Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1882, Image 6

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    + *
VOBK , June 19.
Money closed * eay at 2 2 per cent.
Kxchamjt eloaetl firm at 4 87@4 ftD.J.
01x-oi firm.
Jufrriiov li's
. . . .1"0i
. 1 9
. . . . .114 ,
O'i ( oiiiinuin . 101
6 'a cimtiiiued . lUlj
Pacific railro > d bonds closed ait follows ;
Uninn Ists
Union L ud Granti . 113
Union Sinking I'undu . 12 < i
Centr.tls . 1 17 1 © US
The stok tnirket t'i-d v w s moler-
ataly r.ctivG and irregular , Lut in the
muln itrong ; ttnd nlthou li thire were
i > ur. < l \ ' IN uf wetkr.C4i piico.i left oT (
genoriliy 4(8)3 ( ) per C"if Id lior thnn
yetttrd. y , led by Nev York Central ,
liiko Shore , D.uver & Hio Grande , St.
Paul & Ontihn. Now Jtr > cy Ctit nt ,
U law.iro , Ltci av muVoitorn , Louis-
vlllt ) & Naahvill , Mm-i < url I'.icifio n ( !
1C umat Tt x iff. Tiled ) were also the
nui-t IK tivti ( stocks ,
THO fillo.vm. { tvdrolho cloiin ; bKU :
Western Union. S ( , \ 0 & It G
Admns.inn Erie Mi.
American . . . . i'H ' 1'rcferioil. . . . 7'i
US 7U } II & at ,1 90
WeluFartjo 128 I'referred. , . . 8113
OU K 1 7 Kansas k Texas 3vi
Oi & 1C Mid ; VV . . . 1:8 :
OB A g Louis & NaBh , . ( JOS
N Y O UlVjl L , S 112
N J C 7JJt Mo iln& 13. . . . 121
1. C 13ft Northwestern. . 13' {
Mich Con 9 j > Preferred. . . . 144
N P -2J OtV 4ii
Pitforred. . . . SUk Ohio * Miss. . "
Cent I'll 0-5 PM 42
U P 11 J Q'lick-liver ' . . . 8
Mo. PHO GO ?
Tuxai Puo. , , . H I 13
N Y Kidvatod. Sun Fran 38
Met , . Kl 81 ! I'refcrud . . . fiO
llau IC'or St. Paul . .112 ;
A A T H 2' ' Prlcried. . . .
Preferred. . . . 6 StP& O
Caii d S f. Preferred . .
O& I ) 23 Nash. & Chat. . 5'i '
OA A 1S2J M L 8V. . . . 47J
DA11 107 \Vabash S9j
Preferred. . . .
8TA1K 110.SM.
Thi f. llowing were the sale ? of the more
active utocki ti'-dy. Totul,3 7OCOtlurc :
\V U h200 . . . 1100
CIJJiQ 700 IC&.C 1-410
N Y O OIH ) I Nash.l.S70
N.I O HO'O LS 2U',0
IG 300 JN rthnoiteru.
HU 8 'HI Pi u fern d. . . 1000
OC 10 J 0 : W . KO
IS PPreferred 0AM . 90-
Preferred . . 10100 PM . L'OO
C P I.VJ 4 10 MO
UP 6100 I
MP St Piul. . . 011)0 )
i'P PtuftnoJ . 700
C S .2iiHO S P& O. . I'.iOi
O.tO f.OO Preform ! .lOli'O '
I 00 Nn h A f h > t. . 1100
J ) I , \V..2P9H ) M L > & W. . 20
D&IIG 10100 U uiivh 20uo :
L'rie lli WO 1'referied. . . 0OU
GHIUAOO , .Tuna 19.
Ifonoy m-irkct quiet anil the supply o
lo.iml'lu buiuU good. ] l.ucs easy at > &
percent ,
Eirttom exchange between city bauki
at 'Me prcniiiiin | er SI.2U ) .
Cliariugs to-day 7CO,0.0.
C. U K Q. Inw.idiv4'd 8CJ@ 8G. .
C. M.&M. P. Diiiun trs..lO.-atO ( |
ti ANV. . iukiup funds' . . . . . ! I9J@ 991
"Wabu h5'd 7U © 80
! ' < OoiipoM 1201(3120 ( ;
4JH | Cuup us f Il4@k' ' ?
SJ'a lis tended C' <
OrKion oe Tun OSIMIA Bur , \
Mo i day Evening , .Tune 19. j
The only ctunpej reported iu tha market
to-day are r.a follow- :
Corn AdrAnced Ic.
Oa'fl Advauco 1 IJo ,
Local Groin Ucallnp *
WUKAT. Cauli No. 2,1.121 ; ea h No.
3 , 93c ; rejected , l o.
ISAIIU'JY. CoKh No. 2 , 880 ; No. P ,
COKN. Cash No. 2 , f.lic.
OATS. Cash , 41 J\
STHKET PlUOhS-Corn , CiKgOS ; or.tB ,
reduce and Provlilons
POTATOKfc Old , out of mnr1 < ct.
Home grown out of maiket ; now , $ l,5j
© 1 70 p r bu-hel ,
HKANS _ Wax , l.fiO@2 03 per bua. box ;
no nile , tiing Sl.f'O 'J 25.
ONIONS-SI 50g200 ( per box ; now
homo grown , | or dor tiunclion. 15@20c ,
KAD1SHKS Home grown. 15odor.
PII- , PLANT Perpnuud , lc.
A-PAKAGUrt Per dorfOtafOc. .
LICTI UCH-P ( r doz hoid , 40@f > 0c.
MiV TcJil VI OK.S-P r Lox 81 W ) .
UUTTKK Choice country , 13@15j ,
Kti'i Me.
MKA'ISHiniR , Ifio ; breiikfant lucnn ,
15c ; clem basoii , 13tc ; bhuuliler , 9c ; dilnl
l-.IOHULVO Pllini } TU'-t
, ji.iteu f , 4 7 * ' ! ilntk Flint , 4 7 i
. . lancy , 375 , Oali'i ' mm ' PloiH-r , '
3 7'i ; Tilun.pli , spring , 3 .5 ; ryu II ur
3 ai ; ii' , Griilimn , 2 f > 0 ; whf.'it Grahum
3 25 ; h iv. I' UOH 0 ptr ton ; Iwlwt , 10 ( Kl
hopied fufil , I CO , clmppid orn , 1 TiO
ITJII , 1 fO i IT ut ; btraiv , 4 Ol ptr ton
Qrocoru' List.
( XM'J ' Kli. J.ID , Ian , ilc ; Klo , t'"cd
2oj Itio , pihiiB to c1 I'tu ' ; , Ui ; Old n v't
J 1-1 ; 2 < iiC 28gc , l'U < r , ih c ; Arbucklo'a ,
UlJAS , ( iunH-wdLr , 6u ° d , 4Ji@55 ;
ClioiLv , wna 7fCj Jmpfcria ) , good , 10'loi. ;
C'hok'e , til7f'Cj Youug Ifji.oii , ijuod , ain (
iOc ; choice , Ofic&lM 00 ; Jiipuu Is at Leaf ,
; ? ic ; Jninin. choice , iHK&tfSc ; Diilonu , t ' , " ti ,
55 ( 40 ; Oolong , , 10@55 ; honcboug ,
? -'H'I. SMii ) lee ; chnii-e. : ifif45c. (
NKW I'KiKLKB Meilmin , Iu bam-l" ,
f 9 00 ; do iu half bbb , 5 25 ; umalla , iu hblh ,
12 00 do , in half bbls , 7 CO ; gherkins , in
bin , 11 00 ; do , In half blila , 7 60.
VINKGAll Pure appla extra , lee irt :
pure apple , 13c ; Prutsinif uuro acnle , luo.
SUiAKS-Cut loaf , lie ; Crashed
lie ; Granulated , 10o ; Powdered , 11 ;
Fine powdered , lie ; btandard Coffee A.
DJ j ; New York Confectioner' * Standard
A , 9J- : Good A , 9Jc ; I'ralrie K tra C , 9o.
JSOPK Sisal , 4 Inch and larger , f"
} Inch , lOc.
CJ1K1CHH Full Cream , 13o ; Part
Siiiir , Hie.
WOODKNWAllE Two hoop pal. ,
1 95 ; hree hoop paile , 2 20 ! No. 1 tub *
pioneer wuthboarde , 1 85 Double Crtiwn ,
llK ) ; Wollbucketu , 310 ,
LKAD liar , 61 05.
