Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1882, Image 7

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    JU um A TUESDAY , JUNE 201882 ,
The Daily Bee.
Tuopday Moruing Jurr 20. '
f sutwcniPTioj ?
ByCarrlci , - - - - - MccntMjwr wV
ByMMl , - - - WOO per r
Ofllco : No. 7 Tonrl Street , Norir
"s , 0. K. MAYNK , X'ansper ' City CrctiUtlon.
H. W. TILTON , City KiUtor.
Go lo lIctr.Timi for
Shcmilin nnl > cfi
All kinds of Canned Meats at Heel
15ro .
Ju'ticc Il lrd yesterday Hod Ufiht the
inntrinionlal noo'O fmtonlnij W. II. Untlcc
and Mattic Jt. Chtirlea , bntli of ilardin
township ,
Chjico WcddlnpOlfU at Mntircr
Go to Herr.min' before buying.
THK HKST Teas and Colfcci fu tto
market at lcck ! Bros ,
The closing exercises of the high
school will bo held In Iho Bloomer pchool
builtlinc next Friday night , and vitlci-
cite much interest.
Htrzman will sell store and dwelling.
The Methodic sociable has been In
definitely postponed , owing to Iho death of
Mrs. Crockswoll.
The cily council failed to secure a
< iuorum Inst nigh , and an adjournment
was taken unlit Wednesday evening ,
Shcrradon Is the boss photographer.
Pine line of mcns' , hoys nnd side
noddles nt Sherman's , 124 S Main.
Alderman Newell , McCormlck'fl rlithl-
"hand man here , has clungfd his ollico to
ICo. 330 Main street , nnd ha * tilled up Im
jjew quarters attractively and convo
Solid Silver and 1'lalcd AVaro at
Mnurer A Craig' * .
Herzman Is bound to close out ,
The teachers connected with the M.
1 { . church will entertain the sociable on
Tuend > y evening , .Tune 20th , In the parlors
of the church. A plea-ant evening is
promised aaJ a cordial welcome extended
to all.
Joseph Keller makes HultsJIn the lat
est styles at 310 Broadway.
Railroad tick els louidit and sold
JBuiilinell , five north of Postodlcc.
Con * ave money on the tickets.
The Council BIufN base ball club
liavo received an invitation to play the
"Union " 1'Aclfio nine -in Omalm next
Saturday afternoon , nnd have the name
under conslderolion ,
Don't forget to cill > at the now ice
cream parlors of lire. .T , A. Gray , over
C05 Broadway.
Ono of tha women lalely lotnoved
ifrom the old Sioux City house and quar
antined near the river escaped Sunday
night , and went to her sister' * on Lower
Main street whence the ofllcers went after
Lor to put her back.
Joseph Hoax , of 015 Upper Broadway ,
Council Blutlx , makes tho'bcit butler tubs
In tlio west , and Btll * them at the lowuet
cash price.
The annual examination of tit. 1'riuicis
female acrdetny commenced yesterday
and will continue to-morrow and Wednes
day , commencing each day at 0:30 : o'clock
a. m. , and doting nt 4 o'clock p. m. , and
tha public Is tonornllyinvited \ to attend.
New lot of Dresden Ulnquo PJgures
and Vine Pottery just opened nt Muuror &
An informal Jiiuslcalo is to bo given
this evening at the residence of Mr. V. F.
Ford , it being malnlyfor the purpose of
Introducing to the musical circles of the
city , MifB Lizzie 1'enncll , who has lately
como from Brooklyn , and who has con
cluded to rcsldo in Omaha , aud i/ivo in-
atructions in both citlc ? ,
The poll tax delinquents are gelling
deeper nnd deeper into the cily'd debt.
Some of there who have been sued hnvo
settled by paying4(5.85 ( , n ellght advance
on the $3 which WUH the original tax.
