Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1882, Page 7, Image 8
THE DAILY BEE OMAHA TUESDAY , JUJST.E 20 , JS& . O. O. OOOEE .Sc OQ > . K COMMISSION MERCHANTS , City Market , Council Bluffi Iow , \V H. O I , E S A I , E FLOOR , HOUDE , General Ajrcnts lorlho Crliliralcil ihlljof H. P. lu h * Co , Ootilcn EARO | Flour , l.v-n , ami yno n luo Mil . . Sioux KalU , Dakota. Q. Pml * A 111 I'm i . I. iii.cll Illufl * . Iv _ ZEL AND net.uti 8TATI8KERY AND PRINTER'S GOODS , T I ! IE A BSTRAC 0 F F. - a Lands and Lots 33 ought and Sold. M'hXKY TO LOAN AT LOW HATES. NOTATIE3 PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA , 15 flortli Main Street , WHOLESALE DEALER IN SHOE FINDINGS. Rifld\'flttnl ! npcri < , In .a'f tkln nml Up Oak ami Hemlock kOLK hLATUKIl , and al v > pi'rtftllilnu tit' oatuic tr ' < Oo < l > i > olil ! X rlicapni In the Ills' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LLIMY STOIIE FOll SI'YLISII SPUING MILLINERY. PATTERN HONNETS AND CHILDREN'S HATS A SPECIALTY. 105 South Main Street. Council Bluff * IA Tlmt nncr r < quire crlniiiif | | , at Mrs. J. J Gooil's Halt Store nl pr ecu nc\cr lictcro tonchul 1)1 ny other hnlr dealer. Also n full line of switches , etc. , ntkreatly reilucoil ptio s. Al o iroM elUcr and colored nolfl WMCS niailo from Uctics' own hair. lj not fall to call hcfora purdi > smg . All Koodi w.irr.iuU'il ai represented. iK3. J J OOOI ) , 29 Miln fttrcci , Council UluRi , Iowa. Betliescla BiTHIHB HOUSE ! At Bryant's Spring , Cor , Broadway and. Union Sfcs. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Meillciteil , V per , Elce'rlc , INungo , Doucli , bhimer , Hot and Cold U.i ha Com petent ale anil lumlo . ur us and at ctidants aluajs on hand , ai.d ha beat , of ra o and atten tion thru pitrma. dpjuial att tttion ( fl\Lii to battling cliililrcn. In\cst gutljr. aud patrouigo eolicltc'l ' eolicltc'lDR. . A. H STUDLRY t Co. , 100 I ppor Uroadn-ay. Dr. Stud'oy : Treatment of cliroub wlthoit the Jra\\Inj- blood or uc of _ unite. Cures luu ? ilUtnim. rvnji.'i > Kits , Si-rofiih. Llicr I'om- U L ThK Kif Drni.A * llli.mtnl * aiiKf uroiH } MH f Q n n e\ t1 t T II IVl 5S R S I181"i ' 'over and ilorcur- I U III U kl U m sorCjl > Erysipelas , Salt Rheum , Scald Hoid , CiU rh , Hoik , InlUmcd and xriniilatud Eyoj , crnfuloua Ulcura and i\ tualo Dii auo of all kinds. Alio Kidney am ) Vencrlal diHuaac . Uoaiorrlioida or 1'ilcs curpd money refunded. A'l dlseatej traated upo thoprlnclploof ( - nblo reform , without the uw of mercurial pola- onaor the knifu. Kloctrj Vapor or M-dlcalod Iliths , furnished on who dcalra them. IlernU or Kupturo radically ciirod by the use the Elaitic bolt Truis and i'listcr , which hni tucrlor | iu the world. CONSULTATION FREE CALL OX OH ADURKSS Drs , E , Kico and F , 0 , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , In. LIVERY , Feed and Sale Stales , 18 North Piiet Street , ISou juct a old Htnnd , Council ll'tiff * , Iowa. WILLAltD SMITH. 1'rop. { W.D.STILLMAN . . , rractitlonor of Hemcopatliy , coneultli ] ) , ' Physician and Surgeon , Oiflcoaridr > Bldcnc 015 Willow avenue , Coun- cll lllulla , loaa. _ W. K. SINTON , DENTIST. 