Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1882, Page 2, Image 3
m / THE DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , JUNE 20 , 1882. . " PERSONALITIES , Bismarck hixs the ( ( out nffnin. Ui mnrcli febould como to America nml run n country paper. lAvtUMi ( ttHlipcnl the Mimmer nt Surntogn , proxidcd congrcM ndjourns in time. time.Queen Victoria's Income is $6,270 n day. A nnccn scenn tn rate about ( is high in UnRlnnd us four jack * d * in this country. KG en. Benjamin F. Butler , whoso finger has been in the S ragua po for dome 1 / months , his jtt't nrrangcd to buy the Sprflguo trustee estate. Jolm'MgCiill'tiRli , whose father \VM evicted from a small Irish Una , H > > F America is the beat country not only for actors , but for everybody cfe. Wlzdl eth Collins , of Milwaukee , feels so hurl to think oho couldn't cntch ft hu - band GO yours old ( hat oho wnnU $25,000 to live on while the breaks her heart. A Xew York paper suj s that llnhrrt Bonncr has paid $35 ,000 for llilrly-ewht trotting horccs in the lnt > t thiny-fnur cars. It is hardly nccc ary In state that Mr , Banner is nn editor. .Tolm Mo "nrnriclf , for many jcnrn n partner with Ji hn Mnrrfccy in gMn 1 PR houses in New York mid Har toga , died ni a hoppitil In the fonncr city , nnd was burled in Calvary cemetery. Mr. Larrow of Latinr , Mo. , lusnlie.ird tliat rcnche * below Ids know , id htn muntacho is twelve inches long. The Inl- ttr ho keeps tie.l up nnd packed tuvay under hit collar Mr. L rnw I * entitled to the Imir-pins. [ Couiirr > J ur/inl. The goifilp n e inspire i lth the holitf that the president's HOH , Chester Arthur , .f r. , finds It convenient In como to Well ington ( ) ulto often , nnd that the ultra Mon hero is the piutty Uauglittr of a Now York member. Tecutnaeh Shctmnn is talked nbont by St. Louis belle bvcauto ho kissed ft whole row of grown-up gttU at a reccpiion. Mark Twain stood off In a corner during the l > llfl ful en soile and groaned : "Wn : wouldn't march tu the pen ? " The infnnt > on of the Oennan crown has teen christened Frcdeiick am Victor August IJrntt. Y lcu ( hit young niHii is old enough to have hit t-hlrt- marked , his wife will put in moat of hci tlmo with a bottle bf indelible ink. It is reported that Uarnttm has made or offer to Oscar WI do for the latter to itlt ot top of Jutiibo and lidoin the street pro cessions If , impend of Wllclo Bitting on the elephant , Jumbo were to citou Wll o , the result would bo more satisfactory tt the people , nud it wouldn't hurt Jumbc much. Lx-Congie sman le La Mntyr is Ipctui < ing on temperance in Iowa towns. Ilo it described as "wenrin. a faded butteinul suit of clothes and carrying a nmch-trav eled gripsack , " To n , repoitur ho paid "Tho greenback idea Is AS strong as ovur. ' Tlie lion. Wm. M. I vnrts was reicnth the guest of a friend * t dinner , and was arknil whnt part of the ti rkcy lie \ > io- ferred , lie replied Unit it wns "quite in consequential to one of hia recognized ab . gteiiiiiiuusniesandfui oiscnsltivo uitimichii nervati n whether ho bo tendcro I an in- finitisimal portion of the opuquo uutri < mint of the nether extremities , the 8ii | o- rior frnctii n of a pinion , or a mowy cleavage from the cardiac region. " lit got it. Don't Turow up the Spouse. When Buffering humanity ata cndurfng the horrors of dyepo diu. Indigestion , or nervous nnd ( debility , they lira too often incllmd to throw up Uio ciHingo anil relign tt HUH. Iveftto fnto We Hiy , don't do it. Take luiti ! cic Biooi ) JM the unfalliug remtdy. Price , 81,00 The Tldo of Immigration. Chicago Times. t During the rnouth of May 90,025 immigrants lauded at Castle Ganloii , gatnet 76,791 during May , 1881. During the lirst fivu montlm of the calendar year 228,404 lanclud there , against 182,082 duiing the Barrio months last year a yain of 25 44 ptr cent. The > hnlo number luntlccLiii the