Othora who have let their c.ifcs go longer ,
liavo to pay over § 10 and when execution
is issued the costs will read about $15
rather heavy poll tax ,
The finding Hot of 'tlio 'Iroo public
library is at last out of the printer's hands
and proves a ready refer unco for those In
need of reading matter , The number of
those who patroalra < thoillbrary is lncreas <
ang , but still there are many who should
improve this oj > poitunlly of getting val
uable information at no expense to them-
Tha citizens hero eagerly grnnpct !
every bit of news concerning tnu terrible
hav c of the storm and srcmod more per-
uonally concerned by the danger of friend
and Injury dane them and their propuity ,
% lr. J. G. Tiptou had n cousin , Mrs. Tip
ton , among the killed. Prod Kimlmll
father's roiidenca in CJrlnnell , was blowi
down , but fortu..tlely ) uuno if the family
were Injured. Mr , JCImlmll left for th
place at onco. ( Jen ral Dodge's daughlor
MiBsCarrlo Dodge , had just rrnduatod a
the high schoul there , nnd horfrlonds wore
In great ituxloty until newn was recelvei
of her safety. Mlm Uohtngton , who wan
Attending the graduation oxurcluos ,
turned just before the uLorm.
Truth and Kouor.
Query : What is tlw best family
mcdicino in the world to rcguUto the
bowels , purify the blood , romwo cos
tivoncBj and biliousnesa , aid di esrioi
and tone up the whole Byttoml Trutl
and honor compels us to uuiwor , IIoj
bitters , being pure , perfect and harm
leas. Toledo IJlado
Hon. U.I'1 , Clayton visited tha city ye&
terday ,
lion , Win. If. Half , the well kuowi
Olenwood attorney , WM III the city yeiter
Gnbe Jackson , of V voca , | iromlnent I' '
Insurance cuclec , spent .Suwluy in this
city , the guest of J , CJ. Tipton.
J , \V. M ackenzle , of the Chicago
Northwestern railway , ha been called
* st by Ilia illnesi of bin mother. Durliij ?
4iU absence Mr ! , Warner serves In hia pl lace.
TUo Orirls of St Frnncls Acndcmv
Bubjootcd to Examination.
The cloMtii ; cxftinitmlions of Iho St.
Francia Female Acaicmy bgs < n yes
tordny , niul were attended by n nnm
bor of the fricnda and patrons ol the
institution. The three rooms on the
mnin ( leer were thrown into one , anrl
the attractive dvcoratioiiB wore arinng
ed , including the motto , "Jleliginn
and Science. " The hours yesterday
were taken up mainly in the f-xntnina
tton of the yoiinyer cl.isees. F. ] SI
McOnngh , I5 q. , of Omnlin , plied the
questions , and the girls showed ft
commonditblo proficiency in the
knowlod o of the elemcnliry branches ,
jf nrithmetiu , geoxrHpliy , apoMiiiR ,
etc. They acquitted thcmsolves well ,
and n ( looted credit uprci tlitur teucli-
ers aa welPai upiti tli-mnolvta , TJio
examination will bo continual to
morrow and Wednesday , and will bo
even moro interesting thanlhoaoof to
day , they being the older classes , and
in higher studies. This institution
Inn I Hid about 175 slndoiita in iittond-
anco this term , inclndinu' tiumber of
boardcra trom outiido tlio city. The
institution has been founded botwein
oi ht and nine ycara , and , under tint
chargp ot the Sisters , h.ia now n gond
standing among tlio nchoola of this
[ > art of the etate. The examination
of the boys will bo hold next Thurs
day , and the closing exhibition of the
Bchool will bo on the evening of the
20th. The vacation will eontinuo two
Number of Minor OU'enaos Dla-
POHOC ! of by the Powora
Tliat Bo.
