Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1882, Page 4, Image 5
THE DAILY BEE OMAHA TiJFSDAY , JDNE 20 , 1882 The Omaha Bee Vnbllbed every morning , except Sunday 9it only Monday morning dully , TJ3UM3 BV MAIL Ono Ys r $10.00 I Three Month,53.00 Olx Month , n.OO | One . , 1.00 IWB WKKKLY BEB , pnblUhed BY ry Wednesday. BEUMS POST PAID. OnaYcar $2.00 I TlireoMonths. . 50 BIsMcttM.- . 1.00 I Ono . . 20 AMRRICAN NEWS COMPANY , So'o Agent or Netvidealcn in the United States. OORHE3PUNDKNOK All Commnnf l tioni relntini ( to New and Kdttorlftl mat et * 4houUl bo ftddresaed to the KDtTOB or tTns ' ML. BUSINESS LKTTKUS-A11 Biwltiw * lektura and HeinitUnco * should bo nd dic'p ? < l to THE OMAHA PCBLIBIIINO COM rAMT , OMAHA. Draft * , Checks nnd Port * .llico Onieift to be mode payable to t.h of the Comnnny. The BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props K ROBEWATER. Editor. llootlnz of tko Republican Stnto Con trul Conimittoo. The mptnVri of llio Kaitntilloin SlMo ] Committee of Nolirft kn mi lioicliy cnllnl t < ) iiiont nt the Cniumcrclit H 'tcl In the cltv ' > ( Line 'In , on Tmirn day , the nth clay of July , 188J , nt.2 u'clm k p. in , fur the imrpoHO nf < Miii | > 1clini ( the o re in iz it inn of the cnm nit i > c , nnd Iran flictiiiK such other luis ne s in may prut. ) erlv come before the Haino. Too followlnif nro the mpinbopi of the oominlttcei 1st UUrlot. A. K. O mtt ; 'Al John I. . Curium ; 3d. Jacob H. Dew ; 'I'll A. I * . Urnut ; nth , It. H. Wtndham ; I ) li C. K. Yo t : Gib , Pmil Vandervoort ; 7th 1) . K Howl n ; 8th W. K. Peebloc ; Oth S JJ Col-onj lOf , .1. A. Krharll : 11 h , J II. 1'clber : 12th , W. D. Matthew * ; lllth M. Whlrinnyer ; 14ih , Al el Ilili ; Ifilt- John Stem ; 1 th , H. O. rhlllpv 1 th G. W. I'lo co ; 17th , ' ! ' . Ii. Crawford ! IHih W. T.S.'otl ; 19th , J.W. ; 21th , O W. HaltzU-y ; 2M , WaUon Pfckorel 22 < 1 , J. U. McDowell ; 23d , , - . W. S itx i 24 h , J. I ) . IUye < : ffiiih , A. W. , \ < ttt SCth , O. U. Wlllardj 27th , Il-.bert Ken nedv ; 18th , A. L v > ip'orij 20ih , II. O Ucdlnnd30t ; i , G.S IlFilinp 3I t. K. J Wiman. JAMKS W. B.\WHJ , Chairman. CnKTU , Neb. . .Tnn 12. 1S82. 1'UOCIUHTINATION l' tllO thief O tinio. Dolny is the trump card it the hotitlu < f the star route thiovoa. OMAHA IB the luckicat town in thu Missouri valley. Cyclones and torim- duos rprcnd devastation notlh , ens , south nnil west , but Omaha invariub y cscapCB with no ether inconveniences than delayud niiviln. EvKity time Sdmitor Van \Vyck gota Li * bick tip in Washington ho sootna to got liin imino up throughout the country. The ojinincnta of the press nro tniversiilly favorable to No- bnuku'd junior unniitnr. Or cnimsi : the iluiiiocr.ita nro al- ror.dy figuring out a majority in the uuxt congress. The average huurbon etitcBiimn has only two tojiica of con vernation , victories in thu ahudowy nd uncertain future nnd d of en In in the Bad and aluulowy pish DKNVKH'H new directory claims a population of GOCOO for that city. It is stntcd that forty brick-yards nro not Bufliciont to supply the demands of builders , and that the nrohiU'ctn all wear diamond etuda. Djnver eorims to bo an oicjllont fluid for the iinugi nation of thu census inllator of thu Omaha ItcjnMienti. GOVKE.NOK COU.VKLL'H signature to tlio railroad commission bill liaa created n storm of indignation nmong Now York railroad manngors and their organs nro aJruudy beginning to predict that the Empire atato will DUO a railroad campaign in state politica this year. In other worda tlmt the railroada will put up big corruption fund * for the purpose of nominating and electing a railroad governor. The Buffjlo Ji'ipres.t coniniuntd aa follows : "Tho rullroitda may do thisit in u sort of maxim with railroad managora that it is fair to do anything in pel Hies for thu protection of the railnud Interest but if they do it it will bu politic for thorn to do it ns aljly t > s posiiblo. If the people at large the fanners and workmen and small tradesmen think they see nuch n movement afoot , they will bo very likely to smuah it. " The remarks of the J-'jefireii will apply with tqunl furcoto the aituutioii of the Tim bank ohnrter bill lias loon B ; enlarged in soopo by the Yimou ? nmuiidmonU proposed in b ) th housuu tli it it now tukua on thu imturo of u groit fl.iancinl muasuro , wlmso object is to prevent the utiduu contraction ol the uurronoy , nnd to provide for thu cotitiiiiunco of u vufo circulating mo diutn for thu cuuntiy , JMr. AlliinnV tuiiato umondmoiit authorizusllm it am of thtco PIT cent. rcgisUnd bonds , ro doemublo nfti-r the payment of ul bonds bearing u higher ralo of inter est , and exohiviiguablu for thu 'Jt > pi