Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1882, Image 9

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I ; . r1IE : DAILY : BEE--MAiIA 1'YESDAY [ , JUNE 20 , i882. _ _ _ _ I
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The Daily Bee.
. -
OiA1A. ;
Irueu ; Moniir.JUT'020.
W4)rttbOt' Mqort.
( The fIlowjI1 llIIeTVlltIIfl ) mo tq1rn ist
the aliuo IIIt)1IIiIL of time a. nit the stat n
eme I )
\\Sl Ir.ftTIENT : , tj. S. r.ii
vtcg , OjIAlLt , , June 9 , 1882 (1I ( , . III.
I. . - .
TAT1O * . ! . .
_ _
; % ; . I 47 7 1 g 'rII't Fr
CtICcflIO , . . . ' ! 4) ) I 4 j flr c t , , apI'
Vjhai1o , . 2.1 t ( Fl } I.I.tI'l t'n ' * m
PIltt.3 ! P 76 f4 4 IUII.k f.t fliltI
uh % ' ! P 7 Il ; Fr.IIII ( 'I % iiI
nihon , ! 1J I7 (4 ' 1 it gh UklI )
. n I MflII. ? . i ; I fli II VaIIY
DYb1pcrt. . . O U , ( ' 1 ' i : Jr-h r&ir
p I PtUI . . . . 4.l 1,4 I * I Pr ib I a.r
, LOtI1 . U ) ( IT fl2 1 ' I 10114) '
Usrhe'.4. . . iSJ IJ 6 4 1 Vrl'h 1 IT
% 'tiV1St . . . . 2 1I III 3 I I lelh I' LI :
lfl"rtrk. . . . ( ) (4 ( .4 1 I1Iqk 11n11 V
tcr'I . . ' f17 1 rri'Ii IJI IIJ )
: l.3r . . . . . . I 1 413 7 I 'I r ' I ht 1I1T
)1SIIIjW0II1 . 2) 5 10 1 I'rI.k U OIL ! )
A 2 I 44J (17 W I.1.III
4Utr 1 foot 3 ItfiI4bI Ivy h1th 'r.tcr mark at
Otuh ad 10 feet 4 IneIo at Yankton.
bOO . L } 3bThVtTIflS.
-The pkbwilk ; It Lilo nrncr rf Sh.
IeLith itn I I fldl 1 $ 10 ozetsb1 C)11dItL0fl
ILIIII PIOI1IIl ) 1)0 IflOkIJ nftcr.
Another Iioni 14 made IIa'py In north
Oma1u , Ui t . f Mr.V. . J. Cuddy , of the
1 ! Od1ttIe1 COtl ) . It ! e n IrI anti nr
rived ILt lb lIlto hour Sundoy. Many
happy ptUtfl1 Ir CuiWy.
-It. Ii rollortolt ( In OIRl authority that
cur rol.knlIYfl ! and hglily ropoctod cR1.
7.00 , Mr. } lw1irtl M .urer , 1 ; ciigagnil t.o
the cilarliling alit1 faclnatIn atroeii M1is
Marie Groeurnnn.
FOUT car 10311A 01 hajpy JIIVeflhIOi 1ft
the Ollora 11o11R C rncr ycMt0rIay ( ( IF
Hancom turk , over the strcot railway cx.
tenon. ! Th.y bflll a iIIlondiIl day for
their jilonic.
-Thero wilt ho 0 rctl1ar meeting of St.
( ioorgo'A eoclety ill Kn11ItH of llcnor hail ,
1314 I.ugl in atreet. TucMdtiy evening ,
JulIo All mcinbors arc rcqumtod to
ho ptocntn9bt1'I1net3 of Inportnco ; will
comb hofu 0 the Tocioty.
-All ncmliori In good standing of
Amercan Legion f Honor aru invited to
tic prc'nnt the : ncting of Duke coun
cii , at their hail , ( , Ver KInflard & For.
iiyth&s , on Fidny ovLnhlg , 23d itIst. , at H
o'clock bharp.
-The criminal i1oclet will not ho tcon
lIP In the ( Ii4rict cent until \VodncIay.
-Tile Mililcatilig HInOICO from tim nm.jul.
doring fire 1:1 the nhFILI deponitod at tlio
( lump Ii a (11a"ultlng nuRanco Jt lIhOUli (
be nbatol.
-On Sattrday afLernoon ! aMt , Mntor
3eM30 lticIlads gIlt. lf ) a ory Iloaant en.
tort .Iiinietit for ? 0IIIU Of 1111 frionb. in I ( .
COIfl'v ( park. Tli . gI1ItIi unIt ft f,0Otl titiio
00(1 kept it till tiulto a 1to hoir. : Tim
affair wa g tton tip to celabrite Maiter
Richar . 'i t lit ! ) birtlittay.
-A. Ii. unit , one ofMaxfoycr& Co.'t
gentleniuily el1)Il1)YO 11aM Just I)111011flR011
a wild lnY. I ii L tI&tt , pftittd little
animal , and Mr. hunt lin a lively task In
trlnlng 11111) .
-It 14 RtatOl 1) ) ? tlio attorney who 1108
frOICCUIC(1 ( the cae1 oil behalf of the cornS
ptainlng w1tno4 for the o'btrUction of 12tl
iitriot by the BrtEh ljultdiuy that damage
eulta for $ , OOO each will be columoncell at
once by MeIIIrl1 Stun Boatty ami Born.
- Bt.ein. Tile frgnor i tIm proprietor of a
aalooii and tile IattLr of a fstIro on the
west IIo of 12th jubt U IrliL of the bank ,
both of i.ich It ill clalmeil are cut of !
from local travel.
-In the Police cotut ycaterday , one
Individual Iaid a fine for disturbiui tile
. peace. Seven traUlp8 wcro on the a1lx1ot1
soot anti theIr casc di8posld at 08 foiiowH :
One continued ; one Bent up for flitcen days
at IL IVI ! labo' ; one en days on breat and
VatCr , an I three discharged. Two ( lrunlAe
wore caged during the forenoon. The cao
of 1'.1ut DeItrIckon , for tueuult and batto.
ry wa ( or yetorL1ay , and tiuit of
Isaac Brown I r disturbing tI peace wan
to be heard at 2 , , 'c1ck.
-By tIernin it Is learned that thu
track of the Council 13lnfT dtyRoIl ! of the
Chicago , Milwaukee and St. Pall ! entertd
Zliannlng Tn inlay at iioOii , 11'wo miles n
itay ale being laiti honl tIle east , nd eosin
sin tile vest , and in ahiout ten days the
flow tyuntc line 'croa , Iowa wid be coin.
jdetod. 'l'ho roati to rapidly bLing put in
flrst.chass condition , 011(1 ( the ba1Iaetin will
ho zno4iy fifliPilOd L ) tile 1st of AuguBt.
Grading will bo COmIoC000tt on the Do
fienco hoc to Sioux City in a abort time.