When Judge Aylosworlh climbed
onto his woolsack yesterday morning
there was a quartette of plain drunks
to greet him , a big four. The first
was John lloso , who was picked up
in the park , where ho Was taking ft
rest while on liis way from Dos
Moinca to Omaha. Roam us Kink , n
comrade of his on liis trip , was the
next ono. The third was Put Brady ,
who acknowledged that ho had boon
there twice boforo. JIo didn't think
lie would over bo caught again in such
a condition , but it actinia ho Imd , nnd
the only apology ho had to olfor for
thus "getting oil" hia bent a Htilu/'nB ' ,
ho described it , waa that "accidents ,
yor know , ycr honor , will happen. "
The fourth waa Frank Qreon , who
claimed to have been a resident of
Omaha for eighteen yearn , The tistinl
§ 7 GO wasasacDsod to each , lloso hud
$3 and u silver watch to aocuro his ,
and the others were nicklelesa , except
Oreon.wholmd 2 and three jacknivea.
Two dnaky coons Irom the tnuinfcr
came next , chargud with having in-
dulled in ,1 hunting boo. They give
their immea an G cor go Chris and , lo-
Beph JVliniH , and thut the
row urnno about wualiii'g winduwa at
the trunnfer liotul. Ollicer Ctiaick
saw the trouble between thorn , and
promptly arrested both , and den pi to
the protestations of Mr. Swobo , their
rniploi or , brought them into court.
The judge approved the action of the
arresting nflicor * nnd fined each of the
h'ljlitora $10 and coata , which they
proceeded to pay.
Jim Snoddorly waa released from
custody yesterday , ho paying § 0 cash
in lieu of serving any further time in
jail. '
Fred Amy , tlio young man who
stands churgod with having run oil'a
mortgaged homo nnd obtaining a sad
dle from Dr. Pivtton under false pretenses
tenses was yesterday releuaed on 8500
bail , and returned to his homo in Hud-
ford , Iowa.
The casca aRainat Qoorgo Ferguson
and M. Epatino for disturbing the
peace waa disnmBcd , on rocommonda-
tiou of tlio special policeman , Andor-
BOD , who filed tlio complaint- ap
pearing from his ntatomcnt that EHH-
tine was more einnod ngainat than
A complaint waa filed ngainnt the
1'iicifio house saloon for being open
uftor bourn , and after hearing nome
evidence Judge Aylosworth held the
case over until to-day.
William Waiters for gambling wns
yesterday assessed § 111.10 and ho
dropped it in the till and departed.
A Smoke HOUBO Blazou up But la
StiUori Before ic Readied tlio Old
Sioux City HOUBO.
Yesterday afternoon the anioko
hotiBo of Smith it Norton , located in
the rear of their moat market on
Broadway , caught fire and waa nbout
doatroyed , before ti aufliciently libnral
supply ( if water could bo furnished by
the pail brigade to aupprma the
flames. The fire waa brisk for ix few
minutes , and it was thought that it
would coninmnicato to the old Sioux
City houao in the immediate vlciiutyt
but that ancient atructuru csc.vped aa
on previous occasiono. It has not
boon decided yet what will bo done
with thia old building , but tlio proba
bility is that it will bo removed. It
ia now boarded up and uninhabited ,
and if it JH found that other cases ol
Htnixll pox arise among these who liavo
boon , occupying it , the building wil1
turoly bo removed , mul it may bo it
any event.
I'olk county is going to bond § 10-
000 of its indoblodnesa nt 0 per cent.
Two thousand dollnra lias boor
raised to catablish a Catholic chnrcl
at Defiance.
11. Chrianinn , of Abington , III , , has
Jiut purchased -Ii20 ; acres of Jlonons
county laud for immediate improve
mont ,
Three partiva in Corroctioimllo
have ollercd the railroad company at
undivided half of JOO acrea of ground
for a town aiti1.
Olias. Cook , ono of the licaTicat
sheep ; rauora in Monona county | ma
just inclosed this spring n 1)00 ) acre
pasture of bluff land.
After u week's trial nt Clinton , Jos.
Shannon lias boon found guilty of
murder in the firat degree for killing
Jonca at Walton , last December , and
hr-o-beon eentet col totho p
for fifteen years. An the pmortr is
over sixty , the Eontc. co ia prattcally
for life ,
The Miprpmo grand lolo of tin
\nciont Drdor nf United Workmen.
in it.i reconf Bp ion nhCiticinnali , set
tied the trotibln in thin utnte by ro-
c'lfftmniu the HPW grand ledge.