14 Pearl Street , Csuuoil Bluffo. Extractlntrand fllllu a Epechlty. First-class work guaranteed , DR. AP. . HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. nifioo , No. 14 1'enrl Street. IIouii , 0 u. m. to 12. , and 2 p. in , , 10 fi p , in , KeHldenco , 120 Bancroft xtrcet. Telephonic connection \uih- Central olllcu. _ DR , AMELIA BURROUGHS , No , 617 First Avenue Hours from 10 to 11 a. iu. , and 2 to 6 p. in. lercliaiitsEestaiirant J A. ROSS , Proprietor. Comer JJr.udway and Fourth Streets. Rood accommodation * , good faro and t.oui- teou * troumont. < C3 3S : 3Ca ? ; 3EI OCT. . Olllco over savings bank , COUNOIti BLUFFS , - . - Iowa. REAL ESTATE. W. 0 , James , In connection with his ) law and oollcctlon buulnoesbuya and sells real estate. Perbons wishlnirto buy or Bell city property call ftthls office , over BushncU'a book Btorc , Pearl etrwt. etrwt.EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice of the Peace and Notary Public , 4l6Broadway , Council Bluffs. dr wn nd \ . WATER WAVES , In Stock and Manufactur ed to Order. " \Vavcn Made From Your Own Hair. TOILET ARTICLES , All Goods Warranted as Represented , and i'rice Guaranteed. MRS. D. A , BENEDICT , 337 W. Broadway , Council Bluffs Iowa. ; - - - . MRS"ETTlAPfflff , H , D , . Medical Electrician AND GYGNEOOLOGHST. Graduate of Klcctropathlc Institution , Phila delphia , I'o n in. Office Our , Broadway & Gloiin Ave. COUNCIL DLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment of Ml dlieaeoa and pulnful , dlf- tlcultiea iHcullar to fpq'aloa a nccl . | ty. Tlie Star Bakery , HOWARD & ROBIE , 227 MAIN ST , Kmploy the best Dread lUkor In the West ; alao a choito hind for CakCH and flea. Dread delivered to all | iarta of the city. Game and Poultry , Can always la found a B. DANEHY1" , 130 Ul'l'or ' Broadway. JNO.JAYFEAINEY , Justice of the Peace , 014 BROADWAY , Oourioil Bluffs , - - Iowa. W. B. MAYES , Loans andEealEstate , I1 oprktor of abstracts of I'ottan attimlo voiini ) . OHiMi corner of llroiihvu > and Main a rui tC UIIP ' lllulla , lu a JOHN 8TEINER , M. D. , ( Ioutechcr Arzt. ) UOOJ\I \ C , KVEHETT'S BLOCK , Counoil Bluffs. Kljuasoa of women and ih.Uren a M > 3caHy. ! P , J , MONTGOMERY , H , JJ , , FltEU DlHIT-NSAUY KVJ'.IIV SATUJtDAY. OMlcoln rvi'iett'a block , Pearl troct. Rctl ilcnco tiS Knurtb street Olllco houm from 0 to 2 t. m. , 1 to 1 and 7 to h p i , lull a " " " F. c""CLABi PRACTICAL DENTIST. I'can street , opposite the postolDco. Ono of the oMcH praititlonera In Council liluflr ) , HatU Ufactlon Kaarantco'l In all catcs DR. F. P. BELLINGER , EYE AND EAR SURGEON , WITH 1)11. C1IAKLK3 DKCTKKN. Offlco otcr Unit store , 411 Uroadnay , Council JlluIN , oua. Al dlnca-d of thv v > u and vur tie itud under the ino tapprotcd inuhbd , and all curf guaranteed , JOHN LINDT , ' ' ATTORHEY'-'AT-LAW , Will practice In all EUto and United State ) CourU ) . Spcaki Ocnnin Language. PUOHIBITION VS. tilCJSNSE. To tlispooplc if the State ot Iowa. It is held by ninny writers ami orators thnt the only use of Argument ia to counteract the force of debate and opinions of those may bo interested , Whether my theory will have any weight no to the principle held by thorn 1 leave for my tenders to judie. ; Undoubtedly it baa much in it r nd nn application of it to the body politic of the preaent time in the Btato of Iowa nuv bo bunolicinl. In the paper tnlled The Standard and dated May 25 , W-J , 1 read the cnu- eluded sermon and lecture of Rov. lr Clelaud , ot whom I wish not to SRJa word or do any net that would cast the slightest rt fleet ion on him per- sunnily , but merely to attack hi1 * re- mm Us in tlu lecture- alluded to in the nb ivo. Mr. Clelland is n gentleman , a ftcholar , tin or.itur , and a devout Chris tian , und one of ( Jod'a chosen teach ers of tlui hiuhput calling , oiul S * devoted - voted to his people. But inon dilfer in their opinions ? , both in natural mul law , then-fore , it will not bo considered eriino for mo to take issue with i lie gentleman. 