DUIKD F1UJ1TS Choice halves ,
' . 7c Salt Lake lie
1'oachpn. ! ; vap-
oratcd D0 > boxes , ISJo ; Michigan , 7c ; New
York apples , 7jc : Prunes , old , OJc ; new ,
8\c ; Currants , Cj@7c ; Dlackberrlea , new ,
HOMINY New , 95 00 per bbl.
SODA. Dwiebt'8 Ib paper * , 2 85 ; leoz
nd do , 12 85 ; Church's , (2 85 ; Keg eoda l ,
BEANS Imported German $3 50 per
nifthel ,
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibn , If. at , 8 ,
5cbo f 40 lb . , 16 or. , fa , 15a
CANNED GOODS-Oystcrs , 2 Ib
FieldV ) , t > or CASO , $1 00 ; do 1 11. ( Field's ) ,
> er case , 2 50 : no 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per ewe ,
T GO ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per wise , 2 20 ; do
2 tb ( slack ) , per eve , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) .
per case , 200. Onions , 360. Salmon , 1
80@ , Hip or dorcn.l 90 ; do 2 Ib , per dozen
2 65@2 05. Sardine * , small r'sh , imported ,
one quarter boxes per box,14Jc ; American ,
juarter boxes i er box , lie ; do half boxes ,
> er box , 21Jc. Lolisters , 1 Ib per dozen ,
80. Tomatoes , 230 ; do 3 Ib per
aao. 2 90 ; Corn , 2 R > ( Mountain )
K > r case , 810 ; soaked com , 210 ; do
2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per ca o , 315 ;
trlng beans per case , 'i 10 ; Lima beans
ier case , 1 8 , * > . Succotash ] > er case. 2 00.
'ca * , common , per case , 2 00 ; peas , choice ,
) r caie , 3 1C. Ulackbertics , 2 ib , per case ,
J40 ; strawlicrrioB , 211. , j > or c.ise , 2 30 ;
aspberric' , 2 tl > , per case , 3 00&315.
Jmnson ? , 2 Iber | ra o , 2 15. Bartlett
tears per caie , 3 00@4 TO. Whortleberries
> er case , 2 10. Kgg pltiin ,2 Iti perciso,3 .10 ;
jrpcn g.igos,2 Ib per case , 3 30 ; do choice , ' .
b jior cwo,4 : 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per cae ,
OtVari 75. IVachew , 2 Ib pr ruse * . 3 10 :
do 3 Ib. case , 4 WlfdUi 00 ; no , ( pie ) , 3 ib , per
insic.2 7ft ; do pie , 6 I ! . , per dozen , 3 50 ,
HICK Carolina , 7i&8c ; Lotil/iiana , 7
:8c : ; fair , G@OJ.
s Y KLil'h.inrar hi wbhln. . Me JhaJi
lie , ftfci k < VH , < J p.illntis , & 2 50 ; choice
oblo syrup , 53c ; half btilx , fi. > c ; kogii , SU 50 ,
STAia H. 1'o.irl , Ijc ; MilMir ( > los % i
S'SJc ; Com Stnich , l < j@'c ! ; Excelsior
l"i . 7c ; Corn , i c.
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , I SH ; Anh-
.on , in tacks , 3 r > 0 ; bbla dairy' 00 , 5s , S 45 :
Shli dairy. 100. 3 . 865.
SPICKS. Pepper , 19 ; AuVfiee. lOc ;
Cloven , 4dc ; Nutmcss , Cl 00' 2ocCas.nn ; ,
Unco SI < Ht.
MATCHES Per cmtdlo , l > 0c ; round
. ? PH , § 7.G"i ; square cases , ? d,10
SOAPS ICirk'H Savou Imperial , 8 3 * ;
Kirk's satinet , 3 fil ; Kirk'n standard. 3 o ;
rCirk'a white Itusqiaii , 5 25 : Kirk'n
Kuloca. 2 15 Khk's Prairie Queen ,
100 cakes ) , 0 ; Klrk'o magnolia , 4 S5.
LYE Amcricjin , 3 40 ; Greenwich. AM
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lowlc'
lye , 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 276.
POTASH Pontisylvnuln cans , 4 doz. ,
n case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Hall , " doz. in case ,
I 90 ; Anchor Hall 2 doz In caso. 1 60 ,
FIELD SUED Hcd clover , choice
now , ' 60 00 per bushel ; mammoth clovei
now , 87 00 ; white clover , now. 814 00
il alfa clover , new , 812 BO ; alaike , new ,
$1300. Timothy , good , now , $3 00 ;
liltio graoa , extra clean , SI fiO ; blue gracs ,
clean , § 1 23 ; orchard graBH , 62 50 ; red top ,
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri ,
80o ; millet , German , $100 to 81 25 ;
Hungarian. 80c.
HEDOKSKKD-Oeago orange , 1 to 5
bushels , y > 00 ; osaga orange , 10 bushels or
over. 84 DO ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; per
FIS J Family whllo fish , 90 Ib hf bbls ,
S1. 2i ; No , 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls. 7 00 ;
No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits. 1 10 ; family
101bkit , 8. > c ; New Holland herring , per
keg , 1 35 ; llussian sardines. 75c : Colui"-
bia river Dalmonper lOOIbs , 8 00 ; Georp * '
I3ank coiltish , lie ; Gen. boneless cof.i.i. ,
9\c \ ; bonele 8 fish , 5Jc.
MACKKKElr-1 Inlf bbls messnmckerel ,
100 Ibs , $12 PO ; hf bbl No. 1 ex nhote do ,
100 Ibi8 CO ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100
Ibx , CO ) ; mesi mnckerol , 12 Ib kits , 2 15 ! ;
No. 1 ox shine , 12 Hi do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore ,
12 Ib do. 1 00 : fat family , 10 Ib do 75o.
PEANUTS Ko.nt.eit , choicu , rod Ten
nessee , 1oper Ib ; fa coy white , lOJc pcrlb-
rn'v white Virgiuin raw , lOc ; roasted ,
Dry Qoodt.
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Uoott
FF , Stc ; Uuckoyo LL , t-4 , 7c ; Cabot W ,
"Jc ; Cliittenango A , 64c ; Great Falls K ,
8Jc ; Hoosier , Gjc ; Honest Width , 7 c ; In
itfan Head A , SJc ; Indian Standard A
83 ! Indinn Orclianl d. w. , 8c ; Lawrence
LL , 7c ; Mystic Kiver , 7ic ; Pcquot A , 8jc
Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utica O , O.Jc ; Wachun
ott B. 7ic ; do A , 8Jc ; do E 48 , 12Jc ; Wai
cott H15. Sic
4-4 ; 74c ; Alligator 3-1 , 3c ; Arsyle4-l , 7Jc
Atlantic LL. Oic ; Badger SUtp X 4-1 , 7c
Uennington O11 , OJc ; IJuckeyo S. J.4 , OJcc
Indian Orchard A A 9-8 , 8Jc ; Lnconia C
3D , 8c ; Lehigh E 4-4 , 9Jo ; Lont-dnle 4-1
lOc ; Pepperell N 30 , 7c ; ifo O 32 , 7ic ; do I
KO , 7jc ; do B 39 , 8ic ; Pocasset C i-4 , 7jc
VVamuutta4.1 13c
gin L l-4,9ic131ockstonoAA ; in perialSJc
do do half bleached 4-4,9c ; Cabot 4-4,83
Fidelity4.4 , 9&cVruit of th Loom,10 ; cfc
cniibrlc4-4,13odoAVnterTwi9t,101cGrea ;
N G Twilie , iajo ! "rocaliontns 1-4 , " 9Jc
Pocaaset 4-4 , 81c ; Utioa , lie ; Wamsutta
O X X , 12c.
DuGKS ( Colored ) Albany K brown.
Sc ; do C , tlrsV : , lie : doA. . Btripoa and
plaids , I2ic ; do .XXX brown and drnb
itripea and plaids , 12Jo ; Arlington fancy
LUc ; Brunb vick brown , 8o ; Cluiriot fancy ,
L2ic ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Foil llivoi
jrown , extra heavy , iljc ; Indiana A
ISPNeoouHet A brown. 15e.
A O A 82
17ic ; do XX blue 82 , 18ic ; Arrowanrn
9ic ; Claremont U B. ISJc : Coneftoga ex
tni , 17ic ; Humilton D , HJo Lewi ton < .