Ili v. A. 1) ) . Jones , of Cherokee
ooutity , han filml n bill ngaiust the
i > stao of John H Smith , deceased ,
f ir ? . * ) for prenchinu a funeral sermon.
The widow in in stra' ht'-iiBd circuin-
itvncrs , lias Uirro young children and
an incuinlxTcd home.
Oratidpn I'rcfcott , of tlio Corning
ztjttf , is prrdiahly the oldest printer
n the United .Stntt-s in actual service-
ut tlio ciiti. Helms been n typesetter -
ter for sixty-three consecutive ji-ars ,
and in nlill abln lo do a fnir day'a work.
Ho h almost ! )0 ) jenrs of age.
Hot brand of Hubbor lloso at
Bixby it Wood's ,
CITY 1012 CR1JAM PAlll.OR.
A now atocl : of f ranch Cream Confrc-
ttonnry jtiat rocoivul at thu fashionable
Ice cri'iun , fruit nml confectionery
emporium i f Smith fc McCiioti , sue-
ct'ssora to Erb it Duquette101 Uroad-
On upper Broadway , tliia morning ,
a HIK ; representative hail the pleasure
of taking lunch with the gentlemen
i-ngugcd in intnuliiiMiii ! to our people
Prof. Ilordford'a I'msphatic IJ.tklng
Powder. The merits nf this superior
ariiclo can bo duly nttuatud by all who
liave pirtnkeii of the delicious biscuits
prepared and b.iked in the preaeiica of
[ til visitors.
On Tuesday , Wednesday nnd
Thursday of the present week , exhibi
tions of the moot excellent qualities
of lloraford'a Baking Powder will bo
given at the Boston Ton Company's
Store , nn Main and I'car I streets.
I'ho public generally nro invited to
call at thntpLico nnd sou what can be
accomplished with the above 111011-
tiontd p'Hvdor. ' Hot biscuita nnd
fresh butter will bo served to all de
siring to sainplo them ,
ITydronotlos for washing windowa
nt Bixby it Wood's.
Tlio Prohibition amendment A Clml-
loiiRofrom AloxObort.
ToJhcKilltor of 1liu lcc ! :
I fiii'1 thnt iho t-ii'pernnco folks are
paklng n greit d'-nlof fu H over the pro-
ul ill > n 'amiii1mcni - , that I- tbe voted
for or aga nst on the l7th ! day of June
Now , f they nro so Banguino atvl Mini
.hat if the ainiiidincnt in turned tint it
will flop the s'ili > a d cnnsiiiiition | ) of in
tox'cating Hquorn in thu ttato of Iowa , let
any ono of them pur. ono liundrud dollars
in th 1'lret nt'niiil I'ank of Council
i ItilfM , 1 wa ami I will thin do the name ;
let both mini rcmum In the bank for on
year on inlertht. If tlio amendment does
prohibit the HBO of Intoxicating li ( | < orx ii\
the htate , th' n my Immlrc I i.oIlarH and in-
teie.s iie t < ) tlio puranii who puts up bis
ono hund'o ' t dollars. 1'ut if the am nd-
in nt doi'H not f > ton the uao ol intoxicating
liquorH , then I "ill be cntillrd to Unit per-
HOII'H hundred dnllara and i > terei-t. I
fii-llier nny mil d.fy nriy of o-calVil
teinperancu f'dka to show mo or nny ' .ther
citizen wbnl bcnul't tinl.ibiir or fanner or
nnv niio oNo will have by the enacting of
ameudincnr. On the contrarj' , it is
lot tlie means of taking from the farmer
rom fourteen to twenty cents per biiHbcl
> n corn nnd wheat bccaubo he uill ho
oiefd to fhip liN Krain out of the ttate ,
an I give the labi rrrs In other states em-
iloynient in manufacturing this grjiti ;
ind then tiny will Imvu to pay the rail-
nad coniiiuiiiea freilit ( ; to bring back thin
nnnufactured grain. .