1 do mil wiuh to debate ur atjjue to uuy extent , the question vhother the law ii u Bumpluury unu or nut Neither do 1 wish to , at thin'ii i. , enter into argument with thu rivnend gentle man , whether the theory nr Ktv he advocates , will reach the auairod ef fect ho claims for it , namely , prohibi tion. Ho claims th.xt the ulcoboitc and beer trallic c.uues moat of our taxation and court cost and prison ex penses , but I beg liMVu to dill'or with the gentli innn. As utatistics will moat assuredly prove , the p-int history of his theory ixpl.una itaelf to all those who can read. I do not wish to maku an at- tuck oil the principles uf cluiroh mor ality , but \vill Buy that while lie at tacks iny principles and seta me down us one ot the bid elements and un advocate - vocato of crniiu and innnorality , ho must accord to me the privilege i f defense fense , and also exptct. to have hia side ot the question attacked. Then-fore , myself and the reverend gentleman cannot ayree'ua to what would bo the bent course to pursue to brm about the greatest results , that would pro mote the morality of the communtt ) to the greatest extent. His alleges that crime ia committed to u greater extent under the irallic of alcohol and beer than under any other nit-1 hod , but 1 Hiy ho la under a mistake , anil ahull nak Hie reverend gentleman to compare statutics with me , to prove his theory. I will ask the reverend gentleman whether momw id nut thu lather of p.iruntago of nil crimui whether alcohol or beer would be in existence if it was not for mono } ? would ulao aik bun if ho is not awaio of tile fact that , crimes of lurge unrt small magnitude are nut daily commit ted under the cloak of religion und the church ? This ia patent to all. llfiieo I ugruo with the uontlcmau that the aiato must protect ituolf and its ctti zetiB ug.iinst that which destroys the life , happiness , peace and uood morals of its society and the community to the greatest extent The state furbidd all men whether they are dealing in alcohol or beer , or producers of gram orlmv ni.iken * , or church people from doing that which would aid c line , when put in force by their ow.i command and force. But such is not the case , for every man is accountable for lua own actp. Hence I do not hold the reverend gtmtlonun responsible for the acts und crimes that are committed by those who are united with Ins views and the church. The man that outers the beer hall goes iu of his own free will and if ho chooses not to buy or drink ho is not forced to , and if ho can't pay ho is not wanted thero. llo is ono of the unchoson. Hence the rum seller , aa the prohibitionists calls him , is not to blame , for every man knows when ho is doing a wrong. The reverend gomlcman declares that the alcoholic and DOIT tram'o lilla over ninety per cent of our prisons , and is the cause of over ninety per cent of our court expenses and taxation to our porplo. All of which I deny. I wish to ask the reverend gentlemen u few questions , BO that myself and neighbors iiH > y bo able to vofo on the quustion of pro- lubition undoratanding'y on the 27th mat. Was alchuhulio and beer truflio thuoausoof the heavy court expenses taxed to the taxpayers of Now York in the great Boucher scandal case ? Wao boor tmllio the cause of court expenses taxed to thia nation in the Guitt'uu case ? Was the beer traffic the cause of the llov. Can non seizing on and nplit ting . hi * wife's head open ? How ia it in the case of James A. Lay , a graduate of the Methodist college logo of Adrian , Mich I How are the fuciH in the cane ot thu do con of the Tliird Uaptist church of St. Louis , Aid. ? Was alcohol the cause of § 20- , 000 or 830,000 being levied on the tat-payors ot PutUw.ittamiu euunty a fe w years iigo ? And for what pur pose ? To feed pauporuf To