i cent , boiidi no * nutiUnding. Ti B provision will ulFurd a Bound basis foi a numbdr of yuars tj comu foi bank cii dilution , whicli is now puaraiitoud'by the 4's and the 3A' . Thesu bjiids will ba rapidly oilled in if our treasury surplus continues in 'gret as ut prmont , aud it is highlj important that the country should be protected against thu sudden with dr.iwal of bank circulation or from poisible loss through involuntar ) liqiiidutiqn of thu biiiki. Air. Slior. man's amendment provides for the ii fiu'oofgjld cirtit'uitos in oxohango for d poatt of gold coin , Its elfjct will bo to maintain the circulating ino dium. The senate is delaying to 3 long in coming to some decision 01 the bill and in sending it back to the .house. BOSS KUL.E AND PARTY OH- GANIZ/VTION. The cry against "boss" rule , which ia now hoard in both national and sUto politico , is not tlio cry otr the outa who are anxious to got in. Every practical man rocognizoa the fact that political parties nlust hare principles of action and methods ol KOvornment. Positions of trust , of honor and emolument must bo filled from the rank and flic. There must bo officials who will occupy placna higher than others , and each person must oxorcino tli o functions of his particular position. Parties must have organization and loaders. Authority must bo moro or leu concentrated in the hand * of the few on whom the dinction of cam paigns and tlio routine labors of Ihu should devolve. Such asjs- turn docs not of nicce&ity " .rnerate "bosncH. " There in n wide difFerence botiveen a compacb nud illicit'iit parly nrgnnizitinn and a moro tniichine fur registering the petsonal dicrcta of eel lish politicians. P.vrty organization is a mode of bringing out pirly a'ro iMtli in the niipoort of pirly ' > rincijl | > T. Its nbjfot is to voice the wishes of the membership through n recognized medium whoso declarations wil ba received an authoratiitivc , to place in nomination candidates who will bo acceptable to the parly because they represent its principles , and to use every honorable effort to attract parly tupport to theao men in order to secure their election. A lair and honest pirly organizition is just as legitimate and necessary us prin ciples of action and modta of govern ment are tu militaiy , soial or commcrci il bodiis. And against such an org.miz.ition there has never boon and never will be imy objection or complaint on the pirt nf voters. But when the nn i ury til purly is Uiurpcd by BO ttaaatllutod lead- era for their oivn pets < inul iig rnndizomeiit , pir.y orgnii xttion no longer can lay cl.iim to ptrty con- lideiicr. Juut aa aoon na thu vvialn'H of the m.iss of tlio purly urn dltng.irded because they happen to obeli with the ilemrcH of thu busies , party or unizi * lion CO.IHUJ to be it medium fur the exercise of lawful authority und bu cornea an instrument of tyranny. Chia la now tl e CIIH in Pennsylvania und the independent republicans ate I'uhting a strong b.ittle with candi dates uhoaen from whliin thu puty lineu but from wi liout the orgamz.1- tion. TJieir object ia to either dethrone the "b.aafs" and purify llio org'ini ' ? Uioii or eluo tci draw to u new and honunt organizition the m.i- j inly of republican votorn who pafjr piinciples to the bhadow of a pirly niuiin under corrupted methods of puty povuriiiiu'iit. This , then , id the difference betweui a Idgitimi.o purty rule and Imro ml , . , the one rcpre-tentu purty mntinif nl , the other ri prt-auntn i oiliing but thu Hulfiah donirua uf llio hotHiia , Tl' ( ) OIKI ia used to voice the wtiilies of llio voter ? , the othur IIHUH thu votura to c.vtry out thu pinna uf professional tralllckers in spotlti. When parly or- mniz.t'ioii beuomeH merely H machine to register thuMien of unscrupulous leaders and is recognized us ouch by thu people , revolt ii euro to follow und the purly tlonpot ia overthrown. THE P VEM nT BONUS On thu 30th of Juno thu citizt > ia of Omaha will vote upon thci pioposition to Mm inhiut of ono hundred thousand dolliirn of pavement baud ; . It ia of vital importance to thin city thut thcBo biiuds nh.ill bo roted. No city in the west , with t'qual popula tion , is us endly in want of street pavements ua Onuliu , The toniblo condition of our streets hai given Oaiiiha u bad reputation abroad , and kept out tnuoh capital that would have otherwise boon invested here. Unless we bvgin thu work of paving this year , Omaha will uulFor aliuout irro- punibluinjury to hur a.xiunuroo.Vo neutl hardly repeat what everybody kno H , thut no [ Kivtiiiiiiits can bo luid in Onmha unleen the city und the properly ownerj am borrow the money on long limo , it low liiluiont and | ; ruliiil riiymuuiu riio buiidd wliioh tlm city itaku uu- thouty to u&uu mil bu uxoliibivt'l ) ih- voud to p lying for p ivmg of thu m- tont'otiouH of MlronU uml .tlluyu. The omtof piving let\t'on ) ' each atieet w II bo umiuaeil iigmiHt thu ovvnerd ot die property alnittiig , on thu ktieet. In order to enubo ! ( irnp.