SO , 15c ; Jfinnehaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omogft Huper
extra 4-1 , 28c ; Pearl Hiver 32 , ICjc ; Put
naui XX blue Btrijie , 12c ; Shotuckot
10\c \ ; do S3 12c ; Yeoman'a blna 29 , 8 Jo
DENIMS. Auioakeak , blueand bronn
IGJc ; Andover DD blue , 15Jc ; Arllng X
blue Scotch , ISJc ; Concord OOO , blue aw
brown , 12io ; do AAA , do do 13j ; do XXto
do do l-ljo ; Haymaker's blue and brown ,
9Jc ; MyBtio Uiver 1)1) stripe , IGJc ; IVar
Hirer , blue and brown , 15Jc ; Uncasville
blue and brown , lUjc.
CAMBRICS Barnard , 5ic ; Eddyston
lining , 24 inch double face , 840 ; Garner A
gla7 d , 5c ; Manhattan glove fininh , GJc
Newport do Go ; do glared , 5jc [ ; Poquot '
5c : Ixx'kwood kid hnibh , ( io.
COHSKT JEANS Araory , 8c ; Andros
coxgin satteen , 8Jo ; Clarendc u , fiJcCoiie ( ;
tojfa wxtteeus , tic ; Uallowel , 8c ; Indi i
Ori'prd 71e ; Narrjgansettimprovedo
Peiicrill | | nattc' ' ! ! 9in ; Hockport , 7 c
PKIXI'S Aliens , SJc : Amurican , UJc
Aiii'nl , " "c ; Herxvlck , l c ; Onclu'co , 7c
( jdiiextog.i Oic ; Dunkirk , Ijc ; Dunnell
njfc'7c ! IM'lystono. 7c ; Gbnciintcr , On
Harmony , r Jc ; Knickerbocker , OJu ; Mer
mi ao D , 7c ; Mystic , 5c ; Sprat'iieH , lie
-'nuthlirldgo , ( ! c ; do , Ginili > < iiiH , lo ; Marl
lioru , fi c ; Oriuntnl Oic ,
GINGHAMS-AmoBkoag , lOJc ;
kcig < lres 12J1 Ariryle , lOJc ; Atlantic
'Jc : Ouinburlaiil , 7io ; nighlanti , 8jc
ICenllworth , 8ic ; Pluu kett , lOJc ; Sua
UOX , n'c.
Agate , < ; 0c ; , lie ; Artiaian , 20c
C.ilro I ) und T , 13c ; Clarion D anil T
I7lo ; Decciin Co.utripea DandT , IGc ; Key
stone , laju ; Nnntuckot , 19o ; Nonpareil
Kic ; Ocean 1) und T , injc ; Itoypl , HJ ! i
Suiwez , 12c ; TiogH , 12jcVftchiu ; > ott ahirt
ins : hecsn. ! 12Jo ; do , Nankin , 12Jc ; York
plain an. 12ic ; do , check ) , striped an
fancy , lUic ; do , 8 oz , Wo.
do 9-1 , 2-ic ; do S-l. 22r ; Cuntinvnlal (
42 , Ho ; Fruit of the Lmiin 10-1 , 27i ; Not
York milla 98. a5c ; do 7 > , SOo ; do 58 , 22Jc
Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; Peouot 10-4 , 28jc ; d
7-1 , 18c ; do 49 , IGc ; Pepperell DO , 29o
do G7 , 21c ; do 57 , 18cj Utica SB , 35c ; d
68 , 22io ; do 48 , 17o
Cigar * end Tobaceoi ,
OIOABS. Seeds , $15.00 ; Connnctlcut
825.00 ; Mixed , $35,00 ; Seed Havana
SoO.OOi ClearHavanu. 87S.OO.
21 Ib , GOc ; Our Hope , firut quality , G2r
Star , pouiifls , 21 Ib , buttsOCc ; Horne Shoe
. .
, . .
1. nt IK ! * * „ in ! . / ! ! * I.V1.
pouxdsi 55c ; ' BulHonpounda { , C9j ; Ixirf
lard's Climax , pounda , fXte.
FINE CUT In paila. Hard lo Beat
75c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 80w
Favorite , C5c ; llocky Mountain , COc
Fancy , 65c ; Dalay , BOc. In tin foil
Catlins O. S. , 6 Ib boxes , | > er Ib f,3c ; Ixiri
illard'a Tiger , 65c ; Diamond Crown , GOo.
SMOKING All gradea Common , 25 tc
3Sc. Granulated Blackwella Durham , 3
oz Sic ; Dukes Durham , 16 oz , 60c ; Seal o
North Carolina , 16 oz , 46 ; Seal ot Nebraa
ka , 16 oz , 880 ; Lone Jack , 4 oz , linen bug
icrlb , Sl.Soj Mnrburgn'Pnck , 2 ox , tin
II , 6fic > DOR Tuil. G.IC.
P lnt OH * nd Vnrnlthat.
PAINTS IN Oil * Whlto lead , Ornoh *
. P. , r-ic ; white lend , St. Louli , pure , Gjns
, green , 1 to 6 Ib cans , ijOo
rench zinc , gi n seal , 12c ; French zinc ,
ul seal , lie ; French zinc , in vornlih a-wt ,
Oc ; French itinee , In oil east , 15c ; Haw
nd burnt umber , 1 Ib can * 12c ; raw and
iml Slcnns , IScs Vandyke brown , 13. ;
efined lampblack. 12c ; coach black , lcc ;
ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian
ue , POc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome
reen , L. M. A. D. , 14c ; blind and shutter
recn , L. M. ft D. , lOjj Paris green , 18c ;
ndlun red , 15c ; Venetian red , 9c ; Tuscan
rt , 22c ; American Vcnnillod , I. A P. , 18c ;
iromo yellow , L. , M , , O. & D O. , 18c ;
cllow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , IB ; patent
rycr , 8j ; graining colors : light oak. dark
at , walnut , chostimt and tab 15o.
Dry ° Alnt *
White load , Gic ; French rinc. 10c :
hitcing 2Jc ; whiting glider * , i ;
biting conn , IJc ; lampblack German-
own. lie ; lampblack , ordinary , lOo ; Pnis-
nn blue , 5 > c : ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke ,
rown , 8c ; umber , burnt , lc ; umber , raw ,
cslcnna ; , burn t , 4cs sienna , raw , 4c
nrii green genuine , 25j ; ParU green coiu'l '
Ou ; chrome grocn , N. Y. ' 20c ; chroin-
rceii K. , life ; vcnnlllton , Eng. , 70c ; vcr-
lillion , America , 18c ; Indian red. lOc ,
ese pink , 14ci Venetian roud , Cookson's
( uscnclinti red Am. , 19c | rel load , 7Jc ;
iron.e yellow , genuine'JOc ; chromn vei
ny , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , :5c : ; ochrt- ,
'rcnch , 2Jc ; ochre , American , 2o ;
Vinter's mineral. 2ic ; lehigh brown. 2Jci
panMi brown , 2jc ; Prince s mlnerul 3r > !
OILS 110" carbon , per gallon ,
IJc ; 1'60 heailllglit , per gallon ,
240 ; 175 * headlight , per gtdlnn , IGc ;
ntocd. raw , per gallon , 7 ; llmeed , hello 1 ,
creation , ( > 0o : lanl , " ' : ilfrst 'd , partial'
in , 90 : No. 1 , "Oc : . ' o. 2 , ( Wo ; castor ,
SIXX. p T gallon , 1 0) ; NTo. , ! > Jc ; swept ,
ier gallon , 85c ! spa in , w * . 11. , par g.ilhm ,
53 ; liuhV. . 15. per gallon , GOc ; neatsfoot ,
xtra , per gallon , 7oc ; No. 1 , IV > e ; luhri-
ating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , 15o ;
o den machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 3.r > c ; NTo
, SO ; sperm , signal , t > er gallon , 80c ; tor
icntine , per fjullini , f > 5e ; naptha , 71 , poi
rtlliin. 18c ; l ! . 17c
VAHN1SHES Barrels per gallon ,
furnlturv , extra , 81 10 ; ftnnituro , No. 1 ,
il ; conch , extra , SI 40 ; Conch , No. 1 ,
il 20 ; Damar , cxtrn , 81 7fi ; Japan , 70can- ;
ihaltum , ex'ra 8..j ; shellac , $350 ; hnnl
11 finish. $1 SO
Carbolic , COc ; Acid , Tartaric , OOc ; Halaam
icr Ib , 70c ; Hark , Sassafiaa , pel
Ulomcl , per Ib , 75c ; Cinuhonidia
> er oz , LU.J. Chlorofonn , per Ib , 100.