country lust year ol nil porto was , in round figures , 720,000. It Jias buun estimated that 1,000,000 would be landed thia year , but should the increase - crease for the year at all ports bo at the name rate as at the port of Now York for tko first five monts , the total number of arrivalo will not be tnuoli more than 900,000. This , however , is a greater number than the country has over before received from abroad in any one year 95 per cent , greater than in any year except 1881. Dur ing the tea liacal years ending with 1880 , the whole number of immigranta was 2,812,199 , or only about three timeu the number which , according to the above estimate , may bo expected to arrive this year alone. Of the whole number arrived during the ten yoare , 2,201,901 , or more than 80 per cent. , Wi'roEuropeans , nnd only 123 , ' 838 , or loss than 4 | per cent. , were Aeiatica. The Irish , who como hero , get naturalized , hold the oflicee , and still call thoinsolvLB "Irisli patriots , " outnumbered the Asiatics four to one. And that xplaina why they have boon able to bully tw great , hulking , cosy , ardly parties into saying that "tho Chinese must go. " Last year six "Itiah patriots" and twenty Germane to every one "heathen Chinee" land ed in this country. ThbChit.osocainu hero to mtnd their own buMnosu. The Irish came hero to hold ofiloo and to dictate who shall and who shall not bu punnittod to come to this country. Tnis year , aa last , niwro are coming from Germany than from any other country. The emigration from Ger. many has been increasing rapidly for the p st few years a fact which lias been attributed in part , and probbly not erroneously , to the policy of com mercial ob-itruotion which goes under the name of protection. It la nn un deniable fact that loud complaints against the now policy of restriction liavo been made in all parts of the country , and that emigration 1ms enor mously increased t.inco the adoption of that pohoy. The oamu phenomena have uppearod in Canada. The parly of commercial obitruo ion there pro diotoa that their policy would not only make the population contented , but attract immigrants from Europe. But very soon after the adoption f that pohey the emigration from Can ada to the United States bag m tu in- cretiKO , and from about 24,000 in 1877 it rose to 09 700 in 188 ! ) , and 125'J9i in 1881 , During the years 1880 and 1881 wo received more immigrants from Canada than from any other country except Germany. The two countries which have recently adopted the obstruction policy have sustained the greatest loss by emigration , nnd have lost more since : ho adoption of that policy than they oyor did before. Eren the extraordinary oiler of the Canadian government to sot English- nlen down in Canada freu of passage money and all other charges has failed to attract immigrants to a country vyhich has recently adopted a policy of * elMmproverisl nciit. A good deal hoa been said of late * bout the increase of immigration from Italy , but there seems to be no good r aton why the increase from that quarter should attract more attention than from many other quarters ; that t ia to nay. thorn is tin reason that cin bo traced to Now York hoodlumism , Pho immigration from Itftly wan 12 , ' 327 in 1880 and lfi.387 in 1881. against 2,910 in 1879 , and 3,140 in 1877. This comparison shows n Inr o increase ; but the incroaao will not look so largo when it ia stated that the immigration front the same coun try was 8,715 in 1873 , and 7,950 in 1874. Nor will it seem nxceptional when it is stated that the immigration fnm Sweden increased from 4,991 in 1877 to 49,760 in 1831 ; that from Norway from 4,088 to 22,705 ; that from Germany from 29 298 to 21(1.485 ( } that from Switzerland , from 1,080 to II 293 , nnd that from Demnaik from 1,695 to 0,117. Very largo numbers of the Italian immigrants stop in Now York , where