-rty HWIICIB to meet thia heavy t.u uhort ciniu bonda thut are virtiully a limit- JJ.IKU upon properly improved by ptvoniuntB , will bj iiRiiud , Thu .imouiit of piviiif , ' , ua usjmsod nguuBt each piesu of property , will Lo dividi-d into live yearly iiutullinoula , covering principal mid interest , and thu iiioiuiy thus colleoti'U will bo uatd to cancel the bhnrt time bonds .So viitn is nuotssaiy , however , tou - thorizi the issue of this clusa of bonda , but in thu very iiaturo of things theao bjiula ojimut bo is ued until tlio city lareuiy to pay for pavinif the inter- ni'ctiou of Btioots. It is estimated 'hat ' the interactions of afreets tuid illoja will cover one-third of thu iroa to bu paved. In other words when the city has paid out one hundred thousand dollars for paving intoraeo- ioni- , the property owners n thu puvod streets will have oxi-ondud two hundred thousand dollars inoro. Under the law the city can only Usuo ono hundred thousand dollars o : paving bonda in nny ono year , but that amount with the two hundred thousand del lara of short time taxpayer bonds , wil cover all wo could do during the first year. If only half of that sum , or SloO.GOO , is expended ii Omaha for ptving during this oa- son the advantage t > our morchanU nnd laborii g people will bu incal culable. It in to bo expected that the district to bo p vod during the first jo r will cmbrHCi ) the pircipul thoroughfare * only where thutr.illi ) in the htavieit , The choice < f paving materials to be uead and the luring out of the p < tviiig district will noL-es nrily have to be left to the docininn of the board of public works nnd thu ci y c-nmcil. The drat t'.ing ' to bo done , however , is to i > o- euro thu carry on thtaj pub lic improvements. THE IOWA TORNADO. Hepntts which contitiUu to coino in regarding the terrible storm ( if Satur day evening , give iiddtiioinil djtmlii of great lofa of life nud enonnuUd Jitiinigu to property throughout Cen tral Iowa. That it was probably n tornado , nnd not a cyclone , which wrought the destruction ia plain from I'lIK IJKh'H epecial dispa'chcs. The palli ( if the storm was well niRikcd in southeasterly and nortliwesteily direction , from which it does not ap pear to have swerved. 0)clones are chaructoiia'd by a rotary motion of the air ut a very high velocity , thu center of the storm being at tholoirtat arot of depression , and its violence diminishing as thu circumference of thu circle mcieasoe. Tijrnadof s are duo to the meeting ol opposite winds of different tempera tures in the upp < T atmosphere. A pe culiarly of thu tornado WHS noticed at Orinnell jtHt buforu thu town wat struck. This was n thick black cloud with a whirling motion winch aifrumed ho ahitpu of a vast funnel descending ewer und lower into thu qu et atmos- liicru beneath ua the rxpidily of its notion increased , Another cluruc eristic ( f the tornndo which mark ) d he I own storm ua bi'longii'i ; to this chixB wna the iiatrovvnena of its truck. In Griimdl u swath of the wid b cf wo blocka waa cleared of dwell- ngt und trees. Thu puth of vind toward und past the town of il.ilcolm wtia nearly the sainu width , nd Ihu violunco of the n > orm asenm o hnvo expended itself along a line mining from the northwest to the dutlniiis' , from which there waa little vari nice. Thu law of atorms has bi > on nccur- tuly dutermint'd , und these phunom- n mo no longer reckoned us secrets thicli cannot bj unravelled. Job houaht BII , many yearn a oj but Job ii ) not have the uio of a barnicoter nd u well equipped corps of meteoiol- > gintH ut bis baek , or hu would cur- ittnl ) htwo tuiidifiod bin opinion. All .onus are ciuiod by the junction of tirrtnta of air moving in op- ) osito direotioni ? . They vary in elocity and force according to thu di- cction and utrongth of the currents f air. In nil ntoinirf the air hay a ro- , ury motion ivrouud n centre where lie barometric depression ia the least. n the northern temperate zone thin otary motion ia from the right to thu eft while tliu direction in reversed in ho southern hemisphere. Saturday's B to rum appear to have > oen general throughout thu Mieeouri alley with auvuro attnoepheric dis- urbancea in the valley of the Missis- ippi portions of thu Atlantic states. Guisaa ugain Biiflcrod severely while Ststern Missouri seems to have caught hu edges of imothur severe storm , 'ho oxccssivo hont of thu past week