Jover's powders , per Ib , 81 40 ; ( Spier
alts , psr Ib. 3Jc ; ( ilyceriuo , pure , per Ib
! So ; Load , Acetate , per Ib , 2tc ,
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per tfal , al 15 :
Oil , Cantor , No. 3 , par gal , SI 00 ; Oil ,
. ) live , per aj.SI \ 50 ; Oil , Origanuui , 50t
) pium , P4 50 ; Quinine P. ft W. ft H. S S. ,
ier 01 , $2 1 < > ; I'oUwium , Iodide , per U
' 1 75 ; S.ilacm , per o ? , 40c ; Sulphate of
Morphine , wor oz , S3 85 ; Snlpnur Hour.
> er Hi , Ic ; Strvnhuiiie. nur oz f 1 35.
Honvy Hardw.tfe LUt.
Iron , rate$3 lO ; plow dteol , HOfcia !
cast , 7c ; crucible , 8c ; < pecinli > ( ! ;
cant tool do. 1520 wairon spokes , set.
i 2o3 ( K ) ; huba , per not , 1 25 ; fulloos , naweil
Iry. 140 ; tongues' , each , 70g85c ( ; axles ,
each , 75c ; wiuaro nuts , per Ib , 7llcj (
vowhers , per Ib , 818c ; rivets , per Ib , llo ;
coil chain , per Ih , < igPJc ( ) ; nmlleablc , So-
nm n edges , Gc ; crowbarn , lie ; luirron
teeth , 4c ; iiorspshors. t > er ke ? , 5 00 : Hprim.
steel. 7Sc ; Hurden's Korsoihoes , 5 f 0
liunleu'it muleHhoeH , 0 f,0.
SHOT. Shot , lil.Sii ; ljuck shot , ? 2.10 ,
Jrienlal Powder , kegs , $6. 10 : Jo. , lull
logs. $3.48 ; do , , nuartur kegs , 61.88 ;
? . kecs. S3.35Fuse. . Der 100 feet ROo.
UA 11ISD WICK In ear lots , 8 3' I per
103 ; in lesn than car lots. S 55 tier 10J.
Lu.ii her.
Oak solo , 38c to 4Uc ; hemlock suc , 2Sc to
3oc ; ho u i ck kip , SOc to 1 00 ; runner ,
) " > c to SOo ; hemlock c > lf. 85o to 1 20 ; If in-
loci : upiicr , 23c 10 2ic ( ; oa' < u per. 21- ;
alligator. 4 00 to 5 50 ; cilf kid , 32@M ;
Oregon Isid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 8i'o ' tu
1 00 ; oak c.df , 1 : ! 0 to 1 3" ; French kiu ,
1 10 to 1 5j ; F ench calf , 1 25 to 2 Oil ; rut-
setts , 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 6 00 to 10 50 ;
top ings. 9 i 0 to 10 50 ; li L. Morocco , 30c
to 35c ; | ) eliblo 0. D. Morocco , 35c ; Hlnion ,
2 ' 0 to 3 00.
llAUNKSS-Nol ntar oak , 42c ; No 'J
rlo. 39c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 38c ; No. 2 do ,
3oc ; No. 1 Milwaukee 37c ; No. 2 do , 34c.
Hones and Mulet.
The market in brink and all grades ire
selling well at iliirht advance in p ICUA ,
The demand for good horses oxeeedi ! tlui
mpply cousideraoly- Prices range as foi. [
lows :
Fine single drivers , 3150. to 300. ; Extra
iraft horsea , 8175. to 225. ; Common drai't
loruea , 8100. to 150. ; Extra farm horxes ,
6110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horsoH
UO. to 8100. ; Extra plugc , SIX ) , to 75. ;
Jommon plugs , S20. to 1MO ,
MULES. 16 to 15J hands ( extra ) , 8125.
to 150. ; 14 i to 15 bauds , $100. to 140. ;
14 to 1-ii bands , 875. to 100. ; 13 } to 14
haudu , 00. to 75LI
LI uor .
ALCOHOL 187 proof. 225 per wine
{ allen ; extra California spiritx , 187 proof ,
1 2G per pioof gallon ; triple retinod Bpirit ,
LC7 proof , 1 21 per proof gallon ; ru-distillod
v-tiakien , 1 00ujl 5o ; line blended , 1 50 ®
2 50 ; Kentucky bouillons , 200@7 00 ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 U ) ( < g7 00
BRANDIES Imported , tf 00@16 ( X ) ;
domeutlo 1 40 ® 1 00.
GINti Ia.M > rted , 4 50 ( 6 00 ; domestic ,
1 40@3 00.
HUMS Imjxjrted , 4 50 G 00 ; New
England. 2 00&4 00 ; domestic , 1 603 50
1 76@4 00.
CHAMPAGNES Imrorted pnr case ,
2DX@St ( ) OjArcjHwj , cane , 1200@
1600 ,
CLARETS Per caae. 4 C0@10 00
WINES Hhino wine , per ciwo , G 00@
20 00 ; Catawba , per COHO , 4 00@7 00.
Wo quote lumber , atn and shingles on :
in at Omaha ut thu fullwing priced
uiiiler. S21 n ( ) ; 18 ft , , 822 Oil.
T1.MHKH.S I'l ' ( t. an > under. 82200.
' . ( fl 82-5 CC , 22 ft. , $27 50 ; 21 ft. , $27 CO.
J-LM ir > n No , 1 , 4 ur J ti in , , U22 00 ;
No. ' 1. SM 0.
SIIEKT1NG No. 1 (2nd ( common
| joird ) 1H50 ; No 2 , § 1700.
STOCK' HOAItDS , 1) , 82300 ;
It-lu. (1 ( , 8W ! 00 ; 12-in. IJ , JJIOOO.
PAPEH Straw iMOur , 3 c ; rag paper ,
Ic ; dry goods uaper , 7o ; manila paper , lOc ;
nev/H papnr. He
COAL Cifliiberlund blwckBinlth , i12 ;
MuriiB Hun IMimHbnrg , $12 ; Whitohroaat
lump , ? fO ; WhitebruaHt nut , 815. 0 ; Iowa
lump , $ 'l ' fiO ; Iowa uut I'Ufil ) ; Hock Spring
r8 : Anlhracitii. .ill HUO. . . S12 ( > or < itl2 50 ,
NAILS Hiitcn , 10 to ( Hit * . 3 ISO.
Ll.MK 1'cr Imirol , 1 15 ; bulk pa DUB-
S5o Cement , hbl , 51 7i. Iowa pnMr ! ,
hbl , 82 00 , Hair licr hu. 350. Tarred
fait 100 Iba , 83 00. Str w hoard , ? J CC.
Merino unwanted , liilic , M'cJUio ' ; hvwy a
© l.Ufic ; medium iiiiwiiHliod , light ,
washed , choice , 32c ; fa r , SOo ; tub-ding
and w. , 28o ; hurry , blackand oottO'l ' wool
2@0o loan
Hldoi f-ur , Etc.
HIDES Ureen butchor'a hide ,
cured 7ic ; hide * , green ualt , port cured 7c
hides , Ojc ; dry Hint , bound. 131 to ; dry
calf and kip , 12@14tr dry xalt lildon , sound ,
10@1 lo ; green calf. wt. 8 to 15 llw. . lO llo ;
green culf , wt , under H Itw , per ikin , 50c ;
green iiolte , SOftrjJl 25 ; green lamb skinn ,
81 25ul ( 50 ; damugud hliien , two-third rate ,
cut scored and one grub , clawed two-
tllnU rat , ) hrandeij hides 10 per eent. elf ,
Coon skins , No. 1. 15c ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3 ,
M , ! No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1. 50c ; No. 2
30c ; No. 8 , 15c ; No. , Co. f'ox , No. }
0cs No. 2 , 2.'ic. Skunk , No. 1 , black !
C5cj Bhort Btrliw , 40nj narrow stripe 2fio :
brusd stripe , lOo. Tallow 7o.
CIHOAQO. June 19.
Flour Unchanged.
Wheat-Spring fpilet at 1 31) for . _ „ . . ,
No. 2 1 3 ' @i . ' 3 for June ; 1 31 for July
102@1 05 for No. 3 ; 7Go for rejected. !
No. i ! wheat fairly active , cloalog un call
* t 11 fi for JuljJ 1 Cfig for August ; 1 0 \
for the year ,
Corn Active and itondy ; GIJ@70J f r
culi ft , d Jun * 7 < J 70jj lor Ju \ ; 71Jp
for August ; < iOjJ { ror the rcnr ; 72u-7 Sc
for high mlxjflj CS@C ! j rejected.
OatnStei iy { lmile hlghc ; Mo for Nn
2 cash ; t > OJo for Juno ; 43c forlay ; 3 ; j
for Aumi t.
K > e Qiiet ; C9o for No. 2 ca b ; ' , ( X
f > r July.