they do almost miything for Btnall piy , and thereby incur the mortal enmity of those who assume to own this country aa well aa Ireland , and to dtclnlo na to the tiatioiiHlittos thai shall bj permitted to como hero , When Thoro'fl n Will There's n Wny. At yono who has the will to try THOMAS' 1'ct.i CTIUO 0 n. will Mircly tmn the wuv to KVi.t \ lieallli , In ca r.i 01 bronchial affcc- tie r , lore throat , pnin' , nil ; acd , us nn internal remedy it it invaluable. jolU-dlw Iron Disco von os in Iowa , ILWA Slnlo 1 o gittir. The Inot number of the JJiihuqua Tintlo Journal annotincea thu ilifojy- ery of iron ere in luri " o qu-iiititiea in the "Linsing llidgo , " in Allaiimkco comity , about eighty miles north of Dubt qiie , 'J'lus vant deposit ia more thnii100 ncrcn in nrra and over 200 ( fecit in depth. Scicntiita linvu inves tigated ita clttiinn , and nteivja show a porcontat < o of 05 of iron. Deeper down the ere is believed to bo richer even thin this. Experienced iron moil have examined specimens , nnd pronounce them excellent. The char acter of the mineral ia that of n hematite - matito or Boequioxido of iron , being of the same character as that produced at the famous mines of Salisbury nnd Kent , Connecticut , which latter mines have bten worked for upward of n hundred year , and show no signs of diminishing in production. Thin form of iron ore is more generally distrib uted than any other. It is to bo hoped that careful investigation will leave no doubt of thin grtut mineral diecovery , and immediate snips should bo taken to oscertain its real value. It nc'i.'niH , in the light of the discovery made within the p.iot fuw yoini , that lown ia to rank as n niiiioral producing state after nil , and nti iron mine would bo better for its intcrestn than u gold one. Dubuque capit iliats should take hold of this matter and investigate it. Lend mining in that portion of the state may j et give way to iron min ing. Pretty Good. John Bncon , Ltporto , Iml. , writes : "Your 'Sriimo liios80M' in nil jou crocked it up to ho. My dyripepHin hns nil van- lulled ; why don't you iuivi > rliiw It ? What allownncs uill you mtiUu if I take a dozen liottles , HO tnnt I coulil ubliyo my fi lends occaeionall ) ? " Price , 60 cents ; trial bottles tles , 10 cents jelOdlw LIST OF LETTERS Romainint ; in PostofHco during thu ueek eudlng June 17 , 1882. OE.NTLU1EN. Atkins S Austin U T A 'en ' G Apfelbaum A 2 IJern K D IJornan 11 Uowley II Baten S A ' Ulymoyer J S Uriitto G J Bollard II H Btecendorfer J Hllur G - Murn A - - < - Uluuden li linwko T Outer KM UIUKUJGG Co win G G Urolshton E ChubtnAl' OlinoJD OloexL Dike V V Uonuhne G K tui II b'ruzuir V I'lendiimnd J J 1'oltim J b'oley T Kivusk U b'ronthen AM Gnnlnui F C GrllllthsJ ] ! roahcll 1 < II Griihn G jerhard Ell Gil ou A GrnoinoAJ GanutteljW Hcni T llyneII 1 > ( lynch J llurritiuton J Huyli liurvoyS 11 Juc ilnen S A Joy 1' tlunnnn G . ) ilmu pen J Kliut J Kafonek J ICronsa I' Kftllnti I-1 Kurieu b Lii qulst N 0 LujLKum [ i J D Luciw.lW liiiitq\lxt A V Lytlo J A McGuyro IS P AlbOluro K MuNullU U MulnniilA MuUeaneyJ MvGarrah W MoNarney AV D Mi'Laln T McKt-o T McGutre M MuGuiro T aicOartv 0 MusirovoV ; W MHO o 0 Muiluo W Mithel II * Mvlono J Morton E II Noel F Nelbon 0 F NichoU 0 Nolan J Nu > cnl Nickles W V Norton \V II Niil-eon O 0 Ochrlu K OfftnAII PaxtouGA Ptkik r J M J'etemon J I'urker W 1'itston M K llytern F Itoueru 11 JttippP ItuMo 0 Ku'liiH II UiUheyJ 0 Itobimou riilffcl K Kclimcdeii Dr H.mrl u 0 V Stcr A .Sitrumn A Kkeeii 0 Sshtnldt II Htwnt m J N li Stii'ilti A Siott 11 O TukMiiii O T Tot * n K U Toiilen .1 Tno 1' Warn n F A Wrifcht 1 > D WoodF ' Wttf.terOll WhltmiuiClI \\lukleHsLJC Wood * J i : WlUon W it LAWl-H. Ar nnliiiht L llnrrows Mrs M lionil N J llhh.ip M. lliiny MUs J lUcun Mn M A Dinhop Mu * M liiti h Mm U Uoinodr MTH U Udrtor Min II Day Ml" K Kimiiry Mm J JI Gordan MM 13 ( ! 