- Cirnrl'uVlthnohl syan over in IOWT
tile other day and lie came back with a hoc
storyabout the arlvontures of J. 1) . Mar
rIo , editor cit the Gazette , of Paciflo Juno
tien. Morris Is a hoosier by birth , anti In
childhood's unny hours ho cal1ilt a land
turtle on his f4lier's farm , anti with ii
jack kuifo carbed his ratziu and thodatu ol
findIng 00 tIm shell nail ttiriiud the orltlui
loose. This wan in 8 .1 , aiitl a few dsyl
ago 1Ir. dori1 , II' ) had 801(10 tIme gout
west and beco ee an editor , reel'otI Llic
turtle by exllros. Ito examined the liol1
anti recognIzed IIIN C irving , having ionic
an Inverted "S. " 'rue ttirtlo in how in.
stalled as a regular mcmi or of the ethitu
rial corps.
\VOVIJl nUt bowithutitedding's lttiUIl
Salve , is the VoRlict of all hio ULU It
i'rlcu 2c.
, -
01A11A , Juno 1P 882 ,
To the Editor Cf 1iio Uu.
I hereby ncct Pt tim chiallongo cii
Mr. J. M. Woods , PUblihied in TIU
BEi of the 16th i118t. , to shoot
match at 2i wild birth' , ground trap1
: io yarde rIao. use both barrcl8 , 5O
ccidti , raid 'viII be Ifl Oscuola ozt flu
28th met. . to shoot enid niatuh.
1lQ1)fCtfUll ) ' X'tlIlrt' ,
VftAC ! B. PAIuuLm.
C u1un.
. : J. 11ochfraer aiid tim Drunswicl
and UaiLo bIlliard tablu COll)1l sum
ZlO tIft3l1tt1 , C)8UC'S ( Jr jiu4J1tra nu
1liroiith tim et8tU , 111)41 ) 811 0110
trnv1 with such lretI'ntiollu 18 1
fraud , nut ! pcr150115 will do wull to Jo
Ii'iii alonft. Ally paltica wiohiiig aiiy
thing doiio ill this him shciuld send di
ITot l ( ) Ilrunsnick alId 13aiko Co. , LO
8uuth Tenth sited , or to J , iloeli
tracoer agent. S.ititaction guarun
cod. IIIIL3'22.1l ! )
SV1tNTED-A brick inouldor ; good
Waget , Apply to Andrew Botiiwoll1
Fteipoot , Nob. julO.3L.nt
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . - - -
The RtEntion of the StitF.r ,
Licussod tst. Lmgth
'lb Montnnn EXOUTa1fl Coiiatd-
tr.t1 % LILl iotd Upon.
The Board of Prado lfleI. tit their
room in Lytlo block lit1 evciiiig. : pur
ShoUt ho adjllIlrIllilflItt. Thu ttttCili
alice was not 1rgo , but vin componsd
( If repn'aeiihtttvti men 1111(1 it very on
thuiaatic iflefititIg Wn lid.
Prebietlt Olltrk ctl1ecI thu boar1 tu
ordIlr at 8:80 : o'clock and on nhltiulI
the reading of the flulilUtca uf tito pro.
ceLdillg nicotang waa ditfU1Ise(1 ( with
' 1 tie culilululItettion froni l'reoicIiit
Snda , of the Ilulella Ii ) rIt of 'J'rlcdE ,
Wan rend alid ttlniurr ly hlLd on the
I 1(111110 hill No Gft'J5 , , coI1orlJllij
thu COutfllOLllil ti ! .c WlIgIil hrIdkt ( ba
tweon Onlah. cIld OlIllPiCjI Iiiufr&i. ivan
1l3aL and nao the cipy of tlii Cii.
grewctonal 1toord cutltwinhilg thu me
inor1i [ Ill relitioll tl jroteetlIg ) the
Omaha vicar front , btlL 110 actIon va
taken on either , it heitig left to dtilIL
for Sutii1ern to ace tim hub tliiotigh
in good Rilaile.
' 1'LI tihjt.ct hf the meeting w&'i (11011
atalod by i'O.liliUllt Claik to be two.
mitt. IIra , the tnntter of thu cpeU.
dituro of au nilditi , IlIll 5OOI , ) OIl the
Oiiiali tirivilig prk , ; tiiil ticuiid , ( no
Irollmiflar1e of the Montana exotlr.
511)11. )
511) wan taLcd that for a cominra.
tivolv iitiisil outlay thu atu F4ir
ClUId 1) ) rolaintitl nt tIde putilt for five
yearn lunor , aiid Mr. Clark ccllNI Oil
Mr. D. T. Mount , who wan proselit Lu
otnt , tuG C5U tO the h ntd.
Mr. t1ount. tilun aid that Onpt
iLrah WoUld extend ( ho etroet rini.
Way line to tliti driviiu. park fur 3a0 ;
tile Omaha witter clnopany % iii O tiiid
Itis inahiuc to the grounds fw $ t,70) ) ;
the pipe tllrouth tile uroulli will
cost pur1iajis 3OO niore , and 82 f00
will 1)0 iloudOd ti rebuild tlit. , structures
turos blowii howl ) atiti add a cluplo of
0(1W ( buildings Thu RUin iiucded in
allis about $5,000. Ito colt ! that iio
otlior city iii Nohriinka could cam
poLo with Onialia III thu adviintagee
tfrerel ) withut nu outlay of itbutit
$16,000 , atid only LilIculil could do it
at tliitt expense.
Iresidetit Cl.crk salt ! it was IUFOIY a
bitsinons iilvtIatnlunt , and ( hIlt if the
statu fair wan rettiiiud UI Otuaiiii for
five yearn longer it wnild stay for nil
tune. If tlio niaiiagera reniuved it at
the end of that tilno a ( liotrict fair
could 1)11 inauguratud which would be
uqiintly glOd.
A long discussion ensued Oil thu
queslioli of IthIOWifltZ Capt. Mcmli and
till ) OiualmVatur O. . the bonus ak
od , a iiiajority opponilig tue former
aitti favoring tim latter , and the quen.
thu vta partially uLtiecI by the udou.
( iou ( II R renolution ollarod by ltr.
Gibsoii ( hut thu iI1OItllO ( toni the
largo ii Ilix of visitorci to the state
fetir wiia aulIioitIIt rI munciahon to
Ci1t. I1iIarli for ( ( his line
Mr. Citbsoii inevid til it ltCtIIflUllttee
of five 1)11 itjIiiktuO to coiilor with
the b ard of Iilanagur3 of the state
boord u agriculture , or their ropro.
antitativen tuite , and Tot Oil foot a
iiiovuiiiuiit fur ratsilig ii fund to ro
jiair thu buidhigs ! aiitt jlltroduco the
water works ayntotn to the Driviii
1'.rk grou.lda , tim committee to re
port at ttit next libeLing. Adopted.