H.rley JCo market.
Pork Steady. rlo inp at 20 MJ L'O S7i
fore > h ; 2i77i@2080 fo'Jtilj ; 20 95 lor
Augu't ; 18 52J lor the yoir.
InnlS eftly at 11 4Jrf I ] M for c.vh ;
llnciin Short riln lower At It 02) ) fur
r-fnh and Jni.oj 11 'JJ11 9. ' for July ; 11 JO
for August.
Hut -Weflk : choice ti fincv crrntn-
crv. , 32a3li'j choice t > line lUlry 19 * 2 ic.
Es'k's l're h , 17@17Ji > i ciiiil.d , ( So.
Whisky 1 1C.
Hcc'ts. Shlpm'ts
Wheat 1 ,0 7 701 71 G
orn 21 .TV. 373 I3j
Oat MCiV.l HUM
Council Blnift
Co UN on , liLrrri , , imio 17.
Flour Crystal Mills t.Mrii ! Siioal ,
3 GO ; California Itarekn , patent , ; 1 8 ; bent
( iian. ) of lCin < .i , 4 1)0 ul ) S > ; IC.itmrt and
Missouri flour 3 50451 2i ; graham , .H 75 :
rjn HOIII. ! ! 10.
Corn M nl-Whit" , 1 TO pjr hnmlrcd ;
yoll.ny , 1 50 per hundit'il. nuil Mluirli tWOO pi'i t , . ,
Chop Com JO I 0 per ton.
U heat No. 2 , 1 15.
Corn i > 5o ,
OAU Ko , 2 , C5c.
Br.o ii Corn 3 119 .
Hay Loiwe , 900(0,1000 ( ; baled , 75 fcr
Wootl-fl 0007 00.
Wool 15 ® T ) .
Butter Creamery , 20cIn ; rolN , wrip. :
nod , 15c : rulln noi wriipi cd , 12 : ; mutsl
CO orn , lU@l''ic.
Egga 1 > u.
Oiiloni 1 75.
l.lvn fJhiokfnH 3 GO per Aaron
Potatoes Scare- ; old at 1 05 ; now at
2 2V
LIVE STO 'K. Ciitllo-lMtn , 4 Ml ©
5 fill. Veal C.lvcs-000. HOOH 7 00 ( )
750. Sheep 5 To.
Gt. J-iOnl I'roduoo.
HT. Ijoui , Juno 19.
Flinr Unchanged.
Wlinut l.o > or iiMil wnkjNo. 'tnl , ' 2.
ill Gfurn nh ; 121 ? f r .lime ; 1 07i f r
July ; 1 018 f r Augnpl ; I 0 } fur S'ptciii.
er ; I 00j { or ihrt yi-ui ) No . ! red , 1 15J ;
No. 4,1 W@l < M.
Corn Ftiin Hinl lower at 71o for ' OMh ;
71) for .liinc ; 71JJJ fur .lulv mid AUPUK j
70J i ier S ploiu i ; 50 | for y ur.
f r cash ; 41o
for .luh ; 'M& for Augu * ; 3 J f.ryi-nr. .
Wlimkj yiridly HI 1 l i
Pork -SI iw nt 21 UO lor Jmu.
S imililiuH Dlgu.
S inn id H I2J j.
Short Clear 12fr ? .
Ld'ii Fiimut il-lc.
Flour Villa fiO'lO
9'UO '
Corn . Ill 0 0 2 > l OIIU
( Utrf . IKIOO 7.00J
Hyo . ' . ' .IIUO fj. . . .
ilxn Si .tlv : | ) i , ' < , Giiji iSO ; nsriit
Y.ik. r * , 70K0.770. p 1 1.14 . , 7 70rtS ) III ;
iiii'cliiii.'f.iniv , 810 8IJ.
8uO ; hlp i ntSCO
Novf Yorli Proiluon
NKW VOIIK. .lime 19
Flour Doll mid il < ni.iii I ugh : , \IIIUIH
-oti ixtta , 4 70ffi9 ( fill ; ill ) mill xt n , f ) 7"i
@ 8 25 ; mmtlu'ii h1 mr did , ; omnium to
. hiiio vxlru , fi3Si ( < ) . 7i.
Wocao lirf uiurj No. 2 rod win er ,
I 4.'i@l4.2 ; .No. 1 tthne , 1 33 ; No. iu.1 .
wuii r , 11 - bid , liiiuilo ; -liny , 1 27 bid
Cora C < fh doll andluweinpti ; in linn ;
Not ! , 77i ( j77i ( ! ; unvinitt-d mixuil , 7ti - 7J | '
No 2 miAwl , Jii'y , 7 Ri.
O..ts Fu-mtr and i nduratcly iictive ;
No , mix d .mly , 5"i ; du Augiijt , 4lJj.
liyd Dull ; > t tr , 8jc.
Barley \ om mi1.
1'oikQuct tint B'rinirn ; wines * , 2100
L ri Hi her MH ! m d r , t ly IK.IIV.
July , 11 b7ifeli 9) ) ; ' Augu.t , li 'Jj@ll 9 4
Wlllok ) Nnilllllal.
Petroleum -Dull.
t'iNoii NTi. June 19.
Mesa Pork-Quiet ut 21 2.fd21 6U.
Lard-Iuiidi jmbing rtiU | nt ; prim
, llJJ ! kui ; ilH7i Imt.
Bu.k M * Vn rfh juldor , 9 Ok ; clear nl
bide * . 12 7. .
IJacmi Firm ; fair jobbing demiud ;
clour Hiden , l J i . { 7i.
Flour No cn i gu ; 75cjO ( 60.
Whe.'tt Iu moderAto demand ; No , 2 rud
1 32.
Cora -Mixed dull ; Nn. 2 mixed , 7Cjc.
OatM Finn ; timixed , f.4j.
Kyu Dull i.d fiy ) > c 72 3a.
Barley -Dull , No 2fall 6fl ( 100.
Y Kany lit i 12.
llre Stooh. .
CHICAOO. June 19.
Cattle-Shipi ing cUtla dull lit 0. @
8 00 ; Trim uad hutcherV utook "nn ;
487J@J 9,1 , for ImtchtM mock , and 4 60 ©
4 0 > tor f ir to go nl ntiern.
/c H'iH SMA ly ; 7 iO u 8 00 for lUht pick-
lug and cHii-pinK 7 7nfe8 2J for lio.ivy
piioking , iiu i 790 ( 8 OU fur good toux.
' rttft.'o ' MO ; Ho 1.600
itlilborty liive titooli.
KM i l.iiiKUTY , Pa. , Juno 19.
. . . . . Dull ; p inio , 8@8 25 ; go , d , 6 50
© 7 20 ; ciimmon , 3 60 < i6.
llou K.dr. Ht-oeiptM , 2,400 ; sliip-
iiiuiitx , 81) ; I'mud Iphiau , 8 L08 10 ;
aiieup Hun. HacoiptH , 8,000 ; iililp-
uiuu , 4,2 0
PJiiluaolPUln J'ruAnuu.
I , III.A1 > UI.PIIIA , JllllU 19.
Wheat-E.i I.r i t 139 fur cauli und
Corn Firm i t tl&8i.o for crwli and
Junu ,
Oal-t SIOM ) id COJo for omlj ; li'JlfyfiQo
for Junu ,
Hyo Quiet i 85o > ktd forcuth ,
Wheat-Wint.r , b' .
Coni-Oi 101.
Liird ill .
i-u 1'ioaucu.
liALTluuiu , June 19.
Flour-Du'l '
- , . . , Wliiti Sou'l'i'ni , pi-y ; fultr. 1 H-f
@ 1 3G ; loiigli. ny. I.i7 < 2142'u / ; li r.-d
iyiii'er tin dy ut 1 'M tor ca h iiiid Jimu.
toin Y > liow xoulliiiii Iiiuiur ut K
mixed Wfnttrn , dull ut hi .
Tolettu I'roauot.
L'oLKDi ) . June 19.
Whe-a-Firn ; 129 lor No. 2 cu.h
OKI , Fir i ; 'rOj lor liluh iiiixHil7'U ;
fur No 2 culi .ml June ; 7 , < fir July ,
Onti fttoi ly ; 'J4J J fur N.I 2 cAah ,
J'oorlu PeoAuuH.
I'KOIUA , June 10.
Corn Actvim ! ! wteady ut 7njf. < 97U'i
high mixed , JtMto71.
O t I'll utiWJ' 'iSa f rNo. 2 white ,
H > oIn io IVB a ilso for No. 2.