1 man MM M 13 G reen M Its 13 1 leif me > cr A Hualey Mibs M JI m Mrs J T llnnio > IiBWT .lohnnaon Mi-H O .lotieu James MI J M K Kh i Mf g JJ Lylla Mi * TJ I , o Kiancu Mi j J.owis AHes 8 A Muu terMr fll Much Mrs V McNtnl Miss M K M-itteson Mi nO NUdfeldt A Nixon Mitis F Nlckebeen Mrs A O'Shea Misi M U'lirien Mrs D OUen Misi 1C I'etuison Mius M Poet MM W F Patterson H Peterson I1 I UBS Mrs M htawitreet Mm K Smallwood A dteveiiBMrsM Bhuuienuaun Mrs 0 ThoMon Mrs O Thuuip on Mr * 1 Wilton Mies M K Titos. F , HALL , Postmaster. Fortune * or Farmora aitd Mu- ohnuioi , ThousanJi of dollurs can be saved by luluffpronor Judgment in taking care of the health of youruvlf and family. If you are bllluus , have sallow complcxlou , poor appetite , low and depressed rpiritfl , and generally debilitated , da not delay R mo * inent , but go at ouce ; and procure n bottle tle of those wonderful KlecLrlo Uitten , which uev r fail to cure , and that for the [ rifling i-um of fifty cents. { Tribune. Hold byC. F. Goodman. A.ILWAY TIME ) TABLE , 0419 rinCAOO , RT. TAVL , KIlKBiFOLU AB1 OMAtlA BAIMUUD. Onuhv Pmcnzcr No , 9 , 8:50 : .m. Ac mmod ton ! ho. t , 1"0 ( p. rn Aiilra Omivba Ponteo tr Ho , I , 6,10 p. to c ! c sfd&tlon l.o. t , lcM . m. ( aunt rjv r OB > tmn C. , C , A < j. 7.-IU t. tu * 19 p. in 0. * N. W. , 7MO a. to. 3:10 p. tn. 0. , tt. f h I' . , 7 : < C b. in. 3(0 | > . u > . K , 0 , H. J ! , C. J .IsnvM at f BO a. in. * nl 7:40 : n. AirlvetMi ) Is/uKiitt fl t rn. wid 8S3 m. m.V. it. U .S I1. , If iv > - t8 . n. > P. ( 8:10 : n tjil'ri < i M. Lniln > .tOW : ui. nd 7tO WWT t * B , t. M. in Nor. , Thr MIT. KitittrA , StO b. m D. d JI. Llmr In RTI I4tn p. t * . D V , OverUvnO iCrtti , > * 1 rm. . 0 , tt IS. V. Ml f tivftli , IMS . M. 0. fi n \ . lor Ott i lft , f 40 1 , in. C. P IrrlcJit Kn. ( , ' , > ' . 0. r rfht ) ( No , ) > . m. V. I' . lr ) Rlit N > . t3 , 1 ro p. m , f . I' . frtM ! Ni T , ftte \ < . iu. , I. T.'cmcr ixi.rtf * , 7 tl { > . m. 0 P. fMlelit Kr U , 11-20 r. m. U. if. Dfhvrt fr l/M , Hi ( ) . a. j Mvct < i did tun * : ni ( 0 D. ft < > i fo . a * ? : ii p m. 0. * tt ' ? , p- & h . 7 : 5 p. ra. 0. K. / . & . ! ' , C'n ti ui W , p. m. A , C. , St. J' At U. 7:361. : . m.-G'4tp , tv / Rir" n i' it t rt : i > > > n't > HOLTTIW I 0. n It. V. IK-JI Iliicla 1 OS p. m. u. r. r tii" ij-pi * " -s 30 p. in. D ti 11. ! n Ncli , , 7nouih BxweM 1:12 p u B ft II. Cinco'ii Ks ) iw i ) in a In. V , T. l ) -i wr ctt rew , " . . D. 1' . Kn > Vht No. 14-J-N ) p. in. U. P. tic. 0 h So n 111. iCmlc tuk U. r. trrfslit n. it , II.JR p. ra. U. I' . No. n-Kn ( , ij , n. U lHo. . -ltfi o. uu U. I1 , turner frcl2ht , l-lo j. tn. 0. A U. V mittr 4'lf p. wwKr ti > iiM < tMVm ; oailli * I B cni Htiii uvrtf. i 7 < i Onr.U at SAO , 6:00 , 10.00 anil li'W ra.j i-n yjffl , a ( a , i ( o r > a 4 oo p. in. vo Co'nel ' UliiiU at t.JC , 8.T > ' , 1025 nnd . tu.- t5 , 2in2P , d-21 atul Una-Mti Thc tluuilii ? Itmcs Omih * at 0.-05 , i il H-w % ra. ; 2 CO , A-Od snJ 5 W p. kn. riesvwi cnpcll Wu0 tt K.iS tad II'J5 a.m. ; 2:26. : 4:5t : od CJb p. in. Oiiph ttad Iocs.1 PUJCDSLI tialoa between is nad Council UlitCg. Lenxo Omaha 6:1 D , 1(6 ( , 3 SO a.m.40 : , CMC , f.-oO p. tn. Arrive a 7UO , , 11:15 t. tn , ; : . 7.C5 , 7:15 , . n > Opcnlnz ivnn Oiolna. of Mills. ovrn. ctosc. x u. p. rn. . m. i > . D , 0:00 B O 2MO o , It I. tt rue'fic 11:09 : 0.03 5:30 2:10 : .htoapc , . 41 Q. . . . .11CO : U-00 B.SO 240 V.htuh . IS-ad 6.M 3iO ; flOUi City tiiii IV.cinc. , 0:00 D.3CI : (0 Uoloa t'tcKt : . . . . . . 4.00 11:40 9milit > * n , V . ; . . . 4.00 11:40 3 A W. In Hcli . 1CO 8:10 : Onnhi 6 Cloux Oil ) . . . . 0.00 7:80 : a. If. Mncn'u . 10:1)1 0.00 a. P. Lincoln. Sunday. . . 1:80 : 11CO : J. T. Denver Exp . OSO t0 : 0. ! ou Clly& St. P. . . 