ollowing so closely the cool und damp weather of thu early portions of the nonth WHB probably responsible for Saturday's stomu , Tin : HKE vuja Omaha will have no congrcefiionul oindidiites , but will n ike it lively in thu next cnnvention tor C'Hintiei ' down this way thfit helped ciivu out this lirat dtatnot. What tor- i bin bidden meaning ia behind TIIK [ tM.'d threatB7o cannot conjeotur . \\onld TIIK UKI : just M noon bo moie txplici't Wo wunt to know our fato. - Jkutfiie r.xpicsi. There are nuiiu HO blind us those trlio Mill not aui > , If nil tile niumberu that represented thu first diutnot in thu lue i > iliitiire had voted what thty enow to bu the desire of their consti tuent * , Drill'las ; und S.upy oountitt , would nov.-r have boon attached to S .u hern Nehusko. Thu outimcnt wto overwhelming in every county that none but unprincipled rene < mdiB would luvo durol toilnob'iy it. The nditoii mu\nin behind ' ) in : HtK'o threat is that the delegation from Oju.jbi oaiiuty will mak-j it lively for any of those rono/adei tint may come ) if jro thu convention ns a candidate 'or congrets. We hupu that is ex- ilicit enough for nil concerned. Tim Nebraska railroad managers are very liberal with their passes toward the woman DuUYugo agitators. They nro anxious to create n diversion that will distract and divide the pm pie durini ; the ounpaign , while their cappers are slipping into the legisla ture. WIIEHK is the city marshal ? Ho is johind the county court house asleep n the sun , while hia deputy is taking his seltzer around the block , Next tea a church corner on hot Sunday the office of city marshal is the bleopies position in Omnhn. A oooo deal of valu&blo time wil bo wasted in this state duting the next lour months over the proposition to burden women with privileges the ; do not iicok or need , duti s they can not discharge ) ntid responsibilities they can never nsstimc. IP Mn. Annum has no other polit ical nitin to a svrer for than the turn- mary behcadii g of O. WashiiiRtoi Frost , the people cf Nebraska wil cheerfully forgive him WUfUS. The OMo democrat * will hold tho'retato cntiveiitl .n it C.iliiuliiiR , ihily 20 h. 1 niiRfUMin in Uiurell , f Tennessee , is tnl' oil of tig de erratic canuidato for ivi rtior hi t Dt state. John G. Th'tnponFays ' that Senator eiidluton , nl Oiii" , i nut woirtlng nbuut thf driiioirutlc nutiiliiiitiuii in 1881 , f nitiT M , r.hni , imyor of Chicngo , Is one of the democrat * lueli Iniud fur thu * citof David IXniilu the United Kt.nla HI into. Ill * frier ih are ncriou'ly thinking of tip. ilflciltu ; "Kimnel J. Illdenfiir the cam- ilfjii uf 1881 Intimilo 11 inner.UK. Tne limit singume I'oinoL-ratlc ' paper ? In thu Ron h c.imi t fi uru out n majority in the next hiiuru uf repptfent ti o , txrept by cluliu tig lama n Itn nf dem icrtttlc coil' K CKHIIIUI tu nnch i4r t ; republican HtntcB un Uliln nud Pttitisyatda , The * of t' o Rerond Florida inKrtbstoimi l tnc liave railed uioa vent ! > n 11 nun Irmt a candidate fur ron- tfci ) for the 21 of Autjitxt. General Fln- lty ; , who wan recently ousted < < nd hU Heat * < vn to I'ongr-'Haiiixn B nbto , olfern to inn .aln If the UtmoLrats tid k liei > t , and ho will undoubt illy be rutioii I ntid. General \ \ uiwor ia announced to inalce fiftreu grenidmik Hpeectic * In IVxis this Mnumer. In stating ti o fact The G.xlves- ti n Aewg Buys tlmt "it in a littlu curidua tnat _ iuiy portion uf the brawny , liniiny wii'H of Ttxiia I'll u d ell g tu a Urnd IIRUB till ileuw tiikcH nl.icc and bad o turn come up from iUgiave , but they nro prubiblv Lliip upon the htpnthceia thut u dead no l butter tliau 1,0110 , ll it hai only u IllitllO. " I' i * not believe I thv Mr. John Wana- m .kor , ol 1'hil dtlphi.i , will nctepl the regular iciubluikii | noniinuti n lor con- uivraiiiun-at'htiKf ) . Ilia r.iid that the liter , tlmt thu n initiation i.if reii lo oV rricntleiiien uh i refused it btoro t o iK lend it'll ti ) him huii hud ( { rent wtigul i h bun. ( Jin Jlo ccrHim has 'nken him only pen onca iniiio und wiitt- n innnifuld letter to nil i lie rt'ri'iitlj < i > k'iinz > ' ( l ileiiiocuiUo clubs in Sun Fiuncicuo to It'll tlitiiu thut In dein- i c iilli : oigun 7. itloiH 1 e U the Hole hope of thu i ouiitiy , nud tint heroic rulf H ic luce will I < L nqalaltu un I ihonirl bn driimndtd From oieryiio y. 1'ho Griitr t'ii elf-sacri- lieu coiilinucB to t.iku i lie f nn of willing- i iH t her\u lua country mcongroN for au- oth'-r icrin. Uu ic enlntivo Alexander II.Stopheno till j iu-t in liii d.iily 1-un.u . if \vli t. It lie rlinuld bu ul.ctmt uvirnor if ItMir iu hu will he in luyiuutcd in .November , uud < -xiiiB-ta | in ubi. if buVi uld ever : iuia 10- turn to the Full r 1 cipiUI , Tin H ilury in til , UU per uniiuiu and tiie term tVo yujmi. IILTU in liiiiiiUoino iiiuUHlou ( ir.ivulcd fur the given ur ut Atlniitu , vvhicn Air. S u- pliuua . y ho uill ccrtui'iiy tnl wi b emu- lia.iv if K.ooinor. His ni co will prcnule fur him ovir Ihu iiinnxion , mill hu may ie- vive thu cmtoin uf giving an in.iuj.iuution ball. ball.Don Don Cameron removed n Federal otlicial the i ther dav on account ot bit exceanivu prufunity. We do not know what manner uf n niton a I'eim.