empty prieons ? Kulio answers everywhere , .N ( Jt W.IH only to tatisfy the do- iiires of sucli l.tnatici uu ono Ovi ram , who makes hinuolt conspicuous on a dry nouds box on Sunday mornings , tiuilooiiii ! und bdlowuig like a mud man until ho makes more nuiso and a greater diaiurbaueo th.ui any beer garden or all the Halocns in Council Blulli , und to the disgust of all those wht ; are temparttoly inclined , Nut only him , but also all other fanatic ) who wish th o other and say to them what they hall eat und drink , and that you uuat belong to their crcud or you are 10 good citizen you are no moral nan , but yon are whisky. I propose o bo liberal with Mr. Ololaud ; there ere I do not buliovo that because here is a bad dement iu the fold of ho church , cloaked under religion , hat his theory and principle of belief s an immoral ono , and ( mould not bu mictlced Neither do J charge his .huury ai the cituo of crime. If 1 id , T should sny what is not true , loulbo must remember that beer ia lot the cuusu of crime , fur 10 never know of any par- y that was solely under the ntluenco of the alcoholic spirit or jeer to premeditate crime. It is only hone who can abstain therefrom ; only huso who are sane in miijd. But al- ohol may aid them in the same at a cloak of religion aid the bad element connected with it , I ouppoao all my renders will remember one linger wlit was notoriously connected in stfe rob- oriea , and those who knew him best can toll how loud ho used ti pray. t do not want the gonilennn li drink bcir if ho desires not , but would wish ho would bo kind enough to grant mo the s.ime privilege ho wialu-.i mo to grant him , to drink and mt what 1 please. . It ia not worth while f.nmo to omtmcr.Ue the score of crimes com- initiod by these amoiii ; the church people , or those who.go by 'ho name ol ( iod'a chosen. Yet 1 will not bo so fanatic ia to do. iiounen the reverend gentleman fr the denunciations ho hat he.ip > il upnn in , liBC.iuso wo will not u ( jiort his prohibition theory. All I .nk H fur ium to accord to us that which ho vrit'uta ' UB to accotil to him. Crime arises from many CMIMVI , and appears to in in diU'eroiit fount which c.uiacn us to ditlor as to 1.1 irea'fst ; [ inuluctiiin. 1 am well aururo that my friend will put forth the. 1.1 adn fl , whis y , nhiik ) ; but 1 vill bj uver nady to prove by statistics from eleim-nt thu large-st amount of ciime sci'im to oritfinHtu. The prohibition fan.'Uu-s proaoh what is a delusion. Th * H > - , illod iroluhitam iit a farce , n i u the imeiulment onriiti' , is an uoprolilic iH'iisuro as put application L\iproven it nil slab whore it has bui'.i inaug urated ; that it is a sohume tor i H'un and the unity < f church mul ; that it hmdura temperance ; that the producer tin writ as the eoimum. r , an * the coaunoune ilth of Iowa v.ill lose , thousands of dollars in ruvumiit if the iiinendiiieiu carry J therefore r betm ; no tompt-runcii measure , bui , des do- atroyingu vast amount of imln.stry , and ronduriiig useless a large amount ot property of the industrious citizctm who Imvu helped to make tins u gieat commimwealtli. If 1 am right let all good principle people , no matter of what creed or trallic , bo at the polls on thu i7th ! iust. , and vote thu amend- inent down , and then by niaiiit.imnii ; one of the principles of our civil lib erty wan given us by Climt and liii disciples , and our forefathers , let in show to the piohibition fium'.ict that thu theory of alcohol ia not the father of all eiimo as they elnugo , but only a bevi-ra o , and they wiah to Uku that i-inht away from us because tliey think they ctn. U W. An Alligator Futni. "If