I would ank tltefo naino people again
whether tlicy have aright to dictate to mo
or any other irce-bom American citl/.en
what ho Khali i r.t or what ho nlmll drink ,
orvhcro vvltlml rhall ho horlothod ?
If they have this right Uuol that clavery
in lt < worst for" ? I < n t that the reason
that our furefntliera left the mother einm-
Lry mill foiilit ( ; ami conquered in the revo
lutionary war ? VV'nB it nut for the imr-
liosuof tlirwiii ) ; elf the yolfo to that they
iiiightdo ns rccined t'i ' them best , according -
ing to the dlclatcH of their i wn consclcncea
mil not UK a tjrnnnlcal tiller or tet of
niUiH would liuvo them to do ? The lalo
war Ih iifjli which wo jmsscd was waged lo
wlpo off fioni our ( hCHlcIieon tlio ono great
Htatntlmt boiled it , vislavery. ; .
Now In this enlightened ngo dn our
oinpornnco lirvtliicu wmii to impoao up n
t tlio yoke which lell from the necks ot
Four million human behi | ; at < ho uloin of
iho war ? Do they also wi-h to lluow out
if employment th usuiids of laboicrs and
iuecliaiilct , _ iiiil turn the Udu of immigru-
lion fronij irmtead of toward our state , and
.o dcpiccinto Ihouluu of property inntcad
of inciuaidiipr it
Now , good temperance folk ? , arino and
-i\o ; n Hnino Houii'J , common House , iiiHtcad
of appealing to tlio sentimental side of hu
man nature , and not mislead the furtnori' ,
luboroTH and incchiinlcH bv a fallacy.
WJI1 jou _ have our * tttlo iiicreiuo both in
wenllh nnd m > i uiallon , or like unto our
ulster Klnle , Kanrao , under Iho regime of
Ciov. St. .John , decrease in wealth , popula
tion and in tlio intellectual capabilities of
the i oople ? Yoiira respectfully ,
_ _
Bnuy Saved ?
Wo are so thiinkful to say that our
baby was cured of n dantieroua nnd
protracted irregularity of the bowels
by the use of Hup Uittois by ita mother
which at the oamo time restored her
to petfect health mul atrongth. The
Purenta , llochoator , N. Y.Buffalo
Extraordinary Mtirrliigo In Georglu
nnd n Strange Sequel.
Fa lmunU ( i.JTImes.
In the northeastern portion of this
county , on Mondny last , tJioro was n
romantic matrimonial sensation , winch
ia unpnrnlled in the history of the
county , nnd , so far as wo know , in
the etnto. Wo brklly pivo the facte
; i8 they have boon detailed to ua from
reliable source ? . They are about aa
inllntVB : It seems that ono Louia 1J
Fosky , a young man about twenty-
two yeara of ago , had boon plat-ing the
devoted to Bliss Majha ( daughter of
Mr. Wade Kvana for some time ,
whenever an opportunity presented
itaolf , although alio waa a child under
twelve years of age. Indeed Jiia at
tentions to the girl had become so
marked ua to arottso the suspiciona of
the parents , and to cause them to bo
on the aim. Uut on Monday last
her father being engaged in shearing
ahoop at his brother1 ! ) , a short distance
from his homo , Misa Mnrthu took ad-
vautago of his tomporany absence ,
nnd mut her wotild-bo liege lord nt
Mr. Tom Bennett's , n noighbur'a
house , ubout two miles fnim homo.