Messrs. Otbsou , % Vakeflold , Quad.
man , Cooper flInt Evans wore ap-
Thu subject of the Montiuia oxour.
BiOTI was iiuxt tiLkOll Up , and it was
nUtted that RIO propositloti hind a yet
htlOfl made by Suporiiiteiidunt Bii
itett , of the Putinuit [ 'acIflo Oar coin
It. was detertninotl to try anti secure
It special rate froni thu eating hutiaca
iilong thu lino.
Max Meyer niovod that the secretary
tary he instructed to auiitl a itista1
card to each of the iiieiubera of the
boatti , notifynig thioni that tim list of
(111)80 iiituiicltiig to go OII (11(1 OXOIII1I1OII
WOuld be 3tpt ) 01)011 tiiitii I1uiiday
IIOXL 1(11(1 ( thou closed , Adopted.
Mr Olark uloveti tillIt citcit of the
daily uporo be invited to scud a rep.
rQsoIltativL ) ulong to write up the ox
nIraiii nUll that ( icueral Matiagur
Kiniball be rcc1ueatod to extend thu
coirteny of thu trip to thoni ( roe of
I charge. . Atloiitud.
Mr. 0. F. ( Joodinnu tiieved that the
president tOld secretary not as a cotn
. inittuo of guiiural arraneemunta for
thin trip. Adopted.
i'reaideut Clark called ( ho attention
I of thiti inenibers to a now spocilliun of
I . paving stone which was loft with the
sicrutory ! , and which could be haiti at
$2.26 fO1 ) yard.
The Innutilig thull adjourned t
I ifloot Oil Monday ovolling iiext at H
I o'oiock.
r Messrs. ! . . Marshall1 Thomni
Swift aild Albert N1tst were elected
I iiioiiibura oftilu bonrdby ( lie exeoutiv
I The Muoteat Union Oroboetra-Char
lotte Thompeon.
Onlaiia has during the season iioi
I icbuut to nioso oiijoyuii. the poanosajor
of tile boat orchestra over orallio (
iii aiy of our western towns , and enc
of which our citizuiin have boezi proud
est when it played in thu vrosuiico o
r musical artists vhio could appreoiah
1 their akill and OOIIljtVtl ) it with that o
I the iiiuateal organizations in otilol
cities. Oa Hhlinerous oco.taiojia vhiui
I a star of the first zilaguitudo was t
appear at Boyd's opera 1101110 , it win
only Ilecossary to induce tile Musfea
Uiiioii orcilostra to ruparo a epocin
prograzni 3 and aiiiiouiic that tliv
wotild fIle ) ' to till the house. : rii fao :
i this orchestra flits starroti it nit season
t .tiid well deatrvtI to5 as all ivlio liavi
'I listened to thitir : dehiuioij muijo It
I tim opera house ittiti elsewhere wit
The latest rPeoglljtjol ! of thou
triuniphi iii 1lI1IAiC&1 inattrrii is thin
) thitiy have bcon utlg&golj to furiiishi fbi
mUSIC tar the next annual ieiignrfeat
. to ho JWII at $ ( . Joe. To Mr. .Jti1iu
? teyIir , manager of ( lie orchlcat.ra
is duo the credit for unitin
I mid holding together so Jargu a ban
of IUUSICaI iirtist as thia Which 11011
I IlUfllbOtl twvnty.aix picces. Thu COIl
tract cahl for no orolleetra of thirty
PtC05 , nod it will hi 5(1011 that til1
( ( I'a WIll eanl , ba filled cud ierh1P
CXC ec1tl.
Oii ,1 11:4183 eViT1ii1t a graicl con
cilt 1M 1UII IIg 1 hiOtil 1L. I lit , Tlvuhi ,
tlit' jlrogretll'no liC1I1d'flg twlsti InIg
I lictiril seti cti'o. A PehO1)'i fn'ni
I I Let , \I \ IliQilt' U" 145 rendered ( } lret
ti tilts iii ro'q.isl to ra tIirIii , b'i-
coi . ittI I ho ? 4lCCti 11 from ' 'Strtt.
d.hc" 110 I iieored. Among tile
II titilik ri we rti 531(0 P11111 ft tin Rir
IlIC I If HIIVi I ti , ' ' ; v. tO i tu fri 'In i ; , UI
1' i , " overture I'riIIC.s ( IF \VlIlI , ' by
S etilltIl15'r. U , ltlllt C III wili iiot.fl.
III1 lmtter Ilittl the prpetua1 eXlSt
cilce 01 etich ii ti'e : reliestra.
.IA ? . i } ; YIIC.
Lililill (1 % L1lII. till ) talented and
I ) 1 II r ( hid Is 'toil actret a , C Ii arlotte
I Ii i ii i I 151 III tvi I I'Ia Iii a two night a'
, , , itt hi ( ) ' ( I'll 4)Vrt ) hetisc ,
11(1(1 ( ilre Lily ( lie 111110 of rurvod setii
it V ry Iar Thu 110W "Jone Eyro , '
Li 1 $ I oh 1185 , , I il 1011 H I rebut I di I u she
CUIM evryllil'rh ' tha 00e1fi0111 will ho
pridticc ii. Ithiont'h this pi. Ce OS first
pr. iitud to tfio 1lhlbIic had all the
, I.alIt tam ( If llitii1 opiilarity , it hiiis
betzi , iittioeably iiii1rovod by the ru
eoiIstrtlifli.l1. WillIe the beautiful
story rewiiuiH tlo pamu , ( ho various
ullUatiulihi bare buii oiziborthd. As
80 hctress Miss ' [ 'tiottipioti couttmies
to e iii her way ttiblic favor , jest
Its IJitilu Ept" gradually but auroly
w nhca Upa ard ITOIU lLutJeriaIll : aiid
inora1lcu I. JIIUL1iCI1 and Ic uowkdgo.
110 Itobe a Follow floitrdor ot $280
anU Skips.
TjLrI ( Wcdnrtnhay a simp1o looking
youig maui , giviug tue iianio of [ larry
S. Welsh , and atyliug hiniecif a jew.
iilers ncsistaiit , engaged a bed at
Mn' . ClrIIlinhlIteI'P , On Howard street ,
liut.wucii Twelfth and Thirteenth
streets , mid ( ( iflO dollar in ad.
v.tlicli. lb SVIts very respectably
tIreaaCl and appeart (1 to 1)0 cpitto a
IIICO yotuig mcii , P1) hIm. Ccriiiichnel
arranged that lie shicluhl sleep III the
5111110 rOOLfl With her brother , Mr. Due.
call Finlaysoii.
On Sciurday last Mr. Finlayson
droaa lario sum of moimy out of thu
1)1111k for the iiirpoo I f buying SOIflO
preaeiit4 for iiiiu iister'e olnidron pro.
