. Wo guarantee ilx boxen tu lure any cato. Wltb each order received by us for nix boxci , ac * comi anlod with five dollar * , will lead the pur- chacei our written guarantee to return the money If the treatment doei not effect a cure , 0. F. Qoodmau , DnifgUt , Sole , Wholesale and rcjul Ajent , Omaha , Neb. Oroori by mall at ctallacrlco. dkwly W.B MtLLAKU. * ' ' . , . MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits , 1111 FARNHAM STREET , CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED. Agents for Pock & Haulers Lard , and Wilbor Mills Flour NEB OMAHA , - - - REFERENCES : OMAHA NATIONAL DANK , STEELE. JOHNSON A CO. , TOOTLE MAUL , fr CO. CT. CT. ZBIRO W"lsr &o OO HF IS OMAHA , NEB. - : e\ DBUGS , . PAINTS , OILS. Window and Plate Glass. .tiTAtiyo-r contemplating Inilluln ? storebin ! , , or AIIVother fine . front , will find It to their ad vantage to coma end xvlth in before purthasmj ; their Plato Olasa. O. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA NEB. IE1. O. 1213 Farnhc-m St. . < " - > iaha. ( U Usaf WHOLESALE On Eiver Bank , Bet. Farnhain and Douglas Sts. , DEALERS IN SS A jj B 3r * S nALLo Fire and Burglar \ , 1020 Farnham Street , STEELE , JJHKSON & BO , , AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and Ail Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of CI&AES AMD IMUFAGTUEED TOBACCO , Agents for BKNWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & RAND POTOR 0 JOBBER OF AND WIN EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. & f AM ST. OMAHA 1118 FARM . - - T A < ? J. > o. . Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLIKDS , r 10LDNOS ! , Li ME , C MTHTATE AOKNZ FOB MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY ? Near Union Pacific Depot , OMAHA JOTFJ ? V POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , UAC1I1NKRT , DELTIKO , IUON HTTINOB § HALLADAY WIND-MILLS CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELl A. L , STRANG205 F v" i St. , Omaha