you want to see the alligator an he is , " olMurvud ( he colonel , ' 'it yon want to talk with u man who l.u-j been brought up with 'em , if you want a Mjuaro view of the teptilein his u.itive swamps , ride over to .Indue Speed's plantation. The .ludgo is the only man in South Carolina who cau talk ; i hgator all dav long and not tell a lie.1 I did want to see thu alligator mhis native jungle , and I rode ucr > hs thu country uml got down in front of an i'Id-tune ' , old-lusbionud Southern resi dence , with its long verandia ami be lutifu'shade. Haifa mile away were the first signs of the hit ; b.ijon , and it was in that bayou that ihu alli gator passed bis years in basking and ea'iug and keeping oii'j eye oiu for thu il.ish of a shot uuu. ' les , I own that bayou , " said the jndjjo as he got seated , " 1 oun ullijm- tors'and all. 1 waa figuring up the other day , and I calculated that 1 waa the owner of at least 1,000 alligators. "Any very bin ones in then ? " "A ftw. There tire suvon or eight old Bookers which have bomi there for thirty years , If I was pinched to it I think I could exhibit two or three reptiles at least fourteen feet lung , and there is ono who niea uies twenty to an inch. " "Ho.v long do they liv ? " "Well , that's a hard question. The big ono I speak of bus buen personally known to uu for over forty jenra , and he doesn't , show any aigiis of necond childhood yet. I reckon the uver.igu alligator puts in fr m fifty to eighty years in this world of trouble. " "What do they eat ? " " Most everything. An alligator is always hungry. When ho can't get food ho will chow away at a pine log , just us u hungry mm will chew a tooth-pick. That big ono devoured a utoor for mo thm nprmg , and wuu nos ing around after more m half an hour. I had a calf tied u ( > to thut tree down there last fall , and it reptile came out of the bayou und took him uir , chain and all , aud if ho didn't swallow the chain wo have nuver been iiblo to find it. I luivo neon a nigger throw 'em an old plow point , and it would bo swallowed at a g up. " "A o they dangerous to human bo- injiB ? " "Not if you sit here , but if thuro is a man m this country who < Uro cross that bayou in a skill'at su. d iwn he can have my plantation AH near UH I can figure up thoeu n p il < huvo getaway away with lifty niggeih , ei ht or ten white men , thirty oUilc , livu or six mult s and no end to pigi uml geese in the last twenty-live year.- * . "When are they HIH jivrlioBtV" "Early in thu morning and after jundown. Lot's see. lt alter 10 now , and the nun is piottv ' 'u'i ' but I guniH wo can mir up u few. " Wo walked down to the i ! go of the bayou , and tlio noioo wo m mo in the LIMBS and reeds brought a nooro of iiiouts to the muddy surl , uj , The judge hud a billi.t of . > d in his liand , and presently gave it > i toha far nit on Ihu water. Iu nn iniuai.t tieru ) wits a grand rush from all iinectionu , followed by a ferocious lig'.i ' "vor the billet , und his honor quiutljo'iHorvid ' : "Thoro weren't over ttur-y in that jroivd. Lot me call thu di'j/ . " He whietlod to onu of tindogu loft behind on the vcrund.i , un < l A'hun the inimnl reached UB it was imraud lo bark. That , -tolmit 'un 1 bu- lievu that at leus't : tOO ulligi ou put iu til appeur.tnco inaido ol a inintitu , lomo content to remain Htu'ioiiury-- ' ) thura plunging about and blowing uui fighting. 