VIIIUS to their gollig out west. Lie
bought some of the prenonts , and in.
tended placieg rho balance in the
11(0k , but whicit liti arose about five
o'clock iii ( ho Illuming iiiid btguiii
dreasizIg lie tljScvered ( list lie had
beoll rthbed III $280 , which was in
111,3 , v&st pocket. lie looked arounU to
110(1 if lie could find his roommate
Wcleh , but lie was nowhere to be
Scull , iiutd it was evident that ho had
got up very early in the morning and
rohhm I huh ttiitl skipped OUt.
Mr. Fihilaysorl lois boon trorking in
tilt ) U. 1' . blllcksliiith 5111)133 and this
money viis the result of what ha hind
amived fromii his emirillilus and ho feels
the blow very severely , as he is in
very poor hiutlth itmid had savec ! ( ho
nionty to illelt lilly coiltiugelleice that
imiight nriae.
I lie tiikf is cVIite It yonog man
beint nut miiore ihiiii it ) or 20 years
old and lies a rather propossessiiiw
appealautce. lIe is clean shaven
nut ! abort in ata'ure ' , and vuata
dark clothes. While in this city ho
11115 bnii takitig his ixtenis at the
Iuriier 11:111 : reatnurmuit , itiil there lie
IVOmit under the iuamno ofVeihur , hut.
told tim prPr1utor , Mr. Hullauider ,
that if any letters COIliO in the mmmc
( If ilirry S. Volah , they were for him.
He was last soemi weiking in ( ho direc.
tion of ( lie dopot. Tile police are oii
his track and it is to be hoped ho will
be cap' ured.
A Darlrjr Free Tialit Rope and .Acro.
bittic Potformanco on Doug-
Intl btruot.
The unamiagers at the Academy of
Ltisio sueiii dotcrrmiiuod to lose nothi.
1Y1I ill the way of 1)011 ilarity that can
be gained by a continual change of
) rogramino , ailti by the addition of
attIrtliuig nuid intoreatimlg features to
tiieir list.
l4tet evening they ( l1)ened out with
an entirely now colnpmmy , among
wiioiii wan a tight rope walker who is
certainly an artist mit Ida prnfession ,
and lID gave a publia exhibition in
front of the Academy of Music about
eight o'clock. Notwithatauldullg ( lie
fact that no announceiuioiit hind. bcuii
made through the papers thiorc
was an immense crowd gathered
( hero at the hour set and
; a rope had previously been stretched
across Douglas street , from ( lie roul
I ( the Academy of Music to the root
I of tim iiew block opposite , being SonIc
sovtiiIy feet allure tile street. Over
I this thu daring performer. tirossed in
I suit of plain tigilts mid carrying au
I iron bar , walked anti performed van.
0118 evolutions.Vhiilo his skill
mill a tight rope walkeu
il)5 be i quahled by many ,
. others , hi is oertidiily one of tlit
liuiost acrobats that has been aeoii in
this vicinity for a long tiiiio and liii
ponformamiecs on time comitro of the ropt
r Dii thiO return trip svere such as ulicitu
i tlle mOst amithusiastic Plaudits of thit
I crowd. rhlo corBeL hiiiid couiuicotoc
WIth tile Acadcniy of Music la3o !
) 601110 life music during the Porfortli
. nuc' , and altogether it tviis a very ill.
f tCr8tii1g street performance.
r The 1"titUXo Quarters ot the Nobraskt
National Bank.
Mr. 3luuidoiasohiui1 of ( lie finn u
I Dufrono & Momideisnohin , architects
1 heft for the onat ycatcrclay to lortec
I. the ilians for the now bank buildju1
I to be occupied hytito Nebraska Nat iom
I al bauik. htefereiico tins beuii hindu hi
I the niagnificcuice of the structure ant
( when it is mitatotl that it ivill c ( tiO ,
1 000 alid is only a twenty.two fee
front it. will be believed that t will bi
r pretty 11th ) . The hiouso vii1 ha its
t Ri the celebrated Now York
irio building on liroadivay , Nt
, York , alter which it j
i izioduhied , and it will be hilt u
I rapidly as 1lOStIblQ , auth will be o
stone and iron throughout. it vil
I atirpass atiyt1ui1lL iii style anti metro
pohitaii itpeZtrLfliCO that has Over beem
put up ill the west.
L _ _
- - - - -
Shootln Tournamontat Oscoola Next
We air.
Several inenibts of time Omshii'
Sprhsmnii's cub n1I OmabaS'ork. .
iigmoim'a Spurtmen's ClUb nil go out
tI ) OICelII , ( Al prIicipate III the Ceti.
( rat Nebrk i , F rat tminU ti l'iieoo ,
Gags lull and Clay Pigeon tourna
iiiont , to ha hold itt the uitr ; rouiitla
at that tilaco , Jouio 27th , 28th and
21) ) b , under the ni sngemumit of .1. M.
VO3d9 , of ili'u Oic'uIs SportsiiiCmi' '
club. At this tournatilent purees
azgrcg1ttiulg $1,220 will 1)0 conteated
for , and wild birds nih ha u3ed itt all
IigIOii inatchmta ,
The following is
Thu I'mtflItt)1MR )
TulsIAY. jvi : 27h , 1382.
Contest N. , . I. i'urs' , $100 ; nn
trance , hitda jrciud.tI. ( HUVOI1
single hints ; 26 yards ma , ; tiee , 8
hiris ; 81 yamds miss.
Contest No. -Purse , $3O en
truice. 31birds included. 'ion aic
gill 18 ytdi ri3e ; ties , 5
birds ; 21 yards riso.
Ooimtont No. --I'ur.e , $100 ; on-
trtnca , 5 , birds Included. 'l'hruc
pir birds ; 18 ynrds nsa ; ties , 5 bIrth ;
21 yards nisr.
( Jtnmteat No. 4.-Puran , $75 ; on- .
trano. * 3 , b.hIi Includsd. Fttouml
5it4ji11 ghtisa imihs ; 18 y&rds rise ; una
( If both bnrrell ; tics , 5 baum ; 21. yards
wnlsmsrAy , .ruJNn 28th , 1882.
Cciitesf. No. 5. - i'erso , $150 ; un
trance , ' , birds included. Ten siti
giti birila ; $0 ) Iirds rise ; tie of both
barrels ; hiCs , 3 birds ; (431110 distance.
Commttat No. 6.- Purse , $100 ; entrance -
trance , t , bird. included. Fit ( comm
single clay pignohis ; 18 yardariss ; tics ,
5 herds ; 21 yards rise.
Coiitwit No. 7.Parse , 8100 ; on
trauic. , $4 , India included. 21) eli g1o
gias8 balls , 18 yards na ; tics 5 bails ,
21 yards non.
Oomltot No. -Tcam'c of two from
aiiy place. Purse , $ l25 ; entrance.
$10 par team , birds included. 6
single birds , each iran , 2 y.rds rise ;
ties 3 birds , 81 yards rise.
¶ rflUItRnAT , JLiNr. 29rmr , 1882.