Thu necessary license had been pre
viously obtained , nnd tlio justice ol
the peace , J. 0. Thompson was sent
for. Upon seeing the extreme youthful -
ful aud child-liko appearance of the
would-bo bride , it ia euid that Judge
Thompson declined to perform the
curomony until aaauied by Mr. .Ben
nctt , nt who o house they were , that
the father consented to the mar-
rinse and > hat it woul I b all right
.Tu-'gn Thomi s m then ioceoi i ed to
Ho the knot , and about -en minutes
nfier the eouplc had been pronounced
tnun nnd wife the vixcd father , who
Imd been notifiid of hia daughter's
* b i nee from lirme , appeared upon
thofoeno. The crnnin as standing
in tt.o doorway and ft * thn fatlnr ,
wild with anxiety , attempted to enter
the hnuno , the groom dr-w a pistol
and , it is nnid , dnnppert it nt Mr.
Kvunn , whtreupoti Evuns ran upon
Fosky , eoixcd the pistol , ard wrench
ing the name from liis hands , pro-
eecdcd to pommel him with it over
the head. Koaliv nucceidid in ct-
ting nway from Evano , however , nna
ran into the houfu- . The uirl-brido in
the mmntima had eono o it iho back
door nnd vns walkintr in the direc
tion of tlio parental homo film hud
abandoned but a short time before.
Tlio proem , seeing her tin > vetn"nt ,
attempted to follow , but Mr. Ijvana
leveling hia pistol upon him 1 iili ho
bad but n few momenta before
wrenched from his handu , ccmmatided
'iim ' to stop , which ho dtd. Mr.
Uvntia then overtook his daughter and
accompanied her home , where eho
still remains.
Wnrncr'n Safe Kidney nnd Liver
Proper Slzo of 13oo Ulvca.
A correspondent of the American
Uco ilournnl gives the followiim ppin-
on as to the boat size for ordinary
Ungstroth hives : "Tho hive and
ramo nhould bo shallow tnough to
prevent , the beoa from Btorins too
uuch honey just above their brood
lest in the btood chninlior , and it ap-
) enrn to mo that the Laugstmth fraino
a adtnirablo for hia purpose. Sec-
) iid , the queen should have oufliciunt
room to dtpoaitao many eggs us she
can , besides leaving room enough for
; ho bees to store honey and pollen for
use in the brood chamber. This lat
ter takes on an average about two
nchea under the top bar of each frame ,
Deing less in the middle and more on
the outside frames , or about one-
quarter of each frame. Ono frame of
comb 8 by 10 contains G,400 cells ;
eight frames , 51,200 , and ten frames ,
1,000 , three-fourths of which servo
for brood-roaring , or.'J-OOand ! ) ) forty-
eight respectively. An avernco queen
lays at the rate of from 2,000 to 2,000
egns per day , less than ono par min-
uto. As it ia preferable to crowd the
bees a little to force them into the
surplus arrangement , I think a hive
which is largo enough to ac-
cnmmdato a queen which lays
2,000 cg 8 per day is
the hive wo want. Multiplying 2,500
by twentj-four dayu we ut 23,000 ,
cells , winch the queen wants to keep
: ier busy. Now , that in about what an
eifjht-framer will furnish , frames of
standard Longstroth bizo. I have Imd
queona which would kcip teu frames
tilled with brood and still bo in want
of moro room ; but I have Bern more
lives of toil frames where the honey
on the oubido frames remained fr m
o o year's end to the ether , and not
nero than ( , ovot ) or eiyht frames filled
with brood , which I , take it all in all ,
consider proof conclusive that an
eight-frame Langstroth hive ia prefor-
iblo to any othor. To prevent the
from entering the ourplus ar
rangement on top it is only necessary
to UHO auctions , 4 [ by 4 ; into thcao
the queens will rarely , if over , go to
deposit ejiga , for the reason that she
net'ins to object to too much wood in
the brood department. If , in addition
to omall Bi'ctione , the latter are put on
n rack inado of alata nailed together ,
no ua to leave space enough between
them for the bees to sjat through , tlio
liieen will never bo found in them.
Free of Cost.