'Luudor , King loudei1" com manded the judge , an-1 tlio dig marked na if ho had tieed a cooii. The number of reptiles iiicrc.isud by at least u hundrutt , and ihu wittuia were thrashed and paddled until thu odor from them was quite etilf "Can't fool the old vo'eraus that ffay , " observed the jud i-as hoturned way. "Thoy are down on the muddy bottom or lying in thu wioUh , und they know thut thia is on y a false pretense. Lot u nigger coiuo down with a fish-pole , and thai would moan business. They'd swim the bayou and not leave a ripple , and crawl through the t-'raas as softly an a snake. " "Ia the alligator poetessed of intel- ligencol" "You but ! I rngar.l him ,11 keener < lmn the serpent and shatp than the fox. hot one start to crawl to th housii and ho will take advantage o the ground and binhoa and urass jus as a wolf or tijjur would " "And can't you gut rid of them1 ? " ( > iod lnmU ! but 1 don't want to ! ' . want to foster them. I want 'em ti thrive and increase and multiply uuti Ihu bayou won't Im'd ' 'em. Ten , Iifteim or twenty yomhonco the prici of alliuator liiiitM will bo f < mr tnnen what it ii now , nii'd then I'll turn in on em and mukeS'iiiie ' > y. That buy on ia my MiUHtor f < im. Tin roi-ds are there nml the plants are growing , mid when I figuri thnt I own JJ.OOO oed sia.'d nllisntors I Rhall lot cotton go foroiiOHOiiM.n and send nlliijutor liiden tu ttrtrknt llKa jou , inj buy , but I wouldn't Int ii man cr ck away hern with u ritlw fur : i $ 20 gold-'ju'i-e. HuM gft 'em nor- i-i.uj and skoery , iiud IJ'M enough my whole ull-g iti.r farm w .uld sail oif down thu liver in nearch of u now iwner. 1 wau't to keep 'em ight inre. Thefi's coiiiij to be big money a that sort of live-stuck before wo are ten years older. " VutcrnstlcultiiiNt , Ameiicaia surely n blctiard laud Without eomiliiti * uuy of tho-multi- ttdoot oth r muses for which she bane o be thankful , w < > enn find , in a niu- > < le uift of nature , nullicumt ctitiio for ejoiuing , U i ntid that iu it djrect uimi.y value , and in its uolliite.1 nl' and mlii'Lct hmiotita , grans ia wiuth more o the world tlmn all thu other cereal ropi onmbinod. Onttoi , imgir , tea uid nuch crops are all loetl , but grasn s grown all over thocivili Ml world. is .urect in nothing in rotnptmon to ti ) indirect value in the ii.lluenco it ins iu preserving the fertility of our arms by its manuriat value in all nriiis. No man can thrive on a farm , 10 farm can bo uuif-mi | porting , where grass is wholly negluetei1 , or iidvaut igo ia not taken of block raieed on the graaa iitrini Tlie old lnlii\ii ; proverb a true : "No grass , no cat 1 > ; no citlle , no manuiv ; no manure , no nips. " It ia mippo.iod by many hat only Mich n < .il that is not lit for cultivation in the con ah or nniU hould be devoted to ur.ini. This ia a matake. Wo call u I lord to take our ust Boil'for proluctKin of thla crop ; md thia ia the real plan for bringing thorn up to thu highlit fertility. In giTits the whole wos. linda un boat f rn nd. Without the rich and abun dant giMHseii of the plums , the hun dreds and thousands ot cattle , upon whica bo many people depend for a living , and which go to feed ao many thousamhi of peop'e , would never had existence. The hup crop alone ia Jiiid to ftirpaas in money value any other oinglo ciop in theJa.ul. Since the in- tioductnm of thu buy pres , hay is billed and sent to inarUutH hundreds of miles dintant , and the farmer who baa plenty of hay and plenty of stock- in making money and improving his laud. In many reapecta grass culture has not kept pico with improvement * in other lines , and yob there ia no mason thnt we can auo why there should not bo improvou grasaea. What Cromuonud Do. lounCity l'ro-B. About thm time last year thu Press , vni urging a reform in thu butter inirkot in respect to quality and prices. That reform has ooino in the creameries. Tuis huiniucr thoiiHandu of