Contest No. 0 - i'urzse , $00 ; entrance
trance , $2,50 , birds included. 10
single clay picoons , 18 yards rise ; ties
5 birds , 21. yards rise.
Corit'at No. 10.-Purse , $150 ; eu-
trance , 85 , birds inolud'd. 5 single
birds , 26 yards rime and 2 pair at IS
yards niai ; ties 3 siiiglo birds13l yards
rise , 1 pair , 21 yard rise.
Contest No. 11.-Purse , 80 ; teams
of two ; entraiice , $0 per team , balls
included. 35 single balls , 18 yards
rise ; ties , mnis and out , 21i yards rise.
The one making liighont average in
contest o.'a 1 , 5 , 8 and 10 , will be
presented with an elegant covered
silver ice pitelmer. value1 at $25. Aim
ontrauicefec cit $1 will be rtquirod ,
to cuin1)atu for conic.
All purses to liii or pro rite both
Prizva to be paid iinunediatoiy after
teinjination of each nutch.
Afl p1geono to be shot under No-
braslus state rules.
Glass ball inatchen to be shot under
J. 0. Mole's rules.
Slmoting will commence at 8:30 : a.
Ui. cacti day.
All Purses to be divided into 40 , 30 ,
20 and 10 pir cent.
AU matches , class shooting and free
to all.
Made from the wild flowers of the
it ; is the moat fiagrant of perfummies.
? vfaiitifactured by LI. . 11. Sloven , Saii
Francisco , For sale in Omnaha by W.
J Vhiitehiouao and iCenuiard Bros. ,
& Co.
Preparations ( or a fltg Celebration at
The citizens of Lniisvihlo , a tlmniv-
ilig and widely known little city on
the Missouri J'acifio , propose to
hold a grand celebration on
indopoimdemuco day. 1'lio president
of the day will be Capt. R. B.
Howell , who will be assisted by vice
presidents front each precinct in the
county. S. A. Milmrimn will act as
marshal of the day. There will bo
tllO usual sack , grosscd pig and wheelbarrow -
barrow races ; the ragamuffin
will be gotten up regardless
of expeaso , and the whoie busi.
nose will be crowned with a grand
: pyrqteclmio display , which will sur-
I , pass anything over aeon in those
parts. The grounds whore flue oxur
cisc3 will taku place are located on a
I shady hillside ovonlookimig the city ,
aumd affording a firm view of Limo classic
I Patto as she rolls down to ( lie sea.
Omaha parties who desire ii pleasauit
I trip out of town cii do no better than
I to go dovii to Louisville ia the Mis.
I sourm Pacific or ( lie Burlington & Mis.
I souri on time F'ourtlm , us everybody ii
I invited , Thorn tsill be a dailciiiH
L platform on ( lie grounds , and a griniti
I hall will be given at Oonkop &
Ilreckomifiold'&i hail in the ovcmiing ,
. S. Sovemin was among ( be west bounc
aabengers yesterday.
( 'leo. I. Seven , of tue Ii' . 1' . auiops
WelIt out on the r4iuicoln train yesterday.
Cait. A. S. l'ahner , sPecial agent o
the hlomne Iuurance Co.went west yo.tcr
I day ,
Mr. J. B. Fremichi , of the firm of J , B
I 1reiicii & Co. , starts eabt Sonday COin
t blniiig bu mesa and tiloaaiu-e.
John neatty , Jr. , reiresentIiig heed
. Julie5 & Ct ) . , left yesterday for Ogf-i )
) his luosdqunmters. lie will be absent fin
I imiouttus ,
'Ilgail tuiart Lisa tskemi a vacation nut
L out twest t try and ottain i-dId foi
l ii1 t'yes , ivhfchm vcre fafilmug froimi Ovr
LI tvurk ,
A. l , 'I'iumsllo , 11q. , first vice preil.
S deiit of the 1)pu1ar 0. , 13. k Q. B. II.
S Weuit east yesteiday ,
1)r. It , 0. Moore retumneti fiundal
I from St. Paul , wimno he at.eiided as i
- diegnto time aersion of the Americam
I Medkal $ % I8)clatlon. The doctor toot
0 ceaslon during his ylsit O Minnesota ti
in ke excursions to inluth , Manitoin anti
Miles City , Motitana.
lIon. L Croneso Is In the cily.
J. Ilonoll , of Neligli , I , in the city.
% v. T. Chrke , of IJes Moimies , Is in the
.1. N. 1)rake , of iaouisv.hle , Is In the
r5. n. Mack , of Itiming , it at the 3hro.
i'i itan.
( ho I. Fisher , I liicoln , is at ( ho
\Vithnehl ,
F. ? tl. Vernon , ol Ifldl'snathii' ) , h at the
V1tbnohl ,
,1. ii. Donaldion , of Nnmfi1' , is at tie
Croighton ,
] tjbcrt Ryan , of r4tiicoln , Is at the
Cm elg Ii ton ,
.1 . B. Bailey. of 11 miami , is at the
Ohs Johnson , of Onkdale , 1 , at ( ho
11. W. , ! cIhido of Blair , is at the
1' . E. Wirren , the Chayenno cat'omnan ,
Ii In thudty.
w. B. O5de n , of Dci ? ttuiute , ii at the
Metroloh ) tan.
1 ; ! . Ii. t'.1eholin , of Peru , is itt ( be
M itt opohi Ian.
0. M. Kiddie , of Phlla lI1bebh , ha itt the
2 ! ' tro1olitan.
w. Camnpbell , of ] cc1 Cloud , is at the
0. if. fetuses , of lts.nrney , Nob. , he
isitiag Omnha.
ci. L. has. , of Council Bluffs , is a guest
al ; the houe.
Vcij. 0. BIshop and r4. IJOYI , of Nebras.
k. City , ace in loin.
lion. Jamnes Laird , of lhstitigs , an1ed
frm the west yesterday.
S. M. 1-Ia ; e. , hailing tram Norfolk , Nob. ,
15 stayIng at the Cantiold.
sv. Boyfus ad wife , of London , Bog , .
are re5istcred at the Withnotl.
A. L. tcrberuov , 01 ited Olord , Nob. ,
paid Omaha a visit yesterday.
D. 0. Andirson , of Coiumbu , Neb. , Is
temporarily located at the Osu field.
Chai F. huntington , a rising young
attorney , of Oakdaie , ii at tb Cruihtou
Bert Watson , who was recently hood
prefect at itacino cohlee , Wisconsin , Is
visiting OmithL.
Mrs. Jesse 1 ! . McGulro left last oven.
ing for hem home iu Ohio , whore bo will
apnd the summer.
Clarence Buell , representing C hides
Rebstock .Sc Co. , St. Loiiiti , III IO the city
Stirring up the buys.
A. Wingate , of Charilon , traveling
auditor of the 0. , B. & Q , is in the cIty.
a guest mit the Withneil.
IL. T. Clark , with Lee , Irrird & 0
left yriucriny for Ciicago amid \Vji onsin.
Ito will be gone mibjut ten hays.