-ylvani.i elli u-bolder IH , but it durn n t ( .uio a Texiirt othciul to re- iniivu him fr m tliop ; on tlio contrary , the nioir hu in it'liiovcd the more ho "cuuses. " Toxa't Siftinxu. Mr. G onje Jtinkln has foimnlly accoi t- nd i lie ind'K'Aiiiieiit republican noiiilnuttiin for jud e ol the bii | reiuo court of l' im } l * vaunt , H jliiK tliAt whi'o ' he hi. ntiitlnr M.iu lit nor iituirnl tlii.-i hi hofliie , hu inott htaitily hyiopithizei with the principle that called forth thd cou\oiition , und up .n wliuli , aau Lroud and wibo plutfonu , it plucid itfculf. Tlio AlllHnco In the Oampaign. Uattirk'H Un < tti-Jourunl. Thu rxecutivootlicera of the State Farimun' Alliance have issued au ad- drt-aa to aubordinatoalliaiicfa in which n coureo is mapped out for them to puruuu in thu coming important cam paign. It ia urtd that they give their vote and influence only to the election of men who are known to bu in sympathy with them and men who who ure poseesaed of goud character , ) and who will bo ucceptublu to thu public generally. They counsel going into thu party conventions and if pos- bible aecuro the desired results there , but in case men are nominated who uro objectionable to them to protest tl.oii and there und then go out and place n ticket in thu field , and if pos sible by honorublo nieunr , elect it. This is thu nubatunco of thu address , und its wise counsel will undoubtedly be followed by a largo majority of thu friends of thu anti-monopoly move ment. Undoubtedly u large majority uf the rank und tile of ihu republican party is in sympathy with thu princi pica ot thu Fiirmera Aliiauco , and with good men nominated it ivill bo next to impossible tudofoUtlafiioniimilionu of that pirly In view ol thia fact the ndvioo to KO into the cnucuaca nud eonventioiift of thu party is timely nud n-iao , If thut parly should jut a ticket in thu.lield tlmt in aceeptablu to tlie publio in genual , without the aid of the tillianco , it will , in till proba bility , be elected without their aij. But if the republican alii , unco men Bland by their party , they can put moral , upright and com petent men in Humiliation fur ollicu. fhu maaseH can rulu the party with ihu stiiiii ) duirta put forth tlias will bu ieetB3.iry t" conduct un independent pirty fciitcefi&fully , und wu believe muoh eusiei' . Ono danger with HU in- dcipfiidi-nt moviniout is that the dem- ooratio pir'y ' uwy kill it by > ndorsmg U , us u did the liberal republican- movement in the Ortoley c.mip ijjn. liut in it honorable to go into a con vention und thnn bolt its nomination ? Is it republican ? Tno latter question thu celebrated Chicago & 9 unswerod in cage convention of 1880. When the delegates from West Virginia n-fused to ba bound by the action of the con vention and comply with the resolu tions of Mr. Oonkling , Mr. Gatiield plead earnestly lor the ri ht of men to cxat their ballot accord ng to their best judgment withuut beingtrammut- otl by pirly action , und thueontimont of that national republican convention was so strong for individual liberty in the matter of voting thut Mr , Oonk ling withdrew his resolution. All rea- tollable men have great respect for the decision of majorities and will abide by it unless the use of money , trading or other corrupting influences have boon reioited to to prevent th nomination of the real choice of the msjority , but instead have hoisted on the oflico men who are not qualifiot for office. The real sentiment of the republican party , na expressed at Ohi cage , in that the party ahall carefully guard its nominations and put men 01 their ticket in whom the publio lisa confidence , nnd then withdraw nil coercive orcivo resolutions and lay aside the party lash , and commend the hones ) action of an honest majority to the public for its endorsement. This is true republican doctrine , and shoult commend itself to the good judgment of nil honest rtpublioino , whether they have taken up weapons agninul the unjust encroachments upon their rights on the part of nimopjlios or not , ntid wo trutt tin t tl ere will bo n eolid republican front nt the cauctisca and conventions , BO that n necessity to bolt may bo nvorttd. The right of every citizen to bolt bad nominations ia guaranteed by the old coiibtitu ion , and it H well that it ia no. It is the wily protection that wo have nyainsl wire pullers ntrl achenitra who seem to have plenty of time to doroto to the matter making plans to deceive the public , nnd urforcing unpopular luenturos and men upon the pirty. CRETE Annual Exercises ut Doauo Collogo. Corrctponilcnco of Tin U.