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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1882)
THE DAIbf BEE-OMAHA TUESDAY , JUNE 20 , 1882. o J CIEID&JOO , The Only Exclusive I Wholesale Hardware House 1108 AND 1110 HARNEY STREET OMAHA NEB. WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DEAT.KR N- Wall PajDer and Window Shades 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb. & iftTWt oiesale.Lumber , oiesale. , Ho , 1408 Parnliam Stat , Qinalia , Fell. THE STOVE r Blanufaoturod by They mike aspcdalty of COOKING STOVES , and hno thin jcar pla'-oJ In the marko ononf IhoMOTiTECONOM < ! AM ) MJ&C SAilSKAOTOHY STOVEScicr made. They make both Plain and extcns ou top , and guarantee all their goods. * . bo agents lor the company aro. PIEROY & BRADFORD , DEALERS IN 99 XtiX jfflu 3J3T " 3C * 33 X GRATES , RANGES , STOVES , HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , Etc. I . 211 FAEEAM STREET. OH1AHA NEB , q s IT HI "EP1 C&E a OBOHABD & BEAN , J.B. FRENCH & GO , , CARPETS ! G R GO ERIE S FAIR OEALIHG HOUSE \Vlie tej on can buyjour IIouso FurnUblng QooJi laona pUt , nd m\u money Joln0' BO ( I tuivu a I&ri0 ajtoftmeiit ot Uicjluui piiied raiture , Etoves , Crockery , GLASSWARE , MIRRORS , AND CARPETS. It " 111 bo to your Interest to ice m before j oil Inyost your mpncy claowbero. ai ilouichold Good 8 in ) Bjieclalt ) . f a Douglas Street , OppoBitg , cademy of Music. Goods Dellverfd Free of Oharce , Jul-Jy CALIFOKNIA. FISHERIES. How Salmon nro Cnxtght nnd Cannotl , Within thf last few yearn the ex portation of ciunod ftnlmon has bs- conio gonerrilly noogiiuud M < moof the lending Industrial of the Vticific Coast , Tbh fish lua from tciy an cient times been uveiyshcroealoemcd as nn article of food , aud it was for- metly widely distributed throughout the whole ol northern Europe Great Bnui'i , Geiniatiy , J'nuiou , Russia , Svui ! n , Donmatlc , Icslaud , Noiwuy and Holland , nnd was found exten- ai\o.y iu the wnteiM of O.uindn , New foundland and Now England. Veins of succccsiyo fishing have exhausted many of the streams , in which they once abounded , of this favorite fnh : and thu poisonous dohrin of tiaw mills and manufactories h a totally oxter- mimtLtl them from their old haunts in Now England streams. In cuiiso- queiico of tftia dopktion of Ewtern and European waters , CAlihornia and Oregon salmon find n ready aato in al most every market in the woiUI. That our supply is fully equal to the da- maud , lias been niado possible only by tlio exertions ol the Fish Commission ers , who have norkcd atoidily and faithfully to surround our fish inter ests with a not work of lawa , rules and regulations through which unscrupu lous fishermen cannot break. It ia safe to nltirm that ten ycara a o thcic was not moro than onocunneryon the Pacific Coast whuro there arc now n dozen ; and yet the averse number ol salmon canned by each cannery is ful ly nt great now as then. The bulk of fishermen in this state ia oomposod of Italinas nnd Greeks , the Italians being probably in the ma jority. There are employed in the salmon fisheries between San Francisco - cisco nnd Sacramento , about 800 boats. Each boat is manned by turo fishermen ; there are , therefore , 1,000 men employed in catching salmon bo- the two points named , or in a distance of only 120 miles. There are line canneries along the river and Suisun Bay , nnd several in San Francisco - cisco , employing , ou an average , from sixty to eighty men to each establiah- mont. Tlioro nro , therefore , no loss ban 2,500 men employed in taking lalmon and canning them for homo and foreign consumption. These