, O. , June 19 ,
Pctro'tum Hu-ttily ; Btaudurd white , IK
tcet , GJc.
HulluJoiavo Stock.
K&dT ISurfAU ) , June 18.
IIoRS Dull ; reCM nt , 63 cir ; hlpuivut "
42 cam ; good medium weight * , 8 lOs (
Tnrpontlno Marhet
WILMINOTOX , N 0 , Juno 10.
Ko'dn-O.iiictj tr m d nt 1 62J ;
SpM'r Firm i > t PJc.
Tar Firm at 2'J'i.
Now York U r Uotil .
YORK , Juno 19.
Movement * in fjoml * lor w tnrn nd
otithtrcK ern dUtrdmtinn havu hem in
tn-diiv hy iho rofni l if tratif
rtation romt nl- 1 1 Accent frcij ; t lie-
11110 of the dtnkrt am nijj ih ir Uhor rn
'ld < hud a t nlin-y totii'tall oparati IH
n the part of picking t uyoifl to mitutj ex
net rfctiitf , (117 ( b.iles ; giotc ,
Jfll T c vc iiioncv iiiul enl r M't illrcct from
rlL. > I iK.noVilp proupllr liy rnll at Ihc
ih o v li pri o l ( worn imln i
TVl.l.ll s\ir 0 , ni.'lii.iw fitMidi
V Lively arvmo of Unit nt GolmubiiB-
Tlio Excursion
Jorrcipomlcnco of TDK HKK.
WAUOO , , 17. Thu i > ro. t ovoni
if tliu piHtvutl ; wan the lusobill
lub'n exclusion to Cohimbua l.ikt
'liurcdiiy. All the tickets ihnt vrt-ri
ssued worn o.tut rly lioiijjit by lovur *
f I lie niitioniil Kfimo , and tit abou
" : ! iO a. in. the train , consisting ol
hroo palatial coaches , \V.IH hoimlud
iy about 150 Iniliun and gentlemen ,
Deluding the city I'nml , which , by
lie way , la considiroil onu of Iho boat
u thu Btuti\
At precisely 8 10 thu "nil nbonrd"
of Conductor D iraey utnrtud ua oil ,
uid the train nullul out nmid the
c'lmro of the populnco and the
niusto of "Littlo Widuu
D.iiiu" l > y tin1 baud.
A Bolcot pirly with your onrrcs-
.mndcllt us tin invitud guest , took piH- )
st-'flnion of the uuuikiiii ; , and with
mr notiuM , jukui , ciniirn , and no
.irth , h tl li'tlu IICUIBJOII to bo oiivioun
if tliu folhnv wlio h id liikoii Inn girl
anil w,13 oiimpollud to nit in thu otlur
oir , and buy oriiicH : and pop , and bu
iboiit what it nice limit ho wits
At ulovuii o'clock ivo whi't cd lute
D liiinliUii , Hud iviiilo the fcllo > v xviili
Iiu uirl hid the wny down till ) fttrcut ,
lie willi u lilnil i f u h.inebill oxcursioh
half uonceiiled liy thu tnintiidiiii
collar of it neu" Ilium duatcr , und ohe
with an uyo out for ioo cruiim HI IIS ,
the oukct p uty undo for u con-
noiinahtiiunt ilisponsiiry , kepi
by iv very jiuinal enilounin ivith u io
i < u'i ' r Itind lo.i iinr niituo , ( noinutliiiig
Uko "Shcohtn ' )
At about 1 ; 'iO p. in. tbo liin ; bull
tlmsMHiii-U uuiiiiiii'iircil to iiHeeinbif
ut.thi ) grounds , und ut'JiDO the i > , ilii (
ai culled buloro an iiudtuuco of ( iv.-t
io tlinupiind ( | ) , who , for the
lirtt Hovon innuif'j witnosiud onu ol
the ni'Xtr I'xcitni oonti 'H ever recuiii-
in NebuiRkii'ii lusu ball history.
At the end of ( ho Huvunth iiiniii"h
the giiinc H'ood , Colninbutt U and Wud
hoe ti , but , id the eighth thu iitlolierh
of both MIIIMH ueoiiied to " | o o their
trnp1 MolCtnnuy , of I ha WuhnoH ,
biiiigin in t.tvo teen on : v t\vo biei'c
ntt , und ,1'ttmi ; in hiiniiiill'on un er
ror of the Uclninliui Hiiortatop
'I'hirt WHH to Inwud bv po many ur-
r'lrn , und Miuli bid lii-liliii } , ' by the
Wnliium , th it the ) lo t tlio iidvunliigc
they hud giini'd , mid Wuro dufuitod
li > u ai'iiro i f 8 tit 5 , the Columbus
luiviiig AII inning to Hpuro.
A iornrn u.-uiKi to lie nljyod at Wn-
hou i < lulKod < if , nod the Wahoofl'wrB
cniipiilo ilioiiiaulveH with bopcn of fu-
innnctorios. .
LSminiBB in on the incronso in
W.ihoo , und croj prosiota ) ; never was
Mr. Ilnnl of Onmlin. vrns in town
in week inakiiij ; o.iUn. Hu entor-
lined u few fritindu in grand ntylo itil
ia rooms in the ( Jouiinorcial liotol
Vorlnoedny niftht.
Air John R > an i' malting improvo-
uuiiita in his Kioro hnihliii with tlio
ntuntiou of opening nn uxtuimiva dry
; oed and urocery ( .aUbliHliuiiintHritui.
Foul Plriy Siui ( . > < ) tcd.
"tttlonil AJMX utwl 1'ri'Ui
POUTLAND , Oregon , Juno 10. The
'Oily ' of Thoinaa liirri ! iiii , intHaini
or Bomo woiltfl ) , wax lonnd in the riv-
r below thia city to-Kiy. ( Foul play
a susptctod ,
Loft For Parts Unknown' .
Uon l AmocUUjil 1'rvw.
FiT < ; ninjjta , Musa. , Juno 10 -
O.iknin disuppeanul on Wed-
loiiviiig a note ; "I hopu I di
tvhoro you CAiinot lind mu. li you do
mry me liku a do < . " All ifTirta to
ruuit linn uri iinaviiilinu' .
S0 !
Invoi'rn rf m II nd
in ' riin IV vl I IM mid
fit i-ki M tn y p.t ct il in iroi
x > o i .vu a 1 1 . II 1. 1 ti I < p rit M
u T 4'l ' c 'kful , f I y ir un , D d " 1-
_ , , . . , . ( a ' I dim Inr T iiijniti
WillAT ; , , . . , . .
„ tv.ukly. | I. ) M npihl HIJI h.
ly L < III | , ti onu fir xplinat ii'y
driu A kill p i > t uc nil riKK
T\frri jov , u 1 1' p Id in HU pix ili > tuni
Dull nuiihi on ilin f inn 61 . /I | er
Mi ru. A d "H I' .IMVll.N'l ) .V
„ ill' IHI , 141 mil Ml lnSilj
STOCKS M. ( MI g. . nl
/t4r * i't a I'l ill KIT nt In
CVlli 1011 I-XI ) 1 lit I d ICJ-
"I'tit "o 'i " > > t urj-joi nii > ' ,
uiHcrjirl lii ( nun. Wnt fur
Awuing , Tent and Wam Oovera
Gor. 14th and Howa d Sts.
lla\u 'cmoviil from tlmro old 6tunlto
No. 116 North Sixteenth Street
Havu a uajH 1.11 IMM ! u K' I t-HWrlinuiit atS.
, , i' 6 fiir
Window Oaps , Finia s , XX MTg ' ,
13th St. , 410 , Oranha , Neb ;
OrdMitrom the countrr BollcltoJ , Jly
cm or OMAIU.
MAYOR'S < mm Juno 8 , 122 .
fly rltttn ot the au'horliy In mo vo-tdl , t ,
J tnc K linyd , Mijnrf f thiC'Py of Onifitin dj
nrt ( b.i ptotli'm ' o tlio qui I lied Totem o ( gain
I y. and ( IIr re p ctive w MS thereof , thiit
ntnnO h day o1 Juno , A , D 82 f nor I im < n <
nun dil ) lutncilui il.o . Citv C. until , t llioCI y
I limit ! * , Mil in iho 7 h lUjrtf Jill r , A. I ) .
8(1 , the < id it'ilintnco * * n pro cl liy th
> i yjr , it which onllLKn-o Ihn following H
\n orilliiniiie tip-n ido ( or a nx-flil election 1 }
the e color * o ! t o cltv ( f ( Mm In , lo cl tir
mlne hoih o'0 hiunlrMlriOUMnil d
Hie boiin-o' liocty ho l.tutO
lor 'ho purixno 01 pivxiir , tcpoliu or m r
r nit Iho n cruoctlnn nl % trnct * AMU
" nlr ; l mlJ c ly. find tthir
„ . jirov dpi ! li > law.