-o. CUETU , Nob. , Juno 30. Yesterday the commencement week at Doano tvna begun by Prea. Perry preaching the baccalaurcato a rmoii at the Con gregational church. Tlio church waa tastefully decorated with 11 iwcra , nnd the house waa crowded with visitors and citizens. President Perry took for his text the words of Paul to Agrir pi , "Where upon , Oh , King Aarippa , I waa not disobedient to the Iluivonly vision. " Paul was the only educated npostle ; hence , ho fittingly apoko of hitnaa the student apostle. Being n scholar ho accepted n permanent place as a writ er ot the Sacred Word. Of the twen ty seven books in the Now Testament , I'uul is the acknowledged writer of thirteen , while some authorities as cribe fourteen to him. The matter , inorotlun the amount , determines the position of a writer. Paul aU'ectod not Jiero rhetoric , but ho deeply traced with the i on uf bin toul. Sumi'times hu Mm pathetic ; at other times j iyful or tender , bun hu ul > vays wrotu with convincing Worda. As an orator ho waa not sucjosafnl. WhetliT malting hm defence buforu the Roman ittithorilies or addretaing in angry mub , woiuatvolut hii power , liaolc ot the orator or writer is the man , The wordu of BJIIIO men p o- < luce recollection ? , thu same words from otnern are i.ovri r forg ) tton. This ctuse ia tiiu man rather than the wordr. Many nf Paul'a characters Lies if not framed by thu ntudont life are developed by that life. Some of theao characteristics were his prompt obocitenco , hia clear perception of du y and hia courage. lit ) waa a man of .hought , with luvo for man and more eve for God. The student may lenru uuch from him that will help htm live k better aud nobler life. In the evening wo listened to an nd- dress given by Chancellor Fair field be fore the Y. M. C. A. Hon. James Monroe , who lectured it L'licoln hint week , wna expected to deliver the address , but he waa called UMiio 11 few d.ija ugo by eickueas in lib family. Chancellor Fairfield 'kindly con sented to take his place , although hu ind but few hour * to prepare. His : ext'waa from John 4 , 35. Ilia thought and labor in the hurvcat of ho woild. The Held m the world. "Tho harvest in all ready white. " Work ia needed. Work hard and ionatuntly mid the labor is not in vain. The wotk of wiving men ia the ; rmidest work. The moat successful ifo without this is it failure ; the hum- jlest lifo with this if miccoaafu ) . Hu spoke from notes earnestly , with nany illustrations , aoiuo from-hia own experience. Although most of the visitors will tot arrive until tomorrow quite n lumber tire present. The prospecta ire good for a large attendance , RKI'OUTKB. CHOICE CIGARS. Imported nnd Domestic- Fiiiont Solnotiun In Town. Prioos to Suit Everybody. From Haifa Dollar IJowii to 5o- Schroter & . Becht's. NORTH WESTERN Garble A. BAUMEI&TER , 1243 HOBIH SCHIEBMH ; ST. tnO-3iu OMAHA NATATORIUA ! AND SWIMMING SOHO'JL , 3oruor 0li and Farnuin StroofF , iMiiinlni ni.ttr - ixpo 1 nod loicher < oo > kt -lieu In linltyl'i > of b SIM , il li' > o th n vat r , ll'ictmid 31 f o . iricH-oia > I I ct ,0n ; tno mths tl. : liU'lo lath . U'C ni. . 'rjit vvuu butbln tr inlan d dr ul kru , DlhOKMAX < D H'JTTti , Prop' * . ] 15 3m HEIDSIEGK CIGARS. CHAJiPABNE FLAVOR , 3E 3C" J33 ISIWCOSCOEJ , The boat lu the country ; for the money , M , A. McNamara , SOLE AGKNT ourtuoutla Street , Omabu ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSTORE 1420'DOO.LA. . THtbT HGadparters of tlio Literati , The Cheapest , Largest ami clioitxwt colle HOD of NEW AND SKCOND-HAKD BUCKS in the t t. SCHOOL BOOKS A SPECIALTY. Cash paid for Bccond-Ilutid Hooka or exchanged for now. H , SOHONFELD , ao22-ly PROPRIETOR. BAUGrAINS , 3CJST Houses , Lands. fIFTBBHTH AND DflUQUS ST8 , , DoMit'.tul bullillni ; piles 01 Shoroian luth Btrcit ) 80U h ol I'oopleton'a and J. J Drown'a r Blilon o tfto tract bolon'l ( , g to fo > \ & or PaUdoci for so many jo rs helng ) SJ foa. wint 'rontwn ' ' n too i > vrnu , bv fr m 30 to C50 fiet In dupth , running castwirj < o thu > mah.i a St. Pau' ' u It VVl 1 fell tu utripj nf M 'cot cr nioru I n > tate nn thuavui.iia with lull d p n 'o ih-j r.iilr. a , v.ln sell tie Jbivoonabou any to'nia hal p rcl'n tr naydunlro To par ties Mill will air rue to lull d hU8tsuu tin ; < tl'2 o and uparil will Mil u.ti- ui nni | iij mout duw i for imojiar , an I G tu II ) qual aumil p > innta ih'ro Itir t7 p-r cen t r st To | ianlc8 wil d i not in'c i'l ' lui riv- i r liiuncdla eiy win H 11 lor no sixth d i n a i 5 cqiia .ijinui p-jmontdtnero.iit r a' . 