Col. II. S. Anolcy , roprcsemitin the 11cr.
cuitit hIoe Co. , is in ( lie city and nieet a
warmu recep ion from 111.1 1 Id friends.
I. N. lrtzhitt. f Burlington , a rciuto
agent of the Amliemican lzpre-a coinpitny ,
registered at ( \Vitlinehl last night.
J. i\I. \ Brunswick. of the Brunsaick &
Belke Billisrtl Toble Cu. , came In front
California yesterday amid went UI ) to St.
S.V. . Chapman , G orge E. Woodhury
and } uigeno Mong'iiucry , from Linco n ,
are cnj slog the adrautiges of the metro.
politsu . ity anti are gtieshi at the i.anficid ,
Mr. VT. B. Voodrul ! , recently tr.eveling
for Metcalf Bros. , has tecn in Omaha for
a few days. lie it now trevo1in for W.
A \Viison & Co. , of IC nsas City , Mo. ,
importers of tea' , etC. This firm lu about
opening a branch otablishment in this
city under t e , 1111110 of tilan , Lorison &
Co. T.oy : will C mnmnenco on August let
aol cviii occupy the building now in the
occupancy of TteMahion , Abort & Co.
They vi11 trade extenlvely In tea , , spices ,
cinra and baking powder.
George Q Cannon , the Mormon Max-
nato , Homeward Bound.
Among tile passengers on the syest-
bound U. 1' . train yesterday was Mr.
George Q. ( iamion , the recently do.
posed delegate ( noun Utah to the national -
tional house of representatives.
Mr. Osnnon is disgusted with time
result of his seasomi's work , and his
face was a trmflo less smiling than it
was wont to be. Ho is going to Zion
to remain for the summer , unless the
session should be prolomigtd to Au
gust , but lie thinks congress soul adjourn -
journ botweomi the 1st and 16th of
Iii regard to the Utah Commission ,
Lr. Cannon said that ho had seen the
list of appointees , but kimow very little
of any of them except Messrs. Pad.
dock nimd Itainsey. The rest were
inca of 110 Particular reputation and
their action could mu t oven to sur-
The ex.dolegato also mentioned the
subject of the inure oIl the hiatt rif his
(1 rritory for admissiomi as a state' , amid
I said eveii if time request was refused ,
it intlicatod ( lint the peopie were niLe
to their rights.
how Women are to be Emancipated
From Serfdom to Despot Man ,
A call for ii mneoting of friomids of
p womami suffrage wps extensively mid.
I vortisod yesterday with the following
flaimles as an attractioui : lIon. B.
Corrohi , president of thu N. W. S. A. ;
. ! r8. Bolts Q. Bigelow1 secretary of
. the N , \ S. A , ; Miss 11501101 T ,
Foster , of l'hlladulphia , and W. M.
I Wooster of Michigan.
: A Iiiit rejiciter attended the nice t
ing held at the Unitarian cimapol itnd
II mifter jimunmilig lila tra > ' tmrougli } time
r liumo of empty benches lie discovered
. by actual cuuumt thmrty.two of
both seXes earnestly cuigagud in dis.
cuas'imig the camp tign pisui wIde i is to
carry ( lie wouziali sufFrage amendment
iii Nebraska. Rev.S' . B. Cope.
laud 1)resnled mid a woman's
r aulirago associatiomi was orgauiioed
I. tin , spat amid time following mnmiiiod
1 ohilcera chosen : J1tesidont , ltov.V. .
B. Copeland ; vice.preamdent , ? tra.
I Ctinitoii ; secretary Mma. Edhohin ;
treasurer , Mre. uitrelinburg. After
the distribution of some tracts the
meotiug ndjiuirmied until mioxt tt'ii.
day , when they Propise to adopt a
constitution nmid by laws ,
The I3nccalauronte Sormomi anti .
itminritlons at Brownttll Hall.
The bnccalaurcato sermon was
prochetI to tlm graduating class of
Hrowiiell hail itt ( lie cathedral on
Sundaytnoutieg by Canon DhicrLy.
The text wan By their fruits ye ibail
know Ilium , " slId suggested' many
( % t5 ! ilild beautiful thoughts. The
ntldrcsri e the class was imnvteaai'O
and o.oeloent , exhiortin to Ohmieian
work atld ciIthhJPiastie z iii for the
rue and good , it urged the spread.
iuig of the teaoblomz of the church antI
the ottadfMt purcuit of that faith and
hoio which edotie can give "a heart
for any fato.P
The nubiio axamninationa bald at the
htll yectcrrduy and to.ciay were ro er
edlent ma to bear iinfilio' tostirnoily
to the ( lUll and thorough work douc
by both the collegiate and preparatory
This nohiool ycnr has proved highly
snceerrfuI , aimd the' hail promises to be
tllluauslIy large next au'urnn. A mme' .
building ill sadly needed and it is
11011Cc ! thxtttbe churchmen of NeIlaaica
sud nU intereated mu the causeof went.
am cducaiun will assist the gciod
BUR1J' tflE&fl.
A Woman Trios to Ecape the World
by the Morphine Route ,
About 7 o'clock last evening , a
woiran named Aunlo Burna , who resided -
sided over the old "Geld Dust"
tUlOOtl , miortiieaet corner of TwOlfthi
mid Dodge , tried to commit suicide
by taking a dose of morphine. The
unfortunate woman tried to procure
the drug at several places and fimmally
got it arid trout to hot rooms where
she took it down.
Pr. J F. L. D. Hertoman was
called in a hiiilf aIm honr later and ad-
mimumiterod the usual oinctics , but so
strong a hold 1usd thu poison taken on
lien that it woo four hours before the
doctor and ins assistailt , Dr. Phiilpott ,
who was also called 10 , could restore
her. At last accounts ( lie woman
With pronounced out of danger. The
coLlIe of ( ho desperate attempt is
alleged to have bt'emi that the wonmaut's
solid maim , who hi a well known
macreliant , hind mndo threats that he
would have to leave her cii ace uut of
his wile and fiimijy coming from tim
ettot , amid codeequntly I 0 WoUld have
to give theta all tiis spate time from
Mrs. Rums has a dniihit. ' . abou
16 er 17 years old , sue hersulf being
alOUt 40.
WANTED--linniediateiv itt Corn-
ititrcial [ [ ouso , Itlisnouri Va'h'y , lit. ,
:5 : itnod tirt nuid CeeLmid cuk , ninrt aiici
wife ireferrud jolt ) 3b nlo
' -iLP WtIIcl KD.
A7ANTI n-A V 1041 grI I , ii t.aIIy o two
V 1 No wnhI.g or Irmiiii.r. Call at 210 north
e3J street ; a
'TANTfli- gad girl for gantral I once.