Il. < It rilatntd liy tlio Clt ) Council ot the City of
Om ha
jvr.cTioxl. ttlifln' dec-moit expo'lent hy the
Mif ornti < l ( M ) ( tuml , fn'd f tlty thit liuxl
f the pit ) tioMUdl or thn pur | < li i w mm
I .mil M y I w | , ro lilml , tn the mn ol i no
in rotili ni'nml ilull . ( DO' ' ) , tlio Mujnr
o tli cli.vnl oniAht I'll rrlty au'nortcil mill
Hir In'l , o f\\ \ < | o Inl el ( II i ti I' > l I'l III
iioctj uf Unm a mi KrlJn , Iho S'th ' tlwut
tune , A. l > \3' , 'or 'ho ) ! rtoso of lUlmilttliiL'
iiilu ( Urtoii. Lt Iho mill ! ' > tlio In o l g
p-nit n't 01. : H'mO lie ( U < ( . liorlty ct O.nnlit
no I * u d I y hlilr I- III the ml n < inno hiinilrnl
Hi iu n l ill ) ) ' M (4 ( TO.IOI ) di"ln > Hcnt ) } c r < .
wi'li li lin- tnt il.o tn'no Ix ( lpt'rcont | .cr .
( iiiiiini i ) i'lr * Hitiluini'illy , iiuiii lntcio < t
r > tit " ttlcl.f I t" fi ( I lioiiils f > r the
nipit-iirt tilling ri | > * > l v or in > c iltnili' ' g
to I trniIJnx of H nut nn I f | ace * npp ulit
il y l'i nil it. , ai | iroi ulcil In iivlnti fa ly
f i. ofn'i ctiiitillni " n Act 'o ln > > riuni |
.Ul HOf'lu'll H lU-fl 'III refill tl Rlllllr lIlllIlM"
i , , 'ir ft .il i-niii'iiino t , " up " ( it it Mnicli 1.
1 SI , Mum il.'il . hy anrt iinl'ld"A < Altt
.nirinl poitl , Him in ( Mnf n n t > iltln'An
\i.t t 'nco'lortitu c't ' vii tf tlui Hint cln-K , anil
ic illill g in Ir ilntl i , | ijKOiH nuil i.o > cin"
ii en. " 'iiiro\ | | d March 1 , 111 , Uy crn tliRn
lluril > t ui lie t\0'k. fjr cl m 11 tlio llmi
. la H miil'l llnlnir limliiiio'i ml | > I UH ! tea
a . M | iitlum tnrnti-tAoV > } , tnrti'y ' v ( 'N ' )
tMiHi ui ii(27i ( , t lrt > ( J ) tlmij.t'O ( VI )
th.itvH'i ii ( : i ) furi ) (10) ) t rt > uoiil n
thni ll ) , f rfo ir (41) , fi rt ; ' flio i,4S ) ctt )
n-ii , (4ili ( , nitoiir(6 ( ) iity-u\i ( < (5 ( ) iiij-'it > ti
( A7) ) a ul six , -111 u ( U ) ( it * l I nit , " a prnvuil
Mit v.1 1 sA'U' ' li.ii H in Im cillcil ' l'nln ( ?
Boml ( "sa il liimJs not lo Iiu loll for list In
| ar. nit > h I'toioil < llunx f lo Im i to i inr n .
.ithoi imrpvutlii pi > UK tin c nt u | u\Lr | ,
r p \li < K i > r Inn ii > liiiiz u tlio tii't-rix i lion ot
nil i ipio-m pi | HtcnliiiR III .nil cl y , I ot In H.IJ I'Kt n in nl nci ? Sal
pr liItl all lie sunn ( ind to taM ( Icoton
> n do an I In Iho tori ) 'HU form , anil 'l.o rut )
. ( lori'On t.hi.11 liooiii ) liy Vo " ( I "N
tin' , 2 .Nnllitnl neil o o-'Ujn > lm I
for Jt lom' iwi-ii y ( l ! ) > -n H
, > > KO J Tint unl ii'i'ira H nil t UnifTcTtnnd
bo In ( " < irom nntl nfc r ItH IUHIKU.
t'uuud JiiLuOth , .
1' iVt pro inn nf tl o i It. roundl.
/It t , J , J. . .U. JK nr , City < ; i ri.
ApprjictlJuiioT , ! Sa2. J. K. I10YH ,
lUy-'r. '
Ko , t ci''oro. In jiutumnro rf t o | iru\li-
irn ofMiul , r.ll anco , no lut lui.orjhy ( riven Ih t
m oltfil n * l I Iw Iwiil ! Ill" ' In nt On alu ,
Cod'it ifUoiuiun , Uitiif Mlimkn. ) on rri my
June 3HII , HS2 , nt n loll 1 1 n-tlnn the prop f
Ion recit d In rnd iirJl mien li rrirnril tu th
H HIM , I ho id , lll iiu fuiuiiiit'fil ' to ( lid do torn
ol "ill . cl.y
Ti'ii pi li if imlil o'ictimi ' ul I to " | o'i nt cl lit
( ) D'C | ck .m tniiooli II op n u 'i tl limn n (7) )
cio k p. in , mi'l ' no i" it" , t tlio lulluKiiii ,
pltiCH in thiiJOir rl a > il , t - ll :
Kitht WiiT' ' ! ' . I v , n' , , grocery Htoto , 10. Ii
< t oit , n i r i I'.U'iiuorlli
icon WiirilV \ In z "ot , bitwoi-n llth
iiinl Ulli ft nil H . n L n nnuli
rhir.lnil Kim f nuicr ) o iiijiluil 'y ' Ur
ll\ili , . ' ( orn. r is ! h mi I m.l i < i-mut" .
l'.ni III Win Utiit ) cdir hum. ' , KariMi st , ,
li-'utcn I 'Hi ' ml lilt i.
K.ltli Wa il - 1. 1 1 r illuKl tiixtbcr > hop , N > .
tl II V liuh itiULt. liitHiunclmttr Hi.l Cal -
i r U.
-Ix h Wirl I ) 11.' * ilril , ' it ro , No. 2035
C oiiu LT HT t
| n nttm N < wM'iisn' I h % o horointo ti't u y I Iiu 9 ul of ! Jc ty o l.i . , i.liUt il , th
i nj nn I j mr nr. t ulioi o v , run n
, Aj : J. B IJOYIi ,
HrAI , Muur < ( luilr.
-r- ' JU-il t
o di-il pr imds | Mill bo lei'ilicd hy t o under -
dor iifi ui iint I I'l.imilii } , Jiii > u Sinn , t-h2 , * t
t n'oinck mi Hi.
1'l.i-t , For il Inc Iho public printing of t o
d y of Omalii , wlnih ah 11 CUIKI t of print , ' g
it I the ai v. rtl < i niuhti ( f Mtutoicr nitiira iliaS
mav i o ouli ) cd | rlutoil hy h ' ( .Ity c oik or nil-
city (111r nlth eninpotui.t all liorlly , toll lltKB
, nii-inil tlm I ctiu Hut i viiiii .
ui ! nil. K r , niifth'i ( J h o k Hut m y
ho uiiilriiil ] talil ] li w irk 1 1 con in tt p InlluK
tuiia rail hi .nk Mirk , fun iiMiijO' ' ' " lun'trilaU
n ndiiu AC. , or i.oro ful , "U'ti work < lin-
cillicil In th c a-Mll all nnfthioir H-n.
said i Id I'lilnofi l IIIB hu piiiinnif Irum'ln
l > tm > ftf Jnlv .
ulil lild Khnli tptvlf thu p.Icu. f r ( ilcU-po *
ol ptl t UK' in iltlull. ai d i-liad h i A uuiniunli d I
nil h the n nun 1 1 tliu ptcpi cil H r t > , uhnlii I
t c event of iho avmrl'HK "I h * contract wlil I
un ir i u ub nut > < I ' tn clt.i ol omvha for |
the irun (10 ( foruntic' f l'l OTI trict.
'lh ( . 0 t , ( I'm , ( .1 loiuivjilu riRlit to rj t
a y or nl bldn.