7 purunt nten.ii : , t ti.'l o 4 icro 1)1 < ck In Smith's iddit'.o'i nt > V"t .nduf K.rnum fctrosi will cho an Icn lli ol lint 7 ( icno i Inter j t. Aliouaplcndl lu njro lilouk In Smith's a Idl- tljn on rnuio liberal terms ai the fori'tc Inf. ND. 305. II. t lo on Ziid near iOlli g.reot. 7WI. 7WI.No No T t > on 13'h ftro-t near Pa il , 312CO. No 332 , Lot SUxWMcet on 15ti g.niet , ntar Nluliolia. No vu i , Ono quarter aero on Iturt street , mar Wo 297 T vn Iot on Blonde mar Iroiio Btrcct , 1210 uml Si O.ncli. iNo'J9i , TAO luti en Gear la noir 11'clil an Btrct t Sl'JO r. .So'9i ! T-vuhccr-ol era idonca lot ) on Il > mil- toti'triLti-i Hhluii'ri addition , line und slrfhtly Ji 0 to 55 0 each. NoittH liiaitml half lot on ft. Mar's a\- eniiu , : < ux Si iet i car Ilibliop CUrkaon'n ni.d , ? 15 o N i Ml , t'l u coloolotio'i 1'ar'c avcnuo , COx l&O each , o u'rutt ril .y , $ S3o oici. No 21).Six ) lots in Mllintd & Ca dvtcl' ad lltinn onh nnio A\unuj i.cir 1'opplctJ 'e , * 3 Ota . * < 2-U , Cholco lo'n in 1'ark avenue nnd Urott car llnu on r a'l to Park. $1 0 to lo 0 fmh o2t5 , 1 'cvin lo H on Duca ur a d 'rcne ttrccto , near &n aider * btrcut , H & to 3iSU otli. tie tt2 , Loinn Ixtn nuir faul ttra t * 7 > u. Nn VSi , Lot 5 : > x Ma foot near dt Marj'd uve iuu , &n : otn Btrcit , ilKX ) Ko 2,9 , Lot oil Uo at ir rear Irene trict3i'i. o U7P < ur lota oil iaUwi.ll , near Svi.iu btro t , SCOJ I'uch. o 2iU , Lolou Clinton ttroet , ntar shot to * S1S6. S1S6.No No 275. Kour Iota on McLoll&n struct , near Blonde , lia aii'ti i.d litl..n $ ; .G u .ch. Nu 274. 1'nrco lots i.cur raoo course : maku n. No 208 , Dontlfiil cormr ftiro lot o.i Ctllfornla rcot , O | > p3vlto nnludjjiuiiitf aac.ed , lluarC Co < i- outKiouudi , $10 0 Nn iLo. , .ot cinsU-oii , njnr IB'h Btro t , tl. &O 'OOlo sin "Oro'lit KoticlrT"and "Gran i Mow' ddi'lo ' g , Just of l > . 1 * aud 11 A M ailroad cjiotd , laiiglngfroin 1M to ; 1UOO oaca n 4 o uuy tcrma. Hcautlfui tmsidcnco Lots nt a bargiln very landy to lihoiM 100 to ' 2 [ > 0 uac , D per . . ( .nt down nd per cunt per month. Co , 1 uud i.t plat and ull partlcu a . NoAVI , Fuil corner lob on Jones , Nour 15th troet , 8J.COO. No 26 1. iwo lota on Center utroet , near Caui- n ; frtruwt00 lor both ort WO mrh. NJ 231j , Lot on Hcwuru , near Klny etrcet , $310 $310oo'Jl'J oo'Jl'J , Hall lotonDodgo , near lllh mroct , S21W No iT , I'our brautlful rcxlilenca lota near CielKt.tju Col uu ( or Hill no ; arate ) 63,000. NoS t < , Iwo Iota un Oontur , near Cumins' lit out , S-lOO CiCh. Nu iMUj , L.7t on Id&ho , near Cumin ; street , , IIoiutKuJ corner arro lot on Cutulnif. cat U ton etrout , uiar new Uoavenlcf buciixl lleait , $1,600 No. ill , Lot on l''iru in , near 18th rtreet , w.7H ) . No 213 , Lot 63 by 133 fu I on Co'lege street , ntiur&t. Mar ) ' avcnuu , (700. Nu 211 , Lot on Pdinuuj , near 40 th etrett , l.OOO. oS' 10 , Ixtfiflby 9 foot on Eoutbatenue , neat Maaon btioot , $960 No m , CJIUDC luc ou Burl. Dear S2d etrout. 12,800 No 238. 120x132 f < t o i Ilarooy , ncnr 84th , 8tn.U ( lll cut it up2lOO. No ZU , Lot ou Oouglad utroet , ntar 25th , Ni 232 , Lot on 1'ier street , Dear tcwud , * BOO ft. . 1 217 , Two lots on Decatur , near Irenottrett. $ .00 lach. No > 2l , Lol 143 by 441 feet on Sherman nv.- nuo ( llllli Hi cot ) lie. Urcv , $1 400 , w.ll divide. No 2.0 , i ol 2Jxtlrct on Uuilgu , Lear 13lb Bt'Oct ; luakntii i I7er Nu'2 7 , lat on liird noirCltru , $ 00 , No ill ) , Let on II ni n on inur Ku tf , 4 0 } . No 2/D , lot on Ijth otrea , iiuir Mcholai Aci ? 07 , Two lotD ou 10th near Pacific ttiM. 11,600 , No 01 , lioiu'llul ml onto lot on DhUion utrict , n. ai 0 m.i'U , f 00 No I'J J oa Utli btr et , near PUrcr , N > n ) , I.oUoii Sauudoia elr > ct. iio > r Bcu. urd . ' 00 NoluiJ , THO lot * on 2.1 , near Oracostnot , AolPaj , fun 'ota ' ou 17th , near wMU- K-aloik , 1,050. J ; O a full black ten lott , uwr tht hltri. ' a 4400. Nu 14 ] , Lot I cu 1'arlcr , clrdot , near Irene Nal 3 T\vn bla on CUB' , near 21 t 6tr ct ( hilt nigo , , U(0 . < vo IBII , L ton I'li-rnoirSewarrt , 4H60. No. 7J l-o.oii I'aclUct.UuU , - , near i4th ; mjlit ollir. ollir.Nu Nu lli't , Six IcUon Karuani , near 21th etrt-el. J2.4W i tt.