igures convey some idea of the grow- ng importance of this comparatively now industry ; but a moro definite con ception of the enormous amount of ish taken yearly from our rivers and > ays mny be formed by considering ho face that the Sun Francisco mar- ceto , ulbno , this season , dispose of 2,000 FKK.SII SALMON DAILY , o eay nothing of the Sacramento , Stockton , Oakland and San Jose mar- cets , and the sales rnado throughout he tsrnaller ton us ot the inteuor. Clio cost of a fishing outfit ranges "romi50to $800. A suitable boat c.iu bo purchased for an average price of § 200. The nets in use up the river are comparatively small , and coat about $200 ; those used in the straits ivill average at least $300 apiece they are of much greater depth and con tain a great deal moro material. The thread for their construction costs $ ,1 per pound , and Bomo few nota contain is high as 300 pounds of netting. The ropes , lines and corks for each net cost about $50. The construction of a good net is worth $180 ; bub Sshermen generally save thh amount by making their own nets. If hired done fishermen pay 20 cents a fathom for the work. The fishermen pursue their vocation at 'all points on the river nnd bay during-the eoaion. The fish , after remaining a short time in the brackish water below straits , he- gin to ascend. The firat catch will be niado in the otraito ; the following day , the fish will have reached Collinsvillo , nnd the next dy they may bo found at Ilio Vista. In this manner they nscend , gradually lessoning their speed the further up _ they go , The winter run commences in January , and consists of a variety of ealmon much longer und thinner than those caught in the Jail. In Ftbiuary the number of fish to bo found are but . limited , The apting run , which oora- noncea in March , is composed of a i-arioty much thicker than the fish of : ho preceding run. They ascend in imitcd quantities only. Till ! FALL MUtf fs the largest , and commences in Au- just. Tooso ealraon , known as the look or hawk-nosed salmon , pro the very largest variety. The run con- .inues for six weeks , the principal ) ody going up in September. The average catch varies according fo the season. Last ecason the salmon as cended in such numerous quantities 'hat the fishermen could have caught sach day per boat , for a period of sev eral weeks , over ] 00 fish. But the narkoto were glutted , and it was im- ) ossiblo to dispose of that number , hey contented themselves with catch- ug merely enough to aupply the do- nand. Ihin seahon the average daily catch per boat does not exceed 20 fish , and the aupply la not sufficient to keep the canneries lunmng at their full capacities. The supply , of cJinae , varies according to the supply and de mand. The canneries ahrtcd at Bfar- tine/ and Benicin , by creating a more extensive demand , have donbtlesa in- lluencod prices this aeaaon to norno ox- tent. Last yoai the avowgo price per Cah was but ! )5 ) cents. This > car the price1ms been as high us 63 conta , owing to the ecircencea of nalmon and the competition of the cannorie * ; but compromise , resulting in nn equal distribution of fish to the several eun- nories , hua reduced the price to 40 cents. The principal buyers are Bradford A ; Co. , Booth & ' Co , , Col- villo , Johnson &Co. , Lusk tfcCo. . the the Fisherman's Cannery ( at Bonicia ) , Black , Kendall it Shields , A. Lusk , nnd Pardini & Oo. Suisun Flats and the Straits of Carquinez are the > I'UINCJI'AIi I'lHHINQ OHOUND8. A number of boats flsh at Sonoma Flats , below Mare Inland , but the fishing there ia difficult , owing to thoroughness roughness of