cows whoso cream could not bu properly converted at homo tor the lack of bettor knowledge or facilitieu will pour thi'ir treasuns into thu creamery. The result will be , it id true , a higher price for butter , but a reliably higher quality ahio , and a great pri fu to tanners. Now wo want the farmers to make the prolit. AH they are proitpornuti wo all gam something. At they fail in making prolit wo all lose something. So let the good work go on. Multiply the creameries and bring on your .leiseys and IIolstciiiH ; wo want nuro cheese und butter to the cow , wo want farm ers to leurn the diflbrcnco between keeping cowa which on the hanijs feed 11 nd care produce ? fiO aud $ ( iO pur head pur annum than those thut pro duce only $15 to ? 20. Breed and care will put upon oveiy dairy farm cows that will give per year 12,000 to 18,000 pounds of milk. Speed the day. In the crcamorio.i hero and to bulit > the germs of lighter labor , better homes , less debt , more loiauro , refine ment and the thinga inoll'ahlo which belong in the farmer's life where prosperity smiles upon his flocks and herds. Poultry for Partners. There is a frequently arising in quiry among farmers UH to what breed of poultry la best adnpted to thuir wants , nor ii thia query confined to fowla , but ia often put concerning cattle - tlo , swiiiu und the varieties of fruit. Now , the fact miiHt bo patent to all ubaorving people tJrit no breed or van iity ia hoot adapted to the wants of all , for eaci breed ol fowls has buen bred for Home particular purpose , and the poultry r.tinur mutt ( K-tunnmo what Inn object in poultry raining ia to bu ivud Huliot accordingly. Tlu.'i in a com paratively oiiHy taik tor the finoier , but the avurago farmer , who keeps from one to two don heim , and wants a few built rd , a nmit now and Ihoii , a few eockorula fm * the poultry buyer , und eggs all through the year For ( hi ) kituhun , and a aurplus to koi p down the debtor tilde nt thu grocery : i ceo tint , dnua not have the knowledge uf dill'crtiiit breed * pouioaaod by tint fancier , wiio bun lead the poultry pa- PPM for yours The queuiiou is not u p tblo uf one anawtir only , for all farmern do not live in thu HHIIIO lut1- Lude , all do not feed alike or lia\o warm poultry houses in winter. Homo fucd wholly on corn , except what the vigilant "biddy" gels from the hog trough , and qiiiio often the roof to such a farmer'n poultry-htiiMo ia the "canopy of htavon , " and the roost a branch of a tree. Tt requires liitlo thought to ascertain that the "dung hill" breed in quite as good as any for that clues of turmoru. Bucklin'H Arnica Salvo. The HKHT HAI.VK in the world for Cut * Druluui , Hurw , Ulcera , Halt Hheiini , Ye ; -er Hurt'B , Tuttur , C'haptied HaiulH , Cliil blalim , Corns , uu I all bkin eruptions , uml pottitlvely curtro Ilvu. It is guaranteed to me uatlrtfuutfon or niunoy rcimuled. 1'rlce , i5 centit per box , For Bole by 0. F. Oixxtinan Heatllv , hi'iiln. md luippltlcM l'r ludiw To the Consumers of Carriages & Buggies , I have a cwplftto stock of all the Laths' ; Styles of C rri ges , Phaetons and Ope a and Top Buggies , Consisttrg of Tuo Celebrate i Brewster Sida Bar , The Hamlin Side Bir , Tlie Whitney Side Ba" , and The Mullhilland Spnng. The Dextev Queen Buggy and Hiaeton Mo the Old Rol able i'llipc Spring Bugies : and Phaetons , They are ,11 ma e o tin beat ma'erial * , ad un der my ov/n supervision. I should be pleased to have those desirous of pur chasing to cal and o-amine ; uy stock. I will guar antee satisfaction and warrant all work. H. F. HATTENHAUER , Corner Broadway and Seventh Streets. JMUjjCIL BLUFFS , -IA. ( successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WUOLKSAL12 AND ! UUTAIL DKALKUS IN LACKffiilA , . LEHIGH , BLOOM AND ALL ia-X.SC > CONNELLSVILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTES , ETC. Offlco No. 34 Pearl Street , Ytirda Oor. Eighth Street and Eleventh Avonu , Council Blufl'd. MANUFACTURE BROOMS , BROOM HANDLES , GQHN MEAL , GRAHAM FLOUR AND r sen The Very Boot of Brooms Constantly on Hand. The Highest Market Price Pnid for Corn , Oats , Rye , Barley BS.OO3MI Parties Wishing to Soil Broom Corn Will Please Send Sample. OO- - , Uno of the bent H corid-clftntf Jlotclu In the Went U thu BEOADWAT HOTEL , A. K IlltVN , ProjirUtor. Noa. 534 and 03(1 ( Ilroadwa > , ouncll llluffn , lowi. Table iiiprilloil with tbn Ixnt the market af- oidi. ( } od rooms and Unit-clan * bcdu. Tcrma cry resBonahlu , UNION AVENUE HOTEL 817 Lower Broadway , Mrs. C. Gorspaoher & Son. Fli.bT U.A 8 HOI-HI * AT HI.ARdNAlIM : UI-'K . 'lll\N8IKVrH ACCOM MOUA'l'KU. HttTKli I O k SAI/K. OOOI ) UliASONH r'OU I U.INU _ SCANDINAVIAN HOTEL. M , Anderson , - - Propilctor , Ttlxji r llrudway. Tabl i miiicd | | ultb tbu bent UK' martlet al- urli Lr..a , ' 3.Wiih'l 9l.UOiii.rVM.vU. Tiun iiiit l.oo per < ltn. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ If You XVif-h. a Luuoh Go to LOUIE DUQUETTE , { uupis Moatx , anil ] ' ! ( > tiiljleH ulwuyti on linn'l ' , Vivo CftitH per call. STARR & BUNCH , HOUvSE , SIGN , AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS , I'Al'KH HANGING , KALSOffilNINQ AND GRAIHINB , Shop Onrnor Hr omhvay imd Scott St "HUGHES & TOWSLEET" DKALEllS IN jpnfectionery , FruitsNuts 3igars and Tobacco. Fresh Jysters and Ice Cream in Season. 12 MAIN ST. , Council Blufl'd. MRS. J. P. BILLUPS , rnopuiETon OF RESTAURANT & EATING HOUSE , 813 Hcuth llnlii Street , Council II nlTj. Kcw houao and newly fitted up In llratclass utylu Meal ) at all bourn. Iccrruui and leuio- iiadojivery UVUI.IIIK. FrultH a d toiifcctioiierliw' J. G. TIPTONT Attorney & Counsellor , ( MIU'u o\or FIrdt National HaririUouif il D'ulls , I ' " 'a. Will ( iraitlvu In triu ttvUt uml foJcral 723 W. Broadway. LARSON & ANDERSON , Proprietors. 'Jhl. Iryhu JinHii'im oprnod for bunt. iioni' , and wo are n iw pripared to ill UnuJry work of ull Kind * uiul ijii iru'itcu ua'lafwtlon A p'-ijt | ) n a 10 of line vvor * , x.icli as oolUra , uIlM lion-lilrlH , ttoVo unnt ixiiyboiy to Kt\o lua trial hiXUSON & ANDERSON. KbNDALL'b 3PMVIIM UUHt. Tlio Mont Bucctxiful Remedy over dUcov * crcd , ad It IjcorUliiln It * cttuctu anil d 01 not blister , KIJAII PHOOr'llKtOW , Also eu'olluut for human tlenh. FROM A 1'jlOMINBNT PnYSIOIAN. WanhliiKtcn\lllo , Ohio , Junt 17 , 1831 , Da H , J. UKMJAI.L , &uo. : Ucnt Uojuluif louratt. virtiioiiiunt In Turf , Klold and Fa iu , of your Kundul I'D Hpavln Cure , a d hauni ; a laluallo undn.uedy horau which had been lima from p.vln for blijlituon inontlu , laontiojou for bottlu by uxpriiay , which I > awuuku \ rumovcd al ) hiuoiicis and urjlar oiccut aim a larjf u epl'nt ' from niiuthcr her u. and botli horji'u am to-uay autouud n.i cultu. J'hoonu bottle iu Horthto mo ono ImndrvU dollaia. lluninutfully jo'.rj , H , A , b. UIOLKIT , M , O. S' il lor Illustrate j circular i.'luni , ' pouitlva proJf. I'rkt Jl AH UruKcbta ha\o It or cau yet It for you. In H. J Kuudill & Co , I'ro- prlctum , Knoabur ) , ' ! ) Fall , Vt fciOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. EUROPEAN HOTEL , Uorncr Fourth and t.ocutt btrcotu. SrJf. X.OXIXIS , OMDO. , J.H. HURST , . . Prop. RooiuB , 75o , $1 , and § 1,60 Tor Day An clfirant llcit uiant licontiectcd with tbt hoiuo wliurc ineali uoi.n wdat ieMOPtblprin Open y nd eight , m-lOr