-M ) ah No 1(13 , r' > ill uio k on 25th ntirjol , nnar r < ct > cou to , K dilircu lota u die' . nj.ultlon tear biuiid re and Uuoiin olncu , $ . ' ,000 .NO It 7. ot bu l-lli uoi , uutt wlho lead norku S625 Noi ! , l 3lS2fert (2 ( be , ) on 16th tired , neu l'Jpplituu'4 , ljOO ( Nom , Tlinytiilfa.rabta In Hlllard A Cat- dwell s ad I tbuii t u bturuiau aveuuu , Hpriii ) ; anil rar.t'yaiitrreta , neir llio on J ol jfieo.i otroet car traik.feW to ffl.SOO oich. K bJ , Lot on L'liiWjfO , near 2J ctlcct , Nobd , Lot on Cal Jvve'.l ttreet , near tSauudem , fSOO.No No PO 0 rncr lot ou Cbailca , locabaund - do attrtct , ; t)0. ) No 75 , diixsifotton I'aclllc. near Stn e.rcet < 3WO NoiO , I'lgtitoen lota nn Slat , 22d , 2U nnd .San dir ftiee , near Oraco audHiuuacr * atrtoi brld u , { 600 t * h No ( I , Oi.o fourth block (1(0x132 ( feet ) , nur IhuU. luiuit ol roar CUIro on IU ullo.i ( t tu utur iho cud of tliu roJ birt-tt ar track , 11,060 REAL ESTATE AGENCY 15th and Douglas Street , THE IcCALLUM WAGON WEIGHT mm LBS. V/AGON BOX. Can Be Hand ed By a Boy. Tlio tnx nocj never bo tiVcn od the " .won and all the liellU Grata and Grass Seed -Is - It c ntsle i tliin tin ol' ' oKlo fv l > a. Kicrjr ettnilanl wagon Is old wlih our rack complo e BUY NONE WITinUT IT. Or buy the nttachrocnti ( i"d npp v th mi to jourod Mgin uo . r'orla la .VobrMkn by J , U 'M K. ti n. oln. MASMMI * llm o i aha. I'RED KDIIR 0 'and (4 ( and. IlAUOlFTT 6 GR K < , nnitlUH. ( IIARI. H cintnDrim , Co innliui. Si'A'OUIK ursK , UulC ind , U. U ClUNE.fci o. , Itcd Ok1 * , Iowa. L VV. tlt'BSKIj , Geittno , ion A ilieri > first clt mlitta n the wel. A k thrm for e circular or MI id dlrtct tom. J , MoOallum Bros , Manurg Oo , , Office , 24 Wo-t Lake Strco' , Cli'cnio. 75,000 "TOKEN-SPRING VEHICLES NOW USE- They turpa t n I other ic'hlclea for e , ay rlillnit. tyloaid dunblllC ) , ! &BODISS For bain by Henry Tirnken , Pit > "t o in i Hull 1 r of Fma Caflij 1003 , ' ( ) H und I HO St. Crurlej d . , H L > u a Cati-1 I nil-he I fl- > n Mraska Monal BANK. OF OMAHA NEBRASKA ( No. iOO'i. ) TIlKA'-UltV UEI'AUT"KN'T. ) OttlCO t IJOMIT.iOLI.KB uf TIIK CBkRHMOT , [ WA-nisaro. , Apill V6th ISfJ j WIIRRKAS , -ati.Nc.tury uvldoi cu prommtoil to tin- uijdur.giid i , It ai'b en made to apiiuir lut'T B MJKA'KA NATIONAL RANK OP VAtlA. In the o ty of Oma a , in the county of lougln. and state ot hris-lin h.n compiled * ith all thu provisioi e i f tnul > o > U d i tat HIM of he Unilud sut > i roijtilr ri ti hn omutl.-d with wtore an awidailon kimll ho nuth inied to com- iiuin.0 thu liu iiusi at liui inv Now , th rcf re I.Jjh.Jij K in.UjiiipTiillei f thi > Lurrcnoy , do htrob ) ort.l . rhit 'Tho VehraskaNiil nal iiink of Ouitliu , " In thociy f Omni a , in tile c uuti i f uiul n nn it to if .Nfliro-ka , i nnthurlz ct t. c iiiii'uiieufie UblniMi d ( IJinKln it. MI > Idd in SH. tloii Kitty One Hundred ndMXUNi , . . -MXU-Ni P ; f th UH.l-.od of t u I nlteil State , In teutiui my * huri * > l wit IIHI my h .tid und -oil o nilii'H ihn 2bth ilnyol April 1 n2 JOII.N JAY KMX , Conivrfillur | o' ' th Currency The above I'.iaj ; h now > rqurni I rucude ouHliifwi It wniroi-ncea * llh a . ii-nl up Mtal of i-J.OXn.W , with offixm n.d du c or * M folio * * : 3. U. JOUNSON , PKKSiD yr , of M. 1John - Ron a Oa. . WlnlenlHmicon A. K. 1OUZALIN. Vie l' isiiiK\t , irf ij. II. &Q. W. V. MOIWK , ol W. V.'Morton d Oo , . Wn.ilo- . sale lioota and Shoe . JXO. d. COL'INJ ' , rif O. H A J 8. Collins , . . . . . Wb-jluwl.i Loatlmranils dilcrv. JAJBH M Woo worth. Councilor aiiitAtlonioy t lj\w. ( .rTW.'M 8. KKKD , of JJjron Kw > J ft Co. . Kn\ \ Ktate Doaleia BSNHY W yATKS , CuOilcr. ! t f amlor ol th ) rir/t Nation * ! Itivuk of Oniiha , and connected with the irtl.o luin.ieo- . nwntof thit Hank BUU.O it , orcan- MIE\IITOROILSTOVE : \ v it lor 1882. TUB I1KNT AN * ONLY ABSOLUTELY SAFE OIL UfciVB IN 1UK WOhLI ) . h itiRckaoper fee's tlio wantnf iiK' that will cu. . k the Hnily injil rmduvoid tlioi-xcuHsivuhent , dust , li < t r ll'ttl HfitlOH ( if H C.'lHllir tVoollHtoVH. TDK MONITOR OIL STOVE \\ILL \)0 \ 1 11 , battur , quiukiir and chimp r thun uuy other meuiiH. It isthoONuY OIL SI'OVE tnulo with the OIL KBSBRVOIH ELEVATED at the biuk f the btovo , awayfriHii ihc hi-at ; hv whmli urniug meut AIJSOLUTB SAFE Y is sicuredu ; -u no JMS wn bu gHimnud , fully twenty per emit moro nu t it obtiiiiu-fl Uio - , wicka are preserved - served tvvii-o ua long , tluia mving the trouble of co mtiwc trinunine titid the fxiiHiii-o of MBIT ones. EXAMINE THE MONITOR and you will buy no other. Manufactured only by thi Monitor Oil StovoOj , OlovolandO , St- lid J.r ) deneriptivo circular or call on M Rogera & Son agents for No- bnwka. MCCARTHY & BUBKE , I Geiioral Undertakers , s a. at * oc1 iac 33 n ? Bi.t Farnniu and Danglai. V Metallic , Wood and i.lotu Covered GASKETS , COFFINS , ROBES , SHROUDS , GRAPE , &o. , on t ntly on h nd. Order * from tht country tolidted , nd promptly Mt ndoJ to ,