the water. Within the last two yonra n place above Vullojo , on Napa river , commencirg nt what ia known as Slaughter House Point , has become quito favorite fishing ground. The Krounda up the Sacramento river I are nleo oxtoneivo , and thouaanda of ealrnon are caucht there daily during the Boasoif. The fishermen are , as a class , bravo men , to whom an almost constant open-air lifo , and the fresh , * i salt beeeze of the aoa , have imparted ruddy countenance and a good cir culation. The peculiar nature of their occupation brings out the muscles of their arms , expands their cheats , and gives them nn airof aolivity peculiarly their own. Their costume ia simpl nnd picture ! quo , nnd ns n whole the , form n unique ground among the var otis industrial ol&ues of the cias They are nil governed in their rola tros s t > ojoh ot'ier by itn < vri't' ' , i hu eft1ct'ep law ? , cnnlSd y ihiun oU for i f proteclion. When the ti < ! ru.niiiv out , the ho cl ot n 'Mnft , " ttrutip ' ho .tf. has the privilege first I ir" ou6 the not ; the itto bo U i iii n follows , each nwnili i it tur i A iy attempt to sectiro an mi duo ' . i i ic t by ordwdi g into muii fnroiod po iiion , trouldbj _ ruse'itu by Ihobilniico of thu drift in a manner nor not tending to the pecuniary nd vnntogo of the offending patly. AI alack water , when thcra i3 no mo\e moiit of the nets , tha fuliermou t-iko their respective poaitionn within about 100 j area of oioh Hcrsford'a Acid puoaplinto VALUADLK MKDIOINE , Dn W. II. l AitMELEE , ' 0. , raja : "I hnvo prescnbi'd the 'acid1 ' In n largo variety of ditPiap. , id linvo been amply sntitficd that ii i n valunblo nddition to our li t o" mc.diciiml Progrosa of the Klectrlo Light. lion ART , Junr. The elottfio light hMftl ti.nrs scorn ed to halt in ils pace. But it lw only boon gathering oircngth for u now leap It in now progressing by rapid bjunda. The inventor * and proprie tors of all the cleetric-li hting "sys tems" have their handj full of orders , both for Europe and the United States. Thuir machine ehops and laboratories are working to their ut- moat capacity. No electrician with a new lamp complains that ho 2s unap preciated. There are contract * await ing for every man who can jiroduco a satisfactory light of any pattern , Both the "Brush" nnd the "United States" company now toke pwl in il uminating streets and parks of this iity under the agreement just inado jy the gas commission. The ' 'Brush1' system will continue to operate in up per Broadway , Madison nnd Union squares and the various streets now occupied by it. The "United States" will have charge of the Battery , City hall nnd Washington parks. Thia ex tension of the area of outdoor electric lights is the result of the most patient tiont and scaching tests. The fuct ia at loat proved beyond a question that oUctrici y is much cheaper than gas for the amount of light furnished. ' It is also shown that the brighter light is a protection against nocturnal crimes and minor ciftoncoa , such as nro oauily committed in the half-shade of gas lights. The steadiness and permanency of the electric light in nil went hers are also completely dimonatratcd. For outdoor - door purposes ita superiority is there fore an established fact Wo regard it now as merely a question of time when electricity shall illuminate thu wharves nnd liver fronts and then bo gradually extended all over the metropolis. England in not behind the United States in the encouragement aud de velopment of iho electric light. The electrical exhibition ia now the moat attractive show of London. The dis play of arc and loop lights of all vari etics is the