All persons wishing to test the merits of
n Bruit remedy une that will positively
euro Consumption , Coughs Colds , Af th-
imi , ISrouchith , or any affection of throat
nnd lungs icrjUcstHd t' call at
C. Goodman's ' Drug Store and got a
trial bottle of Dr. King's New Dlpcnvcrv
for Consumption , riiKK of oohT , which will
ihow you what a regular dollur-itizt boitln
wl.l do.
NOTICU. Special mlmtiBcmcntti , BUG as
Ix > t , FounJ , To Loan , For Silo , To Rent ,
Wants , Hoarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In thl
column at the low ntool TEN CENTS PER
I.INU for the flrbt Insertion and FIVE CKXTti
PKIt LIKE for each dubsoqucnt Invcrtlnii.
Lcavo ulv ortlscmenta at our oilier , No. 7
Poirl Street , near lroailn ) y.
- ROtcl batter. 1' . J. ! !
W Mar\illo , JIo. je20-3t"
\TANTKU-E\crybody In Council Dluffs Id
W to take Tim liun , 20 cents per week , de
livered by carriers , Oillce , No 7 Pearl titreot
nonr Urondway ,
To uuy 100 tone broom corn
For particulars a < Ulitsi Council llludi
llrooni Fnttory , Council DIuOs , Io a OiS-20tr
For SiUo and Rout
rntlllii : : counters for wlo at Sratnan'f
I Jol5' (
I710II I r.N < I'.irt i ) } a r.kliluiii ) . or w
1 thuhuluon > ti'nnsj Kniiulri ] at IIKK
olllcu. J1) ) ti (
BllIUK I'OK.SAI.ihaio : ! en hand ono kiln
o ( u Kooil brick an on 1m lad In the city
1'jrtlca ( U'Kriirf n need urtklo will llnd It io
their ndinnlago to call at my ruliluitc , on
Lincoln iuemn' . oroiUlre-u UoLert llmlMo , liox
fill. Council Iliuilii , ln a ] unal-lm *
HAI.K Two new tijclclia at a bargain ,
j : It. btrliihjlbur , at newfnrnltuio factory
on Sctuuth u\inue , next io C. & NV. . H. U.
_ inn > 2J-lmt
CoillKll UhllTl. lr > . iimvIOtt
Foil HENf I'art or whole ot nice residence ,
or 111 etll on vacr terms.1 < 1 > I > ' at Uoj
otllce. nifti-tt !
T10U SALK-llca'itilul rMJonco lots , $00
I ? cadi ; tiothliijtilOKii , and tfipcrn'oiitli only ,
O1 .L & nrt'iirteent & tainaJo Innur
to coniuiu | ) je20 7t
} / \ Ell1'IIIMI ready for the ftuaunrr .
Vt Thcioolotiallcrj in thu > cst. h'cw ac-
crsjcrlcii arrival , bet In cltCa'l tit Kxceltlor
tialloQ , 100 Ualn btreit.
MOXBY To Iran at from n to 10 per cent , in-
tctwt by OiiKU , & DAY. } 'J tf
Dlt. W. U I'ATTOK Ph ) lclan and Oculist
Uin cure any ccsnot forocjo' . It U only
a matter of tmi ! > , and can euro centrally in
from three tc ate \\icke-lt in&liea no differ-
eneu how loiijf dUeasiil. Will straighten cron
ejes , operate and ivniote Pti rrirlnnu , etc. , nd
liucrt artificial ey , Sjk-ilil attention to to
A YONG WANTING some line quality broom
J\ . corn sect ! can trU It bv wrlttmr to
J'.T. MAYNE Council Bluffi
nv BiYiKn vour.
Boston Tea Go's ' Store ,
10 Main St. and 15 Pearl St. ,
Council Bluffs ,
All Shippers and Travelers will find
Rood accommodation and reasonable
Council Bluffs , - - Iowa.