V woik , at I7OC&s s rc ; . 5 iltf
ATFD-tan a'd 'Ife t tate cherge Cr
furmil Led coige. Foqulro 2IO ( itti
17 Iistre.t 521.21
' t ANTEL-t 'o"l , tcedy x rrcncc & bly
vs. 'n hr4 ctt 0 Oil till ' 0 III of
1.3 tIt .1(11. i 1' . ( ill FFIN.
't7ANThi-Co1i1 , tel t lIOil C Ok : sahIng
y IronIng one by othoc ; ,4. ( ( iler weel
p'Id for c lOJICItIlt wJmiIan. A p y to Mn 11cr.
a.'o Iirrttt , sound iilti'is , loin. lois-ct
ArrKm-A id I for go er I ) iotisowonlc In
aIil , a 12tJ her Ii mitn tret.
AP1IIY I iIt 11 p. in.
' ANTr P'lie r t.o go ' 1 i.e WIng i.'Ir a , at
V loin atr'et , ha seen 16th nti
Iliiist , . t0'
1TANTEt-A coo' , coi Iroolt attit Charles
, y ' , ItJl , ilarnty s.ret. tlJy at cure.
i7 o
7ATrD-4 girl at 18 S3uth Fourturiilb
( v ptrdt. P'i' r I3ox F cor , cu-mt
" 7AN Eli-A girl fi r gcnrnI hi'co cork.
VI , AIply at'l , ty. conse2 tid Ourt etc.
TTATiI-A ) C II'Ie'Cfli gri fr gencral
Yv Louse aid laurilr w rs. Waco' , eito
IICF WCCi. lmnj Ire at thIs otlico , non but coni
iutI ill n cC - i , my. 487. ' 1
) - , root ! di is.moo'n '
yjANIEI-lmmehlateya ltcsauran1. c r -
tier mOth nd Ilorcard sin. 480th
tYANTED-in ii family of two , Itch
G eremiot r.qu red tteady ior , II i1ulre
at mUll CI * CLIO ttrtC , bctween 2lt11 and i.3 Ii.
11TANnlo-A Iucier.One who thorooLl ;
yY uniorstnnds d sIng c4hi tots and
phiep , aid . . aklnt sauau , nmd , mint afrcIIl to
wore. Olloor aide , fords I1 eb n r ,
Fetmont , ach , Steady wora icr the ni1ht 10511.
' 5i-L.Ven _ listed Iufltgtt ii er mInCti In hitl
' 11(101 1) rent , at c.incr ct 14 Ii and
Ciic g' . 410th
- - . , .r-lts Ili'iIiLlRtdh at
' yAriI- lIotl liar jy t 4.t1
tk. ' . .tT'i''ICII ( Caine to work oil Fhoreii
If Cut.Oml. Wages 8350 ir iLiy
57 t1 lim I'Iiio. ' % 'INCCNT ,
I A il I wwr n-at r cml cc Cut-Oft ,
I latc u.iies i. rth Cf 0 clii. Waos
hi.75 liar day , IIIICIIELI. VUCE1T.
1TA'l'EnBy ; a Swedish dr1 ? who ip'aks
I V mngiiii : , a P' at lou to do general ) I1101U
work. In a 514111 fawly ; god wacher ned ironer
534 lvdgs trcct 51U-i9f
TATCDIiIiloweI : t evcaimrgs eithcr
' V Look4cepimg or c.iyIniC AUJrN 0. ,
Bus 0111cc. 419.19'
1 xrAIrI vii Situatloti by a young 'ran.whole.
V 'ale gre" r bitcines e rtf rreJ. has had
CSIit'riCilCe , Add , . ) a 'II , " lIed itflei. 504 .22t
1)OAIID-Reiticed I ) t1 Co mr 8' ek , and
I ) meals to if , cents , at ! urotr flail llatau.
isat. 45211
TA2TED-JuIY let , urfurnhied room not
% 'v iee thali 2si5 , must lu I' ' , beintss , or ,
toe of City. tddrccc I. 1. A. , 1io ottico ,
I A\' Ci hard , as i'-arJcrs in a select
0 athoci , : i. v corner Oalitornta and 19111
trccts. 14 , iS LOOMIS ,
2. ° 9 ti _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Art.u-coo prIt ) ' , COlic md cic-
pool , to ekan with eanltar'ault and
duk Cka' Cr. th Leaf lii use. A. Lyana l to. ,
rc'uiduuco 1208 Dodge trCt , Ornaba.
rent , with gri'.iego of buy.
' 5 lug afler about thmce Inollhlic a cottage of
01. fOOllil , gOOd locaill ) , tlihio tNeUt ) nalnults
saIkoh pstolflce. Address plating terms nod
iocatldn. "lioulo" II omitcu
jtinlcNT.Oo July hI , brick stbro , ilth
J.icltiirt't collar inquire at flrut blore , Or.
net 11th aid liougise ci , ,
i-on RRST-Two row 011 'ccc. , S 1 *
j4 5,011 OTt OOt't b tee n i'srnzstn at
: ! . : : ! _ r ireope Is p. _ _ _
I Ott I1It. 1-Furohi eI Tom. mill r at trsg
I ccra m 1015 and Uoug.-s itnet.
UOAfl1)'Ni ) ( 1tUi FO ' iti'it-'I d fu'a %
1) tIre 1' t .sl . , 1ooJ I citi it 0' itt I w Ui
I ortli I t 5ttt 1s2 .2I
; : , ( , lt FiA my I ouse ef 4 r 'ci c rttI ,
i I' et en 01,1 1(41 I. i.iqulre On ru cc.
ucla' , art 5 e'ret. t4 I
OI.t flgNT-iIcli''ilttl 7 rrm , at o-rlhtat
I ojrnctt'SIcTil iv m.i1-ttsL. tsf.O
lOht i..T- ' til or iw' aicr uIlfii i-bed
F1 r oi c on 8tm.h Twe lii stroI. h-twteu
I'ltrcenaTtr ace. 19 91
11011 uii-'r 0(0 rl'tii ci. t. ci aim
I' hi 11(1' , fl'lC ti 0,5 ofO r u I 5. 0 1 to.
cotton , oa st-u t Cr ii im 1 , 0. St
I loll HI NT-A nicety furnieheti 100111 at 4i5
L CmiImo street , tctwe i 4 tli anti 15th.
TIOlt nEXT. Two nicely ftmrnWied lootte , lea
j4 prIces , brIe , house t.w.8 ussaIr ci.
r-oit IiF'H-4ujy : st twi Into Ii I r
i roon , and c. this itri s. C , ietl iii to
bucin i , 14tt.ltl , , fr tact , in t idle r go ilo
I , In. ' list house no La f tlii % Sith itI.
ff10 lfT--1'imrnIsh-tl rooai , w tii I 0 rI , Itt )
I C * if trni clrt' ' . Silt !
1O1i ltiT-Sico furnished room wi Ii h sri ,
I etNIti tolg'tru3I.