thcmo of newspaper praise which seems even extravagant. Read ing iho London journals one would think the day of gas over and the electric era in augurated beyond a dispute. The progress made since a similar ex position , was hold in Paris , n yoBroRo , is astounding. If a single year makes auch a record of advance , what may the next decade not do ? The best evidence of Biitiah enthusiasm on the subject ia the formation of numerous limited stock companies to eupply the light to oveiy part of thu United Kingdom. Every system Imi its friends and promoters among capital ists and acientifio men. All the com panies ara ready to undertake the lighting of streets pnd houses , and the performance of all work now done pn lund by steam , the driving of railway trains included , They are prepared to cot up lighting btationa wherever uubecrlbcra can bo found to guarantee custom of only 000 a year. Wo are still in the dark about the actual cost of the electric light under all conditions. But testimony aa to its comparative cheapness in fast ac cumulating in England , and ia having its duo effect in creating a general public demand for the light. Scraps of information hko this are officially given out : That , ut South Kensing ton mueoutn , with an outlay of less than $1,000 for machinery and plant for 1C "Brush" lights of 2,000 candle power each , after deducting all ex penses , coal and wagf" ) the saving over gua in nine months was $42Cr-a margin of profit Buflicie-1 to cover in terest on the investmcntand wear and tear of muchinery. Moio data of thin oort would make our faith in the f u- turo of the olcctrie light utill ntionger , But it mny hi ) safely said that thu light him now umvo l itu moat criti cal epoch , nnd in retarded by the people ple with n eereno confidence , which iu justified by all WQ know abmit'iii' . Proof Positive. Wo Imvo the iruut positive nnd rouvinc- ins I'foof th&t TJIOMIW' UcrrcTMiC ) I'li.faa moat effectual * po < Ida for bodily pain. In inteu of rheumatism and neuralgii it Klvm iiist-mt relief jelU.llw . The Gentle Way It Deit. In dyjpcpila , liver complaint and con.tipitlcm the dmcaicd organ ? ro somtltlvo and tender. Do not use thorn roMily , An allemtlvo like TA IIAM'B SIITZKB ArKiiifiv. that tonoi. lottucta and purlflei the Mttcm without titiiliily exciting or Irritating cither tlio ktoiraoh , the liver , or the bowul' , tlio tnienpttillo tn mich caie < i. Rcn ou tctcaca this , tttrJ txperlcnre cinrtrns it BOLD J1V ALfc THE KENDALL PLAITM WBffl i DEESS-HAIEBS1 OOIPAHIOH , It plMta lioot 1-10 of a u Inch to width Jn the roarout fclti or Uncoicl Vj II dooj all krnds tad atyloi ol j laltlujr In use. io No lad ) that does her own dre&t-makln ? OB iflord to do without cno ta nice vlaltto ; M uererout ol litibloo , II ccu U ell lUell , fO > Uicblocf , Clrculari 01 A'foaVu totm addrcti OONOAR & 00. , or US A.rtain at , Clilcafo D. M. WELTY loD. T. Monut. ) 'urcrund ' DcVcrln Saddles , Hiruess , Whips , FANCY 1I011S15 OLO THING Robes , Dusters and Turf Goods Agent f > Jiv.1. n. 11111 % Co 'i ' he Boat in The World , " Onion Solicited. O UAH A , NEB mo ly FAST TIME I Iu going KMI tnttD the liliicago Mortliwesli- Trtlns loKTtt Om h 8:10 : p. in. nJ 7:10 : . in i ( ull Intormittlon cAllon I ! . T. UUKli , Tlcko , \Kont , t h nnd Farnliixm Sts. J. BKLL. U. P HMlway Depot , or nt JAMKST. OLA11K , Gene i. Omftti. , S5SORTJ.IKE. ( ! 