InirlipM contaln'njr raid propo an or lihK
dVrci lie u n Led "rropdidn f rcity I'rntniK' ,
auil do ix drxiBoil to ho undoroi/iifil
' '
The City W/itor Wirka Cunipnny f
Onmhn will rt-cdvo bdn ! , lit HH ollieo In
Oiinih.i , tii | to the aiHt diiy of .luiio , ISSls ,
for the doiiiff of thf followitiK Wirk upon
iU Htorngo roeorvolrH , to tlio extent of
iilxmt four thoiuiaiid Munro yurd , mwro or
Kirft. The lining of the inner
with puddle in the inatmur , churn clcr
mid quality Hot forth In the Hpccifioiition * ) .
SecoLd. The placing upon and niiiiiiinih'
into the puddle tirnkcn Htoiie , to the ex
U'lit , in the quality i id niiuin r provided
fur i" Kpeciliiat ! HIH.
Third. Tha iiftviiiK of the Inner nlours
with brick , Iiiid In the manner , form und
condition not forth in th rpecificuti' ' nx.
Tim Compmiy lOforveH the ti'lit ( to
reject imy und idl hldH , und wil1 n quire o
bund for thi porfiirimui' ' o of the work.
All matt-Hill will afiirriiflW by the water
cuiiiliauv nl thofltn i-f the rwerv. irn i
of Onmhn
ly S. 11. JohiiHon , 1'rcnldent.
OP\11TNKUSIIII' herd fire cxlitlnif
TIIIK ' Wui , i : > crlt "in M , lluiiiiliiiu
Im ti H a Imn il'x dlv nl liy inn iml con 011
\Vi > l.vjiolt will j.0'111.Im lii Im inti"1 , mill
piy | < iiu .ci icil v < liui.i al li"l > of nda llrni
Nvjl. I VKIl Tf ,
OKI A , Jm ii 17 , 1 2. Jnnu.T-a
W. B O E H L ,
ilantif c iliuri f tli
COlt. HihANnilOWAKD.
\lxodim . ,11 UluU L ( iiaulilnib Mil Inck
ih wurk. | l-3iii
Proprietor ,
1213 Hainey Street ,
OMAHA , - - - NEB.
Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , Finials ,
Bpwoht'a Patent Metalio Sky-
Piitent Adluitabl Hatchet Uar end
tra tlia Koncral tito Aforit for tun bbovc
Oreitlng * . Balu ; r ; o , Ver od . , Omce na
Dunk H.llh.KO , Window and Cllr.
Quardt ; alio
P * ron nd Hill P Unt Intld * Blind. *
Genius Eewarflefl ;
on ,
Tlio Story of tlio Sowing Machine ,
A h nd ome llttlo pamphlet , bin * uid fold
COT * with numerous engnrlnga , wilt b
tot njr ( malt person calling for It , at MIT brunch
or tub-ofllce ol The Singer U nuf cturinjr Com *
puny , or will ba sent by null , post paid , to
inv perion Hvlnfr at a dlitanco from our office * .
Tlio Singer Manufacturing Do. ,
Principal Office , 34 Urilon Square ,
ftblS fUfcw
Murray & Lanman's
H U5U.i S'fflVR
' ] # * " ' ' Nnvt'atont
I- , " Ull.I. lr J
" * - for H8 _
Pnt < 1nlr <'rii-0ntcrciiiii'nlil" Iet
Mr > New > ' ! < V'l 7 > l < > oil twu
ThiBo.cololiritcilStovmtirsilo livO. A. P ornr
Umahk Neh tM-tm-mfiolw
Murray Iron forks ,
Burlington Iowa.
Soml Portable
Engines ,
Printiii r
unices ,
IUc. ,
Specialty ,
Thu Largcat Iron Working Establish ,
inont in tbo Stito.
MANUi'Airruuhua of
Steam Engines ,
The Kuwaiti Automatio Uut-Off
Steam Engiiio ,
( or Circular * . m3-lin
I'rcfMont VlcB
W. a. UUIHIIIIB , ilec. anil Trua .
.Lincoln , Keb.
Corn Planter * , nnrrow * . rarm Roller * ,
Oulk Hay ITakei , Quckat Llovntlnsj Wind
ml &c.
Wo are | iron raiJ to do Job work and i nnt "I
rurlrir for otlicr rartlon.
Addronall oriloih
Foil THK CoNTiiuimoN or
HoAitniNii SCHOOL.
PINK KiixiKAUKNcr , Pftlioti , Jitna I 1832. f
Hailol iiroiiOiialD , linlormi.1 | ire | > oiil . In trip
licate ) . for tliu trutlnn Lf an Inillun faoardlnf ;
echooiaittimaKi'iii-y , In no urilanco with plai.s
anil Dpecillciitlai B on tlio will ! the Cnlcf Quaitor-
nmiiur , llcptrtment 1'latto , of thoOmahu , Nub. ,
mill illro tdl to thu utiden-Unii I , c re of the
Chief Quarloriuwtcr , DciurtmiJiit of the rlatte ,
Oiniliu Nil ) . , 111 ho rcifliol uutll IX o'clock
uoinoii f/itiinliiy , Juli 1 , i8 .
The cont'iiclor will Iw allowuu Iho use ol the
ict-tiiy mill taciltmiclilum or ai t'O may dciilre ,
not to ox cod 100.00J feet ull th'i labor ol oiwr-
tlnjC mill ID hu nliod liythuLontiatlar , t etira-
birtolio linlncd out.liU iho icncn atlon , and
tl o mill turned hack Iu r.u | { 0 < jd ornor an when ra-
culvod hy him. ,
Contract lo Ijo nuanlol to lowont rooOcclbln )
hldil r , Biihjcit to ih' ) ajiproial ofj thu la-
lartnieutcf ho Intoil r.
I'rup mla inuuta u lo-iti | ) it tlraj required
fcr Lbiiiletlon ol hull lnif , of the approval ol
trillion un i nn.Ht hu ni ( Oini nnlid h > u rcrtllioil
cho k upon mi : u Unltoil n ut u l)0X | ) Huiy. juy-
alluiutiu utiiluiii | fi 1 fornt lumt live (6) ( pur
lent , f Ihu ainouiit , f thn l ro cm , which cneck
lull lit ( iifclUi ) lo the Uhlt , lrUloiln ta-uuny
liulilur loiu vuiir thuuw r i dull fall to exrcuta
| i omiitly 11 contruU with M ° ' ' al" ' eultlcliiit
uurutfm atccrJ 11 , to ilin tiniw of hlii bid , ( ithir-
MID tu hu i ( .turned t > Hu hldilnr. No I)1J III
u cn H f $ lfi Wl will huconmiciud.
| | ' ' to hu i f liiinlur , mam ivrtlo" to IK >
twnMinTV B'XIO ' ; ddlilon olii olio utorj V2 > IUI.
For ( ul In r tiifninutloii uilJimit ihu unJut-
mSO-lHt ITiniKJ faUtCH In 'lull Al ent.
Boilcl iirorrsils for the corettuctloa nf a
wniT'iip h fn < l city ol IJU'V line , W o. .
w | i horAolvid it t o IU o rl the Utj uniflio r
until ron , ot > v dn nl-y S8 h ! > . ' . . -id co1)-
y rue loiHtii 1 on l.i Iho liiu nl ft < < u < ( J
iiiU'Hu liio. tii.i fellliii ; or 'JO hy r nt , &l
vat on , ue .Hiulfi or' tl ncf j MruiBUt Iroi
dituli ultli Us at i IniKiiiU. T' ' u ( slrovixl
lest ia all ut tiU..UD. 'Ihu dt ) nn ) voi Ihu
iljht torcjo t any or nil liW . I'riio'as i uae
hn ud innkud lo the uu vreUioil i > iiJ uidnncd ,
1 l'i ip B li lor th c imtiuc I u rf a walir up-
l > ly , " 1'ata , Biwcl'luitioiiH druulu ui d jir Uiu
ii u v bo teuii 1 1 ti o olllci ( 1 1 o
J820-d8t Oi'y
Tuesday & Wnflay June 20 & 21
Thd ( , vcit of tlio sinMii l > cci I out : ig moot ot
hy ihaoiiliiiiitfcdor ,
OVC3E6. O. O.
At.da oj | > uyol iiiiu ml xu lluce , ire = ciiU if
Iu , tliulll-i. Imuli I * , * ! * * 1'nui
kliil cnut B auilM n.
The New June Eyre.
Wiiloj urmnihlt ot lu BJis n w'cra tver
nrJiiuei . on Tu a y t > ' > \ e , Jun i J0 ! ,
ilcu-jiit njuvuiiir port ult ot JJUi tliou ) | > eon
> H to | ucbo tui io oith la y
lU'ci'ivcJ eut < on BJOHaturdty. | Jane u.
No hcaU-acho or twi'ls-iiehe for JadJc %