11-00 S:40 : Local nm'lx lot 6Utt of IoTr lenvo but eneo l v , viz : O'ifOn , m , O.TIc oprn CinniUyn ( rou U m. to 1 n. m. TfTOBF HAM. P M fiustiiBSS Birectory. Abatract and Deal Latnto. JOKH L. UiOAQUE , oi > podte Post Offlcs W. It HAUTLEIT S17 Smith t 'h atroct Arr.hltocU. nENB li IIKHUKLBSOIUr , ARCHITECTS lidoa 14 CrclghWn Ulock. T tAU 13 Jr. . Koocia. Ciclgiiton ntosk. dual * arid JAMES DEVINK & 00. , Una Uootj Aid Shoos , A good ftst 30310 v.orh on hnncl , corner l'-'th and Ilamey. rSOS. E1UOK30N , U R. car. ICth tid Dowln. JOHN FORTIItfATUfl , JJ3 IC'th uttodt , inauu ( ciurj3 to craar cccJ rrori prlcon. lUwilr tir Jonc. Bed Spring * . I.ABKIMKB M > nu > > ctuii.r. 1S1T PuuplM rt MBW ana ( Stationary. 1. fltTJKIIAUF 1U1B Fiunhvn Htme > Uuttnr nnd JoSUAM ; A UCUROUDEU , tbo oldest U. and . tanna In fotinuthu OTtaollriiea 187P Onuht. OKTi i luu. F.KSTAUH.VS1 , Mia. A. RYAH , i nlhniJi cotucr WthuaJ Doiltrc. Dent , ( or the Mousy. lit ttofacUon Gnar * i Ml limns B'nnl by the D y , > 7coli at Moptli. s\ r flood Tiirma tut Cash * * t-urolihixl Iln nif iti nnd Hoaa lV ion . VV. tillTOKH Ht Ulothln Bought. / . UAUHI3 will my hl beitCaah rirlca lor B vi rl i-iathliif. OorniirilOth ml rrnhtm. uowo or * . J01IM BATJMJCH 1BU Fnrnham tltrcst Junk. n. IlKTVrUOU ) , IUCT nd MoUL _ uunibor Llmo nnd Cament. fOSfSU fc OIUY corner 6th nd DoaglM 8 > a Lamp * and Oli w re. I. BOHWCU 1803 Ioozl Ht. OooJ Vnrlcty. Morclmnt r llor . 0. A UNl ) < iUEST , On ot out moat rcpuUr Merchant T lloti ) la ra- ithlujf the lat-tst doelena lor Spring ftnd Humaiur Svcc'o ' lur pontlcmcne near. Btyllih , durable , lid mlcou Iov > in over C18 13th liet. Doug.&Ftm. Millinery. linB. 0. A. IUHQER , Wholccula tnd UeUtl , Tin- jy Ooodo In proat variety , Zephyre , Ciril lloirds , Uoalery , Qlovia , Coreoto , tin. Cheapest Uouae In Iho Went. I'lirchoscrj eave BO per cent. Order ty Mill , lift riltoonth Btiect. _ HouranJ Food. JUAHAOITY 11ILLS. 6th utd f rah ia BS . , Pchiunn BroB. . yroprletora. Qrocera. S. bTKVEHS , list between Cnmlng nd lui C. A. Ho.SItANF. . Corn jEd > nd Cumlnir Httcots. Hardwaio , Iron and Steal. ULAN & LANOWORTHV , V"bocoilc , ! , lie tat ,12 ICtb strict A. UOLMK3 coma IBth > nd Calltornl * . H rno i , Saddled ttc. U. WK1ST MtStliSt. bet F rt > . tt H > rn v " Hotel * ANFIKLD HOUSE , Gco. C u3cld'Jth 6 Fnrniuiai COHAN UOU8B , P II. Ciry , 813 riruham bl. BLAVKN'S HOTEL. K. BUvcn , 101U Bt. ! 0ulhimi Hotel am , Itatiol 6th Kclnti < nd Ollc. KOTIN ft CO. Klin UoaJj , Ccr. lilh nt.d ttr < j * : . tt , flKLD , 2023 Kotlt. Kldu Cuiulng Btieet PAlUt , Uroa-lrt , ICtft 4id llturard Btrcxte. Otntlitt. > ! l. PADL Wllkma 1'IOik Cor UUi it Palgf. Ury Oooao Nollont , Ltc. JOHN H , F LKtlMANN ti 00. , * JW YorlDfj- Hoods ticcio. 1310 Acd 1E1S liiui t C. Entwold iJno liooU ted thoM foundry. WKiRNK/iSONS air.Uth * J cttoneU ! ruruuuro. I y. OUOa'j , Kin tuJ 3vioaJ HioJ Kuruituro cd Elovea , JlH Uou.-Ut. Hlsboct carlt ptlro lid Iocxjinl ten , ) irtcus. IRQ ? D7ar' { t fire r.wds Ac , f ci'co oiiAi'A rmvK co , JU2 ? , FUIE.14CC liUUuneySt. , Iroiuou 1 1 lea B-ixso , ( irr ica Wood Fence * , OQSu P'ue ' uid W lDiit. Pawnbrokers. BOSKNFKLO 10th 61 , bet / r , 4 Ilai RotrlEaratori , Condeld'i Patent. OOODUAN Jlh 8t. bet Frn , & Oljurs and Tobacco. WK3V * FIHT30UEK , m nul cturer ct , 4nd Whotoaale Uu&leml n Tohaccot , 1MB Domrlm ! H y. MUKWgKH muioltctnrcr 14HFiunH ro PlorUt. A. Dooihud. ' rltob , cut ftowou , soedi. coqnctt .tc. N.W.oor.'Iflth aid DouplMttreeU. OO To CRAIO'S Orcon House 17th uid Wcbiter ( trcct , ( or 1'lnnta , liouqucU. t'lOBcra , Flortl Dculifpi So. Oornlco WorKt. W tua Oornlca Workv , UanulMtoien Iron Oorniix ) , Tin , Iran tad HlaU lUwfilng. Ordert from my locality wouiptly executed In the but maontr. Factory aud Ouice ISlt IlMiiay Bt. O. Sl'ECHT , Proprietor. QalTtuUed Iron Cornice * , Window Oapo. etc. . Diaaatacttued and put up In any parTol the country. T.81N1JOLD lit TbliUenth rtiett Crockery. J. COMNFT * IRM noiiarU * ctreei. Oood line. OommUilon Merchant * . JOHrT a WIti L18.1IU Uodite Htieel. D D CEKMER. For dctilln e e Urge idrrrllM ment In l > llr nnrl W Hr Olvll CnKlncon und Ourneyort. ANDURW nosEWATKll , CreVbton WocV Bnrveys , Or < 3o nd Rower je 8y tem i ClothlDR and PurnUhlnfj Ooo OEO. II. PETERSON. Al Hate. Caps. Bboos Notions and CatJeiv. 