880 , KAHSAS CITY , Joe & Council Bluffs n mi ORLT Direct Line to ST. LOUX8 AND THE EAST From Omaha nnd the Weut , All trains loa o D & M. Depot , Omaha : Noli. an between Om n mil tit i jnti nd but one bctwvru O11AHA mid KKW YORK. 3aily Passenger Trains EASTERN AND W1CHTKUM 01TIK3 wl h LKDt C1JAKQK3 ami IN ADVANCE o ) UT , OXUfCU IiINKA r Dtlio Hue Is tquiix > tt with nllmui i 'M co IHocnlce Oar ? , Palnca buy CJXclici ! . Miller1" nfc'.j' rutloiin ana Couplet , tnd tlia colnlmtn Wcs'.mghouco Alr-brako AVUoo that your ticket ronln VIA uANBA OU'tf , ST. JOSKHI i COOIJOIL BLUiVB Hal' ' ovl , vis. Si. Joinpli &DI ) St. I-ona. ! rickets fnr ol-i t kll coupon e < .tou9 ! ID Sh Wof t. J. T. BAIlHAnD , U. DAWKSi Oau. Supt , Bt. Jmonb , Mo A UD. Pis * , tna Tlrlu't Afl , Ot. JoEiipa , Mo ASET Goacui , llcJioi Ant ( , 1020 FiHDliMu strccf. W. J.DivsNronr , Rraoral Aircni , Sioux City fi THE ! SIOUX OITY ROD'JPB ' llnnn n Solid Train .through from Council BluHo to St. Paxsl Without Ohango Time , Only 17 Maura jr in 3.OO HILES THE HIIOOTKa EOUIH OOUNOIL BLUB'FS tO ST. PAUL. imiNKAPOUB and all polata In Northo- : , low ? . Mlnnsa u nc ) .iiol . This Una b iqulpfod iiHU the ItnpravoV ri'fotlnghouso Autcmatlc Alr-braLo yJ ) ( lllc 'Ittfanu Coupler and UaCcr : ivnd tat SPEED. SArSTV AMD COMrOKT 5 nn urpassci ) . Piillmin Palftco Slccpto ; . ' Cat run through WITHOUT OIIANUK bctwcoT KaU tlCltymid St. Paul , vU Council KlvSIo n-.d Sioux City. Tmlna Icnvo Union Pocltla Trona'er nt Conti II Bluffu , at 7:35 : ) \ m. tlMly on arrival cl KAnnu City. Bt JouiphonJ Council KluTZj trr.In froii bo South. Arriving ui Sioux City 11:35 : n. tu. d at the Kcw Unloa Bspoi ht Bfc. P ul it I2.3 ( onn. EKH nOURS JI ? ADVANCE Of ANY OT11BI ! BOUTB AITRemoniber In ( alilng Iho fclo-jxCity Rfljti ou cot nTh roagh Train. The HhotUdt Line , m Qulckurt Time M'.d a Coiclortallo Klile In iu ! liroucli Cars bctwicn COUHCID BLUtFS AND HT. I'iUI , , MnJ o HintjoirTlcltota re d via th "Blom \ly \ and I'jiclflc Knllrosd " / \VATtLES , J. n. DUOMANAN Supcilnteadint. Otn'l Piiaa , Aifiut P. K. IlOniKEON , Aiis't Ocn'l Vva. Ap't , Mlitonii Vnlloy , Ia. W. K. DAVIP , EoutbwoHern Agi nt. FOR CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE , DETROIT , NIAGAEA FALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON . , And all Poluta East and > outh.Eajt. Tin : LINK coMi'iusica Nearly 4,000 jullea. Bolld Smooth Btcol Trucks ill ccnnectloni are made In UNION ObPOTQ. , liu * a National Kupntr.tlcin KB belli ; ; the rent Through OAF Line , and Is universally oncwlod to Lu tlio FINEST EQUIPPED IUII- oad In the world lor all closes ol travel , Try U and you will find traveling a Inxury nstcaj ol a discomfort. Through Ticketill rlili Coltbratod Wno foi eale at ail ollicrsln tlio Wi-st. All Inlorraatlon about Hates ot Fare , looping ar AcocmmodatlonaTimo T blo , &c.vtll b ( hcorfully irlvon by applylulu ; to T. J. I'OTTCn , , fit ! Vico-frek't * Oon. llo PERCIVAL LOWELL , ( Jen. I'oS4envcr Agt. Clilcajo , W. J. DAVENI'OHT , Ciun AL'ent , Conncll IHulIu. H. I1. UOEI-L , Tlcktt . morn-cd ly cr. Villten by ? Hf JOBBB he only lllo authorized by tar , and which will ( bo a "Woo J aud Thunder" ftoty , sucli aa has ictn uid will 1)0 published , but a true Lllo by ho only luraon who la Iu possession ol the tacts a ( al Iilul and devoted wllo. TiutU If more ntcrcdtinjt tliari Uctlon , Airentt should apply territory at OIHB. Send 76 etc. for < lam < loUook. J. H.Cliamliors&Co. , uie-ood-iwe it. liuuU , Mo- DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL * HOTELS , ARLlriaTtJN. J. U MclNTIRCi Lincoln , N tt nAflATOQA HOTEL , j. 6. srcLLimua , MllfoTd , Ncb.q MARSH HCUGE , n. MAMS , OROWNSVlLLS COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHM HANNAV , Uiromtburjt Jf V HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL Loulcvllla CITY HOTEL , CHEIIEY A