Sell More Groceries , Sell
Better Groceries , Sell
Groceries Cheaper
lllb FxtraC stiffarfor SI < V )
1011) Standard A biyir , 100
( tlb Granulated niyar 1 u >
TIblso 1 Hoastcil ioi-nflcce 1 10
71b No 1 Green i lorotco 1 00
1 Hi I'c-t I'fu&teil O O Ja\a toffuo SO
1II ) Uc-t lloi'tcd Moeln ! ! 0
llbJliv , 1m f axanmlliaUKIo 25
llan hi pcil rloi licit "i
Itlli cans ralifornlal'iu t < 23
Choice Table uttricrlb ID
Yoru State Gallon t mi ci . BO
a b Cnn i tl ow Pe dies
01 > > ( ! nii io I'uarln *
SlbCaiMar I'caih.s Tfi
S Hi i aniry i oat "Sweet ( orn 2U
liest traniN priiijflieat I loiirpir Hack. . . 3 75
1lli ] liars Uillutts s ap 1 00
IS Hi Bars Kirk's \Miltu nnv > i < m Soap 100
I'ojd's amsii-rlb ] fl
llojd'n tiri' Dacon per Hi 1C
nclda Comiiiunity I ru Is jicr Jar 70
Gordon & UlllHorth'sl'rcsi'ncs 05
And Everything Else
in Stock Propo tionally
Cheap. Don't Buy Anv
Groceries Until You Have
Seen Us. Teims Cash.
F , J , OSBOME & 00 ,
Olllco and Works , Rlnln Street ,
Wo giro special attention to
Stamp Hills , Smelting Fiirnacos ,
will receive prompt attention. A general as
sortment ot
Brass Goods. Bolting , Pining ,
Foundry , Pig Iron , Ooko , Coal ,
Rubber Hose , Iron and Lead
Pipe , Iron and Erase Fittings and
Trimmings , at
Bixby & Wood's ' ,
Onfooraf t or ( Fourth Sreets- )
Dps. Woodbury & Son ,
Cor. Pearl & Ut A\e. COUNCIL BI.UKKB.
Rich Out Glass , Flno French China ,
Silver Wuro &c. ,
MES. 13 , J , HILTON , M , D. ,
222 Broadwav , Council Blufit-
Attorneys & OoiroseUors-at-Liw ,
ffiUJLI { HAPPF.1 .
Broadway , BOP. Fourth Street , ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
5 a
leer ! i 0
I mean business and LO blowing.
Having recently conti acted for 600 /r
Oigats and over 200 Pianos for tbc SDJV
BOII , lo bo s ld at Bargaino for Oatli , aud
on tia-o - Agents waiito , ! .
GorrcspoiidHCG ( solicited , s
BOM tzs
Guarantees the Best $1,50 , $1.75 and $2.00
gBS >
< & ?
Bluff and lillow Streets , Council Bluffs ,
Mirrors , Upholstery , Fepairine , Etc. . Wood ard Metallic Coffins.
No. 43G Broadway , Cor. ISrynnt St. , Council IJlulls , Iowa.
'JHE BEST BREAD 1 1'jiF ] CUT None but first olasn Bakcro
employed. Uread , Cake , PIGS , &c. , delivered to .iny part of the city. Our
Wagons run all day.
P. AYREP , Proprietor.
Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves.
Haa For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lande ,
and a number 01 Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska.
Office with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , - CQTJ VQIL BLUPS
11 Pearl Street , Council Blnffa.
O. A. BEEBE & CO. ,
Wholesale and Itctall Dealers in
Nos. 2C7 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
j , J , E , letcalfe and Iiss Bella Lewis
Are now dealing In nil klrnlsol fancy goods , fnch ts I.nccs , Embroideries , Ladles' Undcrwea
of all description ) . Also HMdl-ercliluis , both In ellh ( ind linen , lioso of all kinds , thread , plus ,
needled , < to.Vo . ko\io the lanles will call and BCO our stock of coda at 636 liroaduay b fora go
h ; : elsewhere.
Dealer In
of All KindsA Full Una of Unnvan , FcltK , EmLrnidory , Kuittlue
mill Stnul'ioil Ooixls. Nlr.n Annnrtiiont
of A i'iHir > Pldturcn