04 S. 10th direct. Bhow Oa > a f/anurr.slorv. | 0. 3 WILDK. l Dnlir in Ml klcOj cl lior > Ctow , UprlKSt ( \ ico. A , U f1 * " Ot. FltAMK L , HBRIIMlD , ptoptlotor Om < } : 8howO or Mi > tA-'i ! } , 13 With l tb ' . r" > H < 1 JUtc ? Ml OVM ( inn im rc. A nURMraTBB , Detlor lu fitovon Ar.J Tlnntte , ami lbm > rnctar < i Ol Tlu Kcol3 luJ Ml htslD 61 UulWln ? WOtV J. nONHSTt. ongltn i > . rhur bevut , J. KVAKt , Whclc"o ! mil Het ll S d J rllb trie Onltlrrton Odd Ftln 11 Hnyiiciant an 1 W. S O1BH3 , M. D , , K'om Ma t , Crcljlitci Block , 1IIU Htrcot. V. 0. IniKFNniHO , il. D llaaonlc BtooV' . o. L. iiAur , M. n , i > o end Kir , cnpoc eici DB. L. D. ORAUOY , Octilltt acil Aiitlnt.a. . W li S Miti Parnh m l an af.w n rifting. A KO' rilKS 141 l > oJ B Btrott OKO nuvN , wtor. Urricd Central Clillcry , SIS HtKt : ! . near liwonlo ITtll. "Irst-c M V > 'orh And Ptompi a 133 tgiarant'-ci' Klutnbniji , uca uno toflm r-'ttlna. P. W. TAHPV&CC.UOJi Ht.bct. FBI ind Doughs. .7crh pranp ynttondcd to. P. riVZPATHlClh. ouzlas Street. 6hoo ! wiorts. Phillip t. t 1OT1 rirnh " M fr 18th tt Hth. Uscund naiui Utoro. PEHR1W8 & LfeAK , 1410 Uouclas St. . How AVI ) Second Hand 1'urnlturi Ac * . Vionirh OUAI1 KIKWC , 1011 furnhoni bet. 10th & lltl UQ Oont Otorot. P. a BAORVfl Tknibbrn SI . rase ? Onodi b loono. HENKT KAUrMANH , lo toe DOW brick block on Douglas Btract , h .i Jnit opened a most clcgftnt BOOJ n Il. Ect Lunch from 10 to 11 o cry day. "C le < lonla"J TAMlfWKR 870 IBth Hl t Tlio fccljlo nnd cn'imatei mffcrint' from Uve- pt'psu crlndl o-tl > n In inn fJtm , nroad\lscd , fr Ihosikool thilro\v bo Illy nd mental comfort , to try Hoetotter'i * lomaci U tttrs Ltdiua o the most L cl cato constitution tent 1 1 to Us harm- led and ro toratho propert 01 , Pn\alclani everywhere , dis uttd with the adultcr.tcd liquors of ( . ( mniorc * prcscrllio tt ai thoeafeat anil moit rcllablo of all stoinichlcs. For ealo by all tinipk'istsand dealers generally ' , - V. _ al to ml English rcm oil ) . Anun * falling euro for Gcmlnal V.'oaknoas , Spormator * 'hcft > Inipot- cncy , and all follow as a DEFtflETAKIHG.soquonco cf AfTEH TARIHD. Self-Abuse : ra Loasol Memory , Unherial Lassi tude , 1'nln In the Back , Dlinncsj of Vision , Premature - mature Old Aea , and many other Diseases that lead to Ins.iulty or Consumption and a I'roma- turo Grave. /KTKull particulars in our p&mnhlct , which we desire to aond free tvmall to o cry one , irThe Bpoclflc Uodlclna la told by all druggUtg at 81 per package , or fl p cl : goa lor { 5 , cr will bo eent frco by mall on root ptof the money , by addressing TUB QUA jnDlCINKOO. , o. N. Y. To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUflOPEAH REMEDY. Dr. J. B , Bimpson'o Specific It la a positive euro lor tiporm&toirboa , Ctmlnk Weoknrss. IrnpoUncy , and all dleeiew reiultius Irom fiell'Abuio , aa UcuUl Anxiety , Losqi Uerrory , Vuloi In tbo Easit or " Side , ted dbu&soi > " - - - - - . : : : itt load to Consumption incuilty an early era re The Specific Uedlclco II being need with wonder ful 8UCCCA5. Pamnhlott teat free to ill. Write /or them and get lull pai. tlcnUtr , 1'Mcc , Speclle , J1.CO p f rik Re. 0' * I * I105" tgm for iOO. Addrasa aU orders to U. milSON UEDIOIKE OO. , Nw. 104 and 105 Main bt. BuTo , N. Y. Sola tn Omah l > r 0. V. Goodman , J. W , Boll , J. K , leli , nod oil SYPHILIS inatiystngo KOZBMA , Old Bore" , Pimploa , BOILS , Disease Oarco When Hot Springs Fail , llAvaaw , ARK. , lly S. 1881 We have case * In onr own town who lived at Hot Springs , and were finally cured with 8. B. 8 , UoOAUUOS * tlDUUT. V YOU