OLAUH COMMERCIAL NOTE. , J. a. MEAD , Nrllfili , GRAND CENTRAL S.fSFYMOUH , MISSOURI I'ACIFIO HOTEL , P. L. THOnl > , WoepliiKVV.it8r.Nt COMMERCIAL HOUOE A. 0. OAARPER , Harrfy , Neb. ' GREENWOOD HOUSE , W.MAYFICLO , Orocnwood , N V COMMERCIAL. HOUSE , E. 8TOREY. Otnrlnda , low * CNO'O HOTEL , E. L. ENO , E fern art , f.ti ! EXCHANGE MOTE ! , O D. HACKNEY , Ashland , hi * METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atklition , I'tt. MORGAN MOU8F , E. L QRUUB , Qdldj Racd , N t SUMMIT HOUSC , SWAN A DECKER , Ofrttan , I * HOUSTON HOUOE , OEO. CALPM , Extra , In REYNOLDS HOUSE , O M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOU&C , D H WALKER , Auduban , U , . COMMERCIAL HOTEL , S BURGESS , NaaU , I ft. OITY HOTEL , Dl A. WILLIAMS Karlan. l.t , PARK HOUSE , MRS M E CUMMINQQ , Corning. la , NEBRASKA HOTEL , J , L. AVERY , Otnnton , MERCHANTS HOTEL J , W. BOULWARE , Durllngtan Junction , M COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Dlanchiird , In PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , 8hanandoatt , la , COMMERO AL HOTEL , HCNHY WILLS , D yld City , Neb DAQNCLU HOUSE , CMA3 , DAGNELL , College Spring * , U. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTOrJ VII Mica , la. JUDKIN3HOU6E , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , OALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Qrovo , la COMMERCIAL HOUOE U , F.STEARNS , Odeuolc , la WOOD ! ) HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Oiceol.i , Neb. DOUQLA3 HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Olarki , Not ) . BEDFORD HOUOE J. T. QDEEN. Dcdford la ARLINGTON HOUSE , J. M. DLAOK& SON , MAry vlllo Mo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction Neb WIN3LOW HOUSE Q McOARTY , 3cw.\rd Neb AURORA HOU&C M , D. JONES , Auraar , Nec. CROZIER HOUSE O. R. ORO'ER , Sidney , Nou. AVOOA EATINO HOUOE D. W. ROCKHOLD , Avoca la. CENTRAL HOUSE LOCKWOOD & 8HATTUCK , Rod Oak. FOOTER HOUSE Capl. JOHN FOSTER , Lewi * , la. WHITNEY HOUSE , E. HAYMAKER , Orltwotd I * . AND Mining and Milling Company. - fSOO.COt. OupittxlHiock. . . . . . (1,000,000 P r Vftluo ol fihart * , - - - - - - - - 125,000. BTQCE. FULLY PAH ) UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Minoa Located in BBAMBL MINING DISTRICT. 1 > R. J. I. THOMAS , FrooMcnl , Cummins , Wjomlnp , WM K. T1LTON , Vlco-1'rcsldont , Cummlnj , Wyoming E. K , UAU1VOOD , SccrcUiy , Cummins , Wyomlnfr. A , 0. LUKN , Treasurer , Cummin ! , Wyomln Dr. J. I. TlioaiM. roula Miller \V. S. liramtl. A , 0. Daun. C. N , Harwoad. I'rancla L a > 009. Oco. U. Talon Icwla Zolman. Dr. J. 0. Watlilnn. ClUO.V. . KKNOALL , Authorized Acmil for Sale ol Stock : Be- ' f > i SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK -OF- Ready for Infection AT POL'A'C'K'S ' The Lowest Prices Guaranteed , 1316 Fnruam Street , Near 14th. 3ho ? Oldest Retail JEWELRY HOUSE in Omaha , Visitors can here flnd all novelties in SIL VER WAR& CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , oho Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in REGIOU3 STONES and all descriptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Pri ces as ID compatible with horioraljlo dealers , Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , comer llth and Farnham Streets THK IiKADINQ IN TUB WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. . Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock ol Steinway Pianos. Knabe Pianbs , Yose & Bon's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur- chasinp. MAX MEYER & BRO. , , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW GASES 1 Large Stock Always on Hand ,