1)0011 I'hIt RLiNT-1lrtt S Irr , ntnth frra' ,
[ tI 1ZJ I 4t14 C. &t C % l iy turn III
I I two gilIlIO8c0 , 5. N. St. coilur I7ili cad
C liitiiii. etju 1c. 4jt-b
I ) ARN TO F1T-N. Eiont er IC Ii sad ,
.1. ) I Ice ( . 4 5 1 t t
flOli uIpaT-m'ur. : ls.r.t rcoi.i , 171.3 lou Isa
Ii itrott ,
. _ : _ .
11Ofl IttgT-Thro find Ii 1 , oocms fr house
_ lj to ) tl.g. 313 Ii. 11th crct (
4tO.iTt jilts A. new ,
OhiEirZsbeit ! iOOtilh09 19th street
. botateti Ctm ( Liii Ctlf.rnt'l.
lOR Iin'T- ' Ira a tly feral-ho I rooi. 117
A South i7thitoet. one eon north of to-
k. 550W
flTIVO FrnNulnru : ic'uth reoiic foe terit.5.
1. W. corner iOUi azd Davenport. noo-u
TJ'IOJI I.h1-9 { moiiilittl * ocitjJ 'hI. ! mill
vsi4s' nTatrlit,1v.'I. I. (1' pm. .i C.r.g
tlvLvs. ' 4 1
norm nImrT-1iciily rnoiror't roorre wIOi ci
ii ; lthnt hosrO. Ji.-srOiio tlrtl\C. OL8
ttw3111. : .
mu ( ALL
Itolt aALr.-lmnu.e aid 1t , IF' feet finnt , t
I. ISO drop , 14th anil William , ts. tUbS. a. .
quire of St I hliiiina Kia dsr , on premi. .
lx flEAUr1FU1. LOT-5Oxt0 feat rwrh In
iIancom i lace on trtei C r hue flct lots
it whole addltlc ii on ery ( a y t ruC an-i at a
greatbargaiu. liPWls'aunt , it. h and Bitnilas
streets i5 if
EmIt BALcO.ttlro Wi ii six rooms , well ,
I cictorii and sli con'.tnlo cci I qtitre a
6-21 19 heIr et betweun Califrnitm r.nd le stor.
1tult 1ALt-Fur ituro ahd lat'c , I ho-rd teL
L Our" a , Lnqulre at itiS Dd.o street.
i-uoit : SALfi.7rxrbagu U tel , at Iartiettl
4 Nnl , , itciudlng lu nItrite aid stoves , go d
10 itt on ai,1 psroncgo. hil , hoOt In town. .
Fertcrir-s nriuroC , 51 (3. SIArsON ,
427-22 Agent
OIt SAl E--4 cnttsge of tires reins n-rib
, io I Nich ii' iotwoi Pith a d ill ii.
Inqtii - a wittlu. ( ( ) DAVID UENY.
TauoiI i.tLF-'boittmclnesq ani fixtures ofa trat
t class 111001 , , nr1ct hi Ccxmtrai a rakn
Pert louitlon ; mtnt cash trade in the city i'oon
for selling , for hemtt1i Adres Butcher , lice
ollice. ilo7.1
- - - -
,7tJST 111 sml-69 Icrs in i'omlr county
I .i l'ric * 5,1)0) ) ) . IwuIr , ' if .1 ir. Knous '
) 'oitolitce , irking City , J.Sutlercounty , ' oil.
L10iiAt.i- , lOt 132 feet rriritgu he 55
L foot ( In ' , On south 1 th street , on 810 ptr
month PaVICIits. , to anyone who will oul d. in- .
juire 1407 lIo.nrd , bctwcn i4ta arid i5thsta.
-Flout SALC-lloautilut nero lot and house on
California etrrot , $1100. ItcOAGUIt ,
253-tv Onnotit , F'oct Coo.
puin aAOc-m1ouMu of liv , rte t. , a , ct I S enL
L fladgs atr et attoo. Stflali linus , a'd two
lots in hinmi's additioc t900. McLAOUJf , Opposite rotjltiec.
flout nAtE-A house nod 1t hocus front ,
I. with bim , two wells ttnd etetorri i2t
South 14th treit , secoriti biuu north of William
street. Price 514(0 29'-ls' 4
jtni tA.b-itestoura t cii a w. ii
j _ etreri. It. MANNtVilI4II1 , Ii hi otre t , near Faruim.
flOR SALE-'lie ' j"ii'tjLfjt mlOTIf , known
ii mc the IIOYS' llO2ifi. Thtc ticuw tc co -
trahIy ioctted , hoe son Ii and cant ( ColiC. aid is
sorro'inlcd w Lb ilto luvlo trees cone tncttiIrty
S tcping rooms , hal ice house. ltitmndry , 'uoepio
room , &c 11a4 a world w do rejiuratlo anJ a
better vtrou go , iiai ntnuy hou-is or toico Its
cjtacIty. [ 'nra 115,00ti r or Itart.cuara ad.
itie9i , A. I. . SASVDE1 , lIed ( iloul , tb.
immi ; ntriu-or vili drum 0 for Omaha gin-
.jj 1.erty , tin Improved cc on of itC adjoIn.
tng a station on U. P. 11. 11. Si , DUIilIAM , 1115
Farnbv.m St. , Omaha , 12t flirt
itic FOII CALa.
D EcTAmlitoon L COP. .
DALnI ) flAY-At A. Ii. andrr' iettJ 510
.D 1015 Homey St.
IT1IAVED-Two i-&cBtattofr3ml24Park WIld
liVe. , 0 roatl C .wlIi-oyCar ole , situ is bill
IlfOrlilOtiOn ( If tilt will lu hn tally iocclcd a
th a'nio aCdrts , . .OO rwaid.
507-lOt T. J. LOWRY.
OTlt # VF.D-One whil a cow , illti r it hatch , ha
0 oil iargC bell. Finder will bo Ii truly ro.
wsrfel by retraining hr to C iltfNIZ
51921t 0 4 soot-ti l3thstrcel.
ITt n : PACIFIC hiOUi3u- Dave 'lomb and 1(111
1. , , treetc , can ccoin deta hoc wri bard.
crc-VOW home , new furnituri , note but.
418 18
MAumevItut OF I'Af5dYhTEit1 AND
TIONALII3T , 4)8 Tenth Iltrect , Ia twoon t'arnm
sail miaiuoy. Will , with Uio MU Cf
epirit , , obtain for any one a glance at tb asal
nii vrcnI. and on vctitri cuitjttOrs to t'n ' hi
tore. Uots sad ( illowi iesd to udr. i-rrlaa
, "ri ar. w Ifln.It a" II 1
, '
NX)9- ) 1 !
AbsokteIy Puve.
'flits powder nerer varIes A martd t -
) , strength and Alqmr ci.o
iules ! than the ordinary ktad , ntt isimilmi lea
( clii in competition 'A Ith thu multitude oft ow
ttt , shOrt weight , alum or PhOpbato l'wderJ
bold only in can. . Reran Beuzo loaves I.e.
e w st. , Now York