doubt , come to eeo us audK W LL CUKK YOUlt 6ll charge nothliiit 1 1 Write foi urtlculan and copy of Uttla Book ' ' o the llntortunate Buffering " be paia wan tuuui wCowuluad , on analysts 100 lottla B a. 8. , out particle ot Mercury , Iodide Fob * ilum or any Muioral lubitanca. swurr upEomo oo. Fropa. Atlanta Price ol Email slie , 11.00. Larjo alxelUe. Bold by KENNAKD BB08.III 00 Dd DrugjUU ueaenllT , Mrs J. 0. nobcrteon , I'ltUbiirjr. Pa. , wrltci : " ! M miffcrln ? from generM doblllsy. want ot np petite , constipation , etc. , so that flfo WK.I n l.ur den ; niter wing nurdoclc Iiloo.1 Bitters I felt bet tcr tb-xn for years. I cannot praise jourlllltcn too much , " Jt. Olbbs. nf nutlilrj , ff. Y. , writes : "Your Burdocl. life * Wtloi' , In chronic diseases of the blooil liter A-J klilnnya , hate boon tonally marltcd with sitccows. Ihivo n ed them uijscf with best results , for torpidity of the lit or , nnd In onto of i friend of mlno miuorluj fromdrojioj the effect was rnantloun. " flruco Turner , nochester , N. Y.wrltw ! 'I hwo been nubjoct to eorloiu disorder ol the kldncyo anil unalilo to attend to business' ISurdock Ulooc IJIHcn ! rclletcd mo bcloro h-tltn bottle a3tnod I feel confident that thov , 111 entirely cure mo. " Afcnlth Itall , Blnghampton , H. Y. , v. rites : "I suffered \\lthft dull pain through my eft lung and shoulder. Ltut my uplrlM , appetite nnd color , and uonld with dllliculty keep up nil d j. 'look jour BuulocK Blood Biltcra an < ! ! roctcd , and Im o felt no pttn einco first n cck al ter iislDir them. " > tr. Noih Bates , Elmlra , N. Y. , writes : "Aboul four year * ago 1 hail an attick of bilious foor , anO never fully rccot fired. Jly digestive organs u ere weakened , and I would Incompletely pros- tratoil for diys. After usln/j / two bottles of j our Burdock Blood Ilittcra thcl mprntcment os so vi Ihlo that I was nstonlshid. I can now. though 01 j cars ol ajc , do a fair and reasonable days \\ork , 0. BlicKct UoWnwn , proprietor of The Canada Presbyterian , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "For jcars I Buffered greatly from oft rcciirrlnsf headache. ] used your Burdock Blood lilttora with happiest result * , and I non flud mtt-clf In better health than f or j cars " Mr . Wallace , UudaloN. Y , write * : ' ! ha'vo used Burdock Blood Bitters for nen oua nnd MI. lous headaches , nnd can recommend It loan ) one rocpjlrincocuro for hllllousncta. ' Sirs. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes "For wniral jears I hn\o suflcrcd from oft-rccur rlnic billions hcodichcs , djspepsla , and com plaints peculiar to my sex. Since using lour Burdock Blood Bitters I am entirely relies ci" Price. 81.00 oe.i Hottlo ; Trial Bottlet 10 Ott FOSTBfl , MILBDRN , & Co , , Props , BUETALO. N. Y- Sold at nholcEtlo by Ish li McMahon and 0. F , Goodman. Jo 27 cod-mo Hop Itsctrtlon ot uH s > l | > a&tluni ) If rieis or fiKc-c oM or 'S-ountr.s J-c : ucix , ly in HOPs 'bat your n fiit ueam u oi htm without Intoxiiath ' AJlOP it t i > k ttointic t ' rl fl "jlooi ! mrtdif jr > UHit n Son Pltten * | MP < in > and U Itnay t s v o your life. It hot * uve < ( hUn- drcos IUXGSX Disease Is an effect , not a cause. Its origin lo within ; Its manifestations without Ilriico , to euro the disease the cACaarouat ba removed , and In no other way can a euro ever lo cffoitrd. WARNEH'S SAFE K1TJNDY AND ILIVER CURE Is established ou Juat tuin principle. It realizes that 95 Per Cent. of all diseases arlzo from deranged kldnoys and liver , and It strikes at once at the root of the difficulty. The clcmo ts of which tt is composed act directly upon ihcso great organs , both as a FOOD a d nmosKB , and , by pladt , ? Ham In a ccalthy , cindltlcn , drho dlsoaio and pain from the 8) item. For tbo Innumerable troub'cs caused by unhealthy / healthy KIdno ) s. LUorand Urinary Orpins ; fdr the di > tre-elni ; llonleriof Women ; for Malaria , an physlcil derangtments general ! ) , this/rent roni d > hat no equal. U are t/f Impoa'qrs , 1m. tatlO"8 and concoctlcnsgald tn be just as ( 'ood. Dla ETEsVoRE7 1 or salu li > nil dealer. ' H. H. WARNER & CO. , rae Itoohostor 1 . V. falls to cute Venous Debility , VI- tnl Exhaustion , Hints- UcmlnalVcik - IIOOD , and all the cv U cllucts of youth lul ( olliu nnd oxcca- -03. It ntojia pcrma ncntlj all ncakonlutf , liuoluntarj lo-u sand Iralns upon the EJS- mlt of these evil prac tices , w h ch ro oo deetrue lP to mind and l > ody and mal < u life intecrable , often leading to Insaiil- ty and death It strenuthens the Ntru-s.liralu , memor ) ( Blood , Muscles , DlgutUo and Ilcprp. ductlteUrima , It rcutoros t-i all the oreaulo unctlcns tliolr former tiger and vita ) Jty , ma- Mnj ; Ufa cheerful and onjojabla Price , 3 a lottlo , or lour ttmis tt.o quaiulty810. jjontbj express , rccure from ob inatlon. to anyaddrcsj. on receipt of price. No. C. 0. D , bent , cxiepf on receipt o ( $1 aa a iruara tui. Letters r j- titi tliu aimvcra muetliiclouo Urup. Dr. Mintie'a Dandelion Pills nto tt l beat and cheapest dygprpcla and bllliout uro I nthe market , bold by all drucKUta. Price Kt cento. Da MisTin'8 KIW.JT nuMiDT , NWRBTICDU , Cures i II kind of Kidney and bladder eomplalnte. coiiorrhea , gleet and leucorrhca. For ealo uy all . un'i8ts : fl a bottle. ENGLISH MEUIOAIi INSTITUTE. VISOlUuSt. , St. Jxjuls , MO. For Bale In Omaha by 0 , V. GOODMAN. J n2&-lv _ NERVOUS DEBILITY , Dr. K. 0. w yonran lleatmeni- i spcciflc lor Hysteria , l > lrilnesi , CouTUlalan * . icnuuglliAdache , Jlontal DeprosUoo , LoMoi U < iuorySperrnatorrbuialmpctcny , InvolunUrj Uiulralons , Premature Old Age , caused by orcr- xertlou , wit abuse , or o > cr-lndulgence , which uadi to misery , decay and death. Ono box will ure recent cases. Ka h box contains one mouth's rcatmont. One dollar a box , 01 six boxes lor five dollars , eent by mall prepaid on receipt of irlco , W guarantee elx boxoa to cure any cue , Vlth each order received by us for six boxes , ac- companled with five dolUn , will eend the pur chaser our written guarantee to return the money If the treatment does not off. ct a cure. 0. r. Goodman , Druprlst , Sole. Wholesale and refill Agent , Omaha , Neb. Oni < > rt by mall at diwlT WB. MILLAIID. F , U. JOHNSON , . . MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and Iliolesale Fruits , 1111 FARNHAM STREET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED. Agents for Peck & Bauehers Larfl , and Wilber Mills Flour OMAHA NEB , - - - EBEEBENOES : OMAIIA NATIONAL HANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , . - TOOTLE MAUL & CO. cr. oo , * * IL ( < * "ffc r ; s aj QMAKA , - NEB. O. TC 3 Su2k.3C.EIJ3i , PAINTS , OILS. Window and Plate Glass. iGTAnyono contemplating hullutng storebank , or anv other flno froht , will Und It to their ad- \antago to corns mid with it. bcfoio purchasing their Plate Glass. C , F , GOODMAN , OMAHA. - NEB. "TT3 3 " "iX/ST T eT IA TCP Ju - VD < Q L. vj r fcL. L > J 1213 Farnhom St. Onr aha. e i WHOLESALE LBSISPIB1W ! " On 'fliver Bank , Bet , Farnham and Douglas Sts. , DEALERS Fire and Burglar ProD 1020 Farnham Street , . - - i jrff-j.-s IT S B g IB B * ' V p B BaIU& < Ban AND JOBBERS IN " / Flour , Salt , agars , Canned Goods , and 'All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of ' [ &AES AID UMACTUBED TOBAOOO. , Agents for BEHWDOD NAILS AND LAFLTN ft BAHD PDWDEB 0 HENRY LEMMANN , JOBBER OF AND 1118 FARM AM ST. OMAHA WUOI.USAU ! AND KGTAIL DKALKU IK IK7 Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BUNDS , tVlOLDKia LSf E , CEf EHT -STATK AQKWi FOU MILWAUKEE OKMSKT OOUPAHYJ Union Pacific Depot , - GMAEAtfEB POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , ' ALUDAY WIND-MILLS CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS A , L. BTEANa205 ? * * St. , Omaha